END OF TERM TEST 3 8thform 2022

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Teacher: Hadhami Benhmida END OF TERM TEST N°3 Menzel B.Zelfa PREP.

(MAY 2022)
Sassi School

Name:................................................................................ CLASS: 8TH (….) N°:...........

1.On my 15th birthday, my parents gave me an unusual 1.Who is the speaker in the text? (1M)
present. It was a dog that I named Lucky. She was a ………………………………………………
lovely animal, both a guard dog and a pet. She slept in the ……………………………………………….
kitchen but I sometimes let her sleep upstairs in my .…………………………………………….
bedroom. We used to spend a nice time together at home 2. Circle the right option (1pt)
and sometimes we took her out for a walk with us. In the
The text is about:  a brave dog
public garden, my little brother threw to her the ball and
 a friendly dog
she looked for it behind the trees and brought it back
 a lazy dog
2.One night, it was very cold and I took her up to my 3. Did the speaker enjoy her time with

room. At about 3 o’clock in the morning, I heard a noise Lucky? Justify (1pt) .

and got up. It was Lucky barking. She looked afraid. I ………………………………………………

thought she wanted to go out so I took her downstairs. ………………………………………………

When we got there, Lucky ran to the kitchen and stopped ………………………………………………

in front of the door. She wanted to open the door but ………………………………..

couldn’t. I opened it but then closed it very quickly. The ……………………………………

whole kitchen was on fire and clouds of smoke started 4.Complete this sentence with a word from
filling the house. I called my parents. They both came the text : (2M) .
running down. Dad went into the kitchen. He opened all When the kitchen caught fire Lucky, the dog,
the doors and windows, but Lucky stayed there until she started ................................. All the family
knew we were all safe. We love our dog. She is so brave members woke up. Thanks to her everyone
and intelligent that she saved our lives. She is a special was .............................
5.What does the underlined word refer to:
Jane Smith Memories
Her (pag 1)

1. Put in the right form and or tense (1.5 marks): ………………………………………………

We know that our pets need us. We take care of them and give them a home where they can live.
Besides, our pets can be very good friends. “It’s very important not to live by (we)
…………………………………….”, says doctor Picard. “(Keep) ………………..………………a pet
can help us become (healthy)………………….……………, live longer and grow up to be more
confident”. So, having pets can change our lives for the better.
2. Circle the right alternative (3.5marks):

Dear Caroline,
Hi, how are you? I’m writing this letter because I’m ( from/ for/ in) trouble. I feel (jealous/ relaxed/
lazy) of my little sister because my parents love her more than me. Last week, when my parents were
(on/in/at) work, I fought with my sister (with /over/ about) T.V. I wanted to watch my favourite
program. After that , my sister went to the kitchen and broke a dish. As a result , she injured  ( myself/
herself/ himself). My father scolded me and said it was my fault because I (didn’t/ won’t/ don’t) take
good care of my sister. So, my mother punished me and stopped  ( to give / give/giving) me
pocket money. What should I do?

3.Fill in the blanks with the right words from the list .There are 2 extras (3 marks):

about - fun - helpful – comforting - with - happier - to comfort - care

"I very much respect and love my aunt Mary. Unfortunately she's passed away, but I will never stop
loving her .She was the most generous and ………………………………….person you
can imagine. When my brother and I came home from school, she was always there to give
us food and listen to our news.
When we were happy, she was ………………………….. than us .When we were sad, she always
tried …………………………….us. When we were ill she was at our bed to take
……………………………….. of us. She was also a lot of ………………………………. She knew
many stories and songs. She had a wonderful singing voice. I can't remember her ever being angry
………………………………… us. When we did something wrong, she always forgave us quickly.”
On the occasion of Earth Day you decided to write an article for your school magazine to suggest some
practical solutions to save our planet.
Coh: ……/2 Acc: ……../2 M: ………./2

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