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The Practice of Public Relations, 13e (Seitel)

Chapter 8 Research

1) In the Chapter 8 opening scenario on political polling, the big lesson is that ________.
A) figures tell the truth but can be manipulated
B) just because it's "research" doesn't mean it necessarily should be believed
C) more land lines have boosted pollsters' success
D) people do not vote the same way they answer polls
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.
AACSB: Application of knowledge

2) Why is it obligatory to begin any public relations campaign with research?

A) Clients will not fund the campaign without it.
B) It creates a much better story to tell opinion leaders in media interviews.
C) Failure to conduct research might lead competitors to spin your campaign messages.
D) Managers want proof that what we advise is based on logic and clear thinking.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

3) From plotting a political campaign to promoting a product to confronting a crisis, the first step
in solving any public relations challenge is to ________.
A) conduct research
B) plan a programmatic initiative
C) go with your gut
D) ask your team what their intuition is
Answer: A
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.
AACSB: Reflective thinking

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4) Which of the following does NOT pertain to research?
A) what public relations programs should start with
B) a foundation for public relations solutions
C) what several four-step processes to solve problems start with
D) what budgeting for public relations ends with
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

5) If public relations practitioners expect to receive support from management for a proposed
program, they should expect to share which of the following?
A) their intuition about the desired market segment
B) their instincts about the likes and dislikes of a target audience
C) their data that helps pinpoint which messages are most effective with targeted audiences
D) their positive attitude indicating a proposed message strategy will work
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.
AACSB: Application of knowledge

6) For any public relations initiative, research should be applied ________.

A) only during the initial phase
B) at all phases of a program
C) only prior to programming
D) only at the end
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

7) Research can include all of the following methods EXCEPT ________.

A) interviews
B) intuitive information
C) test scores
D) questionnaires
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

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8) Which of the following is NOT a guiding principle in setting standards for public relations
A) to distinguish short-term outcomes from long-term outputs
B) to use various evaluation techniques to determine effectiveness
C) to distinguish between public relations effectiveness and advertising effectiveness
D) to establish clear program objectives directly to business goals
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

9) All of the following are true of applied research EXCEPT:

A) it is used to solve practical problems.
B) it is used to develop message strategies.
C) it is used to help build theories.
D) it is used to determine whether a program has achieved its objectives.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

10) From theoretical research in communications, we have learned that ________.

A) the most persuasive communication comes from multiple sources of moderate credibility
B) the most persuasive communication comes from multiple sources of high credibility
C) the less complex a persuasive message is, the less credible it is
D) the more complex a persuasive message is, the more credible it is
Answer: B
Difficulty: 3: Challenging
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

11) Which of the following is NOT characteristic of secondary research?

A) It can be expensive.
B) It focuses on someone else's primary research.
C) It is referred to as "desk research."
D) It includes online databases.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

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12) Among the primary forms of public relations research, ________ often reveal differences in
the ways management and target audiences view communications materials, media, messages,
and methods.
A) surveys
B) communication audits
C) published company accounts
D) unobtrusive audits
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

13) Which of the following is an element of a survey?

A) a sample
B) a snapshot
C) an analysis
D) an outcome
Answer: A
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

14) Two essential properties of a random sample are that its selection ________.
A) must be formal and scientific
B) is based on equality and independence
C) must be unobtrusive and results-oriented
D) must be representative of the population and specific target audience
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

15) Of the types of random sampling used, ________ sampling is a procedure that surveys
different segments of the targeted population.
A) cluster
B) systemic random
C) stratified random
D) simple random
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.
AACSB: Analytical thinking

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16) Which type of random sample do journalists use to elicit ideas and points of views from
people on the street?
A) a convenience sample
B) a volunteer sample
C) a quota sample
D) a cluster sample
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

17) Researchers should observe which of the following when designing a questionnaire?
A) Avoid pre-testing
B) Ask double-barreled questions
C) Keep it short
D) Use only open-ended rather than closed-ended questions
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

18) In public relations research, the most frequently used type of convenience sample is the
A) cluster sample
B) quota sample
C) stratified sample
D) focus group
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

19) Which of the following techniques does NOT help lead to a higher response rate for a
A) Attach a letter explaining how important the respondents' answers are.
B) Avoid sending out reminders to respond.
C) Hand-stamp rather than meter envelopes.
D) Send a follow-up reminder postcard three days after the original questionnaire.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
20) What is the MOST important benefit that interviews provide?
A) a personal, firsthand feel for public opinion
B) an unobtrusive measure of public opinion
C) a communications audit
D) secondhand research
Answer: A
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

21) Types of interviews include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A) focus groups
B) Delphi panels
C) communications audits
D) drop-off
Answer: C
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.
AACSB: Analytical thinking

22) Which of the following involves researchers delivering short questionnaires to people they
approach in shopping malls or retail outlets?
A) drop-off interviews
B) Delphi panels
C) intercept interviews
D) focus groups
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

23) What type of interview occurs when a select panel of experts is exposed to repeated waves of
A) Delphi panel
B) drop-off interview
C) intercept interview
D) telephone interview
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
24) All of the following must be considered when analyzing results EXCEPT ________.
A) reliability
B) validity
C) future questionnaire use
D) margins of sampling error
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.3: To discuss the various research tools and evaluative techniques available to
public relations professionals.

