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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/alp.


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baseName = "alp",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alp 0C2FC646-4FE4522D-B20E69B2-0AA15267",
children = {
name = 0x00127183, -- "Alps"
image = "bestiary_alp.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",
"Black Blood 1",

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description = 0x00127184, -- "<i>Looked like a bruxa, but that was no
bruxa… </i> <br> – fragment of a conversation between the ealdorman of Falkoane and
a witcher.<br><br>Alps are vampires that resemble bruxae in appearance. They are
called phantoms by some, a name which fits well enough, for like phantoms they
haunt and torment men. They usually take on the form of a woman, though they can
also appear as animals. They are most often found prowling near villages. They
attack at night and are most active when the moon is full. Alp saliva can make one
fall asleep, and when applied to a sleeping man, can invoke horrible nightmares.
Some suggest they are the cause of legends about men who go to sleep healthy and
are found in the morning white as snow, not a drop of blood in their veins.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wpis 2 527FAFCB-47843790-D97E098B-28362918",
index = 1,
description = 0x00127185, -- "In combat alps display supernatural speed
and incredible (even by vampire standards) stamina. One must aim one’s sword with
great precision, for alps are unequaled in the art of evading blows. The Yrden Sign
is recommended, for it weakens an alp’s defenses. Another strategy is to drink the
Black Blood potion, for alps suck the blood of their victims to deprive them of
strength and regenerate their own powers.<br><br>Unlike bruxae, alps cannot turn
invisible, yet like bruxae, they emit a shrieking noise whose shock wave can
incapacitate. Their greatest asset is their agility and they can leap with uncanny
lightness that appears to border on the power of flight. When in human form, they
easily blend in with the surrounding community, which makes them very dangerous

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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/archespore.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Archespore",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Archespore",
children = {
name = 0x00127189, -- "Archespores"
image = "bestiary_echinops.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Cursed Oil 1",
chunk[3] = {
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baseName = "Archespore - first entry",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Archespore - first entry E873AE78-4E6F5493-CCA6048D-
description = 0x0012718a, -- "<i>Looks like a flower to me. A hideous,
disgusting flower.</i> <br>– Blasco Tennerbe, last words<br><br>Archespores look
like gigantic, aesthetically unpleasing flowers with some of the traits of
exceptionally cruel and bloodthirsty sundews. They are, however, far more dangerous
than even the most colossal sundew. Their peculiar appearance makes them
practically impossible to discern amidst other plants. By the time one draws close
enough to realize what they are, it is often too late to flee.<br><br>According to
popular belief, archespores are cursed plants grown in soil fertilized by the blood
of the dying. They are most often found in places which in the past saw pogroms,
bloody rituals or cruel murders. Four types of archespore have been catalogued to
date, differing from one another in terms of coloring: brown (the least dangerous),
green and purple (the most dangerous). The final variant, said to have been
cultivated by mages from Ban Ard, is the yellow archespore, whose strength is
similar to that of its green-colored cousins.<br><br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Archespore - second entry",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Archespore - second entry B3300B4F-45AE2EE2-BE4549A4-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012718b, -- "Regardless of color, all archespores fight
using similar methods: attacking with powerful, jaw-like leaves. If their victim is
out of reach, they can also spray caustic acid which, if it makes any contact
whatsoever with the skin, can provoke a reaction similar to that caused by severe
poisoning.<br><br>Like other plants, all archespores are extremely vulnerable to
fire, which is one of the most effective methods of fighting them. Silver also
works well, as does any sort of shock wave. Archespores do not like strong
vibrations, which cause them to flee underground at once. Due to the nature of
their origins, oil damaging to cursed beings can also be useful against them."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 43B2FD92-4A767F08-462242AF-9720A705",
index = 1,

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baseName = "Vital spots",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 3BA81A33-4D63C482-B77D9496-8079F918",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/barghests.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Barghests",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Barghests",
children = {
name = 0x0012713b, -- "Barghests"
image = "bestiary_barghest.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Entry 1 - folk",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Entry 1 - folk",
description = 0x0012713c, -- "<i>Shun sin! Renounce foul deeds! And if
evil threatens to overwhelm your will, ponder the fate of the Outskirts of Vizima!
Remember the hideous barghests which scourged them and repent!<br>– "Sermons for
Feasts and Funerals," by the Reverend Yomen of Tretogor</i><br><br>Folk of simple
or superstitious minds claim committing particularly rotten acts will bring down
the wrath of the gods in the form of “barghests,” phantom dogs which stalk the
roads at night. Even if this were their origin, barghests saints and sinners alike
would need fear barghests, for they attack both with equal ferocity. Witchers
rarely believe in the gods, but they do accept that barghests exist and are always
connected with some sequence of tragic events that happened in the past. Their
explanation, however, holds that barghests result from a curse or a concentration
of ill will.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Entry 2 - professional",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Entry 2 - professional",
index = 1,
description = 0x0012713d, -- "Barghests, like wolves, are stronger in
packs. Together they surround their prey, leaping at it and tearing it apart with
their teeth. If their prey defends itself too determinedly, they strike it with a
blast of phantom fire. Since they are fast and agile, they can easily evade attacks
directed at them.<br><br>They cannot be burned, but fire hurts them as if they were
of flesh and blood. The Axii Sign also works on them."

chunk[6] = {
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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/beanshie.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Beanshie",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beanshie F0D2C14E-42ED9D1C-2A0B8FB1-1B98398C",
children = {
name = 0x0012854e, -- "Beann'shies"
image = "bestiary_banshee.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8240E0A1-4658B19F-209D7384-F4AEB658",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "wpis 1- wiedza ludowa",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wpis 1- wiedza ludowa B2393E64-4B28CB61-C1A18F92-
description = 0x0012855a, -- "<i>Beann'shies howl and shriek, and if you
hear their cry, you can know you’ll join the ranks of the dead that night.</i><br>–
beggar from Dun Dâre<br><br>Old gossips claim beann'shies are the spirits of women
stuck between life and death due to traumatic experiences. Their wails and howls
are considered ill omens of imminent, inevitable death, though they are said not to
attack the living themselves. Most often they appear in the form of pale, tear-
streaked women with shriveled faces and wrinkled, corpse-like bodies.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "wpis 2 - wiedza profesjonalna",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wpis 2 - wiedza profesjonalna 3BF69C3C-4636E55B-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012855e, -- "Beann'shies are wraiths which use their
piercing cries to wake the dead to fight their foes. Their cries can additionally
stun enemies, making them easy targets for direct attacks.<br><br>Beann'shies can
regenerate, but this does not mean they cannot be defeated – they are vulnerable to
silver and wraith oil as well as the witcher Signs (though they are known to be
resistant to the Signs’ critical effects).<br><br>When fighting a beann'shie, there
is no point using bombs or bolts, for they will do the wraith no damage."

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 010807AE-41783932-7881DFBE-724FA000",
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 854563A1-486523EC-F4B99190-C24FCC93",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh701.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh701 : Sharley",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh701 : Sharley 1F1637DE-45802D6C-9866489D-69C43103",
children = {
name = 0x0011a539, -- "The Monster of Tufo"
image = "bestiary_sharley_mh.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Samum 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 2996A902-4ABA467A-1425C68D-80EA919F",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote",
description = 0x0011a53a, -- "<i>A knight errant might manage to kill a
ghoul and a peasant with a pack of dogs can at times take down a bear. Yet let us
make one thing clear: not even the finest steel armor ever forged or the collar
bone of Saint Plegmund himself will give a mortal man any chance of surviving a
fight against the creatures that dwell deep beneath the earth.</i><br> – veteran
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman, briefing new recruits<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Sharley Precombat",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sharley Precombat",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011e946, -- "Imagine a creature that kills men, feeds
on kikimore eggs and digs underground tunnels so wide they’d fit the emperor of
Nilfgaard’s coronation carriage along with a team of six horses. And now imagine
this creature digs with such force, the earth quakes and the houses up above
tremble and collapse. Noting these symptoms, Geralt was at first unsure what sort
of a beast he could be dealing with, knowing only that he needed to be very, very
careful.<br><br>Only after he carefully examined the monster’s tracks did he
realize it had to be an aged female shaelmaar.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Sharley Final",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sharley Final",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011e949, -- "The monster destroying Tufo turned out to
be an old shaelmaar matriarch. Geralt hunted it down and fought it deep under the
ground.<br><br>Though blind like all members of its species, this creature could
easily maneuver by sensing vibrations and noises. As long as Geralt stood quiet and
motionless, he was safe. Yet if he took one step or breathed a bit too loud, the
matriarch would start moving in his direction with great speed.<br><br>Geralt had a
very difficult time taking out this monster, whose armor could not be pierced by
any of his weapons. In the end, however, he succeeded and the monster of Tufo was
no more."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 9198A605-459F53BF-E62E588F-E66EBD4B",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 16E333E4-4B6E293D-F2EDB7AD-27B96B6C",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 4B71C388-4DE64C2B-AF5376A9-2DD29DD3",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmq7017.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7017 : nightmare",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7017 : nightmare F987DC67-46E830C4-3A5E04BC-
children = {
name = 0x0011d9b3, -- "Umbra"
image = "bestiary_nightmare_horse.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E93CFAAA-47189BF2-BDAFE39B-2F6F4D7B",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Before",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Before 9B870A49-419AFC50-0CFDBA9A-13860F12",
description = 0x0011d9b4, -- "According to some philosophers, everything
we do in life leaves a permanent trace in the delicate matter which makes up our
souls. Evil deeds, especially harm done to innocent creatures, can torment the soul
of a sinner and cause it to remain restless, even after death.<br><br>While
traveling through Toussaint, Geralt discovered there might be a grain of truth in
these theories and folk beliefs. He came across a hermit whose sleep was troubled
by some invisible phantom.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After - forgiven",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After BAA28B9F-4A5EBA8F-ED1E6387-520FABFF",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011d9b5, -- "Geralt determined this phantom was an
umbra, the ghost of a recently-deceased knight who had committed a terrible deed
while alive and now visited the hermit to demand forgiveness. In his wraithly form
he drank her blood and systematically deprived her of life energy.<br><br>The umbra
appeared to the hermit as a horse, for the evil deed the knight had committed was
to flog his own mount to death. The knight’s spirit was unaware of the demonic role
he had assumed in the afterlife.<br><br>Geralt managed to figure out the key to
freeing the knight’s ghost was to forgive him in the name of the hermit."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "mq7017zmora-quote",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7017zmora-quote 84D98455-4BA1DB0F-69675F83-
index = 2,
description = 0x0012725a, -- "<i>An umbra is merely an unclean
conscience, one tormented by guilt and unforgiven wrongs. A man wallows in sin with
loose women and can’t sleep at night, then invents hokey about some umbra or
phantom and blabbers about it at the tavern.</i><br> – Sabine of Dal, mystic and
priestess of the Prophet Lebioda.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After - fought",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After - fought CBF12FAC-41041A4F-38E7A1AB-30CA7336",
index = 3,
description = 0x00127f51, -- "Geralt determined this phantom was an
umbra, the ghost of a recently-deceased knight who had committed a terrible deed
while alive and now visited the hermit to demand forgiveness. In his wraithly form
he drank her blood and systematically deprived her of life energy.<br><br>The umbra
appeared to the hermit as a horse, for the evil deed the knight had committed was
to flog his own mount to death. The knight’s spirit was unaware of the demonic role
he had assumed in the afterlife.<br><br>Such an umbra could be defeated with a
silver blade, preferably one coated in wraith oil."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues F9427F78-45C57E36-DC360997-1BBA1425",
index = 1,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 139AE0FC-47AF334F-7667E285-719ADEAC",
index = 2,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots AF04F6C5-4010A15C-6BD7D8B4-F8012D51",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/bestiarymq7004.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7004_daphne",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7004_daphne 07C62988-4989E1A2-47D78DBE-B841BB18",
children = {
name = 0x0012522c, -- "Daphne’s Wraith"
image = "bestiary_daphne.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions ECA106FF-4F7DF18A-45124B86-364133C4",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "General description",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Description BCA1CF2E-4DC1CA79-1F7BADB2-BB384FC4",
description = 0x0012522d, -- "During his stay in Toussaint, Geralt
became involved with a curious case of gynodendromorphy – that is to say, a woman
who had been turned into a tree. When one cut into this tree’s bark, it bled, and
when the wind blew through its leaves, one could hear muffled sobs. Geralt
investigated the matter and learned magic (or possibly a curse) was responsible for
the transformation, and it surely had something to do with a certain sad episode
from the woman’s past. The love of Daphne’s life, a knight errant, had gone to the
witch of Lynx Crag and never returned, leaving her to wait for him forever, filled
with sadness and longing.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt tries to lift the curse alone",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt tries to lift the curse alone F4E4B296-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127f55, -- "Our hero decided to undo Daphne’s
transformation himself, but this did not end well. The shock of being freed from
her tree-prison was too much for Daphne and she became a crazed and incredibly
dangerous wraith. Geralt had no choice but to banish her from this earth. He struck
down the wraith with a heavy heart, yet knew only this would bring her peace."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "The witch tricked Geralt",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The witch tricked Geralt 9F438182-4CA64702-67064FAA-
index = 2,
description = 0x00127f56, -- "Our hero visited the witch and decided to
force her to disenchant the woman stuck in the tree, but this did not end well. The
witch freed Daphne, but the shock was too much for her tortured soul. Daphne’s
crazed soul turned out to be highly dangerous. It possessed the first living being
it came across, a dog, then killed Jacob the woodcutter. Geralt put an end to the
wraith’s rampage by killing the possessed hound and walked away with a heavy heart,
ruing the fate of woman, woodcutter and dog alike."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 4FF95347-48B989D8-E2E2FD86-14B12E61",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints CBD431BE-4DFF69F9-69B713AB-EC0F161F",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 61BBC1CF-4E27AD95-651267B2-F01135C4",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/bigbadwolf.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q704: The Big Bad Wolf",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Big Bad Wolf",
children = {
name = 0x00126afe, -- "0x00126afe"
image = "bestiary_bigbadwolf.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Beast Oil 1",

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chunk[4] = {
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chunk[5] = {
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index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
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index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
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index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/bruxa.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Bruxa",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bruxa A97A729E-45CED89B-83EA998C-0DD70BF8",
children = {
name = 0x00122409, -- "Bruxae"
image = "bestiary_bruxa.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",
"Black Blood 1",

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Bruxa - Wpis 1 - folk",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bruxa - Wpis 1 - folk",
description = 0x0012240a, -- "<i>If you must travel through the woods,
steer clear of any places where you can hear several different kinds of birds at
once. That sound means you’re entering a bruxa’s territory and can kiss your life
farewell.</i><br>– anonymous piece of advice</i><br><br>Fortunately for us all,
bruxae are rare creatures. Most live far from population centers, for they care
greatly for their own safety and make their lairs in places where they cannot be
taken by surprise. Those who decide to live near men avoid crowds and emerge from
their shelters only at night. When they do, one could almost mistake them for
delayed travelers hurrying towards their night’s lodging, yet subtle details give
them away: their close ties to birds, their piercing voices and the breathtaking
speed of their movements. Bruxae are far swifter and stronger than men, but their
greatest asset is their ability to turn invisible.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Bruxa - Wpis 2 - professional",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bruxa - Wpis 2 - professional",
index = 1,
description = 0x0012713e, -- "Bruxae dart about with uncanny speed, and
with their power of invisibility they can easily confuse opponents and attack
unexpectedly or from behind. Thus when fighting these vampires the Moon Dust bomb
is a great aid – while it cannot eliminate the vampire’s invisibility altogether,
it can make it easier to track its motions. A generous smearing of vampire oil is
also effective.<br><br>Bruxae use their sharp claws to attack and can easily break
through an opponent’s guard by buffeting him with a hail of blows from all
directions. They will try to bite their prey and drink its blood once it is
weakened, so every witcher who expects to encounter such a monster should swallow a
Black Blood potion beforehand. Bruxae are also known for their sonic attacks, which
knock down and stun their prey."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues FD059CCF-4C191617-58012986-B3A8FEF1",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 194FB5FF-40186427-30E391AE-ED37CD76",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots AD86E40F-4239787E-6089A9B8-AEE0D792",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/dagonet.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dagonet",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dagonet",
children = {
name = 0x0012118b, -- "Golyat"
image = "bestiary_dagonet.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Ogre Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D36BD596-43C2E738-1620F282-26E7EAC9",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "dagonet - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "dagonet - wpis 1",
description = 0x0012118c, -- "According to legend, Golyat had once been
a knight who violated his vows, for which he was punished by the Lady of the Lake.
Transformed into a giant, he fled into the mountains and would only descend into
the inhabited lowlands when hunger forced him to it. There’s no knowing how much
truth lies in that legend, yet it is incontrovertible fact that this dangerous
giant gobbled up shepherds and sheep alike, and was so widely feared, governesses
used him to scare children into eating their vegetables.<br><br>Though he came
across as a wild, unthinking beast, Golyat used simple tools and any item could
turn into a deadly weapon in his powerful hands. When fighting Geralt, Golyat
wielded a millstone, making his every blow truly crushing. Luckily, Geralt already
had some experience slaying giants and made quick work of Golyat as well, with the
much appreciated help of three knights - Milton de Peyrac Peyran, Palmerin de
Launfal and Guillaume de Launfal."
chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 096AE82F-4D86260C-38870782-E9FD62B5",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 9577F646-4D8613C2-DC68DF9C-31344F5D",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 467B4A5E-42C00A4C-D32D3FAE-5023FF78",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/darkpixies.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dark Pixies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dark Pixies 862BBA0E-4DA58EAC-DBD378BC-03A7F8E3",
children = {
name = 0x00127171, -- "Pixies"
image = "bestiary_dark_pixie.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 1B3E26AC-46790FA1-D3FF5883-DB967F3D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wpis 1 28F6F6E1-4D2ED4B9-F4A2EE99-E1D5ED74",
description = 0x00127172, -- "<i>”Look! Pixies!”<br>”We should go.
Now.”<br>”Come on, what harm can cute little pixies do us?”</i><br> – last words of
two criminals who broke into the Land of a Thousand Fables, identities
unknown<br><br>Pixies might look like gentle, harmless creatures, yet in their
case, the saying about appearances being deceiving fits all too perfectly. The
pixies from the Land of a Thousand Fables were created to protect that magic place
from intruders and ensure the ducal daughters, Sylvia Anna and Anna Henrietta, did
not come to even the slightest harm. Thus whenever anyone else crossed the pixies’
path, it ended badly for them, for pixies are aggressive, war-like creatures,
created to kill, defend and fight till they can fight no more."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 244CB4D1-404C63B6-2AD36C9C-3F2594AA",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 2C38661D-423653B0-1E4A17BD-B996E506",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 1CE71509-48234E9D-1A1D86A5-9D2A0777",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/dettlaffmonster.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dettlaff van Eretein Vampire",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dettlaff van Eretein Vampire",
children = {
name = 0x00126b9b, -- "Dettlaff van der Eretein"
image = "bestiary_dettlaff_vampire.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Vampire Oil 1",
"Black Blood 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D0C840F7-41787EF6-208495AA-9F45AB7D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Dettlaff van Eretein Vampire first met in Q702",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dettlaff van Eretein Vampire first met in Q702",
description = 0x00126b9c, -- "<i>It was horrifying to watch... that
gentleman suddenly turned into a ghastly beast, with claws, and... tore those men
to shreds with the precision of a master butcher…</i> <br>– a witness to Dettlaff's
attacks<br><br>Dettlaff is a higher vampire and one of the most terrifying
creatures the world has ever known. Some vampires of his sort live among men easily
and inconspicuously, sometimes even gaining the respect and admiration of their
community. Yet even the most civilized vampire can be incredibly dangerous if
provoked, and Dettlaff... Dettlaff was far from civilized.<br><br>When in his two-
legged form, Dettlaff strikes in surprising and unique ways, so one must be
extremely alert and attentive. His razor-sharp claws, wielded with great strength
and precision, are his chief weapons, yet he can also wield weapons of human
devising with extraordinary skill.<br><br>Like all higher vampires, Dettlaff can
turn into fog and envelop opponents. When fighting a vampire in this form, one must
watch out for magic puddles and attacks from the air. When wounded, Detlaff tends
to assume his winged form, using these powerful appendages to stun his foes near
effortlessly.<br><br>One must remember higher vampires are immortal creatures and
thus do not fear for their lives while fighting, meaning they take every risk. They
are able to turn invisible and can regenerate strength during combat. All in all,
they are supremely difficult foes, even for a witcher."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 41DD254E-42697713-6359D0A3-027F991C",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 587DF541-4C75A2A0-A5B2F3AD-7A3E39BD",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 819ACF4B-462FB74E-BE7DD2A4-058CBAFE",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/dracolizard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dracolizard",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dracolizard",
children = {
name = 0x00125666, -- "Slyzards"
image = "bestiary_dracolizard.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 6B15BB78-4D79FED3-7C2C0090-5055DE7E",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Dracolizard - Wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dracolizard - Wpis 1",
description = 0x00125667, -- "<i>Some peasants once offered me a king’s
ransom to slay a slyzard. A damned hefty purse, chock full o’ gold… But I turned
‘em down. Coin’s no good if you’re dead. And a slyzard, that’s no fuckin’
forktail.</i><br> – Zator, one of the Crinfrid Reavers<br><br>Slyzards are often
mistaken for wyverns or forktails. Yet make no mistake: slyzards are nasty,
terribly dangerous beasts, and confusing them for wyverns will end very badly for
the confuser. While a wyvern can tear apart and devour an untrained man in seconds,
only a slyzard can first bake him to a crisp with a waft of fiery breath.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Dracolizard - Wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dracolizard - Wpis 2 F96FB6FE-48850997-B1D2BA84-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012717a, -- "Slyzards are keenly aggressive and attack
from both ground and air. Their goal during a fight is to get close enough to their
foe to injure it with a breath of fire or knock it down with a sonic blast. Like
wyverns, slyzards also attack with venom-spiked tails.<br><br>Slyzards like to
disengage mid-fight to fly into the air and plummet down at high speed while
spewing out balls of fire.<br><br>Right before these igneous missiles emerge, you
can observe a fiery ball forming in the monster’s maw. While airborne, a slyzard
can also attack with its claws and teeth.<br><br>It is worthwhile to employ the
Aard and Igni Signs to force slyzards to the ground. They are not, however,
vulnerable to burning. Before tackling one of them, be sure to coat your blade in
draconid oil."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 68702E83-49CBFFDB-61A336AD-173A5949",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 0A08F49A-4CA2A2CF-FCCA4E91-AFCA4F49",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots B9DB0885-44EDF0E1-47CB2497-071E62BF",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2arachnomorphs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ep2arachnomorphs",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep2arachnomorphs",
children = {
name = 0x001288ab, -- "Arachnomorph"
image = "Bestiary_blackspider.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E7C72138-460ED860-846E8EA8-32F07C19",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "EP2arachnomorphs - entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP2arachnomorphs - entry 1 6AE323F9-4914EE11-
description = 0x001288a9, -- "<i>The spider shall never lie down with
the fly.</i><br>– Ofieri proverb<br><br>A similar saying could gain ground in our
land concerning arachnomorphs and everything unable to flee them – meaning most
every creature in the world. True, the tillers of the earth and fellers of trees
need not fear them in their daily labors, for arachnomorphs, as distant, post-
Conjunction cousins of common spiders, strongly prefer deep, dark caves and
unfrequented sodden swamps. Anyone who does come across them, however, had best
hope his conscience is clear and his worldly affairs are in order, for his life
shall soon end, as not even the fastest man in the world can outrun them and only a
few witchers can hope to slay them. Even worse are the more aggressive and
dangerous kind known as arachnomorph colossi, which are capable of devouring an
entire ox in seconds.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "EP2arachnomorphs - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP2arachnomorphs - entry 2 CAB53FBD-476F9021-
index = 1,
description = 0x001288aa, -- "Killing an arachnomorph is no easy task,
but there are two approaches which stand a chance of succeeding. Due to the
astonishing speed with which an arachnomorphs can move, there is no point in
chasing it – better instead to choose an advantageous position and wait for it to
strike. The beast will most often try a surprise attack, throwing at its prey a web
which will leave the entangled victim barely able to counter blows, let alone
strike ones of its own. One should thus strive to attack an arachnomorph when steps
back to start weaving its web, seizing this moment of vulnerability before it is
too late.<br><br>Arachnomorphs suffer the effects of most witcher Signs: they can
be stunned with Aard or trapped with Yrden, and the Axii Sign can also be used to
momentarily neutralize them. A wise tactic is to attack them with a crossbow or
bombs and coat one’s blade with insectoid oil.<br><br>One must be exceedingly
careful when fighting an arachnomorph colossus – such a beast needs no time to
weave a new web, having within its sacs a virtually limitless supply of silk. It
can also jump great distances to pin its victim to the ground. Only the Yrden Sign
can hope to slow it."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues B8D30416-44870BDE-2B25AEBA-EA84DC16",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints FEBA3605-46C3250E-710F198B-E1D93D71",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots D4588FA6-49D61A65-7D24328E-DF6E2F84",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2beast.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Beast of Beauclaire",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beast of Beauclaire 62716D8D-4EBA1BB3-B91B8586-
children = {
name = 0x00120cf5, -- "The Beast of Beauclair"
image = "bestiary_dettlaff_vampire.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 112A9DDC-4E57FE4A-25218CBA-D8F1F084",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Beast of Beauclaire intro",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beast of Beauclaire intro 1",
description = 0x00120cf6, -- "Eyewitnesses to gruesome monster attacks
always have a hard time describing the creature in question. The beasts move
quickly and often attack at night, while the witnesses are terrified and primarily
concerned with fleeing for their lives. As a result, witchers quite often have no
inkling what creature they face until they find tracks or otherwise establish
something for themselves. Such was the case with the Beast tormenting Beauclair.
Geralt knew it was deadly, elusive and fiendishly clever. Everything else he heard
was clearly the product of imaginations fed by fear of a dangerous

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Beast of Beauclaire met",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beast of Beauclaire met 1",
index = 1,
description = 0x00120cf7, -- "When Geralt identified the Beast, he
discovered it was a higher vampire, meaning one of the most difficult foes a
witcher can come to face.<br><br>Higher vampires are superhumanly strong and fast.
They can turn completely invisible, and each comes with its own personalized set of
talents and abilities perfected through centuries of existence. <br><br>When Geralt
realized he was dealing with such a creature, he swore foully and realized the
rumors about the Beast had not been exaggerated in the slightest."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues E654E5D4-4F2FFB1B-CBEEDD9A-B213A25C",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 3BEB5203-48FC02D3-15AA81A3-BAECCDB2",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 06D87A5A-4D7C98CA-CDD56D8E-8866913A",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2boar.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP2Boar",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP2Boar",
children = {
name = 0x00128975, -- "Wild Boars"
image = "Bestiary_boar.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"White Frost 1",
"Beast Oil 1",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 31B46F11-41235325-DB3C00AB-8CAEC530",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "EP2 Boar - entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP2 Boar - entry 1 351616BA-4C469CAE-6809E4B9-
description = 0x00128973, -- "<i>How doth the little wild
boar<br>Improve his shining tusks,<br>And rut them ‘gainst the forest floor,<br>And
on the trees’ rough husks!<br><br>How cheerfully he seems to grin<br>How neatly
spreads his claws,<br>And welcomes little lasses in,<br>With gently smiling jaws!
</i><br>Louis of Charolle, mathematician, author and poet<br><br>These woodland
beasts are as “wild” – untamed, nasty and aggressive – as their name indicates. To
this day, many peasants in outlying Kaedweni villages believe wild boars persist on
a diet of young maids, though in truth they most often slate their hunger with
roots and acorns. Do not think this vegetarian diet makes them harmless, however.
In fact, these animals’ stout build and sharp teeth render them veritable fur-
covered combat machines. Mother Nature has additionally equipped them with dual
pairs of tusks - upper "pipes" and lower "sabres" - and this weaponry's sum effect
is to make the beasts the terrors of the woods, a threat to all who venture or
dwell there, human, humanoid and otherwise. Boars also have hard, club-like snouts,
which some peasants call their “whistles,” though no boar has ever been heard to
make such a noise. Instead, they emit a characteristic grunt, which sounds to some
like the snoring of an extremely overweight man. Another peasant belief claims
boars have extremely prickly natures, and, if offended, will vent their anger by
knocking down fences and gobbling up potatoes. Though they sometimes live alone,
boars usually appear in small groups of 3 to 5 specimens.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "EP2 Boar - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP2 Boar - entry 2 CA4D0788-4F9BC57D-C189C285-
index = 1,
description = 0x00128974, -- "Boars move with lightning speed and can
attack a foe from the rear with a powerful kick of their hind hooves and slice
those coming at them from the front with their sharp tusks. A wise strategy is to
catch a boar (or boars, if fighting a pack and the possibility arises) in an Yrden
trap, or to set alight their fur with the Igni Sign."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 48BDB763-40BD1EE1-151767AE-63FD261B",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 548AF4F9-4376BCC6-7B0F4196-104DF387",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 0B93670D-45574AFE-EE271EAB-EA89BDF3",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2sharley.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Sharley",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sharley",
children = {
name = 0x00125d44, -- "Shaelmaars"
image = "bestiary_sharley.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Samum 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 055F3BBF-484CD79C-0B9A8B89-4FC1B096",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "sharley - entry 1 - folk",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sharley",
description = 0x00125d45, -- "<i>The earth’s innards are home to mighty
strange and fearsome beasts. Were they ever to decide to ramble up to the surface,
we’d all be gutted the very first day o’ the invasion.<br>– Ramus Vendenratz,
Mahakam foreman.</i><br><br>Shaelmaars spend most of their lives deep underground,
having no contact with the world up above. At times, however, a shaelmaar will dig
its way to the surface and devour any men within its reach. Some shaelmaars also
burrow tunnels close to the surface, collapsing buildings and causing tremors in
the process.<br><br>Since shaelmaars are blind, they find their way by sensing
vibrations and listening for sounds. Thus the best tactic when fighting such a
monster is to hurl something heavy or noisy against a nearby boulder or wall. Then
pray silently that the beast will roll towards the sound and knock itself out upon
striking into the obstacle.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "sharley - entry 2 - folk",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sharley - entry 2 - folk D8B21A67-402F8AA5-112B68AA-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012713f, -- "Clumsy shaelmaars might seem easy targets
to hit, but when even your strongest blows bounce off the thick armor plating their
backs, you realize they’ve little need to dodge. When threatened, a shaelmaar will
curl up in a ball and roll forward with tremendous impetus, becoming an unstoppable
force crushing everything in its path.<br><br>A witcher’s best bet is to stay out
of a charging shaelmaar’s way and strike after its charge fails, revealing its
vulnerable underbelly.<br><br>A witcher of particular cunning and agility will use
the Aard Sign or a bomb (Samum works particularly well for this purpose) to cause
the shaelmaar to slam into an obstacle at full speed, significantly lowering its
fighting ability and opening the witcher's path to victory. Trying to disorient a
shaelmaar in this way is a risky maneuver, but can be effective, especially when
third parties are threatened."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 1C3FDA96-4E94A312-A568528F-9B5922CA",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 086BE2C0-49E32483-91B0D787-357D63BB",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 12A03E0A-4E313B20-878AA0A6-BA66D75A",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtbeasts.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP2VirtBeasts",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP2VirtBeasts",
linkedObjectPath = "gameplay/journal/bestiary/beasts.journal",

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtconstructs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP2virtconstructs",
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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtcursed.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "EP2virtcursed",
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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtdraconides.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "EP2VirtDraconides",
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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtinsectoid.journal:

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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtnecro.journal:

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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtrelicts.journal:

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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtspectres.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP2VirtSpectres",
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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/ep2virtvampires.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
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-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/fleder.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Fleder",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fleder 6ECCDD47-427FC44B-45DC9185-D0332B97",
children = {
name = 0x0012723d, -- "Fleders"
image = "bestiary_fleder.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Vampire Oil 1",
"Black Blood 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A79208B3-48A524B1-244F8B8A-BB1D931D",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Fleder - Entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fleder - Entry 1 5480AF87-45B9C006-B3FBCFA7-
description = 0x0012723f, -- "<i>The deceased’s corpse was completely
mutilated. All that remained of the nose was a hole clotted with blood. One eye
socket had been chewed beyond all recognition. The mandible had been torn off.
Seeing this, Sergeant Dovate vomited profusely and the administration of smelling
salts was required. The investigation has been discontinued and the deed attributed
to a supernatural being.</i> <br>– fragment of a Toussaint Ducal Guard
report<br><br>Fleders are classified as lesser vampires. Though weaker than the
rest of their ilk in every aspect from the physiomagic to the physiognomic, they
should not be underestimated – for they are very, very dangerous. Fleders cannot be
mistaken for any other creature, with their wide, toothy jaws, flat, unpleasant
faces and completely hairless, often warty bodies. These vampires mainly fight with
their teeth and claws, flailing them blindly and not stopping even when their
victim is already dead. Even a solitary fleder is strong enough to take down a
trained soldier.<br><br>Compared to other vampires, fleders display meager
intelligence, seen most clearly in the mindless rage which causes them to try with
all their might to attack and tear to shreds any weaker being.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Fleder - Entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fleder - Entry 2 499C503F-43472BE6-BFF91387-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012723e, -- "When fighting fleders, it is best to take
advantage of their particular method of movement. These creatures do not run, but
they do try to catch their prey and knock it over by leaping. Knowing this
behavior, one can plan the fight appropriately and not let oneself be caught by
surprise.<br><br>They are vulnerable to vampire oil as well as Black Blood."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 1A54729B-4F4360E1-3A55589B-096E2BDF",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints F4E0B2AE-4593481D-A080C2AC-D791F1C9",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots DD469EA3-4D8A23E6-7A647CA2-B5197E5D",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/garkain.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Garkain",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Garkain",
children = {
name = 0x0011f325, -- "Garkains"
image = "bestiary_garkain.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Samum 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",
"Black Blood 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A366938C-4E493353-70D95382-F93B47BF",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Garkain - Wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Garkain - Wpis 1 6AB639F3-40DE7008-286C0FA6-
description = 0x00127147, -- "<i>Blood on the ceiling, guts on the
walls… Must be a garkain.</i><br> – Yan of Lan Exeter, investigator and Captain of
the City Watch<br><br>Garkains, like fleders, belong to the class of particularly
dangerous vampires whose strength exceeds even that of fiends. An encounter with
one of their number almost always ends in death, which is why there are not many
eye-witness accounts of them. From the city guard reports written up in Lan Exeter
describing the attacks committed in that city in 1104 by three garkains (later
killed by a certain Olivier of Gulet, witcher), it seems these horrible monsters do
not content themselves with drinking the blood of their victims. The investigators
concluded from the blood and guts strewn around the crime scenes that garkains tear
their victims to shreds with great delight and muck about in their bloody

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Garkain - Wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Garkain - Wpis 2 386792A1-466E1ECC-CE4D31B9-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127148, -- "Garkains belong to the group of creatures
known as lesser vampires. They often gather around themselves members of other
subspecies of lesser vampires, acting in such situations as leaders of the pack.
They are by and large unable to run, but can jump a great distance and often attack
their prey in that way. During combat, they usually keep their distance from their
foes, trying to incapacitate them using a blast of mental energy provoking visions
that beguile and disorient.<br><br>Before grappling a garkain, one should drink the
Black Blood potion and stock up on vampire oil. It should also be remembered that
the Samum and Moon Dust bombs are always effective weapons against any mental

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 26A2E54A-4C208109-56BC7298-0C43B481",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 575464CA-411256F1-9E6AF38C-303B04B3",
index = 2,
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 55426C44-4F64BF9C-3AABC091-B60D15B7",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/kikimora.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Kikimora warrior",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kikimora warrior 5D9A7890-426BDEA7-0D729297-
children = {
name = 0x0012716b, -- "Kikimore Warrior"
image = "bestiary_kikimore_warrior.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Insectoid Oil 1",
"White Honey 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions AFE930E4-450B3741-4A1F80AB-F3CC1565",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Kikimora wojowniczka - entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kikimora wojowniczka - entry 1 9F120B92-4B51060D-
description = 0x0012716c, -- "<i>Then the kikimore princess summoned all
her loyal sisters and off they went! Together they charged the enemy trying to harm
their queen.</i><br>– “The Kikimore Princess and the Mountain Giants” <br>Cornelius
Briggs (dwarven children’s fable, fragment)<br><br>It is unknown how exactly it is
kikimores communicate with each other. Autopsies are hampered by the high toxicity
of their subjects. Scholars have established that kikimores do not seem to possess
any detectable auricles. One amateur researcher, Count di Salvaress, put forth a
theory in his treatise “A Microscope Among Monsters” suggesting kikimores have a
highly developed sense of smell and use airborne particles undetectable to humans
to transmit information. This theory has yet to be proved or disproved.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Kikimora wojowniczka - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kikimora wojowniczka - entry 2 2DB389D1-42826859-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012716d, -- "Kikimore warriors defend their nests from
attackers. They attack somewhat slower than kikimore workers. They are able to spew
streams of caustic venom a great distance and leap to attack. This venom is highly
unique in that it reacts with a witcher's body to raise the level of his potion
toxicity. They are covered with thick, hard armor which easily deflects blows from
even the sharpest sword.<br><br>Kikimore warriors are protected by swarms of
workers which obey their orders until they are themselves eradicated.<br><br>They
are completely immune to the effects of the Axii Sign, but vulnerable to Igni, oils
and bombs harming insectoids and blows dealt by a silver sword."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues DA6F4591-44602E7B-9379A1AD-E62D42E2",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints FB4725CA-49118551-EC15A588-E43A57DD",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots F7C28F17-4D28715B-7E8A7DB0-75CBD5EA",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/kikimoraworker.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Kikimora Worker",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kikimora Worker 0807FF27-4A26D0AC-4BDB17A9-E890BDAE",
children = {
name = 0x0012716e, -- "Kikimore Workers"
image = "bestiary_kikimore_worker.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Insectoid Oil 1",
"White Honey 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E62B08D5-40D3952F-A8AC5186-2F7A6A7C",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Kikimora worker - entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kikimora worker - entry 1 B5C535D1-43C53DFC-1E7C32BC-
description = 0x0012716f, -- "<i>The old fool came home all black and
blue, claiming kikimores had attacked him in the woods. Who does he take me for?!
His mates worked him over because he’d cheated at gwent. If it’d been kikimores,
he’d be dead. And I’d have peace at last.</i><br> – Lavinia, wife of a Beauclair
innkeeper<br><br>Kikimores form colonies, making them similar to communal insects
such as ants. A kikimore colony is ruled by a queen and organized into something of
a social hierarchy. Kikimore workers take care of hunting food and bringing it back
to the nest, while kikimore warriors defend the nest against attackers.<br><br>A
worker on its own can be easily killed by even a weak person or a child. It is rare
indeed, however, to come across an isolated individual, for kikimore workers usual
move in groups of a few to a dozen or so members. The only defense against a swarm
of kikimores available to a normal person is to flee. And not even that is
guaranteed to work.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Kikimora worker - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kikimora worker - entry 2 89C01621-49852515-9553BBBD-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127170, -- "Kikimore workers listen to orders given by
kikimore warriors. On command, a swarm of workers might begin burrowing tunnels
near potential prey to allow for a surprise mass attack. Eliminate the warrior
guiding a swarm, however, and the workers will disperse and cease
digging.<br><br>Kikimore workers are nimbler and quicker than warriors.<br><br>They
show complete immunity to the Axii Sign, and when they dig tunnels, they are
invulnerable to all the other Signs as well. Poison also does them no
harm.<br><br>A good method for fighting them is to use the Igni Sign as well as
oils and bombs meant to damage insectoids."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues AF327B9C-45F4F6C5-C0F580AF-377649BB",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 3262E8D8-4A3D916A-643CD9A5-3EB54119",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots D899232A-4F31F0F0-CCE0D6B9-0FA36A6B",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/moreausgolem.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Moreau's golem",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Moreau's golem D1AA26E6-4C5D40AD-B8F3AA87-56A45809",
children = {
name = 0x00126ead, -- "Moreau’s Golem"
image = "bestiary_morou_golem.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions FBCCDE9F-4633AA1E-5D929E97-FF5B8237",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after killing him",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after killing him CB7259EA-4E95C930-ED5ECA81-
description = 0x00127380, -- "Long years of solitary study tend to make
mages somewhat eccentric. As the years pass, laypeople begin to irritate them more
and more: they are dense, unreliable, disobedient and determined not to understand
the gravity of mages’ work. They display emotion when they should show discipline
and self-mastery. No wonder mages have long considered the best companions to be
artificial constructs they themselves bring to life and design to follow their
rules and meet their needs. Professor Moreau was no exception in this regard. His
golem was his dutiful servant and companion, in good times and bad. Moreau’s golem
was also an excellent guardian: massive, unyielding and devilishly strong. All in
all, he was a tough nut for a witcher to crack!"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues ACD990A1-46657C84-11953EB9-7C513BBE",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints B7C91AE5-463CED44-CE3EEBB3-6C198F26",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 4D1A00A3-440E41C6-97AE9798-291A6ED7",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/mq7002grottore.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7002 Grottore",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7002 Grottore E96773DE-48D2D0D5-974018A2-1E1EF657",
children = {
name = 0x00127f4c, -- "Grottore"
image = "bestiary_spriggan_mh.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A088150C-49857BEE-11FE40BF-8C60C4B1",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Grottore quote",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Grottore quote BC3C6D02-4D9FA42E-D46B5C90-63528AF1",
description = 0x00127f4d, -- "<i>Happened like this… A nasty rain caught
me while I was out in the woods, so I thought to myself, “I’ll hide in some hollow,
for gods’ forbid I get soaked through and catch a cold at my age. So I crawled into
a cave. And there inside, something roars at me! Tore out of there so fast, wind
had dried my coat by the time I got home.</i><br>Velis Stail, herbalist<br><br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Grottore pre-combat",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Grottore pre-combat BFB71931-4FB3BF05-DC03B8A3-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127f4e, -- "No one knows exactly when the spriggan
called “Grottore” first made its home in the caves at the foot of Mount Gorgon.
Spriggans usually prefer isolated backwoods and rarely make dens in caverns.<br>Yet
Grottore seemed to have taken a liking to “grottos,” giving rise to its
nickname.<br>The monster was quite well-known among Beauclair knights, who often
talked of it as a potential source of great glory. None were particularly eager to
actually engage the monster in combat, however – none, that is, except for the
young knight François.<br><br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Grottore post-combat",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Grottore post-combat 68F81F80-4C96F079-FEB147B8-
index = 2,
description = 0x00127f4f, -- "Grottore proved to be a demanding foe. It
possessed the ability to teleport, meaning it would appear directly in front of
Geralt and mount a surprise attack, dealing strong blows that were impossible to
parry. It used primeval magic to control tree roots, which would shoot from the
ground on its command, dealing significant damage to any in their way.<br><br>It
was resistant to the Aard Sign, but vulnerable to burning. Blows from a silver
sword would do it harm, despite the bark-like hide covering it like armor."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues A374A0AD-486921A1-EFD9059C-2AE5A360",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 52B3DC0E-4CD34F88-4EEBE282-5AAEE519",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 243106C4-4A7D34A1-67E6CB9C-712A227A",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/mq7002spriggan.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Spriggan - general",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7002 : Spriggan F281E002-49FFDC37-8398DAA6-
children = {
name = 0x0011da53, -- "Spriggans"
image = "bestiary_spriggan.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions B14FEA6E-4F603AA8-2FFF5DA0-F9BE785C",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Before Sighting CB7E1FC9-4067B9B9-0162EFA6-60035A27",
description = 0x0011da54, -- "<i>I was gathering berries, as one does
this time of year, when suddenly the trees shook and I saw this… this
thing…</i><br> – fragment of a story told by a woman returning from the
woods.<br><br>Spriggans are a subspecies of the monsters known as leshens. One is
liable to come across them in inaccessible, unfrequented woodlands. They do not
usually attack humans if unprovoked, but when irritated they can be quite fearsome,
and, as they possess considerable strength, they are capable of doing great damage.
Their appetite is such that they can devour more flesh than an army at a
wedding.<br><br>Each spriggan has mastery over plants and is inextricably tied to
them. Thus if someone destroys greenery in its domain, it immediately comes to
punish the disturber.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Sighting 827090BE-48FC2DA0-34B5988F-5CCE049B",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011da55, -- "In combat a spriggan makes skilled use of
its powerful limbs. When riled it attacks swiftly and forcefully, which, given its
considerable mass, can prove highly problematic. <br><br>Its calloused hide can
deflect even strong blows from a sword, and there can be no thought of parrying the
spriggan’s attacks. One must keep an eye out for roots, which the spriggan will
attempt to use to entangle its foe.<br><br>It can also teleport – in such cases it
suddenly appears directly in front of its foe and attacks. The Aard Sign does not
work against it, for no force on earth can knock it over."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 06BEB4F9-4F08DE6A-B34FEF92-101CCE63",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 4324D3B9-46396B56-BE78F791-69A5C1E4",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 9BEBC441-4D73FC27-2FFCE687-146D5292",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/mq7010dracolizard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7010dracolizard",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7010dracolizard",
children = {
name = 0x0011db8f, -- "Slyzard Matriarchs"
image = "bestiary_dracolizard_mh.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions B5BC1E5F-429E3E71-5408D993-80BAEC2E",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "mq7010dracolizard_1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7010dracolizard_1",
description = 0x0011db90, -- "If you ever find yourself facing a monster
that breathes fire, strikes with a tail tipped with venomous spines, bites with
sharp teeth and swipes with even sharper claws and tends to knock its prey to the
ground with a sonic blast, then you are fighting a slyzard. With an arsenal like
that, it comes as no surprise folk often mistake these draconids for dragons. Yet
the experts (meaning witchers) know slyzards constitute an entirely separate
species, much smaller than dragons and far less dangerous. With one exception:
slyzard females in mating season, or, even worse, just after laying their eggs.
When fighting such individuals, my suggestion is to get as far as possible from the
danger as quickly as possible, preferably by running, at full tilt, without looking

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 72462D92-465E9E30-FF80A084-2AAA51C9",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints BCAFCC77-4A36CF43-1E35AF8A-0496A587",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 66D50666-4820CAE2-532F6DBB-DB27E0A6",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/mq7018basilisk.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Silver basilisk",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Silver basilisk F5AAC944-4045A0FF-80E393A7-0D22CD7E",
children = {
name = 0x00127276, -- "Silver Basilisk"
image = "bestiary_white_basilisk.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4737123E-4B9B2321-90ABCAA7-26F8905E",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 9681D987-4C34E954-891B3698-96CFFA18",
description = 0x00127277, -- "<i>You want a fine pair of boots, you say?
Bring me the hide of a silver basilisk, and I’ll make you boots the whole world
will envy.</i><br> – Anatole Vizholy, shoemaker from Beauclair<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Entry_start",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Entry 1 1CD3BF59-4E35A2D3-F69C59B2-769D39E5",
index = 1,
description = 0x00127278, -- "Geralt always liked looking at things that
don’t exist. Be it a vampire with a human heart or the last basilisk of a species
that no scholar has classified, discovering something thought not to be there to be
discovered caused him great pleasure. That is why he took an interest in a contract
which, at first glance, seemed banal, but proved to be very intriguing. It
concerned the last basilisk of the nearly-extinct species Regulus Platinum.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Entry_investigations",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Entry 2 83CDD096-404B81CE-23C123B6-46765EBD",
index = 2,
description = 0x0012727f, -- "The thin scales covering silver basilisks
are thinner than those of their more common brethren, making them thereby easier to
burn. The Igni Sign will thus prove very useful in a fight against one of their
number.<br><br>Yet one must be especially wary of the monsters’ venom, which is
much stronger than that found in their widespread kin.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Entry_spared",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Entry_spared 379807A8-40C56A7B-5A02A6AB-82E75594",
index = 3,
description = 0x001277b8, -- "In the end, Geralt decided not to kill the
basilisk, for who in his right mind would raise his sword against a living legend?"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Entry_killed",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Entry_killed 2F3D1403-48C9609A-20F1E59E-5064B99F",
index = 4,
description = 0x00127ef2, -- "Geralt decided to kill the basilisk, the
witcher trade not being one that makes room for sentiment.<br><br>He thus
eliminated the last member of a species which now could definitively be classified
as extinct."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues F92680C0-4EABE472-5F8B1E87-68971B98",
index = 1,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 82B91322-4BAD0183-39270CA5-5F52FAF0",
index = 2,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 9E8E9958-44DE8A16-F412E593-7B60D719",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/palewidow.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Pale Widow",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pale Widow E89B4B5A-4908884C-B83F5EB2-DEB0A71D",
children = {
name = 0x00126e61, -- "Pale Widows"
image = "bestiary_pale_widow.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions BFACF304-4C401F5F-74A17093-62CEDA82",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Pale Widow",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pale Widow AA5DF605-470212EA-1786898D-9C679519",
description = 0x00126e62, -- "<i>Never have I seen such a creature! It
was like a giant centipede, but white, utterly white!</i><br>– account of Doctor
Vittorius de la Vega after the first encounter with the Pale Widow<br><br>This rare
variety of giant centipede dwells in underground lairs and owes its name to its
unusual, pale white coloring. Like the more common giant centipede, its body is
covered in hard, chitinous armor, with numerous hooked limbs sticking out from
underneath. Some scholars raise these creatures in laboratory conditions for the
properties of their albumen, which makes an excellent base for the brewing of
mutagenic potions."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 0FBDFC6E-481ADC0C-70F1B390-A700BFF4",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints F3229271-470AF201-14C1E994-CDE1CADC",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 8BCFB4C4-462D4884-E825F4BD-F8743307",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/panther.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Panther",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "panther",
children = {
name = 0x00127143, -- "Panthers"
image = "bestiary_panther.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Beast Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D622A4F5-4068DDA5-4430259D-2F8885B4",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Panther - entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Panther - entry 1 919C61A4-4156EF33-72F1AF85-
description = 0x00127144, -- "<i>Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you
been?<br>I’ve been to Cintra to look at the queen<br>Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did
you there?<br>Run, fool, that’s not a cat but a panther!</i><br> – rare variant of
a traditional folk rhyme<br><br>Panthers are dangerous predators found in forests
and other woodlands. They are quick, agile and, like all cats, diabolically
cunning. In many less-than-thoroughly-urbanized areas, folk still believe panthers
are the stranded souls of those who die in their sleep. Superstition thus holds
anyone perishing in this way should be dragged to the nearest woods and left there
without a burial. The panther-spirit of the deceased may then devour its own body,
thereby passing on to the nether realms.<br><br>This belief must be eradicated by
any means, for it leads to epidemics of cholera and other contagious diseases born
of rotting corpses.<br><br>Besides, it is patently ridiculous, given panthers are
not necrophages and will not consume carrion of any sort. They prefer more spry and
lively prey, such as deer or even humans, provided they are not ill and do not
stink too badly.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Panther - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Panther - entry 2 558E12B6-478BA21C-35F82787-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127145, -- "Panthers (and their tawny-coated cousins,
mountain lions) are incredibly swift and able to sneak up on prey undetected to
gain the advantage of surprise.<br><br>As soon as they enter open terrain, they
leap to attack with astonishing speed, mauling their prey with their sharp claws,
long teeth and the sheer force of their momentum.<br><br>Panthers are known to
retreat mid-fight, yet do not let yourself be fooled into a false sense of
security. This is but a ruse to allow them to attack again, by surprise. Never drop
your guard until you see the animal drop dead.<br><br>Panthers are vulnerable to
the effects of all the Signs, as well as bombs and oils."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues EB5559DE-46139EEF-F3BB6F9F-BAA42556",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints E7565224-45DA128E-5BE82C85-9B4B2036",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots E6C1AB15-4E902A5F-A889918F-93543C59",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/parszywiec.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Parszywiec",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Parszywiec 1",
children = {
name = 0x00122abd, -- "Scurvers"
image = "bestiary_graveir.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 31B2B900-4604FD75-D9B020AC-69F1CCD5",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Parszywiec - first entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Parszywiec - first entry 1",
description = 0x00122abe, -- "<i>Thought it was just a pile of rotten
meat – till it started to move!</i><br>– Thibaut from Beauclair<br><br>Scurvers are
rotfiends’ larger cousins. The bodies of these hideous, vaguely humanoid creatures
are covered with rotten scraps of flesh, under which lurk even more rotten muscles
stretched around a strong, flexible skeleton. Scurvers, which feed on old, rotting
corpses, prefer to make their hunting grounds in abandoned torture sites, forgotten
graveyards and old battlefields. They are very aggressive and, though they feed on
corpses, if they come across a living person they are likely to attack. Thus when
wandering near any of the above-mentioned places, one must be especially

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Parszywiec - second entry",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Parszywiec - second entry 1",
index = 1,
description = 0x00122abf, -- "Scurvers usually feed underground, but
sometimes, when they catch the scent of a human, they crawl to the surface in a
matter of seconds and attack their potential prey.<br><br>While fighting them one
cannot afford to forget about their special boney spines, razor-sharp protuberances
sticking out from their skeletons. When a scurver is near death, the gasses and
enzymes gathered within its body cause it to explode, flinging these spines out at
great speed, turning them into one last deadly weapon in their arsenal.<br><br>To
protect oneself against damage from these spines, one should make prodigious use of
the Quen Sign."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues DFB67F4D-46EF5E85-6131FCB9-93C9154A",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints F25CD67B-44778227-007274AB-52F919B5",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots EDCDFD65-415934A9-1673B29E-DF160B04",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/protofleder.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Protofleder",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protofleder 61DA3F1E-4069EB90-4C24079A-A1A885F5",
children = {
name = 0x00126a03, -- "Protofleders"
image = "bestiary_protofleder.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Vampire Oil 1",
"Black Blood 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F2D64685-4C160A89-6C89E599-BB653010",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Protofleder - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protofleder - wpis 1 04092F6C-4DFA9E05-1531A09A-
description = 0x00126a04, -- "<i>Never seen a vampire like that in my
life.</i><br>– Geralt of Rivia, witcher<br><br>Protofleders are relatives of
fleders which came from the world of the higher vampires to our own during the
Conjunction of the Spheres.<br><br>The members of this species are characterized by
their considerable strength and agility as well as the strange glow they emit, a
trait most likely tied to their otherworldly nature. Protofleders have never had
significant contact with the outside world, having spent their entire time on our
planet in the Unseen Elder’s cave, whose atmosphere is very similar to that of
their home world."
chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 4FB2C2E5-48447065-A577488D-D0EB3A7C",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints DE8CD0BC-47A966C2-FDEC89BB-7A62ECF7",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots E8F2E4C4-4637EFD1-6DE51C9B-D084BAA4",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q701bruxa.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q701 : Bruxa from Corvo Bianco",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q701 : Bruxa from Corvo Bianco CA784A57-467AA80C-
children = {
name = 0x0011e87a, -- "The Bruxa of Corvo Bianco"
image = "bestiary_bruxa_mh.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",
"Black Blood 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 200E8406-402B8B02-3F1103B3-EABABE7A",
children = {
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Bruxa z CB - Wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bruxa z CB - Wpis 2",
description = 0x0011e878, -- "The bruxa Geralt encountered and killed in
self-defense at Corvo Bianco differed from other creatures of this sort. Firstly,
it was more intelligent, capable even of articulating words in human language
without much difficulty. What’s more, this bruxa was tied to the Beast, the
mysterious murderer prowling Beauclair at the time.<br><br>Fighting it presented
Geralt with quite the challenge. Like other bruxae, this one possessed strength and
speed far above that of any human, could turn invisible and could attack using a
sonic wave.<br><br>As is typical for all vampires, it sought to suck its victim’s
blood. This meant the usual defense against those creatures, the Black Blood
potion, was an effective weapon against it, as were the Moon Dust bomb and,
naturally, the witcher’s trusty silver blade."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 71869123-466F3A25-8F5B8DAE-BCE31423",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 11319A57-44FBE367-1200098A-26B01A32",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 4C4AD232-41A327E3-27F078A2-77A2B9A5",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q701sharley.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q701 : Captive Sharley",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q701 : Captive Sharley",
children = {
name = 0x001224ba, -- "Shaelmaar from the Emperor of Nilfgaard"
image = "bestiary_sharley_white.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Samum 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 7AD0BA93-424BFB3D-1CB667BA-1EBC7C17",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "q701 : Captive Sharley - Geralt killed sharley",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q701 : Captive Sharley - Wpis 1",
description = 0x001224bb, -- "Gladiator fights in massive arenas are a
popular form of entertainment in Nilfgaard. Usually the fighters are slaves
specially trained for this purpose, yet at times the arena masters pit humans
against monsters. The shaelmaar Geralt had to fight in the tourney grounds was a
present from the emperor to his relative, Duchess Anna Henrietta. It had been
caught while young and prepared for its ultimate purpose by Nilfgaardian trainers.
That does not mean it was tame, however – in fact, its wildness and inborn ferocity
had not been dulled one whit. Like all creatures of its species, it was blind but
could unerringly pinpoint its opponents’ location using echolocation. The shaelmaar
had thick armor and near impenetrable skin. It could also roll into a ball and
charge its opponents. Its underbelly, however, was relatively vulnerable and became
exposed when its charge failed.<br><br>In the end, though the fight was long and
difficult, Geralt defeated the shaelmaar and, when the duchess called from the
stands for him to finish the beast off, he duly dealt the final blow."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "q701 : Captive Sharley - Geralt spared sharleys life",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q701 : Captive Sharley - Geralt spared sharleys
index = 1,
description = 0x001224bc, -- "Gladiator fights in massive arenas are a
popular form of entertainment in Nilfgaard. Usually the fighters are slaves
specially trained for this purpose, yet at times the arena masters pit humans
against monsters. The shaelmaar Geralt had to fight in the tourney grounds was a
present from the emperor to his relative, Duchess Anna Henrietta. It had been
caught while young and prepared for its ultimate purpose by Nilfgaardian trainers.
That does not mean it was tame, however – in fact, its wildness and inborn ferocity
had not been dulled one whit. Like all creatures of its species, it was blind but
could unerringly pinpoint its opponents’ location using echolocation. The shaelmaar
had thick armor and near impenetrable skin. It could also roll into a ball and
charge its opponents. Its underbelly, however, was relatively vulnerable and became
exposed when its charge failed.<br><br>In the end, though the fight was long and
difficult, Geralt defeated the shaelmaar and, when the duchess called from the
stands for him to finish the beast off, he refused to kill the creature, not
wanting to take a life merely to amuse a crowd."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues BEAEEB79-41FAAF82-6703F29C-35847309",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 0DF6C795-49E1C86E-07DFD781-F63AA379",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots C4C8FA67-4743893C-2E200798-8FFAB3F4",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q702wight.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q702 : Wight",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702 : Wight 6A493685-41A56AAD-02EBBDB6-693EC5D5",
children = {
name = 0x0011faa0, -- "Spotted Wights"
image = "bestiary_spooncollector.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F5B603F5-4BA9318E-91E84ABF-FB076D4A",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wicht - When mentioned first time by Regis 1",
description = 0x0011faa1, -- "<i>The best defense against spotted
wights? Stay calm and leave them alone.</i><br>– fragment of a treatise on spotted
wights by Roderick Giligan.<br><br>Spotted wights were a subspecies of wight which
the witchers drove to extinction. They were larger than their unspotted kin and
owed their names to their numerous blotches and effusions. Spotted wights would
most often dwell in derelict cemeteries and empty wildernesses, yet at times took
to living in abandoned human domiciles. There they would indulge in their greatest
passion: creating brews from their own emissions.<br><br>When not disturbed,
spotted wights would not act aggressively. If threatened, however, they became very
dangerous indeed. In the colder months or when faced with an unseasonable chill,
they would slip into a state of lethargy, making them easy targets. Even during
their active periods, it is said the witchers found a surefire way of besting them,
based around careful casting of the Yrden Sign – or at least, so claims witcher

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wicht - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00127280, -- "Whenever on the one hand witchers swear
they have driven a certain species of monster into extinction and one the other
someone claims to have seen a member of that species walking around in apparent
health, most likely we are dealing with a curse. This rule of thumb showed its
worth with the spotted wight from the Trastamara estate. It turned out this
creature was in fact a woman transformed into a monster by a curse many years
prior, as punishment for refusing food and shelter to a wandering beggar."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 06D1402E-401B47D4-6B3674B0-E4C6FF14",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 9AD25DB1-481C5CE5-42D6B982-B31DB826",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots A704125C-484D14E5-936C1EBD-F204AACB",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q704alphagarkain.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q704 alpha garkain",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704 alpha garkain A19F1650-43C274FA-E1F1DEA3-
children = {
name = 0x0011f312, -- "Alpha Garkains"
image = "bestiary_garkain_mh.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Samum 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",
"Black Blood 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 332905F3-46650864-549ACCB6-168FCB4A",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 349B380E-4935664A-D85516BF-D40F06D7",
description = 0x0011f313, -- "<i>One can be forgiven for thinking
garkains harbor some kind of particular hatred for humans. After all, given what
humans are like, it would be hard to blame them.</i><br>– Agnes of Myrkvid, druid
flaminica and scholar.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Precombat",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Precombat 36C16E2F-4E1ECE89-569AC391-8D4D8DBF",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011f314, -- "When a vampire gives a witcher a contract
to kill another vampire, you can be certain neither of the two is entirely
normal.<br><br>The contract seemed simple enough, though Geralt knew his target was
a vampire. Yet one must bear in mind vampires are a very diverse group and their
various species differ from one another greatly.<br><br>The witcher established the
individual he sought had long, hooked claws with which it could tear apart a body
with ease, leaving behind venom which hindered the clotting of blood. What’s more,
it could use these claws to scale even the sheer outer wall of a building, giving
others the impression it possessed mind-boggling powers. Geralt also realized his
opponent was an experienced predator able to set ambushes for its prey and attack
it unexpectedly.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Final",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Final D8211969-472E6F7A-2757B9A9-6413170C",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011f316, -- "The monster he was tracking turned out to
be a powerful type of garkain, a pack leader or alpha.<br><br>As the witcher
expected, in addition to its ability to emit waves of mental energy, this alpha
garkain also had powerful venom at its disposal.<br><br>The monster killed for
pleasure, not just to satisfy its hunger. It must be admitted that Geralt also
gained a measure of satisfaction from eradicating this beast, for he could still
remember the massacre in the orphanage for which this garkain was responsible."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 15BD7C6D-4318AF19-872CAEB9-4A64F143",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints CE2CD307-47836FDD-4AC49F9F-FDC39FE6",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 03DAD066-4CF45D12-E2AEA9A8-2699BC71",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q704bigbadwolfasbeast.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q704 Big Bad Wolf as Beast",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704BigBadWolfasBeast",
children = {
name = 0x0012806e, -- "Big Bad Wolf"
image = "bestiary_bigbadwolf.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Beast Oil 1",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 6DECB442-42EEB3D8-033BAC8D-66F4F696",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "q704 Big Bad Wolf - Beast",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704 Big Bad Wolf - Beast 9D1D5FDE-46A79893-A7187890-
description = 0x0012806d, -- "<i>You ask why I have these big hands, my
friend? Well, I’ll tell you my secret: exercise.</i><br>- Big Bad Wolf<br><br>The
Big Bad Wolf who lived in the Land of a Thousand Fables was, like the other
denizens of that strange sphere, created by Artorius Vigo based on a figure from
folk tales. Once he served as a playmate to the duke’s daughters, acting out scenes
with a certain red-hooded girl and her grandmother, but as the fable land slowly
degenerated, so did he.<br><br>Geralt and Syanna met the Big Bad Wolf while he was
nursing a nasty hangover and was not eager to cooperate. Yet since our heroes
needed a bean which the wolf had, they forced him to act out his tale.<br><br>That
tale ended as it always had: the Big Bad Wolf attacked the Hunter (played by
Geralt), biting and clawing him fiercely while his own wounds healed almost
instantaneously. Inevitably, however, the Big Bad Wolf was killed and his stomach
cut open.<br><br>This time, out came not a grandma and her granddaughter, but a
magic bean."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 425C4636-415B8875-0861F2AD-787ACD4E",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints F6A821CF-48039679-E69FFAB7-E892CB33",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots A0880B9D-4E097D44-032DDDBC-0E03426B",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q704cloudgiant.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q704: Cloud Giant",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704_cloud_giant",
children = {
name = 0x00126b00, -- "Cloud Giant"
image = "bestiary_cloud_giant.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dancing Star 1",
"Ogre Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A5C32CE4-4FFE73B7-0062E191-AC7EFE05",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "cloud giant",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cloud giant",
description = 0x00126b01, -- "<i>Many things fall from the sky other
than rain and snow. Frogs, for example… And the Cloud Giant.</i><br> – Sibald
“Fang” Faalde, shepherd from Fox Hollow.<br><br>The Cloud Giant is most likely a
degenerated illusory being. He is an inhabitant of the castle in the sky in the
Land of a Thousand Fables. This land was abandoned and left untended for years,
during which time it began to rot, fester and degrade.<br><br>The Cloud Giant was
most likely meant to be a pleasant-natured strongman who would carry the duke’s
young daughters on his shoulders and never grow tired. When he became degenerated
and overgrown, however, he turned into a dangerous monster.<br><br>After Jack stole
his goose that laid golden eggs, the Cloud Giant decided in the future anyone who
climbed onto his cloud would be tossed off, without a word of warning.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "cloud giant - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cloud giant - entry 2 76A6DE40-4AF33481-94FFB9AD-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127140, -- "The Cloud Giant resembles a clumsy,
overgrown human and appears to be capable of reason, though he says nothing and
does not seem too interested in any other form of communication.<br><br>One gets
the impression he has a musical bent. He displays a fascination with gold, which he
does not, however, seem to spend or exchange for anything useful.<br><br>The Giant
is slow and rather sluggish, though he does have decent reflexes and is quite
observant. He attacks without warning, using whatever happens to be at
hand.<br><br>He has learned to use his natural surroundings, meaning the cloud on
which he lives, to aid him while fighting: he will jump inside the cloud and pop
out in an entirely different place, surprising his opponent.<br><br>The Cloud Giant
is immune to most of the Signs. He can be hurt by burning, but the Axii Sign will
in no way hinder him. He’s vulnerable to blows from a sword and thunderbolts."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 1D5423CB-4DCDFFE0-802ACE85-22D6FCF6",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints FBBDC8A8-4CF066A6-B9B36586-46821227",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 3DAB7B4A-42D1EECD-78A32FAB-8C2E5733",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q704ftwitch.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q704: Fairy Tale Witch",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fairy Tale Witch",
children = {
name = 0x00126af9, -- "Wicked Witch"
image = "bestiary_fairy_witch.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions AB572940-4AC72AD3-A9D13E8D-482192DE",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "q704ftwitch",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704_ft_witch",
description = 0x00126afa, -- "<i>Once upon a time, there was a wicked
witch. Every day after supper she’d drink a glass of freshly-squeezed corpse juice…
</i><br> – Karl Hrimm, writer of children’s fables<br><br>Though evil witches are
often considered creatures born of the overactive imaginations of fabulists and
mythologists, cartoonish characters only a child would ever be frightened of, there
are accounts of men who claim to have happened across one of these improbable
beings. All these accounts agree that the witch not only did in fact eat men, but
had mastered the cooking of humans to a fine art. They are said to be particularly
fond of children’s liver fried in butter and served in a saffron sauce, balsamic
vinegar-marinated fingers roasted to a golden crisp and, yes, even freshly-squeezed
corpse juice. It should be noted here that all the above-mentioned witnesses who
swore they saw such a witch were patients of the Ellander Institute for the
Mentally Ill, thus the veracity of their testimony is highly debatable."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues FD2648A4-46A6E447-E8C58698-4861D740",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 62D006D3-4A05F020-4197F387-AB4F7BFE",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 32D62D1D-4BA8B010-2F7A71A1-041B93B9",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q704rapunzel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q704_rapunzel",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Rapunzel",
children = {
name = 0x00126afc, -- "Longlocks"
image = "bestiary_rapunzel.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4AD4AEA3-4B259DB4-5E464283-8FB95242",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "rapunzel",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "rapunzel",
description = 0x00126afd, -- "<i>Well, since it seems this hair won’t be
pulling up any knights in shining armor, might as well put it to some use.</i><br>
– the last words of Longlocks.<br><br>Everyone knows love stories can have tragic
endings, but few would think this also applies to princesses from fairy tales
created to relive a set happy ending over and over again. Longlocks had the
misfortune of becoming just such an unlikely tragic heroine. After the duke’s
daughters grew up and the Land of a Thousand Fables went feral, Longlocks, whose
prince never came and who suffered greatly from her loneliness, decided to hang
herself by her own braid. After she died, her ghost stayed to haunt the castle in
which she had awaited her suitor."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues B4B4AB7C-4B67B37C-454B0597-5B1A36F0",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 1A89310C-440D2A38-4D62A38F-1A920640",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 238FE23A-48445A1C-F88E0090-E4F18D03",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/q704threelittlepigs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q704: Three Little Pigs",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Three Little Pigs",
children = {
name = 0x00126afb, -- "Three Little Pigs"
image = "bestiary_three_little_pigs.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Beast Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A7C9903B-43B83786-F67056B9-C2AF551D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wpis 1 1D32D388-4ACEA0A8-2F6605AC-AD5A7F54",
description = 0x0012725f, -- "<i>Why bother with brick? In this climate,
even a straw house's nice and cozy.</i><br> – a little pig<br><br>The three little
pigs are perfect examples of a rather unfortunate phenomenon. Leave even a kind-
hearted, warm, naively benign creature to fend for itself, and it won't remain so
benign for long.<br<br>The three little pigs from the Land of a Thousand Fables
were left for years without Artorius Vigo's supervision. During this time they went
completely feral, transforming into three wild boars which attacked anyone who
dared approach their ruined home."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues DAD310AC-4D306DF3-043EC7B6-19F7A3A7",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 9857B13A-4749ECAE-34BFCE94-1B8668E3",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 6FF5AA40-465F0D9D-E8E4C1BC-86B355A1",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/scolopedromorph.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Scolopedromorph",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Scolopedromorph",
children = {
name = 0x00125d49, -- "Giant Centipedes"
image = "bestiary_scolopendromorph.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D115F40F-45FE67F4-CEC27FBA-35C1A305",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "First Entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First Entry - scolopendromorph",
description = 0x00125d4a, -- "<i>Among the fascinating flora and fauna
of the duchy of Toussaint, one also encounters creatures of the decidedly
unpleasant sort, such as giant centipedes. Not only do these beasts look hideous to
the eye, they can do colossal damage to the flesh as well. I decidedly advise
against them.</i><br> – “A Visit to Toussaint,” one of the many guides authored by
Peterin Safles<br><br>Giant centipedes are enormous, insect-like monsters which can
be found in many places in the world, but are particularly common in the lands (or
more precisely, under the lands) of Toussaint. There they often dwell in close
comity with shaelmaars, for a sort of monstrous symbiosis has developed between
them: giant centipedes feed on the small creatures which eat Shaelmaar
dung.<br><br>Hard, chitinous armor covers nearly the entire body of a giant
centipede. Sticking out from under this carapace are rows of hooked limbs. Giant
centipedes are able to burrow into the ground with shocking speed, only to then
appear back on the surface in another place. Once they select a target, they will
circle it determinedly, trying to get close enough to deliver a blow. They attack
primarily with their powerful mandibles, but they also possess glands allowing them
to spew acid.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Second Entry",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Second Entry - scolopendromorph",
index = 1,
description = 0x00125d4b, -- "The greatest obstacle when fighting giant
centipedes is their thick armor, which deflects most blows not only from weapons,
but also from magical means – such as those dealt by simple spells or witcher
Signs.<br><br>When attacked with a weapon, they will often parry the strike, then
quickly reply with their own forceful counter. Thus the best method for fighting
them is to catch them in an Yrden trap, keeping them from protecting themselves
with their armor or burrowing into the ground."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 49729A5D-4B930997-D48B83AE-C0FCE179",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 326FA70F-4A177E4D-7BB49884-47C7AEE9",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 75B3DEE8-4C847215-86C8059E-E318A1B8",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/wicht.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Wicht",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wicht",
children = {
name = 0x00126b9d, -- "Wights"
image = "bestiary_wicht.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 1",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Generic Wicht - entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Generic Wicht",
description = 0x00126b9e, -- "<i>They say the dead like quiet. I don’t
know about the dead, but wights certainly do.</i><br> – Heinrich Von
Grott<br><br>Though wights are ghastly and threatening in appearance, one should
not approach them with sword drawn or attack them unprovoked. Left alone, they
present no serious danger to anyone and are far more interested in mixing noxious
brews in cauldrons than in fighting. This species mainly lives around ancient
burial sites, though they have also been spotted near more recently-founded
cemeteries and wherever mass graves can be found.<br><br>Wights spend the winter
months in a state of lethargy very similar to human sleep. They live strictly
solitary lives -- in fact, it is practically unheard of for these creatures to
appear in groups. Yet when they fear their territory is threatened (and it is
enough for one to step foot in a wight’s territory for it to feel threatened),
wights transform into dangerous foes and even abandon their solitary ways to summon
other monsters to their aid.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Generic Wicht - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Generic Wicht - entry 2 8175EB1B-4BF5AFD2-267AB483-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127234, -- "It is a certainty that if a wight finds
itself in danger, it will immediately spew out an ectoplasmic solution which near
instantaneously transforms into barghests. These beasts obey the wight and attack
anyone it deems a foe. If one of them is killed, the wight tries to replace it at
once.<br><br>The best strategy when fighting such a wight is to take out the
monsters guarding it with the Axii sign before attacking the wight itself. Wights
are resistant to poison, but vulnerable to silver."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 8739DEF4-46E07392-A58231AB-EC5DAD5B",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 0496F87B-4CD0350E-6F89E38F-AD41A8E4",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots ECCADC45-4134316E-B6020A9C-23E5033F",
index = 3,

-- dlc/bob/journal/bestiary/wp2virtogrowate.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP2VirtOgrowate",
order = 4294967286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP2VirtOgrowate",
linkedObjectPath = "gameplay/journal/bestiary/ogrelike.journal",

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/annahenrietta.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Anna Henrietta",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anna Henrietta",
children = {
name = 0x00127107, -- "Anna Henrietta"
image = "journal_henrietta.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After talking with Palmerin and Milton on NML",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking with Palmerin and Milton on NML
description = 0x001272b2, -- "If this world has ever known a ruler who
enjoyed the absolute admiration of her subjects without the need for systematic
repression or a particularly cruel hangman, it was, without a doubt, the sovereign
of Toussaint, Duchess Anna Henrietta. Called Anarietta by those who knew her well,
she was the widow of the late lamented Duke Raymund and one-time lover of a very
famous and talented artist who would prefer to remain anonymous.<br><br>A few years
prior, when the witcher and a band of friends were visiting Toussaint, Anna
Henrietta had had the pleasure of meeting Geralt of Rivia. When a mysterious Beast
began attacking her courtiers, the duchess thus knew exactly whom to summon…<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After killing sharley in q701",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After killing sharley in q701 F560B362-4B22D35F-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127108, -- "While searching for the Beast, the duchess
proved that, when the need arose, she was able to throw off the chains of
convention and get her hands dirty with direct action alongside the witcher. Even
if she had to do so in a state of relative dishabille.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "q703 begins",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703 begins 04BDEBCC-4154F68D-7D8646A4-EF3F02FF",
index = 2,
description = 0x00127109, -- "Surprisingly enough, the duchess handled
the rigors of the trail as adroitly as she did those of palace audiences. Geralt
quickly saw how, even when stripped of her sumptuous gown and wrapped in a coarse
cloak, Anna Henrietta remained the same confident and tenacious ruler as ever. Yet
then again, this should not have come as a surprise, for the Toussaint court on a
daily basis hosted battles of cutting remarks, malicious half-truths and bald-faced
lies that were just as fierce as any fought with sword and cannon. The duchess was
an unchallenged master of this courtly warfare, and the witcher had the chance to
make use of this experience.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "q703 ends",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703 ends 4411E480-4923BFE3-8D1DD08F-4919A956",
index = 3,
description = 0x0012710a, -- "If Geralt thought the tales of Her
Illustrious Grace’s implacable wrath were exaggerated, he quickly was shown how
greatly he was mistaken. As soon as Anna Henrietta learned the vampire had not only
escaped, but had also threatened the life of her sister, she flew into a rage that
precluded all discussion. She presented matters very clearly: Geralt was to
complete his contract and bring her Dettlaff’s head on a silver platter.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "q705 after giving the medal - AH lives, Syanna lives",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q705 after giving the medal - AH lives, Syanna lives
index = 4,
description = 0x0012710b, -- "Luckily, the duchess’ wrath burned with an
intense but short-lasting heat. When Geralt managed to stop Dettlaff, Her Grace
forgot all about his previous missteps and even awarded the witcher the Order of
Vitis Vinifera, Toussaint’s highest honor."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "q705 after killing AH by Syanna - AH dies, Syanna lives",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q705 after killing AH by Syanna - AH dies, Syanna
lives 97A0BB1C-40928E71-65295F97-D83F160D",
index = 5,
description = 0x001272b3, -- "The same compassion and loyalty which
earned her the love of her subjects proved Anna Henrietta’s doom, leading to her
murder at the hands of her own sister. Ever since that tragic day, Toussaint has
celebrated an annual Week of Memory. For these seven days, the duchy enters into
mourning: music stops, lights are shuttered and people hang dark curtains in their
homes. They say all those who were fond of the duchess do likewise, even those who
live far away, in the North…"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "q705 when it comes out that Geralt is in prison- AH lives, Syanna
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q705 when it comes out that Geralt is in prison- AH
lives, Syanna dies C66CB536-40209973-A16442A4-DCCA0D7B",
index = 6,
description = 0x0012710c, -- "It was not hard to predict how Geralt’s
time in Anna Henrietta’s company would end. Eventually, the witcher fall into Her
Grace’s disfavor with a typical witcherly lack of grace. Who could have foreseen
handing the duchess’ sister over to a vampire would end badly for him? Not Geralt,
it seems. Knowing Her Grace’s fiery character, he was quite lucky he didn’t leave
the duchy a head shorter."

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/barnabe-basilefawlty.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Barnabe-BasileFawlty",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Barnabe-BasileFawlty",
children = {
name = 0x00127c2e, -- "Barnabas-Basil Foulty"
image = "journal_majordomus.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First met 4DFBAEDE-492989FB-BC914EAC-0DC722BB",
description = 0x00127c2d, -- "Barnabas-Basil Foulty, the majordomo of
Corvo Bianco, was a gentleman’s gentlemen if there’s ever been one. His whole life
he had served distinguished nobles - the Kniebihly family, for example, or Admiral
Rompally, for another – for he would never tolerate an employer who detracted from
his personal dignity. Since Barnabas-Basil remembered the times of Monsieur Bolius
and Baron Rossell, he was a wellspring of anecdotes about the vineyard’s past. He
knew every corner and every secret of Corvo Bianco. An excellent administrator, he
offered a wealth of good advice concerning the modernization and management of the
estate.<br><br>Geralt could not have hoped for better help. One could even say
that, by entrusting Corvo Bianco to the hands of that marvelous majordomo, Anna
Henrietta had given the witcher the most beautiful present he’d ever received, for
a home without someone capable to care for it is no home at all."

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/bootblack.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Bootblack",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bootblack 334F5451-4E0E11DF-77D6EF8A-9FF2D8FB",
children = {
name = 0x00127f14, -- "Bootblack"
image = "journal_bootblack.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "first met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "first met 344A30DA-49E7CD00-3CA80484-3338EDCA",
description = 0x00127f15, -- "The young bootblack whose name Geralt
never learned was an extremely charming scamp, in that cheeky, lovable rascal,
street urchin sort of way. He also demonstrated striking entrepreneurial flair, so
much so, in fact, that it got him into trouble at times. Geralt saved him from one
such scrape by fending off a group of men intent on giving him a thorough tanning.
The bootblack had done his share to deserve this, having spilled his wastewater in
front of their shop every day in an attempt to muddy more boots and drive more
customers his way.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt the investor",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt the investor 75A2B46C-48C658C0-F2467296-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127f16, -- "Geralt took such a liking to this
enterprising little shoeshine boy he decided to invest some coin in his business.
He did not have to wait long to see the effects of this investment. The bootblack
used these funds to improve his stall and purchase additional equipment. Business
was booming!<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "q705",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q705 E079058F-4E97F4CB-3D493CB3-3B92A07B",
index = 2,
description = 0x00127f17, -- "Geralt’s path crossed that of the
bootblack again later on. Once more, the reason had something to do with Dettlaff.
The lad was able to tell Geralt and Regis how the letters with the Beast’s victims’
names on them had been delivered to Dettlaff. It can be truly amazing how much
useful information one simple child laborer can possess."

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/damien.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Damien de la Tour",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damien",
children = {
name = 0x001270ff, -- "Damien de la Tour"
image = "journal_damien.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 43862D52-4636F3BB-BD8AD28D-1B5E3644",
description = 0x00127100, -- "One of the people Geralt encountered at
the Beauclair court was Captain Damien de la Tour, the captain of the Ducal Guard.
He was absolutely and unconditionally (to say “unthinkingly” would be unfair, yet
not entirely inaccurate) devoted to his position and worshipped the ground the
duchess walked on. If you want my personal opinion, he was most definitely besotted
with her.<br>He came across as a typical soldier, i.e., a thickheaded lackey who,
seeing Geralt, immediately decided he must prove who had the more massive
unmentionables. Geralt treated this challenge with dispassionate superiority, yet
accepted it nevertheless and in doing so earned himself another enemy.<br><br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After ambush",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After ambush 51F2DC21-4353F5D6-E262C9B4-4D83D971",
index = 1,
description = 0x00127101, -- "After he bloodied himself side by side
with the witcher, Damien decided the White Wolf was actually an altogether decent
fellow who wished only to help. One could even say they shook hands and made up. In
their hearts, at least.<br><br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Saved AH from Syanna",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Saved AH from Syanna 2418C067-4F243D85-FBE5FBB2-
index = 2,
description = 0x0012728f, -- "In the end, what appeared at first to be
inconceivable took place. Captain Damien de la Tour stopped looking at the White
Wolf like a fox outside a hen house. All it took was for Geralt to save Beauclair
from the Beast’s attacks. Once that was done, the two men became friends, in their
gruff, manly way."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Syanna killed AH",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Syanna killed AH 82727417-429AF6F2-DA5554A9-
index = 3,
description = 0x001272a1, -- "When Anna Henrietta was treacherously
murdered by her own sister, Damien blamed himself most of all and wanted to fall on
his sword, as he felt befits a man of honor. The only thing stopping him was the
thought that Her Grace would never have forgiven him that. Damien spent many years
deep in mourning, often thinking about how the tragic events had come to pass and
who was responsible. This meant not only the duchess had died, but all chances for
a friendship between him and Geralt of Rivia as well."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Dettlaff killed Syanna",
order = 4093640702,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dettlaff killed Syanna D63D8FAB-45AEF3A8-D2F48C88-
index = 4,
description = 0x00127290, -- "After Syanna’s death, Damien fell deep
into mourning, for he took to heart anything that caused his duchess pain. He was
not only the main executor of her orders, but also her close companion and
sympathetic ear. He dealt with these emotions in the gruff way of a soldier and
respected the rules of propriety, which kept him from casting blame during the
mourning period, even though, according to him, that blame should fall squarely on
a certain witcher from Rivia…"

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/dettlaff.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dettlaff var Eretein",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dettlaff var Eretein",
children = {
name = 0x00126b99, -- "Dettlaff van der Eretein"
image = "journal_dettlaff.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Dettlaff var Eretein met in Q702 first time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dettlaff var Eretein met in Q702 first time",
description = 0x00126b9a, -- "Milton’s murderer was very swift. Even
with years of witchering under his belt, Geralt could barely keep up with him.
Soon, it became clear the killer was as clever as he was fast, by entering an old
warehouse where he set a trap for Geralt. In this way Geralt had his first face to
face encounter with the Beast of Beauclair – and discovered it was a higher vampire
named Dettlaff.<br><br>A fight immediately ensued which might have ended very badly
for the witcher, had he not been saved in the nick of time by an old friend, Regis,
who put a stop to their battle. After that, Dettlaff fled away in a puff of fog…

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po Mandragorze",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po Mandragorze 5EEF2487-40545733-1F3BF08A-EF3F7105",
index = 1,
description = 0x00126ed4, -- "When Geralt went to Orianna’s residence
with the duchess, he was certain Dettlaff was somewhere far away, safe in Regis’
care. He was wrong, as he found out while watching both vampires stroll into the
room, his surprise quickly turning to irritation. In the conversation which
followed, the duchess had no idea she was talking to the murderer she so wished to
have slain. In fact, the Beast of Beauclair even came off as…
charming.<br><br>Afterwards, Geralt set off for Dun Tynne, but not before first
extracting a promise from Regis to keep Dettlaff at a safe distance this time.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Po tym, jak Dettlaff robi rzeź w Dun Tynne",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po tym, jak Dettlaff robi rzez w Dun Tynne DF981175-
index = 2,
description = 0x00126ed5, -- "At Dun Tynne Geralt was dragged into a
fight against bandits with considerably superior forces at their disposal. There’s
no knowing how this might have ended, had the proverbial cavalry not ridden to his
rescue. Birds in service of Geralt’s vampire friends had been following him the
whole time. Thanks to them, right at the battle’s pivotal moment, Dettlaff and
Regis appeared to fight at his side.<br><br>Believing he was battling the men
responsible for his beloved’s kidnapping, Dettlaff killed with unseen passion. He
only stopped when there was not a being left on the battlefield giving out the
least sign of life.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Po Dun Tynne",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po Dun Tynne B589F9B9-405D3C1C-808FFD95-93447337",
index = 3,
description = 0x00126ed6, -- "Upon learning the woman he loved was using
him for her own ends, Dettlaff lost all will to keep on living. The only thing left
to him was a longing for vengeance – blind, unrestrained vengeance. Dettlaff issued
a clear ultimatum: Syanna was to meet with him alone and explain everything. If she
failed to do that, Beauclair would be awash with blood. No one had any doubts
Dettlaff meant exactly what he said.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Dettlaff zabija Syannę, G. zabija D.",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dettlaff zabija Syanne, G. zabija D. 29FB243F-
index = 4,
description = 0x00126ed7, -- "Regis and Geralt brought Syanna to
Dettlaff. The vampire then murdered her without blinking an eye, Geralt attacked
him and a final fight took place in which Dettlaff was defeated. Yet no man can
truly kill a higher vampire – that takes another higher vampire. As he died,
Dettlaff harbored no hard feelings for Regis, knowing death was his best option,
there no longer being anything in this world he wished to live for.<br><br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Dettlaff ginie",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dettlaff ginie B67518C1-4819E7BB-AFC18290-D3FCF9A0",
index = 5,
description = 0x00126ed8, -- "Geralt and Regis arrived at the meeting
with Dettlaff, but without Syanna. As predicted, Dettlaff flew into a rage. This
time, however, Geralt was ready for him and stood to fight. After an exhausting
battle, Detlaff had been defeated.<br><br>Yet no man can truly kill a higher
vampire – that takes another higher vampire. As he died, Dettlaff harbored no hard
feelings for Regis, knowing death was his best option, there no longer being
anything in this world he wished to live for.<br><br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "D. zabija Syannę, G. puszcza go wolno",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "D. zabija Syanne, G. puszcza go wolno B3FDF81F-
index = 6,
description = 0x00126ed9, -- "Regis and Geralt brought Syanna to
Dettlaff – and the vampire murdered her without blinking an eye. Geralt understood
the vampire’s pain and did not hinder him in his vengeance. Dettlaff appreciated
the witcher’s neutrality and stated he had no more quarrel with him. He also had no
reason to stay in Beauclair and decided to leave. As his friend, Regis decided to
go after him. He knew Dettlaff would need him now more than ever.<br><br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "D. probuje zabic Syanne, wstazka ja ratuje, D. ginie",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "D. probuje zabic Syanne, wstazka ja ratuje, D. ginie
index = 7,
description = 0x00127258, -- "Regis and Geralt brought Syanna to
Dettlaff. Clearly not having grown one iota less enraged with Syanna, Dettlaff
slashed out at her with his razor-sharp claws, hoping to rip her to shreds. She was
saved, however, by a magic ribbon taken from the Land of a Thousand Fables, which
transported her to a safe place in the nick of time. Dettlaff, more furious than
ever, then attacked Regis and Geralt. In the fight that ensued, Dettlaff was
defeated. Yet no man can kill a higher vampire –that can only be done by another of
its own kind. As he died, Dettlaff harbored no hard feelings for Regis, knowing
this was the best option for him. There was no longer anything in this world he
wished to live for.<br><br>"

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/ep2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP2",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP2 Characters",

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/guillaumedepeyracpeyran.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Guillaume de Peyrac-Peyran",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Guillaume de Peyrac-Peyran",
children = {
name = 0x00126963, -- "Guillaume de Launfal"
image = "journal_guillaume.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after killing Goliath in q701",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after q701",
description = 0x00126964, -- "Guillaume de Launfal was the very model of
a knight errant – the placard boy for Toussaint, if you will. When Geralt first met
the young man, he was valiantly tilting at a windmill… which, to be fair, turned
out to be hiding a ferocious giant.<br>"
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "start sq701",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "start sq701",
index = 1,
description = 0x00126965, -- "The matter turned out, as is matters’ wont
in Toussaint, to be an affair of the heart. Guillaume was tormented by unrequited
love for the duchess’ lady-in-waiting, Vivienne de Tabris. He suspected her
frigidness and distance must be the result of some malicious curse. Geralt, a
professional curse-breaker, naturally took the contract. To get a chance at an
audience with Lady Vivienne, he had to take the wounded Guillaume’s place in the
knights’ tourney.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "tell truth",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "tell truth",
index = 2,
description = 0x00126966, -- "The witcher determined Vivienne was indeed
afflicted by a curse and had been since before she was born, a dark malediction
which caused her to transform into a bird every night. Geralt offered to try to
cure this cumbersome condition.<br><br>He reported back to Guillaume on what he had
learned. Guillaume rose to the occasion and offered to take the curse upon himself
in order to free Vivienne from it.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "say nothing",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "say nothing",
index = 3,
description = 0x00126967, -- "The witcher determined Vivienne was indeed
afflicted by a curse and had been since before she was born, a dark malediction
which caused her to transform into a bird every night. Geralt offered to try to
cure this cumbersome condition. Vivienne asked him not to reveal her secret to
anyone, so Geralt did not tell Guillaume about his plans.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Pond",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pond",
index = 4,
description = 0x00126968, -- "Guillaume convinced Vivienne to undergo a
ritual which would transfer her curse to him. According to Geralt, once transferred
the curse’s effects would be weakened, but he was not able to make any guarantees
concerning the young knight’s fate.<br><br>As soon as they had performed the
ritual, Vivienne felt the curse had been lifted. As for Guillaume, he did not
notice any significant side effects.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Egg",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Egg",
index = 5,
description = 0x00126969, -- "Geralt performed a ritual freeing Vivienne
from the curse. She decided to travel abroad in order to enjoy the life she had
left to the utmost.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Epilogue pond",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Epilogue pond",
index = 6,
description = 0x0012696a, -- "Guillaume and Vivienne’s story had a happy
ending. Geralt ran into the couple in Beauclair. It turned out Guillaume had grown
a few feathers on certain parts of his body. Vivienne considered them rather
flattering, so all was well."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Epilogue Egg",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Epilogue Egg",
index = 7,
description = 0x0012696b, -- "Guillaume felt like he had been rejected
and drowned his sorrows in wine. Geralt tried to explain to him one cannot force
love on anyone."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Guillaume dead",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Guillaume dead",
index = 8,
description = 0x0012779a, -- "Geralt never found a moment to spare to
help the lovelorn Guillaume with his dilemma.<br><br>Sadly, Guillaume later died
when the vampires attacked Beauclair. Geralt happened across his body. It seemed
Guillaume had died in battle, defending the city from a terrifying
threat.<br><br>Geralt contemplated what the fate of Guillaume and Vivienne might
have been, had the vampire onslaught not occurred.<br><br>Personally, I feel myself
choked with sadness when thinking about poor Guillaume… perhaps I’ll compose a
ballad in which the two star-crossed lovers live happily ever after?<br><br>It can
be done. In poetry, anything can be done."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "after killing sharley in q701",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after killing sharley in q701 60F0C898-42A0C4ED-
index = 9,
description = 0x00127dd5, -- "Getting himself into trouble clearly
counted among Guillaume’s favorite hobbies. The second time Geralt met him, he had
to rescue the knight from an enraged shaelmaar trying its best to rip him to shreds
in a packed arena.<br><br>Wounded yet grateful, Guillaume asked the witcher to meet
with him about a very urgent matter.<br>"

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/hermitoflaccelavy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "HermitofLacCelavy",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "HermitofLacCelavy",
children = {
name = 0x00127c12, -- "The Hermit at Lac Célavy"
image = "journal_hermit.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First met 25548F3C-46114701-BA9C25BC-01E3F3FF",
description = 0x00127c13, -- "The hermit who lived on the isle on Lac
Célavy had become the guardian of the duchy’s Five Principle Virtues. This virtuous
man watched over the boulders on which the virtues had been engraved and put any
knights who came by through a trial to prove they embodied them. When the witcher
arrived at the isle and met with the hermit, it seemed to him it was not their
first encounter. Only later did he find out how right he was.<br><br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "It comes out he is the Lady of the Lake",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "It comes out he is the Lady of the Lake EBF7CA79-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127c14, -- "The hermit turned out to be the Lady of
the Lake, a mysterious being whom Geralt had once met in Murky Waters. After Geralt
passed the hermit’s trials, the holy man changed form and showed him his true face,
then bestowed upon Geralt a gift: the sword Aerondight."

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/ladyofthelake.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "LadyOfTheLake",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "LadyOfTheLake",
children = {
name = 0x00127c22, -- "Lady of the Lake"
image = "journal_ladyofthelake.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When the hermit becomes the Lady",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When the hermit becomes the Lady 592D0858-4D890FE4-
description = 0x00127c23, -- "Geralt had first encountered the Lady of
the Lake when his search for what had been stolen from Kaer Morhen took him to the
village known as Murky Waters. There a mysterious female being dwelled in the murky
depths of the village’s namesake waters and watched over the residents living on
the shores. Such was their esteem for their underwater guardian, they erected a
monument in her honor. The Lady of the Lake once had many knights in her service,
but they had all died, as valiant knights tend to, during campaigns in far-off
lands. She now lived in near solitude, so was glad to accept Geralt’s company, the
witcher being someone she liked and respected.<br><br>Once the witcher had believed
the Lady of the Lake was some kind of local goddess, but their reunion at Lac
Célavy made him realize she did not dwell only in Murky Waters. Instead, the Lady
of the Lake calls home any place where virtue and chivalry are honored."

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/milton.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Milton",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Milton de Peyrac-Peyran",
children = {
name = 0x001270e0, -- "Milton de Peyrac-Peyran"
image = "journal_milton.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After meeting on NML",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After meeting on NML C6AA74E5-4D5D8AF5-6C27F194-
description = 0x001270e2, -- "Milton de Peyrac-Peyran was a baron from
Toussaint and a member of Anna Henrietta’s inner circle of knights. This good-
humored nobleman never met an overloaded banquet table he failed to unload of its
burdens, yet nor did he ever shirk a fight against heavily-armed bandits or any
other enemies of the duchy. Geralt had met Milton years ago, under very peculiar
circumstances that deserve to be recounted properly and at length. Their roads
crossed again when Milton came to the witcher as the duchess’ envoy, to ask our
hero to journey with him to Toussaint.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Milton died",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Milton died 06BC6330-427369A8-F6DD5896-BC7F6091",
index = 1,
description = 0x001270e1, -- "Milton made for good company. Was he also
a good man? That I do not know. Geralt told me later some incidents from his past
gnawed on his conscience. We shall never know precisely what moral burdens he
carried, for Milton de Peyrac-Peyran perished in the palace gardens, the Beast’s
fourth victim. May he rest in peace."

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/oriana.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Oriana",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "oriana",
children = {
name = 0x00127102, -- "Orianna"
image = "journal_oriana.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 98342EED-48ED2477-557B009B-168D16C6",
description = 0x00127103, -- "During the soiree organized by the
Mandragora, Geralt met Orianna, a valued patroness to many local artists. There was
something about this woman that made most who met her feel somehow ill at ease. She
could not break the witcher’s iron-hard self-composure, of course, but she did give
him the impression she was no normal aristocrat – and his impressions were usually

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "At 704",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "At 704 85D55BBF-4F16A0A0-02CDD086-EA863982",
index = 1,
description = 0x00127104, -- "Regis' charismatic friend was revealed to
be a fellow vampire, though nowhere near as civilized and humanitarian as he. She
owned an orphanage outside the city which, as the witcher discovered to his horror,
she used as a sort of blood cellar, visiting it whenever the urge struck her to
drink some blood straight from an orphan’s neck. Geralt swore that if they ever met

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/palmerin.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Palmerin",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Palmerin de Launfal",
children = {
name = 0x001270e3, -- "Palmerin de Launfal"
image = "journal_palmerin.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After meeting on NML",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After meeting on NML 65B385EA-4CC1608B-16C7C5A2-
description = 0x001270e4, -- "Not all knights errant in Toussaint were
embodiments of virtue, but if I had to choose one among them who did personify
their chivalric creed, it would be Palmerin de Launfal. He is all the more
admirable for the fact that, years ago, he was no stranger to the pleasures of
eating, drinking and making merry in a variety of fashions. With time, however, he
abandoned vice and drew closer to the knightly ideal. Geralt realized this when
Palmerin came to him as an envoy from Anna Henrietta. The old-fashioned and
somewhat naive knight immediately made a good impression on him, for while he did
take formalities and courtesies a tad too seriously, he was anything but pompous or

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/regis.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy",
children = {
name = 0x00126ba2, -- "Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy"
image = "journal_regis.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Regis met firts tiem in Q702 warehouse",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Regis met firts tiem in Q702 warehouse",
description = 0x00126ba3, -- "Geralt chased Sir Milton’s murderer with
mad intensity. How this chase ended stands as clear witness to the fact Geralt was
facing a highly dangerous foe: the killer led Geralt to an old warehouse, where it
set a trap for him. A fight ensued, and at a crucial moment Geralt was saved by
Regis, a higher vampire and old friend. Here I must explain that, years ago, Regis
had joined Geralt’s band of fellow travelers (of which I was a proud part) and set
off with us in search of Ciri. Together we lived through many fascinating
adventures and Regis proved himself a loyal friend, the kind you can trust with
your life. Sadly, the expedition ended tragically for Regis. He was killed by
Vilgefortz, who reduced him to nothing more than a wet stain.<br><br>Hence the
witcher’s immense surprise at encountering his old friend – after all, he had seen
Regis die with his own eyes. But the thing is, that was not Regis’ “final” death,
nor even his first. As a young man, Regis had been a bit of a free spirit and
overindulged in the drinking of blood. This lifestyle led to him being butchered by
angry villagers. Regenerating from that took him fifty years – or nearly no time at
all, for an immortal. When he was back in full health, he kicked the habit of blood
drinking for good.<br><br>For years, we’d all thought he was gone forever. Yet
there he was, standing in front of Geralt in that dockside warehouse.<br><br>Regis
explained he had regenerated and come to Toussaint to find Dettlaff, a
friend.<br><br>Such were the dramatic circumstances bringing Regis and Geralt
together again in Beauclair. They did not have long to enjoy their reunion,
however. They could hear others approaching and Regis, not wanting to risk an
encounter with angry humans, agreed to meet back up with Geralt at the cemetery
where he had made an altogether comfortable temporary home for himself.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "The Plans",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Plans E958E705-4315EEA5-6719B497-DFE678FE",
index = 1,
description = 0x00126e4f, -- "Geralt found Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery
and the crypt where Regis not only lived, but had also managed to set up a well-
equipped alchemist’s workshop. They began to confer. Regis explained he believed
his friend had become implicated in some serious trouble. When they figured out
they had overlapping goals, they decided to join forces and together seek out the
vampire Dettlaff, better known in the duchy as the Beast of
Beauclair.<br><br>Geralt also learned how it was Regis had returned to the world of
the living. He had been helped by none other than the very one they sought:
Dettlaff. In light of this, Regis insisted they find a peaceful solution to the
“Dettlaff problem.”<br><br>Geralt and Regis decided that an aid was needed to find
Dettlaff, a certain potion called Resonance. To brew it, Regis needed some bodily
tissue from the object of their pursuit. Luckily, Geralt had earlier found a
dismembered hand belonging to the murderer. Another ingredient needed to brew
Resonance was saliva (or salivary glands) from a spotted wight. Having discovered
that one such creature resided nearby, Regis sent the Witcher to hunt it down.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Another part of the plan",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Another part of the plan DDE87FDB-4A8772F4-A0EA618D-
index = 2,
description = 0x00126e53, -- "Geralt’s encounter with the wight left him
with the ingredient Regis needed to brew Resonance. Once he’d delivered, however,
he learned there was still one thing missing: the blood of a higher vampire. Geralt
thought this would prove no trouble until Regis explained only the blood of a
vampire in a highly aggravated state would do. They thus would need to invoke
maddening bloodlust in Regis, who had abstained from that vampiric vice for

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Slaughter in the Tesha Mutna",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Slaughter in the Tesha Mutna C5830726-445697FA-
index = 3,
description = 0x00126e54, -- "Regis brought Geralt to Tesham Mutna. This
grim place had been used by vampires ages ago to raise humans like cattle. Geralt
later said even the air in that place smelled of pain and fear. Regis could not
vouch for how he would handle the upcoming ordeal and had Geralt lock him in a
hanging cage, from which he was to watch as Geralt butchered.<br><br>Having placed
bait to lure out monsters, Geralt began his slaughter. Blood flowed at Tesham Mutna
once again, and Regis nearly went mad with desire. In the end, the two friends came
to possess the blood of a higher vampire in a state of aroused fury.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Visions",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visions 2C6B9886-49C214F9-A9C02CAD-A07186DC",
index = 4,
description = 0x00126e56, -- "Geralt imbibed the Resonance potion Regis
had prepared, allowing him to see a fragment of the day Dettlaff had committed his
most recent murder. The trail led the friends to the shuttered up toy shop where
Dettlaff had been staying.<br><br>Sadly our heroes did not find Dettlaff at home.
They did not leave empty handed, however. After searching the shop, Geralt found a
letter which revealed Dettlaff was being blackmailed. The blackmailers had
kidnapped his lover, Rhenawedd, and threatened to torture her if he did not do as
they said. Thus Dettlaff had killed the targets they designated. After a short
consultation, Geralt and Regis decided to split up. Regis was to wait for Dettlaff,
while Geralt would go to Anna Henrietta and report on the investigation’s

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Meeting in Madragora",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meeting in Madragora C6CE7C0E-49414E64-BDCD5D84-
index = 5,
description = 0x00126e92, -- "In their pursuit of the blackmailers,
Geralt and Anna Henrietta found themselves at a private residence used for meetings
of the Mandragora – an exclusive club for the boheme of Toussaint. The residence’s
owner turned out to be a woman named Orianna. To the witcher’s great displeasure,
later that evening they were joined by Regis, in the company of… Dettlaff. In the
conversation that ensued, Geralt gathered Regis and Orianna were old
friends.<br><br>The entire conversation had a rather surreal nature, seeing as how
the duchess had no idea she was speaking to the dreaded Beast himself. Its key
outcome was the conclusion that the blackmailers were holding Dettlaff’s lover at a
place known as Dun Tynne. Geralt pulled Regis aside and they conferred briefly.
Geralt was firmly against revealing this information to Dettlaff. To his thinking,
this could lead to serious trouble. I must say, I agree with the witcher’s
reasoning. When a higher vampire loses his self-control, trouble always ensues.
Bloody trouble.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Bloody Dun Tynne",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bloody Dun Tynne 2AF90D9D-4DAE57C6-25682D90-
index = 6,
description = 0x00126e95, -- "Geralt went to Dun Tynne alone, leaving
Regis behind to watch Dettlaff. Or such was the plan, but life has a habit of
making a mockery of men’s plans. The vampires kept tabs on Geralt’s progress
through the use of avian allies and thus were the instant he found himself in dire
straits. They reacted at once. Soon, Dun Tynne was drenched in blood.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Visit without Syanna",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit without Syanna 845DC6D2-4A97F2A5-093BC5B1-
index = 7,
description = 0x00126e9f, -- "Regis helped Geralt gain an audience with
the mysterious vampire known as the Unseen Elder. Thanks to this Elder’s help,
Geralt and Regis found the place where Dettlaff had been hiding. Events then
unfolded at a rapid pace. Dettlaff flew into a rage and a fight ensued. Geralt
managed to defeat him in a bloody battle, but a higher vampire can only be truly
killed by one of his brethren. This was perhaps the most difficult decision Regis
had ever faced in his life. He killed his friend, having decided Dettlaff’s failure
to adapt to this world was a burden his friend could no longer bear.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Dettlaff goes free",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dettlaff goes free E2E7F956-4B2710C1-FACCEAA2-
index = 8,
description = 0x00126ea1, -- "Regis helped Geralt find a way to enter
the Land of a Thousand Fables. There Geralt found Syanna and brought her to a
meeting with Dettlaff. As Regis had feared, his friend proved incapable of
restraining his rage and killed his one-time love. He then said he bore no ill will
towards Geralt and Regis and wished to go his way. The witcher let him do so. Regis
decided to accompany his friend and followed after him, hoping to help him regain
spiritual balance.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Visit with Syanna with ribbon",
order = 4288675838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit with Syanna with ribbon F86250D4-427D46A1-
index = 9,
description = 0x00127245, -- "Regis helped Geralt find a way to enter
the Land of a Thousand Fables. There Geralt found Syanna and brought her to a
meeting with Dettlaff. As Regis had feared, his friend proved incapable of
restraining his rage and tried to kill his one-time love. Yet right before his blow
struck, Syanna disappeared, whisked away to a safe place by the magic ribbon she
had taken from the Land of a Thousand Fables. Dettlaff then vented his fury on
Geralt and Regis. A fight ensued. Geralt managed to defeat Dettlaff in a bloody
battle, but a higher vampire can only be truly killed by one of his brethren. This
was perhaps the most difficult decision Regis had ever faced in his life. He killed
his friend, having decided Dettlaff’s failure to adapt to this world was a burden
his friend could no longer bear.<br>"
chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Visit with Syanna",
order = 4287627262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit with Syanna 8CC9786D-4AEBD693-DF8A3EAE-
index = 10,
description = 0x00126ea0, -- "Regis helped Geralt find a way to enter
the Land of a Thousand Fables. There Geralt found Syanna and brought her to a
meeting with Dettlaff. Alas, during this meeting Dettlaff proved unable to control
his rage and killed his one-time love. He then said he bore no ill will towards
Geralt and Regis and wished to leave, but Geralt refused to let him. A fight
ensued. Geralt managed to defeat Dettlaff in a bloody battle, but a higher vampire
can only be truly killed by one of his brethren. This was perhaps the most
difficult decision Regis had ever faced in his life. He killed his friend, having
decided Dettlaff’s failure to adapt to this world was a burden his friend could no
longer bear.<br>"

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/roach.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Roach",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Roach 327012A4-4D6A04BB-FB59AEA3-6668EF73",
children = {
name = 0x0012876e, -- "Roach"
image = "journal_roach.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First met E0827386-4BA020EC-44BE5D82-F2C668B9",
description = 0x0012876f, -- "A horse is more to a witcher than merely a
means of locomotion – just ask any bandit who has taken a well-aimed hoof to the
head during combat. Additionally, many a witcher has talked over the nuts and bolts
of his current contract with his horse while staring at the stars shining above the
lonely road, though Few would ever admit to this.<br><br>Geralt named his every
mount Roach, though no one really knows why or what Geralt had in mind with this
name. When asked, Geralt would dodge the question or give an evasive answer.
Perhaps this had just been the first word that came to his head? Roach, for her
part, seemed to accept the name with no reservations.<br><br>Geralt would grow
annoyed and curse whenever Roach panicked and tossed him in the middle of a battle,
as well as when she would suddenly turn a different direction than he wanted while
he was riding at full gallop towards some urgent destination. In truth, though, he
was very attached to her and would never trade her for any other horse. Not even
one which, when summoned, would never stand helpless in front of a seemingly easily
surmountable obstacle, such as a low fence or stray piece of timber. Nor even one
which would sometimes, in some incomprehensible fashion, wind up dancing on some
peasant’s roof. ”Well,” Geralt would say with a shrug. “A witcher’s horse isn’t a
normal animal. Constant contact with magic beverages and Signs must have left a

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "mq7017 completed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7017 completed F4D0A8F1-436F8060-58333A9A-
index = 1,
description = 0x00128770, -- "While completing a contract in Toussaint,
Geralt had the chance to find out exactly how serious Roach took her role and how
well-versed in the arcana of the witcher’s trade she was. He also discovered she
was an entirely pleasant conversation partner."

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/syanna.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Syanna",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Syanna 295E75A7-4EE7BFAD-07A1BE93-B0E45075",
children = {
name = 0x00126eae, -- "Syanna"
image = "journal_syanna.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Koniec q703, po wyjściu z Dun Tynne",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Koniec q703, po wyjsciu z Dun Tynne 95152696-
description = 0x00126eaf, -- "Anna Henrietta, full of sisterly love and
compassion, spent years mourning the absence of Syanna, who had officially been
declared missing and presumed dead. When she surfaced again, however, their reunion
was not one of familial joy. Syanna despised Anna Henrietta and did not wish even
to speak to her.<br><br>This reluctance might have had something to do with the
fact that, moments earlier, Syanna had been unmasked as a murderer…<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Odwiedzamy S. w q705, dowiadujemy się, że zabijała z zemsty",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Odwiedzamy S. w q705, dowiadujemy sie, ze zabijala z
zemsty 2F6772FA-4EA5F588-771031BC-0F804C13",
index = 1,
description = 0x00126eb0, -- "Though the investigation had already
revealed almost all the key details of the mysterious murders – Geralt now knew
their means, method and perpetrator and had even prevented their continuation – he
still did not fully understand why this whole plot had been hatched in the first
place. Yet he did not have to try hard to learn this last bit of information.
Syanna did not hide it had been a simple matter of getting revenge on those who had
forced her into exile. Vengeance is one of the oldest motives in the world, one
which has brought many doom and few relief. As for Syanna, it brought her to a cell
in the ducal palace.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Syanna zabija AH, sama zostaje zastrzelona przez gwardzistów",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Syanna zabija AH, sama zostaje zastrzelona przez
gwardzist�w 6FAE824F-40D5CDE2-9D179E95-B15F3D9A",
index = 2,
description = 0x00126eb1, -- "Yet something continued to bother Geralt,
a detail as minor yet difficult to dismiss as a pebble in one’s boot. Syanna had
had a plan, an elaborate, precisely worked out plan… yet if so, what was its grand
conclusion? By the time the witcher understood how the plan was to culminate, it
was already too late. During a reconciliatory embrace, Syanna killed Anna
Henrietta, the last of the people whom she blamed for her exile. Moments later she
died as well, shot down by the captain of the ducal guard.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Po spotkaniu Syanny i AH -- pod wpływem rozmowy z Geraltem Syanna
nie zabija AH",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po spotkaniu Syanny i AH -- pod wplywem rozmowy z
Geraltem Syanna nie zabija AH A9E53D24-4285F93E-EEE9FBB2-DDDCE1CD",
index = 3,
description = 0x00126eb5, -- "Though Syanna had shown she could be
merciless with those she considered enemies, the witcher felt sorry for her, in a
way. Perhaps because he had also been considered a freak his entire life, or
perhaps because, though he never admitted it, he simply had a good heart. Whatever
the cause, he decided to visit Syanna in her cell, where she revealed to him that
her plan had one last, culminating step: the murder of Anna
Henrietta.<br><br>Luckily, Geralt was able to get her to listen to reason and she
decided to await her sentence patiently. She knew her sister well and could be
confident Anarietta would not let any harm come to her."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Po wyjściu z krainy bajek",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po wyjsciu z krainy bajek A8359269-435058DF-8EFAC1BC-
index = 4,
description = 0x00126eb2, -- "Geralt’s journey to the Land of a Thousand
Fables bore more fruit than he had expected. His conversations with Syanna shed
light on a few matters: she made no secret of the fact that her elaborate murder
plot was about getting revenge on the people who had forced her into exile.
Vengeance is one of the oldest motives in the world and has brought many doom and
few relief. It was to bring Syanna face to face with a higher vampire who was
simultaneously a serial killer, her slighted beau and, it seemed, a being still
deeply in love with her…<br>"
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Geralt przyprowadza Syannę do Dettlaffa, S. ma wstążkę, przeżywa",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt przyprowadza Syanne do Dettlaffa, S. ma
wstazke, przezywa BAB6CE60-49A3D059-70FE20B4-ABBF9BBF",
index = 5,
description = 0x00126eb3, -- "When Geralt brought Syanna to the meeting
with Dettlaff, he never expected this story would end with such a finale. Though
several days had passed since their last meeting, Dettlaff had not managed to rein
in the wrath he felt toward Syanna. He attacked her, and if not for the magic
ribbon Syanna and Geralt had purchased in the Land of a Thousand Fables, he would
have torn her to shreds in an instant. Yet the ribbon had been created to transport
the ducal daughters to a safe place if they were ever threatened – and what place
could be safer than the most protected part of the family palace? Syanna thus
escaped Dettlaff’s claws and landed straight in the palace dungeons.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Geralt przyprowadza Syannę do Dettlaffa, S. nie ma wstążki, D. ją
order = 3087007742,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt przyprowadza Syanne do Dettlaffa, S. nie ma
wstazki, D. ja zabija 401125F8-4BD29D33-A34826AB-8EBD4F60",
index = 6,
description = 0x00126eb4, -- "What could go wrong when an ancient
vampire meets the woman who took advantage of his unconditional love to manipulate
him into committing a string of murders? Sometimes I get the feeling Geralt did not
bother to consider this question before taking Syanna to her meeting with Dettlaff.
I suppose he must have counted on love overcoming the vampire’s hurt pride. If he’d
have asked me, I would have told him it wasn’t a matter of pride at all. Dettlaff
had simply realized the woman he had placed on a pedestal did not actually exist.
In her place was a petty and malicious weaver of plots, whom he killed without a
second thought.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "q703 Anna Henrietta mentions Syanna at Mandragora's",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703 Anna Henrietta mentions Syanna at Mandragora's
index = 7,
description = 0x0012876b, -- "Sylvia Anna… A lovely name, don’t you
think? This beauty should come as no surprise, given it’s the name of the daughter
of a duke and the sister of a duchess. Yet the fate Syanna (as her intimates called
her) met was not as beautiful as might have been suspected for one so well-born –
though, as it turns out, she had in truth been born rather inopportunely. She came
into this world during an eclipse and thus fell victim to the panic surrounding the
Curse of the Black Sun, which was said to affect young girls from ruling families
birthed in similar circumstances. Though Geralt had serious doubts whether this
curse truly existed, many claimed it caused horrible mutations which filled its
victims with cruelty and a desire to kill.<br><br>Syanna’s parents certainly seemed
to be among the believers in the curse, for they deemed her too dangerous to be
allowed to remain at court and forced her into exile. Syanna then fled to Nazair
and soon, for all intents and purposes, dropped off the face of the planet.<br>"

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/ukryty.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ukryty",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ukryty 396C9588-4992527F-29B50DA6-E1A3EFA2",
children = {
name = 0x00126eaa, -- "The Unseen Elder"
image = "journal_ukryty.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się o jego istnieniu na początku 704",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje sie o jego istnieniu na poczatku 704
description = 0x00126eab, -- "Geralt was as intrigued as I was, and as I
imagine you shall be, to learn higher vampire society is organized in a strict
hierarchy based on age: the older a vampire, the greater his say in their matters
and the stricter the punishment for going against his will. One extremely elder
vampire lived in Beauclair, in the cave where he had been deposited during the
Conjunction of the Spheres. Geralt and Regis decided they had to go see him to get
his help in finding Dettlaff.<br><br>The only problem was that the more ancient
members of the vampiric race were not very… how to put this… amenable to company.
This particular elder so deeply disliked visitors Regis trembled at the very
thought of having to disturb his peace. Geralt had a difficult decision to make:
should he risk a visit to the Elder’s domain, or try to find Syanna?<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po wyjściu z jaskini Ukrytego",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po wyjsciu z jaskini Ukrytego",
index = 1,
description = 0x00126eac, -- "Regis’ reservations about visiting the
Unseen Elder were not at all unfounded. Though in the end Geralt was able to
convince this being to help, he almost had to pay with his own and Regis’ lives.
Luckily, however, all ended well and Geralt and Regis left the Elder’s cave alive
and unharmed (though perhaps a little shaken up), with a guarantee Dettlaff would
soon meet them at Tesham Mutna."

-- dlc/bob/journal/characters/vivienne.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Vivienne de Tabris",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vivienne",
children = {
name = 0x001270a4, -- "Vivienne de Tabris"
image = "journal_vivienne.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Start sq701",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start sq701 4E083B73-4C31C79D-4E0ED581-7884A3F1",
description = 0x001270a5, -- "Vivienne de Tabris was Anna Henrietta’s
lady-in-waiting. She was a tight-lipped, secretive, inaccessible person, but her
beauty fascinated men. Geralt saw proof of this when he took a contract from
Guillaume, who was in love with her and suspected she might be afflicted by a
curse. In order to get an audience with her, Geralt had to take part in the
knights’ tourney, where Vivienne was acting as the patroness.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Discover curse",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Discover curse 48214F8E-4AD73704-D65C84B5-872E46B9",
index = 1,
description = 0x001270a6, -- "By following Vivienne and examining the
evidence, Geralt discovered Guillaume was right. Vivienne had indeed been struck by
a powerful curse before she was even born. This curse caused her to turn into a
bird whenever the moon was out. Geralt listened to the story of the curse, then
offered to try to lift it. He warned her that this would not be a simple matter.
The curse could be transferred to another, but Vivienne did not want to agree to
that. It could also be removed entirely, but then it was possible Vivienne would
only have a few years left to live.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Tell the truth",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tell the truth 5F8AEB60-42EBF29F-BD147A91-31A0287E",
index = 2,
description = 0x001270a7, -- "Geralt decided to tell Guillaume what he
had learned. Guillaume offered his help in lifting the curse – and declared he was
willing to take that burden upon himself.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Don't tell",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Don't tell 4144493F-41FD7075-F0BD4299-44507579",
index = 3,
description = 0x001270a8, -- "Geralt kept the information Vivienne had
confided to him secret, even though Guillaume was determined to help her any way he

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Pond method",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pond method 7131A510-4FD5AEA7-98A0FC8C-F9971656",
index = 4,
description = 0x001270a9, -- "Thanks to the information Geralt had
gathered, Guillaume convinced Vivienne to let him take the curse upon himself.
According to Geralt, the spell would have much weaker effects once transferred.
Vivienne believed Guillaume had the best of intentions and decided to trust
him.<br><br>The three of them performed the ritual, lifting the curse from
Vivienne. As for Guillaume, he noticed no immediate changes.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Egg method",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Egg method F8DB7896-4D56556D-9A11B5B1-812D0F3A",
index = 5,
description = 0x001270aa, -- "Guillaume tried to convince Vivienne he
only wanted what was best for her, but she preferred to remain independent. She and
Geralt conducted the ritual together, lifting the curse.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Epilogue pond",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Epilogue pond 67AE0A7F-40EC2109-3D8F53B8-D552A8A6",
index = 6,
description = 0x001270ab, -- "Guillaume and Vivienne grew close. The
curse caused the knight to grow feathers on strange parts of his body, but that did
not bother him overly much. As for Vivienne, she was rather fond of them."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Epilogue egg",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Epilogue egg AA19CC3F-4FC5C4E5-37E0798C-2D4FA90A",
index = 7,
description = 0x001270ac, -- "Vivienne felt free for the first time in
her life. She decided to make maximal use of the time remaining to her and set out
to travel the world."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/bara10.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "bar_a_10",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bar_a_10 CB9A683E-401D6D11-8D174DA7-9A673C01",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x00123992, -- "Waiting for Goe and Doh"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 5BFE5463-48B3D918-12CD7CA6-6E3857BD",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 825A395D-4189D2C5-7E7C479F-2DE174A2",
description = 0x0011bc12, -- "While unheroically roaming the backcountry
that was the Champs-Désolés, our heroic witcher was ambushed by a pack of ne'er-do-
well highway robbers.<br>He quickly dispatched the upstart traveler molesters, then
prompted by curiosity, searched their encampment. He found an interesting

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 4F87766E-457CF240-42A92FB5-6330C978",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011bc13, -- "The bandits had previously ambushed a
group of scholars returning from an expedition to the Caroberta Woods. They got
their just deserts soon after, when their boat, laden with loot, sank. It now
rested somewhere at the bottom of the Sansretour River.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End A68E66B7-41D3CD66-7C04D399-06773F22",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011bc14, -- "Combining work with pleasure, Geralt
plunged into the relaxing, refreshing waters of the Sansretour. He quickly found
the sunken boat and emptied the treasure chest hidden within it.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Start Guarded Treasure",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Guarded Treasure 3B44B50D-4518A85C-4A1EEB97-
index = 3,
description = 0x00126e96, -- "While unheroically roaming the backcountry
that was the Champs-Désolés, our heroic witcher came upon an encampment overrun by
monsters. The beasts were feeding on the remains of the camp's former
inhabitants.<br>Geralt dispatched the bloodthirsty filth, then, prompted by
curiosity, searched the camp. He found an interesting letter.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note A822BADA-4E2021FC-D2E0DCAE-9F1C16C5",
title = 0x0011bc15, -- "Read the letter containing orders."

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baseName = "look for sunken treasure",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "look for sunken treasure E5154C07-4CB0736B-CB2AE2B4-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011bc16, -- "Search for the sunken boat."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/boblw.journal:

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/bobmainquests.journal:

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title = 0x0010a651, -- "Blood and Wine"

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/bobminorquests.journal:

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/bobmonsterhunts.journal:

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/bobsidequests.journal:

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/cammerlengo.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cammerlengo AFAD298F-47B94308-D6D65092-02F3FC2E",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001286f6, -- "Knight for Hire"

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baseName = "Cammerlengo Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cammerlengo Start D63E0D3F-46923568-1CB787BE-
description = 0x00128718, -- "The Duchy of Toussaint is the homeland of
wine and knights errant. And just like grapes need the sun to ripen, so do knights
errant need a certain amount of encouragement to complete their missions. Geralt,
while not a knight and not really known to be errant, decided nevertheless to jump
into one's boots and try to earn a few coppers.<br>"

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baseName = "Settlement Start",
order = 3221225470,
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index = 1,
description = 0x00128719, -- "Who would have thought that, in a land
flowing with milk and honey, Geralt would happen across a settlement in desperate
and urgent need of a witcher's blade! Luckily our hero always kept his at the ready
and soon managed to rescue at least a dozen people. Afterwards... he gave it some
thought and concluded there might be someone around willing to pay him for his

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index = 2,
description = 0x0012871a, -- "Who would have thought that, in a land
flowing with milk and honey, Geralt would happen across a knight in desperate and
urgent need of a witcher's blade! Luckily our hero always kept his at the ready and
soon managed to rescue the poor man. Afterwards... he gave it some thought and
concluded there might be someone around willing to pay him for his trouble.<br>"

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baseName = "Merchant Start",
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index = 3,
description = 0x0012871b, -- "Who would have thought that, in a land
flowing with milk and honey, Geralt would happen across a person in desperate and
urgent need of a witcher's blade! Luckily our hero always kept his at the ready and
soon managed to rescue the merchant. Afterwards... he gave it some thought and
concluded there might be someone around willing to pay him for his trouble.<br>"

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index = 4,
description = 0x0012871c, -- "Who would have thought that, in a land
flowing with milk and honey, Geralt would happen across the lair of a group of
ruthless, cold-blooded bandits. Luckily our hero always kept his steel sword at the
ready and soon had dispatched this "hanse" of dangerous delinquents. Afterwards...
he gave it some thought and concluded there might be someone around willing to pay
him for his trouble.<br>"

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index = 5,
description = 0x0012871d, -- "Geralt completed all the contracts the
camerlengo had to offer him. The reward he received was not quite what he had
expected, true, but valuable all the same."

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order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Noticeboard Start B9BBDEB0-4D857E1E-F788348A-
index = 6,
description = 0x001287c1, -- "Geralt came across an altogether typical
looking notice – someone was looking for the help of knights or other "strongmen."
He concluded he met the above-stated requirements and set off for Knights Dormant
Square to meet with the ducal camerlengo.<br>"

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index = 7,
description = 0x001287d0, -- "Geralt's efforts would in fact not go
unrewarded. He found a contract on a notice board in which the ducal camerlengo
promised a reward for the help of "knights or other strongmen." The witcher
concluded he met the above-stated requirements and set off for Knights Dormant
Square to meet with the ducal camerlengo.<br>"

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collect your pay."

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title = 0x00128721, -- "Go see the ducal camerlengo about your reward
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title = 0x001287c2, -- "See if there is anything on the notice boards
about a contract for helping out around the region."

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index = 5,
title = 0x001287cf, -- "Check the notice board for a contract for
helping out around the region."

chunk[44] = {
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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x001287da, -- "Go to the ducal camerlengo to learn the details
of the contract."

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chunk[46] = {
baseName = "Long Night Handler",
order = 4278190078,
index = 7,
title = 0x00128b56, -- "Deal with the vampires swarming the city."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/cara04.journal:

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children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001236a1, -- "Vintner's Contract: Cleaning Those Hard-to-Reach

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baseName = "kill monsters",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "kill monsters 385ED7C5-41F1FD4B-40D0FC9D-51672AFF",
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title = 0x001236a9, -- "Kill the monsters which have infested the

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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001236aa, -- "Return to your contract giver."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start FBC1E6E5-4E987169-35055582-4AAC3DB4",
description = 0x001236a2, -- "Proceeding on his way, Geralt encountered
one in need, as he had many times before. I must emphasize that though ostensibly
cool and aloof, the witcher, in fact, has a heart of gold. Thus none should wonder
that he agreed to help the anxious vintner. For a modest fee, of course.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report 2FBD6DF2-473A3F4E-D76C81AF-F5B3F075",
index = 1,
description = 0x001236a3, -- "Without a moment's hesitation Geralt
plunged into the darkness of the Grey Grotto and cut to bits the monsters that had
made their lair there…<br>"

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baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 731CA638-457132CE-008F2DA2-E8CD18AE",
index = 2,
description = 0x001236a4, -- "…For which service he received a generous
reward! Then the witcher, his spirits lifted, set off down his Path!<br>"

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/cara11.journal:
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children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001256bb, -- "Spoontaneous Profits!"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start EBD2FD3B-4B3DABCD-112DA9AF-D886DA5C",
description = 0x001256bc, -- "While snooping about the cursed Trastamara
Estate, Geralt happened on a strange, spoon-like key. Attached to it was a

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read 8A6D75FE-48BC9BBA-147AB097-23749017",
index = 1,
description = 0x001256bd, -- "The note labeled the strange spoon as the
property of the Pheasantry, known far and wide to be the finest tavern in all the
duchy of Toussaint.<br>"

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baseName = "Search basement",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search basement 86E67986-4875D67D-72407EA7-A21D98C3",
index = 2,
description = 0x001256be, -- "The witcher decided to follow the lead and
headed to the Pheasantry to see what he could find. Though the innkeep denied ever
having seen the peculiar utensil, she did suggest that Geralt search the tavern's
cellar. For it was there that the previous owner's documents were stowed.<br>"
chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search for treasure 07E55F00-4E11645F-09FC29A6-
index = 3,
description = 0x001256bf, -- "In the cellar Geralt found some notes.
These in turn stated the spoon was a key to the studio of a legendary elven cook.
The studio supposedly lay hidden amidst the ruins of a temple to the goddess
Danamebi in the Blessure Forest…<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End FD0A71DA-41928610-29F02297-1AFC0841",
index = 4,
description = 0x001256c0, -- "Geralt reached the temple ruins, descended
into the cellar, and found the long-forgotten studio-kitchen of one Ra'mses Gor-
Thon, where treasure was as plentiful as dust and cobwebs!<br>"

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note A7829BD8-461BBFED-2AFF49B2-CBB6B8E7",
title = 0x001256c1, -- "Read the note attached to the spoon."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "talk with pheasantry owner",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "talk with pheasantry owner D743CB86-4277FCA3-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001256c2, -- "Ask the owner of the Pheasantry about the
mysterious spoon."

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title = 0x001256c3, -- "Search the Pheasantry's cellars."

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title = 0x001256c4, -- "Read the notes found in the Pheasantry."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "find a way to treasure",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find a way to treasure 0B820154-4BEDABDB-167AE881-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001256c5, -- "Find Gor-Thon's studio and look for treasure."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "car_a_11_ruins_mp",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "car_a_11_ruins_mp 625CE60B-445CB5BD-6A376AA3-
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "car_a_11_ruins_mp",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/carb08.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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baseName = "car_b_08",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "car_b_08 9928729B-4F4B3F0A-501704A5-218F60AC",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011cda9, -- "The Inconstant Gardener"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 79628F9E-45E92E2F-6CCCFC95-121FA8C2",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start F6B245C9-4BC62CE8-59C96DA0-E3D1D8E9",
description = 0x0011cdaa, -- "Roaming through the Caroberta Woods,
Geralt ran into a group of bandits… He tended to the overly aggressive rogues
quickly, yet as he was striding away, he tripped over one of the cooling corpses
and happened to spot a letter. When he read it, it proved interesting to say the

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 5F1929F6-4F2F39F9-C81D398C-35AF6A15",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011cdab, -- "From the letter he learned of a gardener,
erstwhile groundskeeper at the Nilfgaardian embassy, and his most unfortunate
dealings with a band of robbers. The note suggested some interesting loot might
still lie concealed in the embassy cooperage…<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 614C8EB8-495F4C7A-7E820196-19C2F0DF",
index = 2,
description = 0x00126bd5, -- "Geralt made quick work of finding the
hidden chest. Pleased with himself, he set off in search of his next adventure!

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 2E52AF39-4B395D20-2BE1CAA0-32344276",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "search the workshop",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "serach the workshop 92FEA60A-41111B5E-3E5135B8-
children = {
title = 0x0011cdac, -- "Search the workshop and find the chest with the

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radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "poi_car_b_08_mp_q",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "look for gold 516BF060-426CB34C-B8F281A3-E285602E",
index = 1,
title = 0x00126bd6, -- "Read the letter found on the bandit's body."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/carb10.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "car_b_10 BA4BC5BD-4B52F387-D2C251B6-6873EAF9",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001220ff, -- "The Last Exploits of Selina's Gang"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F8F10EBE-46E9D18F-5553C499-5327CD58",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 399E5939-4E698946-072EA8B6-65D53EC6",
description = 0x00122100, -- "Intending to take a refreshing dip in
Seidhe Llygad, Geralt happened on a corpse. Unsurprisingly, this quelled his desire
to dive into the lake's shimmering waters. Yet on the corpse, which proved to be
that of a suicide, he found a letter…<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 9515FA01-40309D56-B94441A3-DE15E8B4",
index = 1,
description = 0x00122101, -- "The letter spoke of the love that had
bloomed between Selina and Bruce - two famed Beauclairois cat burglars. It also
detailed the sad end of the duo's story. But any tale of burglars is a tale of
their loot. Always a big spender and thus ever in need of coin, the witcher
resolved to find the hidden treasure.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 3BEAE9B0-4B93326B-D205F8B3-6A981F4D",
index = 2,
description = 0x00122102, -- "Geralt discovered he was not the lone
prospector for the treasure Selina had left behind. So he quickly cut down his
competitors, a band of grave robbers, and made off with the loot.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Start Fluff",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Fluff BD527B18-41C914D3-D1A51684-39262BF5",
index = 3,
description = 0x00128743, -- "While exploring the catacombs beneath the
city cemetery, Geralt ran into a crew of grave robbers. Giggling and cursing, the
band of robbers swarmed the witcher, which ended tragically for them…<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Read Note Fluff",
order = 1610612734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note Fluff DBB7A003-42A3703B-B7C9D0AB-601897DF",
index = 4,
description = 0x00128744, -- "On the gang leader's rapidly cooling
corpse, Geralt found an interesting letter from which he learned about Selina's
Gang and a treasure that supposedly lay concealed in the tomb of a now dead but
once famous woman burglar. Yet to get at the treasure, the witcher needed a

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Found Key",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found Key A94E9F4D-417AF4E7-6E172280-26FD29E6",
index = 5,
description = 0x00128752, -- "Bruce, Selina's erstwhile lover, had the
key. Grieving after having lost his beloved and unable to bear life alone, Bruce
had chosen suicide, jumped in the lake and drowned.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "End Alt",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Alt C393E855-456ED93D-A7C4EAB5-6ED6AC8C",
index = 6,
description = 0x00128754, -- "Content to have found the key, Geralt
returned to the gloomy catacombs and unlocked a chest full of valuables.. Since
none of the members of the gang remained alive, the witcher could take all the
wealth for himself with a clear conscience, then set off in search of new

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "read letter",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read letter 60C5410A-46A30B80-F1BA7BB8-43BAA0E7",
title = 0x00122103, -- "Read the letter."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "find treasure",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find treasure DDC9A27C-46DDE673-E3EB6795-B723C240",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00122104, -- "Find the treasure hidden in the cemetery."

chunk[14] = {
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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "read fluff letter",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read fluff letter C29AA709-43AA547D-C11DE98A-
index = 2,
title = 0x00128745, -- "Read the letter the grave robber was carrying."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "search the coast",
order = 1610612734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search the coast E1DEA3D2-40C01BF8-1B350D94-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00128746, -- "Search the shore of the lake near Orlémurs

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/cg700allcards.journal:

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children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011d98d, -- "Gwent: Never Fear, Skellige's Here"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cards 412C16CA-470EACA6-98AD6D99-061CB5F9",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Collect all missing cards from the Skellige Deck",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect all missing cards from the Skellige Deck
children = {
title = 0x0011d471, -- "Collect all the missing cards in the Skellige
count = 19,

chunk[5] = {
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chunk[22] = {
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chunk[23] = {
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index = 18,
mapPinID = "shop_14_tournament_meadows_barber",

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Obtain a Skellige Base deck",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Obtain a Skellige Base deck 55BE33C1-400388F9-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001222a7, -- "Obtain a basic Skellige Deck."
chunk[25] = {
baseName = "cg700_count_monnier",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cg700_count_monnier 9EB8082A-43DFE3BF-FE2727A7-
mapPinID = "cg700_count_monnier",

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Deal with the vampires in the city before progressing with the
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deal with the vampires in the city before progressing
with the task 07BF8D9E-41CF9043-87797FBA-2324350E",
index = 2,
title = 0x001286f8, -- "Fight off the vampires attacking the city."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 6505E913-45BE3C30-20921F88-5E8B254E",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "All cards start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "All cards start 7069EF5D-4AB8B44D-56E1CB87-FB97F912",
description = 0x0011d555, -- "While travelling in Toussaint, Geralt
learned of the existence of a new deck. It was inspired by the Skellige Isles and
their inhabitants. Since the new Skellige faction had just made its debut, Geralt
decided to seize the moment and gather all the cards belonging to it before other
collectors could get their paws on them.<br>"

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "All cards end",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "All cards end 9EF78220-406C29FE-64737085-0EB81D61",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011d556, -- "Geralt did what he had set out to do.
After many a victorious hand of gwent, he finally had all the cards from the
Skellige deck. Though it cost him a great deal of effort, it was all worth it, for
the new cards were truly beautiful sights to behold."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "q704 Deactivation",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704 Deactivation 7FA03098-46FA6713-D28D2E82-
index = 2,
description = 0x001286f9, -- "Despite his strong desire to obtain all
the Skellige cards, Geralt had to divert his attention from his gwent hobby (a most
distinguished and demanding one, true, but a hobby nonetheless!) so he could fight
off the vampires attacking Beauclair."

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Quest reactivation",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest reactivation 04B43A22-4884289A-A61166B3-
index = 3,
description = 0x001286fa, -- "Once he had staved off the threat of the
vampire horde, Geralt joyfully returned to completing his collection."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/cg700mainquest.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "cg700_tournament",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cg700_tournament DBBF356D-4FFC9CC0-29404AAF-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011d988, -- "Gwent: To Everything - Turn, Turn, Tournament!"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions CF4C2B47-4E3FE4AA-50E47380-69DB03B9",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Monnier after Card",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monnier after Card 7710DDD9-4C3F2AC8-08A036AA-
description = 0x0011d542, -- "When Geralt found himself in possession of
a card belonging to the Skellige faction, he was incredibly surprised. He'd
considered himself something of a gwent expert, yet had never heard of this
faction. This card came with an invitation to a gwent tournament organized at the
Pheasantry by Count Monnier, so our hero decided to seize this opportunity to find
out more and perhaps collect a sweet pot while he was at it.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Monnier after Noticeboard",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monnier after Noticeboard 2B02E7E2-48A988DE-BAD90CBF-
index = 1,
description = 0x0011d543, -- "One day, Geralt came across a notice board
with information about a gwent tournament organized by Count Monnier and to be held
at the Pheasantry. The witcher, as everyone knew, was not one to turn down a bit of
card playing, so he decided to join the event. Little did he know what surprises
awaited him there...<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Monnier met",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monnier met 3C828B27-429482D0-10BAC29A-BC7CC0BE",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011d544, -- "Count Monnier was a man as enterprising as
he was creative. He and his brother Igor had decided to perfect gwent by adding a
fifth faction: Skellige. The count announced that, if Geralt wished to take part in
the tournament, he would be given a basic Skellige deck but would have to build it
up himself. To acquire more powerful cards, Geralt had to find and defeat gwent
players in Toussaint.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Tournament qualified",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tournament qualified 2EB2F944-4B934109-476FDE9D-
index = 3,
description = 0x0011d545, -- "Geralt's deck was deemed worthy by Count
Monnier and thus the witcher qualified to enter the tourney. Players from all over
the world were to take part in it along with him. There was a nobleman from
Novigrad, the Nilfgaardian ambassador, an Ofieri merchant, a contestant from
Skellige and the organizer of the tournament himself, Count Monnier.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Tournament won",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tournament won 5D602FCF-4B8171F4-83AD37A2-DFFE8DAB",
index = 4,
description = 0x0011d546, -- "Geralt proved himself the best gwent
player in Toussaint by defeating all comers at the elite tournament. This was
doubly happy news, for the tournament might never have come to any conclusion at
all. A group of opponents of the new Skellige faction had decided to show up to
express their discontent. A tense altercation took place, but luckily both sides
kept their cool.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Tournament lost",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tournament lost CEC2F7FD-47DFE9BE-9E8FA280-1651B6D8",
index = 5,
description = 0x0011d547, -- "Despite Geralt's best efforts, he failed
to emerge victorious at the tournament. Playing his cards well did not, however,
turn out to be his only worry during the tournament. While they played, outside the
building where the tournament was held a group of tradition-minded lovers of the
old rules of gwent gathered to protest the addition of a new faction. After a short
fight, the situation was brought under control and the two sides sat down for

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Won against Dwarf",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Won against Dwarf 5FE06CF4-42673647-836302A4-
index = 6,
description = 0x00124942, -- "Geralt played a final match against a
dwarf named Yaki. He knew very well this was a game of key importance, for not only
was victory in the tournament at stake, but also Count Monnier's honor and the fate
of the new faction he had introduced. In the end, Geralt defeated the dwarf and
Yaki proved himself an honorable player by admitting defeat and remaining calm. If
only all conflicts in the world could be resolved over a hand of gwent...<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Lost against Dwarf",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lost against Dwarf F9C8FBFD-4097942F-9F6F74A0-
index = 7,
description = 0x00124943, -- "Geralt played a final match against a
dwarf named Yaki. Despite Geralt's best efforts, his opponent proved the better
player and defeated the witcher. This victory so delighted the opponents of the new
faction, they decided to make peace with Count Monnier. The traditionalists left
the Pheasantry peacefully, confident in their superiority. If only all conflicts in
the world could be resolved over a hand of gwent...<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "00 - Introduction",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "00 - Introduction 10CABFA3-4E3EDDC6-8E65588A-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Meet with the tournament host",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet with the tournament host DE7E71EB-4F9B4445-
children = {
title = 0x0011d4c0, -- "Meet with the tournament's organizer."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "cg700_count_monnier",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cg700_count_monnier D00A9701-4219C0CD-2C0C7695-
mapPinID = "cg700_count_monnier",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Return to Monnier to start the tournament's qualification",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Monnier to start the tournament's
qualification 88D28F24-43F3B01B-1AE62297-868EF7BA",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001228fd, -- "Return to Count Monnier and get qualified for
the tournament."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "cg700_count_monnier",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cg700_count_monnier 4E0CC824-4585CC5D-1010BE95-
mapPinID = "cg700_count_monnier",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "02 - Gwent Players",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "02 - Gwent Players 750907C8-48DA3C62-990E769C-
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Gather a strong enough deck by gathering enough cards of value from
other players",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Play against other Players in Toussaint to gather a
strong Skellige deck DEC8280A-445EF6C3-B4A0459A-E60FE594",
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title = 0x001258f0, -- "Deal with the vampires attacking the city before
continuing with the tournament."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/dunb03.journal:

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title = 0x0012661e, -- "Vintner's Contract: Dun Tynne Hillside"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 5E7C7C9F-48A78FB2-71936099-7A8FDD00",
description = 0x0012661f, -- "Descending the hill atop which stood Dun
Tynne, Geralt came upon a wounded vintner begging for help. The dugout he had
turned into a barrel storeroom was infested with monsters!<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report B4A49811-4702151F-0A1B428B-DFE0C465",
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description = 0x00126620, -- "It was witcher's work in its purest form,
and Geralt tended to the matter quickly.<br>"

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description = 0x00126621, -- "The vintner thanked the witcher in hard
currency, and our hero once again set off on his Path.<br>"

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title = 0x00126623, -- "Return to your contract giver."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/ff701_master.journal:

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title = 0x00126e4a, -- "Raging Wolf"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest_start",
description = 0x00126e49, -- "Geralt defeated three lesser contenders in
fistfighting bouts and thus earned the right to face off against the Maestro.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End master",
index = 1,
description = 0x00124f58, -- "The witcher soundly defeated Toussaint's
reigning champion.<br>As a reward, he was given a trophy he truly could be proud

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title = 0x00125574, -- "Defeat the vampires attacking the city."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/ff701fistfights.journal:

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title = 0x0011320c, -- "Fists of Fury: Toussaint"

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description = 0x00113217, -- "While traversing Toussaint, Geralt learned
local aficionados of wine and raucous entertainment were fond of organizing
fistfighting tournaments as well. He decided to enter the lists.<br>"

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description = 0x00113218, -- "The witcher defeated a triumvirate of
challengers. He told me later some of them were quite colorful characters!<br>This
feat qualified him to fight in a bout against the reigning master of the Toussaint
fistfighting circuit.<br>"

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title = 0x0011320d, -- "Defeat Mancomb in a fistfight."

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title = 0x0011320e, -- "Defeat Still Waters in a fistfight."

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title = 0x0011320f, -- "Defeat Colossus in a fistfight."

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title = 0x0011f688, -- "Parry Colossus' blows at the right moment."
count = 3,

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title = 0x00125574, -- "Defeat the vampires attacking the city."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/gora10.journal:

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title = 0x001227a6, -- "But Other Than That, How Did You Enjoy the

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description = 0x001227a7, -- "The witcher had made his way to the
infamous ruins of the Old Amphitheatre, where - no surprise - he found the mortal
remains of a young woman. Alongside them he found her beautifully scented

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note E77D7335-499DCF69-5B41CC8B-6C054725",
index = 1,
description = 0x001227a8, -- "The ambitious would-be artiste had come
here to reenact a scene performed at this very theatre by the erstwhile queen of
its stage. Something had gone wrong…Geralt, no stranger to the art of mummery,
decided to reenact the scene as well.<br>"

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description = 0x00126e36, -- "Then as was his wont, he ferreted a bit.
He found a secret nook in the prompter's box and inside the nook a not
insignificant prize!<br>"

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baseName = "Phantom killed",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 4F571A55-47F54BFA-7F23BFAF-E0F64128",
index = 3,
description = 0x001227a9, -- "The witcher played his role his role as
the script said he must and put much heart into the performance. Yet at this ruined
venue he expected no applause. And a good thing, too, because the sole spectator
was a phantom, who Geralt promptly dispatched with his silver sword!<br>"

chunk[8] = {
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title = 0x001227aa, -- "Read the diary."

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children = {
title = 0x001227ab, -- "Find a way to reenact the scene using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x001227b2, -- "Defeat the wraith that has appeared."

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title = 0x00126ba5, -- "Search the wraith's remains."
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index = 4,
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title = 0x00126dd0, -- "Return to the amphitheater and finish the

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cave, which proved to be a shaelmaar's lair. Geralt slew the beast, a feat for
which a reward awaited.<br>"

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/gorb04.journal:

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Gorgon, Geralt came upon some grim, foreboding ruins. He set about exploring them
and nearly tripped over a corpse. As always, he searched the body for a journal or
letter that could shed some light on the circumstances of the individual's death.
This time, too, this routine paid off. He found a journal and a key…<br>"

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experiment that had resulted in Bastoy Prison being destroyed. The witcher also
learned of a chest full of gold that remained hidden within the ruins.<br>"

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found with the journal worked like a charm. So the witcher scooped up the gold and
ran off to spend it!<br>"

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/gorc14.journal:

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unhappy, unrequited love had pushed the young man to commit suicide. Ah, I know so
many stories that echo this one… Yet this one differed from the others in that evil
powers were involved. The journal also mentioned a stash of buried jewels. So
Geralt resolved to learn more and directed his steps towards the estate the diary

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found the treasure mentioned in the journal. Content with this surprising find, he
set off in search of new challenges.<br>"

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description = 0x0011e582, -- "Wandering about the primeval forest that
covered the duchy's frontier, the witcher made a discovery most macabre. Deep in
the forest, a small hut. Alongside the hut, a tree. Upon the tree, a hanged man. On
the ground directly beneath the corpse lay a journal.<br>"

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problems at some vineyards in Toussaint, he had not expected these matters to
occupy him for long. When the witcher then learned Count Crespi had provoked the
quarrel between the vineyard owners, an end to the mess was finally in sight. The
ducal clerk was clearly pleased to see Liam de Coronata and Matilda Vermentino join
forces. And he agreed to transfer Belgaard to them jointly on one condition - they
would first need to resolve the troubles at their home estates.<br>"

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nothing! He quickly tended to the problems at Coronata and Vermentino, then set off
to see the co-owners of the newly formed consortium to collect the reward they had
promised him.<br>"

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title = 0x0011d98e, -- "Find Jean-Luc."

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title = 0x0012595d, -- "Follow the monster's tracks using your Witcher

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chunk[62] = {
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title = 0x0010d5be, -- "Collect a trophy from the shaelmaar."

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title = 0x0010e504, -- "Kill the shaelmaar."

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title = 0x00124d42, -- "Spread the bait in tunnels near the surface."

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title = 0x001244c5, -- "Collect some blood from the body in the cave."

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index = 4,
title = 0x001244d9, -- "Collect sewant mushrooms to use to brew
shaelmaar bait."
count = 3,

chunk[76] = {
baseName = "mh701_Create_lure",
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index = 5,
title = 0x001244da, -- "Brew shaelmaar bait."

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title = 0x0010d5bf, -- "Return to your contract giver for your reward."

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chunk[84] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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chunk[85] = {
baseName = "Quest Start - from the noticeboard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start F793F4A3-4C932374-11611582-81652C17",
description = 0x0011e8d0, -- "Customs in Toussaint differ markedly from
those observed in the North. The fashions differ, folk drink wine instead of rye
vodka, beer or mead, and the women are generally more amorous while men are more
attentive to their own appearance (it is quite likely the two latter issues are
linked). There is one custom, however, that remains unchanged both south and north
of the Yaruga. Namely, faced by a monster problem, folk post a notice on a notice
board, in which notice they promise to pay a reward, and then they pray a witcher
happens by and reads it. The owner of the Tufo Vineyard did just as this custom
ordains, and as it happened, Geralt was the one to find his note.<br>"
chunk[86] = {
baseName = "Start from vineyard owner",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start from owner E29F67A6-49A16D84-1503EAB1-
index = 1,
description = 0x0011e8d4, -- "Thoroughly charmed by Toussaint's
fairytale landscapes and vistas, Geralt devoted some time to crisscrossing the
duchy without any specific destination or mission in mind. During one such
escapade, he happened to wander by the Tufo Vineyard. During a brief and notably
unpleasant exchange with the property's owner, he learned that some creature
prowled the area, a creature that caused not significant land tremors.<br>"

chunk[87] = {
baseName = "Investigated wine cellar",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigated wine cellar FDE0FEFE-437F64DA-B401F6BD-
index = 2,
description = 0x0011e8d5, -- "Having learned the disturbing noises
thought to be those of the Monster of Tufo were coming from the cellar, the witcher
immediately ventured there. Geralt had barely arrived when, without any excess
effort, he heard the scraping and crumbling of rocks beyond the cellar wall. Upon
investigating the noise, he discovered a network of long, winding corridors
stretching beneath the entire vineyard. In one chamber Geralt found a kikimore
nest, but quickly concluded the beasts were not the cause of the trouble. The
creature that had dug these tunnels was clearly much larger - and far more

chunk[88] = {
baseName = "investigated vineyard",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "investigated vineyard 84C08FD2-4519FE50-7FB99FB2-
index = 3,
description = 0x0011e8da, -- "After speaking to the woman he had
encountered on the estate, Geralt went to the spot where the farmhand Jean-Luc had
last been seen. Following the man's trail, the witcher arrived at the entrance to a
complex of caverns. There he established that the monster he was hunting could be
none other than a shaelmaar.<br>"

chunk[89] = {
baseName = "Lure out and kill the sharley",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lure out and kill the sharley 62BF66D0-4048AD8D-
index = 4,
description = 0x0011e8db, -- "Dirt is a shaelmaar's element. Underground
the beasts feel very much at home. Thus they are exceptionally hard to track and
corner there. The witcher concluded that instead of chasing the creature, he would
lure it to the surface. He did just that, and then promptly dispatched the Monster
of Tufo. It was said that the monster's roar when mortally wounded was heard far
and wide, even off in the distance, at the Ducal Palace.<br>"
chunk[90] = {
baseName = "Locket given",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Locket given",
index = 5,
description = 0x0011efac, -- "While investigating, Geralt had discovered
not only the exact nature of the horrid creature termed the Monster of Tufo, but
also the exact nature of Madame de Bourbeau's relations with the missing farmhand
Jean-Luc. Conclusive evidence in this matter took the form of a silver pendant the
witcher had found, containing a lock of the high-born lady's hair.<br>"

chunk[91] = {
baseName = "Quest End - owner doesnt get locket",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End F8A6DEEA-471E0641-F4D980A3-82DE0C41",
index = 6,
description = 0x0011e8dc, -- "The last remaining thing left for Geralt
to do was simultaneously the most pleasant part of the job. Namely, he could now
collect his reward. Fortunately, despite his many flaws, Monsieur de Bourbeau
nonetheless proved an upstanding man, paying the witcher his remuneration down to
the last crown.<br>"

chunk[92] = {
baseName = "Quest End - owner gets locket",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End - owner gets locket AB996C03-4D0E92B6-
index = 7,
description = 0x0012414d, -- "Geralt had only to complete the most
pleasant part of the job - namely, to collect his reward. This proved to include a
generous gratuity, Monsieur de Bourbeau's choice of means to thank the witcher for
telling him of his wife's betrayal. Geralt provided proof of the infidelity - a
silver pendant he had found on the body of the missing farmhand Jean-Luc. Said
pendant contained a lock of the unfaithful noblewoman's hair. I cannot fathom why
the witcher decided to meddle in a matter not his, something he customarily avoided
doing. I can only guess that he might have been inspired by an inner surge of male

chunk[93] = {
baseName = "Vineyard owner after notice",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vineyard owner after notice",
index = 8,
description = 0x001270d6, -- "The Tufo Vineyard was plagued by tremors
caused by some unknown underground force. Yet these were no ordinary earthquakes, a
phenomenon entirely unknown in Toussaint. The tremors caused noteworthy damage, as
buildings collapsed, wine bottles fell from shelves and shattered, and wine barrels
burst, releasing into the dirt their ever so valuable contents. The vineyard's
owner suspected some subterranean beast was the culprit, and Geralt was inclined to
admit he was right.<br>"

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7001restinpeace.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7001 Rest in peace",
order = 671088638,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7001 Rest in peace 6791BAC0-4EAC8D29-8900EA8D-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0010b2f9, -- "Till Death Do You Part"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 7565236B-40D28B1C-91E86C8F-3ACF3126",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 701C6C0A-486F9696-6E1D7281-73334D0D",
description = 0x0010e0ae, -- "While strolling through Beauclair's
charmingly romantic streets, Geralt learned of a circumstance thoroughly charmless
and unromantic. Come night something was making much tastelessly grating noise at
the city cemetery. <br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Finish - Helped Margot",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Finish - Helped Margot F9AA7A15-46332B76-548CB3B0-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010e0af, -- "In the end the witcher brought the
enduring marital dispute to a close, thus ending the nocturnal noise it entailed.
He did so by transferring the urn containing Louis de Corentin's ashes to another
crypt. Geralt could now look forward to the most pleasant stage of any contract -
collecting his reward. This proved even more valuable than the witcher had
initially supposed, for in addition to the payment he received from his employer,
he also got a series of rare gwent cards from the grateful Margot de Corentin. How
had the woman come into their possession? How else but by having concealed them
from her gambling husband. Though naturally she had done this while they were both
still alive.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Finish - Helped Louis",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Finish - Helped Louis 65081234-4877D424-E7F4CA9A-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010e0b0, -- "In the end the witcher brought the
enduring marital dispute to a close, thus ending the nocturnal noise it entailed.
He did so by transferring the urn containing Margot de Corentin's ashes to another
crypt. Geralt could now look forward to the most pleasant stage of any contract -
collecting his reward. This proved even more valuable than the witcher had
initially supposed, for in addition to the payment he received from his employer,
he also got a splendid sword from Louis de Corentin. Though in point of fact he
collected the blade not from Louis but from an armorer whom Louis had once handily
defeated at cards. Though to Geralt it was all the same.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "In progress",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "In progress 6900156F-4911A102-EA76799E-7A59252B",
index = 3,
description = 0x0012120c, -- "The witcher investigated and discovered
that neither grave robbers nor necrophages were the source of the din. Rather, the
ruckus was the work of a couple, the de Corentins. For as in life, so in death,
they could not abide each other's company, causing much fear and confusion with
their shrill disputes. Geralt concluded that separation was the sole sensible
solution - he would have to remove one of their remains from the tomb they shared,
transferring them elsewhere.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Finish - Helped Loius, Lost Sword",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Finish - Helped Loius, Lost Sword DF41E2E7-48653CA5-
index = 4,
description = 0x00128437, -- "In the end the witcher brought the
enduring marital dispute to a close, thus ending the nocturnal noise it entailed.
He did so by transferring the urn containing Margot de Corentin's ashes to another
crypt. Geralt could now look forward to the most pleasant stage of any contract -
collecting his reward. This would have proven even more valuable than the witcher
had initially supposed, for in addition to the payment he received from his
employer, he was also supposed to get a splendid sword from Louis de Corentin.
Thus his adventure would have had a supremely happy ending, had he not allowed the
armorer to talk him into a hand of gwent...<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Graveyard",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Graveyard 9F80DEE2-4AF3986A-DE8CB6AC-A95843A3",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Investigate noises in the graveyard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate noises in the graveyard 5B6463B9-
children = {
title = 0x0010b2fa, -- "Investigate the noises coming from the

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radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "mq7001_pin_graveyard_small",
enabledAtStartup = false,

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baseName = "Search the tomb",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the tomb AF42DD24-45E064B5-C1A024A6-BCC3AB54",
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the nocturnal noises at the cemetery."

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posted about the noises."

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outside the walls of Hauteville."

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children = {
title = 0x0010ba84, -- "Talk to the swordsmith named Trentin about
Louis' sword."
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title = 0x0011f7a6, -- "Place Margot's urn on her mother's grave."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7002knight.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7002 Stubborn Knight",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7002 Stubborn Knight C9725EB0-42EB7261-0E491ABB-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0010d0d9, -- "Feet as Cold as Ice"

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baseName = "beggining fiancee",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beggining axii 973189EF-4A1E0216-D87E4E94-36E4AB51",
description = 0x0010d0f3, -- "Any semblance of false modesty aside, I
can comfortably contend that my songs of Geralt's deeds are known the world over.
The Duchy of Toussaint is no exception. There, my ballads praising our witcher's so
oft demonstrated valor and honor remain popular to the extreme. So much so, that on
one occasion it was chiefly thanks to my works that Geralt was offered a contract.
A young noble lady, who had learned of the witcher solely from my thoroughly
accurate descriptions, picked him out of a crowd and promptly begged him for aid.
She was concerned for her fiancé, François, who had set out not long past to slay a
monster in honor of his betrothed. The monster was known as Grottore, and the
lady's beloved had not yet returned. The lady tasked the witcher with learning what
had become of the young knight…<br>"

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baseName = "beggining knight",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beggining knight AA3F4370-4705E120-B2264090-
index = 1,
description = 0x001192a4, -- "Few know just how nosy Geralt actually is.
He rarely takes the path more frequently traveled, choosing instead to scale
mountains, forge through dense brush and traverse many a wilderness. During one
such foray through the largely unknown, he happened on a cave at the entrance of
which lay numerous corpses. Before the witcher could begin to penetrate it,
however, he was stopped by a young knight named François, who had vowed before his
betrothed that he would kill the monster that dwelled within the cave.<br>"

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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mid knight dies 295A1072-4D5A929A-5A091C9E-949AA47E",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011c7e6, -- "Alas, young François stood no chance
against Grottore. He perished, pounded to a pulp by the terrible beast.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End- Knight Alive/Married",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End- Knight Alive/Married F6CCCF54-46134BF6-596E2386-
index = 3,
description = 0x0011c7e7, -- "With Geralt's aid, the young François
managed to defeat the fierce Grottore and thus fulfill the vow he had made. Yet he
showed an immense desire to postpone another vow - that customarily made in a
chapel with one's previously betrothed at one's side. But the witcher reasoned with
the knight, and François returned to his heart's captor to begin preparing for the
day they would wed.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "End- Knight Alive/Not Married",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End- Knight Alive/Not Married 914F9AE4-4BA281D7-
index = 4,
description = 0x0011c7e8, -- "With Geralt's aid the young François
managed to defeat the fierce Grottore and thus fulfilled the vow he had made. Yet
he proved unwilling to make another vow, the kind one customarily makes in a chapel
with one's beloved at one's side. Instead of returning to his heart's captor he
decided instead to set out in search of another monster he could face and conquer…

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "End- Knight Dead/Avenged",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End- Knight Dead/Avenged 76D91D34-43732E18-C53166BF-
index = 5,
description = 0x0011c7e9, -- "Geralt could do nothing to bring François
back from the dead, but he could avenge the young knight and at once rid the land
of a dangerous beast. Thus he drew his silver sword, sent it into a whirl, and soon
after Grottore's ample dome dangled from the trophy hook affixed to the witcher's

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "End- Knight Dead/Unavenged",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End- Knight Dead/Unavenged 48379FED-448D032C-
index = 6,
description = 0x0011c7ea, -- "Geralt once told me, albeit in confidence,
that the witchers' codex he sometimes cited did not in fact exist. That he nurtured
and occasionally employed said concept as an excuse of convenience to avoid taking
on inappropriate contracts. I sometimes regret that his guild failed to formulate
such by-laws - if it had perhaps Geralt would have aided young François or at the
least avenged the unfortunate knight.<br>"

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order = 2147483647,
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children = {
title = 0x0010d0f1, -- "Help François defeat Grottore."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cave mappin 19477C82-42BD5685-A61F9283-C42B80DF",
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chunk[14] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the knight 4554A5FF-4251D47B-F084E3A7-F8B3250C",
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children = {
title = 0x0010dcbb, -- "Find François."

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baseName = "Follow the knight",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check what will happen to knight EF57C4EF-492C5214-
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chunk[18] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0010dcbd, -- "Return to François' beloved."

