Chapter 3

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This phase involves information assortment methods to build the usefulness of the ongoing
framework. Through the various tasks involved in the analysis, system analysis provides a
path to system solutions, making it important. Through these different undertakings, the
general nature of a framework can be handily changed or improved and event of mistakes can
at last be decreased. The analysis stage also looks at how the current system works. The
identification of a proposed solution to the extensive issues with the current system is part of
the analysis phase. We will examine each issue that emerges while using the ongoing
framework. Flowcharts, data flow diagrams, and advanced entity linkage diagrams are
additional tools for describing current system inputs, procedures, and outputs. Numerous
options for putting the proposed system into action were evaluated by analysts.


Data strategies are instruments and techniques of gathering information on the existing
system, it is possible to accurately and promptly propose the best solution for the system. For
process activities to reduce miscommunication, the study of the existing system is necessary.
When the questioner looks at the current system at hand processes, the users eventually form
a connection. Fact gathering methods were used to produce a successful survey of the current
system. These are the main ones:
 Interviews
 Observations
 Questionnaires


Griffe (2018) prescribes an interview as a formal conversation in which the interviewee

seeks responses from the interviewer. A staged conversation or exchange of viewpoints
between two or more people is another term for it. It is an imperative information gathering
strategy concerning verbal discussion between the scientist or the examiner and the subject.
The researcher met with different Human Resource workers in different Midlands State
University branches, including Harare campus, Gweru campus and Zvishavane campus.
The end user frequently brought up the most pressing and significant issues and the
following are the results of the interviews:
1. Most of the HR workers said that they found difficult to keep track of all the
employees data, such as hours worked, pay rates, deductions. They add on saying
that it usually leads to errors in paychecks and missed payments.
2. They also mentioned difficulty in making changes to employee information such
as changes in pay rate or deductions. This was said to lead to frustration for both
employees and managers.
3. The third thing most of them mentioned was the difficulty to audit the employee’s
payrolls because they do not have digital records of the data. This is hard for them
as it can make it difficult to catch errors and make sure that everything is correct.


An observation is defined as the methodical process of recording the patterns and

behavior of people, things, and events. It is called "silent observation," and it involves the
observer recording the subjects' responses to a particular aspect without speaking with
them. When the researcher or analyst visits the location of the study, data collection is
suspended in the same natural way that operations are suspended. The various social
exercises and occasions accumulated are laborer's movement, examples of work, looks,
voice tones, non-verbal communication and term consummation of work. Components to
be found are the individuals, the putting, the thought process and the social ways of
behaving, the recurrence and span. FINDINGS

 The analyzer came to the conclusion that certain action may result in the
recording of biased information because they do not correspond with the
circumstances at work.
 This process took a number of days, and the obligatory may not be relevant
due to the fact that, depending on a figure of factors, the system may have
been working accordingly at that point.

Questionnaires are viewed to be a list of questions or items that are used to learn about
respondents' attitudes, experiences, and opinions. Pre-coded questions are written on
questionnaires and given to respondents to answer before being returned to the analyst. The
questionnaire was taken to the Human Resource department and its structure is the one
below: for the Human Resource Department

May you please answer all the questions?

1. What are the current challenges of the current system?

2. How much time does it take to calculate each
payroll? ...........................................................................................................................
3. Is the current system time consuming?

Yes □ No □
4. How many people are involved in the payroll process?
5. How accurate and efficient is the current
system? ............................................................................................................................
6. What information needs to be captured for each employee’s payroll?
i. ……………………………………………………………………………….
ii. ……………………………………………………………………………….
iii. ……………………………………………………………………………….
iv. ………………………………………………………………………………..
v. ………………………………………………………………………………..
vi. …………………………………………………………………………………
vii. …………………………………………………………………………………


This section covers analysis of the existing systems operation and also highlights its
weaknesses. The existing system uses a manual way of creating employees paychecks which
consists of all the deductions made such as the insurances and NASSA. The patients request
an appoint


A paperless payroll system is a system that uses software to manage employee data and
paychecks. It eliminates the need for paper paychecks and forms and instead uses digital
systems to keep track of everything. With a paperless payroll system, employee data is stored
in a database and employees can access their information online. Paychecks can be deposited
directly into employee bank accounts and any changes to employee information can be made
quickly and easily. A paperless payroll system also makes it easy to generate reports and
audits, as all the information is stored.


