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Name: Julibel F.

Ganza Subject: Christian Home

Date: October 6, 2023 Time: Friday 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM

“By accepting Christ’s death, by trusting in His sacrifice, we can be freed of the burden
of sin and weight of the guilt.” 20. 183
It emphasizes that people might find release from the
psychological load of their wrongdoings by acknowledging
the value of Christ's sacrifice and placing their trust in it.
This act of faith is viewed as an essential way to get
forgiveness and achieve peace, confirming an essential
principle of the Christian faith and offering hope for a life
that has been redeemed and has meaning.

“In His love, He had withheld the great blessing of healing that He might bestow the
greater blessing of resurrection.” 20. 184
This quote suggests that God, out of love, may delay immediate
healing to provide a more significant and lasting blessing—
symbolized by resurrection or transformation. It highlights
God's wisdom in prioritizing enduring blessings over instant
relief and encourages trust in a divine plan that unfolds for
greater good, reflecting love through purposeful actions.

“Beyond the sleep of death is the morning of the resurrection.” 20. 186
After the end of life (death), there is a new beginning
(resurrection), likening death to a temporary sleep and the
subsequent revival to the start of a new day. It conveys hope
and the idea of continuous cycles in life and death.
“ God not only supplies us with the perfect pattern for parenting; He also empowers us
to copy that pattern.” 21. 192
God provides a perfect example of how to parent and also gives
us the ability to follow that example effectively. It highlights
the idea that divine teachings serve as a guide, and with faith
and divine assistance, we can embody these principles in our

“ With no established boundaries of behavior, children of permissive parents are

insecure, and with no required limits to their conduct, they tend to lack self-control.”
21. 197
Children may feel uneasy and find it difficult to regulate their
conduct when parents are overly forgiving and don't establish
clear standards for their behavior. It emphasizes how crucial it
is for parents to set boundaries and maintain structure in order
to give their kids a sense of security and teach them self-

“The supreme evidence of God’s love is found at Cavalry.” 21. 198

The strongest evidence of God's love can be witnessed during
Jesus Christ's crucifixion at Calvary. It underlines this event as
the ultimate display of God's love, depicting Jesus' voluntary
suffering for humanity's salvation in Christian belief. The
crucifixion and the resulting promise of salvation symbolize
God's love in its purest form, encouraging believers to
contemplate and appreciate its significance in their faith
“The quantity and quality of time spent the child should say, ‘You’re special.’” 22. 205
The time a parent dedicates to their child, both in terms of
amount and meaningfulness, should communicate the message
that the child is special and valued. It encourages parents to
spend both ample time and engaging, significant moments with
their child to show love and reinforce the child's sense of

“Since each baby conceived is a sacred miracle and an unfathomable mystery every
child is special!” 22. 208
Every child is exceptional and holds great value. It highlights
the wondrous and mysterious nature of life from the moment of
conception, emphasizing that each child is a sacred miracle.
The phrase "every child is special" reinforces the idea that
every individual is unique and valuable, deserving of respect
and care.

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