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baseName = "mappin fiancee",
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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Use your witcher senses to look for the monster",
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index = 4,
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title = 0x0011c7d2, -- "Find Grottore using your Witcher Senses."

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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0011c7d4, -- "[Optional] Find out exactly what killed François
using your Witcher Senses."

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index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0011c7d5, -- "Lure out Grottore by setting fire to the plants
using the Igni Sign."

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chunk[29] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0011c7eb, -- "Return to François' beloved."

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title = 0x0012266b, -- "Collect a trophy from Grottore."

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index = 10,
title = 0x00122870, -- "Read the Bestiary entry about Grottore."

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chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Search for what killed the knight (not optional)",
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index = 12,
children = {
title = 0x00124391, -- "Find out exactly what killed François using your
Witcher Senses."

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chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Resolve The vampire problem",
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index = 13,
title = 0x00126692, -- "Deal with the vampires swarming the city."

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chunk[41] = {

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7004bleedingtree.journal:

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title = 0x0010dad2, -- "A Knight's Tales"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Started - noticeboard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started 9DF7A9E8-4325D8D0-F6251189-E56E010C",
description = 0x0010e14b, -- "A short distance from Castel Ravello,
Geralt happened on a notice posted by Jacob, a lumberjack. The logger was in search
of someone who had no fear of spells and could thus face a witch. This was the very
description of the witcher, no two ways about it, so it was no surprise that our
hero took an interest in the notice and decided to visit Jacob.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended - witch explained what to do",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended D2EAF552-4B47E15D-3643C097-6450564E",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010e14c, -- "Geralt found the witch of Lynx Crag and
did precisely what the knight from Herrera's tale was said to have done. He bowed
before her and asked her for help. Though fussy, the witch seemed appeased and
betrayed the manner in which the woman imprisoned in the tree could be freed. The
success was bitter-sweet, however, as neither the witch nor the witcher could
restore to the woman the life she had lost. Shortly after being freed, her spirit
left this world, though it did so at peace with its fate.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended - Geralt lifts charm himself",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended - Badly",
index = 2,
description = 0x00112e7b, -- "Upon Lynx Crag the witcher encountered the
witch, but he decided not to seek her aid in freeing the woman enchanted in the
tree. Our hero decided he would employ his own devices to lift the curse. He
managed to free Daphne's ghost, yet her specter was crazed and filled with pain.
Geralt had no choice but to defeat it.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended - the witch lifts the curse",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended - the witch lifts the curse AE9BA487-
index = 3,
description = 0x0011a268, -- "Upon Lynx Crag the witcher encountered the
witch and resolved to force her to help him. Defeated in combat, she pledged to
free the cursed woman from the tree. Yet her pledge proved a ruse. Upon returning
to the tree, the witcher found the lumberjack's cold corpse at its foot. Freed by
the witch, the young woman's ghost, crazed with pain, had killed Jacob, then
disappeared to parts unknown."

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baseName = "Details learned",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Details learned 907EEEE8-4C5EDDE0-ED629B93-30C9871C",
index = 4,
description = 0x0010e14e, -- "Jacob proved a true expert on tales. The
lumberjack readily explained to Geralt that the woman enchanted in the tree was
Daphne, transformed out of great longing due to her deep love for the knight
Gareth, whose return she awaited. Gareth had gone off to scale Lynx Crag, atop
which he was to find the witch who dwelled there. He was to force her to lift the
drought that plagued the land. Alas, the knight had not returned, and the tale from
which the logger drew his knowledge said nothing about what had befallen the
knight. if there was any answer to the mystery, if could only be found on Lynx

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest started - lumberjack 7D9876D8-4FFB9797-
index = 5,
description = 0x0011a267, -- "In a loggers' clearing near the village of
Fox Hollow, Geralt happened upon a lumberjack named Jacob. The man claimed to have
recently discovered an enchanted tree that seemed straight out of Herrera's Tales.
He believed a young woman was imprisoned in the tree and desperately wished to free
her. Though not one to believe fables and similar tales, Geralt nonetheless had to
admit the tree was peculiar, for cut with an axe head it seeped not sap but human
chunk[10] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the bleeding tree",
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title = 0x0010dad6, -- "Find Sir Gareth's remains."

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title = 0x0010dad8, -- "Search the hut using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x0010dada, -- "Take Daphne's kerchief to the bleeding tree."

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children = {
title = 0x0010dadb, -- "Look for clues about how to lift Daphne's

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7006thepathsofdestiny.journal:

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest started",
description = 0x0011e768, -- "On the lakeshore Geralt encountered a
hermit who promised the witcher a wondrous blade. To receive it, Geralt had to
prove he lived by the five chivalric virtues.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Virtues proven",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Virtues proven",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011e769, -- "Step by step, in trial after trial, Geralt
demonstrated that he was indeed in possession of the Five Chivalric Virtues. It was
an achievement, this cannot be denied, for many before him had tried to do the
same, yet had failed.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest done",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest done",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011e76a, -- "The test culminated with a last, secret
trial. Geralt had to defeat a hermit in a contest that took place upon the lake's
surface. Soon after, to his great surprise, the old man proved to be none other
than the Lady of the Lake in disguise. Geralt had encountered the Lady on his Path,
though quite some time past. In gratitude for fulfilling her demands, the Lady once
more bestowed upon Geralt the legendary blade called Aerondight. <br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Shortcut part 1",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shortcut part 1",
index = 3,
description = 0x0011f176, -- "While traversing Toussaint, Geralt
encountered a hermit who brazenly challenged him to a duel. As you might suspect,
there was more to the matter than the old man's sudden compunction to brawl.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Shortcut part 2",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shortcut part 2",
index = 4,
description = 0x0011f406, -- "After a fierce and beautiful fight, Geralt
defeated the hermit. The witcher was then greatly surprised to learn the man was in
fact the Lady of the Lake in disguise, a woman Geralt had encountered long past on
his Path. As the hermit had promised, the Lady bestowed upon Geralt the legendary
sword called Aerondight. <br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Quest failed",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest failed",
index = 5,
description = 0x00124dbc, -- "Witchers are not knights and do not share
their priorities. This is probably why Geralt failed to prove he was in possession
of the Five Chivalric Virtues. The mystery of the hermit's true identity remained

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Started via hook",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Started via hook",
index = 6,
description = 0x0012667c, -- "Geralt overheard a conversation between
two knights. One of them had recently undergone a mysterious trial. This had played
out on the shores of Lac Célavy.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Quest failed ver2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest failed ver2",
index = 7,
description = 0x001270df, -- "Though Geralt reached the isle upon Lac
Célavy, he found no one there. Most likely he had waited too long to investigate
the matter, and after all, we well know Destiny does not like to wait…<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Valor proven",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Valor proven",
index = 8,
description = 0x0012765d, -- "Many consider themselves courageous, yet
when confronting true danger prove consummate cowards. Naturally, this applies in
no way to Geralt, who faced mortal danger and vanquished it post haste, thus
successfully passing the Trial of Valor.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Honour proven",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Honour proven",
index = 9,
description = 0x0012765e, -- "At times it is hard to keep one's word and
thus demonstrate honor when faced by temptation. Luckily, Geralt was stouthearted
and successfully completed the Trial of Honor.<br>"

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Compassion proven",
order = 3087007742,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Compassion proven",
index = 10,
description = 0x0012765f, -- "Mercy is not something folk expect of
witchers. As it is, they were created to hunt and kill monsters, and the mutations
they undergo as children customarily strip them of all emotions. Yet Geralt had
always been somewhat different, so when push came to shove he passed the Trial of
Compassion, for he had always striven simply to be a decent man in spite of

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Generosity proven",
order = 3154116606,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Generosity proven",
index = 11,
description = 0x00127661, -- "Paradoxically, it is sometimes easier to
demonstrate valor or honor than it is to show generosity. For the fact is many are
courageous and honorable simply to advance their own cause. Geralt, like all
witchers, worked for coin, but always knew well when a situation required him to
show generosity. No surprise, then, that he successfully passed the trial meant to
test this virtue.<br>"

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Wisdom proven",
order = 3187671038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wisdom proven",
index = 12,
description = 0x00127663, -- "Among the virtues, wisdom is arguably
hardest to prove, for many consider themselves wise, yet the world is full of
fools. Geralt never thought of himself as excessively wise, and perhaps this is why
he managed to prove this virtue was no stranger to him.<br>"

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Started via hook 2",
order = 1610612734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Started via hook 2",
index = 13,
description = 0x00127664, -- "Upon a notice board in Toussaint, Geralt
found a call to all who wished to submit to a Test of Virtue. The notice's
mysterious author summoned any who dared to an isle upon Lac Célavy, where they
would have a chance to prove their worthiness of character. He who successfully
completed the test would receive a reward. Though Geralt had never thought of
himself as particularly virtuous, he found the summons intriguing and decided to go
to the appointed spot to learn what the trials entailed.<br>"

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "The Paths of Destiny",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Paths of Destiny BB945662-49F41D07-57F6819D-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Return to the hermit to be judged.",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to the hermit to be judged.",
children = {
title = 0x0011530d, -- "Return to the hermit and have him judge your

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "mq7006_hermit",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_hermit",
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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your valor.",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your valor.",
index = 1,
title = 0x00118331, -- "Wait for a chance to prove your valor."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your honour.",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your honour.",
index = 2,
title = 0x00118332, -- "Wait for a chance to prove you are a man of

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your compassion.",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your compassion.",
index = 3,
title = 0x00118333, -- "Wait for a chance to prove you are capable of

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your generosity.",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your generosity.",
index = 4,
title = 0x00118334, -- "Wait for a chance to prove your generosity."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Fight the hermit.",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight the hermit.",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00118335, -- "Fight the hermit."

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "mq7006_hermit",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_hermit",
mapPinID = "mq7006_hermit",

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Talk to the hermit when you are ready to fight him.",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the hermit when you are ready to fight him.",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x001183ae, -- "Tell the hermit you're ready to fight him."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "mq7006_hermit",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_hermit",
mapPinID = "mq7006_hermit",

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your wisdom.",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your wisdom.",
index = 7,
title = 0x00118422, -- "Wait for a chance to prove your wisdom."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Investigate the Lac Celavy area.",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the Lac Celavy area.",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x0012667d, -- "Investigate the isle on Lac Célavy."

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "mq7006_go_to_shore_sp",
order = 2147483647,
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radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "mq7006_go_to_shore_sp",

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Talk with the hermit.",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk with the hermit.",
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x001270ec, -- "Talk to the hermit."

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "mq7006_hermit",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_hermit",
mapPinID = "mq7006_hermit",

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "(Optional) Read the inscriptions on the holy stones.",
order = 4294967278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "(Optional) Read the inscriptions on the holy
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x0010e4a5, -- "[Optional] Read the inscriptions on the stones."

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "mq7006_lake_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_lake_mappin 7ADB1584-44819EB9-EBA3098C-
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7006thepathsofdestinyp2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_the_paths_of_destiny_p2",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001273db, -- "There Can Be Only One"

chunk[3] = {
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children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Started via hook",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Started via hook",
description = 0x001273dc, -- "Geralt overheard a conversation between
two knights. One of them had recently undergone a mysterious trial. This had played
out on the shores of Lac Célavy.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest started",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest started",
index = 1,
description = 0x001273dd, -- "On the lakeshore Geralt encountered a
hermit who promised the witcher a wondrous blade. To receive it, Geralt had to
prove he lived by the five chivalric virtues.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Virtues proven",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Virtues proven",
index = 2,
description = 0x001273de, -- "Geralt proved that he live by the Five
Chivalric Virtues. <br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quest done",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest done",
index = 3,
description = 0x001273df, -- "In a duel that played out upon the lake's
surface, Geralt defeated the mysterious hermit. To his great surprise, the hermit
then proved to be no man, revealing himself to have been the Lady of the Lake in
disguise. Geralt had met the Lady some time past along his Path. The Lady of the
Lake bestowed upon him the legendary blade called Aerondight. <br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Shortcut part 1",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shortcut part 1",
index = 4,
description = 0x001273e0, -- "The witcher met a hermit threw down the
gauntlet, brazenly challenging Geralt to a duel.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Shortcut part 2",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shortcut part 2",
index = 5,
description = 0x001273e1, -- "After a fierce and beautiful fight, Geralt
defeated the hermit. The witcher was then greatly surprised to learn the man was in
fact the Lady of the Lake in disguise, a woman Geralt had encountered long past on
his Path. As the hermit had promised, the Lady bestowed upon Geralt the legendary
sword called Aerondight. <br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Quest failed",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest failed",
index = 6,
description = 0x001273e2, -- "Unfortunately, Geralt failed to prove he
was in possession of the Five Chivalric Virtues.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Quest failed ver2",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest failed ver2",
index = 7,
description = 0x001273e3, -- "Though Geralt reached the isle upon Lac
Célavy, he found no one there. Most likely he had waited too long to investigate
the matter, and after all, we well know Destiny does not like to wait…<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Started via hook 2",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Started via hook 2",
index = 8,
description = 0x00127669, -- "Upon a notice board in Toussaint, Geralt
spotted a mysterious notice inviting all who dared to undergo a Test of Virtue. All
who wished to face the challenge, clearly to their character above all, were to
find their way to an Isle upon Lac Célavy. Our witcher found the notice intriguing
enough that he resolved to see what the test entailed.<br>"
chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Valor proven",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Valor proven",
index = 9,
description = 0x0012766e, -- "The trial of valor hardly proved easy, but
Geralt emerged from it victorious, defeating quite an extraordinary foe. He thus
proved he was no stranger to the chivalric virtues."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Honour proven",
order = 3623878654,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Honour proven",
index = 10,
description = 0x0012766f, -- "The witchers' codex does not require its
adherents to demonstrate honor, but Geralt was an honorable man in and of himself.
As a result, he completed the trial for this virtue with flying colors.<br>"

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Compassion proven",
order = 3690987518,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Compassion proven",
index = 11,
description = 0x00127670, -- "Not a soul expects witchers to show
compassion for the simple reason that their profession offers few opportunities
where they even might demonstrate mercy, let alone should. Geralt nonetheless
managed to demonstrate that he could show compassion when warranted, and thus also
was in possession of this virtue.<br>"

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Generosity proven",
order = 3724541950,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Generosity proven",
index = 12,
description = 0x00127671, -- "Generosity is a hard virtue to demonstrate
for the simple reason that it generally requires to demonstrator to bear a cost.
Many show themselves capable of being valiant or honorable when it benefits them,
yet when circumstances call on them to dig deep into their coin pouches, the purse
strings turn out to be knotted tight. Luckily, Geralt was not of this ilk and
proved himself a generous man, thanks to which he also successfully completed the
trial for this virtue.<br>"

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Wisdom proven",
order = 3741319166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wisdom proven",
index = 13,
description = 0x00127672, -- "Among the virtues, wisdom oft proves
hardest to find, let alone prove, for most consider themselves wise while the world
is chock full of fools. Yet Geralt had never thought of himself too highly in this
regard, just like that famed philosopher who knew well that he knew very little if
not nothing. Perhaps this was why the witcher managed easily to prove he was no
stranger to this virtue.<br>"
chunk[18] = {
baseName = "The Paths of Destiny p2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Paths of Destiny p2 503B8AA6-4E60E90A-D6EDC7BB-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "(Optional) Read the inscriptions on the holy stones.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "(Optional) Read the inscriptions on the holy
children = {
title = 0x001273e4, -- "[Optional] Read the inscriptions on the stones."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "mq7006_lake_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_lake_mappin",
radius = 7.000000,
mapPinID = "mq7006_lake_mappin",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Return to the hermit to be judged.",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to the hermit to be judged.",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001273e5, -- "Return to the hermit and have him judge your

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "mq7006_hermit",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_hermit",
mapPinID = "mq7006_hermit",
chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your valor.",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your valor.",
index = 2,
title = 0x001273e6, -- "Wait for a chance to prove your valor."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your honour.",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your honour.",
index = 3,
title = 0x001273e7, -- "Wait for a chance to prove you are a man of

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your compassion.",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your compassion.",
index = 4,
title = 0x001273e8, -- "Wait for a chance to prove you are capable of

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your generosity.",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your generosity.",
index = 5,
title = 0x001273e9, -- "Wait for a chance to prove your generosity."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Fight the hermit.",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight the hermit.",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x001273ea, -- "Fight the hermit."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "mq7006_hermit",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_hermit",
mapPinID = "mq7006_hermit",

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Talk to the hermit when you are ready to fight him.",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the hermit when you are ready to fight him.",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x001273eb, -- "Tell the hermit you're ready to fight him."

chunk[30] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_hermit",
mapPinID = "mq7006_hermit",

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Wait for a chance to prove your wisdom.",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for a chance to prove your wisdom.",
index = 8,
title = 0x001273ec, -- "Wait for a chance to prove your wisdom."

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Investigate the Lac Celavy area.",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the Lac Celavy area.",
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x001273ed, -- "Investigate the isle on Lac Célavy."

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "mq7006_go_to_shore_sp",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_go_to_shore_sp",
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mapPinID = "mq7006_go_to_shore_sp",

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Talk with the hermit.",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk with the hermit.",
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x001273ee, -- "Talk to the hermit."

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "mq7006_hermit",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7006_hermit",
mapPinID = "mq7006_hermit",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7007gargoyles.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "mq7007_gargoyles",
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world = 11,
title = 0x0010ea8d, -- "Extreme Cosplay"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Description",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Description 17D387B3-4AAF9C4D-CEEFC8A8-E4910321",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest started_a",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest started_a",
description = 0x0011e758, -- "Sometimes traveling can be deadly dull –
nothing but the slow crawl of the horizon, the sun beating down on your neck and
the chirping of crickets. Other times, however, it can be surprisingly eventful, as
a certain Gaston, a simple merchant from Toussaint, learned for himself when he
happened across a mortally wounded man by the roadside. Though he provided aid as
quickly as he could, the mysterious man soon bled to death. Right as he did, up
walked the hero of my tale, Geralt.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest done",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest done",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011e75b, -- "This story had a surprising finale. They
discovered the massacre had been committed by.... elven statues. Durand had
purchased these a few weeks prior. They were in truth golems, meant to be part of a
trap set by the last elven ruler of Toussaint, Divethaf, to take out his vanquisher
and tormentor, King Ludovic. Divethaf's trap was never sprung, so his golems slept
through the centuries, undisturbed until Durand repeated a formula during an act of
historic reconstruction and they awoke...<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest failed",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest failed D973D356-4A0D4E95-DC72E48F-5C293131",
index = 2,
description = 0x00124613, -- "Zoltan liked to repeat a certain saying:
all you can get for free's a punch in the teeth. Geralt must have marked those wise
words and decided since no one was paying him to investigate the matter, he was
under no obligation to go out of his way to look into it. He thus left the corpse
where he had found it and rode off into the sunset...<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Ceremony",
order = 3623878654,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ceremony",
index = 3,
description = 0x0011e759, -- "Though Geralt usually works alone, he made
an exception in this case and agreed to let Gaston accompany him. Together they set
off following the dead man's tracks towards a residence in which all seemed calm
and quiet. Yet once they entered, they found overturned tables, cracked dishes
and... more bodies. Luckily, the owner of the villa, Durand Faucher-Plamondon de
Savarin, had survived the massacre and was able to tell them what had happened. It
seemed Durand and his companions from the Society of Friends of the History of
Toussaint had accidentally summoned some kind of monster. Geralt knew his duty was
to draw the beast there again and exterminate it before it could shed more

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Quest started_b",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest started_b",
index = 4,
description = 0x0012081f, -- "Though many find it hard to believe,
witchers can catch the scent of blood from over a league away. It thus comes as no
surprise that, one day as he traveled in Toussaint, Geralt departed from the beaten
path towards a seemingly peaceful residence. When he found bloody marks on its
locked doors, he began investigating...<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Not interested",
order = 2885681150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Not interested",
index = 5,
description = 0x00127042, -- "Upon hearing Gaston's account, Geralt
decided this was not a job for a witcher and went on his way.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Mind changed",
order = 3254779902,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mind changed",
index = 6,
description = 0x00127043, -- "Eventually, however, he changed his mind
and decided to investigate the matter after all.<br>"
chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Gargoyles",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gargoyles 57B50477-4C7CBAD5-EA971B98-F1C08B51",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Follow the dead man's footprints to find the place where he was
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the dead man's footprints to find the place
where he was attacked.",
children = {
title = 0x0010ea8e, -- "Follow the tracks of the murdered man using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mq7007_mp_hook_tracking01",
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Follow the blood marks to find out who left them.",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the blood marks to find out who left them.",
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baseName = "Investigate the villa's garden.",
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title = 0x00120821, -- "Investigate the estate grounds using your
Witcher Senses."

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baseName = "Fire up all braziers in the garden.",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fire up all braziers in the garden.",
index = 3,
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title = 0x00120ef7, -- "Light all the lamps in the garden."
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chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Equip elven sword and shield.",
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Defeat the living statues.",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat the living statues.",
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title = 0x00121099, -- "Defeat the living statues."

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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Place a tribute of food in the bowl at Alonso's feet.",
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children = {
title = 0x001218b9, -- "Place an offering of elven bread in front of
Durand's throne."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Place a tribute of wine in the bowl at Alonso's
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x001218ba, -- "Place an offering of elven wine in front of
Durand's throne."

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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Using witcher senses follow the smell of burned hair.",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Using witcher senses follow the smell of burned
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children = {
title = 0x0012242c, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the smell of

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chunk[43] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find some food.",
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x001224cd, -- "Take a loaf of elven bread."

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title = 0x001224ce, -- "Take a bottle of elven wine."

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chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Grab elven sword.",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Grab elven sword.",
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children = {
title = 0x001226c6, -- "Pick up an elven sword."

chunk[48] = {
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chunk[49] = {
baseName = "Grab elven shield.",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Grab elven shield.",
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title = 0x001226c7, -- "Pick up an elven shield."

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chunk[51] = {
baseName = "(optional) Put on the mask of elven commander.",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "(optional) Put on the mask of elven commander.",
index = 14,
title = 0x0012670c, -- "[Optional] Put on the elven commander's mask."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7009painter.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7009 Painter",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7009 Painter BCD96CB1-4EF58B97-51C608B0-AB2EAA3C",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0010cc3f, -- "A Portrait of the Witcher as an Old Man"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E6AA9490-4F08119F-85354CBA-3C2565C2",
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baseName = "beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beggining 4CA1AE72-42B1502A-06C1AD90-121E3836",
description = 0x0010d0e4, -- "One day Geralt got an unusual proposition.
A portrait artist, inspired and delighted by the witcher's singular appearance,
asked if he would pose for a painting. Largely open to the varied experiences life
offers, the witcher agreed to model for the painter. Though he later claimed he was
driven primarily by a desire to support the arts (an impulse laudable in and of
itself!), I suspect plain old vanity might also have come into play.<br>The witcher
and the artist set off together for the countryside, where the beautiful landscape
was to serve as the backdrop for the portrait.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "after griffon",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after griffon 87F54D21-4D169E6B-01D483A5-1833540F",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010d0e5, -- "Once they arrived at their destination, it
turned out that some picnickers had occupied the vista the artist had chosen. To
make matters worse, the artist's painting tools had disappeared, and the witcher
had to find them.<br>In the end he could finally get down to posing and was pained
to learn that a portrait takes much longer to produce than he had supposed. He did
not manage to grow thoroughly bored, however, thanks to a griffin that swooped in
unannounced. Geralt had to defeat the beast to save both the painter and his
emerging work. He received payment for posing and learned he would be able to view
the finished portrait the next day in the main town square.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "ending",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ending 928B7DA4-45DE3A93-C09E7F9F-09BD47B7",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010d0e6, -- "Geralt finally saw the work that generated
quite a lot of interest from the inhabitants of Beauclair. As it turned out, in the
portrait the painter had rendered the witcher in the nude. Though explicit, the
representation was flattering. To this day I remember the sheepish grin on Geralt's
face as he related the tale to yours truly!<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "failed before paints",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "failed before paints 9C5166BF-4690978B-7A5DA283-
index = 3,
description = 0x001269d1, -- "Geralt decided he would pose for the
painter no more, concluding that other potential employers surely needed a witcher
more. Perhaps he was right to decide so, as, let us be candid, the witcher made for
an excruciatingly poor model.<br>."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "failed ranaway griffin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "failed ranaway griffin A44847E9-4AC09237-BF1450B0-
index = 4,
description = 0x001269d2, -- "Once they arrived at their destination, it
turned out that some picnickers had occupied the vista the artist had chosen. To
make matters worse, the artist's painting tools had disappeared, and the witcher
had to find them.<br>In the end he could finally get down to posing and was pained
to learn that a portrait takes much longer to produce than he had supposed. He did
not manage to grow thoroughly bored, however, thanks to a griffin that swooped in
unannounced. Geralt decided not to fight the beast, leaving the painter to his own

chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Painter 6351EC45-4F947E24-CB2F5497-42A44D65",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Meet painter by gazebo",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet painter by gazebo C2928188-4D97ECAD-42F70B84-
children = {
title = 0x0010cc40, -- "Meet the painter around noon by the western gate
of the palace."

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baseName = "painter mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "painter mappin F08357AF-4B2D5855-38DB7B94-AA419179",
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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Follow painter",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow painter DB39802B-46418F4C-81048DAC-6E707D44",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010cc41, -- "Follow the painter."

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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Kill the gryphon",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the gryphon 5F80BE1B-4E0693FB-6F823EA4-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010cc42, -- "Kill the griffin."

chunk[15] = {
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radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "mq7009_mappin_hill",
chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Wait to the next day",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait to the next day 080E233C-42DA36CD-2C7761B3-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010cc43, -- "Wait one day to see your painting."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "painting mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "painting mappin 2304DB23-40FF736C-76AC97AC-5C7CFBDF",
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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "See the painting on market",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "See the painting on market F2276C55-44B65DD1-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0010cc44, -- "Go see your painting at the market."

chunk[19] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "painting mappin 8A51CC6C-467396DF-FCE07FB1-3366E361",
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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Find painter accessories",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for painter 0A088DD6-46A23134-9927CFA7-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x001101ca, -- "Find the painter's paints."

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chunk[33] = {
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mapPinID = "mq7009_mappin_paint_clue12",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Give accessories to painter",
order = 3623878654,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Give accessories to painter 0FB1D59F-44E8E2DC-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0011bae7, -- "Give the painter the paints."

chunk[35] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "painter mappin 3B0D27AD-4EC80C6F-5FE91685-EA31CD68",
mapPinID = "mq7009_painter",

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Wait until vampire attack ends",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait until vampire attack ends 5AEFB7B0-4028BA95-
index = 7,
title = 0x0012339b, -- "Deal with the vampires attacking the city."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7010airbornecattle.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7010 Airborne Cattle",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7010 Airborne Cattle 2633D68E-4C40FA82-D17A2A88-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0010ac79, -- "Contract: Bovine Blues"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 37E6C627-46019CCD-8F520488-93F5BE42",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beginning",
description = 0x0010e0d3, -- "While trekking across picturesque
Toussaint, Geralt happened on the highly unusual Ardaiso Quarry. It appeared out of
the ordinary as it seemed filled with the pieces of some mammoth statue, all hewn
straight from the quarry's rock. Geralt arrived at the quarry to witness an
argument between a group of workers and their foreman. He learned that the night
before the quarry had been attacked by a falling… cow, which in crashing to the
ground had crushed one of the quarry workers. The worker's colleagues had
understandably insisted that they would not resume their labors until the matter
was resolved. The witcher, as befits a professional of his caliber, agreed to look
into the mystery.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "NestBurned",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NestBurned",
index = 1,
description = 0x001228a5, -- "Having slain the two slyzards, Geralt also
incinerated the nest full of slyzard eggs. For as the locals proclaim, "Lebioda
helps those who help themselves."<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "NoCurse",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NoCurse",
index = 2,
description = 0x00120541, -- "Upon inspecting the cow's carcass and the
worker's corpse, Geralt established that no plague had caused the incident (as the
quarry workers had vehemently claimed), nor was it the result of a distorted portal
(as Geralt himself had suspected). Instead, the witcher discovered the cause to be
relatively banal. A draconid had been carrying the cow back to its nest. Yet the
beast had either lost its grip of overestimated its strength, and the cow had
landed in the quarry - and in doing so had crushed one of the workers.<br>"
chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Ending",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010e0d4, -- "With his hunt done, the witcher informed
the quarry workers that he had removed the threat - said threat having been no more
than a juvenile slyzard. The foreman breathed a sigh of relief, for his crew could
get back to its job - erecting a gigantic statue of the Prophet Lebioda.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "NestDone",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NestDone",
index = 4,
description = 0x001228a7, -- "The witcher, an expert in all matters
monstrous, was quick to divine that the draconid he sought was a slyzard. All signs
seemed to suggest it was a relatively young specimen, that had not only lost its
quarry but also been heavily wounded as it accidentally destroyed one of the cranes
standing in the quarry. The wound meant the witcher could track the beast easily.
He found it quickly, following the trail of its blood. Along the way it turned out
the young slyzard's mother had come to help it. Unmoved by this evidence of
affection between the beasts, admittedly rare among reptiles in general, Geralt
reached the monsters' nest and slew them all.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "CowHook",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "CowHook",
index = 5,
description = 0x00125711, -- "As a well-known rhetorician once put it,
one touched by bad luck is liable to break his finger while attempting to clear a
nostril. The witcher, in passing through the Ardaiso Quarry, happened on a worker
who had been crushed by a cow when it fell on him! Intrigued by the circumstances
by which this had come to pass, He resolved to ask around about the details of the

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "BoardHook",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "BoardHook",
index = 6,
description = 0x00125712, -- "A witcher's life is never dull. If there
ever comes a point when he's had his fill of cockatrices, strigas or nekkers, he
can always count on the world throwing something unusual in his Path. As was the
case on this occasion, when a bovine crashed to the ground from the sky, landing
right on top of a quarry worker! At last, here was a contract that would surely
tear the witcher free of the fetters of the quotidian that so often held him!<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Quarry",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quarry",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Talk to the foreman",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the foreman",
children = {
title = 0x0010ac95, -- "Find the quarry foreman."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "quarry_foreman",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "quarry_foreman",
mapPinID = "quarry_foreman",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Inspect the cow's corpse",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Inspect the cow's corpse",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010ac97, -- "Examine the cow carcass and the workman's body."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "mq7010_pin_cow",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7010_pin_cow",
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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Return to the foreman to complete the contract",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to the foreman to complete the contract",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0011db0f, -- "Collect a reward for solving the cow mystery."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "quarry_foreman",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "quarry_foreman",
mapPinID = "quarry_foreman",
chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Use your witcher senses to find out what destroyed the crane",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use your witcher senses to find out what destroyed
the crane",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001255f3, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to investigate how the
crane was damaged."

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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Wyvern Mountain",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wyvern Mountain",
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children = {

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Use your witcher senses to pick up the trail at the abandoned
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use your witcher senses to pick up the trail at the
abandoned still",
children = {
title = 0x0010ac98, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to look for clues by the
abandoned still."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7010_pin_still",
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baseName = "Use your witcher senses to continue following the draconide",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use your witcher senses to continue following the
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011da4f, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the draconid's

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chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Defeat both dracolizards",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat both dracolizards",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0011da50, -- "Defeat both slyzards."

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "mq7010_dracolizard",
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Climb to the top of the hill to search for the draconide",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Climb to the top of the hill to search for the
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001203e7, -- "Climb to the top of the hill to reach the

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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Collect the Dracolizard Matriarch Trophy as proof",
order = 4244635646,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect the Dracolizard Matriarch Trophy as proof",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0011251a, -- "Collect a trophy from the mother slyzard."

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "mq7010_matriarch_remains",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7010_matriarch_remains",
mapPinID = "mq7010_matriarch_remains",

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Use your witcher senses to follow the wounded draconide's trail",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use your witcher senses to follow the wounded
draconide's trail",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x001255f4, -- "Using your Witcher Senses, follow the wounded
draconid's trail."

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chunk[45] = {
baseName = "[optional] Burn the dracolizard's nest and eggs",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[optional] Burn the dracolizard's nest and eggs",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0010ac9c, -- "[Optional] Destroy the nest and the slyzard

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "mq7010_pin_nest",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7010_pin_nest",
mapPinID = "mq7010_pin_nest",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7011wheresmymoney.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7011 Where's My Money",
order = 4273995774,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011 Where's My Money",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0010c114, -- "Paperchase"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions B0AC204E-4827A35F-AC66999E-581AB535",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Failed",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Failed",
description = 0x001153ba, -- "In the end, Geralt let his temper boil
over and spew forth on Giacomo Cianfanelli, the bank's owner. With fury evident on
his knitted brow and waving fists, Geralt went to work on the bank's guards and
thus became a persona very much non grata in that establishment.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Beginning",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beginning",
index = 1,
description = 0x001194fd, -- "One day, an old acquaintance ran into
Geralt and pulled him aside for a chat. He was a vineyard owner for whom Geralt had
completed a contract some time ago. The man had been bereft of adequate coin at the
time, but, determined to compensate Geralt fairly one day, he had set up a savings
account in the witcher's name at the local bank. Now that years' worth of interest
had accrued and Geralt had returned to the duchy, he needed only go to the bank and
collect his due.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt_Calm",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt_Calm",
index = 2,
description = 0x001194fe, -- "After a long bout of trench warfare
against the bank's bureaucracy, Geralt finally reached the bank's owner, Giacomo
Cianfanelli. Unfortunately, Giacomo was suffering a small liquidity crisis in
regards to Geralt's funds. Geralt decided to take a risk and wait a week, but only
on condition that he would not have to procure any additional documents.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Geralt_Angry",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt_Angry",
index = 3,
description = 0x001194ff, -- "The witcher's visit to Cianfanelli Bank
ended in a very witcher-like fashion. Geralt pummeled the guards who tried to
restrain him, fought his way to the owner and in clear, concise terms made it clear
he would not tolerate any more delays. He collected as much coin as he could and
ended up with the dubious honor of finding himself on the list of clients no longer
welcome in the bank.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Unexpected_reward",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Unexpected_reward",
index = 4,
description = 0x0010e0b3, -- "Cianfanelli kept his word and not only
gave the witcher his coin, but threw in a present as a bonus -- an old family
heirloom. It seems the banker meant what his employees were forced to repeat ad
nauseam: with him, the customer is always right and he looks after others' coin as
if it were his own.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Bank",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bank",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Go to the Cianfanelli Bank in Beauclair",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to the Cianfanelli Bank in Beauclair",
children = {
title = 0x0010c115, -- "Go to the Cianfanelli Bank."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "mq7011_pin_bank",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_pin_bank",
mapPinID = "mq7011_pin_bank",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Talk to the Clerk",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the Clerk",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010c116, -- "Talk to the bank clerk about your account."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "beauclair_bank_clerk_main",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beauclair_bank_clerk_main",
mapPinID = "beauclair_bank_clerk_main",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Get the Certificate A38 from transaction window nr1",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get the Certificate A38 from transaction window nr1",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010c117, -- "Obtain an A38 Permit from Window 1."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "beauclair_bank_clerk_a",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beauclair_bank_clerk_a",
mapPinID = "beauclair_bank_clerk_a",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Follow Giacomo Cianfanelli to the Vault",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Giacomo Cianfanelli to the Vault",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010c11b, -- "Follow Cianfanelli into the vault."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "mq7011_cianfanelli",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_cianfanelli",
mapPinID = "mq7011_cianfanelli",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Retrieve your money",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Retrieve your money",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0010e7da, -- "Retrieve your coin."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "mq7011_money_cache",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_money_cache",
mapPinID = "mq7011_money_cache",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Return for Form 202 at transaction window nr1",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return for Form 202 at transaction window nr1",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0010e8f5, -- "Return to Window 1 to get Form 202."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "mq7011_pin_clerk_a_missing",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_pin_clerk_a_missing",
mapPinID = "mq7011_pin_clerk_a_missing",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Defeat the guards",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat the guards",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00115377, -- "Defeat the guards."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "mq7011_guards",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_guards",
mapPinID = "mq7011_guards",

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Sit down to wait until the break is over",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sit down to wait until the break is over",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x00112709, -- "Sit and wait until the break ends."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "mq7011_wait_bench",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_wait_bench",
mapPinID = "mq7011_wait_bench",

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Use your witcher senses to find the clerk from transaction window
nr 1",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use your witcher senses to find the clerk from
transaction window nr 1",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x001128c6, -- "Using your Witcher Senses, find the clerk from
Window 1."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "mq7011_pin_bank",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_pin_bank",
radius = 25.000000,
mapPinID = "mq7011_pin_bank",

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "[optional] Ask the main Clerk where to get Form A38.",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[optional] Ask the main Clerk where to get Form
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x001152e0, -- "[Optional] Ask where to get an A38 Permit."

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "beauclair_bank_clerk_main",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beauclair_bank_clerk_main",
mapPinID = "beauclair_bank_clerk_main",

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Ask for the Certificate A38 in the archive downstairs",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask for the Certificate A38 in the archive
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x00115376, -- "Ask in the archives about an A38 Permit."

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "beauclair_bank_clerk_e",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beauclair_bank_clerk_e",
mapPinID = "beauclair_bank_clerk_e",

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Convince Cianfanelli to hand out the money",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Convince Cianfanelli to hand out the money",
index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x001194fc, -- "Convince Cianfanelli to pay you your coin."

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "mq7011_cianfanelli",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_cianfanelli",
mapPinID = "mq7011_cianfanelli",

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Find a way to get out of the vault",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a way to get out of the vault B5A15D24-47BF591B-
index = 12,
children = {
title = 0x0011dc5e, -- "Get out of the vault."

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "mq7011_pin_vault",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_pin_vault E079CC44-41313BDD-C2509DA4-
mapPinID = "mq7011_pin_vault",

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Confront Cianfanelli",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Confront Cianfanelli 0A041268-46FA5F96-09CD619D-
index = 13,
children = {
title = 0x0011dc5f, -- "Talk to Cianfanelli."

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "mq7011_cianfanelli",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_cianfanelli E9A1569D-48817F99-05432EB0-
mapPinID = "mq7011_cianfanelli",

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Talk to Cianfanelli about your money",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Cianfanelli about your money D8B18D36-
index = 14,
children = {
title = 0x0011dcb2, -- "Talk to Cianfanelli about your coin."

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "mq7011_cianfanelli",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_cianfanelli D6A8DAE4-4CB3770E-53828BAB-
mapPinID = "mq7011_cianfanelli",

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "Win fistfight",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Win fistfight FC9DA2B9-42C3EA1B-74E1D7BD-69E25B09",
index = 15,
children = {
title = 0x00120487, -- "Defeat the angry bank customer."

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "mq7011_man_in_line_a",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7011_man_in_line_a D323C16B-4B9D4E0F-1D630282-
mapPinID = "mq7011_man_in_line_a",

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "[optional] Buy a present at the market to curry the clerk's favor",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[optional] Buy a present at the market to curry the
clerk's favor",
index = 16,
children = {
title = 0x0012568a, -- "[Optional] Buy a present for the bank clerk."

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "coco_city_alchemist_ap",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "coco_city_alchemist_ap",
mapPinID = "coco_city_alchemist_ap",

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "Ask for the Certificate A38 at the top floor office",
order = 4294918142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask for the Certificate A38 at the top floor office",
index = 17,
children = {
title = 0x0012568b, -- "Ask in records about an A38 Permit."

chunk[45] = {
baseName = "beauclair_bank_clerk_b",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beauclair_bank_clerk_b",
mapPinID = "beauclair_bank_clerk_b",
chunk[46] = {
baseName = "Resolve the situation with Dettlaff",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Resolve the situation with Dettlaff",
index = 18,
title = 0x00126e91, -- "Deal with the vampires attacking the city."

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Return to Cianfanelli in one week",
order = 4294964222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Cianfanelli in one week 770BD7F1-4DCC8FDC-
index = 19,
title = 0x0011dcb1, -- "Wait a week and talk to Cianfanelli."

chunk[48] = {
baseName = "Wait for daytime",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for daytime",
index = 20,
title = 0x00127146, -- "Wait for the bank to open."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7015souvenir.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7015_souvenir",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7015_souvenir 3C3DC52F-445095B5-89C66893-79E185A1",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0010ca48, -- "Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Granite!"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 97B091FC-4C86CC57-9AC7B58C-81BF37E5",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "beggining notice",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beggining notice 043E7268-4728FDC8-61304187-
description = 0x0010e163, -- "On one of the notice boards of Beauclair
Geralt found a very interesting contract. A certain man was looking for a discrete
specialist in the supernatural. Geralt had the feeling this was directed at someone
more or less just like him.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "beggining from QG",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beggining from QG 1CB407EF-439D79AE-9EE70AB8-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010e164, -- "A local art curator asked Geralt for help
in a matter concerning the statue of Reginald d’Aubry – a local legend and national
hero. Since the matter was of a delicate nature, he asked the witcher maintain
absolute discretion. Geralt accepted the contract, not knowing he was in for quite
the shock when the details of what he was to investigate and why were made

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "ending - hughes dead",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ending geralts balls ff won 0DA3C60F-45B0198C-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010e166, -- "Geralt tracked down the thief and
confronted him, only to be confronted himself with a most atypical offer. The man
wanted to borrow "Beauclair's most valuable jewels" for a few more days so he
could... finish some things. Geralt showed understanding (a nod being as good as a
wink to our worldly friend) and promised to return in a week. Do you know the
saying about the butterfly that flaps its wings in Kovir and causes a hurricane in
Cintra? All decisions have entirely unpredictable consequences, and this was no
exception – the poor Hughes' heart could not bear his amatory gusto and burst from
overexertion. The witcher was left with half his reward and a guilty

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "ending balls lost forever",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ending balls lost forever CFAE7139-44829706-7F63ADAE-
index = 3,
description = 0x0010f680, -- "There are some parts of the White Wolf's
story best passed over in silence. Loyalty to my friend does not allow me to say
the famed witcher was sucker punched by a cuckolded husband even though he had
nothing to do with the cuckolding in question... so it shall have to suffice to say
Reginald's statue was not returned to its former glory. The rest will fade into
oblivion. <br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "end balls returned",
order = 4127195134,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "end balls returned D02FC257-471F0C65-AEA1789E-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010e165, -- "Geralt was able to retrieve "Beauclair's
most valuable jewels" and Reginald d'Aubry's statue was once again made whole.
Thanks to this, both the curator and a great number of local matrons were highly
satisfied, people in general were more relaxed and merry, a bumper crop of children
was on its way and tourism to Beauclair reached new heights. All thanks to a humble

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Investigation",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigation F5089866-4BA2F6D9-E5D3B592-60C193DA",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Follow The Caretaker",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow The Caretaker F1C1A30D-417C5270-1A97B590-
children = {
title = 0x0010ca4b, -- "Follow the art curator."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "mq7015_caretaker",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7015_caretaker 997EC04A-4B9F62D1-9E520897-
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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Examine the Crimescene",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine the Crimescene 88D9379A-42266B98-4B63778D-
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title = 0x0011c631, -- "Wait 7 days and return to Hughes for your

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title = 0x00126ed3, -- "Defeat the vampires attacking the city before
you see to the monument."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7017talkinghorse.journal:

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title = 0x0011c607, -- "Equine Phantoms"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started CA2BD322-4986BC19-C78B06A6-F3A4E208",
description = 0x0011c60c, -- "I have oft heard Geralt boast that in
terms of monsters, he firmly believes he has seen it all. Yet what he encountered
on this occasion demanded that he revise that view. While travelling through
Toussaint, he happened on a female hermit who claimed she an invisible specter was
tormenting her and would be her end. The witcher was skeptical, not least because
he could not imagine how he might defeat something invisible.<br>The woman's
suffering seemed so intense, however, that he resolved to try to help her.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x0011c60d, -- "To be able to track the hermit-haunting
wraith, Geralt imbibed a dose of a brew the woman prepared. The concoction had a
highly surprising side effect - for Geralt began to understand the speech of his
trusty steed, Roach.<br>Together, the witcher and his mount tracked down the
nightmarish ghost. It proved to be the spirit of a knight, Pinastri's former lover,
who had committed a terrible crime when in anger he had attacked his own horse and
beat it to death. He remained restless in the afterlife for the hermit had refused
to forgive him for the deed.<br>Yet the story ended happily thanks to Roach -
namely, the mare decided to forgive the ghost on behalf of the horse he had

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description = 0x0011c60e, -- "To be able to track the hermit-haunting
wraith, Geralt imbibed a dose of a brew the woman prepared. The concoction had a
highly surprising side effect - for Geralt began to understand the speech of his
trusty steed, Roach.<br>Together, the witcher and his mount tracked down the
nightmarish ghost. It proved to be the spirit of a knight, Pinastri's former lover,
who had committed a terrible crime when in anger he had attacked his own horse and
beat it to death. He remained restless in the afterlife for the hermit had refused
to forgive him for the deed.<br>The story did not end well, for Roach, too, refused
to forgive the ghost on behalf of the dead horse. Geralt defeated the knight
spirit, but he believed this was only temporary, that the specter would ultimately
return to demand forgiveness from the hermit.<br>"

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index = 3,
description = 0x0011c60f, -- "To be able to track the hermit-haunting
wraith, Geralt imbibed a dose of a brew the woman prepared. The concoction had a
highly surprising side effect - for Geralt began to understand the speech of his
trusty steed, Roach.<br>Yet Geralt decided he shouldn't devote his attention to a
specter that he could not see. After a time he returned to visit the hermit, only
to learn that Roach herself had proved quite the witcher, having resolved the
crisis on her own.<br>"

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baseName = "Quest Failed - Aborted",
order = 3858759678,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Failed - Aborted 1EC8B72E-4B0F3E41-C4317EB8-
index = 4,
description = 0x0011c610, -- "To be able to track the hermit-haunting
wraith, Geralt imbibed a dose of a brew the woman prepared. The concoction had a
highly surprising side effect - for Geralt began to understand the speech of his
trusty steed, Roach.<br>Yet instead of pursuing the elusive specter, Geralt turned
his attention to other matters.<br>"

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baseName = "Quest Complete- Hermit Dead",
order = 4127195134,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Complete- Hermit Dead 249D2052-498372F3-
index = 5,
description = 0x00127b43, -- "Alas, Geralt's worst expectations came
true, as he learned when some time later he tried to pay the hermit another visit.
He found her dead, and the marks on her body suggested that Marcello had returned
as an umbra and sucked all the blood from her body.<br>Geralt grew pensive,
considering the nature of human stubbornness and ill-conceived pride. Yet if I know
him at all, I would say he devoted little time to these thoughts. For the witcher
is a man of action, not a philosopher, and as it did every day, the Path

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the area F476F889-4986F339-E83A4C8B-
children = {
title = 0x00110b53, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to investigate the area
and find out what's tormenting the hermit."

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title = 0x00110bc4, -- "Talk to the hermit."

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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Help Roach Investigate the area with his horse senses",
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title = 0x0011d5b1, -- "Help Roach investigate the area."

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title = 0x00123999, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to examine the area."

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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0012399a, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to examine the moths by
the window."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7018lastone.journal:

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baseName = "mq7018_last_one",
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title = 0x0010e603, -- "Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom"

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baseName = "Quest Started",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started E9523D7B-44A04066-1E42499F-4B0FBD0B",
description = 0x00112208, -- "While wandering around Toussaint, Geralt
did not neglect his vocation and the true core of his existence, namely, pursuing
and slaying monsters. Having found a notice on a notice board, posted by a merchant
guild beset by some beast, the witcher decided to go to the appointed spot to learn
about the details of the matter.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After leaving camp",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After leaving camp 3017C50F-43BD3CA7-85B4B68C-
index = 1,
description = 0x0011e91f, -- "At his destination, Geralt found a
ransacked camp. It looked as if it had been destroyed recently. He also happened on
the bodies of two merchants. Their wounds had clearly been caused by a monster of
ample size.<br>While combing the surrounding area, the witcher happened on Count
Borhis di Salvaress, who claimed the monster Geralt was tracking was a silver
basilisk - the last surviving specimen of the subspecies which also happened to be
the count's wildly roaming pet, a pet the nobleman desperately wished the witcher
would spare.<br>To make matters worse, it turned out this basilisk was also the
quarry of a small company of Crinfrid Reavers.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Count's Side",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Count's Side 65335048-4123C21F-A377BCB5-A096F692",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011e920, -- "Geralt decided he would not slay the
basilisk.<br>The count in turn pledged to take more precautions toward safeguarding
merchants passing through his pet's feeding range. He also promised that Geralt
would acquire ingredients at special prices from herbalists he knew.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunter's side",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunter's side 2585AB5E-4403B8A2-39999889-7234DC19",
index = 3,
description = 0x0011e921, -- "Geralt decided that the basilisk had to
die. It mattered little that it might have been the last of its subspecies, for
fundamentally it remained a dangerous beast. Count di Salvaress was distraught. He
threatened that the witcher would never see another reasonable price at the shops
of the herbalists he knew.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Quest failed",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest failed A40AB434-4B8EDFDE-412A939B-689A7D09",
index = 4,
description = 0x00126b98, -- "Geralt decided that the basilisk had to
die. He nonetheless refused to hunt it down straight away. By the time he returned,
the basilisk had made mincemeat of the four Crinfrid Reavers.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "At nest",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "At nest E4B18523-46787B79-54510593-93CA098B",
index = 5,
description = 0x0012769a, -- "While tracking the basilisk, Geralt found
yet another corpse.<br>As things stood, it seemed a band of Crinfrid Reavers was
also hunting the basilisk. They had taken on a contract from a local guild and in
their arrogance collected the fee in advance.<br>Yet the mercenaries somehow took
an immediate liking to Geralt, which I find hard to believe, as I am quite familiar
with their type…<br>They offered to join forces with the witcher in fighting the
beast and promised to share their reward with him once it was brought down.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Basilisk",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Basilisk 62925B2E-4C683C71-C99D1B8F-172D2A4A",
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baseName = "Meet the merchants at the old camp",
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title = 0x00120222, -- "Find the basilisk's lair."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the sounds 8FDCB638-43F47C38-516F3D9B-
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title = 0x00120221, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the sounds."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7020songsofglory.journal:

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baseName = "mq7020_songs_of_glory",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7020_songs_of_glory 0EB811A8-4069F57C-6966DC99-
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title = 0x0010ad3f, -- "Of Sheers and a Witcher I Sing"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 2F0FB49D-472EC0BC-4CF08EAF-14375F27",
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baseName = "beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "beggining 1141300B-44C5CB25-58D8778E-FBF32E97",
description = 0x0010e160, -- "Beauclair is a city steeped in tradition,
awash with wine and echoing with song. Though an unfortunate banishment had
deprived its artistic scene of a certain bard's stimulating presence several years
prior, at this time the town was still home to many talented composers, including a
certain Adrien de Rouleau, whose career I had launched by giving him the nom de
plume "Le Papillon." It was this rising literary star who one day asked Geralt for
help finding a missing person: his hairdresser and close friend. Though this did
not seem at first a job for a witcher, Geralt, for whom old habits die hard,
decided to yet again help a poet in need.<br>"

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baseName = "ending beau and co dead",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ending beau and co dead 8F7E4BE2-4D66C12A-4221F7AC-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010e161, -- "Le Papillon's suspicions were well-
founded: the hairdresser had indeed run into some serious trouble . An unsatisfied
client, a knight named Beau Duvall, had taken him captive. Humiliated by a haircut
which he felt did no justice to his inner beauty, Duvall wanted the hairdresser to
pay a high price for his sloppy scissor work. Luckily Geralt arrived in the nick of
time and despatched Duvall and his band to the next world. Thus the kidnappers were
taught a lesson and the witcher earned the undying gratitude of hairdresser and
poet alike.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "ending just beau dead",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ending just beau dead D119B64B-4778EF54-F3DD1A8E-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010e162, -- "Le Papillon's suspicions were well-
founded: the hairdresser had indeed run into some serious trouble. An unsatisfied
client, a knight named Beau Duvall, had taken him captive. Humiliated by a haircut
which he felt did no justice to his inner beauty, Duvall wanted the hairdresser to
pay a high price for his sloppy scissor work. Luckily Geralt arrived in the nick of
time and challenged Duvall to a duel, which, I am pleased to reveal, the witcher
won. In this way the knight was taught a lesson and the witcher earned the undying
gratitude of hairdresser and poet alike.<br>"

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baseName = "FailState",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "FailState 507A8F72-4C6CE837-BD888F89-83813356",
index = 3,
description = 0x0012839f, -- "The witcher's attention can be as hard to
hold as a small child's. The grunt of a ghoul coming from a cemetery, a note
hinting at a secret stash of witcher armor or, Lebioda forbid, the hem of some
sorceress' garment is enough for him forget all about his present task to embark on
a new one. In this particular case, he claimed the hunt for the Beast of Beauclair
drew him away. This sounds altogether plausible, but the truth... well, that shall
never be known."

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baseName = "Follow Le Papillon to the hairdresser's",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Le Papillon to the hairdresser's 9CBFCAA3-
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title = 0x0010ad40, -- "Go with Le Papillon to the salon."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7020_le_papillon 67CBD22F-471B5B9B-CC89738E-
mapPinID = "mq7020_le_papillon",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Blow the Hairdresser's door",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a way inside the hairdresser's FCC5FDE8-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010ad41, -- "Force open the doors to the hairdresser's salon
using the Aard Sign."
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baseName = "Examine the house for clues",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine the house for clues 7A05F158-4EE89E2F-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010ad42, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to look for clues about
what happened to Jean-Louis."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7020_mp_hairdressers BB8D37B8-49B09361-C0CBE78A-
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baseName = "Forest Search",
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baseName = "Follow the footprints",
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title = 0x0010af2d, -- "Follow the footprints."

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chunk[27] = {
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title = 0x0010ad44, -- "Search the meadow using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00127065, -- "Save the hairdresser."

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title = 0x0010ad43, -- "Search your immediate area for a cave."

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chunk[44] = {
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chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Wait until the siege is over",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait until the siege is over 8DCFCF7F-4261DE85-
title = 0x0012708f, -- "Deal with the vampires attacking the city."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7021leftbehind.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7021_left_behind",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7021_left_behind E0EB6BB5-492FD420-5E53F4B9-
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world = 11,
title = 0x0010b2de, -- "Father Knows Worst"

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baseName = "start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "start 266F2F6A-4AABC753-B9C53E8B-0CCA3C9B",
description = 0x0010e187, -- "One day, while traversing Toussaint's
charming wilderness, Geralt ran into two men desperately calling for help. As they
told it, their brother had remained in the cave they had just hastily left. Nothing
out of the ordinary, I suppose, if not for the fact that inside this sibling had
been attacked by beasts. Geralt decided he would try to help the man.<br>"
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index = 1,
description = 0x001184a5, -- "As Geralt and Hugo were leaving the none-
too-hospitable caverns, Hugo's two siblings, assisted by a handful of armed men,
blocked their way. Fearing for his life, Hugo begged the witcher to teach his
treacherous bastard brothers a lesson. Yet as we all know, Geralt has a strong
aversion for unnecessary violence, so he turned Hugo down. This proved a wise
decision - forced to discuss their differences, the three brothers settled their
dispute and resolved to embark on an enterprise together.<br>"

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baseName = "start_noticeboard",
order = 3187671038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "start_noticeboard 8AF1C32A-411F73DF-869916A8-
index = 2,
description = 0x0011abd0, -- "One day, while strolling through
Beauclair's bustling streets, Geralt spotted a notice - someone was in need off an
escort as they wished to penetrate a cave. The task seemed none too complicated or
taxing, so the witcher concluded it would be unwise to let it pass.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Finds hugo",
order = 4265607166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Finds hugo",
index = 3,
description = 0x0011efe6, -- "Geralt followed a trail of blood to find
Hugo. Wounded by monsters, the man had sought shelter in the cave's depths.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Get the filter",
order = 4280287230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get the filter",
index = 4,
description = 0x0011efe7, -- "Hugo begged Geralt to find a condenser,
part of a complicated contraption his father had devised. Papa had cast this part
into an underground lake.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Start_without_quest",
order = 3726639102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start_without_quest",
index = 5,
description = 0x00123add, -- "One day, while traversing Toussaint's
charming wilderness, Geralt ran into two men desperately calling for help. As they
told it, their brother had remained in the cave they had just hastily left. Nothing
out of the ordinary, I suppose, if not for the fact that inside this sibling had
been attacked by beasts.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "found_brothers_with_contract",
order = 3996123134,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "found_brothers_with_contract",
index = 6,
description = 0x00126ee0, -- "Before speaking to the posters of the
notice, Geralt set out to do a bit of reconnaissance. Yet he returned to them
quickly to find out what the job was to entail. The brothers, trembling in fear,
explained that their other brother, beset by monsters, was trapped in a nearby

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "fail",
index = 7,
description = 0x001270af, -- "I must admit that this time Geralt truly
made a mess of things. He started by arguing with Hugo's brothers, and, when the
dispute escalated and tempers flared, he abandoned the whole lot to their enmity
and itchy fists. I never learned how the story of Hugo Monnart and his brothers
ended, and Geralt never received any payment for the troubles he had nonetheless

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "end fight brothers",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "end fight brothers DC8D638D-411CF90C-39B226BA-
index = 8,
description = 0x00116138, -- "As Geralt and Hugo headed for the exit out
of the none-too-hospitable caverns, Hugo's two brothers and a handful of armed men
blocked their way. Fearing for his life, Hugo begged the witcher to teach his
treacherous bastard brothers a lesson. Deciding that he should see the matter
through to the end, Geralt fulfilled Hugo's wish.<br>"

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7023mutations.journal:

chunk = {}
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order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7023_mutations A644CC5F-41D19717-CE2A4398-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011e177, -- "Turn and Face the Strange"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 510BDCA0-4EA5C240-97D50098-D3FDE795",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start (Triss)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start (Triss) EFABA0FE-443EDC98-F9D024AE-AB193CCA",
description = 0x0011e17a, -- "It was a warm summer evening... or perhaps
a cool yet sunny morning? The weather and time are of no import, what matters is
that day Geralt received a letter full of kind words from his beloved Triss, who
informed him about a most unusual discovery she had recently made. In some old
manuscripts she'd found mention of research conducted by a Professor Moreau on
witcher mutations. It seemed this professor's workshop could be found in Toussaint.
Geralt, realizing the importance of this discovery, decided to find this
laboratory. The first step would be to find the professor's journal which,
according to Triss, had been buried with him.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start (Yen)",
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index = 1,
description = 0x0011e17b, -- "It was a warm summer evening... or perhaps
a cool yet sunny morning? The weather and time are of no import, what matters is
that day Geralt received a letter from Yennefer, who informed him about a most
unusually discovery she had recently made. She'd found mention of research
conducted by a Professor Moreau on witcher mutations. It seemed this professor's
workshop could be found in Toussaint. Geralt, realizing the importance of this
discovery, decided to find this laboratory. The first step would be to find the
professor's journal which, according to Yen, had been buried with him.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Visited cemetery",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visited cemetery F2A8B653-47CB5CA4-AAD25A9F-
index = 2,
description = 0x0011e17c, -- "Geralt soon discovered not only he wished
to find Professor Moreau's laboratory. When the witcher reached the cemetery, he
found the professor's grave had been dug up and the journal was nowhere to be
found. The only clue he did find was an inscription on a grave mentioning the
legendary Dol Naev'de, the Valley of the nine, which had been flooded years before
by the Sansretour River. Seeing no other way to find the professor's lab, Geralt
decided to search for more information in those sunken ruins.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After traps",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After traps 6E19E4E5-45451F47-7F2966A3-4DA52E5F",
index = 3,
description = 0x0012263f, -- "His path was riddled with traps and other
such obstacles, but our brave hero had much experience in running even more
difficult gauntlets. Tired in both mind and spirit from his efforts, in the end he
made it to the professor's lab.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After mutations",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After mutations BE47923B-450DFA96-0A12E586-265BBDF2",
index = 4,
description = 0x00122640, -- "Searching Professor Moreau's lab gave
Geralt a somewhat expanded view of the professor's past and his research. It seemed
Moreau's goal had not been to discover how to strengthen the witcher mutations, but
just the opposite, how to reverse them, so he could "cure" his son Jerome of being
a witcher.<br><br>To Geralt's delight, the professor's plan failed to achieve its
desired result. This failure could be of use to the witcher, however, for by mixing
the professor's secret formula into his bloodstream he gained access to a whole
range of new mutations. These promised to make him stronger, faster, more resilient
-- in short, better. Geralt looked forward to putting them to the test in combat."
chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Entered ruins",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Entered ruins 30DD47DA-485FD037-48D4D3A0-63310A06",
index = 5,
description = 0x0012695a, -- "As unlikely as it sounds, Geralt found the
entrance to Professor Moreau's laboratory in the sunken elven ruins of Dol Naev'de.
Things seemed to be getting more and more interesting, so the witcher did not
hesitate to plunge onward…"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Mutations",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mutations E27925A9-4D429E81-BDFF6289-112BAE17",
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baseName = "Search grave",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search grave FEE45FE3-4578E98D-A1028085-AB1D44D2",
children = {
title = 0x0011e25b, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to look for clues about
the location of Professor Moreau's laboratory."

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Grave 30B55ACA-49A50E64-C9A8049C-F4C4E767",
radius = 5.000000,
mapPinID = "mq7023_mappin_grave",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Track grave robber",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Track grave robber 0101FDE6-46100213-21958A82-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011e31c, -- "Use your Witcher Sense s to follow the grave
robber's trail."

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radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "mq7023_mappin_footprints",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Investigate Moreau's lab",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate Moreau's lab A6F385C5-435FA748-4D0D70A3-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001218b8, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the

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title = 0x00121fff, -- "Find a path through the portals."

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title = 0x00125186, -- "Acquire mutated giant centipede albumen."

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chunk[27] = {
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title = 0x00126628, -- "Activate the exit portal using the Aard Sign."

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title = 0x00126729, -- "Defeat the guardians."

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title = 0x0012672a, -- "Find a way to open the doors."

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Professor Moreau's contraption and start the machinery."

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Yennefer sent you."

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off the vampire attacks."

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title = 0x0011e17d, -- "Search for Moreau's grave at Orlémurs Cemetery
using your Witcher Senses."

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the professor's audio log."
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/mq7024home.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq7024_home",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq7024_home",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x00122614, -- "No Place Like Home"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest start",
description = 0x00122615, -- "Everyone who has even a passing
acquaintance with Geralt of Rivia knows it was very rare for the witcher to be paid
before completing a contract. Retainers or down payments, however, were another
story. Those would often be given him by the best of employers, those who had no
intention of backing out of their side of the bargain and who wanted the job done
and done well above all else. In this regard, Anna Henrietta stood out as one of
the best employers Geralt had ever had. Why is that, you ask, Dear Reader? Why,
because in exchange for agreeing to kill the Beast of Beauclair, she gave Geralt...
the deed to the Corvo Bianco vineyard (and promised further payment in gold as soon
as Geralt completed the job). Say what you will about her, but no one can deny Anna
Henrietta's generosity.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Restoration",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Restoration",
index = 1,
description = 0x001227eb, -- "A preliminary inspection of Geralt's new
property uncovered that the vineyard would need quite a bit of fixing up before it
could shine in all its glory. This would be a monumental task requiring aesthetic
sensibilities Geralt was not sure he possessed. Luckily, he did not have to take it
on alone. Aiding him in it would be Barnabas-Basil, his majordomo, who, Geralt soon
learned, was an expert not only in the running of households, but also in their

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest done",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest done",
index = 2,
description = 0x001227ec, -- "I have always liked to fill my days with
industrious activity, and without a shadow of a doubt I can say Geralt shared my
predilection in this regard. We both prized any chance to toil to make the world a
better place, differing only in that I usually used quill and harp to accomplish
this, while Geralt did so with his sword. Yet on this occasion, it was Geralt who
could bask in the satisfaction that a completed work of aesthetic excellence brings
in its wake. When the renovations of Corvo Bianco were complete, Geralt was just as
proud of himself as if he had strangled a kikimore with his bare hands."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Home",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Home",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Visit Corvo Bianco - your very own vineyard.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit Corvo Bianco - your very own vineyard.",
children = {
title = 0x00122616, -- "Go to Corvo Bianco"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "butler",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "butler",
mapPinID = "butler",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Follow the housekeeper.",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the housekeeper.",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001227d4, -- "Follow your majordomo"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "butler",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "butler",
mapPinID = "butler",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Talk with the housekeeper.",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk with the housekeeper.",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001227d5, -- "Talk to your majordomo."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "butler",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "butler",
mapPinID = "butler",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Restore Corvo Bianco to its former glory.",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Restore Corvo Bianco to its former glory.",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001227e2, -- "Restore Corvo Bianco to its former glory."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "butler",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "butler",
mapPinID = "butler",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Wait 3 days for the general renovation to finish.",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 3 days for the general renovation to finish.",
index = 4,
title = 0x001227ef, -- "Wait three days for the general refurbishment to

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Wait 1 day for the whetstone to show up.",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 1 day for the whetstone to show up.",
index = 5,
title = 0x001227f0, -- "Wait one day for your grindstone to arrive."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Wait 1 day for the armor table to show up.",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 1 day for the armor table to show up.",
index = 6,
title = 0x001227f1, -- "Wait one day for your armorer's table to

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Wait 2 days for the stable renovation to finish.",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 2 days for the stable renovation to finish.",
index = 7,
title = 0x001227f2, -- "Wait two days for the stable refurbishment to

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Wait 2 days for the garden renovation to finish.",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 2 days for the garden renovation to finish.",
index = 8,
title = 0x001227f3, -- "Wait two days for the garden refurbishment to

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Wait 1 day for the armor stands to show up.",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 1 day for the armor stands to show up.",
index = 9,
title = 0x001227f4, -- "Wait one day for your armor stands to arrive."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Wait 1 day for the weapon stands to show up.",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 1 day for the weapon stands to show up.",
index = 10,
title = 0x001227f5, -- "Wait one day for your weapon racks to arrive."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Wait 1 day for the new bed to show up.",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 1 day for the new bed to show up.",
index = 11,
title = 0x001227f6, -- "Wait one day for your new bed to arrive."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Wait 2 days for the guest room renovation to finish.",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 2 days for the guest room renovation to
index = 12,
title = 0x001227f7, -- "Wait two days for the guest room refurbishment
to finish."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "(optional) Visit the vineyard's cellar.",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit the vineyard's cellar.",
index = 13,
children = {
title = 0x00122900, -- "[Optional] Search the cellar."

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chunk[28] = {
baseName = "(optional) Destroy the broken wall inside the cellar.",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Destroy the broken wall inside the cellar.",
index = 14,
children = {
title = 0x00122904, -- "[Optional] Use the Aard Sign to destroy the
damaged wall in the cellar."

chunk[29] = {
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chunk[30] = {
baseName = "(optional) Investigate the hidden room.",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the hidden room.",
index = 15,
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title = 0x00122905, -- "[Optional] Search the hidden room."

chunk[31] = {
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chunk[32] = {
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Talk with the housekeeper about Corvo Bianco.",
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index = 17,
children = {
title = 0x0012302b, -- "Talk to the majordomo of Corvo Bianco."

chunk[34] = {
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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "[debug] Finish q704.",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[debug] Finish q704.",
index = 18,
title = 0x001265ce, -- "Defeat the vampires attacking the city before
you go to Corvo Bianco."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/plegmund.journal:

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title = 0x001271b1, -- "[Optional] Visit the building site."

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description = 0x001245b7, -- "Yet a bursting purse of crowns was not
Geralt's sole compensation. After all, thanks to his guile and valor yet another of
the world's wonders now rose high into the sky!<br>"
chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Talk with Foreman",
order = 2281701374,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk with Foreman DBA95400-46872D8E-C1CF8098-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012621c, -- "All signs seemed to suggest the statue and
those working on it suffered from a hefty dose of rotten luck. With the help the
witcher had provided, the quarry was now operating normally, yet fresh trouble
appeared almost at once…<br>"

chunk[19] = {
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order = 2751463422,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 52AB3D5E-4F880AD6-B657EF8A-A017AE28",
index = 2,
description = 0x001245b6, -- "The foreman was forced to enlist the
witcher's aid again when a group of builders and the architect disappeared along
the road leading to the building site!<br>"

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baseName = "Reward",
order = 2986344446,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Reward 1A8AF4CF-42DEC1BC-7D7FADA9-FC3C3732",
index = 3,
description = 0x00126bc6, -- "Our friend and hero, however, quickly
solved the mystery and could thus return to the foreman to collect his well-
deserved reward.<br>"

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/plegmundpoi01.journal:

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title = 0x00128108, -- "Big Feet to Fill: The First Group"

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description = 0x0012853e, -- "The first group traveling to the
construction site was said to consist of master builders who were bringing with
them a supply of highly useful tools. Geralt hoped that something had merely
befallen their wagon - a snapped axle or a broken wheel - but, just in case, he
steeled himself for the worst.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ending plegmund_poi_01",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending plegmund_poi_01 25DF1568-4FE3FD28-EC61C09E-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012853f, -- "The wagon had been ambushed by bandits.
Geralt arrived in the nick of time to save the tool transport and passengers. Soon
after, they were en route once more for their destination.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Starting plegmund_poi_01 alt",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting plegmund_poi_01 alt",
index = 2,
description = 0x001286ba, -- "While traveling across the lovely lands of
Toussaint, Geralt came across a group of workers who had been attacked by bandits.
At the time, the witcher did not yet know these were builders constructing the
Prophet Lebioda’s statue and his intervention would determine whether or not that
monumental work would ever be finished."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Ending plegmund_poi_01 alt",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending plegmund_poi_01 alt",
index = 3,
description = 0x001286bb, -- "Luckily for the Prophet’s followers,
Geralt is a decent man who lends his help to anyone who needs it. Once he had
defeated the bandits, the building crew could continue on to its destination."

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baseName = "Objectives",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 01F5F065-41A51796-9BC70785-0FA84377",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[9] = {
baseName = "help workers",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "help workers",
children = {
title = 0x00128109, -- "Help the workers defeat the bandits."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/plegmundpoi02.journal:

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title = 0x00128122, -- "Big Feet to Fill: The Second Group"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting - plegmund_poi_02 CE81DBC0-4691B985-
description = 0x00128545, -- "The second of the missing transports was
especially important, for with it was to have arrived the builders' supply of wine.
Since time immemorial, and the world over, no significant structure had ever been
completed without the workers erecting it having received their fair share of
alcohol. Thus, finding this group and transport was critical to completing the
statue of the Prophet Lebioda.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ending - plegmund_poi_02",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - plegmund_poi_02 F30DF2FC-44ABEF36-133E4E88-
index = 1,
description = 0x00128547, -- "The witcher finally found the second
group. As it turned out, its members had decided to stop and get a good, solid
taste of the wine they were carrying. Alas, their tasting had quickly descended
into a bender. As a result, our hero had to wake the drivers from their justified
naps. Though monstrously hung-over, they soon set off again for their destination.
Luckily, they had not managed to empty all the wine barrels they were

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting - plegmund_poi_02 alt",
index = 2,
description = 0x001286c0, -- "The inhabitants of Toussaint are
considered very polite and pleasant folk, but there are exceptions to every rule.
Geralt came across just such an exception in the form of a group of drunken workers
gathered around a fire. This lot had a strange idea of hospitality: they served him
insults as an hors d'oeuvre, then moved on to fisticuffs for the main course."

chunk[7] = {
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order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - plegmund_poi_02 alt",
index = 3,
description = 0x001286c1, -- "After the ruckus the workers decided they
had no more reason to linger and set off to their destination, which was the
building site of the Prophet Lebioda's statue."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Ending - plegmund_poi_02 alt failure",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - plegmund_poi_02 alt failure",
index = 4,
description = 0x0012887a, -- "Once the drunken workers had given Geralt
a thorough thrashing, they gathered their gear and set off to their destination,
which was the building site of the Prophet Lebioda's statue."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 5F231281-4A77577A-C1053E8A-C1CDB24D",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "wake up workers",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wake up workers",
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title = 0x00128123, -- "Wake up the drunk workers."
count = 5,

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baseName = "defeat the drunk worker",
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title = 0x0012877e, -- "Defeat the drunk worker in a fistfight."

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baseName = "defeat both drunk workers",
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title = 0x00128799, -- "Defeat the drunk worker in a fistfight."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/plegmundpoi03.journal:

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title = 0x00128136, -- "Big Feet to Fill: The Third Group"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting - plegmund_poi_03 00FADB64-45DB3C8F-
description = 0x00128541, -- "The third of the lost transports had gone
missing somewhere in the nearby wilds. The area had a history of folk disappearing
- after entering the woods, they would fail ever to return. Geralt could not help
but expect the worst."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ending - plegmund_poi_03",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - plegmund_poi_03 66B95834-493F4A5C-D43B6B8C-
index = 1,
description = 0x00128542, -- "A monster had beset the workers traveling
to the building site. Geralt first dealt with the spriggan and then sought out the
workers in a cavern where they had hidden from the beast.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Starting - plegmund_poi_03 alt",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting - plegmund_poi_03 alt",
index = 2,
description = 0x001286bc, -- "No one abandons his cart without good
cause. When Geralt happened across just such a cast off means of transport during
his travels, he decided to learn more about what had become of its erstwhile

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order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - plegmund_poi_03 alt",
index = 3,
description = 0x001286bd, -- "It seemed the caravan had been attacked by
a spriggan. The workers who had been traveling with it managed to escape and had
taken shelter in a cave. Geralt killed the monster and saved the lives of the
workers, who it turned out were builders helping erect the statue of the Prophet

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title = 0x00128129, -- "Investigate the tracks around the abandoned

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/plegmundpoi04.journal:

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title = 0x00128191, -- "Big Feet to Fill: The Fourth Group"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting - plegmund_poi_04 494BA667-4C8BD4A4-
description = 0x00128554, -- "The fourth group of missing workers had
been due to travel to the building site through an area with a very bad reputation.
In setting out to find them, Geralt expected trouble of none too modest sort.<br>"
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index = 1,
description = 0x00128555, -- "As it turned out, the workers' encampment
had been swarmed by kikimores. Geralt failed to find even one living soul in the
camp, so he tracked the monsters to their lair, where he found a number of dead
bodies. Alas, all the workers had been killed.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Starting - plegmund_poi_04 alt",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting - plegmund_poi_04 alt",
index = 2,
description = 0x001286c2, -- "While traversing Toussaint’s interior,
Geralt came across an abandoned campsite. His intuition told him something
unfortunate had happened in this place and he decided to investigate."

chunk[7] = {
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order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - plegmund_poi_04 alt",
index = 3,
description = 0x001286c3, -- "Following the tracks he found, our hero
arrived at a den of kikimores and determined the men from the campsite had been
killed by these monsters. Only later did Geralt find out these men had been
builders working on the Prophet Lebioda’s statue."

chunk[8] = {
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title = 0x00128148, -- "Investigate the workers' camp."

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title = 0x0012814b, -- "Search the kikimore nest."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/plegmundpoi05.journal:

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baseName = "plegmund_poi_05",
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title = 0x0012811a, -- "Big Feet to Fill: The Fifth Group"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting - plegmund_poi_05 FAFE061E-4142FDEA-
description = 0x00128543, -- "The fifth transport was to have arrived by
boat. It had been expected at its destination quite some time past, so Geralt, a
bad feeling rising in his gut, set off in the direction of the boat landing to
investigate what had happened.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ending - plegmund_poi_05",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - plegmund_poi_05 F60E2CB3-4092A393-D07CEBBA-
index = 1,
description = 0x00128544, -- "The witcher's suspicions proved entirely
warranted, for bandits had managed to board the boat and restrain the entire crew.
They would in fact have been in dire straits if not for Geralt. He arrived on
board just as the bandits were beginning to unload the cargo. The witcher was
forced to fight, but once he had defeated them, he freed the sailors.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Starting - plegmund_poi_05 alt",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting - plegmund_poi_05 alt",
index = 2,
description = 0x001286be, -- "We are all familiar with the buccaneers of
the high seas, but pirates prowling deep inland? That's a relatively unknown
phenomenon. Not to Geralt, though, for he came across a group of bandits who had
attacked a moored ship, taken its entire crew captive and intended to loot the
goods they had been transporting."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Ending - plegmund_poi_05 alt",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - plegmund_poi_05 alt",
index = 3,
description = 0x001286bf, -- "The witcher didn't hesitate a moment. He
threw himself into battle and defeated the pirates, then freed the sailors they had
taken captive. As it turned out, this was all in service of a worthy cause, for the
ship had been hauling materials necessary for the completion of the Prophet
Lebioda's statue."

chunk[8] = {
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baseName = "rescue workers",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "rescue workers",
children = {
title = 0x0012811b, -- "Rescue the sailors from the bandits."

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baseName = "release the merchant",
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title = 0x0012811e, -- "Rescue the merchant."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/poi_bar_a_05.journal:

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children = {
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title = 0x00126a9c, -- "Filibert Always Pays His Debts"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start FAEAD7BA-4C4752FE-757865A2-2338F485",
description = 0x00126a9d, -- "While exploring the abandoned Casteldaccia
Estate, Geralt found it haunted by the specter of a knight. After a long and hard
fight, he defeated the apparition. He searched the area where they had fought and
spotted a note…<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note BAA65984-4555614A-AB84C69D-2D2FB838",
index = 1,
description = 0x00126a9e, -- "He learned of Maximus Macrinus, a knight
cruelly murdered along with his family by marauders from Filibert Fourfingers'
hanse. The note also hinted at the existence of a hidden treasure…<br>"

chunk[6] = {
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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End EFC09251-464AD2DF-53A394B3-358BC7CA",
index = 2,
description = 0x00126a9f, -- "Geralt found the stashed treasure chest
and thus shored up what seemed like an ever-present shortfall in his pouch.<br>"

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baseName = "read note",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note DB707830-476B544F-6A7CCC96-CC7AC230",
title = 0x00126aa0, -- "Read the notes."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "find treasure",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find treasure B8041375-426BF484-D7D01FA7-CD687BF6",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00126aa1, -- "Find the stash in Macrinus' house using your
Witcher Senses."

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baseName = "poi_bar_a_05_mp_q",
order = 2147483647,
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/poigord20.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "poi_gor_d_20",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "poi_gor_d_20 C651CB60-4D784070-4F8AD0B6-36D4289A",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001280ea, -- "The Curse of Carnarvon"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 3F802A6A-43355748-04313BA4-F8088BA5",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 42048AB0-4E5E1549-59593481-CD990ABD",
description = 0x001280cf, -- "While seeking a bit of respite amidst the
forests that covered the slopes of Mount Gorgon, Geralt ran into… a dead man and a
pack of barghests! Once he had dealt with the spectral canines, he decided to
search the pockets of the unlucky traveler. The witcher hoped he would find
something that would shed some light on the deceased's last days alive.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note ED61EC78-4BBBA6C1-36492C85-D6122033",
index = 1,
description = 0x001280d0, -- "The dead man proved none other than a
treasure hunter. That, at least, is how I would like to think of and term him (for
there is no honor in speaking ill of the dead). His notes indicated that he and
some others of his ilk had dug up an elven cemetery near the village of Fox
Hollow. However, they had dug up one jewel too many…<br>When the feelings of guilt
and shame had grown to be too much, and the expedition's members had begun, one by
one, to disappear, Alistair Carnarvon, for that was our deceased hero's name, had
decided to inform a group of scholars at Castel Graupian of his find. Said
scholars, he believed, would look to the ancient necropolis and extend their care
over it. Alas, he had never managed to reach the scholars, and the treasures he had
left behind in the camp were now ownerless…<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End A0A3E88A-4F93426A-3F636495-B622AA37",
index = 2,
description = 0x001280d1, -- "Geralt found the camp as well as a field
that had been dug up thoroughly. Strewn about it were the urns and remains of elves
who had been buried there. The chest Alistair had left behind contained no burial
jewels. It was, however, full of gold and highly interesting diagrams. The witcher
concluded he was free to take it all, and in doing so he would not disturb the Aen
Seidhe who lay there in eternal slumber.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 0B1FF7E4-449D34E6-0993029C-548D15B1",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 8C718A0C-4DE1344A-2B73D8AB-438CEB26",
title = 0x001280d2, -- "Read Carnarvon's journal."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Find Chest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Chest B22E4658-49FFF77C-4609FAAD-0D715026",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001280d3, -- "Find the treasure hidden in the treasure
hunters' camp."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q701ahook.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q701A Hook",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q701A Hook",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0011eed1, -- "Envoys, Wineboys"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9030E1E1-4F9957DB-BB94118C-0C0663C3",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "KnightsMet",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "KnightsMet",
description = 0x00122523, -- "In Holloway, the witcher came upon two
friends of years long past - Palmerin de Launfal and Milton de Peyrac-Peyran, who
had come to Velen as emissaries of their sovereign duchess.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hook",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hook",
index = 1,
description = 0x00122524, -- "It was a time when there seemed to be two
Geralts. One was a celebrity, at least in certain circles, while the other remained
a mercenary who did dirty work for coin. At any rate, both these Geralts happened
on a contract of an unusual sort, not least because it marked the start of a new
adventure. And this adventure I will gladly relate.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Noticeboard",
order = 1610612734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Noticeboard",
index = 2,
description = 0x00122525, -- "It began in a manner most ordinary, with a
notice posted on a board in Velen. The witcher read the notice and set out to see
what else he could learn.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "NoHelp",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NoHelp",
index = 3,
description = 0x00122526, -- "If you find yourself wondering why these
knights errant seemed stuck in this slipshod backwater hamlet in Velen, I hasten to
explain - they had decided to wage war on some local bandits. Though it was a
course worthy of knights of the errant variety, Geralt managed to dissuade them
from pursuing it. For experience had taught him nature bears no void, and a band of
hoodlums cut down to a man would soon be replaced by another, possibly of a yet
meaner disposition. And after all, the knights did not have their sovereign's leave
to remain in Velen indefinitely.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Help",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help",
index = 4,
description = 0x00122527, -- "If you find yourself wondering why these
knights errant seemed stuck in this slipshod backwater hamlet in Velen, I hasten to
explain - they had decided to wage war on some local bandits. Palmerin, ever eager
to resolve crises peacefully, intended to address the robbers, appeal to their
sense of decency and thus direct them onto a path of virtue. Geralt expected
Palmerin's rhetoric to fall on deaf ears. When the bandits arrived, Palmerin put in
a valiant effort, yet ultimately a bloody fight broke out. The witcher assisted the
knights from afar to deal with the local rabble. Though this could seem a somewhat
unpatriotic act, there is no doubt Geralt's choice was thoroughly justified and
that he had taken the moral high ground.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "End_Toussain",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End_Toussain",
index = 5,
description = 0x00122528, -- "Yet in telling a story, one should never
get ahead of oneself. Suffice now to say the knights delivered their message, and
the witcher agreed to take on the contract. He then promptly set off for Toussaint
in their company to face the Beast that tormented the duchy. And thus the adventure
was underway.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "MessageHeard",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MessageHeard",
index = 6,
description = 0x0012769d, -- "But to return to the crux of our tale, at
this time Toussaint lay trembling and near-prostrate, rocked by murders as cruel as
they were unusual. The killer had thus far eluded the Ducal Guard, which likewise
had no notion of his or her identity. So much was unknown that popular opinion held
the murderer to be a cunning monster. Thus, Duchess Anna Henrietta had made it a
point to summon to her duchy the cleverest and most accomplished of the witchers
she knew. The witcher's task would be to track down and slay the murderer, now
commonly referred to as the Beast.<br>For Geralt, the contract stood to be highly
lucrative, above all else. Yet it was also an opportunity to revisit the ever
charming Toussaint, where the witcher had in the past spent many a beautiful moment
in choice company that happened to include yours truly. How deceptive our memories
of years long gone can prove! What had promised to be a nostalgic journey into the
past would prove a venture rife with events both dramatic and deeply

chunk[11] = {
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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Meet the knights errant at the [village]",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet the knights errant at the [village]",
children = {
title = 0x0011eed2, -- "Meet the knights from Toussaint in Holloway."

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baseName = "palmerin",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "palmerin",
index = 1,
mapPinID = "palmerin",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Help the knights defeat the bandits",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help the knights defeat the bandits",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011eed3, -- "Help Palmerin and Milton defeat the bandits."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "q701_nml_bandits",
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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Talk to the Knights",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the Knights",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0011eed4, -- "Talk to Palmerin and Milton."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "milton",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "milton",
mapPinID = "milton",

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baseName = "palmerin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "palmerin",
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mapPinID = "palmerin",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Ride with the knights out to Toussaint",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ride with the knights out to Toussaint",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0011eed5, -- "Go with Palmerin and Milton to Toussaint."

chunk[22] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "milton",
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baseName = "palmerin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "palmerin",
index = 1,
mapPinID = "palmerin",

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Check any noticeboard on Velen for a new message",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check any noticeboard on Velen for a new message",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00122522, -- "Look for a new contract on notice boards in

chunk[25] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "midcotts_noticeboard",
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baseName = "inn_crossroads_notice_board",
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chunk[28] = {
baseName = "nilfgaard_camp_notice_board",
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q701festival.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q701_Festival",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q701_Festival",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001192ec, -- "The Beast of Toussaint"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions C26B6F55-40A56C20-AC9B6981-330B222A",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start",
description = 0x00122637, -- "At long last the giant lay defeated, and
the men who had vanquished it could make their introductions, then engage in the
kind of conversation that oft happens over a fresh monster corpse. The young giant
slayer gave the three arrivals fresh tidings - the Beast had struck again. The body
of its most recent victim now lay on a riverbank nearby. Geralt decided he needed
to see it and explore the crime scene, while Milton thought it both wise and
courteous to accompany the witcher.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Crime Scene",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Crime Scene",
index = 1,
description = 0x00122638, -- "Geralt failed to find the victim's body on
the riverbank. It seemed the Ducal Guard had removed it to the cool cellars of the
Corvo Bianco Estate. Ever the ferreter, however, Geralt did spot something the
soldiers had overlooked. Based on the item, and with Milton's help, he established
the identity of the Beast's most recent victim. Yet he failed to divine the
species, genus, or family of the creature that had perpetrated the crime. Only an
autopsy could help him do that. So Geralt set off for Corvo Bianco, alone this time
as duties at court had called Milton to the Ducal Palace.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Corvo Bianco",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Corvo Bianco",
index = 2,
description = 0x00122639, -- "Alas, something wicked had arrived at
Corvo Bianco Vineyard. As the witcher drew near the estate, yet was still at some
distance, battle sounds reached his ears. On arriving, he saw the bodies of
guardsmen, murdered just moments before by a bruxa. The witcher promptly defeated
the vampiress, who was not the Beast itself but was clearly in league with it. Yet
Geralt could not guess at the link between them nor at the identity of the creature
that had inspired the bruxa's rampage through the vineyard. The witcher needed
information on the Beast's previous victims. He supposed the duchess might have
this and thus set off to find her.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Tournament",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tournament",
index = 3,
description = 0x0012263a, -- "Anna Henrietta's time was precious. To get
an audience with her was never an easy feat. Even more so in those days, as the
duchess was overseeing a chivalric tourney playing out on tourney grounds outside
the walls of Toussaint's capital. Yet in the end Geralt faced the one who had
summoned him. As they related what each had learned about the Beast, thus pooling
their knowledge and hypotheses, they deduced the likely identity of its next
victim, who could very well prove to be Milton de Peyrac-Peyran.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gardens Start",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gardens Start",
index = 4,
description = 0x0012263b, -- "Geralt and Anna Henrietta rushed like
rabbits through the palace gardens. Ironically, at the time the gardens were the
venue for a game of Hunt the Hare. Milton had been assigned the title role. The
knight, having donned a bunny rabbit costume, sat hiding in the gardens, waiting to
be found by the game's participants based on clues they could win by completing
various challenges. Yet the duchess and the witcher could spare no time for such
nonsense and set out to win the clues by breaking the rules.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Gardens End",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gardens End",
index = 5,
description = 0x0012263c, -- "Having assembled the clues, Geralt and
Anna Henrietta had concluded that Milton was hiding in a greenhouse. They had set
off to find him post haste. Alas, they were too late. Amidst lush vegetation, they
found Milton's rapidly cooling corpse. The murderer stood over it. As the witcher
stepped towards him, the killer dashed off. Thus ended the first stage of Geralt's
investigation. And thus began his mad pursuit of the murderer.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "PreStart",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "PreStart",
index = 6,
description = 0x00125d03, -- "No sooner had Geralt arrived in Toussaint
than he got his first taste of the local color. As he was clip-clopping along the
high road, chit-chatting with Milton and Palmerin, a most unusual sight unfolded
before his eyes. Here was a knight, with all the expected accoutrements, charging
headlong at a windmill! The situation became clear a moment later when a giant
strode from behind the windmill and charged right back at the knight. Before anyone
could say "Only in Toussaint," the witcher and all three knights were swinging away
at the brute, amidst the freshly crumbled ruins of the mill and a herd of panic-
stricken sheep.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Garden End - Geralt Alone",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Garden End - Geralt Alone E1BA8386-456139F6-7F685882-
index = 7,
description = 0x00127f97, -- "Geralt and the duchess divided in hopes of
conquering their task more quickly. Geralt went to retrieve the golden fish. Once
he finally succeeded in doing so, he found a small key hidden within it. He
pondered this a short while and came to the conclusion the palace gardens contained
but few structures that could require the use of a key to enter. Our clever hero
thus abandoned his initial plan, and instead of meeting with the duchess, rushed
off to find a locked door. In this way, he found himself at the greenhouse in which
the Hare he sought was indeed hidden.<br><br>Alas, he was too late. Amidst lush
vegetation, he found Milton's rapidly cooling corpse. The murderer stood over it.
As the witcher stepped towards him, the killer dashed off. Thus ended the first
stage of Geralt's investigation. And thus began his mad pursuit of the

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Toussaint",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Toussaint",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Defeat the Cyclops",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat the Cyclops",
children = {
title = 0x0011b092, -- "Defeat the giant."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "q701_cyclops",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q701_cyclops",
mapPinID = "q701_cyclops",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Follow Milton to the murder site",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Milton to the murder site",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011b093, -- "Follow Milton to the place where the body was

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baseName = "PLAYER_horse",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "PLAYER_horse",
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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Use your witcher senses to investigate the fishery for clues",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use your witcher senses to investigate the fishery
for clues",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0011b095, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the

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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Follow Milton to the Inn",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Milton to the Inn",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0011b096, -- "Follow Milton to the inn to ask if anyone saw
where the body was taken."
chunk[21] = {
baseName = "q701_site_knight",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q701_site_knight",
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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "milton",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "milton",
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chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Go the Corvo Bianco vineyard to inspect the body",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go the Corvo Bianco vineyard to inspect the body",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0011b097, -- "Go to Corvo Bianco and examine the body kept in
its cellar."

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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Find the victim's body in the cellar",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the victim's body in the cellar",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0011b098, -- "Find the Beast's victim's body in the cellar."

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chunk[31] = {
baseName = "[optional] Use your witcher senses to look around the massacre site
for clues",
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massacre site for clues",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0011b099, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to determine what kind
of monster killed the guards."

chunk[32] = {
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Defeat the Bruxa",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat the Bruxa",
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title = 0x0011b09a, -- "Defeat the bruxa."

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mapPinID = "q701_pin_bruxa_arena",

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Ask Palmerin to lead you to the Duchess at the Tournament Fields",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Palmerin to lead you to the Duchess at the
Tournament Fields",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x0011b09b, -- "Find Palmerin and ask him to take you to the

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baseName = "Defeat the Sharley",
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title = 0x0011b09d, -- "Defeat the shaelmaar."

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title = 0x0011b359, -- "Look for the body of the Beast's victim in Corvo
Bianco's cellar."

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title = 0x0011fea4, -- "Examine the bundle by the victim's body."

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chunk[50] = {
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encounter with the vampire",
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prepare for the fight."

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any clues the guards might have missed",
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title = 0x001233db, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the nets for
clues the guardsmen might have overlooked."

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title = 0x0011d994, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the riverbank
for signs of the guardsmen's activities."

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chunk[69] = {
baseName = "Find the Unicorn at the Unicorn Glade",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the Unicorn at the Unicorn Glade",
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title = 0x0011bad6, -- "Look for the "unicorn" in the clearing in the
palace gardens."

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title = 0x0011bf2d, -- "Retrieve the golden fish from the pond."

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title = 0x0011badb, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find the golden fish
in the pond."

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chunk[78] = {
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Milton's hideout",
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children = {
title = 0x0011badc, -- "Meet the duchess to assemble the clues and learn
where Milton is hiding."

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chunk[80] = {
baseName = "Use your wither senses to find something to steal to lure the
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use your wither senses to find something to steal to
lure the "Unicorn"",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00120d59, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find a treat for the

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chunk[83] = {
baseName = "Approach the horse with the carrot basket to lure it",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Approach the horse with the carrot basket to lure
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00121963, -- "Take the basket of carrots to the "unicorn" to
gain its trust."

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index = 7,
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index = 8,
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title = 0x00121a17, -- "Find the "unicorn" in the palace gardens."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q702defflaff.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q702 Dettlaff",
order = 1476263934,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Dettlaff1",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001226cf, -- "Blood Run"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 43D99085-4EA9DFF3-7FE90180-40530B00",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q702 Dettlaff Ending",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Dettlaff Ending",
description = 0x0011fb95, -- "I do not know, nor do I know of, a single
soul more experienced than Geralt in his profession. To surprise the witcher takes
incredible guile, yet the murderer sowing terror throughout Toussaint managed just
that. The witcher caught up to the killer, there was a brief exchange, then a fight
most fierce ensued. I cannot say how the duel would have ended had our old friend
Regis not appeared and intervened. Thus, Geralt's first confrontation with the
Beast went unresolved.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q702 Dettlaff Begining",
order = 134217727,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Dettlaff Begining",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011fb94, -- "When word of yet another murder reached
the tourney participants, panic broke out among them. Geralt, affected by no such
emotion, remained on the killer's tail as they rushed helter-skelter through the
streets of Beauclair. The witcher finally cornered the murderer in an old,
abandoned storehouse.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Face Dettlaff ",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Face Dettlaff 1",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Fight Beast of Beuclaire",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight Beast of Beuclaire 1",
children = {
title = 0x0011b6ce, -- "Fight the Beast."
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "dettlaff_vampire",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "dettlaff_vampire 1",
mapPinID = "dettlaff_vampire",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q702hunt.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q702 Reverb Mixture",
order = 1878786046,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Reverb Mixture 1",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011b6cd, -- "La Cage au Fou"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 31517F4E-4F22A1BA-27222CB2-AE567687",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q702 Get Wight's gland",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Get Wight's gland",
description = 0x0011fb96, -- "Geralt paid Regis a visit at his cemetery
hideout. After a long debate, the two old friends concluded their first order of
business was to find Dettlaff. Regis was to prepare a concoction to aid them in
this endeavor. Called Resonance, said brew required an array of ingredients, many
of them hard to find. One such component was the saliva, or salivary glands, of a
spotted wight, a species thought to be long extinct. Yet it seemed that one
specimen remained alive, having made its lair near Beauclair. Geralt set out to
find it.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q702 Wight gland obtained",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Wight gland obtained",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011fb97, -- "Geralt found the spotted wight at an old,
abandoned estate. The witcher slew the monster and, its salivary glands in hand,
made for the cemetery.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q702 Wight brew obtained",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Wight brew obtained",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011fb98, -- "Geralt found the spotted wight at an old,
abandoned estate. The witcher chose not to fight it, opting instead to hide in a
wardrobe and await his chance, though how it would come, he could only guess. Once
the wight had come and gone, Geralt collected its saliva, which the monster had
added to the brew it was making in a large cauldron.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q702 Bootblack boy",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Bootblack boy",
index = 3,
description = 0x0011fb9c, -- "It proved quite the ordeal for Regis, a
sacrifice one might say. But they obtained the last ingredient required for
Resonance, and the vampire could prepare the concoction. Geralt drank a dose, and
visions ensued. He saw Dettlaff, where he had recently been, what he had done. It
was enough for Geralt to know he now needed to find a local bootblack. He hoped the
boy would help him locate his foe.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q702 Wight curse lifted",
order = 4194303998,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Wight curse lifted 1",
index = 4,
description = 0x00120354, -- "Intrigued, Geralt set off in pursuit of
the fleeing wight. To the witcher's surprise, the creature proved to be a woman who
had been cursed centuries ago. Geralt set about lifting the curse that held her,
and through his efforts the wight transformed back into someone of yore named

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Q702 Hunt beggins",
order = 1879048191,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Hunt beggins 1",
index = 5,
description = 0x001226ce, -- "The Beast's and Geralt's clash had been
violent albeit brief. Now With it done, Geralt could have a chat with his long lost
friend Regis. A higher vampire, Regis revealed that the creature terrorizing
Beauclair was none other than his dear friend Dettlaff. Geralt now understood he
was pursuing a truly dangerous foe - a higher vampire, one of Regis' ilk. Then the
witcher and the vampire heard a clamor. A posse was drawing near. So Geralt and
Regis cut their conversation short. Preferring not to draw any attention, the
vampire disappeared, but not before inviting the witcher to pay him a visit at
temporary quarters he'd established at the local cemetery (you had better believe
it!), Mère-Lachaiselongue.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Q702 Regis sacrifice",
order = 4211081214,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Regis sacrifice",
index = 6,
description = 0x0011fb99, -- "Once Regis received the penultimate
ingredient required to brew Resonance, he said the time had come to tackle the most
difficult challenge. For apart from all else, Resonance had to include the blood of
a higher vampire. At first, Geralt saw this as no challenge at all, as standing
before him was a representative of said species. Yet Regis revealed that the blood
he needed had to have a specific chemical composition. His blood would change only
under conditions of great suffering. Regis offered to endure this without

chunk[11] = {
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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Get to Wight's lair",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get to Wight's lair 1",
children = {
title = 0x0011b6d0, -- "Look for the wight's lair."

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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Find Wight's kettle",
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title = 0x0011b6d1, -- "Find the wight's cauldron."

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baseName = "Inspect the kettle",
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title = 0x0011b6d2, -- "Look into the cauldron."

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title = 0x0011b6d4, -- "Hide in a place with a good view of the

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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Track down running Wight",
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title = 0x0011b6d7, -- "Follow the wight."

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chunk[31] = {
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title = 0x0011b6db, -- "Collect the wight's saliva glands."

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title = 0x0011ed7a, -- "Search the area for tracks left by the wight."

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baseName = "Kill barghests",
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title = 0x0011ed36, -- "Kill the barghests."

chunk[40] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0011ed7f, -- "[Optional] Follow the stench of the wight's

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chunk[59] = {
baseName = "Read bestiary entry about Spoon Collector",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read bestiary entry about Spoon Collector 1",
index = 12,
title = 0x00122abc, -- "[Optional] Read the Bestiary to learn more about
spotted wights."

chunk[60] = {
baseName = "Get to Mere-Lachiaise cemetary to meet Regis",
order = 1610612734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get to Mere-Lachiaise cemetary to meet Regis 1",
index = 13,
children = {
title = 0x0012481d, -- "Meet Regis at Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery."

chunk[61] = {
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chunk[62] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a way to enter the crypt 1",
index = 14,
children = {
title = 0x0011b6cf, -- "Find a way into the crypt."

chunk[63] = {
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mapPinID = "q702_mappin_find_entrance_cemetary",

chunk[67] = {
baseName = "Use witcher senses to search Wight's lair",
order = 2415919102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use witcher senses to search Wight's lair 1",
index = 15,
children = {
title = 0x00124902, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the wight's

chunk[68] = {
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mapPinID = "q702_mappin_wight_lair_manor",

chunk[69] = {
baseName = "Regis Sacrifice",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Regis Sacrifice 8B598905-4E133538-E91E1998-061BC2D0",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[70] = {
baseName = "Inform Regis when ready for a trip",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Inform Regis when ready for a trip 1",
children = {
title = 0x0011edd6, -- "Talk to Regis when you're ready to go."

chunk[71] = {
baseName = "regis",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "regis 1",
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chunk[72] = {
baseName = "Follow Regis",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Regis 1",
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title = 0x0011edd7, -- "Follow Regis."

chunk[73] = {
baseName = "regis",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "regis 1",
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chunk[74] = {
baseName = "Place lures in four tunnels",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Place lures in four tunnels 12",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0011edd9, -- "Place bait in each of the four tunnels."
count = 4,

chunk[75] = {
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mapPinID = "q702_mappin_sacrifice_lure_5",

chunk[79] = {
baseName = "Keep slaying monsters until blood hunger changes Regis into beast",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keep slaying monsters until blood hunger changes
Regis into beast 1",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0011ede3, -- "Kill monsters until bloodlust transforms Regis
into a monster."

chunk[80] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_sacrifice_horde",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_sacrifice_horde 1",
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_sacrifice_horde",

chunk[81] = {
baseName = "Prepare for a fight and talk to Regis when ready",
order = 4127195134,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare for a fight and talk to Regis when ready 1",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00120d0b, -- "Tell Regis when you're ready to fight."

chunk[82] = {
baseName = "regis",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "regis 34",
mapPinID = "regis",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q702lairofbeast.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q702 Lair Of The Beast",
order = 2180677630,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Lair Of The Beast 1",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001226d4, -- "Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 3456",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q702 Lair Ending",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Lair Ending 12",
description = 0x0011fba0, -- "Geralt and Regis then searched Dettlaff's
hideout. Ironically, the "Beast" had made his lair in a storeroom above an
abandoned toy shop. After thoroughly searching the site, the witcher and the
vampire deduced that Dettlaff was being black-mailed. He had committed the murders
in Toussaint at the behest of mysterious individuals who were holding his beloved
hostage. Our intrepid duo resolved to split up. Regis would remain at the toy shop
and hope Dettlaff would return. He preferred to speak with Dettlaff alone, without
the witcher there to disrupt their tête-à-tête…<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q702 Lair Beginning",
order = 2281701374,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Lair Beginning 12",
index = 1,
description = 0x001226d5, -- "It proved quite the ordeal for Regis, a
sacrifice one might say. But they obtained the last ingredient required for
Resonance, and the vampire could prepare the concoction. Geralt drank a dose, and
visions ensued. He saw Dettlaff meet and speak to a young bootblack. Then the
witcher and the vampire set off in search of the boy.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q702 Toy storage",
order = 2617245694,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Toy storage",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011fb9d, -- "The bootblack proved both pugnacious and
resolute. Geralt and Regis were desperate to learn anything they could about
Dettlaff. The boy sensed this and decided to take advantage. It was clear he would
one day go far, such was the knack he demonstrated for business. As regarded the
search for Dettlaff, Geralt and Regis learned he had brought his boots to be
cleaned on a number of occasions. Each time, he had asked the boy to return them to
an old, abandoned shop, where he was to leave them at the door. The witcher and the
vampire set off to explore the site.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Lair Of The Beast",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lair Of The Beast 12",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Keep searching toy storage for clues",
order = 8388607,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keep searching toy storage for clues 1",
children = {
title = 0x001221e2, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to look for clues in the
toy shop."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_toy_store_attic_clues",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_toy_store_attic_clues 12",
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_toy_store_attic_clues",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Localize Bootblack boy from the vision",
order = 5242878,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Localize Bootblack boy from the vision 1",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011b74f, -- "Find the bootblack who appeared in the vision."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_bootblack",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_bootblack",
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_bootblack",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Visit Bootblack boy spot during day",
order = 6815742,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit Bootblack boy spot during day 1",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0011b761, -- "Visit the bootblack during his working hours."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_bootblack",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_bootblack",
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_bootblack",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Pay Bootblack boy to receive informations",
order = 7602174,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pay Bootblack boy to receive informations 1",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0011fbb5, -- "Pay the bootblack for information."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_bootblack",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_bootblack 1",
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_bootblack",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Teach brute man a lesson",
order = 7208958,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Teach brute man a lesson 1",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0011b762, -- "Defend the bootblack from his attackers."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_bootblack_fight",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_bootblack_fight",
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_bootblack_fight",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Follow Regis throught the city",
order = 7995390,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Regis throught the city 1",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0011b76f, -- "Follow Regis through the city."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "regis",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "regis 12",
mapPinID = "regis",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Enter toys storage in port",
order = 8191998,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Enter toys storage in port 1",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0011ee5c, -- "Enter the toy shop."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_find_toy_storage",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_find_toy_storage 1",
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_find_toy_storage",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Search toy storage for clues",
order = 8290302,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search toy storage for clues 1",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0011b772, -- "Search the toy shop using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_toy_store_attic_clues",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_toy_store_attic_clues 1",
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_toy_store_attic_clues",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q702mill.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q702 Water Mill",
order = 2080047102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Water Mill 1",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001226d0, -- "Amidst the Mill's Grist"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 34",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q702 Mill Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Mill Beginning 1",
description = 0x001226d1, -- "In the vision Geralt had experienced after
imbibing Resonance, he had also seen a mill. He soon reached this site and explored
it thoroughly. After all, Dettlaff had recently been there himself. The witcher
hoped to find clues that would lead him to the murderer.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q702 Mill Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Mill Ending 12",
index = 1,
description = 0x001226d2, -- "Using his Witcher Senses, Geralt
thoroughly searched the mill. It had been the property of one Count de la Croix,
who had put it up for sale. And it was here that the unfortunate count had met his
end, murdered in cold blood.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q702 Mill Ending Failure",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Mill Ending Failure 12",
index = 2,
description = 0x001226d3, -- "The witcher had found some interesting
clues, yet he decided to continue the investigation elsewhere. He thus abandoned
the lead he had found, related to Dettlaff's visit to the mill.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Mill",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mill 12",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Use witcher senses in the mill in search of clues",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use witcher senses in the mill in search of clues 1",
children = {
title = 0x00122236, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the mill for

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "q702_mappin_mill_clues",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_mappin_mill_clues 1",
radius = 25.000000,
mapPinID = "q702_mappin_mill_clues",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q702wightdecision.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q702 Faith of Marlene",
order = 2281308158,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Faith of Marlene 1",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001221f4, -- "The Hunger Game"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 99D652D8-4E5D9E15-350CE6AF-06903BB2",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q702 Faith of Marlene Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Faith of Marlene Begining 1",
description = 0x001221f6, -- "The witcher had decided not to kill the
wight. A fortunate decision, as the monster had proved to be a woman named Marlene,
afflicted some time past by a terrible curse. The witcher had lifted the curse and
learned Marlene's story. She had suffered unimaginable pain while cursed, fated
forever to hunger and waste away. Geralt, big-hearted as he was, could not leave
the woman to fend for herself. He invited her to stay at Corvo Bianco, the estate
the duchess had granted him in recognition of his service. The estate's majordomo
took Marlene under his wing. The witcher decided he would visit the cured woman
several days later.<br>"
chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q702 Faith of Marlene - She left",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Faith of Marlene - She left",
index = 1,
description = 0x001221f8, -- "Geralt had proven a generous soul when he
let Marlene recover at Corvo Bianco. After a time, they had a candid conversation,
and the woman revealed her concerns. With the curse having held her for centuries,
she had outlived her loved ones and was now left with no one to turn to. Time had
passed, the world had progressed, and Marlene felt like a stranger within it. The
witcher believed only living among other folk could restore the balance Marlene had
lost. Marlene agreed and a few days later their paths diverged as she set off to
make a new life for herself.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q702 Faith of Marlene - She stayed",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q702 Faith of Marlene - She stayed 1",
index = 2,
description = 0x001221f7, -- "Marlene turned out to be an open and
honest woman. She and Geralt had a friendly, candid conversation and decided she
would remain at Corvo Bianco for the foreseeable future. She would tend to the
kitchen there. Thus, in addition to Marlene's gratitude, Geralt gained an able cook
(the majordomo was thought to have no culinary talents whatever, having burned
several pots of water in his time). Marlene also told the witcher that a long time
past her father had amassed for her a dowry that was likely to be lying undisturbed
in the cellars of the Trastamara Estate.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q702 Faith of Marlene",
order = 1073741823,
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Check how Marlene is doing in Corvo Bianco",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check how Marlene is doing in Corvo Bianco 1",
children = {
title = 0x001221f5, -- "Visit Corvo Bianco and see how Marlene is

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q702_wight_woman 1",
mapPinID = "q702_wight_woman",
chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Find Marlena's dowry hidden in Trastamara Mansion's basement",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Marlena's dowry hidden in Trastamara Mansion's
basement 1",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0012568e, -- "Search for Marlene's dowry at the Trastamara

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q703allforone.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q703 All for one",
order = 2683830270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q703 All for one B0E13120-43A56E44-83D0F5A0-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011a7d0, -- "Capture the Castle"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 647AC0A4-42614CBA-7DBB09BB-7B013FFA",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Pre-mill",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pre-mill 37910008-475444D5-845CC9A3-D72E4AF5",
description = 0x00126392, -- "Ducal guardsmen commanded by Captain
Damien de la Tour were to aid Geralt in storming Dun Tynne - this was the duchess'
wish and command. The briefing before the assault would be held at the mill where
Dettlaff had recently dispatched Count de la Croix in cold blood.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Roderik",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Roderik F063C6EF-4D820011-9DCDEE88-AFB93994",
index = 1,
description = 0x001263b9, -- "Within Dun Tynne's walls, the witcher came
upon Roderick. The old knight had erred many times in his life, yet never as
gravely as he had when opening his castle to a group of bandits, a vandaguild. He
had been persuaded to do so by none other than Syanna, Duchess Anny Henrietta's
sister. The young woman had clearly captured the lord of Dun Tynne's affections, or
perhaps merely aroused his passions. This achieved, she had quickly wrapped him
round her finger. Interestingly, Roderick seemed to know Syanna well, yet he had
heard nothing of her abduction. Having questioned the wounded knight as much as he
wished, Geralt set off for the castle's keep, in a room of which he expected to
find Anna Henrietta's dear sibling.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Finale",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Finale 121A330E-4181264C-1E526CBA-A3099802",
index = 2,
description = 0x001263ca, -- "While storming Dun Tynne, Geralt was
surprised to find he had two allies - Regis and Dettlaff. Naturally, the witcher
assisted by two higher vampires plowed through the castle's defenders about like
the Nilfgaardian conflagration had plowed through Cintra. At long last they reached
the room where Geralt expected to find Syanna… And he was not disappointed. Yet it
turned out Syanna was not just the young lady banished from court those many years
ago. No, she was also Rhena, the missing, presumed-to-be-kidnapped young woman who
was Dettlaff's beloved. The witcher and company learned she had controlled the
Cintrian, bidding him to steal Sangreal wine as well as the ducal jewel. She had
also sent Dettlaff the names of the intended victims. The vampire needed all his
strength to quell his desire to tear her to shreds then and there. He seemed a
shard of ice as he set a meeting time and place - Syanna was to appear at Tesham
Mutna three days hence to explain herself. The witcher found himself between a rock
and a hard place. One the one hand, a vampire consumed by fury demanded he deliver
Syanna to him in three days' time. On the other hand, Anna Henrietta awaited,
expecting Dettlaff's head on a silver platter.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Dun Tynne",
order = 4244635646,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dun Tynne 6D3B876E-4BF55F27-96B0EE91-DC488FD4",
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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find Syanna in Dun Tynne",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Syanna in Dun Tynne 8C2EA3D8-41137644-94472FAB-
children = {
title = 0x0012059b, -- "Search Dun Tynne for Syanna and Rhena."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "q703_mp_rodericks_men",
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radius = 15.000000,
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Defeat and interrogate Roderick",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat and interrogate Roderick 3D5E27BA-42942AD7-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0012059c, -- "Defeat Roderick and his men."

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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Get to Dun Tynne Main Building",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get to Dun Tynne Main Building 313FD96F-415FC6AA-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0012059d, -- "Defeat the guards and reach Dun Tynne's keep."

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baseName = "q703_mp_dt_hq_entrance",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_dt_hq_entrance 34B613DD-4C6A744B-5604D791-
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Meet Damien in the Old Mill",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Damien in the Old Mill DCD29F04-4632A35D-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00120e61, -- "Meet Damien at Count de la Croix's mill after

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "q703_mp_damien_briefing",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_palace_briefing 315D2896-4A2CBED3-803A39A8-
mapPinID = "q703_mp_damien_briefing",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Get back to Damien when you're ready",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Anna Henrietta when you're ready 22796CEC-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0012281f, -- "Tell Damien when you're ready to storm the

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q703art.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q703 Art",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q703 Art 6C2340E8-4E58E618-BF93D5A9-E8E5CB29",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x00121a7a, -- "The Man from Cintra"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 2A566913-409879F6-C7E39592-530B477B",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Pre-Mandragora",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pre-Mandragora 18FBC21C-4E0D3DF7-DD034AB4-66B74483",
description = 0x00126380, -- "It seemed as if matters had come to a head
and the witcher would finally face he who had for some time succeeded in slinking
from Geralt's grip like a snake. The Cintrian was to appear at a soirée hosted by
"Mandragora" - an exclusive club that brought together all manner of artists who
thought very highly of themselves. As I see it, they were a host of individuals
whom nature had denied any significant talent. Thus, they opted not to produce more
and better work, but instead to whimper into the ears of wealthy patrons - a
practice for which I have always had the utmost contempt. But back to the Cintrian
- Geralt and Anna Henrietta decided they would attend the soirée and nab this
scoundrel dog.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Cecylia is dead",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cecylia is dead E829C7EA-41C5B313-6C001AAB-AF591607",
index = 1,
description = 0x0012638a, -- "The witcher was largely unaccustomed to
battles in which lies, flattery and the occasional petty insult served as the
combatants' chief arms. Yet with the aid of Anarietta (much better acquainted with
this type of combat - mean retorts being her weapon of choice), he managed to blend
into the members of Beauclair's boheme who had assembled and mingle largely
unnoticed. Together, the duchess and the witcher searched for the Cintrian. He had
reportedly arrived for the evening with the famed singer Cecilia Bellante on his
arm. Alas, poor Cecilia had not known the evening would end in tragedy for her.
Geralt found her, her throat cut just moments before, and set off in pursuit of her

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "PostVampires D43C0930-482DDFE2-20B571AC-02B602F2",
index = 2,
description = 0x0012638f, -- "The Cintrian had appeared that evening to
steal the Heart of Toussaint, a ducal jewel in the possession of Orianna, the
soirée's host. The witcher could not interrogate the thief, as he had died
tragically while attempting to make off with his loot. Yet he had left behind a
clue leading to Dun Tynne Castle, which the witcher made his next destination. Yet
the assault on this fort manned by many knights would not prove easy. Ironically,
Anna Henrietta made this so by giving Geralt an additional objective. You see, the
thief had first obtained a barrel of ducal wine and then attempted to pinch a jewel
that had in the past belonged to Syanna, Anarietta's sister. The fact of said
sister's existence surprised me as much as it must surprise you, my readers. Who
knew Anarietta had a sister, and what's more, one even more fiery than the duchess
herself? These facts caused the duchess to suspect Syanna could herself be at Dun
Tynne. So she ordered the witcher to go there and find her. As if these revelations
were not enough, the evening ended in a philosophically complex scene featuring the
duchess of Toussaint, several ancient higher vampires and a grumpy witcher sharing
a table. The conversation proved both lively and varied, spanning matters ranging
from the intricacies of combating monsters to the propriety of wearing deep-cut
formal dresses.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Mandragora",
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "[DEBUG]Meet Anna Henrietta in Swindlers' Alley",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[DEBUG]Meet Anna Henrietta in Swindlers' Alley",
children = {
title = 0x001219bb, -- "Meet Anna Henrietta in Mountebank Alley."

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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Search the room and find out what happened",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the room and find out what happened 51E9FCE3-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001219bc, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the room and
find out what happened there."

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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Search the lounges for the girl with Nazairian Violet in her hair",
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in her hair FD8C637A-40459891-FDC62889-0F205859",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001219bd, -- "Search the alcoves for a woman with a Koviri
orchid in her hair."

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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "[DEBUG]Check the Dining Areas with Witcher Senses for Cecilia and
the Cintrian",
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Cecilia and the Cintrian",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001219be, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the
refreshment tables."

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title = 0x001219bf, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the scent."

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title = 0x001219c0, -- "Using your Witcher Senses, follow the tracks
across the balconies."

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chunk[33] = {
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chunk[39] = {
baseName = "[DEBUG](Optional)Find a suit which Anna Henrietta would call
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[DEBUG](Optional)Find a suit which Anna Henrietta
would call appropriate",
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children = {
title = 0x0012527a, -- "[Optional] Put on clothes Anna Henrietta will
consider appropriate for the soiree."

chunk[40] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_tailor 157B1290-436D3112-1912A4BD-5E548138",
radius = 5.200000,
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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "[DEBUG]Use the bombs to paint a picture",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[DEBUG]Use the bombs to paint a picture D9B6E425-
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x00126389, -- "[Optional] Throw paint balls to express your
inner artist."
count = 15,

chunk[42] = {
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chunk[43] = {
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index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x0012769b, -- "[Optional] Grab some paint balls."

chunk[44] = {
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q703wine.journal:

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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q703 Wine",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q703 Wine",
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title = 0x00121a77, -- "Wine is Sacred"

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baseName = "Beginning",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beginning AC49A21B-4B62CFAE-666F6098-207140E3",
description = 0x001262b6, -- "Following what can only be described as a
surprising turn of events, the witcher had no choice but to report to the duchess.
He needed to inform her that the hunt for the Beast would be no ordinary monster
hunt. Fully aware of the fiery temperament of Anarietta, Toussaint's gracious
ruler, Geralt was justified in thinking the meeting would not be among the most
pleasant he had ever had…<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "To Castel Ravello",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "To Castel Ravello 3500C298-47885476-1CF9298D-
index = 1,
description = 0x001262b7, -- "Geralt managed to sway the duchess'
conviction - she agreed that he would, for now, forgo tracking the vampire and
focus instead on locating whoever held the vampire in thrall. He had some leads
already. These prompted him to go to the ducal vineyard of Castel Ravello. For it
was the source of the famed Sangreal, a wine only ever served at the Ducal Palace
to the noblest guests to come to court, including - not to boast - the undersigned.
And I will be candid - I've had better. Yet it seemed at the time that whoever was
blackmailing the vampire had acquired a taste for Sangreal specifically. Thus the
witcher and the duchess set out to inspect the vineyard in the hope of finding
another lead.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Castel Ravello Twist",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Castel Ravello Twist 1048A807-49374B45-18D9739C-
index = 2,
description = 0x001262b8, -- "The witcher's suspicions had proved true -
Sangreal seemed indeed to be the key to finding the blackmailer. The steward of
Castel Ravello admitted he had sold a barrel of the wine to a Cintrian nobleman.
The witcher and a unit of ducal guardsmen decided to wait in ambush for said

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After exchange",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After exchange C0F33503-4D037137-25C449A1-05E2DCFF",
index = 3,
description = 0x001262b9, -- "Alas, the Cintrian proved a notch too
clever. When Geralt attempted to deliver the second barrel of wine, the nobleman
was nowhere in sight. Some hired thugs found themselves caught in the ambush, and
the witcher thrashed them heroically with the aid of his escort of guardsmen. The
single captured rogue, when questioned, confirmed the bandits' leader was indeed
the mysterious Cintrian, who was said to be hiding somewhere in Toussaint.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Wine End",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wine End 4CC9DB10-42D34C5B-57317290-264C0C4B",
index = 4,
description = 0x001262c5, -- "While investigating, the witcher had
learned the Cintrian was not working alone. He stood at the head of a well-
organized group of brigands. It was still not clear that the nobleman himself was
Dettlaff's blackmailer. Yet even were he to prove merely an intermediary in the
scheme, it was likely he would know where to find those directly responsible.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Palace Report",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Palace Report DF83CF62-4A4703B0-C869CA90-326666A8",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Talk to Anna Henrietta",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Anna Henrietta F3A8FF77-461AB9A5-08B0948C-
children = {
title = 0x0012199d, -- "Report to the duchess about your hunt for the

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q703_mp_palace_briefing",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_palace_briefing 7D3F36DC-485D77C6-EFC886AD-
mapPinID = "q703_mp_palace_briefing",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Return to Anna Henrietta when you're ready",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Anna Henrietta when you're ready B412375C-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0012199e, -- "Tell Anna Henrietta when you're ready to go."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "anna_henrietta",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "anna_henrietta 143ED538-4BA33C15-525E63BF-F4CE4636",
mapPinID = "anna_henrietta",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Castel Ravello",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Castel Ravello 55F41784-4BE0BFC5-0EDD0590-E31FD94E",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Protect Anna Henrietta on route to Castel Ravello",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protect Anna Henrietta on route to Castel Ravello
children = {
title = 0x0012199f, -- "Escort Anna Henrietta to Castel Ravello."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "anna_henrietta",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "anna_henrietta DD80A7C7-4FF01FCA-3653248D-42E7FB0B",
mapPinID = "anna_henrietta",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Save Peasants from Panthers",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Save Peasants from Panthers 2AFE74E2-49DA2B55-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001219a0, -- "Save the peasants from the panthers."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "q703_mp_panthers",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_panthers 13F70E9D-4ACBE428-06996797-
radius = 12.000000,
mapPinID = "q703_mp_panthers",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Defeat the bandits",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat the bandits 0892B4F8-439B9BD2-B826A9B0-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001219a1, -- "Defeat the bandits."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "q703_mp_exchange_point",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_exchange_point 2AF8C841-4494B2D5-43B6C0AA-
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q703_mp_exchange_point",
chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Accompany Anna Henrietta en route to the wine cellar",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Accompany Anna Henrietta en route to the wine cellar
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001219a2, -- "Search the wine cellar with Anna Henrietta."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "anna_henrietta",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "anna_henrietta 060C1598-43392B76-B8D5AC98-BD5C279D",
mapPinID = "anna_henrietta",

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Read the Castel Ravello Wine Register",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read the Castel Ravello Wine Register 218FE036-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001219a3, -- "Read the wine register."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "q703_mp_cr_register",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_cr_wine_cellar 6848AA7B-4DA9442D-4217488E-
mapPinID = "q703_mp_cr_register",

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Read the Boards and fine the right Wine Vintage",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read the Boards and fine the right Wine Vintage
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x001219a4, -- "Find Sangreal from the 1269 vintage."

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chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Find a wooden hammer",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a hammer and a bung 6D000BFC-4F4F75ED-8D99648C-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x001219a5, -- "Find a tapping hammer."

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chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Open the Barrels for Anna Henrietta",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Open the Barrels for Anna Henrietta 18890B61-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x001219a6, -- "Tap the barrels for Anna Henrietta."

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "q703_mp_right_barrels",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_right_barrels A719B6A6-43659087-C7B86DBB-
radius = 6.000000,
mapPinID = "q703_mp_right_barrels",

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Check if There's Wine in Barrels",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check if There's Wine in Barrels A69F6545-4249B817-
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x001219a7, -- "Knock on the barrels to see if they are full."

chunk[37] = {
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radius = 6.000000,
mapPinID = "q703_mp_right_barrels",
chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Meet Damien when you're ready for the exchange",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Damien when you're ready for the exchange
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x001219f5, -- "Tell Damien when you're ready for the ambush."

chunk[39] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "damien 180855D6-4EB41AD6-48079E93-02590A27",
mapPinID = "damien",

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "Find a bung",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a bung 8D2C004D-4CB67ED2-7836DFB9-AC885A26",
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x0012210f, -- "Find barrel taps."

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mapPinID = "q703_mp_posters_04",

chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Join Anna Henrietta in the Royal Guard Garrison in the Port
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Join Anna Henrietta in the Royal Guard Garrison in
the Port District A1CFA065-4DED5AF9-6FA1FA8E-1091223A",
index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x001224cf, -- "Join Anna Henrietta at the guard post in the
port district."

chunk[46] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_garrison 834C1A68-4025B05C-4D55E081-
mapPinID = "q703_mp_garrison",

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "[DEBUG]Join Anna Henrietta and Damien near Castel Ravello",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[DEBUG]Join Anna Henrietta and Damien near Castel
Ravello 3A4CDC57-464DC568-A9CE9DAE-B297F86D",
index = 12,
children = {
title = 0x00126ed0, -- "Meet Anna Henrietta and Damien near Castel

chunk[48] = {
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mapPinID = "q703_mp_ah_waits_near_cr",

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "Zaprowadź Księżną do wnęki z winem Sangreal rocznik 1269",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zaprowadz Ksiezna do wneki z winem Sangreal rocznik
1269 851F0153-4A3AA5B3-C8AC5086-B9FCDE9C",
index = 13,
children = {
title = 0x00127642, -- "Guide Anna Henrietta to the aisle with barrels
containing the right vintage of Sangreal."
image = "Zaprowadź Księżną do wnęki z winem Sangreal rocznik 1269",

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "q703_mp_right_barrels",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q703_mp_right_barrels F1C4EA62-4E9B4CEE-7ED1E384-
radius = 6.000000,
mapPinID = "q703_mp_right_barrels",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q704adettlaff.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q704 Dettlaff",
order = 4294115326,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q704 Dettlaff",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x00121eec, -- "Tesham Mutna"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions B835CA8B-4F373FC3-14607A9B-8231F0AE",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Syanna lives, Dettlaff dies",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Syanna lives, Dettlaff dies ECF724D5-4D921D3A-
description = 0x00122838, -- "Higher vampires bear an uncanny
resemblance to humans. Yet the similarities are only skin deep. We mere mortals
have a dastardly time trying to understand their emotional makeup and morals. So
Geralt could never have foreseen what happened - that Dettlaff would try to take
Syanna's life.<br> Luckily, Syanna had her protective amulet. Crafted long before
by Artorius Vigo, it did exactly what it was created to do. At the crucial moment,
the duchess' sister disappeared, transported to a spot both safe and secure.
Dettlaff flew into a rage. He lunged at Regis and Geralt, intent on tearing them to
shreds. Yet the duel ended with his defeat and, at the last, his demise.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Syanna dies, Dettlaff dies",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Syanna dies, Dettlaff dies 68413519-4CA60B82-
index = 1,
description = 0x00122837, -- "Higher vampires bear an uncanny
resemblance to humans. Yet the similarities are only skin deep. We mere mortals
have a dastardly time trying to understand their emotional makeup and morals. So
Geralt could never have foreseen what happened - that Dettlaff would try to take
Syanna's life. Surprised, the witcher failed to protect the young woman.<br>He
could, however, avenge her. He did so swiftly, though not without difficulty and
with Regis' help.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Syanna dies, Dettlaff lives",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Syanna dies, Dettlaff lives A476A9DC-443EF44D-
index = 2,
description = 0x00122836, -- "Higher vampires bear an uncanny
resemblance to humans. Yet the similarities are only skin deep. We mere mortals
have a dastardly time trying to understand their emotional makeup and morals. So
Geralt could never have foreseen what happened - that Dettlaff would try to take
Syanna's life. Surprised, the witcher failed to protect the young woman.<br>With
the deed done, Geralt nonetheless let Dettlaff go. There was no question he was
guilty, but it was equally clear he had been both predator and victim in the grand
scheme of things. For his part Dettlaff vowed to avoid humans forever more. In his
heart of hearts, the witcher knew the vampire would keep his word.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Start desc",
order = 134217727,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start desc A064FABD-4F429612-4E4593A1-AE4FD23D",
index = 3,
description = 0x00122835, -- "Geralt had done what was required. He
could now go to the infamous Tesham Mutna, where he would once again face

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Syanna not found, Dettlaff dies",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Syanna not found, Dettlaff dies 090BE9E6-4C8382E5-
index = 4,
description = 0x00124eb5, -- "Though higher vampires seem to differ
entirely from us, upon closer examination their passions, emotions, prove human to
the extreme. Thus, Geralt and Regis quite rightly did not expect the Beast of
Beauclair to be pleased as they headed towards Tesham Mutna to meet him. When,
unaccompanied by Syanna, they finally faced Dettlaff, the vampire flew into a rage.
He lunged at Regis and Geralt, intent on tearing them to shreds. Yet the duel ended
with his defeat and, at the last, his demise.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 8B9D3BC4-494F9CCC-58174199-4F7335E6",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Defeat Detlaff",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat Detlaff FB462CC0-4D63EDF4-1150A29A-65A39BEA",
title = 0x0011bd4e, -- "Defeat Dettlaff."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Go to the tower to summon Detlaff",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to the tower to summon Detlaff 40CE57D8-45F1FA4A-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011bd1a, -- "Go to Tesham Mutna for the meeting with

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "q704_detlaff_arena_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704_detlaff_arena_mappin",
radius = 18.000000,
mapPinID = "q704_detlaff_arena_mappin",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Help Regis",
order = 402653182,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Regis 638B2DE3-42A25BE8-B63D88A4-8AF62221",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0011f5f5, -- "Help Regis fight Dettlaff."
chunk[14] = {
baseName = "q704_help_regis_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704_help_regis_mappin 09C24F0B-432B7E81-B72ED7AE-
radius = 12.000000,
mapPinID = "q704_help_regis_mappin",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "[Optional] Prepare for the fight",
order = 469762046,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[Optional] Prepare for the fight 281D3673-43940F12-
index = 3,
title = 0x0012705c, -- "[Optional] Prepare for the fight."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q704bfairyland.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q704B Fairy Land",
order = 4294180862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q704B Fairy Land E458AAC7-4C80112B-0C1E6694-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011a266, -- "Beyond Hill and Dale..."

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E0CB7D5A-4088AD3E-F6D426BE-0EEFF5D4",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start from Damien",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start from Damien 0F20AA9A-43DCA776-E9167981-
description = 0x00122839, -- "Geralt ventured out to find Damien. As the
duchess' confidant, he could very well have known where Syanna was being held. Yet
locating the valiant captain hardly proved an easy feat. For swarms of vampires
summoned by the enraged Dettlaff now prowled the city streets.<br>In the end the
witcher tracked down the Palace Guard, which had been decimated in the fight. He
draw the necessary information out of its wounded commander and proceeded on his

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start after Oriana",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start after Oriana F1649B0B-425EDDB3-44A414AB-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012283a, -- "Geralt had not at first planned to free
Syanna. He had focused his efforts on forcing Dettlaff to reveal himself and fight.
But then Geralt changed his mind. I cannot rightly say why. It's possible Regis
persuaded him, though it's just as likely the witcher had concluded he would not
slay a sentient creature, all the more so because said creature had been betrayed…

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Bedroom done",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bedroom done",
index = 2,
description = 0x0012283b, -- "Just as Damien had advised, Regis and
Geralt went to the playroom at the Ducal Palace. It seemed a strange choice for a
prison, but Anna Henrietta was known to have oft unusual ideas.<br>The witcher and
the vampire searched the room but found no sign of Syanna. They deduced she had to
be concealed inside an illusion. The mage Artorius Vigo had created it years
earlier, for the ducal daughters when they were but children. It was a fairytale
land one could enter through the room…<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Killed witch, teamed up with Syanna",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Killed witch, teamed up with Syanna",
index = 3,
description = 0x0012283c, -- "The Land of a Thousand Fables was an
extraordinary place. Now, it was also extraordinarily dangerous. For Artorius
Vigo's spell, cast many years earlier, had begun to degenerate, change and grow
wild. This was the result of something called magic entropy. The world's fairytale
characters had grown unpredictable and aggressive - something the witcher got a
taste of soon into his adventure there.<br>Despite these difficulties, he found
Syanna. The witcher and the duchess' sister now shared a goal - both trapped in
this magical land, they needed to find the way out. They joined forces. Syanna knew
the exit from the Land of a Thousand Fables lay hidden among the clouds overhead.
Their first task was to find magic beans that would help them ascend.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Planted the bean stalk, fought the giant.",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Planted the bean stalk, fought the giant.",
index = 4,
description = 0x00122842, -- "The witcher and Syanna found all the beans
at last. They planted them and climbed the stalk that sprouted into the clouds.
High in the sky they spied a castle, then the giant who called it home. "A giant,"
you might say, then tremble in your boots. But the witcher and his companion
defeated it post haste.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Sex with Syanna.",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sex with Syanna.",
index = 5,
description = 0x00122843, -- "As Regis later told it, Syanna and Geralt
seemed sheepish upon returning to our world. What's more, the witcher's leggings
were laced up all wrong. I leave it to you, readers, to divine the cause of this
state of affairs.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Escaped from the fairy tale.",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Escaped from the fairy tale.",
index = 6,
description = 0x00122844, -- "Geralt and Syanna finally left the Land of
a Thousand Fables. Meanwhile in the city, the massacre had raged unchecked. Yet
Syanna had returned, so hope burned anew. If Dettlaff and his former lover could be
made to meet, the vampires' rampage in the city could come to an end.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Boy Who Cries Wolf",
order = 4257742846,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Boy Who Cries Wolf",
index = 7,
description = 0x001228a4, -- "A boy named Joss would know where to find
the magic beans. Yet Joss - who obsessively cried "Wolf!" - was known by all to be
a pathological liar. He proved hard to pin down, for his convoluted clues were the
exact opposite of the truth.<br>By Joss' reckoning the red bean "had not been
swallowed," though the one who had not swallowed it was the "most humany human in
all the land." The blue bean, on the other hand, "lay out in the open" watched over
by "nobody" times three. The yellow bean, in turn, could be found "deep
underground," a "bald farm-hand" its guard and keeper.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
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title = 0x001199ae, -- "Find a way to convince the Big Bad Wolf to act
out his fairy tale."

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title = 0x00120fbe, -- "Talk to the girl who sells flint."
chunk[55] = {
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baseName = "Climb Rapunzel's tower.",
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title = 0x00120fc3, -- "Talk to Longlocks."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q704ftgoose.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q704_ft_goose",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704_ft_goose",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011c900, -- "Duck, Duck, Goosed!"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 52B18594-4A4128E2-F69A1B93-88BF0994",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Got the contract from the noticeboard.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Got the contract from the noticeboard.",
description = 0x00124491, -- "The denizens of the Land of a Thousand
Fables had problems, just like you or I… Balbina the Goose, for example, had the
disturbing impression someone was watching her, with the intent of causing her harm
– she had thus posted a notice on the fable world’s notice board. The golden egg
laying bird was lucky a witcher happened to appear in the area shortly afterwards.
Since time in this strange realm flowed differently, Geralt could take on this
unusual contract with a clear conscience, knowing his urgent matters in Toussaint
could wait.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Found the house of the goose, started investigation.",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found the house of the goose, started
index = 1,
description = 0x00124492, -- "While traversing the Land of a Thousand
Fables, Geralt came across an abandoned little home. All around it lay plucked out
goose feathers, suggesting there had been some kind of struggle, perhaps resulting
in an abduction. The witcher being a witcher, he decided to investigate just what
had happened.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Fought Rumcajs, where's the key?",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fought Rumcajs, where's the key?",
index = 2,
description = 0x0012449b, -- "The goose had indeed been kidnapped. The
evildoer was a bandit named Redbeard, who had planned to force the poor bird to lay
eggs made of precious metals for his profit. Geralt foiled this scheme through deft
work with his blade – his usual method. Then he needed merely find the key to the
cage and free the captured fowl.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Found the key and freed the goose.",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found the key and freed the goose.",
index = 3,
description = 0x0012449c, -- "The goose rewarded Geralt’s efforts by
laying a golden egg for him. What Geralt did with that egg, I unfortunately do not

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Goose",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Goose",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Meet the goose at her house.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet the goose at her house.",
children = {
title = 0x0011c7cc, -- "Go to the goose's home."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "q704_ft_goose_house_mp",
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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Use your witcher senses to find the goose.",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use your witcher senses to find the goose.",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011c7cd, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find the goose."

chunk[12] = {
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Follow the clues.",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the clues.",
index = 2,
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title = 0x0011c7ce, -- "Follow the tracks."

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mapPinID = "q704_ft_shoe_06_mp",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Fight the bandits.",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight the bandits.",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0011c7cf, -- "Defeat Redbeard and his bandits."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "q704_ft_rumcajs",
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chunk[22] = {
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chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Look for a key to open the cage.",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for a key to open the cage.",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0011c7d0, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find the key to the

chunk[25] = {
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chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Free the goose.",
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title = 0x0011c7d1, -- "Let the goose out of the cage."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q704starting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q704 Starting",
order = 3488874494,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q704starting",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001202d1, -- "The Night of Long Fangs"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 527686CA-43424FCF-27D1CFBC-50D37057",
description = 0x0012282b, -- "It was painfully clear the audience with
the duchess would not be a pleasant one. For Geralt and Regis had failed to
establish Dettlaff's whereabouts, though not for lack of trying. Matters, alas,
quickly took an even more tragic turn. When Geralt failed to deliver Syanna to the
lover betrayed, he fulfilled his threat and sent down upon Beauclair and its
environs a plague of horrid beasts. The witcher immediately resumed his efforts to
find and confront Dettlaff.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Oriana selected end",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Oriana selected end F7BB1205-40FFFFD8-FF2E8188-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012282c, -- "Geralt had decided - Dettlaff could not be
considered harmless. True, he was doubtless a sentient creature as well as Regis'
close friend - but no. The witcher would resolve matters with his blade. To do
this, Geralt would need to force Dettlaff to reveal himself, then to fight. And
this in turn required him to find one of only a handful of ancient vampires
remaining in the world. And the only one who could help him with the latter was
that legend of the Beauclairois boheme, Orianna.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Syanna selected end",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Syanna selected end 63D033F5-43CFCF48-2658F083-
index = 2,
description = 0x0012282d, -- "Geralt heeded Regis' advice and would seek
to resolve the crisis through peaceful means. To do so, he would need to fulfill
the vampire blackmailer's demand and free Syanna. He now needed to establish where
this troublemaker was being held. The witcher suspected he could extract this
information from Captain Damien de la Tour, the duchess' confidant in such

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title = 0x0011a342, -- "Kill the vampire."

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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Ask the vampire diva about the Original's whereabouts",
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baseName = "Meet Regis at the docks",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Regis at the docks 50E065EC-4F3CF76C-4DCB0BAF-
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title = 0x0012243a, -- "Meet Regis at the docks."

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start AF5A1ED9-49598BA9-B1345380-0B5A2F96",
description = 0x0012282e, -- "Geralt had waded through the city's
vampire-infested streets to reach Orianna's estate. The vampiress, however, was
hardly eager to help the witcher find the Unseen Elder. She was on her way out,
about to leave Beauclair for the orphanage she maintained outside the city walls.
Anxious about what she might find there, she had neither the time nor the desire
nor the patience to listen to the witcher's arguments. Geralt had no choice but to
accompany Orianna, hoping to convince her along the way.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x0012282f, -- "Orianna's concerns had been completely
justified. One of the vampires Dettlaff had summoned - a garkain, Geralt concluded,
based on the clues he found - had perpetrated a bloody massacre. Enraged by what
she found, Orianna pledged to help the witcher find the Unseen Elder - on one
condition. Geralt had first to bring her the head of her wards' murderer. If I know
Geralt, however, he would have hunted the bastard down without the promise of any

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Oriana's story done",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Oriana's story done",
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description = 0x00127ab5, -- "Geralt had slain the garkain, but when he
rejoined Orianna, he learned the old vampiress was, in fact, not much better than
the brute she had asked the witcher to hunt down and kill. Though his hand itched
to grab the hilt of his silver sword once more and tend to Orianna as he had tended
to the garkain, he was well aware saving the city's inhabitants was far more
important at the time. Nonetheless, I suspect the witcher and the vampiress will
meet again one day…<br>"

chunk[51] = {
baseName = "End after meeting Regis",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End after meeting Regis",
index = 3,
description = 0x00127ab8, -- "As the witcher met once more with Regis,
two possible paths lay before him. He now had to choose between meeting with the
Unseen Elder or finding Syanna.<br>"

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q704vampires.journal:

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title = 0x0011eaec, -- "Open the entrance to the Unseen Elder's lair
using Orianna's key."

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title = 0x0011f441, -- "Meet Regis at the docks."

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title = 0x00121415, -- "Reach the platform and get out of the cave."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[Optional] Gather your missing items E9856341-
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x001277bd, -- "[Optional] Collect the items and gear you lost
as you fell."

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 9556FCAE-4AF60B93-CD1A2187-53290D6F",
description = 0x00122831, -- "Geralt now knew how to find the Unseen
Elder's lair. He went to fetch Regis, and together they set off to meet the ancient
bloodsucker. I can only imagine how difficult a Regis' predicament was. After all,
he was about to help his dear friend set a deadly trap for another of his close

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Elder vampire done",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Elder vampire done 6893DE99-46FCE9AA-CC0DF087-
index = 1,
description = 0x00122832, -- "The Unseen's ghastly reputation proved
entirely deserved. He had exactly no tolerance for unexpected guests. And he was
mortal danger embodied. In the end Geralt managed to convince the creature to help
him, but persuading the beast had almost cost the witcher his life. I have no doubt
the witcher breathed a sigh of relief after their meeting, and drew comfort from
the thought it would not be the Unseen he would face during the final confrontation
at Tesham Mutna.<br>"

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "First encounter with Unseen",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First encounter with Unseen 444B0201-4C837BC9-
index = 2,
description = 0x00127799, -- "Regis had expressed some concerns about
meeting with the Unseen Elder. These proved not at all unfounded nor in any way
exaggerated. To say the ancient vampire treated his guests impolitely would be a
gross understatement. In a matter of moments, the Unseen paralyzed Regis, while he
took Geralt and, much as if he were a rag doll, hurled him to the floor of the
cave. The witcher was hurt rather badly. Yet somehow he needed to find an
understanding with the vampire…<br>"

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Gravity Cave Mages Story",
order = 1879048190,
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title = 0x0011bb52, -- "Read the mage's notes."

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title = 0x00121231, -- "Find an offering for the Unseen Elder."

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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Find away to avoid certain death from the elder vampire",
order = 1073741823,
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vampire 97444BE3-472F0032-567B5488-D639A9C9",
index = 2,
title = 0x00121224, -- "Find a way to appease the Unseen Elder."

chunk[42] = {
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index = 3,
title = 0x00121232, -- "Read the notes you found."

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title = 0x001213f3, -- "Search the body."

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chunk[46] = {
baseName = "Find the mage explorer",
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title = 0x001213f2, -- "Find the mage."

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title = 0x0011f609, -- "Destroy the wall using the Aard Sign."

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title = 0x0011b81b, -- "Explore the cave and find a way out."

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chunk[59] = {
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chunk[60] = {
baseName = "Prepare a Swallow potion to heal your injuries",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare a Swallow potion to heal your injuries
title = 0x0011fb5a, -- "Prepare Swallow."

chunk[61] = {
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title = 0x0011fb59, -- "Drink a health potion to regenerate Vitality."

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title = 0x0011fb8c, -- "Drink Swallow to regenerate Vitality."

chunk[63] = {
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title = 0x001277bc, -- "Find a healing potion."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q705ceremony.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q705 Ceremony",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q705 Ceremony 75B389CC-4F5043B3-9CC508A2-88F82183",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x00119da6, -- "Pomp and Strange Circumstance"

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baseName = "start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "start 1431EF11-4D57708E-DBA804A8-EC5643B8",
description = 0x00119df8, -- "The witcher had, at last, defeated the
Beast of Beauclair. Her Enlightened Highness Duchess Anna Henrietta invited him to
a ceremony where she would award him the Vitis Vinifera Medal, Toussaint's highest
honor.<br>Geralt, famous for being one of the world's leading scruffs, possessed no
outfit that would not violate protocol or be remotely suitable for such an
occasion. In her generosity, the duchess agreed to fund a new robe.<br>Regis,
having nothing better to do, accompanied the witcher to the tailor's for his
fitting. There, the vampire revealed the thought that was tormenting him. Namely,
he believed Syanna had planned five murders from the start. He wished to know the
identity of the fifth intended victim. He suggested to Geralt that they investigate
the matter to the end.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "killed syanna 34821961-439031E8-361A0799-210C21A9",
index = 1,
description = 0x00119df9, -- "They first sought out the bootblack. The
boy directed them to a poorhouse. It was there they learned Syanna had indeed
planned five murders. All to wreak vengeance upon those who had caused her to be
banished from the court and the Ducal Palace. The final victim was to have been her
very own sister, Duchess Anna Henrietta.<br>Geralt considered confronting

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "let syanna go 83CAE867-47BA5399-A389779E-9D0543FF",
index = 2,
description = 0x00119dfa, -- "Geralt reached the tower where Syanna sat
confined. After speaking to her, he made his way to the ceremony, during which he
was to receive his distinction.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "syanna told about assasin 05898A27-4B3ECAAA-F5E067BC-
index = 3,
description = 0x00119dfb, -- "On her own behalf and that of her
subjects, Anna Henrietta thanked Geralt for slaying the Beast of Beauclair and
awarded him the Vitis Vinifera Medal. Thankfully, the ceremony was brief, so the
witcher lacked time to demonstrate his ignorance of protocol and thus violate the
majesty of the court.<br>"

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index = 4,
description = 0x00119e41, -- "After the ceremony, Sylvia Anna faced her
accusers. Alas, her interrogation ended in tragedy. Though her murderous scheme had
been thwarted when her "murder weapon," the vampire Dettlaff, had been removed,
Syanna decided to see the matter through. Feigning a willingness to reconcile, she
tricked all those present and ran a hair pin through her sister's heart. Anarietta
died instantly, and no one, not even the witcher with his lightning fast reflexes,
could prevent it. <br>A woman of great beauty, in the prime of her life, Anna
Henrietta breathed her last at the foot of her own palace. As she died her thoughts
went to the undersigned… Grief grips my heart as I write this, tears flow of their
own from my eyes.<br>The bad seed, Sylvia Anna, perished immediately afterwards,
without trial or due process cut down by a ducal guardsman loyal and true.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "henrietta lives",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "henrietta lives A5E03154-439999E9-EF153BB3-3548C6A1",
index = 5,
description = 0x00119e42, -- "After the ceremony, Sylvia Anna faced her
accusers. When Geralt had spoken to Syanna earlier, he had broached some sensitive
issues. These now came to the fore, and a heated argument erupted between the
sisters. Those valuing convention and decorum undoubtedly considered it an unsavory
public airing of matters private. Yet my own heart inclines me to think it a
fortunate turn of events. For we cannot know what might have happened had there
been no release of resentments that had accumulated over decades.<br>Upon quitting
the palace Geralt rejoined Regis at his crypt. They indulged in some well-deserved
respite while sipping Regis' exquisite (as they both assured me) mandrake

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Drank with Regis",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Drank with Regis 4EA9E19D-45A6C6CA-01F41B9C-
index = 6,
description = 0x0012710f, -- "Geralt visited the crypt where both
sisters had been laid to rest. Then he rejoined Regis to enjoy some well-deserved
respite, aided by a jug of the vampire's mandrake hooch.<br>"

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title = 0x00121f7f, -- "Place a flower on Anna Henrietta's grave."

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order = 2147483647,
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children = {
title = 0x00119da8, -- "[Optional] Talk to the bootblack during the

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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00119da9, -- "[Optional] Talk to Syanna."

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title = 0x0011e50a, -- "[Optional] Find the shelter."

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title = 0x001225d0, -- "[Optional] Put on a mask and gloves."

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title = 0x0012447d, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find Regis."

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title = 0x0012447e, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the hoof

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children = {
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q705home.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q705 Home C9F4557A-4660507F-1FE53F9D-B6C060BE",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011fa54, -- "Be It Ever So Humble…"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions FFE85F51-422E2305-EEC3C9AA-E1A181A8",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Went home",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Went home 981C21EE-4E49E95A-E659D7BB-80FF88BD",
description = 0x0012710d, -- "Geralt decided to go home to Corvo

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Met guest D7E69D42-4048C572-7AA7B4BA-682B44A1",
index = 1,
description = 0x0012711c, -- "At his new abode, an unexpected guest
awaited… Yet it was someone Geralt was more than glad to see.<br>"

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children = {

chunk[7] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0011fa55, -- "Go home."

chunk[8] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "q705_mappin_geralt_house",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q705prison.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q705 Prison",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q705 Prison FD761CAC-44DF7883-8A45C9AF-50163CDF",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x00119da1, -- "Burlap is the New Stripe"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "start 02721C2E-4CAB6599-75D00F8C-81376D2F",
description = 0x00119df6, -- "During her final confrontation with the
Beast of Beauclair, Sylvia Anna, sister to Her Highness Anna Henrietta, had died
tragically. The duchess was understandably distraught, for she had just recently
been reunited with her long lost sibling. She was also understandably irate with
Geralt and had the witcher thrown into the dungeon. There, in a somber mood, he
awaited his sentence, expecting the worst.<br>Though at base she is known to have a
heart of gold, Anarietta is also known to be highly impetuous. The smallest misdeed
can at times bring a severe penalty, especially if she deems the transgression a
personal offence. Believe me, I know.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "going to duntynne",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "going to duntynne F6D3DAE5-4C9E5D7A-9DB428B5-
index = 1,
description = 0x0011cf72, -- "Who knows what might have happened to the
witcher had not our mutual friend Regis demonstrated such clarity of mind. He did
the sole reasonable thing under the circumstances and sent for yours
truly.<br>Immediately, and without hesitating for even a moment to think that my
life, too, could be in danger, I mounted my steed and rode post haste to Toussaint.
Luckily, I managed to convince Anarietta - that is to say, Her Illustrious Highness
- to spare Geralt's life and restore his freedom.<br>The witcher, saved through my
efforts, was reunited with Regis. The vampire awaited him at the prison gate only
to draw him into another misadventure. For Regis had been unable to rid himself of
a thought. Namely, he believed Syanna had planned five murders from the start. He
was tormented and wished to know the identity of the fifth intended victim. He
suggested to Geralt that they investigate the matter to its end.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "found letter prison path",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "found letter prison path 5B636AFF-449D0507-5D9447A7-
index = 2,
description = 0x001266dd, -- "They first sought out the bootblack. The
boy directed them to a poorhouse. It was there they learned Syanna had indeed
planned five murders. All to wreak vengeance upon those who had caused her to be
banished from the court and the Ducal Palace. The final victim was to have been her
very own sister, Duchess Anna Henrietta.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "tell AH",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "tell AH 3AF73506-480699A4-DF00B7AC-A7AF8390",
index = 3,
description = 0x00126703, -- "Few know the human soul and its
complexities as poets do. Thus, I do not wonder why the witcher chose to inform
Duchess Anna Henrietta of his findings. Driven by his sense of duty, he told her
that Syanna, the sister miraculously and recently restored to her, then suddenly
and irretrievably lost, had planned to have her murdered. Geralt was simply seeking
to bring matters to a close. He does not, alas, possess that sixth sense that would
allow him to foresee the duchess' reaction. Luckily, I was there (again) to quell
the emotional outburst that might have meant the witcher's end.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "end",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "end 607680B0-4DBB8E15-0979C485-AE9CFBEA",
index = 4,
description = 0x00119df7, -- "Geralt and Regis made their way to the
vampire's crypt at the charming Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery. There, they indulged
in some well-deserved respite while sipping Regis' exquisite (as they both assured
me) mandrake hooch.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Prison",
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title = 0x00119dbc, -- "Go to the laundry."

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title = 0x00119dbd, -- "Defeat your opponents."

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title = 0x00119dbe, -- "Follow the guard."

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title = 0x0011e35d, -- "Pick up the dirty clothes."
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index = 4,
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title = 0x0011e367, -- "Put the soap and the clothes in the washtub."

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chunk[20] = {
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index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0011f9cc, -- "Wash the clothes."

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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Meet Regis outside prison",
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title = 0x0011f9e0, -- "Exit the prison."

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chunk[33] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight the thugs E262AFDA-48039FAA-F9DAEF8A-A97A6239",
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chunk[39] = {
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title = 0x0011f20f, -- "Tell Anna Henrietta about your last contract."

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title = 0x00122016, -- "Collect mandrake roots."
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title = 0x00122099, -- "Return to Regis."

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title = 0x001225d0, -- "[Optional] Put on a mask and gloves."

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title = 0x0012447d, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find Regis."

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title = 0x0012447e, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the hoof

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/q705prisonstash.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q705 Prison Stash",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q705 Prison Stash A33E591C-44B7960A-B55173AA-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0012541c, -- "The Perks of Being a Jailbird"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4C308ED7-4C180F84-4808AA98-02AB3012",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "start 1896C76E-4F6DBB9E-28AD34A8-2EE2A945",
description = 0x00125421, -- "One could put forward the brashly
contrarian thesis that a stay in a prison would be a welcome change for a witcher.
I know, I know, but bear with me: remember, a witcher spends his entire life, or at
least a good part of it, wandering around trackless wildernesses and sleeping with
no shelter but a hedgerow or a few bare branches. Therefore, a penal institution,
which by definition will have walls, and most likely a roof as well, will at least
protect him from strong winds, unexpected morning rains and the droppings of
passing birds. Ergo, it would present an upgrade in terms of comfort… though at the
price of a downgrade in terms of freedom.<br><br>While becoming intimately
acquainted with the charms of prison life, Geralt found a secret stash, used by
inmates for purposes of trade.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "end",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "end ADCBA94E-4D5ADA41-4C53228C-613B5B18",
index = 1,
description = 0x00125422, -- "The witcher puzzled out what to do to use
the stash to make a trade. A certain fellow inmate greatly desired a hammer and
chisel, having had enough of the prison’s hospitality and wishing to take his leave
of the establishment. Geralt placed these objects in the stash, and in return
received… a placard.<br>A very interesting placard, in fact. An object of great
desire in its own right."

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baseName = "failed",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "failed 9F3A4CC9-4409A5F3-1CDD57A1-243DBF77",
index = 2,
description = 0x00127173, -- "Geralt decided he did not care to check
how much a hammer and chisel could fetch in prison currency."

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Stash 85B40DA8-45AD7FE2-1173EC8D-F2383530",
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Look for hammer and chisel",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for hammer and chisel 274B869B-4308ADAD-
children = {
title = 0x0012541d, -- "Search for a hammer and chisel."

chunk[9] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin prison courtyard EAF6D740-4166441F-AA6A79BF-
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mapPinID = "q705_mappin_prison_courtyard",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Hide hammer and chisel in stash",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hide hammer and chisel in stash 03D14847-473F08C0-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0012541e, -- "Hide the hammer and chisel in the stash."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "mappin stash",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin stash A9B8CAF9-4A4766D7-4F5835B5-DE34533F",
mapPinID = "q705_mappin_stash",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Wait some time",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait some time CB58A5F4-4B6BC46C-5DB1A9B8-FC6891F1",
index = 2,
title = 0x0012541f, -- "Wait seven days."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Check prison stash",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check prison stash 3F9D31DB-46ECA6C3-52B57A9C-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00125420, -- "Check the prison stash."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "mappin stash",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin stash B30ECE1F-4F9EAB6F-17E426AA-3EC4988B",
mapPinID = "q705_mappin_stash",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Read the note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read the note A5252811-473A272E-4B34198B-A820FBA8",
index = 4,
title = 0x00125429, -- "Read the notes."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/sana01.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "san_a_01",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "san_a_01 ED6B1D03-4E2CEE82-FB1BA4B3-A1760CE5",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011c5b5, -- "Applied Escapology"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 62F5384F-49F0A1BA-678EE3BF-F62C5083",
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baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 14985B2F-4076308D-05F77481-3532377C",
description = 0x0011c5ab, -- "Wandering around outside the prison,
Geralt came upon a desiccated human skeleton. The notes he found on the remains
proved interesting…<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 735C9A4E-48355622-A29B42B0-182A850E",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011c5ac, -- "Strong winds whirled around Crane Isle at
all times. So the bones the witcher found were bleached, polished clean. They had
belonged to a specialist in escapology. This professional's métier had been to test
the invulnerability of penitentiaries to flight by their inmates. He had performed
this service around the world, time and again letting himself be imprisoned, then
striving to escape.<br>It seemed this had been his last attempt. Yet in the notes
he had last compiled, he had also made mention of a sunken elven vault. It was said
to lie somewhere in the water near the prison. Needless to say, the witcher was

chunk[6] = {
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index = 2,
description = 0x0011c5ad, -- "Geralt located the sunken ruins and the
elven riches hidden within them. He collected the latter and promptly set off in
search of new adventures, content to be suddenly much better off.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note AB34ECA5-4A7B4CB8-B7FB52B6-C74A78BA",
title = 0x0011c5ae, -- "Read the escapologist's journal."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "search for ruins",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search for ruins F6C5F7AD-4A9FF16F-96ABFAB8-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011c5af, -- "Find the sunken ruins and the elven treasure."

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baseName = "find key",
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children = {
title = 0x0012570f, -- "Find a key near the flooded tunnel."

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enabledAtStartup = false,

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/sanb02.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "san_b_02",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "san_b_02 77CD5426-43606A2A-026972B5-AB0D947C",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x0011c74f, -- "The Black Widow"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 0490382E-4BCE9C80-E9B4DC9E-CAC4F573",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start F88481EB-494C5556-A16F14B0-B3678A48",
description = 0x0011c750, -- "While traversing the boggy flood plains
along the Sansretour, Geralt almost tripped over the corpse of a drowned man washed
up on the bank. He searched the man's bloated remains and found a letter that
revealed a bit about the deceased.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Read Note ONE PSYCHO POI",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note ONE PSYCHO POI 934302D5-4C4F5111-1420FE8E-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012704a, -- "The youth had been sent to the river to
fish out a treasure from a boat that had gone to the bottom years before.
Interestingly, Geralt had already happened on another wretch much like this one. As
it was, both had been sent to a certain death by one Bella de Gunness.<br>The
unfortunate souls would do no more diving. Geralt decided to look for the chest
full of valuables himself.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read Note ALL PSYCHO POIs",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note ALL PSYCHO POIs 1151728D-49866826-F413A7BD-
index = 2,
description = 0x0012704b, -- "The youth had been sent to the river to
fish out a treasure from a boat that had gone to the bottom years before.
Interestingly, Geralt had already happened on another wretch much like this one. As
it was, both had been sent to a certain death by one Bella de Gunness! The thought
that I myself could have fallen into this black widow's intricately spun web… it
gives me goose bumps of the most chilling kind.<br>The unfortunate soul would do no
more diving. Geralt decided to look for the chest full of valuables himself.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 45EBF6CE-433CBB94-3D4BADBB-FFA05553",
index = 3,
description = 0x0011c751, -- "The youth had been sent to the river to
fish out a treasure from a boat that had gone to the bottom years before. The
unfortunate soul would do no more diving. Geralt decided to look for the chest full
of valuables himself.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 21DBF094-4F6969CF-7AD8FC95-277E9B55",
index = 4,
description = 0x0011c752, -- "The boat wreck was swarming with drowners.
Yet the witcher cut them down to the last in a flash. He then found the treasure
and, wealthier by a tidy sum, set off for his next adventure!<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 4944FD14-42B7EF17-B3AB4FB9-FC494F1F",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "read note",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note 9FC7F25C-4637E345-A14F35A8-639B2C3A",
title = 0x0011c753, -- "Read the letter."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "search for casket",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search for casket 85EED991-4C529A25-438BA1B7-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011c754, -- "Find the casket within the sunken wreck."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "poi_san_b_02_mp_q",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "poi_san_b_02_mp_q C4226082-4C6584FF-A6DCB2BE-
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/sq701tournament.journal:

chunk = {}
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ701 tournament",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq701_tournament",
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world = 11,
title = 0x00113b21, -- "The Warble of a Smitten Knight"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Intro",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Intro 7A9DF15F-4EE477F6-71ABA295-34FCC20D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Go to the registration tent and enrol in the tournament.",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to the registration tent and enrol in the
children = {
title = 0x00113b85, -- "Go to the inscription tent and enter the

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq701_scribe",
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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Go to the preparation tent at the Shooting Range.",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to the preparation tent at the Shooting Range.",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00113b88, -- "Go to the shooting range."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "sq701_palmerin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq701_palmerin",
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Geralt's Score",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt's Score",
index = 2,
title = 0x00113e71, -- "Geralt's Score"
count = 9,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Horm's Score",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Horm's Score",
index = 3,
title = 0x00113e72, -- "Horm's Score"
count = 9,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Talk to Guillaume.",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Guillaume.",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00113e39, -- "Talk to Guillaume."

chunk[11] = {
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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Visit Guillaume in the lazaret.",
order = 1610612735,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit Guillaume in the lazaret.",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x001285f1, -- "Visit Guillaume in the medics' tent."

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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Investigation",
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Follow Guillaume.",
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title = 0x00113e3a, -- "Follow Guillaume."

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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Investigate the tent.",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the tent.",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00113ebe, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to investigate
Vivienne's tent."

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baseName = "Go to the entrance of the turf.",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to the entrance of the turf.",
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title = 0x00114016, -- "Go to the entrance to the racing course."

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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Go to the start position riding your horse.",
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title = 0x00114079, -- "Go to the starting line on horseback."

