Lec 04 C CERTs Vs CSIRTs Intro

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What are they?

Shantha & Chandana

Discussion flow

• What is a CERT?
• What is a CSIRT?
• Organizational role in incident response
• What to share and what not to share
• Expertise needed
• Reflections

What is a CERT?

Bit of history
• 1988 Internet Worm incident
– caused the very first CERT to be created
• CERT stands for:
– Computer Emergency Readiness Team
– Originally called “response team”
• Coordinated incident handling with other teams
– Hence called CERT/CC
• Funded by DARPA
• Located at CMU
• Done as a project of SEI (Network Systems
Survivability programme) 4
Functions of CERT/CC

• Response to computer security incidents

• Providing security alerts
• Preparation of guidelines for:
– incident handling
– Incident avoiding
• Conducting public awareness campaigns
• Facilitating research on computer security

The change of need
• The Internet was not very much commercially
attractive in 80's
– However, 90's were a revolutionary time
– Ever since, it is an exponential growth
– Consequence: increase in attacks
– Underground economy emerged
• System & network admins alone cannot protect
information assets
• Today, social networks have made it even worse
• Other concerns:
– General response vs. focus areas
– New regulations & focused regulations
Emerged solution?

The definition

• Several variants exist

• Newer definition is:
– a capability or team that provides services and
support to a defined constituency for
preventing, handling and responding to
computer security incidents

Organizational role in incident

What should it do?

• Be a service organization that is

responsible for:
• receiving computer security incident reports
• reviewing incident reports and activities performed
• responding to computer security incident reports
• new trend: to be proactive as well
• Have a clearly defined constituency
– e.g.: military, bank, university, govt. organisation
• Identify a focus area:
• based on the business goals of the constituent or
parent organization
What to share and what not to share
with a CSIRT

How to decide

• See whether the CSIRT is truly internal to

your organization:
– Less problems in managing information leaking
• What if competitors also have access to
your information?
– Classification and tagging is a must
– Should have proper agreements with
information custodians
• If inter-organisational in a sector, better to have an
independent party managing it
– Still need to keep an eye
Can everyone do it?

Need of expertise

• Incident management
– Very high level of expertise
• Prepare:
– to provide quick response to any risks, threats, or attacks
• Protect infrastructure
• Detect suspicious activities & events
• Triage:
– sorting, categorizing, correlating, prioritizing, and assigning
incoming events, incident reports, vulnerability reports,
and other general information requests
• Respond
– steps taken to address, resolve, or mitigate

Technical response actions
• Analysing the event or incident information, data,
and supplemental material
– log files, malicious code, or other artifacts
• Researching corresponding mitigation strategies
and recovery options
• Developing advisories, alerts, and other
– to provide guidance and advice for resolving or
mitigating the event or incident

Technical resp. cont.....
• Controlling any ongoing malicious activity
– make appropriate changes to the infrastructure
– e.g.
• disconnecting affected systems from the network
• changing security configurations
• filtering ports, services, IP addresses, or packet content
– The above may involve:
• firewalls, mail servers, routers, or other devices
• Eradicating or cleaning up any malicious
processes and files
• Repairing or recovering affected systems
• CERTs have become vital for critical businesses
– CSIRTs also will help within the constituency
• Business operations are mostly within
– However, business scope span across
• Threats come from outside constituencies
– hence, many incidents are across
• Who can and will handle them?
• Can everyone set up CSIRTs/CERTs?
Thank you
Shantha & Chandana
Chartered Engineers
Senior Lecturers, Dept. of CSE, University of Moratuwa
Consultants, TechCERT



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