Info136 Sep 2021

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ies, B MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF BUSINESS SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND MARKETING SCIENCES ec DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS CODE: INFO136 SESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS August/September 2021 DURATION: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS 1. This paper consists of SIX questions 2. Answer ANY 4 questions in this paper 3. Each Question carries [25 marks] White your code using Python Specifications Page 1 of 2 3. 4. 5. a. Define a data structure and an algorithm (5) b. Discuss the application of the greedy and brute force algorithm design techniques in operating software and network design. Derive algorithms and time complexities [20] Consider a Social Media page developed for Midlands State University Department of Information and Marketing Level 1.2 students and the Facebook platform. Create new knowledge on which sorting algorithm is essential to sort and search for the year of birth in each scenario to select a winner in a competition 115] b. Compare and contrast the quick-sort and the merge sort algorithms using ‘examples and code [10] Explore the essence of the evolution of non-linear data structures using practical examples in computer science and information systems (25) Using algorithms and code, write notes on the following linked lists operations a. Insertion [10] b. Deletion [5] ¢. Searching [5] d. Updating (5) a. Social Media benefits from the use of graphs. Discuss this notion [1] b. The SciPy package performs various mathematics, scientific, and engineering tasks. Write code to create a SciPy sparse matrix from a NetworkX graph [10] a. Define collision and collision resolution techniques in hashing. Illustrate your answer using examples, hash functions, and deriving algorithms [25] Page 2 of 2

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