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chunk[143] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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chunk[144] = {
baseName = "Tournament Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tournament Start E247CF2E-4EB6EF9B-2BC378B6-
description = 0x0011f3f5, -- "In the charming fairytale duchy for which
Toussaint commonly passes, love blooms and erupts into flames faster than in any
other corner of the known world. I know what I say, for I too experienced my share
of beautiful, passionate moments there, with the painfully lovely Duchess
Anarietta, no less...<br>But to return to Geralt's adventures, he agreed to assist
a young knight with his troubles in relation to a striking young lady-in-waiting
named Vivienne. The youth, lacking experience in love's games, its ruses and
deceits, was feverish and suspected that the lofty and inaccessible object of his
love might have fallen victim to an evil spell. Wishing to help the youth get to
the bottom of the matter, the witcher agreed to enter the lists and take part in
the tourney's assorted challenges.<br>"

chunk[145] = {
baseName = "Geralt",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt 5A47661F-44B73A63-EF7785AD-8BDA2E45",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011f3f6, -- "In observance of tradition, the witcher
had to reveal a name to take part in the tourney. He chose the immensely original
moniker "Geralt of Rivia."<br>"

chunk[146] = {
baseName = "Ravix",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ravix 6F1DD88C-4F18E481-51BBFAA1-C5D1EE1A",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011f3f7, -- "In observance of tradition, the witcher
had to reveal a name to take part in the tourney. He chose the pseudonym he used
occasionally - Ravix of Fourhorn.<br>"

chunk[147] = {
baseName = "Vivienne Twist",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vivienne Twist 47FFCF0D-45C6168B-7D7A43B6-F0A4F10A",
index = 3,
description = 0x0011f3f8, -- "While playing knight, Geralt did not dare
neglect his witcherly duties. He spied on Vivienne and followed her to a forest
glade, where he discovered her secret. The woman had been cursed while still in her
mother's womb. Touched by moonlight, she transformed into a bird.<br>Geralt offered
to help her, to lift the curse that held her. Yet he warned Vivienne that the
ritual to break the spell could have dire consequences.<br>"

chunk[148] = {
baseName = "Mirror",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mirror 15C3555F-4C823924-BC537B84-A820A6AA",
index = 4,
description = 0x0011f3f9, -- "Aided by Guillaume, Geralt performed a
ritual that was to lift the curse from Vivienne and transfer it to another. Though
the witcher doubted it could be effective, the rite worked and the curse passed to
the young knight who had valiantly agreed to shoulder its burden. It brings a tear
to the eye to think how a seemingly superficial fascination for a woman's beauty
can take a turn even more beautiful...<br>"

chunk[149] = {
baseName = "Egg",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Egg E7A15F54-4029248B-CEDDC6B0-09CACE78",
index = 5,
description = 0x0011f3fa, -- "Geralt performed a ritual aimed at
reversing the curse that held Vivienne. He had warned her beforehand that it could
result in shortening her remaining life to but a handful of years - the number
lived on average by an oriole, the egg of which the witcher used during the
ritual.<br>Vivienne had acknowledged this possible consequence and stated that she
would be grateful to Geralt. For it was through his efforts that she could finally
taste a normal life unfettered by the need to conceal her "defect."<br>"

chunk[150] = {
baseName = "Mirror Epilogue",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mirror Epilogue 13F60957-4EA94CDE-1E9BE682-DA0D9503",
index = 6,
description = 0x0011f3fb, -- "Passed to Guillaume, the curse seemed much
weakened, its symptoms far less powerful than those that had troubled Vivienne.
When Geralt happened upon the couple some time later in Toussaint, they looked
happy and in love. This only serves to confirm my observation regarding the unusual
aura that seems to hover over the duchy. It almost inspires one to exclaim, "They
lived happily ever after!"<br>"

chunk[151] = {
baseName = "Egg Epilogue",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Egg Epilogue 4D518C82-49FEC735-8DAFC89A-5892A9EF",
index = 7,
description = 0x0011f3fc, -- "Freed of the curse that had held her since
birth, Vivienne resolved to take full advantage of life over the few years that
possibly remained to her. A time after the events in Toussaint, Geralt happened
upon the young woman in Novigrad. She had come there to visit this "largest city in
the known world" and now sought a ship upon which she might sail to the Skellige

chunk[152] = {
baseName = "Hook",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hook 65AE949A-4C55E60B-79E10698-ECFE51BF",
index = 8,
description = 0x001285f6, -- "Tradition has sanctified two codes of
conduct in Toussaint: the teachings of the Prophet Lebioda and the chivalric
principles which guide its knights. These latter call for young men to prove their
abilities through feats of daring during tourneys. One such knight, Guillaume,
sought to stand out from the rest by fighting a shaelmaar and was injured as a
result.<br><br>Afterwards, he pleaded with Geralt to visit him in the medics' tent.
He said he had a very urgent matter to discuss.<br>"

chunk[153] = {
baseName = "Fail",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fail B7A76AE4-431AFBDE-33368DA2-15A917AF",
index = 9,
description = 0x00128819, -- "Geralt was torn away from the tourney’s
entertainments by the vampires’ attack. All able hands were needed to fend off this
threat, meaning Toussaint’s menfolk could no longer dabble in artificial feats of
bravery and staged fights.<br>Consumed by his battle against Dettlaff, Geralt had
no chance to talk to Vivienne and never learned what secret she hid, assuming she
hid one at all, and the whole affair was not just the product of a young lover’s
imagination… These can be exceptionally fertile and prone to error, as I know very
well myself, being both a lover and young, at least at heart.<br>"

chunk[154] = {
baseName = "Guillaume corpse",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Guillaume corpse E88550EC-4FE0D9F5-88D93B80-
index = 10,
description = 0x0012881a, -- "Geralt came across Guillaume’s corpse in
the city. It seemed the young knight had found bravely against the vampires before
ultimately dying while defending his city.<br><br>Thus death won out over love,
which unfortunately can happen even in Toussaint.<br>As I write these words I tip a
glass of Est Est in honor of the poor young man… So what, that I didn’t know him --
Geralt said he was fine fellow, decent and true.<br>And that’s enough for me."

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/sq703winewars.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ703 wine_wars",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_wine_wars 39087354-4BBDC2C0-3D0942B3-0230FD61",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x00111fde, -- "Big Game Hunter"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions DFFA776B-49C9106D-5C3B528F-1A6B2736",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Contract from Messageboard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Contract from Messageboard 378A391D-45137EFB-
description = 0x00111ff8, -- "One day, Geralt happened upon an unusual
contract notice. Someone was seeking the aid not of some unnamed witcher, but
specifically of the witcher named Geralt of Rivia. The notice listed no other
details, so Geralt, admittedly intrigued, resolved to see what was it issue.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Safari trip started",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Safari trip started 8738916D-4A42F9F5-0A7273A2-
index = 1,
description = 0x0011a20a, -- "The individual so intent on employing the
White Wolf and no other was a certain Count Beledal, a nobleman from Kovir. The
aristocrat wished to embark on a nature trek with the legendary witcher, and my
dearest friend, as his guide. As the count was offering an exceptionally generous
fee, and the job seemed simple enough in its nature, Geralt did not take long to
accept the job.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Safari trip done - invited for picnic",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Safari trip done",
index = 2,
description = 0x0011a20b, -- "The excursion with the Koviri noble proved
rather refreshing, though not nearly as safe and certainly not as boring as Geralt
had initially assumed it would be. During its course, the witcher was forced to
fight giant centipedes, to tame a number of panthers, and to attempt to control a
flock of peacocks. In a word, he had a grand old time, while at the excursion's end
his coin pouch grew markedly heavier.<br>Pleased with the excursion and with Geralt
for proving a consummate professional, Count Beledal invited the witcher to attend
a picnic he was to host the very next day.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Picnic",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Picnic 885F7571-44744930-A434DAB1-55F357D3",
index = 3,
description = 0x0011a20c, -- "To refuse the invitation of a luminary
such as Count Beledal would have been tactless. Thus Geralt appeared at the
nobleman's temporary residence at the appointed time. There he had an opportunity
to view the paintings his host had produced based on the illusions he had captured
during their excursions using the parestisomach. Grateful for the excellent job the
witcher had done as his guide, the count decided to additionally reward him,
granting Geralt one of his works.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Safari trip done - no picnic",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Safari trip done - no picnic 311FD0CB-4D684020-
index = 4,
description = 0x00126779, -- "The excursion with the Koviri noble proved
rather refreshing, though not nearly as safe and certainly not as boring as Geralt
had initially assumed it would be. During its course, the witcher was forced to
fight giant centipedes, to tame a number of panthers, and to attempt to control a
flock of peacocks. In a word, he had a grand old time, while at the excursion's end
his coin pouch grew markedly heavier.<br>"
chunk[9] = {
baseName = "00 - Introduction",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "00 - Introduction 80BD4330-46455053-4437E6B7-
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children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Meet with the contractor",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet with the contractor 4D7A247D-4C64C9A9-033CD28E-
children = {
title = 0x0011a1b9, -- "Talk to Count Beledal."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "sq703_investor",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_investor 6F0FF0AC-443EA18C-50D3EB97-3E51BA6A",
mapPinID = "sq703_investor",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Check Count Beledal's map to find the animal spots",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check the Map for the animal spots D596EB69-4EA39896-
index = 1,
title = 0x0012162c, -- "Check Count Beledal's map to find good spots
from which to spot animals."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Meet the Count at the camp",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet the Count at the camp B9CC3610-4E5E0E15-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00121d7c, -- "Meet Count Beledal in his camp."

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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Wait till Daytime to start the safari",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait till Daytime to start the safari FCBCC9E2-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00121d7d, -- "Wait until morning."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "sq703_investor",
order = 2147483647,
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Return to the Count to take the safari contract",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to the Count to take the safari contract
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001265bc, -- "Return to Count Beledal."

chunk[18] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_investor 9A03C8FA-431D377E-9A02FDAD-815EDB37",
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chunk[19] = {
baseName = "01a - Safari - Panthers",
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index = 2,
children = {
chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Lead the Count to the panther area",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lead the Count to the panther area 604FDB05-48FDC353-
children = {
title = 0x0011a1ba, -- "Escort Count Beledal near the panthers' lair."

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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Defend the Count ",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defend the Count 6297BAAC-4380F4A6-894757BA-
index = 1,
title = 0x0011a1bb, -- "Defend Count Beledal."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Wait for the Count to take a picture",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for the Count to take a picture 7E7E1602-
index = 2,
title = 0x0011a59f, -- "Wait for the count to use his parestisomach."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Use your witcher senses to find the Panther lair",
order = 2415919102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the Panther lair 6453DFE5-403868DF-554EDBA1-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0011e1fc, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find the panthers."

chunk[25] = {
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chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Leave the area to calm the panthers",
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title = 0x0011f68a, -- "Move away from the panthers so they calm down."

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chunk[31] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0011f689, -- "[Optional] Calm the panther."

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title = 0x0011a1c5, -- "Lead Count Beledal to the giant centipedes'

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title = 0x0011a1c6, -- "Find a place with a good view of the lair."

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chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Wait for the count to take a picture of the scolopendros",
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title = 0x0011b589, -- "Wait for the count to "preserve" the giant

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baseName = "Use your Witcher senses to find hints to the centipedes",
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index = 4,
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title = 0x0011f8eb, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to locate giant

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the vampires attacking the city."

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title = 0x00125734, -- "The Words of the Prophets Are Written on

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description = 0x00125735, -- "At a sacred site of the cult of the
Prophet Lebioda, Geralt stumbled upon the remains of one of the prophet's most
fervent adherents - a monk known as the Great Beggar. Alas, the poor man had been
bricked up alive and left to starve in the wall of the chapel, so his restless soul
promptly attacked the witcher. Geralt knew that the only way to help the Great
Beggar's soul to find peace was to give his remains a proper burial.<br>"

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description = 0x00125736, -- "Luckily, Geralt did not have to search far
for an appropriate sarcophagus. He laid the Great Beggar's bones in a grave within
the chapel, thus securing his rattled soul's eternal rest.<br>"

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/th700redwolf.journal:

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title = 0x00119500, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Manticore Gear"

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description = 0x00119501, -- "Only once in his life had Geralt ever seen
armor made from diagrams hailing from the School of the Manticore. What's more,
said suit had been incomplete and, truth be told, the worse for wear. So when the
opportunity arose to assemble Manticore gear, and at a grandmaster level to boot,
the witcher did not hesitate a moment before setting off in search of what was

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description = 0x00119502, -- "I venture to say none would have expected
these diagrams' owner, the witcher Merten, to convert honestly and truly to the
creed embodied in the Prophet Lebioda. Geralt retraced Merten's story and stopped
to think how perverse fate could sometimes prove. But he considered the matter but
a brief moment, for he had in hand a complete set of diagrams needed to craft gear
of the School of the Manticore, and he could now take the drawings to the right

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title = 0x0012253b, -- "Go to the cave where Lebioda once stayed."

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title = 0x00119c74, -- "Read the Great Beggar's journal."

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title = 0x00119c75, -- "Read the notes on a scrap of paper."

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title = 0x00126d7f, -- "Defeat the wraith."

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index = 20,
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count = 6,
-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/th700th701metaquest.journal:

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title = 0x0012645a, -- "Master Master Master Master!"

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baseName = "Quest ended",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest ended DFDF8225-4C476017-DACBEF96-6CE96D5D",
description = 0x00126467, -- "At long last, after numerous trials and
tribulations, Geralt managed to assemble all the diagrams from a single witchers'
school, diagrams that would allow the armorer to produce a complete set of gear at
grandmaster level. Lafargue was consumed by joy. At last he could get to work and
fulfill his dream. For he had no doubt he would succeed in creating a wondrous suit
of witcher armor worthy of his deceased master.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest started (found Zdravko first)",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest started (found Zdravko first) 85141C35-
index = 1,
description = 0x00127071, -- "Finding a grandmaster armorer borders on
being a miracle. The world is full of rumors about elves and dwarves with a
thorough mastery of the art of shaping leather and metal. The sad thing is most of
these tales contend that all of them have long been dead. Yet as the Good Book
sayeth, "Ask, and ye shall be answered. Seek, and ye shall find."<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Look for full set.",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for full set. F95AFE86-4A9A74F3-AC264EBB-
index = 2,
description = 0x00127072, -- "Imagine Geralt's delight when he happened
on an exceptionally talented amorer, and one eager to work! This man's name was
Lafargue, and he had been an apprentice of an elven master of the craft. Lafargue
possessed not only the required skills, but he also knew where our witcher might
find some lost grandmaster level diagrams hailing from five witcher
schools.<br><br>Geralt made a deal with Lafargue - he promised to find the
diagrams, while the craftsman pledged to produce gear for the witcher based on
them. For you ought to know that this armorer's greatest dream in life was to
produce the most perfect set of witcher gear. Doing so would mean that Lafargue had
fulfilled his guild's final requirement and he could thereafter term himself a
grandmaster. All Geralt had to do was to find the lost diagrams.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quest started (found diagram first)",
order = 1342177279,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest started CC1AB919-421E97E7-3EBBED8B-AAFD8CAA",
index = 3,
description = 0x00126466, -- "Searching for a master armorer is not
unlike searching for a needle in a haystack. This applies all the more to
grandmasters with sufficient skills to produce elements of grandmaster level gear
based on appropriate diagrams! Yet Geralt had found on just such a valuable
drawing. Thus, what could our witcher do but put his nose to the ground and start

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Notice",
order = 671088639,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Notice 007F4C69-4939F86E-8697EF82-E52A7101",
index = 4,
description = 0x00127797, -- "While in Toussaint, one day Geralt found a
notice posted by an armorer. Since to the witcher a good suit is potentially a
matter of life or death, and since he had always benefited from working
relationships he had struck up with able plate bangers, our hero debated the issue
only briefly before resolving to visit the artisan.<br>"

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index = 1,
children = {
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baseName = "Ask about witchers",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask about witchers 1851E40B-4D3C4F36-F62445A1-
children = {
title = 0x0012645b, -- "Ask Lafargue about all the vanished witchers."
count = 5,

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baseName = "Zdravko",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zdravko 4600933F-45A41E32-B2EDEA80-D0CC8490",
mapPinID = "slavko_atimstein",

chunk[12] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find full set B31B860C-4233205F-4700ADA6-F0A9F9C6",
index = 1,
title = 0x00126ea8, -- "Find all the grandmaster diagrams of one witcher

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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report to Zdravko 0628324D-45B61875-D55D9E8E-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00126ea9, -- "Take the diagrams to Lafargue so he can become a

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zdravko 8F70B023-4F553E90-61818EAE-FFDC8E1D",
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Wait until vampire attack ends",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait until vampire attack ends 62CD8969-4A6D7C44-
index = 3,
title = 0x0012339b, -- "Deal with the vampires attacking the city."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Go find Zdravko",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go find Zdravko 11876C48-4B9FF12B-7BB20CBA-10CB2718",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00127798, -- "Find the grandmaster smith Lafargue so you can
make use of his services."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Zdravko",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zdravko 5E54EC22-48ED8434-1888CB95-0348E8B9",
mapPinID = "slavko_atimstein",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Find archmaster",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find archmaster 3D5DDF30-476B2C0E-4D64F59A-B6D6EB6A",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00127070, -- "Find someone who can forge grandmaster witcher

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zdravko CD73B1AC-478D9180-D63E089F-0D1870DC",
mapPinID = "slavko_atimstein",

chunk[20] = {
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mapPinID = "shop_39_city_west_blacksmith",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Ask Zdravko about job",
order = 1342177278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Zdravko about job BA2528ED-4C9D6E72-B5030DAE-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0012819a, -- "Ask Lafargue about the contract."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Zdravko",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zdravko 530A4F6F-49AC9994-1D7E8C94-161CF9CA",
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/th701beargear.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "th701_bear_gear",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "th701_bear_gear",
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world = 11,
title = 0x001212bf, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Ursine Gear"

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baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 41E9EFD3-498E515E-4C195CAF-B9212DA8",
description = 0x001212d5, -- "Witchers of the School of the Bear are
stereotypically thought of as much like their animal patron - in other words, hefty
and hairy. Though stereotypes oft prove divorced from realities, when Geralt
happened on the trail of some diagrams of grandmaster level gear from the School of
the Bear, upon closer investigation he learned he was, in fact, on the trail of
just such a beefy and shaggy colleague. This burly Bear had years ago taken on a
contract at the Tufo Vineyard. He had disappeared soon after, along with the
diagrams he had claimed to have.<br>"
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index = 1,
description = 0x001212d6, -- "The Bear had evidently overestimated his
own strength. This would not have been a problem had it not occurred while he was
tracking a beast in a complex of caves. Geralt found the witcher's remains as well
as his diagrams.<br>"

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title = 0x001227e6, -- "Using your Witcher Senses, find the symbols on
the walls."

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title = 0x00128935, -- "Clear the rubble using the Aard Sign."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/th701catgear.journal:

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title = 0x001212b2, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Feline Gear"

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description = 0x001212d3, -- "While searching for diagrams that would
let him craft grandmaster level gear from the School of the Cat, Geralt happened on
the trail of a tale that looked to be headed towards a tragic ending. The adventure
began with the witcher's afternoon visit to the estate of a certain armorer…<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001212d4, -- "…And concluded in a cave known as the Pits
of Brume, where diagrams had patiently waited long years for one who would find
them. As it so happens, this finder proved to be Geralt. Along the way the story
had featured characters plagued by greed, ambition unfulfilled, and the longing for
freedom and change. Alas, the witcher alone proved fortunate in this tale, for he
finally found what he had set out to seek.<br>"

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title = 0x001212cc, -- "Find the hidden diagrams."

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title = 0x001227d6, -- "Enter the Pits of Brume."

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title = 0x001227d8, -- "Go to Bartolomé de Launay's house."

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title = 0x001212cd, -- "Search the estate."

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index = 6,
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title = 0x0012572d, -- "Go to the ruins of Arthach Palace."
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title = 0x001212ce, -- "Explore the ruins of Arthach Palace."

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chunk[24] = {
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title = 0x00121650, -- "Find the entrance to the Pits of Brume."

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title = 0x001212d1, -- "Read the letter to Bartolomé de Launay."

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index = 10,
title = 0x001212d0, -- "Read the bandit leader's report."

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order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find all set diagrams 972F04A5-44340BE5-3D76D1AC-
index = 11,
title = 0x001261da, -- "Find all the diagrams in the set:"
count = 6,

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/th701gryphongear.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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world = 11,
title = 0x001212b3, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Griffin Gear"

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description = 0x001212d7, -- "Our tale of diagrams for grandmaster level
gear of the School of the Griffin is a sad one. But so be it, as not all tales need
be happy. If you are curious to read on, you should start by knowing that it began
long ago, when a certain witcher was summoned to Fort Ussar.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001212d8, -- "This witcher's name was Jerome, and the
monster contract dangled before him had been nothing but a pretext designed to lure
him. For Jerome's father had simply decided he wanted his son back, a son who had
turned his back on his parents. The problem lay in the fact that Jerome had
despised his father, who was a cruel madman despite claiming to have only the best
intentions. Their meeting did not end well for either, and though in discovering
its nature Geralt managed to assemble a full set of School of the Griffin
grandmaster level diagrams, he could not help but recall a grim adage - that good
intentions did, indeed, pave hell's floor.<br>"

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chunk[7] = {
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title = 0x00121a8a, -- "Explore the ruins of Fort Ussar."

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title = 0x001212e3, -- "Explore Moreau's quarters."

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title = 0x001227e9, -- "Go to the castle on Mont Crane."

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baseName = "Find a keystone",
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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00121894, -- "Find the crystal that activates the portal."

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order = 3489660926,
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chunk[20] = {
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title = 0x0012638b, -- "Put the activating crystal in its place."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Portal activator",
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children = {
title = 0x0012638c, -- "Power the activating crystal using the Aard

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chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Read Jerome's message",
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/th701wolfgear.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 56131783-4B3AE11C-C71A7AB0-C0184A42",
description = 0x001199bc, -- "Geralt himself was of the School of the
Wolf, so it's no surprise he was particularly interested in finding diagrams that
would allow him to craft grandmaster level gear of this brotherhood. He began his
search by visiting elven ruins a certain witcher had visited years before while
protecting the members of an archeological expedition.<br>"

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description = 0x001199bd, -- "Geralt's own exploration of the site ended
in the cellars beneath the ruins. Our hero learned the scholars had reached a spot
haunted by elven specters. Both the learned men and the witcher escorting them had
perished at the wraiths' hands. Geralt proved a mite luckier. He not only emerged
from the ruins alive, but he also found all the diagrams he had gone there to
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title = 0x001257a1, -- "Find the key that opens the barrier in the
passage to the underground chambers."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/veda03.journal:

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description = 0x0011d9ae, -- "While strolling along the banks of the
Sansretour, Geralt came upon a riverboat. Within it, he found the remains of its
captain. The old salt had not parted with his ship's log, even in death. His
curiosity piqued, the witcher proceeded to look through the mariner's notes…<br>"

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description = 0x0011d9af, -- "Geralt thus learned the boat's story,
including how it had run aground. But that was not all, no, that was not all! A
shaelmaar had played a part in the boat's demise. The monster could still be
prowling about. In his ship's log, the captain also mentioned a casket brimming
with jewels. The witcher resolved to kill the beast and find the treasure!<br>"

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description = 0x0011d9b0, -- "All shaelmaars are demanding foes, and
this one proved no different. Yet in his time Geralt had bested beasts far more
ferocious. So he first gutted the monster, then found the chest full of precious

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/vina01.journal:

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title = 0x00126515, -- "Vintner's Contract: Chuchote Cave"

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description = 0x00126516, -- "Passing by Castel Ravello, Geralt came
upon a vintner in desperate need of help. The kind of help only a professional
monster slayer could provide…<br>"

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description = 0x00126517, -- "A professional of the highest order, the
witcher quickly cleared Chuchote Cave of the dangerous arachnomorphs that had
infested it.<br>"
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description = 0x00126518, -- "Contented, the vintner immediately began
to turn the cave into a wine store, though not before he had suitably compensated
the professional who had helped him.!<br>"

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title = 0x0012651a, -- "Return to the contract giver."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/vinb03.journal:

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description = 0x00126b8a, -- "As he was roaming wine country, Geralt was
not at all surprised to come upon a vintner. Nor was he surprised to learn the
vintner needed a witcher's help…<br>"

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description = 0x00126b8b, -- "The vintner had acquired a property that
had come with some very nasty tenants - a pack of ghouls. The witcher quickly
exterminated the filthy, stinking beasts.<br>"
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description = 0x00126b8c, -- "The vintner was contented and generous
towards the witcher when paying for his hard work. The witcher was likewise
contented and proceeded on his way.<br>"

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title = 0x00126b89, -- "Return to the contract giver."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/vinb05.journal:

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title = 0x001210dd, -- "Around the World in… Eight Days"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 628BEF20-40027F6F-5CEC9797-7F7DEE0C",
description = 0x001210de, -- "Traversing the fairytale duchy of
Toussaint, Geralt came upon a gang of degenerate scoundrels. Unhappy with their lot
in life, they promptly ran at him, then enthusiastically skewered themselves on his
sword. The witcher searched their camp and found some interesting notes…<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note F27BA3CF-424CA83D-FCC9F6BA-06A63C92",
index = 1,
description = 0x001210df, -- "From these he learned of an ill-fated
traveler, a nobleman from Caravista, one Conrad Veidt. Veidt had bet his friends he
could traverse the entire Continent in just eighty days! Alas, his journey ended
after just eight days, in Toussaint, where his wagon, loaded with supplies to last
the entire trek, wound up at the bottom of a lake.<br>"

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index = 2,
description = 0x001210e0, -- "Geralt decided to find the wagon once
belonging to Veidt, an adventurer who had fallen prey to highway robbers. The
witcher, too, was a traveler and explorer. As such he knew a planned voyage of this
sort required the one undertaking it to prepare for all eventualities. This
included carrying valuables. So he found the site of the traveler's demise, where
he dispatched another gang of bandits seeking to nab the adventurer's load. Then
lickety-split he dove in and picked the sunken wagon clean of all things

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title = 0x001210e1, -- "Read the bandit's notes."

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title = 0x001210e2, -- "Find the sunken wagon in the lake."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/ww_cor_04.journal:

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title = 0x00126796, -- "Coin Doesn't Stink"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start EA1FBDC6-49478962-04992093-19C89170",
description = 0x00126791, -- "While helping Liam de Coronata restore his
vineyard to its former glory, Geralt, nosy as ever, came upon a letter…<br>"

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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 80DBA333-43B115D8-44F8CBAA-04FBB3EF",
index = 1,
description = 0x00126792, -- "He learned of a worker at Coronata who had
been disloyal to his employer, selling spiced wine on the side at quite a premium.
The gold he had earned through his wicked ways now lay buried…. beneath a pile of

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index = 2,
description = 0x00126793, -- "A kayran's mucous, the excretions of grave
hags - in the face of these and other forms of filth, the witcher had always
remained undeterred. So a healthy, natural, rotting pile of compost could never
rattle him. He plunged his arms into the heap and pulled out a hefty pouch. Its
contents would be his, he decided, recompense for the nauseating stench he had had
to endure.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "No Quest Start 6979992A-4E6755C7-7D7B6284-ABE0B5C7",
index = 3,
description = 0x001286ca, -- "While traversing the roads and backwoods
of Toussaint, Geralt happened upon two wild rock trolls who seemed vehemently to
want disembowel the witcher. As he had through his life grown attached to his
entrails, he drew his sword and defeated the beasts in a spectacular struggle.
While ferreting about the area where they had fought, the witcher found an
interesting letter…<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 642E2268-47B853C2-3C75E4A7-B774C941",
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title = 0x0012678f, -- "Read the letter."

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baseName = "Find Treasure",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Treasure B752FA4C-47567744-09E626BA-DF48BD97",
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title = 0x00126790, -- "Find the stash in the manure pile."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/wwbelgard.journal:

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title = 0x001263fa, -- "Wine Wars: Belgaard"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Coronata Start 640C216F-43E96098-ADB793AA-AF9EB6CE",
description = 0x001263af, -- "Belgaard had been the jewel in Toussaint's
crown of vineyards. Yet since the death of its owner, Count Crespi, it had fallen
on hard times. The ducal clerk had been tasked with finding a new steward, but only
one who stood to restore Belgaard's reputation and fame.<br>Upon arriving, Geralt
saw at once that he would have much to do here, too. The vineyard was in serious
trouble. Liam promptly promised a bulbous purse, so the witcher once again agreed
to help.<br>"

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description = 0x001263ae, -- "Belgaard had been the jewel in Toussaint's
crown of vineyards. Yet since the death of its owner, Count Crespi, it had fallen
on hard times. The ducal clerk had been tasked with finding a new steward, but only
one who stood to restore Belgaard's reputation and fame. Whether she liked it or
not, Matilda Vermentino was once again forced to ask the witcher for help…<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Consorcium Start 73FE4894-45D06C7F-5FC152B3-
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description = 0x001263ad, -- "Belgaard had been the jewel in Toussaint's
crown of vineyards. Yet since the death of its owner, Count Crespi, it had fallen
on hard times. The ducal clerk had been tasked with finding a new steward, but only
one who stood to restore Belgaard's reputation and fame.<br>The inspection yielded
one conclusion - Liam de Coronata's and Matilda Vermentino's newly formed
consortium faced quite the challenge. And the witcher once again had much to do…

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Belgard End 877A87F8-4ED6BF86-B1BD6AA6-8CE347B6",
index = 3,
description = 0x001263ac, -- "Naturally, the witcher rose to the
challenge. But would you ever expect anything less? He did Liam and Matilda a vast
favor, yet this did little to mend their tenuous relationship. Belgaard's new co-
owners remained aloof towards one another. The witcher could only hope that their
working side by side would in time foster greater trust.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Belgard Consorcium End",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Belgard Consorcium End 95343A3F-48FF49AB-EE6A78BC-
index = 4,
description = 0x001263b0, -- "Thanks to the witcher, the Belgaard
Vineyard could shine once more. Relations between Liam and Matilda were also
improving, the two young co-owners now clearly fond of one another. After paying
the witcher a generous reward, they asked him to look in on them in a while,
promising a surprise…<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Coronata Belgaard End",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Coronata Belgaard End 7BA8F241-476E581B-8A790AAE-
index = 5,
description = 0x0012774f, -- "Naturally, the witcher rose to the
challenge. But would you ever expect anything less? He rid Belgaard of its problems
and the vineyard could shine once more. Pleased with the developments, the ducal
clerk could now hand the title to the vineyard to the ambitious Liam, who in turn
rewarded the witcher generously. Our hero thus set off on his Path, pleased with
himself for a job well done.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Vermentino Belgaard End",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vermentino Belgaard End 8447C88F-45B1780B-B7BC74AF-
index = 6,
description = 0x00127754, -- "Naturally, the witcher rose to the
challenge. But would you ever expect anything less? He rid Belgaard of its problems
and the vineyard could shine once more. Pleased with the developments, the ducal
clerk could now hand the title to the vineyard to the ambitious Matilda, who in
turn rewarded the witcher generously. Our hero thus set off on his Path, pleased
with himself for a job well done.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Far End Gift",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Far End Gift AF4B954C-4E8569FE-6774F787-581E99A5",
index = 7,
description = 0x001276e8, -- "This tale had begun with wine and
vineyards, and it was with wine in a vineyard that it came to an end. The wine in
question had been made with Geralt in mind. It was final proof of Matilda
Vermentino's and Liam de Coronata's gratitude. For the witcher had not only helped
them grow their enterprise, he had also caused them to realize they had feelings
for one another, feelings that now sprouted and bloomed. Quite the matchmaker
Geralt proved to be. Who could've known?<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "NoTeleportStart",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NoTeleportStart 38259092-40434434-7535D3B8-26BCB917",
index = 8,
description = 0x00127737, -- "Geralt had become deeply involved in the
matter of the Belgaard Vineyard's transfer to a new owner. So when the ducal clerk
asked him for yet another favor, he could hardly refuse and promised to visit this
estate that was said to produce exceptional wine…<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 934A3BA9-4FFB75CE-B038DCBF-43467464",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Solve Belgard Vineyard problems",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Solve Belgard Vineyard problems B1FF16F6-4223B5D3-
children = {
title = 0x00125978, -- "Solve all of Belgaard vineyard's problems."
count = 5,

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_ww_poi_bel_5_mp 95A59052-4F7CC297-BD3984A6-
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mapPinID = "lw_ww_poi_bel_8_mp",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Return to Mathilda",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Mathilda 05F0A62A-452EBE0E-455C13A9-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0012639d, -- "Go see Matilda."

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_vineyard_owner_mathilda E171903C-4E98B0C7-
mapPinID = "sq703_vineyard_owner_mathilda",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Return to Liam",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Liam C8E97C10-44CB7C92-8B145A8A-67E882BD",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0012639e, -- "Go see Liam."

chunk[23] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_vineyard_owner_liam B2EB3666-4A067111-7CC87BA7-
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chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Return to Mathilda and Liam",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Mathilda and Liam 81B72982-4E146BEF-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0012639f, -- "Go see Liam and Matilda."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "sq703_vineyard_owner_mathilda",
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chunk[26] = {
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chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Travel to Belgaard",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Travel to Belgaard 0E021427-44BC3A76-29354FBB-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001264c3, -- "Go to Belgaard."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "lw_ww_belgard_area_mappin",
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radius = 12.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_ww_belgard_area_mappin",

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Wait 3 Days",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait 3 Days 26370BCC-4039F7AD-AE306782-15897933",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0012773c, -- "Wait 3 days, then go see Liam and Matilda."

chunk[30] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_vineyard_owner_mathilda_wait C713811A-46DA0840-
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mapPinID = "sq703_vineyard_owner_liam",

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Recieve a Gift",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Recieve a Gift 8C7EA26C-48FEE1C9-03280E8B-C71EED5C",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0012774e, -- "Go see Liam and Matilda."

chunk[33] = {
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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/wwbelgardsecret.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ww_belgard_secret",
order = 4294964222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ww_belgard_secret 060EE78A-4B7A92A4-B4DF28A4-
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x001262e0, -- "Wine Wars: The Deus in the Machina"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9BCEC571-4A8C59C4-CA3E8EBC-D5511A5A",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start from both clues",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start from both clues A06DA528-49ECD9B4-FF4971B0-
description = 0x001262e6, -- "From the start, both Matilda and Liam
insisted the problems at their vineyards had not appeared out of thin air.
Naturally, they accused one another of foul play. Geralt suspected there was more
to the matter, and yet again his intuition proved true. While solving the problems
at the vineyards, he had happened on some notes. These suggested someone had
intentionally planted archespores amidst the vines at both estates. The witcher had
also found a key to the shelter where saplings of the beastly plants had been

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Warehouse too late",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Warehouse too late 961CD569-43D13293-C52B3BB3-
index = 1,
description = 0x001262e8, -- "The dugout was almost completely empty. At
any rate, the witcher found nothing to help him identify the individual behind the
sabotage at Coronata and Vermentino. The mystery remained unsolved.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Warehouse evidence found",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Warehouse evidence found 529F77F8-4BDDD630-DB41EC90-
index = 2,
description = 0x001262e9, -- "Geralt searched the dugout and learned
that the sabotage at Coronata and Vermentino had been the brainchild of Count
Vladimir Crespi.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Evidence Ignored",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Evidence Ignored 2E14F7BE-424AD39F-C02204A7-
index = 3,
description = 0x001262ea, -- "Yet Geralt, for reasons known only to him,
decided to keep the saboteur's identity to himself. Why, you might ask. Well, not
even the greatest poets know the answer to that. Not even I know. For as they say,
"witchers, like cats, walk their own paths.""

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Consorcium created",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Consorcium created 5CEF8D44-4E1C3E5B-85730CB0-
index = 4,
description = 0x001262eb, -- "What Geralt had learned shed new light on
the dispute between Liam and Matilda. It seemed Count Crespi had intentionally
incited the quarrel between them. They decided to do him one better. Liam and
Matilda settled their differences and formed a consortium.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Start from warehouse",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start from warehouse B28A6111-4DE3CF9B-46A09893-
index = 5,
description = 0x00126b1e, -- "While roaming the wild Caroberta Woods,
Geralt came upon an abandoned dugout, its door locked. Earlier, while helping
Matilda Vermentino with her vineyard, the witcher had come across an abandoned camp
overgrown by thorny archespores. He had found a key amidst the camp's remains. Our
hero can be nosy at times, so he now tried that key in the door of the dugout.
Voilà! The door swung open slowly, and Geralt entered to see what was inside…<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Start from POI",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start from POI 43F318A2-44ADE05D-F667409E-24442B0B",
index = 6,
description = 0x0012859e, -- "Toussaint is a land where spilling some
wine is at times a greater crime than spilling some blood. Family vendettas,
killings, poisonings - essentially events that could be termed wine wars - had once
been the daily fare. In this day and age, however, vintners no longer resorted to
such drastic measures, yet occasional sabotage remained an intrinsic element of
competition in their domain… While traversing the duchy, Geralt happened upon
evidence of just such a "wine dispute." He decided to look into the matter…<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "End from POI",
order = 4194303998,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End from POI E128289A-4CCF6599-9EF0F4B8-10C90855",
index = 7,
description = 0x0012859f, -- "In pursuing his investigation to the end,
the witcher discovered a nursery full of yellow archespore saplings hidden amidst
the trees at the edge of the Caroberta Woods. From the notes he found there he
learned that the crafty Count Crespi had been infesting vineyards competing against
him with the deadly plants. Thus, through a string of coincidences, Geralt learned
just how highly the Toussaintois valued their wines, so much so they were prepared
to commit murder in the name of the vine. Indeed, it seems travel does broaden the

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Gathering clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gathering clues 557656E6-4D8EA6BC-00E093A6-75334664",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Locate the warehouse",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Locate the warehouse 5FCDA701-47933FC0-291294A2-
children = {
title = 0x001262e3, -- "Find the place mentioned in the letter."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "lw_ww_finding_archespores_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_ww_finding_archespores_mappin 8EFF39F2-4BC73FA9-
radius = 16.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_ww_finding_archespores_mappin",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Conclusion",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Conclusion 21F7C93E-425B266F-EE3EA887-B30AFEE7",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Search the warehouse using witcher senses",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the warehouse F4DC72F9-44D70FE7-64F333A3-
children = {
title = 0x00126294, -- "Search the warehouse using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "lw_ww_search_cellar_mappin",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_ww_search_cellar_mappin 1703134E-4EF917C3-
radius = 12.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_ww_search_cellar_mappin",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Inform vineyard owner about the plot",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Inform vineyard owner about the plot 71117610-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00126295, -- "Talk to Liam and Matilda."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "sq703_vineyard_official",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_vineyard_official 2E19D623-42BC48F4-9B1E0C8C-
mapPinID = "sq703_vineyard_official",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Kill the archespor",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the archespor A3F843F9-48D52040-4289FDB3-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00126296, -- "Defeat the archespore."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "lw_ww_warehouse_archespor",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_ww_warehouse_archespor A7DEE62A-4003C10C-689DE0BE-
mapPinID = "lw_ww_warehouse_archespor",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Read the notes found in the warehouse",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read the notes found in the warehouse FBAE3C40-
index = 3,
title = 0x001262c1, -- "Read the mysterious letter."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Destroy archespore bulbs",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Destroy archespore bulbs 67B4C835-4A77B6FF-922B2294-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00127b26, -- "[Optional] Destroy the archespore seedlings."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "lw_ww_destroy_bulbs",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_ww_destroy_bulbs AAD48BF1-4A09EF59-F03180B8-
radius = 4.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_ww_destroy_bulbs",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/wwcoronata.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ww_coronata",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ww_coronata",
children = {
world = 11,
title = 0x00126225, -- "Wine Wars: Coronata"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A58D2577-4B85AAC3-E2880B89-C08E5639",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start DF711D52-4F86FFFE-DE305DB8-109AEC67",
description = 0x0012622d, -- "Wine is important - this we all know. Yet
in Toussaint wine is sacred. When Geralt found himself embroiled in a dispute
between two great winemaking families, represented by Matilda Vermentino and Liam
de Coronata, he knew he was treading on shaky ground… Nonetheless, he took a side,
resolving to help Liam deal with the problems at his vineyard.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Belgard to Coronata End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Belgard to Coronata End 89A21FD4-45EE88E5-8B5D4E97-
index = 1,
description = 0x0012622e, -- "The witcher's efforts paid off handsomely
for Liam. The ducal clerk had come to consider Coronata's owner a trustworthy
steward, one who would in turn take good care of Belgaard.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Consorcium Created End",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Consorcium Created End 41F178E7-40B2FA79-9223BB95-
index = 2,
description = 0x00126231, -- "The circumstances changed as quickly as a
wildfire might dash through a vineyard in a drought. Geralt soon discovered that a
third party was behind the problems at Coronata and Vermentino. He shared this news
with the vineyards' owners. Prodded by the ducal clerk, they accepted their
continuing feud made little sense and agreed to form a consortium.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Belgard to Vermentino",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Belgard to Vermentino 15C4C7DA-4D267686-94ACD894-
index = 3,
description = 0x0012622f, -- "The witcher's aid had come too late, and
Liam de Coronata lost his chance to take control of Belgaard. Nonetheless, he
proved an upstanding man, paying the reward he had promised in full.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Coronata POIs End",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Coronata POIs End 2CD48B4A-4FD999C0-2FD23F92-
index = 4,
description = 0x00126230, -- "Luckily, Geralt had faced and handily
overcome far greater adversity in the past. So he easily solved the troubles
plaguing Coronata. He then headed off to find Liam, expecting gratitude and a
sizeable purse.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Uneasy Alliance Coronata created End",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Uneasy Alliance Coronata created End 2ED40042-
index = 5,
description = 0x00127ba2, -- "Yet Liam was not alone in requiring the
witcher's aid. When Matilda Vermentino approached him for help, Geralt could not
bring himself to turn her down. Surprisingly, once the two vineyards' problems had
been resolved, Matilda and Liam decided to form a consortium to conquer al their
competitors on the Toussaint wine market."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives CD115D1B-427A6278-1C7E5983-AE8F817A",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "[Optional] Investigate Vermentino for proof of sabotage",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[Optional] Investigate Vermentino for proof of
title = 0x00126b1c, -- "[Optional] Search Vermentino and find proof of

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "[Optional] Read the note found in Coronata",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[Optional] Read the note found in Coronata 126B0592-
index = 1,
title = 0x0012628c, -- "[Optional] Read the note you found at Coronata."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Help Coronata Vineyard",
order = 134217727,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Coronata Vineyard EBFDEF22-41B559A5-934A76B8-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00126224, -- "Deal with all the problems at the Coronata
count = 5,

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mapPinID = "lw_poi_ww_cor_5_mp",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Return to Coronata Owner",
order = 201326590,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Coronata Owner C58AA4CF-40745CFD-614B92A7-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001259ab, -- "Inform Liam that you've resolved all his
problems and help him take control of Belgaard."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "sq703_vineyard_owner_liam",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_vineyard_owner_liam 6792D949-4A5D554E-93D10BAA-
mapPinID = "sq703_vineyard_owner_liam",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Return Coronata or keep searching",
order = 234881022,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return Coronata or keep searching 5BF5E5C5-46D94E5F-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001283ee, -- "Without investigating Vermentino's problems, let
Liam take over Belgaard, or continue investigating and deal with Matilda's

chunk[22] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_vineyard_owner_liam 9AAB8EF1-4351B6AF-60168397-
mapPinID = "sq703_vineyard_owner_liam",

-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/wwinitial.journal:

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title = 0x001266d8, -- "Wine Wars: Belgaard"

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start D53DFE3E-4D1BE314-EF5C0A92-A220C5A2",
description = 0x001266d9, -- "Perusing a notice board in Toussaint,
Geralt found the appeal of a ducal clerk. The clerk was seeking all manner of
vagabonds, knights errant and mercenaries. The posting did not seem to be an offer
of witcher's work, even so Geralt decided to learn more about this mystery

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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End A76D5466-4D091041-0A6FCA84-94EB457B",
index = 1,
description = 0x001276e7, -- "The clerk needed assistance. He was to
find a new owner and steward for the Belgaard Vineyard, which at the time remained
the property of the duchy. The owners of two other vineyards were competing for
control of Belgaard. They were Matilda Vermentino and Liam de Coronata.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 81301669-408BEDE7-DA45F285-CA63334C",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Talk to the official at Plegmund Bridge and learn more about
Belgaard sale",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the official at Plegmund Bridge and learn
more about Belgaard sale 42327C9F-4AE2BDB8-51AF5B85-7B598CFE",
children = {
title = 0x001266db, -- "Go to the place where the auction will be held."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/wwver13.journal:

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children = {
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title = 0x0012666c, -- "Don't Take Candy from a Stranger"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start CBC71BA0-4518B5C7-7F8CDB8A-084D0C38",
description = 0x0012666d, -- "While tending to the problems at Matilda
Vermentino's vineyard, Geralt happened on a curious note.<br>"

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baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 5EF0E141-43C6B18A-9C9EC580-FE881C17",
index = 1,
description = 0x0012666e, -- "It suggested one Augustin Tonneliay had
not been an honest man. Somewhere within the confines of the vineyard, he had
stashed a considerable sum - his proceeds from illicit sales.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End DE61A504-4AF83916-37A33A99-40F42A21",
index = 2,
description = 0x0012666f, -- "Geralt found the treasure chest and
emptied it of its valuable store. The now-dead, dishonest Augustine simply no
longer needed it.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "No Quest Start",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "No Quest Start FC7853E5-43D15A21-9DA5DF81-3DC121BD",
index = 3,
description = 0x001286c9, -- "While milling about the duchy's highroads
and tracts, Geralt happened on a secluded hut. Alas, even the fragrant herbs
growing all around it could not mask the stench of the rotfiends feeding nearby.
The witcher set his silver sword in motion, then found an interesting note on the
body on which the now dead necrophages had been feeding…<br>"

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baseName = "Objectives",
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index = 1,
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note D1CF3E4F-42376AFC-DFA0FDB7-54051798",
title = 0x00126670, -- "Read Augustine Tonneliay's journal."
world = 12,

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baseName = "find gold",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find gold E8EEEB34-44732FB4-979B86A5-7705E456",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00126671, -- "Find the chest hidden in the sunflower field."

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-- dlc/bob/journal/quests/wwvermentino.journal:

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baseName = "ww_vermentino",
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title = 0x00126226, -- "Wine Wars: Vermentino"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 9892BD5E-47943A10-D8A89C95-8C44E918",
description = 0x00126228, -- "In the duchy of wine there is nothing more
important than this noblest of beverages. And when two important winemaking
families began to quarrel over which would assume control of one of the duchy's
oldest vineyards, all knew sparks would fly… Fully aware of the circumstances,
Geralt nonetheless decided to help Matilda Vermentino deal with the troubles at her
vineyard, even if this meant making Liam de Coronata his foe.<br>"

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baseName = "Belgard to Vermentino End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Belgard to Vermentino End 3BCF4666-43EA4C1C-3003F2BD-
index = 1,
description = 0x00126229, -- "The witcher had helped, and the Vermentino
Vineyard could bloom again. To the ducal clerk, this was proof Matilda was an able
steward. He now believed she would also manage Belgaard well.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Belgard to Coronata",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Belgard to Coronata 2B6FEB28-4A46EEF9-BE818B8C-
index = 2,
description = 0x0012622a, -- "The witcher dawdled in tending to the
Vermentino Vineyard's problems. Alas for Matilda, who lost her chance to take over
Belgaard, the title to which would now go to her rival, Liam de Coronata.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Consorcium Created End",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Consorcium Created End 4FF55460-425AE016-556A34B6-
index = 3,
description = 0x0012622c, -- "While tending to the problems at
Vermentino, Geralt had found proof that a third party was behind the troubles
there. He realized this knowledge could be valuable to Matilda and Liam, and
decided to share it with them both.<br>Yet again his intuition did not fail him.
Coronata's and Vermentino's owners realized they could gain by joining forces and
possibly lose much by continuing to quarrel. They resolved from that day forward to
cooperate - more, to form a consortium.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vermentino POIs End",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vermentino POIs End 21710E82-46F31611-AD60E38C-
index = 4,
description = 0x0012622b, -- "It was not easy, but the witcher managed
to resolve the troubles plaguing the Vermentino Vineyard. Pleased with a job well
done, he headed back to Matilda to collect his pay.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Uneasy Alliance Vermentino created End",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Uneasy Alliance Vermentino created End D6E50E3A-
index = 5,
description = 0x00127ba3, -- "Geralt concluded that it would be unfair
of him to help Matilda alone while leaving poor Liam out in the cold. Thus he
decided to resolve the problems that Liam claimed had appeared at the Coronata
Vineyard. With this accomplished and with the ducal clerk doing some prodding of
his own, the two young vintners concluded they would benefit more from striking up
an alliance than from continuing their feud. Thus they formed a consortium and
continued to produce wines under a single enterprise name."

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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "[Optional] Investigate Coronata for proof of sabotage",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[Optional] Investigate Coronata for proof of
title = 0x00126b1d, -- "[Optional] Search Coronata for proof of

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "[Optional] Read the note found in Vermentino",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[Optional] Read the note found in Vermentino
index = 1,
title = 0x0012628d, -- "[Optional] Read the notes found at the
Vermentino Vineyard."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Help Vermentino Vineyard",
order = 134217727,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Vermentino Vineyard D4B2B5B3-45C21BCE-8B03048B-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00126227, -- "Solve all the problems at the Vermentino
count = 5,

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chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Return to Vermentino Owner",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Vermentino Owner A0030C71-470178AC-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001259b0, -- "Inform Matilda that you've solved all her
problems at Vermentino."

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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Return Vermentino or Keep Searching",
order = 234881022,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return Vermentino or Keep Searching 8DC21B8B-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001283ef, -- "Without investigating Coronata's problems, let
Matilda take over Belgaard, or continue investigating and deal with Liam's

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq703_vineyard_owner_mathilda 9AF22AF6-4569665F-
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-- dlc/dlc10/journal/quests/dlc10.journal:

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-- dlc/dlc10/journal/quests/wolftreasurehuntset.journal:
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Wolf Set",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wolf Set ECDA507B-4902A54F-85D7CAA9-E26BF51C",
children = {
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title = 0x0010aa71, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear"

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description = 0x0010aa74, -- "Gathering a good set of gear is a matter
of life and death for a witcher. It came as no surprise, then, that Geralt was
delighted when he picked up the trail of a high-quality bit of Wolf School
equipment, and it likewise came as no surprise when he decided to follow this

chunk[5] = {
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index = 1,
description = 0x0010aa75, -- "In the end Geralt found diagrams to all
the elements of Wolf School witcher gear. While hunting for them, he learned the
story of the witcher Varin and Hieronymus the mage, and also found out how upgraded
components of witcher gear were first created."

chunk[6] = {
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title = 0x0010aac8, -- "Read the mage Hieronymus' notes."

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title = 0x0010aac9, -- "Read Varin's last words."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Find missing cristal generator",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find missing cristal generator",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010b747, -- "Find the missing crystal needed to power the

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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Mount the cristal",
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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010b748, -- "Mount the crystal in the generator and charge it
using a Sign."

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baseName = "Mount the cristal in teleport",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mount the cristal in teleport",
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children = {
title = 0x0010b7aa, -- "Go through Hieronymus' portal and examine what's
on the other side."

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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0010eba7, -- "Enter Hieronymus' portal and explore the
location on the other side."

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index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0010e931, -- "Go through the mage Hieronymus' portal and
explore the location on the other side using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[21] = {
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index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x0010e92c, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to examine the portal's

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index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x0010eba2, -- "Search the ruins of the signal tower near Kaer

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chunk[29] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0010eba3, -- "Search the ruined watchtower near Kaer Morhen."

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title = 0x0010aa9a, -- "Find the diagrams to all elements of Wolf School
witcher gear."
count = 6,
chunk[33] = {
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item = "Wolf Armor schematic",

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Wolf Gloves",
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item = "Wolf Gloves schematic",

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Wolf Pants",
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index = 2,
item = "Wolf Pants schematic",

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Wolf Boots",
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index = 3,
item = "Wolf Boots schematic",

chunk[37] = {
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index = 4,
item = "Wolf school sliver sword schematic",

chunk[38] = {
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index = 5,
item = "Wolf school steel word schematic",

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Find out why Varin jumped",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find out why Varin jumped",
index = 12,
children = {
title = 0x0010b8f9, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find out what drove
the person who fled to jump."

chunk[40] = {
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title = 0x0010eba6, -- "Read Chird's journal."

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "Becks homestead - silver sword",
order = 4294967286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Becks homestead - silver sword 6FB34F3C-456FD5AF-
index = 14,
children = {
title = 0x0010aac2, -- "Search the workshop's ruins."

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chunk[45] = {
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index = 15,
title = 0x0010aac6, -- "Read the mage Hieronymus' journal."

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title = 0x0010aac7, -- "Read Varin's journal."

chunk[47] = {
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index = 17,
children = {
title = 0x0010aac4, -- "Search the ruined tower."

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-- dlc/dlc10/journal/quests/wolfupgrades1b.journal:

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-- dlc/dlc10/journal/quests/wolfupgrades2.journal:
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Diagrams - Part 3"

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out to find them in hopes of improving his equipment."

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-- dlc/dlc10/journal/quests/wolfupgrades2b.journal:

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Diagrams - Part 4"

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diagrams. He set out to find them in hopes of improving his equipment."

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out to find them in hopes of improving his equipment."

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-- dlc/dlc10/journal/quests/wolfupgrades3b.journal:

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contained markings showing the locations of caches of old Wolf School witcher
diagrams. He set out to find them in hopes of improving his equipment."

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-- dlc/dlc12/journal/quests/dlc12.journal:

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-- dlc/dlc12/journal/quests/dlcmq2052reversedmonsterhunt.journal:

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title = 0x0010a33a, -- "Contract: Skellige's Most Wanted"

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description = 0x0010a342, -- "During his time in the village of Fyresdal
Geralt learned of a contract on a monster said to have attacked a merchant and his
cart. The merchant in question was very insistent that a witcher investigate this
matter and kill the beast."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start found wagon",
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description = 0x0010a343, -- "Geralt refused to help the Skelliger, but
then during his later travels happened across the damaged cart. Since he was
already there, he decided to look for tracks…"

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description = 0x0010a344, -- "The trail ended as had so many before it -
in a cave. This cave was different from its predecessors, however - inside were
crude drawings showing a carefully planned attempt to take Geralt's life. From the
last of these the witcher gleaned the location of a meeting of his would-be
assassins. He decided to attend..."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End spared",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010a345, -- "Geralt found the monsters who had plotted
a deadly trap for him, but soon realized these misguided beasts did not deserve
death. Yet the pack's aggressive leader, a werewolf, burned with such hatred for
Geralt that he attacked, even though his companions refused to join. The witcher
quickly slew the werewolf, but left the other monsters unharmed."

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a deadly trap for him. The pack's aggressive leader, a werewolf, burned with such
hatred for Geralt that he convinced two of the others - a doppler and a troll - to
join him in attacking Geralt. The entire threesome died from the witcher's sword.
Of the conspirators, only the godling survived, having snuck off somewhere before
the fighting grew fierce."

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description = 0x00109e9c, -- "The inhabitants of Honorton had a problem
- one only a witcher could resolve. A monster they unhelpfully called a "spook" was
haunting the woods near their village. Geralt decided to see what kind of beast it
really was. And then kill it."

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children = {
title = 0x00109e9d, -- "Talk to the ealdorman of Honorton about his
contract for a witcher."

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title = 0x00109f4c, -- "Kill the necrophages."

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-- dlc/dlc15/journal/quests/dlcmq1058lynxwitcher.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "mq1058 The Village X Massacare",
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title = 0x00109e8e, -- "Where the Cat and Wolf Play..."
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baseName = "Start Village Found",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Village Found EA458488-45052335-8642AE87-
description = 0x00109e8f, -- "Life in Velen is not easy. Bandits and
monsters prowl the woods. Armies trample the fields and raid the granaries. Disease
is on everyone's lips - literally. Yet, as the popular saying in those parts went,
nothing's so bad that it can't get worse - the truth of which the inhabitants of
Honorton learned in the most brutal way possible. Their entire village was
murdered, leaving only necrophages to walk the paths between its huts."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start Contract Invalid",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Contract Invalid 8D41BDA7-410036D8-EC7822B0-
index = 1,
description = 0x00109e90, -- "Geralt would often state that every
witcher contract is the same. Read a notice, find who posted it, argue over the
reward, seek out witnesses, etc., ad nauseam. I, however, always held that beneath
these superficial similarities lay an ocean of difference. For example, Geralt
would sometimes discover his employers had brought the beast upon themselves, while
other times he'd learn killing the monster in question was but part of someone's
larger (usually nefarious) scheme. And once, in Honorton... Ah, now that was
another contract altogether."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Twist Witcher",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Twist Witcher 421F699D-43BCDA9C-1A02B1A6-F8D74F9A",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109e91, -- "It turned out the brutal perpetrator of
the massacre of Honorton was not a monster nor even a bandit, but one of Geralt's
fellow practitioners - a witcher from the ill-famed School of the Cat."

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baseName = "End Killed",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Killed 3D38A3BB-43644405-D5D87083-7731411C",
index = 3,
description = 0x00109e92, -- "Geralt held his duty was to protect
sentient beings from threats no others could vanquish - no matter whether the
beings in question were cheats or saints. Gaetan had proven himself just such a
threat, so Geralt paid no heed to his justifications and killed his fellow

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "End Cat Lives",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Cat Lives 17711487-4C77A949-FA649996-5B974EE4",
index = 4,
description = 0x00109e93, -- "Gaetan, a witcher from the School of the
Cat, murdered people he had sworn to protect. They themselves were, to say the
least, not without sin - instead of showing due gratitude for his completion of a
dangerous contract, they had tried to take his life in an underhanded manner. Be
that as it may, if the matter had been put before a judge, Gaetan would have surely
ended on the gallows. But Geralt was no judge. He was a witcher."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Girl in Rudnik",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Girl in Rudnik 811CA04D-46A739E2-D83493B1-C09A3CD8",
index = 5,
description = 0x0010a92c, -- "As for the little girl who was the sole
survivor of the massacre, the witcher did the only thing he could - he took her to
her kin. He then bid farewell, hoping she would be given a warm nook to sleep in
and a bowl of nourishing vittles every evening."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "End Failed",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Failed 5B9A5653-46A655C6-C82051B9-72266195",
index = 6,
description = 0x0010c046, -- "As for the little girl… to speak truth, I
don't know what became of her. Perhaps she managed to find her aunt in Oreton on
her own. Or perhaps she ended in a wolf's belly."

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chunk[19] = {
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title = 0x00109e97, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find the girl."

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chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Use witcher sense to investigate the stone circle and find Lynx
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title = 0x00109e98, -- "Follow the tracks in the stone circle using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00109e99, -- "Follow the School of the Cat witcher's tracks
using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[43] = {
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title = 0x00109f4d, -- "Go to the School of the Cat witcher's hidden
stash to collect your reward."

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chunk[48] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0010a7df, -- "Escort the girl from Honorton to her relatives
in Oreton."

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-- dlc/dlc15/journal/quests/mq1058catstash.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 6624B777-414AAB4F-5B4156BD-1D8F46DD",
description = 0x0010bf97, -- "Gaetan probably hadn't expected that
Geralt would spare his life. Out of gratitude, he told Geralt where he'd hidden a
stash of goods and said he could take from there whatever he wanted. Then the two
witchers parted ways - and never met again."

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index = 1,
description = 0x0010bf98, -- "It turned out local bandits had found
Gaetan's stash first. Yet before they could seize it and liquidate its assets,
Geralt liquidated them."

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children = {
title = 0x0010c030, -- "Go to the School of the Cat witcher's stash to
collect your reward."

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-- dlc/dlc3/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh201.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh201 : Cave Troll",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh201 : Cave Troll 0D8BEF93-408CE9FC-B6496698-
children = {
name = 0x00108063, -- "Wham-a-Wham"
image = "bestiary_trollmh201.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Ogre Oil 1",

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baseName = "Lup Lup dies",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Description 71554BC7-45C2DB6F-9F028684-FA6371AD",
description = 0x00108064, -- "<br>A certain set of Skellige miners
learned first-hand just how dangerous rock trolls can be. Ignoring all warnings,
they started to mine a rich silver vein in the cave which Wham-a-Wham called home.
They died soon thereafter - crushed or torn to rough bits. Perhaps this was a
justified act of self-defense on the troll's part - but witchers are not judges.
Witchers kill monsters."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Lup Lup lives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lup Lup lives 9154CEB9-424C6CEC-6E7B06A2-63B0635B",
index = 1,
description = 0x001087b1, -- "<br>A certain set of Skellige miners
learned first-hand just how dangerous rock trolls can be. Ignoring all warnings,
they started to mine a rich silver vein in the cave which Wham-a-Wham called home.
They died soon thereafter - crushed or torn to rough bits. This time, a troll's
killings were a justified act of self-defense - after all, the witcher reasoned,
every troll's cave is his castle."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Lul Lup Precombat",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lul Lup Precombat ADC10A58-4FD283DF-D3EEADAC-
index = 2,
description = 0x001095f9, -- "Rock trolls come across as dim-witted,
ponderous, slow - stupid, to be frank. It's easy to dismiss them - and even easier
to enrage them. When this happens, one's best bet is to run as fast as possible,
for an angered rock troll is as deadly as a thundering landslide. This truth held
in the case of the massive rock troll known as Wham-a-Wham. His every blow struck
like a battering ram - meaning one needed either avoid them entirely or protect
oneself with the Quen Sign. Its hard skin meant it was near invulnerable to sword
strikes - especially those dealt from behind, where its rock armor is the thickest.
The only hope for defeating it lay in taking advantage of its typical troll
slowness - especially if further exploited using the Yrden Sign."

chunk[7] = {
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index = 3,
description = 0x001097a4, -- "<i>Thems in-walk troll house. Troll say,
"Out mans!" But they wham-a-wham troll rocks. So troll wham, too!</i><br>– Rock
troll known as Wham-a-Wham<br>"

chunk[8] = {
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-- dlc/dlc3/journal/bestiary/dlcogrelike.journal:

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-- dlc/dlc3/journal/quests/dlc3.journal:

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-- dlc/dlc3/journal/quests/mh201cavetroll.journal:
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title = 0x0005ba5f, -- "Talk to the rock troll and decide his fate."

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title = 0x0005a6fd, -- "Take a trophy from the rock troll."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the area 39D51667-45A3AF72-1D25E2AB-
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title = 0x0005a6fb, -- "Investigate the area around the missing miners'
camp using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[24] = {
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title = 0x0005a6fc, -- "Travel to the missing miners' camp."

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chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Start Noticeboard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard 57263079-4D4135F4-36AAA787-
description = 0x00100981, -- "Young men from the village of Blandare had
ventured into the nearby mountains in search of silver. It seemed their expedition
had taken an unfortunate turn, however - and the witcher was tasked with uncovering
their fate.<br>"

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Monster Known",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monster Known 8EE6F784-43D02A79-AC850FA0-1D964C9C",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100982, -- "It turned out a rock troll had taken
residence in the caves near Blandare. Though such trolls are, in a certain sense,
reasoning beings, they are often unthinkingly cruel and violent in their dealings
with men.<br>"

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "End Pro Troll",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Pro Troll 78981E2A-497339CF-ACFEA1BE-3E2A3A7F",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100983, -- "Geralt decided that the troll had a right
to defend its home and did not deserve to die. This naturally did not sit well with
the villagers who had issued the contract, and they refused to pay the witcher a
single copper. And so, not for the first time, Geralt walked away from a job empty-
handed, save for the solace of having listened to his conscience.<br>"

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Start Exploration",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Exploration 4B9ED9AF-444354E9-1D661A88-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100d01, -- "The mountains ridges of Ard Skellig can be
treacherous for those who get distracted by their snow-bound beauty. An errant step
can send one tumbling down a cliff... or stumbling into the den of the monster
whose tracks Geralt happened across while traversing the region...<br>"

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "End Pro Villagers",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Pro Villagers 06F2372B-4FC85B8F-351E1DBB-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100d02, -- "Geralt defeated the rock troll and took
its head to Blandare. He was justly rewarded for his efforts - and the villagers
could now mine silver in peace and enjoy the steady income that entailed. In brief,
everyone had reason to cheer... except for the troll, that is.<br>"

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Twist",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Twist A08070E9-4644109A-1012EDAE-91861FA0",
index = 5,
description = 0x00100d03, -- "It seemed the rock troll was responsible
for the Blandare miners' deaths. Though they knew the cave was inhabited and the
troll warned them he did not take kindly to uninvited guests, the miners were not
deterred. Greed had driven them to risk their lives for a few hunks of ore.<br>"

chunk[33] = {
chunk[34] = {

-- dlc/dlc7/journal/quests/dlc7.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "DLC7",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "DLC7 DE06AC8A-4EEED828-5E1A3AA6-D322B255",
title = 0x0010a470, -- "DLC7"

-- dlc/dlc7/journal/quests/sq107pigs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ107 Pigs",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ107 Pigs 5C8108FD-45D9966D-21960981-F9AFBBD2",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0007f352, -- "Fools' Gold"

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baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions DE3F7BDE-4B77BDE0-34739CB5-BD94B5C4",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "SQ107 Pigs start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_desc_start",
description = 0x001008f9, -- "During his travels through Velen, Geralt
survived many a bizarre adventure, but few more memorable than that which I will
now recount. For who would have thought a routine stop in a village strangely empty
save a few bandits arguing with a local dunce would end in such a curious fashion?
The witcher surely didn't, though he did have his suspicions...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "SQ107 Pigs end (the fool alive)",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_desc_end_good",
index = 1,
description = 0x001008fa, -- "Before long, Geralt had unraveled the
riddle of the Village of the Swine. He discovered its inhabitants had broken into
the treasury of some forgotten god, made off with the gold that was his by divine
right and were cursed into hogs as a result. The witcher lifted the villagers'
curse, but something of the swine must have remained within them, for as soon as
they could utter something more than a grunt, they began tossing around baseless
accusations. Yontek became their scapegoat and Geralt had to defend the poor fool
from lynching. Alas, such is human nature - we are ungrateful and hypocritical to
the point where one almost prefers the company of pigs."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "SQ107 Pigs end (the fool dead)",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ107 Pigs end (the fool dead) 3CFE54D7-45626C4D-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101781, -- "Before long, Geralt had unraveled the
riddle of the Village of the Swine. He discovered its inhabitants had broken into
the treasury of some forgotten god, made off with the gold that was his by divine
right and were cursed into hogs as a result. The witcher lifted the villagers'
curse, but something of the swine must have remained within them, for as soon as
they could utter something more than a grunt, they began tossing around baseless
accusations. Yontek became their scapegoat, and the herd of pigs turned into a
lynch mob. Alas, such is human nature - we are ungrateful and hypocritical to the
point where one almost prefers the company of pigs."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "SQ107 twist - pigs are enchanted",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ107 twist - pigs are enchanted E3E3F2CF-400CA263-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101780, -- "After he dealt with the bandits and talked
to the fool, Yontek, he set about visiting the village's huts and the pigs who
dwelt in them. Yes, that's right - pigs.<br><br>Geralt quickly realized they were
not merely farm animals running amok while their masters were away. After all, in
this time Velen was gripped by famine and people had long ago eaten all domestic
animals. The pigs were, in fact, the cursed inhabitants of the village themselves.
With Yontek's help Geralt started to investigate this curious matter.<br>"

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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Take a look at the pigs",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_look_at_pigs",
children = {
title = 0x0007f353, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to examine the pigs in
the village of Lurtch."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "sq107_pigs_pin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_pigs_pin F0EC9AB3-4DD9D0D5-70194D9E-9852D817",
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baseName = "Talk to the Fool",
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title = 0x0007f354, -- "Talk to Yontek."

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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Reach the Vault",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_reach_vault",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0007f581, -- "Find the hog hut."

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baseName = "Kill the hungry creatures",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_kill_creatures",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000809c1, -- "Kill the wolves attacking the pigs."

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order = 3758096382,
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chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Fight off the raiders",
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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000822df, -- "Defeat the looters."

chunk[20] = {
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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Gather all the pigs under the windmill",
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children = {
title = 0x0007ff41, -- "Gather all the cursed pigs under the windmill."
count = 9,

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index = 1,
title = 0x0007ff5f, -- "Get on a horse."

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baseName = "Follow the fool with the pigs to the Vault",
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index = 2,
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title = 0x0007ff60, -- "Escort Yontek and the cursed pigs to the hog

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chunk[36] = {
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count = 9,

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Axii the pigs to make them follow you",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_axii",
index = 4,
title = 0x0008235e, -- "Use the Axii Sign to make the cursed pigs follow

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title = 0x000813a3, -- "Return to the village for your reward."

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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Examine the Vault for clues",
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00081b39, -- "Look for clues in the hog hut using your Witcher

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baseName = "Move the pigs into the circle",
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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00081b6a, -- "Gather the cursed pigs in the circle."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_roaster 6CC97933-486C239F-6CB5B391-8B34A2EA",
mapPinID = "sq107_roaster",

chunk[55] = {
baseName = "[!debug only!] Hook: Closed Vault Gate",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[!debug only!] Hook: Closed Vault Gate 001964A7-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00081d84, -- "[PL] [DEBUG] [!debug only!] Hook: Closed Vault

chunk[56] = {
baseName = "sq107_pin_vault_gate",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq107_pin_vault_gate DB6771E8-46F03DFF-6F5A039F-
mapPinID = "sq107_pin_vault_gate",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/angryiris.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "AngryIris",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "AngryIris",
children = {
name = 0x001162da, -- "The Wraith from the Painting"
image = "Bestiary_irismonster.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "AngryIris",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "AngryIris E7D93CBB-4A70D0EC-075FFA85-D614728B",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Angry Iris - one and only entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Angry Iris - one and only entry 7A6EAF06-4A6FA340-
description = 0x001162db, -- "<i>Quite often a wraith is tied to an
object, something it clung to during life, or a location, such as its place of
death. In either case, we are dealing with the same causal agent: a strong
emotional tie from which the wraith draws strength.</i><br> – Inigo Swann, “Beyond
the Natural World.”<br><br>While wandering the von Everecs’ abandoned estate,
Geralt came into contact with a woman’s wraith haunting the house. The restless
spirit had mastery over the house’s furnishings and in particular over the
paintings hanging from its walls. It moved freely between their canvasses, entering
one and exiting through another. At first it tried to scare Geralt into giving up
his search, then, when it was clear this strategy would not work, it attacked him
directly.<br><br>Geralt’s battle against the wraith proved very difficult, for it
was fueled by rage and launched its attacks with heated aggression. Geralt was
forced to move with lightning speed in order to parry its blows, without time to
take a breath or launch an attack of his own. What’s more, the wraith had created a
bond with the paintings around it and, until the witcher severed this tie, it would
continually regain any lost strength.<br><br>The key to victory over the Wraith
from the Painting was to focus on parrying its blows and only attack sporadically,
at exactly the right moments. Any attempt to attack in a flurry was always punished
with a deadly counterattack."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues C9062905-4F63EC60-5D52F0A2-0823A255",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 5186ACB8-4ED89A88-C62D30A8-6BC2D0CF",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 93E13A06-4945CC72-909A3EBB-2695E96A",
index = 3,

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/arachnomorf.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "arachnomorf",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "arachnomorf",
children = {
name = 0x001163e3, -- "Arachnomorph"
image = "Bestiary_blackspider.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "arachnomorf entries",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "arachnomorf entries 4DDA3ED6-4EF50FAE-D58C1EAB-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "arachnomorf - entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "arachnomorf - entry 1 68412D18-4F02E35E-02B6519D-
description = 0x001163e2, -- "<i>The spider shall never lie down with
the fly.</i><br>– Ofieri proverb<br><br>A similar saying could gain ground in our
land concerning arachnomorphs and everything unable to flee them – meaning most
every creature in the world. True, the tillers of the earth and fellers of trees
need not fear them in their daily labors, for arachnomorphs, as distant, post-
Conjunction cousins of common spiders, strongly prefer deep, dark caves and
unfrequented sodden swamps. Anyone who does come across them, however, had best
hope his conscience is clear and his worldly affairs are in order, for his life
shall soon end, as not even the fastest man in the world can outrun them and only a
few witchers can hope to slay them. Even worse are the more aggressive and
dangerous kind known as arachnomorph colossi, which are capable of devouring an
entire ox in seconds.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "arachnomorf - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "arachnomorf - entry 2 A085D185-4A3234EC-EB7FC19B-
index = 1,
description = 0x001163f0, -- "Killing an arachnomorph is no easy task,
but there are two approaches which stand a chance of succeeding. Due to the
astonishing speed with which an arachnomorphs can move, there is no point in
chasing it – better instead to choose an advantageous position and wait for it to
strike. The beast will most often try a surprise attack, throwing at its prey a web
which will leave the entangled victim barely able to counter blows, let alone
strike ones of its own. One should thus strive to attack an arachnomorph when steps
back to start weaving its web, seizing this moment of vulnerability before it is
too late.<br><br>Arachnomorphs suffer the effects of most witcher Signs: they can
be stunned with Aard or trapped with Yrden, and the Axii Sign can also be used to
momentarily neutralize them. A wise tactic is to attack them with a crossbow or
bombs and coat one’s blade with insectoid oil.<br><br>One must be exceedingly
careful when fighting an arachnomorph colossus – such a beast needs no time to
weave a new web, having within its sacs a virtually limitless supply of silk. It
can also jump great distances to pin its victim to the ground. Only the Yrden Sign
can hope to slow it."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 15EBA007-4453609E-29A6CAA5-C4270DCF",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 436FA883-47DD8858-3C38A2B6-A0FDD561",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 27E06A60-4303088F-2DBA46B4-4D8E4BCD",
index = 3,

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/boar1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Boar",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "boar",
children = {
name = 0x001162c2, -- "Wild Boars"
image = "Bestiary_boar.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"White Frost 1",
"Beast Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 172A812A-49DF92CF-021CB0BF-9D2F9156",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Boar - entry 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Boar - entry 1 B3494743-41966B61-8A2A05AF-20F08F31",
description = 0x001162c0, -- "<i>How doth the little wild
boar<br>Improve his shining tusks,<br>And rut them ‘gainst the forest floor,<br>And
on the trees’ rough husks!<br><br>How cheerfully he seems to grin<br>How neatly
spreads his claws,<br>And welcomes little lasses in,<br>With gently smiling jaws!
</i><br>Louis of Charolle, mathematician, author and poet<br><br>These woodland
beasts are as “wild” – untamed, nasty and aggressive – as their name indicates. To
this day, many peasants in outlying Kaedweni villages believe wild boars persist on
a diet of young maids, though in truth they most often slate their hunger with
roots and acorns. Do not think this vegetarian diet makes them harmless, however.
In fact, these animals’ stout build and sharp teeth render them veritable fur-
covered combat machines. Mother Nature has additionally equipped them with dual
pairs of tusks - upper "pipes" and lower "sabres" - and this weaponry's sum effect
is to make the beasts the terrors of the woods, a threat to all who venture or
dwell there, human, humanoid and otherwise. Boars also have hard, club-like snouts,
which some peasants call their “whistles,” though no boar has ever been heard to
make such a noise. Instead, they emit a characteristic grunt, which sounds to some
like the snoring of an extremely overweight man. Another peasant belief claims
boars have extremely prickly natures, and, if offended, will vent their anger by
knocking down fences and gobbling up potatoes. Though they sometimes live alone,
boars usually appear in small groups of 3 to 5 specimens.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Boar - entry 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Boar - entry 2 0298DA7B-441DCBB3-5E8A13A2-AA4A5593",
index = 1,
description = 0x001162c1, -- "Boars move with lightning speed and can
attack a foe from the rear with a powerful kick of their hind hooves and slice
those coming at them from the front with their sharp tusks. A wise strategy is to
catch a boar (or boars, if fighting a pack and the possibility arises) in an Yrden
trap, or to set alight their fur with the Igni Sign."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 36B5A9CE-4A33AAAC-E83B5795-C538D3A9",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 96DAFD9E-46F8C09F-98866490-A8C55FF9",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 49E5101B-4D692F00-09E20FA4-81430458",
index = 3,

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/caretaker.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "caretaker",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "caretaker",
children = {
name = 0x001163de, -- "The Caretaker"
image = "Bestiary_caretaker.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "caretaker - one and only entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "caretaker - one and only entry 0B5EE5F0-450229D2-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wpis 1 AD7F00A8-4418EEE3-F323678D-B09EB740",
description = 0x001163df, -- "<i>There are more things in heaven and
earth than are dreamt of in philosophy.</i><br> - Bartolomeo Darez, after trying to
contact creatures from another plane and landing in an insane asylum.<br><br>The
Caretaker served with the indifference of a golem, and proved as fierce in battle
as it was diligent in its labors. It felt no pain – in fact, each blow it received
seemed to give it strength, as did each blow it landed on Geralt with the spade it
wielded as a weapon. What is more, the Caretaker was able to summon powerful
spirits from the graves it had dug and could heal itself by absorbing them. The
witcher had a hard time evading the devastating strikes of its weapon, and his only
chance at wounding the creature came when it would stick its spade in the ground to
draw on otherworldly energy in an attempt to petrify its foes with fright.<br><br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wpis 2 25A848B5-4F353810-096F55B3-91B5DBFF",
index = 1,
description = 0x00116418, -- "The being known as the Caretaker had been
summoned to the von Everec estate from another realm, making "demon" its most
accurate designation. The Caretaker had been forced into servitude by magic. Its
tasks - to care for the house and protect it from intruders. It performed these
pedantically, tending the flowers, repairing the fences, tidying the yard… and
murdering all intruders who set foot on the grounds, then burying their corpses in
neat rows on untended land just beyond the manor garden's bounds."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues E630F319-4BDBE807-95213794-6A0A7E22",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints A81A1A28-450F0CB8-D89EC595-86E3CA20",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 60E34F36-4005B17A-C7686CA5-B3386857",
index = 3,

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/ep1virtualbeasts.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP1VirtualBeasts",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1virtualbeasts",
linkedObjectPath = "gameplay/journal/bestiary/beasts.journal",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/ep1virtualcaretaker.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP1VirtualRelicts",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP1VirtualRelicts 894EE61E-403A2105-0E3EF2B2-
linkedObjectPath = "gameplay/journal/bestiary/relicts.journal",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/ep1virtualfrogprince.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ep1VirtualCursed",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1VirtualFrogPrince",
linkedObjectPath = "gameplay/journal/bestiary/cursed.journal",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/ep1virtualinsectoids.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP1VirtualInsectoids",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1virtualinsectoids",
linkedObjectPath = "gameplay/journal/bestiary/insectoids.journal",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/ep1virtualspectres.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP1VirtualSpectres",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1virtualspectres",
linkedObjectPath = "gameplay/journal/bestiary/spectre.journal",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/etheral.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "etheral",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "etheral",
children = {
name = 0x001163e0, -- "Ethereal"
image = "Bestiary_etheral.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Specter Oil 1",
"Blizzard 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "etereal - one and only entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "etereal - one and only entry E09FBB36-44FE9E96-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 12D71C35-4B376A65-4B250FAC-05082F8E",
description = 0x001163e1, -- "<i>The human mind is as wild and
unexplored a place as any land far beyond the seas. It is inhabited by manifold
dangers – fears, painful memories, traumas. These lurk on the edge of our
consciousness, like predators waiting for a moment of weakness in which to reveal
themselves… and destroy us.</i><br> – Arturius Vigo, “The Essence of Spells and
Illusions.”<br><br>The painted world created in the mind of Iris von Everec was
mainly populated by figures from her memories, but was also home to dangerous,
predatory creatures: the embodiments of her fears. The most dangerous of these, the
Ethereal, invoked her greatest fear – and wore the face of her husband.<br><br>The
Ethereal resembled Olgierd in appearance and also fought using a technique similar
to his. A group of six such creatures lay in wait for Geralt, yet at first only one
engaged him in battle. This one’s death awoke the next, which was more powerful
than the first, and so it went to the end, with a stronger ethereal replacing a
fallen weaker brother until all were defeated. Yet Geralt had to be careful, for
the slightest amount of damage dealt to a being awaiting his turn would cause him
to come alive and join his still-living comrade in the fight.<br><br>In the end,
the best tactic against these nightmarish beings proved to be a well-timed

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 60B36F73-4FC94D01-CF624FAD-E65B65E1",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 90DCEBD4-4F544B9C-583197AD-AA86D11D",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots D9576BCB-41E91CB5-64C87489-ABC96318",
index = 3,

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/irisfrompainting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "irisfrompainting",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "irisfrompainting",
children = {
name = 0x0011699d, -- "The Wraith from the Painting"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "irisfrompainting",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "irisfrompainting C1792CE1-48548DA9-C58601A7-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "irisfrompainting",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "irisfrompainting F3F488A9-4E6320ED-542AE091-
description = 0x0011699e, -- "<i>Quite often a wraith is tied to an
object, something it clung to during life, or a location, such as its place of
death. In either case, we are dealing with the same causal agent: a strong
emotional tie from which the wraith draws strength.</i><br> – Inigo Swann, “Beyond
the Natural World.”<br><br>While wandering the von Everecs’ abandoned estate,
Geralt came into contact with a woman’s wraith haunting the house. The restless
spirit had mastery over the house’s furnishings and in particular over the
paintings hanging from its walls. It moved freely between their canvasses, entering
one and exiting through another. At first it tried to scare Geralt into giving up
his search, then, when it was clear this strategy would not work, it attacked him
directly.<br><br>Geralt’s battle against the wraith proved very difficult, for it
was fueled by rage and launched its attacks with heated aggression. Geralt was
forced to move with lightning speed in order to parry its blows, without time to
take a breath or launch an attack of his own. What’s more, the wraith had created a
bond with the paintings around it and, until the witcher severed this tie, it would
continually regain any lost strength.<br><br>The key to victory over the Wraith
from the Painting was to focus on parrying its blows and only attack sporadically,
at exactly the right moments. Any attempt to attack in a flurry was always punished
with a deadly counterattack."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 7C289715-41259B2D-FC448888-18580E44",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 6DFC3D70-4769CBD0-F3FC6291-F3CED2B1",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 77C835A6-4AFF0403-0213EFB5-A33E4D4C",
index = 3,

-- dlc/ep1/journal/bestiary/princefrog.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "princefrog",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "princefrog",
children = {
name = 0x001163dc, -- "The Toad Prince"
image = "Bestiary_toad.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"White Frost 1",
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Cursed Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "proncefrog - one and only entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "proncefrog - one and only entry F44D315C-49C40B4B-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "princefrog",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "princefrog 1E3ACE64-4EAA3498-BE03208A-B5C84AAC",
description = 0x001163dd, -- "<i>The girl walked up to the edge of the
pond. There, squatting amidst the fragrant lilies and broad lily-pads, she saw a
most unusual sight: a small green frog with a golden crown perched on its warty
head. Charmed by this curious little creature, the girl picked it up and gave it a
kiss. Immediately the little frog transformed into a handsome prince. Overcome with
gratitude, he asked the girl to be his wife.</i><br>– folk tale, author
unknown<br><br>Timeless tales always carry within them a grain of truth. The legend
of the frog prince is no exception, or at least that’s what the folk of Oxenfurt
wished to believe when they found out a monstrous toad lurked in their city sewers.
The women who hunted it in search of romance and a better life, however, found
their tales had a most unhappy ending. The creature they encountered was no small,
sweet frog but a bloodthirsty beast, who not only did not let them in for a kiss,
but instead greedily devoured them and anything else that strayed into its slime-
covered lair."
chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues D443E6D8-4815765A-703E8A97-5FEAC420",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints AC54D83E-4CAA5113-747A8B9E-6B936F12",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots CD32FC64-4541606D-AEFD3198-2C3CAF17",
index = 3,

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/blackcatblackdog.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "BlackCatBlackDog",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "blackcatblackdog",
children = {
name = 0x00115c5a, -- "The Black Cat and Dog"
image = "journal_demoniccatanddog.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After killing the caretaker",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After killing the caretaker 166CEC33-482D58E3-
description = 0x00115c5b, -- "Tasked with finding the violet rose
Olgierd had given his wife, Geralt traveled to the von Everec family's abandoned
estate, which had become home to a host of strange and horrifying creatures. Among
these were a black cat and dog who, though able to speak, chose to say very little
about themselves. Geralt surmised they were demons from another sphere who had been
summoned by black magic, trapped in animal bodies and bound to serve Iris von
Everec. The enigmatic duo trusted Geralt would help them regain their lost freedom,
even though he himself had no idea how he might go about doing such a thing.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After memory of introducing animals to Iris",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After memory of introducing animals to Iris 6F32B128-
index = 1,
description = 0x00115c5c, -- "Later, when Geralt encountered Iris von
Everec's memories, he learned Olgierd had summoned the otherworldly dog and cat to
keep his wife company in his absence – an idea only a man with a heart of stone
could have imagined working. The two creatures remained loyal to Iris even after
she died and transformed into an enraged ghost, but they never loved her and felt
no sympathy for her fate, for such feelings did not form a part of their nature and
did not reside in even the darkest corners of their souls.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After final dialogue - geralt takes rose",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After final dialogue - geralt takes rose 22D13ED4-
index = 2,
description = 0x00115c5d, -- "In the end the strange dog and cat
regained their longed-for freedom when Iris von Everec gave Geralt the violet rose,
thereby ending her existence. With their lady gone, the dog and cat's service
ended, and they were free again at long last."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After final dialogue - geralt takes painting",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After final dialogue - geralt takes painting
index = 3,
description = 0x00115c5e, -- "In the end the strange dog and cat did not
regain the freedom they craved. Geralt refused to cause Iris von Everec to cease
existing, meaning these creatures would continue in her service, for such was the
nature of the pact they had made with Olgierd. Perhaps they still keep their lady
company in her dreams to this day – no man can know for sure."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/casimirbassi .journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "CasimirBassi ",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "CasimirBassi ",
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name = 0x001159f7, -- "Casimir Bassi"
image = "journal_casmir.png",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Casimir blows himself up",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Casimir blows himself up F14CD2A2-436C6935-
description = 0x001159f8, -- "Sadly, Geralt never got to see if the
dwarf lived up to his reputation, for he blew himself into a fine mist soon after
the witcher met him, bringing his criminal career to a halt before what would have
been its crowning moment. The culprits behind this catastrophe were multiple:
Casimir's moody temperament, his unfaithful wife and a certain virile postman."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After recruiting Casimir",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After recruiting Casimir 8959A80A-44B85142-F66D1C8B-
index = 1,
description = 0x001159f9, -- "The dwarf's role would be to bypass the
vault doors using explosives. True, Casimir seemed an unreliable partner in crime,
given his oscillations between rage and despair after learning of his wife's
cuckoldry, but Geralt decided to risk it and enlist the dwarf in his crew.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After he survives the heist",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After he survives the heist 67F46808-43952E02-
index = 2,
description = 0x001159fa, -- "Bassi's method were far from subtle, but
no one can deny their effectiveness. His skillfully placed explosives blew the
vault door to pieces, opening the way for the crew to grab the valuables within.
The dwarf walked away laden with riches and clearly no longer bothered by his
wife's infidelity."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After his introduction",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After his introduction DFA79203-4DCE785E-38E3709D-
index = 3,
description = 0x00115be2, -- "In a strange sequence of events Geralt
found himself participating in the robbery of the Borsodis' Auction House in
Oxenfurt. How this came about is a fascinating story – which must be left for
another time. Let us here focus on a few facts: the witcher was tasked with putting
together a crew of expert thieves and break-in artists. One of the candidates was a
certain Casimir Bassi, a demolitions specialist who had cut his teeth in the mines
of Mahakam...<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Casimir dies during heist",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Casimir dies during heist 005CB527-49C9743A-6CE01BB8-
index = 4,
description = 0x00115bea, -- "Bassi's method were far from subtle, but
no one can deny their effectiveness. His skillfully-placed explosives blew the
vault doors to pieces, opening the way for the crew to grab the valuables within.
The dwarf was not given long to enjoy his newly-begotten wealth, however: when the
witcher and the surviving Borsodi brother dueled, Casimir supported the losing
horse – and paid for this mistake with his life."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/ep1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP1",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP1 Characters",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/evelinegallo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EvelineGallo ",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EvelineGallo",
children = {
name = 0x001159fb, -- "Eveline Gallo"
image = "journal_eveline.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After recruiting her",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After recruiting her FFDFE1A5-47526E10-F8305AA9-
description = 0x001159fc, -- "As is often the case in life, Eveline was
willing to help, but only in exchange for a favor: the witcher had to save her
circus troupe from humiliation. He duly performed the required feat, and the limber
elfess then joined the break-in crew.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After her escape",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After her escape E369762A-49A37AA4-5081189F-
index = 1,
description = 0x001159fd, -- "Eveline Gallo performed as tasked and
guided Geralt and his accomplices into the auction house. Yet as soon as the heist
stopped going according to plan and Redanian soldiers surrounded the auction house,
she shimmied up and out the chimney and was never seen by Geralt again.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After her introduction",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After her introduction D4FB023C-445ED5DF-21AB4F81-
index = 2,
description = 0x00115be3, -- "To rob a vault, one must force open armor-
plated doors and secret away mounds of loot. First and foremost, however, one needs
to get inside the building containing said vault. To accomplish this, Geralt could
use the help of a certain Eveline Gallo – a circus performer famed through all the
North, and who, it seemed, used her considerable talents for less law-abiding
purposes as well...<br>"

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/ewaldborsody.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ewald Borsody",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ewald Borsody 87C7E704-42EC32D9-CE59AEAB-E500D44D",
children = {
name = 0x00116403, -- "Ewald Borsodi"
image = "journal_ewald.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "geralt supports ewald ewald lives",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "geralt supports ewald ewald lives 1D093AF2-49C4FF88-
description = 0x00115d39, -- "When he found himself witnessing a battle
of brothers, Geralt chose to stand by his partner, Ewald, and with their combined
strength they defeated Horst and his bodyguards. Ewald then repaid Geralt in the
worst possible way: he tried to cheat him by keeping Maximilian's House for
himself. Luckily the witcher kept a clear head and, instead of slaughtering Ewald
at once, proposed a compromise both sides would find acceptable. Their paths parted
soon afterwards, as Ewald left to manage his family fortune and Geralt returned to
the Path of a witcher."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "geralt supports ewald ewald dies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "geralt supports ewald ewald dies 097763C9-45850043-
index = 1,
description = 0x00115d3a, -- "When he found himself witnessing a battle
of brothers, Geralt chose to stand by his partner, Ewald – and with their combined
strength they defeated Horst and his bodyguards. Ewald repaid Geralt in the worst
possible way: he tried to cheat him by keeping Maximilian's House for himself. This
treachery pushed even the usually level-headed witcher over the edge – his steel
sword flew into motion at once and soon Ewald's corpse lay next to that of his
hated brother. The tale of the Brothers Borsodi had come to a tragic close."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "geralt supports horst ewald dies",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "geralt supports horst ewald dies F85ACFE2-467F4D5D-
index = 2,
description = 0x00115d3b, -- "When he found himself witnessing a battle
of brothers, Geralt chose to stand by Horst. Though the elder Borsodi was
undeniably arrogant and mean-spirited, he, at least, had not tried to cheat the
witcher or use him in a private vendetta as had Ewald. The witcher thus foiled
Ewald's years of planning moments before they were to come to fruition, then put an
end to Ewald's life as well."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/horstborsody.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Horst Borsody",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Horst Borsody DD61FA0A-480F6340-116FF7B0-D74B20D0",
children = {
name = 0x001163fe, -- "Horst Borsodi"
image = "journal_horst.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After Horst met at auction",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Horst met at auction 056525F6-40432628-
description = 0x00115d49, -- "Horst Borsodi, owner of the most famous
auction house in all the North, was a snob and a buffoon. He looked down his nose
at Geralt from the very moment they met, and when he heard what had brought the
witcher to him, he had his men toss him out and beat him. To say their relationship
got started off on the wrong foot would thus be putting it very lightly

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt sides with Ewald Horst dies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt sides with Ewald Horst dies 6379E479-4914C734-
index = 1,
description = 0x00115d4a, -- "It came as no surprise, then, when Geralt
chose to stand by his partner, Ewald, in the final showdown between the two
brothers. With their strength combined, they defeated Horst's hired muscle. A few
moments later, Ewald killed his hated brother in a spectacularly cruel fashion. It
was later said none walked behind the once rich and mighty Horst Borsodi's casket
and none shed a tear over his grave..."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt sides with Horst Horst lives",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt sides with Horst Horst lives 67C23718-
index = 2,
description = 0x00115d4b, -- "Nevertheless, when the Borsodi brothers
faced off in a final showdown, Geralt chose to stand by Horst. He never revealed
why he made this decision – perhaps he considered a pompous buffoon less of an evil
than a bloodthirsty cheat, which is what his erstwhile partner, Ewald, had proven
to be. With Geralt's support, Horst managed to defeat Ewald. He repaid the witcher
for this by giving him the ornamented box known as Maximilian's House."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt sides with Horst Horst dies",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt sides with Horst Horst dies 1FB515B0-493E7CE7-
index = 3,
description = 0x00115d4c, -- "Nevertheless, when the Borsodi brothers
faced off in a final showdown, Geralt chose to stand by Horst. He never revealed
why he made this decision – perhaps he considered a pompous buffoon less of an evil
than a bloodthirsty cheat, which is what his erstwhile partner, Ewald, had proven
to be. With Geralt's support Horst managed to defeat Ewald, but was not given long
to enjoy this triumph. When Horst revealed that, despite his earlier promise, he
did not intend to give Geralt Maximilian's House, the witcher decided to take it
from him by force. Horst died by the witcher's blade before his hated brother's
corpse had even cooled."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/hugohoff.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "HugoHoff",
order = 4291821566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "HugoHoff",
children = {
name = 0x00115be7, -- "Hugo Hoff"
image = "journal_hugohoff.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After his introduction",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After his introduction FADEC048-4789D57B-FED262BF-
description = 0x00115be8, -- "Geralt needed someone who could scale the
glass-smooth wall of the tower abutting the Borsodis' Auction House. One of the few
capable of this was Hugo Hoff, alias "Beef Patty" – a halfling with countless
break-ins and robberies under his belt. Geralt was told to look for him in
Oxenfurt, whose seedy taverns served as watering grounds for students and criminals

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After we find him dead",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After we find him dead 348A1AF3-4CE34D2F-B2DBDC90-
index = 1,
description = 0x00115be9, -- "Sadly, it turned out Hugo Hoff was in no
condition to join Geralt's crew. The halfling must have stepped on some powerful
toes, for someone had slapped stone slippers on him and taken him for a long walk
off a short pier – and into the Pontar."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/iris.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Iris",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Iris",
children = {
name = 0x001159f1, -- "Iris von Everec"
image = "journal_iris.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After finding Iris corpse",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After finding Iris corpse 43B2C287-4A7B63C6-430E9DA0-
description = 0x001159f2, -- "When Geralt visited Olgierd von Everec to
hear his third and final wish, he learned the rough and rowdy ataman had once been
married. At some point he had left his wife, however, and gave her a violet rose as
a parting gift. Geralt's task was to find this rose somewhere in the von Everecs'
abandoned manor. When he arrived there, he discovered the estate was haunted by a
malicious wraith tied to Olgierd's wife, Iris, who had died of loneliness years
prior. Her rage and remorse now filled her former house with evil energy.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After entering the painted world",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After entering the painted world CD10AA54-47ABEBAE-
index = 1,
description = 0x001159f3, -- "Geralt gathered up Iris' remains and
buried them in the manor's garden. He did this both out of simple human decency and
cold calculation, for he knew this act would calm her unsettled spirit and lead him
to the violet rose. During the funeral a now quieted Iris appeared to Geralt and
took him on a journey to a world which existed only in her mind. This "painted
world" consisted of her fears and memories, which Geralt now had to confront.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After arriving to the winter world",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After arriving to the winter world 13E72CF0-4EEF09D3-
index = 2,
description = 0x001159f4, -- "Iris von Everec's memories first recalled
happy days spent in Olgierd's company, then became darker and darker. In fact, even
the sunnier ones had an ominous cloud hanging over them – an uneasy feeling
something horrible would soon happen. Iris von Everec had been a sensitive woman
and noted subtle changes in her husband's behavior. She had lacked the courage,
however, to delve into their cause.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End of quest - Geralt took the rose",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End of quest - Geralt took the rose B1B30804-
index = 3,
description = 0x001159f5, -- "Olgierd von Everec’s heart had turned to
stone, turning him into a monster. Iris hated what her husband had become, but
could not stop loving him. The couple endured together in a painful cohabitation
until Olgierd ended it by abandoning his wife. Iris never came to terms with their
separation, could not, in fact, even bring herself to read her husband’s farewell
letter. Yet the violet rose he gave her upon leaving she kept, making it a focal
point for all the longing and love raging in her soul. When she died, these
unresolved feelings kept her spirit in this world and continued to cause her
suffering.<br><br>The witcher’s intervention helped Iris accept what had happened
to her and her husband. When he asked for the rose, she agreed to give it him,
knowing this would put a final end to her pain and suffering – and also her very

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End of quest - Geralt took the painting",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End of quest - Geralt took the painting 926964FA-
index = 4,
description = 0x001159f6, -- "Olgierd von Everec’s heart had turned to
stone, turning him into a monster. Iris hated what her husband had become, but
could not stop loving him. The couple endured together in a painful cohabitation
until Olgierd ended it by abandoning his wife. Iris never came to terms with their
separation, could not, in fact, even bring herself to read her husband’s farewell
letter. Yet the violet rose he gave her upon leaving she kept, making it a focal
point for all the longing and love raging in her soul. When she died, these
unresolved feelings kept her spirit in this world and continued to cause her
suffering.<br><br>The witcher’s intervention helped Iris accept what had happened
to her and her husband. She was now free to dissolve into the ether, but the
thought of this horrified her. She thus entrusted her fate to the witcher, who was
unwilling to deprive her of existence. She thus remained in our world by entering a
painting which Geralt then delivered to Olgierd. Her sad eyes stared out at him
from that canvas for the rest of his life."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/mirror.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Mirror",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mirror",
children = {
name = 0x001159bc, -- "Gaunter O'Dimm - Master Mirror"
image = "journal_mirrorman.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "geralt freed from captivity",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "geralt freed from captivity 1",
description = 0x001159bd, -- "Geralt has escaped a great many
predicaments, sometimes of his own doing, sometimes aided by others. One of the
strangest helping hands was that extended to him by Master Mirror. The witcher was
on an Ofieri ship, held captive and bound for a date with the gallows... when, out
of nowhere, in came Master Mirror. He reminded the witcher of their first
encounter, when he helped Geralt find Yennefer in White Orchard. Now he was
offering help as well -- this time, for a price. In exchange for freeing Geralt
from the ship, he demanded Geralt meet him at a certain crossroads. When the
witcher agreed, a strange mark appeared on his face. It was as though Master Mirror
had put a stamp on him to show they had entered into as pact – a suspicion later
confirmed beyond all doubt...<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "3 wishes are said",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "3 wishes are said 1",
index = 1,
description = 0x001159be, -- "Gaunter O’Dimm explained he and their
mutual acquaintance, Olgierd von Everec, had entered into a strange pact. Their
deal stipulated O’Dimm would have to grant von Everec three wishes. Yet he could
not do so on his own, having to call instead upon the services of a proxy. And who
better to provide such assistance than a witcher? Since O’Dimm made agreeing to be
this proxy a condition for receiving help off the Ofieri ship, Geralt had little
choice but to agree.<br><br>Master Mirror appeared once again – suddenly and out of
nowhere, as usual – after Olgierd proclaimed his first two wishes. Mirror told
Geralt of a way to show Olgierd’s brother the time of his life, even though this
life had in fact ended years earlier. He equipped Geralt with von Everec blood and
the knowledge of how to summon Vlodimir’s ghost. Just how O’Dimm had managed to
collect a vial of von Everec blood was never made clear, but then again, burning
question marks hung over everything this strange figure did.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "after wedding",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after wedding 1",
index = 2,
description = 0x001159bf, -- "Master Mirror made an appearance at the
wedding Geralt attended with Shani and the ghost of Vlodimir, who inhabited
Geralt’s body so that he may enjoy one last night of earthly revelry. When midnight
struck, Vlodimir was unsurprisingly in no mood to abandon the pleasures of the
witcher’s flesh. Yet Master Mirror intervened to put an immediate and cruel end to
Vlod’s stay among the living. Geralt later told me the cries of torment Vlod’s
ghost made haunted his dreams for months to come.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "(optional) after meeting with academic",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "(optional) after meeting with academic 1",
index = 3,
description = 0x001159c0, -- "Geralt came away from his meeting with
Professor Shakeslock knowing of a way to outfox Master Mirror. The demonic pact-
maker could be lured into a wager: win it, and he would be defeated once and for

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "mirror takes olgierd",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mirror takes olgierd 1",
index = 4,
description = 0x001159c1, -- "Geralt decided to deliver Olgierd to
Master Mirror's murky hands, thus completing their bargain. Geralt knew it was over
at once, for in that moment the mark which had appeared on his face on the Ofieri
ship disappeared like charcoal smudges drenched in a rain shower. That was the last
Geralt ever saw of Master Mirror. I do not think he was missed."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mirrore defited",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mirrore defited 1",
index = 5,
description = 0x001159c2, -- "Geralt soon discovered Professor
Shakeslock's words were true. Master Mirror could indeed be defeated at his own
game. Geralt made a bet with him, wagering everything on one battle of wits, and
won. By solving Master Mirror's riddle, he drove the demon from our dimension –
though I fear he may yet return. His kind always returns."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/olgierd.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Olgierd",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Olgierd",
children = {
name = 0x001159b1, -- "Olgierd von Everec"
image = "journal_olgierd.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt got contract",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt got contract A3F90FC5-471669F0-B5F74DB1-
description = 0x001159b2, -- "To this day, I do not know what caused
Geralt to inquire after the contract posted by Olgierd von Everec. That famed
witcher curiosity? An ominously light coin pouch? Or perhaps it was some other,
more nefarious force… Whatever the impulse, Geralt decided to visit the locally-
infamous nobleman and pursue the bounty on the sewer monster.<br><br>From their
very first encounter, Geralt knew Olgierd was a unique character. He led an
informal band who worshipped the ground he walked on, though he clearly was of a
different sort than they: educated, a lover of art and an adherent to a certain
noble code. Yet Geralt also perceived something indefinable within the man,
something years later he would call "a void crying out to be filled."<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "olgierd is immortal",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "olgierd is immortal 6690AB58-441C79D4-5C965D80-
index = 1,
description = 0x001159b3, -- "Geralt later returned to the estate where
he had first met Olgierd and his band – and found the place in flames. He soon
learned the property did not in fact belong to Olgierd, but had merely been
commandeered by the ataman and his men, who then went a touch overboard in their
carousing. Olgierd did not begrudge them their pyrotechnic overexuberance, but the
murder of the manor’s lord he considered one cruelty too far and ordered the
wrongdoer beheaded. Geralt entered the stage in the middle of this execution. In
the tumult that followed, he made a most startling discovery: Olgierd von Everec
was immortal.<br><br>And immortality was but the start of the surprising
revelations about Olgierd. Master Mirror revealed the two had signed a contract: in
exchange for regaining his lost status and wealth, Olgierd had promised Mirror
something very personal (what, exactly, Geralt did not yet know). This contract had
a strange clause: before it could be considered complete and Master Mirror could
collect his due, he had to fulfill three of Olgierd’s wishes. He could not do this
personally, however, but needed instead to make use of a proxy. His choice for this
role? Geralt, who in this way was drawn into a personal settlement between a
powerful, immortal nobleman and the mysterious Gaunter O’Dimm.<br><br>Upon hearing
Geralt would be the one to carry out his requests, Olgierd wasted no time and
issued him his first challenges: to bring him the house of Maximilian Borsodi, and
to show his brother Vlodimir the time of his life…<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "3 wishes are done",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "3 wishes are done E0FCD352-44F47256-E65586B1-
index = 2,
description = 0x001159b4, -- "Granting Olgierd’s wishes had proven
difficult but rewarding, for Geralt now knew a great deal more about the unusual
nobleman – and the story that unfolded could have jerked tears from a
cyclops.<br><br>Once upon a time, Olgierd fell hopelessly in love with Iris, a
beautiful young lady from a well-off family. Her parents accepted his proposal of
marriage and all seemed set for a happy ending when a storm of misfortune suddenly
broke over the von Everec family. A chain of bad decisions and a few years of bad
harvests had left the once-wealthy family deeply in debt. Then the Borsodis
purchased this debt and, with their brutal enforcement of its terms, drove the von
Everecs into utter bankruptcy. After this, Iris’ parents changed their mind about
their daughter’s future husband, revoking their approval of Olgierd and betrothing
Iris to an Ofieri prince who had come to study in Oxenfurt. Out of desperation,
Olgierd turned to Master Mirror – and soon won back his coin, influence and, most
importantly, his betrothed. All seemed well until he discovered his wishes’
unwanted side effect: his heart was slowly hardening into stone.<br><br>Now the
witcher was on the verge of bringing the pact between Olgierd and Master Mirror to
completion. Did this mean everything would soon be as it once was? Geralt was not
so sure. One question kept nagging him: what was that “something very personal”
Gaunter O’Dimm intended to collect from Olgierd?<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "end - olgierd alive",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "end - olgierd alive 6DE0562B-499D5B04-9E92CF8F-
index = 3,
description = 0x001159b5, -- "Once Geralt realized Master Mirror was
playing for the highest of stakes – Olgierd von Everec's soul – he decided he could
not sit idly by. Instead he found a way to cheat the demonic being and win Olgierd
back his soul. Free from his pact and his heart restored, Olgierd thanked Geralt
and gave him his sword – a souvenir which had been in his family for generations –
then walked off into the sunset."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "end - olgierd is dead, geralt had no choice",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "end - olgierd is dead, geralt had no choice A65DCF28-
index = 4,
description = 0x001159b6, -- "Geralt did not have to wait long to find
out what lay at the heart of the contract between Olgierd von Everec and Gaunter
O'Dimm. In exchange for regaining his family fortune, clearing his name and
marrying Iris, Olgierd had agreed to give Master Mirror his soul. Geralt could now
only watch as O'Dimm collected his due. Thus ended the sad tale of Olgierd von
Everec, a man who lived as if there was no tomorrow, feasted as if he had never
known joy and loved a love so strong he was willing to surrender his own soul for

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "end - geralt decided that olgierd should die",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "end - geralt decided that olgierd should die
index = 5,
description = 0x001159b7, -- "Geralt did not have to wait long to find
out what lay at the heart of the contract between Olgierd von Everec and Gaunter
O'Dimm. In exchange for regaining his family fortune, clearing his name and
marrying Iris, Olgierd had agreed to give Master Mirror his soul. Geralt knew of a
way to stop this, but for some reason did nothing and instead watched as O'Dimm
collected his due. Thus ended the sad tale of Olgierd von Everec, a man who lived
as if there was no tomorrow, feasted as if he had never known joy and loved a love
so strong he was willing to surrender his own soul for it."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/quinto.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Quinto",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quinto",
children = {
name = 0x001159ff, -- "Quinto"
image = "journal_quinto.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After recruiting him",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After recruiting him DC859324-445D06E2-B4279EB9-
description = 0x00115a00, -- "Quinto gave proof his reputation was well-
deserved: he opened the cage in which the group of mercenaries led by Hans of
Cidaris held him using only a fish bone. After this feat, the witcher had no doubt
Quinto was the man to fill the gap in his break-in crew.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After his betrayal",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After his betrayal EEE377BD-4B041B52-7DB99E9A-
index = 1,
description = 0x00115a01, -- "Quinto demonstrated the craftsmanship of a
true artist by tickling open the auction house vault doors in the blink of an eye.
He also demonstrated the rotten cynicism of a true lowlife by displaying not one
speck of loyalty to his companions. In the fight which took place in the auction
house's basement, he stood against the witcher – and paid for this mistake with his

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After his introduction",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After his introduction 4C984AD5-40412345-E62E0E9F-
index = 2,
description = 0x00115be4, -- "Geralt has taken on a mad assortment of
tasks in his life, many of which strayed far beyond his core trade of monster
hunting. Recruiting a team to break into the vault in the Borsodis' Auction House,
however, stood out as atypical even against this motley backdrop. One of the shady
characters the witcher was told would make a good candidate was Quinto, the most
famed safecracker north of the Yaruga.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After he survives the heist",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After he survives the heist DD26AA90-4C16806A-
index = 3,
description = 0x00115beb, -- "Quinto demonstrated the craftsmanship of a
true artist by tickling open the auction house vault doors in the blink of an eye.
It soon seemed this would be his last display of criminal mastery, however, for
afterwards he agreed to Horst Borsodi's offer of honest employment as a security
specialist. How long he stayed on the right side of the law remains unknown – for
neither I nor the witcher ever heard tale of him again."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/shani.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Shani",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shani",
children = {
name = 0x0010fa5d, -- "Shani"
image = "journal_shani.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Shani met in sewers",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shani met in sewers",
description = 0x0010fa5e, -- "Geralt entered the Oxenfurt sewers
expecting to hunt down a hideous monster – so you can imagine his surprise when
down one of those dank, slimy corridors he ran into Shani, an old and dear friend.
Geralt and I had first met this extraordinary young woman years earlier, when she
was just a coltish coed, but by this time she had grown into a dignified doctor and
a fearless field medic for the Redanian Army.<br><br>This latter role had led her,
and a unit of soldier escorts, to descend into the sewers. Their goal was to gather
a sample of the venom spewed by the monstrosity squatting there. Geralt, a
gentleman through and through, agreed to help her in her task.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Shani girlfriend W1",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shani girlfriend W1",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010fa5f, -- "Geralt's encounter with Vlodimir von
Everec reminded him that he and Shani had once shared passionate (though passing)
feelings for each other. He also became aware some remnant of these feelings was
still lodged in his heart…<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Shani loves rowan",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shani loves rowan",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010fa60, -- "At times fate composes tales so shocking
no poet would dare put his name to them, for fear his public would mock them as
overly outlandish. Such was the case when Geralt and the ghost of Vlodimir von
Everec shared a body for an evening and accompanied Shani to the wedding of Aldona,
her friend from the Academy. Some might have let this unusual escort interfere with
their enjoyment of the evening – but not Shani. Looking around at the tasteful
wedding decorations, smelling the rich odor of berry-laden rowan – a plant near and
dear to her heart, one which summoned up fond childhood memories – Shani felt the
heedless abandon of her younger years return and, overjoyed, threw herself into the
thick of the festivities.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Sidequest started",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sidequest started 1",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010fa61, -- "One thing is certain – Shani was not bored
by the company of Vlodimir von Everec, who showered her with professions of burning
desire and swept her off her feet with his maniacal energy. Yet when the hour came
for him to return to the netherworld, she breathed a sigh of relief, for now she
could spend some time alone with Geralt, who was much more sensitive and
predictable (though Vlod would probably just call him boring).<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Geralt have sex with Shani",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt have sex with Shani",
index = 4,
description = 0x0010fa62, -- "A pleasantly-begun evening blossomed into
a night of rapture, then settled into a golden dawn on the shores of a lake,
serenaded by nature's first awakening murmurs. Though Shani seemed delighted by
this course of events, the morning air had put her in a reflexive mood. She parted
ways with Geralt, explaining she had to think through what had just happened.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Shani leaving for Kaedwen - q605",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shani leaving for Kaedwen - q605",
index = 5,
description = 0x001159ad, -- "Fate decreed Shani would not linger long
in her hometown of Oxenfurt. For as long as the war lasted, she was the Redanian
army's to command, and her commander had decided to send her to Kaedwen, the
conflict's eastern front. Before setting off she managed to inform Geralt about a
certain Professor Shakeslock, who might be able to help with Gaunter O'Dimm. Geralt
thanked his friend and they parted ways, hoping they would meet again, later or,
quite preferably, sooner."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/szezlock.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Szezlock",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Szezlock",
children = {
name = 0x001159c7, -- "Professor Shakeslock"
image = "journal_academic.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after first dialogue with shani in q605",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after first dialogue with shani in q605 47428022-
description = 0x001159c8, -- "Geralt was racking his brains for a way to
defeat Master Mirror when Shani came to his rescue. She knew of a professor from
the Oxenfurt Academy who had spent years scrutinizing every manifestation of black
magic and surely would be able to help. Unfortunately, the witch hunters had
decided the professor's knowledge was best used for their goals and their goals
only and had placed guards outside his home. Officially he was a free man, but in
reality, no one entered or left the house without their permission.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "profesor is dead",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "profesor is dead F8E76802-412CC448-A8DB28AC-
index = 1,
description = 0x001159c9, -- "The professor told Geralt of the long
hours he had spent scouring old tomes for accounts of Gaunter O'Dimm, alias Master
Mirror. He had been set on this trail by Olgierd von Everec, who paid him
handsomely for his labors. This research had borne fruit in the form of a great
many secrets about the mysterious O'Dimm, including a possible way to outsmart him.
Sadly, however, the professor did not live to see if this trick would work for
Geralt in practice, for during their conversation Shakeslock made one step outside
the runic circle drawn on the floor of his residence and died immediately. We will
never know if this step was accidental or deliberate – by the time Geralt met him,
he had become a tired and tormented wreck who just might have considered death a

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/unknown.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Nieznajomy",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Nieznajomy E7AAB6C7-43887CB9-EEAF048E-4E5136DC",
children = {
name = 0x00116402, -- "Stranger"
image = "journal_ewald_stranger.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Po aukcji",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po aukcji 80079468-44B5D5BC-B6A5CCA4-01697BEA",
description = 0x00115de0, -- "Geralt's auction-going experience ended in
catastrophe. Not only was he summarily tossed out on his venerable witcher rear
end, he also failed to learn anything about Maximilian's House. Then, while
pondering his next step, he was approached by a mysterious stranger. This man did
not say who he was, where he was from, how he knew of the witcher or how he had
found him. All he would reveal was that he could help Geralt gain access to the
auction house vault – without asking the owner's permission. The stranger proposed
they meet somewhere more secluded so he might explain his plan in greater

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie w kryjówce",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie w kryj�wce 6C81D1B5-401C08AC-B8E90B81-
index = 1,
description = 0x00115de1, -- "The mysterious man was planning to break
into and rob the auction house. He claimed the subject of Olgierd's wish –
Maximilian's House – was to be found inside its vault. Though the witcher usually
refused to engage in criminal activities, he came to the conclusion he had no
choice but to agree to work with this secretive gentleman.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Po scenie w skarbcu",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po scenie w skarbcu 30079842-4E9143BB-9900A584-
index = 2,
description = 0x00115de2, -- "During the break-in the mysterious
stranger was revealed to be none other than Horst Borsodi's brother, Ewald, who had
disappeared years earlier. This family reunion was no joyous event, however. Rather
than grasp hands and pat shoulders, the brothers immediately reached for each
other's throats.<br>"

-- dlc/ep1/journal/characters/witold.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Witold",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Witold",
children = {
name = 0x001159b8, -- "Vlodimir von Everec"
image = "journal_witold.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after olgierd said his wish",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after olgierd said his wish 1",
description = 0x001159b9, -- "Geralt was tasked with finding Vlodimir
von Everec and showing him the time of his life. This would have been one of the
witcher's least remarkable missions – had not Vlodimir been dead for years at this
point. The mysterious Master Mirror did not think this much of an obstacle,
however. He handed Geralt a vial of von Everec blood and told him of an incantation
which would summon Vlodimir from the grave. Geralt thus journeyed to the von Everec
family crypt and sought out the younger von Everec's place of burial.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after crypt",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after crypt 1",
index = 1,
description = 0x001159ba, -- "Geralt's meeting with Vlodimir began with
a fight against other deceased members of the von Everec clan. Only after they were
defeated did Vlod reveal himself, explaining he'd refused to fight alongside his
dead kin as he'd never been particularly fond of them. Overall Olgierd's brother
cut a strange figure, even for a ghost. He showed hints of noble refinement, but
often his mannerisms better resembled those of a lifelong brawler or hooligan – no
doubt because he had spent much of his living years raiding and marauding with a
band of rough characters.<br><br>One thing is certain: Vlodimir liked to have a
good time and had found death sorely lacking in quality entertainment. His demands
for his night of fun were simple. He mainly wanted to get well and thoroughly
plastered and... well, let us say the dead man's inability to enter into relations
with the fairer sex had tormented him terribly. All in all, after hearing Geralt
relate Vlodimir's complaints about the afterlife, I feared death all the more...

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "after weeding",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after weeding 1",
index = 2,
description = 0x001159bb, -- "Vlodimir jumped into Geralt’s body and
together they accompanied Shani to her friend's wedding. There Vlod found more than
enough entertainment to scratch his itch. He dove for slippers in a pond, played
gwent, drank enough for three horses, chased pigs and even managed to steal a kiss
from Shani.<br><br>When midnight struck, the capping ceremony began and Vlodimir
von Everec’s time among the living came to an end. Yet the witcher’s skin had felt
so good on him, he had no intention of shedding it. Only the appearance of Master
Mirror finally forced Vlodimir back whence he came. In Geralt’s account, Master
Mirror caused Vlod’s ghost a great deal of pain while banishing him. I do not know
exactly how one can cause a disembodied spirit pain, but clearly Master Mirror knew
a way. He was strange, that one. Even thinking about him now gives me goosebumps."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EP1",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EP1 AB4175CA-4159B83A-16366D9B-42F0A34A",
title = 0x0010ab04, -- "Hearts of Stone"

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1poi01.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ep1poi01",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1poi01 D5D60E68-40E4E8AC-9FADA380-0F2889DC",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0011577b, -- "The Cursed Chapel"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions EA661BE1-4CD96F1A-286445A8-2015799B",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 82999D5E-450C93FB-931ED792-EDA67F2D",
description = 0x001152ce, -- "Unfortunate accidents happen to even the
most gods-fearing of men. This realization came to Geralt when he happened across
the corpse of a priest. On the body he found a journal, and, after a moment of
silence for the deceased's memory, he tucked the document into his satchel.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note C72BE478-4C0808A7-2C313184-47D54042",
index = 1,
description = 0x001152cf, -- "From the notes he learned locals were
having a bit of trouble in the form of a haunted cemetery. Led by a sense of duty,
Geralt decided to see what was disturbing the dead's peace and endangering the
living's lives.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End E2B0F4CB-429021D7-5E178AB1-1F4CA368",
index = 2,
description = 0x001152d0, -- "It turned out the crypt was haunted by a
powerful ghost, an Accursed Mother. The wraith jealously guarded the treasures laid
to rest with the dead and attacked all intruders. This time, however, she had met
her match."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective BDBC9A75-47A83D52-BF9F48A9-58C8992B",
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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "search crypt",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search crypt 1A6FCE50-4ACD330E-335F16BE-A93F799A",
children = {
title = 0x001152d1, -- "Search the crypt's underground passages."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "ep1_poi1_q_mappin",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note 8ACB6106-4388E99A-8954DEA9-407E5014",
index = 1,
title = 0x001152d2, -- "Read the priest's notes."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1poi02.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "ep1poi02",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1poi02 55341374-4C989677-B9A42DAE-06229E06",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00114d7b, -- "The Royal Air Force"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 1658C5FC-41BE825D-8B028483-A9953974",
description = 0x00114d7c, -- "Another day, another corpse -- and, the
witcher suspected, another document revealing the tale of the deceased's demise. He
was not mistaken.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 7AA85F33-42C39405-BCB904B3-EAB1B2E9",
index = 1,
description = 0x00114d7e, -- "Nicolas Vogel's laboratory notebook
described the experiments the mad mage had conducted on harpies and also mentioned
a hidden stash of coin. The chest's contents would be no use to Nicolas in the
afterlife, so Geralt decided to secure them for himself.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 45B370AB-48EFB55B-FDEC8C80-197CC355",
index = 2,
description = 0x00114d7d, -- "He found the treasure chest atop the
ruined tower. After emptying the thoroughly pecked container of its contents, the
brave witcher continued on his Path."

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 75E81632-464C0A54-3637F9B7-FD538080",
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chunk[8] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search ruins 3770D5C9-43CE3A0A-693E38B1-57A7B0E1",
children = {
title = 0x00114d7f, -- "Search the laboratory's ruins."
chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1_poi2_q_mappin E5C4ACFA-4CBCEA86-EFA887BF-
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "ep1_poi2_q_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note 63AA398A-45939DA6-7B9547A9-A7931EC8",
index = 1,
title = 0x00114d80, -- "Read Nicolas Vogel's notebook."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1poi04.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ep1poi04",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1poi04 96F7F53A-412C7099-F5BE66B0-227B967D",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00115088, -- "Tinker, Hunter, Soldier, Spy"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 52BF9F12-4C52615F-EF01F988-22B8691B",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 94A58D54-4DEF2178-C0A9A3A6-A500233D",
description = 0x0011008d, -- "The nature of Geralt's trade means finding
corpses is a normal part of a day's work. This time the body was found atop an
observation tower near the village of Mohrin. Upon closer inspection, Geralt found
the man's throat had been slit – and had some highly interesting papers in his

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 66C7E995-4CCE1D14-CF1DD28A-7708D73C",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011008e, -- "Geralt was able to find the spy's stash,
which he then eagerly emptied of its contents. Not the noblest of actions, perhaps,
but was it not better the coin went to the witcher's pouch and not the grubby paws
of the Order's bandits?"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "read note",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note A1B6B3CF-4885C687-06415591-898BDE9E",
index = 2,
description = 0x001100a3, -- "The letter revealed the man had been a
Nilfgaardian spy. Disguised as a tinker named Krister, he had been following the
movements of knights from the disbanded Order. It seems Krister had not exercised
due caution, for his spy career had been cut short by a slash of a renegade
knight's blade. The most interesting information in the letter, however, concerned
the location of the considerable stash of coin Nilfgaard had devoted to this spying

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "objective",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "objective AFD39C83-47ECA67E-736C0C98-7D4A450E",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "search the lake",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search the lake 0665C981-4F7D2109-3A5ED192-732DA148",
children = {
title = 0x0011008f, -- "Find the spy's stash using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "ep1_poi_04_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ep1_poi_04_mappin 7E479F78-471A4334-E9AFBD8D-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "ep1_poi_04_mp_q",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note 8D1BBD93-42D5C879-160EEF9D-E269B687",
index = 1,
title = 0x00110090, -- "Read the report."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1poi05.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "ep1poi05",
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children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0010ff48, -- "The Sword, Famine and Perfidy"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A54D0026-42F52244-CD25F2B4-644D042E",
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baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 30AAF307-4904C502-3C2306A9-E2528568",
description = 0x0010ff49, -- "In a certain cellar located near a nest of
drowners, Geralt found a body. Quite curiously, the deceased had not been torn
apart by the monsters, but seemed to have died of thirst, having been barricaded in
the cellar by some third party. Near the body Geralt found a key and some notes,
all of which he took with him.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 251BB29F-46B7C632-796C7EBD-C76F443F",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010ff4a, -- "Geralt had found his fair share of hidden
treasure before, so he found the chest without too much difficulty and took its
contents for himself."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note AEC64D1A-4AE7DE19-D72379BB-4C3AE045",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010ff4b, -- "From the notes Geralt learned about a
treasure hidden in a locked chest on a ship. He suspected the key to that chest was
the very one he had found by the body.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 5CF9306E-46794D47-80B766A4-D2B7BF14",
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "search waterbed",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search waterbed F94E1A87-4A7597A4-7A2F7AB6-91D1B00E",
children = {
title = 0x0010ff4c, -- "Find the sunken ship using your Witcher Senses."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read note C5B3B78A-4C78EF4C-0D8764B7-6DF79030",
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title = 0x0010ff4d, -- "Read Brother Anselm's letter."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1poi08.journal:

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description = 0x00112a1a, -- "While searching a body he found in a
ravaged campsite, Geralt found a key and a journal. Thinking the latter might shed
light on its writer's fate, he slipped it into his bag.<br>"

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description = 0x00112a1b, -- "Many tuck coin away for a rainy day. Most,
however, choose more accessible places for their stash than the cellar. Geralt
didn't ponder this choice of hiding places long, however, but instead pocketed the
coin and went on his way."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 9DA59D22-4F497613-0A613393-B385FC2D",
index = 2,
description = 0x00112a66, -- "The notes contained information about a
fortune hidden in a hut a griffin had roosted in. The coin had belonged to the
deceased's aunt, but since neither she nor her nephew had any use for it now,
Geralt decided to kill the beast and take it for himself.<br>"

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title = 0x00112a12, -- "Search the ruined hut's cellar."

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title = 0x00112a13, -- "Read Knut Kreutzman's notes."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1poi10.journal:

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description = 0x0010fbc2, -- "While traveling near Novigrad, Geralt
happened across the body of an unfortunate wretch who had stumbled into a cave full
of arachnomorphs. In his pockets was a yellowed letter.<br>"

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description = 0x0010fbc3, -- "The letter told the truth – Geralt found
the hidden treasure and kept a one hundred percent finder's fee for himself."

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index = 2,
description = 0x0010fd86, -- "The letter was from a thief informing his
partner about where he had hidden their takings. To their great misfortune, the
damp cave he had chosen was also home to monstrous spiders, who'd made the
treasure's hiding spot the very heart of their lair…<br>"

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title = 0x0010fd8d, -- "Search the cave for a chest using your Witcher

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title = 0x0010fd8c, -- "Read the letter."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1poi26.journal:

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title = 0x00114106, -- "The Secret Life of Count Romilly"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start C6E8EDF4-40A94219-D201BDAA-6FC057CF",
description = 0x001140d3, -- "Despite numerous warnings, Geralt ventured
deep into Deadwight Wood, where he found the ruins of Castle Arnskrone. There he
fought a tough battle against an ancient leshen and found the earthly remains of
Walter Romilly, and with them the eccentric count's journal.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001140d4, -- "Part of the count's journal described his
foul treatment of Anastasia von Bourmann, who he believed to have been marked by a
leshen. It also made mention of coin stashed somewhere beneath the castle.<br>"

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index = 2,
description = 0x001140d5, -- "Deep within the castle's subterranean
passages Geralt uncovered Count Romilly's dark secret and the source of his wealth.
The bleak ruins also contained treasure, which the witcher found and kept."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/ep1poi26b.journal:

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description = 0x001159e7, -- "While at the Borsodis' auction, Geralt bid
a not insignificant sum on a strange figurine. Why, you ask? Perhaps it was that
famed witcher's intuition, for after dismantling the figurine Geralt found he had
also become the owner of a letter and a heavy, ornate key...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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index = 1,
description = 0x001159e8, -- "The letter, he discovered, was Count
Romilly's last will and testament. From it he learned treasure might be hidden in
Arnskrone Castle.<br>"

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description = 0x001159e9, -- "Geralt set off to the eerie ruins of
Arnskrone Castle, the Romilly family's one-time home, and found a chest full of
treasure in its crumbling underground passages."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/livingworld.journal:

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description = 0x001151d7, -- "Northeast of Novigrad Geralt stumbled
across a small camp of Ofieri travelers. Geralt struck up a conversation with one
of their number and the topic of discussion turned to horses. Before he knew it,
he'd agreed to a race to test whose mare was the swiftest. Had he been to eager in
his boasting? Could Roach really go neck and neck with a fabled Ofieri steed? Time
would soon tell!<br>"

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description = 0x001151d8, -- "Roach emerged the victor, and Geralt was
able to bask in her glory. The Ofieri merchant took his loss with tremendous grace
and awarded the winning horse and rider an excellent saddle.<br>"

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title = 0x00110048, -- "Defeat the Ofieri merchant in a horse race."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/mq6002cannibals.journal:

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 5ED5CDF2-485C5075-F7B99DA6-E6A8F187",
description = 0x00113928, -- "Otto told Geralt his apprentice, Folkert,
had not returned from an herb-gathering excursion to the Deadwight Wood. Though
this was not at all on Geralt's way, he decided to help the desperate herbalist.
Something tells me this was not merely on account of the reward on offer – though
those knowing only Geralt's surface from ballads and rumors might find this hard to
believe, deep down, he was really a softy.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - fooled D8EE4ACC-47576FF5-2A0D50A6-08ACFF86",
index = 1,
description = 0x00113929, -- "Geralt did not in fact find Folkert, but
witness testimony allowed him to establish the halfling's fate. The young halfling
had so badly wanted to bring his master the herbs that he had ventured deep into
the woods, braving the wolves that hunted there. Though no body ever was found, it
is not hard to guess what had become of the poor lad."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End - killed cannibals",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - killed cannibals 852FDE31-4F917304-AD58DD9B-
index = 2,
description = 0x0011392a, -- "Geralt found Folkert -- carefully gutted
and salted and hanging in a larder belonging to an elderly couple living near the
woods. The couple swore they hadn't killed the young halfling, but the witcher did
not see that this absolved them of their crime and reached for his sword."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End - spared cannibals",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - spared cannibals D529F3F2-45540E19-574016BB-
index = 3,
description = 0x0011392b, -- "Geralt found Folkert -- carefully gutted
and salted and hanging in a larder belonging to an elderly couple living near the
woods. The couple swore they hadn't killed the young halfling and had been forced
into cannibalism by famine. Though Geralt condemned their actions, he decided
punishing cannibals was not his duty and walked away."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Notice",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Notice 3CB42000-4D427957-3D953490-EBAC7B53",
index = 4,
description = 0x00113960, -- ""Witcher" has become a synonym for
"monster slayer" in many minds. While accurate as far as it goes, this does not
encompass the whole truth, for witchers take on a broad variety of other tasks
besides the slaying of monsters. For example, they sometimes use their superhuman
senses to find missing persons. Such a lost individual was the subject of the
notice hung by a certain Otto Bamber, an herbalist residing near Oxenfurt.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
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title = 0x0011360d, -- "Talk to the herbalist."

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mapPinID = "whitebridge_herbalist_01_ep1",
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate village BC255CA7-4D464B3B-79EFE6B4-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0011360e, -- "Look for Folkert's tracks in the Deadwight Wood
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[13] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Village investigation 21A4DE4B-4762B2DC-8B0FC0B4-
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title = 0x00113616, -- "Ask the inhabitants of the village about

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title = 0x00113926, -- "Report back to the herbalist."

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title = 0x00113927, -- "Interrogate the peasant couple."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/mq6003taxcollector.journal:

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title = 0x0011236d, -- "The Taxman Cometh"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 87FC3276-4AFB97CD-C17D2AA7-AF589264",
description = 0x001122ed, -- "Though he carried several pounds of silver
on his back at all times, Geralt was usually quite coin-poor. Quality witcher gear
costs a fortune, the rewards for his contracts were often meager and he often found
it hard to resist splurging on rare gwent cards.<br><br>Just when, despite all
these obstacles, he'd managed to put together something of a nest egg... the tax
office turned its greedy gaze on him!<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001122ee, -- "Geralt evaded the tax man without much
difficulty, however - he muddled Deputy Tax Enumerator Walthemor Mitty's mind and
sent him off into the wilds. A shame us mere mortals have no such means at our

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index = 2,
description = 0x001122ef, -- "Geralt patiently explained to the tax
collector that he had made his modest fortune honestly, without breaking any of the
tax codes numerous rules. Deputy Tax Enumerator Walthemor Mitty was so impressed
by this honesty he awarded the witcher a commemorative vellum diploma. He advised
Geralt to hang it somewhere at Kaer Morhen – above the mantle, if possible.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mid-pay taxes E24AA720-46B7FF68-C74CF9B3-522D125E",
index = 3,
description = 0x001122f0, -- "The audit ended with Geralt receiving a
summons for the payment of back taxes. A rather unpleasant turn of events, but what
could Geralt do? Fighting the Wild Hunt's one thing, but taking on the tax office…
that could get him in real trouble.<br>"

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index = 4,
description = 0x001122f1, -- "The witcher thus made his way to the
Vivaldi Bank's Novigrad branch and paid every crown of his tax arrears. This
lightened his coin pouch considerably and put him in a foul mood, but at least he
could rest assured the tax office was now off his back.<br>"

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title = 0x001122f3, -- "Talk to the Deputy Tax Enumerator."

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children = {
title = 0x001122f2, -- "Pay your back taxes at the Vivaldi Bank."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/mq6004brokenrose.journal:

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title = 0x001134e2, -- "Rose on a Red Field"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "From Dealer 693F73F9-4AA22D9B-567855A7-968A8013",
description = 0x00113516, -- ""The White Wolf", "the Butcher of
Blaviken" – Geralt gathered many sobriquets on his Path, one of which was the
colorful and, I dare say, apt, appellation of "Puss Peepers." This he gained during
his adventure with Olgierd, when a cheeky young woman in Olgierd's company pinned
him as the man best able to track down the scoundrel who killed her friend,

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "From Dealer- Village D308C04F-4FF6FD8F-88EE6D9F-
index = 1,
description = 0x0011393a, -- "Kluivert had indeed been killed. Though
much time had passed since the murder, the witcher hoped he could still find enough
evidence to establish who was responsible.<br>"

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baseName = "From Dealer- Village Complete",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "From Dealer- Village Complete AA46597C-47982E1B-
index = 2,
description = 0x0011393b, -- "It turned out Kluivert's death was not the
work of common bandits or deserters, but knights of the recently dissolved Order
of the Flaming Rose. Geralt realized the brethren who had killed Kluivert were but
part of a much larger contingent. To prevent any further such murders and fully
avenge Kluivert, he would have to find the knights' leader.<br>"

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baseName = "From Dealer- notes",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "From Dealer- notes A6DE5585-43EEF960-20E7CF85-
index = 3,
description = 0x0011393c, -- "The orders Geralt found on the knights he
defeated not only shed light on their activities – they'd given up defending the
defenseless and switched to brewing narcotics – but revealed the location of their
hideout. Geralt decided to take a short break from monster hunting to pay their
Grand Master a courtesy call.<br>"
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "From Dealer- Grandmaster",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "From Dealer- Grandmaster AE5D90AE-44C854AF-2C79BBBD-
index = 4,
description = 0x0011393d, -- "The witcher and the Grand Master did not
take a liking to each other. After a short talk about the Order's past and mission,
they moved on to armed combat. This fight could clearly have only one outcome –
Ulrich met the same fate as his infamous predecessor, Jacques de Aldersberg.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "From Dealer- Complete",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "From Dealer- Complete E0CC4CBD-49E729C5-EACE4CB6-
index = 5,
description = 0x0011393e, -- "With this Geralt of Rivia, alias "Puss
Peepers," avenged Kluivert and completed the task allotted him. He collected his
promised reward and set off on his Path.<br>"

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baseName = "Village",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Village F8E7E16C-465B78DE-0CAF72A4-D34E31F0",
index = 6,
description = 0x0011393f, -- "While crossing the war weary lands of the
Northern Realms, Geralt came across an abandoned village, and lying within it – a
corpse. Geralt knew his sharpened witcher senses would help him uncover who had
committed this murder – then his sharpened witcher swords would help him punish the

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index = 7,
description = 0x00113940, -- "It turned out the murder had not been the
work of common bandits or deserters, but knights of the recently dissolved Order
of the Flaming Rose. Geralt realized the brethren who had murdered the man were but
part of a much larger contingent. To prevent any further such crimes, he would have
to find the knights' leader.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found Notes 9FCCDCDB-4DC640C1-7CAE17A4-7840F863",
index = 8,
description = 0x00113941, -- "The orders Geralt found on the knights he
defeated not only shed light on their activities – they'd given up defending the
defenseless and switched to brewing narcotics – but revealed the location of their
hideout. Geralt decided to take a short break from monster hunting to pay their
Grand Master a courtesy call.<br>"
chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Killed Grandmaster",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Killed Grandmaster 0E71C444-43C98F2C-B40101A3-
index = 9,
description = 0x00113942, -- "The witcher and the Grand Master did not
take a liking to each other. After a short talk about the Order's past and mission,
they moved on to armed combat. This fight could clearly have only one outcome –
Ulrich met the same fate as his infamous predecessor, Jacques de Aldersberg.<br>"

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baseName = "Spoke to dealer",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Spoke to dealer CD16CA85-43FE071F-723882A9-4616A5BC",
index = 10,
description = 0x00113943, -- "They say the world is small, and there's
much truth to that saying, as Geralt found out when asked to find out who stood
behind the death of Kluivert. The witcher could reply at once that it had been
knights from the Order of the Flaming Rose, acting on orders from their commander,
whose head he had recently lobbed off. Having completed his task before even being
issued it, he collected his reward and returned to the Path.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the Village 705BBD00-4B10E0C6-A84943AA-
children = {
title = 0x00113394, -- "Investigate Bowdon for clues about Kluivert's
murder using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x001135e6, -- "Find the source of the strong odor using your
Witcher Senses."

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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x001135e7, -- "Investigate around the hut for clues about the
man who fled out the window."

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title = 0x0011365b, -- "Follow the shooter's tracks using your Witcher

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title = 0x0011365a, -- "Look around for signs of the man who shot the
bolt using your Witcher Senses."

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knights' camp."
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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/mq6005enchanterlevel0.journal:

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title = 0x00114540, -- "Enchanting: Start-up Costs"

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baseName = "Start Camp",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 67AC30AE-41A1FFBD-87784D89-9AFAC31A",
description = 0x0011566f, -- "While wandering the lands to the northeast
of Novigrad, Geralt came across a small camp of Ofieri travelers. One of these
foreigners turned out to be a skilled runewright and enchanter, able to create
runes and glyphs and enchant them into powerful words. Geralt was eager to make use
of his services, but the runewright had lost his tools and rare materials. The
witcher thus decided to provide the Ofieri the coin needed to reopen for

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description = 0x00115670, -- "A small fortune was all it took for the
Ofieri to get started. Once he received it, he got down to work and from then on
Geralt could buy simple runes and glyphs from him and have him place basic words in
his swords and armor."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start noticeboard 679011C0-4EBF059A-056524A3-
index = 2,
description = 0x00116d02, -- "You can tell an experienced witcher by the
way he examines a notice board. To the novice eye, these weathered planks contain
nothing but clumsily-scrawled messages touching on matters thoroughly mundane:
trifling announcements, offers of sale or purchase, lewd rhymes, et cetera, et
cetera, ad nauseam. A witcher with years under his belt, however, will search the
dross carefully, knowing that it often hides a jewel – a witcher contract, for
example, or, as in this particular case, information about a mysterious
"runewright" from a far-off land..."

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title = 0x00114541, -- "Acquire 5000 crowns for the Ofieri runewright."

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title = 0x00115778, -- "Give 5000 crowns to the Ofieri runewright."

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title = 0x00116cff, -- "Visit the runewright and learn more about his

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/mq6005enchanterlevel1.journal:

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title = 0x0011416f, -- "Enchanting: Quality Has Its Price"

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description = 0x00114191, -- "The Ofieri runewright got down to work,
but announced at once that more advanced runes or glyphs would require special
materials. Jade, it seems, is a necessary part of advanced runewrighting. Since
Geralt was interested in enchanted goods of the better sort, he decided to look
around for a hunk of this element.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00114192, -- "Finding large quantities of jade was not
easy, but when the witcher set his mind to it, he could even find a dove in a
blizzard. Soon enough the Ofieri runewright had what he desired."

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title = 0x00114193, -- "Acquire a hunk of jade for the Ofieri

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title = 0x00114197, -- "Take the hunk of jade to the Ofieri runewright."

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title = 0x001159ca, -- "Find a pickaxe."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/mq6005enchanterlevel2.journal:

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title = 0x00114171, -- "Enchanting: Mastery Demands Sacrifice"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 1D5EFD68-4C6D554C-4E3A8EB1-61FBAB8B",
description = 0x00114194, -- "The Ofieri runewright provided Geralt with
very good runes and glyphs, but still was not able to exercise his art to its
fullest. To forge the best tools and components, he needed painite, a very rare
mineral. Geralt was interested in the best of the best, however, so he set out to
visit Novigrad market stalls, in the hope that one of them would have painite
crystal on offer.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End D27A267F-4300CAEB-184DCA98-42881671",
index = 1,
description = 0x00114195, -- "Geralt's hunt for painite crystal ended in
success. The mineral cost him quite the hefty sum, but from then on the Ofieri
master had everything he needed to create runewords and glyphwords of the highest

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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Search for painite among wares offered by different Novigrad
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children = {
title = 0x00114196, -- "Visit Novigrad merchants and see if any have
painite for sale."

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chunk[11] = {
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title = 0x00114198, -- "Take the painite to the Ofieri runewright."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q601intro.journal:

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title = 0x00114d9f, -- "Evil's Soft First Touches"

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baseName = "quest start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "quest start 34216CF0-4D2F2127-E8175993-0C4B4173",
description = 0x0011570e, -- "When Geralt later told me the story which
began at the Seven Cats Inn notice board, he mentioned he had felt drawn to that
place, as if some strange, undefined force wanted him to appear there on that day
and at that time. I didn’t give this remark a second thought until I heard the tale
to its conclusion, and realized its beginning had been no accident...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt comes to Olgierd (just before end)",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt comes to Olgierd (just before end) D7131A39-
index = 1,
description = 0x00115714, -- "As you might have guessed, what looked
like a run-of-the-mill monster hunt, the kind Geralt had already completed
countless times, turned out to be but the very tip of a very large iceberg. The
first icy underwater hunk exposed itself when Geralt quite unexpectedly encountered
our old friend Shani, an Oxenfurt medic, in the sewers during his hunt for the toad
monster. He promised to visit her as soon as he took care of his task, and kept his
promise – but not before going on quite the detour.<br><br>When Olgierd mentioned
rumors floating around that the sewer monster was an enchanted prince, the thought
never even occurred to Geralt to grant them any credence. When he finally found and
slew the beast, he learned the error of this disbelief. Once slaughtered, the toad
revealed itself to be, as rumored, a prince. Geralt was dumbstruck – partly by this
surprise twist, I’m sure, but mostly by the poisonous gasses that had escaped from
the toad’s body and still filled the air. He was thus in no state to resist the
unit of heavily armed men led by a mage which suddenly appeared and captured
him.<br><br>When he next awoke, he was on a ship, imprisoned with a strange man who
informed him they were bound for Ofier. There Geralt was to be executed for the
crime of killing the Ofieri crown prince. Geralt was wracking his brain for a way
to jump out of this pot of trouble, when, suddenly, out of the shadows came Gaunter
O’Dimm, a merchant Geralt had met earlier on his path, with an offer of help. The
merchant charged a high price for his assistance: he left his mark on Geralt’s face
and forced him to make an open-ended promise of repayment. And then… then a
terrible storm broke out, flinging the ship against the rocks.<br><br>Geralt made
it out of the resulting chaos unscathed and went to meet O’Dimm. The merchant asked
him to carry out three wishes for the man who'd sent him after the toad, Olgierd
von Everec. Willing or not, Geralt agreed, and the two set off together to the
Garin estate. Once there, they discovered the manor was on fire. The witcher
decided to see what was afoot.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "quest end + decapitation",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "quest end + decapitation 91D3E8D4-4C472698-148257B9-
index = 2,
description = 0x00115716, -- "Near the burning manor two of Olgierd’s
men were setting up the execution of a third. Geralt decided to intervene. As soon
as he did, Olgierd emerged from the manor – and did not stand idly while Geralt
interfered with his orders. Instead he engaged Geralt in unrestrained combat,
during which the witcher sliced off his head. This proved but a temporary setback
for Olgierd, who simply placed his decapitated head back on the bloody stump of his
neck. It then became crystal clear Geralt was dealing with no mere
mortal.<br><br>Soon thereafter Master Mirror appeared and introduced Geralt to
Olgierd, explaining the witcher would, as his assistant, carry out Olgierd’s three
wishes. This turn of events did not please Olgierd one bit, but he clearly had no
choice but to agree and tell Geralt his wishes. For his first, he demanded Geralt
bring him the house of Maximillian Borsodi, and for the second, he asked Geralt to
show his brother, Vlodimir von Everec, the time of his life. Geralt then turned his
attentions to these labors…<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "quest end + girl&knife",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "quest end + girl&knife 79A03EB0-40A4E430-9D52F7BD-
index = 3,
description = 0x00115717, -- "Near the burning manor two of Olgierd’s
men were setting up the execution of a third. When Geralt asked what the poor
fellow was accused of, Olgierd emerged from the manor. They had barely begun to
discuss the matter when a bereaved young woman thrust a sword into his back,
blaming him for the death of her father. This grave – deadly, it would seem – wound
did not bother Olgierd one bit. With the blade still stuck in his guts, he began to
calmly explain to the young woman that he was not responsible for her daddy’s
death. It then became crystal clear Geralt was dealing with no mere
mortal.<br><br>Soon thereafter Master Mirror appeared and introduced Geralt to
Olgierd, explaining the witcher would, as his assistant, carry out Olgierd’s three
wishes. This turn of events did not please Olgierd one bit, but he clearly had no
choice but to agree and tell Geralt his wishes. For his first, he demanded Geralt
bring him the house of Maximillian Borsodi, and for the second, he asked Geralt to
show his brother, Vlodimir von Everec, the time of his life. Geralt then turned his
attentions to these labors…<br>"

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baseName = "after noticeboard",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after noticeboard 8CB31124-41CAFB2B-23AFADBC-
index = 4,
description = 0x00115ad9, -- "And it began like this: One day Geralt
arrived at the Seven Cats Inn in search of his next contract. He perused the
notices hanging there, yet found none to be of much interest, and was about to go
on his way when a man came to nail a new parchment to the board. The notice
announced a certain Olgierd von Everec, residing in the nearby Garin Estate, was
looking for someone to kill a dangerous monster lurking in the Oxenfurt sewers.
“Sounds like a job for me,” thought Geralt, and he set off to see this Olgierd and
learn more about the contract. Little did he know this was to be the beginning of a
great adventure, one filled with both delightful diversions and deadly dangers…

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title = 0x0010d10e, -- "Go see Olgierd von Everec about the contract."

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chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Kill the monster",
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title = 0x0010dc15, -- "Kill the monster."

chunk[31] = {
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chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Investigate the area",
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children = {
title = 0x0010dc1e, -- "Search the area using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Kill Ofir soldiers",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Ofir soldiers",
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title = 0x0010dc60, -- "(Optional) Defeat the Ofieri warriors."

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chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Go to the crossroads",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to the crossroads",
index = 12,
children = {
title = 0x0010dc71, -- "Meet Master Mirror at midnight at the crossroads
beneath the willows."

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title = 0x0010df92, -- "Go see Olgierd."

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chunk[40] = {
baseName = "Kill Olgierd",
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title = 0x0010df93, -- "Defeat Olgierd."

chunk[41] = {
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chunk[42] = {
baseName = "[optional] Find a key.",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[optional] Find a key.",
index = 15,
title = 0x00115d77, -- "(Optional) Search the soldiers and find the key
to the grating."

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "Find the key",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the key",
index = 16,
children = {
title = 0x0011124a, -- "Find the key to the lower level of the sewers
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[44] = {
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baseName = "Go to the attack site",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to the attack site",
index = 17,
children = {
title = 0x0011124c, -- "Go to the spot where the monster attacked Shani
and the Redanian soldiers."

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chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Explore serwer's lower level",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Explore serwer's lower level",
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children = {
title = 0x0011124b, -- "Search the lower level of the sewers using your
Witcher Senses."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q602romance.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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baseName = "q602romance",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q602romance 2C24E325-45BE7C3C-F7BE43BB-75E86569",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0010e644, -- "A Midnight Clear"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 2BE2B2D4-43FB04FC-DEED4B8E-B20A775E",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q602 Romance Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Romance Begining 1",
description = 0x001151b9, -- "Though Vlodimir had returned to the nether
realms, the night was still young and the wedding not yet over. Shani, dejected at
the thought that Geralt would soon return to his many pressing concerns, was
sitting alone at one of the tables, staring glumly at the crowd of merrymakers.
Master Mirror advised Geralt that a bouquet of flowers or some tasty liqueur might
cheer her up.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q602 Romance rowan gift",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Romance flower gift 1",
index = 1,
description = 0x001151ba, -- "Geralt, remembering Shani's love for rowan
blossoms, brought her a branch of them, which she delightedly plaited into her
hair. Oh, if you'd only seen her then… She looked lovely, radiant, even.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q602 Romance alcohol gift",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Romance alcohol gift 1",
index = 2,
description = 0x001151bb, -- "Geralt decided fortified beverages make
the best pick-me-ups, and so brought Shani an ample flask.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q602 Romance had sex with Shani",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Romance had sex with Shani 1",
index = 3,
description = 0x001151c1, -- "The witcher took Shani on a long walk by
the river and then… then they got in a boat and, as Geralt told it to me, rowed to
the moon. Could my friend be turning into something of a romantic? Or perhaps he
always was one? One way or the other, a pleasant afternoon and eventful evening
spent together lasted until the break of dawn, during which time they... you'll
forgive me if I spare you the details.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q602 Romance sex with Shani (puking)",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Romance sex with Shani 1(puking)",
index = 4,
description = 0x001151c2, -- "The witcher took Shani on a long walk by
the river and then… then they got in a boat and, as Geralt told it to me, rowed to
the moon. Unfortunately, it seems something about moonlight disagrees with Shani's
belly... Or else the poor thing was simply overcome with how romantic it all was.
That unfortunate incident aside, both she and Geralt enjoyed the outing, and their
pleasant afternoon and eventful evening stretched on until the break of dawn,
during which time they... you'll forgive me if I spare you the details.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Q602 Romance failed",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Romance failed",
index = 5,
description = 0x001151c6, -- "I don't know if Geralt simply didn't
notice Shani's sour mood, or deliberately chose to disregard it, but one way or
another he left her to work through it on her own and returned to his own concerns.
It is a shame he did so, for something tells me that evening might have had a very
moving finale...<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Q602 Romance end - friends",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Romance end - friends 8CDDBB0A-4F79DD68-
index = 6,
description = 0x00115ba2, -- "Geralt took Shani aside for a long walk by
the river – and a heart-to-heart chat. This turn of events was the natural
conclusion to a day full of emotions and discoveries – after all that, who wouldn't
want to sit down in a quiet spot with an old friend and talk about past times?
Shani and Geralt certainly did, and so they talked and laughed until night turned
to day, then parted, each returning to his or her own life.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Q602 Romance chamomile gift",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Romance chamomile gift 1",
index = 7,
description = 0x00115ba5, -- "Geralt decided to lift Shani's spirits
and, following Master Mirror's advice, brought her some flowers. Shani mocked him a
bit, since the blooms he chose were ingredients for a mellowing herbal tea, which
doesn't exactly scream "romance," but appreciated the gesture.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Romance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Romance 7E01D4AF-412A9ED0-41450185-5AC93019",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Use Witcher Senses to locate flowers or alcohol you could give
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use Witcher Senses to locate flowers or alcohol you
could give Shani 0AB22AFE-4C58299A-6F0BF2AA-C700A396",
children = {
title = 0x0010e645, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find something that
will cheer Shani up."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "q602_mappin_flower_1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q602_mappin_flower_1 44085C0A-440A228C-37CB1188-
radius = 7.000000,
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "q602_mappin_alcohol_1",
order = 3221225470,
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index = 1,
radius = 7.000000,
mapPinID = "q602_mappin_alcohol_1",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "q602_mappin_flower_3",
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chunk[17] = {
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mapPinID = "q602_mappin_alcohol_2",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "shani",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "shani 1",
index = 4,
mapPinID = "shani",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Give flower to Shani",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Give flower to Shani 5F8A8637-4FE56229-198B169D-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010e646, -- "Give Shani the present."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "shani",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "shani 144D6483-4B868CB1-42B383B2-F6359F90",
mapPinID = "shani",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Have a walk with Shani",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Have a walk with Shani 3531F2CA-43A6081F-F1B6CE9F-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010e647, -- "Go on a walk with Shani."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "shani",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "shani FC475216-4B4F3CB9-91AB1AA7-44A64F73",
mapPinID = "shani",

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Read Glossary entry about Shani to learn about flowers she may
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Glossary entry about Shani to learn about
flowers she may like 1",
index = 3,
title = 0x0010fa63, -- "Read Shani's Character entry in the Journal to
find out what might cheer her up."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Give alcohol to Shani",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Give alcohol to Shani 1",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001101f8, -- "Give Shani the alcohol."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "shani",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "shani",
mapPinID = "shani",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q602wedding.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q602wedding",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q602wedding 78053F6B-498256AE-F9C0229F-B9EF3972",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0010becb, -- "Dead Man's Party"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 126A5CDC-457B64E6-19998DB4-AFC7D629",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q602 After talking to Shani in her flat",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 After talking to Shani in her flat 1",
description = 0x0011514b, -- "Shani had been a diligent student – she
not only had heard of the von Everec family, but also happened to be in the
possession of a tome indicating the location of their family crypt. She and Geralt
decided to journey there together. Shani was to bring a censer with her, which
Geralt intended to use to perform the ancient ritual of Blood Summoning to bring
forth the ghost of Olgierd’s dead brother.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q602 Geralt possessed - Shani girlfriend W1",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Geralt possessed - Shani girlfriend W1 1",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011514c, -- "Thanks to the Blood Summoning (which, as
is the norm during witcher adventures, did not go off without certain
complications), Geralt was able to summon the ghost of Vlodimir von Everec.
Vlodimir, delighted at the prospect of enjoying a “cracking good time,” stated that
to do so, he would need a body… and then promptly possessed the witcher’s, despite
the latter's heated resistance. From that moment till Vlodimir had had his fun,
Vlod’s ghost accompanied Geralt everywhere the witcher went. And it so happened on
that day, he was going to a wedding, where he was to meet Shani. Vlodimir was
thrilled at this, for he had taken quite the liking to the young medic, but,
learning that she meant something special to Geralt, he promised to keep his hands
off her. Yet something about his manner left room to doubt he’d keep this promise…

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q602 Geralt possessed - Shani not girlfriend W1",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Geralt possessed - Shani not girlfriend W1 1",
index = 2,
description = 0x00115150, -- "Thanks to the Blood Summoning (which, as
is the norm during witcher adventures, did not go off without certain
complications), Geralt was able to summon the ghost of Vlodimir von Everec.
Vlodimir, delighted at the prospect of enjoying a “cracking good time,” stated that
to do so, he would need a body… and then promptly possessed the witcher’s, despite
the latter's heated resistance. From that moment till Vlodimir had had his fun,
Vlod’s ghost accompanied Geralt everywhere the witcher went. And it so happened on
that day, he was going to a wedding, where he was to meet Shani. Vlodimir was
thrilled at this, for he had taken quite the liking to the young medic. It seemed
they were all in for a night to remember.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q602 Reached Wedding",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Reached Wedding 1",
index = 3,
description = 0x00115151, -- "Once Geralt and Vlodimir arrived at the
wedding, the ghost jumped into Geralt’s body and threw himself headlong into a
whirlwind of merriment, mirth and amusement.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q602 Wedding ended",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Wedding ended 1",
index = 4,
description = 0x00115152, -- "Hearing Geralt recount that night's
festivities, I realized it was a great shame I had not been able to attend. Not
only would I have graced the guests with a performance worthy of the occasion, but
also I would have witnessed its wonders first-hand, the better to now convey them
to you, dear reader… Yet I consider my chance to craft an epic nuptial ballad
merely delayed, not missed, for Shani caught the garland during the capping,
meaning I will surely be a guest of honor at her wedding in the near future.
Vlodimir, I hear, enjoyed himself tremendously, though he was forced off the stage
and into the netherworld in a rather unpleasant manner by Master Mirror at the end.
Before that happened, he wrote a letter to his brother in his own (that is to say,
Geralt’s) blood, thus providing proof that the witcher had fulfilled Olgierd’s

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Q602 Ending",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Ending 1",
index = 5,
description = 0x001151b8, -- "As the witcher had suspected, Olgierd
would not simply take Geralt’s word for it that Vlodimir had not only risen from
the dead (temporarily, at least), but had also had a splendid time. Yet the letter
Vlod wrote in blood effectively resolved all Olgierd’s doubts. The task was deemed

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Q602 Begining",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q602 Begining 1",
index = 6,
description = 0x0011514a, -- "As Master Mirror forewarned, Olgierd von
Everec asked Geralt to perform several tasks for him. One of these was to show his
brother, Vlodimir, the time of his life. As I know from many pleasant personal
experiences, the witcher, grim as he may sometimes seem, is more than capable of
arranging a fantastic night out. Yet in this case, there was one particularly
tricky catch: Vlodimir was dead. As a first step to overcoming this obstacle,
Geralt decided to go see Shani, who, as a Redanian subject, an Oxenfurt resident
and a woman of great learning, might just have some information about where
Vlodimir is buried.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Crypt",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Crypt B3A70302-464F2667-5AF630A3-500F5C64",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Talk to Shani about crypt of Everc family",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Shani about crypt of Everc family 29C05F04-
children = {
title = 0x0010bec9, -- "Talk to Shani about the von Everec family

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "q602_mappin_shani_flat",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q602_mappin_shani_flat 85940517-43015CD3-39391498-
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Meet Shani by crypt of Everc family",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Shani by crypt of Everc family A6C9E2C0-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010d60b, -- "Meet Shani in front of the von Everec family

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "q602_mappin_shani_crypt_entrance",
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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Enter crypt of Everc family",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Enter crypt of Everc family F44D6352-489A8BD8-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010d60c, -- "Enter the von Everec family crypt."

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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Use Witcher Senses to investigate crypt of Everc family",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use Witcher Senses to investigate crypt of Everc
family BF5C9636-4BE053D8-BFEABA8F-575E2C0D",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010d60d, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to explore the von
Everec family crypt."

chunk[19] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q602_mappin_investigate_crypt 88594DDA-493B3BC2-
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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Light up brazzier to continue ritual",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Light up brazzier to continue ritual 99A16CCF-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0010d60f, -- "Light the main votive to continue the ritual."

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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Kill specters of Everc family",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill specters of Everc family 8B23C701-47B90523-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0010d618, -- "Defeat the wraiths of dead von Everecs."

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baseName = "Cense all chambers in the crypt",
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title = 0x00113203, -- "Spread incense in every room in the crypt."

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for her."

