The Pros and Cons of Life in A City

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PAING SOE THU 06/10/2022

The Pros and Cons of life in a city

Human beings have moved from one place to another since earlier times with the purpose of
exploring new better places for them to live. First, they lived in groups as a village. Gradually, they
founded towns, bigger cities, countries, and so on. Then they tried to move to another places where they
consider they will have a better life. Nowadays, most people prefer to live in a city as there are more
developed in cities than small towns. However, it should be noticed that whatever we live, there will be
both advantages and disadvantages.

Cities have become a place which most people prefer to live. A city is actually a more modernized
town with high buildings. It is also a place where different kinds of facilities are easily available. It is
needless to say that city dwellers don’t need to worry for health care as there are many government
hospitals and clinics as well as private hospitals and clinics as well as private hospitals and clinics which
provide 24-hour service. People can get treatments for different diseases with specialists. In additions,
living in city gives the chance of gaining better education than living in a small town or village.
Universities, collages, institutes, and many good schools are only found in cities. Those who want to
continue university education after their matriculation level have to go to city. Moreover, some famous
universities from other countries establish their branches in big cities and so students from our country
no longer need to go abroad for getting some degrees and diplomas offered by those universities. When
we look at the business field, many big companies, factories and supermarkets are mostly concentrated
PAING SOE THU 06/10/2022

in cities, there has higher opportunities in a city than in a small town for job hunters and career climbers.
This is also one of the pros of living in a city. In addition to these, there are a lot of entertainment centers
in a city. It is also one of the needs for city dwellers who are always busy with their daily work. On the
other hand, there are some disadvantages for those people living in a city. Today, the number of vehicles
and factories has been gradually increasing, especially in cities. If we think from the positive point of
view, although the increased number of vehicles and factories indicates the development of a city, the
gases emitted from them cause air pollution around as. This can be harmful to our health. Besides, car
blocking has become a problem for people from a city, too. So people have to give much time on the
road unnecessarily. This is the worst for them. When we have a look at the living style of city dwellers,
most people have to live in apartments instead of houses with compounds. It is like living in an enclosure
and they cannot enjoy fresh air and natural beauty as well as fresh air and green fields. That’s why
people form cities sometimes take a trip to countryside to escape from city life for a while. People prefer
to live in a city to have a better life, they have to work for the whole day, from dawn to dusk. They have
to go out to their respective work and school early in the morning and come back home with the
darkness. So they don’t have the chance to feel the life of home sweet home. As they only pay attention
for their improvement, they will neglect their environment and as a result, some have become selfish.
Thus, it is not exaggeration to say that living in a city may change not only the life standard of a person
but also his mind-set.

Everything has its own pros and cons so has living in a city. We must accept both whether we are
not. If we want to enjoy the advantages of living in a city, we should be prepared to endure some of its

Rural Wherever we live, it is important that we must try to have the sense to

• Low standard of living act suitably to the circumstances. If so, we all will have a better life as
• Peaceful life

well as a peaceful life. Urban

High standard of living
• Fast-paced life

Explore - စူးစမ်ူးရှာဖ ွေသည်။ Prefer to - ပို၍နစ်သက်သည်။

Establish - တည်ဖ ှာင်သည်။ Concentrated - စိုဖ ူးတည်ရသည်။ Apartment - လဖေတိုက်ခေ်ူး။ Mindset - စတ်ဖေသဖ ှာ ှာူး။

Opportunities - အခွေင်အလမ်ူးမ ှာူး။ Job hunter - အလိုပ်ရှာဖ ွေသမ ှာူး။ Countryside - ဖက ူးလက်ဖေသ။ Endure - ကကံကကံခံသည်။

Career - သက်ဖမွေူးလိုပ်ငေ်ူး။ City dwellers - မမ ြို့ပပဖေ င

ို ်သမ ှာူး။ Escape - လွေတဖ
် ပမှာက်သည်။

Vehicles - ကိုေလ
် မ်ူးသွေှာူးယှာဉ်။ Emitted - ိုတလ
် ွှတသ
် ည်။ Exaggeration - ခ ြို့ကှာူးဖပပှာဆိုသည်။
PAING SOE THU 06/10/2022

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