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I went with my husband last summer to visit Egypt, we traveled by plane, I was very excited about
this trip because the visit of Egypt is one of my dreams since childhood. We spent seven days those
were the most beautiful days of my life, I wished they never end. Every day, we visited a place
according to the program because we traveled with a tourist agency.

We started this trip by visiting the pyramids, it was amazing and bigger then i imagined. The
temperature there was very high, that was the only bad thing there. We also visited Hurghada, it is
famous for its beautiful white sand beaches. We have visited many places in this area like water
parks and marina aquarium.

After we finished visiting Hurghada we went to the next destination it is the northen coast, it is
considered one of the most beautiful tourist places in Egypt, we did several activities such as surfing
and swimming it’s was a wonderful experience.

The last destination visited is Cairo, the capital of Egypt, where we cruised the Nile River with
Yacht, it was unforgettable day we concluded it by eating seafood in the restaurant on the Nile River.

On the last day of this trip, we visited Egyptian Populaire neighborhoods where we discovered
more about Egyptian culture and taste traditional Egyptian dishes, like Kuchari, Falafel and Mahechi,
its was delicious.

The most thing that I liked it is the kindness of the Egyptian peoples, they were friendly and
welcoming to tourists, they left me a good impression of this country.

My trip ended with the hop of returning to this beautiful country someday.

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