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swallower's fate."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q603bank.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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baseName = "q603bank",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q603bank B554FBE9-41969AB7-7123A48A-258002C0",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0010da82, -- "Open Sesame!"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 56ABA54B-41819279-A983A7A6-4298BF73",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 267E1456-42B545E0-19BD218D-5D5C44BF",
description = 0x00110331, -- "Olgierd's wishes were unusual, to say the
least. One demand was for Geralt to bring him the house of Maximillian Borsodi. He
didn't supplement this request with such key details as where this house was
located or just how the witcher was to transport said real estate. Geralt only knew
his first stop should be Oxenfurt, the city to which the Borsodis had moved their
world-famous auction house...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After Auction",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Auction 6BA25838-44612976-641123B4-2EA7E4FC",
index = 1,
description = 0x00110332, -- "Horst Borsodi did not demonstrate a flare
for hospitality. He greeted Geralt with unmasked disdain, then, upon hearing the
witcher had come for Maximilian Borsodi's House, had him summarily tossed into the
gutter. Geralt was still picking himself up when he discovered a stranger awaiting
him there... a man who could help him fulfill Olgierd's wish.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Heist Preparation",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Heist Preparation 4DBCB5AF-46DEC8A6-38DAC09A-
index = 2,
description = 0x00110333, -- "The mysterious stranger revealed that he
was planning to rob the Borsodis' Auction House. He swore Geralt would find
Maximilian's House within it, as impossible as that sounded. First, however, the
witcher would have to help him put together a full break-in crew of daring
professionals and find a way to weaken the Redanian garrison. Though Geralt usually
tried to live within the bounds of the law, this time he had no choice but to agree
to help in this criminal enterprise.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Preparation Done",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Preparation Done 4E0AA1F2-41F0EA13-85505790-
index = 3,
description = 0x00110334, -- "Geralt managed to put together a full
crew, though this was no simple task. His next was not any easier: he and the
assembled crew had to break into the Borsodis' well-guarded auction house, then
force open the door to the vault located within. Many a safecracker had tried this
before – and all had landed in the dreaded Oxenfurt prison.<br>"
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Pro Ewald",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pro Ewald 2D517F21-47A9B5BC-11FC05BF-DADFBC70",
index = 4,
description = 0x00110335, -- "Not everything went according to plan… to
say the least. Geralt successfully broke into the vault, though at the cost of some
nerve-wracking moments and a good deal of bloodshed. Once in the bowels of the
auction house, he found out his partner-in-crime was none other than Horst
Borsodi's long-missing brother, Ewald. Cheated by his brother out of his
inheritance, Ewald had planned his revenge during long years of exile – and the
witcher helped him bring this plan to fruition.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Pro Horst",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pro Horst 2722D24A-4ABEDAEB-F6F6B6A6-05676DEF",
index = 5,
description = 0x00110336, -- "Not everything went according to plan… to
say the least. Geralt successfully broke into the vault, though at the cost of some
nerve-wracking moments and a good deal of bloodshed. Once in the bowels of the
auction house, he found out that his partner-in-crime was none other than Horst
Borsodi's long-missing brother, Ewald. Cheated by his brother out of his
inheritance, Ewald had planned his revenge during his long years of exile. Yet now,
on the cusp of his plan's completion, the White Wolf stood in his way. Geralt
hadn't trusted Ewald from the very start and decided to hold his nose and support
the disagreeable Horst rather than help Ewald commit fratricide.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Ending Horst Wins",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending Horst Wins 498D7AC5-4DBCC83E-8AC740B0-
index = 6,
description = 0x00110337, -- "Yet fratricide occurred nonetheless – for
Horst killed his younger brother. The blood still on his hands, he gave Geralt the
golden casket known as Maximilian Borsodi's House in compensation for his help,
though not before taking for himself the will hidden inside it. With this in his
possession, Geralt was set to fulfill Olgierd's request.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Ending Ewald Wins",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending Ewald Wins 7DE107CA-445E5582-B6632CA7-
index = 7,
description = 0x00110338, -- "Ewald killed his older brother, avenging
years of poverty and humiliation in one furious moment. The blood still on his
hands, he gave Geralt the golden casket known as Maximilian Borsodi's House in
compensation for his help, though not before taking for himself the will hidden
inside it. With this in his possession, Geralt was set to fulfill Olgierd's

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Ending Borsodys Dead",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending Borsodys Dead 55E45F9B-455BA2E9-774CA9BD-
index = 8,
description = 0x00110339, -- "Yet when Geralt realized the remaining
Borsodi brother was using him as well, he made sure he joined his recently murdered
sibling in the afterlife. With no one left to lay a competing claim on it, Geralt
took the golden casket known as Maximilian Borsodi's House and the will hidden
inside it. Now he was set to fulfill Olgierd's request.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Auction",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Auction FF0754E3-4BCDFDBB-720AD79A-7F59CA68",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Go to Borsody's Auction House in Oxenfurt and talk to the owners",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Borsody's Auction House in Oxenfurt and talk to
the owners 15F556C8-4F11C9E8-551130B6-511EA598",
children = {
title = 0x0010cc54, -- "Go to the Borsodi auction house in Oxenfurt and
ask for the owner."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q603_auctionhouse_guard_first_scene_01 6AFCB95A-
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010cc55, -- "Go to the upper floor of the auction house."

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index = 2,
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title = 0x0010cc56, -- "(Optional) Meet Vivaldi's friends."
count = 3,

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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010d79f, -- "Find Countess Mignole's earring using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x0010d8a5, -- "Go to the herbalist's hut near Oxenfurt and give
the password."

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the robbery."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q603diversion.journal:

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title = 0x00112ac7, -- "Open Sesame: Witcher Seasonings"
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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start E64BE031-4425582F-4390AC98-BB13693C",
description = 0x00112ac8, -- "Oxenfurt, once a city of students, had
been transformed by war into a city of soldiers. Redanian troops were everywhere –
in every inn, shop and brothel, but, most visibly and annoyingly of all, on every
street. Geralt had to find a way to reduce the number of patrols if the robbery was
to stand a chance of success. He dug into his bag of witcher tricks and found just
the thing – an alchemical mixture which, added to the soldiers' rations, would soon
have half the Oxenfurt garrison out on sick leave...<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End A463380A-4C64E345-52544CA5-6E7489FB",
index = 1,
description = 0x00112ac9, -- "The garrison cook turned out to be
amenable to cooperation. He agreed to add the witcher's special sauce to his pot,
making Geralt's task much easier."

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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Listen to chats among guards to find the cook, using witcher
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title = 0x00112acc, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to eavesdrop on Redanian
soldiers patrolling Oxenfurt to find out where to find their cook."

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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Talk to the cook and bribe him to add your potion to soldiers'
order = 3758096382,
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soldiers' food EB9245D6-484E6A05-14B03281-7F2091B4",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00112ace, -- "Visit the garrison cook during the day and
convince him to help you."

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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Prepare a potion for the soldiers",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare a potion for the soldiers 769782F4-43BBB1E2-
index = 2,
title = 0x00112acd, -- "Prepare a cleansing mixture that will weaken the
Redanian soldiers."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q603getinman.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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title = 0x0010e607, -- "Open Sesame: Breaking and Entering"

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start EBB45428-45B62285-CF99FB8C-A4C1BBC3",
description = 0x0011033a, -- "Robbing a building requires, at a bare
minimum, finding a way inside it. The mysterious man who convinced Geralt to take
part in the heist determined the only way to break into the carefully guarded
auction house was via an adjacent tower. Geralt thus needed to hire someone capable
of climbing up its glass-smooth outer wall and dropping a line down to the others.
Only two maestros of the burglar's trade could perform such a feat: Hugo Hoff,
affectionately known as "Beef Patty," and Eveline Gallo, alias "the Ermine."<br>"
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index = 1,
description = 0x0011033b, -- "Unfortunately, Hugo Hoff was unable to
join the witcher's crew. The reason was a common one in criminal circles – someone
had fitted him with a stone necktie and tossed him in a deep stretch of the Pontar.
The halfling had learned the hard way that, all too often, crime does not pay.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Circus Artist Recruited",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Circus Artist Recruited 980FF2C9-4F9A6DE0-A33069BA-
index = 2,
description = 0x0011033c, -- "In the end, Geralt recruited Eveline Gallo
to join the heist. This was not a very difficult task – he had the impression the
performer was just waiting for an excuse to escape from the circus tent for a
moment and once again savor the taste of a true adventure.<br>"

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chunk[10] = {
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index = 1,
title = 0x0010e60b, -- "Shoot the apples with your crossbow."

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chunk[14] = {
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title = 0x0010e618, -- "Return to shore."

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q603painting.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 3D697590-4E4A7941-5CECEF8C-4F740E6C",
description = 0x00112cfe, -- "Geralt is often taken for a boor. Nothing
could be further from the truth: though rough-and-rowdy in outer appearance, inside
Geralt harbors a sensitive appreciation of beauty and the arts. It should then come
as no surprise he was able to impress the art merchant he met at the auction. The
connoisseur tipped Geralt off about a van Rogh painting soon to go on the block.
Apparently Marcus Hodgson, a famed Novigrad book dealer, was ready to pay a small
fortune for it...<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00112cff, -- "The merchant's assurances proved reliable:
Geralt sold the painting at a considerable profit. The ecstatic book dealer also
threw in a rare witcher trophy."

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title = 0x00112bd8, -- "Sell the van Rogh painting to the Novigrad book
merchant, Marcus Hodgson."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q603vaultspecialist.journal:

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title = 0x0010e62a, -- "Open Sesame: The Safecracker"

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description = 0x0011033d, -- "Vaults are, as a rule, difficult to enter.
Their metal-plated doors must either be teased open in silence by a skilled
safecracker – or blown to smithereens by a demolitions expert. The unequalled
master of the first method was Quinto, the best safecracker north of the Yaruga.
The go-to specialist for the second was Casimir Bassi, a dwarf hailing from

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description = 0x0011033e, -- "Geralt chose to recruit Casimir to join
his crew. Expecting to have to persuade the dwarf to abandon his idyllic family
life, Geralt found himself instead convincing the dwarf to cling to any life at
all. Abandoned by his wife, Casimir was set on exploding himself and his wrecked
home in a spectacularly effective suicide – until he heard the witcher's

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index = 2,
description = 0x0011033f, -- "Geralt decided on Quinto. Hans of Cidaris
was holding the man captive, so Geralt first had to free him… though once he did,
he had the impression the famed safecracker could have waltzed out of his prison at
any time without his help. The ease with which Quinto opened his cell's lock boded
well for his chances of cracking open the door to the Borsodis' vault.<br>"

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title = 0x0010e62b, -- "Convince Casimir to take part in the robbery."

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title = 0x0010e62d, -- "Go to the mercenaries' camp and talk to Quinto."

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title = 0x0011564d, -- "Defeat Hans in a fistfight."

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baseName = "Meet with Quinto at the Oxenfurt Uni courtyard to recruit him",
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recruit him 24ACA9D6-4E473F67-B036B093-1277E725",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010e62f, -- "Meet with Quinto at the Academy gate at midnight
to recruit him."

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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q604mansion.journal:

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title = 0x0010e31d, -- "Scenes From a Marriage"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start D25B413B-4EFF5BC8-476D2382-7EDBC268",
description = 0x0010df8f, -- "With two wishes down and one more to go,
Geralt reported back to Olgierd. There he received his third and final task, which,
following in the vein of the its predecessors, seemed nigh unto impossible to
complete. Olgierd wanted Geralt to find and bring him the violet rose he had given
his wife the last time he saw her. As this was many years ago, and flowers are not
noted for their longevity, the rose had certainly disintegrated by now. Yet since
Geralt had grown used to finding the unfindable and doing the undoable, he
nevertheless set out to try to recover this flower of yesteryear.<br>"

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description = 0x0010df91, -- "Olgierd's abandoned residence was haunted
by the ghost of his wife, Iris von Everec – or more accurately, by deadly spectral
emanations coming from her dormant spirit. Geralt had to overcome many obstacles
before finally awakening Iris' ghost from her tortured sleep so he could talk to
her about the violet rose. After he did so, he traveled to the world of the ghost's
imagination to revive memories repressed within it and defeat the embodiments of
Iris' fears. In short, it was one of Geralt's more unusual adventures. At its end,
our hero emerged from the imagined world with a very tangible rose in hand, ready
to deliver to Olgierd in completion of his wish. The price of obtaining this rose?
The ultimate end of Iris von Everec.<br>"

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by the ghost of his wife, Iris von Everec – or more accurately, by deadly spectral
emanations coming from her dormant spirit. Geralt had to overcome many obstacles
before finally awakening Iris' ghost from her tortured sleep so he could talk to
her about the violet rose. After he did so, he traveled to the world of the ghost's
imagination to revive memories repressed within it and defeat the embodiments of
Iris' fears. At its end, our hero emerged from the imagined world not with the rose
itself, but with a very faithful likeness of it painted by Iris von Everec herself.
In this way he fulfilled the letter of Olgierd's wish – the rose had been
delivered, though in painted form, and with the eyes of Iris von Everec staring out
of its canvas.<br>"

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title = 0x0010ad48, -- "Search the von Everec estate and find the violet

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title = 0x0011467a, -- "Search for the partner of the thief you met."

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children = {
title = 0x0010f1b3, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the grounds of
the von Everec estate for a violet rose."

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the manor."

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way to restore them."

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chunk[58] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Confirm findings",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010fb8a, -- "Talk to the dog and cat about what you

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title = 0x0010fbc1, -- "Read the letter lying on the table."

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title = 0x00112075, -- "Search the area around the memory using your
Witcher Senses."

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chunk[64] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Match the scene to the painting in the dinning room",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x001121c2, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore
the memory."

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children = {
title = 0x00112077, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore
the memory."

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title = 0x00112079, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore
the memory."

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chunk[74] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0010ee08, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore
the memory."

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baseName = "Look for some chalk",
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title = 0x00113363, -- "Look around for candles and chalk."

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title = 0x00114069, -- "Complete the partially erased pentagram."

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baseName = "Get out of the snow storm",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get out of the snow storm",
index = 14,
children = {
title = 0x00114d20, -- "Escape from the blizzard and find a way back
into the house."

chunk[82] = {
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chunk[83] = {
baseName = "Search the wine cellar",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the wine cellar",
index = 15,
children = {
title = 0x0011207a, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore
the memory."

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baseName = "Defeat rabid spirits",
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title = 0x0010d5aa, -- "Defeat the wraiths."

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chunk[87] = {
baseName = "Examine the Dinning room",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine the Dinning room",
index = 17,
children = {
title = 0x0010f460, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore
the memory."

chunk[88] = {
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title = 0x00114078, -- "Go to the parlor."

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chunk[91] = {
baseName = "Face Iris's greatest fear",
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title = 0x00114083, -- "Face Iris von Everec's greatest fear."

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title = 0x0010d5ad, -- "Defeat Iris von Everec's nightmares."

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index = 21,
children = {
title = 0x0010d5aa, -- "Defeat the wraiths."

chunk[96] = {
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mapPinID = "q604_mappin_garden_spiders",

chunk[97] = {
baseName = "Place cup in Iris's hand",
order = 3523215358,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Place cup in Iris's hand",
index = 22,
children = {
title = 0x00114066, -- "Place the item that belongs there in Iris von
Everec's hand."

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chunk[99] = {
baseName = "Search the gazebo",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the gazebo",
index = 23,
children = {
title = 0x00112076, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore
the memory."

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index = 24,
children = {
title = 0x00115e78, -- "Place the items that fit the scene where they

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chunk[103] = {
baseName = "Match the room with the painting of olgierd",
order = 3745513470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Match the room with the painting of olgierd",
index = 25,
children = {
title = 0x00114077, -- "Arrange the elements of the tableau vivant as
they are in Olgierd's portrait."

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order = 3657433086,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look at the painting 0F104B95-4A77EAC7-126B24A3-
index = 26,
children = {
title = 0x00115e81, -- "Carefully examine the painting in the dining

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order = 2147483647,
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-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/q605finale.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "q605finale",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605finale 0551620D-437310FC-3A100C91-55645E17",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0010eaa4, -- "Whatsoever a Man Soweth…"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 1D4E4064-4CF46202-F9421F80-F68DFB67",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "quest started",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605_quest_started",
description = 0x00112790, -- "Having completed all of Olgierd von
Everec's wishes, Geralt went to the Alchemy Inn, where he was to meet with the
ataman's representative...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "got info from madman",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605_info_from_madman",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011278f, -- "With Shani's help, Geralt managed to enter
the Academy grounds and speak to a Professor Shakeslock, who had earlier helped
Olgierd in his attempts to break the pact with Master Mirror. The professor
revealed that O'Dimm could be cheated – one needed only propose a wager, and, as an
inveterate gambler, he was ligely to agree to take one up on it.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "quest ended - Olgierd saved",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605_olgierd_saved",
index = 2,
description = 0x00112791, -- "Geralt took Professor Shakeslock's advice
and proposed a wager to Master Mirror. Mirror agreed, but only if it was played out
on his terms. He transported Geralt to a strange, dark world and made him solve a
riddle. Geralt, who has always had a keen mind for such puzzles, soon found the
solution and defeated Gaunter O'Dimm. Was this the last our world will ever see of
him? No man can say... <br><br>What mattered most at the moment, however, was that
Olgierd von Everec was safe, and the pact which had bound him had been

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "quest ended - Olgierd dead",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605_olgierd_dead",
index = 3,
description = 0x00112792, -- "Geralt decided not to dispute the
arrangement between Gaunter O'Dimm and Olgierd. The pact was fulfilled, and
Olgierd's life came to an end.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "after talk in tavern",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after talk in tavern 813D686B-46151B6F-794387AA-
index = 4,
description = 0x00117201, -- "To Geralt's surprise, he found Master
Mirror waiting for him there. So that they might chat undisturbed, Mirror raised a
hand and... stopped time. If prior to this Geralt had had any doubts O'Dimm was a
demonic creature, this act – and the dark talk that followed – surely erased
them.<br><br>Mirror made it clear Geralt had no choice but to see their bargain
through to the end. Whether as an implied threat or just for some twisted fun,
O'Dimm then killed a nearby man... with a spoon.<br><br>Geralt knew he had to do as
Mirror asked. First, however, he decided he should visit Shani, who, according to
Olgierd's messenger, wanted to meet with him.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "objectives 829F4698-436BB617-8840D0B7-B3C4C77D",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Talk to Olgierd's man in Alchemy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Olgierd's man in Alchemy 7316EDAD-4D5E420D-
children = {
title = 0x0010ea59, -- "Meet Olgierd's man at the Alchemy Inn."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q605_inn_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605_inn_mappin",
mapPinID = "q605_inn_mappin",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Meet Olgierd at Old Temple",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Olgierd at Old Temple FCCDFE91-4FA0003E-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010ea5a, -- "Meet Olgierd at the Temple of Lilvani."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "q605_temple_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "q605_temple_entrance1_mappin",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Find solution to Mr Mirror's riddle",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find solution to Mr Mirror's riddle 3938F4F1-
index = 2,
title = 0x0010ea5b, -- "Find the solution to Master Mirror's riddle."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Talk to Shani in her house",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Shani in her house",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00111c44, -- "(Optional) Talk to Shani at her home."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "q605_shani_house_trigger",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605_shani_house_trigger",
mapPinID = "q605_shani_house_trigger",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Go with Shani to the University",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go with Shani to the University",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00112793, -- "(Optional) Follow Shani to the Academy."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "shani",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "shani",
mapPinID = "shani",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Climb the rope",
order = 3087007742,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Climb the rope",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00112794, -- "(Optional) Enter the Academy grounds."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "q605_rope_ladder_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605_rope_ladder_mappin",
mapPinID = "q605_rope_ladder_mappin",

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Get to the scholar's house",
order = 3154116606,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get to the scholar's house",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00112795, -- "(Optional) Enter Professor Shakeslock's house."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "q605_scholar_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q605_scholar_mappin",
mapPinID = "q605_scholar_mappin",

-- dlc/ep1/journal/quests/th1010ofirarmor.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "th1010ofirarmor",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "th1010ofirarmor A1FFE752-47824B4F-276EA882-944E443E",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00115478, -- "From Ofier's Distant Shores"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions EDF5287B-4126D90A-CC14B3A6-E3317B29",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start - talked to merchant",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start - talked to merchant 61645359-474B5E45-
description = 0x0011547b, -- "Who would have expected Geralt to come
across a camp of Ofieris somewhere on the Redanian frontier? Yet life can be
surprising – travelers from a land far across the sea had indeed chosen to pitch
their tents in just such a place. The new arrivals had come to gain knowledge and
give gifts, but, since life can be unpleasantly surprising as well, they were
attacked and robbed by locals. When Geralt heard about this, he felt sorry for the
foreigners' loss and decided to help them retrieve their belongings. Malicious
types might claim he only did so to get the crafting diagrams he'd been promised as
a reward, but I am not among their number and do not believe that for one

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 85FD9C2F-4EC91B9F-F831E3BA-3D471E5F",
index = 1,
description = 0x0011547c, -- "After a great deal of searching, the
witcher found the stolen diagrams and delivered them to the merchant as agreed. The
merchant repaid him with gratitude and copies of the diagrams translated into a
tongue local craftsmen could understand."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Start - found schematic",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start - found schematic E58716C0-402ECBF0-33BF1BBC-
index = 2,
description = 0x0011547d, -- "While wandering the Redanian borderlands
Geralt happened across some crafting diagrams written in a foreign tongue. He
supposed the language was Ofieri, but, not being a linguist, he could not be
certain. Wanting to resolve this mystery, he decided to look around for Ofieris,
having made the indisputable deduction that where there are Ofieri documents, there
must surely be Ofieris as well.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 4A7AE75A-4782C294-579E8E86-DB4F9E99",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Go where merchant got robbed",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go where merchant got robbed 51B796F4-4B0EB153-
children = {
title = 0x00115480, -- "Look for the place where the Ofieri merchant was

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Robbery area mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Robbery area mappin ADB0B7E7-4E2378AF-B861A8B3-
radius = 35.000000,
mapPinID = "th1010_robbery_spot",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Use WS to search the robbery area",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use WS to search the robbery area 4E18D655-4B1F2D6E-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00115481, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the site of
the attack."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "search the robbery spot",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 059D0333-493B5F3D-B4DF08A3-EB42AE1C",
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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Follow the bandits footsteps",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the bandits footsteps 413CE58B-4A4E532F-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00115482, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the bandits'

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title = 0x00115850, -- "Find all the diagrams from the Ofieri gear set
and return them to the merchant to be duplicated and translated."
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children = {
title = 0x0011550e, -- "Wait one day for the merchant to translate the
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index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x0011550f, -- "Collect the translated diagrams from the Ofieri

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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "find someone that can translate",
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index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x0011552a, -- "Find someone who can speak Ofieri."

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-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/armoredarachas.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Pancerny krabopająk",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pancerny krabopajak",
children = {
name = 0x001070e0, -- "Armored Arachasae"
image = "bestiary_arachasarmored.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions AF291816-4BD71D94-A7C19AAF-26E68557",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Pancerny krabopajak - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pancerny krabopajak - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071fa, -- "<i>That's the kinda john we call an
‘armored arachas.' Hard and prickly on the outside, but get ‘im undressed and
everything's soft and squishy.</i><br>– Foxy Lisa, Maribor prostitute<br><br>An
arachas' only weakness is its soft, sensitive abdomen. Some arachasae hide this
under hollow tree stumps, while other, "armored" varieties exist which have grown a
thick carapace that covers all the more delicate parts of their bodies.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Pancerny krabopajak - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pancerny krabopajak - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071fb, -- "An armored arachas is a true behemoth. It
uses its enormous mass to knock over and trample its victims then devours their
crushed remains. Like all arachasae, it is highly venomous, and thus Golden Oriole
should always be consumed before fighting it.<br><br>It is also worthwhile to stock
up on healing potions and crossbow bolts before setting out, for this arachas'
thick plating can withstand a great deal of damage, making battles with it a long
and exhausting affair."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 6B0A0678-4156615E-BB8B6483-368A77B6",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 5544A2A1-4B430E09-931D4B9A-33320729",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots F99DE4F6-45D64665-16E08D9A-6EDEAE62",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bear.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Bear",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bear",
children = {
name = 0x00107107, -- "Bears"
image = "bestiary_bear.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Beast Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 76177C87-4EEA731A-9BCE2EB5-8CE5E722",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Niedźwiedź - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Niedzwiedz - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107184, -- "<i>Know that ditty about the bear
"climbing the mountain, to see what he could see?" Biggest load of rubbish I've
ever heard. When a bear climbs a mountain, it's not to see. It's to hunt. To kill.
</i><br>– Jahne Oldak, royal huntsman<br><br>Bears are omnivores – meaning men find
a place in their diet beside berries, roots and salmon. When they snack on humans,
they most frequently partake of the meat of travelers unwittingly trespassing on
their territory, or else that of hunters for whom besting such a creature is a
lifelong ambition.<br><br>There are several subspecies of bears – black bears,
polar bears and cave bears – which differ from one another in coloring as well as
in size and strength. All share one trait in common, however: a near-unmatched
ability to kill.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Niedźwiedź - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Niedzwiedz - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107185, -- "Bears are found far from human habitation,
in high mountains or deep woods. They are solitary creatures - and a good thing
they are, for defeating a single bear is challenge to anyone, experienced witchers
included. Fighting a bear should be avoided, but if it cannot, one should not try
to run away – these seemingly clumsy animals can run at an astonishingly high
speed, especially if angered."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 84E9713D-428ED26A-01734CAC-D3D3C33F",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints F864F357-4306D2C5-6B558CB2-CFDBF83A",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 6E02DB39-4AB36DCC-808B2E86-2F640EC4",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/beasts.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Beasts",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType12",
name = 0x00058c09, -- "Beasts"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiaryalghoul.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Alghul",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_alghoul",
children = {
name = 0x00052e01, -- "Alghouls"
image = "bestiary_alghoul.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F4894D31-47DE449A-ED968CA0-D5B0FA03",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Alghul wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Alghul wpis 1 C2D12615-4E42A7DC-2F631999-7238CA98",
description = 0x00060fbc, -- "<i>An alghoul's basically a badarse
ghoul</i><br>– Yarpen Zigrin, dwarven warrior<br><br>Alghouls differ from normal
ghouls in size, strength, coloring and, most importantly, intelligence. Whereas
ghouls and graveirs are primitive creatures unfit to plan even the simplest ambush,
alghouls and their kindred (such as cemetaurs) are capable of forethought, and are
thus much more dangerous.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Alghul wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Alghul wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010702b, -- "Ghouls seem to possess wits enough to at
least know a brighter mind when they see it, and so let alghouls and cemetaurs lead
their packs. A pack so led will terrorize all in its path, attacking not only lone
travelers but also caravans and even farmsteads. When encountering such a pack the
alghoul should be eliminated as a first priority, leaving the other beasts for once
their leader is gone. One be particularly careful when fighting alghouls around
dusk and at night, when they fight with doubled strength.<br><br>During combat
alghouls and cemetaurs try risky maneuvers aimed at knocking their opponents to the
ground so the others can finish the job by tearing them to shreds. Like a normal
ghoul, an injured alghoul can fall into a frenzy and attack with blind fury. An
experienced witcher knows to get out of its way on such occasions and strike from
behind, while for an inexperienced witcher, such a turn of events often marks the
end of his Path."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 5B1F2940-4EED7AA8-784AFE88-7E843DA3",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 3,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_damage_marks_01",
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category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 4,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_damage_marks_02",
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category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 5,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 2,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "alghoul_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints D3F9DA88-413E4C03-98AE4685-6E2EF847",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 3D4C54B4-435141DE-1BA573A2-2D946634",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarybasilisk.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Bazyliszek",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_basilisk",
children = {
name = 0x00052e02, -- "Basilisks"
image = "bestiary_bazyliszek.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions EE3E6FB9-455914EF-2E476D9F-CBACBEC9",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Bazyliszek - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bazyliszek - wpis 1 5427BA61-4CDA7FAD-A29E21B9-
description = 0x00060fcc, -- "<i>In memory of the noble knight Roderick,
slain during a valiant struggle against a basilisk. Let's hope the beast choked on
his bones.</i><br>– Gravestone inscription, Vizima cemetery.<br><br>Contrary to
popular belief, basilisks cannot turn anything to stone with their gaze. That is
small comfort, however, given that their acid, venom, claws and teeth provide them
many other ways to kill.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Bazyliszek - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bazyliszek - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010720c, -- "Basilisks love dark, damp places such as
cellars, caves and city sewers. They hunt by day, waiting patiently in hiding for
their prey to come, then jump out in a flash to unleash a deadly
attack.<br><br>When preparing to fight such a creature one should drink Golden
Oriole, which will provide resistance to its venom, and also prepare Dancing Star
or shrapnel bombs, which work particularly well against basilisks.<br><br>Basilisk
leather is a highly-valued material used to make fashionable shoes and women's
handbags. For this reason many men, their courage girded by goldlust, take to
hunting them. Most of these hunts end in disaster, but some do manage to bag their
prey, which has led to a drastic decline in this creature's numbers in recent
years. Some mages and druids are of the opinion that basilisks should be included
in programs meant to safeguard dying species. Everyone else thinks those mages and
druids have gone completely mad."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues C04A230C-479CFBF3-9ACCC9A5-5C9805A4",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 6,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 1,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 10,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 5,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 4,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 2,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 3,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
clue = 3,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 1,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "basilisk_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 1,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 7220E048-4972F3B6-61CE9D92-B314A21D",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 728ADFEF-4FDE552C-3D30868A-18FBF608",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarycockatrice.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Kuroliszek",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_cockatrice",
children = {
name = 0x00056879, -- "Cockatrices"
image = "bestiary_kuroliszek.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9BB9F443-4B895E6C-3EE317A1-A69163BB",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Kuroliszek - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kuroliszek - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107215, -- "<i>Had meself eight heifers, five of ‘em
milchers. Then this cockatrice sprung up nearby, and now all's I got left's dried
patties in an empty field.</i><br>– Jethro, peasant from Pindal<br><br>Foolish
superstitions claim cockatrices, like basilisks, can kill with their gaze alone.
That is utter nonsense, however, a cockatrice's gaze being no more dangerous than
that of an angry goose. One should instead watch out for its sharp beak and long
tail, which it can whip to murderous effect.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Kuroliszek - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kuroliszek - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107216, -- "Cockatrices thrive in dark caves,
abandoned ruins, cobwebbed dungeons and old basements. Though small compared to
griffins and manticores, they are more than capable of killing anyone who stumbles
across them in a dark corridor.<br><br>Cockatrices do not shun direct fights, in
which they strike furiously with wing and tail in an attempt to exhaust their foes.
Blows from their beaks are especially dangerous, as they aim with deadly precision
at exposed flesh and vital organs and leave bleeding, life-threatening wounds. When
fighting them one should make liberal use of draconid oil as well as Grapeshot,
whose shrapnel will pierce their delicate wings with ease."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues A54DA007-4DE0271D-60D24ABA-887F1B61",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 6,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 6,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 10,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_movement",
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category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 8,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 4,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_damage_marks_01",
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category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 3,

chunk[13] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_damage_marks_02",
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category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 2,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
clue = 3,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 2,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cockatrice_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 1,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 6C36D046-4D418C5D-FC45B4A4-B39422F5",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots EA24B09E-45C69137-2264BB81-4BEBDB51",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarycrabspider.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Krabopająk",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Krabopajak F741B0E3-4596E813-14D83485-03E94E3C",
children = {
name = 0x00107200, -- "Arachasae"
image = "bestiary_arachas.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 05ED425B-4F3ECB98-2674DB8F-22C69218",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "krabopająk wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "krabopajak1-7BA3E65-4FA5F24F-419966A5-E32D4E9B",
description = 0x00107024, -- "<i>N'arache aen woed endicen [Let sleeping
arachasae lie].</i><br>– Elven proverb<br><br>Powerful pincers, a maw filled with
razor-sharp teeth and venom glands packed with deadly toxins – these constitute the
arachas' deadly arsenal. Since people and farm animals make up an important part of
these creatures' diet, contracts on arachasae in turn constitute an important
source of witcher coin.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "krabopająk wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "krabopajak2-7BA3E65-4FA5F24F-419966A5-E32D4E9B",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107023, -- "Once native to the far south, this
invasive species migrated north over the course of decades, adjusting as it went to
new climates and temperatures. It found damp woodlands and swamps most hospitable
and made them its home, making use of the muck and moss found there as blankets
during its winter hibernation. The arachas hides its unprotected, sack-like abdomen
under a covering of hollow tree-trunks worn on its back.<br><br>At first glance, a
stationary arachas often looks like a part of the forest undergrowth, a fact it
uses to deadly advantage when hunting. It usually begins a battle by spitting
venom, then tries to grab its prey with prehensile feelers in order to drag it
within reach of its crushing pincers."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 5B7FEC5C-49E2C669-7399D79D-A59BB0D7",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Size 9355F540-4935D5AA-455F6DA1-499D57D6",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 7,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Appearance 9287629B-4DA8142F-268E5AA9-38F58158",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 10,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skin texture B0F6F858-44BB90FB-7F595989-CAEA9CD6",
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category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 8,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Movement 472C174A-46C47672-019CAFA0-B8E66EEF",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sounds 36510481-41AF0633-93F116A3-08D316D4",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 7,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damage marks 1 4EBDCA01-45139258-2511B88C-BE9D567E",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 2,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damage marks 2 80944D09-42489D37-700B5487-091EB849",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 3,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Victim state 61DEB316-494FB664-261F00AC-883B21C4",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 7,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Behavior 04CE350B-48D09456-971FFFB8-2E0D2393",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Attitude DF1B8885-4831FAFE-795EC3A1-57EEB8BA",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",
clue = 2,

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Attack time 6CEF3DEB-450982CF-112A8A86-FC36AEFD",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints B9B96E24-43735869-1265F999-E59BABE9",
index = 2,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots B5F567A4-4101EF34-7EF2B4B4-AF2A032A",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiaryekkima.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ekkima",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ekkima C92ACFC1-474685AF-D302809D-8B2BAEF4",
children = {
name = 0x00107038, -- "Ekimmaras"
image = "bestiary_ekkima.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions CEEDAE29-434FEC72-AEFC51B6-F951ADF4",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ekimma wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ekimma wpis 1",
description = 0x00107039, -- "<i>Bah, ain't nothing to fear. Ekimmaras,
why, they ain't nothing more than overgrown bats.</i><br>– Anonymous city
guardsman's last words<br><br>Like other vampires, ekimmaras are not, despite what
village gossips might say, undead humans. They are instead post-Conjunction
monsters who have no particular feelings about garlic, holy water or religious
symbols.<br><br>Unlike their portrayals in ballads and legends, they look nothing
like handsome, pale aristocrats with charming eastern accents, though, like
katakans or nekurats, they do bear a strong resemblance to overgrown bats. They
also do not suck blood from the necks of virgins with a delicate, kiss-like bite –
they tear them to shreds using long, sharp claws and then slurp the splattered
blood off the ground."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ekimma wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ekimma wpis 2 4319AF29-468B932A-721C55A1-07F931A6",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071a8, -- "Ekimmaras are unusually cruel and
exceptionally swift. They are able to quickly land blow after blow capable of
smashing even the best Mahakaman-made armor into tiny shards. They should be fought
with a silver sword, remembering that they can regenerate back health over time.
One should thus never attempt to tire them out or, gods forbid, wait for them to
bleed to death. Instead, cut them down as quickly as possible and, if possible,
burn the body to ash and scatter it to the four winds."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 96166474-419FF664-F6B4AB9E-1714B3FF",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Size 3851702F-488E1360-E6EF5496-ED5BDF9E",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 3,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Appearance 7BF8BAB1-42583072-4B7EDA9E-6211A657",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skin texture 4026A64E-4341C358-00CEC886-D791A87B",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Movement FC26F1C1-44D02353-FC54A9A0-CC2602FB",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sounds 70F86EF9-4327212C-8A8A82BC-C3B19483",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 3,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damage marks 1 3B8370A4-44268535-1532F2AC-BE4D0F47",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 2,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damage marks 2 F80D19F1-4F72B932-EFA6A98E-5217E7E2",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 1,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Victim state 9E3A7767-465423AB-28138799-D7085522",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 3,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Behavior 76385479-4C987353-518A5FA2-DCD6686D",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
clue = 1,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Attitude 527E9EEA-4159E2EA-9CF313A5-6977EBC0",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Attack time 4FA5828D-47D0F7FC-81B79FA7-A28B5F6C",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 3,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 0CDCDA6F-4F30B42E-7719558D-2586DB6B",
index = 2,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots A828519B-4DFDE290-1F97CFB3-F955C96A",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiaryelemental.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Żywiołak ziemi",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zywiolak ziemi",
children = {
name = 0x00056843, -- "Earth Elementals"
image = "bestiary_earthelemental.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A2C33B47-4996F2BF-7776479B-F7A95CE9",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "elemental_description_1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_description_1",
description = 0x00060b6d, -- "<i>How to survive an encounter with an
earth elemental? Simple. Run. Fast as you can. </i><br>– Nino Murk, bounty
hunter<br><br>Earth elementals are made of mud, clay, sand and rock dust clumped
together with water and brought alive with magic. While seemingly slow and
ponderous, these creatures are nevertheless dangerous and should be avoided at all

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "elemental_description_2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_description_2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001087c5, -- "Earth elementals can withstand a
tremendous amount of punishment. Due to their enormous mass they are virtually
impossible to knock off balance. They do not bleed nor do they feel any pain from
poison or fire.<br><br>They kill men with astonishing ease – whether by smashing
them with their fists or hurling enormous stones at them. Their only weakness is
their vulnerability to dimeritium dust – thus, before combat, one should prepare a
full arsenal of bombs containing said ingredient."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_hunting_clues",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 10,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 5,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_sounds",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 4,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_damage_marks_01",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 12,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_damage_marks_02",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 8,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_victim_state",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 8,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_behavior_01",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
clue = 3,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_attitude",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_attack_time",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_hideout",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 8,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4194303998,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "elemental_movement",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 4,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints BF8C1B76-486356AA-90262BA8-B4548FAB",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 6B7C1D45-4B5C5C15-D2380587-7002D861",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiaryendriag.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Endriaga wojownik",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriaga wojownik",
children = {
name = 0x00052e00, -- "Endrega warriors"
image = "bestiary_endriagatailed.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 2765FEB4-4B5F6FEE-B8B3D897-86DE1C31",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Endriag woj - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriag woj - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071e0, -- "<i>Scared of these endregas, are you? Just
wait till you see the warriors.</i><br>– Klaus Altman, forester<br><br>Endless
waves of endrega workers are enough to overcome most attackers, but when
confronting more dangerous foes, endrega colonies unleash their larger, stronger
members – the so-called warriors. This caste lives only to fight, and gets ample
opportunity to do so while defending the colony's borders or conquering new

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Endriag woj - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriag woj - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071e1, -- "An endrega warrior's main weapon is its
long tail, which is tipped with a club-like growth and spiked with venomous quills.
Powerful abdominal muscles allow it to swing this tail with enough force to kill
most lesser opponents in one blow.<br><br>Endrega warriors also use their mass and
strength as a weapon by charging their opponents in an attempted to knock them
over. As invertebrates with sectioned carapaces, endrega warriors do not bleed
profusely, yet recoil in great pain when hit with a blade coated in insectoid oil."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues D61A0D98-4A02C16C-D0C8EE97-AC11D35A",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 8,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 15,
chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 8,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 4,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 9,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 3,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 7,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
clue = 1,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 1,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endriag_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 6,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 92637192-4F818BAC-7CD518BB-491F0502",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 72BC6881-4962FF6D-A5497DB2-13B91937",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiaryforktail.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Widłogon",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_forktail",
children = {
name = 0x001070f0, -- "Forktails"
image = "bestiary_fortail.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8D2B52D9-42C36097-AF9C1EB1-8463B57D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Widłogon - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Widlogon - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107217, -- "<i>Forktails… Bah! Fuckers' tails're more
like cleavers.</i><br>– Yavinn Buck, veteran of the Mahakaman Volunteer
Regiment<br><br>Forktails owe their quaint name to the long, sharp growths at the
tip of their tails. A blow from this weapon can slice an oaken shield in two –
along with the arm that was carrying it. Thus, though its name conjures images of
cutlery, fighting a forktail is nothing like a dinner party and ends in death
rather than dessert.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Widłogon - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Widlogon - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107218, -- "Forktails are active by day. They usually
hunt alone or, more rarely, in pairs. They attack big game, including domesticated
animals, mainly cattle and pigs, and even humans from time to time.<br><br>Like all
draconids their massive size does not stop them from flying and attacking from the
air. They use their weight and height advantage as they swoop down to knock their
prey over with their wings. Once on the ground, they are somewhat less mobile but
still dangerous, turning to other tactics centered on attacking with their massive,
spike-covered tails."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues B5BE975B-4AB2F873-B2A7E290-FFB940D9",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 7,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 15,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_skit_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 10,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 5,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 4,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 9,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 13,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",
clue = 2,

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 1,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "forktail_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 6,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 2CC3416B-40F10431-0EA052A2-DCEBE107",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 33A83CD3-4E293B7F-E0F43AB8-30230850",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiaryghoul.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ghul",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_ghoul",
children = {
name = 0x00085d76, -- "Ghouls"
image = "bestiary_ghoul.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions C9D41499-4F7DA6A2-7EA6C8BB-76CDF59F",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ghul wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ghul wpis 2",
description = 0x0010702a, -- "Ghouls and their more dangerous cousins,
graveirs, usually feed in small groups, at times led by an alghoul. Since they
delight most in the taste of fresh carcasses, they appear wherever newly-dug graves
are to be found: cemeteries, crypts, catacombs and battlefields. Whenever the
opportunity arises they hunt the living as well, especially when they have strength
in numbers.<br><br>In a one-on-one fight with a trained witcher, a ghoul poses
little threat, but one must remember that wounded individuals can erupt in a mad
frenzy. At such times they attack fiercely, paying no heed to their own safety and
brushing off all wounds. One must likewise bear in mind that ghouls and graveirs
are particular dangerous around dusk and at night."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ghul wpis 1",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ghul wpis 1 A0C0D895-4000E119-BE67E8A9-9B115881",
index = 1,
description = 0x00060fcb, -- "<i>Ghouls creep and crawl at
night<br>Eating everything in sight<br>In a snap they’d eat you, too<br>Chop you up
for a ghoulish stew!</i><br>– Children’s rhyme<br><br>Ghouls and graveirs are hard
to describe. In part, they resemble humans - yet on the whole, they are the utter
negation of all that is human. Though they have arms and legs like men, they walk
on all fours like dogs or badgers. Though they have eerily familiar faces, one
searches them in vain for any sign of sentiment, reason or even a spark of
consciousness. They are driven by one thing and one thing only: an insatiable
craving for human flesh.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 913FA509-4F091ABA-BB35F0BD-9A2B8F28",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 7,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 4,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 5,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 2,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ghoul_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 7,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 83A028D5-4FEA1E07-98A016A0-B1BEFC12",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 4640F78C-421F9AC7-F2811398-3D27FDFB",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarygolem.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Golem",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Golem",
children = {
name = 0x00052dfb, -- "Golems"
image = "bestiary_golem.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 1E7B3F60-4AF3418B-98ED9E91-D1400360",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Golem - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Golem - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071bc, -- "<i>If want us to break through this wall,
we're gonna need twenty sappers, seven mules and a hundredweight of saltpeter. Or
one golem.</i><br>– Vilmir Brass, foreman at Mount Carbon<br><br>Golems are
mindless matter brought to life by a spell. They obey their creator's orders
without question. Their boundless strength, ability to withstand pain, endless
patience and the fact that they need not one jot of food or drink makes them the
best servants or guards anyone could ask for. Once provoked, they will not tire of
battle until they have either crushed their opponent or themselves crumbled into

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Golem - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Golem - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071bd, -- "Defeating a golem is extraordinarily
difficult: for obvious reasons it does not bleed, if feels no fear or mercy and it
is invulnerable to fire and poison. What's more, a golem's body is as hard as the
rock it is sometimes heft out of, so even a silver blade will barely wound it. The
monster's only weakness is acid – a blade covered in acrid oil can thus increase
one's chances for victory.<br><br>Golems use no weapons, for they have no need –
their fists, weighing over a hundred pounds each, can crush solid granite with one
hit. A blow from a golem should thus be avoided at all costs – there is no shield
that can stop it, nor sword that can parry it. That is no easy task, for these
creatures are able to move with surprising speed. Luckily, their enormous mass
means they are not very agile – once a golem begins a charge, it cannot stop
quickly, a fact experienced witchers use to their advantage."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_hunting_clues",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 10,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 5,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 4,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 4,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 12,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 1,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 8,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
clue = 4,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "golem_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 8,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints D31B0AAB-45D5CC88-3819DA96-006CE016",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots E62E48D5-4979D11E-07A4419A-8449A58C",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarygreaterrotfiend.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Zgnilec",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_greater_rotfiend",
children = {
name = 0x00107168, -- "Rotfiends"
image = "bestiary_zgnilec.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions EFBADDB3-44FEB56C-F40710B4-BCF4611D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "zgnilec - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "zgnilec - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107169, -- "<i>Course it reeks. Think they're called
rotfiends because they smell like roses?</i><br>– Vesemir, witcher of the Wolf
School<br><br>Rotfiends resemble decomposing human bodies that have been stripped
of their skin. Their presence is given away by the overwhelming stench of the rot
which gives them their name. Devourers are a particularly dangerous kind of
rotfiend marked by an insatiable appetite for human flesh.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "zgnilec - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "zgnilec - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010716a, -- "Rotfiends and devourers were once
rarities, but in the present age of constant warfare and violence they have become
a veritable plague, particularly around battlefields and in disease-stricken areas.
Though they feed mainly on carrion, they will at times attack the living. They
usually feed in large groups and thus present a danger to lone travelers –
especially considering their speed, which is more than a match for a horse at full
gallop.<br><br>The rotfiend's decomposing body is filled with gasses which are
poisonous even to those who, like witchers, are immune to most other toxins. These
emissions are also highly flammable, meaning any spark, not to mention a
carelessly-cast Igni sign, can lead to an explosion. This is particularly likely
after a rotfiend dies, when its body thrashes around in uncontrollable
tremors.<br><br>Rotfiends and devourers feed in the twilight hours and at night,
when they become much more dangerous than during the day."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues A2D6C2EC-462AF7CE-81F359A5-F3A50123",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 3,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 11,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 2,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 4,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 4,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 12,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 5,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",
clue = 1,

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 3,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "greater_rotfiend_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 1,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 172C27D5-45C3F076-09BF9D9C-B254A026",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots C9A8662F-4F95F697-3D475C84-C0CEE9FD",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarykatakan.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Katakan",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_katakan",
children = {
name = 0x000568c0, -- "Katakans"
image = "bestiary_katakan.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions C2C875CB-4C175017-078C5696-C100D365",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Katakan - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Katakan - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071a3, -- "<i>Melitele, Great Mother, protect us from
evil, from unclean devils and foul demons, and most of all from the clutches of
katakans and nekurats...</i><br>– fragment of a prayer<br><br>Katakans and their
more dangerous kin, nekurats, are the embodiments of human fear. They hide in the
shadows. They feed on blood. They resemble enormous bats – though with long fangs
and even longer talons. And, as if that weren't terror enough, they can turn
invisible, waiting unseen while dread of their unpreventable attack overwhelms
their victim.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Katakan - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Katakan - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071a4, -- "When fighting a katakan one must pay
particular attention to its shadow – often the only way to know its
location.<br><br>Katakans are invulnerable to steel, regenerate quickly, hear
acutely and move at incredible speed. To even the odds one can temporarily
immobilize katakans using the Yrden sign, then seize that moment to attack with all
one's might – for there might not be another chance.<br><br>Unfortunately, the
legends are wrong and the sun's rays do not turn katakans to ash. They are
vulnerable to sunlight, however, and when the sun stands at its zenith their
regeneration is considerably slowed."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 43C8EC10-4692ACCD-0E72BCA4-D7D4AA8F",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 3,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 9,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 3,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 1,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 8,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 8,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 2,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 9,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 3,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "katakan_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 5,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 5CE08DF8-43442CF8-5C5887A9-AB0188EC",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots CBDE1DBE-4B03D71F-311D20AD-77A9DC29",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymiscreant.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Poroniec",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Poroniec (quest) 9975E624-487D65B8-15202CAE-
children = {
name = 0x0007488a, -- "Botchlings"
image = "bestiary_poroniec.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Cursed Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9469D958-4E405F88-CAD19E82-BFA79DAC",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Poroniec wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 2C454270-435CE784-9AD2ECA0-FAD3D11B",
description = 0x00074883, -- "<i>Saying a botchling's ugly is like
saying shit's not particularly tasty: can't say it's a lie, but it doesn't exactly
convey the whole truth, either.</i><br>– Lambert, witcher of the Wolf
School<br><br>Botchlings are perhaps the most repulsive creatures a witcher will
ever have the displeasure of meeting. Born of dead, unwanted babies discarded
without a proper burial, their appearance is that of a partially-decayed fetus,
their unformed flesh twisted with hate, fear and malice. These hideous creatures
feed on the blood of pregnant women, driven by a mad hunger that most often leads
to their victim's death.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Poroniec wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Poroniec wpis 2 0A0C1677-44DC58BD-6E0F5292-8324C154",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107020, -- "A botchling will emerge from its lair at
night to lurk by the bedside of an expectant mother, draining her strength and that
of her unborn progeny as she sleeps. A woman thus beleaguered first suffers from
troubling dreams, then fever, delirium and a general weakening of the flesh. After
a few such nights she is enfeebled and unable to defend herself - it is then the
botchling attacks directly, sinking its long, sharp fangs into her body and
drinking of her blood until mother and fetus perish together.<br><br>A botchling
stands around a foot and a half in height, but, when threatened and if gorged with
blood, it can change form. At such times it grows into a deformed man, hunched over
and striding, ape-like, on its forearms. Stronger and fiercer after this
alteration, it hurls itself into direct, physical combat, gnashing at its opponent
or attacking him with sharp claws.<br><br>A botchling's curse can be lifted by
transforming it into a lubberkin - a guardian spirit of the hearth that watches
over the family it never knew in the house it never could call home."

chunk[6] = {
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chunk[14] = {
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clue = 5,

chunk[15] = {
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chunk[17] = {
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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "poroniec_hideout",
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-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh101.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh101 Cockatice",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh101 Cockatice 08076262-43461E57-89D459AC-A996A3A3",
children = {
name = 0x00107fe3, -- "Shrieker"
image = "bestiary_kuroliszekmh101.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",
chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Skrzekacz Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skrzekacz Final A2D03F2F-4D5C9123-4F941EA3-5E23CCBE",
description = 0x001095f1, -- "<br>Just when it seemed the villagers
would have to learn to live in the shadow of a bloodthirsty beast, to always look
to the sky with fear, the witcher arrived - and put an end to the shrieker for

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote C66A985A-45BF9D2E-FF3C8DA6-D8EE06F1",
index = 1,
description = 0x00109767, -- "<i>Heard you have a problem - a monster
you call a shrieker?<br>Aye, prowls about, it does. Snatches cows and goats,
mostly, but it won't scorn a man if it runs into one.</i><br>– Conversation
overhead at Crow's Perch<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Skrzekacz Precombat",
order = 939524094,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skrzekacz Precombat A66F262F-4C2F4D07-FD282895-
index = 2,
description = 0x00107fe4, -- "The monster tormenting the residents of
Crow's Perch turned out to be a particularly nasty cockatrice. Geralt was not
surprised the baron's men had been unable to stop it. They could not possibly
withstand the surgical precision of its strikes, which slice open arteries and
provoke an outpouring of blood only the Swallow potion could hope to stop. Neither
did they know to force it to the ground with a crossbow, a bomb or a Sign, and then
evade its charge by rolling under the monster's outstretched wing."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 11E28362-45331E46-F20A18B2-FB9E1BF2",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 5ADADD3A-407F8BD9-D74AECA5-53F14757",
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-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh102.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh102 Arachas",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh102 Arachas 1E5A6867-40C6EFBC-C8FFB3BB-08C73878",
children = {
name = 0x00107fe9, -- "Harrisi"
image = "bestiary_arachasmh102.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Arachas final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Arachas final C6F3B359-40005DED-CD79C7A8-FF3DD4C8",
description = 0x001095ed, -- "<br> The witcher arrived at the cave too
late to save the refugees - but he could still avenge their fate. He slew the
powerful arachas and destroyed the eggs bearing its vile offspring."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 4436D1AE-4E3E8EA7-A80D0098-AB62E3F9",
index = 1,
description = 0x00109770, -- "<i>It attacked us… Gods, I dunno what it
were, but 'twere at least four spans high!</i><br>-- Velen peasant woman <br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Arachas Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Arachas Precombat F102D82D-46EE1F89-BD766F9A-
index = 2,
description = 0x00107feb, -- "Velen's woods and bogs brim with monsters.
This fact is well known, and thus when the war drove refugees into this hostile
land, certain of their number thought to avoid the dangers of the lowlands by
hiding in an abandoned mine. They were in for an unfortunate surprise. The shaft
they chose for their sanctuary was inhabited by a poisonous arachas - a merciless
and bloodthirsty monster.<br><br>The witcher knew he was in for a tough fight. The
arachas had dwelled in the mine for years and had grown large and particularly
strong and resilient in that time. Like other members of its vile species, it would
be dangerous both at close quarters and at a distance. What's more, it was almost
certainly venomous - he would need to imbibe Swallow or Golden Oriole (or both)
before attacking if he was to stand a chance of surviving. As a small consolation,
the witcher knew the monster would be vulnerable to his Signs - especially Igni,
Aard and Yrden - as well as to the Northern Wind bomb."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 44FBC7DA-4B379BF6-05F09B82-B28F11ED",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 66F6EBA3-485BF296-9A95E69A-A2F8B10E",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
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index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh103.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh103 Nightwraith",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh103 Nightwraith 80AAD1A9-4FD43C63-A48BD685-
children = {
name = 0x00107fe5, -- "Jenny o' the Woods"
image = "bestiary_nightwraithmh103.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Lesnica Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lesnica Final 57343A3A-438F021F-1CE9F4BB-2C03AC95",
description = 0x001095f4, -- "<br> This vengeful wraith might very well
have killed every last inhabitant of the village, had not a famous witcher, Geralt
of Rivia, appeared in Velen - and been in need of a bit of coin."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 69402FBE-4CD78349-0D270C93-A5F05398",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010978a, -- "<i>So... That's to mean... our Zula's the
wraith?</i><br>– Bolko, ealdorman of Midcopse<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Lesnica Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lesnica Precombat 924419FD-4771CF4A-03E80193-
index = 2,
description = 0x00107fe7, -- "It is said true love's flame is never
extinguished. This sad truth is the reason why Zula of Midcopse, whom an early
death had separated from her beloved, was unable to find peace in the next life,
and instead returned to haunt her former environs as a nightwraith.<br><br>Fighting
such an apparition is extremely difficult. A nightwraith will form mirror images of
herself to confuse her opponent and aid her in battle. She herself can take on
immaterial form, rendering her invulnerable to blows. The best way to force her out
of this state is to set a trap with the Yrden Sign, then quickly follow up with
Igni while she is caught. Most important of all, however, is this: never attempt to
fight one in the middle of the night, when the moon hangs high in the sky."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 09B42666-4FD84FE5-D49333AF-59730959",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 0B9020BD-4CD7DF8F-129B23B9-A8ABB50E",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 5FF5BF4F-4693F4F1-850B7080-DA3A6BE9",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh104.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh104 Ekimma",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh104 Ekimma 5A5D8788-4160BF49-F975799C-4C522CBB",
children = {
name = 0x00107fec, -- "Sarasti"
image = "bestiary_ekimmamh104.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 31BF32AB-47516D38-460EDCBE-6D25FB3D",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Sarasti Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sarasti Final 9F61AA6B-4F63B197-6EFC658B-B6D78A94",
description = 0x001095f7, -- "<br>The vampire had already managed to
kill several peasants and a patrol of heavily-armed Nilfgaardians. The list of
victims would surely have grown even longer, had not Geralt of Rivia, the White
Wolf, happened to waltz into town."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 08C12D77-4773A086-75764BBF-03AD2D68",
index = 1,
description = 0x00109798, -- "<i>We dug out a chamber. There was a beast
sleeping inside. We fell over the props to collapse the ceiling, but it must not
have buried the monster…</i><br>– Bytomir of Velen<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Sarasti Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sarasti Precombat B16600AB-4120403B-1E5EE6AC-
index = 2,
description = 0x00107ff8, -- "Raiders of elven tombs either get rich
quickly, or die trying. The Aen Seidhe's disintegrating temples and palaces hold
priceless treasures, true, but within them many a foul monster waits in deep
slumber. Such was the case in Byways, where a few peasants, unaware of the dangers
they faced, awoke an unusually dangerous ekimmara.<br><br>The witcher knew this
monster would be no easy kill. That the vampire would quickly regenerate, that its
blows would cause heavy bleeding, that it was able to disappear into thin air. Yet
he also knew he could overcome these advantages. He needed merely use the Yrden and
Quen Signs and strike heavy blows. Oh, and avoid getting killed."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 984265BA-44D7C936-F7BA109D-799C7B42",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 2CD5CABD-462A2723-81AA0985-FDFD380D",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 75E48E14-465BDD0F-F58779B1-E761A18F",
index = 3,
-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh105.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh105: Royal Wyvern",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh105: Royal Wyvern C1672E49-45CF35D9-095471B6-
children = {
name = 0x00107ffb, -- "Royal Wyvern"
image = "bestiary_royalwyvern.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 74CD2612-4D569956-029BF395-34AAF3C2",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Wyvern Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wyvern Final E12E0B8F-452004AB-4D9C8F83-61D95954",
description = 0x001095f2, -- "<br>In the end the witcher slew the
hideous creature, though not without some difficulty. Thanks to this feat, the
soldiers could once again send shipments of the food and equipment needed to
conduct the war. Whether that was a good or bad thing - that is an entirely
different matter."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 50E58AFB-43AAF14F-FAE5289A-B6ABB05B",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097a0, -- "<i>It were huge. And those teeth, ugh! We
barely escaped.<br>Wonder if it killed the traders… Whoresons sure had it
comin'.</i><br>– Conversation overheard in Velen<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Wyvern Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wyvern Precombat A827D966-46B8D40B-B66CD28A-
index = 2,
description = 0x00107ffd, -- "A hunter who knows his prey's habits and
behavior will rarely return from his hunt empty-handed. To know what forest paths
deer are like to trod, to know in what muck boars will wallow, to guess when a hare
will emerge from its burrow - that is half the battle.<br><br>What most men do not
know is that some monsters also possess such knowledge. For example, a royal wyvern
from Velen had learned the danger of exposing itself to human eyes and arrows by
flying high to pick out its prey from afar. Instead, it would lurk by the roadside
and wait for military transports. In this way it grew fat on salted pork and beer,
expanding until it resembled a dragon more than other, lesser members of its own
kind.<br><br>The witcher thus knew this beast would be much stronger and more
resilient than a normal wyvern. Even one blow from it could kill - which is why he
would need to avoid its charge at all costs. He would also be wise to force it to
the ground with his crossbow or a bomb whenever it tried to fly into the air and
hurtle down in a deadly dive."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues BCB4F457-4E1F30CB-48803FBA-58841897",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints C7951DB9-47C30A20-990BFEBC-D5C35A8C",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 8B986E2D-49A00155-5F5B1D92-F63E12B9",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh106.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh106 : Gravehag",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh106 : Gravehag 301D4D1D-421BFA04-860676A5-
children = {
name = 0x00107ffe, -- "Mourntart"
image = "bestiary_gravehagmh106.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Black Blood 1",
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D3F5EFAB-44FBBE67-BCC797B0-BC04D5D7",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Zalnica Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zalnica Final 6D691E59-4D9E7429-4C338F93-49A60AA7",
description = 0x001095ee, -- "<br>The outcome of the fight was not hard
to predict. The grave hag perished in the very graveyard which had heretofore
served as her feeding grounds, and her body was dumped in a grave she had dug with
her own claws."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 7599A0E3-49BA17E5-23A6A594-BE21CCBD",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097a1, -- "<i>Somebody's doing some cooking...
This... it's a human femur... a child's.</i><br>– Geralt of Rivia<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Zalnica Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zalnica Precombat 7CB3DF57-4496D11C-D8A579B1-
index = 2,
description = 0x00107fff, -- "Most grave hags rarely attack humans,
preferring instead to feed on the rotten remains they dig out of graves. Yet some
individuals grow bold over the years and begin sneaking into huts to steal children
and kill the elderly. Just such a monster was tormenting the inhabitants of
Lindenvale.<br><br>The witcher knew this grave hag would put up a fierce fight. He
would have to watch out for her powerful claws, capable of smashing through any
block or parry, and her long, venomous tongue. He also realized her attacks would
be so quick not even his mutated reflexes would be able to keep pace - meaning only
judicious use of the Yrden Sign would all him to survive and conquer."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues A60906F1-429F5EC0-219967BB-2EBAF25F",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 3C024CAA-4C583214-2EF93E8C-CD38710A",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 78D046E0-4451800B-454BDEA4-AACF740F",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh107.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh107 : Czart",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh107 : Czart 5F4CE98E-4069C67D-CC1C18AF-B741BD63",
children = {
name = 0x00108015, -- "Howler"
image = "bestiary_czartmh207.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 02FDC280-4F149BA5-451B2F84-6BD5BE01",
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baseName = "Czart Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czart Final 87AED15D-4BC09B8B-DD523E9A-33C54822",
description = 0x001095fe, -- "<br>Geralt slayed the Howler without much
trouble, yet killing such a fierce fighter might very well have proved impossible,
had not its previous conflicts with its monstrous kin weakened it considerably. The
lesson, I suppose, is that when two monsters fight, a witcher wins."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 1345EF00-415523B3-BB773686-BEFD85DC",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097a2, -- "<i>Here about the contract. Any idea what
this monster is?<br>Naye, but proper huge it must be. Slaughtered no less than a
dozen wolves</i><br>– Conversation overheard in Lindenvale<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Czart Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czart Precombat",
index = 2,
description = 0x00108017, -- "One is hard-pressed to name another area
of our world more thoroughly riddled with monsters than Velen. There is one silver
lining to this sad fact, however: the beasts living there must compete fiercely for
hunting territory, meaning monsters often end up killing other monsters. An
aggressive chort known as Howler went on just such a fratricidal rampage, tearing a
pack of wolves to shreds before attacking and killing a fiend significantly larger
than itself.<br><br>Howler was a truly fearsome foe. Each one of its blows was
enough to kill - only heavy armor or the Quen Sign could protect one from mortal
damage. Particularly to be avoided was its charge - and whenever possible, the
monster was best attacked from the side."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 7A47625E-4EC3956E-CDC20392-D4777DB0",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 46937068-4137E5DF-22796984-A448961B",
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baseName = "Vital spots",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots DA1C130F-4042BF83-9BA400B4-08CD5890",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh108.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh108: Fogling",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh108: Fogling 99739BE3-4F0134C9-3A6B11AE-9C11E316",
children = {
name = 0x00108019, -- "Ignis Fatuus"
image = "bestiary_foglingmh108.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D93E3FFD-400BCF19-8E1C3186-B7C3ADE3",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ignis Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ignis Final D3C70AFB-40C7745E-66671E9B-6700C159",
description = 0x001095ef, -- "<br>This ancient foglet proved
particularly adept in the art of forming illusions. Only a professional monster
slayer skilled with Signs and swords could best such a foe. Luckily, Geralt fit
that description perfectly."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote EAC83FA7-40882639-88626FA1-96EA2E6B",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097a3, -- "<i>Careful, sir, a monster prowls the bog.
Enter the mist and ye'll never see home again!</i><br>– Leslav, peat digger<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Ignis Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ignis Precombat 97DA3949-4FFE3592-8E2A508A-C807DD7A",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010805c, -- "The monster haunting the peat bogs of
Velen turned out to be an ancient foglet. These are exceptionally long-lived
creatures - some have even dwelt on this earth for over two hundred years, growing
stronger and stronger all the while. Blows dealt by foglets of such an age carry so
much power blocking them is out of the question. These foglets possess the ability
to move extremely quickly, and not even Yrden can slow them down. Furthermore, they
can meld completely into the mist, then suddenly rematerialize to strike from
behind. Wearing heavy armor or making good use of the Quen Sign is highly

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues A4FB561E-46753E73-87CC868B-B7E7B8C9",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints E741F96A-4C3D7FF3-2D110DA7-8E6F97A2",
index = 2,

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index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh202.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh202 : Nekker Warrior",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh202 : Nekker Warrior C477E68A-45C26D97-42611FA1-
children = {
name = 0x00108065, -- "Hagubman"
image = "bestiary_nekkermh202.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"White Frost 1",
"Ogre Oil 1",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 1F5385E9-4C396F81-40E77E8A-859AA3B0",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hagubman Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hagubman Final C3C71DDB-4397E2FB-4E5674AD-383F9280",
description = 0x001095fa, -- "<br>Such a monster lived near the village
of Larvik on Hindarsfjall - and not even the strongest of the islanders were
capable of slaying it. A witcher, though... A witcher's another story."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 49A6BBF4-45DBCA39-62E19F9A-8D5DB2F8",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097a8, -- "<i>Ye or anyone ever heard of a beast
settin' a wagon in the road, then waitin' in ambush? They're too ploughin' dumb for
that, dammit!</i><br>– Egil, warrior from Hindarsfjall<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hagubman Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hagubman Precombat F5783CD9-42B9B91E-AD0695A3-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010806a, -- "Your average nekker is cowardly and weak
and only ever attacks in groups, even then only when the group greatly outnumbers
its opponents. Yet at times there will appear among them an individual who towers
over the rest in terms of strength, stamina and cunning. Such nekkers are usually
called warriors, though that name is misleading. Warriors fight with honor, face to
face. These overgrown nekkers act more like assassins - they strike by surprise,
from hiding, in the back, or when their opponent exposes himself while attacking.
Luckily, like other nekkers warriors are vulnerable to all the Signs, and their
blows can be easily parried or countered."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 9B2AA9AD-45BCD987-8916F7A6-2D07992C",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 4D6BAB1C-4CFCE58D-8CBA82A0-AB88B2D6",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 06132A53-42CE6937-1BA00EBE-F67E252D",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh203.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh203 : Water hag",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh203 : Water hag 9FA037E7-4E54B5FB-FFCD649B-
children = {
name = 0x0010806c, -- "Abaya"
image = "bestiary_hagmh203.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"White Frost 1",
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 7A11F872-43C75C54-D1B2C0A6-569BF847",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hag Final",
order = 1610612735,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hag Final AD1BCF09-47027A85-2113B5B8-49F5E95B",
description = 0x001095f0, -- "<br>The witcher, though, never was one to
count on luck alone. Instead, he pulled a few tricks from up his sleeve to even the
odds. By masking his scent, he managed to catch the monster by surprise… and slay

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 805306367,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote AC87A4CA-48F2A978-2D355E80-98C6E94B",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097b0, -- "<i>Seen a lot o' ugly critters in me life
- morays, lampreys, blobfish... But never nothin' like this!</i><br>– Bjorg, Kaer
Trolde shipbuilder<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hag Precombat",
order = 1207959550,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hag Precombat 0A1E8AD7-4DDECAAE-1618EAAC-E19B1F0D",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010806d, -- "<br>The bay below Kaer Trolde had a
pernicious reputation. At times fishermen who chose to cast their nets in its
waters would never come home again. Something would drag oarsmen off their
longships or knock the ships themselves over. The locals blamed this on sea devils
- the Skelligers' name for drowners. The truth, however, proved far worse.<br><br>A
water hag had made her lair in the caves beneath the cliffs of Kjerag. An old and
experienced water hag. With powerful claws able to demolish any attempt to block or
parry. And the ability to blind opponents from a distance, then strike with a
lightning-quick counterattack. Signs would be needed to best her - Yrden, to slow
her, and Quen, to protect from her blows. Needed most of all, however, would be a
great deal of luck."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 8AA31319-40833701-6D2A3DB8-11992383",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 4CDF8109-48A4A1A3-8D147199-E805578C",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 04560006-479B6D4D-F60F78A7-204F8E2D",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh206.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh206 : Fiend",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh206 : Fiend C274C71E-4A787E6B-F7ECB1BD-290BF7AE",
children = {
name = 0x001080ca, -- "Morvudd"
image = "bestiary_fiendmh206.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Samum 1",
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 0D245D24-4E79857D-A20CC0AA-E48EADD5",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Morvudd Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Morvudd Final 3679C223-418C0056-8B851F85-D1731F25",
description = 0x001095ff, -- "<br>Though Morvudd killed the Skellige
warriors without much trouble, it proved no match for the witcher. It even tried to
save its life by fleeing at one point, but that only delayed its inevitable death
by the witcher's silver blade."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 2BC6B55C-43C0BAC6-A462B1A9-269688E4",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097aa, -- "<i>Ate only the entrails. Fussy.</i><br>–
Geralt of Rivia<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Morvudd Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Morvudd Precombat 4807B889-421A0F0A-1E89B5BB-
index = 2,
description = 0x001080cb, -- "<br>They say every journey made in the
Skellige Isles ends in adventure. And sometimes, that adventure ends in death. Such
was the case for the group of adventure-seeking Skelligers who set out in search of
treasure in forgotten ruins - which turned out to lie in the hunting grounds of a
powerful fiend known as Morvudd.<br><br>The witcher knew there was little room for
error in a fight with such a creature. A moment of carelessness and the beast could
hypnotize him with its third eye, then tear him to shreds while he remained in a
trance. Morvudd was a particularly large individual, so one could presume fast
attacks would not prove effective against it - and that its blows would kill anyone
not protected with heavy armor or the Quen Sign."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 1E21BD01-4B884A4E-D148CDB4-6043AC07",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 198B998E-4497ED8F-08B15384-B6909701",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots F79A70F8-487122BD-AC864D9E-02B0D4F2",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh207.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh207 : Wraith",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh207 : Wraith 722D39FB-44A66D98-3E0D89AF-3F5B5A14",
children = {
name = 0x001080cc, -- "Penitent"
image = "bestiary_wraithmh207.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9E4401D2-4F9A8C8E-F9B3E6A3-243A9E98",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Pokutnik Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pokutnik Final 7284D822-43EE8730-62115F8C-78938778",
description = 0x001095f5, -- "<br>With the lighthouse keeper's help,
Geralt drove the mist from the isle - then dispatched the penitent from our world
for good. Now ships were once again able to sail to Arinbjorn's port, and the
witcher's coin pouch grew a little fuller."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 487B66B4-41EC59BB-70AB9998-EC4486DA",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097ab, -- "<i>I run back inside, hasp the doors, and
then I hear it – someone whispering my name. Mikkjaaal, Mikkjaaal!</i><br>Mikkjal,
Eldberg lighthouse keeper<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Pokutnik Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pokutnik Precombat D477EF8C-4FA5975F-6B23E5AA-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010819e, -- "It turned out the monster haunting the
isle of Eldberg and its lighthouse was a rare type of specter known as a penitent.
Wherever this wraith haunts immediately becomes enveloped in thick fog and darkness
- and those that wander into it usually never return. In order to defeat a
penitent, one must remain in constant motion in order to avoid being struck by this
agile creature, which can disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye to attack
from behind. Most importantly of all, however, one must discover what keeps the
monster bound to its haunting grounds - and break that bond as soon as possible."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 014EA08A-41F1F679-FA0ED086-F9FDF1A8",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 6DAEFA18-46FC7962-1FA53CB8-AC1085C0",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 8555CB97-4F812803-7BD89980-02BFAC29",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh208.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh208 : Forktail",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh208 : Forktail AB47E1C1-4D6A9265-23A4BA8B-
children = {
name = 0x001081a2, -- "The Dragon of Fyresdal"
image = "bestiary_fortailmh08.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 5DCFAAA9-440577D5-1DE3888C-8929FECE",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Smak Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Smak Final ACDBCF84-4684D5F3-B80DDCA6-474F79AF",
description = 0x001095f3, -- "<br>In his fight with the forktail, Geralt
gave proof not only of his masterful swordsmanship, but also of a previously-
undemonstrated flair for shepherdry. With a little help from a brave sheep lent by
the village elder, he lured the monster into a trap - then ended its life."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote EC4C34E8-42B94368-E5F463B0-9217E2FE",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097ac, -- "<i>It's got scales, wings, claws… A
dragon's a dragon! No point gabbin', just go kill it!</i><br>– Vagn, village elder
of Fyresdal<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Smok Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Smok Precombat 472D4F81-43CAD27C-594582AB-7473C258",
index = 2,
description = 0x001081a3, -- "Few truly know what a dragon looks like,
for those who have seen one up-close rarely have the chance to share their
impressions. That is why people are forever mistaking other monsters for dragons.
This was the case in Fyresdal, where the so-called dragon wreaking havoc turned out
to be a forktail.<br><br>Yet this mistaken attribution did not mean there was no
reason for worry. The forktail harassing Fyresdal was a particularly vile
representative of its kind, one equipped with an endless store of deadly venom.
Fighting it without first drinking a regenerative potion or a poison antidote would
be tantamount to suicide."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues BCB83D1B-431941EA-100AF790-A0F275A7",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 242F45A8-45780A39-23434EBD-FFA39024",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 803D1446-4B1FC860-D6F631A3-168994AC",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh210.journal:

chunk = {}
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh210 Lamia",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh210 Lamia 7743D792-4B7A1F24-76DD2CA7-232A4CBB",
children = {
name = 0x001081d0, -- "Melusine"
image = "bestiary_lamiamh210.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Hybrid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A0F91083-49026305-2116B7BF-78A2339E",
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baseName = "Meluzna Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meluzna Final 8E003B59-4A38DCB6-E2B860A5-0B0CA00C",
description = 0x001095fb, -- "<br>The witcher killed Melusine and along
with her the sirens that made up her ghastly entourage. The inhabitants of Svorlag
needed fear her no longer - and could now gather the remains of their loved ones
from her cave."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote CEBCD27B-463517DE-4782AEB4-F0C17167",
index = 1,
description = 0x001097ad, -- "<i>I… I saw a shadow… Great wings, like a
cloud passin' o'er the sky. Then I heard him scream.</i><br>– Britt of Svorlag<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Meluzyna Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meluzyna Precombat DFBB604B-49857685-8FAF8BA5-
index = 2,
description = 0x001081cf, -- "In the mountains near the village of
Svorlag in Skellige lies an enormous complex of caves. For many centuries they were
given wide berth on account of the bloodthirsty ekhidna known as Melusine who had
made them into her lair.<br><br>Melusine was a beast so powerful some islanders
worshiped her as a semi-divine being. The witcher, however, harbored no such
delusions. He knew she was an extremely powerful monster - but a monster all the
same. This meant she could be killed. To do so, he would need the highest quality
of bolts, a solid silver blade - and a steady hand."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues C749582A-4F4A8E17-9F932EB0-55DFFF96",
index = 1,
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints E473D94A-4B18D50D-BE6C26A6-1EDF38DB",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 35A6D63B-4F72BD39-1A2F11A0-E9EC33DC",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh301.journal:

chunk = {}
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh301 : Archgriffin",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh301 : Archgriffin E7DE6075-4C023E61-D9485FB5-
children = {
name = 0x00108223, -- "Opinicus"
image = "bestiary_gryphonmh301.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Hybrid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4F8E07CE-46CC8577-ADDAD1A6-8A4459D3",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Opinikus Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Opinikus Final 5CD0C894-484CA9F9-257704B7-E777FDD0",
description = 0x001095fc, -- "<br>After a long fight, the witcher slew
the archgriffin. Some scholars in nearby Oxenfurt might accuse him of having
contributed to the disappearance of an endangered species and disrupting the local
ecosystem. Somehow, the witcher didn't seem likely to lose much sleep over the

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 40D8C96B-42E4B233-BDAF03B9-8785A0D8",
index = 1,
description = 0x00109754, -- "<i>Thin rachides, sparse after feathers...
An archgriffin.</i><br>– Geralt of Rivia<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Opinikus Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Opinikus Precombat 128DA3F4-4CA9E4DB-D0131CB2-
index = 2,
description = 0x00108224, -- "Killers of various stripes - mercenaries,
knights errant, ambitious lawmen - try at times to compete with witchers as monster
slayers. This usually ends in a massacre that not only does not solve the problem,
but in fact only makes it worse - the beast walks away from the fight unharmed,
enraged and out for vengeance. Such was the case in the mountains outside Oxenfurt,
where a powerful archgriffin had made its nest.<br><br>Once again it fell to the
witcher to clean up after amateurs. He knew neither Igni nor bombs dealing fire
damage would have any effect against this fire-loving creature. He would also have
to look out for its acid, which can eat through even the thickest armor - leaving
one vulnerable to its razor-sharp talons."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues BFF2A6DB-4E3900B0-B90744A9-30CF87D9",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints A2361E32-45A2EB8E-58BE969B-F18FEB48",
index = 2,

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baseName = "Vital spots",
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index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh302.journal:

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children = {
name = 0x00108225, -- "Kernun"
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"Relic Oil 1",

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions EE84DF35-452CB736-E2DB22B1-5FC8261D",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Kernun Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kernun Final 24115160-4134241D-051A76B1-DDD042F0",
description = 0x00109600, -- "<br>Geralt of Rivia was only able to
finally put an end to this leshen after a long and exhausting battle. Once the
beast died, the way was clear for loggers to move into its former domain. The woods
will now gradually fall to the ax. Perhaps one day they'll disappear altogether -
and their monstrous denizens along with them."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 9EBF8ECD-4BB3EEE7-CEF51F9A-845DB3CA",
index = 1,
description = 0x00109755, -- "<i>We told the prick something lurked in
them woods, but he refused to believe it...</i><br>– Louis Closster,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Kernun Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kernun Precombat 04A56C91-43B59682-68BF92BF-
index = 2,
description = 0x00108226, -- "Novigrad - the greatest metropolis in the
world, the acme of civilization, material proof - or so one is tempted to think -
of mankind's ability to tame and control nature. Yet right outside the city walls
lies the Novigrad Wilderness - and whoever sets foot in it soon finds out that
man's primacy does not extend past the city walls.<br><br>One of the monsters who
made its lair in that thick tangle was an old, powerful leshen. It killed any who
strayed into its territory with its species' characteristic cruelty: lacerating
them with razor-sharp claws, sending strangling plants shooting out of the ground
or feeding them to packs of hungry wolves. If not for its vulnerability to fire,
the Igni Sign included, and the protection of the Quen Sign, one could wager not
even the toughest witcher would be able to slay the beast."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues DD33A6F3-4AFF5941-610DEC8A-02522213",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 7EA06434-4F43617D-E05BAC94-4907D6AB",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 401EEF22-42197D17-3EFFEDAC-CB4111B2",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh303.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh303 : Succubus",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh303 : Succubus D68E01B9-4EA4564C-2F363DA3-
children = {
name = 0x00108227, -- "Salma"
image = "bestiary_succubusmh303.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Hybrid Oil 1",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 93391E55-43D20AD7-2A4FFDB7-7E24707D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Lilith lives",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Description F7CE32A0-4DFF4877-1720D5BF-B51330B0",
description = 0x00108228, -- "<br>That is exactly the perplexing
question faced by Geralt of Rivia. In the end he believed Salma and decided to let
her go free - though he could not shake off the feeling that he might live to
regret that decision."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Lilith dies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lilith dies DE42A1E0-4E2C18C1-CEA43FA9-C9F0A20B",
index = 1,
description = 0x001087b5, -- "<br>That is exactly the perplexing
question faced by Geralt of Rivia. The succubus Salma claimed she killed out of
necessity, that she had had no other choice. While the witcher did have another
choice, he chose not to exercise it and killed the succubus instead - figuring this
would be the lesser evil."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Lilith Precombat",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lilith Precombat 8693F568-4811B2AA-C0939896-
index = 2,
description = 0x001095fd, -- "The witcher's investigation uncovered that
a succubus named Salma was responsible for the string of killings afflicting the
Novigrad city guard. This came as a surprise, for succubi do not usually commit
premeditated, cold-blooded murder. This is not to say they are not dangerous: they
will at times kill on accident, when carried away on a particularly gushing stream
of ecstasy. At other times, they kill in self-defense: though they have the look of
slender maids from the waist up, their supple limbs hide incredible strength. They
are also invulnerable to fire, the Igni Sign included. They present witchers with
an intractable dilemma: does this monster, who wishes men no ill yet all the same
often causes harm, deserve death, or mercy?"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote B5661A09-461318DA-510C1AB4-C62AA350",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010975a, -- "<i>I'm not one to lie. Nor do I kill
without reason.</i><br>– Salma, succubus<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues CE7C5AED-49507D3E-1C589F84-CE962B5A",
index = 1,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 49C6CC41-4534B79E-7D1DABB1-AB1F0D5B",
index = 2,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots A8445D32-4543CDBA-BA997AAD-8BDB0D72",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh304.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh304 katakan",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh304 katakan 2E85D6E4-488213E6-F0F510A1-346DAD5F",
children = {
name = 0x0010822f, -- "Gael"
image = "bestiary_katakanmh304.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Vampire Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 1241BB2C-4152FED6-2C6ABEA3-B76742A5",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Gael Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gael Final E77CE46F-449EEFB5-F2426280-18F6F6AC",
description = 0x001095f8, -- "<br>To bait the vampire, Geralt took note
of its dietary preferences and seasoned his blood to match by loading up on cheap
wine. This made it somewhat harder to aim his blows, true, but he still managed to
defeat the beast - then had another battle awaiting him the next morning, this one
against a powerful hangover."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote CEDDE885-48E55C39-F37DEF89-92215672",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010975d, -- "<i>Vampire bites... and the strong stench
of alcohol.</i><br>– Geralt of Rivia<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gael Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gael Precombat 89CEFD1D-47F537D8-A0232280-2592DFD6",
index = 2,
description = 0x00108230, -- "Contrary to popular belief, monsters are
not all alike. Like people, individual members of the same species can each have
their own unique traits, preferences and weaknesses. A good example of this is the
katakan which once fed on the inhabitants of Oxenfurt. Perhaps influenced by its
close proximity to the hard-drinking student youth of the city, this vampire had
developed a keen appetite for blood spiked with a hefty dose of hard alcohol - and
also baubles and gaudy jewelry of all kinds.<br><br>The vampire had clearly thrived
on its high-octane diet. It had grown exceptionally strong and gained the ability
to regenerate lost life quickly, cause heavy bleeding with its claws and, if all
that were not enough, meld into the air and appear again behind its opponent's
back. Luckily the Quen Sign meant the witcher was well-equipped to defend against
this surprise attack, and the Yrden Sign would let him catch the monster in a

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 105C65F3-4FA17C95-432CFB94-94F6460F",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 4FE56E16-4B762D3C-66F033A3-CFED2FDE",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 4819D628-43A9FCD7-C883199C-129F2813",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh305.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh305 Doppler",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh305 Doppler 2C0584E3-4345C7B7-D24FBAAC-C1ED9DAB",
children = {
name = 0x0010825c, -- "Imp"
image = "bestiary_dopplermh305.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E9DB2AC7-47A373C8-12D9E686-4E0D94BD",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Chochlik lives",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Description 4C518FD3-47995D07-33958CBD-78D45B43",
description = 0x0010825d, -- "<br>Geralt has an extra helping of both,
and so won his fight against his doppler doppelganger - then decided to let him go
free, for unlike other monsters, this creature's motives for harming humans were

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Chochlik dies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chochlik dies 50A1B819-4D5AB7BC-B5F33E8C-CF6D8830",
index = 1,
description = 0x001087b6, -- "<br>Geralt has an extra helping of both,
and so won his fight against his doppler doppelganger - and, after a moment of
hesitation, killed him. True, the monster had noble motives for his deeds, but that
did not make him any less dangerous."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Chochlik Precombat",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chochlik Precombat 6D8AA438-4F956D37-3C29ECBE-
index = 2,
description = 0x00109601, -- "The imp pestering the merchants of
Novigrad turned out to be a doppler. These monsters usually avoid confrontation -
to everyone's great relief, for when pinned they become extremely dangerous.
Fighting them quickly turns into a fight against oneself. Or, to be precise,
against a mirror image gifted with one's own strengths and abilities. In a conflict
with such even odds, only luck - or destiny - decides the victor."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 42288CBE-43894334-B791FFAC-3E2016C2",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010975e, -- "<i>Really wanna see an angry witcher?
<br>Do you?</i><br>– Conversation overheard on the streets of Novigrad<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues CC30396E-48FBF309-59F7309D-6D0CDB73",
index = 1,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 1778F8E2-45782E4A-3C56619E-3678305B",
index = 2,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 2D75FCE4-4FCC7EE9-C8300BBF-39FE0DB5",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh306.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh306 Da'o",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh306 Da'o 63E9459F-42275865-BDDC2381-8152DA17",
children = {
name = 0x00107fe1, -- "Therazane"
image = "bestiary_dao.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 87B369F7-4B8E5ACA-5C2112BC-32A2D5EF",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Therezene Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Therezene Final 4AFF830C-477B4FD5-D6420D93-81A2887C",
description = 0x001095eb, -- "<br>In the end the witcher triumphed over
the powerful earth elemental, and in doing so won the gratitude of, and a reward
from, Count Dysart."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote C877C585-4430E9BB-0918BE9E-17CF513C",
index = 1,
description = 0x00109749, -- "<i>I do not believe in ghosts - it is that
simple. But my men say the house shakes at night, walls crumble, why, even the
floors move about...</i><br>– Kurt Dysart, Count of Anchor<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Therazene Precobmat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Therazene Precobmat 73504D1E-4AA47968-3913E9B2-
index = 2,
description = 0x00107fe2, -- "There's no such thing as a risk-free real
estate investment. It might turn out your new home has a leaky roof, structural rot
in the attic, a scratched floor in the living room... or elven ruins beneath its
foundations, and within them an enormous earth elemental just waiting for a chance
to break free of its chains.<br><br>Fighting such a monster is no easy task. Its
tough outer husk deflects all but the strongest blows. It can liquefy a man's bones
with one crushing blow from its fists - thus, one should never near it without
first casting the Quen Sign. One should have the Yrden Sign at the ready as well,
whereas the other signs - Igni, Aard and Axii - are completely ineffective against

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 24BA5FF3-4F88ADFA-70C6DAA8-FF4C2AAE",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 44892FBC-46099B58-F5F130A2-BC014B64",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 7D7A5A3C-4A73BF07-BB0E3784-B4A7AECA",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh307.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh307 : Minion",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh307 : Minion 0564C121-414A8D9C-2C05E0B7-D25CDA3C",
children = {
name = 0x00108232, -- "The Apiarian Phantom"
image = "bestiary_wildhuntminion.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E4B04CB5-43CC38C7-D3193184-F884DC64",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Widziadlo Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Widziadlo 2AF71177-443FB835-5149618D-ED4414DC",
description = 0x001095ec, -- "<br>Though the Hound fought fiercely, it
nevertheless fell to the witcher's blade. By killing this dangerous monster, Geralt
saved the humans, halflings and, last but not least, bees of the area from further

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 745C5787-48E3BBA2-B21C968F-C9CDE182",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010975f, -- "<i>Something's destroyed our fields and
hives. We think it's... the apiarian phantom.</i><br>Holofernes Meiersdorf<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Widziadło Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Widziadlo Precombat D59D4B84-4D9B598B-46509F82-
index = 2,
description = 0x00108233, -- "The "Apiarian Phantom" destroying the
Meiersdorf family's hives turned out to be a lost Hound of the Wild Hunt. When
fighting such a beast, one must bear in mind three things. First of all, that the
thick armor of ice covering it can only be pierced by strong blows. Second, that,
like any other frost-born creature, it is vulnerable to fire, the Igni Sign
included. Third and last: that it shall show no mercy."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues EBEF4B19-4C92DD01-713C0698-68A5F9BA",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints D2122D3C-4D9354BF-0B0F5F8D-44578646",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 860BF2BD-477C1880-DFAFB0BE-D2BA44EB",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymonsterhuntmh308.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh308 : Noonwraith",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh308 : Noonwraith 25307B71-4058146C-B653D19A-
children = {
name = 0x00108234, -- "The White Lady"
image = "bestiary_noonwraithmh308.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9B1C9CE1-4E029AD6-FEE2669E-9933CC86",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "BialaDama Final",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "BialaDama Final 0B1CA8DF-4E4217FE-DD95A2B1-0279AA58",
description = 0x001095f6, -- "The vengeful wraith known as the White
Lady had roamed the fields for a long time, murdering anyone she came across.
Though the grain hung heavy from the stalks, the frightened peasants were kept from
harvesting it and thus faced famine. They gathered their last bit of savings and
went in together on a bounty for a witcher. That was coin well-spent."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote E0978F4E-4BCD6257-295C7C8F-3494C870",
index = 1,
description = 0x00109760, -- "<i>Micko and his band? Who're they?
<br>Four lads, drunkards and good-for-nothin's, all. They'd drained a few pints and
decided they'd all plough the White Lady, maybe then she'd bugger off.</i><br>–
Conversation overheard in a field outside Novigrad<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "BialaDama Precombat",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "BialaDama Precombat 27FD421E-48DE7FB3-CD501F8B-
index = 2,
description = 0x00108235, -- "The apparition haunting the fields outside
Novigrad turned out to be a noonwraith. Some powerful emotion must have bound it to
that place - love, hate, anger or perhaps all three at once. Like every wraith of
this type, she was surely capable of forming mirror images of herself, which served
to mislead opponents and restore her vitality. Luckily, these mirages could be
dispelled with a quick slash from a silver blade. Like any noonwraith, she would
undoubtedly seek to assume immaterial form while fighting, making her almost
impossible to injure - unless she is first caught in a trap laid by the Yrden Sign,
or blasted with a special bomb. Once thus forced into materiality, she should be
attacked with strong blows or the Igni Sign. Finally, one must always keep in mind
two witcher sayings: "The longer you fight a noonwraith, the lower your chances of
surviving," and "Fight a noonwraith at midday and you'll be dead before dusk.""

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 205F01EE-40F0A29E-4EC7B3B7-F9E9CEEF",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 53E74817-4D8C7A99-37C7F993-86F8C4FF",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 899B7C80-431A6C2A-98EB5BB5-3533F00A",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarymoonwright.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Północnica",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_moonwright",
children = {
name = 0x00060fa7, -- "Nightwraiths"
image = "bestiary_nightwraith.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions FF6D1818-4DBB180D-2AFB4B9E-C1D4B12D",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Północnica wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Polnocnica wpis 1 6D352BC7-44E3C892-0B0EC180-
description = 0x00060fbd, -- "<i>Nightwraiths exude this immense
sadness, this helpless wrath… I fear them, same as anyone. But most of all I feel
sorry for them.</i><br>– Aelline Altsparr, elven trobairitz. <br><br>Compared to
other creatures of the night – katakans, nekurats and werewolves, for example –
nightwraiths (and their rarer cousins, duskwraiths) might not seem all that
dangerous. After all, one might ask, how much harm could a pale, withered woman in
a tattered dress do? The answer: quite a bit. Instead of finding this out the hard
way, avoid crossing fields and meadows at night at all costs.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Północnica wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Polnocnica wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010722c, -- "Like noonwraiths, nightwraiths are only
found in rural areas. Travelers fall victim to them most often, but if legends are
to be believed they also sneak into huts at times and murder peasants in their
sleep. <br><br>When they attack nightwraiths remain immaterial for most of the
time, meaning physical blows pass right through them. They only take on more
tangible form for the brief moments in which they strike. When weakened, they will
create several projections of themselves which cannot attack directly but act as
transmitters of sorts through which the nightwraith can sap her victim's vital
energy. <br><br>Nightwraiths can turn immaterial and are at such times very
difficult to wound. In order to force one to take on corporeal form, trap it with
the Yrden Sign or hit it with the blast of a Moon Dust bomb.<br><br>Do not believe
the old wife tales and think yourself completely safe from nightwraiths during the
day. They appear under the light of the sun as well - but are much weaker then than
after dusk."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 02D6826C-46EADBC1-C6637092-4447963F",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 9,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 7,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 1,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 14,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 10,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 1,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
clue = 3,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",
clue = 2,

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwraith_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 3,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nightwright_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 563A21F5-46832C96-7ACF539C-E4D39321",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots B56D7848-4BD6D664-B1D642AE-9C000CCF",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarynoonwright.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Południca",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_noonwright",
children = {
name = 0x000568b3, -- "Noonwraiths"
image = "bestiary_noonwraith.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4FB0D039-42EFCA65-4DEB7086-8706FBFB",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Południca wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Poludnica wpis 1 E04CB558-4321F827-EE9BED95-
description = 0x00060fcd, -- "<i>Despite what is commonly thought,
peasants do not interrupt their labors at midday to get out of the sun – they do so
to avoid noonwraiths.</i><br>– Vlad Reymond, <i>Peasants and Their
Customs</i><br><br>On particularly searing summer days, when the sun reaches its
zenith, wraiths will at times appear, resembling sun-scorched women dressed in
long, white robes. These are noonwraiths – the spirits of young women and girls who
died violent deaths right before their weddings. Driven mad with pain or anger,
they wander the fields searching for their unfaithful lovers or backstabbing
rivals, though they will kill anyone who does not get out of their way in time.
They are often held in this world by some object of intense emotional significance.
That is why, if one ever finds a wedding ring or torn veil in the middle of a
field, one should not pick it up, but instead back away as quickly as

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Południca wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Poludnica wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010703a, -- "Noonwraiths are only known to haunt rural
areas, and usually stay near the place of their deaths. They prey on peasants
working in the fields or children playing nearby.<br><br>Noonwraiths do not bleed
and are for the most part immune to the effects of Witcher Signs. They can create
mirror images of themselves which circle their victims in a kind of morbid parody
of a dance. This ghastly ritual drains their victims' life energy while adding to
their own strength. Noonwraiths are also able to manipulate the physical world to a
limited degree, kicking up clouds of dust which temporarily blind and disorient
their opponents. <br><br>Noonwraiths can turn immaterial and are at such times very
difficult to wound. In order to force a noonwraith to take corporeal form, one must
first trap it with the Yrden Sign or strike it with a Moon Dust bomb. Once the
monster has regained physical presence, one can mount a fast attack with a silver
blade, preferably one coated in specter oil.<br><br>Contrary to popular belief,
noonwraiths can also be encountered at night, but are much weaker then than during
the day."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 10217CDA-42FDA201-EC0A6C8E-22C88C43",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 2DDD536C-40573B60-DBC43F8C-302C8B7C",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_size",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_appearance",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 2,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_skin_texture",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 9,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_movement",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 7,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_sounds",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 1,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_damage_marks_01",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 14,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_damage_marks_02",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 10,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_victim_state",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 1,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_behavior",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",
clue = 3,

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_attitude",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",
clue = 2,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwraith_attack_time",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 1,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "noonwright_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 663143ED-47321EAC-3931E89B-411B46EE",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarypesta.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Morowa dziewica (quest)",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_pesta",
children = {
name = 0x00060fa8, -- "Plague Maidens"
image = "bestiary_pesta.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8DB7D03F-421296E2-64F5928C-587E1E56",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Morowa wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Morowa wpis 1 10F8E4FE-493F2904-6B864D91-D19F26B1",
description = 0x00060fce, -- "<i>Patients seem to have hallucinations of
a woman covered in scabs and boils, with rats scurrying about all around her. These
ravings subsided after an administration of henbane and poppy extract." </i><br>–
Joachim von Gratz's notes, Vilmerius Hospital in Novigrad<br><br>When plague
ravages a region, a spirit will sometimes walk its lands, a ghost resembling an ill
woman whose flesh rots off her bones and in whose wake crawls a cavalcade of rats.
No one knows whether this spirit brings the pox with her or is merely drawn to it
like a moth to a light. Yet it is certain that she delights in dealing pain and
suffering, in hearing the howling and moaning of men.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Morowa wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Morowa wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107029, -- "Many have called into question the very
existence of plague maidens, or pestae, as they are sometimes called. Only two
sightings of such a creature have ever been recorded, both during times of raging
epidemic.<br><br>As the name "plague maiden" suggests, these wraiths take the
appearance of females, though exactly why that is remains a mystery. Some speculate
they, like other such specters, arise from the powerful emotional charge associated
with certain circumstances of death, such as death preceded by a long and
particularly painful illness.<br><br>Not much is known about how to fight a plague
maiden, though one can assume they possess many traits in common with other
phantoms and wraiths. They undoubtedly pose a great danger, though a witcher's
immunities should at least prevent him from catching the contagious illnesses they

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues B27AA8A8-4B3C3759-F0B3849C-4E5DACC3",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Size 96CBE2CB-4F1E7944-1EE8DA8A-95861E13",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Appearance 1DE04148-418B8683-9EA744B4-BB3CDC72",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 11,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skin texture 56CFC36F-47AD28A2-F5C02EA1-DB579F85",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 3,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Movement 7F439BC3-4F404E65-4F2F28B6-F426E881",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 4,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sounds F16C4C25-4B21D759-E162B7B6-E7BB1E73",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 9,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damage marks 1 30152414-4F9598CA-2AA90AB6-09E028A5",
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category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 8,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damage marks 2 5CB15EF4-4A249C75-3A0A1596-9595E2A2",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 2,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Victim state 88EBC927-42A9DB2A-4E08199A-E5884FE7",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 9,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Behavior A607C539-4365066A-7CCC62B7-AC91E3C0",
index = 8,
category = "EMonsterBehaviour",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Attitude ED18B1A6-45AF7DB8-1B616BA8-8A2B4236",
index = 9,
category = "EMonsterAttitude",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Attack time 81C76077-4F2C6BF4-98BE63A5-E98A9C78",
index = 10,
category = "EMonsterAttackTime",
clue = 1,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hideout 48E80C08-44EA73C7-3A3DEC8A-7CF16DD7",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 4,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 3528AD98-4BD3C3B6-2C3C2E9D-96DF9A97",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 5CD1C38F-40652759-26C44F8A-92E973FE",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarywerebear.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Człowiek-niedźwiedź",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Niedzwiedziolak (quest) 1C5F8931-4FB04D63-BCC0C590-
children = {
name = 0x001070df, -- "Berserkers"
image = "bestiary_bersekerbear.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Cursed Oil 1",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions FE8ADFD8-4C45B5CD-69A5AB93-D16AC333",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Czowiek niedwiedz - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czowiek niedwiedz - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071d0, -- "<i>Now finish your soup, or a berserker'll
come and swallow ye whole.</i><br>– Skellige mother scolding a
child.<br><br>Skellige legends speak of men known as berserkers who transform into
bears when overwhelmed by battle rage. In doing so, they lose all self-awareness
and are driven by a bloodlust which they must satiate in order to return to human
form. Few believe these blood-curdling tales, however, not even in Skellige, where
the inhabitants usually treat even the least probable legends with the utmost
gravity. This indicates either that berserkers are in fact mere figments of mead-
sodden imaginations, or else that they have learned to hide their abilities from
the rest of the islanders.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Czowiek niedwiedz - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czowiek niedwiedz - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071d1, -- "The skalds' ballads indicate a berserker
transformed in the heat of battle cannot be distinguished from a true-born bear.
Only minute anatomical details - such as the shape of their tongues and teeth -
reveal their secret. Descriptions of their fighting prowess paint them as
invulnerable to pain and able to heal any wound received almost at once.<br><br>If
these men-turned-bears truly do exist, one can suppose that, like werewolves and
lycanthropes, they are particularly vulnerable to oils that harm cursed creatures.
But if we are to give credence to ancient songs about these creatures' deeds, about
the mass murders and massacres they have committed, we can only hope that no
witcher will have to test this hypothesis."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 3FE0074B-4BCA9DA0-37C4C192-9EA17A38",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Size 3ABAD6E6-4E2AA855-5BA92D8A-9EC15F1F",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Appearance 36A07647-4B04A239-EF34B0A3-AE219A91",
index = 1,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skin texture 0038E5B0-4D501D36-8D41999F-3F5C5842",
index = 2,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Movement 11CE7F01-487E5267-E00EDE91-E9F4F6FB",
index = 3,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sounds 52822844-498D8105-840DD8B0-9FA6F4D5",
index = 4,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damage marks 1 15CF02BA-476E92DF-B22ACEB1-0CB27282",
index = 5,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 9,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Damage marks 2",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Damage marks 2 B8B36615-4B7F0633-D6BC8188-D27F7947",
index = 6,
category = "EMonsterDamageMarks",
clue = 3,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Victim state",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Victim state 41F21320-4F5351A7-6C138292-3A1F3014",
index = 7,
category = "EMonsterVictimState",
clue = 3,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Behavior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Behavior 84C0F42E-4492899D-9F2DA2AE-AA62529B",
index = 8,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Attitude",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Attitude 6ED76859-4CE2D7E0-308C37B9-C38C2B91",
index = 9,

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Attack time",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Attack time 4E5E68C9-4E0D1759-BB629FAB-BBD59FEC",
index = 10,

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Hideout",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "werebear_hideout",
index = 11,
category = "EMonsterHideout",
clue = 6,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 59F0E7E2-46F46A54-AFAB27AA-E97EA896",
index = 2,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 83C2AECE-4472D17D-D4191CAE-13540CF1",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarywerewolf.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Wilkołak",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_werewolf",
children = {
name = 0x00090e78, -- "Werewolves"
image = "bestiary_werewolf.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Cursed Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E43343CD-42F22E8E-5A721194-6F23F7A4",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Wilkołak - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wilkolak - wpis 1 E0E4CD5D-42A76693-5517138C-
description = 0x00090719, -- "<i>Wolves aren't as bad as they're made
out to be. Werewolves, though – they're every bit as bad and worse.</i><br>– Elsa
Vilge, archer <br><br>Werewolves are creatures with both men and wolves inside
them. When in beastly form, they take the worst traits from each: the wolf's drive
to kill and hunger for raw flesh and the man's cruel and calculating intelligence.
A werewolf's condition comes about through a curse, and the transformations happen
outside his conscious control. When he reverts to human form, he has no memory of
his deeds – otherwise he would surely go mad and take his own life.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Wilkołak - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wilkolak - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071d2, -- "Werewolves are active at night,
particularly when the moon is full. Though they hunt alone, when threatened they
will summon wolves to aid them. Werewolves rarely feel the need to flee, for few
adversaries put up much of a fight against them. They strike as swiftly as
lightning with claws sharp as razors and regenerate any damage received in mere
moments. When fighting werewolves a witcher should wield a blade covered in oil
harmful to the cursed and have a large supply of Devil's Puffballs handy.<br><br>A
werewolf's curse can at times be lifted, yet there is no universal, surefire method
for doing this. A witcher seeking to undertake such a task must therefore equip
himself with a great deal of patience – and sturdy armor."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues D90B71E6-4C5E46AC-50CCC0BE-7F858069",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 2EA61A72-46848995-5E3A2A8D-3DE7F71D",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 32CFBDFA-45C039A8-5AE4D58B-BAE2706C",
description = 0x0009071a, -- "Use potions."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots E18B1572-42FB8918-3BF7AEA5-82AFF0AA",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bestiarywyvern.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Wiwerna",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wiwerna B7BA3E65-4FA5F24F-419966A5-E32D4E9B",
children = {
name = 0x001070ef, -- "Wyverns"
image = "bestiary_wyvern.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Grapeshot 1",
"Draconide Oil 1",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions B5057B66-41F5B472-07BF9B9F-180D7E9E",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "wiwerna - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wiwerna - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107222, -- "<i>Most dangerous of all are the royal
wyverns. Or, as they're called in some circles, the royal pains in the
arse.</i><br>– Albina Tottelkampf, lecturer in natural sciences at
Aretuza<br><br>Wyverns are often mistaken for dragons, and, though they are much
smaller than their more famous kin and do not breathe fire, they are likewise
extremely dangerous monsters. Especially feared are the so-called royal wyverns
who, like their namesake monarchs, are exceptionally ornery and extremely

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "wiwerna - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "wiwerna - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107223, -- "A wyvern will usually attack from the air,
aiming to knock its prey down with its wings. After landing it will attack with its
tooth-filled beak, trying to draw attention away from its most dangerous weapon:
the stinger found at the end of its long tail. A strike from this carries the risk
of poisoning from powerful toxins. Even a witcher's body experiences wrenching pain
when injected with wyvern venom, and so it is worth preparing oneself with suitable
potions ahead of time."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 953FF353-485153AF-5BBA149B-BCB83C55",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Size",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Size EA3FE69A-433B71AE-C56952A3-91E4DE21",
category = "EMonsterSize",
clue = 7,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Appearance",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Appearance 706C69AB-49190352-F9064D9F-7A5DF9E7",
index = 1,
category = "EMonsterApperance",
clue = 15,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skin texture",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skin texture 8183A515-4FE6CC8A-0A6E348A-4455B9EF",
index = 2,
category = "EMonsterSkinFacture",
clue = 10,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Movement",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Movement 72673DCC-400D7626-97337B89-E762EDC6",
index = 3,
category = "EMonsterMovement",
clue = 4,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Sounds",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sounds AC3979F2-46EF6E73-E8FB5D9A-AABA525E",
index = 4,
category = "EMonsterEmittedSound",
clue = 7,

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chunk[14] = {
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clue = 3,

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index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/bies.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Bies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bies",
children = {
name = 0x0010721f, -- "[PL] Bies"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
index = 1,

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
index = 2,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/constructs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Constructs",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Constructs",
name = 0x000294b8, -- "Elementa"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/cursed.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Cursed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType2",
name = 0x00052bfc, -- "Cursed Ones"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/cyclops.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Cyklop",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cyklop",
children = {
name = 0x001070f6, -- "Cyclopses"
image = "bestiary_cyclop.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Ogre Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 96BC05FF-4C7703E6-CD1AAF8B-6EF6EAF4",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Cyklop - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cyklop - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107265, -- "<i>How about this... we take a big stake,
sharpen its tip, jam it in the cyclops' eye – then sneak out of the cave disguised
as sheep. How's that not a good idea?</i><br>– Odess Thaka, traveler. Died
tragically on Spikeroog<br><br>Cyclopses can easily be recognized by the single eye
located in the center of their foreheads. If for some reason that is not visible,
other tell-tale signs are their enormous size, incredible strength and a seething
hatred for all humans.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Cyklop - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cyklop - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107266, -- "Evidence suggests cyclopses can live for
an incredibly long time. The one well-preserved specimen whom scholars have
examined and documented – a body found in 1112 and taken to Oxenfurt specialists –
was over three hundred years old at the time of its death. The remains of this
specimen could until recently be seen in the Academy's zoological museum, but they
were removed from display after students tried to dress the cyclops in a toga,
damaging it significantly in the process.<br><br>As in the case of giants, one can
only guess at the strong and weak points of a cyclops. Its heft alone precludes
effective use of the Aard Sign, while its enormous physical strength would make its
blows particularly deadly. Cyclopses are most likely vulnerable to ogroid oil. As
monsters with relatively well-developed minds, they might also fall under the
influence to the Axii Sign."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 21A2FE53-4DE1F12E-371FDEBC-82B91D20",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 8C20CF09-463C930C-6CE05E8D-F5D711B6",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots A06863FE-4B6925D4-F2C7489C-FA6E3B1B",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/czart.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Czart",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czart",
children = {
name = 0x001070fb, -- "[PL] Czart"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
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index = 1,

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
index = 2,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/czart1.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Czart1",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czart1",
children = {
name = 0x00107220, -- "[PL] Czart"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
index = 1,

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
index = 2,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/czart2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Czart",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czart",
children = {
name = 0x00107279, -- "Chorts"
image = "bestiary_czart.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 6EC12AED-40A6DC9F-AA427093-9AB4A586",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Czart - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czart - wpis 1",
description = 0x001072a8, -- "<i>Chorts are smaller than fiends, true.
But still big enough to kill.</i><br>– Agnes Thistle, herbalist from the Black
Forest<br><br>Chorts are the somewhat smaller kin of fiends and bumbakvetches. Yet
any witcher who thinks their diminutive stature means they present no danger
commits a grave error – the kind that can end his career permanently. These
denizens of dark and ancient woods are some of the most dangerous monsters known to

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Czart - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czart - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001072a9, -- "Legends often mistake chorts for sylvans,
ascribing to them the ability to speak, stand on two legs, gobble up cabbage, play
pranks and work mischief around the household. The arrival of a true chort in a
region soon puts an end to such tales. The creatures do not speak, at best
communicating with each other through grunts, snorts and moans. They get about on
four legs and as for their "mischief"... they destroy farmsteads, devouring
anything that can be devoured, including cabbage, if such is available, but also
extending to poultry, pork, the family dog and then the family itself.
<br><br>Chorts fight with little finesse, running straight towards their opponent
and trying to knock him to the ground with the force of their charge. After downing
their foe they bite, kick and strike with their claw-tipped paws. Due to their size
and four-legged posture, they are mostly unperturbed by the force of the Aard Sign,
and the regenerative powers of their body allow any wounds they receive to heal at
a rapid pace. <i></i>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues DE86CF25-48CA6B2E-5FB0959C-29702127",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 8B9C99ED-41C96C7B-12CF8EAB-AEF20F69",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 8A61F6B9-4FC1B28A-F0A4A789-D26F9C22",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/dog.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dog",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dog",
children = {
name = 0x00107108, -- "Dogs"
image = "bestiary_dog.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Beast Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E65C5AAB-4475EDFB-892F889A-795CC323",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Pies - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pies - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107161, -- "<i>They say a dog's a man's best friend…
But in these foul times one best be wary, even of his friends.</i><br>– Alfred
Pankratz, beggar from Novigrad<br><br>Some claim dogs are reflections of their
masters. A well-treated pet repays his owner with loyalty and trust, whereas an
ill-treated one repays this treatment in kind as well, meeting yells with barks and
kicks with bites. Since there is an abundance of bad men, so, too, is there an
abundance of bad dogs. Most dangerous of all are the vagrant mutts who have lost
all respect for men and developed a taste for blood and carrion.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Pies - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pies - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107162, -- "Dogs usually attack in packs, choosing
isolated victims, especially ones in whom they sense some kind of weakness. Packs
of rabid dogs usually only dare attack children, drunkards, the elderly and
cripples. Yet when backed into a corner, they will defend themselves with frothing
bites and sharp claws against all and sundry."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues E8B4EE8A-434414A4-25EAC797-C9B73649",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 28FC46DD-4C5F2A06-3A9AC597-22732BFF",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 3398FE19-41E25640-444602AE-1046A7DA",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/doppler.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Doppler",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Doppler",
children = {
name = 0x00108322, -- "Doppler"
image = "bestiary_doppler.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8783B479-421C9083-17A496B1-5822EB0C",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Doppler - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Doppler - wpis 1",
description = 0x00108323, -- "<i>Your package? Your brother picked it
up. You know, you two're damn near identical... Hey! Where you running off
to?!</i><br>– Hanne Kluger, postmaster<br><br>Dopplers, also known as vexlings or
changelings, are beings able to take on the form of any humanoid or animal they
please. This transformation is no mere illusion able to be shattered with a simple
spell, but an authentic and complete metamorphosis. This means no protective
amulets or witcher medallions will signal a doppler's presence - they emanate the
same aura as the being whose form they have assumed. This, combined with their
incredible intellect and cunning, would make dopplers supreme assassins or thieves
- had not nature endowed them with generous and timid spirits which make them avoid
the shedding of blood at all costs."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Doppler - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Doppler - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00108324, -- "When backed into a corner, dopplers can
present a grave danger by taking on the form of their assailant - and along with it
his strengths and abilities. The sum result is to force the assailant to battle
against himself - a battle few can win.<br><br>Like other relicts, dopplers are
extremely vulnerable to silver, and so a silver sword should be used when fighting
them. Silver has the additional useful property of forcing a doppler to change form
on contact."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 6C4496E0-47358C9B-4451CE93-98F3E3ED",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints F177CB51-471F1269-544787BD-45FA6DE1",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots D4AA86DD-4A52A7A1-5D0D5F8D-6806C669",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/drowner.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Utopiec",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Utopiec",
children = {
name = 0x001070e8, -- "Drowners"
image = "bestiary_drowner.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions B4EE2CC3-48DE7B0D-100550B4-B3BE3D14",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Utopiec wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Utopiec wpis 1",
description = 0x00107142, -- "<i>When at the water's edge, you gotta be
quiet. First of all, so as not to scare the fish. Second – so you don't attract
drowners.</i><br>– Yanneck of Blaviken, fisherman<br><br>A drowner resembles a
corpse dredged from the bottom of a pond. It is sickly blue or green in color, with
slime and sludge oozing out of every pore and the acrid stench of rot wafting off
of it. That is why it is often thought drowners - along with their more dangerous
cousins: vodniks, mucknixers and drowned dead – arise from the bodies of those who
drown in shallow water: lost travelers falling into bogs, children who swim too far
from the shore or, in the case of vodniks, inebriated peasants who stumble off
narrow swamp trails.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Utopiec wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Utopiec wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107143, -- "Like so many other beliefs about monsters,
this one is false. While drowners do look like humans from a distance, witchers,
who have the dubious pleasure of examining them from close quarters, have reported
the numerous ways in which their anatomy differs from our own. Their scaly skin,
gills and dorsal fins suggest drowners and their like are an entirely foreign
species.<br><br>The adaptations mentioned above make drowners excellent swimmers,
well-suited to the muddy waters of the ponds and lakes in which they dwell. They
often cluster near human settlements, which are for them an excellent source of
food.<br><br>Cowardly creatures by nature, they usually stick to eating scraps they
dig out of rubbish piles and animal carcasses. Yet if a lone traveler or careless
fisherman strays into their territory, they turn from scavengers to fearsome
predators. They can attack with lightning speed, taking their victim by surprise
and pulling him into the water to drown. If not particularly hungry at the moment,
they will keep their prey under the water for a few days, aging it until it grows
deliciously tender and rotten. Drowners are particularly active at dusk and during
the night, especially if the rain is falling – at such times they will even leave
their watery homes and venture inland.<br><br>Drowners, mucknixers, vodniks and
drowned dead all live in putrid, rotting filth, and so have developed a high
resistance to poison. Though humanoid in form, they are primitive creatures no more
intelligent than carp or pike. That is why spells affecting the mind, the Axii Sign
included, are ineffective against them. Yet they are particularly vulnerable to
magic drawn from the element of fire, including the Igni Sign."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 3D5AE8C7-451B419F-097DE3BB-1CB83484",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints FDCB8EF4-46CC6E22-BC136EBE-1974ADFF",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots EA9F721B-495EC5C7-F91CBFAC-4581E790",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/dzinn.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dzinn",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dzinn",
children = {
name = 0x001087c6, -- "Djinns"
image = "bestiary_djin.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 66A86635-4C422A58-2CA60BAB-C517E651",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Dzinn wpis",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dzinn wpis",
description = 0x001087c7, -- "<i>The pitcher emitted a puff of glowing
red smoke. The smoke pulsated, then gathered into an irregular sphere floating in
front of the poet's head...</i><br>–The First Longing, a Tale Fantastic in All
Ways<br><br>A djinn is a powerful air spirit, a condensation of the power of said
element endowed with consciousness and character - the latter usually nasty.
According to legend, djinns can grant even the most far-fetched wishes, though they
do so begrudgingly.<br><br>Unusually powerful mages can capture and tame these
beings. A mage who succeeds in doing so can then draw energy from such a spirit,
using it to cast spells without having to summon the Power from traditional
sources. Only a handful have ever managed this feat, however, for djinns fight to
avoid such a fate with stubborn determination. To imprison a djinn and bend it to
one's will, one must first weaken it - and that is no easy task.<br><br>Fighting
djinns is extraordinarily difficult. They can fling off spells in an instant that
the most accomplished human mages could never master with years of preparation.
What's more, by manipulating the element of air they can summon gales, powerful
storms, even hurricanes. Luckily, as magic beings they are vulnerable to silver -
yet steel will do them no harm."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues D68CDFCB-4D42FC95-799B5689-70BF8CE2",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints EDB32201-4C5633D1-EB6A8188-6570B9CA",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 8E98C695-42816ECC-548F2EBB-575AA722",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/endriagatruten.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Endriaga truteń",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriaga truten",
children = {
name = 0x001070e2, -- "Endrega drones"
image = "bestiary_endriagaspikey.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 80B592BA-4FAD4EBA-4B8A02AE-97F57CF1",
children = {
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Endriaga truteń - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriaga truten - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071e8, -- "<i>Lazy, good-for-nothing men are
sometimes called drones. That's an insult to endrega drones, who at least get off
their arses to fight.</i><br>– Evelynn Harker, herbalist <br><br>Endrega males –
called ‘drones' – are gluttonous creatures whose only aim in life is to eat, fight
and reproduce. Yet when venturing outside their nests, these aggressive hunters
attack any and every creature they come across.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Endriaga truteń - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriaga truten - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071e9, -- "Endrega drones live but brief lives, the
culmination of which comes in the autumn when they fertilize the queen. They pass
the time leading to that moment protecting the colony's territory. Weaker drones
die in these battles, while the largest and strongest survive. These elect
individuals' genes are passed down to the next generation of endregas, while they
themselves are killed after fertilization takes place and their bodies used to feed
the hive during the long winter months.<br><br>Drones are easy to identify thanks
to their distinctive, cone-shaped abdomens. Unlike other endregas they can attack
from a distance, sending out volleys of poisoned quills. As with all of their kind,
bleeding has no effect on them and insectoid oil does them great harm."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 2EBEC63B-4F7A45E5-E61D809E-6EADCF8E",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints ECB27381-4719DCB0-B254A08A-BB1D55D9",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 92988F49-4D2C78A8-A0ABB38B-9BFC43DC",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/endriagaworker.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Endriaga robotnik",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriaga robotnik",
children = {
name = 0x001070e3, -- "Endrega workers"
image = "bestiary_enddriagaworker.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Endriaga robotnik - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriaga robotnik - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071ea, -- "<i>I thought the workers were harmless. I
thought wrong.</i><br>– Janne the Gimp, trapper.<br><br>Workers are the most
numerous, and thus the most frequently encountered, caste of endrega. Within the
colony their duty lies in building nests and cocoons, acquiring food and caring for
eggs and larvae. When threatened they will summon warriors to aid them, yet if
forced to defend themselves they will – and do so surprisingly well.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Endriaga robotnik - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Endriaga robotnik - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071eb, -- "Endrega workers are most often found
traveling in groups of half-dozen or more members. They move slowly, yet when
attacking, they are capable of covering the distance to their victim in the blink
of an eye. Like all of their kind, endrega workers are highly venomous. Their bite
is toxic, as are any wounds dealt by the bony growths on the ends of their limbs.
They can also spew acid to great effect from a distance of several paces. Their
usual tactic is to surround their enemy and attack him from several sides at once.
Like all insectoids they do not suffer particularly from bleeding, yet are caused
great harm by insectoid oil."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 113BD609-477C9C00-B6D10AAA-CA1C3E1C",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 47E958E3-43B091F5-529EDEBC-E440B896",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 5717AF4B-4D277793-AD7B2786-E03F74AB",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/erynia.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Erynia",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Erynia",
children = {
name = 0x00107100, -- "Erynias"
image = "bestiary_erynia.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Hybrid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 097EA6E7-417198F8-2F0E70B9-3EDD1AB4",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "erynia - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "erynia - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107290, -- "<i>A merchant once told me I reminded him
of an erynia. Naturally, I immediately teleported him to one of their nests, so he
could see for himself how ill-fitting a comparison it was.</i><br>– Lytta Neyd, the
sorceress also known as Coral<br><br>Hard as it is to imagine, the erynias found in
Skellige are even more repulsive - and dangerous - than harpies, their close
relatives. Though well-rotten carrion is their food of choice, they will not turn
up their noses at fresh meat, man flesh included.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "erynia - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "erynia - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107291, -- "When they spy a potential victim, erynias,
like harpies or shishigas, will try to make full use of the strength of their
numbers and their ability to control the skies. They will circle above their prey
then attack from several directions at once, striking with razor-shark talons and
tearing their targets to shreds.<br><br>While attacking they aim for the neck, eyes
and other vital organs, often causing their prey to bleed to death as a result. In
this way a small flock of erynias is able to make quick work of larger and better-
armed victims, who often are not able to defend themselves effectively from several
opponents attacking at once."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 50A210FC-499BAD56-352823BD-5896EE04",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints C6C12A9E-4E364F8B-5A308583-01E5C67E",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots C33F7C86-4186D1DB-95874E89-D5508D6E",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/fiend.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Fiend",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fiend",
children = {
name = 0x001070fd, -- "[PL] Bies"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
index = 1,

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
index = 2,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/fiend2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Bies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bies",
children = {
name = 0x00107278, -- "Fiends"
image = "bestiary_fiend.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Samum 1",
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 3874F707-42844253-EAEC3680-96456F8C",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "bies - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bies - wpis 1",
description = 0x001072a4, -- "<i>I regret to inform Your Grace that Your
Grace's son fell while hunting a fiend. He died on the spot, along with his squire,
his guide, the beaters, his peasant entourage and his hounds.</i><br>– Kavin Jell,
manager of the Villepin Estate near Vizima<br><br>Fiends are walking mountains of
muscle capped with horned, tooth-filled heads. Like their rarer cousins,
bumbakvetches, they live in thick forests, swamps and bogs. When possible they
avoid humans, but when not possible, they kill them, and without much

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "bies - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bies - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001072a5, -- "Their size alone makes fiends and
bumbakvetches extremely dangerous – one blow from their powerful paws can kill a
horse along with its fully-armored mount. Their enormous heft also makes them
invulnerable to Aard: even witchers specializing in the power of Signs could not
move one even an inch. Furthermore, any wounds they receive heal at lightning
speed.<br><br>If that weren't trouble enough, fiends need not rely on their
strength and stamina alone when fighting. They can also call on a more refined
weapon: the third eye located in the center of their forehead, which they use to
draw their prey into a state of hypnosis. During these times their victim does not
see anything beyond this single burning eye – the last thing they see before their
death. <br><br>A fiend's only weakness is its fear of loud noises – bombs such as
Samum or Devil's Puffball are thus quite effective when fighting this monster.
Furthermore, a blade covered in relict oil can increase a witcher's chances of
victory – or at least of walking away from the fight."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 901F7A9B-40606FDB-5003ADA4-6206A97F",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 3FD4C992-438C9B65-6B5C01AA-4EAC7847",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots C7FDEFEC-4F7961AE-5366E2BF-A15FE2F3",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/fiends.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Fiends",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType11",
name = 0x00052c05, -- "Demonic Beings"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/fireelemental.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Żywiołak ognia",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zywiolak ognia",
children = {
name = 0x001070dd, -- "Fire Elementals"
image = "bestiary_fireelemental.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"White Frost 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 55F41F29-4A50F4AA-88E2619D-E008E06D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Żywiołak ognia - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zywiolak ognia - wpis 2",
description = 0x001071c7, -- "This elemental attacks using fireballs and
streams of flame which reduce anything in their path to ashes in the blink of an
eye. Like golems and other elementals, poison does not touch it nor does it bleed.
Fire-based spells not only do no harm but in fact strengthen it - thus one should
by no means think of striking it with Igni. Though vulnerable to silver blades,
getting within sword's reach of one is dangerous due to the furnace-like heat they
emanate. When fighting a fire elemental one should thus strike from a distance,
using frost-spewing and dimeritium bombs, for they will do it the most damage."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Żywiołak ognia - wpis 1",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zywiolak ognia - wpis 1",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071c6, -- "<i>The first fire elemental was created by
Ransant Alvaro. Sadly, flames engulfed his entire laboratory, burning it - along
with every other building on his block - to ash.</i><br>– Tarvix Sandoval, "Origins
of Magic Arcana"<br><br>Fire is the most destructive of the elements, thus the
aggressive lethality of the creature that embodies its essence should come as no
surprise. Fire elementals are forged in complicated magic rituals for one purpose:
destruction. And they pursue this with murderous determination.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 3BF32943-483D8C0E-8F4CAD84-624782FA",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 74E3B9DA-480E2E2E-02ADF087-F4C34066",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 12FF2FC5-4FDA7058-312D6BB3-72145A69",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/fogling.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Mglak",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mglak",
children = {
name = 0x001070e9, -- "Foglets"
image = "bestiary_fogling.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4FB77718-4C1D74C8-0A16C19A-3A86BAAF",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Mglak - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mglak - wpis 1",
description = 0x0010715d, -- "<i>If night ever catches you in the
swamps, stay put and wait for dawn, even if it means standing waist-deep in water
with leeches crawling down your trousers. Most important of all, if you see a light
in the fog, never, and I mean never, go towards it.</i><br>– Johannes Strudd,
guide<br><br>Fog is the traveler's foe. In the forest, it can make one lose one's
way , at sea, it can send one sailing into the rocks. Yet such dangers are nothing
compared to the monsters known as foglets which sometimes lurk within it. These
creatures have powerful arms and claws like Zerrikanian kinjals, yet what makes
them truly dangerous is their mastery of deception, beguilement and disorientation.
Many times they need not attack at all, instead simply driving their prey to
madness or into boggy marshlands, after which they wait patiently for it to drown
in the muddy waters."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Mglak - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mglak - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010715c, -- "Foglets may appear wherever thick fog can
arise: swamplands, mountain passes or the shores of rivers and lakes. If no fog is
forthcoming, they create or summon it themselves. Quickly thickening air
undisturbed by the wind infallibly signals a foglet is present - and preparing an
attack. <br><br>Thick clouds of mist not only allow foglets to remain unseen, but
also serve as their weapons. By manipulating fog they can separate travelers from
each other, hide trails and deafen noise. Like ghastly glowworms, their bodies emit
a pale light they use to lure those lost in the fog towards the ravines, swamps or
caves in which they make their lairs. <br><br>Even if a traveler spies his pursuer
and manages to attack, the foglet can disappear into thin air before the blade hits
its target. Some foglets are additionally said to possess an ability to create
complicated illusions rivaling that of human mages. Whether that is true or merely
one of the dark legends men tell about these mysterious monsters remains
uncertain.<br><br>When fighting foglets, a witcher must remain calm and keep his
wits about him no matter what. Since foglets can take on immaterial form, a slight
shimmer of air or a rustle in the grass might be the only clues a witcher has to
their location. Casting the Aard Sign at these beings will cause them to become
tangible, giving purchase to blades and other weapons."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues D76498A1-4ED79B8A-6559C3AD-44E26D33",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints F4E3BEEB-4CBFD491-63EB9190-E2C961EA",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 438E0BA9-4585A183-FF7899A7-EB2C5AC5",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/gargoyle.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Gargoyle",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gargoyle",
children = {
name = 0x001084ff, -- "Gargoyles"
image = "bestiary_gargoyle.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions BC9C8569-43513A3A-C35E98A7-73ECE62D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "gargoyle - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "gargoyle - wpis 1",
description = 0x00108500, -- "<i>It just me, or is that gargoyle ogling
us?</i><br>– Lara Estevann, burglar from Loc Muinne<br><br>Gargoyles are stone
statues brought to life by magic in order to guard mages' laboratories and lairs
from intruders. Their appearance alone has scared off more than one prospective
burglar. Those who do not take fright at the sight of these horned and winged
monstrosities usually die shortly thereafter, torn to shreds by stony claws.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "gargoyle - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "gargoyle - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00108501, -- "Gargoyles are extremely dangerous
opponents. Carved from granite or marble, they are able to withstand tremendous
amounts of damage and exhibit superhuman strength. One blow dealt from their
boulder-like fists will crush even a man clad in heavy armor. Not even those out of
reach of a gargoyle's arms can feel safe, for they are able to throw hunks of stone
with deadly precision.<br><br>Due to gargoyles' considerable size and weight, the
Aard Sign does nothing against them. As beings made of stone, they feel no pain
from fire, meaning the Igni Sign is worthless against them, as are weapons meant to
cause bleeding or poisoning. It is a witcher's good fortune that they also have a
few weaknesses: they feel the sting of a silver blade and are hurt by dimeritium
bombs, which disrupt the workings of the magic spell which gives them life."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 14491A55-4CED9991-344D599A-069EF4F9",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 5F4F405E-4DCDCB3E-51E29AA0-2FC7EC47",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots B1BF74E5-40D29DA3-0CBB63BD-BE941E81",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/godling.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Godling",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Godling E2B84625-47F294BB-BC4CAEA7-5F1626DC",
children = {
name = 0x0010737c, -- "Godlings"
image = "bestiary_godling.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 382FDAB8-42AD94F0-58D23382-716551DB",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Godling 1 description",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Godling 1 description 9AEFDADF-4C885FEA-C499CF95-
description = 0x0010737d, -- "<i>Not too long ago the areas around
peasant hamlets were chock full of guardian spirits. Today it's nigh unto
impossible to spot a brownie, bucca or lutin. And godlings, they are always the
first to go. Such is the price we pay for civilization's forward march.</i><br>–
From the preface to "The World We Have Lost," by Professor
Dorregaray<br><br>Godlings (sometimes mistaken for lutin) are woodland creatures
dwelling in burrows and moss-covered hollow stumps on the outskirts of human
settlements. They are similar to children in behavior and appearance, and, like
children, delight in mischief. Godlings are deeply rooted in their home territory
and perform acts of care and guardianship to those dwelling near their burrows.
They watch over people as well as animals, but, shy creatures by nature, they try
to do so while remaining unseen. Godlings are drawn to joy and innocence, and so
delight in the company of children and usually only show themselves to the
young.<br><br>These hard-working and clever creatures gladly perform small services
for those in their care, asking only for respect and payment in the form of food or
cast-off tools in return. They are easily offended by churlish, ungrateful or
simply rude behavior. Godlings also treasure their peace and quiet. When the
village a godling watches over becomes too populous or its inhabitants forget the
old ways, it will abandon its burrow for good and walk off to destinations

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 85ECAB3B-48D7A9E6-3AB5F1AA-ABFE6C6E",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints E1B40FC7-40D9BFD8-B04BA599-90B7EAA2",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 6EC4E110-433BCDB4-3F32A4B8-32C1826C",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/gravehag.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Baba cmentarna",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baba cmentarna",
children = {
name = 0x001070eb, -- "Grave hags"
image = "bestiary_gravehag.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Black Blood 1",
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 35E0C21D-40D78F5B-D051BD9E-791490DF",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Baba cmentarna - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baba cmentarna - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107164, -- "<i>Cremation, now that's one thing men
could learn from gnomes. Burying bodies out in the fields, why, it's like laying
out a welcome mat for monsters! Best case scenario, some ghouls will sniff them
out, eat their fill and be on their ghoulish way. But if, gods forbid, a grave hag
takes to feeding at your cemetery, you'll have no end of trouble." <br>–
</i>Jacques de Villepin, Oxenfurt Academy<br><br>Few monsters' names fit as well as
the grave hags'. As one might guess, these creatures resemble aged, deformed women
and loiter near graveyards and battlefields. Grave hags feed on human corpses and
in particular on the rotten marrow which they slurp from human bones using their
long, prehensile tongues. Once a hag has devoured all corpses within reach, she
turns to killing men and burying them in the cemetery as she waits for them to

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Baba cmentarna - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baba cmentarna - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107165, -- "Grave hags use their tongues in combat to
grab or flog their victims. Claws built for digging up buried bodies serve just as
well as weapons to rend flesh. Though clumsy in appearance, grave hags move and
attack at great speed – sometimes even a witcher's reflexes are too slow to avoid
their blows.<br><br>Grave hags are territorial creatures. Their lairs resemble
caricatures of human homes and are built near burial sites. They venture out at
night to hunt, stalking straggling travelers or mourners too lost in their grief to
notice the setting of the sun. On rare occasions hunger-driven grave hags will hunt
during the day. They are less dangerous at such times, for sunlight weakens them

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 2A0270A5-45753DC2-5E6B2AAD-47169335",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 4DCE3DD4-41EA0741-584EA38B-6122B281",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 21210A69-43CA6374-CB9C2CBC-722E22F6",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/griffin.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Griffin",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Griffin",
children = {
name = 0x00107101, -- "Griffins"
image = "bestiary_gryphon.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Hybrid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 22DEEC57-401150B5-C28537BC-000C1656",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Gryf wpis - 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gryf wpis - 1",
description = 0x0010710a, -- "<i>Aye, half-eagle, half-tomcat, just like
on the lord’s crest. ‘Cept this 'un was carryin’ me dead cow ‘stead of a
scepter.</i><br>– Griffin attack witness, name unknown<br><br>Griffins were once
only found high in the mountains, where they would hunt marmots and wild goats.
When humans encroached on their lands, however, griffins soon discovered a new
source of much more plentiful and easier-caught prey: cows, sheep and shepherds.
Though still wary of main roads and towns (where folk with the means to hire a
witcher are like to dwell), these half-eagle, half-wildcat creatures have gone from
rarities to oft-encountered pests known throughout the Northern Realms. Especially
hated are the subspecies known as royal griffins and archgriffins.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gryf wpis -2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gryf wpis -2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010710b, -- "Griffins mate for life and when their
partner is attacked they will defend it to the death. For this reason they are
often considered the embodiment of courage, loyalty and fighting spirit. This last
attribute no one would deny them – when provoked, they will not cease their attack
until they have torn their opponent to shreds. <br><br>Griffins find their victims
using their extraordinarily perceptive sense of smell. After drawing near to their
chosen target they attack by swooping down from great height. Their muscular mass
combined with their swift speed mean this blow alone is often enough to end the
fight. If, however, the victim survives this aerial assault, the griffin will
immediately engage it in direct combat, making use of its sharp, curved beak and
powerful talons.<br><br>The wounds it deals are deep and cause powerful bleeding.
Even worse, griffins do not have any true weaknesses – except for their
vulnerability to hybrid oil and certain kinds of bombs."
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 43D81526-4AD0C7B3-166FBB9A-F58A8804",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints F1A999A5-41C07A10-C2FDA3AA-C7907A42",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots EF506F2C-4D8C6692-1848E4B3-88D300A8",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/harpy.journal:

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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Harpy",
children = {
name = 0x00107102, -- "Harpies"
image = "bestiary_harpy.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Hybrid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 6AAD61B0-4AD6BFF9-F092EC82-FF9C8D24",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Harpia - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Harpia - wpis 1",
description = 0x0010728e, -- "<i>Most monsters don't actually keep any
treasure in their lairs. Harpies, though - they like shiny things.</i><br>– Letho,
Viper School witcher<br><br>It is hard to say what is most repulsive about harpies
and their cousins, the shishigas: their hideous appearance, the overwhelming stench
of rot and bird excrement that clings to them or their bloodcurdling screech.
Suffice it to say that even rats, who dwell happily among the rankest fecal matter
and rotten waste, give their nests wide berth.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Harpia - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Harpia - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010728f, -- "Harpy nests are most often found atop high
cliffs or rocky ravines. Sure signs of having strayed near one are crumbling human
and animal remains, guano-streaked rocks and feathers littering the
ground.<br><br>Harpies and shishigas hunt in flocks consisting of a handful to up
to twenty individuals. Though rather cowardly and cautious, harpies fiercely defend
their nests and will not hesitate to attack when outnumbering their foes.
<br><br>During combat they use their ability to fly to dive swiftly to strike their
victims one by one before soaring back up out of reach. They can kill with their
wings or their sharp beak and talons. Once on the ground they move slowly and
clumsily, and thus no longer present much of a threat."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 023BA10C-4E5758DB-9EBF5D90-440B43BC",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints DE746921-4A477BB4-AC8894BD-117D314A",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 724E12B9-4531BB77-5B62B281-7E0B864E",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/highervampire.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "higher vampire",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "higher vampire",
children = {
name = 0x00107109, -- "Higher Vampires"
image = "bestiary_highervampire.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Vampire Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9A27E4AF-44D0F579-C9516A9A-B52AE918",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "higher - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "higher - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071a9, -- "<i>Men, the polite ones, at least, would
call me a monster. A blood-drinking freak.</i><br>– Emiel Regis, higher vampire
<br><br>Only a mutual thirst for blood links higher vampires to their distant and
much more primitive cousins: ekimmaras, alps, katakans and the like. Higher
vampires are, in fact, much more similar to humans than to those bat-like blood
slurpers. They not only resemble us in appearance, but also share our intelligence
and behavioral patterns. This means they do not squat in distant forests or hide in
the shadows. On the contrary, they are particularly fond of cities, where they live
out deceivingly normal lives. Even witchers are not capable of recognizing them at
once, for their medallions remain perfectly motionless in the presence of higher
vampires. Yet all these similarities should not blind us to an essential
difference: unlike men, higher vampires are immortal. Those who have faced them in
combat and survived can be counted on one hand.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "higher - wampir 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "higher - wampir 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071aa, -- "It is a witcher's good fortune that higher
vampires are extremely rare – and not all are dangerous to humans. Though they do
have a taste for blood, they do not need to drink it to survive. Some higher
vampires have renounced feeding on humans altogether and do no harm to anyone, but
others give in to their desires. A witcher who braves fighting a higher vampire
must bear in mind that he faces a monster endowed with incredible strength, one
able to manipulate men and animals, turn invisible and transform into a giant bat -
and furthermore one which it is nearly impossible to kill. In other words, even an
experienced monster slayer should think twice before accepting a contract on one of
these creatures, even if half a kingdom and a princess' hand is in the offing."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues E9D4B00D-4206E86A-814CADA3-9344BA43",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints AB2CB4A4-4D52DFE0-E5060C8A-26DC7C35",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots C8947920-464F89AF-94CDDB89-FB59728F",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/him.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Him",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Him 97FB0BF9-4FE7580D-72437681-204440FE",
children = {
name = 0x00107bd1, -- "Hyms"
image = "bestiary_him.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9E3AB3EA-43378904-DA35B5AA-4A928F8D",
children = {
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Him wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Him wpis 1 3377B3F0-4A54E476-2278FFB1-0CF441F4",
description = 0x00107021, -- "<i>Some men have got good reason to fear
their own shadows.</i><br>– Svargmitt, An Skellig druid<br><br>Monsters most
commonly claim innocents as their victims: tardy merchants, reckless children and
travelers who wander into dark woodlands out of misplaced curiosity. None of the
above need fear hyms, however. These wraiths only latch onto particularly
despicable individuals who have committed some unspeakable crime. To all others,
they remain completely invisible. When they do show themselves to the one they
torment, they appear as a tall, shadow-clad, humanoid silhouette with long, sharp

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Him wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Him wpis 2 4B40AF51-4C96137F-29472BA5-ED9F662D",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107022, -- "Yet hyms do not sink these claws into
their victims. Instead, they sap their strength indirectly, through inflicting
suffering. Speaking in a voice only the victim hears, they drive him to commit acts
of violence, aggression and self-harm. A hym will seize on a guilty person's worst
fears and weave out of them hideous visions, slowing driving the poor soul into
madness. <br><br>Those tormented by a hym are incapable of restful sleep, for they
are tormented by ever-more-frequent, incredibly-realistic nightmares. At times the
victim will become extremely on edge, yelling pleas or threats at invisible
phantoms or confessing his guilt out loud in the hope this will end his torment.
This act does not, however, bring any relief, for the hym will not leave until it
has addled its victim's wits completely or driven him to suicide."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 44BB6005-43CA6D28-0A2040B5-43895775",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 1FF22E73-4EC8FE69-69C15091-7FF5C2B3",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 880A700B-4FA6CCA2-D1EA0FBA-A433D50D",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/humans.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Humans",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterTypeHumans",
name = 0x00060fa9, -- "Humans"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/hybrids.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Hybrids",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hybrids",
name = 0x001070ff, -- "Hybrids"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/icegiant.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Lodowy gigant",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lodowy gigant",
children = {
name = 0x001070f8, -- "Ice Giant"
image = "bestiary_icegiant.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Ogre Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions BDF4C3FE-4D2BC4D7-FADF72A0-4EACF1E8",
children = {
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "lodowy - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lodowy - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107269, -- "<i>Fled one time in my life. From the Ice
Giant. And know what? I'm not a bit ashamed.</i><br>– Rasmund Kvaalkje, Clan
Tordarroch oarsman<br><br>This powerful, primeval monster is quite possibly the
last of its race. The Ice Giant resembles a man in many respects, but is blue as
frost and taller than a tree. Though it seems capable of reason, all attempts to
communicate with it to date have ended in the same way – in a quick and painful

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "lodowy - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lodowy - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107268, -- "It is hard to provide a detailed
description of the Ice Giant, for no witcher has ever faced it. It is known only
from tales and second-hand reports that mix fact with legend. Skelligers claim its
skin is blue because it was born of snow and ice, which is, of course, clearly
impossible – though it does indeed seem capable of withstanding the fiercest frosts
and in fact seems to draw strength from them. It can bind other creatures to its
will, sirens in particular. It treats its victims cruelly and is particularly fond
of human flesh. It uses simple weapons made from items looted from the bodies of
those it has slaughtered."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 4F020CB1-41D88706-112E498E-D771B60B",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 3EF7A0D1-4ADA880F-F1AD45B0-3504EAA3",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots CFEFEBE0-4C43A48A-34705F9E-F91BAE40",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/icegolem.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Żywiołak lodu",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zywiolak lodu",
children = {
name = 0x001070dc, -- "Ice Elementals"
image = "bestiary_iceelemental.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 931CE8E2-4F2EAFA8-7010A996-018C65BA",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "żywiołak lodu - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "zywiolak lodu - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071be, -- "<i>I thought to myself - what's a hunk of
ice doing in the middle of some lab? And then that hunk of ice got up and broke my
legs.</i><br>– Yannick Lovt, burglar<br><br>An ice elemental is a mass of frozen
water animated by magic. Deprived of consciousness or independent will, this
elemental is boundlessly obedient to the orders of the mage who created it. Those
orders usually contain but one syllable: kill.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "żywiołak lodu - wpis 2",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "zywiolak lodu - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071bf, -- "Ice elementals have no qualms about
carrying out this order nor any particular difficulty in doing so. Gifted with
incredible strength, they are completely invulnerable to poison and fire, deprived
of sensitive organs, hard as permafrost and all in all incredibly difficult
opponents. A witcher's only chance at tipping the scales towards victory is to toss
a dimeritium bomb – shrapnel made of this metal interferes with the workings of the
spell that gives this creature life. Beyond that remains only prayer."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues B154D078-4512A730-D464EAAB-3816CF34",
index = 1,
chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints DA41E489-44AD507D-3695C4BD-4FDB1ECF",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 84CD710E-45C168F6-A6C9789E-1F2B3471",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/icetroll.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Troll lodowy",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Troll lodowy",
children = {
name = 0x001070fa, -- "Ice trolls"
image = "bestiary_icetroll.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Ogre Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 005EBDE8-4D8BB3F5-8FEC8CBD-D04D65DC",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Lodowy - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lodowy - wpis 1",
description = 0x0010726c, -- "<i>Our winter's cold and deep, frostbite
eats your feet, snow falls down and hides the ground and ice trolls wake from
sleep!</i><br>– folk song heard in northern Kaedwen<br><br>Climbing to the top of
snow-covered peaks is never a safe endeavor. One can slip and fall into a ravine,
be buried in an avalanche – or stumble across ice trolls. Unlike the rock trolls
found at lower altitudes, these permafrost-dwelling monsters treat every man they
encounter as a possible ingredient for a tasty meal.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Lodowy - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lodowy - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010726d, -- "Luckily ice trolls live atop high mountain
ridges so inaccessible they rarely encounter humans, and some suppose this is why
they have not mastered the basics of Common Speech. Others claim their harsh
mountain home has stripped them of an ability they once possessed, for in a land of
never-ending cold there is no room for mercy or understanding.<br><br>Ice trolls
are crueler than their rocky kin. Though they use similar tactics in battle –
tossing stones and swinging with their mighty fists – they are heartier and
stronger than rock trolls and thus more dangerous. Like rock trolls, their backs
are covered in thick protective armor, meaning one should never strike them from
the rear. Meanwhile their mass means that the Aard Sign cannot move them. Lastly,
never think of attacking them during a blizzard. At such times they draw power from
the surrounding cold and fight with increased strength."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 767B117F-4E84737F-1F365890-3E39F3EB",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints EA4E60A3-4EB31BF0-64A67987-B7A6EC1D",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 6F8DF1BF-4C24FAF0-A2635088-187A6218",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/insectoids.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Insectoids",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType5",
name = 0x00052bff, -- "Insectoids"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/leshy.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Leshy",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leshy",
children = {
name = 0x001070fe, -- "[PL] Leszy"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
index = 1,

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
index = 2,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/leshy1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Leszy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leszy",
children = {
name = 0x00107277, -- "Leshens"
image = "bestiary_leshenlvl1.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 585C9826-49E71773-D645A693-0200DD0D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Leszy - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leszy - wpis 1",
description = 0x001072a1, -- "<i>We never hunt in these woods. Never.
Even if it means the whole village starves.</i><br>– Mulliver, ealdorman of
Hoshberg in lower Aedirn<br><br>Leshens dwell in dense, primeval woods. Fiercely
territorial creatures, they hunt with stealth and cunning as their only companions.
They use their inborn magic to control the plants and animals within their
territory – and so when stalking them, half the battle is merely getting near
enough to strike. Leshens old enough to earn the appellation "ancient" wield
advanced skills and tactics that make them particularly dangerous.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Leszy - wpis 2",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leszy - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001072a2, -- "In some areas of the world these creatures
form the center of local cults. Peasants living near their woods make offerings to
them, usually of hares and birds, though human blood is not unheard of. This fact
has given rise to many legends about helpful leshens chasing game towards hunters,
helping lost travelers find their way in the forest or saving them from bandits.
Sadly, these tales do not have an ounce of truth in them. Leshens see men only as
sources of energy on which to feed. They will drain the life force of those who
live nearby until only limpid husks remain.<br><br>Some leshens create magic totems
that increase their strength – in such cases these totems should be destroyed
before or while fighting them. Furthermore, some leshens can create for themselves
a kind of immortality in the following way: the leshen wounds a lost traveler
passing through its woods with its claws and casts a black magic curse on him. For
as long as the individual marked in this way stays near its territory, the leshen
will be reborn every time it dies. Such leshens can only be defeated by driving
away or killing the person they have marked.<br><br>In combat leshens use not only
their long claws but also their many allies: wolves, who unfailingly answer their
call, or ravens, which harass and distract the leshen's opponent. Leshens are also
able to bend plant life to their will and make it aid them in battle. It is a
witcher's good fortune that leshens do have one weakness - they are extremely
vulnerable to the Igni Sign."
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 0B1BF247-43DEFAB0-63C26AA5-DB957B44",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 5C893CD7-4A3A2A28-A030A8BB-AF023A32",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots A43D3188-4296186C-9339329B-2B700716",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/leszy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Leszy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leszy",
children = {
name = 0x0010721e, -- "[PL] Leszy"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
index = 1,

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
index = 2,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/lycanthrope.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Likantrop",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ulfhedinn",
children = {
name = 0x001070de, -- "Ulfhedinn"
image = "bestiary_licantropy.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Cursed Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 6E46EC94-47F2E889-5AB2909F-D0CAF44F",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ulfhedinn - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ulfhedinn - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071d4, -- "<i>Ulfhedinn? What's that, some kind of
fish?</i><br>– Professor Artibus Joannes Rack, geographer, disappeared during a
surveying expedition in Skellige<br><br>Ulfhedinn are a breed of werewolf found
mainly in Skellige. The harsh and barren conditions of the isles might explain why
they primarily hunt men and are stronger than their Continental brethren. Older and
particularly dangerous ulfhedinn are called vorefs. Only a few daring warriors in
all of Skellige history have managed to defeat an ulfhedinn, and each of them is
commemorated in ballads as a hero to this day.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ulfhedinn - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ulfhedinn - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071d5, -- "Like werewolves, ulfhedinn and vorefs are
active at night, particularly when the moon is at its fullest. Fast, strong and
amazingly resilient, these creatures kill with disturbing ease. Silver blades
should be brought against them, as should Devil's Puffball. Take note that when
near death an ulfhedinn becomes particularly dangerous and will attack with doubled
fury, while calling on wolves to come to its rescue."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues AFE10635-492629AE-771D1591-93DF0517",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints D5FF554B-4CB9A67A-2DA09EAF-7B0AD4DD",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 3BFFD231-4B6782E8-6F162F8F-2D27D2EF",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/mq0003noonwraith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq0003noonwraith",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq0003noonwraith",
children = {
name = 0x0010966e, -- "Devil by the Well"
image = "bestiary_noonwraith0003.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F391561C-4BC5B951-4FB46B86-6A440BFC",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Precombat description",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Precombat description 236BB794-48B32443-45E37783-
description = 0x0010966f, -- "The residents of White Orchard had
suffered more than their fair share of misfortunes. Passing armies had trampled
their spring planting, a griffin had begun abducting their livestock, and, the
rotten icing on this painful cake, a noonwraith haunted a nearby well. No wonder
the locals called this final evil a 'devil'. The witcher could sense something
bound her to this place, and that in order to send her off into the ethereal realms
he would first need to learn her secret.<br><br>Once that was done, he would have
to prepare for battle - and a noonwraith is a demanding opponent. She can disorient
her victim by blinding him and creating mirror images of herself. These copies
slowly suck their victim's life energy - while their mistress remains untouchable.
In order to defeat her, the witcher could not rely on his silver sword alone - the
Yrden sign would also be needed to trap her and force her to take on material

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Final description",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Final description FCBA21FA-47C96EB1-5F1BB4B8-
index = 1,
description = 0x00109670, -- "<br>Witchers don't normally feel a limited
range of emotions regarding the monsters they slay. They despise the particularly
cruel ones and are repulsed by the disgusting ones, but rare indeed is the monster
for which they feel sympathy. Yet that is exactly what Geralt felt for the
noonwraith of White Orchard. For a long time he was haunted by thoughts of the
young woman whose horrible death and powerful emotions had transformed her into
that terrible monster."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote 96F61FC0-4F606517-D0617F82-F56E2FEA",
index = 2,
description = 0x001097af, -- "<i>Wears a dirty dress, all rags, its skin
flakin' off of its bones. And it howls… like it's sufferin'.</i><br>–Odolan of
White Orchard<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 4656CA63-4F4820FA-437A45AC-4507C004",
index = 1,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints E70AC877-4C117C91-C83480B2-19FE867F",
index = 2,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 001160BD-4DE368CB-B69A1E98-28603EBE",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/necrophages.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Necrophages",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType6",
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-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/nekker.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Nekker",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Nekker",
children = {
name = 0x001070f9, -- "Nekkers"
image = "bestiary_nekker.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"White Frost 1",
"Ogre Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 6A27D073-4B6C8B7C-028FBEBD-31609305",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Nekker - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Nekker - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107258, -- "<i>Take heed, gents, there's nekkers under
this here bridge. If you all cross at once, without slowing or stopping, there's
nothing to fear. But if your cart throws an axle and you get stuck out there...
Well, close your eyes and pray to Melitele.</i><br>– Kurt Hammerbach, city
guardsman in Vengerberg<br><br>A lone nekker is harmless. Five are dangerous. Ten
can kill even a veteran monster slayer. Particularly troublesome are the larger,
stronger individuals known as warriors, as well as the rare breed of nekkers known
as phoocas.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Nekker - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Nekker - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107259, -- "Nekkers and phoocas live in the dark woods
that grow in damp, mist-filled valleys, in colonies of one to several dozen
individuals. They dig deep burrows for lairs and connect them with a network of
narrow tunnels. Using these passageways they are able to move at great speed within
and around their colonies.<br><br>Nekkers always attack in groups and by surprise.
They try to surround their prey as quickly as possible, cutting off all escape
routes. Luckily their attack is for the most part disorganized, for nekkers are not
gifted with great courage and individual nekkers will often hesitate before
overcoming their fear and striking. When fighting them one can use this moment of
hesitation to kill the braver individuals before finishing off those who remain in
the back."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 8520BC87-4FF00DBC-4231A9A0-F9EECC59",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 272409D8-4E08051D-D747D391-52915394",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots B1FDFC0E-498A69F5-6DF519B1-8D00DAD7",
index = 3,
-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/ogrelike.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ogrowate",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ogrowate",
name = 0x001070f7, -- "Ogroids"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/ornithosaur.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Draconide",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType7",
name = 0x00052c01, -- "Draconids"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/poisonousarachas.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Jadowity krabopająk",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Jadowity krabopajak",
children = {
name = 0x001070e1, -- "Venomous arachasae"
image = "bestiary_poisonarachas.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Golden Oriole 1",
"Insectoid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 7AC60013-466AA67F-0E8E21B0-7EB5EC03",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Jadowity krabopająk - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Jadowity krabopajak - wpis 1",
description = 0x001071f8, -- "<i>Barely nicked me, I'll be
fine.</i><br>– Last words of an unknown hunter <br><br>Though all arachasae are
highly venomous, this breed produces an especially strong toxin. A few drops are
enough to kill a grown man – unless that man is a witcher, whose mutations will
neutralize small amounts of this venom. Large quantities, however, will kill
anything they touch, with mutations only prolonging an inevitable and painful death
in such instances.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Jadowity krabopająk - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Jadowity krabopajak - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071f9, -- "Venomous arachasae produce colossal
amounts of this toxin and deploy it during combat in many ways. Before striking a
venomous arachas will cover its pincers and teeth with a thick coating of this
deadly liquid. It will then squirt the venom at its to its opponent to weaken it,
and once locked in direct combat, will continue spraying the noxious ooze all
around itself, meaning every breath brings its victim closer to death. Like other
members of this species, venomous arachasae use prehensile feelers to grab and
immobilize their prey. When attempting to fight such a creature a witcher should
drink Golden Oriole, which will reduce his body's vulnerability to poison, and then
attack from a safe distance with crossbow or bombs before dealing the finishing
blows with a silver sword enhanced with a coating of insectoid oil."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 4AD50B75-4947480A-8477CD9F-2D7FDEB5",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints B6EBCD60-411B3F79-7189E0B2-BC17A80F",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 35F80903-4E897CBD-41E109AB-5A1D6CC1",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/relicts.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Relicts",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Relicts",
name = 0x00107276, -- "Relicts"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/sentient.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Sentient",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType9",
name = 0x00052c03, -- "Sentient Beings"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/silvan.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Silvan",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Silvan",
children = {
name = 0x001070fc, -- "[PL] Silvan"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
index = 1,

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
index = 2,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/silvan1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Silvan1",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Silvan1",
children = {
name = 0x00107221, -- "[PL] Silvan"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
index = 1,

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
index = 2,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/silvan2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Silvan",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Silvan",
children = {
name = 0x0010727a, -- "Sylvans"
image = "bestiary_silvan.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Samum 1",
"Devils Puffball 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4351F368-4084A7E7-1B4AA1B3-00A27D42",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Silvan - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Silvan - wpis 1",
description = 0x001072aa, -- "<i>Sylvans are cruel, greedy and
treacherous. Still, I prefer them to dh'oine.</i><br>– Yaevinn, legendary
Scoia'tael commander<br><br>Sylvans and yakshas, a kindred species, are extremely
rare woodland creatures whose appearance combines traits of goats and rotund men.
These beings usually pose little danger, for they limit their contact with humans
to playing harmless (though often bothersome) tricks and eating crops from their

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Silvan - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Silvan - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001072ab, -- "Sylvans and yakshas resemble men not just
in appearance but also in behavior – though it must be said they have adopted more
of our vices and weaknesses than strengths. Lazy by nature, they would gladly spend
every day in idleness, puffing on pipes, gorging on rich foods and downing strong
drinks. <br><br>Since sylvans and yakshas enjoy partaking of the fruits of others'
labors without asking permission, men do not take to them kindly and at times,
fooled by their awkward appearance, will try to solve this problem using force.
This often ends in tragedy, for sylvans, despite their corpulent frames, are
astonishingly strong and agile. They also emit a powerful and extremely unpleasant
scent which can cause even a witcher, whose line of work accustoms him to foul
stenches, to gag and feel faint. Watch out in particular for yakshas, which are
fiercer and keener on fighting than normal sylvan."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 59EFED7F-4878C7C3-BCC6D897-A9A2357B",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints B875DC97-4E3AF2CF-640382A1-D3F8C8D8",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots B0B112EB-43B1CD45-170EB3A5-2DD95609",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/siren.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Siren",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Siren",
children = {
name = 0x00107104, -- "Sirens"
image = "bestiary_siren.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Grapeshot 1",
"Hybrid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 10064A4D-4B7CCB18-98C80390-646AEF20",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Siren - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Siren - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107293, -- "<i>Out at sea, if you hear a beautiful
woman singing, turn the ship around at once. You understand? Even if it means
sailing straight back into a storm.</i><br>– Arike of Hindarsfjall, advice given to
his son before his first solo voyage <br><br>Like skilled hunters setting out
wooden ducks to lure in drakes, sirens and lamias lure men near - using their own
bodies as decoys. They can transform to resemble beautiful human maidens, though
with tails covered in silver scales instead of legs. Once a naive sailor gets
within arm's reach of these beautiful creatures, their fair faces suddenly turn to
fang-filled, fish-like maws, and lovely tails promising unknown delights become
sharp, death dealing talons.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Siren - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Siren - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107294, -- "One legend claims sirens and lamias were
once friendly towards men – and supposedly were even known (albeit on rare
occasions) to accept some sailors' clumsy attempts at courtship. In our day,
however, they are decidedly aggressive, perhaps soured by the numerous kidnappings
of carried out by frustrated sea salts. Whatever the truth, one thing is certain:
these days the monsters display no signs of good will, and so when spotting them
one should immediately reach for one's silver sword. <br><br>Sirens and lamias (the
sirens' more dangerous cousins) usually hunt in flocks, making use of their numbers
as well as their ability to move effortlessly through water and air.<br><br>On the
ground, however, they are virtually defenseless, and so a wise tactic is to damage
their fin-like wings to force them to land. The Igni Sign also proves effective
when fighting against them. Threatened or injured sirens will let out a terrifying
shriek, leaving their opponents stunned while they escape – and their sisters swoop
down for an easy attack."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 8107CEBA-47A50E40-9C44BA9D-8E6AA0C2",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints BEFF3892-44C31775-14E0C88F-012D6C10",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 2DBEFA93-402673A6-33603790-5910DE90",
index = 3,
-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/spectre.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Spectre",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType8",
name = 0x00052c02, -- "Specters"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/sq204ancientleszen.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "sq204 Ancient Leszen",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq204 Ancient Leszen 920DD44F-4640510C-A48A8EAB-
children = {
name = 0x00109602, -- "Woodland Spirit"
image = "bestiary_leshen.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 02BC8A0F-487537C0-0B2176B8-357892FF",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ancient Leszen Precombat",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ancient Leszen Precombat 1F82B5A2-481E1904-A913A68C-
description = 0x00109603, -- "Some monsters are so powerful local
populaces begin worshiping them as gods. Such was the case with the leshen dwelling
in the woods near the Skellige village of Fayrlund. The elders were absolutely
convinced the monster watched over them by defending them from their enemies and
training their hunters.<br><br>The witcher had his doubts, however. Leshens are
mean, self-serving creatures - and the ancient one living in the woods near
Fayrlund was surely no exception.<br><br>Geralt knew freeing the villagers from
their supposed protector's grasp would be no easy task - if he decided to even try.
The leshen known as the Woodland Spirit was so powerful as to have mastered the art
of marking. This meant the monster had inserted his essence into one of the
residents of Fayrlund. As long as this unfortunate soul remained alive and near the
settlement, the leshen would always be reborn near its lair.<br><br>Yet even with
the marked one eliminated, killing the leshen would be no easy task. The monster
commanded the obedience of the denizens of the woods - it could thus call on
wolves, ravens or even the trees themselves for help. Luckily, it had a weakness as
well: it was vulnerable to fire, that born of the Igni Sign in particular."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ancient Leszen Final killed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ancient Leszen Final killed BF8C16D6-4A02BD64-
index = 1,
description = 0x00109604, -- "<br>The witcher managed to kill the
leshen, ending the murders terrorizing the woods around Fayrlund. Yet this did not
mean the villagers' troubles were over…"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Ancient Leszen Final Appeased",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ancient Leszen Final Appeased 8E373FD2-440AC97F-
index = 2,
description = 0x00109605, -- "<br>In the end, however, there never was a
battle between Geralt and the Woodland Spirit. Geralt knew that the leshen was
surely less benevolent than the elders thought - but he also knew killing it would
do more harm than good."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quote",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quote AA4FF692-4844135A-447F3090-34B45EA8",
index = 3,
description = 0x001097ae, -- "<i>We've offended him, Sven. The Woodland
Spirit seeks revenge. This here is him saying we've strayed from the old
paths.</i><br>–Harald of Fayrlund<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 49A6111A-4C07F9AB-0A713092-3E11904B",
index = 1,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints C023FEFC-47E271C1-D2E7C2B9-59B71C9E",
index = 2,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots EFE3A486-4B0E5F1A-6BC8A7A3-A7AC6E6E",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/succubus.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Succubus",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Succubus",
children = {
name = 0x00107105, -- "Succubi"
image = "bestiary_succubus.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Hybrid Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 0B220D75-41C24B69-E67A4A96-C91573A0",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Sukkub - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sukkub - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107299, -- "<i>Again?! Good grief, woman, I'm spent…
</i><br>– Lester of Smallton to a succubus, a few days before taking a vow of
celibacy<br><br>Unlike other monsters, succubi and menads feel no desire to kill,
do not crave human blood and usually do not, in fact, mean any harm at all. They
are motivated by one thing and one thing only: an insatiable lust. They try in vain
to slake this by engaging in sexual acts with any other humanoid species they
encounter. While it must be admitted that their "victims" rarely put up much
resistance, this does not mean succubi and menads do not present any danger: their
never-ending advances, though pleasurable at first, have pushed more than one man
to madness or even death.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Sukkub - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sukkub - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010729a, -- "Succubi and menads usually can be found
near human settlements, including small villages and populous cities. They prowl at
night, though when stricken by serious need they will leave their lairs during the
day as well. They shower their affections on men as well as women, the young as
well as the old, the ugly as well as the beautiful. Some of them are particularly
fond of pastors and other holy men, whose seduction they treat as a sort of
game.<br><br>Though succubi are peaceful by nature, when forced to fight they will
defend themselves fiercely. One should thus not be fooled by their fair appearance
– under the velvety skin of their arms lie muscles of iron, and a blow delivered
with their rear, goat-like legs or the thick horns on their head can easily crush

