Bugreport Ginkgo QKQ1.200114.002 2023 07 16 21 19 52 Dumpstate - Log 21546

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Module metadata package name: com.google.android.

modulemetadatacan't find the pid

Failed to find: /data/misc/anrd/
Duration of 'DUMP TRACES': 30.22s
Adding dir /cache/recovery (recursive: 1)
Duration of '/cache/recovery': 0.58s
Adding dir /cache/mqsas (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/recovery (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/update_engine_log (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/logd (recursive: 0)
/data/misc/logd: No such file or directory
MOUNT INFO: 65 entries added to zip file
execvp on command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed (error: No such file or directory)
*** command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed: exit code 1
Duration of 'CPU INFO': 1.69s
*** command 'cat /d/tzdbg/qsee_log' timed out after 10.005s (killing pid 22296)
Duration of 'QSEE_LOG': 10.01s
*** command 'cat /d/tzdbg/log' timed out after 10.005s (killing pid 22297)
Duration of 'TZ_LOG': 10.01s
Duration of 'PROCESSES AND THREADS': 0.72s
Warning: Skipping
"android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.atrace@1.0::IAtraceDevice/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.audio.effect@5.0::IEffectsFactory/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.audio@5.0::IDevicesFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4::ICameraProvider/legacy/0":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.cas@1.0::IMediaCasService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.cas@1.1::IMediaCasService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gnss@1.1::IGnss/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gnss@2.0::IGnss/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1::IComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2::IComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.3::IComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.ir@1.0::IConsumerIr/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.light@2.0::ILight/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.c2@1.0::IComponentStore/software": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmxStore/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-dsp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-gpu": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-dsp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-gpu": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-dsp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-gpu": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.power@1.0::IPower/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio.config@1.0::IRadioConfig/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio.config@1.1::IRadioConfig/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.sensors@1.0::ISensors/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.hardware.tetheroffload.config@1.0::IOffloadConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.0::IOffloadControl/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.thermal@1.0::IThermal/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/AtCmdFwdService": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/dpmQmiService": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/gnss_vendor": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsrtpservice": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/legacy/0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/objectTracker": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/panoStitching": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/panoTracking": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-dsp": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-gpu": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient0": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer0": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wfdhdcp": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysession": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionimagetrack":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionvideotrack":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.net.netd@1.0::INetd/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.net.netd@1.1::INetd/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintEngineering/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintNavigation/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintSensorTest/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "com.qualcomm.qti.ant@1.0::IAntHci/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "com.qualcomm.qti.bluetooth_audio@1.0::IBluetoothAudio/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api@1.0::IdpmQmi/dpmQmiService": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
: cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
: cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
: cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.0::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.1::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.0::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.1::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.2::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.3::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.0::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.10::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.11::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.1::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.2::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.3::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.4::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.5::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.6::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.7::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.8::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.9::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.postproc@1.0::IDisplayPostproc/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
emon/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
emonExt/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.data.factory@2.0::IFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.data.factory@2.1::IFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.0::IEsePowerManager/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@1.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@1.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@1.2::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@2.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@2.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@3.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.bluetooth_sar@1.0::IBluetoothSar/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.btconfigstore@1.0::IBTConfigStore/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.cacert@1.0::IService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.cryptfshw@1.0::ICryptfsHw/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot1":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot2":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot1":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot2":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.latency@1.0::ILinkLatency/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.fm@1.0::IFmHci/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.qdutils_disp@1.0::IQdutilsDisp/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0::IQSEECom/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IAppConnector/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IGPAppConnector/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot2": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.radio.atcmdfwd@1.0::IAtCmdFwd/AtCmdFwdService": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa0": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook0":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook1":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim0": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim0": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim0": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
uimRemoteClient0": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
uimRemoteClient1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
uimRemoteServer0": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
uimRemoteServer1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.scve.objecttracker@1.0::IObjectTracker/objectTracker": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.scve.panorama@1.0::IPanoramaStitching/panoStitching": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.scve.panorama@1.0::IPanoramaTracking/panoTracking": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.sensorscalibrate@1.0::ISensorsCalibrate/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.0::IServicetracker/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.1::IServicetracker/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0::ISoter/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemEvent/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemResource/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0::ITuiComm/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
wifidisplaysessionimagetrack": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
wifidisplaysessionvideotrack": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.ims.callinfo@1.0::IService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.0::IRTPService/imsrtpservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.1::IRTPService/imsrtpservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.power.pasrmanager@1.0::IPasrManager/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.xiaomi.hardware.displayfeature@1.0::IDisplayFeature/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mfidoca@1.0::IFidoService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0::IMiSys/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0::IMiSys/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0::IMiSys/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.0::IMlipayService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.1::IMlipayService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.0::IMTService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.1::IMTService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.2::IMTService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.0::ITidaService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.1::ITidaService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.2::ITidaService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.vsimapp@1.0::IVSIMService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
