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Arkansas Freedom Fund

PO Box 411
Bryant, AR, 72823

Congratulations on being drawn for this event. The event has been
provided by the AFF for Arkansas Veteran. Know that the event does cost the
AFF or the host money but is FREE to you.
Guidelines to you as the AFF Member:

 There will be no negative talk or putting down of others to include the host.
 You will give at least one week notice for cancelation.
 Last minute cancelations will be emergency cases only, which may include providing a doctor’s note.
 If you have an issue with the guide service or another Veteran, you will address them to the
Hunting/Fishing Chair, CEO, or the Director of the Board. You will NOT text, email, or talk with the
guide service or person. The AFF staff will handle all issues.
 If you are a no show, no call you will be charged an administrative fee of $100.00 because these
events/supplies have been paid for in advance, and there is no refund because you don’t show.
 If you are a no show, no call you will be on a 1-year probation from any hunting/fishing event.
 If you are a no show, no call more than once then you will no longer be able to participate in any AFF
sanctioned hunt/fishing events.
 You will maintain a professional and positive attitude during the event.
 You will not become drunken and unruly.
 Should you decide not to follow the guidelines you will be asked to leave the event and will be placed
on a 1-year probationary period from events.
 We do welcome all suggestions to make things better at our events.
 At some events, you will be required to pay half the room cost if you want to bring your spouse (guest)
to help defray costs because they are taking up another Veterans place in your room.
 If this event has high costs (ie: Hunts paid to outfitters) and you fail to show or leave early you will be
charged for your slot. Some hunts cost over $1000.00, and this isn’t fair to the AFF or other hunters
that could have taken the slot!
 By accepting your position at this event, you agree to follow the guidelines set forth.

_______________________________________ _________________
Printed Name of Veteran Date

Signature of Veteran

Please sign this and return it to the POC or bring with you.

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