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 824D26B7-4DB5D309-0846D586-0192B85F",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 7FAA1530-45D207C2-C8ACA89E-9AAA11C1",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 12BAA517-40E3B462-BE1F7D90-5DA241C6",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/trollcave.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Troll skalny",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Troll skalny",
children = {
name = 0x0010716c, -- "Rock trolls"
image = "bestiary_troll.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Ogre Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D75CFB77-4CD31E87-66CE0E91-5DE78D61",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "skalny - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "skalny - wpis 1",
description = 0x0010726a, -- "<i>Man must riddly talk. But no tricksy.
Or troll boom man head.</i><br>– rock troll dwelling in a cave on Undvik<br><br>If
while hiking high in the mountains you come across a walking stone, do not think
your eyes deceive you. Instead, draw your sword – for before you stands a rock
troll. True, not every encounter with these creatures ends in a fight - while not
particularly intelligent, trolls are capable of reason – but it is better to
prepare for the worst. Otherwise, your hike might end not on the summit, but in
their stew.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "skalny - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "skalny - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010726b, -- "Trolls are able to use fire and simple
tools, and some of them have even mastered the basics of Common Speech. Though
linguistic nuances such as conjugations and declinations escape them, they are
extremely fond of riddles, rhymes and all sorts of wordplay, a fact a witcher in
possession of a bit of wit can use to his advantage.<br><br>If a fight proves
inevitable, one must watch out for the stones these trolls throw with great
strength and shocking precision. Their powerful, heavy fists also present a danger,
for they can buckle even the sturdiest breastplate or cuirass. Since their backs
are covered in a layer of rocky growth, blows delivered from behind will not do
them much damage. They must thus be fought directly, standing face to face – and
preferably armed with a sword covered in a fresh coating of ogroid oil."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues F6B4B6BE-46DBBC80-942525AC-8594A9AE",
index = 1,
chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 2F2EB33A-468D4E97-B456929E-7ACEA78B",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 6E04410B-41A07F4A-20E62D86-56F366AE",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/vampires.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Vampires",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MonsterType10",
name = 0x00060fa6, -- "Vampires"

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/waterhag.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Baba wodna",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baba wodna",
children = {
name = 0x001070ec, -- "Water hags"
image = "bestiary_waterhag.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"White Frost 1",
"Necrophage Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 5448D9DD-4B8C3AD0-249B3BA5-DF5557CD",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Baba wodna - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baba wodna - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107166, -- "<i>Folk say water hags are drowners'
wives. If that be true, 'tain't no wonder why they're such ornery bitches.</i><br>–
Shemhel of Dregsdon<br><br>Some tales mention water hags and swamp bints
masquerading as lost old women to lure travelers back to the rickety shacks they
build in the wetlands. In truth, only a blind man, or a sighted man blinded with
drink, could mistake the rank sludge and rotting carrion of a water hag's den for a
cozy cottage, and the hideous hag herself for an innocent grandmother. Their
wrinkled, wart-covered bodies stand nearly two yards tall, with skin the color of a
long-dead cadaver and stinking of muck and fish. Bony growths two spans long stick
out from their backs, with hair like a tangle of seaweed and claws that would make
a werewolf proud completing the picture.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Baba wodna - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baba wodna - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107167, -- "Like drowners, with whom they often share
hunting grounds, water hags and swamp bints dwell near shallow streams, rivers and
wetlands. Though bulky, they are excellent swimmers. They can even swim through
thick mud with astonishing agility, surfacing beside their victims to attack them
with their sickle-shaped claws. They are also able to form this mud into balls,
which they toss to temporarily blind opponents.<br><br>Water hags are particularly
active and dangerous during rainstorms, conditions which furthermore hinder the use
of the Igni Sign, usually the most effective weapon against all moisture-loving

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues FF29C855-4E38FA34-1B6A38A4-FCD3A76E",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 78B745BA-4D53F1A4-091053B3-D6D0DA0E",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots FC30CE99-4E93CB61-EAA0B6BE-F5B2B369",
index = 3,
-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/whminion.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ogar Dzikiego Gonu",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ogar Dzikiego Gonu",
children = {
name = 0x001072ae, -- "Hounds of the Wild Hunt"
image = "bestiary_minionlvl1.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Dwimeritium Bomb 1",
"Magicals Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4F56C097-40379D1F-B1870383-17116A90",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ogar - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ogar - wpis 1",
description = 0x001072af, -- "<i>Baying at the heels of the Wild hunt
are its Hounds, fierce beasts which follow it like dust clouds trailing after a
comet. Hushed legends speak of them losing their way at times and descending from
the night sky to earth, cold and death following in their wake.</i><br>– Essi
"Blackjack" Daven, trobairitz <br><br>Born, or so some experts believe, of magic
ice crystal, the Hounds of the Wild Hunt race alongside their spectral masters.
Like ravenous, feral dogs they are capable only of mindlessly attacking whatever
crosses their path.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ogar - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ogar - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001072b0, -- "The Hounds' chief weapons are their claws
and teeth. Their battle tactics rely on knocking their opponents to the ground
before tearing them to shreds. Badly wounded Hounds fall into a kind of frenzy that
adds to their deadly might. These beasts also use their powers over the cold to
freeze the ground around them and create sharp spikes of ice. Creatures born of
frost, they feel pain from the Igni Sign, and there is also reason to believe Axii
can momentarily weaken their drive to kill and somewhat weaken these fierce
foes.<br><br>The Hounds' icy nature also means they can draw strength from extreme
cold. Thus one should be particularly on guard when fighting them during blizzards
or in glacial regions. Elven legends likewise claim they gain strength when a red
moon - a known herald of the Hunt's arrival - hangs in the sky."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 9637A2D2-4FB47AAE-FEECFDA6-947EBCD3",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 8099369A-4162E66B-A1EC7A90-EA2828D9",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 30569E1C-422BC675-B884A997-72B257F4",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/witches.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Witches",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Witches 18DE8D0C-42A00721-BC15368C-23CD407D",
children = {
name = 0x0010737a, -- "Crones"
image = "bestiary_crones.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Relic Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E2A57541-4FA16DD4-59FE77BC-92FA4341",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Witches 1 entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Witches 1 entry 290458D5-4AB1607C-FB2E1089-D041F264",
description = 0x00107379, -- "<i>Sister crones, hand in hand, terrors of
the sea and land, thus do go about, about: thrice to thine and thrice to mine, and
thrice again, to make up nine.</i><br>Macveth, Act 1, Scene 3<br><br>The isolated
corners of our world harbor creatures older than humans, older than academies and
mages, older even than elves and dwarves. The Crones of Crookback Bog are such
creatures. No one knows their true names, nor what breed of monstrosity they in
fact are. <br><br>Common folk have given these three sisters the names Weavess,
Brewess and Whispess, and call the threesome "The Ladies of the Wood" or simply
"The Good Ladies." The Crones act as the true sovereigns of Velen, whose
inhabitants they help survive through harsh times in return for unquestioning
obedience. They wield powerful magic, but one different from that of mages. They
draw power from water and earth and are bound to the land in which they live. The
Crones can hear everything that happens in their woods, predict the future, twist
the threads of human lives and bring blessings as well as curses.<br><br>The Crones
seem for all intents and purposes to be immortal. Magic elixirs keep them from
aging and allow them to take the appearance of young women. These elixirs and their
mystical ties to the swamps in which they live also give them supernatural strength
and vitality."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 7586262C-4B163519-E21D58A2-8D5172DC",
index = 1,

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints CFE962A2-4779BA0D-F55FD4A0-ADC3929D",
index = 2,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 5E167921-49CA9A10-AC7F7380-3C6D2593",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/wolf.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Wolf",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wolf",
children = {
name = 0x00107106, -- "Wolves"
image = "bestiary_wolf.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Beast Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F3BEA9F7-4C11AFC2-ACA2B699-79B213A8",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Wilk - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wilk - wpis 1",
description = 0x00107173, -- "<i>Friend of mine used to say that with
all these griffins and basilisks and whatnot, good old fashioned wolves weren't
nothing to worry about… Then the damned beasts devoured half his flock.</i><br>–
Yngvar, shepherd<br><br>Once upon a time wolves were the absolute rulers of the
forest. Men used them to frighten children, while adults, too, trembled at the
sound of their howling. Post-Conjunction monsters not only pushed wolves into the
deepest wilds but also took over their place in human nightmares. Yet this does not
mean the old predators ceased to be a danger. Wolves do not have a drop of magic
within them, breathe no fire and spit no acid, but that in no way stops them from
killing unwary travelers and hunters.<br><br>Particularly dangerous are wargs, a
nasty and ferocious subspecies of wolf, and the snow-white wolves which today can
only be found in the wild highlands of the Skellige archipelago.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Wilk - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wilk - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107174, -- "Wolves usually feed in packs counting from
a handful to over a dozen members, though some particularly strong males hunt
alone. Though wolves are weaker than many post-Conjunction monsters, they make up
for any lack of strength with their intelligence. When fighting them one must be
especially careful not to become surrounded. The presence of wolves can also signal
more serious trouble – these predators often share their hunting grounds with
werewolves and leshens."
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues E876EA0F-4D5B8CCD-1E8F238A-5782B4EC",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints D82DB83D-404811EE-117B7DA5-5603B134",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots 85785FE3-40F6B254-B149B28A-496157AC",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/bestiary/wraith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Upiór",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bestiary_wraith",
children = {
name = 0x001070f1, -- "Wraiths"
image = "bestiary_wraith.png",
itemsUsedAgainstCreature = {
"Silver Dust Bomb 1",
"Specter Oil 1",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 3AAEBECE-4FC1338C-956B308F-36FBA1C0",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Upior - wpis 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Upior - wpis 1",
description = 0x0010724d, -- "<i>Finish all your business before you
die. Bid your loved ones farewell. Write your will. Apologize to those you've
wronged. Otherwise, you'll never truly leave this world.</i><br>– Paule Vikar,
peasant healer, advice to a dying man<br><br>Clerics and scholars are forever
debating whether spirits do in fact journey to another world after death, one where
eternal joy or suffering awaits. Both groups agree, however, on what happens to
spirits who, for one reason or another, remain in our world after their body
breathes its last: they transform into wraiths. To hear their mournful howls, one
can surmise this is not a fate to be envied.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Upior - wpis 2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Upior - wpis 2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010724e, -- "Wraiths are usually encountered at night,
near cemeteries, catacombs and other such burial places, or else near the places
that were important to them in life: abandoned homes, crumbling castles or
forgotten bridges.<br><br>Wraiths suffer endless, indescribable pain. Filled with
anger and a sense of having been wronged, they both envy the living and brim with
overwhelming hatred for them. Like other specters, they are immaterial, meaning
they are not harmed by fire, poison or weapons designed to provoke bleeding.
<br><br>Wraiths can turn immaterial and are at such times very difficult to wound.
One can, however, force them to reassume a physical presence by trapping them with
the Yrden Sign or by hitting them with slivers from a Moon Dust bomb. As with any
such ghostly being, one should fight them using silver swords, preferably ones
smeared with a thick coat of specter oil. Note as well that wraiths are
particularly dangerous on moonless nights."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunting Clues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting Clues 3FE40237-4B8C61E4-64DD49AB-760119E6",
index = 1,

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Gameplay Hints",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gameplay Hints 71856B01-4E4CE6F0-A7767F92-3548842C",
index = 2,

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Vital spots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vital spots FC7C9D6A-4157EC31-E166158B-F750B4C8",
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/characters/anabelle.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Anabelle",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anabelle",
children = {
name = 0x0010281c, -- "Anabelle"
image = "journal_anabelle.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt spotyka Anabelle",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt spotyka Anabelle 84F56196-4D34DBB7-9BCA1E94-
description = 0x0010281d, -- "Geralt encountered this young woman's
ghost in the uppermost room in the haunted tower on Fyke Isle. She told him that in
life she had been the local lord's daughter.<br><br>When enraged peasants stormed
the tower, she feared they would ravage her honor if they found her alive and so
took a magic potion that put her in a corpse-like state of paralysis. When she
awoke, she found herself lying amidst the bodies of her family and servants, unable
to move. She watched in helpless horror as rats feasted on the pile of corpses and
began to nibble on her as well.<br><br>This grisly death must have somehow put a
curse on her and the tower, for her ghost had wandered it in restless torment ever
since. Geralt engaged his vast experience with such curses to search for a possible
solution. Having learned that Anabelle had loved a simple fisherman named Graham,
Geralt decided this man and the bond of true love the two youths shared could be
their salvation.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt postanawia pomóc Anabelle",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt postanawia pom?e 84F56196-4D34DBB7-9BCA1E94-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010281e, -- "Geralt agreed to take the young woman's
remains to her love to have him give her a proper burial. Geralt hoped this would
lift the evil spell on the cursed isle and bring Anabelle peace at long last.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Graham przychodzi do Anabelle, Anabelle zmienia się w Morową
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Graham przychodzi do Anabelle, Anabelle zmienia si?
index = 2,
description = 0x0010281f, -- "Sadly, what Geralt took to be the ghost of
an innocent woman was in fact death and disease in spirit form - a being known as a
pesta, or plague maiden. Having lured Geralt into the open, it killed the
unfortunate Graham and then escaped to spread the pox and feed on human
suffering.<br><br>It is possible that this incident caused the local outbreak of
Catriona that devastated the kingdom of Kerack and sowed the seeds of the coastal
city's ultimate downfall.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt opuszcza wieżę, Morowa Dziewica go atakuje",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt opuszcza wie? Anabelle, Anabelle zmienia si?
index = 3,
description = 0x00102820, -- "Yet when Geralt tried to leave the tower,
the wraith revealed its true nature. It turned out what Geralt took to be the ghost
of an innocent girl was in fact a plague maiden - death and disease in spirit

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Geralt odmawia Anabelle pomocy",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt odmawia Anabelle pomocy 4D654C50-4F5DE4DF-
index = 4,
description = 0x00102821, -- "Perhaps there was something in the girl's
words that had put Geralt on his guard, or perhaps his witcher instincts simply
warned him in time - either way, Geralt knew what he was dealing with a literal
second before Anabelle revealed her true nature. The spirit was in fact a pesta - a
plague maiden, a terrible wraith which spreads death and pestilence.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/annastenger.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Anna Stenger",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anna Stenger",
children = {
name = 0x0010354a, -- "Anna Strenger"
image = "journal_grandma.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się, że Anna zaginęła (q103)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje sie, ze Anna zaginela (q103)
description = 0x0010354b, -- "Geralt did not meet Anna Strenger, the
Bloody Baron's wife, when he visited Crow's Perch. Some time before his arrival
this woman had disappeared in unexplained circumstances along with her daughter,
Tamara.<br><br>Geralt did, however, receive a detailed description of the missing
woman. Anna was a comely forty-something woman with green eyes and hair dark as
raven wings which she kept tied in a tight bun behind her head.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Guślarzem",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Guslarzem 00DD5B97-4260AF09-CD1FD8B7-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010354c, -- "Geralt discovered that Anna's marital life
had not been working out as well as she might have hoped. She had recently been
pregnant, but lost her child for unknown reasons shortly before her

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Baronem - Baron wyjawia prawdę",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Baronem - Baron wyjawia prawde
index = 2,
description = 0x0010354d, -- "When Geralt pushed the baron about the
matter, the ugly truth finally came out. Desperate and miserable, Anna had fled,
taking Tamara with her, after her drunken husband beat her badly.<br><br>The baron
was convinced Anna had miscarried because of his actions, but Geralt was not so
certain about this - he couldn't stop thinking about the strange talisman meant to
ward off evil power Anna had received from the pellar.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Gdy Geralt wysłucha historii Barona z defualta",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gdy Geralt wyslucha historii Barona z defualta
index = 3,
description = 0x0010354e, -- "During their heart-to-heart the baron gave
Geralt a somewhat clearer image of the Strengers' married life. While her husband
was off leading military campaigns, Anna would seek comfort in the arms of a
childhood friend.<br><br>Once the baron discovered the truth, he fell into an
indescribable fury and killed Anna's lover, something which, predictably enough,
further deepened the chasm separating the couple.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z rybakiem Wojciechem, Geralt był na bagnach",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z rybakiem Wojciechem, Geralt byl na
bagnach B6C88E33-48ABC1D7-4494E4A5-305BBFD3",
index = 4,
description = 0x0010355b, -- "During his search for Anna Geralt
discovered, to his great astonishment, that she and the gray-haired old woman in
the swamp were one and the same person. The marks on her hands seemed to be symbols
of some mysterious pact she had made with the Crones.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z rybakiem, Geralt nie był na bagnach",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z rybakiem, Geralt nie byl na bagnach
index = 5,
description = 0x0010355c, -- "The situation grew even more entangled
when Geralt discovered that, after fleeing Crow's Perch, Anna had been taken
captive by some gigantic beast who carried her off into the darkness. As If that
weren't horror enough, eyewitness testimony claimed her hands had burned with
strange, glowing symbols shortly before this.<br><br>Perhaps this was precisely
what the talisman Anna had received from the pellar had been meant to guard

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Tamarą",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Tamara 923332E9-439F77FD-7A7C53BD-
index = 6,
description = 0x00103565, -- "Tamara only deepened Geralt's sad
understanding of her mother's situation. The women had decided to flee together
because they had had enough of the baron's drunken rages and beatings. Anna hated
her husband so much that she was ready to do anything in order to be free of the
man - and the child he had put inside her.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z wiedźmami, jeśli Geralt był u rybaka",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z wiedzmami, jesli Geralt byl u rybaka
index = 7,
description = 0x00103566, -- "Geralt put the facts together and realized
the old woman in the swamps was, in fact, Anna, the baron's missing wife. He also
learned that the signs on her hands were symbols of the pact she had made with the
Crones in order to get rid of her unwanted child.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Anna jest szalona",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anna jest szalona 478AC9E5-456788ED-CB3622A6-
index = 8,
description = 0x00103569, -- "Anna was found in the end, but the events
she had witnessed and took part in had left such a deep mark on her body and mind
that she would never again be the same. Her mind had quite simply cracked under the
weight of it all, dropping her into an abyss of horror and despair.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Anna potworem",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anna potworem 8C5B1F7A-4086FD68-2D91C9B2-9F0B32F0",
index = 9,
description = 0x0010356a, -- "Though Anna was found in the end, she was
no longer herself, for a terrible curse had transformed her into a monster. The
witcher had a good idea who had prepared this fate for her.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z wiedźmami",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z wiedzmami 325035B8-4ADF1615-119830AD-
index = 10,
description = 0x0010356b, -- "Geralt's suspicions were confirmed shortly
thereafter. The curse afflicting the unfortunate woman was indeed the Crones'
doing. Anna had turned to the ghastly sisters because she did not wish to give
birth to the baron's child.<br><br>The Crones granted her wish in their own,
twisted way: with a curse which made the fetus inside her wither on the vine,
taking Anna's life energy with it. In despair she turned to the pellar, who made
her a talisman to hamper the evil magic's influence. Anna had lost this during her
fight with the baron and was thus rendered defenseless against the Crones'
magic.<br><br>After that, the worst was free to happen - the markings on her palms
began to burn and a fiend dragged her to the heart of Crookback Bog, where she paid
back her debt as the Crones' slave.<br>"

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Po odczarowaniu Anny",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po odczarowaniu Anny 40B048D3-458BE1A9-5C2D7084-
index = 11,
description = 0x0010356c, -- "Geralt snapped the evil spell afflicting
Anna, restoring her true form. Yet the Crones had a included one last nasty pinch
of vengeance in their vile brew that caused Anna to die as soon as she regained her
freedom.<br><br>Anna's loved ones had time only for a brief farewell before she

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Odczarowanie Anny",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Odczarowanie Anny EE68714D-44AAC4AB-865F3597-
index = 12,
description = 0x001035d3, -- "Geralt snapped the evil spell afflicting
Anna, restoring her true form. Yet the Crones had a included one last nasty pinch
of vengeance in their vile brew that caused Anna to die as soon as she regained her
freedom.<br><br>Tamara and the baron had time only for a brief farewell before she

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Anna umiera od poparzeń",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anna umiera od poparzen 3690CD46-498E5365-40EBE497-
index = 13,
description = 0x001035d4, -- "Despite the witcher's best efforts, he did
not succeed in lifting Anna's curse. To the despair and horror of all who witnessed
it, Anna Strenger died a horrible death, incinerated by the Crones' last act of

-- gameplay/journal/characters/arnvald.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Arnvald",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Arnvald",
children = {
name = 0x0010310c, -- "Arnvald"
image = "journal_arnwald.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Arnvald met ",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Arnvald met ",
description = 0x0010310d, -- "After Guthlaf, trusted seneschal to the an
Craite jarls, passed away a portion of his duties were taken over by the jarl's
cupbearer, Arnvald. This elderly Skelliger did not possess the far-reaching
authority of his predecessor, but still had managed to make himself irreplaceable
in his few years in the position.<br><br>His purview included not only stocking the
larders and cellars of Kaer Trolde but also seeing to the needs of the keep's
inhabitants, as well as the guests that visited it during feasts and other
important ceremonies.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When Arnvald exposed in q206 an caught",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Arnvald exposed in q206 an caught",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010310e, -- "That is why his betrayal could not have
come as a greater surprise. When caught, Arnvald confessed to his role in the
murderous conspiracy, revealing his patron as well as his long-seething hatred for
Clan an Craite.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Arnvald exposed and killed in q206",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Arnvald exposed and killed in q206",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010310f, -- "That is why his betrayal could not have
come as a greater surprise. His motivations, however, remained a secret that he
took to his grave, for he died while trying to escape, killed on his patron's

-- gameplay/journal/characters/auberon.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Auberon",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Auberon",
children = {
name = 0x00108e8d, -- "Auberon"
image = "journal_auberon.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Auberon - first and only entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Auberon - first and only entry 8D17A6BF-4E4D01C2-
description = 0x00108e90, -- "Auberon Muircetach, also known as King of
the alders, was ruler of the far-off land of Tir ná Lia - the world which is home
to Avallac'h and the Wild Hunt. He died after being poisoned by Eredin Bréacc Glas,
who then declared himself king. At the time of his death Auberon had been exhausted
and embittered by over six hundred and fifty years of living."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/avallach.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Avallach",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Avallach",
children = {
name = 0x00102b42, -- "Avallac'h"
image = "journal_avallachunlocked.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Added after lifting the curse from UMA by the end of q401",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Added after lifting the curse from UMA by the end of
description = 0x00102b44, -- "The being trapped within Uma's tortured
husk turned out to be Avallac'h – a powerful Sage of the Aen Elle elves. Geralt had
made his acquaintance years before. Already during these prior encounters Avallac'h
had displayed an intense and, frankly, rather unnerving interest in the Elder Blood
and its bearer, Ciri. His exact motives were unclear at the time, and he had made
no particular effort to explain them to Geralt.<br><br>Geralt likewise had no idea
what bound Ciri and the elf now. There was no doubt Avallac'h had helped her, had
saved her numerous times from the Wild Hunt – but why? Alas, the Sage, quivering on
a razor's edge between life and death, offered no answers to Geralt's burning
questions.<br><br>He did, however, muster enough strength to utter a crucial piece
of information – Ciri's location.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking about Avallach with Ciri in q402",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking about Avallach with Ciri in q402",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102b47, -- "When Geralt got a chance to talk to Ciri
about Avallac'h, he learned that the Sage had been her tutor and mentor for some
time. They were bound by a common enemy. Avallac'h had been the chief advisor to
the previous ruler of the Aen Elle, whose demise had precipitated a conflict
between Avallac'h and the successor, Eredin. The Sage had thus made it his mission
to protect Ciri from his new king's malicious designs, whatever the
cost.<br><br>Ciri made it clear to Geralt that she trusted the Sage. He had saved
her life on numerous occasions – including when, feeling the onset of the curse
that would transform him into Uma, he resolved to hide her form the Wild Hunt on
the Isle of Mists.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After the battle in q403 - Avallach",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After the battle in q403 - Avallach",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102b52, -- "Avallac'h played a key role in staving off
defeat during the defense of Kaer Morhen. After the battle, he advised the witcher
that ultimate victory over Eredin and his ghastly cavalcade would only be possible
with magic assistance. That meant Geralt would have to once again pact with members
of the infamous Lodge of Sorceresses...<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After Avallachs and Ciris lesson in q110",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Avallachs and Ciris lesson in q110",
index = 3,
description = 0x00102b53, -- "Seizing the calm before the storm,
Avallac'h tried once more to teach Ciri to control her incredible talent. He soon
found that Ciri was as stubborn a pupil as she was gifted - something that Geralt
had discovered for himself much earlier.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After the plan to confront Geels was announced",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After the plan to confront Geels was announced",
index = 4,
description = 0x00102b55, -- "Drawing on his knowledge of internal Aen
Elle politics and the strengths and weaknesses of the Wild Hunt's commanders,
Avallach crafted a plan to eliminate one of Eredin's most powerful allies - his
master of manipulation, Ge'els.<br><br>In order to accomplish this, Avallac'h was
willing to do anything - even risk a dangerous journey to Tir ná Lia.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "When Avallachs lab was visited in q210",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Avallachs lab was visited in q210",
index = 5,
description = 0x00102b5c, -- "Geralt's trip to Avallac'h's laboratory
confirmed that the Sage was interested in Ciri and her genealogy.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "If the player read Avallachs notes in q210",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If the player read Avallachs notes in q210",
index = 6,
description = 0x00102b5d, -- "Based on the notes found in Avallac'h's
secret laboratory, it seemed the Sage had been researching Lara Dorren's gene for
over two centuries. Clearly the elves were investigating the possibility of
producing a child with extraordinary abilities – like those which Ciri

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "After meeting Avallachs lover in q210",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After meeting Avallachs lover in q210",
index = 7,
description = 0x00102b67, -- "The elf they stumbled across in
Avallac'h's laboratory claimed his interest in Ciri was purely pragmatic and that
he secretly loathed her for the human blood in her veins. Was Avallac'h truly so
two-faced - or was the mysterious she-elf merely twisting his words to hurt Ciri?

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "After talking to Avallach about raiding his lab",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Avallach about raiding his lab",
index = 8,
description = 0x00102b68, -- "Avallac'h remained shockingly unperturbed
when he heard Geralt and his companions had visited his secret laboratory. He
openly admitted that he was interested in Lara's bloodline and in protecting her

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "If Lara was mentioned in the conversation with Avallach in q210",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Lara was mentioned in the conversation with
Avallach in q210",
index = 9,
description = 0x00102b6b, -- "When it was suggested that he was more
interested in controlling Lara's bloodline and her descendant - namely Ciri - the
Sage reacted coldly, curtly dismissing such insinuations.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "If the eld woman was mentioned in conversation with Avallach in
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If the eld woman was mentioned in conversation with
Avallach in q210",
index = 10,
description = 0x00102b6c, -- "When they brought up the she-elf they came
across in his lab, Avallac'h reacted with mild amusement, as if that particular
subject was not worth treating seriously.<br>"

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "If Geralt said he trusts Avallach in q210",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Geralt said he trusts Avallach in q210",
index = 11,
description = 0x00102b6f, -- "The witcher considered the matter and
decided Avallac'h could be trusted.<br>"

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "After Avallach explained his plan in q501",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Avallach explained his plan in q501",
index = 12,
description = 0x00102b71, -- "Avallac'h played an active role in the war
council preceding the luring of the Wild Hunt into their trap. During these
discussions he and Ciri briefly got into a heated argument because Avallac'h firmly
insisted she not engage directly in the coming conflict.<br>"

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "After talking to Yennefer at the beginning of q502",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Yennefer at the beginning of q502",
index = 13,
description = 0x00102b7c, -- "Eredin's last words sowed seeds of doubt
in Geralt's heart, and Ciri and Avallac'h's sudden disappearance led them to spring
into thorny shoots. Everything seemed to indicate that the Sage had been pursuing a
hidden goal the whole time – to open the gates between worlds.<br>"
-- gameplay/journal/characters/babcia.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Babcia",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Babcia",
children = {
name = 0x00103627, -- "Gran"
image = "journal_anna.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się o Babci",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje sie o Babci CCFBA5C3-4E54943F-
description = 0x00103628, -- "In times of war one often encounters those
who have suffered cruelly at the hands of fate. Geralt was thus not shocked to meet
the woman who the children in the Velen swamps called Gran, though she seemed to
have suffered manifold unspecified ills.<br><br>Whatever her woes, it was clear she
cared for the war orphans in her charge with love and devotion.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt pyta Wiedźmy o Babcię",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt pyta Wiedzmy o Babcie 0D602334-4810D5E6-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010362c, -- "Gran bore strange marks on her hands that
burned with living fire. In time they proved to be signs of her indentured
servitude to the Crones. How exactly the old woman had come to be in their power,
however, remained unknown.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z rybakiem, jeśli Geralt był już u wiedźm",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z rybakiem, jesli Geralt byl juz u wiedzm
index = 2,
description = 0x0010362d, -- "When Geralt heard from the fisherman about
burning marks on Anna’s hands, he quickly added one and one to draw a conclusion.
Though recent events had changed her nearly beyond all recognition, the Gran he had
met in the swamps must have been the Bloody Baron’s wife.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z wiedźmami Geralt odkrywa, że Babcia to Anna",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z wiedzmami Geralt odkrywa, ze Babcia to
Anna 664A28F3-45D9996E-BB7500A6-E0D8A7A0",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010362e, -- "When Geralt saw the marks on the woman’s
hands, he quickly realized she must be the Bloody Baron’s wife, though changed
beyond all recognition by the hardship she had suffered.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Babcia daje się przekonać i pomaga",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Babcia daje sie przekonac i pomaga 94C32BB9-42D348B2-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010944f, -- "Geralt's first attempts to talk to her
came to nothing. He was only able to break through her mistrust with the help of a
godling named Johnny. A few words from the latter convinced Gran to help Geralt
talk to the mysterious Ladies of the Wood.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/baron.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Baron",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baron",
children = {
name = 0x00102794, -- "The Bloody Baron"
image = "journal_baron.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Pierwsze spotkanie z Baronem",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pierwsze spotkanie z Baronem 4E2BF8FB-41968182-
description = 0x00102795, -- "During his first encounter with "Baron"
Phillip Strenger, Geralt found the man's many contradictions puzzling. This former
Temerian soldier was clearly an opportunist who, after his army's resounding
defeat, served, dealt and negotiated with the occupying Empire of Nilfgaard. The
local peasantry anointed him the "Bloody Baron," a clear indication that he did not
handle his vassals with kid gloves. On the other hand, he proved a surprisingly
gracious host to an unexpected guest who was also a stranger and a hired monster

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie o Ciri i Małgosi (pierwszy replacer)",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie o Ciri i Ma?onem 4E2BF8FB-41968182-
index = 1,
description = 0x00102796, -- "His treatment of children and young women,
towards whom he demonstrated a wholly sincere, near fatherly-concern, likewise
contradicted his bandit-like appearance and terrifying moniker. Ciri had learned
this for herself, finding care and shelter under his roof.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Baron prosi o pomoc w znalezieniu rodziny",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baron prosi o pomoc w znalezieniu rodziny 37B1C3B9-
index = 2,
description = 0x00102797, -- "In exchange for information about Cirilla,
the baron asked Geralt to find his wife, Anna, and their daughter Tamara. Both had
disappeared without a trace some time ago, and Phillip was slowly losing hope of
ever seeing them again. Under these circumstances, a witcher was a gift from the

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Guślarzem",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Gu?oc w znalezieniu rodziny 37B1C3B9-
index = 3,
description = 0x00102798, -- "Yet the baron had hid certain facts from
Geralt, such as his wife's recent pregnancy, her subsequent miscarriage and his own
predilection towards strong drink and violent quarrels.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Baron podpala stajnię",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baron podpala stajni? znalezieniu rodziny 37B1C3B9-
index = 4,
description = 0x001027a2, -- "It turned out the baron would drink
regularly and to excess, and Geralt got a first-hand view of how dangerous he can
be to those around him during such moments when he returned to talk to the baron
about what he had learned from the Pellar. Phillip had known from the start that
his wife and daughter had fled, not disappeared, but, torn between shame and
concern over their fate, he had tried to save face while still doing all he could
to find them.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Baron dowiaduje się, że Anna jest u Wiedźm",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baron dowiaduje si?i? znalezieniu rodziny 37B1C3B9-
index = 5,
description = 0x001027a3, -- "On this subject there was no denying his
determination. Paying no heed to the fact that a confrontation with the Crones
might end tragically for him, he decided to ride into the swamps and try to free
Anna from their clutches.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Anna jest szalona",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anna jest szalona ABF431C1-4DF1AA33-AA3894A0-
index = 6,
description = 0x001027a4, -- "They say a man's true nature is revealed
in times of crisis. The baron's reunion with his wife was certainly such a time -
her deplorable state shook Phillip to the core. Yet when he learned there was a
sliver of hope that Anna could be cured of her madness, the baron seized that
thought with all his strength and decided to ride with his wife to the very end of
the known world, to the Blue Mountains, and seek help for her tortured mind

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Anna ulega samospaleniu",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anna ulega samospaleniu 21B88AC9-4A4A7B88-8C1A60B1-
index = 7,
description = 0x001027ab, -- "Despite the combined efforts of the baron,
his men and Geralt, Anna could not be saved. Alas, this was not the end of the bad
news - Tamara, who had also ventured into the swamp to save her mother, made it
painfully clear to the baron that she no longer wanted to have anything to do with
him. Having lost on all fronts and without uttering a single word, he trekked back
to Crow Perch alone...<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Anna odczarowana umiera",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Anna odczarowana umiera 16E2C602-42976326-69E1C9B6-
index = 8,
description = 0x001027b1, -- "Despite the combined efforts of the baron,
his men, Geralt and Tamara, who had come for her mother with an escort of witch
hunters in tow, Anna could not be saved. The Crones had outwitted them all - they
had crafted the curse so that lifting it would lead to Anna's death. The baron was
completely shattered by this turn of events. Turning his back on them all, he
trekked back to Crow Perch alone...<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Baron się powiesił",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Baron si?arowana umiera 16E2C602-42976326-69E1C9B6-
index = 9,
description = 0x001027b2, -- "Not long afterwards Geralt learned that
Phillip Strenger, the one-time terror of all of Velen, had hanged himself out of
grief and despair, desolated by the loss of all that he had loved in his lifetime."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/birna.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Birna",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Birna",
children = {
name = 0x0010307a, -- "Birna"
image = "journal_ladybran.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "first entry - when met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "first entry - when met",
description = 0x0010307b, -- "It can be difficult for a woman to gain
the esteem of knights and warriors not accustomed to seeing female hands on the
reins of power. It helps little when, like Birna, widow of King Bran of Skellige,
the woman seeking power is filled with acrid disdain for her countrymen and their
customs. One might argue that disdain is a valid reaction when, in the case of the
passing of a man of power who embodies tradition, those customs call on her to
follow long since outdated ritual and cast herself on her husband's funeral
pyre.<br><br>Justified or not, Birna's desire to rewrite age-old Skellige
traditions put her at odds with the jarls and made it unlikely she would be
remembered alongside Calanthe of Cintra or Meve of Lyria as a successful and
revered ruler.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking to Birna in q201",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Birna in q201",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010307c, -- "Birna likewise refused to hide her disgust
with the custom of choosing a ruler by vote of the jarls. She dreamed of
establishing a hereditary kingship in Skellige and thought the ideal dynasty to
hold it was her own, starting with her and Bran's son, the young Svanrige.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "If Birnas involvement in the massacre in q206 is revealed together
with Cerys",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Birnas involvement in the massacre in q206 is
revealed together with Cerys",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010307d, -- "In all probability it was this longing for
power that drove Birna to concoct the conspiracy that ended in the massacre at Kaer

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Birna convicted when q206 completed with Cerys",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Birna convicted when q206 completed with Cerys",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010307e, -- "The evidence gathered by Geralt and Cerys
sealed Birna's fate.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "When svanrige kills nilfgaardian emissaries in q210",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When svanrige kills nilfgaardian emissaries in q210",
index = 4,
description = 0x00103081, -- "Birna fulfilled her dream of placing her
son on the throne of Skellige, but her plans to control Svanrige's every action
were foiled. The freshly-crowned king quickly made it clear he would rule on his

-- gameplay/journal/characters/blueboylugos.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "BlueboyLugos",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "BlueboyLugos",
children = {
name = 0x001030fb, -- "Blueboy Lugos"
image = "journal_bluelugos.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "1st entry - when Blueboy Lugos met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "1st entry - when Blueboy Lugos met",
description = 0x001030fc, -- "Madman Lugos' sole child and heir was a
dour, strapping lad who was nothing like his father. His nickname dated from his
childhood, when bruises often covered his body, supposedly from the rough and rowdy
play Skellige boys engage in.<br><br>Yet others suspected they came from his
father's belt, rod or fists, for rumor had it Lugos Senior did not wish to spoil
his only child and thus punished him harshly for any minor cockup or grander
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "If player completes sq209",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If player completes sq209",
index = 1,
description = 0x001030fd, -- "The events Geralt witnessed in the Cave of
Dreams confirmed rumors of Lugos , troubled relationship with his father. Blueboy's
greatest fear turned out to be the Madman in his family tree.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Blueboy Lugos dies",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Blueboy Lugos dies",
index = 2,
description = 0x001030fe, -- "Blueboy Lugos was one of the victims of
the massacre that took place during the feast at Kaer Trolde. Later people claimed
he had knocked one of the beast's heads off by clobbering it with a barrel of
beer.<br><br>True or not, that is how the skalds commemorate him in song to this

-- gameplay/journal/characters/bran.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Bran",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bran",
children = {
name = 0x00108e8e, -- "Bran"
image = "journal_kingbran.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Bran - first and only entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bran - first and only entry 8BBA5555-4AC48C77-
description = 0x00108e91, -- "King Bran, former King of the Skellige
Isles, lived a long and storied life. When he finally felt decrepitude taking a
hold of him, he went into the woods to hunt a bear armed with only a knife - and
thus ended his reign. It was remembered as an honorable and respected one, though
some complained he preferred raiding to confronting the Isles' long-term problems,
and that he let his wife's tongue wag too freely. Some connected the two, claiming
Bran sailed out to fight overseas battles to put off dealing with the ones awaiting
him at home."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/brewess.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Brewess",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Brewess",
children = {
name = 0x0010311c, -- "Brewess"
image = "journal_brewess.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Brewess met 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Brewess met 1st time",
description = 0x0010311d, -- "The Crone known as Brewess was the middle
of the three demonic sisters in terms of age - but the first in terms of size.
Brewess was said to be a master concocter of magical mixtures, and, in the more
ghastly legends, was said to know over a dozen different recipes for human

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Added during q111",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Added during q111",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010311e, -- "During the Crones' sabbath it turned out
the sisters truly did feed on human flesh, cooking it up in infernal pots and
spicing it with root from the cursed tree growing atop Bald Mountain.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Brewess dies",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Brewess dies",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010311f, -- "In the end Brewess shared Whispess' fate:
she was slain by Ciri's blade."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/caranthir.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Caranthir",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Caranthir",
children = {
name = 0x00102bf9, -- "Caranthir"
image = "journal_caranthir.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Bitwa w Kaer Morhen",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bitwa w Kaer Morhen 480164CD-4FE14189-9B2A8EB1-
description = 0x00102c05, -- "This Aen Elle elf was one of Eredin's
advisors and also, on account of his extraordinary abilities, an important officer
of the Wild Hunt. Calling on arcane magic Caranthir would guide the Riders of the
Hunt along mystic pathways through time and space in order to reach other
worlds.<br><br>He was also a master of more immediate forms of transport, such as
the teleportation he made ample use of during the attack on Kaer Morhen.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Caranthir ginie",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Caranthir ginie DCD0D428-486E8EAB-765DF0A8-159E8B89",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102c06, -- "Yet even with his tricks and spells
Caranthir still died during the final battle against the Wild Hunt, his body
swallowed up by the cold waters of the ocean."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/carduin.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Carduin",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Carduin",
children = {
name = 0x001032f1, -- "Carduin of Lan Exeter"
image = "journal_carduin.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Carduin met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Carduin met",
description = 0x001032f2, -- "Carduin of Kovir was once a wealthy and
influential member of the Council of Sorcerers, a man known and respected by all
the rulers of the North. After the Council imploded during the coup on Thanedd
Isle, Carduin spared no expense in his quest to rebuild his brotherhood's hard-won
position.<br><br>This motivated him to take part in the eventful summit in Loc
Muinne, during which a handful of mages seeking to reactivate the Council were
forced to accept King Radovid's patronage. After that Carduin found himself on the
king's leash, completely dependent on the whims and moods of a mad ruler whom he
served not out of respect but fear. The mage's pride, however, forced him to don a
brave face and play out the hand fate had dealt him.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/cerys.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Cerys",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cerys",
children = {
name = 0x00102f68, -- "Cerys an Craite"
image = "journal_cerys.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Cerys met 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cerys met 1st time",
description = 0x00102f69, -- "While in Skellige Geralt finally had the
chance to meet Cerys an Craite, the younger of Crach's two children. Known as
Sparrowhawk to her friends, she was as fierce and swift as this name would
indicate.<br><br>Cerys was an islander through and through and the spitting image
of her father, having inherited all his courage, resolve and stubbornness.
Dauntlessly she sought to prove at every turn that there was no task she could not
fulfill as well as - or better than - any man in the islands, including her older
brother Hjalmar.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When Cerys announces shell compete for the crown",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Cerys announces shell compete for the crown",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102f6a, -- "Though Cerys' decision to stake a claim to
Skellige's throne came as a shock to everyone else, she had thought it over quite
thoroughly beforehand. Striving as always to outdo her brother, she intended to
perform a great deed that would earn her widespread recognition and
respect.<br><br>That is why she had sailed to Spikeroog to free Jarl Udalryk from
the strange affliction that seemed to curse him.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "If Him was defeated",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Him was defeated",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102f6b, -- "Cerys did what she set out to do - with
the witcher's help she freed clan Brokvar's leader from the wraith that had
tormented him for years.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Hjalmar becomes king - Cerys",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Hjalmar becomes king - Cerys",
index = 3,
description = 0x00102f6c, -- "Cerys accepted her defeat in her race for
the crown against her brother Hjalmar with dignity. She also made it clear beyond
all doubt that the new leader of Skellige had her full support.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "When player completes q206 with Cerys",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When player completes q206 with Cerys",
index = 4,
description = 0x00102f6d, -- "Once again Sparrowhawk gave proof of her
cunning, this time by unmasking Birna's plot and cleansing the shame from her
clan's name after the infamous "bloody banquet" at Kaer Trolde.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "When Cerys becomes queen - Cerys",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Cerys becomes queen - Cerys",
index = 5,
description = 0x00102f6e, -- "All these feats convinced the Skelligers
that Cerys was fit to be queen. Though it was clear it would take some time before
the young ruler could step entirely out of her father and brother's shadow, the
greater part of the islanders were pleased and proud with their choice of

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "If Cerys dies",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Cerys dies",
index = 6,
description = 0x00102f6f, -- "Sadly Crach's daughter died alongside her
brother during a failed attack on the Nilfgaardian fleet. The inhabitants of
Skellige long mourned the brave Sparrowhawk's premature death."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/chapelle.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Chapelle",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chapelle",
children = {
name = 0x00102b45, -- "Chappelle"
image = "journal_chapelle.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt wjeżdża do Novigradu i widzi, jak Chapelle płonie na
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt wjezdza do Novigradu i widzi, jak Chapelle
plonie na stosie 6D223853-4012B38E-C5EAEF8F-C89A4F85",
description = 0x00102b46, -- "Geralt and I had long known that
Chappelle, Chancellor of Security for the Church of the Eternal Fire in Novigrad,
had died years ago and been replaced by a doppler masquerading under his name. We
didn't breathe a word of this to anyone, of course, for the change was decidedly in
everyone's best interest. The doppler had proved a reasonable creature deprived of
the true Chappelle's cruelty, and under his watch life in the city had much
improved.<br><br>Sadly, the chancellor's conciliatory style must have raised
suspicions as a wave of terror and persecution began to swell over Novigrad. The
doppler was found out, arrested and burned at the stake for the greater glory of
the Eternal Fire."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/cirilla.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Cirilla",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cirilla",
children = {
name = 0x0007725e, -- "Cirilla"
image = "journal_ciri.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After the dream sequence of the prologue",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "DOB 31F2AF81-4486CB24-790C2995-85C45BFF",
description = 0x00077266, -- "Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon – what can I
possibly say about her? That we call her Ciri for short, that she was born in 1251,
that she has ashen hair and a scar on her cheek?<br><br>All true, and that's the
Cirilla I know best, the one I first laid eyes upon those many years ago, the one
who seemed thoroughly, well, not ordinary, but certainly not as extraordinary as
she in fact is.<br><br>For Cirilla is also a highly-skilled witcher, heiress to
several thrones, the last bearer of the Elder Blood, a powerful Source endowed with
exceptional magic talent and the Lady of Time and Space. Her hair color and date of
birth seem... rather incidental now, don't they? <br><br>I could also tell you she
is Geralt's adopted daughter – but that would be a gross simplification. Ciri is
much more. She is his Destiny, his Unexpected Child, someone bound to the witcher
by Fate's most inextricably tangled fetters. <br><br>Following age-old witcher
tradition, Geralt took Ciri to Kaer Morhen when she came into his care. There he
and Vesemir taught her in the ways of the professional monster slayer. It was then
that her magic talents were first revealed, and they discovered she was a Source.
<br>Ciri's gift proved a curse as well. Because of it, she would one day have to
hide from the entire world – even Geralt."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking to Emhyr in prologue",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Emhyr in prologue A3B212DF-49F802E7-
index = 1,
description = 0x00078431, -- "Ciri's biography contained one more great
secret. Her natural father was none other than the emperor of Nilfgaard, Emhyr var
Emreis. His words confirmed the fears swirling in Geralt's mind. Ciri had returned
and was in mortal danger, for the unrelenting Wild Hunt was on her trail.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After 2nd conversation with Yennefer in prologue - if Geralt asks
why the Hunt follows Ciri",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After 2nd conversation with Yennefer in prologue - if
Geralt asks why the Hunt follows Ciri",
index = 2,
description = 0x00103680, -- "Yennefer made it clear why the Wild Hunt
wanted Ciri: Eredin wanted the power latent in her Elder Blood. She also let Geralt
know that Ciri had been seen in war-ravaged Velen as well as in Novigrad, the
largest city in the world.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Geralt learns Ciri was at Barons keep",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt learns Ciri was at Barons keep",
index = 3,
description = 0x00103681, -- "Reports that Ciri had spent time at Crow's
Perch proved true. She was there as the guest of the local warlord, Phillip
Strenger, also known as the Bloody Baron. Despite his violent moniker, this man
treated Ciri with kindness and respect.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "When Geralt learns of the conflict between Ciri and witches",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt learns of the conflict between Ciri and
index = 4,
description = 0x00103682, -- "It seemed that during Ciri's time in Velen
she got into a quarrel with some sort of witch or witches in the swamps.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After talking to witches",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to witches",
index = 5,
description = 0x00103683, -- "Geralt learned the truth of Ciri's time in
the swamps from the mouths of the hideous Crones themselves. Even Ciri, better able
to hold her own than most anyone in existence, was lucky to escape from these
powerful beings alive and intact.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "After seeing Ciris escape in q203",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After seeing Ciris escape in q203",
index = 6,
description = 0x00103684, -- "The visions revealed by the Mask of
Uroboros made it clear beyond all doubt: Ciri had played a role in the magic
catastrophe on Ard Skellig. More importantly, they confirmed she had been in
Skellige - and then fled in the face of grave danger.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "After finding Wild Hunt warriors body in q203",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After finding Wild Hunt warriors body in q203",
index = 7,
description = 0x00103685, -- "Ultimate, tangible proof of the truth that
the emperor had spoken the truth about Ciri's pursuers came in the form of a corpse
– one belonging to a warrior of the Wild Hunt. The Riders truly were on Ciri's

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "When Geralt learns Ciri had dealt with Whoreson Junior",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt learns Ciri had dealt with Whoreson
index = 8,
description = 0x00103688, -- "In hindsight, putting Ciri in touch with
Whoreson was not one of my brightest ideas. In my defense, I can only say that her
situation was so perilous even the riskiest plan seemed better than

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "When Geralt finds Ciri in q402",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt finds Ciri in q402",
index = 9,
description = 0x00103689, -- "After many adventures and mishaps, Geralt
finally found Ciri on the Isle of Mists. When he crossed the threshold into the
room in which she slumbered, the protective spell Avallac'h had cast upon her
snapped under the sheer weight of their combined destinies. Geralt was reunited
with his adopted daughter after years of separation and searching. No words can
describe the joy he felt in that moment.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "After q403 completed - Ciris power revealed",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q403 completed - Ciris power revealed",
index = 10,
description = 0x0010368e, -- "Avallac'h's prediction that the Wild Hunt
would descend on Kaer Morhen as soon as Ciri arrived was proven true. All present
spared no effort in defending her. In the end, though, it was she who defended them
– through an outburst of unbridled power, the raw strength of her Elder Blood, she
saved the protectors of Kaer Morhen from certain death.<br>"

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "When q111 completed",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When q111 completed",
index = 11,
description = 0x0010368f, -- "Though it was Cirilla who convinced Geralt
to go with her to exact vengeance on Imlerith, it was the witcher who stood against
Vesemir's killer in a final duel. Ciri slay some evil that day, however, killing
two of the three monstrous sisters who had usurped for themselves rule over

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "If Geralt brings Ciri to Emhyr",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Geralt brings Ciri to Emhyr",
index = 12,
description = 0x00103690, -- "Ciri had not seen her father since she was
a young child. Emhyr was in effect a stranger to her, and one responsible for the
deaths of many people she cherished at that. Standing face to face with him was
surely one of the most difficult challenges she had ever undergone.<br>"

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "...and accepts the prize",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "...and accepts the prize",
index = 13,
description = 0x00103692, -- "Ciri passed this trial with flying colors,
but the fact that Geralt accepted payment for bringing her in for this talk caused
her great pain.<br>"

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "....and doesnt acept the prize",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "....and doesnt acept the prize",
index = 14,
description = 0x00103691, -- "Ciri emerged from this trial victorious,
and with an enhanced awareness of how deeply and unconditionally Geralt, her
adopted father, loved and cared for her.<br>"

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Geralt doesnt bring Ciri to Emhyr",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt doesnt bring Ciri to Emhyr",
index = 15,
description = 0x00103693, -- "Ciri had not seen her father since she was
a young child. Emhyr was in effect a stranger to her, and one responsible for the
deaths of many people she cherished at that. It was thus no surprise that Ciri did
not even want to see him.<br>"

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "q310 - confronting the Lodge without Geralt",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q310 - confronting the Lodge without Geralt",
index = 16,
description = 0x00103694, -- "Confronting the Lodge – now there is a
difficult task, one many a brave soul would move mountains to avoid. Cirilla,
however, decided to stand and face the powerful sorceresses. From the accounts that
reached my ears I can conclude that she let the mistresses of magic know in clear
terms that she had a mind of her own and would not be a servile tool in their

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "q310 - confronting the Lodge with Geralt",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q310 - confronting the Lodge with Geralt",
index = 17,
description = 0x00103697, -- "Confronting the Lodge – now there is a
difficult task, one many a brave soul would move mountains to avoid. Cirilla,
however, decided to stand and face the powerful sorceresses. From the accounts that
reached my ears, I can conclude that, with a bit of help from Geralt, she let the
mistresses of magic know that she had a mind of her own and would not be a servile
tool in their hands.<br>"

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "q210 - when Ciri visits Avallachs lab",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q210 - when Ciri visits Avallachs lab",
index = 18,
description = 0x00103696, -- "A visit to Avallac'h's secret laboratory
revealed facts that shook Ciri to her core. Though she had long known she was the
last of Lara Dorren's line, the only remaining heir to the so-called Elder Blood,
only know did she realize this line had been an object of unbroken interest to
elven Sages and human mages for two centuries. Another blow came from the words of
the arrogant she-elf, which rankled in her heart like a thorny bramble.<br>"

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "q210 - Ciri calms down",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q210 - Ciri calms down",
index = 19,
description = 0x00103698, -- "Though anger and hurt threatened to
overwhelm her, Ciri did not give in to her emotions. Geralt's words helped her in
this, leaving her with no doubt how precious she was to him.<br>"

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "q210 - if Ciri visits Skjalls grave",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q210 - if Ciri visits Skjalls grave",
index = 20,
description = 0x00103699, -- "Cirilla wanted to visit the grave of
Skjall, the young man who had put his life and honor on the line to help her.
Though purely symbolic, this gesture brought a modicum of much-needed comfort to
her soul.<br>"

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "q502 - Ciri enters tower",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q502 - Ciri enters tower",
index = 21,
description = 0x0010369a, -- "Eredin had perished - but the evil king's
death only ever heralds the end in fairy tales. In our store, this meant it was
time for Ciri to face her destiny. Only she possessed the power to stop the White
Frost - the near mythical force which threatened not just our world, but countless
others as well.<br>"

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "q210 -Ciri destroys Avallachs lab",
order = 4294966526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q210 -Ciri destroys Avallachs lab",
index = 22,
description = 0x00103695, -- "Though unleashing anger on inanimate
objects might not be considered mature behavior, it definitely helps bring one
relief. Ciri thus reached for this most simple of solutions.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/corinetilly.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Corine Tilly",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Corine Tilly",
children = {
name = 0x001028e9, -- "Corinne Tilly"
image = "journal_corine.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Triss mówi Geraltowi o Śniączce",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Triss m?iri enters tower",
description = 0x001028ea, -- "Oneiromancy, the magic art of deciphering
the past and the future as they appear in dreams, is difficult for even a highly
trained sorceress to master. Those born with the talent, however, excel at it
without any formal education. Such was the case of Corinne Tilly, whose fame as a
dreamer, as such diviners are known, had spread far and wide.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Corine q301",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Corine q301 6B86B8CF-47D07DB1-D1056CA6-
index = 1,
description = 0x001028eb, -- "This gifted woman could not only dream of
past events herself, but also induce revelatory dreams in persons searching for
direction or answers to specific questions. These abilities proved to be of great
use to Geralt in his search.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/crach.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Crach",
order = 4294967286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Crach",
children = {
name = 0x00102f7f, -- "Crach an Craite"
image = "journal_crach.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First entry when Crach met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First entry when Crach met",
description = 0x00102f80, -- "Skellige sagas brim with praise for war
chiefs and warrior-braves of ages past, yet the saga of Crach, jarl of Clan an
Craite and lord of Kaer Trolde, will outshine them all. It will sing of his
strength, his courage, his wisdom, his generosity, his loyalty to friends and his
relentless pursuit of his foes.<br><br>There will be few exaggerations in such a
tale, for Crach, the mightiest of Skellige's jarls, truly did possess all the
traits of a hero. He aroused terror in his enemies - in fact, Nilfgaardian mothers
would use his name to frighten their children into obedience, and all in that
empire spoke in hushed tones of the infamous Tirth ys Muire, the Wild Boar of the
Sea, who devastated coastal provinces during frequent and terrible
raids.<br><br>Geralt had known Crach for long, since a time when as a young man the
jarl had sought the hand of young Pavetta, Ciri's mother.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When contenders to the crown were announced",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When contenders to the crown were announced",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102f81, -- "After Bran's demise, Crach could easily
have claimed the throne for himself. Yet he preferred to support the claim of his
son, Hjalmar. When his daughter Cerys announced her intention to seek the throne as
well, the jarl also gave her his support, showing no favoritism when it came to his

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After completing q201",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After completing q201",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102f87, -- "To the islanders, honor is the most prized
of virtues. Crach thus agreed without hesitation to live up to the pledge he made
many years ago on behalf of himself and his entire clan and supported the search
for Cirilla with any means Skellige could offer.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Crach dies",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Crach dies",
index = 3,
description = 0x00102f88, -- "Crach also did not balk when the time came
to stand and fight Eredin. Though Eredin killed Crach during this fight, the jarl's
death did not break the islanders' spirit, instead becoming a model of how to die
like a true hero.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/dandelion.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dandelion",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dandelion",
children = {
name = 0x000783de, -- "Dandelion"
image = "journal_dandelion.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First entry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First entry 93392716-4B8764EA-BAEF66A4-6791CCEF",
description = 0x000783df, -- "I would wager anyone that you, dear
reader, are a person of culture and taste – and therefore already familiar with me,
Dandelion, and the role I am to play in the following tale. Nevertheless, allow me
to sketch a few lines by way of self-portrait, for the sake of thoroughness, and in
the event you have spent much of the last half-century in some dark corner where
the light of my star has yet to reach.<br><br>"Born in 1229, a talented poet and
troubadour, a graduate of Oxenfurt Academy, a frequent performer at royal courts,
an unequaled lover appreciated, and in some cases adored, by ladies worldwide, a
skilled negotiator and a stirring orator" – such is the image of the bard Dandelion
as painted by his friends and promoters.<br><br>This image is, of course, somewhat
overbright in its coloring – I personally prefer to think of myself as a dedicated
artist in thrall to his Muse, one whose work has benefited immeasurably from the
fact that I was, am and forever will remain a close friend and steadfast companion
to the witcher Geralt. It is his fate I chronicle in this present work and his
story which I shall sing till the end of my days.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking to Priscilla at the end of q304",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Priscilla at the end of q304
index = 1,
description = 0x00078432, -- "Having learned of my disappearance, Geralt
dropped everything to find out what had become of me. Though at first he suspected
the cause of my trouble lay in my many and turbulent affairs of the heart, he later
determined that I had strayed into a life of crime, seeking to steal treasure
belonging to one of the leaders of Novigrad's underworld.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After talking to whoreson junior",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to whoreson junior",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102ec2, -- "The motivations for my actions only became
clear some time later. I proved that, when it comes to helping Cirilla, I would not
balk at sticking my head into the lion's maw, let alone crossing such common scum
as Cyprian Wiley, better known (for good reason!) as Whoreson.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After completing q303",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After completing q303",
index = 3,
description = 0x00102ec3, -- "Only a madman calls it courage to fight
when faced with overwhelming odds. Though known for my capricious and unpredictable
charm, I am not yet considered mad, and so, while defending my companion's escape
to the very last, I ultimately allowed the temple guard to take me to their prison,
where I awaited my imminent execution.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After completing q305",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After completing q305",
index = 4,
description = 0x00102ec4, -- "The saying does not lie - "true friends
show when fortune hides her face." My dear comrades gave ample evidence of this by
breaking me free from my prison transport, saving me from certain and painful

-- gameplay/journal/characters/dijkstra.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dijkstra",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dijkstra",
children = {
name = 0x001033d7, -- "Dijkstra"
image = "journal_dijkstra.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Dijkstra met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Dijkstra met",
description = 0x001033d8, -- "The individual masquerading as Sigi Reuven
was in fact none other than Sigismund Dijkstra, the former head of Redanian
intelligence and a man Geralt and I had had many dealings with in the
past.<br><br>He had fallen out of King Radovid's favor and nothing had been heard
of him for many years. Now it seemed he had finally decided to emerge from the
shadows, but instead of returning to high political wrangling he dove deep into the
criminal underground - and quickly surfaced as one of its leading figures.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When Dijkstras broken leg mentioned",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Dijkstras broken leg mentioned",
index = 1,
description = 0x001033d9, -- "Though he did not show it, in his own way
Dijkstra respected Geralt - even though the very thought of their last meeting
brought a pained grimace to his face. The two had found themselves standing in each
other's way during the coup on Thanedd Island. The stalemate was quickly broken
when Geralt summarily broke Dijkstra's leg.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Geralt asks about Dijkstras past on default dialogue",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt asks about Dijkstras past on default
index = 2,
description = 0x001033da, -- "This spy's life story would make for a
positively enthralling adventure tale. A victim of Philippa Eilhart's intrigues, he
had been forced to flee Redania at breakneck speed - or have his own neck broken by
assassins. For a certain time he sought refuge in far-off lands, but in the end he
decided to return to the Free City of Novigrad.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Dijkstra shows the empty vault in q303",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Dijkstra shows the empty vault in q303",
index = 3,
description = 0x001033db, -- "Well aware of Geralt's extraordinary
talents, Dijkstra asked him to help find his stolen treasure. Though Geralt knew
the identity of the criminal mastermind responsible, he decided not to divulge this
information and set about investigating as if the case were a complete

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After q303 finished",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q303 finished",
index = 4,
description = 0x001033dc, -- "Though the witcher's lips remained tightly
sealed regarding my role in the treasure heist, Dijkstra still sniffed out his
dishonesty - and made it clear how much he disliked being played for a fool.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After q309 - Dijkstra helped Triss",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q309 - Dijkstra helped Triss",
index = 5,
description = 0x001033dd, -- "Though Dijkstra did not aid the persecuted
mages out of the goodness of his heart, Triss appreciated his support all the same,
for it proved vital to the endeavor's success.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "part 3 - Geralt breaks Dijkstras leg",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "part 3 - Geralt breaks Dijkstras leg",
index = 6,
description = 0x001033de, -- "Dijkstra opposed the mage hunts sweeping
the city, but for Philippa Eilhart he was willing to make an exception. He had
never forgiven his one-time friend for betraying and then trying to kill him.
Unfortunately, Geralt needed Philippa alive - and was in no mood to negotiate. He
thus turned to a tried and true method - and broke Dijkstra's other leg.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "part 3 - Geralt doesnt brake Dijkstras leg",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "part 3 - Geralt doesnt brake Dijkstras leg",
index = 7,
description = 0x001033e1, -- "Dijkstra opposed the mage hunts sweeping
the city, but for Philippa Eilhart he was willing to make an exception. He had
never forgiven his one-time friend for betraying and then trying to kill him.
Unfortunately, Geralt needed Philippa alive - and knew how to free
her.<br><br>Though Dijkstra craved vengeance, he was willing to resign from his
plans in return for valuable information.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q309 - Dijkstra mówi o zamachu na Radowida",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q309 - Dijkstra m?esnt brake Dijkstras leg",
index = 8,
description = 0x00105edd, -- "Anyone who thought Dijkstra had broken all
ties with the world of political schemers and plotters was sorely mistaken. His
great comeback was to be a patriotic act that would free Redania from the rule of a
madman - the assassination of King Radovid.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Po zamachu - Geralt bierze stronę Rocha, zabija Dijkstrę",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po zamachu - Geralt bierze stron?stras leg",
index = 9,
description = 0x00105ee1, -- "As an experienced dragonslayer once
commented, more than once heads have only rolled after the dragon's been slain, the
mead broken out and the campfire lit, for when it comes time to share the treasure,
hunters of beasts often become slayers of men instead. Such was the case after the
assassination of Radovid, when Dijkstra tried to renege on the terms of their
arrangement and do away with Thaler and Vernon.<br><br>Dijkstra counted on Geralt
maintaining witcher neutrality in this matter - a miscalculation which cost him his

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Po zamachu - Geralt nie wtrąca się w konflikt Dijkstry z Rochem",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po zamachu - Geralt nie wtr?tron?stras leg",
index = 10,
description = 0x00105ee2, -- "As an experienced dragonslayer once
commented, more than once heads have only rolled after the dragon's been slain, the
mead broken out and the campfire lit, for when it comes time to share the treasure,
hunters of beasts often become slayers of men instead. Such was the case after the
assassination of Radovid, when Dijkstra tried to renege on the terms of their
arrangement and do away with his allies, who wanted to negotiate with
Nilfgaard.<br><br>With this move the former spy achieved his goal, fortifying
himself in a position that allowed him to continue the war against Nilfgaard."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/donar.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Donar",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Donar",
children = {
name = 0x0010310a, -- "Donar an Hindar"
image = "journal_donar.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When met Donar",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When met Donar",
description = 0x0010310b, -- "Few jarls of Skellige were as honored and
obeyed as Donar an Hindar, the eldest of their number. Despite his advanced age he
remained the active leader of his clan and its representative at all official
gatherings. The only person able to break his composure was Madman Lugos, whose
clan had long feuded with the an Hindars.<br><br>Donar's home was, like Freya's
temple, on Hindarsfjall. As befits a neighbor to the gods, Donar was famed for his
wise, considered opinions and his piety. This last did not, however, extend to the
gods of the Continent, whose rich sanctuaries he had often raided in his

-- gameplay/journal/characters/duchdrzewa.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Duch Zaklęty w Drzewo",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Duch Zaklety w Drzewo",
children = {
name = 0x00102804, -- "The Ghost in the Tree"
image = "journal_treespirit.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt spotyka Drzewo",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt spotyka Drzewo C0756B54-45A94D49-FCC80899-
description = 0x00102808, -- "The Whispering Hillock - if the world were
not as it is but as it should be, this name would denote a place of hidden nooks
and lovers sharing heartfelt lies in hushed voices. Instead, it stood for danger
and terror, for a place where wild animals, driven by some mysterious power, had
killed many an inhabitant of Downwarren. Geralt agreed to investigate the problem,
and soon discovered the animals were controlled by a spirit entrapped in a tree
growing atop the hill. The spirit spoke to him in a woman's voice, and claimed to
have once been a druidess who had kept watch over the Velen grove until the Crones
murdered her and imprisoned her ghost in the tree. The forces of nature she had
once served now protected her from the fiendish sisters' further designs. The
unfortunate locals had died as collateral damage, for, the spirit attested,
nature's wrath is unrestrainable and distinguishes not between unwary innocents and
unwelcome ill-wishers.<br><br>The spirit begged Geralt to lift her curse and free
her from her torment. In exchange, she promised to rescue the orphans from the
swamp clearing, who would otherwise face a cruel death at the hands of the

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt godzi się pomóc duchowi",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt godzi si?rzewo C0756B54-45A94D49-FCC80899-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010280c, -- "These whispered words convinced Geralt
and, following the spirit's instructions, he lifted the curse, transferring the
druid's ghost into the body of a black mare. And so the spirit was set free, and
the dark powers afflicting the Whispering Hillock were dispersed.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt odmawia duchowi drzewa",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt odmawia duchowi drzewa 2C657B72-4D85E986-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010280d, -- "Yet too much innocent blood had been spilt
on the Whispering Hillock. Geralt did not believe the spirit's explanation and
destroyed its cursed heart. In doing so he expulsed it from this world for

-- gameplay/journal/characters/dudu.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Dudu",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dudu",
children = {
name = 0x00103323, -- "Dudu Biberveldt"
image = "journal_dudu.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Dudu mentioned the first time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Dudu mentioned the first time",
description = 0x00103324, -- "Geralt and I had known the doppler Dudu
for years - from before the moment we had actually met him, in fact.<br><br>You
see, we first unwittingly talked to him when he was in Novigrad impersonating
another friend of mine, a halfling merchant named Dainty Biberveldt. Dudu had
assumed Dainty's form to use the merchant's network of contacts for some business
endeavors of his own.<br><br>Dainty was infuriated at first at his inability to
locate the impostor who had inserted himself into his dealings, but when Dudu's
investments began generating sizable returns, the halfling changed his tune. He
took the doppler on as a partner, introducing him to everyone as his cousin, Dudu

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When Geralt learns Dudu loses an eye",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt learns Dudu loses an eye",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103325, -- "Geralt learned that Dudu had crossed
Whoreson Junior, one of Novigrad's most ruthless crime bosses. That Dudu extracted
himself from this predicament while only losing one eye should be considered a
fortunate turn.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Geralt finds Dudus note in q303",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt finds Dudus note in q303",
index = 2,
description = 0x00103326, -- "Ciri, Dudu and I had all embroiled
ourselves in quite the fiasco, but unlike me, the doppler was not caught by the
temple guard.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After talking to madame Irine",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to madame Irine",
index = 3,
description = 0x00103327, -- "Dudu was a theater aficionado and frequent
attendee of Irena's mummers' performances. Apparently he had even stepped in to
replace indisposed mummers on several occasions - and, given his special abilities,
proved himself a uniquely convincing understudy.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After play in q305 performed",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After play in q305 performed",
index = 4,
description = 0x00103328, -- "Finally, after a great deal of trouble and
thanks to a clever ruse, Geralt was reunited with his old friend - and a certain
imprisoned poet's only hope.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After q310, If Dudu impersoantes whoreson junior ",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q310, If Dudu impersoantes whoreson junior ",
index = 5,
description = 0x00103329, -- "To end Dudu's story, let me just say that,
as usual, he found a way to land on his feet. Dudu disguised himself as his one-
time adversary, Whoreson Junior, and took over his business, announcing it was
going clean and investing all its ill-gotten wealth in a legal (and very
profitable) overseas trading company.<br><br>In a way, you could say he was living
the "Novigrad dream.""

-- gameplay/journal/characters/elihal.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Elihal",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Elihal",
children = {
name = 0x001032ef, -- "Elihal"
image = "journal_elihal.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After talking to Elihal in q304",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Elihal in q304",
description = 0x001032f0, -- "Geralt erroneously interpreted one of my
notes to mean that Elihal and I had been a couple. Alas, while anyone would be
thrilled to count this outstanding elf, wonderful conversation partner and superb
tailor among their conquests, in fact no more than friendship and fine wine had
ever passed between us.<br><br>Geralt found this out when he visited Elihal's
tailor shop, where he also got a first-hand glimpse at the elf's unusual hobby -
adopting the dress and mannerisms of those different from himself in race, sex and
social status.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/emhyrvaremreis.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "EmhyrvarEmreis",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "EmhyrvarEmreis",
children = {
name = 0x00102eb7, -- "Emhyr var Emreis"
image = "journal_emhyr.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First entry - after Yennefer metnions Emhyr in White Orchard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First entry - after Yennefer metnions Emhyr in White
description = 0x00102eba, -- "Few names in the Continent's history
arouse as much terror and respect as that of Emhyr var Emreis, Deithwen Addan yn
Carn aep Morvudd - the White Flame Dancing on the Graves of his Foes. Emperor of
Nilfgaard, lord of Metinna, Ebbing and Gemmera, sovereign of Nazair and Vicovaro,
he was ruler of half the civilized world and aspiring conqueror of the other half.
He was a personage whose deeds and decisions shaped the fates of whole kingdoms and
populations.<br><br>What then could he possibly want of a simple witcher?<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking to Emhyr in prologue",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Emhyr in prologue",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102ebb, -- "The emperor clearly and succinctly laid
out what he wanted. His daughter and Geralt's ward, Cirilla, was in great danger,
for the Wild Hunt was on her trail. Geralt, a superb tracker linked to Emhyr's
daughter by the iron bonds of Destiny, stood a better chance of finding her than
anyone else in the world.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "If Geralt brings Ciri over in q110",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Geralt brings Ciri over in q110",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102ec0, -- "Thanks to Geralt's efforts, Emhyr finally
had the chance to talk to his daughter face to face after long years of separation.
Geralt doesn't know what topic was broached during their conversation, save that
Ciri stormed out of it in a visible huff.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/eredin.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Eredin",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eredin",
children = {
name = 0x00102ea8, -- "Eredin"
image = "journal_eredin.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First entry - exact moment when added TBD",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First entry - exact moment when added TBD",
description = 0x00102ead, -- "The name of the King of the Wild Hunt, the
identity of the lord of nightmares, the being behind the frightful mask - this long
remained unknown. Over time, however, scraps of information gradually coalesced
into a full likeness of our foe - but did nothing to detract from the terror he
inspired.<br><br>The Wild Hunt was in truth an elite cavalry brigade from the world
of the Aen Elle, the Alder Folk, and was commanded by their ambitious and ruthless
king, Eredin Bréacc Glas. He would travel via secret paths through the cold
emptiness between his world from ours to capture victims and take them back to his
homeland as slaves.<br><br>The current object of his Hunt was Cirilla, whose power
he wanted to harness for his own uses. The only obstacle in his path - Geralt of

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking to Ciri about Eredin in q402",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Ciri about Eredin in q402",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102eb3, -- "Ciri was able to shed a bit of light on
the King of the Wild Hunt's motivations. The threat of annihilation hung over the
Aen Elle homeland. Eredin, a warrior and a conqueror by nature, decided to solve
this problem in the simplest possible way - by seizing our world. The key to doing
so? Ciri's power, which would allow him to open the gates to a full-scale

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After the battle in q403 - Eredin",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After the battle in q403 - Eredin",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102eb2, -- "Trusting in the strength of his magic and
the skill of his Riders, Eredin boldly launched a frontal assault on Kaer Morhen.
Despite the defenders' noble sacrifices, he came close to victory. Only Ciri's
unleashed power forced Eredin to fall back. It was clear, however, that he would
learn from this defeat and that his next attack would be insurmountable.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After Eredins role in Auberons death has been revealed",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Eredins role in Auberons death has been
index = 3,
description = 0x00102eb4, -- "According to Avallac'h, it was Eredin who
bore responsibility for the death of Auberon Muircetach, the previous ruler of the
Aen Elle. Revealing this fact would certainly not earn him friends and popularity
amongst the Alder Folk.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After Eredins death in q501",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Eredins death in q501",
index = 4,
description = 0x00102eb6, -- "Eredin's last battle is worthy of a poem -
nay, an epic - all to itself, yet this is neither the time nor the place to pen it.
To be brief, on that fateful day the cruel King of the Hunt seemed unstoppable and
tore asunder all who dared stand in his way - until, that is, his way led him smack
into Geralt of Rivia. The two expert fighters faced off in a last skirmish on the
ghastly deck of the Naglfar. The fight was long and difficult, but the witcher's
blade struck true in the end, cutting down Eredin's dreams of power and
conquest.<br><br>So died Eredin Bréacc Glas, King of the Wild Hunt."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/eskel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Eskel",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eskel",
children = {
name = 0x00103308, -- "Eskel"
image = "journal_eskel.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After seeing Eskel in prologue",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After seeing Eskel in prologue",
description = 0x00103309, -- "All witchers have a great deal in common,
but with Eskel and Geralt, the similarities are particularly striking. They first
met as two boys of the same age swinging wooden swords at Kaer Morhen. They then
went through an ordeal together: the first round of selections, the murderous
Changes, the Trial of the Grasses, and training on the Gauntlet - the witchers’
daunting obstacle course. They also received hidings together for more than one act
of childish delinquency. When they became adults, they walked the Path separately,
but still reconvened at Kaer Morhen nearly every winter to wait out the cold, drink
to their successes and remember fallen comrades.<br><br>Though Eskel never gained
Geralt’s renown, he equaled the White Wolf in experience and carried out his
contracts with care and efficiency. Death had almost taken him many times during
his hunts, yet in an ironic twist the hideous scar on his face came not from a
monster’s claw but from the blade of Deidre Ademeyn, his highly unpredictable
Unexpected Child.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After killing the forktail together with Eskel in q401",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After killing the forktail together with Eskel in
index = 1,
description = 0x0010330a, -- "Perhaps this traumatic experience lay at
the root of Eskel's dislike for Yennefer, though he tried not to let this get in
the way of his friendship with Geralt.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Eskel - after q403",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eskel - after q403 ",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010330b, -- "Eskel took active part in the defense of
Kaer Morhen, standing bravely in the face of overwhelming odds to fight one of the
Hunt's generals. When Vesemir died, he took over responsibility for watching over
the witchers' keep."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/feliciacori.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Felicia Cori",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Felicia Cori",
children = {
name = 0x001028ec, -- "Felicia Cori"
image = "journal_feliciacori.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Felicia Cori spalona na stosie (wstęp do Novigradu)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Felicia Cori spalona na stosie (wstep do Novigradu)
description = 0x001028ed, -- "Geralt had been in situations where he
could not prevent someone's death on more than one occasion. In fact, you might say
he had grown accustomed to that particular form of agony. It is another thing
altogether, however, to stand powerless and watch the unjust, cruel execution of an
acquaintance for whom one has developed a fondness.<br><br>Such was his lot as
regards Felicia Cori, a young sorceress whom Geralt had met while chasing the
kingslayer, Letho. Though Geralt had not gotten to know her deeply, he had
nonetheless taken a liking to this former pupil of Philippa Eilhart, who had seemed
to him a pleasant and enterprising young woman. Yet she was a wielder of magic and,
as such, met her end on a pyre.<br>"
-- gameplay/journal/characters/folan.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Folan",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Folan",
children = {
name = 0x00103115, -- "Folan"
image = "journal_folan.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Folan met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Folan met",
description = 0x00103116, -- "Many brave warriors answered Hjalmar's
call to join him in reconquering Undvik from the Ice Giant. Among them - Folan, son
of Ulf, Hjalmar's frequent comrade in battle and dear childhood friend. Folan, a
member of Clan Tuirseach, was a fearless sailor and an unequaled archer, and so did
not hesitate to join this dangerous expedition that stood to shower him in
glory.<br><br>It would have ended horribly for him, however, had the witcher not
kept his wits about him and saved him from the clutches of hungry trolls by winning
a riddle contest.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After Ice Giant Killed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Ice Giant Killed",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103117, -- "Folan proved his skill with a bow by
riddling the Ice Giant with arrows during the final fight against the colossus, a
deed recounted to this day during Kaer Trolde feasts.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Folan dies in q403",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Folan dies in q403",
index = 2,
description = 0x00103118, -- "In order to pay the White Wolf back for
saving his life, Folan set out with Hjalmar defend Kaer Morhen against the Wild
Hunt. There, far from his native land, Folan fell in battle while fighting side by
side with his friends."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/fringilla.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Fringilla",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fringilla",
children = {
name = 0x0010332a, -- "Fringilla Vigo"
image = "journal_fringila.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Fringilla mentioned the first time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Fringilla mentioned the first time",
description = 0x0010332b, -- "Emperor Emhyr had once presented the mages
of Nilfgaard with a simple choice: either serve their country unquestioningly or
die in prison.<br><br>Fringilla Vigo, a mistress of magic holding office in the
vassal duchy of Toussaint, refused both options and instead joined the infamous
Lodge of Sorceresses, whose aim was to stand up to the dictates of kings and
emperors. These bold ambitions were never fulfilled, however, and Fringilla Vigo
lived in fear that her ties to this subversive organization would be discovered and
she would meet a quick end at the hands of the emperor's executioners.
<br><br><br>One must mention here that Geralt first met Fringilla at the ducal
palace in Beauclair many years ago, when we were there enjoying the hospitality of
my one-time love, Duchess Anna Henrietta. The witcher, always a sucker for
sorceresses, conjoined with Madame Vigo during this time in a quite lively
relationship that surely was no cause of joy for Triss or Yennefer.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking about Fringilla with Rita",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking about Fringilla with Rita",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010332c, -- "All indications were that Fringilla had
been arrested and remained in a Nilfgaardian prison, undoubtedly awaiting execution
for acts of high treason.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After Fringilla freed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Fringilla freed",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010332d, -- "She was later released, however, thanks to
a bargain Yennefer had struck with Emhyr.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/fugas.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Fugas",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fugas",
children = {
name = 0x00102e98, -- "Fugas"
image = "journal_fugas.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Po spotkaniu z Fugasem w q111",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po spotkaniu z Fugasem w q111 5B165C55-452B1523-
description = 0x00102e99, -- "The devil Fugas held a position of great
prestige and responsibility during the Crones' sabbath - that of goon restricting
access to the peak. He in no way resembled Torque, the irritating but harmless
"deovel" Geralt and I had encountered many, many years prior.<br><br>In size, Fugas
resembled a somewhat overgrown troll, and he likewise displayed a troll's lack of
subtlety. There was not a jot of mischievous puck or cunning verbal trickster about
this "devil." Instead, he did his job with the commitment and professionalism of a
Novigrad bouncer.<br><br>Trying to stop Geralt, though, turned out to be Fugas'
dumbest and last idea, ending both his life and his flourishing career in the
Crones' employ."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/geels.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ge'els",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ge'els",
children = {
name = 0x00102e46, -- "Ge'els"
image = "journal_geels.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Avallachem w q310/q311",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Avallachem w q310/q311 04B1D047-
description = 0x00102e4d, -- "Intelligent, composed and endowed with
massive charisma, Ge'els enjoyed the respect and trust of the inhabitants of the
Aen Elle world as well as that of their previous ruler, Auberon
Muircetach.<br><br>For this reason Ge'els not only retained his high-ranking
position after Eredin took power, but also became one of the new king's most
powerful allies, acting as his viceroy while Eredin traveled at the head of the
Wild Hunt.<br><br>Though Ge'els was one of the most influential of the Aen Elle,
power had never been among his driving aims. According to Avallac'h, his loyalty
and sense of right and wrong constituted a weakness that could be used - possibly
to tip the scales of the final battle.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geels zdradził, jak ściagnąć Naglfar (q311)",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geels zdradzil, jak sciagnac Naglfar (q311) AEF58812-
index = 1,
description = 0x00102e78, -- "As predicted, Ge'els acted out of loyalty
to his former king and withdrew support for Eredin once he learned the truth about
Auberon's death. This momentous act portended important ramifications for the
outcome of the coming battle."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/geralt.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Geralt",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt",
children = {
name = 0x00103319, -- "Geralt of Rivia"
image = "journal_geralt.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "From the start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "From the start",
description = 0x0010331a, -- "Many cannot fathom the friendship Geralt
of Rivia and I, Dandelion, have shared all these years. When we first began
breaking bread together, spiteful tongues said he'd be better off cutting my throat
and dumping my body in a hollow tree - before I provoked someone else into doing
the same to us both. Those individuals spoke out of pure jealousy, for Geralt was
my dearest friend, a fact which he gave ample evidence of on numerous
occasions.<br><br>I could say a great deal about that world-famous monster hunter,
the man known in Elder Speech as Gwynbleidd, or, in our younger (yet no less noble)
tongue, as the White Wolf. For Geralt of Rivia is a truly exceptional individual. A
brief encounter might tempt one to label him a mere swinger of swords, a simple
monster-catcher, a rough-and-tumble practitioner of a dirty trade - but peer closer
and you will soon discover he is a man of unplumbed depths, unique views and vast,
world-spanning experience.<br><br>On the surface, he is introverted, tight-lipped,
one might even say gruff, but underneath lies an overflowing sea of goodwill, good
humor, and an honest readiness to help his friends, be it with a bit of sound
advice or the masterful application of his blade.<br><br>Setting aside cumbersome
false modesty, I can say that I know his story better than any man alive. I was
with him through hard times and good, helping with wise advice, warm words and
razor wit. As a result, I am a vital part of his story, both in its earlier and
present portions. It is thus my duty to continue my chronicle and, for the benefit
of future generations, put in writing the next chapter of his deeds and

-- gameplay/journal/characters/graden.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Graden",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Graden",
children = {
name = 0x001027f7, -- "Graden"
image = "journal_graden.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Pierwsze spotkanie z Gradenem",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pierwsze spotkanie z Gradenem 858E3891-44B5541D-
description = 0x001027f8, -- "Graden was one of the witch hunters in
King Radovid's service. Unlike a great many of his comrades, he came across as a
level-headed fellow, one free of prejudice, at least in his dealings with

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie na temat wiedźmich lalek",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie na temat wied?nem 858E3891-44B5541D-
index = 1,
description = 0x001027fc, -- "Geralt's subsequent encounters with Graden
confirmed his suspicion that the man was not a typical hunter. Graden was
unorthodox in his methods, prioritizing results over ideological purity and a
strict adherence to the hunters' codex, even though, as he was undoubtedly aware,
this approach would hardly endear him to his superiors.<br><br>After the affair in
the swamp was over, he returned to Oxenfurt, taking Tamara with him."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/graham.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Graham",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Graham",
children = {
name = 0x001028e2, -- "Graham"
image = "journal_graham.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się o Grahamie od Anabelle",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje sie o Grahamie od Anabelle B500A135-
description = 0x001028e3, -- "Graham was a simple fisherman from an even
simpler village, Oreton, yet the role he had played in local events was anything
but. Fyke Isle, the tower, the curse - he had been a key part of it all. Geralt had
learned from Anabelle about the deep feelings the two had shared, but the rest of
their tragic story only emerged later…<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Jeśli dopytamy Anabelle o Grahama",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Jesli dopytamy Anabelle o Grahama C9844225-40BA4EAA-
index = 1,
description = 0x001028e4, -- "Exactly how the young man had participated
in the incident in the tower remained rather unclear. What was certain was that he
tried to defend his beloved and fled Fyke Isle right after what he thought was her

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt pomaga Anabelle",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt pomaga Anabelle 6AF1C024-4BE8B957-E53E7A92-
index = 2,
description = 0x001028e5, -- "Stories about poor fishermen in love with
their lord's daughters are not wont to end happily, but even the most tragic-
quilled poet would find what Graham and Anabelle experienced excessively cruel.
Their desire for happiness and mutual love was defeated by the cruelty of fate and
the greed of men, damning the young couple to eternal suffering – Graham without
his love at his side, Anabelle as a tortured soul wandering between the living and
the dead.<br><br>There was nothing left to the witcher but to bring the young man
Anabelle's earthly remains, hoping that a proper burial would bring peace to the
girl's spirit and lift the curse.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt znajduje zwłoki Grahama",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt znajduje zwloki Grahama BBDF36F2-45958663-
index = 3,
description = 0x001028e6, -- "Yet though the evil spell was indeed
broken, this story still did not have a happy ending. A devious ghost of the plague
was freed, and Graham became its first victim…<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Graham pomaga Geraltowi na Kłomnicy",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Graham pomaga Geraltowi na Klomnicy 1DC1F401-
index = 4,
description = 0x001028e7, -- "Graham filled Geralt in on the rest of the
story, one in which youthful longing for happiness lost out to fate's cruelties and
human greed. Having learned there was a slim chance he could save his beloved's
ghost, the fisherman set out at once to help the witcher lift the curse weighing
down on the isle.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Graham całuje Anabelle",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Graham caluje Anabelle 04462DC4-4E53E3D3-D3CC30B2-
index = 5,
description = 0x001028e8, -- "Yet though the evil spell was indeed
broken, this story still did not have a happy ending. Despite his courage and
dedication, Graham died while saving the one he had never ceased to love.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/guslarz.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Guślarz",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Guslarz",
children = {
name = 0x0010280f, -- "The Pellar"
image = "journal_guslar.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się o Guślarzu od Barona",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje si?le 04462DC4-4E53E3D3-D3CC30B2-
description = 0x00102810, -- "As is often the case with charmers,
diviners, healers and other such cunning folk of the countryside, the pellar of
Blackbough was a man of mystery, around whom circled a great many rumors and
legends. Some claimed he could commune with the dead, others, that he had a
different sort of familiarity with the grave, having put an axe in his father's
head in a fit of rage when he was a young man. Still others said he showed an
indecent fondness for barnyard animals.<br><br>All of these rumors aroused the fear
and respect of the backwater peasants of Velen, and the pellar most likely did
little to discourage them.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt pozbył się ludzi Barona sprzed chaty Guślarza",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt pozby?uje si?le 04462DC4-4E53E3D3-D3CC30B2-
index = 1,
description = 0x00102811, -- "Yet even the most cunning of men make the
occasional professional error - had Geralt not intervened, who knows what might
have become of the old seer at the hands of the Baron's enraged men.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Guślarz wywróżył, co stało się z Anną i Tamarą",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gu?alt pozby?uje si?le 04462DC4-4E53E3D3-D3CC30B2-
index = 2,
description = 0x00102813, -- "The pellar turned out to be more skilled
at soothsaying than curing indigestion. Though what he divined for Geralt was murky
at best, the witcher managed to put the pieces together into a somewhat logical

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt nie interweniuje, gdy łowcy czarownic zakłócają dziady",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt nie interweniuje, gdy ?4-4E53E3D3-D3CC30B2-
index = 3,
description = 0x00102814, -- "Sometime after that the old pellar asked
Geralt to help him hold Forefathers' Eve. When witch hunters sought to break up the
ritual, Geralt defended its participants and earned the soothsayer's trust and

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Geralt interweniuje, gdy łowcy czarownic zakłócają dziady",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt interweniuje, gdy ?dy ?4-4E53E3D3-D3CC30B2-
index = 4,
description = 0x00102815, -- "Sometime after that the old pellar asked
Geralt to help him hold Forefathers' Eve. Yet when witch hunters arrived and broke
up the ritual, Geralt did nothing to stop them, greatly upsetting the
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Pojawia się upiór ojca Guślarza",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pojawia si?rweniuje, gdy ?dy ?4-4E53E3D3-D3CC30B2-
index = 5,
description = 0x00102816, -- "Many people have proverbial skeletons in
their closet that they would be aghast to have exposed to the public eye. One can
thus imagine the pellar's horror when his darkest secret literally emerged from the
grave during Forefathers' Eve in the form of his murdered father's ghost. To the
unfortunate shaman's further horror, old man Ambros was clearly out for

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Geralt pomaga Guślarzowi odesłać ducha ojca",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt pomaga Gu?je, gdy ?dy ?4-4E53E3D3-D3CC30B2-
index = 6,
description = 0x00102817, -- "Yet Geralt intervened and the pellar was
saved from otherworldly vengeance. The circumstances of the murder were explained,
and the pellar, though still guilty of murder, was revealed to be a victim in his
own right. By helping the pellar do battle with the demons of his past, Geralt
earned himself the old man's undying gratitude.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/halbjorn.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Halbjorn",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Halbjorn",
children = {
name = 0x00103102, -- "Hjalborn"
image = "journal_halbjorn.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First entry - when Halbjorn met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First entry - when Halbjorn met",
description = 0x00103103, -- "Young Hjalborn was the nephew of Holger
Blackhand, the jarl of Faroe, and one of the claimants to Skellige's
crown.<br><br>Despite his young age he had already managed to achieve some renown,
both during overseas raids and while fighting the monsters dwelling in the
dangerous regions of the archipelago. His deeds had earned him enough fame, name-
recognition and treasure that he stood a good chance of being elected king.<br>"
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When Halbjorn dies in q206",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Halbjorn dies in q206",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103104, -- "Halbjorn's courage and bravery were not
enough, however, to save him from the massacre of Kaer Trolde."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/harald.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Harald",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Harald",
children = {
name = 0x001030f5, -- "The Mad Castaway of Undvik"
image = "journal_harald.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When meeting Harald for the first time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When meeting Harald for the first time",
description = 0x001030f6, -- "Geralt's encounter with the crazed man
building an enormous ship while conversing with the cut-off heads of his former
crew was, to say the least, an unusual experience.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "If player asked Harald about the ship",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If player asked Harald about the ship",
index = 1,
description = 0x001030f7, -- "Though this strange shipbuilder was forced
into his labors by the ice giant and his bloodthirsty sirens, it seemed his work
had become a kind of escape for his beleaguered mind.<br><br>Surely that was why
this unfortunate man showed such dedication to his dubiously worthy cause.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "If player discovers his identity",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If player discovers his identity",
index = 2,
description = 0x001030f8, -- "In the end Geralt learned the true
identity of the mad shipbuilder of Undvik. He was in fact Harald Houndsnout, a jarl
who was thought to have been killed by the giant along with his crew.<br><br>Though
rumors about his death were clearly exaggerated, it was hard to say whether
surviving had not proved the worse fate.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "If giant was killed, player doesnt know his identity and offers
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If giant was killed, player doesnt know his identity
and offers rescue",
index = 3,
description = 0x001030f9, -- "News of the Giant's death clearly
delighted the madman - but he rejected the witcher's offer to take him back to Ard
Skellig. For some reason he felt he could not rest until he finished building the

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "If giant was killed, player know his identity and offers rescue",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If giant was killed, player know his identity and
offers rescue",
index = 4,
description = 0x001030fa, -- "News of the Giant's death clearly
delighted the madman - but he rejected the witcher's offer to take him back to Ard
Skellig. He could not live with the knowledge that he had failed as leader of his
clan, and thus was determined to build a ship to serve as his funeral pyre."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/hendrik.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Hendrik",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hendrik",
children = {
name = 0x001027fd, -- "Hendrik"
image = "journal_hendrik.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Yennefer mówi Geraltowi o Hendriku",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer m?s killed, player know his identity and
offers rescue",
description = 0x001027fe, -- "Considering the way spy corps of all
stripes tend to function, "Hendrik" was undoubtedly not this man's real name.
Nevertheless, that was the only appellation the witcher knew for His Imperial
Majesty's nose to the ground in Velen.<br><br>After asking around, Geralt learned a
"Hendrik" lived in the village of Heatherton.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt znalazl ciało Hendrika",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt znalazl cialo Hendrika",
index = 1,
description = 0x001027ff, -- "Sadly, Geralt arrived too late. The
village had been ravaged, its inhabitants slaughtered and Hendrik's service to
Nilfgaard terminated in a most violent and disturbing manner.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt znalazl skrytke Hendrika",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt znalazl skrytke Hendrika",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102800, -- "Yet the agent showed such determination
before he died that Vattier de Rideaux, chief of the imperial spy corps, surely
beamed with pride if he ever heard of it. Despite undergoing horrific tortures,
Hendrik preferred to die in agony rather than reveal where he hid his reports. They
remained in his hut for Geralt to find, providing him with several pieces of
important information.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/hjalmar.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Hjalmar",
order = 4294967278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hjalmar",
children = {
name = 0x00102f74, -- "Hjalmar an Craite"
image = "journal_hjalmar.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First entry - when met - Hjalmar",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First entry - when met - Hjalmar",
description = 0x00102f75, -- "The saying "like father, like son" fits
Crach and his first born son to a tittle. Young Hjalmar took after his father in
both posture and character, and many predicted that in time he would overtake his
elder in the honor and fame he would gain.<br><br>An extremely able, broad-
shouldered swordsman, he had the makings of a superb warrior, and his charisma and
tendency towards almost mad bravura meant he could stir the hearts of loot- and
glory-craving youth from all Skellige's clans.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When player learns Hjalmar competes for the crown",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When player learns Hjalmar competes for the crown",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102f76, -- "All these traits made Hjalmar an obvious
choice for the next king of Skellige. He thus did not hesitate to stake his claim
when the time for this arrived and immediately set off for Undvik to prove his
heroism by battling the legendary Ice Giant.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Ice Giant defeated",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Ice Giant defeated",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102f77, -- "Hjalmar accomplished what he set out to
do. Fighting side by side with the witcher he defeated the fierce colossus of

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Cerys becomes queen - Hjalmar",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Cerys becomes queen - Hjalmar",
index = 3,
description = 0x00102f78, -- "Though his sister was chosen to be ruler
instead of him, Hjalmar did not bear a grudge and decided to lend her reign all his
strength, an act that showed surprising political maturity.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "If q206 completed with Hjalmar",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If q206 completed with Hjalmar",
index = 4,
description = 0x00102f79, -- "Young an Craite proved his valor when he
and the witcher avenged the guests murdered during the infamous "Bloody Banquet" at
Kaer Trolde. By this deed he also cleared his family name of all dishonor.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "When Hjalmar becomes king - Hjalmar",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Hjalmar becomes king - Hjalmar",
index = 5,
description = 0x00102f7a, -- "All these feats convinced Skelligers that
Hjalmar was fit to be king. Though it was clear it would take some time before the
young ruler could step entirely out of his father's shadow, most islanders were
pleased and proud with their choice of ruler.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "If Hjalmar helps Geralt in fighting the Wild Hunt in q403",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Hjalmar helps Geralt in fighting the Wild Hunt in
index = 6,
description = 0x00102f7c, -- "When discussing Hjalmar's heroic deeds it
surely must be mentioned that he did not hesitate to support Geralt by answering
his call and defending Ciri at Kaer Morhen.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "When Hjalmar dies",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Hjalmar dies",
index = 7,
description = 0x00102f7d, -- "Hjalmar's hot temper turned out to be his
doom in the end. Young an Craite died alongside his sister while leading one of the
first attacks on the Nilfgaardian fleet.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/hjort.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Hjort",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hjort",
children = {
name = 0x00103082, -- "Hjort"
image = "journal_hjort.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "1st entry - after meeting Hjort",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "1st entry - after meeting Hjort",
description = 0x00103083, -- "It is my humble opinion that the most one
can learn from staring at the innards of a gutted animal is whether the poor beast
was infested with parasites. Nevertheless, Hjort, like many other druids of
Skellige, placed a great deal of trust in both haruspicy and chiromancy (and
oneiromancy as well, though that's more understandable, dreams being the royal
route to one's soul).<br><br>Word was that he commanded a great deal of respect and
esteem amongst his fellow practitioners, having more than once accurately
prophesied the future and interpreted the meaning of obtuse dreams. This druid was
devoted to Clan Brokvar with all his heart, and his knowledge and ability made him
an excellent advisor, one in whom the jarl of Spikeroog, Udalryk of Clan Brokvar,
placed a great deal of trust.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking to Hjort in q203",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Hjort in q203",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103084, -- "Hjort had tried to alleviate the suffering
brought on by his jarl's strange condition, but despite his efforts no progress was
made in stopping the decline in Udalryk's mental health."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/holger.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Holger",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Holger",
children = {
name = 0x00103105, -- "Holger Blackhand"
image = "journal_holger.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When met Holger",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When met Holger",
description = 0x00103106, -- "The dour-faced jarl of Faroe owed his
nickname to the dark coloring of his hand and forearm, left there by frostbite he
suffered when his longship hit an underwater boulder during a freak autumn
blizzard.<br><br>Even judging by Skellige standards, where pillaging and plundering
are practically rites of passage, Holger was considered a brutal pirate and raider.
This opinion surely resulted from the fact that he attacked the villages and ships
of enemy Skellige clans with as much verve as he did the coastal settlements of
Cidaris, Novigrad and Nilfgaard.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/hubert.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Hubert",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hubert",
children = {
name = 0x00103153, -- "Hubert Rejk"
image = "journal_coroner.png",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Hubert met 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Hubert met 1st time",
description = 0x001032e2, -- "The wave of religious and racially-
motivated killings that swept through Novigrad in the spring of 1272 coincided with
Hubert Rejk's term as coroner at the city morgue.<br><br>Because of this he was
overworked and additionally had to bear the harassment of his dislikeable superior,
Reverend Nathaniel. It is thus no surprise that he came across as unpleasant and
sarcastic when Geralt and he first met.<br><br>Furthermore, it was clear there was
bad blood between him and Joachim von Gratz, a fact that did little to improve the
already rather stiff atmosphere at the morgue. Nevertheless, having learned the
reason for Geralt's unexpected visit, Hubert made it clear Geralt and Joachim could
count on his help.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When player asks Joachim von Gratz about his connection to Hubert",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When player asks Joachim von Gratz about his
connection to Hubert",
index = 1,
description = 0x001032e3, -- "It turned out that Hubert had once been
Von Gratz's teacher and mentor. Yet when Von Gratz's involvement in the student
movement led to bloodshed, Hubert felt he had no choice but to denounce his advisee
in order to avoid an escalation of violence.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After 2nd section with Hubert Rejk",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After 2nd section with Hubert Rejk",
index = 2,
description = 0x001032e4, -- "Hubert proposed to help the witcher
perform an autopsy on the serial killer's latest victim, which revealed valuable
new clues.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When player discovers Hubert is the murderer and kills him",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When player discovers Hubert is the murderer and
kills him",
index = 3,
description = 0x001032e5, -- "Rejk might have succeeded in shifting the
blame to another suspect if not for the witcher's perspicacity. Geralt had already
figured out Rejk was the true murderer, but was shocked to learn he was also a
powerful vampire.<br><br>Luckily Geralt had considerable experience and a honed
skill set to draw on for fighting such a creature. He killed the beast and ended
his twisted moral crusade.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "When player thinks Nataniel was the murderer and then finds a
letter from Hubert in the morgue",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When player thinks Nataniel was the murderer and then
finds a letter from Hubert in the morgue",
index = 4,
description = 0x001032e6, -- "When it turned out Rejk had been behind
the murders from the very start, Geralt could only curse his short-sightedness and
stupidity. It was too late to repair his earlier mistakes. The crazed fanatic
escaped justice and left to continue his sick moral crusade elsewhere.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/imlerith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Imlerith",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Imlerith",
children = {
name = 0x00102be0, -- "Imlerith"
image = "journal_imlerith.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Po replacerze, jak Ciri ucieka od wiedźm (koniec q105)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po replacerze, jak Ciri ucieka od wiedzm (koniec
q105) 84D5F955-47AE9C6C-5F4C6CAB-395815C5",
description = 0x00102be1, -- "Imlerith - a general of the Wild Hunt and
a frequent guest in Geralt's nightmares - had been chasing Ciri for quite some
time, striving to deliver her to his ruler, Eredin.<br><br>This powerful and brutal
warrior had fought in the countless battles and campaigns for conquest waged by the
Aen Elle in other worlds. He prized physical confrontation above all else, seeking
out direct, bloody skirmishes where opponents pit their strength, agility and
training against each other in a contest to the death.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po bitwie w Kaer Morhen",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po bitwie w Kaer Morhen F3ED87A4-4AD167A2-94EED3A6-
index = 1,
description = 0x00102be2, -- "Imlerith attacked Kaer Morhen along with
the rest of the Hunt. There the keep's defenders witnessed heart-wrenching proof of
this warrior's dangerous might. Vesemir, who had spent most of his long life with a
sword in his hand, heroically stood to fight this foe but, to everyone's great
despair, was bested after a bloody and hard-fought confrontation and perished at
this monster's hands.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ciri postanawia zabić Imleritha (q110)",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ciri postanawia zabic Imleritha (q110) 4525278F-
index = 2,
description = 0x00102be3, -- "Regardless of race or birth, most warriors
share common desires and delights. Imlerith was no exception. Avallac'h informed
Ciri that he was wont to wallow in corporeal pleasures and would take advantage of
his stay in our world to attend the Crones' sabbath.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Po zabiciu Imleritha",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po zabiciu Imleritha D0056218-45A664E7-4F9BACA0-
index = 3,
description = 0x00102bec, -- "Geralt and Ciri thus decided to meet him
there and engage him in a final confrontation. Geralt won this battle, killing
Imlerith and thus avenging the death of his master, Vesemir.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/irinarenarde.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Irina Renarde",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Irina Renarde",
children = {
name = 0x00102bc8, -- "Irina Renarde"
image = "journal_irina.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Priscilla mówi Geraltowi o Irinie (q305)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Priscilla m?mleritha D0056218-45A664E7-4F9BACA0-
description = 0x00102bc9, -- "Irina Renarde's vast experience in the
performing arts had made her not just the informal leader of the mummers' troupe
known as the Foxen, but its brightest star as well. This talented artist was famous
for her brilliant performances as the leading lady in both comedies and
tragedies.<br><br>Her performance in such acclaimed plays as "Love in a Time of
Contempt," "The Barber of Kovir" and "Seven Brides for Seven Emperors" had made her
name well-known to any with even a modicum of interest in culture and the

-- gameplay/journal/characters/janek.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Janek",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Janek",
children = {
name = 0x001028ce, -- "Johnny"
image = "journal_yanek.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Dzieci z wioski wiedźm mówią Geraltowi o Janku",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dzieci z wioski wiedzm m?6218-45A664E7-4F9BACA0-
description = 0x001028cf, -- "When the children in the swamp clearing
first told Geralt about Johnny, the witcher had every reason to suppose no such
person actually existed. It was difficult to imagine anyone living in such
inhospitable surroundings without quickly becoming food for drowners or water
hags.<br><br>Geralt thus suspected Johnny was the figment of childish imaginations,
an imaginary friend for lonely orphans. Long years of experience, however, told him
not to ignore any possible lead, so he decided to search the nearby swampland for
any additional signs of Johnny.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt spotyka niemego Janka",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt spotyka niemego Janka 04D128B4-454CF61F-
index = 1,
description = 0x001028dd, -- "It turned out the orphans were not lying -
Johnny really did exist. He was not a human child but a godling, one of a rare
breed of creatures that can be found scattered about the Continent's
wildernesses.<br><br>Unfortunately Johnny had lost his voice in circumstances he
obviously could not explain, and so neither could he provide much in the way of
answers to Geralt's questions.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt pomógł Jankowi odzyskać mowę",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt pom?yka niemego Janka 04D128B4-454CF61F-
index = 2,
description = 0x001028de, -- "Once Geralt had helped him regain his
voice, however, he talked up a veritable storm, giving the lie to all the tales of
these legendary beings' supposed shyness. Johnny also agreed to convince Gran to
put Geralt in touch with the Ladies of the Wood.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Po uwolnieniu dzieci",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po uwolnieniu dzieci 9AA263C3-4525FE0D-3152DE94-
index = 3,
description = 0x001028df, -- "I know from personal experience that a
good heart, noble reflexes and the wrong word at the wrong time can get a fellow in
all sorts of trouble. Johnny learned this as well when he tried to intercede on
Gran's behalf with the Crones and succeeded only in attracting their wrath.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Janek na sabacie z Sarą",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Janek na sabacie z Sara 96FA9929-45256580-57A5AFBC-
index = 4,
description = 0x001028e0, -- "Geralt had thought his and Johnny's paths
would never cross again, but fate had other plans. When he and Ciri arrived at the
Crones' sabbath they ran into Johnny. He was with Sarah, another Godling Geralt
knew from a previous adventure in Novigrad.<br><br>The witchers learned both
godlings had received an offer they couldn't refuse from the Crones and, willing or
not, would have to attend the sabbath. They had no intention of tarrying there
long, however, and when the first opportunity arrived they seized it and left that
filth-ridden place. Before they did, Johnny told Geralt and Ciri what to do to gain
access to the peak of the mountain, where Imlerith himself was celebrating the dark

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Janek na sabacie sam",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Janek na sabacie sam EE284FEE-42662406-ECA9598D-
index = 5,
description = 0x001028e1, -- "Geralt had thought his and Johnny's paths
would never cross again, but fate had other plans. When he and Ciri arrived at the
Crones' sabbath they ran into Johnny. It seemed the godling had received an offer
he couldn't refuse from the Crones and, willing or not, would have to attend the
sabbath. He had no intention of tarrying there long, however, and when the first
opportunity arrived he seized it and left that filth-ridden place.<br><br>Before he
did, Johnny told Geralt and Ciri what to do to gain access to the peak of the
mountain, where Imlerith himself was celebrating the dark feast.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/joachim.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Joachim",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Joachim",
children = {
name = 0x001032e7, -- "Joachim von Gratz"
image = "journal_joachim.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Joachim met for the 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Joachim met for the 1st time",
description = 0x001032e8, -- "We met Joachim von Gratz, chief surgeon at
Vilmerius Hospital, in very unfortunate circumstances. My Priscilla had been
attacked and he was tending to her wounds.<br><br>I must admit I was so shaken I
hardly remember our first meeting, save that he was a cool-headed doctor who seemed
to know a great deal about the previous murders and offered his help investigating
the matter.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Added if Joachim showed his scar during the first conversation",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Added if Joachim showed his scar during the first
index = 1,
description = 0x001032e9, -- "It seemed the surgeon was no stranger to
violence, for he bore a formidable scar worthy of a veteran of the Battle of

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After going throught the sewers with Joachim",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After going throught the sewers with Joachim",
index = 2,
description = 0x001032ea, -- "Geralt also noted that Von Gratz seemed
quite experienced at navigating the sewers and fighting the monsters dwelling
within it.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After talking with Hubert Rejk, without asking about the
relationship between the two",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking with Hubert Rejk, without asking about
the relationship between the two",
index = 3,
description = 0x001032eb, -- "It was hard not to notice that Joachim von
Gratz did not care much for the city coroner, Hubert Rejk, who dropped in
unexpectedly on Geralt and the doctor at the morgue.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After talking with Hubert Rejk, when asked about the relationship
between the two",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking with Hubert Rejk, when asked about the
relationship between the two",
index = 4,
description = 0x001032ec, -- "It was hard not to notice that Joachim von
Gratz did not care much for the city coroner, Hubert Rejk, who dropped in
unexpectedly on Geralt and the doctor at the morgue. When asked why, von Gratz
explained that, thirty years earlier, Hubert had denounced him to the authorities
for his political activities.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After talking to Hubert Rejk for the 2nd time, if asked about
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Hubert Rejk for the 2nd time, if
asked about Joachim",
index = 5,
description = 0x001032ed, -- "The coroner confirmed what his former
student claimed, yet added an additional detail - he had made his denunciation only
after von Gratz's activities had resulted in several deaths.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "When players fails q309 and finds the last victim",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When players fails q309 and finds the last victim",
index = 6,
description = 0x001032ee, -- "In the end von Gratz was eliminated as a
suspect, but like Geralt he had to admit defeat in his attempts to outwit the
psychopathic murderer.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/karlvarese.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Karl "Tasak" Varese",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tasak",
children = {
name = 0x00102b3f, -- "Cleaver"
image = "journal_varese.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się o Tasaku (początek q302 lub q303)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje sie o Tasaku (poczatek q302 lub
q303) D7B37E4F-4DA9130B-AE5DCC8C-43817ECA",
description = 0x00102b40, -- "A joke circulates about the back alleys
and seedy taverns of Novigrad. It claims the dwarf Carlo Varese, one of the four
leading lights of the local criminal strata, was, in his own way, a fierce
proponent of racial coexistence. He applied this principle in a somewhat selective
fashion, however.<br><br>Cleaver firmly felt that, as an assimilated dwarven
resident of the city of Novigrad, he had every right to run his own business.
Anyone who had a problem with the way he ran it or with the nature of his dealings
- be they dwarf, human or halfling - revealed themselves a vile racist. And what
was the only fitting thing to do with such scum? Why, feed them to a herd of
ferociously hungry hogs – right after he sliced off their fingers with his namesake
cleaver. Naturally, such tales could very well have been mere rumor and slander –
but very few had the courage to test their veracity.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt poznaje Tasaka",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt poznaje Tasaka 09091C3C-4D311CD4-B15D3BBF-
index = 1,
description = 0x00102b41, -- "Cleaver was famed for his hot temper. What
boiled his blood hottest of all, however, were folk who thought they could pull one
over on him.<br><br>No wonder, then, that the attack by Whoreson's thugs riled him
somewhat. The violent tirade he directed at Wiley clearly contained not idle
threats but promises he meant to keep, even if doing so meant leaving half a
district of the city in ruins.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/keira.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Keira",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keira",
children = {
name = 0x00103396, -- "Keira Metz"
image = "journal_keira.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Keira met for the 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Keira met for the 1st time",
description = 0x00103398, -- "Geralt first met Keira Metz when she
literally dropped on top of him out of nowhere. During the infamous coup on Thanedd
Island, Keira was defenestrated and nearly landed right on the witcher's head. The
next time Geralt saw her, in the swamps of Velen, was shocking in a different way -
the luxury-loving sorceress was the last person he expected to see in such a grim
and barren place.<br> <br>Geralt later learned the reason for this, and Keira's
fate gave him ample fodder for contemplating the cruel whimsies of the wheel of
fortune. Once the esteemed advisor to the now late King Foltest, she had been
chased out of Temeria when she lost that ruler's trust. Later she joined the Lodge
of Sorceresses, which earned her the hatred of Redania's king and Nilfgaard's
emperor alike. Because of this, she had gone deep undercover, posing as a cunning
woman, a village witch of sorts, deep in the Velen boondocks. It was not at all
difficult to tell that she despised every minute of this.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "q104 began",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104 began",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103399, -- "Keira quickly seized on the witcher as an
impromptu assistant. In return for showing him where a certain mysterious elf
dwelled, she asked Geralt to help her retrieve a magic lamp from the nearby elven

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "q106 began",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q106 began",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010339b, -- "Keira then asked Geralt for another favor:
lifting the curse from the tower on Fyke Isle. Curses and favors being what Geralt
does best, he obliged.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After sq101, part 1- if Keira and Geralt had sex",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After sq101, part 1 - if Keira and Geralt had sex",
index = 3,
description = 0x001033a1, -- "Keira had never stopped longing for the
luster of life at a royal court. Thatch-roofed huts could hardly compare to elegant
ballrooms and palace gardens. One day she decided to organize an interlude from
Velen's grim atmosphere by treating herself to a sumptuous meal.<br><br>Acquiring
the refined ingredients proved less trouble than finding an appropriate dinner
partner - that is, until Geralt showed up. The witcher gladly accepted the
sorceress' invitation -and continued saying yes all evening.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After sq101, part 1 - if Geralt and Keira didnt have sex",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After sq101, part 1- if Geralt and Keira didnt have
sex - part",
index = 4,
description = 0x001033a2, -- "Keira had never stopped longing for the
luster of life at a royal court. Thatch-roofed huts could hardly compare to elegant
ballrooms and palace gardens. One day she decided to organize an interlude from
Velen's grim atmosphere by treating herself to a sumptuous meal.<br><br>Acquiring
the refined ingredients proved less trouble than finding an appropriate dinner
partner - that is, until Geralt showed up. The witcher gladly accepted the
sorceress' invitation for dinner - but, showing unusual restraint, turned down her
other, decidedly unambiguous propositions.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After sq101, part 2",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After sq101, part 2",
index = 5,
description = 0x001033a6, -- "Sadly, an evening that started out so
nicely ended quite unfortunately for the witcher. Keira put him to sleep with a
secretly-cast spell. Clearly, she wanted to hide something from him…<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "After q109, part 1",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q109, part 1",
index = 6,
description = 0x001033a8, -- "It turned out that Keira had played the
witcher like a well-tuned harp, strumming all the right chords to keep him occupied
while she stole the mage Alexander's notes from Fyke Isle. She was planning to use
the notes as a bargaining chip while making a deal with Radovid. His plague
research could be her ticket back to life without lice, ticks and omnipresent

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "After q109, part 2 - if Geralt lets Keira go",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q109, part 2 - if Geralt lets Keira go",
index = 7,
description = 0x001033aa, -- "Though her planned move was as stupid as
it was risky, Keira was deaf to all Geralt's arguments. In the end he had to admit
he had no right to stop her, and so Keira left, taking Alexander's notes with

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "After q109, part 2 - if Geralt convinces Keira to come to Kaer
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q109, part 2 - if Geralt convinces Keira to
come to Kaer Morhen",
index = 8,
description = 0x001033ac, -- "In the end Geralt succeeded in squelching
Keira's mad plan to bargain with a man whose favorite negotiating tools were red-
hot pincers and burning pyres. Keira changed her destination from Oxenfurt to the
decidedly safer confines of Kaer Morhen.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "After q109, part 2 - if Geralt kills Keira",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q109, part 2 - if Geralt kills Keira",
index = 9,
description = 0x001033ae, -- "Keira was determined to get her way, but
Geralt could not allow her to carry out her plans. Both refused to budge, leading
to a fight in which Keira Metz lost her life.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "After q403, if Keira saves Lambert",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q403, if Keira saves Lambert",
index = 10,
description = 0x001033b1, -- "During the battle for Kaer Morhen Keira
fought bravely against Eredin's minions and saved Lambert from certain death.<br>"

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "When Geralt learns Keira and Lambert are together",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt learns Keira and Lambert are together",
index = 11,
description = 0x001033b4, -- "Later it turned out that fighting side by
side had forged a bond between Keira and Lambert and they decided to continue
developing it after the battle was over. This confirmed my theory that witchers and
sorceresses clearly share some mystical mutual attraction.<br>"

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "When Geralt completes q109 and finds out Keira was killed by
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt completes q109 and finds out Keira was
killed by Radovid",
index = 12,
description = 0x001033b5, -- "Sadly the sorceress' desperate plans fell
apart in the face of Radovid's cruel madness. Keira Metz shared the unhappy fate of
so many of her fellow mages and was executed on Radovid's orders.<br>"

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "When Geralt didnt complete q109 and finds out Keira was killed by
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt didnt complete q109 and finds out Keira
was killed by Radovid",
index = 13,
description = 0x001033c0, -- "Geralt never found out why Keira had cast
that spell, nor why she had expressed such an interest in Fyke Isle. Her execution,
however, gave indisputable proof that her plan, whatever it was, ended in

-- gameplay/journal/characters/krolzebrakow.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Franciszek Bedlam "Król Żebraków"",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Franciszek Bedlam "Kr?E284FEE-426",
children = {
name = 0x00102b5e, -- "Francis Bedlam, the King of Beggars"
image = "journal_bedlam.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się o Królu Żebraków (q301)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje sie o Kr? q109 and finds out Keira
was killed by Radovid",
description = 0x00102b5f, -- "The Free City of Novigrad had known no
king's rule for nearly two hundred years. Francis Bedlam surely had this fact in
mind when he anointed himself the King of Beggars, a title that mocked the
pomposity of crowned heads while simultaneously stealing a bit of said pomp for
itself. Bedlam was a pragmatic man, a trait of great use in his profession, which
involved managing a network of thieves, beggars, tramps and street urchins that
trickled through every part of the city.<br><br>His contacts provided him with the
freshest gossip and tastiest morsels of information, and the cut he took of his
"subjects'" earnings guaranteed a sizeable income for the maintenance of his
"court" in the Putrid Grove.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt poznaje Króla Żebraków w q301",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt poznaje Kr?ie o Kr? q109 and finds out Keira
was killed by Radovi",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102b60, -- "Francis despised fanaticism and prejudice
in equal measure, which meant that mages fleeing the witch hunters' pincers often
turned to him for protection."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/lambert.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Lambert",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lambert",
children = {
name = 0x0010330c, -- "Lambert"
image = "journal_lambert.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After seeing Lambert in prologue",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After seeing Lambert in prologue",
description = 0x0010330d, -- "The youngest among the witchers of Kaer
Morhen, and perhaps the last ever trained within its walls, by the start of our
tale Lambert had proven his chops many times over, having hunted down many a mighty
beast and traversed nearly all the Continent's realms several times
over.<br><br>Yet he had also developed a reputation for arrogance and sardonic
humor, and his gruff and at times excessively blunt manner could irritate even his
fellow witchers of the School of the Wolf. Whatever his vices, it went without
saying that Lambert would brave the fires of any hell for his companions.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking to Lambert at the elemental shrine in q401",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Lambert at the elemental shrine in
index = 1,
description = 0x0010330e, -- "If destiny truly chooses which boys become
witchers, then in Lambert’s case it had made a twisted, cruel choice. After hearing
his story, Geralt had to admit that Lambert had every reason to be unenthused about
the lot fate had granted him.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After sq106 completed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After sq106 completed",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010330f, -- "A chance encounter of two witchers hunting
the same ekimmara turned into a tale of old friendship, murder and vengeance. The
moral of the story? Don't mess with Lambert.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After q403. Lambert helped in the defense and then...",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q403. Lambert helped in the defense and
index = 3,
description = 0x00103310, -- "Though Lambert made no secret of his
hatred for Kaer Morhen, when the time came to stand in its defense, he did so
without a second thought.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "...and died fighting",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "...and died fighting",
index = 4,
description = 0x00103311, -- "Sadly, during the battle Lambert found
himself overwhelmed by enemy forces. Relief came too late and he was cut down by
the Wild Hunt's warriors.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "...and was saved by Geralt",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "...and was saved by Geralt",
index = 5,
description = 0x00103312, -- "During this battle he came within a hair’s
breadth of losing his life. Luckily, Geralt arrived in the nick of time and
together they held back his attackers.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "...and was sacd by Keira",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "...and was sacd by Keira",
index = 6,
description = 0x00103313, -- "During this battle, he came within a
hair’s breadth of losing his life. Luckily Keira arrived in the nick of time and
together they held back his attackers.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "If Lambert and Keira together",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Lambert and Keira together",
index = 7,
description = 0x00103314, -- "It just might be that Lambert and Keira’s
later (and somewhat unexpected) relationship came about as a result of that moment,
when they fought for survival at each other’s side. It is also possible it was a
simple matter of two attractive people taking a liking to each other. At any rate,
only time could tell what would become of the couple.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/letho.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Letho",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Letho",
children = {
name = 0x0010362f, -- "Letho"
image = "journal_letho.png",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt spotyka Letho (sq102)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt spotyka Letho (sq102) 89FB5A0A-4807D8EF-
description = 0x00103630, -- "Some friends you see after many years
apart and you immediately develop a headache. Not out of antipathy, but as a
somatic premonition of the hangover sure to follow your drunken reunion. Seeing
others, however, gives you an itching pain in your back and a desire to reach for
your blade.<br><br>For Geralt, Letho of Gulet had a foot in both of these camps.
This renegade witcher of the School of the Viper had the blood of at least two
Nordling kings on his hands, the fruit of his cooperation with Nilfgaard's emperor,
Emhyr var Emreis. Accused of these crimes, Geralt was forced to chase down Letho to
clear his own name. Though both walked away from their final confrontation in the
ruins of Loc Muinne alive and unharmed, Geralt did not think he would ever see
Letho again.<br><br>It thus came as quite a shock when he happened across Letho in
a barn loft somewhere in the war-ravaged Temerian borderlands.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt nie pomaga Letho",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt nie pomaga Letho 97467A8A-466B7AD1-FCA92A94-
index = 1,
description = 0x00103631, -- "It turned out Letho's former employer was
less than satisfied with his performance and had set a variety of blood hounds on
his trail. In these circumstances, the presence of another witcher to guard his
back was more than welcome. Geralt, however, could not shake the bad taste left in
his mouth by their prior interactions and went his own way, leaving Letho to clean
up his own mess.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt pomaga Letho",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt pomaga Letho 714701C9-4BAD6DCB-03F47999-
index = 2,
description = 0x00103632, -- "It turned out Letho's former employer was
less than satisfied with his performance and had set a variety of blood hounds on
his trail. In these circumstances, the presence of another witcher to guard his
back was more than welcome. Geralt remembered the care Letho had given Yennefer
and, in a show of solidarity, decided to help his former companion deal with his

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt zabija niedoszłych zabójców Letho",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt zabija niedoszlych zab?BAD6DCB-03F47999-
index = 3,
description = 0x00103633, -- "In order to shake the hounds off his
trail, Letho had decided on a risky maneuver – faking his own death. His plan would
have worked perfectly, too, had Geralt's hero reflexes not been a tad overstrung,
causing him to butcher any and all witnesses who might have spread the news.<br>"
chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Geralt puszcza wolno niedoszłych zabójców Letho",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt puszcza wolno niedoszlych zab?-03F47999-
index = 4,
description = 0x00103634, -- "In order to shake the hounds off his
trail, Letho had decided on a risky maneuver – faking his own death. Although
Geralt had no forewarning of this, he improvised with aplomb and sent Letho's
pursuers off convinced they had rid the world of a kingslayer.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Letho odjeżdża - koniec historii",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Letho odjezdza - koniec historii 689F53A9-42E5F845-
index = 5,
description = 0x00103635, -- "After that, there was nothing more for
Letho to do but disappear. He and Geralt shared a brief farewell and then went
their separate ways once more.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Geralt zaprasza Letho do KM",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt zaprasza Letho do KM 7B080E1C-444D4315-
index = 6,
description = 0x00103636, -- "After that, there was nothing more for
Letho to do but disappear. Geralt proposed he hide out at Kaer Morhen for a while,
and after a bit of thought Letho agreed.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Po bitwie w KM",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po bitwie w KM 395ED74B-4593A689-947DA1B5-BDB45673",
index = 7,
description = 0x00103637, -- "Though some of Geralt's companions did not
extend Letho a very warm welcome, the decision to invite him to Kaer Morhen proved
wiser than Geralt could have known. During the battle against the Wild Hunt Letho
proved his courage and valor while contributing to the victory over the Red

-- gameplay/journal/characters/lugosmad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "LugosMad",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "LugosMad",
children = {
name = 0x001030ff, -- "Madman Lugos"
image = "journal_lugosmad.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "First entry - when met - LugosMad",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First entry - when met - LugosMad",
description = 0x00103100, -- "Though Madman Lugos, jarl of Clan
Drummond, was nothing special in terms of size or strength, most men in the isles
still stepped aside when they saw him coming. Eternally feuding with his neighbors,
Lugos had a reputation for a furious and violent temper and managed to get into
shouting matches with even the usually-placid Donar an Hindar.<br><br>Yet Lugos'
biggest rival was Crach an Craite, whom he accused of stealing part of his domain
(which in his reckoning encompassed all of Ard Skellig). The clans' quarrel went
back hundreds of years and there was nothing to indicate it would end while these
two fierce enemies lived. Lugos hated Crach with a passion dampened only by the
laws of Skellige and the disproportionate balance of power between the two

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "If Lugos the Mad dies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Lugos the Mad dies",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103101, -- "Seeing his own son die and Crach an
Craite's child take the throne of Skellige proved too much for Lugos to bear.
Enraged and embittered, he refused to listen to reason and attacked the witcher,
thus picking a fight that could only end one way."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/luizalavalette.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Luiza la Valette",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Luiza la Valette",
children = {
name = 0x00102bce, -- "Louisa la Valette"
image = "journal_luisa.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt przeczytał pamiętnik Jaskra, dowiedział się o Molly
(początek q304)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt przeczytal pamietnik Jaskra, dowiedzial sie o
Molly (poczatek q304) A776338C-424587DA-50B881BF-EABAFE56",
description = 0x00102bcf, -- "Baroness Maria Louisa la Valette was the
talk of Temeria in her time. This noblewoman had been King Foltest's mistress and
even bore him two illegitimate children.<br><br>This caused quite the scandal and
prompted several notable families to take up arms in revolt, only to be bloodily
crushed by the king's forces, who took La Valette Castle during a hard-fought

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "[save] Arjan nie żyje",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[save] Arjan nie zyje B51F658D-48FC8792-8D8A53B7-
index = 1,
description = 0x00102bd0, -- "Sadly, this siege led to the death of the
baroness' eldest son. Sword in hand he had fought to defend his mother's honor but
fell to Geralt of Rivia, who was with King Foltest at the time.<br><br>No one could
blame Louisa la Valette for harboring a deep-seated hatred for the witcher, a
hatred which became quite apparent the next time they crossed paths.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "[save] Arjan żyje",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[save] Arjan zyje 6975D2D8-4493A6DA-73F068B6-
index = 2,
description = 0x00102bd3, -- "To the baroness' good fortune Geralt of
Rivia was with King Foltest at the time and saved her son Aryan from the fate that
otherwise would have been his for having participated in the revolt.<br><br>Louisa
la Valette thus had every reason to think quite highly of the witcher and her
esteem became quite apparent the next time they crossed paths."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/maincharacters.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Main Characters",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Main Characters 7C39D9E7-447BC331-58B409B4-09C9A75D",

-- gameplay/journal/characters/margarita.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Margarita Laux-Antille",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Margarita Laux-Antille",
children = {
name = 0x00102b8d, -- "Margarita Laux-Antille"
image = "journal_margarita.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt i reszta postanawiają zebrać Lożę lub gracz robi sq z
Filippą i dowiaduje się o planach zwołania Loży",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt i reszta postanawiaja zebrac Loze lub gracz
robi sq z Filippa i dowiaduje sie o planach zwolania Lozy 81DE4D45-4FD55C41-
description = 0x00102bb0, -- "The full list of Margarita Laux-Antille's
outstanding mental, spiritual and physical attributes would consume a mountain of
parchment. Rita, as her friends called her, once held the position of rector at the
Aretuza Academy for Sorceresses on the Isle of Thanedd - the same school attended
by her famous ancestor, Ilona Laux-Antille.<br><br>Quite unusually for one of her
profession, Margarita showed no interest in politics - it was only care for the
good of her school that led her to join the Lodge of Sorceresses.<br><br>Finally,
her beauty deserves mention as well. It was said that not even the marble
likenesses of goddesses and nymphs chiseled out by the greatest sculptors could
rival this sorceress' figure.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się, że Margarita jest w więzieniu (q310)",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje sie, ze Margarita jest w wiezieniu
(q310) 96D17294-48A3080F-A863B399-268DD631",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102bbd, -- "Yet with all her astuteness Laux-Antille
still could not escape the same fate that so many of her fellows met. She had been
arrested some time before our tale begins and was staying in the Oxenfurt prison,
awaiting a summary and pre-determined trial.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt i Yen wyciągają Margaritę z więzienia",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt i Yen wyciagaja Margarite z wiezienia
index = 2,
description = 0x00102bbe, -- "Only Geralt and Yennefer's daring
jailbreak saved Margarita from certain execution.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/menge.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Menge",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Menge",
children = {
name = 0x00102b70, -- "Caleb Menge"
image = "journal_menge.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt wchodzi do Novigradu, widzi stosy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt wchodzi do Novigradu, widzi stosy 1C33163A-
description = 0x00102b88, -- "In those days rampant persecution and the
smoke of a hundred pyres choked Novigrad's air. This grim climate provided cover in
which a great many bloody butchers built comfortable nests for themselves. Drummed-
up conspiracies, mass arrests and show trials resulting in group executions were
the favorite building blocks.<br><br>Caleb Menge, the fanatically ambitious
commander of the Church of the Eternal Fire's Temple Guard, was one such
opportunist, his moment of triumph coming when he unmasked his superior, the former
Temple Guard commander Chappelle, as a doppler in disguise.<br><br>Geralt first saw
Menge lighting Chappelle's pyre in Novigrad's main square and had no doubt that,
for this man, the appellation "fanatical whoreson" was too mild by far.<br><br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geratl dowiaduje się, że Jaskra porwał Menge",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geratl dowiaduje sie, ze Jaskra porwal Menge
index = 1,
description = 0x00102b89, -- "Which is why I was not pleased - to say
the least - when an unfortunate turn of events led to my capture by the agents of
this vile man.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt i Triss postanawiają iść do Mengego",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt i Triss postanawiaja isc do Mengego 717C96D8-
index = 2,
description = 0x00102b8a, -- "The paranoid executioner never set foot
outside his fortified headquarters without a crowd of armed guards to accompany
him. Knowing my life was on the line, my friends decided to pursue a risky plan to
infiltrate Menge's offices - their only hope for a face-to-face meeting with the

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt zabija Mengego",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt zabija Mengego 7B169774-4759DC72-495BA987-
index = 3,
description = 0x00102b8b, -- "Upon closer acquaintance, Menge only
confirmed Geralt's initial impression of his bestiality. Luckily the witcher's
blade ended this madman's life and rid the world of one the more hideous monsters
ever to walk its surface.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Triss zabija Mengego",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Triss zabija Mengego B88EBAA5-49E4E545-E65579B5-
index = 4,
description = 0x00102b8c, -- "Menge only confirmed Geralt's initial
impression of his bestiality upon closer acquaintance. Luckily Triss' dagger ended
this madman's life and rid the world of one the more hideous monsters to ever walk
its surface.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/mousesack.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Mousesack",
order = 4294967290,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mousesack",
children = {
name = 0x00102f89, -- "Ermion"
image = "journal_mousesack.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Mousesack met 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Mousesack met 1st time",
description = 0x00103070, -- "Most druids in Skellige differ from the
deeply-rooted Continental stereotype of a graybearded old man in white robes bowing
before sacred oaks, taming wyverns and pestering local lords with petitions to add
yet another species to the list of protected beasts. Ermion, Geralt's old
acquaintance, was no exception in this regard.<br><br>This stiff-bearded, spindly
man was the leader of the Druids' Circle in Skellige. He was also Jarl Crach an
Craite's advisor on matters of magic and the mystical, as well as on any and all
issues requiring more refinement than a well-timed uppercut or a hard-swung
axe.<br><br>Ermion was known to be obstinate and to have a tendency, quite rare in
Skellige, to consider all possible consequences of a particular course of action
before it was undertaken. All this meant that conversing with him demanded a
considerable amount of time and patience.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After the row with Mousesack in q203",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After the row with Mousesack in q203",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103072, -- "Given all this, one can hardly be
surprised that Yennefer and Geralt's "rash" and "highly irresponsible" actions
regarding the magic anomaly - stealing a priceless artifact from a private chamber
being first among them - put Ermion quite out of sorts.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Mousesack agrees to help in q403",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Mousesack agrees to help in q403",
index = 2,
description = 0x00103073, -- "However, despite his difficult character
and his somewhat testy relationship with Geralt, Ermion agreed at once to travel to
Kaer Morhen and help defend Ciri from the Wild Hunt's forces.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "If Mousesack and Geralt fight with Lugos",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Mousesack and Geralt fight with Lugos",
index = 3,
description = 0x00103079, -- "When persuasion and reason failed, Ermion
would, as a last resort, turn to violence - and then he became a foe to be reckoned
with.<br><br>Madman Lugos found this out personally when, in a fit of rage, he
attacked Ermion and Geralt. As they had in the past, witcher and druid stood side
by side and fought a common enemy."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/mysteriouself.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MysteriousElf",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MysteriousElf",
children = {
name = 0x00102ec5, -- "The Mysterious Elf"
image = "journal_mysteriouself.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "If mysterious elf seen 1st time in NML",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If mysterious elf seen 1st time in NML",
description = 0x00102f27, -- "It turned out not only Geralt was looking
for Cirilla. Also on her trail – a mysterious elven mage. Like the witcher, he had
gone to Keira Metz to inquire after Ciri's whereabouts. During this conversation he
also revealed that he kept a hideout in the ruins near the village of

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After exploring ruins in q104 if NML the 1st trace",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After exploring ruins in q104 if NML the 1st trace",
index = 1,
description = 0x00102f28, -- "Geralt decided to follow up on this lead.
Though he was not able to establish the mysterious mage's identity, he did learn
that he had been traveling with Cirilla some time before and the Wild Hunt was
after him as well.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "If the magical cataclysm investigated after NML",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If the magical cataclysm investigated after NML",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102f63, -- "Geralt's investigation in Skellige
unearthed evidence that the mysterious elven mage had protected Ciri from certain
death at the hands of the Wild Hunt's warriors.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "If mysterious elf seen on Skellige 1st time",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If mysterious elf seen on Skellige 1st time",
index = 3,
description = 0x00102f64, -- "As expected, the investigation Geralt and
Yennefer conducted in Skellige unearthed valuable information about Ciri. Most
interesting of all, they learned Ciri had not fled the Wild Hunt alone, but in the
company of a mysterious elven mage.<br><br>It was only thanks to his intervention
that Ciri was able to slip out of the ghastly riders' grasp.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "If Velen trace investigated after Skellige",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Velen trace investigated after Skellige",
index = 4,
description = 0x00102f65, -- "Geralt learned that Ciri and her
mysterious companion were separated upon arrival in Velen. Like Geralt, the mage
had gone to Keira Metz and inquired after Ciri's whereabouts. During this
conversation he also revealed that he kept a hideout in the ruins near the village
of Midcopse.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After exploring ruins in q104 if NML the 2nd trace",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After exploring ruins in q104 if NML the 2nd trace",
index = 5,
description = 0x00102f66, -- "Geralt decided to follow up on this lead.
Though he was not able to establish the mysterious mage's identity, the message the
elf had left made it clear he had known Cirilla for quite some time.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Skjalls testimony universal entry",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skjalls testimony universal entry",
index = 6,
description = 0x00102f67, -- "Skjall's words drew a new detail onto the
emerging picture of the mage. After the Wild Hunt's attack, Skjall had seen Ciri
and a mysterious elf sail away from Skellige, their course set for the high seas."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/nataniel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Nataniel",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Nataniel",
children = {
name = 0x00103123, -- "Nathaniel Pastodi"
image = "journal_nathanel.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Nataniel met for the 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Nataniel met for the 1st time",
description = 0x00103124, -- "Reverend Nathaniel, supervisor of the city
morgue and cleric of the Church of the Eternal Fire, was a man with a vile
character - and a stormy past. Before donning the frock he had served for years as
the city torturer.<br><br>One would be hard pressed to find a more inferior
candidate for a pastor than a former hangman - but, as the saying goes, in Novigrad
anything is possible.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "If Geralt kills Nataniel thinking hes the murderer",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Geralt kills Nataniel thinking hes the murderer",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103125, -- "To say that Geralt caught Nathaniel red-
handed would be an ill-considered pun. Nevertheless, the situation in which Geralt
found him clearly indicated this was the man behind the recent wave of killings and
so the witcher struck him down in a swift act of justice.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When after completing q309 Geralt finds another victim",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When after completing q309 Geralt finds another
index = 2,
description = 0x00103126, -- "Afterwards, however, a new victim's body
was found and Nathaniel's name was cleared - well, of the killings, that is, for
nothing could absolve this priest of his countless other sins."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Geralt concludes Nataniel was innocent...",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt concludes Nataniel was innocent...",
index = 3,
description = 0x00103127, -- "To say Geralt caught Nathaniel red-handed
would be an ill-considered pun. Yet though the situation Geralt found him in
clearly proved Nathaniel was a cruel sadist, it did not prove he was a serial
killer. Geralt kept a cool head and decided the priest was not the man he was

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "...and axiied him",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "...and axiied him",
index = 4,
description = 0x00103128, -- "Before leaving, though, he made sure the
degenerate would not hurt poor Nettie any more.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "...and kills him",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "...and kills him",
index = 5,
description = 0x00103129, -- "Nevertheless, Geralt still felt Nathaniel
deserved death. At times I have thought Geralt too eager to play judge, jury and
executioner - but this time, I took no issue with his actions."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "...and leaves",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "...and leaves",
index = 6,
description = 0x0010312a, -- "Not tarrying any further, Geralt raced off
to catch the true perpetrator."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/otrygg.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Otrygg",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Otrygg",
children = {
name = 0x00103107, -- "Otrygg an Hindar"
image = "journal_otrygg.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Otrygg met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Otrygg met",
description = 0x00103108, -- "Otrygg an Hindar, Jarl Donar's grandson
and heir, was the youngest of the claimants to Skellige's throne. He dreamed of the
heroic deeds and daring raids he would one day lead his subjects in

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When Otrygg dies in q206",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Otrygg dies in q206",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103109, -- "Otrygg never got to live out those dreams,
however. During the tragic feast that came to be known as the "Bloody Banquet" he
lost is life when a furious bear tore his flesh to small pieces."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/philippaeilhart.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Filippa Eilhart",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Filippa Eilhart",
children = {
name = 0x00103638, -- "Philippa Eilhart"
image = "journal_philipa.png",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Radowidem w q302",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Radowidem w q302 94D49945-4734CA86-
description = 0x00103639, -- "Philippa Eilhart, one-time advisor to King
Vizimir II, called the Just, member of the Council of Mages and later founder of
the Lodge of Sorceresses, had played a momentous part in the history of the world
as well as in Geralt's life.<br><br>There could be no denying her talent, yet
neither could one claim she did not also at times demonstrate sickly ambition. Very
trustworthy reports indicated she had had a hand in King Vizimir II's death, and,
as a member of the Lodge, was implicated in the murder of two other monarchs as
well - Demavend of Aedirn and Foltest of Temeria.<br><br>For this reason the one-
time "Jewel of the Court at Tretogor" was now a wanted woman, the quarry of special
forces from the North and Nilfgaard alike.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Zadanie od Radowida",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zadanie od Radowida 6376304B-4C030F1F-877E5687-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010363a, -- "Vizimir's son and successor, Radovid V,
was particularly eager to capture her. During their last encounter in Loc Muinne he
had had Philippa's eyes gouged out, yet she had fled and he wanted nothing more
than to stick the head of "Tretegor's Jewel" on a spike above the city gates.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z łowcami czarownic w sq302",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z lowcami czarownic w sq302 CBCA9566-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010363b, -- "Thanks to her mastery of the difficult art
of polymorphy, Philippa had been able to evade her pursuers by transforming into an
owl. Then she had holed up in a hideout outside Novigrad to wait out the

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Po odczytaniu kryształu z megaskopu",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po odczytaniu krysztalu z megaskopu D7154391-
index = 3,
description = 0x0010363d, -- "Everything seemed to indicate that
Philippa had not only been investigating magic cures to her lost vision, but had
also taken concrete steps towards the reactivation of the Lodge of Sorceresses. Her
current location, however, remained unknown.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Triss mówi o Pusi (q310)",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Triss m?taniu krysztalu z megaskopu D7154391-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010363e, -- "Imagine our surprise when we learned
Philippa had been right under our noses the whole time! During her flight from her
pursuers she had sought shelter with an old lover and fellow mage. He must've still
born a grudge, however, for he tricked her and imprisoned her in her owl form.
After the witch hunters carted him off, his house was plundered and the owl wound
up in the hands of… our dear friend Zoltan. Sadly Triss discovered this right after
Zoltan had lost the owl in a game of cards - meaning our search had to

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Po hydromancji",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po hydromancji 33B92F34-4F2608BE-CD1158AC-A0101D40",
index = 5,
description = 0x0010363f, -- "Philippa's new "owner"? Dijkstra. Was it a
coincidence that she was now in the hands of her spurned-ex-lover and hated enemy?
Triss certainly didn't think so, instead suspecting the former spy had woven a
gwent-centered web of subterfuge in order to settle some old scores.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Po uratowaniu Filippy",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po uratowaniu Filippy 219F242B-4D208DA6-C15477AA-
index = 6,
description = 0x00103640, -- "Luckily for Philippa, Geralt got things
under control and saved her from whatever delights Dijkstra was planning.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie Ciri z Lożą",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie Ciri z Loza F6B3EACA-4DBAAB1D-6CFF63B1-
index = 7,
description = 0x00103641, -- "Though the Lodge's prior actions were
highly controversial, Philippa stubbornly worked towards its reconstitution,
offering Ciri the chance to join it as a full and equal member.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Filippa zabija Radowida",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Filippa zabija Radowida 6E2EDBC2-44335AC3-2A25C3AF-
index = 8,
description = 0x00105ee7, -- "One can call historical justice the fact
that Philippa Eilhart, Radovid's old tutor, ended the crazed monarch's life. In
doing so she also exacted revenge for her blinding and the death and persecution of
her fellow mages, so many of whom had died in agony on Radovid's orders."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/priscilla.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Priscilla",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Priscilla",
children = {
name = 0x001032f3, -- "Priscilla"
image = "journal_priscilla.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After talking to Priscilla for the 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Priscilla for the 1st time",
description = 0x001032f4, -- "As a poet and a romantic, I have
immortalized in flowery verse the charms both corporeal and spiritual of many
women. Yet when I open my mouth to sing the praises of Priscilla, I find - hard as
this might be to conceive - that my throat constricts, words turn to meal in my
mouth, and all elaborate turns of speech seem artificial and empty when compared to
the natural beauty, talent, sensitivity and intellect nature has bestowed
her.<br><br>Priscilla (or Callonetta, the stage name under which she gained
artistic renown) was, around the time of our story's beginning, enjoying the last
stop on a triumphal tour of concerts that had taken her from the sumptuous courts
of Lan Exeter and Pont Vanis, through Tretogor and Caelf, finally bringing her to
the glorious city of Novigrad.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After finding Dudu",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After finding Dudu",
index = 1,
description = 0x001032f5, -- "Once he had found my Callonetta, Geralt
had an opportunity to witness first-hand her beauty and numerous talents - for it
was her fertile mind that birthed the play which then ingeniously lured out our
elusive doppler friend, Dudu.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After Priscilla injured in q308",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Priscilla injured in q308",
index = 2,
description = 0x001032f6, -- "News that Priscilla had fallen victim to a
brutal attack hit me like a landslide of avalanches. Why someone would possibly
want to harm such an innocent creature was a complete mystery to me.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After talking to von Gratz in q308",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to von Gratz in q308",
index = 3,
description = 0x001032f7, -- "Priscilla had been horribly wounded and
her life hung by a thread. Whoever had done this to her did not deserve to live on
this earth a moment longer.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After q308 completed",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q308 completed",
index = 4,
description = 0x001032f9, -- "In a miracle of skill and learning, the
brilliant surgeon Joachim von Gratz was able to save Priscilla and set her on the
long, hard road to recovery.<br><br>I have faith that, with the proper medical
attention, she will one day regain every beautiful texture to her voice and her
song will once more ring out from the Yaruga to the Blue Mountains. Furthermore,
having felt my heart tremble at the very thought of losing her, I have realized
that she is the true love of my life, the one with whom I wish to spend the rest of
my days."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/radovid.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Radovid",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Radovid",
children = {
name = 0x001032fa, -- "Radovid V the Stern"
image = "journal_radovid.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Radovid mentioned for the 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Radovid mentioned for the 1st time",
description = 0x001032fb, -- "It did not take long for King Radovid of
Redania to prove himself a hard and ruthless ruler, one fully deserving to be
styled "the Stern." His father, King Vizimir, was murdered when Radovid was quite
young, and his mother, Hedwig of Malleore, and a Regency Council ruled in his
stead.<br><br>Young Radovid soon seized power in his own right, however, and
wrought vengeance on those who had treated him with disrespect. He took to forcing
all his potential political opponents to swear allegiance – or face
death.<br><br>He waged war not only against Nilfgaard, but also against mages, whom
he saw as the root of all evil. Radovid also made every effort to gain control over
the Free City of Novigrad, whose fleet and treasury could tip the scales of the
ongoing conflict in his favor.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When met Radovid for the 1st time",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When met Radovid for the 1st time",
index = 1,
description = 0x001032fc, -- "Geralt's meeting with Radovid confirmed
the rumors circulating about the king's mental state. The Redanian monarch was a
dangerous madman trapped in his own world of disturbing visions. This did not make
him one jot less intelligent or cunning, however.<br><br>Despite his mental
afflictions, the young king was manipulating his opponents like a highly skilled
puppet master.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Radovid asks Geralt to catch Philippa Eilhart",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Radovid asks Geralt to catch Philippa Eilhart",
index = 2,
description = 0x001032fd, -- "Radovid burned with particularly intense
hostility (first kindled in his early childhood) for the sorceress Philippa
Eilhart. Rumors spoke of a special torture regimen he had prepared just for her.
And while the two dozen points they mentioned were surely an exaggeration, they
accurately conveyed the general scale of his hatred.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Geralt learns an assasination of Radovid is planned",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt learns an assasination of Radovid is
index = 3,
description = 0x001032fe, -- "The terror of Radovid's reign had led not
just his enemies, but also his allies and even his subjects to long for his

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "When Geralt helps in killing Radovid - sq315 begins",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt helps in killing Radovid",
index = 4,
description = 0x001032ff, -- "The phrase "monster in human flesh" fit
Radovid the Stern perfectly. Perhaps it was awareness of all the cruel and bestial
acts this madman perpetrated that led the witcher to get involved in the plans for
his assassination.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Początek zamachu - Geralt wywabia Radowida z okrętu",
order = 4244635646,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pocz?machu 0D20AF23-4FF50F9C-C2463091-3DCBB67D",
index = 5,
description = 0x00105f26, -- "Hatred for Philippa Eilhart proved to be
Radovid's weakness. He was ready to do anything to capture her - even abandon the
safe confines of his flagship.<br>"
chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Po zamachu",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po zamachu 0D20AF23-4FF50F9C-C2463091-3DCBB67D",
index = 6,
description = 0x00105f27, -- "The plan for luring Radovid out of hiding
worked, though not without complications. Irritated by Geralt's typical cheek,
Radovid brayed for the witcher's blood, and Geralt only dodge the executioner's axe
thanks to the intervention of his co-conspirators.<br><br>Perhaps the delay this
caused was what allowed the ruler to nearly escape his assassins, but in the end he
could not cheat fate and died at the hands of Philippa Eilhart, who descended
suddenly, a veritable demon of vengeance, to revenge the wrongs he had done her."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/roche.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Vernon Roche",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vernon Roche F68635A3-439734F3-5A7A3D80-9B3E24EC",
children = {
name = 0x00105efa, -- "Vernon Roche"
image = "journal_roche.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Po pierwszym spotkaniu z Rochem",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po pierwszym spotkaniu z Rochem 4CE052E6-48CA0A5F-
description = 0x00105efb, -- "As commander of Temerian Special Forces -
an elite squadron known also as the "Blue Stripes" - Vernon Roche had been one of
King Foltest's most trusted subordinates. Time and time again Roche had proved
himself loyal, effective and a thorough professional. Few could match his skill at
subduing revolts, fighting off Nilfgaardians or snuffing out bands of
Scoia'tael.<br><br>At the start of our story, however, he had lost his king, his
men and his homeland, and so had resorted to waging a guerilla war against the
overwhelming occupying forces.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po spotkaniu z Rochem w q302",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po spotkaniu z Rochem w q302 096196EF-4445A44E-
index = 1,
description = 0x00105efc, -- "In his war of assassinations, ambushes and
night raids, Roche depended on Redanian help, though it was clear he took no
pleasure from working with Radovid.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Rochem i Dijkstrą w Passiflorze - początek sq315",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Rochem i Dijkstr?6196EF-4445A44E-
index = 2,
description = 0x00105efd, -- "Some time later it was revealed that Roche
had took part in a conspiracy to assassinate Radovid. He had realized that once the
war was over this mad king would offer no prospect of a free Temeria, making Roche
himself a liability and potential foe.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Zamach na Radowida - Roche ginie",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zamach na Radowida - Roche ginie B9123A71-478FD91E-
index = 3,
description = 0x00105efe, -- "Roche took part in the assassination
personally. The king of Redania's death was to be a guarantee of Temerian
independence. In order to achieve this, Roche was not afraid to strike a deal with
the Nilfgaardians. This move played right into Dijkstra's hand.<br><br>Geralt,
refusing to get involved in their conflict, left them to work it out for
themselves. As a result, Roche died on Dijkstra's orders.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Zamach na Radowida - Roche przeżywa",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zamach na Radowida - Roche prze? B9123A71-478FD91E-
index = 4,
description = 0x00105f0b, -- "Roche took part in the assassination
personally. The king of Redania's death was to be a guarantee of Temerian
independence. In order to achieve this, Roche was not afraid to strike a deal with
the Nilfgaardians. This move played right into Dijkstra's hand. Fortunately, Geralt
intervened and Roche escaped from the co-conspirators' meeting-turned-

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Obrona Kaer Morhen",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Obrona Kaer Morhen E05F8120-4DAD49C8-5A218E88-
index = 5,
description = 0x00105f0c, -- "When asked to help defend Kaer Morhen
Roche kept his word and went to the keep, lending his considerable martial prowess
in the fight against the Wild Hunt."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/sceondarycharacters.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Secondary Characters",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Secondary Characters E162FA8E-495B410A-61250896-

-- gameplay/journal/characters/sheala.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Sheale de Tancarville",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sheale de Tancarville",
children = {
name = 0x001028ef, -- "Síle de Tansarville"
image = "journal_sheala.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt spotyka Shealę w więzieniu w Oxenfurcie (q310)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt spotyka Sheale w wiezieniu w Oxenfurcie (q310)
description = 0x001028ee, -- "Geralt and I both knew Síle de
Tansarville, the Recluse of Kovir, the once proud member of the Lodge of
Sorceresses who in her day plotted, persuaded and spellcast the world into a shape
of her liking. Síle always claimed she acted only out of concern for the good of
magic and mankind, yet the blood of a great many people stained her hands,
including that of kings who stood in the way of her aims. She took part in
countless conspiracies and herself devised many intrigues in which the witcher
often figured as an unwitting accomplice, obstacle or incidental
victim.<br><br>Thus Geralt's prior meetings with the sorceress were stormy at best.
On at least one occasion it could be said that Geralt saved Sile's life, but this
did not mean he felt very warmly about her.<br><br>Be that as it may, the sight of
the tortured and maimed sorceress in King Radovid's dungeon made the witcher's cold
heart swell with sorrow and sympathy."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geratl dobija Shealę",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geratl dobija Sheale AE5BE982-4AAF54B5-8C7C659A-
index = 1,
description = 0x001028f0, -- "Perhaps it was these feelings, or perhaps
it was simply respect for a defeated former enemy now suffering at the hands of
cruel fanatics, that made Geralt take pity on her. Aware of what fate awaited her
if she lived, Síle de Tansarville was grateful to be given a dignified death, one
free from torment and humiliation.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt nie chce zabić Sheali, Yennefer to robi.",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt zostawia Sheale, by skonala CE9D27E1-4D5B9166-
index = 2,
description = 0x001028f1, -- "Yet Síle's wounds were serious - her life
could not be saved. Time was running short, and so Geralt had to leave the dying
sorceress to the fate that awaited her.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/skjall.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Skjall",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skjall",
children = {
name = 0x00108e8f, -- "Skjall"
image = "journal_skjal.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Skjall - after q205 necromancy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skjall - after q205 necromancy 81661CA4-44F380D9-
description = 0x00108ece, -- "Ciri encountered plenty of liars,
scoundrels and villains along her path - but luckily happened on some decent folk
as well. Certainly worthy of being counted among the latter was Skjall, a young
warrior from Lofoten. Initially, he and his family tended to Ciri's wounds, nursed
her back to health, then he helped her flee the Wild Hunt. In doing so, he
sacrificed the thing Skelligers hold dearest: his honor. Accused of cowardice, he
was forced to perform a heroic deed to clear his name. Sadly, he failed. Mortally
wounded by a beast in an abandoned garden, he suffered a slow, painful and lonely

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Skjall - after visiting his grave with Ciri",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skjall - after visiting his grave with Ciri 86E4DECF-
index = 1,
description = 0x00108e92, -- "Ciri could not restore Skjall's life or
even clear his unjustly sullied reputation - but at least she was able to give him
a proper burial. Skellige legend holds that Skjall's soul now dines with his
ancestors in the Heavenly Feast Hall, where mead flows in torrents and the ballads
never cease. Though my own nature does not tend towards the religious, I must admit
I would very much like this to be true."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/svanrige.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Svanrige",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Svanrige",
children = {
name = 0x001036ae, -- "Svanrige an Tuirseach"
image = "journal_svaringe.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Svanrige met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Svanrige met",
description = 0x001036af, -- "A hard life awaits the child who cannot
escape his parents' shadow. Following the death of his father, the beloved King
Bran, Svanrige became the formal ruler of Clan Tuirseach, which controlled vast
territory on the isle of An Skellig.<br><br>Yet this quiet and mild-mannered young
man seemed firmly tied to the apron strings of his mother, Birna, who sought to
control his every waking deed. With such an overbearing caretaker it was hard to
imagine how Svanrige could ever grow into a man able to rule a mighty Skellige clan
in his own right.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When Svanrige becomes king",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Svanrige becomes king",
index = 1,
description = 0x001036b0, -- "Svanrige's election as ruler of Skellige
was a rather unexpected turn of events. It was widely thought to have been the
result of backroom maneuvering by Birna, who used the chaos in the aftermath of the
other claimants' deaths and the shame that fell on the an Craites to achieve her
ambition of placing a puppet in her control on the Skellige throne.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Svanrige kills Nilfgaardian messengers",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Svanrige kills Nilfgaardian messengers",
index = 2,
description = 0x001036b1, -- "It thus came as a great shock for her when
young Svanrige showed his claws and tore up the humiliating treaty with Nilfgaard
she wanted him to sign - and then washed the shame of this near-submission from the
isles with the blood of their eternal enemy. This blood simultaneously wiped away
any doubts whether the new king was worthy of the crown.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/talar.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Talar",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talar 2169DB60-4227CD0F-0FD7888F-4101B722",
children = {
name = 0x00105f16, -- "Thaler"
image = "journal_talar.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "sq315 - pierwsze spotkanie z Talarem w jaskini trolli",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq315 - pierwsze spotkanie z Talarem w jaskini trolli
description = 0x00105f17, -- "Geralt was not expecting to meet Bernard
Ducat, former head of Temerian intelligence, in such circumstances. Their
relationship went back a long ways, to the time when Ducat was leading an espionage
operation in the Vizima Temple District disguised as a fence named Thaler. Thaler
the fence was known for his gruff manners and extremely filthy tongue.<br><br>Much
had changed since those days, but Clogs the cobbler (as Ducat now called himself)
was as rude and vulgar as Thaler had ever been.<br><br>His exact role in the attack
on Radovid was not clear, but considering his experience and professionalism, one
could hardly expect him to share that information, not even with an old

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po zamachu - Talar ginie",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po zamachu - Talar ginie E5663AB0-46B2364E-1536A883-
index = 1,
description = 0x00105f24, -- "Spycraft leaves no margin for error,
sentiment or dropping one's guard. Thaler died in a violent bout of political
maneuvering when it turned out his plans conflicted with the greater good of

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Po zamachu - Talar przeżywa",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po zamachu - Talar prze? E5663AB0-46B2364E-1536A883-
index = 2,
description = 0x00105f25, -- "Spycraft leaves no margin for error,
sentiment or dropping one's guard. Thaler should have known this, but instead he
left himself exposed and only escaped death thanks to Geralt's intervention, his
life saved by the witcher's departure from his usual neutrality."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/tamara.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Tamara",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tamara",
children = {
name = 0x001027b3, -- "Tamara Strenger"
image = "journal_tamara.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się od Barona o Tamarze",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje si?er",
description = 0x001027ba, -- "The baron’s daughter, Tamara, had
disappeared with her mother some time before Geralt arrived at Crow's Perch. The
baron described her as a charming young maid of nineteen summers and the apple of
his eye. No wonder, then, that the lord of Crow's Perch was desperate to find

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z Guślarzem - Geralt dowiaduje się, że Tamara uciekła",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z Gu?si?er",
index = 1,
description = 0x001027ef, -- "Yet it seemed Tamara had finally had
enough of the way the baron treated her mother and decided to flee along with

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Po rozmowie z rybakiem",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po rozmowie z rybakiem E69C0AA7-46BC17C4-EE7D9AB7-
index = 2,
description = 0x001027f0, -- "Geralt found his way to a hut belonging to
a fisherman who had helped Tamara and her mother in their flight. There he learned
that a horrible beast had captured Anna and dragged her into the swamp. Tamara was
able to escape with her life, and had found shelter with a relative of the
fisherman in Oxenfurt.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt spotyka Tamarę w Oxenfurcie - opcjonalne",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt spotyka Tamar?m E69C0AA7-46BC17C4-EE7D9AB7-
index = 3,
description = 0x001027f1, -- "Tamara had indeed made it to Oxenfurt safe
and sound and would not even consider returning to her father. Determined to save
her mother from the clutches of the creatures that had imprisoned her in the bog,
Tamara had joined the ranks of the witch hunters, hoping their support would allow
her to survive a trek into Crookback Bog.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Tamara odkrywa, że Anna jest szalona",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tamara odkrywa, ?mar?m E69C0AA7-46BC17C4-EE7D9AB7-
index = 4,
description = 0x001027f2, -- "Tamara and her escort of witch hunters
made it to the swamp clearing, but what she found there was no cause for joy, to
say the least. The Crones no longer controlled her mother, true, but the experience
had left her with an addled mind.<br><br>Tamara's father, the Bloody Baron, whom
hithertofore she had held in contempt, took the high ground this time and swore to
travel to the ends of the earth to search out even the slightest hope of returning
Anna to a sound mind. Though Tamara did not want to admit it, she appreciated her
father's gesture.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Tamara dociera do Anny, Anna odczarowana umiera",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tamara dociera do Anny, Anna odczarowana umiera
index = 5,
description = 0x001027f3, -- "Tamara and her escort of witch hunters
made it to the swamp clearing and there, to her great astonishment, was her father,
who had also set out to free Anna. This family reunion was not, however, to be a
moment of celebration - though Anna regained human form and a sound mind for a
brief moment, she had only enough strength to bid farewell to her loved ones before
passing on.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Tamara świadkiem spalenia Anny",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tamara ?ociera do Anny, Anna odczarowana umiera
index = 6,
description = 0x001027f4, -- "Tamara and her escort of witch hunters
made it to the swamp clearing and there, to her great astonishment, was her father,
who had also set out to free Anna. This family reunion was not, however, to be a
moment of celebration.<br><br>Tamara became the unwilling witness to the her
mother's grim death, and the harsh words she directed at Geralt and her father left
no particular hope that she would soon be over the grief of this loss.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/tavar.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Tavar Eggebracht",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tavar Eggebracht",
children = {
name = 0x00103302, -- "Tavar Eggebracht"
image = "journal_tavar.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Tavar met for the 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Tavar met for the 1st time",
description = 0x00103303, -- "The Nilfgaardian Tavar Eggebracht came
from a family with a long military tradition. His ancestors had proudly served
under the Golden Sun banner during the conquests of Maecht, Geso and Metinna,
fighting and dying for their emperor.<br><br>That last fate was met by Tavar's
cousin, Colonel Tibor Eggebracht, who fell in the Battle of Brenna during the
previous Northern War. Despite this fact Tavar felt no hatred for Nordlings,
considering his cousin's death a grievous yet inevitable consequence of
war.<br><br>He performed his duties as quartermaster diligently, with the good of
his soldiers his top priority.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/triss.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Triss",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Triss",
children = {
name = 0x001033e2, -- "Triss Merigold"
image = "journal_triss.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Triss mentioned the first time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = " When Triss mentioned the first time",
description = 0x001033e4, -- "I always considered it a point of
particular pride to count Triss Merigold of Maribor among my closest and dearest
friends. This exceptionally talented sorceress was a shining star of her
profession, the former mage advisor to King Foltest, and a famous hero of the
Battle of Sodden, known as the Fourteenth of the Hill. Yet in no way did she
resemble her often unbearably haughty sisters in magic. Her deft mind, warm smile
and considerable personal charm had always won over even the hardest of
hearts.<br><br>Though my personal relations with Triss never ventured beyond the
fraternal, Geralt of Rivia at one point found her allure irresistible. From then on
the two shared feelings that ran far deeper than a superficial and fleeting

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After Yennefers briefing in q002",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Yennefers briefing in q002",
index = 1,
description = 0x001033e5, -- "Yennefer told Geralt that Triss had
recently taken up residence in the Free City of Novigrad.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After talking with looters at the beginning of q302",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking with looters at the beginning of q302",
index = 2,
description = 0x001033e6, -- "It seemed Triss had gone into hiding from
the so-called witch hunters persecuting magic wielders in the city, turning to one
of the leaders of the local underworld for protection.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After finding Triss in q301",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After finding Triss in q301",
index = 3,
description = 0x001033e7, -- "After a bit of a run-around Geralt found
the sorceress, who had indeed entered into an arrangement with the so-called King
of Beggars. She paid for his protection by providing magic services to his
organization. Though Triss did not know anything about Ciri and her stay in
Novigrad, she promised to do all within her power to aid Geralt's search.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After scene q301_11e",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After scene q301_11e",
index = 4,
description = 0x001033ea, -- "Though theoretically Triss and Geralt had
ended their romance half a year earlier, it was clear the feelings they felt for
each other had not vanished so easily. To deal with this, the sorceress pretended
that nothing had happened and the witcher, as is his wont, sheepishly masked his
feelings with a mix of hesitant interest and fake indifference. It must be said
that both of them handled the situation quite awkwardly.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After Triss explains her plan to get to Menge in q303",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Triss explains her plan to get to Menge in
index = 5,
description = 0x001033f1, -- "The plan to get close to Caleb Menge that
Triss presented to the witcher was very risky and placed her in great danger. The
sorceress knew, however, that Ciri's life might be on the line, and so did not
hesitate for even a moment.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Geralt kisses Triss in sq301",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt kisses Triss in sq301",
index = 6,
description = 0x001033f4, -- "The sorceress' laugh, the look in her
cornflower blue eyes, the memory of enchanting moments spent together - all that
surely weighed on Geralt's decision to kiss Triss in the Vegelbuds' garden. And
though their moment of sweet oblivion lasted briefly, it breathed a gale's worth of
new life into the feelings between them.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "After q309 finished - Triss leaves",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q309 finished - Triss leaves",
index = 7,
description = 0x001033f5, -- "Triss and Geralt had been through thick
and thin together, but on that fateful day, on the wind-swept Novigrad docks, they
bid their final farewells. She sailed off for Kovir, while he stayed and choked on
the smoke wafting off the pyres of Novigrad.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Beginning of q403, if Triss left in q309",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beginning of q403, if Triss left in q309",
index = 8,
description = 0x001033f7, -- "Yet Geralt and Triss in fact met again, at
Kaer Morhen. Triss had come on Yennefer's request to help defend Ciri, whom she had
always treated as a younger sister.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "After q309 finished, Triss stays",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q309 finished, Triss stays",
index = 9,
description = 0x001033f8, -- "Though Triss and Geralt said their final
goodbyes on that wind-swept Novigrad dock, in the end the sorceress decided not to
leave for Kovir after all. She knew that when Geralt asked her to stay, the witcher
was opening up his heart to her for the first time.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Beginning of q403, if Triss stayed in q309",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beginning of q403, if Triss stayed in q309",
index = 10,
description = 0x001033fb, -- "Geralt and Triss met again at Kaer Morhen.
Triss arrived there at the witcher's behest to help defend Ciri, whom she had
always treated as a younger sister.<br>"

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Yennefer and Triss take revenge on Geralt",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer and Triss take revenge on Geralt",
index = 11,
description = 0x001033fc, -- "Not for the first time Geralt showed what
a babe in the wilderness he was in matters involving the fairer sex. For while I
can say from experience that there are indeed women who will willingly share a man
with their best friend, when trying that with women to whom one has declared true
and undying love, things tend to turn out differently.<br><br>Toying with Triss'
feelings ended in humiliation for Geralt - a fate which, I must admit, he
thoroughly deserved.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/trollbart.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Troll Bart",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Troll Bart",
children = {
name = 0x00102b6d, -- "Bart the Troll"
image = "journal_bart.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt poznaje Barta w łaźni Djikstry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt poznaje Barta w lazni Djikstry C52FF7E3-
description = 0x00102b6e, -- "Bart, the troll guarding Dijkstra's
treasure, could have been the poster boy for the latest craze among Novigrad's
wealthy strata, a trend that had swept over everyone from bankers and merchants to
underworld crime bosses. The fashion in question prized guards marked not just by
fierce loyalty, but also by massive size, endless stamina and crushing physical
strength. A well-developed intellect, on the other hand, was considered unnecessary
and quite possibly detrimental to the guard's performance. To be blunt, a good
watchman should be brainless enough to render any thought of betraying his master
impossible.<br><br>That is why trolls, ogres and, as a last result, magic
crossbreeds were highly prized for such roles."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/udalryk.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Udalryk",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Udalryk",
children = {
name = 0x001030d3, -- "Udalryk"
image = "journal_uldaryk.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "1st entry - when seeing Udalryk in q201",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "1st entry - when seeing Udalryk in q201",
description = 0x001030d4, -- "Jarl Udalryk was an enigmatic figure to
say the least. Some mysterious ill surrounded him, causing others to shirk his

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After talking to Udalryk in q201",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Udalryk in q201",
index = 1,
description = 0x001030db, -- "Geralt could not help but notice that
Udalryk did seem to be acting strangely, muttering to himself often and showing
signs of suppressed panic, as if he lived in constant fear of something - or

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After talking to Udalryk/ Hjort in q203",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Udalryk/ Hjort in q203",
index = 2,
description = 0x001030ea, -- "Geralt's private talk with the jarl
confirmed the rumors. Udalryk was convinced the gods spoke to him, sending him
prophetic dreams and demanding he make sacrifices.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After talking to Cerys in q203",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Cerys in q203",
index = 3,
description = 0x001030f0, -- "The tale of the strife between Udalryk and
his brother Aki over the family sword threw new light on the jarl's mysterious
problems. That the voices he heard demanded he injure himself suggested a vengeful
spirit was involved.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "When Uldaryk loses his eye",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Uldaryk loses his eye",
index = 4,
description = 0x001030f1, -- "Udalryk's madness deepened ever more,
finally prompting him to pluck out his own eye as payment for unspecified

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "If player kills Him",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If player kills Him",
index = 5,
description = 0x001030f2, -- "In the end Geralt's determination and
skilled use of his witcher blade saved the day by freeing the jarl from the wraith
that was tormenting him. With this, Udalryk could finally know peace.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "If player tricks Him",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If player tricks Him",
index = 6,
description = 0x001030f3, -- "In the end Cerys' ingenuity freed Udalryk
from the wraith that was tormenting him. With this, the jarl could finally know

-- gameplay/journal/characters/uma.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "UMA",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "UMA",
children = {
name = 0x00102b7d, -- "Uma"
image = "journal_uma.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After q205 if Geralt saw Uma at Barons in q103",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q205 if Geralt saw Uma at Barons in q103",
description = 0x00102d53, -- "When Geralt encountered a misshapen midget
at the Bloody Baron's court, he didn't think much of it. Yet when he heard a
similarly deformed being had washed up on Skellige's shores in the same boat in
which Ciri and her mysterious companion had sailed off shortly prior, he connected
the two at once. It was clear this rough-hewn hunk of flesh was the key to finding

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After visiting Donar if Geralt saw Uma at Barons in q103",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After visiting Donar if Geralt saw Uma at Barons in
index = 1,
description = 0x00102d54, -- "Geralt learned that, prior to arriving at
Crow's Perch, Uma had briefly been the possession of Donar, jarl of Hindarsfjall.
At some point, however, Donar sold Uma to a merchant from Novigrad, who thought the
strange little creature would make a wonderful jester. This must have been the same
merchant who then lost Uma to the Bloody Baron in a hand of cards.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "After q305 is completed",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q305 is completed",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102d56, -- "We all breathed a sigh of relief to learn
that Uma's twisted body and mind were no cruel joke played by nature, but the
result of a curse. Now we needed only find a way to lift it…<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "After q205 if Geralt didnt see Uma at Barons yet",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After q205 if Geralt didnt see Uma at Barons yet",
index = 3,
description = 0x00102e7a, -- "Geralt didn't know exactly what the
deformed being that had sailed to Skellige in Ciri's boat was. He had no doubt,
however, that it was somehow tied to her fate - and just might be the key to
finding her.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "After talking to Donar if Geralt didnt see Uma at Barons yet",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Donar if Geralt didnt see Uma at
Barons yet",
index = 4,
description = 0x00102e7b, -- "It turned out the diminutive freak had
spent some time in the possession of Donar, jarl of Hindarsfjall. Later Donar sold
him to a Novigrad merchant who thought he was perfect material for a top-notch

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "After Q103, if Geralt saw Uma earlier in q205",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Q103, if Geralt saw Uma earlier in q205",
index = 5,
description = 0x00102e86, -- "Based on Skjall's detailed description,
Geralt was able to recognize the creature at the Baron's castle as the very same
deformed midget Skjall saw on Hindarsfjall.<br><br>Sadly, it was impossible to
communicate with this "Uma" (as the creature had come to be called). He seemed to
dwell in a world all his own. Yet Geralt knew only Uma held the key to finding
Ciri. Even if no pertinent information was forthcoming from the creature's lips,
surely further investigation would squeeze some solution out of this riddle.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "At Barons after q305 was completed",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "At Barons after q305 was completed",
index = 6,
description = 0x00102e91, -- "We all breathed a sigh of relief to learn
that Uma's twisted body and mind were no cruel joke played by nature, but the
result of a curse. Now we needed only find a way to lift it…<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "After Vesemir left with Uma in q401",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Vesemir left with Uma in q401",
index = 7,
description = 0x00102e96, -- "Though Yennefer and Vesemir agreed Uma was
suffering from a powerful curse, they could not reach a consensus about how to go
about lifting it. Sharp words were exchanged before Vesemir stepped in and
announced that before Yennefer did anything he would try one of the traditional
witcher methods.<br><br>All that was left to the others was to wait.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "After Vesemir returns with Uma",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Vesemir returns with Uma",
index = 8,
description = 0x00102e97, -- "Though Vesemir's method had worked to
disenchant the famous Swan of Poviss, it brought no breakthrough here. Vesemir did,
however, succeed in confirming that Uma's body was a sort of magic prison in which
some other being was trapped.<br><br>Yennefer's method did not prognosticate a high
chance for Uma's survival - yet was now the only remaining option for lifting the
chunk[12] = {
baseName = "After the curse has been lifted in q401",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After the curse has been lifted in q401",
index = 9,
description = 0x00102e9b, -- "The ritual succeeded beyond their wildest
expectations. The person cursed inside Uma turned out to be none other than
Avallac'h, a powerful elven Sage the witcher had met before."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Beginning of q401 if Geralt returned to Baron for Uma",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beginning of q401 if Geralt returned to Baron for
index = 10,
description = 0x00102d55, -- "Sadly, there was no communicating with
Uma. The gnarled twiglet lived in his own miniature world. Yet Geralt knew Uma was
the key to finding Ciri. Even if no pertinent information was forthcoming from the
creature's stunted lips, surely further investigation would squeeze some solution
out of this riddle.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/ves.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ves",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ves 29A53786-419A19AE-883C55BF-BFDBB5CA",
children = {
name = 0x00105f0d, -- "Ves"
image = "journal_ves.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Pierwsze spotkanie z Ves",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pierwsze spotkanie z Ves 2B3062D4-46117642-765ACB89-
description = 0x00105f0e, -- "Ves was a veteran officer of the Blue
Stripes and the only soldier from Roche's former unit to have survived the war.
After the Blue Stripes were decimated and officially disbanded, Ves remained at her
commander's side to continue with him the seemingly hopeless struggle for Temerian
freedom.<br><br>Energetic and tough, Ves had always impressed with her skill with
crossbow and sword alike, outshooting and outswinging all the men in her unit to a
laughable degree.<br>"
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "sq312 - po rozmowie z Rochem na początku questa",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq312 - po rozmowie z Rochem na pocz?17642-765ACB89-
index = 1,
description = 0x00105f11, -- "Though usually well-disciplined, Ves
refused to heed Vernon's command and set off alone to face enemy forces.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "sq312 - Ves nie przeżywa",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq312 - Ves nie prze? Rochem na pocz?17642-765ACB89-
index = 2,
description = 0x00105f12, -- "Sadly, help came too late and the fierce
warrior paid for her hot-headedness with her life.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "sq312 - Ves przeżywa",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq312 - Ves prze?rze? Rochem na pocz?17642-765ACB89-
index = 3,
description = 0x00105f13, -- "Ves' rash move landed her in a horrible
pot of trouble that only Geralt's sword could dish her out of.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Obrona Kaer Morhens",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Obrona Kaer Morhens 1145BBE0-4F1CB962-4293D396-
index = 4,
description = 0x00105f14, -- "Even had Ves not owed Geralt her life, she
would have come to the defense of Kaer Morhen all the same, for she would follow
Vernon Roche into the very bowels of the abyss.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Po zamachu na Radowida - Geralt nie bierze strony Roche'a, Ves
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Po zamachu na Radowida - Geralt nie bierze strony
Roche'a, Ves ginie 9F2BDC1E-428246A4-FCCFA4A1-DFAD782E",
index = 5,
description = 0x00105f15, -- "Ves had been a soldier all her life, a
fact which made her unfortunate death during a political intrigue even bitterer. At
least one part of her death matched her life: she fell at her commander's side."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/vesemir.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Vesemir",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vesemir",
children = {
name = 0x00103315, -- "Vesemir"
image = "journal_vesemir.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "After talking to Vesemir in the deam sequence of the prologue",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After talking to Vesemir in the deam sequence of the
description = 0x00103316, -- "Vesemir was the oldest living member of
the Wolf School and most likely the oldest witcher of any school on the
Continent.<br><br>About as long in years as the ruins of Kaer Morhen themselves and
though eternally complaining about his creaky bones, this master of the witcher
trade gave no thought to a well-deserved retirement. Gray but still spry, he
continued to ply the monster hunting trade into his golden years - effectively,
too, as he'd seen more beasts than all his students put together.<br><br>A harsh
and demanding instructor in Geralt's youth, over the years he had become something
of an adoptive father and mentor to the other witchers, always ready to help with
sage advice and steady hands.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Added when Geralt wakes up in the prologue",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Added when Geralt wakes up in the prologue",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103317, -- "In the spring of 1272, when our story
begins, Vesemir had joined Geralt on his search for Yennefer, trekking with him
through war-ravaged Temeria.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Vesemir dies",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vesemir dies",
index = 2,
description = 0x00103318, -- "Vesemir always said no witcher had ever
died in his bed, so death in combat surely awaited him as well. Death's wait ended
on that mournful day when the Wild Hunt descended on Kaer Morhen in pursuit of
Ciri. Vesemir gave his all to protect his former ward, whom he had always treated
like an adopted granddaughter, and died a hero's death at the hands of Imlerith,
the Hunt's cruel general."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/vigi.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Vigi",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vigi",
children = {
name = 0x00103110, -- "Vigi the Loon"
image = "journal_vigi.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Vigi mentioned first time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Vigi mentioned first time",
description = 0x00103111, -- "Even for Skelligers, who value courage
above all else, Vigi's fearlessness went far beyond the pale of bravery, deep into
the realm of suicidal madness. This Clan Tordarroch warrior had strived to earn the
right to be called Vigi the Unfearing. Instead, his actions earned him the nickname
Vigi the Loon - and it seemed this outcome suited him just fine.<br><br>It was Vigi
who, craving glory and wanting to save his home isle from the Ice Giant, had
convinced Hjalmar to brave the journey to Undvik. Many of their crew were killed
during this expedition, and Vigi himself wound up a prisoner in the Ice Giant's

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "If Vigi dies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Vigi dies",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103112, -- "Sadly, that cage became his tomb and
sepulcher. When awakened the giant crushed it with one blow, putting an abrupt end
to Vigi's lunacy.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Geralt frees Vigi",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt frees Vigi",
index = 2,
description = 0x00103113, -- "The second Geralt freed Vigi from his
cage, the Skelliger lived up to his moniker and awoke the sleeping giant with a
hearty kick. To be fair, afterwards he fought bravely and effectively against the
monster, proving he had the makings of a mighty warrior behind his madness.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Vigi dies in Kaer Morhen in q403",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Vigi dies in Kaer Morhen in q403",
index = 3,
description = 0x00103114, -- "That was not the last time Vigi and Geralt
fought side by side. Vigi answered Geralt's call and went with Hjalmar to Kaer
Morhen to fight the Wild Hunt. Though once again he fought with skill and courage,
this time he fell in battle.<br><br>News of his heroic death reached Skellige,
where in ballads he has earned the title that eluded him in life: Vigi the

-- gameplay/journal/characters/vimme.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Vimme",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Vimme",
children = {
name = 0x00103300, -- "Vimme Vivaldi"
image = "journal_vivaldi.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Vimme met for the 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Vimme met for the 1st time",
description = 0x00103301, -- "The dwarves have been in the banking
business since the legendary King Desmond of Temeria was just a snot-nosed brat in
short trousers asking for more "yam" with his "bwed." Since then, the prominent
dwarven banking families - the Giancardis, the Vivaldis and the Cianfanellis - have
only expanded their services, establishing branches in all the larger cities of the
North.<br><br>Vimme Vivaldi carried the torch of this venerable tradition into
modern times, growing the Novigrad branch of his family's bank until it was the
largest in the city. Geralt and I had met him over a dozen years before our story
begins and had always appreciated his honesty and financial acumen.<br><br>The
latter he gave further proof of during the time in which our story takes place, for
his bank remained profitable even in the face of growing nonhuman oppression.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/voorhis.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Morvran Voorhis",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Morvran Voorhis",
children = {
name = 0x00102bd8, -- "Morvran Voorhis"
image = "journal_voorhis.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Spotkanie z Voorhisem pod koniec prologu",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Spotkanie z Voorhisem pod koniec prologu 6AB6A72F-
description = 0x00102bd9, -- "Morvran Voorhis - commander of the Alba
Division, an officer of the highest rank and a pure-blooded aristocrat, one who
with pride could call himself a Nilfgaardian, a designation reserved only for
native-born inhabitants of the empire's capital and its immediate
surroundings.<br><br>At the time of their first meeting Geralt had no idea what an
important person had been assigned the task of "asking him a few routine
questions." Knowing the witcher, however, knowledge of Morvran's rank and status
would not have made much of a difference.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt spotyka Voorhisa w q304 (z Luiza la Valette)",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt spotyka Voorhisa w q304 (z Luiza la Valette)
index = 1,
description = 0x00102bda, -- "The witcher encountered Voorhis again some
time later in Novigrad. There the Nilfgaardian general was taking advantage of the
city's neutral status to enjoy the company of Baroness Louisa la Valette.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Luiza zdradza Geraltowi plany cesarza wobec Voorhisa",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Luiza zdradza Geraltowi plany cesarza wobec Voorhisa
index = 2,
description = 0x00102bdb, -- "Those in the know claimed Voorhis' rank
and experience made him a shoo-in to succeed the emperor in the event Emhyr decided
to hang up his crown.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/weavess.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Weavess",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Weavess",
children = {
name = 0x00103119, -- "Weavess"
image = "journal_weavess.png",
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When met weavess for the first time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When met weavess for the first time",
description = 0x0010311a, -- "Though the youngest of the three Crones,
the Weavess was not one jot less ugly or evil than her older sisters. It was she
who wove their magic tapestries of human hair gathered as tribute from the young
children of nearby villages during their "cutting" ceremonies. These tapestries
were how the worshipers of the Ladies of the Wood made contact with and paid homage
to their deities.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When Weavess runs away at the end of q111",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Weavess runs away at the end of q111",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010311b, -- "The fight on Bald Mountain was meant to
put an end to all three Crones, but Weavess evaded her elder sisters' fate. She was
able to escape by transforming into a flock of ravens and took Cirilla's medallion
with her."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/whisperess.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Whisperess",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Whisperess",
children = {
name = 0x00103120, -- "Whispess"
image = "journal_whisperess.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When whisperess met",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When whisperess met",
description = 0x00103121, -- "The Crones of Velen were not just old –
they were literally ancient, having been around since the reign of the first human
kings and possibly even since the coming of the elves.<br><br>Of the three ghastly
sisters, the Whispess was most ancient, or at least so claimed the swamp dwellers'
whispered legends. Whispered, for if they spoke too loudly the Crone would hear it
– for she demanded tribute in the form of human ears, which she hung from trees and
through which, using primeval magic, she heard all that happened in the swamp.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Whisperess dies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Whisperess dies",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103122, -- "Yet no magic, however old, could save her
from Cirilla's wrath."