*** command 'lshal -lVSietrpc --types=b,c,l,z' failed: exit code 136
Duration of 'HARDWARE HALS': 1.30s
android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default' failed: exit code
android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default' failed: exit code 128
android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.atrace@1.0::IAtraceDevice/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.atrace@1.0::IAtraceDevice/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.audio.effect@5.0::IEffectsFactory/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.audio.effect@5.0::IEffectsFactory/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.audio@5.0::IDevicesFactory/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.audio@5.0::IDevicesFactory/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1::IBiometricsFingerprint/default does
not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.bluetooth.audio@2.0::IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory/default does
not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4::ICameraProvider/legacy/0 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4::ICameraProvider/legacy/0' failed: exit code
android.hardware.cas@1.0::IMediaCasService/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.cas@1.0::IMediaCasService/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.cas@1.1::IMediaCasService/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.cas@1.1::IMediaCasService/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default' failed: exit code
android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default' failed: exit code
android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/clearkey'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/widevine'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/clearkey' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/widevine' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/clearkey'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/widevine'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/clearkey' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/widevine' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/clearkey'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/widevine'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/clearkey' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/widevine' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.gnss@1.1::IGnss/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gnss@1.1::IGnss/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.gnss@2.0::IGnss/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gnss@2.0::IGnss/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1::IComposer/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1::IComposer/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2::IComposer/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2::IComposer/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.3::IComposer/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.3::IComposer/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.ir@1.0::IConsumerIr/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.ir@1.0::IConsumerIr/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.light@2.0::ILight/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.light@2.0::ILight/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.media.c2@1.0::IComponentStore/software does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.media.c2@1.0::IComponentStore/software' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmxStore/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmxStore/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-
default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-dsp does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-dsp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-gpu does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-gpu'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-
default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-dsp does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-dsp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-gpu does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-gpu'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-
default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-dsp does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-dsp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-gpu does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-gpu'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.power@1.0::IPower/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.power@1.0::IPower/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.radio.config@1.0::IRadioConfig/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.radio.config@1.0::IRadioConfig/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.radio.config@1.1::IRadioConfig/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.radio.config@1.1::IRadioConfig/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.sensors@1.0::ISensors/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.sensors@1.0::ISensors/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.tetheroffload.config@1.0::IOffloadConfig/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.tetheroffload.config@1.0::IOffloadConfig/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.0::IOffloadControl/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.0::IOffloadControl/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.thermal@1.0::IThermal/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.thermal@1.0::IThermal/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default' failed: exit
code 128
debug() FAILED on android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::IVibrator/default:
android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/AtCmdFwdService does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/AtCmdFwdService' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim0' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim1' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa0' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa1' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice' failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/dpmQmiService does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/dpmQmiService' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/gnss_vendor' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio0' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsrtpservice does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsrtpservice' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/legacy/0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/legacy/0' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/objectTracker does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/objectTracker' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook0' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/panoStitching does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/panoStitching' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/panoTracking does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/panoTracking' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-dsp does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-dsp' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-gpu does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-gpu' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient0' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient1' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer0' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer1' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wfdhdcp' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysession does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysession'
failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack' failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionimagetrack does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionimagetrack' failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionvideotrack does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionvideotrack' failed: exit code 128
debug() FAILED on android.hidl.manager@1.2::IServiceManager/default:
android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.system.net.netd@1.0::INetd/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.system.net.netd@1.0::INetd/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.system.net.netd@1.1::INetd/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.system.net.netd@1.1::INetd/default' failed:
exit code 128
debug() FAILED on android.system.suspend@1.0::ISystemSuspend/default:
android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default'
failed: exit code 128
com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintEngineering/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintEngineering/default' failed: exit code
com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintNavigation/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintNavigation/default' failed: exit code
com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintSensorTest/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.fingerprints.extension@2.0::IFingerprintSensorTest/default' failed: exit code
com.qualcomm.qti.ant@1.0::IAntHci/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E com.qualcomm.qti.ant@1.0::IAntHci/default' failed: exit
code 128
com.qualcomm.qti.bluetooth_audio@1.0::IBluetoothAudio/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.qualcomm.qti.bluetooth_audio@1.0::IBluetoothAudio/default' failed: exit code
com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api@1.0::IdpmQmi/dpmQmiService does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api@1.0::IdpmQmi/dpmQmiService'
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.0::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.0::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice' failed:
exit code 128
