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Yusuf khan.

Topic=Encourage Female Education

Before enter in my topic I want to convay one quote that is

*With out our Home key we cannot entered in our home
*Like vies with out our Education
*We Cannot Enter in our Future Goal

(01) In this Current Scenario womens are highly Successful Achieve their goals in
various field with the help of their education
(02) In this movement I shortly disclose few points about
(03) Womens and their Fields of achievements with the help of education
(04) This point is regarding to the education
(05) The Women name called as Savitribai phule
(06) Savitribai phule is a special women because she was the first indian women
become a teacher
(07) As a women in history of indian they regraded their name
(08) Among the people of indian savitribai phule also known as the first female
teacher of indain
(09) Savithribai phule created a history at the time when girls were not allowed to
attend schools
(10) The reason is in olden days pepoles thoughts is girls are only suitable for
House Works
(11) For that study is not necessary
(12) Then why should they go to school and slowly their thinking becomes a
(13) At the time savithribai phule faced the problem with brave
(14) After faced all the barriers she become the first women teacher
(15) And they cracked all mind set of the peoples
(16) In my dictionary
* The tittle women is not a barrier for education
* The category Female is not a barrier for Education
* Only one thing is barrier for the seek of education that is financial condition of a
(17) Know a days Womens are cracked their financial condition and they create a
(18) For Example = syeda selva fathima first muslim women commercial pilot in
(19) Their father was a backery man so selva fathima family financial condition is not
suitable for pilot study even thou
Yusuf khan.R
Topic=Encourage Female Education
(20) They show their performance and informed that financial condition is not
required for education
(21) In my dictionary
(22) Only one thing is required for the study that is one goal with Strong
I conclude my topic with the help of quotes of my own
Womens Always build strong message among the people that is

1. Related to education
2. What ever the challenges arise for women
3.They always show the performance and create history
4. And inform the people
5. Womens are Born to broke the challenges

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