Capstone Update 3

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Capstone Update #3

To meet the requirements, It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU INCLUDE DETAILS in your updates along
with MULTIPLE pictures or video of your progress.

What I have accomplished so far

Throughout this week, I have started my additional research journey on the history of the specific meal,
tteokbokki. After doing more research on more specific meals and recipes, I decided that tteokbokki
would be the most optimal dish as a) it is most globally renowned and not too peculiar for the audience
b) has a valid amount of Korean history incorporated which was directly linked to my objective of
introducing Korean culture through cuisine in an accessible way. The history of this meal will be included
in the back of the product design in an approachable way, probably cartoons or simple comic strips to
keep it concise. I wrote this and paraphrased the information into my own words and documented it as
well as the reference list attached to it. Additionally, through the long weekend and this week, I cooked
two more different recipes and logged what I liked about each recipe. This week I focused on the side
dishes that I can add to the meal prepped kit. From my childhood, my side of the country always had
tteobokki with assorted fried condiments or Korean tempura. The first recipe, I paired with yakki mandu,
which is a Korean styled dumpling filled with Korean glass noodles and seasonings. The simple and
mundane paired really well with the overpowering, flavorful tteokboki. The second recipe, I paired with
various different Korean tempura of kimmalli with is a yakki mandu with a seaweed filling and squid
tempura. These both worked really well with the main dish as well.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I have already accomplished most of my goals that I wanted to do this week. Based on the three
different trials of various recipes, I have finalized the recipe that I want to use for the physical meal kit.
My next step would now be moving onto the design sector of the product. I would like to make my
product aesthetically pleasing and appealing, being able to catch the audience’s attention in an instance.
Theoretically, I would like to incorporate cultural meaning and possibly a fusion design tying the two
cultures together. When I have finished the rough draft of the design, I would have to get it checked
with my mentor and move onto the step of digitally confirming it. My mentor, the graphic designs
teacher will guide me through the use of the illustrator program, Adobe Illistrator through any struggles
that I may face.
My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I would need a pencil and paper, and probably a vision board to start brainstorming the aesthetics of the
design. I want to create a colour scheme to get the aesthetic and the design as straightforward and clear
in my mind as possible. As I mentioned in my goals in the previous paragraph, I would have to reach out
to the Graphics Design teacher requesting to become a mentor as well as fitting a time in both our
schedules to discuss the product layout. I would also have to acquire access to the program Adobe

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

The challenge I have encountered is making the final decision of tteokboki as my choice for the meal
prepped kit. I was continuously conflicted in between the Korean army stew, Buddaejjigae and the dish I
ended up choosing. After discussing with some of my peers as well as my mother, I finalized it to
tteokbokki as it has more cultural significance to all demographics of South Koreans nationwide. The
young, old, men and women all have their own unique experiences and nostalgia associated with
tteokbokki, so it seemed like the right choice. Conversing with everyone and hearing their unique stories
made me lean towards the dish even more and inspired me to even create a sector of this in the product
design. Possibly. Sparked new ideas within me.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

The first recipe with yakki mandu, the
side dish on the left side
second recipe, with kimmalli and
squid tempura

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