-- gameplay/journal/characters/whoreson.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Whoreson",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Whoreson",
children = {
name = 0x001033ce, -- "Whoreson Junior"
image = "journal_whoreson.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Whoreson is mentioned for the 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Whoreson is mentioned for the 1st time",
description = 0x001033cf, -- "Cyprian Wiley the younger was one of
Novigrad's most dangerous criminals. He had inherited his father's casinos,
fighting ring and brothels – as well as the old man's sadistic tendencies,
ruthlessness and lack of scruples.<br><br>These traits had made the moniker
"Whoreson" something of a family heirloom for his powerful criminal clan.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After the assisnation attempt in the baths in q302",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After the assisnation attempt in the baths in q302",
index = 1,
description = 0x001033d0, -- "Cyprian also took after his father in
terms of ambition. He broke the unwritten armistice between Novigrad's various
criminal groups and tried to murder the other three leading underworld bosses.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "When Gealt discovers Radovid supports Whoreson",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Gealt discovers Radovid supports Whoreson",
index = 2,
description = 0x001033d1, -- "Whoreson's audacity had a very specific
cause - King Radovid, who had commissioned the gangster's actions.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "When Geralt discovers Radovids motives for supporting whoreson",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt discovers Radovids motives for supporting
index = 3,
description = 0x001033d2, -- "As it turned out, Radovid's plan was for
Whoreson to start a gang war in Novigrad. In the resulting chaos, Radovid would
take control of the city with ease.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "When Geralt explores Whoresons hideout",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt explores Whoresons hideout",
index = 4,
description = 0x001033d3, -- "While searching Cyprian's home den of
iniquity, Geralt discovered the nickname "Whoreson" was in fact an understatement -
something much stronger was needed to describe a man who delighted in murdering
captive women.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "When Geralt kills Whoreson",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt kills Whoreson",
index = 5,
description = 0x001033d4, -- "In addition to blackmail, extortion,
murder and torture, the list of Whoreson's crimes also included trying to harm
Ciri. Geralt took this very personally and made the bandit pay for this last sin
with his life.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Geralt spares Whoreson",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt spares Whoreson",
index = 6,
description = 0x001033d5, -- "Though few would have mourned his passing,
Geralt decided not to kill Whoreson. As soon as Radovid withdrew his protection and
his old enemies were free to exact revenge, Whoreson's career was doomed to an
inglorious end.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "When Geralt spares Whoreson and learns of his fate in part 3",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Geralt spares Whoreson and learns of his fate in
part 3",
index = 7,
description = 0x001033d6, -- "Whoreson's fate truly did seem worse than
death. Abandoned by his protector as well as his subordinates, he had lost all his
coin as well as any respect he once commanded, having fallen to the lowest depths
of the Novigrad underworld.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/wszerad.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Wszerad",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wszerad",
children = {
name = 0x00102818, -- "Vserad"
image = "journal_wszerad.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Geralt dowiaduje się o Wszeradzie: z defaultu Barona, od chłopów w
q102 (ścieżka agresywna) lub od Guślarza w q103 (ścieżka z krwią porońca, czat gdy
idą na miejsce rytuału)",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt dowiaduje si?horeson and learns of his fate in
part 3",
description = 0x00102819, -- "News of the Nilfgaardian army's approach
led nobles of all ranks and orders to pack up their silver and flee posthaste to
safer harbors, abandoning all thoughts of defending their patrimony and leaving
their lands at the invaders' mercy. Lord Vserad was no exception to this rule. The
magnate had ruled much of Velen from his base at Crow's Perch before fleeing with
his family to take shelter in a tower on Fyke Isle.<br><br>The safety he sought
there was not, however, to be found, and the massacre in which he was slaughtered
became the source of a great many ghastly rumors and legends.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Geralt zapytał Keirę o Wszerada",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt zapyta?je si?horeson and learns of his fate in
part 3",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010281a, -- "According to one of them, Vserad, unmoved
by human suffering, had his mage poison starving peasants who had come to him to
beg for food. A hideous tale, yet one that sadly seemed plausible given the
desperate conditions in the land.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt rozwiał o Wszeradzie z Grahamem",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt rozwia?je si?horeson and learns of his fate in
part 3",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010281b, -- "Yet the truth turned out, as is its wont,
to be much simpler. Vserad was murdered by his traitorous former subjects, who were
driven by greed, jealousy and the base jackassery that is all too widespread among
the human race.<br>"
-- gameplay/journal/characters/yennefer.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Yennefer",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer",
children = {
name = 0x00103667, -- "Yennefer of Vengerberg"
image = "journal_yenn.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "On Yennefer - from the beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "On Yennefer - from the beggining",
description = 0x00103668, -- "The witcher first met the raven-haired
sorceress a good twenty years back. Their friendship and the feelings between them
were born of a common adventure involving a genie and a wish granted to Geralt that
intertwined their fates inextricably.<br><br>In the time since then their
relationship had, however, been quite stormy - rich in ups and downs, crises and
break-ups. Geralt and Yennefer’s love provides irrefutable proof of the thesis that
"opposites attract." <br><br>A few years ago Geralt and Yennefer had, after a long
separation full of adventures for them both, gotten back together again. Their
moment of repose was interrupted by the Wild Hunt, which took Yennefer captive. The
witcher set out at once to save her, but lost his memory while doing so. When he
finally recovered it, he immediately set off once more on his quest to find his
beloved sorceress.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After meeting Yenefer in White Orchard",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After meeting Yenefer in White Orchard",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103669, -- "The circumstances of Geralt’s initial
reunion with Yennefer after two years were quite different than he had imagined.
The sorceress was not only safe and sound, but had even secured the aid of an
unexpected and mighty ally - the Nilfgaardian Empire.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "If Geralts amnesia mentioned during 2nd conversation with Yen in
the prologue",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Geralts amnesia mentioned during 2nd conversation
with Yen in the prologue",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010366a, -- "Geralt's relationship with Triss during
Yennefer's absence had clearly cast a cloud over their reunion. If the witcher
wanted to win back his one-time love, he would need to take bolder steps than
relying on his memory loss as an excuse - one which, while valid, did little to
repair the damage.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Yen - After q203 completed",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yen - After q203 completed",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010366b, -- "A thick air of repressed hostility reigned
during Geralt’s time with Yennefer in Skellige. More than once the sorceress
sharply expressed her displeasure, sparing no cutting remark - just like during the
best years of their relationship. In the end, however, the witcher's patience was
rewarded, and their expedition to retrieve the mask of Uroboros brought the former
lovers back together.<br><br>The gulf that had arisen between them during their
time of separation seemed that much narrower.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Yen - after q205 completed",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yen - after q205 completed",
index = 4,
description = 0x0010366e, -- "In order to obtain the information they
needed Yennefer did not hesitate to resort to necromancy, and destroyed the goddess
Freya's garden while doing so. If the proud sorceress felt any guilt as a result,
as usual she showed no sign of it.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "When sq202 completed, part 1",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When sq202 completed, part 1",
index = 5,
description = 0x0010366f, -- "The idea of hunting another genie together
did not at first arouse Geralt's enthusiasm, but Yennefer had a truly valid reason
for wanting it. If she succeeded in forcing the genie to take back the wish binding
her to the witcher, she would finally know if the feelings between them were truly
love or merely magic.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "When sq202 completed, part 2 -- if Geralt loves Yen",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When sq202 completed, part 2 -- if Geralt loves Yen",
index = 6,
description = 0x00103670, -- "The genie granted Yennefer's request and
broke the thread of destiny binding her to Geralt. Luckily it turned out their love
could continue - without the need for supernatural assistance.<br>"
chunk[10] = {
baseName = "When sq202 completed, part 2 -- Geralt doesnt love Yen",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When sq202 completed, part 2 -- Geralt doesnt love
index = 7,
description = 0x00103671, -- "The genie granted Yennefer's request and
that special magic between Geralt and Yennefer disappeared forever, leaving behind
only regret, emptiness and a feeling of loss. Sadly, it is true what they say: "be
careful what you wish for."<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q401 - after Umas curse lifted",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q401 - after Umas curse lifted",
index = 8,
description = 0x00103674, -- "Though the sorceress' difficult character
had made life miserable for everyone at Kaer Morhen, in the end it was her stubborn
determination that led to Uma's disenchantment and the lifting of Avallac'h's

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "q403 - after Yennefer tells Geralt she has a deal with Emhyr",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q403 - after Yennefer tells Geralt she has a deal
with Emhyr",
index = 9,
description = 0x00103676, -- "Yennefer had always felt some ends
justified otherwise unsavory means. When it became clear rescuing Ciri would
require the help of Philippa Eilhart and the other sorceresses of the reviled
Lodge, she forgot about any bad blood and convinced Emhyr to grant them

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "q310 - after Yens and Triss revenge",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q310 - after Yens and Triss revenge",
index = 10,
description = 0x00103678, -- "One need not be particular skilled in
reading human character to have guessed that toying with Yennefer's feelings would
bring retribution. Likewise even Geralt should have known that his attempts to keep
a foot in both camps with her and Triss would end badly for him. Considering the
raven-haired sorceress' explosive temperament, the humiliating punishment he met
was unusually lenient.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/characters/zoltan.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Zoltan Chivay",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zoltan ",
children = {
name = 0x00103304, -- "Zoltan Chivay"
image = "journal_zoltan.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When Zoltan met 1st time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When Zoltan met 1st time",
description = 0x00103305, -- "A dwarf, a soldier of fortune, a veteran
of the Battle of Brenna, an unassailable optimist, a committed altruist, a lover of
rough drinks and rougher songs, a master gwent player and, above all, a dear and
loyal friend to me and Geralt - ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Zoltan
Chivay. We first became fast friends years ago, when Geralt and I ran into Zoltan
and the band he was leading at the time across war-stricken Riverdell.<br><br>It
proved our fate to cross paths many times after, and we eventually became
inseparable companions, sticking together through good and ill. At our tale's
beginning Zoltan and I had gone into business together running a Novigrad tavern
called the Rosemary and Thyme.<br>"

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "When sq310 completed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When sq310 completed",
index = 1,
description = 0x00103306, -- "By saving me from the transport taking me
to my doom Zoltan proved yet again he would never abandon a friend in need. In
return, Zoltan soon found himself on the receiving end of an act of friendship.
Suffering some financial difficulties, he had taken out a loan from one of the
Novigrad mob bosses, and as a result had made many unfortunate enemies.<br><br>He
planned to repay his debt by gathering a prize collection of gwent cards - a risky
endeavor, given the cutthroat nature of Novigrad gwent circles at the time, and one
that would have never worked without Geralt's help.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "If Zoltan helps in prison breka in q310",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "If Zoltan helps in prison breka in q310",
index = 2,
description = 0x00103307, -- "In another adventure that took place
during this time, Geralt asked Zoltan to distract the guards at Deireadh prison.
The planned ruse proved impossible to pull off, however, and so the dwarf resorted
to more reliable, direct methods. His quick thinking considerably eased the
witcher's getaway.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Obrona Kaer Morhen",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Obrona Kaer Morhen 09DF379C-4FAC6488-41AF5894-
index = 3,
description = 0x00105ee8, -- "Zoltan naturally would never have sat out
the defense of Kaer Morhen. In fact, I don't think he'd ever have forgiven Geralt
if he'd been left out of the chance to smash some evil heads in good company."

-- gameplay/journal/glossary/debugglossary.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "do_not_display",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "do_not_display",
children = {
title = 0x00058bf1, -- "[PL] do_not_display"
image = "debug1.png",

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Wiedźmini",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wiedzmini",
description = 0x00058bf2, -- "<i>Vedymins, known also as witchers - a
mysterious and elite caste of warriors </i>cum<i> priests. According to folk
beliefs, they possessed magical powers and superhuman abilities, which they then
used to fight evil spirits, monsters and other malevolent powers.</i><br>--
Encyclopaedia Maxima Mundi, vol. XV <br><br> I know witchers just a bit less
thoroughly then poetry and the fair sex -- meaning, I know them very well. During
one of my many adventures, I befriended not just the famed Geralt of Rivia, but
also his teacher, Vesemir, as well as his confreres, Lambert and Eskel. But enough
about me. <br><br> In a nutshell, witchers are monster slayers for hire. They fight
beasts with a silver-plated sword and simple spells known as Signs. The witchers'
excellence in swordfighting is the result of years of excruciating training and
magically induced mutations which greatly enhance their senses and reflexes.
Unfortunately, these mutations, achieved through a rite called the Trial of the
Grasses, are extremely dangerous and more often than not end in a long and painful
death.<br><br> As a result of many provocations and slanderous gossip, witchers
became first feared and then hated, leading in turn to persecution and pogroms
which very nearly put an end to their caste. Yet some of them survived and ply
their peculiar trade to this day, traveling back and forth across the Northern
Realms, killing monsters for a small fee."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Temeria",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Temeria",
index = 1,
description = 0x00104636, -- "<i>If I hear anyone say Temeria has ceased
to exist, I will smack him in the face. With brass knuckles.</i><br>--Vernon Roche,
former head of Temerian Special Forces. <br><br>Until recently, Temeria was
considered the most powerful of the Northern Realms. Together with its allies, it
was thought capable of standing up to the ever more aggressive Empire of Nilfgaard.
However, King Foltest's tragic death proved Temeria a giant with feet of clay. Left
without its ruler, it was unable to withstand yet another incursion from the south.
Just months after the offensive began, the silver lilies flying over Vizima were
replaced by banners bearing the Great Sun, the symbol of the empire.<br><br>Though
most Temerians gave up all hope, some never came to terms with the humiliating
defeat and their beloved country's eradication from the world map. Hiding in the
dense forests of Angren and the mountains of Mahakam, they wait impatiently for an
occasion to take up arms and fight the odious oppressor."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Redania",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Redania",
index = 2,
description = 0x00104d79, -- "<i>Redania is the oldest of the dh'oine
kingdoms. I remember its beginnings very clearly. All those broken oaths, rapes and
murders... </i><br>--Ida Emean, elven Sage <br><br>I find it hard to write about
Redania objectively, as it is there that I, Dandelion, came into this world -- a
truly momentous event, noted by all respected historians (who, for some inscrutable
reason, insist of adding me a few years).<br><br>But back to Redania. The kingdom
is currently ruled by Radovid the Fifth, very rightly nicknamed "The Stern", an
irreconcilable enemy of all mages and sorcerers. Its emblem -- a white eagle
painted on a red field, its capital -- Tretogor, built upon the ruins of an elven
city. Among the other urban centers one should definitely name Oxenfurt, home to
the world-famous Academy, and the port of Blaviken, where Geralt gained the
nickname "Butcher" after killing (in a rather cruel fashion, I must add) the
renegade princess Renfri and her brigands.<br><br>Recently, Redania has greatly
increased its territory by deceitfully taking over the lands of its neighbor and
erstwhile ally, Kaedwen. Radovid, who was expected to defend all Northern Kingdoms
from the Nilfgaardian invasion, turned out to be a ruthless aggressor himself."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Nilfgaard",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Nilfgaard",
index = 3,
description = 0x00104d82, -- "<i>There is no up-to-date map of
Nilfgaard. For it just keeps growing.</i><br>-Amerigo Veltucci,
cartographer<br><br>Until about a quarter century ago, only the well educated had
even heard of Nilfgaard. Back then the empire, though already expanding, had not
yet cast its shadow over the Northern Realms. Today, when its black-clad legions
have carried banners bearing the Great Sun across the Yaruga all the way to the
southern banks of the Pontar, no man in the North does not know the empire's name -
and does not tremble upon hearing it.<br><br>Nilfgaard is currently ruled by Emhyr
var Emreis, a great politician and strategist. The country consists of about a half
dozen provinces, formed from once-conquered lands, and numerous satellite states
such as Ebbing, Salm, Toussaint, Maecht, Metinna or Cintra. The latter, though
formally independent, are in fact governed directly by the emperor.<br><br>For such
a diverse and quickly expanding state, Nilfgaard is surprisingly stable. In recent
memory, no rebellion, uprising or domestic war has upset the famed <i>Pax
Nilfgaardiana</i>. This might derive from the fact that Nilfgaardians cherish order
above all else, including wars and conquest - and respect laws and courts to an
extent unparalleled anywhere in the North."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Kovir i Poviss",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kovir i Poviss",
index = 4,
description = 0x00104d83, -- "<i>You might be rich back home in Redania,
mate, but here in Kovir you'd be a shoeshine at most... If you'd pay the one
thousand marks entry fee at the Shoeshine Guild, that is.</i><br>--Joulke van
Henning, townswoman from Lan Exeter. <br><br>Kovir and Poviss were once a dirt-
poor, backward province of Redania. Rocky shores, barren fields and god-awful
weather deterred all but the most desperate outcasts and exiles from settling
there. But the picture had changed dramatically once all but inexhaustible natural
riches were discovered under the snow-covered peaks of the Dragon Mountains. Since
then, in less than two centuries, Kovir and Poviss not only managed to secure
independence, but became the richest of the Northern Kingdoms.<br><br>Today, the
kingdom's power rests on a healthy economy and commerce, and its sovereignty is
secured by both extensive trade agreements and legions of very well paid
mercenaries. Kovir and Poviss are also reputed to be the most tolerant and
enlightened of the Northern Realms, meaning that persecuted mages and non-humans
often flee there, seeking refuge."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Wieczny Ogień",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wieczny Ogien",
index = 5,
description = 0x00104d84, -- "<i>What is the Eternal Fire? Do you know?
Is it an unextinguished flame, a symbol of survival, a path through the darkness, a
promise of progress and a better tomorrow? The Eternal Fire is… hope
itself.</i><br>- Chappelle, Commander, Temple Guard of the Church of the Eternal
Fire. <br><br>The cult of the Eternal Fire came into being a few centuries past in
the Free City of Novigrad. The undying flame, symbolizing hope, is its chief
symbol. As the years passed, the cult gained popularity, eventually becoming the
dominant religion in the North.<br><br>Initially tolerant of other faiths, the cult
of the Eternal Fire grew increasingly radical with time. As the fire which was
supposed to drive off darkness began sprouting beneath pyres, its flame, once the
symbol of hope, became a sign of terror and oppression. Anyone can become the
Eternal Fire's foe, be he mage, alchemist, elf, dwarf... or witcher."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Loża Czarodziejek",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Loza Czarodziejek",
index = 6,
description = 0x00104d85, -- "<i>Anyone in possession of information
pertaining to the whereabouts of members of the despicable Lodge of Sorceresses, or
rather Wicked Witches and Kingslayers, is obliged, under the pain of death penalty,
to report immediately to our gracious ruler.</i><br>--Decree signed by Radovid the
Stern <br><br> The Lodge was founded by a group of sorceresses from the Northern
Realms and the Empire of Nilfgaard. Its aim was to guard and determine the future
of the art of magic. Initially, this secret organization had a salutary influence
-- for example, few know that it is thanks to these sorceresses that the Treaty of
Cintra, which ended the Second War with Nilfgaard, was
signed.<br><br>Unfortunately, initial successes convinced members of the Lodge of
Sorceresses of their infallibility -- and affirmed the already strong conviction
that a noble goal justifies all means. Instead of advising, mentoring and
criticizing the world's rulers, sorceresses started working behind the scenes,
pulling the strings and getting involved in morally dubious plots. As a result, the
sorceresses were implicated in the so called "Assassinations of Kings", the chief
victims of which were kings Demavend of Aedirn and Foltest of Temeria.<br><br>As it
later turned out, the sorceresses were only pawns in the hands of emperor Emhyr var
Emreis, who thus, in one masterful stroke, discredited Lodge's venerable members
and got rid of the most important rulers of the Northern Realms."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Straż świątynna",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Straz swiatynna",
index = 7,
description = 0x00104d98, -- "<i>ATGAB? The hell that's s'pposed to
mean?</i><br>–Hans Schmetterling, Temple Guard corporal, on a ubiquitous
Novigradian graffiti<br><br>The Temple Guard used to be Novigrad's secret service –
one with a pretty awful reputation. It was credited with persecutions of the
Hierarch's political opponents, forging documents, assassinations, kidnappings,
blackmail, racketeering as well as good ol' robberies. When this particular story
took place, their main task was to assist witch hunters in tracking down and
killing the unfortunate mages who flocked to Novigrad hoping to avoid Radovid's

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Pontar",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pontar",
index = 8,
description = 0x00104d99, -- "<i>Over the Pontar and through the woods,
to Ban Glean we go, through the white and drifted snow!</i><br>--Folk
song<br><br>Taking its source in the Blue Mountains, flowing from the East towards
the West, Pontar used to be an important commercial waterway as well as a natural
border between the kingdoms of Redania and Kaedwen on one side and Temeria and
Aedirn on the other. Today, it is the last major strategic obstacle blocking the
progress of the invading Nilfgaardian army."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Krasnoludy",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Krasnoludy",
index = 9,
description = 0x00104d9a, -- "<i>I'll never take a human for an
apprentice. Not that I'm a racist -- I just know that the very day they learn to
hammer steel as well as we do, they'll get rid of us. Just as they did with the
Vrans and werebbubbs. </i><br>--Latke Vicario, dwarven smith from the Vizima
Outskirts <br><br>History of the dwarfs reaches back to the times from before the
Conjunction of the Spheres. They are characterized by a meager height and stocky
build, great diligence and an even greater love of gold. Humans think them
honorable and reliable -- and, at the same time, boorish and rude. They are also
known for their somewhat irrational fear for the safety of their less then
attractive females, which, they deeply believe, all other races plot to kidnap for
gods know what wicked purposes.<br><br>Dwarfs, pragmatic as ever, assimilated
rather painlessly into the human society, adopting many habits of the dominating
race. Still, they are often distrusted and mistreated -- and every once in a while
some of them perish in pogroms directed against non-humans.<br><br>However, some
more conservative dwarfs, especially those sympathizing with the Scoia'tael,
refused to accept the human rule and hold their meeker kinsmen in deep contempt."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Niziołki",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Niziolki",
index = 10,
description = 0x00104d9b, -- "<i>Jurgen keeps telling everyone how he
lost his eye at the Battle of Sodden. Truth is, it burst after a certain angry
halfling flung a stone at him in revenge for trampling his carefully trimmed flower
bed.</i><br>--Anna Hilger, washerwoman from Carreras <br><br>Great historians have
precious little to say about the beginnings of this humble people. What is clear,
however, is that they came into existence long before humans. Contrary to elves and
dwarves, halflings offered no resistance to the Big People, as they call us, and
chose to live peacefully under the human rule. This attitude earned them an unfair
reputation of duffers and cowards and overshadowed their many virtues, such as
resourcefulness and diligence.<br><br>Halflings are natural-born farmers and stock
breeders, so it comes as little surprise that most of them live and work in the
countryside. Those who do reside in human cities try their luck in commerce or run
small workshops, breweries and inns. <br><br>Halflings' peaceful nature did not
protect them from Big People's enmity and persecutions. However, when hard-pressed,
jovial halflings prove to be able warriors, fighting furiously to protect their
belongings and, above all, families -- those who put their kin in danger, no matter
how big or powerful, should expect armed resistance. <br><br>During the previous
war, there were many stories about deserters and bandits disappearing without a
trace upon entering peaceful halfling villages. Most think these tales plucked out
of the air. However, having seen halflings shoot arrows and fling stones with
terrifying force and precision, I wouldn't be so sure."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Freyja",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Freyja",
index = 11,
description = 0x00104d9c, -- "<i>O, Freya! Give me strength to love, to
bear children, to give birth to warriors, to kill enemies!</i><br>--A prayer for
Skellige girls<br><br>Among the many gods of the Skellige Isles, it is beyond doubt
Freyja, the goddess of the hearth, love and fertility, who is regarded most highly
and revered most fervently. Many think her identical with Melitele, worshiped on
the continent -- but one should not mention this hypothesis to the islanders, for
they think it a blasphemy and a grave insult.<br><br>Freya is also the protector of
prophetesses, seers and telepaths, as illustrated by her attributes: Brisingamen,
gem which allows seeing into the future, cat, which hears and sees what is hidden,
and hawk, which watches from the above. Freya's main temple is located on the
island of Hindar. It's surrounded by a holy grove, from where the sacred mistletoe,
a key ingredient of each and every Skellige ritual, is harvested."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Melitele",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Melitele",
index = 12,
description = 0x00104d9d, -- "<i>Your Excellency, I am writing to you
with the humble request to annul my excommunication. Since you have, absolutely
justly, cursed me, no one ever comes to my shop anymore, people dump the vilest of
excrements on me from the windows, and whenever I enter an inn, they spit into my
drink and food alike...</i><br>–a letter from Janne Gregorius, draper, to sister
Nenneke<br><br>Cult of Melitele is derived from the primitive, primeval human
beliefs revolving around fertility, love, farming, domestic hearth and pregnant
women, personified in the form of various feminine figures. With time, all these
minor deities become one – All-mother, or Melitele. <br><br>Unlike other old
religions, which either fizzled out completely or became insignificant, limited to
a few forgotten altars and isolated temples, the cult of Melitele holds strong. The
goddess is revered by all women, irrespective of birth and station, and so no lord
would consider hurting her priestesses, unless he wanted to upset the whole
womanfolk – as well as his own wife.<br><br>The most important center of the cult
of Melitele is undoubtedly Ellander, known across the whole world for its cloister,
where future herbalists, doctors and midwives train under the watchful eye of
sister Nenneke."
chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Źródło",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zr?ite",
index = 13,
description = 0x00104da1, -- "<i>Kid got into my way, so I smacked'im
right across the face. Brat started cryin', so I 'it 'im again, hopin' he'd shut
up. And then... Windows shattered, glass went flyin' and my coat went afire, jus'
like that.</i><br>--witness's statement, inquiry regarding the so-called "Bloody
Tuesday"<br><br>A "source" is a person endowed with a wild, unbridled magical
talent -- in other words, an involuntary medium, through which sheer Power can
flow. These talents usually remain dormant and undetected for a long time. When
they finally manifest themselves, however, they tend to do so with a bang, for when
the source draws its power for the first time -- or rather, when Power breaks out
of the source -- results are almost always highly destructive. <br><br>Should a
source be identified early on, however, it is possible to teach him or her to
control the Power within their bodies. Such individuals usually move on to become
powerful sorcerers."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Dziecko Niespodzianka",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dziecko Niespodzianka",
index = 14,
description = 0x00104da0, -- "<i>Unexpected child? Aye, have one of
those each year... Unless you mean somethin' else?</i><br>--Elke Vrijdek,
townswoman from Ban Glean<br><br>An Unexpected Child is bound by the laws of
destiny with the person to whom it had been promised, usually in return for a
favor. One who wanted to invoke the Law of Surprise, upon hearing he will receive
whatever he may wish in exchange for his assistance, uttered the following words:
"you shall give me what you find back home that you did not expect." What is meant
here is of course not a lover hiding under the wife's bed or mother-in-law who
dropped by with an unannounced visit, but the child born or taken in during the
absence of the person swearing the oath.<br><br>They say that children thus marked
by the Fate grow up to do great things. The famous hero Zatret Voruta and Supree,
who freed the Mad Deï from his curse, were Unexpected Children. One other such
child was of course Ciri, Geralt's apprentice and adopted daughter."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Koniunkcja Sfer",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Koniunkcja Sfer",
index = 15,
description = 0x00104da2, -- "<i>Conjunction of the Spheres... Rings a
bell... It's something about grammar, right?</i><br>--Overheard during a resit
exam, Oxenfurt Academy<br><br>Questions regarding the Conjunction of the Spheres
inspire terror among Oxenfurt's students. This is because this event is almost
impossible to grasp for the human mind. It's devilishly hard to understand it --
and explaining it is even worse. Therefore, instead of trying yet again to put it
in words, I'm copying the answer from my own exam, marked E minus. Those who'd like
to know more should consult an academic rather than a poet. <b><br><i>Conjunction
of the Spheres is a magical cataclysm, which, by our calculation of the time, took
place one thousand and five hundred years ago, give or take. As a result, our world
became infested with, like, an awful lot of totally dangerous beings from all sorts
of different times and dimensions, which we call monsters. Conjunction of the
Spheres also gave birth to magic, </i>id est<i> a supernatural power which only a
select few can bridle. The times of the Conjunction of the Spheres are remembered
only by the oldest of elves -- and of course dean Haarer.</i>"

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Aen Elle",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Aen Elle",
index = 16,
description = 0x00104da3, -- "<i>Amid a starless night, the Alder Folk,
the Aen Elle, will come, their faces painted with hoar-frost, their eyes pale like
the moon...</i><br>--Elven prophecy, author unknown<br><br>The oldest legends of
the Aen Seidhe elves mention a lost tribe -- Aen Elle, Elder Speech for Alder Folk.
Their paths separated many centuries ago, we are told, when the Conjunction of the
Spheres gave birth two dozens, if not hundreds of different worlds. Aen Elle
settled down in one of them, creating their own kingdom. <br><br>It is hard to say
anything about this race with certainty. All I know is that this elven tribe was
reputed to be warlike and conquered many lands, destroying those who stood in its
way without mercy."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Dziki Gon",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dziki Gon",
index = 17,
description = 0x00104da4, -- "<i>If you hear hooves beating at night,
but no one rides down the road... If you can see a blood-red glow on the horizon,
but the air is free of smoke... If it suddenly gets cold, even though it was warm
during the day... Collect your family forthwith, bar the door, close the shutters,
extinguish the hearth and hide in the basement.</i><br>--Old Pellar's Nuggets,
Second Edition <br><br>The Wild Hunt is a half-legendary cavalcade of ghastly
specter riders, clad in rusty armors, galloping across the night sky on skeleton
steeds. It's coming is interpreted as an infallible sign of coming war, hunger and
disease.<br><br>Those who spot the Wild Hunt on the night sky, freeze in terror,
and those who stand in its way, die or disappear without a trace. And this isn't
just tall tales -- there are many reliable accounts of people purportedly carried
away by the Wild Hunt. They sometimes return, many years later, not remembering a
thing about their long captivity, looking exactly the same as they did on the day
they were captured -- even though the graves of their loved ones have long been
overgrown by grass and weeds."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Skellige",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skellige",
index = 18,
description = 0x00104da5, -- "<i>You wanna sail to Skellige, eh? Why not
slit yer throat 'ere n' now and save us all the hassle?</i><br>--Overheard in the
harbor of Bremervoord<br><br>The rocky, inhospitable Skellige Archipelago consists
of six major islands and dozens of smaller islets. Since times long past it has
been home to a fierce and warlike nation of sailors, merchants and pirates. They
value freedom above all else, and indeed even the simplest Skellige fishermen
possess almost the same rights as their clan leaders, known as jarls. The latter,
in turn, answer only to the king they elect from amongst themselves.<br><br>For a
long time, Skellige was closely allied with Cintra. After Cintra fell to Nilfgaard,
however, the islanders swore revenge on the empire and have since been its most
irreconcilable and vicious enemy."
chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Kaedwen",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kaedwen",
index = 19,
description = 0x00104da6, -- "<i>All dh'oine are savages... But the ones
from Kaedwen are the worst. As if someone dressed hogs in jerkins on taught them to
walk on hind legs.</i><br>--Toruviel, free elf from Dol Blathanna<br><br>To the
east of Redania lies the youngest of the Northern Realms -- the vast and densely
wooded Kaedwen. Its capital is Ard Carraigh, but the kingdom's true pearl is beyond
all doubt the city of Ban Ard -- which fits this somewhat unrefined realm like a
square peg in a round hole. <br><br>Kaedwen has always been a troublesome neighbor.
For example, under the rule of king Henselt Kaedweni forces marched into Aedirn,
formally an ally, taking advantage of the fact that its armies were preoccupied
fighting the invading Nilfgaardians. Such traitorous deeds earned the Kaedweni a
reputation of bandits and bastards -- whereas in fact they are generally a
forthcoming and hospitable people. They are known for their coarse sense of humor
and famous sayings, such as "a whore won't score 'gainst ano'er whore", which
indisputably contain some folk wisdom.<br><br>There's one other proverb which the
fate of Kaedwen proved true -- "at length is the fox brought to the furrier." After
years of harassing its neighbors, it was Kaedwen's turn to suffer. When
Nilfgaardian armies invaded for the third time, king Radovid V The Stern of Redania
did not rush to its aid, but instead defeated the overstretched Kaedweni forces in
what can only be called a blitzkrieg and incorporated its lands into his own realm.
And so today Ard Carraigh and all the important forts along the Pontar river are
manned by soldiers flying the Redanian banner."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Cintra",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cintra",
index = 20,
description = 0x00104ddc, -- "<i>If we'll continue bickering among
ourselves, Redania and Temeria will end up like Cintra. Black from the ashes and
Nilfgaardian banners.</i><br>--Alexandre de Tocqueville, Temeria's ambassador in
Redania, shortly before the fall of Vizima<br><br>The Kingdom of Cintra, lying on
the southern banks of the Yaruga river, was in the way of Nilfgaard's expansion --
and so it was the first of the Northern Realms to fall to its might. When
conquered, it was not incorporated into the empire -- instead, it remains a
formally independent kingdom, ruled by a puppet monarch. <br><br>The fall of Cintra
became a symbol of Nilfgaardian cruelty -- and the battle of the Marnadal Pass, in
which the Cintran forces were eventually defeated in spite of outstanding bravery,
is considered the beginning of the so-called Northern Wars. The sack of Cintra's
capital has been dubbed the Slaughter of Cintra -- and rightly so, for not even
children were spared by Emhyr's soldiers. The heroic deaths of the city's
defenders, and in particular queen Calanthe's, the Lioness of Cintra, have been
lauded in many songs and tales. And so until very recently the rallying cry of the
Northern Realms' armies was "Remember Cintra!""

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Mahakam",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mahakam",
index = 21,
description = 0x00104ddd, -- "<i>Ain't a stall without at least a
Mahakaman awl</i><br>--Temerian saying<br><br>Dwarves have lived under the Mahakam
mountain range, lying between Temeria and Aedirn and Lyria since time immemorial.
They are known all around the world for their excellent workshops, smithies and
foundries, which produce highest quality steel -- and weapons. <br><br>Mahakam
dwarves are technically subordinate to kings of Temeria, but in fact are all but
independent from the human rule. They answer only to one of their own, the Elder.
Today, this title is borne by one Brouver Hogg, a wizened old dwarf known for his
obsession with the traditions of yore. During the wars with Nilfgaard and the
following conflicts, Mahakam dwarves supplied the Northern Realms with arms and
even put up their own voluntary contingent, which fought valiantly during the
famous battle of Brenna."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Velen",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Velen - Description",
index = 22,
description = 0x00104dde, -- "<i>Velen? Been there once, once only. Got
lost, rode down the wrong path, me cart got stuck in the marshes. So I went to the
nearby village, askin' for help... Shite, that was really dumb of me.</i><br>--
Norbert Angler, traveling merchant<br><br>Even during the times of peace, when
Velen hasn't been swarming with bandits and deserters yet, I used to stay well
clear of this cursed place. For some unfathomable reason , I always found sparsely
populated marshlands, dirt-poor villages and boorish yokels repellent. Even Zoltan,
admittedly less refined than myself, always said that Velen is nothing but
"barrens, bushes and chorts."<br><br>Now that Velen has been ravaged by wars, its
bogs and swamps became true feasting grounds for all sorts of necrophages and other
carrion eating monsters. It comes as little surprise, then, that no one, with the
possible exception of job-seeking witchers, ventures there anymore."

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Toussaint",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Toussaint",
index = 23,
description = 0x00104ddf, -- "<i>Calm down, good sir, 'cause if you keep
on sputterin' like that, you're goin' to soil yer esteemed spouse's dress. Sure,
the wine's expensive. As it should be, given it came straight from the Toussain'
vineyards!</i><br>--Angelique Duvin, merchant from Novigrad <br><br>Toussaint, and
it's breathtaking capital, Beauclair, are beyond doubt among the most charming
corners of the earth. The inhabitants of this blessed land, starting with its
ruler, duchess Anna Henrietta -- a distant relative of Emhyr var Emreis's, by the
way -- all the way down to the simple peasants, live their lives as if they were a
never-ending ball. Each day starts and ends with wine, songs and romance, each day
is marked by some sort of a holiday, feast or other festivity, one more sumptuous
than the other. <br><br>The Duchy of Toussaint does not possess a regular army --
it's borders are protected by knights-errant, known for the peculiar oaths they
swear by when joining the ranks of this unusual brotherhood. Add the fact that
Toussaint is a world-famous wine producer and exporter, and the image you'll get is
a happy, if also somewhat tipsy little statelet, ever celebrating -- and out of
touch with reality."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Zerrikania",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Zerrikania",
index = 24,
description = 0x00104de0, -- "<i>If you're going to lie to me, Frans, at
least show some imagination. Dog ate your homework? Why not a dragon, who flew here
all the way from Zerrikania, desperate to find out what you had to say about the
political system in Brugge?</i><br>--Marabella, teacher from Novigrad<br><br>This
exotic, semi-legendary land lies far, far away to the North-East, beyond the Blue
Mountains. Very little is known about it, for few people have traveled there, and
even fewer managed to return. There are stories, though -- about incredible wild
animals and terrifying monsters, including poisonous insects the size of an ox and
of course dragons, which the Zerrikanians revere like gods. If even a few of these
tales are true, then Zerrikania is a land as beautiful as it is dangerous. <br><br>
Zerrikania is also known for rare spices, excellent bows and dangerous women --
warriors for hire, clad in lion furs and with tattooed faces, unmatched both on the
battlefield and in the alcove. Armed with the curved <i>saberras</i>, which they
use with deadly precision, Zerrikanian women earned a reputation of excellent but
prohibitively expensive mercenaries."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Loc Muinne",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Loc Muinne",
index = 25,
description = 0x00104de1, -- "<i>I don't get it. Ruins like any other,
really.</i><br>--Johnny from Mare Hill, Redanian army sergeant <br><br> The ancient
city of Loc Muinne lies at the source of the Pontar river, right at the feet of the
Blue Mountains. Its crumbling walls have been a mute witness of innumerable
tragedies, a few of which I will briefly outline herein. Historians say that Loc
Muinne has been built many centuries ago by the lizard-like race known as the
Vrans. After their fall, the city has been taken over by the Aen Seidhe elves.
Their rule over Loc Muinne has been put to an end by the infamous Redanian marshal
Raupenneck of Tretogor, whose soldiers slaughtered all inhabitants of this ancient
city, paying no heed to their victims' age or sex. After the massacre, the city was
abandoned and has been slowly decaying ever since. <br><br>Loc Muinne has been
painted red with blood yet again during the recent summit of the North's rulers and
various other worthies. The many plots, provocations, murders and even an attack of
a dragon have been overshadowed by other dramatic events, that is, exposing the
treacherous conspiracy of the Lodge of the Sorceress, Radovid's rise to dominate
the North and the political triumph of the Nilfgaardian Empire, which managed to
sow the seed of discord between the rulers of the North and thus cleared the decks
for the coming invasion."

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Szkoła Czarodziejek w Aretuzie",
order = 4294967278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Szkola Czarodziejek w Aretuzie",
index = 26,
description = 0x00104de2, -- "<i>This is supposed to be Alzur's Double
Cross? More like Moron's Single Rhomboid. Sit down, F.</i><br>--Margarita Laux-
Antille, chancellor of the Aretuza School of Sorceresses<br><br>Until very
recently, the city of Aretuza, situated on a little islet of Thanedd off the coasts
of Temeria, was famous for its School of Sorceresses. Becoming one of its students
was considered a great honor -- and meant paying an even greater fee. The quality
of the education, however, justified the expenses. The alumnae of this venerable
institution were immensely respected and were sure to land great jobs immediately
after graduating.<br><br>Among the School's chancellors were many famous
sorceresses, including the grand mistress Tissaia de Vries and Margarita Laux-
Antille. Among the famous alumnae, on the other hand, one should mention one Triss
Merigold and a certain Yennefer of Vengerberg.<br><br>Unfortunately, the School has
suffered greatly during the so-called Thanedd Coup, when the North's magicians
jumped at each other's throats. And since it never rains, but pours, just a few
years later, when mages' persecutions started, the School was closed down for

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Tir na Lia",
order = 4294967286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tir na Lia",
index = 27,
description = 0x00104de5, -- "<i>Soaring spires, tall as yews... Houses
of white marble... And a sky upon which twin suns burned...</i><br>--Statement by
Lidke var Mwahar, a Nilfgaardian reputedly captured by the Wild Hunt. Classified
material.<br><br>The city of Tir na Lia was said to be the capital of the Aen Elle
elves and the seat of their king, Auberon Muircetach. Few people had the
opportunity to see it, with the possible exception of those who have been captured
by the Wild Hunt and taken to their realm. From among those I know, only Ciri has
been there for some time, but she never wanted to talk much about it. I have heard
from other sources, however, that Tir na Lia is a city of great beauty, and its
sight alone fills one's heart with great admiration, but also longing and
unspeakable grief."

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Magia",
order = 4294967290,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Magia",
index = 28,
description = 0x00104de6, -- "<i>What is magic? I can show you... If
you're not afraid, that is. </i><br>--Keira Metz, sorceress<br><br>There are many
learned definitions of this term. I am myself partial to the uncharacteristically
poetic one offered by my friend Ciri, who said that magic is Art, Chaos and Science
combined. For art is indeed both artistry and curse, threat and progress. It all
depends on who wields it and what purposes it is made to serve. <br><br>Magic is
sometimes also called Power. Mages claim they draw it from Nature itself, or, to be
more precise, from the Four Elements of which it comprises. They say it slumbers in
the earth below us, in the fire which purportedly burns in its core, the air we
breathe and water we drink. Drawing upon its Power its the very basis of mages'
education, for mastering it allows them to achieve things beyond the wildest dreams
of regular mortals."

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Białe Zimno",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Biale Zimno",
index = 29,
description = 0x00104de7, -- "<i>For nigh is the Time of the Sword and
Axe, the Age of the Wolven Blizzard. Nigh is the Time of the White Frost and White
Light, the Time of Madness and Disdain, Tedd Deireádh - the Final Age. The world
shall perish amidst ice and be reborn with the new sun.</i><br>--Ithlinne's
Prophecy<br><br>Priests, scholars and sorcerers all have different definitions of
the White Frost and conflicting theories as to where it is to come from. Some speak
of a natural cooling of the climate, likely happen in three thousand years or so,
bringing utter destruction, reducing civilization to ruin and pushing the whole of
humanity back toward and age of barbarism.<br><br>Yet others think the White Frost
a more esoteric and mysterious evil, one that will shatter not just our world, but
many other worlds, too. Whatever the case, if there is but a grain of truth in
Ithlinne's Prophecy, acquiring woolen hose, a sheepskin jacket and a fur hat may
not suffice to weather the coming storm."

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Starsza Krew",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starsza Krew",
index = 30,
description = 0x00104dea, -- "<i>Holy blood, cursed blood! Blood of the
murderess and blood of the saviors! Blood of the birth, blood of the
death!</i><br>--Fragment of a prophecy<br><br>Hen Ichaer, the mysterious Elder
Blood, can be traced back to the elven Sage Lara Dorren aep Shiadhal -- who, even
though she was meant to marry another, fell in love with a human mage, one
Cregennan of Lod. And even though the two lovers died horrible deaths, their line
survived. There are many legends regarding Lara's offspring -- some entirely wrong,
some containing a grain of truth. <br><br>According to some prophecies, the Avenger
will be born of the Elder Blood, one who will drown the whole world in blood and
will build a new one on its ruins. Other revelations, however, claim that Hen
Ichaer will be our only protection from the White Frost. According to the famous
elven seer Ithlinne, it is from Elder Blood that the mysterious Zireael will emerge
-- the Swallow, bringer of spring and rebirth."

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Wiedzący",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wiedzacy",
index = 31,
description = 0x00104deb, -- "<i>What's the difference between a Sage
and a sorcerer? Same as between a campfire and a volcano, dear.</i><br>--Millegarda
of Redania, lecturer at the Aretuza School of Sorceresses<br><br>The term "Sage" is
a rather loose translation of the elven expression "Aen Saevherne". Humans often
think it's a synonym for the word "sorcerer" -- but they are gravely mistaken. The
enigmatic Aen Saevherne do of course use Power, and with great proficiency, but at
the same time possess an impressive knowledge regarding not just magic, but also
medicine, art and -- as I was told -- other worlds, dimensions and time itself.
<br><br> Even within the elven society, Sages form a separate, mysterious but also
greatly respected caste. They follow their own moral code, the basic premise of
which, it seems, is the well-being of their people."

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Ragh nar Roog",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ragh nar Roog",
index = 32,
description = 0x00104dec, -- "<i>Ragh nar Roog! Ragh nar Roog! Ragh
naaaar Roooooog!!!</i><br>--Skellige battle cry<br><br>Skellige legends are as
beautiful as they are gloomy. Islanders love stories about bloody vendettas,
battles and heroes laughing at the face of danger. One myth masterfully combines
all these elements -- the legend of Ragh nar Roog, the final battle between men and
gods on one side and monsters, specters and demons from the land of Morhögg on the
other. The outcome of this conflict is supposed to determine whether the world will
be shrouded in eternal darkness or if the sun will rise yet again. <br><br>The
battle will commence with the coming of Tedd Deidrach, the Time of End, Time of
White Frost and Wolf's Blizzard. First will come the ghastly Naglfar, a longship
built of the deceased's fingernails, carrying a crew of evil specters. Then, Kambi
the Rooster will crow, waking the mythical hero Hemdall, and he in turn will sound
his horn, giving a sign of the coming battle, in which the world's fate will be
determined. <br><br>Skelligers treat this legend very seriously. This is why they
cut their dead's fingernails short before burying them, hoping that this will slow
down the construction of Naglfar and the world's end. On a side note, it's
interesting that there are many overlapping points between this legend and the
prophecies regarding the coming of the Time of End and White Frost, which one can
hear on the continent."

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Megaskop",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Megaskop",
index = 33,
description = 0x00104dee, -- "<i>In short, megascope offers a means of
communication over great distances. For example, I can use it to ask one of my
esteemed colleagues for advice regarding a particularly complex spell -- or ask if
the new dress makes me look fat. </i><br>--Fringilla Vigo, sorceress<br><br>Since
I'm an honest and humble fellow, I readily admit that I know little about how
megascopes -- that is, sophisticated communication devices use by mages -- really
work. <br><br>What I do know is that, unlike the famous crystal orbs, which can be
used only to communicate with one other, synced orb, megascopes have a wide array
of functions. Mages can use them not only to talk to each other, but also to spy
on others, conduct magical searches, observations and gods know what else."

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Wampiry Wyższe",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wampiry Wyzsze",
index = 34,
description = 0x00104df0, -- "<i>It pulled… pulled the stake from its
chest and drove it forcefully into Florian's eye. And then… I fear you will not
believe me. Unless I show you my scars…</i><br>A story about higher vampires
overheard in a tavern along the high road to Scala<br><br>As Geralt once explained
to me, this term is oft erroneously applied as a catch-all for a number of more
powerful varieties of vampire, including bruxae, alps and katakans. Said species do
indeed exhibit some singular characteristics not observed in their "lesser"
cousins, whence the tendency to describe them as "higher" vampires. Yet in spite of
peculiarities like their resistance to sunlight, ability to assume human form, or
certain telepathic skills, they are not, in fact, higher vampires <i>per
se</i>.<br><br>For higher vampires are a distinct and unusual variety of beasts.
Their powers are extreme and often unique to single specimens. They also possess
personalities, desires and motivations, and thus are in no way driven solely to
hunt in order to satisfy their thirst for blood. They can live for years among
ordinary folk without ever betraying their true nature. Incredibly quick and
partially resistant to fire (though great heat can do them harm), they are foes
even witchers need fear."

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Waluty",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Waluty",
index = 35,
description = 0x00104df1, -- "<i>What's that? You wish to pay with
orens? Have you spent the last six months hiding under a rock? Orens are worth as
much as bean husks now!</i><br>--Heinrich Zucker, merchant from Ellander<br><br>The
war between Nilfgaard and the Northern Realms has not only caused many borders to
shift, but has also turned the entire Continent's economy upside-down. Currencies,
in particular, have been greatly affected by the political upheaval.<br><br>The
surest coin is the crown minted in Novigrad. Thanks to the free city's vibrant
economy, its currency is highly valued and is the only means of payment accepted
around the world, by the North's merchants, nobles, townsfolk and simple peasants,
as well as by Nilfgaardian quartermasters, dwarven bankers, women plying the
world's oldest trade and, last but not least, by witchers.<br><br>The value of the
Nilfgaardian floren depends on the state of the empire's economy rather than on the
coin's gold content. The initial success of the empire's military campaign greatly
boosted the currency's worth, but months later, as the conflict lagged on, it began
to take its toll, and the coin's value is now dropping slowly but surely. Still,
Nilfgaardian florens can be exchanged for crowns at most banks and shops.
<br><br>The Temerian oren, bearing the aquiline profile of the now-deceased King
Foltest, is, like Temeria itself, one of the least fortunate victims of the war.
The value of the currency of this battered, occupied country holds stable, but at a
very low level, reflecting the coin's silver content. Still, my good friend Vimme
Vivaldi, Novigrad's foremost banker, advises all to get rid of the Temerian
currency at their earliest convenience, just in case."

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Gniazda potworów",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gniazda potwor?ejek w Aretuzie",
index = 36,
description = 0x00106f88, -- "<i>Mole-hill this big?
Interesting...</i><br>--Last words uttered by Vaclav of Ostrava, royal
gardener<br><br>Before I met Geralt, the word "nest" had very pleasant connotations
-- for it made me think of songbirds, such as jays or nightingales, and is a part
of "love nest", an expression which brings back the best of memories.<br><br> The
witcher made me realize, however, that it's not just harmless birdies who build
nests -- but also dangerous monsters, such as nekkers or phoocas. Geralt said one
should destroy their nests using bombs, such as Grapeshots or Dancing Stars -- a
rather useless piece of advice, however, given that I haven't touched explosive
materials since my first year at the Oxenfurt Academy, when, by pure accident of
course, I have blown up the School of Alchemy."

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "Novigrad",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Novigrad - Description",
index = 37,
description = 0x001073be, -- "<i>Whatever your heart's desire, you're
likely to find it in Novigrad. Zerrikanian spices? As many as you please. Gwyhyrs
hammered out in ancient gnomish smithies? Not a problem, two for the price of one.
Wine from Toussaint? All vintages you may desire at your beck and call - if you
have the coin, that is. Lots of it.</i><br>--Patricia Engelkind, Novigrad
townswoman<br><br>Novigrad is often referred to as the world's capital - and not
without reason. Its immense wealth, influence and strategic importance make it a
power unto itself, a power even the kings of the North as well as the emperor must
respect. For whoever controls the Free City with its vast treasury, numerous
manufactories and workshops and, last but not least, sizable fleet, holds the key
to the Northern Realms. <br><br>Unfortunately, in recent times the freedom which
Novigradians claim to value so highly has given way to anarchy. The Church of the
Eternal Fire persecutes mages and nonhumans, while bandits, until recently
constrained by the unwritten criminal code, jump at each others' throats and
foreign spies scramble to gain influence over the city's councilors and priests.
The air of Novigrad is now thick with smoke bellowing from the omnipresent pyres,
and its cobblestones have turned slippery with blood."

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Oxenfurt",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Oxenfurt",
index = 38,
description = 0x001073bf, -- "<i>Dandelion? Sure I remember him! He was
banned from coming less than one hundred feet of the School of Alchemy... And less
than three hundred feet of the girls' dormitory.</i><br>--Lincoln Worcester, key
keeper at the Oxenfurt Academy<br><br>Oxenfurt is world famous for its university,
my <i>Alma Mater</i> -- Oxenfurt Academy. Having spent many years there, I think of
Oxenfurt with great sentiment. Once, this city resounded with the buzz of voices,
songs of tipsy students and shouting merchants, whose stalls were weighing down
under innumerable exotic articles from all over the world. Professors spent their
days on academic discussions, students sat through hours of lectures and drank
through many pints of ale afterwards -- for alcohol, as it is widely known, greatly
lubricates the difficult process of absorbing knowledge. <br><br> However, this
cradle of science, art and unconstrained thinking has become the thorn in the side
of the enemies of tolerance and freedom. After Radovid's rise to power, privileges
of the university -- which, in theory at least, was both apolitical and
exterritorial -- were successively restricted and eventually cancelled. Protesting
lecturers were fired and, if they persisted, thrown in jail, and a few were even
beheaded. As for the Academy itself, it has been closed down until further notice.
And so despotism, pride and insanity have triumphed over culture, love of truth and
wisdom -- at least for some time."

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "Scoia'tael",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Scoiatael",
index = 39,
description = 0x00107425, -- "<i>Aye, master, "squirrels," you got it
right. That's what they be callin' themselves in the Ol' Speech. Some say it's
'cause they strap squirrel tails to their hats. Yet others claim it's on account
that they live in the woods and stay alive on nuts... </i><br>--Overheard on the
road<br><br>"Scoia'tael" is an umbrella term for all nonhuman guerillas fighting
against human rule. Their units, ranging in size from a handful to a few dozen
fighters, consist mostly of elves and dwarves, with just a few halflings and gnomes
who decided to take up arms after years of putting up with discrimination and
persecution. In spite of their lofty, even noble goals, Scoia'tael are known for
the unsurpassed cruelty with which they treat human soldiers and civilians alike.
<br><br>The first Scoia'tael units were formed during the First War with Nilfgaard,
but continued their fight even after the truce with the empire was signed. They set
ambushes along on forest tracks, attacked isolated villages and lone travelers.
After the Second War with Nilfgaard and the subsequent founding of Dol Blathanna,
the elves' own state, many Scoia'tael laid down their arms. Yet the fiercest
insurgents carried on, fighting not for freedom, but to satisfy personal vendettas.
The memory of Scoia'tael cruelty remains very much alive among humans, and parents
still use the names of legendary rebel commanders like Isengrim Faoiltiarna or
Iorveth to scare naughty babes."

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "Alchemia",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Alchemia",
index = 40,
description = 0x00107427, -- "<i>Three drops of quicksilver... Two
pinches of saltpeter... A cup of aqua regia and an ounce of-- Shite! Run for your
lives!</i><br>--Petrus Bonus, alchemist, known as Pete Three Fingers<br><br>Alchemy
is an art of concocting various magical substances. It is particularly important
for those plying the trade of a witcher, as it allows creating special potions,
bombs and oils, which, when applied to the sword's blade, greatly enhance the
damage dealt against specific opponents. <br><br>Alchemy requires harvesting
extremely rare or even unique ingredients, extensive knowledge of secret formulas
and a lot of patience. As it was often remarked by my lecturer of Alchemy at the
Oxenfurt Academy, "the ancient and respected art of Alchemy unveils its mysteries
only to the select few who will persist in striving for knowledge and truth,
against all odds."<br><br>This might very well be true, but I quickly came to the
conclusion that mastering this art, even if it lead to discovering Philosopher's
Stone itself, is not worth spending hours upon hours stooping over retors, alembics
and measuring cylinders. Nevertheless, I have great respect for this discipline,
for it is thanks to alchemy that the process of distillation, the very basis of
brewing spirits, has been discovered."

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "Ludzie",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ludzie",
index = 41,
description = 0x00107428, -- "<i>What humans are, you can see for
yourself</i><br>--Encyclopaedia Maxima Mundi, vol. III<br><br>Since humans landed
at the mouth of the Yaruga river five hundred years ago, they have brought most of
the known world under their control. Conquering the lands of the Aen Seidhe elves,
pushing dwarves back to their lair under the mountains of Mahakam, or near-
extermination of the Vrans and werebbubbs are all a grim, but indisputable sign of
our race's supremation. <br><br>Unlike the other races, humans are not particularly
long-lived, but they do possess other advantages, such as high fertility or
adaptive skills -- which they have used to appropriate other civilizations'
elements of culture, art, science, magic, art of war, medicine and even
dress.<br><br> Our chief weakness, on the other hand, is undoubtedly the utter
inability to cooperate and cohabitate with others -- which puts us so starkly apart
from the halflings, dwarves, gnomes and even elves. Many scholars believe that
internecine wars, which have been the curse of humanity since the very beginnings
of history, will also be the reason behind its eventual collapse."

chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Aen Seidhe",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Aen Seidhe",
index = 42,
description = 0x0010742c, -- "<i>We took many useful things from the
elves... and gave precious little in return.</i><br>--Triss Merigold<br><br>The Aen
Seidhe elves are but a shadow of their former selves. Centuries ago, they ruled
almost the entire Continent, boasting a refined culture, sophisticated art and
advanced science. The arrival of humans quickly put an end to this golden age - in
one bloody war after another, the Aen Seidhe were defeated and decimated, their
cities and gardens razed and turned to ruins. The survivors were either driven off
into the wilderness of the Blue Mountains or forced to live humiliating lives in
ghettos, facing never-ending chicanery and persecution. It comes as no surprise,
then, that many took up arms again and joined the ranks of the Scoia'tael rebels,
swearing to push humans back into the sea. <br><br>Elves are extremely long-lived -
the passing years are but the blink of an eye to them. What also sets them apart
from us is a very narrow window during which they can procreate, and, as a natural
consequence, their very low fertility. The Aen Seidhe believe this to be the main
reason for their decline. As one of my elven friends put it, "Even though we fought
like wolves, we lost to a race which fucks like rabbits.""

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "Inne światy",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Inne swiaty",
index = 43,
description = 0x0010742e, -- "<i>When confronted with things they do not
comprehend, dh'oine often say they are "out of this world." Most of the time this
is yet another sign of their ignorance. But sometimes they're right.</i><br>–
Francesca Findabair, elven mage, ruler of Dol Blathanna<br><br>It may seem
incredible, but I swear it's true – our world is not the only one there is.
Somewhere out there, separated from us by both time and space, exist many other
universes. They are home to many, mostly hostile creatures, some of which have come
unto this world during the cataclysm known as the Conjunction of the
Spheres.<br><br>The existence of such worlds is postulated by mages, some scholars
and a few priests. Their hypotheses are corroborated by elven legends, according to
which the Aen Seidhe have once possessed the ability to travel between the
dimensions. They purportedly did so using magical portals placed inside the famous
elven towers, the ruins of which are still to be seen in some isolated parts of the

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Ksenogloz",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ksenogloz",
index = 44,
description = 0x00107433, -- "<i>Either I'm goin' crazy, or this bloody
powder-box is talkin' to me!</i><br>--Klaus Bober, fisherman from Tarn Mira, finder
of Rience's xenovox <br><br>Xenovox is a relatively simple magical instrument,
which usually looks like a little box, casket or richly adorned snuff-box. It is
used to communicate over long distances -- however, unlike the megascope, which
projects an image of the speaker, xenovox carries only his or her voice.
<br><br>How this contraption might work, I haven't the foggiest idea. Once, driven
by curiosity, I took apart a xenovox which belonged to a good friend of mine.
Contrary to popular belief, inside I did not find sirens' lips or a gnome with a
speaking trumpet, but only dozens of little springs, screws and cogs gleaming with
magic --which I was utterly unable to put back together."

chunk[48] = {
baseName = "Dol Blathanna",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dol Blathanna",
index = 45,
description = 0x00107434, -- "<i>"Valley of Flowers"... That's rich.
More like a valley of traitors, murderers and ploughin' whores.</i><br>--Henselt,
king of Kaedwen <br><br>These days, Dol Blathanna is the only elven state in
existence. It lies at the eastern fringe of Aedirn, at the feet of the Blue
Mountains. It has been created pursuant to the Cintra Treaty -- which ended the
last war with Nilfgaard -- on the strength of a clause added on Emhyr var Emreis's
demand. The Aen Seidhe elves have paid dearly for the emperor's support -- in order
to gain it, they first had to support his armies by engaging the Northern Realms'
soldiers in bloody guerilla warfare. <br><br> When the human settlers of Dol
Blathanna learned that they have to abandon their houses and return the valley to
its original inhabitants, they reduced it to ashes and rubble in pure frustration
and anger. Demavend, then king of Aedirn, to whom this sliver of land belonged at
the time, not only did nothing to stop his subjects, but even aided them in
destruction, sending over his solders dressed in civilian clothes to cut down the
forests, poison the lakes and kill off the valley's wild animals. <br><br>Elves
took over the ruined valley without uttering a single word of complaint. In just a
few years, Francesca Findabair, the valley's ruler, and her right hand, the Sage by
the name of Ida Emean, managed to return Dol Blathanna to its former glory. The
valley's fields, fertilized with ashes, yielded record crops, and new palaces
quickly replaced the ruins. Elves have reclaimed a bit of the world they once
controlled -- but soon they might have to fight its defense, for Nordlings now hate
and resent Aen Seidhe more than ever."

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "Nordlingowie",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Nordlingowie",
index = 46,
description = 0x00107435, -- "<i>Ne t'aervenne comm Nordling! [Don't you
behave like a Nordling!]</i><br>--Nilfgaardian expression<br><br>"Nordling" is an
all-encompassing term for the inhabitants of the Northern Realms, used mostly by
Nilfgaardians and, more rarely, by the folk of Skellige. It is most often used as
an epithet implying laziness, treachery, barbarity and excessive lust. As much as I
would like to contend we do not deserve such a damning reputation, I generally
strive not to lie."

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Łowcy czarownic",
order = 4282384382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lowcy czarownic",
index = 47,
description = 0x00104d8f, -- "<i>Laura? As soon as she figured out the
hunters were after 'er, she jumped out the window. Preferred to break her neck than
wind up in their 'ands. </i><br>--Overheard in the Putrid Grove<br><br>Soon after
the North's once-respected mages began to face persecution very similar in kind to
the religious, a new profession was born - that of witch hunter. These self-
righteous brutes may issue from different backgrounds, professions and social
strata, but they have one goal which unites them all - to track down and kill any
and all suspected of dabbling in magic. <br><br> Some witch hunters are religious
fanatics, others are calculating opportunists who concluded that pursuing mages
would be an easy way to get rich and secure an elevated station in the "new, better
order" promised by their benefactor, King Radovid of Redania."

-- gameplay/journal/glossary/debugglossarygroup.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "DebugGlossaryGroup",
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-- gameplay/journal/glossary/witchers.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Witchers",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Witchers",
children = {
title = 0x001057e7, -- "Witchers"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Witchers_description",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Witchers_description",
description = 0x001057e8, -- "[PL] Na wiedźminach znam się nieco tylko
gorzej, niż na poezji i płci pięknej, czyli doskonale. W trakcie rozlicznych
przygód zadzierzgnalem nie tylko bliskie więzi ze slynnym Geraltem z Rivii, ale i
jego nauczycielem, Vesemirem, jak i braćmi w fachu, Lambertem i Eskelem. Ale dość o
mnie. <br><br> Krótko mówiac, wiedzmini to najemni zabójcy potworów. W starciu z
bestiami używają pokrytego srebrem ostrza i prostych zaklęć, znanych Znakami. Ich
niezwykła wprawa we władaniu mieczem jest wynikiem nie tylko wymagających
treningów, rozpoczynanych we wczesnym wieku, ale i wywołanych magia mutacji, które
znacznie wyostrzają ich zmysly i refleks. Niestety, owe mutacje, ordynowane młodym
wiedźminom w trakcie tak zwanej Próby Traw, są niezwykle niebezpieczne i często
kończą się długą i bolesną śmiercią. <br><br> Na skutek pomówień i prowokacji
wiedźmini stali się obiektem uprzedzeń, prześladowań, a w końcu i krwawych
pogromów, które niemal zakonczyły istnienie tej kasty. Do dzisiaj jednak nieliczni,
wciąż wierni swemu powołaniu wiedźmini przemierzają Krainy Północy, odpłatnie
zabijając zagrażające ludziom potwory."

-- gameplay/journal/places/placenovigrad.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Novigrad",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Novigrad 9848A13A-4E8C4A5B-BA936997-7C801831",
name = 0x001039d9, -- "Novigrad"

-- gameplay/journal/places/placenovigradbrotheldistrict.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Brothel district",
order = 2147483647,
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children = {
name = 0x001039d7, -- "Brothel district"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Brothel district description 1 698D10EB-43FD13F9-
description = 0x00101ee2, -- "Brothel district description 1"

chunk[4] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Brothel district description 2 5DAF9C57-42C91CDE-
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-- gameplay/journal/places/placeskellige.journal:

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name = 0x001039d8, -- "Skellige"

-- gameplay/journal/places/placeskelligetrollisland.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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children = {
name = 0x001039d6, -- "Troll Island"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Troll island description 1656A23B-4C5DF91C-D17627BE-
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/baron.journal:

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title = 0x00052585, -- "Bloody Baron"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Baron's Village",
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children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Go to Baron's Village",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Baron's Village 6A542C03-4E65925A-E30CFEAC-
children = {
title = 0x0005507d, -- "Go to the baron's castle."

chunk[5] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0005507c, -- "Find the baron."

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chunk[9] = {
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children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Follow sergeant to Baron",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow sergeant to Baron 661CAC9B-41EE20AB-6DDC5F83-
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chunk[12] = {
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title = 0x0005d4a0, -- "Talk to the baron."

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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Q102 After being turned away for violence",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q102 After being turned away for violence DFA00903-
description = 0x000ff63f, -- "The guards at the castle gate were clearly
not happy to see Geralt. They denied him entry, growling a few threats as they sent
him on his way. However, the witcher had to talk to the Bloody Baron, so he set out
to find another way into Crow's Perch.<br>"

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Q102 After hearing of alternative entrance",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q102 After hearing of alternative entrance 82B73E45-
index = 1,
description = 0x000ff640, -- "Surprisingly, Geralt got some help from a
villager he met near the castle. The old man directed the witcher to the source of
an old well, claiming Geralt would find a way into Crow's Perch from there.<br>"

chunk[17] = {
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order = 4026531838,
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index = 2,
description = 0x000ff641, -- "Geralt found his meeting with the Bloody
Baron quite peculiar, and the baron himself not so bloody at all. Or did it just
seem so? In any case, it turned out Ciri had indeed visited Crow's Perch some time
past, but further information about her was only available for a price.<br>"

chunk[18] = {
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order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q102 Beginning 6CDCD35A-43B6D779-64E978AE-577DB6BC",
index = 3,
description = 0x000ff63e, -- "Nilfgaard's agent had determined Ciri had
stayed with the baron - the self-proclaimed ruler of Velen. This man was known for
his violent temper and three-mile-long cruel streak, hence his moniker: the Bloody
Baron. Geralt, however, was not one to be frightened by nicknames, least of all
those taken from bodily fluids, and so made his way to Crow's Perch, the baron's
seat, to ask about Cirilla.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Finding The Well 5520B6F4-416A6BA8-6E42C1AB-
index = 3,
children = {

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Find the shrine erected in the boy's memory",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the shrine erected in the boy's memory B570D43C-
children = {
title = 0x00073c53, -- "Explore the area where the boy's body was

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chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Return to the old man when you're ready to pay for his
order = 3221225470,
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his information 4D0BCBD0-49352BFF-32CE87B6-52005AF4",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00073c54, -- "Go back to the old man if you decide to pay him
for his information."

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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Search the village to find a different way inside",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the village to find a different way inside
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00073f03, -- "Search the village to find another way into the

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chunk[27] = {
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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010345d, -- "Talk to the old man."

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chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Find the cave leading below Baron's Keep",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the cave leading below Baron's Keep 1317EF15-
index = 4,
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title = 0x001039a0, -- "Find the cave that leads under Crow's Perch."

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children = {
title = 0x00103a99, -- "Dive underwater to enter the cave."

chunk[32] = {
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chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Exit the cave through the well shaft",
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title = 0x00073ca3, -- "Climb up through the old well to enter the

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/bearupgrades1a.journal:

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children = {
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title = 0x00107631, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade
Diagrams - Part 1"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start quest E5141DA7-4F5926D9-AA38E3B3-BFE0576B",
description = 0x0010934e, -- "During one of his numerous adventures,
Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End quest 5D6F8B24-4E034083-367969A2-CF4E4421",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010934f, -- "Geralt found all the caches marked on the
map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objective",
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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
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order = 3758096382,
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children = {
title = 0x00107954, -- "Find the silver sword upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[8] = {
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chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Boots 01 BE6EBF7D-4B2E5A13-369A9FAE-9A872887",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00107956, -- "Find the boots upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00107978, -- "Find the armor upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00108d0c, -- "Find the silver sword upgrade diagram."

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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00108d0d, -- "Find the boots upgrade diagram."

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children = {
title = 0x00108d0e, -- "Find the armor upgrade diagram."

chunk[18] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/bearupgrades1b.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Bear Upgrades 1B",
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children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00107632, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade
Diagrams - Part 2"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Description B6645E4F-48FC1416-351120A1-57C70C9B",
description = 0x0010934d, -- "During one of his numerous adventures,
Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End quest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End quest 89CAF9ED-460B665A-18039189-AC3088C2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010934c, -- "Geralt found all the caches marked on the
map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective E398DE00-459F2458-15D86487-72779D65",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find Gloves 01",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Gloves 01 888843F7-4E8F2BB2-FEF8BB8B-9907F196",
children = {
title = 0x0010797a, -- "Find the gauntlets upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[8] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Steel Sword 01 6D928C89-43F6DD80-D9DBA09B-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00107979, -- "Find the steel sword upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010797b, -- "Find the trousers upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00108d09, -- "Find the gauntlets upgrade diagram."

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Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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mówi hejter<br>Hejtuję świata syf i wciskam ENTER<br>Śląski bęben dudni coraz
głośniej<br>Martwią się wylansowani goście<br>Owszem, czuję się doskonale<br>Cudze
szanuję, swoje głośno chwalę<br>Wiesz, ja go palę – przypicowany goguś<br>My są
stąd, weź kup sobie globus<br>SI ziomuś, siła intelektu<br>wbijamy na jana do
kanonu lektur<br>W TV stek bzdur, nie będę oglądał<br>Wolę jak Janek król pod
Wiedniem posprzątać."

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infekcja, sekcja instynkt, lekcja pierwsza<br>To trzęsie tłumem tak jak
epilepsja<br>To Silesia koneksja, sprawna ingerencja<br>Siedmiu innych dusz w
materię Twego serca<br>To samozwańcza izba<br>Tych co skaczą po bicie, kiedy Ty się
po nim ślizgasz<br>Kiedy wchodzimy na scenę Ty odchodzisz przy
gwizdach<br>Samurajska impreza, to i krew będzie bryzgać<br>Nie wierzysz? Zapytaj
szoguna i spytaj ile grobów<br>Ma na sumieniu siódemka tych typów co kładzie
wrogów<br>Tak że pakują swój tobół ruszają do innych robót,<br>A ci wierni słowu
innym wciąż mówią: „Ty weź się obudź!”"

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inicjacja, szybka interpretacja<br>Rap misja u siebie istotna jak
delegacja<br>Świetna intuicja, super inscenizacja<br>Mamy swoje insygnia w sidłach
interesanta<br>stanowcza ingerencja o szczerych intencjach<br>Ta systematyczna
iskra to samodzielna inwencja<br>Zsolidaryzowana przez siedmiu solistów<br>Spłynął
inkaust do bitu przez solidny impuls<br>Stajnia inna niż reszta, śląski
solenizant<br>Staż imponujący big up MaxFloRec świta!<br>Choć był czas, że trawiła
go szpetna intryga<br>Dzisiaj wzbija się, zakwita jak sativa przy
indica.<br><br>[Refren – GrubSon]<br>SI – siedmiu chłopa z MaxFlo ogrodu<br>SI –
tyś jedyna niczym poezja<br>Mi – dają kopa bez pardonu Ci<br>Si – si – silesia!"

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the Helmsman's Dash, a race in which the best sailors from all of Ard Skellig took
part. Geralt decided to prove to the islanders that a Continental man such as
himself could guide a boat as well as any islander and so entered the races.<br>"

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sharp elbows of his competition, Geralt sailed past the finish line in first place.
In former times, the winner of the Dash received the right to pilot a longship
during raiding expeditions - but times had changed and Geralt had to content
himself with a more commonplace, material reward. Perhaps that was for the best."

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experience prior to his stay in Skellige, he quickly grew to feel comfortable
enough at the helm to feel up to testing his skills against the islanders'. Thus
while on Faroe he decided to join in the traditional Rally of the Wrecks.<br>"

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description = 0x0010121d, -- "To the islanders' great surprise, Geralt
not only managed to make it to the finish line, but was the first of the
contestants to do so. In doing so he earned their respect - and a valuable prize."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/br301novigrad.journal:

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Geralt overheard some townsfolk discussing a series of boat races. He decided he
wanted to take part.<br>"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/br302oxenfurt.journal:

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about the annual intramural regatta organized by the Oxenfurt Academy. Though the
campus had been closed as a result of war-related politics, the students had
decided to keep with tradition and put on their own regatta. Geralt was interested
in taking part, but as it was a students-only event, first he had to matriculate.
Thus, in an admirable step towards increasing the diversity of its student body,
the illustrious Oxenfurt Academy admitted the witcher Geralt of Rivia.<br>"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/cginnkeepers.journal:

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description = 0x001074a3, -- "It is an innkeeper's job to tend to his
guests' needs. Usually this takes the form of serving strong drinks and listening
to tales of loves lost and wounds received. Yet at times a patron will wish to play
a hand of gwent, which is why all good innkeepers keep a deck at the ready at all
times. And the excellent ones - they keep excellent decks, full of top-notch cards
that can provide an evening of challenge and excitement to even the most refined
gwent player. Geralt was determined to win some of these cards for himself.<br>"

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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Search Kingfisher for Olivier's unique card",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search Kingfisher for Olivier's unique card 9F732A53-
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title = 0x00106e63, -- "Find a unique card in the Kingfisher."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/cgmetagatherall.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting Desc 16FC894E-4AC74E0E-00D8D1B2-9D4A3A91",
description = 0x0007f759, -- "In his previous adventures, Geralt had
gained fame as a master dice poker player. Yet having mastered all challengers in
this arena, he had no choice but to find another in which to garner more laurels.
He thus decided to take up gwent, and since he aimed to play at the highest levels,
he felt he had to gather a complete collection of all the cards available -
including some which could only be had by winning them off the best players

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index = 1,
description = 0x0010729b, -- "Geralt wore out the soles of more than one
pair of boots and more than once cursed Lady Luck profusely, but in the end he was
able to gather all the cards gwent had to offer, including the rarest of the rare."

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chunk[7] = {
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title = 0x0007f758, -- "Complete your collection of gwent cards."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/cgnomansland.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "CG : No Man's Land",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "CG : No Man's Land BECB3BA0-4C293A48-C3C229B6-
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title = 0x00106e10, -- "Gwent: Velen Players"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting Desc 4AA55D72-433D127C-98AC86BF-FAFE6DCD",
description = 0x00106e15, -- "Though you might think it unlikely, even
war-ravaged Velen boasted many prominent gwent players. They possessed certain
valuable cards which Geralt wished to add to his collection. To do that, he needed
to defeat them. The first on his "To Fleece" list: the Bloody Baron.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00107498, -- "In the end, Geralt crossed every name off
his list and acquired all the valuable cards he sought."

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chunk[7] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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chunk[10] = {
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chunk[12] = {
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chunk[14] = {
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title = 0x00106e14, -- "Win a unique card from Haddy of Midcopse."

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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Search Baron's office for his unique card and information about
other players",
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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00106e17, -- "Look for a unique card and information about
other players in the baron's office."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/cgnovigrad.journal:

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children = {
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title = 0x00106e37, -- "Gwent: Big City Players"

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description = 0x001074aa, -- "Novigrad is a cosmopolitan city, a true
melting pot of diverse diversities. It thus comes as no surprise that the Free City
contains a multitude of top-class gwent players from all strata and races, each
linked by the fact that they possess highly powerful cards. Geralt decided to make
the rounds of the Novigrad gwent circuit and win these cards for himself.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001074ab, -- "Four victories later, Geralt had four new
cards at his disposal and was well-equipped to go out and win even greater
victories in the future."

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chunk[7] = {
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chunk[9] = {
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chunk[11] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Win unique card from Dijkstra 5268CBF3-4E4958CC-
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title = 0x00106e3b, -- "Win a unique card from Dijkstra."

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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Win unique card from Scoia'tael survivor",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Win unique card from Scoia'tael survivor 01E96641-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00106e3d, -- "Win a unique card from a member of the
Scoia'tael band."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/cgoldfriends.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
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children = {
title = 0x00106e2f, -- "Gwent: Old Pals"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 7A3D22B6-4DB654CD-49D1A2B4-6367D845",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting Desc 9FE3379B-41B64D91-74A88794-D618E16B",
description = 0x001074a5, -- "Gwent is played for pleasure, a pleasure
that is highest when playing in good company - and the best company of all is that
of old and true friends. Geralt thus sought out some of his long-time companions
for a hand or two of gwent - and the chance to win powerful cards from each of

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Desc DF10B2EA-4B9E5A61-725E3D81-90F6380C",
index = 1,
description = 0x001074a6, -- "Geralt had a wonderful time slapping down
cards with familiar faces and added several powerful new cards to his collection
while he was at it."

chunk[6] = {
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children = {

chunk[7] = {
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chunk[9] = {
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chunk[11] = {
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chunk[15] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search Roche's place for his unique card card
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title = 0x00106e6b, -- "Look for a unique card in Roche's hideout."

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title = 0x00106ea6, -- "Find Lambert's unique card in Kaer Morhen."

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chunk[19] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Talar's unique card 319A0A9C-4F09EC82-E5AF8988-
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children = {
title = 0x00106ec8, -- "Find Thaler's unique card."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/cgskellige.journal:

chunk = {}
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "CG: Skellige 72BA3A67-4CFD722A-0A378284-F4E41BC2",
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world = 2,
title = 0x00106e1d, -- "Gwent: Skellige Style"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting Desc 8164B030-477DDF4C-2D8E2A9B-790F9B53",
description = 0x0010749d, -- "Gwint is played wherever long evenings,
warm fires and strong alcohol are present - meaning it is quite popular in the
Skellige Isles. Skellige players rank among the best there is, so Geralt decided to
try his hand against them and see if he could win their most powerful cards.<br>"

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description = 0x0010749e, -- "The Skelligers had even better decks than
Geralt had expected - yet still he defeated them and added their prize cards to his

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chunk[7] = {
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chunk[13] = {
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order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Win unique card from Sjusta the Tailor FC45B8B5-
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title = 0x00106e28, -- "Win a unique card from Sjusta."

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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Win unique card from Lugos the Mad",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Win unique card from Lugos the Mad C8F7BF80-4E720FB2-
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title = 0x00106e27, -- "Win a unique card from Madman Lugos."

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mapPinID = "lugos_the_mad",
chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Search Lugos Keep for his unique Gwint card",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search Lugos Keep for his unique Gwint card BBAEF0FF-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00106e2b, -- "Search Lugos' room and find a unique card."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "cg200_lugos_the_mad_card_locker 13FD2C2A-44F42092-
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mapPinID = "cg200_lugos_the_mad_card_locker",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/cgtalar.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "CG: Talar FF0C771B-467F9062-E25167B1-001E4F60",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00106e34, -- "Gwent: Playing Thaler"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 92E8AB94-4FA2B59C-E62A0BB1-2EA1DDE9",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start Desc",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Desc E6BE705F-45FC90EE-4FB2A295-0371509C",
description = 0x001074a7, -- "Bernard Dukat, a.k.a. Thaler, was a truly
great gwent player. What makes a gwent player great, you ask? Equal parts cunning
and good cards, I reply. These last Geralt wanted for himself, for he felt his own
collection was somewhat lacking.<br>"
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Desc 23360D40-4B0E9EA8-D043E991-B6169D12",
index = 1,
description = 0x001074a8, -- "As you might have guessed, Geralt managed
to acquire Thaler's best card."

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baseName = "Win unique card from Talar",
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title = 0x00106ecb, -- "Find Thaler's unique card."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/ch1quest.journal:

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chunk[2] = {
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title = 0x0006f0f1, -- "Find out if Ciri is in Velen."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "check Ciri trail in Novigrad - new",
order = 4236247038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "check Ciri trail in Novigrad - new 353AC65B-4B4BABDC-
index = 1,
title = 0x0010801b, -- "Find out if Ciri is in Novigrad."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "check Ciri trail in Skellige - new",
order = 4265607166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "check Ciri trail in Novigrad - new CB55AB1D-49D71E99-
index = 2,
title = 0x0010801c, -- "Find out if Ciri is in Skellige."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions BC919C41-4C4076DD-B560CE9E-20FA97F0",
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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Chapter 1 - Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chapter 1 - Begining B7E9AE4A-4CC88EB9-C98614A9-
description = 0x00101e45, -- "Emhyr var Emreis had been searching for
his daughter Ciri for quite some time. Even the most dubious sighting of an ashen-
haired young woman with a scar on her cheek would send imperial spies
scurrying.<br><br>Not even the harsh conditions of war-ravaged Velen deterred them
- indeed, it is there they had been most successful, determining that Ciri had
been, and possibly still was, in the region. Reports of a similar nature had also
come in from Novigrad, but remained unconfirmed. Emhyr's spooks had gathered
nothing concrete from Skellige, but an explosion of magical energy had taken place
on one of the isles, and it seemed likely that Ciri had been somehow involved.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Chapter 1 - Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chapter 1 - Ending 82BF326E-48921DAE-AA2AFA87-
index = 1,
description = 0x00102812, -- "During his search, Geralt discovered that
Ciri had indeed spent time in each of these places and, though the Lion Cub herself
remained at large, he found someone who had until recently been her companion.
There was one catch, however: this unfortunate individual, known only as Uma,
seemed to be suffering the effects of a curse that had transformed him into the
most hideously ugly and maddeningly stupid being on the planet. Try as he might,
Geralt could not communicate with him in this form.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/quests/combat.journal:

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chunk[5] = {
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children = {

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mapPinID = "bosses",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/de32campfiretreasure.journal:

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title = 0x0010741c, -- "Hidden from the World"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "campfire treasure description starting C88B3F33-
description = 0x0010741d, -- "Drabik,<br><br>Listen up, you stupid git.
Go on keeping the treasure out for all to see like that, we won't keep it very long
at all. What, you think we're the only bandits around? Well, knowing what a fool
y'are, perhaps you do, so here's me telling you - no. We ain't. So be a good little
dunce and hide it somewhere where only you and me will know how to find it again.
Otherwise I'll tan your arse till it's red as a watermelon.<br><br>-Mettky<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "campfire treasure description ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "campfire treasure description ending DC59CC34-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010741e, -- "Geralt realized the secret stash might be
empty by the time he found it, but he decided to search it out all the same. And
it's a good thing he did, for it was full of valuables."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note AF414059-43E5F383-2CF8C5A1-5127415D",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109634, -- "They say the road to hell is paved with
curiosity. The witcher, though, always held the road to riches is paved with the
exact same stuff. Thus when he found a letter mentioning treasure, he decided to
give it a long and careful read…"

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "objective CFAC21E1-4E361B8E-C53830BF-C66B54E6",
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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find the secret stash mentioned in the letter.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the secret stash mentioned in the letter.
children = {
title = 0x0010741f, -- "Find the hidden goods mentioned in the letter by
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "de32_chest 83B48B6C-46AB3483-856FEF95-05CED200",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/demoquests.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/e3demo2013.journal:

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children = {
title = 0x00060f2e, -- "Hunter Becomes Hunted"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions C813A970-4380C39E-5FCDDC82-014C95E0",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 1BB93BA2-4215CC16-4A8D6685-63F966B3",
description = 0x00060f58, -- "Shortly after landing on Skellige's
shores, Geralt was summoned by his old friend, Jarl Crach an Craite. The winded
messenger who brought him this news did not know why his master had requested the
witcher’s presence. Geralt, however, knew Crach well enough to know that the Jarl
would not ask him to come without an important reason, and so he set off without
delay towards Kaer Trolde castle, the ancestral home of the an Craite clan."

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baseName = "Talk to Crach",
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title = 0x0005e5ca, -- "Talk to Crach an Craite"

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children = {
title = 0x0005e5d1, -- "Travel to Fayrlund and talk to Bjorn"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/e3demo2013fake.journal:

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children = {
title = 0x00061c06, -- "Lord of Ard Hugtand"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Fake quest entry",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fake quest entry 0FF543F2-458B5E60-4D67C0A0-
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fake quest entry CF12A48C-4FBD41BC-C575F292-
description = 0x00061c08, -- "Shortly after arriving in Skellige Geralt
received a letter from his old friend, the jarl Crach an Craite, lord of Kaer
Trolde castle. It turned out the witcher was not the only one searching for lost
loved ones. Crach's son, Hjalmar, whose famed courage pushed him to feats only a
madman would dare, had disappeared after sailing off to the island of Undvik to
prove his strength against the Ice Giant. This beast had slept for centuries in the
frozen bowels of the island, forgotten to men - until one day he awoke and began to
murder and destroy. Hjalmar wanted to defeat the Giant and win back the island for
the few left alive who had once called it home - at the same time winning
everlasting fame for himself. Yet something must not have gone as the young an
Craite had planned, for weeks had passed since his departure and he still had not
returned. It became clear that someone would have to face the danger lurking on
Undvik and survive, returning to tell Crach of the fate of his first-born son. And
though the warriors of Skellige are famed for their courage and skill in battle,
Crach knew there was only one man who stood a chance against such a monster -
Geralt of Rivia."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "demo 501A77DC-4F18F83C-4845B69A-7FE31831",
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baseName = "Find Hjalmar",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Hjalmar 5B15DD78-4CEA4160-AE141593-8D4ED7EF",
title = 0x00061c07, -- "Talk to Crach about Hjalmar's expedition"

-- gameplay/journal/quests/e3demo2014novigrad.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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title = 0x000feb1c, -- "The Ladies of the Wood"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/e3y2014stage.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
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title = 0x000ff813, -- "Griffin hunt"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[5] = {
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title = 0x000ff814, -- "Track down the griffin."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Follow the Griffin to the village",
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title = 0x000ff815, -- "Follow the griffin to the village."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Chase griffin down",
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index = 2,
title = 0x000ff816, -- "Catch up with the Griffin."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Kill the Griffin",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the Griffin A9C821BB-4F6F3DF5-B24F30AB-
index = 3,
title = 0x000ff817, -- "Defeat the griffin."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/elvishtreasure.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Elvish Chest",
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children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00107093, -- "Don't Play with the Gods"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the chest in elvish ruins",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the chest in elvish ruins B002BE15-4EBE65D6-
description = 0x001070aa, -- "Dear Elke,<br><br>Thank the gods fools
believe in them! We've made good use of that fact twice now. Firstly, when we stole
that load of silver from the temple. No one was watching it - because who would be
brave enough to risk the gods' wrath by desecrating such a holy place? And then we
hid it all in ruins said to have been cursed by the elven gods. No one goes near
there, no one even looks at them too closely - so we didn't even really have to
hide it, as treasure's safer there than in the Vivaldi Bank.<br><br>We'll spend the
night in the woods, then I'll ride to Novigrad, find a buyer for the whole stash.
We're going to be rich, Elke, rich! And maybe then I'll throw something in the
plate, a token of my gratitude to superstition and stupidity!<br><br>-Your

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chest founded FA0315C3-4064D013-D5CDD7AA-98E34C40",
index = 1,
description = 0x001070ab, -- "To this day we still don't know exactly
what happened. All that is certain is neither Edgar nor Elke ever came to collect
the treasure hidden in the elven ruins. A druid friend of mine to whom I told this
story claimed that they must have met with divine punishment. I hope Geralt avoids
a similar fate, for he helped himself to the valuables the blasphemers had

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 12585683-48BCE2EE-0E16DA8D-D780C4D0",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109621, -- "Elven ruins are as dangerous as they are
beautiful. Clear proof of this fact was given by the bodies Geralt found while
exploring just such a set of decaying monuments in Velen. One of the corpses was
carrying a set of notes. Intrigued, Geralt unfurled the parchment and began to

chunk[7] = {
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children = {
chunk[8] = {
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children = {
title = 0x00107214, -- "Search for treasure in the elven ruins using
your Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
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bookShortcut = "lw_tm15_treasure_hunter_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/exploration.journal:

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title = 0x0006e306, -- "[PL] Exploration"

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title = 0x0006e32e, -- "[PL] Swim to boat."

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title = 0x0006e343, -- "[PL] Ride uphill. Static cameras on horse test
imminent :)"

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title = 0x0006e3a5, -- "[PL] Go to the next area with static cameras."

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title = 0x0006fd41, -- "[PL] Get on pilar I"

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baseName = "pillar1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "pillar1 8CFF103F-4F056E6B-05E48A94-5181AE36",
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chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Pillar II",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pillar II 17CA1CA2-4B36EB0F-ECC0A9AA-D618D635",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0006fd42, -- "[PL] Climb on cliffs"

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "pillar2",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "pillar2 383D3F40-4CE4D243-360578A0-3CC446A5",
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chunk[29] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Red field 00D1F882-488595A3-250CC4A4-4A842734",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0006fd43, -- "[PL] Test static camera. Go to map pin."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Redfield",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Redfield 1BF14AD5-4A999BC1-B0DAFF9E-97004450",
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chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Basic",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Basic 67EF3909-49F085C7-5A715BAE-5F54E98A",
index = 3,
children = {

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Hvitr",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hvitr 45A349F1-4BB01DA0-7493D4AF-F955F30F",
children = {
title = 0x0006fd6a, -- "[PL] Check if kid is spawned and playing"

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Hvitr",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hvitr 97F72CE7-4C28B98C-B0923380-D93FC9AB",
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chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Crach",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Crach 3D8F7A10-4D2FABCE-2DDDA69F-7447B4DD",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0006fdc2, -- "[PL] Check if Crach is spawned"

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Crach",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Crach D1158F1B-48B16703-33749185-FEA66F15",
mapPinID = "crach",

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Herbalist",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Herbalist DBB25B62-4AFD4F16-077982AC-A7000AAF",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0006fdc3, -- "[PL] Check if women is spawned and working"

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Herbalist",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Herbalist 35D36A25-4CE99E42-2DE8989A-DFF2F04D",
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chunk[38] = {
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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0006fdc4, -- "[PL] Check if yennefer is spawned and working"

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "yennefer",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "yennefer E63B84B5-407D3CCE-ED139D96-E747AAB9",
mapPinID = "yennefer",

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "6 Dandelions",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "6 Dandelions FA7CFAE4-412CECFF-D9E5129E-307309D0",
index = 4,
children = {

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "6 dandelions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "6 dandelions B184C991-4FDEAC9B-DFDEE698-A209E4E6",
children = {
title = 0x0006fe71, -- "[PL] 6 Dandelions should be spawned."

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "Jaskier",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Jaskier D7B3813A-41972664-42BFCC9F-ED4E0EE6",
mapPinID = "jaskier",

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "Playing kid",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Playing kid 205049A9-4BEA8E72-59733FAC-4BE12A2F",
index = 5,
children = {

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "Kid",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kid CDE00C39-4216CEDA-80BE8DB1-6E8B6DB9",
children = {
title = 0x0006fe72, -- "[PL] See if kid is changing his AP correctly"

chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Hvitr",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hvitr 82A35C13-4C95516F-97B2AEB0-7469FFB0",
mapPinID = "hvitr",

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "10 entities",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "10 entities 1D6DECC8-4F37F743-954B9DAA-B9AA7E8C",
index = 6,
children = {
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baseName = "10 entities",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "10 entities 244842DD-45D12B12-A02ED59D-3AF2EDC7",
children = {
title = 0x0006fe79, -- "[PL] There should be 10 NPCs spawned."

chunk[48] = {
baseName = "New Item",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 76B2E30B-4A496B9E-FEAD63B1-A55B2919",
radius = 5.000000,
mapPinID = "ten_entities",

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "Scripted Actions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Scripted Actions 69DB9B91-447A79CD-18BA4DB2-
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children = {

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Eskel",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eskel 10BB3E76-4AD6EBF4-8421D48D-ADF8198A",
children = {
title = 0x0006fe84, -- "[PL] Eskel will walk on his path, then plays 1
animation once."

chunk[51] = {
baseName = "Eskel",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eskel DC0BD120-4F3DBC12-D42BA390-CD400C54",
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chunk[52] = {
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0006fe8e, -- "[PL] Now roche and agent at the same time."

chunk[53] = {
baseName = "roche",
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chunk[54] = {
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chunk[55] = {
baseName = "Yen and crach",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yen and crach 7031F9E1-49279512-BDDD1F9E-A96A36F5",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0006fe90, -- "[PL] Now yen and crach from action point not way

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mapPinID = "yen",

chunk[57] = {
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mapPinID = "crach",

chunk[58] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Triss long path 12654748-49B44F04-987A7198-7FF083FD",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0006fe91, -- "[PL] Triss should arrive on her place after 2-3

chunk[59] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Triss CEA23853-432F44CA-E58CBABB-BFBE1BE2",
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chunk[60] = {
baseName = "Yen long path",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yen long path 7A5DD1D5-490347EA-1185C78B-BC8D5F54",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0006fe9c, -- "[PL] Yen should arrive on her place after 2-3

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chunk[62] = {
baseName = "Keira and bran",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keira and bran 20892D2D-42CE90BE-C45C0DB9-7A8DDB30",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0006fea2, -- "[PL] Keira and lady bran spawn and follow player
for 60 sec."

chunk[63] = {
baseName = "keira follow",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "keira follow 29E8471B-4592C5E9-1ED22793-9C9781FF",
mapPinID = "keira",

chunk[64] = {
baseName = "Bran follow",
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index = 1,
mapPinID = "bran",

chunk[65] = {
baseName = "Kids",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kids 061DD12E-4935F091-87D69396-A1877B09",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0006fea3, -- "[PL] Kids are spawned and walk along path with
companion player."

chunk[66] = {
baseName = "Kids area map pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kids area map pin 78A3909E-4590C070-79A43F8B-
radius = 5.000000,
mapPinID = "Pierwszy",

chunk[67] = {
baseName = "Timetables",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Timetables B1979D9C-4476D796-AD89C5AA-B6E32B4F",
index = 8,
children = {

chunk[68] = {
baseName = "Eskel 18",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eskel 18 9EA03B5D-4207D42E-B2376497-52FBD9A1",
title = 0x0007012f, -- "[PL] Eskel should be spawned at 18:00 in

chunk[69] = {
baseName = "eskel 22",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "eskel 22 B10BE170-426C8790-6CEF5FBB-37F9F017",
index = 1,
title = 0x00070136, -- "[PL] Eskel should change his ap to crossbow"

chunk[70] = {
baseName = "eskel 2",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "eskel 2 16D3F227-4CC4183A-3371B08C-DA700B3D",
index = 2,
title = 0x00070137, -- "[PL] eskel should change his ap to halberd"

chunk[71] = {
baseName = "eskel 12",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "eskel 12 6C41EED2-47731E83-19DD0FB9-19D6170E",
index = 3,
title = 0x00070138, -- "[PL] eskel should change his ap to spyglass"

chunk[72] = {
baseName = "eskel 19",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "eskel 19 90D81132-46BF34E8-EDBEC793-D4D4E438",
index = 4,
title = 0x00070139, -- "[PL] eskel should change his ap to sword"

chunk[73] = {
baseName = "Eskel",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eskel B7F2F991-41B9BF80-B4FC889F-996F2A08",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0007013a, -- "[PL] Testing changing timetables at given hour"

chunk[74] = {
baseName = "Eskel",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eskel 5191ECBD-4EC2E4C4-70282EB9-698538F4",
mapPinID = "eskel",

chunk[75] = {
baseName = "Filter by layers",
order = 4194303998,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Filter by layers 30A0267E-4C0ED7A9-EB0B999F-
index = 9,
children = {

chunk[76] = {
baseName = "2 guards",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "2 guards FBFEACA6-4C07FAAD-DCD004A8-258FD98A",
children = {
title = 0x0006fdf6, -- "[PL] Two guards should be spawned"

chunk[77] = {
baseName = "Guards",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Guards BC2769FB-4BF4B723-2D78D6B6-17A64AE5",
mapPinID = "searcher",

chunk[78] = {
baseName = "Dialogues",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dialogues D736221A-4201D20D-CEE36CBD-0897662A",
index = 10,
children = {

chunk[79] = {
baseName = "Blue",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Blue A2443C6D-4BB07C67-4631FBA8-36A67448",
title = 0x00070f0d, -- "[PL] Blue: Double input, fast way out. Dialogset
on a hill"

chunk[80] = {
baseName = "Pink",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pink DC078E09-4C57426B-EF3625A1-BABF8CE8",
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title = 0x00070f0e, -- "[PL] Pink: Double input, long version of blue

chunk[81] = {
baseName = "Violet",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Violet E61649B7-4BB359D9-9914CE9A-42CD68A1",
index = 2,
title = 0x00070f0f, -- "[PL] Violet: Simple bink vidoe scene"

chunk[82] = {
baseName = "Orange",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Orange 0C29746A-4CD57334-CBA7ACA8-4F9CABC2",
index = 3,
title = 0x00070f10, -- "[PL] Orange: Complex video, cutscene, normal
scene combination."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/family.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q103 Family Issues",
order = 889192446,
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children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00052586, -- "Family Matters"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Find daughter",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find daughter 9EC2F6AA-458B1011-E7CB789E-22AADA3A",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find Pellar's hut",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Pellar's hut",
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title = 0x0005285c, -- "Find the pellar's hut."
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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Report to Baron",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report to Baron",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00052862, -- "Talk to the baron about his family."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "baron",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron 9D3A8438-474BFACA-046AA9B3-5744367A",
mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Search the workshop",
order = 4294964222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the workshop",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00052b3a, -- "Search the area around the smokehouse using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_workshop",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_workshop",
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_workshop",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Examine dead horses",
order = 4294964734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine dead horses",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00052b7b, -- "Examine the dead horses."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q103_dead_horse",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_dead_horse A1847890-4DAEA752-8723C39E-ABAE6C9B",
mapPinID = "q103_dead_horse",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Follow birthling",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow birthling",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00052e6a, -- "Follow the lubberkin."

chunk[13] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_lubberkin",
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Check fisherman's hut",
order = 4294965758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check fisherman's hut",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000535b3, -- "Look around the fisherman's hut."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "q103_fisherman_house",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_fisherman_house 0B492014-43018BBF-4B5BC8B7-
mapPinID = "q103_fisherman_house",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Follow Baron",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Baron D6710EC0-44E22BAC-9AEB0982-4BE9BC1D",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0005dd83, -- "Follow the baron."

chunk[17] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron 1F0888BC-45B4230C-B226C29B-24C0A129",
mapPinID = "baron",
chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Talk to Pellar about ritual",
order = 4294960510,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Pellar about ritual",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0005dfb0, -- "Talk to the pellar about performing the blood

chunk[19] = {
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mapPinID = "guslar",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Follow Pellar into sacred place",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Pellar into sacred place",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x0005dfb1, -- "Follow the pellar."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "guslar",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "guslar 67BB2FAE-406401D2-54268DB0-56257F0C",
mapPinID = "guslar",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Keep the braziers lit during ritual",
order = 4294963510,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keep the braziers lit during ritual",
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x0005dfb5, -- "Relight the fires in the braziers if they go out
during the ritual."
count = 3,

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_brazzier_1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_brazzier_1 55B73B6F-4E2530F0-33750E80-
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_brazzier_1",

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baseName = "q103_mappin_brazzier_2",
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index = 2,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_brazzier_3",
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chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Find fisherman's hut",
order = 4294963610,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find fisherman's hut",
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x0005dfb8, -- "Find the fisherman Voytek's hut."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "q103_fisherman_house",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_fisherman_house 7E2A775A-403D4282-9EDD39B1-
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_fisherman_house",

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Find Tamara in White Bridge",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Tamara in White Bridge",
index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x00060496, -- "Find Tamara, the baron's daughter, in Oxenfurt."

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_bolech",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_bolech AC07FFB1-45069ABE-AC4788B3-
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_bolech",

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Prepare for ritual and light up the braziers",
order = 4294962310,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare for ritual and light up the braziers",
index = 12,
children = {
title = 0x00063c3e, -- "Prepare for the ritual and light the fires."
count = 3,

chunk[31] = {
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index = 2,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_brazzier_3",

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Kill fiend to end the ritual",
order = 4294963560,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill fiend to end the ritual",
index = 13,
children = {
title = 0x00064478, -- "Kill the leshen."

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "q103_fiend",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_fiend F4E1DF45-40CA49A8-B01F76A9-876D087F",
mapPinID = "q103_fiend",
chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Save man and horses trapped in burning stable",
order = 4294889470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Save man and horses trapped in burning stable",
index = 14,
children = {
title = 0x000737e4, -- "Save the stable hand and the horses trapped in
the burning stable."

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radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_stable",

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Kill Baron's thugs abusing Pellar",
order = 4294862846,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Baron's thugs abusing Pellar",
index = 15,
children = {
title = 0x00073efd, -- "Kill the bandits attacking the pellar."

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "q103_anty_guslar_man",
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chunk[40] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Pellar",
index = 16,
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title = 0x00073efe, -- "Talk to the pellar."

chunk[41] = {
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chunk[42] = {
baseName = "Beat Baron on fists",
order = 4294889366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beat Baron on fists",
index = 17,
children = {
title = 0x00073f3b, -- "Defeat the baron in a fistfight."

chunk[43] = {
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mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "Check Bestiary to learn more about Botch",
order = 4294889314,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check Bestiary to learn more about Botch",
index = 18,
title = 0x0007488b, -- "Read the bestiary to learn more about

chunk[45] = {

chunk[46] = {

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Report to Baron about Tamara",
order = 4294966910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report to Baron about Tamara",
index = 19,
children = {
title = 0x00076703, -- "Talk to the baron about Tamara."

chunk[48] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron 05647CC8-458BFA35-521F2D9D-1086EDCF",
mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "Use incense to follow the smell",
order = 2147221503,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use incense to follow the smell",
index = 20,
title = 0x00081120, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to locate where the
scent is coming from."
chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Bring goat back to Pellar",
order = 4294882736,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bring goat back to Pellar",
index = 21,
children = {
title = 0x000fee8b, -- "Lead the goat to the pellar."

chunk[51] = {
baseName = "guslar",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "guslar FADB5D02-4D9D08E9-DB63DC8E-38349A32",
mapPinID = "guslar",

chunk[52] = {
baseName = "Get ready for ritual and talk to Pellar",
order = 4294958910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get ready for ritual and talk to Pellar",
index = 22,
children = {
title = 0x0005dfaf, -- "Go to the pellar when you are ready to start the

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chunk[54] = {
baseName = "Agree to help with missing goat to get Pellar's gratitude",
order = 4294879447,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Agree to help with missing goat to get Pellar's
index = 23,
children = {
title = 0x00100334, -- "Agree to help find the missing goat to gain the
pellar's gratitude."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_guslar 4416D68A-47A0F368-03B296B8-
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chunk[56] = {
baseName = "Open main gate to stables",
order = 4294920190,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Open main gate to stables",
index = 24,
children = {
title = 0x00107163, -- "Open the main gate to stables."

chunk[57] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_stable_gate",
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_stable_gate",

chunk[58] = {
baseName = "Consult Pellar",
order = 4294954910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Consult Pellar",
index = 25,
children = {
title = 0x0005285f, -- "Talk to the pellar."

chunk[59] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "guslar D61ADF19-47421B88-9BE76BB4-396C8AD0",
mapPinID = "guslar",

chunk[60] = {
baseName = "Keep following birthling",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keep following birthling",
index = 26,
children = {
title = 0x00107878, -- "Follow the lubberkin."

chunk[61] = {
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chunk[62] = {
baseName = "Continiue following birthling",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Continiue following birthling",
index = 27,
children = {
title = 0x00107879, -- "Follow the lubberkin."

chunk[63] = {
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chunk[64] = {
baseName = "Reporting to Baron",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Reporting to Baron 615C50D3-46AED6C8-055132B7-
index = 1,
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chunk[65] = {
baseName = "Tell Baron about daughter and wife",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tell Baron about daughter and wife",
children = {
title = 0x00052868, -- "Talk to the baron about his family."

chunk[66] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron BAD8A303-4FB761F7-331569A3-DA402D83",
mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[67] = {
baseName = "Report to Baron what you have learned about Anna",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report to Baron what you have learned about Anna",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010891b, -- "Tell the baron what you've learned about Anna."

chunk[68] = {
baseName = "baron",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron",
mapPinID = "baron",
chunk[69] = {
baseName = "Deal with botch",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deal with botch 9069542E-489A5354-A1E8CE9C-CA20782E",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[70] = {
baseName = "Deal with botch",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deal with botch",
title = 0x00052817, -- "Kill the botchling."

chunk[71] = {
baseName = "Talk to Baron",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Baron",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00052818, -- "Talk to the baron."

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mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[73] = {
baseName = "Tell Baron to show you burial spot",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tell Baron to show you burial spot",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00052819, -- "Tell the baron to show you where he buried his
chunk[74] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron 58E1DD79-441E29F8-829540B9-0849B5BE",
mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[75] = {
baseName = "Follow Baron",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Baron 61B1FDD1-411BC598-22B74299-1CFF6F00",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0005281a, -- "Follow the baron."

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chunk[77] = {
baseName = "Kill botch",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill botch",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0005281b, -- "Kill the botchling."

chunk[78] = {
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mapPinID = "q103_big_botch",

chunk[79] = {
baseName = "Go with Baron to manor's doorstep",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go with Baron to manor's doorstep",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0005281c, -- "Follow the baron to the castle's entrance."

chunk[80] = {
baseName = "q103_baron_by_doorstep",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_baron_by_doorstep 3308590B-42B0414E-DD801099-
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chunk[81] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron 1EEA4050-4572778E-1CA23793-C776BD9F",
index = 1,
mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[82] = {
baseName = "Call birthling by manor's doorstep",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Call birthling by manor's doorstep",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00055b32, -- "Summon the lubberkin where the botchling is

chunk[83] = {
baseName = "q103_baron_by_doorstep",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_baron_by_doorstep 6C6F2FB6-430B8D84-CED5B38B-
mapPinID = "q103_baron_by_doorstep",

chunk[84] = {
baseName = "Use Axii on botch",
order = 4294574078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use Axii on botch",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0005de3f, -- "Use the Axii Sign to calm the botchling."

chunk[85] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron 081997E2-42A02B16-DF084882-D8B0CA47",
mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[86] = {
baseName = "Use Axii on botch once again",
order = 4294639614,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use Axii on botch once again",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x0005de40, -- "Use the Axii Sign to calm the botchling."

chunk[87] = {
baseName = "baron",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron 11AA7E64-49974A85-9CD070B6-8065B5CD",
mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[88] = {
baseName = "Protect Baron from wraiths",
order = 4294508542,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protect Baron from wraiths",
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x00064647, -- "Protect the baron from wraiths."

chunk[89] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_peregrination_wraiths_1",
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radius = 12.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_peregrination_wraiths_1",

chunk[90] = {
baseName = "Protect Baron from wraiths once more",
order = 4294606846,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protect Baron from wraiths once more",
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x00064648, -- "Protect the baron from the wraiths."

chunk[91] = {
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radius = 16.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_peregrination_wraiths_2",

chunk[92] = {
baseName = "Wait a day to be able to call birthling",
order = 4294737918,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait a day to be able to call birthling",
index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x001071ae, -- "Wait a full day so that you can summon the
chunk[93] = {
baseName = "q103_baron_by_doorstep",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_baron_by_doorstep",
mapPinID = "q103_baron_by_doorstep",

chunk[94] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 33246C48-474AF44E-9BE49496-1A52147B",
index = 3,
children = {

chunk[95] = {
baseName = "Q103 After meeting Pellar",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 After meeting Pellar",
description = 0x000fee97, -- "Geralt's search for the baron's wife and
daughter took him to the local pellar, a sort of soothsayer and folk mage whom
Geralt rightly suspected would be well informed about all local goings-
on.<br><br>The pellar shared some juicy gossip with Geralt: supposedly the baron
was a drunk and a terror to his family, and his wife's recent pregnancy had ended
in a mysterious miscarriage.<br><br>The pellar's augurs showed that the miscarried
fetus, undoubtedly discarded without a proper burial, had transformed into a
dangerous monster: a botchling. The beast was murderous and foul, but could yet do
some good. If its curse could be lifted and the monster could be turned into a
lubberkin, this latter being, a friendly household guardian, could lead Geralt to
the baron's wife and daughter.<br>"

chunk[96] = {
baseName = "Q103 After talking about Poroniec to Baron",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 After talking about Poroniec to Baron",
index = 1,
description = 0x000fee9e, -- "Geralt's bosom boiled with wrath as he
went to confront the baron. He was ready to drag the truth out of the man with a
sword, force him to confess to what had truly happened that fateful night. A
witcher in this state is even more effective than usual, so Geralt accomplished
this in short order. The baron admitted that his wife had miscarried after one of
their frequent rows, and that she and his daughter had fled Crow's Perch. He also
agreed to show Geralt where he had buried the miscarried child's remains. When the
clock struck midnight, both men set off to find the botchling's grave.<br>"

chunk[97] = {
baseName = "Q103 After buring poroniec",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 After buring poroniec",
index = 2,
description = 0x000feea1, -- "Once Geralt and the baron had reached the
unborn babe's place of burial, they did not have to wait long for the botchling to
show up. The beast hissed and howled and threatened to assume its more monstrous
and vicious form, but the two men completed the naming ritual before it could.
Then, following ancient custom, they buried the creature under the threshold so
that in time it might be reborn as a lubberkin, a household guardian spirit. Geralt
hoped this being would help him find the baron's family.<br>"

chunk[98] = {
baseName = "Q103 After kiling poroniec",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 After kiling poroniec",
index = 3,
description = 0x000feea2, -- "Once Geralt and the baron had reached the
babe's place of burial, they did not have to wait long for the botchling to show
up. When it did, the monster slayer slew the monster and collected some of its
blood - this time not as a trophy but for use in an ancient ritual that, the
witcher hoped, would provide him with more information about the fate of the
baron's wife and daughter.<br>"

chunk[99] = {
baseName = "Q103 After talking to Fisherman",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 After talking to Fisherman",
index = 4,
description = 0x000feea3, -- "The baron's wife and daughter had not fled
Crow's Perch's unaided - a fisherman living nearby had provided key assistance.
Geralt went to the man's hut, where he learned a fiend had attacked the two women
during their flight. The beast had torn Anna's horse to shreds, then carried her
off into the woods.<br><br>One detail the fisherman mentioned rankled in the
witcher's mind: it seemed Anna's hands bore strange marks that had burned with fire
just moments before the fiend appeared. What could have caused them? What did they
mean?<br><br>Geralt would have to endure this rankling until he found Anna, who, if
still alive, had to be somewhere in Crookback Bog. Tamara, on the other hand, had
made it to Oxenfurt, where the fisherman had helped her find shelter with his

chunk[100] = {
baseName = "Q103 After second replacer",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 After second replacer",
index = 5,
description = 0x000feeae, -- "Upon hearing this, the baron revealed
another scrap of information about Ciri. He told Geralt of a certain afternoon when
he and his retinue had decided to celebrate a successful hunt with a bit of horse
racing. The race had come to an abrupt halt, however, when a basilisk attacked.
Here the baron employed an old storyteller's trick, breaking his tale off at a
crucial moment and announcing he would not utter another word until Geralt found
his wife.<br>"

chunk[101] = {
baseName = "Q103 After Q105 is done",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 After Q105 is done",
index = 6,
description = 0x000feeaf, -- "Finding the baron's wife had proven far
from simple, and the witcher, for neither the first nor the last time, only
succeeded thanks to a chance discovery. While he was asking the Crones of Crookback
Bog about Ciri, he noticed the old woman who served them bore unmistakable marks on
her hands - the same burning symbols Anna had worn in the fisherman's tale. There
was no room for doubt: this had to be her.<br>"

chunk[102] = {
baseName = "Q103 Ending",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Ending",
index = 7,
description = 0x000feeb0, -- "At long last, after Geralt had fulfilled
his part of the bargain and found the baron's wife and daughter, the lord of Crow's
Perch relieved the suspense and finished his tale. He recounted how Ciri had been
forced to use her powers to save the baron's life. This had drawn the Wild Hunt's
attention, so Ciri had had no choice but to flee once more - this time to the Free
City of Novigrad. Geralt's search in Velen was at an end."

chunk[103] = {
baseName = "Q103 Beginning",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Beginning",
index = 8,
description = 0x000fee8c, -- "The baron turned out to be a tough
negotiator who knew the full value of the information he possessed. He agreed to
tell Geralt about Ciri on one condition: Geralt had to find his wife and daughter
first. The women had mysteriously disappeared a short time before. Though the baron
had moved heaven and earth to find them, all his efforts had proved fruitless.<br>"

chunk[104] = {
baseName = "Find wife",
order = 3355443198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find wife 0859E37E-4B577DD8-81BD4EAC-E08932D0",
index = 4,
children = {

chunk[105] = {
baseName = "Find Baron's wife",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Baron's wife",
title = 0x00052866, -- "Find Anna, the baron's wife."

chunk[106] = {
baseName = "Use witcher senses in chambers of missing women",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use witcher senses in chambers of missing women",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00052867, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the room."

chunk[107] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_wife_room",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_wife_room EC9DDB8C-48056A9A-9659AD8D-
radius = 9.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_wife_room",

chunk[108] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_daughter_room",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_daughter_room BD1A1D1E-4BDA7D30-A24F2295-
index = 1,
radius = 9.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_daughter_room",

chunk[109] = {
baseName = "Talk to Baron about clues you collected",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Baron about clues you collected",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0005dd84, -- "Talk to the baron about what you found."

chunk[110] = {
baseName = "baron",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron 2B0F15DE-47188047-386F819E-D0B2EEC9",
mapPinID = "baron",

chunk[111] = {
baseName = "No clues wife not found",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "No clues wife not found",
index = 3,
title = 0x00108e5f, -- "Investigate all remaining leads in Velen and
find the Baron's wife."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/fistfightchampionship.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Fist Fight Championship",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SKG: Fist Fight Championship 3B9CD0F0-4CE07724-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000ffac1, -- "Fists of Fury: Champion of Champions"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D65C4241-4617993F-FE62BF87-F926AE09",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Troll",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Troll EDA11F83-461718A0-37A131A3-71654670",
description = 0x001011ab, -- "The inhabitants of Skellige are very open
and tolerant and prize physical strength and warrior bravado above all else. Geralt
was thus not unduly shocked to learn the Champion of Champions was, in fact, a
troll. A she-troll, to be precise.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End 0BB6C370-48006671-CE3EC4B8-286F96A5",
index = 1,
description = 0x001011ac, -- "The she-troll fell to Geralt's fists,
earning him the title of the best fistfighter to be found. To this day his name is
uttered with the utmost respect in the taverns of Skellige, the shady inns of
Novigrad and the barnyards of Velen."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest begin",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest begin 0754FBED-47500224-E04C5AA5-32172676",
index = 2,
description = 0x001011aa, -- "Geralt had already won a great many
victories while fistfighting opponents across the land, but still could not call
himself the best of the best. The champion of champions remained undefeated,
waiting for Geralt to challenge him for his title.<br>"
chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Main",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Main 3B9EA47E-436D9926-0152A78A-EDD51B0E",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Go to Spikeroog Arena to find out about the mysterious Fistfight",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Spikeroog Arena to find out about the
mysterious Fistfight 453811F5-47432F51-F88C4183-B8BC2BAF",
children = {
title = 0x000ffac2, -- "Go to Spikeroog to find out about this
mysterious opponent."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "ff205_mp_championship",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ff205_mp_championship C3EBAB79-43987E2B-D6847B8C-
mapPinID = "ff205_mp_championship",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Enter Arena",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Enter Arena 59D44D8B-4B1569CF-29FB25A2-1169372C",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000ffac3, -- "Enter the arena."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "ff205_mp_arena",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ff205_mp_arena 571DFF73-45DD281C-722EC88D-A84C7C28",
mapPinID = "ff205_mp_arena",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Fight or die",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight or die 652EB114-443F3FD7-7ADE2190-20D02ECB",
index = 2,
title = 0x000ffac4, -- "Kill or be killed."
chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Talk to Judge",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Judge EB9BDF45-48A2A549-B3F17B8E-FD3846DB",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000ffac5, -- "Talk to the fight organizer."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "ff205_judge",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ff205_judge 3A4B40C3-4515D96F-2410918A-A4516565",
mapPinID = "ff205_judge",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/fistfightnomansland.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "NML: Fist Fighting",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NML: Fist Fighting BD0558AA-4C809220-048AB2BB-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x000ffab4, -- "Fists of Fury: Velen"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 731008E4-4B378D4A-95224396-BCE6C50C",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Begin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Begin 73A688DF-4F8C587A-C2FCA9AD-F6D3AF23",
description = 0x001011a7, -- "When Geralt found out a fistfighting
circuit was operating in Velen, he decided to test his strength and enter. You must
know Velen bouts were remarkable for their dirty and no-holds-barred fighting, but
to someone who fights monsters dirtily and leaves no holds untried on a daily
basis, this was no worry.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Qualified for final",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Qualified for final 7AA2E6F9-415CBA92-34AB9297-
index = 1,
description = 0x001011a8, -- "As any half-intelligent odds-maker would
have predicted, Geralt defeated all the regional champions and was granted to the
right to fight for the Velen title.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest end",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end D1B7DEEF-4427D88C-A0B4C297-7ECE4D1C",
index = 2,
description = 0x001011a9, -- "The final bout was no walk in the park,
but thanks to his well-honed skills and a bit of luck, Geralt emerged victorious.
From then on he was known throughout Velen as "That Bloody Outsider Who Defeated
Our Best Lads.""

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "ff101",
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using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x0010736c, -- "Find the man the trolls captured using your
Witcher Senses."

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baseName = "Q202 Ice_Giant - Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q202 Ice_Giant - Begining 3E50163B-44CBF3E5-7F114C96-
description = 0x00100cd0, -- "It is a truth universally acknowledged
that children only prove more troublesome as they mature. In Crach's case, any
troubles his offspring had caused him only doubled after King Bran's death, when
both his son and daughter joined the ranks of the claimants of Skellige's
throne.<br>Tradition demanded the next king be a great hero, and Hjalmar, Crach's
son, felt he fit the bill perfectly. As anyone versed in fable knows, there is no
more fitting way to prove oneself a hero than to kill a giant - and it so happened
there was one such beast in desperate need of slaughtering on the nearby isle of
Undvik. Thus Hjalmar had organized an expedition and set off to earn his glory.
Unfortunately, there'd been no word of him since and the jarl had begun to worry.
Like many before and after him, he took this worry to the witcher."

chunk[96] = {
baseName = "Q202 Ice_Giant - Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q202 Ice_Giant - Ending C7D20F0D-40560E06-6D036F98-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100cd1, -- "Helping Hjalmar an Craite did not prove
easy. Undvik had gone feral after the ice giant drove its inhabitants away, with
monsters running amok on the island as though it were some mad mage's experiment or
a misguided entrepreneur's attempt at an innovative hunting preserve. Yet in the
end the witcher triumphed, not only finding Crach's son, but also helping him kill
the giant and avenge the men the beast had murdered. His heroic deed accomplished,
Hjalmar could now leap out of the starting blocks in the race for the Skellige

chunk[97] = {
baseName = "Q202 Ice_Giant - Met Hjalmar",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q202 Ice_Giant - Met Hjalmar 010FEC2E-40B86616-
index = 2,
description = 0x00102ed1, -- "Geralt searched every inch of Undvik until
he finally came across Hjalmar near the giant's lair. Hjalmar had journeyed there
to free Vigi, one of the members of his crew. As he deemed the cause a worthy one,
Geralt decided to lend Hjalmar his sword.<br>"

chunk[98] = {
baseName = "Q202 Ice_Giant - Met Folan",
order = 2415919102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q202 Ice_Giant - Met Folan BA2C6034-4D3CAE93-
index = 3,
description = 0x00102ed0, -- "Geralt set out to find Hjalmar an Craite,
but first came across the lad's companion in arms, a man by the name of Folan.
Folan told the witcher that Hjalmar's crew had scattered when the giant attacked.
As for the fate of Hjalmar himself - that Folan could not tell him.<br>"

chunk[99] = {
baseName = "Q202 Failed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q202 Failed F18D8591-4A6B1179-5095D690-ECE26995",
index = 4,
description = 0x00109684, -- "Geralt agreed to help Hjalmar, true, but
as I consider the matter now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can't help but think
he only did so to spare old Crach's feelings. For - if I may speak frankly, Dear
Reader - the witcher went about finishing the job like a man whose intentions were
firm but his flesh... lacking. In brief, he saw to other, more important matters,
hoping Hjalmar would handle the giant on his own. Perhaps he counted on that an
Craite blood showing its virile power once more..."

chunk[100] = {
baseName = "Ard Hugtand - part 2b",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ard Hugtand - part 2b",
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chunk[101] = {
baseName = "Go to Ice Giant Lair - i know where and how",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Ice Giant Lair - i know where and how",
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title = 0x00066bc1, -- "Find a way to the giant's lair."
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chunk[104] = {
baseName = "Kill Giant - in his lair",
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title = 0x00065e08, -- "Kill the giant."

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index = 2,
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title = 0x00065e09, -- "Free Vigi."

chunk[107] = {
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chunk[108] = {
baseName = "Search Giants body - after killing him",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search Giants body - after killing him",
index = 3,
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title = 0x00065e0a, -- "Search the giant's body."

chunk[109] = {
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title = 0x00065e0b, -- "Talk to Hjalmar."

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chunk[112] = {
baseName = "Go back to Kaer Trolde - aft killing Ice Giant",
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title = 0x00065e0c, -- "Return to Kaer Trolde."

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title = 0x00065e0d, -- "Find the key to Vigi's cage using your Witcher

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chunk[116] = {
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title = 0x00066bd4, -- "Meet Folan near the sawmill."

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title = 0x001086ae, -- "Avoid snow - the sound of it crunching under
your feet will awake the giant."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/gr12ferrystation.journal:

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title = 0x00107331, -- "An Unfortunate Turn of Events"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the chest lost by a ferry man",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the chest lost by a ferry man EFC22C98-497964D0-
description = 0x0010732e, -- "Melitele bless ye, Nittel!<br><br>Listen,
Nittel, that little case you gave me to transport... was there anything of value
inside? Because thing is, I had a bit of an unfortunate work accident and... well,
the blasted case fell in the water and I couldn't spy it for the life of me. I
tried to fish it out, but some devil must live on the bottom there, cause every
time I tossed my net, I'd catch a snare. Maybe there's, I don't know, some way I
can repay you? A discount on your next shipment, maybe?

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Chest found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chest found 0F7142D5-4FD22455-FC05468E-8A122E6E",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010732f, -- "Nittel didn't seem to have bothered
retrieving the sunken case, for it was still resting on the bottom when Geralt
found it. Though this was not the easiest of tasks, Geralt fished it out and,
enriched by the contents of this lucky find, marched on to his next adventure."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note C708103C-49D492FD-A0D35088-CC930AC5",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010960f, -- "While Geralt knew reading other people's
correspondence was ill-mannered, he also knew it could prove extremely useful - for
one never knows what interesting discoveries one might make…"

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title = 0x00107330, -- "Find the cargo that fell off the ferryman's boat
by using your Witcher Senses."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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title = 0x001082e5, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade
Diagrams - Part 3"

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that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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Diagrams - Part 4"

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Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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Witcher Senses."

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Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/gwintquests.journal:

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title = 0x00107210, -- "Lost Goods"

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description = 0x00107212, -- "Join the army, they said. You'll kill
Nordlings, they said. You'll carry the Great Sun on a banner to the Dragon
Mountains. You'll make the emperor proud!<br><br>So I enlisted. And they sent me to
Velen. If this is what the whole North is like, then I swear by all the gods I have
no clue why we're even bothering. Nothing but filth, the clap and
graves.<br><br>I've been here for two months. I've not seen a single Redanian yet.
Instead of fighting, they have us running errands, each stupider than the last. Now
the sergeant's sent us to find some chest. Baubles robbed from the Nordlings, it
seems. Fell off of a wagon as the transport was heading south.<br><br>We've been
wandering this swamp for three days now. The only thing we've found was a hole-
riddled boot and a cow's skull. What a waste... but if we return without the chest,
they will send us to the hole and deduct three weeks' wages. So we will keep
searching. For the glory of the fatherland.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00107213, -- "The witcher found the chest. Sadly, nearby
he also found the bodies of the guards who were charged with protecting it - they
were killed by drowners, like many before them."

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index = 2,
description = 0x00109636, -- "While meandering the bogs of Velen, Geralt
found some notes written by a frustrated soldier. He decided to read them - and
they turned out to be a quite interesting read, indeed…"

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title = 0x00090d0d, -- "Races: Crow's Perch"

chunk[3] = {
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baseName = "Quest begin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest begin A69CDAD2-4DB0906E-9545F2AD-CC2B57AC",
description = 0x001011b8, -- "There was not much in the way of
entertainment at Crow's Perch, so the baron's men were always looking for new ways
to pass the time. One of their favorites - horse racing at night and the chance for
friendly (and not-so-friendly) betting that went along with it. Though the witcher
had plenty of other things to occupy his time, he decided he could spare a few
moments to take part in these races.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest end",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end BA3830F1-42A92488-56C7F7B1-2B8C7885",
index = 1,
description = 0x001011c8, -- "Geralt was the first to ride past the
finish line - which should come as no surprise, given all the time he had spent in
the saddle and the fact that, unlike all the other participants, he could see in
the dark. The baron's men expressed their admiration for his equestrian prowess
(thought perhaps not in those exact words) and encouraged him to join them again
some other time."

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mount and take starting position C6332C56-4C4D1A39-
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children = {
title = 0x00090d0f, -- "Mount your horse and take your place at the
starting line."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/hr201ferlund.journal:

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baseName = "hr201 Horse Race: Ferlund",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SKG Horse Race: Ferlund E6D3273C-48408AE2-334D1792-
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title = 0x0008c1e1, -- "The Heroes' Pursuits: Fayrlund"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Begin 7011E834-479B7FFA-C59F54AF-E2B323C1",
description = 0x00101214, -- "There are various ways to honor the gods:
prayer, bloody offerings butchered on altars marked with pentagrams and donating to
temples, to name a few. Skelligers, however, have their own, unique way of doing
so. Since they value physical strength and warrior spirit above all else, they
organize horse races in the goddess' name. Geralt decided to take part.<br>"

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baseName = "Quest end",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end 4DF4C969-46832442-7243A28E-79DA0A4B",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101215, -- "The goddess smiled on the witcher and saw
fit for him to win the race. But this was not the end of the tournament - a final
challenge awaited him on the isle of Hindarsfjall.<br>"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/hr202fejrlesdal.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SKG Horse Race: Fejrlesdal 459A8157-4727C1B3-
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title = 0x0008c5a4, -- "The Heroes' Pursuits: Fyresdal"

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baseName = "Quest Begin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Begin C6EA913D-4B1311C2-BE424F91-FD04150B",
description = 0x00101212, -- "The glory of Modron Freya knows no bounds
and in Skellige everyone pays their resects to this goddess. In Fyresdal and many
other, similar locales, the Great Mother was honored by holding horse races. Geralt
decided to take part.<br>"

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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End 27B2F65D-43E4F2DA-797E849D-28301404",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101213, -- "Skelligers make fine riders, but Geralt is
no spring chicken himself when it comes to horse racing. Thanks to his well-honed
skills, Roach's effort and the goddess' favor, the witcher triumphed."

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title = 0x0008c5a7, -- "Ride as fast as you can and win!"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/hr203hindarsfjall.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "hr203 Horse Race: Kaer Trolde",
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title = 0x00090218, -- "The Heroes' Pursuits: Kaer Trolde"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest begin E9E7C8ED-4DB2F6D0-D030A9BF-88F45571",
description = 0x001011d0, -- "Every man who wishes to take part in the
final race on Hindarsfjall must first win the races organized in Kaer Trolde and
Fayrlund. Whoever accomplished that could travel to the Holy Isle to face the
supremely-skilled and highly-experienced riders known as Speedy Osvald and
Lonelyboy Svan.<br>"

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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end F0DF5CD4-4D5562BA-483CB789-7BD51405",
index = 1,
description = 0x001011d1, -- "Geralt faced these swift riders and,
despite the many dangers and obstacles he encountered, he was the first past the
post. This surely pleased Modron Freya greatly - that is, if she even exists."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mount and take starting position B68FBAEF-422297BE-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0009021a, -- "Mount your horse and take your position at the
starting line."
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title = 0x0009021b, -- "Be the first past the finish line."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/hr204championship.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "hr204 : Horse Race Championship",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SKG Horse Race: Championship 020A073B-472AEE70-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00090a0c, -- "The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory!"

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baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 3C9EE5A9-446F34D8-14C348A1-491A0858",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Begin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Begin CA6C7850-432B8181-7510D1A8-8E36445F",
description = 0x001011bd, -- "Those on the Continent worship the gods by
praying, burning incense and making offerings. In Skellige, all these are
practiced, but the islanders consider the best way of honoring the gods to be
risking one's life while performing feats of bravery. A favorite way to do this?
Taking part in the Heroes' Dash, a race full of strong emotions and frightening
dangers sure to make the goddess smile.<br><br>Geralt is not the most pious of
fellows, but the prize on offer for the race's winner (as well as the chance to
test Roach's speed against the best Skellige mounts) convinced him to join in.<br>"

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baseName = "Quest end",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end E6028FC4-4818C91C-D04C21BD-E4E6E509",
index = 1,
description = 0x001011bf, -- "There he faced the winner of last year's
Dash: Astrid the Vipress. Though she was as vast and dangerous as her name-snake,
even she was unable to beat the witcher. Geralt's victory brought glory to him and
joy to the goddess - with a handsome prize making it all the sweeter."

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index = 2,
description = 0x001011be, -- "Geralt managed to win all of the
qualifying heats and earn himself a spot in the Dash's final race, to be held on
the isle of Hindarsfjall.<br>"

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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Go to the Racemaster in Kaer Trolde for Details on the
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title = 0x000ffb5e, -- "Talk to Svana the priestess about the Heroes'

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title = 0x000ffb5f, -- "Win each of the qualifying races at least once."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/interactions.journal:

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next, again, skip"

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noticeboard (interact with it to make sure)"

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difficulty! 5DBC7C05-45D7875B-5BACB183-15949CC4",
title = 0x0010343f, -- "[PL] Add fact "easy", "medium" or "hard" to
choose difficulty!"

