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Equation of State

1. Boyle’s Law: states that for a fixed amount of gas at a constant

temperature and no of moles, the volume of the gas
is inversely proportional to pressure.

at constant T & n
PV = k1 k1 is a proportionality constant

P1V1 = P2V2
2. Charles’s Law: states that for a fixed amount of gas at
a constant pressure, the volume of the gas is directly
proportional to temperature

V = k2 * T → k2 = V/T

at constant P & n
3.Gay-Lussac’s Law or Amnton Law: states that the
pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin
temperature if the volume and no of moles are constant .

at constant V & n
= 𝐏𝟐
𝐓𝟏 𝐓𝟐

4. Avogadro’s Law states that At constant temp &
constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly
proportional to the no. of moles of gas

V=k*n → V/n = k

at constant P & T
5.Combined Law

Boyle’s Law

Charles’s Law
Vα T/P → PV/T = Const

At constant n
R = Universal Gas Constant = 0.082 L.atm.mol-1.K-1
= 8.314 L.KPa.mol-1.K-1
6. Ideal gas Law

PV = nRT

P…… Pressure (atm)

V…… Volume (Liter)
n…… number of moles =mass/molar mass (moles)
R…… Universal gas constant = 0.082 atm.L/ K.mole
R…… Universal gas constant = 8.314 L.KPa.mol-1.K-1
7- Density of gases

d…… Density (g/L)

P…… Pressure (atm)
M…… Molar mass (gm)
n…… number of moles =mass/molar mass (moles)
R…… Universal gas constant = 0.082 atm.L/ K.mole
R…… Universal gas constant = 8.314 L.KPa.mol-1.K-1

Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3 + · · ·

Ptotal = n1RT / V + n2RT / V + n3RT / V + ...

Ptotal = (n1+ n2+ n3+ ... )RT / V

From the partial pressure

Pi = Xi PT
Xi = mole fraction of gas in the mixture,

Xi = ni/nT
ni = No of mole of gas in the mixture

nT = No of mole of all gas in the mixture

Part One
Volume pressure Temperature No of moles
V P T n
1 L= 1000 cm3 1 atm = 101325 Pa Ok = OC + 273 moles
=.001 m3 kelvin Celsius

STP – Standard Temperature and Pressure

• Standard temperature = 273 K (0°C)

• Standard Pressure = 1 atm n = mass/Molar mass

• At STP 1 mole of any gas occupies 22.414 L

(Standard Molar Volume)

( P,V inversely proportional)

P1V1 = P2V2

at constant T & n
1- A container holds 500. cm3 of CO2 at 20.° C and 1 atm.
What will be the volume of the CO2 if the pressure is
increased to 2.5 atm?

1) P1 = 1 atm P2 = 2.5 atm

V 1 = 500. cm3 = (500/1000) = 0.5 L V2 = ?

P 1V1 = P2V2

V 2 = P1V1/P2

V 2 = 1 x 0.5 /2.5 = 0.2 L

2- 352 cm3 of chlorine under a pressure of 6 pa
are placed in a container under a pressure of 21
pa. The temperature remains constant at 296 K.
What is the volume of the container in liters ?

P1 = 6 pa P2 = 21 pa

V 1 = 352 cm3 = ( 352/1000) = 0.352 L V2 = ?

P1V1 = P2V2

V 2 = P1V1/P2

V2 = 6 x 0. 352 / 21 = 0.1 L Cl
3- A balloon contains 7.2 L of He. The pressure is
reduced to 2.00 atm and the balloon expands to
occupy a volume of 25.1 L. What was the initial
pressure exerted on the balloon ?


P1 = ? P 2 = 2 atm

V 1 = 7.2 L V2 = 25.1 L

P1V1 = P2V2

P 1 = P2V2/V1

P1 = 2 x 25.1 /7.2 = 7 atm

( V, T directly proportional)

at constant P & n
1- A sample of oxygen occupies a volume of 1.6 L at
91°C. What will be the temperature when the volume of
oxygen is reduced to 1.2 L?

V1 = 1.6 L V2 = 1.2 L

T1 = (91°C + 273) K = 364 K T2 = ?

V1/T1 = V2/T2

1.6 / 364 = 1.2 / T2

T2 = 273 K
2-A sample of gas occupies 3 L at 300 K. What volume
will it occupy at 200 K ?

V1 = 3 L V2 = ?

T1 = 300 K T2 = 200 K

V1/T1 = V2/T2

3 / 300 = V2 / 200

V2 = 2 L
3- A sample of helium has a volume of 500 cm3 at a
temperature of 18°C. When the temperature increased
to 23°C, what is the volume of the helium?

V1 = 500 cm3 = (500/1000)= 0.5 L V2 = ?

T1 = 18°C T2 = 23°C

V1/T1 = V2/T2

0.5/ 18 = V2 / 23

V2 = 0.63 L
( P, T directly proportional)

P1/T1 = P2/T2

at constant V & n
1- If we want to decrease pressure of gas, placed in
a container having constant volume, from 4Pa to1 Pa
how much we should change the temperature of it. Its
current temperature is 127 0C.


P1=4 Pa P2=1 Pa

T1=127 0C=127+273=400 K T2 = ?



T2=100 K
2- A 10 liter container is filled with a gas to a pressure of
2 atm. At 0°C. At what temperature will the pressure
inside the container be 2.5 atm.?

V1 = V2 = 10 liter is constant,

p1 = 2 atm., p2 =2.5 atm., T1 = 273 k, T2 = ?


2 ∕ 273 = 2.5 ∕ T2

T2 = 341 k
5.00 L of a gas is known to contain 0.965 mol. If the amount of
gas is increased to 1.80 mol, what new volume will result (at an
unchanged temperature and pressure)?