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.1::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.1::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.0::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.0::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.1::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.1::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.2::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.2::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.3::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.3::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.0::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.0::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.10::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.10::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.11::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.11::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.1::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.1::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.2::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.2::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.3::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.3::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.4::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.4::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.5::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.5::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.6::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.6::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.7::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.7::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.8::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.8::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.9::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.9::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.postproc@1.0::IDisplayPostproc/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.postproc@1.0::IDisplayPostproc/default'
failed: exit code 128
mon/default does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
mon/default' failed: exit code 128
monExt/default does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
monExt/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.data.factory@2.0::IFactory/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.data.factory@2.0::IFactory/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.data.factory@2.1::IFactory/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.data.factory@2.1::IFactory/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.0::IEsePowerManager/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.0::IEsePowerManager/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@1.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@1.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@1.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@1.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@1.2::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@1.2::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@2.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@2.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@2.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@2.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@3.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@3.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.bluetooth_sar@1.0::IBluetoothSar/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.bluetooth_sar@1.0::IBluetoothSar/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.btconfigstore@1.0::IBTConfigStore/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.btconfigstore@1.0::IBTConfigStore/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.cacert@1.0::IService/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.cacert@1.0::IService/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.capabilityconfigstore@1.0::ICapabilityConfigStore/default does
not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.cryptfshw@1.0::ICryptfsHw/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.cryptfshw@1.0::ICryptfsHw/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot1 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot1' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot2 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot2' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot1 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot1' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot2 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot2' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.data.latency@1.0::ILinkLatency/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.latency@1.0::ILinkLatency/default' failed: exit code 128
debug() FAILED on vendor.qti.hardware.display.allocator@1.0::IQtiAllocator/default:
vendor.qti.hardware.fm@1.0::IFmHci/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.fm@1.0::IFmHci/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default' failed: exit
code 128
debug() FAILED on vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.0::IPerf/default:
vendor.qti.hardware.qdutils_disp@1.0::IQdutilsDisp/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.qdutils_disp@1.0::IQdutilsDisp/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0::IQSEECom/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0::IQSEECom/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IAppConnector/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IAppConnector/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IGPAppConnector/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IGPAppConnector/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot2'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.atcmdfwd@1.0::IAtCmdFwd/AtCmdFwdService does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.atcmdfwd@1.0::IAtCmdFwd/AtCmdFwdService' failed: exit
code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa0 does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa1 does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook0' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook1' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim0' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim1' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim0' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim1' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim0' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim1' failed:
exit code 128
uimRemoteClient0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
uimRemoteClient0' failed: exit code 128
uimRemoteClient1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
uimRemoteClient1' failed: exit code 128
uimRemoteServer0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
uimRemoteServer0' failed: exit code 128
uimRemoteServer1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
uimRemoteServer1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.scve.objecttracker@1.0::IObjectTracker/objectTracker does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.scve.objecttracker@1.0::IObjectTracker/objectTracker' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.scve.panorama@1.0::IPanoramaStitching/panoStitching does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.scve.panorama@1.0::IPanoramaStitching/panoStitching' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.scve.panorama@1.0::IPanoramaTracking/panoTracking does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.scve.panorama@1.0::IPanoramaTracking/panoTracking' failed: exit
code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.sensorscalibrate@1.0::ISensorsCalibrate/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.sensorscalibrate@1.0::ISensorsCalibrate/default' failed: exit
code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.0::IServicetracker/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.0::IServicetracker/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.1::IServicetracker/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.1::IServicetracker/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0::ISoter/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0::ISoter/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemEvent/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemEvent/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemResource/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemResource/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0::ITuiComm/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0::ITuiComm/default'
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack' failed: exit code 128
wifidisplaysessionimagetrack does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
wifidisplaysessionimagetrack' failed: exit code 128
wifidisplaysessionvideotrack does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
wifidisplaysessionvideotrack' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.ims.callinfo@1.0::IService/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.ims.callinfo@1.0::IService/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.0::IRTPService/imsrtpservice does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.0::IRTPService/imsrtpservice' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.1::IRTPService/imsrtpservice does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.1::IRTPService/imsrtpservice' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.power.pasrmanager@1.0::IPasrManager/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.power.pasrmanager@1.0::IPasrManager/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.displayfeature@1.0::IDisplayFeature/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.displayfeature@1.0::IDisplayFeature/default' failed: exit