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"allihave" to choose aggressivity!",
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"veryaggressive", "allihave" to choose aggressivity! BF403D02-47069669-09875688-
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"aggressive", "veryaggressive", "allihave" to choose aggressivity!"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/livingworld.journal:

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/lw_gr_poi_042_ponds.journal:

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title = 0x001073d7, -- "Tough Luck"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9AF3C08F-41D68ADA-36EE3CB6-E5F75AE7",
children = {
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Look for valuables near the broken cart",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for valuables near the broken cart 912C8BD1-
description = 0x001073d8, -- "Juenner,<br><br>Of course you can stay
with us! What kind of question's that?! Come, bring the whole family. War hasn't
struck here yet, we've got plenty of food - my belly's even grown a bit in recent
weeks. So if you take a bit of beer and bacon out of my mouth, you'll actually be
doing me a favor.<br><br>We're already preparing a bed for you. You'll stay in the
attic - it's comfortable there, long as you don't forget to duck when you go up the
stairs.<br><br>Happy trails, Juenner. See you soon.<br><br>--Matsk<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Valuables found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Valuables found A788A7DA-4EA3333C-B8C2D78C-46B00F3E",
index = 1,
description = 0x001073d9, -- "Though Geralt felt sorry for the people to
whom the wagon had once belonged, this did not stop him from taking the goods which
they had left behind. You might find fault with this, but… Those were tough times,
and the witcher was sorely in need of coin."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note D232F6AB-4352AC48-DBC738B4-4C45BC4E",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109638, -- "Geralt came across an abandoned cart. A
letter which he found nearby suggested it had been carrying valuable cargo. He
decided to read the letter carefully, then take a good, hard look around."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 65A04C33-46FE25C6-68DB5D8E-DBC09553",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Look for valuables near the broken cart",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for valuables near the broken cart 63765181-
children = {
title = 0x001073da, -- "Find valuables near the destroyed wagon using
your Witcher Senses."
chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 60558070-4592F26C-8B9629B8-4B6036FE",
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title = 0x00109639, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_gr_poi_042_letter",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lw_sk30_mushroom_farms.journal:

chunk = {}
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title = 0x001073db, -- "Freya Be Praised!"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the missing chest",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the missing chest 42A3E48A-403A7546-D3832985-
description = 0x001073dc, -- "Praise be to Freya, Our Great Mother!
<br><br>They said the road was fraught with danger, that sea devils awaited any who
traveled it, that a bandit was lurking behind every tree.<br><br>But I sacrificed a
lamb to Freya and put on an amulet made of falcon feathers - and what do you know,
made it all the way across the isle without having to so much as draw my sword! And
I did some damned fine trading along the way - packed my chest so full of silver
and other treasures that my back almost snapped when I was setting it on the
wagon.<br><br>If everything goes as planned, I'll be home by tomorrow around
sunset. I'll owe the goddess mightily for taking such care of me!<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "You found a missing chest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "You found a missing chest 731B3CBD-46FF7CD0-8BF3799A-
index = 1,
description = 0x001073dd, -- "Perhaps Freya judged the offering
inadequate, or perhaps she had always scorned the merchant - one way or the other,
the poor fellow did not manage to make it home alive. Geralt took custody of his
abandoned possessions, though I doubt the thought entered his head to thank the
goddess for this."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 6316B91C-4A48EF8C-879201A5-8B89F652",
index = 2,
description = 0x001094ce, -- "Geralt found a crumpled note on the body
of an itinerant merchant. Intrigued, he decided to examine it more closely."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives BEAD3247-4BE1B27F-6F9990B7-DBBE4774",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find the missing chest",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the missing chest A639470E-43ED0B78-36062A98-
children = {
title = 0x001073de, -- "Find the treasure chest using your Witcher

chunk[9] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 765A26F8-4B7FFD67-F4D93DBE-80CF3A0D",
index = 1,
title = 0x001094cd, -- "Read the crumpled note."
bookShortcut = "lw_sk30_villager_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lw_sk_poi_005.journal:

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title = 0x00107208, -- "Family Fortune"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the sunken treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the sunken treasure 8A1A859D-41607076-F4A0F29B-
description = 0x00107209, -- "Fjale,<br><br>I've got bad news for you.
Your father's ship sank off the southern coast of Ard Skellig. Far as I know, there
were no survivors. Only a few bodies were recovered. They were already blue and
bloated. I could only recognize Jovik by his tattoo. I'll do what I can to prepare
the body for the funeral, but brace yourself. It won't be a pretty sight.<br><br>I
know what was on that ship. Everything you had. So if you need to borrow some coin,
don't hesitate to write. Your father and I were bound by blood - I'll never refuse
you help.<br><br>--Varlind<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Found the treasure",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found the treasure 3D96B693-448FB7E0-D920E3A1-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010720a, -- "Geralt found the wrecked ship that had
once belonged to Fjale's father. It turned out its valuable cargo was still there -
to the witcher's great delight."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 0CA74E0F-413D3B4C-28CA74AB-856E473D",
index = 2,
description = 0x001094cf, -- "During his travels Geralt came across a
well-worn letter. It had clearly been folded and unfolded many times by someone who
had often found reason to refer to its contents."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 5007678E-4C9660AE-5462A4A0-6C135A4E",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Search the wreck for treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the wreck for treasure F5D6E4E8-4755A701-
children = {
title = 0x0010720b, -- "Find the treasure in the shipwreck using your
Witcher Senses."
world = 3,

chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sk_poi_005_mappin 9E39DEE2-410B47DA-1D5AF7A6-
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 656BA772-4855C6DB-D69155A6-D9254290",
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title = 0x001094d0, -- "Read the well-worn letter."
bookShortcut = "lw_sk_poi_005_treasure_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lw_sk_poi_042.journal:
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title = 0x00107204, -- "Not Only Eagles Dare"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the underwater treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the underwater treasure 8242A630-446520FC-
description = 0x00107205, -- "The crooked mast marks the spot - but not
just any fool can find the treasure.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Found the treasure",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found the treasure A9587ADC-4BDBC234-D5DCBA9D-
index = 1,
description = 0x00107206, -- "You can say a great many things about
Geralt, but one thing is certain: he's no fool. He found the treasure mentioned in
the mysterious note quite easily."

chunk[6] = {
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order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note EED642F4-47123427-3D20F2AB-90F04CA1",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109535, -- "While in the Skellige Isles Geralt came
across a riddle hinting at the location of a treasure. While he was not
particularly fond of riddles, he was quite fond of treasure, so he decided to
chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 85C52459-4F91ED21-287C1D94-43554B0A",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Search around for the underwater treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search around for the underwater treasure 04518A3B-
children = {
title = 0x00107207, -- "Find the underwater treasure using your Witcher

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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 4B2CCE2A-441E5CCC-922D1592-6339A668",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109536, -- "Read the note you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_sk42_treasure_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lw_sk_poi_050.journal:

chunk = {}
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Look for a treasure on the bottom of the lake",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for a treasure on the bottom of the lake
description = 0x001071e2, -- "...and then the old druid said, "If it
really is wisdom and knowledge you seek, take your most valuable possession and put
it in a chest. Then sail to Undvik, climb the mountain and walk the ridge. Bow once
to each of the four winds, commend yourself to the gods and toss the chest into the
sea."<br><br>Holvarg did as the druid counseled, then returned to the Sacred Grove.
"I tossed the chest in the sea," Holvarg said. "But I don't feel one bit wiser."
The druid replied, "That is because there are no shortcuts on the road to wisdom.
Neither saying prayers nor making offerings nor listening to the words of wise men
will grant it to you. That is your lesson.” Hearing this, Holvarg flew into a rage
and strangled the druid with his bare hands, then stuck his head on a pike and set
it out in front of his house, so everyone would know that, while he might not be
wise, he was nobody's fool.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Found the chest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found the chest 3B9968A0-44AB4CC5-5FC170B9-988EE2F3",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071e3, -- "The witcher combed the bottom of the
mountain lake and found the treasure Holvarg had abandoned there."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note CE57C4F1-43279E28-94ADA689-2DA2BF01",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010952b, -- "Geralt found some cryptic notes which
seemed to be hiding some sort of secret. He decided to investigate further."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 13F29759-411120CB-C0E7A186-86CCE31C",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Look for a treasure on the bottom of the lake",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for a treasure on the bottom of the lake
children = {
title = 0x001071e4, -- "Search for treasure on the bottom of the lake
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_sk_poi_050_treasure_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sk_poi_050_treasure_mappin 6C411693-40235EA8-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_sk_poi_050_treasure_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note E7D50D09-42DE6989-9AA5E584-84FF56D5",
index = 1,
title = 0x0010952c, -- "Read the notes you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_sk_poi_050_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lw_sk_poi_056.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sk_poi_056 6E47B277-4316B96E-CCE41183-349E790B",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00107323, -- "Ironsides' Treasure"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4B799B2D-45143FF1-03B5C2BE-00BF3A43",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the sunken treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the sunken treasure D04D4DE4-42B035DE-1BFEF2B4-
description = 0x001071e5, -- "I've had enough. My father and brother
think I'm nothing. All they do's laugh at me, they're always laughing. Saying my
face is fair as a maid's, and I'm only fit for lying in bed with maids and
certainly not for battling with men. And one day one of those cuckolded husbands is
going to break my neck... True, never have had much problem securing ladies'
affections, but that's not something I asked for...<br><br>Marie wouldn't let me
leave her bedchamber, so we dallied on till her husband, Noorhis Ironsides, and his
mates came back with their lootings. I jumped into a wardrobe and stayed to listen,
though it was uncomfortable as all get out. They said they'd sunk some great
treasure ship by the rocks between Faroe and Ard Skellig, and that come morning
they intended to go fish it out. Once they'd drunk themselves to sleep, I slipped
out of the wardrobe and told Marie we should slit all their throats, get that
treasure ourselves and leave these horrible isles, go somewhere better - Kovir, or
even Novigrad!<br><br>Marie didn't take long to convince, because her husband was a
true whoreson and beat her terribly, so Noorhis and his mates are bits in a fish's
guts by now, and I'm off to find my fortune.<br><br>Who cares that I'm not too
skilled a sailor and a storm's coming? I'll be done and gone before hit hits!<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Found the chest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found the chest E687C5DA-4B4A1325-9A0D0087-4D591B34",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071e6, -- "Apparently, when Geralt found a letter
mentioning treasure once belonging to mysterious man named Ironsides, he suspected
it to be a fragment from one of my more outlandish ballads. Nevertheless, he
followed its instructions, searched the depths of the sea and found Noorhis
Ironsides' treasure."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read Note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Note 586A3364-4F6AE160-D7AD84A3-F41DAFBC",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109531, -- "Geralt always kept an eye out for possible
new adventures. This paid off when he found a document which promised to lead him
to long-lost treasure."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective D7FADCA0-45238C6E-084B7680-3D8C3554",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find the sunken valuables",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the sunken valuables 180996A5-4E5E497E-11D06D80-
children = {
title = 0x001071e7, -- "Find the sunken treasure using your Witcher

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_sk_poi_056_treasure_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sk_poi_056_treasure_mappin 598A46A5-4296B09D-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_sk_poi_056_treasure_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item CD3D58A6-4726C04C-15B83599-7F64E7D6",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109532, -- "Read the notes you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_sk_poi_056_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lw_sk_poi_057.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_sk_poi_057",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sk_poi_057 9F5A8B38-428BB234-87BD92BE-5BB0CF08",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0010749f, -- "Hidden in the Depths"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 2576A4C5-43D9B0C4-7F81FA8D-A3BD0F37",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Look for the hidden treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for the hidden treasure AAC96C65-4F4021A3-
description = 0x001074a0, -- "Njall,<br><br>We hid the treasure, and hid
it good - no one's gonna find it, not in a million years. Writing exactly where and
how would be plain foolish. So let's just say it's high time you return to our old
puffin hunting grounds.<br><br>Soon as you join us, we sail to the Continent. We
gotta to hurry. They say Jorre swore to the gods he wouldn't rest tell he's found
us, flayed us and took back his treasure. Hypocrite bastard. He could have split it
evenly, like we first agreed. But no. He wanted to cheat us. And then got what was
coming to him. Fucking weasel.<br><br>-Vrogg<br><br> P.S. When you get there, keep
your sword at the ready. Those are dangerous waters.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Found the treasure",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found the treasure 0B89D126-47D5C851-177982BE-
index = 1,
description = 0x001074a1, -- "When Geralt entered the underground
cavern, he had to admit it was an excellent hiding place. Perhaps too excellent, in
fact - the treasure mentioned in the letter was still there, and it seemed this
Njall fellow had never come to collect it."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note E06DA9B6-4292F3E0-DC4A349F-62FEC334",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109534, -- "They say one can hardly spit in Skellige
without splashing a pirate or a pirate's treasure. Geralt's adventures confirmed
the wisdom of this proverb several times over. For example, one day he happened
across a letter indicating the location of some hidden plundered booty..."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 46B308B3-4622A679-9A54478C-527DC3FE",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Look for hidden treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for hidden treasure FDB9CF7C-4E81719E-90BB5A80-
children = {
title = 0x001074a2, -- "Find the treasure hidden in the underwater cave
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_sk57_treasure_hunt_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sk57_treasure_hunt_mappin 8DFB913D-4B1F29FC-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_sk57_treasure_hunt_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 850105B7-42952BC3-7FAA479D-A122BDA4",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109533, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_sk57_treasure_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwcp34shipwreckislad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_cp34_shipwreck_island",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_cp34_shipwreck_island 6361033C-4E1B9ACF-83944B87-
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00108884, -- "Coast of Wrecks"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 580B5757-45ABF95D-47B38A87-F8A53D1C",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "shipwreck island start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "shipwreck island start 42F60E7F-47D39AAA-90C66696-
description = 0x001074cc, -- "Collect the goods from the same crate as
usual. If you get it to the drop-off on time, you'll get the full sum we agreed to.
If you get it there no later than a week after we agreed, you'll get half. If
you're later than a week, you're dead.<br><br>-Hugo. <br><br>P.S. Don't want any
witnesses. If someone notices you - kill them first, ask questions later.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "shipwreck island end",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "shipwreck island end 9D7F4291-46FEF5E9-FFA174B1-
index = 1,
description = 0x001074cd, -- "Geralt decided to search the wrecked ships
and found a great deal of precious cargo. Luckily neither the locals nor monsters
attracted to shiny objects had managed to rob them beforehand."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note E978BB77-448348F6-3B7010AF-D2E26485",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010960d, -- "One day an intriguing letter came into
Geralt's possession. Even a cursory reading sufficed to reveal it was the key to
some fascinating riddle…"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "objective 0B39B117-471A5429-DDD5D5A3-742317B9",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "find the cargo",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find the cargo 2C2B1971-4B54F82E-6AECF6AB-B5588B3D",
children = {
title = 0x001074ce, -- "Find the cargo using your Witcher Senses."
count = 4,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_cp34_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_cp34_mappin 7B6434A0-4E47E920-8DD0AC81-E5218E28",
radius = 25.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_cp34_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note AB6C011F-45CA1E30-AB1E10B8-C66F8EED",
index = 1,
title = 0x0010960e, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_cp39_captains_log",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwde11.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_de11",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_de11",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x001073d4, -- "Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 44905326-42AAC1F0-E57977B9-67C4072A",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Locate the dead villager's stash and open it",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Locate the dead villager's stash and open it",
description = 0x001073d1, -- "Soldiers have come. Whether ours or
there's - don't know. Don't really matter anymore. I heard them riding down the
road. Hid. Nailed the door shut. Maybe they won't get in.<br><br>They spent the
whole night killing and raping. I saw it all through the cracks in the wall. Bit my
finger to the bone trying to keep from screaming. Don't know if anyone else managed
to hide. Maybe not. I saw them drag Antosh out. He had hid in the fields, next to
the haystack where he'd stashed his things. They flailed him.<br><br>They've heard
me. Know I'm in here. I didn't open up when they pounded. I thought they'd burn me
out, just like they did those who hid in the granary. Then they got on their
horses, rode off. Quiet, now. All I can hear's the flies circling the
bodies.<br><br>I tried to knock open the door. Open the window. Dig myself out.
Make a hole in the wall or the roof. Nothing doing.<br><br>I heard people who came
to rob corpses. Don't know of what, all's left is soiled shirts and foot wrappings.
I called for help. They didn't answer. Only ones who'll come now are the
chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Treasure found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Treasure found 5C08686D-486A77A0-4381F6AC-6AFA3EB5",
index = 1,
description = 0x001073d2, -- "Sadly, the author of these notes, whoever
he was, had quite accurately predicted his own future. Since his writing stated
everyone but he had died, their was no heir left alive to collect the man's
fortune. Geralt thus took it for himself. After all, he reasoned, he would make
better use of it than the ghouls."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 8E1A0FCB-41D9FBF3-E726DEAF-68D4CA0A",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010961d, -- "While passing through a burned-down
village, Geralt came across a body. After indulging in his bizarre habit of
searching every rotting corpse that crosses his path, he found the departed
individual had been carrying a set of notes written in a very unsteady hand.
Figuring these might be the dying man's last words, Geralt decided to read them

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 0CE62991-47FF5EC2-04F62EBE-BF1ED9C8",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Loot the dead villager's stash",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Loot the dead villager's stash",
children = {
title = 0x001073d3, -- "Search the dead man's hiding place using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_de11_treasure_pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_de11_treasure_pin",
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_de11_treasure_pin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note B76A8DA2-4FC50706-E86066B4-ADD52D60",
index = 1,
title = 0x0010961e, -- "Read the notes you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_de11_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwgr34.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_gr34",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_gr34",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x001074c6, -- "The Things Men Do For Coin…"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8160088F-4F39FB0C-F7F79CA0-1EFF55C1",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the treasure by the corpse pile",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the treasure by the corpse pile",
description = 0x001074c7, -- "Villard, you old bastard!<br><br>I ken
where you can drub up the coin to pay off your many debts - Velen. Now,
blatherheads say those bogs ain't worth a muffled fart from a saggy sow, but don't
ye believe them, mate, they dinnae ken shite from sugar! A man can make a killing
there - and a dwarf can do twice as good, I'm sure.<br><br>So here's the craik.
While crossing Velen a week or so past, I spied a few well-dressed stiffs laying
about the forest, travel bags untouched. Refugees, see, fleeing the war - and
whoever flies up to them first gets all their worldly belongings. You ken what I'm
saying, mate? Grab a chest, head off cross the Pontar posthaste and strip those
stiffs of rings, necklaces and everything else afore some nimbler prick does! Oh,
but keep a sharp axe round your belt all the while, for Velen's pure heevin with
monsters. But hey, it's all in the name of a good cause - filling your pockets!
<br><br>Your ever-loving Gruggen<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Treasure found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Treasure found A87DB05D-4C550155-3994A59A-BB33F26C",
index = 1,
description = 0x001074c8, -- "Men are willing to do a great many things
for coin - lie, cheat and even loot corpses. Villard and Gruggen were no exceptions
in this regard. Like many before them, they died, probably torn to pieces by some
necrophage prowling the battlefield. Chalk it up as an occupational hazard, I
suppose. Luckily Geralt has good insurance against such hazards - namely the swords
he carries on his back."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 89DFC202-430CE695-853DE8BD-AE315EDB",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109611, -- "Geralt never claimed to be an expert in
epistolography, but experience had taught him one of its secrets: dead men carry
interesting letters. That's why he decided to sit down and study closely a certain
corpse-borne missive he happened across during his travels."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 699AB832-42E56202-5FB2CBA3-C6F25320",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find the dead looter's treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the dead looter's treasure",
children = {
title = 0x001074c9, -- "Find the looters' valuables using your Witcher

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_gr34_treasure_pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_gr34_treasure_pin",
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_gr34_treasure_pin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 4D681B69-4306AE59-A915B2BE-D8CF6B29",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109612, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_gr34_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwgr39treasure.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_gr39",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_gr39",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x001071d8, -- "Blood Gold"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions EE2C3A44-4495E0C2-4AD78CB0-4FD98DC7",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the deserter's stash",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the deserter's stash",
description = 0x001071d6, -- "I've stopped the bleeding. I need to
collect my thoughts.<br><br>I could go for help. There's a village not far, I can
hear dogs barking. But people would see what uniform I wear. They'd ask what I was
doing in the swamps. They'd figure it out. They'd take everything, maybe kill me.
This is Velen, after all.<br><br>I've lost a quart of blood. Maybe more. If the
wound is still clean come dawn, I should pull through. I'll leave at daylight,
maybe then the drowners won't attack. I'll bury the treasure and head to Novigrad.
Should be able to find a decent man there to patch me up. Someone who won't ask
questions. Who doesn't care if you're a deserter.<br><br>All that's left to me now
is to pray that no one sees the tracks I left. That they don't follow the blood
trail and find the treasure. But no one will come through here. I hope. Everything
will be fine.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Deserter's stash found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deserter's stash found",
index = 1,
description = 0x001071d7, -- "It seems the wounded deserter never made
it to Novigrad nor decided to ask the nearby villagers for help. Instead, he died
alone in the swamp, leaving behind his treasure. The witcher mourned his tragedy,
but rejoiced in his own good luck."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 2BF5DB9E-483394A0-A23F298A-B91E0917",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109613, -- "Bodies aren't hard to come by in Velen.
But to find a corpse whose hand still grasps a note mentioning treasure - that is a
rare thing, indeed. Thus Geralt decided to read them carefully and investigate what
strange story they might be hiding."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 808E7111-48FF4BC8-F29712A7-B1E4221E",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Follow the blood trail to the stash",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the blood trail to the stash",
children = {
title = 0x001071d9, -- "Follow the blood trail using your Witcher Senses
to find the hidden treasure."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_gr39_treasure_pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_gr39_treasure_pin",
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_gr39_treasure_pin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 4FE34F1F-47963F81-33EEC9B3-59198637",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109614, -- "Read the notes you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_gr39_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwgr40.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_gr40",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_gr40",
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world = 1,
title = 0x001073c5, -- "Dowry"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 82371C0C-4525CCFB-2E83C5A3-A528AFA1",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the dowry chest by the boat",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the dowry chest by the boat",
description = 0x001073c2, -- "My dear papa,<br><br>The wedding's over.
It's done. It didn't all go exactly like I'd imagined as a little girl, but, well,
you always taught me to make the most of what I've got. We're traveling now, so
I'll send this letter as soon as we arrive.<br><br>I'll start with what I'm sure
interests you the most - financial matters. As I'm sure you've noticed, a few
crowns have gone missing from your lockbox, the cupboard's a couple silver plates
lighter, and your jewelry box isn't near as full as it once was. I took it. As my
dowry. No doubt much less than you'd have given, had I but found myself a "worthy
partner," but, tough, that's life.<br><br>Kurt – or, as you like to call him, "that
good-for-nothing bare-arsed lazybones" - is now my husband. And your daughter's
precious purity, which you cared about more than her feelings, tears or pleadings -
well, it's only a memory now.<br><br>We'll soon arrive at our destination.
Naturally, I won't tell you where exactly that is - just in case you get it in your
head to come visit. Wherever it is, know your silver will be enough to set up a
nice home. That's important - because I'm expecting a child. Are you glad? I doubt
it. You always said poor matches only produce mutts and scoundrels. So it's a good
thing you'll never have to see this one.<br><br>Your little girl,<br><br>-

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Dowry chest found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dowry chest found",
index = 1,
description = 0x001073c3, -- "Geralt derived pleasure from the spirit of
headstrong defiance found in Jeanette's letter to her father, and when he searched
the place where her boat sank, this pleasure only increased. The woman truly had
taken a sizable dowry from her old man."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note D9C8759B-4C31D183-9E45458E-A7ACDD4E",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109616, -- "Travel in wartime can be dangerous. For
example, once Geralt came across an abandoned cart by the roadside, and near it
found a blood-stained letter written in an elegant female hand. Intrigued, he began
to read…"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 75135407-4DA32959-40A697BA-611F1DC8",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Search around the boat to find the dowry chest",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search around the boat to find the dowry chest",
children = {
title = 0x001073c4, -- "Find the treasure chest using your Witcher

chunk[9] = {
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note F1A7D72E-4355BF3B-94972393-F6994B07",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109615, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_gr40_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwgr41.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_gr41",
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world = 1,
title = 0x001073c8, -- "Battlefield Loot"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions C12601AE-4770367C-AFC3CABD-D261337D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the battlefield loot cache",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the battlefield loot cache",
description = 0x001073c6, -- "I always said Musky was a clever pup! He
understands more words than quite a few men. He can do all sorts of tricks - sit,
roll over, and if you give him a scrap of bacon, he'll even shake your hand. But
today, why, he's outdone himself today.<br><br>I look, and there's Musky, running
in from the field carrying something in his mouth. I think, "Maybe it's a hare, and
I'll be able to whip up a stew, sell the fur?" But no, it was a sack. All covered
in blood, so no wonder he sniffed it out. I look inside... and inside there's a
key. A little one, all engraved and ornamented, like it fits some fancy chest or
box. So I think, "Maybe there's treasure hidden hereabouts, and that's what this
key's for?" So I think I'll go for a walk, see what I can see. If I find it, I
swear to Melitele, Musky's going to eat nothing but veal for the rest of his days!
<br><br>That blood on the sack's got me a bit worried, though... But I'll take a
thick club with me, so if anything pops out of the bushes, it'll get a thumping.
You don't live but once, so you might as well take some risks, I always say!<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Loot found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Loot found",
index = 1,
description = 0x001073c7, -- "Perhaps Musky was indeed a clever pup, but
his owner was not the wisest of men, and his club didn't seem to have helped him
much. Geralt's swords, on the other hand, served him very well. He hunted down the
place where the treasure was hidden and, with no small amount of satisfaction, took
its contents for himself."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 5F095654-46FA70BE-C3514886-BEA0A1A5",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109617, -- "Geralt found a mutilated corpse which was
carrying some notes. The blood which had soaked through the paper had not
completely obscured the writing - and made the witcher all the more curious as to
its contents…"
chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives FB2F1EFA-4D8D9DE4-2F0433B5-F84E2545",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Follow the blood trail to find the battlefield loot",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the blood trail to find the battlefield loot",
children = {
title = 0x001073c9, -- "Follow the blood trail from the battlefield to
the loot using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_gr41_treasure_pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_gr41_treasure_pin",
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_gr41_treasure_pin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 4B7EE0CF-49647122-3EE805A2-3E80CC4A",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109618, -- "Read the notes you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_gr41_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwprologuebandittreasure.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_prologue_bandit_treasure",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_prologue_bandit_treasure 6321316F-48125639-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x00108885, -- "Dirty Funds"
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8A059CBA-4AEAA4BF-C901F3AE-9C889336",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "bandit treasure description starting",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bandit treasure description starting 18266817-
description = 0x001074d9, -- "You gotta give up this madness, Morgen.
Mum's beside herself, saying that's not becoming of a Temerian, stealing from
innocent folk. Bad enough you deserting the army like that, but to take to
robbing... And how're you even sure you aren't hurting our own by accident? What
happens if you and your mates make a mistake? You ever think about that? No, you
didn't, ever since you were a lad you always acted first, thought later - or never.
But you ain't a lad no more, so put an end to this reckless adventure and head

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "bandit treasure description ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bandit treasure description ending E7DE2981-48D9ECD6-
index = 1,
description = 0x001074da, -- "Geralt found the camp, but the deserters
refused to surrender their treasure without a fight. They attacked the witcher at
once - which proved a fatal error. Geralt vanquished them without much trouble,
searched the camp and found a sizeable cache of valuables."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 71A47C94-4F04D436-F300349B-2840F79E",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109627, -- "During his stay in White Orchard, a
certain letter found its way into Geralt's possession. Intrigued by its appearance,
he decided to read it first chance he got."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "objective 4F74B071-4AA52B62-CBE23DA1-7FDC3BBE",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find the bandit treasue",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the bandit treasue B3452B69-45F53778-72F8C0B2-
children = {
title = 0x001074d8, -- "Find the bandits' treasure using your Witcher

chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_pr_empty_bandit_camp E9A82AED-4E0D91D2-1B1F859B-
mapPinID = "lw_pr_empty_bandit_camp",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 458F2DC0-4A1C5888-C3768C94-9F8FC790",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109628, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "gp_prologue_bandit_note03",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwprologuedeserters.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "LW_Prologue_Deserter_Camps",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "LW_Prologue_Deserter_Camps 2DAA9582-46A6A768-
children = {
title = 0x00102827, -- "Deserters"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E715F165-47A2A233-0E82A799-26FCF709",
children = {
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "deserters warning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "deserters warning FA7456B6-423259D3-0531ACA0-
description = 0x00102828, -- "[DEBUG]A group of soldiers, who were part
of the Temerian Army, have abandoned their posts and deserted. These men are
incredibly well trained and will attack people on site. They were last known to be
making camp within the woods around (prologue)"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "deserters removed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "deserters removed B48439AE-411FC47A-4542BD88-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010282a, -- "Geralt found the deserter camp and murder
killed everyone! Bloody deserters make me sick! They begged for mercy but Geralt
was having none of it! Then he took all their stuff and sold it."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 9282C8EB-4E36CED1-DC02BF91-7C97D01B",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Deserters in the woods",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deserters in the woods 7636CB99-4EEC0B44-87674399-
children = {
title = 0x00102829, -- "Deserters in the woods"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Deserter Main Camp",
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radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "lw_prologue_deserter_camp_pin",
enabledAtStartup = false,

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwprologuedeserterstash.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_prologue_deserter_stash",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_prologue_deserter_stash EE12C78F-46DDAD07-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x00108886, -- "Deserter Gold"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions FE2595D0-443C0A53-BFA129B8-AC2ADDA4",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "deserter stash description starting",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "deserter stash description starting 333E6736-
description = 0x001074eb, -- "15th day of observation (23rd of
Birke)<br><br>Back in the camp. Brought in heaps of plunder, mostly armor and
weapons, but this time a sealed chest, too. Towards dusk a man delivered rations of
food. And drink. <br><br> 16th day of observation (24th of Birke)<br><br>Messenger
arrived in the camp before dawn. Caused quite a stir. They immediately organized a
group to transport the chest. After dusk I’ll try to track down where they carried
it to.<br><br>17th day of observation (25th of Birke)<br><br>Didn’t move the case
that far away, just to the abandoned hut near the old mill. Set up a watch, so I
wasn’t able to get closer.<br><br>18th day of observation (26th of
Birke)<br><br>Every man in the camp has been drinking since yesterday afternoon. If
we attacked now, we’d obliterate them. Too bad the commander only sent one man (me)
to this outpost. I’ll try to sneak in tonight. If fortune smiles on me, perhaps one
man will be enough.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "deserter stash description ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "deserter stash description ending 42D57214-46121A00-
index = 1,
description = 0x001074ec, -- "Geralt followed the instructions mentioned
in the notes and found the deserters' cache - and what a rich find it was!"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 1C662D8B-461CF79F-89BDE2AA-768F32D6",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109629, -- "Discipline is the backbone of any army.
Everything must be written down, every order signed and archived in triplicate.
This proved a boon to Geralt on one occasion, when he came across a document
written in a soldier's hand. It was sparse and contained few details, but what it
did divulge was intriguing, to say the least..."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "objective 017BCF3B-44B6C9F2-AA1A2F81-60417B82",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find the deserters hidden stash",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the deserters hidden stash 5F790C36-40819122-
children = {
title = 0x001074ed, -- "Find the deserters' cache using your Witcher

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_deserter_stash",
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mapPinID = "lw_deserter_stash",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 1CA971A9-44F61C47-6D6AD7AA-EE463051",
index = 1,
title = 0x0010962a, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "poi_telescope_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwprologuetemeriantreasure.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "lw_prologue_temerian_treasure",
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world = 4,
title = 0x00108887, -- "Temerian Valuables"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 19F1AE12-4BB6F736-9481198E-F1C2D4DE",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "temerian treasure description starting",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "temerian treasure description starting 20D78F38-
description = 0x001074f4, -- "To Whom It May Concern, By Order of the
Legion Commander:<br><br>The men bearing this missive are to be escorted north, to
the border post near Oxenfurt, where they will find a Redanian division waiting for
them. As noble-born Temerians, they are under special protection and not a hair on
their heads is to be harmed. Everything they carry is their own private property
and is to remain in their possession.<br><br>Any failure to heed this order will be
punished in an accelerated military tribunal.<br><br>Randal Vittgenberg<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "temerian treasure description ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "temerian treasure description ending 94C7372F-
index = 1,
description = 0x001074f5, -- "Geralt didn't really expect to find
anything in the old mill, but decided to search it nevertheless. His decision paid
off - clearly Temerians had been forced to abandon this site in a hurry and had
left their treasure behind. Now it all belonged to the witcher."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note F885AA90-410547F0-2072818B-F6181F6A",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010962b, -- "Whenever I would ask the witcher for his
opinion concerning my latest sonnet, elegy or even couplet, he'd always claim he
hadn't the time. Yet time he had aplenty when it came to reading letters found on
corpses or lying about monster nests. Perhaps that was because they, unlike my
writings, often proved the path to significant riches..."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 1E22AEAA-48E41856-72651E94-9B2C0CE7",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find the lost Temerian treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the lost Temerian treasure 47BE97E3-46EC3A80-
children = {
title = 0x001074f3, -- "Find the lost Temerian treasure using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_prologue_temerian_treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_prologue_temerian_treasure 3322BEF9-4CF17235-
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mapPinID = "lw_prologue_temerian_treasure",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 492BC11C-496FA93D-3B3C2C8B-D643302E",
index = 1,
title = 0x0010962c, -- "Read the document you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_prologue_temerian_treasure_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwsb24.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "lw_sb24",
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title = 0x001073d0, -- "A Plea Ignored"
chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F4FA3B2F-49663E75-003CCF98-A69341D5",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the valuables in the burned house",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the valuables in the burned house",
description = 0x001073cd, -- "Janne,<br><br>Come back to me, I'm begging
you. Each day's more dangerous than the last. There's strange men lurking outside
the house. Watching me. Carrying weapons. I'm afraid they know something about our
stash of valuables and are waiting for a chance to rob us - or worse.<br><br>I
remember what you wrote earlier. That you can't abandon your post now, that they
owe you back pay, that if you don't wait, the coin's gone for good. But what would
you rather be - a rich widower, or a poor husband?<br><br>Your Halley<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Valuables found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Valuables found",
index = 1,
description = 0x001073ce, -- "We shall never know if Janne preferred
being a rich widower to being a poor husband, or if Halley's letter simply never
reached him. Either way, the poor woman died, though the stash of which she wrote
remained. Geralt made sure it found a good home."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 308E1682-4EB3FFAD-9A149ABB-634BD9AF",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010961b, -- "During his travels, Geralt came across a
certain letter. As he was picking it up, he could not help but notice it mentioned
something about valuables. He decided he would have to be sure to give it a careful

chunk[7] = {
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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Search the burned house for the valuables",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the burned house for the valuables",
children = {
title = 0x001073cf, -- "Find the valuables in the burned-down home using
your Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_sb24_treasure_pin",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note E638480A-457558D8-A9B1719D-37E71EB6",
index = 1,
title = 0x0010961c, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_sb24_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwsb2sunkenshipsnote.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note 517B15A4-41AD72F5-DC6272BD-
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title = 0x00108d8d, -- "Queen Zuleyka's Treasure"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note_start 4CF50081-45497BCF-
description = 0x00108d8e, -- "Yesterday we found a silver basin and a
ruby brooch on the bottom. Means Queen Zuleyka's treasure really is somewhere
around here. Maybe in the hold of one of the wrecked ships off the west coast - but
we can't check them at the moment, waves are too high. We'll have to wait till the
seas calm. We're pitching camp."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note_end",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note_end 33BD2738-484A0B92-
index = 1,
description = 0x00108d8f, -- "Geralt followed the clues found in the
notes and recovered the sunken treasure."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 331743EF-4FF03119-C67840AE-81FAAEB4",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010963c, -- "Geralt was, at his core, a curious
individual. Thus when he found a letter on the coast of Velen, he sat down to study
it right away…"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item A79D909C-4946D111-EF1F0FAE-4ADA643E",
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 4C46F7C5-421271FE-417058A4-F1529066",
children = {
title = 0x00108d90, -- "Find the sunken treasure using your Witcher

chunk[9] = {
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note F134FB42-40879568-A44DE382-7847C2F1",
index = 1,
title = 0x0010963d, -- "Read the letter you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/lwsk31.journal:

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the pirate's legacy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the pirate's legacy",
description = 0x001088c8, -- "Janne,<br><br>As I write these words, you
are six years old. I am thirty. I am in my prime, but I know already I'll never
teach you how to shoot a bow, nor how to ride a horse or care for a sword. I'll
never take you on a raid nor out fishing.<br><br>I took a wound to my knee during
the last raid. It's taken a turn for the worse. It shouldn't have taken more than a
few days to heal over... but something got in my blood. Wound's full of pus,
stinks. I'm losing feeling. The druids say it's beyond their help, and that I'll
bleed to death if they cut off my leg.<br><br>So I'm preparing for death. You're in
for some tough years, lad. Our family's got a great many enemies. I've defended you
against them, but now you'll be on your own. Perhaps someone will help you - and
perhaps not. That's why I've had part of our goods hidden - in Old Ule's house,
under the floorboards. That way no one can take it from you, no one can steal it -
and you can dig it up once you're all grown. I've asked your mother to give you
this letter when you start your eighteenth spring.<br><br>You take that silver,
son. Buy yourself a fine blade, some armor, a horse. Raid the Continent. Exact
revenge on the men who did you wrong after my death. Make me proud.<br><br>I never
told you this, but I've always felt it: I love you, Janne. I hope one day we'll
meet in the halls of Freya's eternal green garden and you'll tell me about your
life. The life I was not able to see.<br><br>You have my blessings, son.<br>"

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description = 0x001088ca, -- "Without much hope for success, Geralt
searched the house - and to his great surprise, found within it a chest full of

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parchment. Intrigued, he decided to study its contents…"

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description = 0x00108c0b, -- "Just my ploughing luck! I buy myself a
horse - turns out to be lame! I take a wench for my wife - turns out she's a nasty
bitch. I build a house - not a year goes by and lightning strikes, burns the whole
thing down. And the one time, ONE time fortune smiles on me and I return from a
raid with some prime loot... A griffin flies down and makes its nest right on the
summit of the mountain, right where I hid the treasure! Guess I should be happy
it's not a gold fucking dragon, for fuck's sake!<br><br>But so be it. Not the first
wind to blow in my eyes. I'll chase it off. Even if I die trying!<br>"

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description = 0x00108c0c, -- "It seems fortune never did smile on the
poor fellow who hid his treasure in a griffin's nest. Geralt, however, had much
better luck."
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index = 2,
description = 0x0010952f, -- "While traveling through Skellige Geralt
found the body of a warrior who had been torn apart by some monster. The poor
fellow had been carrying a particularly intriguing document when he died."

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barrels of drinking water<br><br>-3 barrels of vodka<br><br>-5 barrels of whale
blubber<br><br>-4 bails of fur and rabbit pelts<br><br>-1 chest of various
treasures, worth a sum total of one thousand Nilfgaardian florens.<br><br>The chest
is sealed. If the seal is found to be broken upon delivery, no payment shall be

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found the sunken ship, and within it - a chest full of valuables."

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Ciri, Geralt happened across a barely-legible document which made mention of a
mysterious treasure. The witcher decided to take a careful look into the matter."

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seen such waves. Ten, twelve, fourteen feet! And the wind - why, it shook the mast
and battered the sails so they were near about to fly off. Rocks everywhere,
currents treacherous... Helmsman said we'd pull through, that he'd seen worse and
come out all right. Me, I'm not so sure. If the storm don't calm soon, this tub's
going to break in two.<br>"

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Geralt dived down and fished the valuable cargo out of the wreck."

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Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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- Part 4"

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Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

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map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/lynxupgrades1a.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lynx Upgrades 1a DFFC24F2-4650EF40-F8679FA6-
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0010729c, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams
- Part 1"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions AB55DD87-4A87521D-F5BF4AB6-A1DBAC28",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start quest 23DEBFC1-492C6108-5E432F98-CA4B65A2",
description = 0x00109340, -- "During one of his numerous adventures,
Geralt got his hands on a map covered with strange markings. He quickly deduced
that they indicated the locations of hidden witcher caches and, intrigued by the
chance of discovering long-lost crafting schematics, he set out to find them."

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End quest 0473C3E1-4A9F3F05-56A9B1B1-3D97BE6A",
index = 1,
description = 0x00109341, -- "Geralt found all the caches marked on the
map and recovered the crafting schematics contained therein. With these in hand, he
could add life-saving improvements to his combat gear. He did not know how many
more such caches remained undiscovered in the world - but hoped one day he would
have the chance to find more."

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children = {
title = 0x001074e3, -- "Find the silver sword upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

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children = {
title = 0x001074e4, -- "Find the armor upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

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children = {
title = 0x001074f6, -- "Find the boots upgrade diagram using your
Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh101cockatrice.journal:

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baseName = "NML Hunt: Cockatrice",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NML Hunt: Cockatrice AEDB434D-438C5423-61A7D898-
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world = 9,
title = 0x00064212, -- "Contract: Shrieker"

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baseName = "Start Exploration",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Exploration BD902B4D-4DE106FA-1000349B-
description = 0x00100020, -- "One thing about Geralt - he loves to
meander. Instead of sitting in an inn near a warm stove, he is always putzing
around fields and woods looking for gods-know-what. During one such stroll through
the charming environs of Velen, he happened across tracks left by some kind of
monster. Though he had no contract to kill any such beast, his witcher heart
started racing at once...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monster Known EF96DE2E-43B9FDC0-C9AC8AB9-1D34BD6B",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100021, -- "It turned out a cockatrice had left the
tracks. As this beast's name implies, it looks something like a rooster crossed
with a basilisk and, according to Geralt, tastes a bit like chicken.<br>"

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baseName = "Ended",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ended AA58EEBA-41CFEE81-645B9CA7-D3CEF5B1",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100022, -- "The cockatrice slain, Geralt took a trophy
from its corpse and went to collect his well-deserved reward.<br>"

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order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard 499E303C-4082F6F5-D1DD70A5-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100d06, -- "Not only did the people of Crow's Perch
live in constant fear of the baron's mad impulses and the greed of his band of
toughs, but they also had to deal with a vicious monster. They had given this beast
a lovely, full-of-wholesome-folk-character name: "shrieker." It had tormented them
so terribly that they had decided to pay for a witcher to take eradicate it.
Geralt, who was far from deaf to the concerns of simple folk (and also was forever
in need of more coin), decided to take the contract on this mysterious beast.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get Skrzeczun's trophy A9CB40F4-4C6E2FE9-3E2B18BC-
index = 1,
children = {
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chunk[15] = {
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index = 3,
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title = 0x00069ec4, -- "Check the Crow's Perch notice board."

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title = 0x0006a486, -- "Kill the monster."

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chunk[22] = {
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title = 0x0006421b, -- "Investigate the site of the monster's attack
using your Witcher Senses."

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baseName = "Use explosive bomb to draw cockatrice out of it's hideout",
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title = 0x00087600, -- "Drive the monster out of its lair with a Samum,
Grapeshot or Dancing Star bomb."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh102arachas.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "NML Hunt: Arachas",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NML Hunt: Arachas 6C4EF31A-4B5F767F-B846D393-
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world = 9,
title = 0x0006b932, -- "Contract: Missing Brother"

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baseName = "Start Survivor",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Survivor 0E382C5B-4F910564-28BE7796-28D38069",
description = 0x001009bf, -- "Driven by an atavistic need or some other
reason beyond my comprehension, Geralt walked into an abandoned mine near the Inn
at the Crossroads. Inside he found - and this surely will come as no surprise to
you, dear, perceptive reader - monster tracks. He also came across a terrified
woman who told him how a beast had devoured a group of men - and that the brother
of one of the victims, a man named Bruno, would surely pay the witcher for slaying

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index = 1,
description = 0x001009c1, -- "In my experience, mines either hold
precious metals or (more frequently) deadly monsters. The latter, in the form of
arachasae, were present in great abundance in the Velen pits. Geralt knew he had to
annihilate them for good - meaning he had to kill the female and destroy all the
eggs she had lain.<br>"

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index = 2,
description = 0x001009c2, -- "Arachasae are incredibly dangerous beasts,
but a witcher is not just some run-of-the-mill adventure seeker. In a bloody battle
whose echoes could be heard throughout all of Velen, Geralt killed the old arachas
queen and put an end to her vile line."

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index = 3,
description = 0x00100d09, -- "Though Geralt had plenty of other worries,
he had not forgotten about his trade - which is, let I remind you, slaying
monsters. While striving to practice his profession he came across a contract
offering an altogether attractive sum in return for tracking down a certain missing
individual. No mention of monsters, true, but Geralt had seen enough incidents of
its like to suspect one might turn up - and besides, when it comes down to it, coin
is coin...<br>"

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Witcher Senses."

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index = 3,
title = 0x001032f8, -- "Find out where the monsters in the mine are
coming from using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[35] = {
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index = 5,
title = 0x000805fb, -- "Use witcher Signs to destroy all the eggs."
count = 12,

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index = 6,
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title = 0x00104f2d, -- "Investigate the arachas' lair using your Witcher

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chunk[53] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh103nightwraith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "NML Hunt: Nightwraith",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NML Hunt: Nightwraith 01ED9015-41F7A1C1-3C1F26BB-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00064658, -- "Contract: Jenny o' the Woods"

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baseName = "Start Exploration",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Exploration D92250C3-465E4607-AA810D85-
description = 0x001009c4, -- "While traversing the fields near Midcopse,
Geralt came across some strange tracks. He would not be a witcher if he did not
look into such a matter.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Lovers Story",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lovers Story AD69C288-4A8DF118-3448A5B5-F74535C9",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009c6, -- "Geralt discovered that the monster the
locals called Jenny o' the Woods was in fact a common nightwraith. This unfortunate
being had been born of a woman murdered by her rejected lover. The story of their
star-crossed fate moved me to pen a tear-jerking ballad... but the witcher was
mainly moved to find a way to bait and destroy the wraith.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End DDCDC1B8-4A810E39-A26540BA-1EFD46FE",
index = 2,
description = 0x00101882, -- "Geralt drove off the nightwraith that the
unfortunate Zula had become. I derive some small pleasure in knowing that a person
to whom life had been so cruel found at least this measure of relief after

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order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard 0F61E250-4382D53C-67E7D0A5-
index = 3,
description = 0x00102618, -- "While in the area around the village of
Midcopse, Geralt decided to look around and see if there wasn't anyone in need of a
witcher. It just so happened there was - on the local notice board hung an offer of
a bounty for ridding the area of a monster called Jenny o' the Woods. Geralt
decided this was something he should look into.<br>"

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baseName = "Start Nightwraith",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Nightwraith 4A349E18-4DEB89E8-ED12BFB4-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100d0a, -- "Geralt happened across a nightwraith in
the woods around Midcopse. He decided to find out how it had come to be there.<br>"

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baseName = "Get Lesnica's trophy",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get Lesnica's trophy C6CA2A91-4ACDD199-B3A6B685-
children = {
title = 0x0006465a, -- "Take a trophy from the monster."

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baseName = "Collect reward",
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index = 1,
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title = 0x0006465b, -- "Collect your reward."

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chunk[14] = {
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order = 2684354558,
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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00064659, -- "Kill the monster."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh103_nightwraith 0CE12765-4A3381EE-81A6E584-
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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Check Mouths notice board",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check Mouths notice board D07935F1-4F2B27AF-428F11B0-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00069ba2, -- "Check the notice board in Midcopse."

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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Burn girl's blood from the knife and journal at the lover's spot
to summon Lesnica",
order = 1342177279,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Burn girl's blood from the knife and journal at the
lover's spot to summon Lesnica E3BBD08E-4BD3B85B-38882C9E-590638FD",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00086b06, -- "Burn Zula's letter and the dried blood from the

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index = 5,
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title = 0x000f8c54, -- "Ask the ealdorman about the lovers."

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title = 0x00102eb5, -- "Find the lovers' meeting spot."

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title = 0x00086b03, -- "Talk to the ealdorman of Midcopse."

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title = 0x00086b07, -- "Search the nearby fields using your Witcher

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh104ekimma.journal:

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children = {
title = 0x0010183d, -- "Take a trophy from the ekimmara."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard 6D37A37E-4A92D5C8-912970A7-
description = 0x00086d9b, -- "A Nilfgaardian patrol had gone missing
near the village of Byways. Geralt took an interest in the matter, for the local
Nilfgaardian commander suspected a monster was involved and Geralt knew imperial
soldiers were always upfront and honest when it came to pay.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001009c7, -- "Geralt discovered that local villagers had
decided to make a few extra crowns by digging in an ancient elven mine. Since the
old underground complex hid its fair share of unpleasant surprises, it wasn't long
before they ran into trouble. <br><br>The self-taught treasure hunters had awakened
a particularly nasty kind of vampire known as an ekimmara, and this enraged beast
had attacked the Nilfgaardian patrol as it passed through Byways. Geralt decided to
eradicate the beast and tracked it to the ruins outside the village.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Monster Killed CC518D2F-4C8A5484-ED0A8D9A-
index = 2,
description = 0x001009c8, -- "The Nilfgaardian soldiers proved
themselves honorable men and paid the witcher without a murmur, handing him not
only what he was owed for killing the ekimmara, but also a reward for having
discovered the truth of what had happened to their missing patrol.<br>"

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "End Stegna Visited, Monster Alive",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Stegna Visited, Monster Alive AC930EBE-4BA137AB-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100d0b, -- "Geralt told the Nilfgaardian commander
what had happened to the missing patrol and received his reward. The commander
brought no dishonor to his uniform and paid in full, without haggling or

chunk[33] = {
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order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Villagers No Reward D56E2F05-4F785B6F-06C750B4-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100d10, -- "When the ekimmara had been defeated, the
villagers of Byways did not prove very grateful. With long years of witchering
experience under his belt, Geralt did not find this very surprising.<br>"

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order = 3623878654,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Villagers Reward 1AA3315F-4A31A687-ECDA41A1-
index = 5,
description = 0x00100d11, -- "The villagers were grateful to the witcher
for his help in slaying the ekimmara, so much so they even agreed to pay Geralt a

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index = 6,
description = 0x00108383, -- "While traveling across Velen, Geralt
happened across a village which seemed to have been abandoned. The ghouls lurking
amidst the huts gave him a bad feeling about its former inhabitants' fate, so the
witcher decided to kill the monsters and investigate what had happened.<br>"

chunk[36] = {

chunk[37] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh105wyvern.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh105: Hunt Wyvern",
order = 4294940670,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh105: Hunt Wyvern 915C91BF-47B869DE-0B9CEDBE-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00088396, -- "Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route"

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baseName = "Start Tracks",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Tracks 9BCA3BC5-4273B966-2927E98F-530E6145",
description = 0x00100d13, -- "North of the Nilfgaardian camp Geralt came
across tracks left by a large beast. He decided to check where, and most
importantly to whom, they would lead him.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start Villagers",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Villagers E6029443-43E2EFAF-0632CDA0-2AF9CDF4",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d14, -- "Geralt found the refugees in a cave where
they had sought shelter from a monster. Such is the fate of refugees all too often
- they are forever jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. They told the
witcher about the beast that had attacked them during their travels and asked him
for help.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Monster Known",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monster Known 2A201AA1-46E305B1-62344186-9E76FE76",
index = 2,
description = 0x001009ce, -- "It didn't take much for an old hand like
Geralt to find out that the monster which had attacked the refugees was a wyvern.
And not just any wyvern - a royal wyvern, though I doubt knowing they had come in
close contact with royalty was much comfort to them.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End FC283A4C-4BA7A4C7-FB66AA8B-446740D0",
index = 3,
description = 0x001009d5, -- "After taking care of the beast prowling
the roadside and saving the missing refugees, Geralt collected his reward from
their worried comrades."

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order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Windmill 3A430CD8-4B9E2278-C5366EB7-37CAE9D7",
index = 4,
description = 0x00100d12, -- "Once upon a time, Geralt took a contract
from a group of refugees. I don't know if he felt sorry for the poor souls or if
his witcher blood was simply itching for some action - one way or the other, he
promised to find their missing companions, who had set off with a caravan headed
north. All signs seemed to indicate a beast had attacked them en route.<br>"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh106gravehag.journal:

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title = 0x0006c2c5, -- "Contract: The Merry Widow"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Exploration EFC525F3-486888DB-6A464BB1-
description = 0x00100d1b, -- "In an old cottage Geralt came across
living arrangements that clearly indicated the occupant was no humanoid. He decided
to investigate what manner of being had made the building its home.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00100d1c, -- "Geralt took a contract the gravedigger of
Lindenvale had hung on the village's notice board. It seemed the village cemetery
was full of monsters who seized children as their victims.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gravehag 0BC6CCE1-42F0B7D9-D4466EA1-80AF2D7B",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100d1d, -- "Geralt investigated the matter and
discovered a grave hag hunted nearby. With the investigation part of his task
complete, it was on to the luring-out-and-slicing-to-ribbons phase.<br>"

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index = 3,
description = 0x00100d1e, -- "After ridding the village of the monster,
Geralt collected a trophy from its body and went to the gravedigger for the
promised bounty."

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baseName = "Use witcher senses to investigate the cementary",
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title = 0x000878db, -- "Explore the cemetery using your Witcher Senses."

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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f9aa5, -- "Investigate the lair using your Witcher Senses."

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children = {
title = 0x0010004b, -- "Defeat all enemies in the cemetery."

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children = {
title = 0x000878dc, -- "Follow the scent of cadaverine using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x000878d9, -- "Take a trophy."

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index = 2,
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title = 0x00087a0d, -- "Check the Lindenvale notice board."

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chunk[31] = {
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children = {
title = 0x000f9ab0, -- "Take the skulls."

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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Place skulls at the cementary and wait for the grave hag",
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hag B34A8A1A-4D24AE02-690713B2-3C57F00D",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000f9ac0, -- "Put the skulls in the cemetery and wait for the
grave hag to come."

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children = {
title = 0x000878d6, -- "Talk to the gravedigger."

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chunk[38] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh107fiend.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "NML Hunt: Czart",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NML Hunt: Fiend FDADCB0D-43B1AC15-D25AF1A3-92360167",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0006bf6e, -- "Contract: Mysterious Tracks"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Investigation Forest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigation Forest BBB5F7DF-479FCD37-4C8B25B4-
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order = 2147483647,
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children = {
title = 0x00088f0a, -- "Search the forest using your Witcher Senses."

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children = {
title = 0x00088f0b, -- "Follow the tracks using your Witcher Senses."

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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00088f0c, -- "Find out where the scent is coming from using
your Witcher Senses."

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baseName = "mh107_scent_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh107_scent_mappin 36CE6E95-4150141F-0FFEBFB2-
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "mh107_scent_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Find a way to get into the cave",
order = 4026531838,
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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00088f0d, -- "Find a way into the cave."

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radius = 45.000000,
mapPinID = "mh107_hill_mappin",

chunk[12] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Contract 57052A6E-4E04613A-044B29AF-DAD87A3A",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Look around the cave for some bies dung needed in the potion",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look around the cave for some bies dung needed in the
potion BD2F2818-4180790D-F0E249BC-2D7A8612",
children = {
title = 0x00088f10, -- "Acquire fiend dung to use as bait."

chunk[14] = {
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radius = 7.000000,
mapPinID = "mh107_clue_fiend_dung",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Prepare a lure potion",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare a lure potion B93D9D13-4D339FCD-C1C66B88-
index = 1,
title = 0x00088f11, -- "Prepare some bait based on the alchemy formula."
recipeShortcut = "Recipe for Czart Lure",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Spray lure potion around the hill",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Spray lure potion around the hill A4107673-4C1034E0-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00088d7d, -- "Pour the bait around the hill."
count = 4,

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "mh107_lure_spot_01_interaction",
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radius = 8.000000,
mapPinID = "mh107_lure_spot_04_interaction",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Wait in the cave for czart to take the bait",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait in the cave for czart to take the bait 7C6F39CA-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00088d7e, -- "Wait in the cave for the chort to catch the

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh107_lure_mappin E771C98F-4EE6C043-B13B88AA-
radius = 6.000000,
mapPinID = "mh107_lure_mappin",

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Kill czart",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill czart 6D0A7496-4F03A305-7D6C6A81-3F7CDA41",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00088f12, -- "Kill the chort."
chunk[24] = {
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mapPinID = "mh107_czart",

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Pick up czart's trophy",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pick up czart's trophy 250BBA60-4D888D93-AC2D3AAA-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00088f13, -- "Take a trophy from the chort."

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "mh107_czart_remains",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh107_czart_remains 34D7D15F-40E9B862-EDCE598C-
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chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Talk with the hunter",
order = 1073741823,
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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00088f0f, -- "Talk to the hunter."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "mh107_hunter",
order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "mh107_hunter",

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Check notice board in Midcotts",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check notice board in Midcotts FA82FEF1-42085AA5-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x00088f14, -- "Check the notice board in Lindenvale."

chunk[30] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "midcotts_noticeboard E4BF4E74-46F6291C-081C0484-
mapPinID = "midcotts_noticeboard",

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Collect reward for killing czart",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect reward for killing czart 3C99D3AD-403684CB-
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x00088f15, -- "Collect your reward for killing the chort."

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "mh107_hunter",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh107_hunter 7249789F-4A42667D-2D76DF8C-DEC9DEE4",
mapPinID = "mh107_hunter",

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Get a recipie for a fiend lure",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get a recipie for a fiend lure 52698E46-41C59AF1-
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x001074e2, -- "Acquire a formula for chort bait."

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "midcotts_trader_01_ap",
order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "midcotts_trader_01_ap",

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Investigation Cave",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigation Cave A5EE8676-4437E055-FE190494-
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Investigate the cave",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the cave 35E2BCA2-40F7D758-E53925B9-
children = {
title = 0x00088f0e, -- "Explore the cave using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "mh107_cave_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh107_cave_mappin 8456906D-4BE91379-3935688D-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "mh107_cave_mappin",

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index = 3,
children = {

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Start Noticeboard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard D81B4FEF-4A1B1C31-EDFDCCB3-
description = 0x00100d15, -- "In the village of Lindenvale Geralt came
across a highly unusual contract. A certain hunter was worried by some strange
tracks he had found in the woods and sought someone who could help him determine to
whom - or to what - they belonged.<br>"

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "Start Exploration",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Exploration 4CC42C91-4696427D-AA2B0EAB-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d16, -- "In the village of Lindenvale Geralt came
across tracks which indicated a beast of considerable size prowled the area. As a
declared defender of mankind against monsters, he decided to investigate the

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Czart",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Czart 62130DA8-4E4E0086-B88B2396-644AC0EC",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100d19, -- "The tracks took the witcher straight to a
fiend's lair. Geralt quickly determined, however, that this monster was not the
true threat to the local populace - not compared to what had killed it. That's
right, something had beaten him to his initial task and slain the fiend, and he
suspected this something was a chort attacking in an act of territorial warfare.
Geralt had no other choice but to lure this powerful monster to him and attempt to
slay it.<br>"

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End B11B7BAD-4352C9C9-123B6A9F-68FD8F32",
index = 3,
description = 0x00100d1a, -- "Geralt fought long and hard against the
chort and in the end emerged victorious. After taking a trophy as proof of his
deed, he went to Lindenvale and collected the reward promised by the hunter."

chunk[43] = {

chunk[44] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh108fogling.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "NML Hunt: Fogling",
order = 4294965758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NML Hunt: Fogling 210232CB-4EF519B3-67C847AA-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0006c55e, -- "Contract: Swamp Thing"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A2080A59-4731128B-74510982-9D2389A0",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start Noticeboard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard 23A575E9-49556D8C-20F915BD-
description = 0x00086613, -- "A mysterious fog that killed all who
ventured into it had arisen near the village of Downwarren - inconveniently close
to where peat was being dug. Geralt decided to investigate this murderous mist and
see if he couldn't put a stop to it.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start Peat Worker",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Peat Worker 12E2EF08-49C779C6-BA0DFF8D-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d1f, -- "Near the village called Downwarren, Geralt
came across a man who dug peat for a living. One glance was enough to know
something was ailing the poor fellow. He warned the witcher about a strangling fog
which had sprung up in the nearby swamp. The man's story convinced Geralt a monster
was at work and so he decided to look into the matter.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Fogling",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fogling E097FBD6-4E9FDFFF-52C67BB4-16CEF97D",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100d20, -- "Geralt's investigation took him to the
very heart of the swamp. As he was walking an exceptionally hideous foglet suddenly
jumped out at him from an unusually thick patch of fog. The monster was old and
strong, making defeating of it no easy labor. Geralt managed the task, however, and
a few moments after the foglet breathed its last, the poisonous fog dispersed and
the witcher could at last fill his lungs safely.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Start Exploration",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Exploration EA3C2A2E-4141CFE4-33EFD1BD-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100d21, -- "While traversing an unpleasant swamp near
the village of Downwarren, Geralt came across some very unusual tracks. His
instincts told him they might have been left by a monster, so he decided to take a
closer look...<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "End Short",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Short AA8A90A5-41E19463-ECD3879D-2809E45C",
index = 4,
description = 0x00100d22, -- "Hoping to find someone who would offer him
a reward, Geralt went to Downwarren. A peat digger residing in that village was
grateful Geralt had enabled a return to his labors and so handed the witcher some

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index = 5,
description = 0x00100d23, -- "Hoping to find someone who would offer him
a reward, Geralt went to Downwarren. A peat digger residing there was grateful to
the witcher for enabling him to return to his labors and promised the witcher a
generous reward - if he could stand to wait a few days while he gathered more
funds. Geralt agreed, and in return for his patience received a purse full of gold

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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[11] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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children = {
title = 0x0008661c, -- "Investigate the strange fog using your Witcher

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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00086627, -- "Find out what's killing people in the fog."

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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00086616, -- "Navigate the illusions to find the foglet."

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chunk[23] = {
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index = 3,
title = 0x0010418f, -- "Use the Eye of Nehaleni to see through the
chunk[24] = {
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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001088ea, -- "Explore the foglet's lair using your Witcher

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chunk[27] = {
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000868e8, -- "Take a trophy from the foglet's body."

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chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Collect reward for the ancient fogling",
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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000868e9, -- "Collect the reward for the foglet."

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chunk[33] = {
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index = 3,
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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00086628, -- "Talk to the contract issuer."

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chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Return in a week to get bigger reward for killing the fogling",
order = 4194303998,
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fogling 4BB08816-4FAAB049-3D3A2097-B5F6A072",
index = 5,
title = 0x00103955, -- "Return in a week to collect the agreed-on reward
plus interest."

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Collect your full reward from he peat worker",
order = 4244635646,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect your full reward from he peat worker6DEFDB44-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00103973, -- "Collect the agreed-on reward from the contract

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chunk[41] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh202nekkeralpha.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh202: Nekker Warrior",
order = 2415919102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skellige Hunt: Nekker Warrior 3286D764-498C15B1-
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world = 2,
title = 0x0005a81a, -- "Contract: Strange Beast"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigation A0E5E2E8-4B512068-BB0A8EBF-649CDB2B",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Talk to the warriors",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the warriors C63C591E-4A5BCDD8-CBF16B83-
children = {
title = 0x0005b808, -- "Talk to the warriors."

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chunk[6] = {
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order = 73726,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the ambush site. E72C7DD5-4612422C-99BA5D87-
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children = {
title = 0x000f6a1c, -- "Find the ambush site."

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radius = 28.000000,
mapPinID = "mh202_ambush_site_investigate_mappin",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Investigate ambush site",
order = 1628158,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use witcher senses 46D9FE34-40A8B5CC-FAAE0A97-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fdf1b, -- "Investigate the ambush site using your Witcher

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radius = 12.000000,
mapPinID = "mh202_ambush_site_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Talk to the Larvik elder",
order = 6143,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the Larvik elder 186803BC-48981280-A864CC84-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000f69e3, -- "Talk to the village elder in Larvik."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "mh202_elder",
order = 2147483647,
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chunk[12] = {
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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "StartNoticeBoard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "StartNoticeBoard 974F1CC6-4D4579FC-1821C69E-
description = 0x001018e5, -- "Skellige warriors are the hearty,
adventure-loving sort, so surely they handle their own monster problems? No, not as
it turns out. Geralt found a notice in a village called Larvik requesting
assistance with clearing the area of some troublesome beasts.<br>"

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 53B7FA18-4E335FEA-1742C4BC-E0A026EA",
index = 1,
description = 0x001018e7, -- "In the end the alpha nekker fell to the
witcher's blade. Geralt took its head as a trophy and went to Larvik to collect his

chunk[15] = {
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order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "StartExploration 0EBA7D5E-43118BA9-542949BF-
index = 2,
description = 0x001063ab, -- "On the isle of Hindarsfjall, not far from
the village known as Larvik, Geralt spied some monster tracks. Where there's a
monster, there's work for a witcher. And where there's work for a witcher, there's
coin to be made. Geralt decided to look into the matter.<br>"

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Alpha Nekker Discoverd",
order = 3355443198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Alpha Nekker Discoverd 899D937C-448784DB-A4FCC884-
index = 3,
description = 0x001063ac, -- "Geralt discovered that the nekkers
dwelling in the nearby wood were led by a particularly strong nekker warrior. Its
presence had made the others more aggressive and daring. The only way to solve this
problem was to enter the nekkers' lair and kill their leader.<br>"

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Contract",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Contract FE2F4ECA-4A024568-94F36C9B-1B528290",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Collect reward",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect reward D8502307-4BEF5A21-A33FF1AC-920490E9",
children = {
title = 0x0005a821, -- "Collect your reward."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "mh202_elder",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh202_elder A82D2D03-4695646D-EFB182AB-588BE3AD",
mapPinID = "mh202_elder",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Get Nekker Warrior's trophy",
order = 134217727,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get Nekker Warrior's trophy D4A3BEC2-48BEF736-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0005a820, -- "Take a trophy from the nekker warrior."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "mh202_nekker_warrior_trophy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh202_nekker_warrior_trophy 3EF31DB6-4B77130B-
radius = 2.000000,
mapPinID = "mh202_nekker_warrior_trophy",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Investigate the nekkers' hideout",
order = 67108863,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the nekkers' hideout A9E19FF1-43EDA7DB-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000f6a51, -- "Explore the cave."
chunk[23] = {
baseName = "mh202_nekker_cave_system_area_mappin",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh202_nekker_cave_system_area_mappin 8300F318-
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "mh202_nekker_cave_system_area_mappin",

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Follow the tracks",
order = 33554431,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the tracks 3354F0A6-403AB1F8-3AB23A93-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fe7ed, -- "Follow the tracks using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "mh202_tracks_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh202_tracks_mappin 8FC0BE24-494DD348-C54F98AD-
radius = 34.000000,
mapPinID = "mh202_tracks_mappin",

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Kill nekker in the nest to provoke the pack leader",
order = 100663294,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill nekker in the nest to provoke the pack leader
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0010552f, -- "Kill the nekkers in the nest to provoke their
pack leader."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "mh202_nekker_nest_area_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh202_nekker_nest_area_mappin DC644FC8-48BB0307-
radius = 14.000000,
mapPinID = "mh202_nekker_nest_area_mappin",

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Kill the pack leader",
order = 117440510,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the pack leader AC2CD45B-445F7E60-0DCFC6B5-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00105531, -- "Kill the pack leader."

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "mh202_nekker_alpha",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh202_nekker_alpha D40D94C6-4FA8D66D-52042A9D-
mapPinID = "mh202_nekker_alpha",

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Check the noticeboad in Larvik village",
order = 838860798,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check the noticeboad in Larvik village 3AAEDC68-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x001070ea, -- "Check the Larvik notice board."

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "larvik_notice_board",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "larvik_notice_board 59A97480-499B4605-D74B63A9-
mapPinID = "larvik_notice_board",

chunk[32] = {

chunk[33] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh203drowneddead.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh203: Water Hag",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skellige Hunt: Water Hag",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0005a117, -- "Contract: Muire D'yaeblen"
chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Contract DD276308-47552C9F-80661188-4D5B2A01",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Talk to Master Boatbuilder in Kaer Trolde bay",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Master Boatbuilder in Kaer Trolde bay",
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title = 0x000f5610, -- "Talk to the shipbuilder near the Kaer Trolde

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "mh203_boatbuilder",
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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Talk to witness about Monster from the bay",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to witness about Monster from the bay",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f5611, -- "Talk to witnesses of the drowners' attacks."

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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Investigate spot where Monster From The Bay was seen",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate spot where Monster From The Bay was
children = {
title = 0x000f5617, -- "Investigate the place where the drowners were
seen using your Witcher Senses."

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index = 1,
radius = 35.000000,
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enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Investigate lair of Monster From The Bay",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate lair of Monster From The Bay",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f5618, -- "Search for the drowners' lair using your Witcher

chunk[14] = {
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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Meditate in hidden spot in Water Hag lair until she shows up",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meditate in hidden spot in Water Hag lair until she
shows up",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000f5624, -- "Hide in the water hag's lair and wait for the
monster to return."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "mh203_mappin_meditate",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh203_mappin_meditate 6FCE6FCA-4C31A65B-D07D96A5-
radius = 2.000000,
mapPinID = "mh203_mappin_meditate",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Kill Water Hag",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Water Hag",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000f5625, -- "Kill the water hag."
chunk[19] = {
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radius = 40.000000,
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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Pick up trophy of Water Hag",
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title = 0x000f5626, -- "Take a trophy from the water hag."

chunk[21] = {
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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Collect reward from Master Boatbuilder in Kaer Trolde bay",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect reward from Master Boatbuilder in Kaer Trolde
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000f5627, -- "Collect your reward from the shipbuilder."

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baseName = "mh203_boatbuilder",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh203_boatbuilder D8682C1C-46E1CF22-C71ECD9E-
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chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Check noticeboard in Kaer Trolde village for contract about Water
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check noticeboard in Kaer Trolde village for contract
about Water Hag",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x000f5628, -- "Check the Kaer Trolde notice board for
information about a water hag."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "mh203_mappin_board",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh203_mappin_board 6448399E-4636E222-0DC99C85-
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chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Search for the lair",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search for the lair 24364D3B-476C7A0D-E879FEBA-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x00106772, -- "Search for the lair of the drowners using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "mh203_mappin_search_for_lair",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh203_mappin_search_for_lair 8B97F892-424F1804-
radius = 75.000000,
mapPinID = "mh203_mappin_search_for_lair",

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Obtain Recipe for Drowner Pheromone Potion from local herbalist or
in any other way",
order = 4294574078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Obtain Recipe for Drowner Pheromone Potion from local
herbalist or in any other way",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x00107492, -- "Obtain a drowner pheromone formula from the
local herbalist or acquire it in some other way."

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "kt_village_herbalist",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "kt_village_herbalist",
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chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Prepare and use Drowner Pheromone Potion in Water Hag lair",
order = 4294508542,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare and use Drowner Pheromone Potion in Water Hag
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x000f561a, -- "Prepare a potion using drowner pheromones and
use it to hide your scent."
recipeShortcut = "Recipe for Drowner Pheromone Potion 1",

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "mh203_mappin_lair",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh203_mappin_lair 705DA9FC-408265B0-DADFB6BA-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "mh203_mappin_lair",

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Investigate lair of monster you discovered",
order = 4294213630,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate lair of monster you discovered",
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x000f5619, -- "Investigate the drowners' lair using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "mh203_mappin_lair",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh203_mappin_lair 01ADE6AA-4FCF311F-3D53D79C-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "mh203_mappin_lair",

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "[DEBUG] Search for the ingredients to make the pheremone potion",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[DEBUG] Search for the ingredients to make the
pheremone potion 594C49A1-4B13E16F-0FC8D599-5C1E63FD",
index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x001094a9, -- "Gather the ingredients for a drowner pheromone

chunk[35] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh203_mappin_lair A898CF42-4393AD54-52CAE191-
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mapPinID = "mh203_mappin_lair",

chunk[36] = {
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mapPinID = "mh203_look_for_ingredients1",

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chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A66FF7AB-4BC5EC74-0261598C-4F2B30AE",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "MH203 Water Hag Contract Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH203 Water Hag Contract Beginning",
description = 0x00101304, -- "The sea is a source of endless riches for
the inhabitants of Skellige. It offers up a near-endless bounty of fish, pearls and
amber. At times, however, the archipelago's icy waters also spew out monsters whom
even the fierce warriors of the island's cannot slay.<br><br>The village at the
foot of Kaer Trolde, for example, found itself plagued by some particularly
aggressive drowners. A notice hung on the village board promised a reward to the
brave soul could solve this problem for them. Geralt, for whom killing drowners was
as simple and effortless as relieving his bladder, was certain he was in for some
easy coin.<br>"

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "MH203 Water Hag Clues Beginning",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH203 Water Hag Clues Beginning",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101305, -- "While traveling through the area around
Kaer Trolde, Geralt came across the tracks of some sea-bound monstrosity. Since the
beast prowled near human settlements, the witcher decided to look into the matter -
counting on someone rewarding him for his efforts.<br>"

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "MH203 Water Hag Questgiver Beginning",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH203 Water Hag Questgiver Beginning",
index = 2,
description = 0x00101306, -- "The sea is a source of endless riches for
the inhabitants of Skellige. It offers up a near-endless bounty of fish, pearls and
amber. At times, however, the archipelago's icy waters also spew out monsters whom
even the fierce warriors of the island's cannot slay.<br><br>The village at the
foot of Kaer Trolde, for example, found itself plagued by some particularly
aggressive drowners. The local shipbuilder promised Geralt a reward if he could
solve this problem for them. Geralt, for whom killing drowners was as simple and
effortless as relieving his bladder, was certain he was in for some easy coin.<br>"

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "MH203 Water Hag Lair",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH203 Water Hag Lair",
index = 3,
description = 0x00101307, -- "The caves under the cliffs of Ard Skellig
were indeed chock full of drowners, but they were not the true danger. Far more
troublesome was the water hag with which these lesser evils dwelled in close
proximity. Making the most of this fact, Geralt brewed a scent from their glands,
counting on it masking his own (which meant it was quite powerful indeed, I must
add, having had personal experience with the strongly pungent aroma Geralt develops
after several days in the saddle). After doing this, the witcher hid in the darkest
corner of the lair and waited for the monster to return to its home...<br>"

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "MH203 Water Hag Ending",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH203 Water Hag Ending",
index = 4,
description = 0x00101309, -- "Geralt slew the water hag and returned for
the promised coin. Not for the first time, he was in for an unpleasant surprise:
when the bill came due, the boatbuilder regretted the generosity he had felt while
drafting his notice.<br>"

chunk[44] = {

chunk[45] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh206fiend.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh206 : Fiend",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunt Skellige: Fiend 1A0B2EF7-4F0EF39E-A3DC4A82-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0005d32a, -- "Contract: Missing Son"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 0A6BEEAB-401AE884-F5E57381-3BA5F715",
description = 0x00060f51, -- "While riding through the village nestled
at the base of Kaer Trolde, Geralt spotted a notice posted by a certain Odhen of
Rannvaig promising a bounty for information about his missing son. It seemed like a
job for a witcher, and since Geralt was, as usual, hard up for coin, he decided to
look into it.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start from Odhen",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start from Odhen A9293EE5-4B5B1414-EBD3A585-
index = 1,
description = 0x00060f52, -- "As Geralt passed through the village of
Rannvaig, a man by the name of Odhen stopped him and asked for help in finding his
missing son. The witcher, hearing honest fatherly despair in the man's voice and,
no less importantly, feeling the lightness of his own purse, decided to look into
the matter.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End C8409343-4DB90F1A-F26105A8-6BEF8D43",
index = 2,
description = 0x00060f53, -- "Geralt tracked down and killed the fiend -
avenging the death of Odhen's son and making sure no more Skelligers would share
the boy's fate.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Monster Known",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monster Known 5119ADF3-48474D66-90F8E2AE-38FF8FBF",
index = 3,
description = 0x00100985, -- "It turned out that Odhen's son and his
friends had not just gone missing, but had been murdered, torn to pieces by a
fiend. Geralt arrived too late to save the boys - but just in time to face the
beast who had killed them. Sensing that it stood no chance in this fight, the beast
fled - but there's no hiding from a witcher...<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Exploration",
order = 3355443198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Exploration B73BE1F2-49F0FE84-01C811AF-88FFC4B7",
index = 4,
description = 0x0010949a, -- "The restless soul that he is, Geralt is
incapable of remaining stationary for long. Things were no different on Ard
Skellig. While galavanting about the isle, Geralt happened on a fiend. Unlucky
beast, for the witcher sliced it into ribbons. As it turned out, the fiend had done
some shredding of its own prior to its demise. One of its recent victims - a young
man who proved to be the offpsring of one Odhen from the village of Rannvaig. Odhen
had been seeking his son for some time - alas, it need be said, fruitlessly."

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baseName = "Investigation",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Investigate castle ruins",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate castle ruins 28CE7223-4F1C4AF1-BB85AF99-
children = {
title = 0x0005f7d8, -- "Examine the castle ruins using your Witcher

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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Kill Fiend (lair)",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Fiend (lair) 39260007-4FF6DF89-F19003BF-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0005dd81, -- "Kill the fiend."

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chunk[16] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Fiend's Lair 141E8457-4AFC07B8-F9135996-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0005ca0f, -- "Find the fiend's lair using your Witcher

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chunk[29] = {
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chunk[34] = {
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title = 0x0005fc44, -- "Collect a trophy from the fiend."

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chunk[36] = {
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title = 0x000fdaaf, -- "Check the Rannvaig notice board."

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chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Przeszukaj leże biesa przy pomocy wiedźmińskich zmysłów",
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zmysl�w 2FF72205-4B88D0E2-AB206C96-BAC8FE85",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00108e98, -- "Search the fiend's lair using your Witcher

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chunk[40] = {

chunk[41] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh207wraith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh207: Wraith",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh207: Wraith F8815175-4F992A27-45F5F19C-7706FA95",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000f85b2, -- "Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 85B6D757-47AB7134-C5468487-F32A0834",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished - letter was not found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished - letter was not found 23523675-
description = 0x00101917, -- "Geralt was not able to establish whose
misdeeds had drawn this spirit, but that was not what he was being paid for. With
the help of the lighthouse keeper Mikkjal, he defeated the wraith, then went to
collect his reward.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished - lightkeeper guilty",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished - lightkeeper guilty F08FEBC6-
index = 1,
description = 0x00101919, -- "It turned out it was the lighthouse
keeper, Mikkjal, who was at fault. Working in cahoots with pirates, he would lure
ships into the rocks and loot them after they wrecked. These misdeed were what had
drawn the phantom. Geralt dealt with situation as he saw fit and then went to
collect his reward.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Started - noticeboard/ talking to Jorund after q201",
order = 1610612735,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started - noticeboard/ talking to Jorund after
q201 69FD2954-46EE00F2-37B540A2-72F89306",
index = 2,
description = 0x00101915, -- "Geralt learned that the village called
Arinbjorn was suffering from a wraith problem. The ghost haunted the nearby islet
of Eldberg, a barren rock of no interest to anyone save for the lighthouse erected
upon it. This lighthouse's light had gone out simultaneously with the phantom's
appearance. This meant it had become nigh unto impossible to safely navigate a ship
into Arinbjorn harbor after dark. The witcher's task was to chase off the phantom
and find out what had happened to the lighthouse keeper.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quest Started - exploraiton",
order = 805306367,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started - exploraiton C33494F6-4E8EF5C4-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101916, -- "While traveling across Skellige, Geralt
happened upon a rocky isle covered in thick fog, from which came the screaming of
wraiths. The witcher was dead set on finding out what was the matter and so bravely
rushed towards the wraiths, his silver sword aloft.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Monster Known",
order = 2415919102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monster Known 91B3FA4B-48A0FD92-C5BCA0A8-CFD289F6",
index = 4,
description = 0x00101918, -- "It turned out the monster of Eldberg was a
Penitent - a dangerous wraith which haunted particularly foul sinners.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Contract F421EF40-4CCE8B45-16F2758F-AEE63FA7",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Collect reward from Jorund",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect reward from Jorund 39FE0FC3-4949C9A6-
children = {
title = 0x000f866d, -- "Collect your reward from Jorund."

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mapPinID = "jorund",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Check noticeboard in Arinbjorn",
order = 4263510014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check noticeboard in Arinbjorn 4522F009-4C9937EA-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f866e, -- "Check the Arinbjorn notice board."

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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Talk to Mikkjal",
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index = 2,
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title = 0x000f866c, -- "Talk to Mikkjal."
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baseName = "Pick up Expiationer's trophy",
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chunk[27] = {
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the lighthouse brazier."

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Mikkjal, the lighthouse keeper."

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chunk[33] = {
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children = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh208forktail.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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children = {
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title = 0x0005c859, -- "Contract: Dragon"

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start CB9E1C2F-4B048F85-DF311481-9FB1EC1E",
description = 0x001009b7, -- "Geralt caught word that the villagers of
Fyresdal had caught sight of a dragon. Though the witcher codex barred him from
killing these noble and intelligent creatures, he decided to investigate the matter
all the same.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Monster Known 158E37D5-425013BA-6B75DBA1-F2EE67E3",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009b8, -- "His investigation uncovered that what the
Fyresdal residents had seen was not a dragon but a forktail - a beast that, while
undoubtedly dangerous, has about as much in common with a dragon as do dragonflies.
Geralt tracked down the monster's nest (which it had made in an abandoned siege
tower), but the forktail itself was nowhere to be found. Geralt decided that,
rather than wait for the beast to return, he would lure it back home using

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End It's a Dragon 31D644BB-4688BACA-836A22BD-
index = 2,
description = 0x001009b9, -- "Geralt defeated the monster and returned
to collect his reward. Not wanting to take from the villagers their story about the
dragon (which had already made them the envy of all the isles) Geralt decided to
hide the true identity of the beast he had slain."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End It's a Forktail",
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index = 3,
description = 0x00100d04, -- "Geralt defeated the monster and returned
to the village to collect his reward. This turned out to be smaller than first
offered - having learned that the beast was no dragon but a much less dangerous
forktail, the village elder decided the witcher's honorarium should likewise be
proportionately smaller. This was not the first time honesty had lightened the
witcher's purse.<br>"

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order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sheep 1D1585C7-4CD63828-4EBD5188-88363602",
index = 4,
description = 0x00100d05, -- "The village elder honored Geralt that day
with the gift of a lamb - though the animal he gave was certainly not the choicest
member of the flock. From what Geralt later told me, the poor creature looked like
a furry water hag and had an even worse temperament.<br>"

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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0008ded2, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the monster's
tracks to the site of the attack."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh210lamia.journal:

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title = 0x000fa677, -- "Contract: Here Comes the Groom"

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description = 0x000fa6bc, -- "In Clan Brokvar's village on Spikeroog
Geralt took on a search-and-rescue contract. Kevan, the man offering the bounty,
claimed the missing man had developed cold feet and fled from his betrothed, yet
the woman herself - Britt - insisted her lover had been snatched away by a

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Geralt came across a cave in which he found some unusual tracks. Suspecting a
monster, he decided to look into the matter.<br>"

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description = 0x0010134e, -- "Geralt searched the cave and discovered
that he was dealing with an ekhidna. He defeated the beast and went to the village
to collect his reward.<br>"

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index = 3,
description = 0x0010134f, -- "Kevan accepted Geralt's conclusions with a
sad heart, yet did not let his disappointment keep him from paying the promised

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index = 4,
description = 0x00101350, -- "The hardest part, however, was informing
Britt, the dead man's betrothed. Though her voice shook, she kept herself together
and gave Geralt a gift by way of thanks for his trouble.<br>"

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title = 0x000fa6ae, -- "Find Melusine in the caves."

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title = 0x000fa6af, -- "Kill the monster."
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title = 0x000fa6b3, -- "Take a trophy from the monster."

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title = 0x000fa6b9, -- "Collect your reward from Kevan."

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title = 0x000fe83f, -- "Tell Britt what happened to her betrothed."

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title = 0x000fa6f1, -- "Explore the caves Britt mentioned using your
Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh301gryphon.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Noticeboard Start 9639DD32-43FCA33E-3C7787BC-
description = 0x00100aa6, -- "Mercenaries are usually the ones getting
paid for killing things. This time, however, the shoe was on the other foot: a
certain Hans of Cidaris, a soldier of fortune by trade, had made it known far and
wide that he would pay a handsome sum to whoever could defeat the beast that had
made its nest in the forest outside Oxenfurt. Geralt decided to take on the

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description = 0x00100aec, -- "Mercenaries are usually the ones getting
paid for killing things. This time, however, the shoe was on the other foot: a
certain Hans of Cidaris, a soldier of fortune by trade, offered to pay Geralt a
handsome sum for defeating the beast that had made its nest in the forest outside
Oxenfurt. Geralt decided to accept this contract.<br>"

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index = 2,
description = 0x00100aed, -- "While passing through the area around
Oxenfurt, Geralt came across tracks left by a dangerous monster. Though he had not
received any contract for this beast, he nevertheless decided to follow its

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index = 3,
description = 0x00100aee, -- "Geralt's investigation led him to conclude
that an archgriffin had taken up residence in the ravine. This creature was in most
respects similar to the royal griffin Geralt had fought in White Orchard, but with
the added nastiness of being able to spit a noxious acid at its prey.<br>"

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description = 0x00100aef, -- "Geralt defeated the beast - and discovered
a highly interesting document in its lair. It seemed Geralt's employer, Hans of
Cidaris, had already accepted a contract to kill this griffin. What's more, unlike
the witcher he had been paid in advance - and a much larger sum than what he had
offered Geralt!<br>"

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index = 5,
description = 0x00100af0, -- "Geralt defeated the beast and collected
his reward. For once, there was no backpedalling or chicanery!<br>"

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title = 0x00089dfc, -- "Check the Oxenfurt notice board for a contract
on the monster you killed."

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children = {
title = 0x00089daf, -- "Examine where the monster attacked using your
Witcher Senses."

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chunk[37] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh302leszy.journal:

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title = 0x0008a412, -- "Contract: Lord of the Wood"

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chunk[6] = {
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008a41b, -- "Lure the leshen out by destroying its totem."

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title = 0x0008a41f, -- "Kill the leshen."

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chunk[10] = {
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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0008a420, -- "Take a trophy."

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title = 0x0008a425, -- "Check the nearest notice board."

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chunk[14] = {
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title = 0x0008a427, -- "Collect your reward from Brean Hotsch."

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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0008a433, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the sounds and
find the leshen's totem."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Exploration 05E87224-4C052DF1-10E0BF93-
description = 0x00100d30, -- "While traversing the woods outside
Novigrad, Geralt came across some monster tracks that struck him as unusual. He
decided it was worth his time to see what sort of beast was prowling around this
close to the North's great metropolis.<br>"

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Start Noticeboard",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard E0EB18E2-4955ABE3-A2616F84-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d31, -- "A certain halfling named Brean Hotsch had
hung a notice stating he was in need of a professional monster slayer. Geralt
decided to see what was the matter.<br>"

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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leszy BF659DAC-4F853FE5-213B8C88-76A232EB",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100d32, -- "After a detailed investigation of the
shrubbery and thicketry lining the forest floor (what exactly he looks for during
such investigations is a complete mystery to me - I see nothing but endless chances
to tear one's hose), Geralt concluded he was tracking a leshen. In order to defeat
this elusive monster, he would first need to provoke it into attacking him. That's
right, dear reader: he planned to deliberately provoke a leshen - the very thought
sends shivers down my spine.<br>"

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index = 3,
description = 0x00100d33, -- "Once Geralt had defeated the leshen, the
halfling paid up without making any fuss. There's no denying it: Brean Hotsch
proved himself an honorable individual."

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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Reach Hotsch's woodcutters hut",
order = 2147483647,
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children = {
title = 0x0008a428, -- "Find the woodcutter's hut where Hotsch is

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title = 0x0008a42e, -- "Find the site of the attack using your Witcher

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow cart tracks F1D54138-414830F3-50974A9D-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001064e6, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the wagon
tracks to where the monster attacked."
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh303succubus.journal:

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children = {
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title = 0x0008abb3, -- "Contract: Deadly Delights"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start exploration 853F640A-485E7CE0-36F1F081-
description = 0x0008abbd, -- "During a conversation with a certain
guardsman, Geralt learned that members of the city watch had been disappearing
under murky circumstances. He accepted the task of looking into the matter.<br>"

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board that intrigued him. It seemed keeping the peace in Novigrad was not the city
guard's only problem.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Brothel 5A261F48-483E3D03-FF41E8B3-BF372B4B",
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description = 0x00100d35, -- "The clues Geralt found led him to a house
of ill-repute. As is often the case in such establishments, more than lovemaking
was taking place within its walls...<br>"

chunk[7] = {
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index = 3,
description = 0x00100d36, -- "Geralt's investigation revealed a succubus
had been responsible for the city guardsmen's murder. I've dealt with more than one
such creature in my life and I must say, if anyone is under the misconception that
encounters with these creatures are pleasant - well, I would disabuse him of it
myself, but I know that is a task only unfortunate experience can accomplish.
Suffice it to say death from a surfeit of pleasure leaves one no less dead.<br>"

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description = 0x00100d37, -- "After talking to the succubus, Geralt
decided to spare its life. When he told me this, I was at first outraged, but then
he explained the arguments the succubus had given him and convinced me the guards
she had killed had earned their fate.<br>"

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index = 5,
description = 0x00100d38, -- "Geralt tracked down the succubus. They had
a brief conversation, during which the succubus tried to justify herself by
providing motives for her murders. Geralt remained unmoved and the succubus met
with due punishment for her crimes.<br>"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh304katakan.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh304: Katakan",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Novigrad Hunt: Katakan 43E9C2A8-43DADE8C-FEC51388-
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0008b8c6, -- "Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk"

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baseName = "Start Noticeboard",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard BED00EC7-48C92B62-4B8BB4B2-
description = 0x0008b908, -- "Oxenfurt the academy may be my alma mater,
but Oxenfurt the town - that is where I received my true education. The experiences
I had in its inns and alleyways often left me a trembling wreck, overwhelmed by the
majesty of the world opening up before me. Sadly, during the Third Nilfgaardian War
the town became a shadow of its former self, and the few who remained in its inns
and alleyways risked not enlightenment but death at the hands of a mysterious
murderer. Geralt, bless his heart, decided to investigate the matter, suspecting
that the responsible party might be a monster...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Katakan",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Katakan 34F33B4C-412730DE-E42BB7B4-F2F9D9E9",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d3f, -- "Geralt had dealt with a great variety of
beasts over the course of his career as a witcher, but an alcoholic vampire...?
That was a first (well, except for maybe that one - but that was long ago). This
katakan (as witchers call this manner of beast) had taken a liking to the blood of
drunk men. Once Geralt figured this out, he knew exactly how to lure it out of

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index = 2,
description = 0x00100d40, -- "Geralt fought the katakan, but sadly the
beast fled the first chance it got. Vampires never do make for easy foes. Geralt
decided to use his Witcher Senses to hunt the monster down.<br>"

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index = 3,
description = 0x00100d41, -- "At last, success was his! Geralt tracked
down and killed the katakan. The Redanian soldiers who had hired him kept their
word and paid him appropriately for a job well done."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the attack site 304C775F-4843DDD1-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0008b8c9, -- "Examine the site where the monster was seen
using your Witcher Senses."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine the bodies 094074DA-41C2128F-0A0F7DA5-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0008b8ca, -- "Look over the victims' bodies using your Witcher

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mapPinID = "mh304_morge_mappin",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Talk with the innkeeper to get drunk and start luring katakan into
the open",
order = 4227858430,
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katakan into the open A90DAD90-4E7A319E-6F4F7E99-D03DA9CB",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0008b8cc, -- "Talk to the innkeep and get drunk in order to
bait the katakan."

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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0008b8cd, -- "Walk around near the tavern in order to provoke
the katakan."

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title = 0x0008b8cf, -- "Track down the katakan using your Witcher

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children = {
title = 0x0008b8d2, -- "Take a trophy."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh305doppler.journal:

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Sylvester Amello."

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title = 0x0008cbe3, -- "Return to the marketplace during the day to talk
to Sylvester Amello."

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chunk[27] = {
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Doppler",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Doppler 667C1D87-4CD607AE-82C8D5A6-57DD3D90",
description = 0x00100d39, -- "The thief's trail took Geralt to
Novigrad's extramural paupers' district. The thought of venturing into that tough
quarter makes me wince. Not so much because of the danger - I have braved much
meaner places - but because of the smell, which can be so rank as to bring vomit to
one's lips upon strolling within ten paces of it. Geralt, however, braved the worst
and soon determined the imp was in fact a doppler, one who changed his form more
often than other men change their knickers - although, given the hygienic habits of
men in this particular district, that was not saying much.<br>"

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baseName = "Chase",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chase D5710126-450F3160-CD7D04B0-36C21C16",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d3a, -- "The doppler had no choice but to seek
salvation in flight. It seemed Geralt was in for a footrace.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Pro Doppler 0A1CCAA6-48CB5916-328E5889-8BDD7E2E",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100d3b, -- "Geralt has a soft heart. Though this does
not always move him to mercy, this time it led him to spare the thieving doppler -
under the condition that the shapeshifter leave the city at once. After that was
settled, Geralt talked to the merchant who had issued the contract and brought the
matter of the doppler thief to a close.<br>"

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "End Pro Merchant",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Pro Merchant 793EBFA0-44A8C32A-7E076D90-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100d3c, -- "To this day I think Geralt did wrong in
killing that doppler. In my opinion, his crimes did not match the punishment meted
out to him - but, in the end, I am no witcher, and so it is not my place to judge.
The merchant Sylvester was, unlike me, thrilled with how the witcher resolved the
matter and gave him the promised reward without a second thought."

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start CA781130-45D05BDB-A0D7FC99-3306F6DD",
index = 4,
description = 0x0008cb41, -- "A Novigrad merchant by the name of
Sylvester Armello had hung a notice on the Novigrad board asking for help in
tracking down a thieving imp. It seemed the merchants' guild was being pestered by
a mysterious creature who kept stealing wares from its members stalls. Geralt
accepted the job.<br>"
chunk[38] = {

chunk[39] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh306dao.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Novigrad Hunt: Da'o AF164E2C-41CC196D-1AB4BFB6-
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0008bec2, -- "Contract: Doors Slamming Shut"

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baseName = "StartNoticeboard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "StartNoticeboard 66D35D94-457545C3-CC9F9D9C-
description = 0x0008bec3, -- "Sprawling out-of-town manors always hide
their fair share of mysteries, and the residence on Novigrad's outskirts were no
exception. When Geralt found out about a haunted manor owned by a certain Kurt
Dysart, he agreed at once to look into the matter.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Dao",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dao AD9C68A9-49FF5616-BAEA8A9D-B71FB9E8",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d42, -- "Geralt discovered the haunted house hid
secrets not within its walls, but underneath its foundations. A powerful earth
elemental, also known as a d'ao, had been imprisoned in its basement. Geralt knew
the creature would destroy the entire neighborhood in the blink of an eye were it
ever to break free. He had to act quickly.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End AE476573-4A80A2D0-AE0EEE82-64F27583",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100d43, -- "Geralt deactivated the magic barrier which
had kept the elemental imprisoned and then destroyed it. Once this was done, he had
but to visit the manor's owner to collect his reward."

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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Talk to Kurt Dysart",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Kurt Dysart 4EB87B3F-4C0BB639-851407AB-
children = {
title = 0x0008bec5, -- "Talk to Kurt Dysart."

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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Travel to the haunted mansion",
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008bec4, -- "Travel to the haunted mansion."
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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the haunted mansion 3F23BA16-4520C3DF-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0008bec8, -- "Investigate the haunted mansion using your
Witcher Senses."

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chunk[14] = {
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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0008bec6, -- "Investigate the basement using your Witcher

chunk[15] = {
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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Find Da'o",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Da'o 9B28A1B1-43643FD7-2BCBA792-0EFC33AF",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0008bec7, -- "Find the earth elemental."

chunk[17] = {
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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Deactivate magical barrier holding Da'o",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deactivate magical barrier holding Da'o B7C5E6DA-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0008bec9, -- "Deactivate the magic barrier."

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radius = 12.000000,
mapPinID = "mh306_release_dao_mappin",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Kill Da'o",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Da'o A9F52423-44FC0F20-698BDBBD-12FD09E4",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0008beca, -- "Kill the earth elemental."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "mh306_dao",
order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "mh306_dao",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Pick up Da'o trophy",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pick up Da'o trophy 01678757-40013D43-453533AF-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0008becb, -- "Take a trophy from the earth elemental."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "mh306_dao_remains",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh306_dao_remains 41ED02AF-4F33934F-538D4EBE-
mapPinID = "mh306_dao_remains",

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Collect Reward from Kurt Dysart",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect Reward from Kurt Dysart 80FF4FFF-41432D03-
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x0008becc, -- "Collect your reward from Kurt Dysart."

chunk[25] = {
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chunk[26] = {
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index = 9,
title = 0x0010a095, -- "Read the diary from the ruined house."
bookShortcut = "mh306_mages_journal",

chunk[27] = {

chunk[28] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh307minion.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh307: Wild Hunt Minion",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Novigrad Hunt: Wild Hunt Minion",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x000f703b, -- "Contract: The Apiarian Phantom"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions C63AA806-40C1561C-B1BF36B4-440D7667",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Contract Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Contract Beginning",
description = 0x0010131a, -- "While traversing the outskirts of
Novigrad, Geralt happened across a contract on a creature known as the Apiarian
Phantom. It had been hung by a certain Holofernes Meiersdorf, owner of the
Honeyfill beekeeping plantation. Geralt decided to pursue the bounty.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Clues Beginning",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Clues Beginning",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010131c, -- "While traversing the outskirts of
Novigrad, Geralt came cross tracks which did not resemble those of any creature he
knew from his world. His witcher instincts buzzing, he decided to investigate what
had left them.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Questgiver Beginning",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Questgiver Beginning",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010131b, -- "While traversing the outskirts of
Novigrad, Geralt came across a beekeeping plantation called Honeyfill tucked amidst
some flowering meadows and fields. The owner of these lands, a halfling named
Holofernes Meiersdorf, told Geralt that his apiary had been haunted for some time
by the Apiarian Phantom, a wraith which kills the bees and destroys the hives of
wayward beekeepers. Geralt decided to look into the matter.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Lair",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Lair",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010131d, -- "Geralt's investigation revealed the
monster was hiding in the basement of an unfinished home near the Meiersdorf
estate. What Geralt had to do was clear: enter the basement and kill the

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Killed Ending",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Killed Ending",
index = 4,
description = 0x0010131e, -- "Once Geralt had forced his way in, he was
greeted to an unexpected sight: the house's interior was completely frozen, and
standing amidst the frost - a giant and terrifying creature Geralt knew to be one
of the Wild Hunt's hounds. The beast put up quite the fight, but in the end Geralt
proved stronger and bested his opponent. When he showed the beekeeper the trophy he
had taken from the hound, he received a handsome reward.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Escaped Ending",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MH307 Wild Hunt Minion Escaped Ending",
index = 5,
description = 0x0010131f, -- "Once Geralt had forced his way in, he was
greeted to an unexpected sight: the house's interior was completely frozen, and
standing amidst the frost - a giant and terrifying creature Geralt knew to be one
of the Wild Hunt's hounds. The monster quickly realized it was outmatched and fled
to hide in the surrounding fields, and Geralt was unable to track it down. Even
though he had not fully finished his task, he returned to his employer. Meiersdorf
feared the beast would return, but, acknowledging some work had been done, agreed
to pay Geralt for his trouble.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Investigation",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigation 58B409FD-4D77E1C7-E6751B90-A783BDCE",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Go after running off beast",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go after running off beast",
children = {
title = 0x000f704d, -- "Chase down and kill the fleeing beast."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "mh307_minion",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh307_minion 021F20E3-40A2B8C5-7110A584-998BCC0C",
mapPinID = "mh307_minion",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Kill hound of Wild Hunt",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill hound of Wild Hunt",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f704e, -- "Defeat the hound of the Wild Hunt."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "mh307_mappin_kill_hound",
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Pick up trophy of hound of Wild Hunt",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pick up trophy of hound of Wild Hunt",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000f704f, -- "Take a trophy from the hound of the Wild Hunt."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "mh307_minion_remains",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh307_minion_remains 8C29C29D-46ADE641-E7F0F187-
mapPinID = "mh307_minion_remains",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Collect reward from Holofernes Meiersdorf in Honeywell",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Collect reward from Holofernes Meiersdorf in
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000f7052, -- "Collect your reward from Holofernes Meiersdorf."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "mh307_halfling_father",
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title = 0x00101311, -- "Follow the halfling."

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title = 0x000fd7cc, -- "Examine the area in search of clues using your
Witcher Senses."

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children = {
title = 0x000fd7cd, -- "Follow the footprints using your Witcher

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baseName = "Open cellar below construction area",
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title = 0x000fd7d1, -- "Open the basement."

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baseName = "Fight Hund of Wild Hunt",
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title = 0x000fd7dc, -- "Defeat the hound of the Wild Hunt."

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chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Talk to Holofernes Meiersdorf about Hund of Wild Hunt",
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index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x000fd7dd, -- "Talk to Holofernes Meiersdorf about the hound of
the Wild Hunt."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the Area around the lake 1B7142ED-49979FF0-
index = 10,
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title = 0x00106a22, -- "Search the area around the lake using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00107876, -- "Follow the tracks using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Talk to Holofernes Meiersdorf in Honeywell",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Holofernes Meiersdorf in Honeywell",
children = {
title = 0x000f7051, -- "Ask Holofernes Meiersdorf about the contract on
the Apiarian Phantom."

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chunk[43] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mh308noonwraith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mh308 : Noonwratih",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Novigrad Hunt: Noonwratih 30A9D01A-4F9DC8AF-93BD3E90-
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0008d1a6, -- "Contract: The White Lady"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start Exploration",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Exploration 57FFD8AF-4880FD3C-6CA196A6-
description = 0x0008d1a7, -- "Geralt spent some time walking through the
rich farmlands outside of Novigrad. During one such stroll he happened across the
ruins of a tower. Whether out of curiosity or because of the throbbing of his
medallion, Geralt decided to investigate. It will surely come as no surprise that
this investigation uncovered evidence of a monster's presence...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start Noticeboard",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Noticeboard B7DEEE02-4CD83F57-8A92D4A9-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d44, -- "While in Novigrad, Geralt came across a
notice offering a bounty for killing a certain White Lady haunting the fields
outside the city. The witcher, who was always in need of coin for... what does he
spend his coin on? Armor? Swords? Clips to hold back his hair? At any rate, he was
forever short of it, and so accepted the contract.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Noonwraith",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Noonwraith 03187343-4A27F888-A9F9ADA3-C409EF3B",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100d45, -- "The White Lady turned out to be a
noonwraith. In order to defeat this phantom, Geralt first had to find out what
bound it to the abandoned tower and its surrounding fields.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End FE1FE7E1-4691642D-52CCB2A9-D6868260",
index = 3,
description = 0x00100d46, -- "Geralt uncovered the tragic fate of the
woman who had turned into a noonwraith - then sent her on to the next world. The
bounty issuer was clearly relieved to hear this and handed Geralt his due.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Investigation",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigation 10B01C6F-4ABFE26B-F44A01AA-D49B4E32",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Investigate the tower",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the tower 29C69F6F-4616EEDE-F1C8F486-
children = {
title = 0x0008d1a9, -- "Investigate the ruined tower using your Witcher

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radius = 20.000000,
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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Search the fields to find the bodies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the fields to find the bodies B04CEF86-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008d1aa, -- "Look for the bodies of the White Lady's victims
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "mh308_field_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh308_field_mappin 2758FC4F-461791A4-E9694BA1-
radius = 30.000000,
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Investigate the killing site",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the killing site 75006DF0-491B6A98-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0008d1ab, -- "Investigate the place where the White Lady
attacked using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "mh308_killing_site_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mh308_killing_site_mappin D12E24C9-423C7F7B-A4FBD680-
radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "mh308_killing_site_mappin",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Follow the tracks",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the tracks 2172A05F-42A53CF6-96FEC883-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010196a, -- "Follow the tracks using your Witcher Senses."

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radius = 26.000000,
mapPinID = "mh308_tracks_mappin",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Talk to the old widow",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the old widow 40DF5506-457D0CFD-59C22882-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0008d1ad, -- "Talk to the widow."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "mh308_farmer",
order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "mh308_farmer",

chunk[19] = {
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index = 2,
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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Kill the noonwraith",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the noonwraith 77C57005-47F7951C-4CE60884-
children = {
title = 0x0008d1e7, -- "Kill the noonwraith."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "mh308_noonwraith",
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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Pick up noonwratih's trophy",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pick up noonwratih's trophy 605707CF-48136F31-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008d1ea, -- "Take a trophy from the noonwraith."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "mh308_noonwraith_remains",
order = 2147483647,
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chunk[24] = {
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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0008d1eb, -- "Collect your reward from the widow."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "mh308_farmer",
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chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Burn the dagger in a campfire to summon the Lady of the Tower",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Burn the dagger in a campfire to summon the Lady of
the Tower EE833B07-49C7AB1F-1818FC99-1515848F",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0008d1ae, -- "Throw the silver dagger into the fire to lure
the noonwraith out."

chunk[27] = {
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chunk[28] = {
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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0008d218, -- "Talk to the widow about the noonwraith."

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chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Check noticeboard in Toderas",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check noticeboard in Toderas EE50E6C0-4263CED5-
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title = 0x0008d1ac, -- "Check the notice board in Farcorners."

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chunk[32] = {

chunk[33] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mine.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer 9B0CDB84-48EB84A9-D74AE685-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00051d43, -- "Wandering in the Dark"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Ruins",
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children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Enter teleport",
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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Stay close to Keira under magical shield",
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title = 0x000887c2, -- "Keep close to Keira and stay under her magic

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chunk[8] = {
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index = 2,
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title = 0x000887ce, -- "Kill the creatures emerging from the rift."

chunk[9] = {
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title = 0x000887db, -- "Follow Keira."

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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Use witcher senses to investigate chamber",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use witcher senses to investigate chamber",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00090586, -- "Examine the next room using your Witcher

chunk[13] = {
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chunk[14] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use witcher senses to investigate room",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00100440, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to investigate the

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chunk[16] = {
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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00088ba0, -- "Light the braziers in the correct order."

chunk[17] = {
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radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_music_room",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Rejoin with Keira",
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index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0005ace7, -- "Find Keira."

chunk[19] = {
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title = 0x00087fd7, -- "Follow Keira."

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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Enter Keira's teleport",
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title = 0x00087fd9, -- "Go through Keira's portal."

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chunk[27] = {
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index = 11,
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title = 0x00087fdf, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find Keira."

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chunk[29] = {
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index = 12,
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title = 0x000298f1, -- "Leave the chamber."

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chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Destroy rat nests with signs of bombs",
order = 4160503805,
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index = 13,
children = {
title = 0x00087fe2, -- "Destroy the rat nests with Signs or bombs."
count = 2,

chunk[32] = {
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index = 1,
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chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Approach Keira",
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index = 14,
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title = 0x0008880d, -- "Walk over to Keira."

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chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Investigate chamber you found",
order = 4282361340,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate chamber you found",
index = 15,
children = {
title = 0x00087ff2, -- "Search the chamber using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_well",
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radius = 18.000000,
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chunk[38] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Enter teleport gate",
index = 16,
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title = 0x0008803e, -- "Enter the portal."

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_teleport_1",
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chunk[40] = {
baseName = "Look for clues about Ciri in mage's labolatory",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for clues about Ciri in mage's labolatory",
index = 17,
children = {
title = 0x000298ee, -- "Look for information about Ciri using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "q104_avallach_office",
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radius = 18.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_avallach_office",

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "Fight Wild Hunt warrior",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight Wild Hunt warrior",
index = 18,
children = {
title = 0x000887ef, -- "Fight the Wild Hunt warrior."

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "q104_final_chamber",
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radius = 60.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_final_chamber",

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "Look for way out from ruins",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for way out from ruins",
index = 19,
children = {
title = 0x000748aa, -- "Look for a way out of the ruins."

chunk[45] = {
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radius = 60.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_final_chamber",

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "Chase Wild Hunt to next chamber",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chase Wild Hunt to next chamber",
index = 20,
children = {
title = 0x0008809e, -- "Follow the Wild Hunt's warriors."

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_blizzard_room",
order = 3758096382,
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mapPinID = "q104_mappin_blizzard_room",

chunk[48] = {
baseName = "Fight elemental",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight elemental",
index = 21,
children = {
title = 0x00088b8f, -- "Fight the guardian."

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_golem_room",
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radius = 12.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_mappin_golem_room",

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Meet Keira in front of hideout entrance",
order = 536805375,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Keira in front of hideout entrance",
index = 22,
children = {
title = 0x00051c23, -- "Meet Keira at the entrance to the mage's

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chunk[53] = {
baseName = "Look for clues associated with Ciri's horse",
order = 4288664316,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for clues associated with Ciri's horse",
index = 23,
children = {
title = 0x000fcc0b, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find something
associated with Ciri's horse Kelpie."

chunk[54] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_well",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_mappin_well 1E4ACB0C-47E64535-C92A6782-
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chunk[55] = {
baseName = "Go back to Keira Metz",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go back to Keira Metz",
index = 24,
children = {
title = 0x000fcc0c, -- "Rejoin Keira."

chunk[56] = {
baseName = "keira",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "keira FFCF7CDF-46EB8105-D91C17B3-D61E3C65",
mapPinID = "keira",

chunk[57] = {
baseName = "Explore new chambers with Keira",
order = 4293391548,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Explore new chambers with Keira",
index = 25,
children = {
title = 0x000fcc0d, -- "Explore new chambers with Keira."

chunk[58] = {
baseName = "q104_teleport4",
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chunk[59] = {
baseName = "Find a way to activate teleport",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a way to activate teleport",
index = 26,
children = {
title = 0x000907f4, -- "Find a way to activate the portal using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[60] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_teleport_2",
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chunk[61] = {
baseName = "Kill creatures emerging from rift 2",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill creatures emerging from rift 2",
index = 27,
children = {
title = 0x001015a8, -- "Kill the creatures emerging from the rift."

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chunk[64] = {
baseName = "Kill creatures emerging from rift 3",
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children = {
title = 0x001015a9, -- "Kill the creatures emerging from the rift."

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chunk[66] = {
baseName = "Search area for passage further into mines",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search area for passage further into mines F7227070-
index = 29,
children = {
title = 0x001023b2, -- "Search for a way to continue deeper

chunk[67] = {
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chunk[68] = {
baseName = "Explore ruins to find out about elvish mage",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Explore ruins to find out about elvish mage",
index = 30,
children = {
title = 0x0010319a, -- "Explore the elven ruins and look for information
about the mage."

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chunk[70] = {
baseName = "Explor ruins keeping eye on Swallow paintings",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Explor ruins keeping eye on Swallow paintings",
index = 31,
children = {
title = 0x0010319b, -- "Explore the ruins and follow the swallow

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chunk[73] = {
baseName = "Keep exploring ruins keeping eye on Swallow paintings",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keep exploring ruins keeping eye on Swallow
index = 32,
children = {
title = 0x001031b9, -- "Continue exploring the ruins and follow the
swallow symbols."

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chunk[75] = {
baseName = "Use The Eye of Nehaleni to dispell illusion.",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use The Eye of Nehaleni to dispell illusion.",
index = 33,
children = {
title = 0x001072e2, -- "Use the Eye of Nehaleni to dispel the illusion."

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baseName = "q104_mappin_first_illusion",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_mappin_first_illusion",
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chunk[77] = {
baseName = "Keep chasing Wild Hunt",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keep chasing Wild Hunt",
index = 34,
children = {
title = 0x00107b9d, -- "Chase the Wild Hunt's warriors."

chunk[78] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_boss_room",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_mappin_boss_room",
mapPinID = "q104_mappin_boss_room",

chunk[79] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 0C93A449-4BBF34C6-719BAFB6-20DCDAD6",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[80] = {
baseName = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Beginning",
description = 0x0010046f, -- "Finding Ciri in Velen had proven harder
than tracking a swallow on a rainy day. According to Keira, an elven mage had been
tracking this particular swallow as well. Had he found her? Did he know more about
her fate? Geralt knew he had to find out, and Keira, well, she had unfinished
business of her own with the mage. And so the witcher and sorceress set out
together on a journey into the darkness to find the mysterious elf's underground

chunk[81] = {
baseName = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Saw Wild Hunt",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Saw Wild Hunt",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100470, -- "Barely had our heroes entered the
underground chambers when they encountered the enemy. The Wild Hunt had reached the
spot before them - and they, too, were searching for Ciri.<br>"

chunk[82] = {
baseName = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Saw First Zirael",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Saw First Zirael",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100471, -- "The Hunt had in its ranks a navigator, a
powerful mage able to teleport its warriors from place to place in the blink of an
eye. Geralt and Keira, on the other hand, made their way slowly on foot,
encountering obstacle after obstacle. All might have been lost had our heroes not
happened across a morphotic projection the elven mage had left for Ciri. The mage's
illusion guided her towards his lair and called her "Zireael" - meaning "swallow"
in Elder Speech. Hearing this, Geralt gained two vital clues: the mage clearly knew
Ciri well, and he must have painted the swallows on the walls to direct her.<br>"

chunk[83] = {
baseName = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Traps",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Traps",
index = 3,
description = 0x00100472, -- "The road through the underground was not
an easy one to travel. The mage had set a great many traps that Ciri could easily
evade but which would trip up any who chased after her.<br>"

chunk[84] = {
baseName = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Chase Wild Hunt",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Chase Wild Hunt",
index = 4,
description = 0x00100473, -- "In the end Geralt and Keira eliminated the
Wild Hunt's lead and began nipping at its heels.<br>"

chunk[85] = {
baseName = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Wild Hunt Defeated",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Wild Hunt Defeated",
index = 5,
description = 0x00100474, -- "Ciri's pursuers did not find what they
were looking for. They departed empty-handed, leaving one warrior behind to tend to
Geralt and Keira. He proved a weak match for the witcher and the sorceress, but
their victory was bittersweet, as in the underground passageways Geralt found
neither Ciri nor the elven mage. All he could now do was to follow the hints
provided by yet another morphotic projection the mage had left behind."

chunk[86] = {
baseName = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Ending",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Mysterious Sorcerer Ending",
index = 6,
description = 0x00100475, -- "Geralt finally learned the truth about
Ciri and the witch from the mouth of an illusion. The mage's projection corrected
and supplemented the information left behind by Hendrik - Ciri's opponent had not
been one ordinary witch but the three Crones, mysterious and powerful beings
dwelling in Crookback Bog. Who they truly were and what had happened to Ciri at
their swampy home - that, dear reader, you will learn in the pages that follow."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/minorquests.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Minorquests",
order = 4282384382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "QuestPhaseMinorquests",
title = 0x00058c06, -- "Minor Quests"

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq0001battlefieldmother.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Missing Brother",
order = 1458044926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Missing Brother 3B6DBB8A-4E5095A7-8DA31EB3-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x0008e954, -- "Missing in Action"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions DE16E781-439D4B8D-1EBCA3AE-000D902F",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Beginning Brother's Request",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Beginning Brother's Request 707C4D53-4279B8BA-
description = 0x00101c85, -- "Geralt was far from the only person in
White Orchard looking for a lost loved one. War had divided many families,
including that of a certain villager whose brother went missing after the last big
battle. Geralt was short on time but still agreed to help. You're surprised, dear
reader - but you shouldn't be. The witcher might seem grumpy at times and downright
cynical at others, but he rarely passes by another man's misfortune without seeing
what he can do to help.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Dog Led",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Dog Led 1DD913ED-4E62BF58-31FEA4B9-949F9429",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101c86, -- "Geralt and Dune began their search where
the missing man had last been seen: the battlefield. Yet while the witcher started
the investigation, a mutt named Hussar who finished it for him. When the dog caught
its owner's scent, it raced off, following the trail while barking its brains out
and not caring one whit if Dune or Geralt were following after.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Beginning Found Soldier",
order = 2415919102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Beginning Found Soldier 584560AF-460326AE-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101c87, -- "Geralt went about finding Yennefer
methodically. He searched every inch of every field and dale near White Orchard.
Though in the end it was not this searching that led to his reunion with the
sorceress, it did lead another interesting discovery. He came across two wounded
soldiers in a hut near the battlefield - one from Nilfgaard, the other Temerian. It
turned out they had fled the field of battle together. Though they lived their in
enviable harmony and confraternity, they warriors could not remain in the hideout
permanently -- they needed food and a medic's help. The Temerian thus asked Geralt
to put them in contact with his brother, Dune, who might be able to help.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Found Soldier with Brother",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Found Soldier with Brother 2AA0BFF5-4898F6D1-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101c88, -- "It turned out the missing brother had been
heavily wounded but had survived the battle nonetheless… saved by a Nilfgaardian

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Ending Left Nilfgaardian",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Ending Left Nilfgaardian 5DA52006-433F244D-
index = 4,
description = 0x00101c89, -- "Sadly Dune did not return the
Nilfgaardian's favor. Afraid for his own life, he decided to leave the man to a
certain death.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Ending Brought Nilfgaardian",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Ending Brought Nilfgaardian 9E9A6FA2-463EA0D3-
index = 5,
description = 0x00101c8a, -- "Though reluctant, Dune agreed to return
the Nilfgaardian's favor. He took the foreigner in under his roof, thus saving him
from certain death.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Ending Told Brother",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Ending Told Brother 401F8680-4B6EC388-
index = 6,
description = 0x00101c8b, -- "Geralt found the wounded soldier's brother
and conveyed the good news. This deed saved a man's life - and earned Geralt a few

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 Beginning Notice board",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 Beginning Notice board F5A27EAE-4D194C4E-
index = 7,
description = 0x00109493, -- "As it turned out, Geralt was not alone in
searching White Orchard for a lost loved one. The witcher also found the notice of
a peasant who was seeking his brother. The brother had left home to take up arms
against Nilfgaard. The forces of the North and the Black Ones had then clashed in a
great battle near the brothers' home village, and the peasant had not heard from
his sibling since."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "MQ0001 After talking with brother (noticeboard start)",
order = 2818572286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0001 After talking with brother (noticeboard start)
index = 8,
description = 0x00109494, -- "Though pressed for time, Geralt decided to
find Dune Vildenvert and then agreed to help the man. Be not puzzled, dear reader,
for though the witcher oft appeared a surly scoffer, deep inside he was a sensitive
soul, unwilling to look upon human grief and dismiss it.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Help brother",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help brother EDF8F94E-429801F7-A5FEEA95-B3752A48",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Look for Temerian Shields with White Orchid on the battlefield",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for Temerian Shields with White Orchid on the
battlefield 611025E1-4882B886-1255DD97-F9286952",
children = {
title = 0x000f863d, -- "Using your Witcher Senses, search for Temerian
shields with small white flowers painted on them."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "mq0001_mp_shield_01",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq0001_mp_shield_01 5621F12D-4583A63C-5E8CCFA1-
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chunk[21] = {
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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "mq0001_brother",
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index = 7,
mapPinID = "mq0001_brother",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Meet man at battlefield",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet man at battlefield FC469EE2-4A5F4C09-4B5B7FB0-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fcbb9, -- "Meet Dune near the battlefield."

chunk[24] = {
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mapPinID = "mq0001_brother",
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chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Return to help man",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to help man 63CB54C4-49621C2F-347EE6B5-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fd07b, -- "Go back and help Dune."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 55149B9C-452725E9-1150E7BD-EEA55DC3",
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chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Track dog",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Track dog 47253A07-4E55693C-DC7F75B4-DB671FF0",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fb288, -- "Follow the dog's trail."

chunk[29] = {
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radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "mq0001_mp_dog_tracks",

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Find Dune in [the ruined village name]",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Dune in [the ruined village name] 358F2377-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00109492, -- "Find Dune Vildenvert."
chunk[31] = {
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chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Found Brother",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found Brother 2C5BAD17-49CFACC2-238F2494-5C145507",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Tell the brother his brother is still alive",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tell the brother his brother is still alive B253494B-
children = {
title = 0x000fcc0a, -- "Tell Dune his brother is alive."

chunk[34] = {
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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Noticeboard start",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Noticeboard start 620D558C-410CE624-50028B99-
index = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq0002thefield.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ0002 Missing Goods",
order = 1489502206,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0002 Missing Goods 377AABFA-4FBCA307-01FA41AE-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x000fa7a8, -- "Precious Cargo"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E9BF5C7A-4EBE567F-4872AEAD-72476F20",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ0002 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0002 Beginning 603917FA-4F51E875-DEB2C9AB-
description = 0x00101c7e, -- "The merchant Geralt found standing by the
side of the road in White Orchard was extremely distraught. He had been hauling
some precious goods to the Nilfgaardian camp when his horse spooked and veered off
the road, pulling the merchant's cart with it and dumping the whole works in the
foggy swamp outside the camp. The poor horse became trapped in the muck and soon
was devoured by the monsters who inevitably lurk in such places. The merchant was
understandably afraid to go retrieve his goods, and thus asked the witcher to do it
for him - in return for a sizable reward.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ0002 Scam Succeeded",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0002 Scam Succeeded 38949482-4A0CD3E7-4A1BE1AD-
index = 1,
description = 0x00101c7f, -- "The witcher found the merchant's priceless
cargo and the grateful man repaid him in gold for his trouble. The contract had
turned out to be a simple one, without any moral dilemmas or wrenching doubts about
where lesser evil lay, and to top it all off it ended with a satisfactory and
immediately-paid reward - the witcher surely wished they could all be like

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "MQ0002 Scam Failed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0002 Scam Failed 04731A43-492FC270-A6FA8B8F-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101c80, -- "Seemingly straightforward stories often
turn out to be anything but. The witcher found the merchant's cart - and beside it
signs of a malicious attack organized by human hands. It seemed the merchant had
not told Geralt the whole truth. The confrontation that followed confirmed the
witcher's suspicions - rather than stay to plead his innocence, the merchant
immediately ran as fast as his legs could take him.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "MQ0002 Ending Struck a Deal",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0002 Ending Struck a Deal DEFA7950-48A156ED-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101c81, -- "It turned out the "merchant" was no
merchant at all, but a Temerian guerrilla. After Geralt heard the man explain his
story and motives, he decided to let him go to continue his futile battle against
the Nilfgaardian occupiers. Do not act so surprised, dear reader - witchers might
be neutral by principle, but it was no secret where Geralt's sympathies lay in the
struggle between the Northern Realms and the Nilfgaardian Empire.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "MQ0002 Ending Took All",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0002 Ending Took All 70B5A986-46D43F0E-9A302DBF-
index = 4,
description = 0x00101c82, -- "It turned out the "merchant" was no
merchant at all, but a Temerian guerrilla. Though Geralt was skeptical about the
man's chances in his partisan struggle against the mighty Nilfgaardian occupier, he
decided to let him go... but kept the priceless object for himself. Perhaps he
thought rewarding a cheat would not be the proper thing to do - or perhaps he was
driven by a simple need for coin. It is not my place to judge, dear reader.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "MQ0002 Ending To Nilfgaardians",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0002 Ending To Nilfgaardians 8612E605-400492C7-
index = 5,
description = 0x00101c83, -- "It turned out the "merchant" was no
merchant at all, but a Temerian guerrilla. With his back against the wall, the
soldier called on high ideals and Geralt's sense of patriotism in order to convince
the witcher of the worthiness of his cause - but to no avail, for Geralt
nevertheless handed him over to the nearest Nilfgaardian outpost. The witcher was
clearly of the opinion that someone who acts like a bandit should end like a
bandit, no matter how lofty his declared motives.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "MQ0002 Ending Got Away",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0002 Ending Got Away 9A4B4BBD-4497EC7B-B3C9D68D-
index = 6,
description = 0x00101c84, -- "Geralt chased after the lying merchant but
the scoundrel managed to give him the slip. He never did find out what really had
happened out there in the murky swamps of White Orchard.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Get Assignment",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get Assignment 5F9AA723-4EAFDEB6-B7EA02AF-1204D723",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Ask merchant about contract",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask merchant about contract A347EB9C-4DF2F0BD-
children = {
title = 0x000f935b, -- "Speak to the merchant."

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baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 10DD76C9-44797F0A-236D1D92-E4532230",
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Salvage",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Salvage 4F254707-47C80CDE-09BD80B6-6699E6E9",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Find Chest",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Chest 8E7409D6-41F784B7-DBEF2F9B-E349143E",
children = {
title = 0x000fb825, -- "Find the little box the merchant mentioned using
your Witcher Senses."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin B41A736F-46FADE15-7F98FE80-3FD71B82",
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mapPinID = "mq0002_mp_cart",
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Find Cart",
order = 939524094,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Cart EA0E8442-47AE1FA1-01DFCDAD-33188341",
index = 3,
children = {

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Find the cart",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the cart B9B58DA7-441B8994-2DA9D98A-1C212F9A",
children = {
title = 0x000fb630, -- "Find the cart."

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radius = 25.000000,
mapPinID = "mq0002_mp_cart",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Find the spot the cart ran off the road",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the spot the cart ran off the road 2FA1910F-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fb634, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find where the cart
left the road."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 32DC91B1-4D2ADD7B-295789B0-646B7E0F",
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "mq0002_mp_accident",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Get Reward",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get Reward B5B4227E-4541E11B-FEE236B8-F1C6B380",
index = 4,
children = {

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Return goods to merchant",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return goods to merchant 7B75C186-4D4DC2A0-08AC59B8-
children = {
title = 0x000fb633, -- "Return the box to the merchant."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 5F3E7C77-4FB8D255-9449E3A0-A51DB5A2",
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chunk[25] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chase B7636F5B-4D8988CC-B339D3B2-966EF6CB",
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children = {

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Chase down the merchant",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Chase down the merchant 0A817F11-4A9E85B0-F64C7E9A-
children = {
title = 0x000fb7b1, -- "Chase down the merchant."

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chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Shoot / Bomb merchant off horse",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Shoot / Bomb merchant off horse ADBC67CC-41DCF45D-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fb832, -- "Knock the merchant off his horse."

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chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Pick up the merchant",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pick up the merchant 7BCC1C92-4BF0CCCD-ED65C1AC-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010584e, -- "Grab the merchant."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin A989A732-44192C96-BCB69398-C2D4C02F",
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chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Defeat Bandits",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat Bandits 7653B75F-4B0BC871-6E41DA99-0E745321",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001058dc, -- "Defeat the bandits."

chunk[33] = {
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radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "mq0002_mp_insurgents",

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Investigate",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate 6FAE9C7B-41BDCDB0-5B5EB7BA-BED730FA",
index = 6,
children = {
chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Examine cart area for signs of the attack.",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine cart area for signs of the attack. D2520FC7-
children = {
title = 0x00101cd3, -- "Look around the cart for evidence about the
attack using your Witcher Senses."

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 1CA972DD-43DDF60E-16153999-75E24F7E",
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mapPinID = "mq0002_mp_cart",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq0003freshwater.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq0003: Noonwraith",
order = 402653183,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0003 Freshwater ADDBEE45-437F7E6B-286D2E91-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x000fa7a9, -- "Contract: Devil by the Well"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 4194303,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions C903EABA-445CD587-5ABB60B4-8D029E6F",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ0003 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0003 Beginning 70E9A9B4-4B442AF0-57E6448F-
description = 0x00101c8c, -- "Malicious beings usually haunt the ruins
of castles, fortresses or, as a last resort, towers. The wraith of White Orchard,
however, chose a much more quotidian site for its haunting: a well. A White Orchard
peasant by the name of Odolan wanted someone to chase off the phantom and Geralt
accepted the job.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ0003 Sister",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0003 Sister 3DD6CD0F-42001830-48532592-630588CF",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101c8e, -- "Though Geralt had rid the village of the
noonwraith, he could not stop thinking about the unfortunate woman the phantom had
once been. Who was responsible for her untimely death? What had she done to bring
this upon herself? Just who was she? Thanks to the dedication inscribed on the
bracelet he found in the cave, Geralt was able to get answers to these questions
from White Orchard's herbalist. She recounted to him the story of the area's
troubled past.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "MQ0003 Ending",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0003 Ending DBAA377B-4769C07A-A99CAB9D-2799430C",
index = 2,
description = 0x00101c8d, -- "It turned out the devil haunting the well
was a noonwraith: the ghost of a young woman who had died a sudden and cruel death.
The witcher found her body hanging from the well's bucket rope and, nearby, a
bracelet that must have belonged to her while she lived. Destroying this object
broke the tie binding the poor woman's ghost to this world and allowed Geralt to
chase it off once and for all.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "mq0003 Notice taken",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq0003 Notice taken 3317EFEA-4D8BCA89-662C999D-
index = 3,
description = 0x00108b66, -- "In White Orchard Geralt happened across a
notice posted by a certain Odolan residing in the village. The man wanted someone
to take out the monster who was haunting the area around an old well - and doing so
required a professional. This was as typical of witcher work as they come, so
Geralt decided to talk to the man.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq0003 if girl dies",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq0003 if girl dies",
index = 4,
description = 0x0010376f, -- "Sadly, the girl who was gripped by fever
died before Geralt could get rid of the ghost keeping her from receiving the well's
clean waters. All Geralt could do then was convey his condolences.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "MQ0003 Killed Wraith First",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0003 Killed Wraith First",
index = 5,
description = 0x0010268c, -- "Malicious beings usually haunt the ruins
of castles, fortresses or, as a last resort, towers. The wraith of White Orchard,
however, chose a much more everyday site for her haunting: a well. Geralt decided
to drive this being off - perhaps to prevent it from harming anyone dwelling
nearby, or perhaps in hope that someone would pay him for his trouble.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mq0003 Killed Wraith First Reward",
order = 3355443198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq0003 Killed Wraith First Reward A25CBDF8-44528413-
index = 6,
description = 0x001026aa, -- "Geralt found the body of the woman who had
turned into the noonwraith hanging from the well's bucket rope and, nearby, a
bracelet that had once belonged to her. Destroying this object broke the tie
binding the poor woman's ghost to this world and allowed Geralt to chase it off
once and for all. After he did this, he was pleased to learn there was a contract
out for the monster's eradication, a bounty he collected with a sense of having
performed his duties well.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Exit Cave",
order = 65535,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Exit Cave 2D3DF2B0-463D9284-A7933F84-ADA74765",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Find way out of cave",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find way out of cave 87D1E616-4AE9F652-FED2B6BF-
children = {
title = 0x000fa874, -- "Find a way out of the cave."

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baseName = "Map Pin",
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Find the exit from the underground lake.",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the exit from the underground lake.",
index = 1,
title = 0x0010268a, -- "Find a way to return to the surface."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Leave Cave",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leave Cave 63494A6A-4C2B5453-0D019BAE-46EC5B50",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fa873, -- "Leave the cave."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "mq0003_mp_cave_exit_01",
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radius = 5.000000,
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baseName = "mq0003_mp_cave_exit_02",
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index = 2,
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enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Reward",
order = 3145726,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Reward 7B168560-45C132C1-1126BB83-BCA7E152",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Go to farmer for reward",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to farmer for reward 2C7E9CC7-4D1ED3A6-924058A8-
children = {
title = 0x000fa707, -- "Return to Odolan for a reward."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 555321D5-42886AF2-6AD29EAA-B6D99FC2",
mapPinID = "mq0003_farmer",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "See if there's a Noonwraith contract on White Orchard's notice
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "See if there's a Noonwraith contract on White
Orchard's notice board E444CA85-4E066EEF-E7C02CB2-AF537A44",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00108c9d, -- "Check if there's a noonwraith contract on the
White Orchard notice board."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 0BBF4888-452DC098-748FA6A0-5D04C316",
mapPinID = "mq0003_mp_noticeboard",

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Find Spectre",
order = 49150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Spectre 3E8B2719-4E15BF58-5A1CBB87-E84E2009",
index = 3,
children = {

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Find the spectre at the well.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the spectre at the well. E07B0FAA-4B9B1419-
children = {
title = 0x000fa706, -- "Find the spirit that haunts the well."

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 6C40D59B-475D7B4A-89BA5DB6-3A6370B8",
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chunk[27] = {
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chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Banish Noonwraith",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Banish Noonwraith 6847B18F-454AD72F-C54EBD92-
children = {
title = 0x000fbada, -- "Defeat the noonwraith."

chunk[29] = {
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mapPinID = "mq0003_noonwraith",

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Get Trophy",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get Trophy F9E2D7CB-49992DE6-6D4E748F-F1B7296E",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00102754, -- "Take a trophy from the noonwraith."

chunk[31] = {
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chunk[32] = {
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children = {

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Ask farmer about help with well",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask farmer about help with well 8DD3A422-4C1C7AE6-
children = {
title = 0x000fb42f, -- "Ask Odolan about the contract."

chunk[34] = {
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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "The Well",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Well FFC3BC45-48A8062F-75AD318F-BC773212",
index = 6,
children = {

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Defeat Noonwraith",
order = 83886079,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat Noonwraith 89BA517B-432B1183-D483BA86-
children = {
title = 0x000fa1ad, -- "Defeat the noonwraith."

chunk[37] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 20383AFB-4C7D41A7-91B825BF-AF455213",
mapPinID = "mq0003_noonwraith",
chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Go down the well and find the item that belonged to the dead
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go down the well and find the item that belonged to
the dead woman. 6593F49B-483E9507-6E806ABF-BF1FC0D6",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fbad4, -- "Go down the well and look for something that
belonged to the dead woman using your Witcher Senses."

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order = 2147483647,
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Building Fire B4FDFE77-41BEBE80-C7CFCDB9-359F172D",
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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Pick up the body and burn it",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pick up the body and burn it",
children = {
title = 0x0010248c, -- "Light a fire to destroy the noonwraith's bones
and bracelet."

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "mq0003_mp_well",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq0003_mp_well 36449189-494F6864-2D893BBE-3B736DA2",
mapPinID = "mq0003_mp_corpse",

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "Prepare for fighting a Noonwraith and return to the well",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare for fighting a Noonwraith and return to the
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00102458, -- "Prepare to fight the noonwraith and light a fire
near the well."

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "mq0003_mp_well",
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radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "mq0003_mp_well",

chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Find Noonwraith Source",
order = 59390,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Noonwraith Source 9A7F6299-4418F770-CD3506AD-
index = 8,
children = {

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "Read Girl's Journal",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Girl's Journal 38558839-4048B19B-2E7A7692-
title = 0x00102752, -- "Read the diary from the ruined house."
bookShortcut = "mq0003_girls_diary",

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Follow drag marks",
order = 4093640702,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow drag marks 9F24F658-4F372DBE-243C77B7-
index = 1,
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title = 0x00102775, -- "Follow the drag marks using your Witcher

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mapPinID = "mq0003_mp_drag_marks",

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "Examine the well",
order = 4194303998,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search village for trace of victim 9BB8A763-446E64AB-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00102776, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to examine the well."

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
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chunk[51] = {
baseName = "Go check out the well",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go check out the well",
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title = 0x001025a7, -- "Inspect the well."

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chunk[53] = {
baseName = "Read Journal on Noonwraiths",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Journal on Noonwraiths",
index = 4,
title = 0x00102457, -- "Read the entry about noonwraiths in the

chunk[54] = {

chunk[55] = {

chunk[56] = {
baseName = "Find what binds a Noonwraith to the ruined village.",
order = 402653182,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find what binds a Noonwraith to the ruined village.
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00102753, -- "Find out what binds the noonwraith to the ruined

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq0003_mp_house_03 23419CF1-475A74AC-8235CFBC-
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radius = 8.000000,
mapPinID = "mq0003_mp_house_03",

chunk[61] = {
baseName = "Retrieve the body from the well.",
order = 4269801470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Retrieve the body from the well. 05326D47-4F669269-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x001058e8, -- "Retrieve the body from the well."

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baseName = "Map Pin Copy",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 98DEAF55-49D37AE6-491A2C88-79E2896B",
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chunk[63] = {
baseName = "Find out what binds the Noonwraith to the well.",
order = 134217727,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find out what binds the Noonwraith to the well.
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x000fa1ac, -- "Find out what binds the noonwraith to the well."

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chunk[65] = {
baseName = "Find evidence of spirit activity",
order = 67108863,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find evidence of spirit activity 155AC653-4869DBB3-
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x000fa1ae, -- "Find evidence of the spirit's presence using
your Witcher Senses."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin C5E3FBCA-47530787-6557D68F-5E00FD0D",
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mapPinID = "mq0003_mp_abandoned_village",

chunk[67] = {

chunk[68] = {
-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq0004lockedshed.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ0004 Locked Shed",
order = 1560281086,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0004 Locked Shed F7C2C616-4FBFA7E7-3A37FBA1-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x000fc933, -- "A Frying Pan, Spick and Span"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 2BE34DE7-413CC895-A957AABC-3538B7D5",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ0004 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0004 Beginning 16EA56DB-44978B2C-EE434BAF-
description = 0x00101c8f, -- "Many think that the life of a witcher
consists of nothing but adventure after grand adventure, an endless stream of
contracts on manticores, bruxae and other exotic beasts. In truth, Geralt would
often take on more banal tasks, ones lesser bards fear mentioning, for they lack
the skill required to make a masterwork of the mundane. By way of example, once in
White Orchard he was hired to retrieve a woman's... frying pan.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ0004 Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0004 Ending D56F8E9C-49196C56-F64A0BB0-910B3C8F",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101c90, -- "Geralt found the frying pan and returned
it to the old woman. She was overcome with joy and gratitude - not only did she
have her precious cooking utensil back, but someone had scrubbed it clean for her
as well!"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "MQ0004 Suspicious Activity",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0004 Suspicious Activity FBFDEA55-419AD0AE-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101c91, -- "A mysterious gentleman had borrowed the
frying pan from a little old lady and not returned it. While investigating this
damned unneighborly act, Geralt discovered the delinquent borrower had other, more
serious sins on his conscience... murder, for example. The half-burned notes Geralt
found in his abandoned hut made it clear he was interested in the movements of
Nilfgaardian forces and confidential military secrets - in other words, the man was
a spy.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Locked Shed",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Locked Shed 320AB199-4E3EA309-B9F57199-63C7BB2E",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Break into the shed",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Break into the shed 4A9E29C3-41DA4A6E-327370B0-
children = {
title = 0x000fdd5e, -- "Break into the locked hut."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "New Item",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item BFDB0140-495D8BD5-E5C6E69A-62D3C430",
mapPinID = "mq0004_mp_shed",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Search Shed for Frying Pan",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search Shed for Frying Pan A9B560F9-407F8238-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fdd62, -- "Look around inside the hut for a frying pan
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item C41CA167-480B22F2-363B6298-0937EDD4",
radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "mq0004_mp_shed",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Search shed to find out what happened here.",
order = 3623878654,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search shed to find out what happened here.",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001025e4, -- "Search the hut and use your Witcher Senses to
determine what happened there."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mq0004_mp_shed",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq0004_mp_shed 2130E59B-49BD981C-007B99A8-0EF30287",
radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "mq0004_mp_shed",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Return Frying Pan to Lady",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return Frying Pan to Lady 5EB6269E-459BD264-335F2E9E-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fc90c, -- "Return the frying pan to the old woman."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin E1EAAC14-4E967A82-71E702B7-616CEB34",
mapPinID = "mq0004_old_woman",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq0005dwarfsmith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ0005 Dwarven Smith",
order = 1585446910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0005 Dwarven Smith C005330F-4A0D252A-BA6F5CA7-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x000fd3e1, -- "Twisted Firestarter"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 1A6BB13E-4F5E9855-C3F09AAA-DB4A0333",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ0005 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0005 Beginning 04F4D25D-452639C6-195974B4-
description = 0x00101c92, -- "There were only a handful of nonhumans in
White Orchard. One of them was the dwarf Willis, an excellent blacksmith whose
wares attracted peasants from far and wide. Sadly, his forge had burned to the
ground shortly before Geralt arrived. Willis suspected the fire had been started
deliberately and asked the witcher to investigate this alleged arson.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ0005 Found Arsonist",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0005 Found Arsonist 13331282-49886C30-F2F180AC-
index = 1,
description = 0x00101c93, -- "Geralt is capable of finding a doppler in
a crowded city or tracking a forktail against a pitch-black sky from five leagues
off, so hunting down an arsonist in White Orchard did not prove much of a
challenge. It turned out the culprit was a simple peasant who delighted in simple
pleasures: vodka and the persecution of nonhumans.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "MQ0005 Ending Released Arsonist",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0005 Ending Released Arsonist 06365CCF-45CF4E72-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101c94, -- "In the end Geralt decided not to reveal
the arsonist's identity to Willis. Perhaps it was the coin offered in exchange for
his silence that convinced him, or perhaps he simply concluded the man was clearly
the village idiot and shouldn't be punished for his deeds which, while dastardly,
could not possibly have been done with much deliberation and forethought - for the
man was capable of neither."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "MQ0005 Ending Brought Arsonist",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ0005 Ending Brought Arsonist 86D53427-4EDE7F1B-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101c95, -- "Geralt brought the arsonist to Willis. The
dwarf immediately summoned Nilfgaardian soldiers - with whom it turned out he was
on quite good terms. The imperials quickly declared the man guilty, handed down a
sentence and carried it on the spot. Harsh justice - or maybe just harsh?"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Help Dwarven Smith",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Dwarven Smith 17042AF0-4D9E246A-272CCEB9-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Examine area behind smithy using Witcher Senses",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine area behind smithy FFDD0662-485571DE-
children = {
title = 0x000fd3e2, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to look behind the forge
for clues about the arsonist."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 33C0F02D-45749AF0-8CCE178E-D8027528",
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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Follow arsonist's tracks",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow tracks E57DE6D0-46E6E6C3-C7F1BB8C-708B1CE3",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fdaa6, -- "Follow the trail using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[28] = {
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children = {
title = 0x000fdaa7, -- "Talk to the suspect."

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chunk[30] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Dwarf 135E994D-46171D4B-A43A8FA0-02CC4991",
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children = {
title = 0x000fd3e7, -- "Return to the blacksmith."

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chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Knock some sense into the arsonist",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Knock some sense into the arsonist CC013ECD-44A666FD-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000fda37, -- "Defeat the arsonist in a fistfight."

chunk[33] = {
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chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Use Witcher Senses to find anyone wounded",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use Witcher Senses to find anyone wounded B9124CE5-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000fda9c, -- "Look for someone with wounds dealt by drowners
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[35] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 58EE57CE-41C9F4FB-9690BEA5-47EB53F5",
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mapPinID = "mq0005_mp_arsonists_home",

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Escort arsonist to dwarf",
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children = {
title = 0x001024ec, -- "Escort the arsonist back to the blacksmith."

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mapPinID = "prologue_smith",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1001wolvesanddogs.journal:

chunk = {}
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq1001 Dog Trail",
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title = 0x00055fa9, -- "A Dog's Life"

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title = 0x00055faa, -- "Follow the dog."

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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Defeat the Bandits",
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title = 0x001097ba, -- "Defeat the bandits."

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chunk[8] = {
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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Investigate abandoned house",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate abandoned house F72D7CF1-4FD39016-
children = {
title = 0x00055fab, -- "Search the abandoned house using your Witcher

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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 7647A554-44EB389A-B2D5B8B5-7CCB14F6",
description = 0x00100a22, -- "When Geralt saw a dog which was clearly
someone's beloved pet surrounded by a pack of starving wolves, he could not help
but interfere and save the poor animal's life. The wolves slain, he petted the dog
to calm it and discovered there was a key sewn into its collar.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 73727F87-47BE3C64-0C949FA2-2AD1F068",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a31, -- "Geralt followed the dog to its owner's
home. Sadly, there was no living soul within it."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1002sellerofbracelets.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq1002 Rezydencja",
order = 1604321278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1002 Rezydencja B85F69B4-4563B896-339733A6-
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world = 9,
title = 0x00056692, -- "Of Dairy and Darkness"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Exploration Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Exploration Start 49ED8C8E-40FD6B27-19CB048F-
description = 0x001014cf, -- "An abandoned home, or even an abandoned
village, was no rare sight in the Velen of those days, but a certain set of ruins
attracted Geralt's particular attention. He decided to find out what exactly was
responsible for the manor's sorry state.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Merchant Start",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Merchant Start A7F9476F-4D538476-60C54BB9-A809C5E4",
index = 1,
description = 0x001014d0, -- "A Novigrad merchant told Geralt about a
mage named Aeramas. The poor man had, like so many of his colleagues, met a
gruesome death on a pyre. With no surviving heirs, his expansive rural residence
was now abandoned - and, if the rumors about this eccentric sorcerer were true,
inside it awaited a great many curiosities and valuable secrets...<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End FBFF1011-441F5337-0E9F81A9-F6C802FD",
index = 2,
description = 0x001014d1, -- "Geralt searched the abandoned residence
from top to bottom. Among the assorted worthless trinkets, he found some true
treasures which Aeramas had cleverly hid from the world by setting murderous
cheeses as guards. Tyromancers are not normally the cheery sort, but Aeramas
certainly would have been delighted to know that his treasure had ended up in good

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tyromantic discovery C744B2D9-44152B08-DF1464A7-
index = 3,
description = 0x0010565d, -- "Geralt investigated Aeramas' estate and
discovered the mage had been a raring tyromancy enthusiast - tyromancy being, as
you surely know, the art of divining the future from cheese. This is a very rare
specialization among mages, one only practiced by those for whom a social life is
not a high priority - there reason being that the cheese they use to divine with
is, and pardon my blunt language, fouler smelling than a drowner's scrotum. No
wonder Aeramas' home hadn't been looted.<br>"

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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Investigate Aeramas' mansion",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate Aeramas' mansion 122FED2C-469D02E8-
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title = 0x00072155, -- "Search Aeramas' residence using your Witcher
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baseName = "Learn more about the destroyed mansion",
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title = 0x00072157, -- "Find out more about the run-down residence."

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title = 0x001014c6, -- "Find a way to pass through the tyromancy rooms."

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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001014c7, -- "Deactivate the magic barrier and get to Aeramas'

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chunk[18] = {
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title = 0x001014c5, -- "Investigate Aeramas' dungeon."

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chunk[20] = {
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children = {
title = 0x00104e6b, -- "Use Aeramas' artifacts to activate the portal."

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chunk[23] = {
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title = 0x001014c4, -- "Find a way to activate the portal."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Use teleport circle at Aeramas' Mansion",
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title = 0x001015a0, -- "Use the portal in Aeramas' residence."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1003trailofdead.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ1003 Trail of Death",
order = 1607467006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ1003 Trail of Death 2639D2AF-44738473-145809B6-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00056de5, -- "Hazardous Goods"
chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Trail of Death 5EC81357-4AACAAF6-57095FA5-1C327183",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Help cart owner burn the bodies",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help cart owner burn the bodies 1E78665F-4CB85E5D-
children = {
title = 0x00056de6, -- "Help the man burn the bodies."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 29EE6F52-4A182CFD-514DE89A-9C21B714",
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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Help the trapped man",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help the trapped man ECA67498-4C2FC7E3-40BF37A4-
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children = {
title = 0x00056de7, -- "Help the trapped man."

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children = {
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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 4746CDC5-4E086EA6-AEB4FAA9-0DFDD18F",
description = 0x00100a32, -- "On one of Velen's muddy roads Geralt came
across an unfortunate soul trapped under his cart. The man had had an accident
while hauling corpses of plague victims. The witcher decided to help him.<br>"

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baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 0E174164-44866A7A-2150E681-11104A56",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a39, -- "Geralt helped the man right his cart. He
also advised him to burn everything he was wearing and give his body a good
scrubbing, yet the man brushed off this bit of sage counsel, claiming no contagion
could touch him.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "End_refuse",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End2 82D2B588-4D5FA32C-5414F38D-444F03A7",
index = 2,
description = 0x00102c10, -- "Some time later Geralt met the cart driver
again and discovered he was now in the last stages of a terminal illness. The man
asked the witcher to put him out of his misery, but Geralt refused."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "End_accept",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End_accept 4811E630-43B0A601-8FCD9A90-9DADA67C",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010341b, -- "Some time later Geralt met the cart driver
again and discovered he was now in the last stages of a terminal illness. The man
asked the witcher to put him out of his misery, and Geralt glumly agreed to do so."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1005battlescavengers.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq1005 Battle Scavengers",
order = 1609039870,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1005 Battle Scavengers 8767DF69-4B263640-582710B9-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00057743, -- "Bitter Harvest"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Battle Scavengers",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Battle Scavengers 14299CD4-487A058A-064BCDB2-
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Protect the scavengers",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protect the scavengers 8829C0F0-4F3B71BA-DA75A89B-
children = {
title = 0x00057744, -- "Protect the scavengers from monsters."

chunk[5] = {
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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Talk to the scavenger's overseer",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the scavenger's overseer 532E420E-4C47E7F2-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000797a8, -- "Talk to the scavengers' supervisor."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "mq1005_scavengers_boss",
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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 0B2F5C47-43FB0561-5E2A7884-E9AF1AB8",
description = 0x00100a3a, -- "The Nilfgaardian and Redanian forces had
fought many bloody yet indecisive battles in Velen from which both sides had to
retreat without collecting their dead. On one such field Geralt encountered a group
of looters robbing the corpses of the fallen. In another time and place he might
have merely grit his teeth and continued on his way. Yet conditions in Velen were
harsh and other sources of sustenance few - so he decided to swallow his revulsion
and defend these desparate men from the monsters stalking the battlefield.<br>"

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baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 95959132-40402D94-13DAACAD-04AE6DFF",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a3b, -- "Hiring a witcher was one of the best ideas
the looters' leader had ever hit upon. Geralt dutifully kept the monsters at bay
while they completed their grim harvest."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1010lastrite.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq1010 Last Rite",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1010 Last Rite D637A77D-4F37B7B2-BBD695A6-
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world = 9,
title = 0x0005efe1, -- "Last Rites"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start C1EEAD44-4C120904-A188F5B5-5F0DCA21",
description = 0x0007360f, -- "The old woman looked much like the many
other widows of Velen, though her eyes seemed to have seen even more hardship than
usual. Perhaps that was because she was haunted by the ghost of her husband, who
had died at war years ago. The ghost had asked the woman to bring her wedding ring
to his grave. The cemetery was too far-off for an elderly woman to journey to,
however, so she asked Geralt if he could make the trip for her. The witcher took
pity and decided to grant her this somewhat unusual request.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 86405DB2-4CA16F7D-A91C5889-9656789E",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a48, -- "Geralt took the old woman's ring to her
husband's grave. Yet when he returned for his reward, she was nowhere to be found.
Her did find her granddaughter, who informed him her grandmother had died years
earlier and paid him for his trouble."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Last Rite",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Last Rite BDB2713D-4FC2E014-30E605BC-3A436855",
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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find the weeping grave to place the ring on",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the weeping grave to place the ring on 384B418B-
children = {
title = 0x0005efe2, -- "Find the old woman's husband's grave using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq1010_grave_01_area_mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1010_grave_01_area_mappin D82AC3EE-485D43BE-
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mapPinID = "mq1010_grave_01_area_mappin",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Return to the old woman",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to the old woman 8396361B-4BDFAC49-43B1DFA4-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0005efe3, -- "Return to the old woman for a reward."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mappin C55AFDC2-4E59D299-C205769D-3CB0705D",
mapPinID = "mq1010_final_granddaughter_ap",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Place the ring on the weeping grave",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Place the ring on the weeping grave 4F028620-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00073645, -- "Place the ring on the grave."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "mq1010_clue_weeping_grave",
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mapPinID = "mq1010_clue_weeping_grave",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1012ongoodtermswithgods.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq1012 On God Terms With Gods",
order = 1610219518,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1012 On God Terms With Gods 93A95560-416AFF7A-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0005f181, -- "Defender of the Faith"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions C189E4FF-4076ABAE-3CFBE595-9AE2A9D8",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 2A5CA8E2-47D3CF49-B113808C-8508A01D",
description = 0x00100a3d, -- "Geralt has a "live and let live" policy
regarding the gods and their worshipers: if they don't bother him, he returns the
favor. Sadly, not everyone follows this sage precept. A distraught woman in Velen
informed him someone had been destroying the shrines that dot that region's
roadsides. She begged him to repair the damage and, if possible, punish those
responsible. Though he did not share the woman's devotion or outrage at this
sacrilege, he decided to help all the same.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End Combat",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Combat F1D49066-4367337D-11246A85-930BC1F9",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a3e, -- "While following the trail of damaged holy
sites Geralt encountered a group of young men who, he learned, were students at
Oxenfurt Academy. Influenced by some radical philosopher, they had taken up arms in
the battle against religion. As is often the case with students, what began as a
measured discussion of worldviews ended in a brawl."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End No Combat",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End No Combat 0229ECDF-4D253936-FC23CC94-BCD0B168",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a40, -- "While following the trail of damaged holy
sites Geralt encountered a group of young men who, he learned, were students at
Oxenfurt Academy. Influenced by some radical philosopher, they had taken up arms in
the battle against religion. The witcher engaged them in a philosophical discussion
which threatened to come to blows, but luckily merely ended with an exchange of
profanities and insults."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 89BFBC46-4A73FB8E-A78BBBAA-03ED84F5",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Fix all destroyed shrines",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fix all destroyed shrines DFFC71E9-42D2BB2A-7E12CD80-
children = {
title = 0x0005f186, -- "Fix all the damaged shrines."
count = 3,

chunk[9] = {
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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Kill the Followers",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the Followers CEFE28DD-44FD68D1-BDB4B29C-
index = 1,
title = 0x0005f1d6, -- "Defeat the vandals."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1013thepretender.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq1013 The Pretender",
order = 1610416126,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1013 The Pretender 4D001168-41FF9E8C-6A3CEF92-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0006944f, -- "Witcher Wannabe"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 928AA3AF-4F6B6897-40BC4C8F-2F3781F2",
description = 0x0007a65b, -- "Geralt learned of a witcher who had earned
the ire of several villages in Velen. One of the inhabitants of Lindenvale had even
accused him of fathering his daughter's child. The whole affair seemed highly
suspicious, so Geralt decided to investigate and find out the truth of the

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Betrayed But Free E6EC7E21-45A03910-5E6EC9AE-
index = 1,
description = 0x001015a3, -- "Geralt found the man who was pretending to
be a witcher in the nearby cemetery. He took pity on the poor incompetent and
convinced the villagers to let him go free."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End Betrayed Taken",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Betrayed Taken 858BC890-4CB926E5-48FE9485-
index = 2,
description = 0x001015a4, -- "Geralt found the man who was pretending to
be a witcher in the nearby cemetery. He decided to hand over the swindler to the
villagers to try and punish as they saw fit."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End NOT Betrayed Worked",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End NOT Betrayed Worked 243FB700-4F45EC70-982216A5-
index = 3,
description = 0x001015a5, -- "Geralt found the man who was pretending to
be a witcher in the nearby cemetery. He decided not to hand the swindler over to
the villagers but meted out his own punishment instead. He took his counterfeit
medallion from him and forced him to work off his crimes by laboring in the

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "End NOT Betrayed Left",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End NOT Betrayed Left 447B1F4F-4B3F5A93-91CB9391-
index = 4,
description = 0x001015a6, -- "Geralt found the man who was pretending to
be a witcher in the nearby cemetery. He took pity on the man and did not hand him
over to the local authorities, instead letting him go free on the condition that he
never return there again."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 66906C7C-4E23C21D-7F694E88-E9191D84",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Find the pretender at the graveyard.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the pretender at the graveyard. 2CA793BA-
children = {
title = 0x00069450, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to look for the
charlatan in the cemetery."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "mq1013_graveyard_pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1013_graveyard_pin 5FF825A9-4DAB2084-15032FA3-
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chunk[12] = {
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mapPinID = "mq1013_pretender",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Find out more about contract in Zalipie",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find out more about contract in Zalipie F7867767-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00107b8f, -- "Find out more about the contract posted by the
residents of Lindenvale."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "mq1013_elder",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1013_elder 16F0ABB1-4F1AEC4D-0112D983-3A1DE14A",
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Go to Midcotts and search for information about witcher.",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Midcotts and search for information about
witcher. 56477025-4A064379-3C8E84AC-94B02152",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000695d8, -- "Go to Lindenvale and look for information about
this supposed witcher."

chunk[16] = {
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Kill the ghul",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the ghul F8DB8EB5-4A52EA5E-68221C81-8222B473",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00108700, -- "Kill the ghoul."
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mapPinID = "mq1013_ghouls_mappin",
enabledAtStartup = false,

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1015lynch.journal:

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baseName = "mq1015 Lynch",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1015 Lynch B917E855-4C13AE9D-AB964AA6-9EC295A3",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0006f4d1, -- "Lynch Mob"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start D1F0A6F0-445D495C-B5E0A989-49F467F2",
description = 0x0006f4d7, -- "Should a soldier be held responsible for
the decisions of his commanding officers? Is collective responsibility justice? To
us, dear reader, these are rhetorical questions. Geralt, however, often found
himself forced to answer them - and quickly. For example, once in Velen he happened
across a group of villagers preparing to lynch a captured Nilfgaardian deserter.
Not for the first time, the witcher had to decide which was the lesser evil...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ending - fight",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - fight 672E09E8-40B7AEF9-EA3CB19E-F6F0F9B2",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010414d, -- "The witcher made his decision. He defended
the deserter and earned the peasants' ire. They attacked at once, and thus in order
to save one man he had to kill many others."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Ending - lynch",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending - lynch 3ABB418F-47A565B7-8521FEBC-90FFF792",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010414e, -- "The witcher made his decision. So that
many could live, he agreed to allow the death of one. He knew that, if he defended
the Nilfgaardian, he would be forced to slaughter the entire crowd of enraged
peasants and so merely shook his head and walked on."

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baseName = "Deal with the villagers",
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title = 0x0006f4da, -- "Kill the peasants."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1016poultryabduction.journal:

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title = 0x0007376a, -- "Empty Coop"

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baseName = "Starting",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting 9613AC5A-468B9335-C09E578A-880F21A0",
description = 0x0007376f, -- "An old woman in Velen asked Geralt for an
unusual favor. Some time ago her hens had gone missing from her hen house. Based on
the tracks she had found, the woman suspected some two-legged creature with wolf-
like paws was responsible. Geralt decided to investigate this mysterious

chunk[5] = {
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index = 1,
description = 0x00100a4b, -- "Geralt discovered the chicken thief was
not a monster but a group of war orphans. Their parents caught and killed by
passing soldiers, the children had been forced to fend for themselves - and Geralt
was forced to choose what to do with them.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 047F0DD8-4D73557A-70EF57B9-C62EEC5C",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a4c, -- "Geralt returned to the old woman who had
asked him to investigate her missing poultry. He told her about the group of
children he had encountered in the woods. The orphans had stolen the hens out of
hunger, facing the witcher with a dilemma: what should he do with the little

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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find out what is killing old lady's chickens",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find out what is killing old lady's chickens
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title = 0x00073828, -- "Find out what's stealing the old woman's
chickens using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[12] = {
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children = {
title = 0x00073774, -- "Convince the old woman to take in the children."

chunk[13] = {
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chunk[14] = {
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children = {
title = 0x000738ad, -- "Return to the old woman."

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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Return to the old lady or give kids time to run away again",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to the old lady or give kids time to run away
again BFC180C4-4D9FDAA2-8079968C-C768E274",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00074fd3, -- "Return to the old woman or give the children
time to escape."

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chunk[18] = {
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title = 0x00107b93, -- "Find out more about the contract."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1019amatteroffaith.journal:

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world = 9,
title = 0x00062c39, -- "Funeral Pyres"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start A7F28A5D-4B0C4F1E-777CE785-6723E81A",
description = 0x00071d7d, -- "In No Man's Land Geralt was given a
contract by an Eternal Fire priest. His task: to burn the bodies of soldiers who
had fallen during the recent battle in order to keep necrophages from eating

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description = 0x00100a4d, -- "The witcher followed the priest's
directions and went to burn the bodies. Doing so revealed the clergyman's true
motivations: lighting the fire he had requested would also burn evidence of the
priest's involvement in the fisstech trade..<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End F67DE615-4A25C60C-57845EA0-17E42F32",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a4e, -- "Though his contract giver had proven to be
a hypocrite and a drug dealer, Geralt accepted his coin. As the ancient proverb
says, <i>pecunia non olet</i>."

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chunk[8] = {
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title = 0x00062c3a, -- "Find and burn the bodies lying in pits on the
battle field."
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title = 0x00062c3b, -- "Return to the priest of the Eternal Fire."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1020wildhorse.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "mq1020 Missing Horse",
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title = 0x00074da2, -- "Spooked Mare"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start D96A8A29-463E721E-8F892E8A-B295B45F",
description = 0x00074da3, -- "Geralt met a man who claimed one of his
horses had been stolen by some kind of woodland spook. The witcher promised to
bring back the missing mare.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
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index = 1,
description = 0x00100a4f, -- "Geralt ventured deep into the woods in his
search for the stolen horse. There he came across a Scoia'tael camp. These elves,
and not a spook, had stolen the missing horse. The witcher was determined to
recover the villager's lost property, but the Scoia'tael were equally determined to
keep their takings. Luckily, Geralt managed to strike a deal with them and no blood
was shed over the matter.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Elves Hostile",
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index = 2,
description = 0x00100a50, -- "Geralt ventured deep into the woods in his
search for the stolen horse. There he came across a Scoia'tael camp. These elves,
and not a spook, had stolen the missing horse. The witcher was determined to
recover the villager's lost property, but the Scoia'tael were equally determined to
keep their takings. Sadly, no agreement could be reached before weapons were drawn
and blood was shed.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 771A152B-4C81DB83-A340FAB8-81A83CE6",
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description = 0x00100a52, -- "Geralt recovered the stolen horse and took
it back to its owner for his reward. The grateful man paid him as promised."

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title = 0x00074da4, -- "Find the missing horse using your Witcher

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title = 0x001041ca, -- "Talk to the owner."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1022bordertroll.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "MQ1022 Border Troll",
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title = 0x00063d18, -- "The Volunteer"
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baseName = "Starting",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting DD608AC7-431D77D0-D4C5349F-68E50FB0",
description = 0x00071f8f, -- "While meandering through the sunny but
war-damaged lands near Oxenfurt, Geralt's sensitive ears picked up a very strange
sound - something between off-key singing and the bellowing of a stuck pig. Geralt
would be a poor excuse for a witcher if he did not investigate such a matter.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 1 FF167D97-43541B7E-54E95B82-6DDE2AF8",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a53, -- "It turned out the dubious musical talents
belonged to a troll who believed himself part of the Redanian army. His fondest
dream was for fort he had been assigned to guard to look like a proper Redanian
fort. Bear in mind that a troll's mental capacity is roughly that of a none-too-
bright toddler, and you'll understand why this particular one felt a Redanian fort
should be painted in bright Redanian colors. Geralt brought him red and white
paint, which made him as happy as a child finding a present under his pillow.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 2 997328E0-492FC137-F3ACEFBE-FC8F78BC",
index = 2,
description = 0x001023ef, -- "It turned out the dubious musical talents
belonged to a troll. Geralt felt the monster might be a danger to people living
nearby, so he decided to end its life.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Border Troll 72311175-44AC355A-2B7FFC8E-83C516AC",
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children = {
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title = 0x0007b018, -- "Kill the troll."

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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Find red and white paint for the troll",
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index = 1,
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title = 0x0007b019, -- "Find the paint the troll needs."

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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Deliver paint to the troll",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deliver paint to the troll C482FE91-47415993-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0007b01a, -- "Deliver the paint to the troll."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mq1022_troll",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1022_troll 366C87C1-41358780-070F6288-94B0EEA1",
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Investigate the area",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the area 08C902B3-4730376C-E3014E90-
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title = 0x00108386, -- "Look around the area."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1023fakepapers.journal:

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title = 0x00103519, -- "Fake Papers"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Begin 00CC8D8C-41D1CA2A-1F7F42B0-ED9E121F",
description = 0x00107493, -- "During the war that pitted the Northern
Realms against Nilfgaard, the border along the Pontar river was closed. Whoever
wanted to cross at the border posts had to show a pass issued by the Redanian high
command. Or, barring that, one of the convincing counterfeits sold by the shady
Redanian who hung about near the river crossings.<br>"
chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 47F7536A-45E91230-EE122FB5-8F98F80F",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107494, -- "The false papers proved as good as real
ones. Once Geralt had acquired them, he could cross the border at will."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End Fail",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Fail 3122D1AF-44199CCB-D8826D80-22D4F42B",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109606, -- "The counterfeiter made Geralt an offer he
couldn't refuse: a falsified pass in exchange for helping the man's brother. Geralt
eagerly agreed to the exchange, but didn't hold up his end of the bargain. The
counterfeiter's brother died, and Geralt had to find another way of securing
transit papers."

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chunk[8] = {
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title = 0x0010351a, -- "See what the counterfeit pass seller's brother-
in-law needs."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1028courier.journal:

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title = 0x0006389e, -- "The Dwarven Document Dilemma"

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baseName = "Find the place where Muggs was attacked",
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title = 0x000721e6, -- "Go to the place where Muggs was attacked and
examine it using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x000721e5, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the clues to
find Muggs' attackers."

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title = 0x000721e7, -- "Confront Muggs about his story or get the
documents from Gerd."

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title = 0x00072205, -- "Compare Muggs' and the attacker's accounts."

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title = 0x000721f4, -- "Defeat Gerd."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start D0FC6E2F-417D89D5-DB4462B0-15B38C25",
description = 0x000721c8, -- "One of the individuals Geralt met in his
travels was a dwarf by the name of Rostan Muggs. This cocksure runt talked Geralt
into retrieving some stolen documents for him.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00100a54, -- "Imagine Geralt's surprise when he found
out Muggs had not actually been robbed. Far from it, in fact - the scoundrel had
lost his documents fair and square in a game of cards.<br>"

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description = 0x00100a55, -- "Geralt successfully retrieved Muggs'
documents. I must say, though Geralt is always repeating that he doesn't get
involved in the affairs of others... the facts don't really bear him out."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1039uninvitedguests.journal:

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title = 0x0010113a, -- "A Barnful of Trouble"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 087A3AF0-4D3090FB-981D419C-26A2480F",
description = 0x00100a5d, -- "Near Novigrad Geralt came across a village
whose inhabitants had themselves a bit of a ghoul problem. These nasty necrophages
had taken up residence in their barn and posed a threat to the living. Geralt
agreed to help the peasants - for commensurate pay, of course.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 2802D1F0-4F1749D7-FF3346A5-173682C5",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a5e, -- "Getting rid of the ghouls did not prove
much of a problem for the witcher. A few chops and slices and he was ready to
collect his reward."

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title = 0x00100a5c, -- "Kill the ghouls."

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title = 0x0010113b, -- "Collect your reward."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1045bdamselindistress.journal:

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title = 0x0007bce4, -- "Love's Cruel Snares"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 24EC816B-4AE8D446-A0E69D8C-07899088",
description = 0x00100a56, -- "While wandering Velen Geralt happened
across a woman who was weeping violently. She explained that her betrothed had gone
into the woods to check his traps but never returned - and she feared the worst.
Geralt calmed her and promised to check what had become of her beloved.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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index = 1,
description = 0x00100a57, -- "When Geralt returned from the woods, he
did not bring good news with him. The woman saw this in his face at once. Though
her hands trembled and her eyes welled with bitter tears, she did not forget to pay
the witcher what he was owed and thank him with some kind words."

chunk[6] = {
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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find girl's fiance",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find girl's fiance 4B319F11-4C742A7B-081FA4BB-
children = {
title = 0x0007bd05, -- "Find the woman's missing fiancé in the woods
using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Deliver bad news to the girl",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deliver bad news to the girl 0E1FB2CC-4D33E38C-
index = 1,
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title = 0x0007bd41, -- "Deliver the bad news to the girl."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1046_burning_down_the_house.journal:

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title = 0x00106f68, -- "Death By Fire"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 0EFA3DE8-403FB92E-54D2A5BF-E9ED4B23",
description = 0x001069ca, -- "Men can be terribly cruel, especially to
those of different races. The witcher had seen humans persecute nonhumans far too
often. This time he witnessed a particularly appalling scene - a group of thugs
wanting to burn a she-elf alive.<br>"

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description = 0x001069cb, -- "Fortunately, the witcher managed to defeat
the bandits and save the elf. Unfortunately, the witcher cannot be everywhere at
once and not every victim of racial persecution can count on his help."

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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Clear the blockage",
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title = 0x001069cd, -- "Clear the doorway and free the elf."

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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Speak to the victim",
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children = {
title = 0x00106f6a, -- "Talk to the survivor."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1050writteninthestars.journal:

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children = {
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title = 0x0006ee4c, -- "The Truth is in the Stars"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8F15854E-4148D3E3-036378B2-010F3136",
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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start CFF85641-46BBFE0A-65034D9B-9E01937B",
description = 0x00100a61, -- "Deep in the swampy woods of Velen there is
a roadside altar praising the glories of one of the forgotten gods. That is where
Geralt encountered a shriveled, half-senile old man who claimed he could foretell
the future and would read Geralt's fortune - for a small fee.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End - food",
order = 3758096382,
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index = 1,
description = 0x00100a6b, -- "Geralt gave the soothsayer a bit of food,
but the reading he received in return did not seem worth even this meager sum. The
witcher was sorely disappointed."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End - root",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - root 2A718648-4D8AA445-C0CD30A4-335B400A",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100f1c, -- "The soothsayer asked Geralt to bring him
some of the dragonsroot that grew in a nearby cave. The witcher delivered it to
him, and in turn the old man delivered a prophecy about a swallow and a tower.
Geralt was not altogether certain what this could mean, but he decided to guard it
in his memory for the future."
chunk[7] = {
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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Give the old hermit something to eat.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Give the old hermit something to eat. C9085929-
children = {
title = 0x0006ee4d, -- "Bring the fortune teller something to eat."

chunk[9] = {
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Find dragon root for the sage",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find dragon root for the sage ACC18E75-45606EAE-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0006ee4e, -- "Find dragonsroot using your Witcher Senses."