V1 /n1 = V2/n2
(5.00 L) / (0.965 mol) = (V2) / (1.80 mol)

V2 = 9.33 L
1- A sample of sulfur dioxide occupies a volume of 652 cm3 at 40 °C
and 0.947 atm. What volume will the sulfur dioxide occupy at STP?

N.B ... At STP, P= 1atm , T= 273 K

P1 = 0.947 atm P2 = 1 atm

V1 = 652 cm3 V2 = ?

T1 = 40 °C + 273 = 313 °K T2 = 0° C + 273 = 273 °K

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

V2 = 0.947 x 652 x 273 /(313 x 1)

= 538 cm3 = 0.538 L

2- 322 L of hydrogen occupies a volume of 197 L at
STP. If the initial temperature of the hydrogen was 37
°C, what was its initial pressure?


P1 = ? P2 = 1.00 atm

V1 = 322 L V2 = 197 L

T1 = 37 °C + 273 = 310 K T2 = 0 °C + 273 = 273 K

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

P1 = 1.00 x 197 x 310 /(273 x 322) = 0.69 atm

PV = nRT

1- Calculate the how many moles of 15.0 L of NH3

at 27° C and 118 atm.
N = 14
Answer H=1

P = 118 atm T = 27° C + 273 = 300 ° K

V = 15 L R = 0.0821 atm.L / K.mole

PV = nRT

n = PV/RT

n = 118 x 15 /x 15.0 L/0.0821 x 300

= 71 moles
2- 0.75 moles of an ideal gas is contained at 3.0
atm and 37 °C.what is the volume of this gas are


P = 3 atm T = 37° C + 273 = 310 K

n= 0.75 moles R = 0.0821 atm.L / K.mole

PV = nRT

V = nRT/P

V = 0.75 x 0.082 x 310 / 3

= 6.3 L
3- At what temperature would 2.10 moles of N2 gas
have a pressure of 1.25 atm and in a 25.0 L tank?

N = 14

P = 1.25 atm V = 25 L

n= 2.1 moles R = 0.0821 atm.L / K.mole

PV = nRT

T = PV/n R

T = 1.25 x 25 / 2.1 x 0.082

= 181 K
1. What is the density of acetone, C3H6O, vapor at 1.0 atm and 400 K?
[ C= 12, H= 1, O= 16]

The molar mass of acetone = 3*12.0 + 6*1.0 + 16.0 = 58.0 gm / mol .


= (1.0 * 58.0 atm g/mol) / (0.08205 L atm / (mol K) 400 K) = 1.767 g / L

2. Calculate the density of CO2 gas at pressure of 1 atm and temperature 300 0k.

The molar mass of CO2 = (12*1) + (16*2) = 44 gm/mol

d = P*M/R*T
C = 12
= 1*44300/ 0.082*300=1.7 g/L O = 16
1. Two 10L tanks, one containing propane gas at 300
torr and the other containing methane at 500 torr, are
combined in a 10L tank at the same temperature.
What is the total pressure of the gas mixture?

Ptotal = P1 + P2 = 300 torr + 500 torr = 800 torr

2. Assume 1.00 mole of air molecules contains about 0.78 mole N2, 0.21
mole O2, and 0.010 mole Ar. Calculate the partial pressures of each gas in
the mixture when the total air pressure 1.0 atm.
PT = Pair = nT RT/ V = (nN2 + nO2 + nAr) RT/V

From the partial pressure Pi = Xi PT we need to calculate the mole fraction of gas in
the mixture, Xi = ni/nT.

For O2 XO2 = nO2 / nair = 0.21 mole /1.0mole = 0.21

For N2 XN2 = nN2 / nair = 0.78 mole /1.0mole = 0.78

XAr = nAr / nair = 0.010 mol/1.0 = 0.010

Partial pressures nt= 1 mole
nO2 = 0.2
PO2 = 0.21 x1.0 atm = 0.21atm
nN2 =0.78
PAr = 0.010 x 1.0 atm = 0.010 atm
nAr = 0.01
PN2 = 0.78 x 1.0 atm = 0.78atm
Pt = 1 atm
Part Two
Multiple Choice : Gas Laws
1. If temperature is constant, the relationship between pressure and volume is
a. direct
b. Inverse

2. If pressure is constant, the relationship between temperature and volume is

a. direct
b. Inverse

3. One way to increase pressure on a gas is to

a. decrease temperature
b. decrease volume
c. decrease the number of gas particles
d. lower the kinetic energy of the gas molecules

4. If pressure of a gas is increased and its volume remains constant, what will happen to
its temperature?
a. increase
b. decrease
c. stay the same
5. The volume of a gas is increased from 150.0 mL to 350.0 mL by heating it. If
the original temperature of the gas was 25.0 ˚C, what will its final temperature
be (in ˚C)?
a. 146˚C
b. 10.7˚C
c. 58.3˚
d. 422˚C
e. 695˚C
6. Under conditions of fixed temperature and amount of gas, Boyle's law requires that
I. P1V1 = P2V2
II. PV = constant
III. P1/P2 = V2/V1
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. I, II, and III
e. another combination
7. Which of the following shows a correct conversion?
a. 2.5 mL = 0.0000025 L
b. 2 atm = 202.6 kPa
C. 250 cm3 = 0.250 m3
d. 100°C = 173 K
8.A sample of gas at 60 kPa has a volume of 40 L. What will its volume be, at
constant temperature, at a pressure of 20 kPa?
a. 20 L
b. 80 L
c. 120 L
d. 13 L

9. Which of the following graphs does not represent Boyle's law?

a. W
b. X
c. Y
d. Z

10. The volume of a gas is proportional to …

a. n, p and T.
b. 1/n, 1/p and T.
c. n, 1/p and T.
d. n, p and 1/T.

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