25) A communications audit is designed to help an organization determine ________.

A) the validity of findings from a telephone interview
B) the reliability of findings from TV interviews
C) communications needs, policies, practices, and capabilities
D) the statistical significance of the margins of sampling error
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.3: To discuss the various research tools and evaluative techniques available to
public relations professionals.

26) Which of the following is a type of unobtrusive method of data collection?

A) content analysis
B) intercept interview
C) Delphi panel
D) internet interview
Answer: A
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.3: To discuss the various research tools and evaluative techniques available to
public relations professionals.

27) The key lesson behind Chapter 8's "A Question of Ethics: Study: Diet Soda Sparks Weight
Loss — Whaaaa?" is that ________.
A) the research team should have employed post-testing
B) blind taste tests can be misleading
C) research can be used to manipulate facts
D) corporate sponsorship can lead to more reliable results
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.
AACSB: Application of knowledge

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
28) All of the following are characteristics of evaluation EXCEPT ________.
A) using techniques that measure results against established objectives
B) selecting outcomes randomly, according to the survey design
C) providing data that answers the "accountability questions"
D) reinforcing promises made to management to secure their buy-in
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.3: To discuss the various research tools and evaluative techniques available to
public relations professionals.

29) Which of the following are NOT among the four most common techniques used to measure
public relations outcomes?
A) retention and recall measurement
B) awareness and comprehension measurement
C) analysis and synthesis measurement
D) behavior measurements
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.3: To discuss the various research tools and evaluative techniques available to
public relations professionals.

30) In terms of consumer-generated media, Web analytics measure

A) costs per contact.
B) where visitors are from.
C) how often visitors move beyond the homepage.
D) what portions of sites are ignored.
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.
AACSB: Information technology

31) Which of the following is NOT one of the targets of Search Engine Optimization?
A) image search
B) cost per click search
C) local search
D) video search
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.
AACSB: Information technology

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
32) The key purpose of social media metrics is to ________.
A) determine social media opinion leaders
B) analyze mobile device usage
C) search consumer purchasing activity
D) measure social media's ROI
Answer: D
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.
AACSB: Information technology

33) When a public relations professional and her team answer questions related to the purpose of
a social media campaign or a message they want to communicate through a website, they are
A) establishing objectives
B) determining criteria
C) determining benchmarks
D) selecting the right measurement tool
Answer: A
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.
AACSB: Information technology

34) When a public relations professional and her team project the hits a website will receive
based on competitive data, they are doing which of the following?
A) establishing objectives
B) determining criteria
C) determining benchmarks
D) selecting a measurement tool
Answer: C
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.
AACSB: Information technology

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
35) Broadly defined, research is a means of ________.
A) setting campaign objectives
B) defining problems and evaluating solutions
C) selecting optimal benchmarks
D) measuring the activities of public relations practitioners
Answer: B
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.
AACSB: Reflective thinking

36) In the Chapter 8 opening scenario on political polling, the point is that research shouldn't
always be believed.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.
AACSB: Application of knowledge

37) Any public relations campaign should begin with research because it creates a much better
story for the media.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

38) The old adage, "Figures lie, and liars figure" means that we must be careful in evaluating
empirical data.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

39) The only way to ensure that public relations advice for management is headed in the right
direction is to base that advice on hard data whenever possible.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
40) Most clients and managers are more interested in what their public relations advisors think
than what they know.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

41) Members of management prefer that public relations professionals demonstrate how their
efforts contribute to overall organizational goals rather than to the bottom line.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

42) Research is the systematic collection and interpretation of information to increase

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

43) When measuring public relations outputs and outcomes, it is important to remember that
outcomes are short-term, and outputs are more far-reaching.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.
AACSB: Analytical thinking

44) Applied research is neither strategic nor evaluative, but instead is theoretical.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

45) Applied research solves practical problems in public relations.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
46) Because of limited budgets, secondary research makes sense when launching a research
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

47) Content analysis and readability studies are among the unobtrusive research methods used by
public relations practitioners.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

48) Communication audits often reveal differences in the ways management and target audiences
view communications materials, media, messages, and methods.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

49) Descriptive surveys are concerned with cause and effect.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

50) As a public relations practitioner drawing a survey sample, you would want to make sure that
it is representative of the total public whose views are sought.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.
AACSB: Application of knowledge

51) Cross-sectional sampling is either random or nonrandom.

Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.
AACSB: Analytical thinking

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
52) To increase the likelihood that a person responds to a questionnaire, attach a letter explaining
how important the respondents' answers are and let them know they will remain anonymous.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

53) The focus group is one of the least frequently used interview types in public relations.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

54) An intercept interview is a popular approach used to capture consumers' attitudes,

perceptions, preferences and behavior.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

55) Reading Chapter 8's "A Question of Ethics: Study: Diet Soda Sparks Weight Loss —
Whaaaa?" one can conclude that research can be used to manipulate facts.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

56) Copy testing is an obtrusive method of data collection.

Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.

57) Outcome evaluation could include measurement of consumer attitudes before and after a
product launch.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.3: To discuss the various research tools and evaluative techniques available to
public relations professionals.

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
58) The ultimate test of measuring the effectiveness of a public relations effort is attitude
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.3: To discuss the various research tools and evaluative techniques available to
public relations professionals.

59) Hits and eyeballs are important terms when assessing the impact of the Web for research.
Answer: TRUE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.

60) The key purpose of social media metrics is to analyze mobile device usage.
Answer: FALSE
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.

61) Why is research even more important to public relations practitioners today than it was just a
decade ago?
Answer: In an era when resources are scarce, management craves data—facts and statistics, in
particular—that contribute and support the bottom line as well as overall business goals. With
management guided by quantitative, empirical measurements, researched data provides a
currency that professionals can exchange when they are seeking management buy-in for
programs and actions. It provides proof that is more logical, that demonstrates more clear
thinking when it applies to audiences—including their likes and dislikes—and effective
messages for those audiences.
Difficulty: 1: Easy
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.
AACSB: Reflective thinking

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
62) Describe outputs and outcomes in public relations research, and discuss their differences.
• Output phenomena are usually short-term, surface aspects, and include, for example, the
amount of media coverage received or exposure given to a particular message.
• Outcome phenomena are usually more far-reaching, carry greater impact, and include, for
example, the amount of change in awareness, attitudes, and even behavior.
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept
Learning Obj.: 8.1: To discuss the importance of research as the essential first step in every
public relations assignment.

63) What is a sample? Name the two cross-sectional approaches used to obtain a sample. How
many people would you need to sample in a population of 500,000 to arrive at a five percent
margin of error?
• A sample is a selected group or targeted group of the total population whose views you are
• Two cross-sectional approaches used to obtain a sample are the more formal, random, and
less formal, nonrandom.
• You would need just 383 people in a population of 100,000 to 500,000 to arrive at a five
percent margin of error.
Difficulty: 3: Challenging
Skill: Concept and Application
Learning Obj.: 8.2: To explore research principles, types, and methods.
AACSB: Application of knowledge, analytical thinking

64) Describe a communications audit and explain how it is used.

• A communications audit reveals disparities between real and perceived communications
between management and target audiences.
• They help determine whether a communications group and the products it produces are
realizing objectives and how the institution is perceived by its core constituents.
• Communications audits often provide benchmarks against which future public relations
programs can be applied and measured.
• The data uncovered are frequently used by management to make informed decisions about
future communications needs and goals.
Difficulty: 2: Moderate
Skill: Concept and Application
Learning Obj.: 8.3: To discuss the various research tools and evaluative techniques available to
public relations professionals.

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.
65) List and discuss the most common social media metrics that public relations practitioners use
to measure return on investment (ROI).
• Blogger outreach: measuring success in reaching bloggers consists of determining how many
bloggers wrote about your campaign, how many comments, the posts received, how many social
shares the posts received, etc.
• Twitter analytics: measuring Twitter value consists of determining how often people used
your hashtag, new followers generated by the campaign, cost vs. click-throughs of sponsored
tweets, etc.
• Facebook analytics: Facebook offers built-in tools and demographic options to help measure
success. These include the ability to count how many times people "liked" the particular
message, determine if the targeted demographic was reached (using Facebook Insights), and
evaluating cost and click-through rates of Facebook ads.
• YouTube and other video sites: use of online video can be measured through assessing
number of views received, assessing "likes" and "favorites" received, counting new subscribers
to the channel, etc.
Difficulty: 3: Challenging
Skill: Application
Learning Obj.: 8.4: To underscore the importance of Web monitoring and tools available for
Internet research.
AACSB: Information technology, application of knowledge

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

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