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1. Three pairs will compete composed of Gr. 6 and Gr. 1, Gr. 5 and Gr. 2, and Gr. 4 and Gr. 3. At the
onset of the game the members in each pair should first decide on who will serve one as the
guesser and the other one who is only allowed to respond to the guesser’s question with a “Yes”,
“No” or “Maybe”. Their role take turns once the word have been guessed. Sequence of pair to play
shall be identified through draw lots.

2. Time limit is 5 minutes for each pair to guess the ten (10) words which will be shown on card board
hat of the guesser. The timer starts once the first word is revealed. The words to be guessed must
be common to all of the pairs. Words shall be drawn from a noun category (person, food, animal,
thing, place). The pairs who are not yet on deck to play shall be secluded away from the game
venue, headphones with regulated-booming audio might be used by them.

3. 5 seconds shall be added as penalty to the one responding other answers than “Yes”, “Maybe” or
“No”. The guesser is allowed to say “Pass” once he chooses not to proceed on guessing the word.
Penalties shall be added to the end time of the pair who incurred it. The computed end time will be
the final result.

4. The 5 minute timer stops when the team have guessed all the words within the duration of time, but
shall totally be consumed unless all words were guessed.

5. The pair with the most number of guessed words within the shortest period of time will be
considered as the winner. In case all pairs have guessed all the words or have incurred the same
score at the same period of time, the pair who have guessed the first word the earliest shall be
declared as the winner. The time keeper of the game plays a vital role.

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