code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mfidoca@1.0::IFidoService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mfidoca@1.0::IFidoService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0::IMiSys/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0::IMiSys/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0::IMiSys/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0::IMiSys/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0::IMiSys/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0::IMiSys/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.0::IMlipayService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.0::IMlipayService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.1::IMlipayService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.1::IMlipayService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.0::IMTService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.0::IMTService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.1::IMTService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.1::IMTService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.2::IMTService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.2::IMTService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.0::ITidaService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.0::ITidaService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.1::ITidaService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.1::ITidaService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.2::ITidaService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.2::ITidaService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.vsimapp@1.0::IVSIMService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.vsimapp@1.0::IVSIMService/default' failed: exit code 128
Duration of 'DUMP HALS': 15.12s
Adding dir /data/misc/bluetooth/logs (recursive: 1)
taking late screenshot
drop_root_user(): already running as Shell
Error opening file: (No such file or directory)
*** command '/system/bin/screencap -p ' failed: exit code 1
Failed to take screenshot on
Duration of 'SYSTEM LOG': 1.99s
Duration of 'RADIO LOG': 2.05s
Warning: leftover binary log data (64 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 99
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 108
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (134 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 108
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 64
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (256 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 108
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 108
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 56
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 56
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 10
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 128
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (256 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 99
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 131
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 35
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 49
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 53
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 51
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 65
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (116 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 52
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 55
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 99
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 48
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 69
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (143 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 24
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (134 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 70
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 52
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 51
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 49
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 69
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 66
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 48
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (148 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 54
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 56
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 190
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 48
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 69
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 39
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 52
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 52
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (13 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 7
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (137 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (64 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (134 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 51
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 11
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 66
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (15 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 34
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 99
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 54
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (134 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (147 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 34
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 55
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 66
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 108
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 66
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 36
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 35
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 99
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (2048 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 34
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (134 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 99
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (136 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (144 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (140 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 65
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 48
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 48
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (6 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 16
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 66
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 65
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 53
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (98 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 51
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 10
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 19
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 34
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 70
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 51
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (120 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 67
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 32
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 35
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 70
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 55
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 52
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 54
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (134 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 66
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 57
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 11
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 56
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 68
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 52
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 18
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 100
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (139 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 34
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 55
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (141 bytes)
Unknown binary event type 108
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (1 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (129 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (128 bytes)
Warning: leftover binary log data (2 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Unknown binary event type 130
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
Warning: leftover binary log data (9 bytes)
Binary log entry conversion failed
Binary log entry conversion failed
read: unexpected EOF!
*** command 'logcat -L -b all -v threadtime -v printable -v uid -d *:v' failed:
exit code 1
AddAnrTraceDir(): dump_traces_file=/data/anr/dumptrace_HCEUBL,
Dumping current ANR traces (/data/anr/dumptrace_HCEUBL) to the main bugreport entry
Error unlinking temporary trace path /data/anr/dumptrace_HCEUBL: Permission denied
Duration of 'DUMPSYS HIGH': 20.48s
execvp on command 'parse_radio_log /proc/last_radio_log' failed (error: No such
file or directory)
*** command 'parse_radio_log /proc/last_radio_log' failed: exit code 1
No IDumpstateDevice implementation
Failed to unlink file
(/data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/dumpstate_board.bin): No such
file or directory
Failed to unlink file
(/data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/dumpstate_board.txt): No such
file or directory
Can't find service: android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService
Can't find service: apexservice
Error dumping service info: (Unknown error -2147483646) ashmem_device_service
Can't find service: gsiservice
Can't find service: idmap
Error dumping service info: (Unknown error -2147483646) miui.fdpp
Error dumping service info: (Unknown error -2147483646) suspend_control
Can't find service: vold
Duration of 'DUMPSYS': 26.35s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS PROTO': 9.02s
Duration of 'CHECKIN MEMINFO': 13.71s
Duration of 'APP SERVICES PLATFORM': 1.20s
Duration of 'APP SERVICES NON-PLATFORM': 4.25s
Duration of 'APP PROVIDERS PLATFORM': 1.43s
Duration of 'DUMPSTATE': 132.65s
Adding main entry (bugreport-ginkgo-QKQ1.200114.002-2023-07-16-21-19-52.txt)
from /data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/bugreport-ginkgo-
QKQ1.200114.002-2023-07-16-21-19-52.tmp to .zip bugreport
dumpstate id 1 finished around 2023/07/16 21:22:38 (166 s)
Adding zip text entry main_entry.txt
dumpstate_log.txt entry on zip file logged up to here

Removing temporary file

Vibrate: 'cmd vibrator vibrate 75 dumpstate'
Vibrate: 'cmd vibrator vibrate 75 dumpstate'
Vibrate: 'cmd vibrator vibrate 75 dumpstate'
Final progress: 7995/8105 (estimated 8105)
Saving stats (total=16100, runs=2, average=8050) on /bugreports/dumpstate-stats.txt
done (id 1)

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