Data analysis is the examination, cleaning, transformation, and modeling of data. It will
probably track down valuable data, reach determinations from it, and settle on choices in
view of that data. According to Wickham (2016), a wide range of methods and tools, such as
statistical analysis, data mining, machine learning, and visualization, can be used to carry it

Context diagram establishes the information and parameters of the modelled system. It is like
a data flow diagram but the context normally has the level 0 of the most basic. They are less
complex as compared to the data flow diagrams. It should be drawn in a manner that all
stakeholders within the organization can have clarity on how the system is operating.

HR Department Payroll System Employee


employee details employee details
It is presented in a graphical format that shows the flow of the
data within a system. DFD helps to visualize the overall system and make better decisions
which will improve the organizational efficiency and productivity. It is resembled by
different types of shapes like rectangles, circles, arrows and the text labels which shows
input, output, storage and destination of the data.

Paycheck Paycheck

 Time consuming
The entering of data manually can lead to errors and delays in payroll processing
which will lead to more taken in correcting those errors.
 Less of security
Paper records can easily be stolen, lost, damaged and they are hard to store which can
lead to the less of security about the information of employees.
 Lack of flexibility
As it is difficult to make changes to employee data such as making some deductions
or additions.


It is essential to assess alternatives for the paperless payroll system to ensure that the final
solution chosen satisfies the demands of employees, HR employees and the whole institution.
A feasibility study is required to establish whether the solutions are technically feasible,
financially viable and capable of delivering the intended outcomes.

An outsourcing agreement is one in which one company hires another company to take on a
planned or ongoing task that would otherwise be done internally or could be done internally.
Sometimes, this involves moving employees and assets from one company to another.

 Financial savings.
 Flexibility to focus on key strengths.
 Outsourcing provides access to knowledge

 A loss of control over the development process
 Low quality work
 The possibility of communication problems because of a high degree of control,
secrecy and sensitivity required for such a system. Outsourcing may not be a favored
choice given the sensitivity of the Human Resource and the sensitive information that
may be involved.


Changes to the current payroll system can be useful if they improve the entire user experience
and suit the demands of both the HR workers and the other employees. Nevertheless, certain
enhancements may need large investments in development and deployment, which may not
be practical.

 Providing a dependable, efficient and a user friendly system for the payroll system.

 The system needs to be upgraded from time to time because of the ever changing
technology. New features are being created.


To satisfy the special objectives of the Institution in terms of record keeping, calculations and
HR employee experience, a paperless payroll system may be required. To enable enhanced
communication and appointments with patients, the scheduling tool must be modified to fit
the particular scheduling requirements of different physician specializations and departments.

The expenses of building a bespoke program may be higher than the price of acquiring
software, but the payment increments over time would benefit the facility rather than the
yearly license fees associated with off-the-shelf software. Furthermore, bespoke software has
to be created in accordance with healthcare rules and support the workflow, resulting in a
higher ROI.


The HR employees must be able to and make adjustments as needed. The employees should
be able to access their pay checks with all calculations made. The system should be able to do
all the calculations and deductions such as the insurance deduction so that employees will be
given their pay checks and see their actual salary with deductions or additions already made.
It should be secure to protect employee’s confidentiality and personal information. The
system should be able to integrate with other payroll software and systems as needed.



 Security - system should be encrypted and comply with all the security systems to
protect employees details.
 Performance – the Paperless payroll system must be capable of handling a large
number of employees and be able to calculate all the deductions needed in their pay
 Accessibility - system should be mobile responsive and compatible with different
 Scalability - system should be able to accommodate growth and changes to the
number of employees and all the HR employees using the system.
 Usability – the interface of the system should be user friendly.


In conclusion, the analysis phase for the paperless payroll system has provided us with
insights and understanding of the current scenario of the payroll system. The system is highly
fragmented and manual, which results in long time preparing the employees pay checks,
reduced efficiency and an unsatisfactory experience for employees. By analysing the various
departments involved in the appointment booking process such as employees, HR department
and administrative staff, we have gained in-depth insights of their requirements and
expectations. This understanding will aid us in designing a comprehensive and user-friendly
payroll system which will address the pain points and create a seamless experience for all
users. In conducting thorough research and benchmarking analysis, we have gained insights
into best practices and emerging trends in the human resource industry. This information will
help us develop a system that is innovative, future-proof and adaptable to changing needs.

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