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mapPinID = "mq1050_dragon_root_area_mappin",
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Deliver dragon root to the old sage",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deliver dragon root to the old sage EF1DFEEE-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fd876, -- "Take the dragonsroot to the fortune teller."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "mq1050_man",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1050_man B9A35977-464D714F-277B85B5-AC0D5036",
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Visit the Seer",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit the Seer E9C1033F-4A19CBFC-D35221B8-1FD2DCA4",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00107b9c, -- "Visit the soothsayer."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1051nilfgaard.journal:

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title = 0x00083e9e, -- "Contract: Patrol Gone Missing"
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start with Quest Giver",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1051_desc_start",
description = 0x00100285, -- "Those who stray off the beaten tracks in
the bogs of Velen rarely live to amend their error. Even the Nilfgaardian soldiers
stationed at the Army Group 'Center' camp would at times disappear in the marshes
without a trace. After yet another patrol failed to return, the quartermaster of
the camp posted a call for some brave soul to search them out and bring them back,
or, barring that, at least determine their fate.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start via Exploration",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start via Exploration",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100286, -- "Velen might lack for many things, but one
it has in great abundance: monsters. Travelers who stray from the trails crossing
its bogs and woodlands usually end up butchered by some claw-riddled creature or
another. Geralt was thus not particularly surprised when he came across signs of a
monster attack in the Velen bush. The call of his witcher duty screeching in his
ears, he decided to investigate the matter.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt discovers Nilfgaardian bodies",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt discovers Nilfgaardian bodies",
index = 2,
description = 0x00106b7f, -- "From footprint to muddled footprint, from
one broken branch to another, Geralt retraced what had happened in the woods
outside the Nilfgaardian camp. Oblivious to the danger, the Nilfgaardian soldiers
had strayed into a wyvern's hunting grounds. Their thick plate did not stop the
ferocious beast from tearing them to shreds.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Geralt discovers Redanian bodies",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt discovers Redanian bodies",
index = 3,
description = 0x00106b80, -- "Further investigation revealed this
already rather gloomy story had an even gloomier twist. They fallen Nilfgaardians
had not been wandering the Velen woods on a run-of-the-mill patrol - they had gone
there to kill Redanian prisoners of war and hide their bodies. What they did not
realize was that the monsters of the swamp could sense the stench of rotting
corpses even through thick layers of soil - and never pass up the chance to feed on
the dead.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Quest ended - Geralt doesnt know about Redanians",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest ended - Geralt doesnt know about Redanians",
index = 4,
description = 0x00106b92, -- "Geralt passed the sad news on to the
quartermaster and collected his bounty. The Nilfgaardians' love for order and
organization might not make them very good lovers, but it does make them excellent

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Quest ended - Geralt knows about Redanians, takes money",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest ended - Geralt knows about Redanians, takes
index = 5,
description = 0x00106b93, -- "The Nilfgaardian quartermaster brushed off
Geralt's accusations of war crimes with a shrug of his shoulders. The witcher was
disgusted by this response, but felt outbursts of indignation would not do much to
change the course of the conflict, whereas a purse of gold would do a great deal to
change his material circumstances. He thus took his pay and marched straight out of

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Quest ended - Geralt knows about Redanians, rejects money",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest ended - Geralt knows about Redanians, rejects
index = 6,
description = 0x00106b94, -- "The Nilfgaardian quartermaster brushed off
Geralt's accusations of war crimes with a shrug of his shoulders. Though the
witcher had most certainly earned his pay and needed the coin, he refused to accept
the quartermaster's gold. Even a hired monster slayer has his principles."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Geralt Took Notice",
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chunk[13] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1051_track_scout",
children = {
title = 0x0008ff26, -- "Follow the footprints using your Witcher

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children = {
title = 0x0008ff2a, -- "Follow the soldier's footprints to the other
side of the lake using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[25] = {
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children = {
title = 0x00106b7b, -- "Go to the abandoned camp."

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children = {
title = 0x00106b7a, -- "Search the area using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[29] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the Quartermaster 2CA988B2-4D943056-8C3CC0AF-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0010a472, -- "Talk to the contract issuer."
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1055nilfgaardmom.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "mq1055_nilfgaard_mom",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1055_nilfgaard_mom BCBB27C8-4FA7E374-3CC1408F-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00083ea0, -- "Blood Ties"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start Description",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1055_Start_descr",
description = 0x000fd819, -- "Near the Nilfgaardian camp Geralt ran into
a noblewoman from far-off Nazair. She had journeyed to the front in search of her
son, a soldier. The woman was worried because her son would write her often, but at
some point had suddenly stopped. No one in the camp knew what had happened to him,
but the woman did not believe they were truly ignorant. She offered Geralt a reward
for discovering the truth.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End Description",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1055_end_descr",
index = 1,
description = 0x000fd8f4, -- "It turned out the noblewoman's son had
decided to desert along with some other disgruntled soldiers. A search party had
immediately been sent after them. Some were caught and killed, while others managed
to escape. Sadly, the woman's son was among those hanged. When she learned this,
she was overcome with grief. The letter Geralt had found on her son's body informed
her how monstrous war can be and how hard it is to judge the actions of the
soldiers taking part in it."

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest 1108EBAB-492C023F-29ACD6A7-2D0B25DA",
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children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Ask Quartermaster",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1055_ask_qm",
children = {
title = 0x000f6001, -- "Talk to the quartermaster about the noblewoman's

chunk[8] = {
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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Search the Grave Site for Personal Artifacts",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1055_search_grave",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f6005, -- "Search the site for personal artifacts using
your Witcher Senses."

chunk[10] = {
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title = 0x000f6008, -- "Return to the mother."

chunk[12] = {
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Go to the mass grave",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1055_go_to_grave",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000f6002, -- "Go to the battlefield and search it using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[14] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 7F39544A-40F7F695-E20171A6-72FAE8BD",
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Search Grave for the Woman's Son",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1055_search_for_son",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000f6007, -- "Find Hrodeberth's body using your Witcher

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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Return to Mother",
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index = 5,
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title = 0x000f6003, -- "Return to the mother."

chunk[18] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq1057fugas.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq1057: The Great Spirit",
order = 1610612542,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1057: The Great Spirit 1026A2E0-4A9338E6-7F4D409D-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x000895f9, -- "A Greedy God"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 6638D325-4E34D41B-EBCE68B0-DE8AC100",
description = 0x00100a70, -- "In the backwoods of Velen Geralt came
across an altar, and next to it - two troubled villagers. When asked the source of
their worries, the peasants told Geralt the deity they worshipped - the awe-
inspiring Allgod - had rejected the offerings they had brought him. The witcher was
not a particularly gods-fearing individual, yet nevertheless promised that he'd
intercede for the peasants with their deity.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Creature Discovered",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Creature Discovered 9ACF1E55-4BB37294-741E599F-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a73, -- "It turned out the revered Allgod was a
run-of-the-mill sylvan, or, as the common folk call these beings, a deovel. The
conniving beast had convinced the local peasantry of its divine powers and had
grown fat on their offerings for decades.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Fugas Killed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fugas Killed 844E108B-4142C088-8C9DDDAC-F3FEBD49",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a74, -- "To Geralt's thinking, while the sylvan had
not killed or even injured anyone, it was still a harmful parasite and thus
deserved death. The witcher expected the peasants to thank him for freeing them
from this horned huckster - but his rational approach to matters of faith met with
incomprehension and horror.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Fugas Convinced",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fugas Convinced 5B41A11B-4AD0C019-422DFBB6-7EAC243F",
index = 3,
description = 0x00100a75, -- "Geralt convinced the sylvan demanding
outrageously sumptuous offerings in a time of poverty and famine was immoral and
unbecoming, even for a false god. The sylvan seemed skeptical at first, but after
eyeing the silver sword on Geralt's back he decided he'd best not argue.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Fugas Not Convinced",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fugas Not Convinced 93C00A00-445E6615-FA8DC1A3-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100a77, -- "The witcher's argument that demanding
outrageously sumptuous offerings in a time of poverty and famine was immoral and
unbecoming of even a false god did not convince the sylvan. Geralt decided he was
not going to toss his pearls before this particular swine anymore and bid the
Allgod farewell before continuing on his path.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Investigate",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate 9F93A56E-49574985-E9A85AA2-4F86F47F",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Use the altar to talk to the Great Spirit",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use the altar to talk to the Great Spirit 88128248-
children = {
title = 0x000895fa, -- "Address the Allgod using the altar."

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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the ruins 06282614-47C75733-22B69997-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000895fb, -- "Find the Allgod using your Witcher Senses."

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baseName = "Kill Fugas",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Fugas C66F534C-4C45567C-A522E7A5-5477DDB4",
children = {
title = 0x000895fc, -- "Kill the sylvan."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "mq1057_fugas",
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mapPinID = "mq1057_fugas",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Talk to the villagers",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the villagers E7C419DF-4C0CF9B4-334272A6-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00089628, -- "Talk to the peasants."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "mq1057_villager_01",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1057_villager_01 83A70B39-4728E732-91D85695-
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chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Convince AllGod to change his ways",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Convince AllGod to change his ways 56F02154-4DAA276A-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010313e, -- "Convince the sylvan to change his ways."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "mq1057_fugas",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq1057_fugas 683F9B82-447D4073-E1FDBDA9-AA93D231",
mapPinID = "mq1057_fugas",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2001jarlshorn.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2001 Jarl's Horn",
order = 2667577342,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2001 Jarl's Horn E2BB1F49-49E4747D-05D1B892-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000700e7, -- "A Hallowed Horn"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions FCA989D9-489C78CA-5480DB81-260A1CA8",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 4421B260-4560BC63-7BEDF9B2-112994A6",
description = 0x000700f0, -- "Holger Blackhand had stolen a great many
priceless goods during his many plunderous raids. Yet none of these foreign
trinkets could rival the carved horn passed down to him from his ancestors for his
affections. The warriors he had recently banished must have known this - for they
took this horn as an act of vengeance against Holger. Holger had let it be known
that whoever found his prized possession would receive a hefty reward. Geralt, who
could track thieves and stolen goods like no other, decided to investigate.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 5A451EDE-4FB3F33E-817F7AB0-C6490D48",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009da, -- "The witcher managed to retrieve the stolen
horn, then returned it to Holger's envoy in Holmstein. Though this warrior was
saddened when Geralt told him of the thieves' fate, he paid every copper of the
promised reward."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Start 2",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 2 61A37C92-40E679AC-D1CD85B9-CF71CB16",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109495, -- "While scouring Skellige for reasons more
important, Geralt happened to find a horn. Any other man might have shrugged and
scoffed - not so the witcher, and not because he occasionally enjoyed a toot.
Inside the chest containing the horn, Geralt also found a journal. The witcher read
it, hoping to learn something about the individual to whom the horn had belonged."

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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Track down the thiefs and retrive Lugos's horn ",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Track down the thiefs and retrive Lugos's horn
children = {
title = 0x0007011a, -- "Track down the thieves and retrieve Holger's

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radius = 45.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2001_camp_5_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Find Lugos's horn",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Lugos's horn 28406222-4846B68F-3A7366BA-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010198f, -- "Find the stolen horn."

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radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2001_camp_5_mappin_2",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Read diary",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read diary 1E854BEE-4177B393-BAD526A9-BA5628F9",
index = 2,
title = 0x0010948f, -- "Read the journal you found in the chest with the

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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Bring Lugos's horn back to Mathios at the keep",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bring Lugos's horn back to Mathios at the keep
children = {
title = 0x0007012a, -- "Bring the stolen horn to Mathios."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "mq2001_reward_giver_holmstein_ap",
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mapPinID = "mq2001_reward_giver_holmstein_ap",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2001renegadeskaertrolde.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2001 Kuilu",
order = 2516582398,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2001 Kuilu BF18DA51-48A12FC9-7FC49692-3E4593EB",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0006fe87, -- "The Family Blade"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 237473E8-435DF634-C6D8889C-FD36E992",
description = 0x0006fe88, -- "Skelligers value three things above all
else: honor, the memory of their ancestors and sturdy weapons. That is why Crach an
Craite flew into a fury when he found out someone had stolen his family blade,
Kuliu, from the Kaer Trolde treasure room. The infuriated jarl promised a fat
bounty to whoever could find his lost sword and punish the thief.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 73417486-45E2DD73-446E5EA7-A68EA47A",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009d8, -- "After a great deal of traveling and even
more fighting, Geralt retrieved the stolen sword. His hard labor paid off, for the
reward Crach handed him was more than generous."

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Final F10D579E-4E9F2669-041336AF-2EF1FC7A",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Return Kuilu to Olaf in Kaer Trolde",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return Kuilu to Olaf in Kaer Trolde F319DED4-
children = {
title = 0x0006feb7, -- "Return Kuliu to the Kaer Trolde guardsman named

chunk[8] = {
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mapPinID = "mq2001_reward_giver_kaer_trolde_ap",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "You found an old sword with An Craite markings, go to Kaer Trolde
to learn more",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "You found an old sword with An Craite markings, go to
Kaer Trolde to learn more 718048C1-423D5CE6-D2C30CA7-9C649E10",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000701c3, -- "Go to Kaer Trolde castle and learn something
about the sword with an Craite markings."

chunk[10] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "mq2001_reward_giver_kaer_trolde_ap",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Check Kaer Trolde notice board for some information about Kuilu",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check Kaer Trolde notice board for some information
about Kuilu B42E48A4-4C92D837-42397C95-42AC5801",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00101940, -- "Look for information about a sword named Kuliu
on the Kaer Trolde notice board."

chunk[12] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "mq2001_reward_giver_kaer_trolde_ap",

chunk[13] = {
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Find bandit camp near monolith",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find bandit camp near monolith D77A4939-48F4CB0B-
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title = 0x00101941, -- "Look for a thieves' camp near the obelisk."

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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Kill bandits at the camp",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill bandits at the camp CED89B71-439DC12C-25B49485-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00101942, -- "Kill the thieves."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "mq2001_camp_1_mappin",
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chunk[18] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the camp for Kuliu 31059000-4D298BEF-C3E6D4AE-
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children = {
title = 0x00101943, -- "Search the thieves' camp for the sword named

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title = 0x00104966, -- "Read the journal to learn about the sword named

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chunk[22] = {
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children = {
title = 0x000fd7d2, -- "Track down the thieves at the old fort."

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chunk[26] = {
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title = 0x00104967, -- "Read the journal to learn about the sword named

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children = {

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Intercept thieves at the whale graveyard",
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title = 0x000fd7e3, -- "Look for thieves near the whale graveyard."

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chunk[34] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the camp for Kuliu BC68D2B9-4066E520-25C2B4B0-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fd7e4, -- "Search the thieves' camp for the sword named

chunk[35] = {
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mapPinID = "mq2001_mp_note_holder_1c",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2002apiratescavengers.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2002 Pirate Scavengers",
order = 3355443198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2002 Pirate Scavengers D79A07AE-46BB8EB1-8E0FB18E-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0006b9db, -- "Finders Keepers"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8C6A7755-40615B80-FB811EA0-31BA86B7",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start DE6220A6-484F16DE-1BD4BD81-41832AF0",
description = 0x0006b9dd, -- "Strewn across the Skellige shore lay the
remnants of an entire fortune, testimonies to a tragedy that had struck some poor
member of Clan Brokvar. Pirates were currently engaged in looting anything of value
that had survived and Geralt decided he should try to inform someone with a right
to the goods before they finished the job.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 04C6FE65-4B71D249-9D2FA2A6-EDFF26E4",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a58, -- "Geralt found a merchant who knew the
captain of the wrecked ship. He promised he would round up some men and retrieve
the cargo, hoping to salvage at least a portion of the lost goods for the rightful
owner's family."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives C66C027F-48693DA9-41ED30A9-DB37E5A1",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Ask shopkeeper in Brokvar village on Spikeroog about missing
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask shopkeeper in Brokvar village on Spikeroog about
missing cargo 519ED008-4914C090-548EE99C-557287CF",
children = {
title = 0x0006b9df, -- "Ask the shopkeeper in the Clan Brokvar village
on Spikeroog about the shipwrecked cargo."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "brokvar_shopkeeper_01",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "brokvar_shopkeeper_01",
mapPinID = "mq2002_spikeroog_merchant_mappin",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Use witcher senses to identify the cargo",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use witcher senses to identify the cargo 21CB53A7-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00100494, -- "Look for signs indicating the cargo's owner
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mq2002_shipwreck_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2002_shipwreck_mappin D12CCCF6-4716F558-2784E381-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2002_shipwreck_mappin",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2003tomb1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2003 Disturbing rest",
order = 3556769790,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2003 Disturbing rest B9D89677-47CCB257-B4D14398-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0006c162, -- "Peace Disturbed"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4000767E-43183AE4-020B8281-2BDCC3F8",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start C0739E32-4C7A72CC-6CD096AC-9D2C8AB2",
description = 0x0006f71b, -- "Geralt was surprised to find a group of
women hanging around outside the entrance to a crypt on the isle of Ard Skellig -
but not as surprised as they were to see a witcher. The women explained they had
come to clip the nails of the dead, thus depriving wraiths of shipbuilding
material. Though wary Geralt might take advantage to the opportunity to loot some
grave goods, they asked him to drive off the ghosts keeping them from entering the

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End AA934AF7-43E1B5F5-4F8193B4-E4173E07",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009dc, -- "Geralt knew the women's actions would do
little to keep the Naglfar at bay, but still did as they asked and cleared the
crypt of ghosts."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 824C4A6B-4C252784-FB05949D-68EFCC4B",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Kill all the monsters on the lower level of the tomb",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill all the monsters on the lower level of the tomb
children = {
title = 0x0006f78c, -- "Kill the monsters on the lower level of the
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq2003_tomb_01_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2003_tomb_01_mappin 0E7355A9-45413110-1D2EDEA2-
radius = 45.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2003_tomb_01_mappin",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Report back to the women outside",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report back to the women outside 4BCB0F46-4D8A8040-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000ff42e, -- "Talk to the woman waiting outside."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mq2003_tomb_01_women_outside_mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2003_tomb_01_women_outside_mappin 8008AA56-
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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Enter the Tomb",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Enter the Tomb A7025BA1-43C6BDE2-6F4C1D86-771A6B21",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00106e9c, -- "Enter the tomb."

chunk[12] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2003_enter_tomb 9A0E4796-4F792BDF-CBBDB3B8-
mapPinID = "mq2003_enter_tomb",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2006chest1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ2006 Bergeton's Treasure",
order = 4236247038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ2006 Bergeton's Treasure 1BE06D7D-4CE755B0-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00054bde, -- "X Marks the Spot"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Bergeton's Treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bergeton's Treasure B9FDF034-42558B6E-527787B7-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Follow the map to find the treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the map to find the treasure 4E657B33-
children = {
title = 0x00054bdf, -- "Follow the map to find the treasure."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "mq2006_clue1_mappin",
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radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2006_clue1_mappin",

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Open the map",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Open the map",
index = 1,
title = 0x001069b0, -- "Unfold the map."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9F927233-4F12A504-9209308A-60424D2E",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 20BDDAA2-4182D03A-5E427F81-F3B5D304",
description = 0x001009e5, -- "Geralt found a key and a map with a
location on Ard Skellig marked on it. Though he usually smirked at wild-eyed
treasure hunters, he couldn't resist seeing if some treasure lay hidden there.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 19A39A11-4CAD13CC-4038D0B0-17475018",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009e8, -- "To his surprise, Geralt discovered the
treasure map was neither a joke nor a trap. It truly did lead him to a chest full
of valuables."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2006chest2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ2006 Erleif's Treasure",
order = 4240441342,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ2006 Erleif's Treasure D7B5996B-41481C46-B6A27D97-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00054be0, -- "Ruins, Hidden Treasure, You Know..."

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Erleif's Treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Erleif's Treasure 19D7A6A4-47C65DB6-7E4A6E9A-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Follow the map to find the treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the map to find the treasure 407D38EC-
children = {
title = 0x00054be1, -- "Use the map to find the treasure."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "mq2006_clue2_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2006_clue2_mappin 6E4F3BA7-4D77AF00-2678B9B7-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2006_clue2_mappin",

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Open the treasure map",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Open the treasure map",
index = 1,
title = 0x001069b1, -- "Unfold the treasure map."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E511DA5E-42CF3275-7CE1CDAF-B2D32B9D",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start EFBCB19A-4E410A74-49989384-1BACB30C",
description = 0x001009ea, -- "Geralt found a map on the isle of Undvik
with a key attached to it and a location deep in the isle's interior marked on it.
This had all the makings of a fine treasure hunt.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 38E1B38A-41A0C378-D119BAA0-B8EBEAC9",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009ed, -- "Geralt journeyed to the location indicated
on the map and found the ruins of an old fortress. Within them: a chest full of
treasure - just as he had suspected."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2009waterhag.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ2009 Immoral Proposition",
order = 4267704318,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ2009 Immoral Proposition B676E286-4A16EE2C-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00055c4d, -- "A Bard's Beloved"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Immoral Proposition",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Immoral Proposition D447FE47-4F9B60CB-E2397093-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find out what terrified trobadour",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find out what terrified trobadour 9CFD3966-4655FF36-
children = {
title = 0x00055c4e, -- "Find the troubadour's "beloved"."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "mq2009_lair_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2009_lair_mappin 95FA7642-4EDED979-A1F41CB7-
mapPinID = "mq2009_lair_mappin",

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Pokonaj babę wodną",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pokonaj babe wodna E845415C-4A192055-7B1C7EB4-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001023bd, -- "Defeat the water hag."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "mq2009_water_hag",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2009_water_hag D7C05681-433A7454-1267298A-
mapPinID = "mq2009_water_hag",
chunk[8] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions EAB93425-4140E52E-367127A6-77277E5E",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start A0BC2EA6-4BC1C775-B4DB40BE-CD5D459F",
description = 0x00100a04, -- "Geralt happened across a terrified bard
who trembled when he spoke of his "beloved", yet other than that refused to say an
ill word about the woman. Even stranger, everything seemed to indicate his
betrothed lived in a cave. Geralt decided to check out what sort of curious couple
he was dealing with.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 114CF108-43221091-3D712DA2-2113B9DB",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100d60, -- "It turned out the bard's "beloved" was a
hideous water hag. No wonder the thought of her caress made him shake in fear and
revulsion. Geralt dealt with her as he usually deals with monsters."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Start 2",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 2 712FE4D3-4BD6989F-A9ECE6B9-270849AE",
index = 2,
description = 0x001023c4, -- "While traversing the charming yet
dangerous Skellige isles, Geralt happened across a mysterious cave. His instincts
told him there would be more than bats and newts dwelling within - and so he
decided to enter it.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "End 2",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 2 D6795C08-4C935740-ECC0A8B1-7CB91286",
index = 3,
description = 0x001023c7, -- "It turned out the cave had become home to
a water hag who would lure victims in order to kill and eat them. Geralt dealt with
this evil monster as it deserved and continued on his way."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2010humantrap.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2010 human trap",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2010 human trap F9352CB9-4D7CD711-8FA25690-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x001060e1, -- "Abandoned Sawmill"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 6594DB8A-4D5CEDBB-A185FF98-F163528A",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start Description",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Description 9A6B341A-4A920856-84D9FE8A-
description = 0x00105fd2, -- "In a certain forest Geralt found himself
looking at a clearly abandoned sawmill enveloped in thick undergrowth. He decided
to investigate.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End Description",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Description DA4830E6-41447692-3AF891BB-3F796C22",
index = 1,
description = 0x00105fd3, -- "Curiosity once again dragged the witcher
into trouble. Entering the sawmill provoked the leshen who had killed the
woodcutters who had once worked there. Geralt had no choice but to fight the

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objective",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 25DE608E-43B50DF4-3314A4B2-1CCE0015",
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Kill the leshen",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the leshen 0F145392-49157E8A-082498B3-07B28F35",
children = {
title = 0x00105fdd, -- "Kill the leshen."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq2010_leszy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2010_leszy 0F35C885-461131D1-B4E45EAC-2AA5C1FF",
mapPinID = "mq2010_leszy",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Investigate abandoned lumbermill",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate abandoned lumbermill E3C43187-4652C364-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00105fd4, -- "Search the abandoned sawmill using your Witcher
count = 4,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mq2010_lumbermill_area_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2010_lumbermill_area_mappin 9FF6BF62-4D1C8A7D-
radius = 36.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2010_lumbermill_area_mappin",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2011_liar_and_theif.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2011_liar_and_theif",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2011_liar_and_theif 1C5E7903-4062CD6C-C968F7B7-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00106350, -- "Worthy of Trust"
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 805FAF82-45ECAC6F-7DC8F2A9-62D1E043",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start_2011",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start_2011 C7DFC39F-47AB2EA2-A63282A9-C242ED5D",
description = 0x00106351, -- "What would you do if a stranger walked up
and asked to borrow a large sum of gold, swearing he would pay you back later? I
know my answer, and I dare to guess I know yours, dear reader - but the witcher's
different from you and me. He decided to extend the loan.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End_liar",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End_liar 1F07EDE1-47A721C4-7835059B-3AF49863",
index = 1,
description = 0x00106354, -- "The borrower predictably turned out to be
a swindler. The only way for Geralt to collect on his ill-considered loan was to
kill the man."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End_investment",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End_investment CCCDC36C-41093E28-7E93CE83-6CE42A4D",
index = 2,
description = 0x00106355, -- "Surprisingly, the borrower turned out to
be altogether credit worthy and paid Geralt his gold back with a hefty amount of

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 016883A9-4EDD9B81-1608AD9A-4572D37A",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "sit_and_wait",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sit_and_wait",
title = 0x00106356, -- "Wait and watch what happens."
chunk[9] = {
baseName = "defeat the liar",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "defeat the liar",
index = 1,
title = 0x00106357, -- "Teach the cheat a lesson."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2012badplacebadtime.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ2012 Bad Place, Bad Time",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ2012 Bad Place, Bad Time 4FE8E4CE-44CFD310-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00055443, -- "Hard Times"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Bad Place, Bad Time",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bad Place, Bad Time DA196DB6-4183B151-7B8DF296-
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Use witcher senses to investigate broken cart",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use witcher senses to investigate broken cart
children = {
title = 0x000fb238, -- "Investigate the broken cart using your Witcher

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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read dead woman's letter",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read dead woman's letter 88DAFA5E-41CF3C72-61FE149F-
index = 1,
title = 0x000fb23b, -- "Read the letter you found on the dead woman's
bookShortcut = "mq2012_letter",

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Use witcher senses to follow tracks leading away from the broken
order = 3758096382,
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the broken cart ED854588-44B26912-20A2648F-B2EE5379",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000ff80d, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to follow the tracks
leading away from the broken cart."

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mapPinID = "mq2012_area_tracks_mappin",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Deliver the letter and bad news to Kaer Trolde's smith",
order = 2415919102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Deliver the letter and bad news to Kaer Trolde's
smith A7B77D8F-4FA7E9C6-A2590CAE-CA41CCAA",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010030b, -- "Deliver the letter to the smith at Kaer Trolde."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mq2012_kaer_trolde_forge_mappin",
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chunk[11] = {
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children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 1C18CFD9-4B0E220A-BE071E89-C326C2A6",
description = 0x001009f5, -- "Perhaps there was a time, under the pax of
a just ruler or before the Conjunction brought so many hideous beasts to our world,
when traveling was a perfectly safe endeavor. If so, that time is now long past.
The Skelligers whose demolished wagon Geralt stumbled across in the middle of the
Ard Skellig forest learned this the hard way. The poor souls had stood no chance
against the cyclops who butchered them.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 43503C52-434CD161-C5EBB584-7D161D14",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009fd, -- "Geralt searches nearly every corpse he
comes across, and while I personally find this habit a bit morbid, I must admit he
digs up some very interesting things in the pockets of the dead. This time, for
example, he found a letter that he promptly delivered to its addressee - the smith
at Kaer Trolde. It was from the smith's departed sister. Though it cast the man
into deep mourning, he appreciated Geralt's deed."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2013bountyhunter.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ2013 Grossbart brothers",
order = 4279238654,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ2013 Grossbart brothers 89DBDE2F-47F658BB-04CFAE92-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000702ce, -- "The Sad Tale of the Grossbart Brothers"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 395E3336-48471B93-D2E33882-CD9D8E7D",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start FAE3785D-48445D1B-D8191BB1-65E7B0C1",
description = 0x000702cf, -- "If ever I tire of writing of Geralt of
Rivia, I will take up the tale of Djenge Frett, an itinerant bounty hunter. Geralt
met this extraordinary man in Skellige, where he had gone to hunt the notorious
Grossbart brothers. According to Frett's information, they were currently up to
some nefarious business in the southern part of the isle of Ard Skellig.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End AC050053-47B7608F-6E5315BA-A989D4EF",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a00, -- "The job was done. The world was finally
free of those ruthless and bloodthirsty brothers. And it was all due to the brave
Djenge Frett - and my dear friend, Geralt of Rivia."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Cave",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cave 99FA7640-41C71346-A19F9D9C-336719F0",
index = 2,
description = 0x001009ff, -- "Djenge Frett's information was correct.
The Grossbart brothers truly were hiding on Ard Skellig. Geralt and the bounty
hunter decided to take them out together.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 2605B23D-4A9EAA4F-D2B3BB9D-034A9A18",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Keep an eye out for Gossbart brothers in southern Ard Skellig",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keep an eye out for Gossbart brothers in southern Ard
Skellig 5304A4A2-4D0BB8BE-C827CCA0-054F38F7",
children = {
title = 0x000702d0, -- "Look for the Grossbart brothers in southern Ard

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "mq2013_search_mappin",
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radius = 50.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2013_search_mappin",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Assist the bounty hunter",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Assist the bounty hunter B1386307-49A8E694-C514EF85-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000702d3, -- "Help the bounty hunter deal with the Grossbart

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "mq2013_bounty_hunter",
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mapPinID = "mq2013_bounty_hunter",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2015unfulfilledhope.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2015 Long Time Apart",
order = 4285046782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2015 Long Time Apart 62611322-4F5B1005-3765EA81-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000705a8, -- "Taken as a Lass"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 11915BED-4EA12F1E-C157B597-A5CBB2BC",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Starting Brother",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting Brother 88124F31-4AE11614-866CE68F-
description = 0x000705a9, -- "On the coast of Ard Skellig Geralt ran
into a young warrior - well, he stopped running before he hit the young man, but I
believe you get my drift, dear reader - at any rate, the point of my story was not
that he ran up to (not into!) this said warrior, but that the warrior was besieged
by pirates at the time. Geralt helped him fight off his attackers and listened
(with only a slight amount of witcher impatience) to his story, which was as
follows: the man's sister had been kidnapped by pirates (not unlike the ones he had
just faced), and he was determined to track her down, even if it meant searching
all the isles in the Skellige archipelago. He thanked Geralt for his help in
dealing with one of what would surely be many patches of pirate trouble and
continued on his path.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End FE901954-49BAB1FB-14CDD18B-1EFBCD44",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a20, -- "While visiting Freya's temple on the isle
of Hindarsfjall Geralt met a woman named Kurisu who told him how she had managed to
escape the clutches of a band of ruthless pirates who had kidnapped her. Who would
have imagined a frame so slender could hold such bravery? Perhaps one day I shall
write a ballad about her - "Kurisu, Kurisu, full of courage and daring-do...""

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives A135DD02-4FDEAACB-640D95BA-CB2A4068",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find pirate's ship.",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Kurisu 59CB2BF7-41BE0310-1D7A6EA1-FE39FC30",
children = {
title = 0x000705aa, -- "Find the pirate ship."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq2015_shipwreck_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2015_shipwreck_mappin 3DC05261-41F9F5DF-FFB68090-
radius = 55.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2015_shipwreck_mappin",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Look for Kurisu at the temple of Freya",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for Kurisu at the temple of Freya 2ED290F3-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000ffd0d, -- "Look for Kurisu at Freya's temple."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mq2015_freya_temple_area_mappin",
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mapPinID = "mq2015_freya_temple_area_mappin",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Speak to Kuisu",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Speak to Kuisu",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001062c2, -- "Speak to Kurisu."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "mq2015_sister",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2015_sister",
mapPinID = "mq2015_sister",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Search pirate's ship using witcher senses.",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search pirate's ship using witcher senses. 2657C48B-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00109463, -- "Search the wreck using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "mq2015_search_mappin",
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mapPinID = "mq2015_search_mappin",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Read pirate note",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read pirate note",
index = 4,
title = 0x00116563, -- "Read the note."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2017forfameandglory.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2017 : For Fame And Glory",
order = 4285169662,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2017 : For Fame And Glory EC3807C4-4EA45263-
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world = 2,
title = 0x000ff6c4, -- "For Fame and Glory"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions DAC731B0-4AFA8A66-F25C96B1-0BF331B1",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start EF0F0A62-4402D792-FC8D1CB6-3D240800",
description = 0x00100a78, -- "Though Skelligers are famed warriors able
to hold their own in almost any battle, those whom Geralt encountered near the old
mine on Hindarsfjall seemed to be in need of help. They had sworn to clear the mine
of ghouls and were plucking up the courage to do so, but Geralt did not deem it
likely they would manage the task on their own. When he proposed his expert
assistance, they hesitated at first, but ultimately decided to take him up on the

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 9FF3FA89-48D51A95-0C034589-3273CF86",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a79, -- "What tremendous good fortune it was that
Geralt showed up at just the time and place where he was needed! With a touch of
help from the warriors, he made swift work of that pack of nefarious necrophages
and cleansed the surrounding area of danger, earning him the gratitude of all who
dwelled nearby."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 53FBAB1C-498D424F-65835695-D1F15710",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Assist the warriors in clearing the mine",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Assist the warriors in clearing the mine 17A0292B-
children = {
title = 0x000ff6c6, -- "Help the warriors kill the necrophages in the
old mine."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq2017_mine_area_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2017_mine_area_mappin CEB4B126-4038E075-22336ABC-
radius = 35.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2017_mine_area_mappin",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2018bandits.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ2018 : Bandits",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ2018 : Bandits 6C38FDC9-4177E884-A93002AD-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00103509, -- "Armed Assault"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions D0110FE5-487FBEBF-C7A44DB8-AF9D06B7",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 47BCD181-46858406-52ECBBA0-026305FC",
description = 0x0010350b, -- "Life on the Path is full of surprises. One
day, a milkmaid's offering you a warm mug straight from the cow. The next, you're
helping drag a merchant's wagon out of the muck. Other times, you witness thugs
raiding a house. The last happened to Geralt while he was wondering across Ard

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End D1F7BC3E-488E9247-EF32F1B4-13B7DB42",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010350c, -- "The bandits Geralt defeated had been sent
by Madman Lugos, the eternal enemy of jarl Crach an Craite. The people living in
the home they were attacking were loyal to the an Craite clan and announced they
would go to their jarl for help, warning Geralt to beware Lugos' wrath before they

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objective",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective CA4E5502-4A26A555-D3D09C8C-23637480",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Knock on the door and check on inhabitants of the house",
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house AE46ABE7-4EDE4648-A4453CBA-F82D53BB",
children = {
title = 0x0010350a, -- "Knock on the door to check on the inhabitants of
the house."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq2018_door_interaction",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2018_door_interaction 3770CC6F-4AB37DB3-CFCCC58B-
mapPinID = "mq2018_door_interaction",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2020fleshforcash.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2020 Flesh for cash buisness",
order = 4285333502,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2020 Flesh for cash buisness 75CE5700-4B1F1BBE-
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world = 2,
title = 0x000feb7b, -- "Flesh for Sale"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 07994B17-4C45E911-B0CBB7AA-1A1A8F2D",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 560891B9-40431CCF-35E159B5-A951D7F0",
description = 0x00100a59, -- "I'm used to my good friend encountering
the bizarre and the appalling in his journeys, but what happened to him on Faroe
shocked even my jaded sensibilities. It all started when he walked into a small
coastal village and was mistaken for a Nilfgaardian...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Talk Peaceful",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk Peaceful FCCBD6C0-461EEDA0-55F745BD-439C0CD9",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a5a, -- "...and only grew more interesting from
there. Geralt was taken to the ringleader of a suspicious band and learned they
believed him to be a slave trader come to pick up some "live goods." He decided to
go along with the pirates' mistake in order to free their captives."
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Talk Hostile",
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index = 2,
description = 0x00100a5b, -- "...and only grew more interesting from
there. Geralt was taken to the ringleader of a suspicious band and learned they
believed him to be a slave trader come to pick up some live goods. Geralt could not
sit and let such barbarity occur in front of his eyes. He reduced the pirates to
bloody smears and freed their captives."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective A6E338C9-46DE6A78-4179FB8B-0D175D2D",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Follow the pirate to this boss",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow the pirate to this boss E5567CE9-425CB737-
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title = 0x000feb7c, -- "Follow the pirate to his boss."

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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Defeat the pirates",
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title = 0x000feb7d, -- "Defeat the pirates."

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chunk[13] = {
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title = 0x000feb7e, -- "Find the key to the slaves' cell."

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title = 0x000feb7f, -- "Free the slaves."

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title = 0x000ffc54, -- "Lead the slaves away from the pirate village."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2022stupidsideofcourage.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "mq2022 Stupid Side of Courage",
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title = 0x0010052b, -- "Brave Fools Die Young"

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baseName = "End",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 778968D7-44C04E78-416A74AE-57861247",
description = 0x00100a7c, -- "Ah, if only human bodies could tolerate
witcher potions! Sadly, Geralt could not administer such a toxic brew to the
fisherman in good conscience, so the injured young man had to be content with some
celandine. Not much, not much at all, but still, something."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 67A6FE70-4ACFACDD-3EB022A3-1E12AF5F",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a7b, -- "Age-old customs can be as dangerous as
they are beautiful - a lesson learned the hard way by the two young fishermen
Geralt encountered on Ard Skellig. As youth of their line had done for ages, the
men set out to light a fire on the shoulder of a certain gigantic statue. Sadly,
one of them slipped on the plinth, fell and broke his leg. Geralt decided to help
the injured man.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
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chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find some Celandine of the injured man 24D7C347-
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title = 0x0010052c, -- "Find some celandine."

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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Deliver calandine to the injued man",
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index = 1,
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title = 0x0010052d, -- "Bring celandine to the injured fisherman."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2024curseofthearena.journal:

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baseName = "mq2024: Master of the Arena",
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description = 0x00075856, -- "Legend claims the warriors of Spikeroog
had tested their mettle in the arena found near the cliffs on the northwestern edge
of the isle for centuries. Sadly, an unfortunate recent event had led to the arena
being haunted by the ghost of a defeated warrior. Geralt agreed to send the wraith
off into the afterlife for good.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 4977A3B5-4ACFC710-6273E5AD-035721FA",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a7d, -- "The warriors held up their end of the
bargain and paid Geralt his due."
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for reward B19A6549-4DAF11F8-29BB6A88-F6274A6F",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a7e, -- "Defeating Ulle the Unlucky demanded a fair
deal of clever thinking, but Geralt managed just fine. The grateful arena owners
promised him a significant prize as soon as fights resumed.<br>"

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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "StartFromFistfight 149D9225-46D2F057-4AEC3985-
index = 3,
description = 0x001068be, -- "Skelligers love simple entertainments:
drinking, singing and beating each other black and blue. These past times require
access to public facilities such as inns and arenas. Geralt found such an arena,
but instead of Skelligers spilling blood, within it there was only a ghost. A
phantom was haunting the place and stifling access to this most cherished form of
pleasure. It needed getting rid of.<br>"

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baseName = "Find a way to vanquish wraith at the Spikeroog arena",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a way to vanquish wraith at the Spikeroog arena
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title = 0x00075857, -- "Find a way to send Ulle on to the afterlife."

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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Return to arena enthusiasts",
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title = 0x00075858, -- "Return to the warriors."

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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Visit Spikeroog arena later to collect rest of your reward",
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reward 806B28B7-4F22BC69-99378B93-87844223",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00075869, -- "Return to the Spikeroog arena later to collect
your percent of the takings."

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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Talk with the villagers about the problem at the arena",
order = 1073741823,
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arena 508719D9-4F2D871D-B1CCD9A1-C24537F1",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001068bd, -- "Talk with the villagers about the problem at the

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2030nithing.journal:

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baseName = "Quest beginning",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest beginning 615066EB-4936EC0C-F2976AB3-DCB4FAC5",
description = 0x00101180, -- "In Skellige Geralt met a desperate and
broken man named Lothar. Someone had cast a powerful curse on his son, causing him
to slip closer and closer towards the grave with each passing day. The witcher knew
he had to lift the curse before it was too late.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest end curse reversed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end curse reversed 7FD9F8C4-407A8271-EE2BD382-
index = 1,
description = 0x00101181, -- "The witcher discovered the curse had been
cast by the local herbalist, Jonna, with whom Lothar had once shared his bed. Once
again it was proven - something which I, dear reader, know all too well - that man
knows no greater enemy than a woman scorned. Geralt was able to save the man's son,
but the spell demanded a victim. The disease moved to Jonna, dragging her into a
painful and premature death."

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index = 2,
description = 0x00101182, -- "The witcher discovered the curse had been
cast by the local herbalist, Jonna, with whom Lothar had once shared his bed. Once
again it was proven - something which I, dear reader, know all too well - that man
knows no greater enemy than a woman scorned. Geralt managed to convince Lothar to
return to his one-time love. He had to abandon his beloved son, but in doing so he
saved the boy's life."

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baseName = "Investigate the cursed beekeeper",
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title = 0x000782e7, -- "Talk to Jonna, the herbalist."

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chunk[23] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Inscribe new runes on Nithing to revert curse
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x000782e9, -- "Carve Jonna's name into the Nithing."

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chunk[25] = {
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title = 0x000f5816, -- "Talk to Lothar to collect your reward."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2033deadmanschest.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Begining 8EC5B65B-4B2BDBA5-F7A3C6BB-74A148A1",
description = 0x0010701d, -- "Skellige is a nation of sailors. And where
there are sailors, there are pirates. And where there are pirates, there's
treasure. Geralt was put on the trail of one such hidden cache of pirate booty
during his travels in the isles.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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description = 0x0010701e, -- "The treasure was, as befits one left by
pirates, hidden in a coastal cave. Geralt found it and, following the hallowed law
of the sea, kept it for himself."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2037dishonored.journal:

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title = 0x000f6ca0, -- "The Price of Honor"

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description = 0x001011a6, -- "In the Clan Dimun village Geralt spied a
feverish man who was waiting for his brothers to bring his betrothed from one of
the neighboring isles. Days had passed, their wedding drew nearer and nearer, and
neither the brothers nor the betrothed had arrived. The man asked Geralt for

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The groom's brothers and betrothed had been struck by a storm during their voyage.
The girl had perished, her dowry lost. The brothers, as the harsh law of honor
demands, decided to commit suicide. They could not bear to live knowing they had
failed their brother by not protecting his beloved from danger."

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way to examine it."

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title = 0x000f6ca1, -- "Tell the young man what happened to his
betrothed and his brothers."

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "mq2037_3rd_brother",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2037_3rd_brother D93B5FFE-4E24B2F7-79B8CAB8-
mapPinID = "mq2037_3rd_brother",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2038_shieldmaiden.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "mq2038_shieldmaiden",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2038_shieldmaiden 1D9F7929-4152C567-320675A4-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000f894d, -- "Iron Maiden"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 15E85A79-45B1F132-8C49D2BD-1E2B417D",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 634FBDEA-4D94C006-46064C92-1B444769",
description = 0x0010162c, -- "In one of Skellige's famed arenas Geralt
met an undefeated warrior named Jutta and decided to try his strength against her.
Before he could do so, however, he had to complete several tasks to prove he was a
worthy opponent.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest End - Loose",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End - Loose BAABF080-4AB41619-0E17CA9E-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010162d, -- "Geralt did everything Jutta asked and in
the end was granted the right to face her in combat. Though Geralt put up a brave
fight, the warrior woman defeated him. Forced to savor the bitter taste of defeat,
Geralt left the arena.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Geralt wins",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt wins 180B8A23-48FFC347-ED415A9A-1864AA76",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010162e, -- "Geralt did everything Jutta asked and in
the end was granted the right to face her in combat. Jutta proved a fierce and
demanding opponent, but Geralt still was able to best her. Enchanted by his
strength and manliness, Jutta asked the witcher to join her for a rendez-vous on
the beach.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End - refuse metting",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - refuse metting 19C5C885-49E76F11-88F0C29D-
index = 3,
description = 0x0010162f, -- "Yet Geralt had no desire to get to know
her any better and so thanked her for a fight well fought and continued on his

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Agree on metting",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Agree on metting A3CDD792-432EADDD-15B7F686-
index = 4,
description = 0x00101630, -- "Both Jutta and her proposition were to
Geralt's liking, so he agreed to meet.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "End - only talk",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - only talk 4E1E979B-4FBCB8FB-0B6219A3-FBCE4A88",
index = 5,
description = 0x00101631, -- "The warrior woman turned out to be just as
deft with words as with a sword. Though she clearly was hoping for more than just
conversation, Geralt had other plans, thanked her for the good time and continued
on his way.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "End - sex",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - sex 1D92B346-4F740A4D-DB0C64A6-DA75A6A3",
index = 6,
description = 0x00101632, -- "The warrior woman turned out to be just as
deft with words as with a sword. It quickly became clear, however, that she had
planned on doing more than just converse that evening. And you know our dear Geralt
- he's never one to refuse a beautiful woman. They passed a very pleasant evening
with a particularly spicy finale.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "shieldmaiden",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "shieldmaiden 6D1C3141-4C341F49-9C48D1B4-598AA27A",
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children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "find sword",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find sword AB4ED316-43CC4DF5-02D448B4-88D6F9EC",
children = {
title = 0x000f894e, -- "Look for the sword Jutta requested in the sunken
ship's wreck using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mq2038_underwater_sword",
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chunk[14] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight Gundar D031B610-43376E72-137BD9B7-A0A94830",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f894f, -- "Defeat Gundar."

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chunk[16] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "tell Jutta D0FF68D8-4C7FB0EC-32EC6BB7-8EE5D05F",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000f8950, -- "Tell Jutta you have performed the feat."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "mq2038_shieldmaiden",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2038_shieldmaiden",
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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Spotkaj sie z Jutta",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Spotkaj sie z Jutta F2BEC25B-4B7ABEF6-B5AAC499-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000f8951, -- "Meet Jutta at her home after dusk."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "mq2038_shieldmaiden",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "fight Jutta 23296117-4455DB41-A62707AD-25913357",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000f8d10, -- "Defeat Jutta."

chunk[21] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2039vowofsilence.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "MQ2039 Vow of Silence",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ2039 Vow of Silence FA0CBF21-49A27E9E-B5245DA3-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000fb34b, -- "Shock Therapy"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Silent Druid",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Silent Druid 0CD2900B-45803D38-B99DC091-F919A75B",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Visit him",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit him D6A99610-444FB005-9CC9A389-850C5AF4",
children = {
title = 0x000fb34e, -- "Go visit Egill."

chunk[5] = {
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mapPinID = "mq2039_silent_druid_den",

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Make him speak CA0507DA-4054CF06-7F1EC1A1-476B825F",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fb34f, -- "Help Egill recover his voice by giving him a

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chunk[8] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to questgiver A0EC4712-45E07DAE-BC0BD5B4-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fb350, -- "Return to the druid who gave you the task."

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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Continue pissing off druid",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Continue pissing off druid 96AEC0E9-4B754495-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fe85e, -- "Keep trying to scare the druid until he recovers
his voice."
count = 3,

chunk[11] = {
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chunk[12] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to silent druid DCD959CD-4B89527B-672D39B2-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000fe85f, -- "Return to Egill and help him recover his voice."

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radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "mq2039_silent_druid_den",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Ask questgiver again",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask questgiver again D10557EB-43401848-491A84AE-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000ff8f7, -- "Return to the druid and talk with him about how
to cure Egill."

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start AF6ADD83-4F38DF48-3EBC3FB6-E72F4CE9",
description = 0x00101946, -- "Though druids have gained fame worldwide
as outstanding healers, even with all their spells and elixirs they at times prove
powerless against diseases. Such was the case with Egill - a druid who had lost his
voice. His friend decided that, since traditional methods had failed, it was time
to try newer, more innovative approaches. It fell to Geralt to test them.<br>"

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 41BB9073-467DEE71-A183E285-AEE3ECD2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101947, -- "Thanks to Geralt's efforts, Egill did
indeed speak once more - in order to give Geralt a thorough tongue lashing. It
turned out the druid had not lost his voice due to illness, but had sworn a vow of
silence for religious reasons. Instead of helping a man to recover, it seemed
Geralt had taken part in a rather awful practical joke."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2040trialofpower.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq2040_trial_of_power",
order = 4294688762,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2040_trial_of_power 1EF218C4-4E679658-D6E32086-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000f7f97, -- "The Path of Warriors"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 1A161AFA-4600721F-4A2B30A5-B0767A87",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest beginning 6DDE4B5B-460C1107-FEFED49E-B379B181",
description = 0x00101174, -- "During his stay in Skellige Geralt learned
of something called the Path of Warriors. This was an obstacle-strewn route locals
believed each self-respecting warrior must travel. Geralt knew if he managed to
traverse the infamously-difficult Path he would earn respect and recognition
throughout the isles.<br>"
chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end DB6928D9-4878E45D-04FB429F-F96B349E",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101175, -- "The witcher overcame all the obstacles
along the Path and made it to the end. From then on, even the proudest Skellige
warriors would treat him with respect."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Trial of Conviction",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Trial of Conviction 6F27FFFF-42D2E9D8-3F7AB58A-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Reach the end of the tunnel",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Reach the end of the tunnel 91F6A244-4E4D723D-
children = {
title = 0x000f8015, -- "Reach the end of the tunnel."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq2043_mp_end",
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mapPinID = "mq2043_mp_end",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Navigate the tunnels to pick up Token",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Navigate the tunnels to pick up Token 59A777E2-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f8016, -- "Travel through the tunnel and collect proof you
made it to the end."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mq2043_mp_token",
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mapPinID = "mq2043_mp_token",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Leave caverns and talk to Trial Master",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leave caverns and talk to Trial Master 7A278DAD-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000f8017, -- "Leave the caverns and talk to the man who
oversees the Path."

chunk[12] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2043_mp_trialmaster 6C1D4105-429DE728-4DFD88A5-
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Trial of Dexterity",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Trial of Dexterity 2CB37015-4A9CB8E7-821CC9B9-
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Get the Token from the top of the hill",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get the Token from the top of the hill D532C976-
children = {
title = 0x000f8271, -- "Collect proof you made it to the top of the

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "dexterity token map pin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "dexterity token map pin 743ADF1E-450833F2-B75AFE85-
mapPinID = "mq2041_token_container",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Talk to the Trial Master",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the Trial Master 73BD54EE-42B80F2C-931CD49B-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f8034, -- "Talk to the man who oversees the Path."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "mq2041_trial_master",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2041_trial_master 926D34A8-4973B9DD-6BD2B9B6-
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chunk[18] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Slide down to the cave entrance 9169F309-4AECFB0D-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000f8afa, -- "Descend down to the cave entrance."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "conviction start map pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "conviction start map pin B4A889C6-478E0187-4631EFB7-
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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Reach the start of the Path of the Warrior",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Reach the start of the Path of the Warrior F5636896-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000f9525, -- "Reach the start of the Path."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Path of Warrior map pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Path of Warrior map pin BC6FA643-4B035B98-E10360BB-
mapPinID = "mq2041_start_wp",
-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2045chains.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "mq2045_chains",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2045_chains 6425AA34-4C116330-8410788A-C2F64B88",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000fb034, -- "Crime and Punishment"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 3BEA21CC-449991CF-B5BBE2BA-5CC29BA1",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 557D6A85-4C591BE5-648E12A1-D9D1FA4D",
description = 0x001011f8, -- "On a small beach on the shores of Undvik
Geralt came across a man chained to the rocks, the tide threatening to engulf him.
The man begged for mercy, swearing he had been framed for murder and unjustly

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End 92ED0EE0-4604F783-C6942292-97C89202",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101206, -- "In the village near the site of the man's
punishment a group was preparing to bury the person the chained man had supposedly
killed. Geralt's attention was drawn by a sobbing girl. He talked to her and
learned the child blamed herself for her brother's death. When pressed for the
reason why, she explained that her false accusations had caused her brother to fly
into a rage and kill her uncle. In Skellige, there was only one punishment for
killing a family member in cold blood: a slow death by the sea's embrace...<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "mq2045 Free Prisoner",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2045 Free Prisoner 038D5B58-438677DB-06C9E384-
index = 2,
description = 0x001011f9, -- "Geralt was convinced by the accused man's
testimony and freed him from his chains."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "mq2045 Leave Prisoner",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq2045 Leave Prisoner 9936F082-40F1F7CB-8C0D5985-
index = 3,
description = 0x001011fa, -- "Geralt did not believe the chained man's
testimony and left him chained to the rocks, to meet his end at the mercy of the
waves and the beasts of the sea."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "quest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "quest A132E8F8-44D17A10-1F5D179B-1A45E079",
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chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "help prisoner CEEC1D86-4DFC3C8F-139529BF-54089B44",
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title = 0x000fb035, -- "Help the prisoner."

chunk[10] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2048_msg_in_a_bottle.journal:

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children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000fb036, -- "From a Land Far, Far Away"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 3327A918-4BB29AD8-AA788DB3-6A1C0CC0",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start F15898E7-4B03F526-044DC7A9-B67E12AC",
description = 0x0010144b, -- "Geralt ran into a suspicious gentleman who
was looking for a woman who spoke in a strange, unknown tongue. He claimed they
came from some far-off land far beyond the sea. She had kidnapped a child, and he
had been tasked with finding and punishing her.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest End 1",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End 1 29E3C1C7-4BEE1661-BA99C986-E7282273",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010145a, -- "Geralt showed the shady gentleman the
place where the woman was hiding then let him do as he wished. He had no intention
of interfering in the internal affairs of a far-off and unknown country.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest End 2",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End 2 B1891C50-4D1B5D93-D40145B3-13578903",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010145b, -- "Geralt showed the shady gentleman where
the woman was hiding, but did not let him hurt her. The story the man had told him
seemed stretched and unlikely. Geralt defeated the fraud, and, unable to
communicate with the woman, gave her a letter he had found on a corpse near the

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quest Start - New 1",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start - New 1 99A60648-49D21E00-E8E45987-
index = 3,
description = 0x00107133, -- "On a small isle in Skellige Geralt found a
diary written by refugees from a far-off land. Their ship had wrecked and the fate
of its passengers was unknown. Geralt hoped at least some had survived and he would
one day have the chance to return this diary to them.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Twist",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Twist 866A692E-4BFE6E24-A48AAABE-BE3FB776",
index = 4,
description = 0x00107134, -- "On Velen's seashore Geralt came across a
the wreck of a ship. While looking the vessel over he noticed an unusual emblem -
the same he had seen on a similar wreck in Skellige. As was the case then, he found
no signs of any survivors.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Twist 2",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Twist 2 1AAFED44-4FCD217C-2140B09F-0C2CE388",
index = 5,
description = 0x00107135, -- "In a certain Velen village Geralt came
across a strange man speaking with a strange accent. The man struck Geralt as odd,
even for a foreigner.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "bring back 67F74108-4C74648E-95C1FE9B-FEAD164E",
children = {
title = 0x000fb038, -- "Take the letter to the woman who speaks an
unknown language."
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chunk[12] = {
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "find the other ship",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find the other ship 0DED1F09-4E5F06A3-022B0299-
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title = 0x001074d5, -- "Uncover what became of the second ship."
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq2049_atheist.journal:

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description = 0x0010121e, -- "On one of Skellige's beaches, Geralt ran
into a man desperately fending off an enraged assailant. The witcher could hardly
look upon this spectacle impassively and decided to help. After the fight, Ivar,
for this was the man's name, admitted his attacker had been the brother of the
woman Ivar loved. He had sought to kill Ivar for seducing his sister, who was a
priestess of Freya and thus bound by custom to a live a life of chastity. Ivar,
however, refused to let religion stand in the way of his love and aimed to scour
learned books for a precedent that would help him negotiate his beloved's release
from her vows. Geralt agreed to bring him any relevant books he found.<br>"

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the books about love and religion he could find."

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title = 0x000f949d, -- "Gather books describing religious customs and
precedents and take them to Ivar."

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them interesting."
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description = 0x00100cb3, -- "Geralt was only able to escape from Madman
Lugos' prison thanks to the help of a mysterious old man called Simun Brambling. It
was he who convinced the guard to let Geralt out, warning Geralt first that he
would one day demand a favor in return. Geralt had managed to forget about the
whole incident - but not Simun. The old man found Geralt and demanded he repay his

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description = 0x00100cb5, -- "Geralt decided he'd rather stain his honor
than spill the blood of an innocent man. Simun did not accept this excuse and
decided to kill Geralt alongside his age-old rival. The old warrior underestimated
the witcher, however, and after a short fight he died from wounds delivered by the
witcher's blade."

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index = 2,
description = 0x00100cb4, -- "Geralt did what Simun demanded - he killed
a man who had done him no wrong. As you can see, dear reader, at times one must act
dishonorably in order to maintain one's honor."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3002hiddenmessages.journal:

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description = 0x00100a94, -- "During his travels through Novigrad the
witcher witnessed an extraordinary event. Right before his eyes a mysterious man
put something in a hidden dropbox located in the wall of a building. Geralt looked
into the box and found a note there which directed him to the next location where
secret notes were left.<br>"

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description = 0x00100a95, -- "Geralt followed the thread back to its
source and wound up at a place where Nilfgaardian spies loaded and unloaded
contraband. Geralt might not take a keen interest in politics, but he noted the
emperor certainly seemed to be taking a keen interest in Novigrad."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3005badalley.journal:

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title = 0x00081af2, -- "A Walk on the Waterfront"

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description = 0x00081af9, -- "A certain nobleman asked Geralt for a bit
of assistance. He wanted the witcher to accompany him on a stroll through a rather
dodgy part of Novigrad. The richman's clothing alone would get him killed in that
quarter, so Geralt agreed to help.<br>"

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description = 0x00100a93, -- "The witcher defended the aristocrat from
bandits as he indulged in a bit of slumming. Not his most glamorous contract, but
neither was it the worst thing he'd ever had to do for coin."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3006magicmerchant.journal:

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title = 0x0010701f, -- "Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff?"

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description = 0x00107044, -- "Novigrad, the most cosmopolitan city of
the North, attracts its fair share of oddballs and eccentrics. One of them was a
merchant dealing in unusual goods. While talking to Geralt he spied some witch
hunters approaching and fled at once. Still interested in the secretive merchant's
secret wares, Geralt decided to hunt him down.<br>"

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description = 0x00107045, -- "Hunt him down he did. The strange man's
goods were not as fantastic as Geralt had hoped, but he still had some worthy
trinkets to choose from."

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baseName = "mq3012Noble Statuette",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3012Noble Statuette 6F0D2FFF-481E93D1-CBFEC0BC-
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x000fd1e9, -- "The Nobleman Statuette"

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baseName = "Quest beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest beginning FD3A0248-41838612-1F1B7380-2632F47B",
description = 0x00101167, -- "While examining a Novigrad stallkeeper's
wares, Geralt spied a remarkable jade statuette. It was in the form of a nobleman
and emanated a strange energy. The witcher decided to purchase it and show it to
chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end 13DEC608-4618FABF-8C3EDA9D-DDADCC4B",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101168, -- "This turned out to be a wise move. The
sorceress used her magic and lifted the spell on the object, transforming it back
into a Temerian nobleman. From his tale they gathered he had been compressed into
an object by the sorceress Coral some years ago. Grateful for being rescued, the
nobleman gave Geralt a reward and went off to piece his life back together."

chunk[6] = {
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title = 0x000fd1ef, -- "Talk to Triss about the statuette."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3012warriorstatuette.journal:

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baseName = "mq3012 Warrior Statuette",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3012 Warrior Statuette DD3CF855-448B37B2-48E1C9BF-
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world = 1,
title = 0x000fd1ea, -- "The Soldier Statuette"
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest beginning 976E1C1A-4FAD6E6D-BEA99B80-3BDA7676",
description = 0x00101169, -- "While visiting an accountant by the name
of Caesar Bilzen, Geralt snitched a soldier figurine from his host's collection.
While I usually deplore such acts of petty larceny as bad manners to say the least,
this time it led to quite the interesting series of events, so I am prepared to let
it slide. The statuette, you see, emanated magic and our witcher sensed it might be
tied to something of prime importance, so he decided to show it to Triss.<br>"

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baseName = "Quest End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End FB7407D2-41B4DCF1-1FE3B5BB-0B7D04BF",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010116a, -- "The witcher's premonition was... well, if
not exactly right, still worth having followed. Triss cast a decompression spell on
the figurine and it transformed into a living, breathing human. To be precise, it
turned into a Nilfgaardian soldier whom the sorceress Coral had transfigured in the
midst of a battle many years ago. Nothing of prime importance per se, but quite
interesting nonetheless."

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baseName = "Talk to Triss about Statuette",
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children = {
title = 0x000fd1f0, -- "Talk to Triss about the statuette."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3016wanderingbards.journal:

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baseName = "mq3016_wandering_bards",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3016_wandering_bards 894669D1-458497AB-E2FA1CAE-
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0006ed81, -- "Novigrad Hospitality"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "investigation",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "investigation 251C7735-444909EB-C1587297-8841F7E7",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Track down the bards that took your equipment",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Track down the bards that took your equipment
children = {
title = 0x00101910, -- "Track down the bards using your Witcher Senses
and recover your equipment."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "mq3016_search_mappins",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3016_search_mappins F80F34C3-4A929DB1-8261C4A7-
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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 908B40B0-4BC777F8-D552A3A9-655766EC",
description = 0x00100a5f, -- "On the high road outside Novigrad Geralt
came across a merry band of troubadours who invited him to join them around the
campfire and partake of tasty beverages. The witcher naturally never turns down
such propositions and so gladly took them up on it. <br><br>When he awoke the next
morning, he discovered he had been robbed of all his possessions and the
troubadours had vanished without a trace. Furious, he set off on the thieves'

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index = 1,
description = 0x00100a60, -- "Tracking down the bards posed no
difficulty. Geralt quickly caught up with them and recovered his things. Had I been
in his shoes, I'd undoubtedly have broken their lutes as well, for there is no
place for such as they in the noble world of itinerant musicians."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3017raidinghood.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ3017 Little Red Raiding Hood",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ3017 Little Red Raiding Hood E60EB31F-4ACB13E6-
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title = 0x0006dcc9, -- "Little Red"

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baseName = "mq3017 Beginning",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3017 Beginning F6B3629E-43D4FCB4-EA34178E-
description = 0x0010114a, -- "Geralt's travels took him to a certain
village whose inhabitants were clearly anxious about something. It turned out they
were expecting a gang of bandits led by a woman known as Little Red to attack at
any minute. She was out for the blood of a certain Bertram who she claimed had
wronged her. Geralt promised to help defend the villagers.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "mq3017 End Hood Dead",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3017 End Hood Dead EE041592-46A075FD-FAED55AB-
index = 1,
description = 0x00101154, -- "When Little Red's band attacked, it was
clear the villagers had bet on the right horse in hiring Geralt. He made quick work
of the cutthroats, collected his reward and went off into the sunset."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "mq3017 End Bertram Dead",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3017 End Bertram Dead 36C70479-4E10C9FE-2E5F818C-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010115c, -- "When Little Red's band attacked, it became
clear the matter was not at all as clear as it had at first seemed. The bandits'
leader assured Geralt she did not want to hurt anyone except for this Bertram. The
man had worked with her at one point as an informer pointing out who was worth
robbing, but then turned and reported them to the authorities.<br><br>Faced with
the choice of killing several people or letting one guilty man be punished, Geralt
decided to let Little Red have her revenge. For that, he received a reward."

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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Wait for the attack at dusk",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for the attack at dusk BDD6889B-49E63889-
children = {
title = 0x0006dcca, -- "Wait until dusk for Little Red's band to

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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Defend the Village",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defend the Village C65C2C79-4B3FF4A8-8876D789-
index = 1,
title = 0x0006dd49, -- "Defend the villagers."

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title = 0x0006dd4c, -- "Talk to the village elder."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3019herdinstincts.journal:

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world = 1,
title = 0x00071fc2, -- "Rough Neighborhood"

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 0B9E95EC-4670D0D5-3C211BBE-15C128D6",
description = 0x00100a82, -- "War had transformed the once-charming
student town of Oxenfurt beyond all recognition. King Radovid had expelled the
students and professors, and in their place had come shady characters of all
stripes. For example, while there Geralt witnessed some such thugs pestering an
Oxenfurt townswoman in a most unbecoming manner.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End A4D0890C-4940F84F-3D00DE93-7D66D269",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a83, -- "Geralt stood up for the woman, showing the
louts who the real cock of the walk was. My friend might have been created to fight
monsters, but I am glad he at times chooses to fight monstrous men as well."

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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Accompany the woman on her way home",
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title = 0x00071fc3, -- "Escort the woman to her home."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3024youshallnotpass.journal:

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baseName = "MQ3024 you shall not pass",
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title = 0x00100a8f, -- "Thou Shalt Not Pass"

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start A71DCFBE-4412B9B9-5AD3E0A3-FA9B9C59",
description = 0x00100a90, -- "The Redanian army had placed blockades on
the crossings of the Pontar, something which at one point proved quite inconvenient
to the witcher. The guards refused to let him cross without showing a special pass
issued by high command.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 779CDE1E-4F2A09E7-389F1197-06DA524C",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a91, -- "Luckily Geralt managed to get his hands on
just such a pass and from then on could cross the Pontar border at will. I hope he
did not abuse this privilege, jumping back and forth across the border, making
faces at the poor wretches stuck on one side and taunting the guards who had no
right to stop his antics. He mentioned nothing of the sort, true, but that's just
the kind of thing one might choose to keep to oneself."

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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Get a conduct that will allow you to cross Pontar river",
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river B0E9EDF0-40A61C33-FC57EFB1-41629C69",
children = {
title = 0x00100a92, -- "Acquire a pass granting permission to cross the

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title = 0x001027e4, -- "Use the pass to cross the Pontar."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3026horseracing.journal:

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baseName = "MQ3026 Novigrad Horse Racing",
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title = 0x000fe767, -- "Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Derby"

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baseName = "Races Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Races Start 5759C571-4C1ECA6F-109C118D-CC25568D",
description = 0x0010198c, -- "The Vegelbud family's out-of-town estate
was famed not only for its lovely guardians and sumptuous banquets, but also for
the series of horse races organized there in honor of one of the line's illustrious
ancestors, Erasmus. Geralt, who had spent a great many years in the saddle, decided
to test his mettle in this derby - lured, perhaps, by the sizable reward promised
to the victor.<br>"

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baseName = "Additional Race by night",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Additional Race by night 5282E934-4CF90552-35876E87-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010198d, -- "The Vegelbud races segued into an
unexpected encore. Cleaver, one of the Novigrad crime lords, was so impressed by
the witcher's riding prowess that he offered him the chance to take part in the
equally famed (though illegal) race organized by the local underworld.<br>"

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index = 2,
description = 0x0010198e, -- "Though the nighttime race was rife with
obstacles, Geralt managed to win it as well. Sadly, he was not given long to
celebrate his triumph, for the city guard, alarmed by the ruckus of galloping
horses at an hour when decent people should be asleep, broke up the event and
scattered its participants."

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title = 0x000fe768, -- "Talk to the master of ceremonies for the
Vegelbuds' race."

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merchant whose owner recognized him at once. He said someone had left a book with
him a long time ago with instructions to give it to Geralt if he ever got the
chance. This naturally piqued the witcher's curiosity. Sadly, the book dealer did
not know the book's exact present location, only that it had a red cover and that
Geralt should look for it in his stacks of dusty tomes and manuscripts.<br>"

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letter from someone he had once known. Though he gave no outward sign of it, this
filled him with touching recollections of old times. To this day I don't know who
the old friend was nor what he had written in the letter - and that's a shame, for
judging by Geralt's behavior, therein lies a very interesting tale..."

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to finish all manner of unresolved business. Some write wills, others pay off debts
and still others make up with estranged relatives.<br><br>Nidas, a battle-hardened
veteran from Novigrad, wanted to tie off a rather atypical loose end: acquiring the
black pearl he had once promised his beloved wife. As he had reached an advanced
age, he would not be able to journey to the black pearl beds of Skellige by himself
- so he hired the witcher to assist him.<br>"

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Skellige oyster with the skill of an experienced pearl diver, thus helping Nidas
fulfill his promise. Sadly, it turned out his wife was unable to appreciate this
lovely gesture - old age had deprived her of a sound mind and muddled her memories.
Even the fulfillment of a promise that had forged the foundation of their
relationship failed to put a smile on her lips."

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your reward."
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3035_emhyr.journal:

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description = 0x000fdcac, -- "Momentous decisions altering the fate of
entire nations are often made under unusual circumstances. For example, when Geralt
was asked to take part in the assassination of King Radovid, he was standing in a
bathhouse in Novigrad, half-naked and staring at a sweat-soaked Dijkstra. If he
agreed to join in, he was to attend a meeting in a warehouse by the docks. There
the co-conspirators would hash out the details of their plan to kill the most
powerful ruler in the North.<br>"

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king was assassinated on the bridge leading to Temple Isle. Radovid's was not the
last blood to be spilled as a result of this conspiracy, however. With no more
common goal to bind them, the co-conspirators turned on each other.<br><br>Geralt,
who has always cherished his neutrality, decided not to get involved and left the
assassin's hideout before fighting began. Though Roche and his band had already
overcome a great deal, it was clear they would not be able to defeat the
overwhelming numbers of Dijkstra's thugs. Madame Irina's empty theater hosted a
brutal spectacle in which the fiercest Temerian patriots met a bloody end."

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king was assassinated on the bridge leading to Temple Isle. Radovid's was not the
last blood to be spilled as a result of this conspiracy, however. With no more
common goal to bind them, the co-conspirators turned on each other.<br><br>Though
Geralt has always prized his neutrality, he did not intend to sit idly and watch
Dijkstra's thugs butcher his friends. And so the Redanian spy's long-awaited moment
of triumph transformed into his final defeat at the witcher's hands."

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index = 3,
description = 0x00109708, -- "To this day I don't know what truly drove
the witcher to take part in the assassination plot against Radovid. I also don't
know what drove him to resign from this participation. Such are the facts, however:
Geralt first courted high politics, then left them at the altar to fend for
themselves while he saw to a more important matter: the fight against the Wild

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title = 0x00103f57, -- "Defeat Radovid's personal guard."

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title = 0x00103f6e, -- "Defeat Dijkstra and his men."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3036rosaromance.journal:

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title = 0x000821c8, -- "Fencing Lessons"

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 712D686B-42ACBF57-28E2BA84-672EBE9F",
description = 0x00100a86, -- "Geralt had learned that Rosa var Attre was
a passionate devotee of the art of swordplay. The fencing lesson Geralt had given
her while searching for yours truly had thrilled her to the core - and left her
asking the witcher if they could meet again for a repeat. Geralt had plenty of
experience teaching young women with fiery personalities how to swing swords and so

chunk[5] = {
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index = 1,
description = 0x00100a87, -- "Once they were done with their lesson
Geralt was supposed to escort the young lady home. Rosa, however, was clearly still
in the mood for some recreation and gave him the slip during a moment of
inattention. The witcher knew he needed to find her - or land himself in a heap of
chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 731AE152-4C6B174D-7D72BBB6-A30CE3AC",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a88, -- "Rosa found out for herself that not all
residents of Novigrad respect diplomatic immunity. The witcher saved her from a
tight spot - but also discovered a dark side to her character. It was clear to them
both that there would be no third fencing lesson."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 7FD1DA85-4F08E444-BB41AEA0-E8022D37",
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children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Meet with Rosa at var Attre villa the next day for fencing
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet with Rosa at var Attre villa the next day for
fencing lessons A894DDBB-4C051BEE-62468389-019864AA",
title = 0x000821ca, -- "Go to the var Attre residence tomorrow to give
Rosa fencing lessons."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Talk with var Attre guard captain about your appointment with
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk with var Attre guard captain about your
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000821cb, -- "Tell the guard captain about the fencing

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title = 0x000821cd, -- "Meet with Rosa."

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title = 0x000821ce, -- "Follow Rosa."

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title = 0x000821df, -- "Defeat Rosa."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Rosa 041CD4E5-446DF4F4-1C1A649B-2A0A13B8",
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children = {
title = 0x000822a4, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find Rosa."

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chunk[24] = {
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index = 6,
title = 0x000ff17b, -- "Defeat the drunks harassing Rosa."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3037sleepingvampire.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "MQ3037 Sleeping Vampire",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ3037 Sleeping Vampire 08C47340-461756C2-B17C5499-
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title = 0x000f700b, -- "A Tome Entombed"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start A4D7F6F0-4B2EFA2D-0253C887-E51763C0",
description = 0x00101628, -- "While in the passageways underneath
Novigrad (I've been there as well, and don't recommend them as tourist destinations
- if the stench doesn't get you, the monsters will) Geralt met a scholar who was
excavating in search of traces of long-lost cultures. The professor asked Geralt
for help removing the lid from a certain ancient sarcophagus.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End - help profesor, killed vampire",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - help profesor, killed vampire A12E2522-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010162b, -- "Geralt decided to promote the advancement
of knowledge and help the scholar open the sarcophagus. Instead of the expected
withered skeleton, inside lay a fully fleshy vampire. He was not hostile at first
and merely asked for a bit of peace and quiet while he finished his rest. The
scholar, however, had no intention of respecting this wish. Geralt could not stop
him and... the vampire lost his temper and attacked Geralt and the bothersome
professor. Whether he wanted to or not, Geralt now had to end its life."

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to tomb raider A8851DBB-4D0C59BD-6783E28B-
children = {
title = 0x000f700e, -- "Return to Professor Vairmont if you want to help
him with the sarcophagus."

chunk[8] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3037_cowardly_tomb_raider 41BAFA51-4B7F741F-
mapPinID = "mq3037_cowardly_tomb_raider",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Kill vampire",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill vampire 53023ACB-42A105C9-8D396591-9DD89232",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f7011, -- "Kill the vampire."

chunk[10] = {
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mapPinID = "mq3037_vampire_monster",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3038wheeloffortune.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq3038_wheel_of_fortune",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3038_wheel_of_fortune A1B177A9-451D23B7-58728DB5-
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00085aff, -- "Warehouse of Woe"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start E9F19E40-47D52085-0D0CF2A7-9385D3A6",
description = 0x00085b00, -- "Geralt can hardly spend a day in even the
most seemingly idyllic village without being asked to kill a monster, so it should
come as no surprise such requests came to him in Novigrad as well. On one occasion
he was asked to clean a warehouse of nekkers. The two owners - a man and a dwarf -
blamed each other for attracting the monsters there in a plot to gain sole control
over the building.<br>"
chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Dwarf Outted CE5087D7-4C295E33-A5B4B885-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a8a, -- "After examining all the evidence, Geralt
decided the dwarf was at fault.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End Human Outted",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Human Outted AAC4A2D9-440A9D0F-037E6199-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a8b, -- "After examining all the evidence, Geralt
decided the man was at fault.<br>"

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order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Twist 01941BA4-4F53DFD9-5241BAB7-FBBBA8DD",
index = 3,
description = 0x00100a89, -- "Geralt found out that someone had ensured
the nekker could break out of its cage.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "End No Clue",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End No Clue D9B10612-45A41761-DC0E8395-F61364C0",
index = 4,
description = 0x00100a8c, -- "Geralt didn't care much for squabbles
between merchants. He didn't bother to collect evidence and in the end never found
out who truly was to blame for freeing the nekker.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives E485FEBD-493295B8-4C117082-111020CE",
index = 1,
children = {

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baseName = "Kill the monster",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the monster 3571FF22-466E39C9-1725E5B6-
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title = 0x00085b01, -- "Kill the monster."

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chunk[12] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report back to the guard D06D5CBA-4A9407EB-D716AE98-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00085b02, -- "Tell the guardsman what happened in the

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3039crows.journal:

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baseName = "mq3039_crows",
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world = 1,
title = 0x00085f62, -- "A Feast for Crows"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Starting Desc DD51AB39-4A793BA2-DAF58095-0592F50D",
description = 0x00085e3b, -- "Geralt spent some time rutting around in
the dank alleyways of Novigrad and at one point came upon the body of a mysterious
man. A cursory inspection revealed that this unfortunate soul had been struck
several times with a sharp object. Though he seemed to have managed to flee his
attacker and hide in this alley, he had bled to death shortly
thereafter.<br><br>Geralt realized he could follow the trail of blood and find out
who had done this to him - and why.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Description 887AB8D8-410E3B38-D3715790-402D7145",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107043, -- "It turned out bandits had murdered the
man. The witcher could not restore him life, but he could at least punish the
guilty party. Which is what he did."

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baseName = "Ignored",
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index = 2,
description = 0x00108d7c, -- "The bandits were guilty of murder, but
Geralt realized even the harshest of punishments would not bring their victim back
to life. Thus when they proposed a trade - the key he found on the body in exchange
for gold - Geralt readily agreed and went on his way."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objective",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 9247F72F-475C6F50-3A9DE482-A31C91F9",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find out what happened to the dead man",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find out what happened to the dead man 9B85F4A1-
children = {
title = 0x00085e3c, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to figure out what
happened to the murdered man."

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chunk[11] = {
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00085e3d, -- "Kill the bandits."

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mapPinID = "mq3039_thugs_den_area_mappin",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Find the loot chest",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the loot chest 0870900D-4214E623-2FB23FBF-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00085e3f, -- "Find the treasure chest."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq3041showingpresence.journal:

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world = 1,
title = 0x001003ac, -- "Out On Your Arse!"

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baseName = "mq3041 Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3041 Start 0B542618-4705930D-550946A4-FB873550",
description = 0x00101161, -- "Near Crippled Kate's, Geralt encountered a
sobbing woman. He never had been able to walk unmoved past a troubled maiden and so
inquired if he could be of any help. She asked if he could go inside Crippled
Kate's and toss out the band of drunken Skelligers which had taken over the

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3041 End B6BE8BC5-404B5DAA-36DE1F87-D3AE340C",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101164, -- "Like always, Geralt successfully saved the
damsel in distress. He got rid of the band of drunks and received a small purse and
a grateful smile as his reward. The latter was what he prized the most."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "mq3041_Failed",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq3041_Failed 895B9A5A-4B5E725A-7AE26685-1C224CA2",
index = 2,
description = 0x00108ca2, -- "Though Geralt promised to help the
desperate woman, he never got around to it. These things happen."

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 6135C8A3-44A0BEC9-59B5D6A1-D95C32E8",
index = 1,
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baseName = "Follow the woman",
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title = 0x001003ad, -- "Go to Crippled Kate's."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Follow woman map pin",
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chunk[10] = {
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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Get rid of Skelligans",
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x001003ae, -- "Get rid of the drunk Skelligers."

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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Return to the Woman",
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index = 2,
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title = 0x00103f74, -- "Return to the woman."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq4002anomaly.journal:

chunk = {}
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq4002_anomaly",
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world = 3,
title = 0x000fa050, -- "Greenhouse Effect"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 53C36302-47D1E9A7-AE870EB0-64C94781",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ4002 Anomaly Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4002 Anomaly Beginning",
description = 0x001012d5, -- "It turned out even the area around Kaer
Morhen, a place which - one would think - Geralt knows by heart, can hide a great
many interesting and undiscovered phenomena. Not far from the keep, Geralt came
across an area where the weather differed remarkably from that of its surroundings.
He decided to investigate what sort of forces were at work.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ4002 Anomaly Ending",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4002 Anomaly Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x001012d6, -- "After a brief investigation, the witcher
was able to conclude that the weather anomaly was the doing of one of the resident
mages of Kaer Morhen, who had created a sort of outdoor greenhouse in which to
cultivate the herbs used for the Trial of the Grasses. Though you might not know
this, Geralt is quite the handyman, something which came in handy (pun unintended)
at this time. He banged and nudged the broken magical apparatus and returned it to
working order in no time. Before long, rare herbs were growing outside Kaer Morhen
once again."

chunk[6] = {
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children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Investigate weather anomaly using witcher senses",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate weather anomaly using witcher senses",
children = {
title = 0x000fa053, -- "Investigate the weather anomaly using your
Witcher Senses."

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baseName = "mq4002_mappin_anomaly",
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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Dispell magical anomaly",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dispell magical anomaly",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fa071, -- "Use the obelisks to restore the place's proper

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index = 2,
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Kill Czart from anomaly",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Czart from anomaly",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fa085, -- "Kill the chort."

chunk[14] = {
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Visit anomaly spot after few days",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit anomaly spot after few days",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fa087, -- "Return to the site of the anomaly in a few

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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Read the notes",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read notes",
index = 4,
title = 0x00109513, -- "Read the mage's letter."
bookShortcut = "mq4002_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq4003lake.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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title = 0x000fa8c8, -- "Monster Slayer"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ4003 Lake Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4003 Lake Beginning",
description = 0x001012d7, -- "While walking along the shore of the lake
near Kaer Morhen, Geralt came across the body of a drowner. The witcher thought at
first that Lambert or Eskel had killed the creature - but upon closer inspection he
soon discovered there were no marks dealt by sword or Sign. It was thus clear
someone - or something - else had done the drowner in. They say the enemy of one's
enemy is a friend, but Geralt wanted to see who exactly this drowner-killing
"friend" was.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ4003 Lake Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4003 Lake Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x001012e0, -- "It turned out the drowners had perished at
the hands of an old rock troll who clearly did not want them as neighbors. He
didn't seem fond of Geralt's presence, either - or at least, it seems safe to
conclude as much, given that he tried to tear the witcher to shreds as soon as he
saw him. Witchers make tougher opponents than drowners, however, and the troll was
soon cut down. Geralt then uncovered a very interesting document in the troll's
cave that shed new light on the Salamandra's attack on the fortress years prior."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objective",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 5A015E88-4BCE4466-A88BAC9F-C0C66839",
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children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Investigate case of dead drowners around lake",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate case of dead drowners around lake",
children = {
title = 0x000fa8d2, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find out what's
killing drowners near the lake."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mq4003_mappin_lake",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4003_mappin_lake 62F2B7B1-4D7F6656-FD0EB8AE-
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mapPinID = "mq4003_mappin_lake3",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Kill troll",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill troll",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000feda3, -- "Kill the troll."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "mq4003_mappin_lair",
order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "mq4003_mappin_lair",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Investigate troll's lair",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate troll's lair",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000feda8, -- "Search the troll's lair."
chunk[14] = {
baseName = "mq4003_mappin_lair",
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radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4003_mappin_lair",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Read letter you found",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read letter you found",
index = 3,
title = 0x000fedc6, -- "Read the letter."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq4004bastion.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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baseName = "mq4004_bastion",
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title = 0x000fb50b, -- "The Bastion"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ4004 Bastion Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4004 Bastion Beginning",
description = 0x001012e1, -- "An observation tower located on a hillside
near Kaer Morhen caught Geralt's eye. Though the structure had been there for as
long as he could remember, this was the first time in ages he had bothered to
inspect it more closely. When he did, he discovered a whole heap of wraiths had
taken up residence within. I've said it before and I'll say it again - witchers
make horrible housekeepers.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ4004 Bastion Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4004 Bastion Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x001012e2, -- "Geralt was able to deduce from the
evidence at hand that the fortress was haunted by the ghost of a boy who had once
trained to be a witcher. His monster slaying career had been tragically nipped in
the bud when enraged fanatics attacked Kaer Morhen. <br><br>Geralt found and buried
the poor lad's remains, and along with them two swords, one of silver, the other of
steel. He hoped this would give the boy's tortured soul some peace and allow him to
depart from the old bastion."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective 30630EEB-42CC54B2-C283F28D-244BBA64",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Check old bastion by Kaer Morhen",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check old bastion by Kaer Morhen",
children = {
title = 0x000fb50c, -- "Explore the old bastion near Kaer Morhen using
your Witcher Senses."

chunk[8] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4004_mappin_bastion",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Wipe out wraiths roaming in bastion",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wipe out wraiths roaming in bastion",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fb50d, -- "Eliminate the wraiths haunting the old bastion."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mq4004_mappin_bastion",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4004_mappin_bastion E1B9E905-4909B154-3361CEB1-
radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4004_mappin_bastion",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Come back after abtaining object to read ghost marks",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Come back after abtaining object to read ghost
index = 2,
title = 0x000fb50e, -- "Find a tool that might help you investigate the
old bastion."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Investigate old bastion by Kaer Morhen",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate old bastion by Kaer Morhen",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fb50f, -- "Explore the old bastion near Kaer Morhen using
your Witcher Senses."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mq4004_mappin_bastion",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4004_mappin_bastion 4E6F7CA6-4D1F8DE9-65CE499D-
radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4004_mappin_bastion",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Use magic lamp to see past events in bastion",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use magic lamp to see past events in bastion",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000fb510, -- "Use Keira's lamp to investigate the old

chunk[15] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4004_mappin_bastion FE7F5015-4CE4FE9A-6170C6A3-
radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4004_mappin_bastion",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Find remains of a boy in bastion",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find remains of a boy in bastion",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000fb511, -- "Look for the boy's remains around the bastion
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "mq4004_mappin_bastion",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4004_mappin_bastion A80D5A13-4AD4AE65-F5DD1B9F-
radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4004_mappin_bastion",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Use magic lamp to see what happened with a boy",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use magic lamp to see what happened with a boy",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x000fb512, -- "Use Keira's lamp to find out what happened to
the boy."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "mq4004_mappin_boy_remains",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4004_mappin_boy_remains 173F9891-4ACE84C3-6387F491-
mapPinID = "mq4004_mappin_boy_remains",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Pick up remains of a boy",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pick up remains of a boy",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x000fb513, -- "Pick up the boy's remains."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "mq4004_mappin_boy_remains",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4004_mappin_boy_remains E60F74B6-4391E9FC-366FE99D-
mapPinID = "mq4004_mappin_boy_remains",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Bury remains of a boy",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bury remains of a boy",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x000fb514, -- "Bury the boy's remains."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "mq4004_mappin_grave",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4004_mappin_grave BAE8B750-458893D0-38B3FC9B-
mapPinID = "mq4004_mappin_grave",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq4005sword.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq4005_sword",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4005_sword",
children = {
title = 0x000fafc5, -- "Berengar's Blade"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 21075346-4EAB689B-697151AA-8E851254",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ4005 Sword Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4005 Sword Beginning",
description = 0x001012e3, -- "In one of the now-unused bedrooms of Kaer
Morhen Geralt found a note left by Berengar, a witcher who had once been his
companion and colleague. The note indicated Berengar had been working on forging an
exceptional sword called Tor'haerne. The note was sparing in its details, so Geralt
decided to ask Vesemir if he knew something more on the subject.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ4005 Sword Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4005 Sword Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x001012e4, -- "The elder witcher told Geralt the story of
how Berengar had tried to forge a silver sword with extraordinary characteristics.
All his attempts, however, went awry and he lost the diagram while trekking
downriver to kill a chort. <br><br>Geralt finished what Berengar had started: he
followed the same route, killed the monster and retrieved the Tor'haerne diagram."

chunk[6] = {
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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Read Berengar's notes",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Berengar's notes",
title = 0x000fafc8, -- "Read Berengar's notes."
bookShortcut = "mq4005_note_1",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Talk to Vesemir",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Vesemir",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fafca, -- "Talk to Vesemir."

chunk[9] = {
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mapPinID = "vesemir",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Travel to the source of river going around Kaer Morhen",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Travel to the source of river going around Kaer
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fb0a8, -- "Head down the river to the chort's cave."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "mq4005_mappin_entrance",
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mapPinID = "mq4005_mappin_source",
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Investigate the cave",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate the cave",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fafd2, -- "Explore the cave using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "mq4005_mappin_cave",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4005_mappin_cave CFCB09CB-4A2E92CC-39EC7B82-
radius = 45.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4005_mappin_cave",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Kill Czart",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Czart",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000fafd3, -- "Kill the chort."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "mq4005_mappin_cave",
order = 2147483647,
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radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4005_mappin_cave",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Search the cave in order to find the silver sword diagram",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the cave in order to find the silver sword
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000fafd5, -- "Look for a silver sword in the cave using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "mq4005_mappin_cave",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4005_mappin_cave 52132916-4F356758-262620A1-
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mapPinID = "mq4005_mappin_cave",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq4006armor.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "mq4006_armor",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4006_armor",
children = {
world = 3,
title = 0x000fbc43, -- "The Witchers' Forge"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 05E66056-413AADE1-9A86BB91-3EAA3C14",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "MQ4006 Armor Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4006 Armor Beginning",
description = 0x001012e5, -- "While poking around in the forgotten
recesses of Kaer Morhen, Geralt happened across an illusory wall. He removed the
illusion and behind it found a copy of the tome "Monstrum, or A Portrayal of
Witchers." This tract had caused him no end of trouble and he would have tossed it
onto the fire at once - if not for the intriguing handwritten note on the first

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "MQ4006 Armor Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "MQ4006 Armor Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x001012e7, -- "Geralt followed the directions found in
the tome's notes and arrived at an old iron mine. After dispatching an earth
elemental guardian, he found the tome could be used as a sort of key opening a
passageway leading to an old forge. To his great surprise, this forge began
speaking to him. Though some might suspect the witcher had merely breathed a bit
too much of the musty mine air, he claimed an ifrit, a fire elemental of some kind,
had been used ages ago by a mage who created special equipment for the Wolf School
witchers. This elemental remained vigilant all these years after the mage's death
and thus Geralt had to defeat it in order to get at the secret stash of high-
quality gear hidden behind the forge."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objective",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective E0962FB0-40425CBD-BE587BAB-07F838C9",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Read misterious copy of Monstrum",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read misterious copy of Monstrum",
title = 0x000fbc61, -- "Read the copy of the tome."
bookShortcut = "mq4006_book",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Visit mine by Kaer Morhen",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit mine by Kaer Morhen",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fbc62, -- "Go to the mine near Kaer Morhen."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "mq4006_mappin_mine",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4006_mappin_mine 706DF306-44B5C1F2-00D882BE-
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Search the mine",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the mine",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fbca8, -- "Search the mine using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[11] = {
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radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4006_mappin_searching_mine",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Kill Earth Elemental",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Earth Elemental CC5E63E2-4B3BE3E0-141C3D92-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fbcba, -- "Kill the earth elemental."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mq4006_dao",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mq4006_dao DCCFF37C-492F43DB-A78E63A3-2679AAE2",
mapPinID = "mq4006_dao",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Place Monstrum book on the pedestal",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Place Monstrum book on the pedestal",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000fbcbb, -- "Put the tome on the pedestal."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "mq4006_mappin_pedestal",
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mapPinID = "mq4006_mappin_pedestal",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Investigate secret chamber",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigate secret chamber",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000fbcf0, -- "Search the mysterious chamber using your Witcher

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radius = 25.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4006_mappin_forge",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Kill Ifryt",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Ifryt",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x000fbd04, -- "Kill the ifrit."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "mq4006_mappin_forge",
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radius = 25.000000,
mapPinID = "mq4006_mappin_forge",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Search forgery",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search forgery",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x000fbd0f, -- "Remove the illusion."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "mq4006_mappin_forge",
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mapPinID = "mq4006_mappin_forge",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/mq5004horse.journal:

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title = 0x00106f42, -- "Faithful Friend"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Begin B9E0F550-4CEA6820-CEEEC3A3-DB1A1C7D",
description = 0x00107046, -- "Some time after he reunited with Yennefer
in White Orchard Geralt returned to that village. During his previous visit, he had
hunted a griffin. This time, his task was to catch a runaway horse.<br>"

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baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 8DB4F6A2-4D82FA3B-89F99A8C-B09A1609",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107047, -- "The horse belonged to a soldier returning
from war. It turned out it had run off to seek its beloved master. Geralt got into
a chat with the soldier and listened to a few of his bitter words about the last
phases of the war."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Catch",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Catch 96D61011-49C0CD0D-49CBD593-B9E2D11B",
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baseName = "Catch the horse",
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children = {
title = 0x00106f43, -- "Catch the runaway horse."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/mswerewolfdemo.journal:

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children = {
title = 0x000906cb, -- "The Beast of Crookback Bog"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Initial C6A7A6CC-4EBCD414-EB2F2FB2-1781EC69",
description = 0x000906cc, -- "At Crow Perch Geralt took on a contract to
kill a beast attacking merchants journeying to the Baron's estate. The witcher
spoke with witnesses and learned all the monster's victims had their throats torn
open and were partially eaten. The only man to survive an attack by the beast
claimed the monster came from Crookback Bog."

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baseName = "Killed",
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index = 1,
description = 0x000906eb, -- "The beast of Crookback Bog turned out to
be a werewolf. Geralt killed the monster and was thus able to take its tongue back
to Crow Perch and exchange this trophy for his promised reward."

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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Whatever objective",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Whatever objective A73381CE-42411169-7F58DEAE-
title = 0x00090853, -- "Find and kill the beast of Crookback Bog."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Get the reward",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get the reward 40A97E23-45263A4C-74263EA9-C129F865",
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title = 0x00090c71, -- "Exchange the trophy for a reward."

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chunk[10] = {
-- gameplay/journal/quests/pearldiverstreasure.journal:

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title = 0x0010720f, -- "Pearls of the Coast"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the pearldiver's treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the pearldiver's treasure",
description = 0x0010720e, -- "Leif,<br><br>Go round up a few pearl
divers and bring them here. But good ones this time - those turds we brought in
from Spikeroog drowned before they could be any use to us.<br><br>I don't know,
maybe that ship really has sunk too deep for any man to pull anything out of it...
but it's worth a try. From what the survivors said, it was carrying a mighty hefty
load of silver.<br><br>-Ove.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Pearldiver's treasure found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pearldiver's treasure found",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010720d, -- "The evidence all suggested the pearl
divers never came… or else they revolted and killed their employers. We shall most
likely never know the truth, yet it is clear they left a few valuable triflings on
the sea floor. Geralt collected them and judged it worth the effort."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 5415B580-40CD5ACD-299949A4-924B1550",
index = 2,
description = 0x001094cc, -- "During his journeys Geralt came across an
unsent letter. He could not help but wonder what might be written in it."

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baseName = "Search the area for the pearldiver's treasure",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the area for the pearldiver's treasure",
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title = 0x00107224, -- "Search for treasure on the sea floor using your
Witcher Senses."
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title = 0x001094cb, -- "Read the unsent letter."
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/pirate.journal:

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title = 0x00029b7a, -- "The King is Dead - Long Live the King"

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title = 0x00029b1c, -- "Go with Yennefer to the wake inside Kaer

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title = 0x001054aa, -- "Pull Hjalmar's axe out of the stump."

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baseName = "Look around for an opportunity to escape from the trap",
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title = 0x001068d6, -- "Look around for a way to escape from the trap."

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chunk[44] = {
baseName = "Q201 Bran’s Reception Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q201 Bran�s Reception Beginning 9573073A-491CD930-
description = 0x001004ee, -- "Crach an Craite, an old friend, invited
Geralt and Yennefer to a farewell feast for the recently-departed King Bran. One
does not refuse such invitations in Skellige, and so, willing or not, Geralt had no
choice but to meet Yennefer at the castle gates and attend the wake at her

chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Q201 Bran’s Reception Break In",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q201 Bran�s Reception Break In 441B1AA2-46B18599-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100523, -- "Bran's wake was in full swing, with mead
flowing plentifully and Geralt making quite a splash with the jarls, when suddenly
Yennefer announced she needed to meet with the witcher in a more private setting.
Yet she did not have in mind what you do, dear reader. Instead, she wanted Geralt
to accompany her as she broke into the druid Ermion's laboratory. Her goal? To
steal the artifact known as the Mask of Uroboros.<br>As you can see, life with
Yennefer was full of surprises, a fact Geralt had grown used to and even, one dares
say, quite fond of.<br>"

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "Q201 Bran’s Reception After Sex",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q201 Bran�s Reception After Sex 6EEA6F07-44468597-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100526, -- "After much wandering, Yennefer had finally
found the mask she had been seeking. When Ermion's laboratory grew dangerous, she
teleported herself and Geralt back to her quarters. Once there, they… well, what
they did is not really any of your concern, dear reader.<br><br>Afterwards, they
returned to the wake.<br>"

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Q201 Bran’s Reception Ending",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q201 Bran�s Reception Ending F5CAF1E2-4D13D8C5-
index = 3,
description = 0x0010052a, -- "Crach an Craite only arrived as the wake
was drawing to a close - he and the other jarls had locked themselves away in a
proverbial smoke-filled room to scheme plans for Skellige's future. That business
finished, he now pulled Geralt and Yen aside for a talk. When he heard they were
searching for Ciri, he agreed at once to provide them with everything they
needed.<br><br>Luckily for Crach's treasury, Yennefer did not need everything, just
Ermion's permission to examine a mysteriously deformed forest - the result of a
magic explosion that might have involved Ciri.<br>Crach promised to convince
Ermion, and as his word was as reliable as his beard was red, Geralt and Yennefer
set off at once towards the magic-damaged woods."

chunk[48] = {
baseName = "Q201 Bran’s Reception No Sex",
order = 4093640702,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q201 Bran�s Reception No Sex A9CEEB0C-42043D6F-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100527, -- "After much wandering Yennefer finally
acquired the mask she sought. As Ermion's laboratory had grown rather dangerous,
she teleported Geralt and herself back to the wake, where they landed with a thud
in the middle of the ongoing party. Luckily all the feastgoers were already too
inebriated to notice anything out of the usual.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q001beggining.journal:

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children = {
title = 0x0008d2ce, -- "Join Ciri in a run along the ramparts down to
the lower courtyard."

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title = 0x0008d2cf, -- "Train with the other witchers."

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baseName = "vesemir",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "vesemir",
mapPinID = "vesemir",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "find key to the bedroom",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find key to the bedroom",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001087b0, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find the key to the
bedroom door."

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description = 0x0010086a, -- "Every story has to start somewhere. This
one starts in the guest room at Kaer Morhen, the stronghold of the witchers in the
Blue Mountains. It starts with Geralt taking a bath, disproving the theory that
witchers neglect personal hygiene. But as he's bathing, he is brusquely interrupted
by Yennefer - does she ever interrupt in any other way? She reminds him that he was
supposed to train with Ciri. What could our hero do but bid the sorceress farewell
and descend into the courtyard of the fortress? Little did he know this would mark
the start of a great adventure.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x0010086b, -- "As it turned out, all that happened at
Kaer Morhen was but a dream… The kind that wakes even witchers, screaming, a cold
sweat on their brow. Geralt crouched by the fire and surveyed the land, a land
ravaged by war, signs of battle stretching to the horizon. But he had not chosen
this campsite for its view - Yennefer's trail had brought him there…"

chunk[24] = {
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chunk[42] = {
baseName = "lock target",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Namierz Vesemira i oznacz go jako sw�j cel.",
index = 15,
title = 0x00109519, -- "Aim at Vesemir and mark him as your target."

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "roll",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Perform few rolls",
index = 16,
title = 0x0010962d, -- "Roll out of the way of Vesemir's blows."
count = 2,

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q001yennsearch.journal:

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title = 0x000297a5, -- "Go to the tavern in White Orchard."

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chunk[8] = {
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title = 0x000297a3, -- "Ask travelers about Yennefer."

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chunk[13] = {
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baseName = "Talk to Vesemir about departure",
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title = 0x0008559e, -- "Prepare to leave White Orchard with Vesemir."

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chunk[24] = {
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chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Quest Started",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started Q001 Find Yennefer",
description = 0x0010088b, -- "Yennefer had contacted Geralt - finally.
They had not seen each other in years. And then she'd sent him a letter, smelling
of lilac and gooseberries, of course, asking him to meet her in the village of
Willoughby. "About a matter of great importance," she had written.<br><br>So as was
his wont when it came to all things Yennefer, the witcher raced off at breakneck
speed. Alas, he arrived too late. Passing armies had razed Willoughby to the
ground. Yennefer was nowhere in sight. With the help of Vesemir, whom Geralt had
encountered along the way, Geralt picked up her trail, which the two witchers then
followed. Yen had ridden north, traversing wild lands and battlefields at great
speed. She was in a hurry. Perhaps she was in trouble…<br>"

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished Q001 Find Yennefer",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010088a, -- "Ultimately it was Yennefer who found
Geralt. The one-time lovers had not even a moment to enjoy their reunion, for
Yennefer insisted they ride to Vizima as quickly as possible. The emperor of
Nilfgaard awaited them there. Though Temeria's former capital was but a few miles
from White Orchard, the journey was to be rife with drama…"

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q002bandits.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q002 Bandit attack",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q002 Bandit attack 03E485C6-4719EFBD-29B7288E-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x00053dba, -- "The Incident at White Orchard"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "attack",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "attack C0A6ED55-40928F10-FB23E092-6FD07EC2",
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baseName = "kill the bandits",
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title = 0x00053dcd, -- "Kill the bandits."

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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Started",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started Q002 Bandit attack",
description = 0x00100894, -- "Witchers should be neutral, avoid meddling
in the affairs of others. But at times, it's hard to be indifferent… While
searching for Yennefer, Geralt and Vesemir stopped by the tavern in the village of
White Orchard. When a row erupted in the establishment soon afterwards, Vesemir
decided to defend the besieged innkeep. Unfortunately, instead of calming the
situation, he inflamed it. The witchers were forced to draw their steel swords.
Those they use to kill humans.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished Q002 Bandit attack",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100895, -- "They say idioms are the wisdom of nations.
But the saying "With many against one, even a witcher's done" rarely proves true.
Though their foes held the advantage in numbers, Geralt and Vesemir tended to them
handily. Unfortunately, the innkeeper they had sought to protect hardly appreciated
the gesture. Terrified at the bloody massacre, she tossed her saviors out the

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q002griffin.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q002 Griffin hunt",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q002 Griffin hunt F6086B74-4E68EDFF-D79CE191-
children = {
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title = 0x00053db9, -- "The Beast of White Orchard"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Started",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started Q002 Griffin hunt",
description = 0x0010088e, -- "The commander of the Nilfgaardian garrison
in White Orchard knew where Yennefer had gone. Shrewdly, he was unwilling to share
this information for free. A man with substantial experience, he knew full well
Geralt would do anything to find the sorceress. As luck would have it, there was a
griffin about, a beast the commander's soldiers had been unable to hunt down. The
commander could demand but one thing: the monster's head in exchange for his

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Investigated Nest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigated Nest Q002 Griffin hunt",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010088f, -- "The witcher investigated and learned that
the griffin he had encountered along the high road outside of White Orchard had
good reason to prey on the local populace. The soldiers the Nilfgaardian commander
had sent out to scout had, in fact, killed the griffin's brooding mate. Griffins
are known to mate for life, and Geralt thus felt a pang of pity for the beast. But,
ever the professional, he could not let his feelings interfere with his work.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished Q002 Griffin hunt",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100893, -- "Once it came to ambushing the feathery
widower, Geralt turned to Vesemir for help. With two witchers lunging at its
throat, the griffin of White Orchard proved a lamb for the slaughter. As is the way
of his order, Geralt took the beast's head as his trophy and delivered it to the
Nilfgaardian garrison for his reward, which, as you might remember, was to be
information about Yennefer."

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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Talk to the Huntsman",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the Huntsman",
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title = 0x00085590, -- "Ask the hunter where he found the bodies."

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title = 0x00085591, -- "Ask the herbalist about buckthorn."

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title = 0x00085592, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find the hunter."

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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00085594, -- "Examine the site of the Nilfgaardian soldiers'
death using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00085595, -- "Search the griffin's nest using your Witcher

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title = 0x00085596, -- "Find some buckthorn on the riverbed using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00085598, -- "Meet Vesemir in the field where you plan to
ambush the griffin."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the Griffin 3BC4B86D-4C297355-68F5E69D-
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title = 0x00085599, -- "Kill the griffin."

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baseName = "Get reward from Nilfgaardians",
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title = 0x0008559c, -- "Collect your reward from the Nilfgaardians."

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title = 0x000855a0, -- "Take a trophy from the griffin's corpse."

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chunk[48] = {
baseName = "Prepare for battle against the Gryphon",
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index = 4,
title = 0x00108c95, -- "Prepare to fight the griffin."

chunk[49] = {

chunk[50] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q002healingwoman.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q002 Healing Woman",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q002 Healing Woman DA94CD0C-432B1FF9-8FE93C94-
children = {
world = 4,
title = 0x00085a12, -- "On Death's Bed"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Started",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started Q002 Healing Woman",
description = 0x00100953, -- "Once again Geralt had a near impossible
choice to make - a choice between a greater and lesser evil. While preparing to
hunt the griffin, he had come across one of the beast's victims - a simple peasant
woman named Lena. She had been on her way to meet her lover when the griffin
attacked. The beast had mortally wounded her. A witcher's potion could save her
life… or cause her to perish in agony.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished Q002 Healing Woman",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100957, -- "The witcher decided to help Lena. Geralt
then left White Orchard before he could learn the results of the risky treatment he
applied. Soon afterwards, while visiting the Nilfgaardian garrison in Velen, he
learned the woman had survived. The imperial infantryman with whom she was to meet
the ill-fated evening of the griffin's attack had brought her to a nearby village.
Sadly, none of this denoted a happy ending. Though the wounds on Lena's body had
healed, the toxins in the witcher's brew had melted her mind. This was not the
first time a cure had proven worse than the disease.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Abandoned",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Abandoned",
index = 2,
description = 0x001028bb, -- "They say witchers do not feel as humans
do. That they are stripped of emotion, untroubled by doubts and dilemmas. This
might be true for some of the caste - Lambert possibly being a case in point. But
there is no doubt Geralt was different. He honestly debated what to do with Lena,
considered what would be the lesser evil, and did so for so long that the woman
finally succumbed to her wounds."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Healing",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Healing 7AF8D0F7-49F11A3A-B9112496-9BFA1ACD",
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Create Swallow",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Create Swallow 2372FF26-4BF786A2-C9350EA1-E592FD11",
title = 0x0008571b, -- "Brew a dose of the Swallow potion."
recipeShortcut = "Recipe for Swallow 1",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Bring elixirs to the Herbalist",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bring elixirs to the Herbalist 01F352B9-4B085FB4-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00085735, -- "Take the potion to the herbalist."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "q002_witch",
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mapPinID = "q002_witch",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q002vizimapalace.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q002 Vizima Palace",
order = 3690987518,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q002 Vizima Palace 3A6B433B-47EA9285-23D96FB9-
children = {
world = 5,
title = 0x000fff7b, -- "Imperial Audience"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 13EF09B0-4EEA6491-1A6D3A9F-CF7F385D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Started",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started Q002 Vizima Palace",
description = 0x00100970, -- "Geralt had spent years looking for
Yennefer, only to have her find him. She had appeared outside the tavern in White
Orchard, escorted by Nilfgaardian soldiers. The one-time lovers could not enjoy
their reunion, for the sorceress had insisted they make haste.<br><br>Geralt and
Yennefer had then left White Orchard accompanied by the Nilfgaardians, but only the
witcher and the sorceress reached Vizima. Along the way their column was attacked
by a cavalcade of wraiths: the omen of war - the Wild Hunt.<br><br>Geralt's head
was abuzz with questions. What had Yen gotten into? How had the Hunt found them?
Why was it looking for them? Why had he been summoned to Vizima? He was to get his
answers from none other than the Emperor of Nilfgaard himself, Emhyr var Emreis,
the White Flame Dancing on the Graves of his Foes. The most powerful man in the
known world.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished Q002 Vizima Palace",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010097e, -- "Short though it was, Geralt's audience
with Emhyr proved substantial. The emperor's daughter and Geralt's erstwhile ward
and friend, Cirilla, had returned from… a faraway land. She was in danger, her life
was threatened - the Wild Hunt was pursuing her. Emhyr knew he had to find his
long-unseen progeny before the wraiths did. First he had sought Yennefer's help.
Yet they soon discovered that the sorceress' locating spells attracted the Hunt's
attention. It was clear - they had to find Ciri without resorting to magic,
employing only conventional means. Few men are better trackers than my old friend
Geralt of Rivia, so Emhyr promised him a mountain of gold in exchange for his help.
Yet Geralt accepted the task willingly - for personal, not material, reasons. This
I know for certain, because of all the people in the world, Ciri was dearest to
Geralt. He would do anything to save her."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Palace",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Palace 318AE50C-486066F2-B627B2B9-589D978A",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Dress up and talk to chamberlain",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dress up and talk to chamberlain 8D108C7C-45B68244-
children = {
title = 0x000fff7c, -- "Get dressed and talk to the chamberlain."

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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Talk to Yennefer",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Yennefer 87B661D9-43429B56-83558EA6-
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title = 0x000fff7e, -- "Talk to Yennefer."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "yennefer",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "yennefer",
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Get your equipment back from Chamberlain",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get your equipment back from Chamberlain 3F19346F-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fff7f, -- "Retrieve your equipment from the chamberlain."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "chamberlain_emhyr",
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mapPinID = "chamberlain_emhyr",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q101agent.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "Q101 Agent",
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title = 0x00055607, -- "The Nilfgaardian Connection"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Agent C72BF60D-45F33047-5DEC01A5-3DD7F9E4",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find Agent",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Agent",
children = {
title = 0x00053567, -- "Go to the Inn at the Crossroads."

chunk[5] = {
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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Talk to Agent",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Agent",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00053568, -- "Ask about the agent called Hendrik at the Inn at
the Crossroads."

chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q101_crossroad_tavern_mappin 768BC342-4E7FBEB6-
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mapPinID = "q101_crossroad_tavern_mappin",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Kill Baron's Men",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Baron's Men",
index = 2,
title = 0x00053569, -- "Defeat the baron's men."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "find hendrik village",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find hendrik village",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00073d9d, -- "Look for the agent called Hendrik in the village
of Heatherton."

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chunk[11] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find Hendrik",
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children = {
title = 0x00073daf, -- "Find the agent called Hendrik."

chunk[12] = {
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chunk[13] = {
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children = {
title = 0x00073dae, -- "Search the agent's hut using your Witcher

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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Velen",
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title = 0x00102beb, -- "Travel to Velen."

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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "continue conversation",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "continue conversation",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x00073d9c, -- "Finish talking to the innkeep about the agent
called Hendrik."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "q101_barkeep",
order = 2147483647,
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chunk[19] = {
baseName = "talk to survivor",
order = 4041211902,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "talk to survivor",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x00073d9e, -- "Talk to the survivor and learn what happened in
the village."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "q101_village_survivor",
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index = 1,
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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Description 1C64FD0F-4505D05E-B6B60C8F-9AAB9F80",
description = 0x0010126c, -- "Geralt traveled to Velen in search of
Ciri, an act that attested to the depth of his devotion. Only a man who has been to
this land can know just how vile it is. At this time it was commonly known as No
Man's Land. Why? Well, the emperor of Nilfgaard had not yet claimed it, Temeria was
in disarray, and the Redanians had already retreated north. No Man had been left in
charge, and he had proved a terrible ruler.<br><br>Geralt needed to find Hendrik,
an imperial agent who had been working on Ciri's case, and to collect from him what
information he had managed to gather.<br>"

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Description A366B90D-40736343-D7BD00BB-915575CA",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010126d, -- "Yet it turned out Hendrik was no longer
among the living - the Wild Hunt had murdered him. The spectral riders were also
searching for Ciri and had beaten Geralt to the punch. The witcher only managed to
obtain a few perfunctory notes about his ward, though thankfully these contained
some scraps of valuable information. It seemed Ciri had been a guest of the Bloody
Baron, the self-proclaimed ruler of Velen, and that she had quarreled with some
witch, presumably the one living near the village of Midcopse."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q103ciriroom.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q103 Ciri's Chamber",
order = 908066814,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Ciris Chamber",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00100244, -- "Ciri's Room"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 0CF5C04A-4ED5119B-04DB5BA0-F1F5E47C",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q103 Cir's Chamber Beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Cir's Chamber Beggining",
description = 0x00100245, -- "Having learned which room Ciri had stayed
in during her time at Crow's Perch, Geralt, for whom any excuse to paw through
others' possessions is a good one, decided to search it and see if she had left
anything behind that might help him find her.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q103 Cir's Chamber Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Cir's Chamber Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100246, -- "Though Geralt failed to find any
breakthrough clues in Ciri's room, he was moved near to tears by the signs of her
presence that he found there. They say witchers do not experience emotions as
strongly as ordinary humans, but there was a powerful bond between Geralt and Ciri,
and in that moment the witcher could not keep his heart from swelling.<br><br>As he
searched, he realized Ciri must have left Crow's Perch in a great hurry. But where
was she hurrying to? That our hero did not know."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 4EB9AE04-438B1ED8-D43BA8B8-6EC1590E",
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children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Examine room where Ciri used to stay",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine room where Ciri used to stay",
children = {
title = 0x00100236, -- "Examine the room where Ciri stayed using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_ciri_room",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_ciri_room 0CF2C988-4269CB60-782F57AB-
radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_ciri_room",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Talk to Margaret in the kitchen",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Margaret in the kitchen",
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children = {
title = 0x00100237, -- "Go to the kitchen and talk to Gretka."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "margaret",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "margaret 2C8D74A7-408401C9-2C1C4480-1EFF01EC",
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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Read The Natural Obscurity of Curses found in Ciri's room",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read The Natural Obscurity of Curses found in Ciri's
index = 2,
title = 0x00107136, -- "Read the book entitled "The Natural Obscurity of
Curses" from Ciri's room."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q103firstreplacerciri.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q103 Arrival to Crow Perch",
order = 918552574,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Arrival to Crow Perch",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00100056, -- "Ciri's Story: The King of the Wolves"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 2D7A9E94-4A1B14D9-FD216280-BA44EFB3",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q103 First Replacer Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 First Replacer Begining",
description = 0x00100059, -- "Fleeing the monsters of Crookback Bog,
Ciri arrived at a dried-up branch of the Pontar.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q103 First Replacer Ending",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 First Replacer Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010005a, -- "While trekking up the former riverbed,
Ciri came across a girl named Gretka. The child spoke in a quivering voice of the
fearsome Wolf King, who, in a twist straight out of a spine-tingling ballad,
prowled the very path they needed to travel.<br><br>The Wolf King, it turned out,
was in truth a common werewolf. Ciri slew it, but sustained a wound in the battle.
A villager whom the werewolf had been threatening just before Ciri intervened
thanked her for saving his life and offered to take her and Gretka to Crow's Perch,
where the baron would feed them and tend to their wounds.<br>"
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 95533B8F-41613C0B-C0B46B9D-3CF369C4",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Get through riverbed and find help",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get through riverbed and find help FBCDF34D-4AECBCF0-
children = {
title = 0x0007510c, -- "Follow the riverbed and find help."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_sroda",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_sroda C2760AA9-48399224-57661A91-
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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Kill wolfs",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill wolfs EC62FEA9-440A0E4B-B22109BC-4BD7ED53",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00078f91, -- "Kill the wolves."

chunk[10] = {
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chunk[11] = {
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title = 0x00075117, -- "Follow Gretka."

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chunk[15] = {
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title = 0x0007511b, -- "Protect Gretka from the wolves."

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title = 0x0007515b, -- "Kill the werewolf."

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baseName = "Gather Wolfsbane",
order = 4244635646,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gather Wolfsbane",
index = 6,
title = 0x001039ad, -- "Gather wolfsbane."
count = 3,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Gather Fools parsley leaves",
order = 4253024254,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gather Fools parsley leaves",
index = 7,
title = 0x001039ae, -- "Gather fool's parsley."
count = 2,

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Gather Wolf liver",
order = 4257218558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gather Wolf liver",
index = 8,
title = 0x001039af, -- "Acquire wolf's liver."
count = 1,

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Gather Wolf tallow",
order = 4259315710,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gather Wolf tallow",
index = 9,
title = 0x001039b0, -- "Acquire dog tallow."
count = 1,

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Gather Mistletoe",
order = 4288675838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gather Mistletoe",
index = 10,
title = 0x001039d5, -- "Gather mistletoe."
count = 3,

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q103goat.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q103 Epic Goat Adventure",
order = 914358270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Epic Goat Adventure 76EBF26B-42EE49CF-D65167A4-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x000fee3f, -- "A Princess in Distress"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions CA2991B4-4D9BEDC6-4FC4BE9B-D948EE7B",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q103 Goat Adventure Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Goat Adventure Beginning",
description = 0x000fee98, -- "Geralt's search for information about the
baron's wife and daughter took him to the local pellar. One glance and he knew the
man was highly eccentric - an impression only strengthened when the pellar
announced he would not divine what had happened to Anna and Tamara until Geralt
found Princess, his runaway goat. Having no other choice, Geralt set off on a wild
goat chase.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q103 Goat Adventure Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Goat Adventure Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x000fee9d, -- "As a knight errant will comb the rugged
heart of the wilderness to find the object of his quest, so Geralt searched for
Princess the goat in the woods around Blackbough.<br><br>In the end, he found the
caprine fugitive and, protecting it from manifold dangers along the way, led it
back to its delighted owner. As promised, the pellar would now help Geralt in his
search for the baron's missing family."
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Goat",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Goat D6B7DFC3-4424B3C9-AE5AFD9B-8A9F970F",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find missing goat using Pellar's Bell and listening to goat's
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find missing goat using Pellar's Bell and listening
to goat's sounds",
children = {
title = 0x000fee63, -- "Find the pellar's goat using the bell and your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_goat",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_goat D62EC5DB-45AD7D7B-F15E82A2-
radius = 70.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_goat",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Bring goat back",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bring goat back",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fee66, -- "Bring the goat to the pellar."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "guslar",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "guslar 5E2C5BDE-42483E7D-2F033892-E80C6C19",
mapPinID = "guslar",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q103_guslar_goat",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_guslar_goat D5766193-42E45E05-EE7D8789-
index = 1,
mapPinID = "q103_guslar_goat",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Make goat follow you useing Pellar's Bell 1",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Make goat follow you useing Pellar's Bell 1 C89C90ED-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fee67, -- "Use the bell and lead the goat to the pellar."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "q103_guslar_goat",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_guslar_goat 19F62BF2-4217E536-051076AD-
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Make goat follow you useing Pellar's Bell 2",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Make goat follow you useing Pellar's Bell 2 45A945DF-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fee68, -- "Use the bell and lead the goat to the pellar."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "q103_guslar_goat",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_guslar_goat 1F74976F-47BEB26F-19596395-
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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Make goat follow you useing Pellar's Bell 3",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Make goat follow you useing Pellar's Bell 3 16133F30-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000fee69, -- "Use the bell and lead the goat to the pellar."
chunk[17] = {
baseName = "q103_guslar_goat",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_guslar_goat BCA45BD6-419C1C04-84AEB1B9-
mapPinID = "q103_guslar_goat",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Protect the goat from bear",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protect the goat from bear",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000fee6a, -- "Defend the goat from the bear."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_bear",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_bear",
radius = 17.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_bear",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Make goat follow you useing Pellar's Bell 4",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Make goat follow you useing Pellar's Bell 4 A52B0A8B-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x000fee7c, -- "Use the bell and lead the goat to the pellar."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "q103_guslar_goat",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_guslar_goat 024C4AF8-4B1BAA8D-DDA106AD-
mapPinID = "q103_guslar_goat",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Find the goat that you have abandonded",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the goat that you have abandonded",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x000ffda5, -- "Find the pellar's goat."
chunk[23] = {
baseName = "q103_guslar_goat",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_guslar_goat B818A46A-4B94FD42-BA5FFCBE-
mapPinID = "q103_guslar_goat",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q103secondreplacerciri.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q103 The Race",
order = 920649726,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 The Race",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00100057, -- "Ciri's Story: The Race"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 89534022-45420946-70B3CCA8-0F37279C",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q103 Second Replacer Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Second Replacer Begining",
description = 0x0010005b, -- "The baron treated Ciri like a daughter -
no, better - for slaughtering a boar is sadly a delight few fathers think to share
with their daughters. His men took an immediate liking to her as well, mainly due
to her hunting prowess and passion for horses. One evening, as they were
celebrating a successful hunt around a bonfire, Ciri proposed a wager: if she beat
the baron in a horse race, he would give her a mount of her choosing. The baron
accepted the challenge.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q103 Second Replacer Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Second Replacer Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010005c, -- "The race was meant as a harmless
diversion, but soon took a different turn. Ciri and the baron, riding neck and
neck, had just caught sight of the tower serving as the finish line when suddenly a
basilisk landed at its base and turned its terrifying gaze upon them."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives C4852D3A-43BE435E-05D78E9B-A332110E",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Beat Baron in horserace",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beat Baron in horserace 6DAB1E88-45534F11-83B5559F-
children = {
title = 0x00075cd0, -- "Beat the baron in the horse race."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_race_end",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_race_end 6097037A-440ED84B-8DE234A7-
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_race_end",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q103thirdreplacerciri.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q103 Departure to Novigrad",
order = 921698302,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Departure to Novigrad",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00100058, -- "Ciri's Story: Out of the Shadows"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives 51E505E7-44D2AFFA-09ABEC80-ACE06E03",
children = {
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Kill Basilisk",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Basilisk 65D3A64E-451C89E8-1B241685-681929E4",
children = {
title = 0x000766c3, -- "Kill the basilisk."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_basilisk",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_basilisk",
radius = 25.000000,
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_basilisk",

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Save Baron from the tower",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Save Baron from the tower 28FE8A93-439D7290-3BA47E99-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00079509, -- "Get to the top of the tower and rescue the

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "q103_mappin_tower",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q103_mappin_tower",
mapPinID = "q103_mappin_tower",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 0710A5C7-45D1D722-F8F88F9A-7F7A9612",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Q103 Third Replacer Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Third Replacer Begining",
description = 0x0010005d, -- "Ciri and the baron were testing their
mettle in a horse race when a basilisk swooped down and put an end to the
competition. The beast snatched the baron up and carried him off to its nest. Ciri,
sparing no time for second thoughts, ran to his rescue.<br>"
chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Q103 Third Replacer Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Third Replacer Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010005e, -- "Ciri knew that to save the baron she had
to act quickly and use her special abilities. She made a desperate decision and, in
the blink of an eye, teleported herself next to the monster and swiftly cut off its
head.<br><br>This decision had consequences, however: Eredin could sense whenever
Ciri used her powers, meaning that even that short moment - in which she revealed
the strength lying dormant inside her - was enough to alert the Wild Hunt. Wanting
to save the area and her newfound friends from the destruction that would
inevitably follow in the Red Riders' wake, Ciri quickly abandoned Crow's Perch and
made her way to Novigrad, where she hoped to find Yennefer."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q104lookingforwitch.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q104 Looking for a Witch",
order = 922222590,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Looking for a Witch",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0010034b, -- "Hunting a Witch"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F250FED4-4A812BC0-DC7E5796-13A77AC5",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q104 Looking for a Witch Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Looking for a Witch Begining",
description = 0x0010044a, -- "The notes left by Hendrik, the
Nilfgaardian agent, mentioned that Ciri had quarreled with some witch, and that the
newt-stewer in question could be found near the village of Midcopse. Exactly where,
Geralt did not know - and so he was forced to swallow his manly pride and ask the
locals for directions.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q104 Looking for a Witch Hut Found",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Looking for a Witch Hut Found",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010044f, -- "The peasants of Midcopse were not overly
talkative, but in the end Geralt managed to get enough hints out of them to find
the witch's hut.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q104 Looking for a Witch Exploration",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Looking for a Witch Exploration",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010045f, -- "It turned out the witch Ciri had
conflicted with might have been Keira Metz, who was living near Midcopse disguised
as a village witch. Geralt had visited her before - but now he had to return to her
isolated hut to ask about his ward.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q104 Looking for a Witch Ending",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Looking for a Witch Ending",
index = 3,
description = 0x00100460, -- "Unfortunately, Keira had not actually
encountered Ciri, and the witch mentioned in Hendrik's notes was nowhere to be
found. Geralt's efforts were not entirely in vain, however. The sorceress had
recently entertained an unexpected guest - a masked elven mage. This mysterious
visitor was, like Geralt, interested in Ciri's whereabouts. Keira figured the mage
would be where she had left him and set off with Geralt towards his hideout."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Searching Keira",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Searching Keira",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Find witch on your own or ask villagers from Grooveside village",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find witch on your own or ask villagers from
Grooveside village",
children = {
title = 0x000298e0, -- "Find the witch on your own or ask the residents
of Midcopse about her."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "q104_mouths_village",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_mouths_village 4B167684-47E727EC-7BED03B5-
radius = 52.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_mouths_village",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q104_war_veteran",
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index = 1,
mapPinID = "q104_war_veteran",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "q104_woman_sweeping_floor",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_woman_sweeping_floor",
index = 2,
mapPinID = "q104_woman_sweeping_floor",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Try to overhear gossiper's chat",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Try to overhear gossiper's chat",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00063ab2, -- "Eavesdrop on the gossiping women."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "q104_gossip1",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_gossip1 B6CB1D73-43762822-91B3CFAB-0E125477",
mapPinID = "q104_gossip1",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "q104_gossip2",
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index = 1,
mapPinID = "q104_gossip2",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Talk to husband, who visits witch often",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to husband, who visits witch often",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000690a1, -- "Talk to the peasant who visits the witch often."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "q104_man_to_witch",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_man_to_witch 8DBA47E7-470366FF-4D4FB0BB-
mapPinID = "q104_man_to_witch",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Keep distance to gossiping ladies, so they don't see you
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keep distance to gossiping ladies, so they don't see
you eavesdropping",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0007960b, -- "Keep your distance from the gossiping ladies, so
they don't see you eavesdropping."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "q104_gossip1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_gossip1 F8673DC3-4D23C3E0-70CFEFAC-547128AB",
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_gossip1",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Find elongated pond by the village",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find elongated pond by the village",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000298e1, -- "Find the pond by the village."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_pond",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_mappin_pond E6660703-4151D146-1BCAC383-
radius = 35.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_mappin_pond",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Find oval stone",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find oval stone",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00103140, -- "Find the lone boulder."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_stone",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_mappin_stone DAEFC311-4396B729-5CFDC59E-
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mapPinID = "q104_mappin_stone",

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Find abandoned cart",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find abandoned cart",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00103141, -- "Find the abandoned cart."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_cart",
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radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_mappin_cart",

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Find house of the witch",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find house of the witch",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x00103142, -- "Find the witch's hut."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_keira_hut",
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radius = 20.000000,
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chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Meeting Witch",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meeting Witch",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Enter witch's hut",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Enter witch's hut",
children = {
title = 0x0007212b, -- "Talk to the witch in her hut."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "q104_keira_hut",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q104_keira_hut B17CFE2D-40B56B57-F965DC86-D58E785D",
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chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Search the hut",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the hut",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000f8eaf, -- "Search the hut using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[32] = {
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radius = 12.000000,
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Enter found portal",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Enter found portal",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000f8eb0, -- "Enter the portal in the witch's hut."

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_teleport_to_keira",
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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Search area for witch",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search area for witch",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000f8eb1, -- "Find the witch."

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "q104_keira_secret_room",
order = 2147483647,
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radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q104_keira_secret_room",

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "q104_mappin_teleport_to_keira",
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index = 1,
mapPinID = "q104_mappin_teleport_to_keira",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Talking to Witch",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talking to Witch",
index = 3,
children = {

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Talk to Keira Metz about Ciri",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Keira Metz about Ciri",
children = {
title = 0x00051eff, -- "Talk to Keira about Ciri."

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "keira",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "keira 5047E6B7-4F37580A-531A0A92-5FEC3740",
mapPinID = "keira",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q104postmine.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q104 Favour For Keira",
order = 926941182,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Favour For Keira 46D709E3-477DBFF9-A58BFE83-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x000fc884, -- "Magic Lamp"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions CFED865E-46203A0D-38A727A7-262EB6CA",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q104 Favour For Keira Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Favour For Keira Beginning",
description = 0x00100476, -- "Keira Metz had helped Geralt in his search
for Ciri, so the witcher decided to return the favor. The sorceress sought a magic
lamp which the mysterious elven mage had promised to give her. Since the object was
nowhere in sight, our heroes drew the only possible conclusion: that it lay
concealed somewhere in the underground passageways.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q104 Favour For Keira Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q104 Favour For Keira Ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100477, -- "Their intuition proved sound. In the end
Keira found the lamp she had sought, and our heroes could return to the surface.
Their trek underground had made friends of them, so Keira asked Geralt to come by
her hut, as she could use some companionship in her lonely backwoods exile."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives B3B12272-4B730AA6-E2D1F095-1432B890",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Search area for passage further into mines",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search area for passage further into mines D2BFB203-
children = {
title = 0x000fd920, -- "Search for a way to continue deeper

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chunk[13] = {
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title = 0x000fd92b, -- "Light the braziers in the correct order."

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title = 0x00100428, -- "Look for the lamp in the mage's laboratory using
your Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q105ciriescape.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q105 Ciri escape from swamps",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q105 Ciri escape from swamps 3325808C-48B20518-
children = {
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title = 0x00100779, -- "Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog"

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baseName = "Escape from crookback bog",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Escape from crookback bog B4946C35-4F6E7F8F-4F4430B1-
description = 0x001028fd, -- "When Ciri arrived in Velen, she found
herself in the very heart of the notorious Crookback Bog. Exhausted, she sought
shelter, but instead found herself in the clutches of three demonic sisters known
to the local peasants as the Ladies of the Wood. Ciri quickly realized how poorly
that name fit these bloodthirsty hags and fled. She escaped with her life by a
hair's breadth, but still had a long and dangerous trek through the marshes ahead
of her.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001028fe, -- "Crookback Bog is home to more than its
fair share of horrifying beasts, but none of them hold a candle to the general of
the Wild Hunt who chased Ciri now. Imlerith - for that was his name - had arrived
on the Crones' summons to take Ciri back to his king. The young witcher was able to
give her pursuer the slip, but the two foes were destined to meet again in the

chunk[6] = {
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chunk[7] = {
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order = 2147483647,
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q105evilspirit.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "Q105 Evil Spirit",
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title = 0x0006255c, -- "The Whispering Hillock"

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description = 0x00090bc5, -- "Something about life in dreary backwoods
settlements leads their inhabitants to hide the truth with misleading names. This
takes the form of both hyperbole - a clump of bare trees called "Dragon Spike
Forest" or a hole in the ground two paces deep named "The Chasm of Eternity" - and
understatement - a horrid massacre calmly referred to as "the incident." Velen fit
the mold in this regard, as Geralt learned while he wandered through it in search
of Ciri. There he encountered a trio of highly suspicious magical sisters called
the Ladies of the Wood, who directed him to a clump of bogside huts known as
Downwarren. Geralt was to solve their "problem": a rash of mysterious murders. He
spoke to the ealdorman and learned that the evil power behind the killings dwelled
in the Whispering Hillock. Wherever else?<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00090bc6, -- "The truth hidden under the Whispering
Hillock? A woman's spirit, imprisoned in a cave within it. Geralt felt sympathy for
the ill-treated ghost and helped it enter the body of a horse, thus regaining its

chunk[6] = {
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index = 2,
description = 0x00090bc7, -- "The truth hidden under the Whispering
Hillock? A woman's spirit, imprisoned in a cave within it. Geralt concluded this
foul being was responsible for murdering the inhabitants of Downwarren, and so
destroyed its heart, loosening its last grasp on our world.<br>"

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baseName = "Q105 Start from exploration",
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index = 3,
description = 0x00107118, -- "While roaming the thick, gloomy tangles of
the Velen woodlands, Geralt came across a spirit whose heart was trapped in a cave
under an eye-catching tree…<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Helping spirit",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Helping spirit 4969034E-4675B194-252570AB-903973A2",
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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Gather spirits bones",
order = 2147483647,
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children = {
title = 0x00062561, -- "Find the bones of the spirit trapped beneath the
Whispering Hillock using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[14] = {
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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00062564, -- "Bring a black horse to the cave beneath the
Whispering Hillock."

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mapPinID = "q105_mappin_cave_entrance_horse",

chunk[17] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0006ea82, -- "Speak to the spirit in the cave beneath the
Whispering Hillock."

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title = 0x001029be, -- "Calm a wild horse using the Axii Sign and mount

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chunk[22] = {
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Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q105witches.journal:

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chunk[6] = {
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chunk[8] = {
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marks the start of the Trail of Treats."

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description = 0x000909e2, -- "Information found in the home of Hendrik,
the Nilfgaardian agent, indicated Ciri had entered into conflict with some witch in
Velen. At first Geralt thought this "witch" was Keira Metz, but he later learned
Hendrik had meant a different individual, one who dwelt in Crookback Bog. So the
witcher ventured into the swamps, determined to find this bog-dwelling witch and
ask her about Ciri.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x000909e3, -- "Hendrik had known but a portion of the
truth and his notes had led Geralt astray. Ciri had in truth come into conflict
with the three Crones of Crookback Bog. They had wanted to hand her over to one of
the generals of the Wild Hunt named Imlerith. But Ciri escaped their clutches and
fled the swamps before their vile plan could come to fruition."

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village's problem."

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title = 0x0005cd34, -- "Find out what's killing villagers from

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of the problem."

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title = 0x0005cf2d, -- "Put the ealdorman's payment on the stone."

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title = 0x00108b62, -- "Find a passage leading under the hill using your
Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q106findkeira.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q106 Keira's bussiness",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q106 Keira's bussiness 287CD23B-4C20FCC1-D52269AD-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0007af48, -- "An Invitation from Keira Metz"

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baseName = "Keira Metz invitation - begining pre",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keira Metz invitation - begining 243FF0A3-40FEB722-
description = 0x00103201, -- "Geralt and Keira's journey to the elven
mage's lair had forged a tight bond between them, the kind harrowing life-or-death
experiences forge between soldiers at war or students during exam week. And so when
it was all over Keira invited Geralt to stop by her hut sometime, in a way that
suggested she did not mean for an afternoon of tea and crumpets.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Keira Metz invitation - begining after",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keira Metz invitation - begining DE539B3C-499158D9-
index = 1,
description = 0x00103202, -- "And indeed she did not - but nor did she
mean what you or Geralt surely had in mind. In truth, she had a favor to ask. She
wanted Geralt to help her tackle the curse afflicting Fyke Isle."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q106 Fail - curse not lifted",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q106 Fail - curse not lifted 5EFDBDD9-4FDF9285-
index = 2,
description = 0x00109747, -- "Though lifting curses is a witcher's bread
and butter, this time Geralt abandoned the job before seeing it through to
fruition. I'm not entirely sure what led him to make this decision, but I can only
assume his inner drive to find Ciri was so strong it would not let him spend a
moment pursuing anything else."

chunk[7] = {
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order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q106 Fail - curse lifted, Keira not informed
index = 3,
description = 0x00109748, -- "The curse was lifted and anyone who wished
could now safely visit Fyke Isle - yet Geralt did not return to Keira to tell her
about his success. I don't know why he neglected to do so, but I am confident he
had his own, perfectly valid reasons."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q106tower.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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world = 9,
title = 0x0004dcec, -- "A Towerful of Mice"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Speak with Keira",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Speak with Keira FF7C70CD-4EF140F3-F9457D83-
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title = 0x00053b80, -- "Talk to Keira Metz."

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title = 0x00053b86, -- "Find a way to get to Fyke Isle."

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chunk[8] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0006ac5b, -- "Use Keira's boat to reach Fyke Isle."

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chunk[11] = {
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title = 0x00106a17, -- "(Optional) Use the magic lamp to find ghosts."
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title = 0x00053b8e, -- "Find the mage Alexander's laboratory."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "laboratory mappin 052E0E46-4922F902-9BB40B94-
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Use oillamp to contact Anabelle",
order = 2113929215,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use oillamp to contact Anabelle CCE91FD3-488EE63F-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0006b434, -- "Use the magic lamp to contact Anabelle."
itemShortcut = "q106_magic_oillamp",

chunk[34] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lab mappin 6D7DE09F-4861219D-F7988A8F-B4DE5238",
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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Ask Keira who is Graham",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Keira who is Graham 3B0E9421-483560D9-2D63BDBE-
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children = {
title = 0x0006b72f, -- "Talk to Keira and find out who Graham is."
chunk[36] = {
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chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Fight Plague Maiden",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight Plague Maiden A9A66C79-447E37FC-1F21F4A5-
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children = {
title = 0x0006d3a1, -- "Defeat the plague maiden."

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "plague maiden mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "plague maiden mappin C08310DD-49E97DAD-E21928B3-
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chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Tell Keira the curse is lifted",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tell Keira the curse is lifted F8F7FC0C-46F7E24D-
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children = {
title = 0x0007d653, -- "Tell Keira you've lifted the curse on Fyke

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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Check what happened",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check what happened 4779C75F-4074E7B4-5AE234AB-
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children = {
title = 0x00105375, -- "Investigate what happened."
chunk[42] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin graham body 06E92AEC-4A140A62-D5E9BCB5-
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chunk[43] = {
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children = {
title = 0x00106aa3, -- "Follow the plague maiden."

chunk[44] = {
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mapPinID = "q106_plague_maiden",

chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Find Graham",
order = 4253024254,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Graham F4159605-44121F58-039636AC-04AD1B7D",
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x00108786, -- "Find Graham."

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "mappin graham",
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chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F4347F32-4F38C631-86ED8780-A1FC2EF4",
index = 3,
children = {
chunk[48] = {
baseName = "Q106 Beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q106 Beggining ADBE73F0-4D8C739F-B62268A7-8C8AE27A",
description = 0x000f4a4d, -- "A horrible curse had befallen Fyke Isle
and the tower that stood upon it. Half a year prior, Lord Vserad had moved his
court there, seeking shelter from approaching Nilfgaardian armies. While famine
raged all around, the lord of Velen wallowed in excess and cared not a whit for his
suffering vassals. The gods saw fit to punish him and, towards this end, cursed
him. One day, a host of mice scurried into the tower and proceeded to devour
everything, including Vserad, his court and his resident mage,
Alexander.<br><br>The isle had been haunted since that day, and fishermen feared to
sail the lake, putting yet another dent in the already battered local economy. The
local peasants thus asked Keira to lift the curse, and she turned to the witcher
for help. Enticed by Keira's charms and her promise of additional rewards, Geralt
took on the task. The sorceress equipped him with a magic lamp he could use to
commune with dead souls, gave him a firm pat on the rear for good luck and sent him
off to lift the curse.<br>"

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "Q106 Ending Morowa Free",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q106 Ending Morowa Free 8F16B3FF-4537FA02-E8F5A995-
index = 1,
description = 0x000f4a4e, -- "During his investigation of the isle,
Geralt discovered the lord's daughter, Anabelle, was the key to lifting the curse.
She had died along with the others and her spirit now roamed the tower's empty
halls, trapped in this vale of tears by her love for a fisherman named
Graham.<br><br>Geralt thought taking her remains to the fisherman would solve
everything - but instead it led to catastrophe. Anabelle, he discovered, was not an
unfortunate lost soul but a dangerous plague maiden. The wraith had tricked Geralt
- when he removed Anabelle's remains from the tower the plague maiden was freed
from her prison and ventured out into the world to spread disease and

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Q106 Ending Lovers Together",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q106 Ending Lovers Together 32F48B89-425EB27A-
index = 2,
description = 0x000f4a4f, -- "During his investigation of the isle,
Geralt discovered the lord's daughter, Anabelle, was the key to lifting the curse.
She had died along with the others and her spirit now roamed the tower's empty
halls, trapped in this vale of tears by her love for a fisherman named Graham.
Geralt lifted the curse by bringing Graham back to see his love, but the story did
not end happily. The young man's kiss dispatched the wraith into eternal slumber,
but killed Graham - for, as Geralt realized all too late, Anabelle's ghost had
become a deadly plague maiden, a spectral sower of disease and pestilence.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q107swamps.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q107 Swamps",
order = 1342177278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q107 Swamps 7E03203E-4D6504E3-165C8693-A93BD13C",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0004dced, -- "Return to Crookback Bog"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 634AC9DE-4322376F-999D1B9B-9882EE61",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q107 Beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q107 Beggining 83806E10-41A405AF-5AB61FAC-A06FDDA3",
description = 0x000f4ad0, -- "As you recall, the self-proclaimed baron
of Velen had asked Geralt to find his missing family. And so, ever a man of his
word, find them he did. Tamara, the baron's daughter, he found in Oxenfurt, where
she had joined the witch hunters. As for Anna, the baron's wife, she had been
kidnapped by the Crones and made their slave, in fulfillment of a bargain she had
struck with them earlier. Hearing this, the baron swore to free Anna, with or
without the witcher's help, and set off to the place in the bog where Geralt had
seen his wife.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q107 Anna Crazy End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q107 Anna Crazy End 7827735E-40980FF2-06B1218D-
index = 1,
description = 0x000f4ad1, -- "Geralt decided to help the baron and went
with him into the bog. There they ran into unexpected company: Tamara, accompanied
by a band of witch hunters, had also ventured out in search of Anna.<br>They joined
forces and, in the end, Anna was found, but, sadly, her mind was lost for good.
Driven near mad himself with grief, the baron swore he would take his addled wife
away from Velen and search the whole world for someone able to help her. As for
Tamara, she and the witch hunters returned to Novigrad. And then... well, dear
reader, the ultimate fate of the baron and his family is a tale for another time."
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q107 Anna Monster",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q107 Anna Monster E56CC265-49A64FA2-DD24F29E-
index = 2,
description = 0x000f4ad2, -- "Geralt decided to help the baron and
ventured with him into the bog. There they happened upon unexpected company -
Tamara and a band of witch hunters, who had also set out in search of Anna.<br>They
joined forces and found Anna, sadly turned into a terrible beast by a curse the
Crones had cast. Geralt decided he would try to lift the curse and went to Johnny,
the godling, for help.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q107 Uncurse failed",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q107 Uncurse failed 54CE1301-4308C6F4-31B33C95-
index = 3,
description = 0x000f4ad3, -- "And Johnny, as always, proved very helpful
indeed. He revealed to Geralt that the Crones worked their magic in the basement of
the hut with the tapestry. When Geralt and Graden descended into the basement, they
found a collection of dolls with various items attached to them. They tried to
reverse the curse by removing the doll that represented Anna, but their efforts
ended in catastrophe - Anna burst into flames and died. Tamara returned to Oxenfurt
following her mother's death, her spirits crushed. The baron, in no less foul a
mood, went back to Crow's Perch. Geralt watched him walk away, wondering if he
would ever see the man again.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q107 Uncurse success",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q107 Uncurse success BC2B37D5-48BB6E86-7FADC9B1-
index = 4,
description = 0x000f4ad4, -- "And Johnny, as always, proved very helpful
indeed. He revealed to Geralt that the Crones worked their magic in the cellar of
the hut with the tapestry. When Geralt and Graden descended down into it, they
found a collection of dolls with various items attached to them. They tried to lift
the curse by removing the doll that represented Anna, but their efforts ended in
catastrophe - Anna's curse was lifted, but she died soon afterwards, for the Crones
had constructed it to leave death as its parting gift. Following her mother's
death, Tamara returned to Oxenfurt, her spirits crushed. The baron, in no less foul
a mood, went back to Crow's Perch. Geralt watched him walk away, wondering if he
would ever see the man again.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Q107 Ending Baron hanged",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q107 Ending Baron hanged 45631F24-457BE179-6786BFB7-
index = 5,
description = 0x000f4ad5, -- "In the end, Geralt decided he would look
in on the baron. When he reached Crow's Perch, he inquired after the man but was
saddened to learn he was dead. The lord of Velen had hanged himself, ending his
reign and his sorrow."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Q107 Fail",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q107 Fail 656C1DE2-4259200C-7EF44699-2C9E2ADD",
index = 6,
description = 0x00109681, -- "In the end, the baron had only his own men
to help him in his task. Geralt must have decided he had already done plenty by
finding Anna and didn't want any more to do with the Crones than was absolutely
necessary.<br><br>The witcher never saw the baron again. Perhaps the upstart lord
of Velen died in the swamps while trying to find his wife - or perhaps he wanders
there still to this day..."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Getting rid of witch hunters",
order = 2080374783,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Getting rid of witch hunters A64EEB9A-46AACD92-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Meet Baron in Burrows",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Baron in Burrows F2E979D8-49E17854-EE4956AB-
children = {
title = 0x00068744, -- "Meet the baron in Downwarren."

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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Go to witch village with Baron",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to witch village with Baron 41141957-4627C7FB-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00068745, -- "Go with the baron to the Crones' huts in the

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "witch village mappin",
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Help witch hunters",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help witch hunters 034A8544-42BB2982-2703B4B4-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00068746, -- "Help the witch hunters fight the monsters."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "graden mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "graden mappin A1E581B4-4FC30543-5384D6B6-7E553BD8",
mapPinID = "graden",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Kill fiend and his adds",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill fiend and his adds 7B616795-4BF80A3C-CCE439BE-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00068747, -- "Kill the fiend and the other monsters."
chunk[20] = {
baseName = "fiend mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "fiend mappin BEE62259-4E14812C-B9393584-BF096E61",
mapPinID = "q107_fiend",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Ask Johnny about Anna",
order = 4060086270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Johnny about Anna A034D4DB-407E37C8-E526C8B6-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0006da0f, -- "Visit Johnny to find out what happened to Anna."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "johnny lair mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "johnny lair mappin 9C96C5CB-4C77F4C1-98375AB8-
mapPinID = "q107_mappin_johnny_lair",

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Find Johnny",
order = 4194303998,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Johnny E52779FE-47415181-DD7960AC-9817DB58",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0006da10, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find Johnny."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "johnny area mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "johnny area mappin AAE19E03-40C00B38-039C559B-
radius = 50.000000,
mapPinID = "q107_mappin_johnny_area",

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Tell others about Anna",
order = 4244635646,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tell others about Anna 1D890E3E-49C8749C-80792090-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00069160, -- "Tell the others what happened to Anna."
chunk[26] = {
baseName = "graden mappin",
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mapPinID = "graden",

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Find hidden room door",
order = 4269801470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find hidden room door 4549FDD9-43186A09-790388BB-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0006da11, -- "Find the door to the hidden room."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "gobelin house mappin",
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chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Enter cave",
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title = 0x0006da12, -- "Enter the cave."

chunk[30] = {
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chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Find Annas doll",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Annas doll 01440C80-4C55C3E8-CF49FFB4-EA654D55",
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x0006da13, -- "Find the doll that represents Anna."

chunk[32] = {
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chunk[33] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check what happened to Anna F372E5AF-44FE5A21-
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x0006da14, -- "Find out what happened to Anna."

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "anna outside mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "anna outside mappin E2EC37B6-406C34BE-EC4CA9B6-
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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Prepare for a fight",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare for a fight D479E267-4925A5D2-15F1BA9B-
index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x0006dd6e, -- "Prepare for a fight."

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "witch village mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "witch village mappin 64EBF288-44C3E231-B60A62A4-
mapPinID = "q107_mappin_witch_village",

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Return to Baron",
order = 4293394430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Baron EB0223D3-4C8559F9-436C3980-C8F919EF",
index = 12,
children = {
title = 0x00089191, -- "Talk to the baron."

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "baron manor mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "baron manor mappin 512ED826-405B78BB-1FC2B0BD-
mapPinID = "q107_mappin_baron_manor",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q108eve.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q108 Forfather's Eve",
order = 1409286142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q108 Forfather's Eve",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0004b54b, -- "Forefathers' Eve"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F7CCA04B-4AD20F40-F5E50C9B-D31A9C52",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Beginning",
description = 0x00100897, -- "During his travels through No Man's Land
Geralt ran into the pellar once more. The strange fellow had a favor to ask of the
witcher. He wanted Geralt to help him perform a cherished local peasant rite known
as Forefathers' Eve. During this ritual, he explained, lost spirits are summoned
and their deeds judged - fantastic material, by the way, for a poet looking to make
his name with an atmospheric ballad. This Forefathers' Eve was set to be held at
midnight on Fyke Isle, and Geralt, having no other plans and his curiosity piqued,
promised to attend.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Witchhunters",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Witchhunters",
index = 1,
description = 0x001008a5, -- "On Fyke Isle the pellar led the witcher
through the arcane rites that marked the opening of Forefathers' Eve. Alas and
alack, uninvited guests then arrived and threatened to break up the ritual before
its conclusion. The witch hunters considered what the peasants practiced on Fyke
Isle to be vile necromancy, and demanded they stop it at once.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Dont Protect Mob",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Dont Protect Mob",
index = 2,
description = 0x001008ab, -- "Witchers do their best to remain neutral,
and so Geralt felt he should not get involved in what was, in the end, a dispute
between humans. He thus did not lift a finger as the witch hunters scattered the
peasants and brought the ritual to a premature conclusion.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Protect Mob",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Protect Mob",
index = 3,
description = 0x001008ac, -- "Abandoning his rule of not taking sides in
others' affairs, the witcher chose to defend the ritual's participants.
Predictably, this did not please the witch hunters one bit. A bloody fight broke
out on Fyke Isle, and though it ended in victory for Geralt, it had a disastrous
effect on the rest of the ritual.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Guslar Happy Ending",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Guslar Happy Ending",
index = 4,
description = 0x001008ae, -- "Geralt had defended the peasants from the
witch hunters' persecution, but spilled much blood in order to do so, sullying the
sacred ground. Forefathers' Eve could not continue, but the pellar had one more
request for Geralt. He wanted him to find and burn the body of Old Ambros. This man
was the pellar's father, a cruel brute who returned from the dead to continue
tormenting his son. Burning the body was a way to resolve the pellar's issues with
his father and send the ghost of Old Ambros into the nether realms for good.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Guslar Mad Ending",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q108 Forfather's Eve Guslar Mad Ending",
index = 5,
description = 0x001008ad, -- "As you can imagine, the pellar was not
pleased by Geralt's indifference in the face of the witch hunters' persecution.
Many a bitter word was uttered and then each went his own way."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Eve",
order = 2139095039,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eve 4BB644BF-420988AF-3D6ABABF-7E4481C6",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Meet Guslar in Forfather's Eve circle",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Guslar in Forfather's Eve circle",
children = {
title = 0x0008882a, -- "Meet the pellar in the stone circle on Fyke Isle
at midnight."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "q108_mappin_eve",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q108_mappin_eve 2EC1FDF3-41A4F219-C5F93098-2AA9E80A",
mapPinID = "q108_mappin_eve",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Perform preparations and talk to Guslar when ready",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Perform preparations and talk to Guslar when ready",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008882f, -- "Talk to the pellar and prepare for Forefathers'

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "guslar",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "guslar 7BF4D6AE-48D1A491-A2C8BABB-A0FC0E67",
mapPinID = "guslar",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Protect villagers during Forfather's Eve",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protect villagers during Forfather's Eve",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00088832, -- "Protect the ritual's participants."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "q108_mappin_eve",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q108_mappin_eve 2EF17BCD-4D213303-96B96EA3-669C804B",
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q108_mappin_eve",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Kill witchhunters disturbing ritual",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill witchhunters disturbing ritual",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00088960, -- "Defeat the witch hunters."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "q108_mappin_eve",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q108_mappin_eve 5DDEA6D0-4FD17550-96E534BB-47DE2AF8",
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q108_mappin_eve",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Kill summoned wraiths",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill summoned wraiths",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00088961, -- "Defeat the wraiths."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "q108_mappin_eve",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q108_mappin_eve C05313E4-474B1AA6-C11A39B6-E5EC44BD",
radius = 30.000000,
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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Search swamp for corpses of Guslar's father",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search swamp for corpses of Guslar's father",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0008aea8, -- "Find the body of the pellar's father in the
swamps using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "q108_mappin_guslar_father_corpse",
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chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Ignite corpses of Guslar's father",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ignite corpses of Guslar's father",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0008aebd, -- "Burn the pellar's father's body."

chunk[24] = {
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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Talk to Guslar about burned corpses",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Guslar about burned corpses",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0008aebe, -- "Talk to the pellar."

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "guslar",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "guslar 825F6340-426D4887-962965B8-1FDF3CE2",
mapPinID = "guslar",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q109wrapup.journal:

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children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x000568ef, -- "For the Advancement of Learning"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Keira",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Keira 081B6BFE-4D4053A7-162EE397-CEAEFB4E",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Go to Popiel's Tower to stop Keira",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Popiel's Tower to stop Keira 89A1D1EB-4C2C3EEE-
children = {
title = 0x00055f5e, -- "Find out what Keira's doing in the tower on Fyke

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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Defeat Keira",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat Keira 10F31BB9-4B264945-06CCF19B-C41AD460",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00055f62, -- "Defeat Keira."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 50E2432D-4833E8F4-C2875195-6C4F7695",
mapPinID = "keira",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Search the Tower for Keira",
order = 4253024254,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q109_mp_tower",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00063230, -- "Find Keira."

chunk[9] = {
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children = {

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Q109 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q109 Beginning DAC113B9-48646E3A-31DA7797-72AF4FF9",
description = 0x001008ec, -- "Nothing about sorceresses should be taken
at face value. Their faces least of all - those perfect, ever youthful visages have
as little to do with nature as Hierarch Hemmelfart has with charity. If anyone
should have learned to think twice when dealing with them, it was Geralt, and yet
still he accepted Keira's dinner invitation.<br><br>During what Geralt naively
thought to be innocent conversation between friends, Keira tricked him into
revealing information about the mage Alexander's laboratory and then, when he was
least expecting it, sent him to sleep with a spell so he could not stop her from
carrying out her nefarious plans...<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Q109 Ending Keira Died",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q109 Ending Keira Died 95471274-46F19021-E77356AF-
index = 1,
description = 0x001008ee, -- "Yet Geralt did not allow Keira to triumph.
He sensed she wanted Alexander's notes on the Catriona plague for her own immoral
ends and so stopped her from leaving Velen. This led to a fight during which Geralt
was forced to take Keira's life. And so, in this most unfortunate and disheartening
way, their stormy relationship came to an end."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Q109 Ending Keira Left for Radovid",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q109 Ending Keira Left for Radovid 6861CCFD-4F36D35A-
index = 2,
description = 0x001008ed, -- "Geralt caught Keira red-handed as she was
leaving the tower with the results of Alexander's research on the Catriona plague.
Although he feared the sorceress would use these notes for nefarious purposes,
Geralt decided to let her go. Whether it was because he ultimately believed her
assurances that no one would suffer as a result of her actions, or because he
wanted to avoid a potentially bloody conflict - difficult to tell. Geralt is a man
of many secrets, including ones he keeps even from me.<br>"

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Q109 Ending Keira Left | Outcome",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q109 Ending Keira Left | Outcome 16A96683-461C87A8-
index = 3,
description = 0x001008ef, -- "After leaving Velen Keira went to see King
Radovid. The sorceress hoped the king would realize the importance of Alexander's
research and pardon her earlier crimes so that she could continue the experiments
at his court, with the aim of producing a cure for Catriona - or finding a way to
turn it into an unprecedentedly destructive weapon.<br><br>Yet while Radovid shall
go down in history for many reasons, being a patron of the sciences or a merciful
ruler will not be among them. And so Keira found no amnesty or laboratory waiting
for her, but instead only a cruel and painful death."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Q109 Ending Keira Left for Kaer Morhen",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q109 Ending Keira Left for Kaer Morhen 37DE0178-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010182e, -- "Geralt caught Keira red-handed as she was
leaving the tower with the results of Alexander's research on the Catriona plague.
She was convinced these notes could be used to find a cure for this decimating
disease. What's more, she hoped that the prospect of obtaining such a cure would
convince King Radovid to let bygones be bygones and host Keira at his court. I
doubt Radovid would have proven so broad-minded - luckily, Geralt convinced Keira
to abandon these foolish hopes and give Oxenfurt a miss, seeking shelter at Kaer
Morhen instead."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Q109 Fail",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q109 Fail 52E659B6-4D00E515-0E35C289-83C8892B",
index = 5,
description = 0x00109680, -- "Geralt was understandably less than
pleased with Keira's treatment of him, but he decided to let the sorceress go. He
felt whatever she was scheming was not more important than the great tasks he had
before him at that moment."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q110postbattle.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q110 Postbattle",
order = 3290431486,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Postbattle CEC5F8EE-47566BE9-12780AAA-0EE104AD",
children = {
world = 3,
title = 0x00086355, -- "Blood on the Battlefield"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 68021A72-40603DA7-79DA2CA9-A6886AEA",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q110 Postbattle Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Postbattle Beginning",
description = 0x001008eb, -- "Ciri's explosion of power had frightened
everyone, her most of all. Clearly these uncontrolled outbursts could not be
allowed to happen again, and so when the sorceresses departed for Novigrad to
gather the Lodge, Ciri, Geralt and Avallac'h remained at Kaer Morhen for a few more
days. The Sage hoped to teach Ciri a few tricks for controlling her power.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q110 Calming Ciri - Snowballs",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Calming Ciri - Snowballs 681908D2-4BA86208-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100a6c, -- "Sad to say, in the beginning her training
was not progressing as hoped. Ciri had trouble focusing - rage and resignation
would overwhelm her in turns. Geralt, the wily old wolf, knew how to deal with
this. Instead of hitting her over the head with some dry motivational lecture, he
decided to resort to less conventional measures and... started a snowball fight.
Pure genius! And what fun! Ah, how I would have loved to have been there... But no
matter, the important thing is this moment of carefree respite worked wonders on
Ciri - her discouragement slackened and she returned to her training with newfound
chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q110 Calming Ciri - Drinking",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Calming Ciri - Drinking FBFD996E-4DE88DB9-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a6e, -- "Sad to say, in the beginning her training
was not progressing as hoped. Ciri had trouble focusing - rage and resignation
would overwhelm her in turns. Though he desperately wanted to, Geralt did not know
how to help her. The only idea that came to mind was to offer her some honest
conversation over a few hearty glasses of something strong.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q110 Emhyr's Reward - Refused",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Emhyr's Reward - Refused CAC8C469-41CFB7F2-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100a71, -- "We had all long known Emhyr was an
ingeniously ice-blooded negotiator, but this time his cold cunning plumbed new
depths. While Ciri watched in horror, he offered to pay Geralt a reward for finding
her, as though she were a lost goat or a runaway slave. Luckily Geralt, his hair
bristling and with a low but thundering growl, told the emperor exactly where he
could stick his filthy lucre.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q110 Emhyr's Reward - Accepted",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Emhyr's Reward - Accepted 0908BD71-47E36CD4-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100a72, -- "We had all long known Emhyr was an
ingeniously ice-blooded negotiator, but this time his cold cunning plumbed new
depths. While Ciri watched in horror, he offered to pay Geralt his reward for
finding her, as though she were a lost goat or a runaway slave. Making matters
worse, Geralt displayed a complete lack of empathy and accepted the emperor's gold.
Rage and a profound disappointment filled Ciri's breast - and, indeed, who could
blame her?<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Q110 Vizima",
order = 3992977406,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Vizima C38371B4-430B2E1D-E6EFDBA0-A55E2231",
index = 5,
description = 0x00100a6f, -- "Yet Geralt felt they needed to take care
of other matters first. He had promised the emperor he would bring Ciri to see him,
and intended to keep his word. Ciri and Geralt thus made a detour to Vizima.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Q110 Postbattle Ending",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Postbattle Ending F612DD2A-4372A10F-DF4C2989-
index = 6,
description = 0x00100a76, -- "Leaving the safety of protective walls
behind them, Geralt and Ciri ventured to Bald Mountain to exact their revenge on

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Q110 Ciri On Imlerith",
order = 3875536894,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q110 Ciri On Imlerith 1AF49AFE-418338D8-EB92ABBA-
index = 7,
description = 0x00100d48, -- "The next morning Ciri woke Geralt before
dawn. She was wide-awake, a look of intense excitement on her face and urgency in
her voice. What had brought her to this state? The prospect of revenge - she knew
Imlerith would soon be attending a witches' sabbath on Bald Mountain. That would be
their chance.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "After Battle",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Battle",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Talk to Avallac'h about next move",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Avallac'h about next move",
children = {
title = 0x00071dc5, -- "Talk to Avallac'h about what to do next."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "avallach",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "avallach 7D9641B6-42B48630-DCC89EA0-37FA4A24",
mapPinID = "avallach",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Snow Fight",
order = 1610612734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Snow Fight 82B129DA-4B053032-7BFF0FAC-152F2F49",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Clobber Cirilla with snowballs",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Clobber Cirilla with snowballs 3BF19774-46105F2D-
children = {
title = 0x00085956, -- "Defeat Ciri in a snowball fight."
count = 8,

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item 5201FF5F-4F59DCF0-8A4E718A-15C530D8",
mapPinID = "ciri",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Dont get hit by Ciri",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dont get hit by Ciri DF8E7A25-48967BB2-C8557B86-
index = 1,
title = 0x00103a94, -- "Don't let the snowballs hit you."
count = 8,

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Get more snowballs",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get more snowballs 07EF879C-4E178CFD-E2EA81B2-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00108ccd, -- "Make more snowballs."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item DDDE1E4D-4E28264B-A399F088-7E2ABE24",
mapPinID = "q110_mp_snow_mound",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Get back to the battlefield",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get back to the battlefield D256CA3F-45BAB38D-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00108e96, -- "Return to the battle field and continue the
snowball fight!"
chunk[22] = {
baseName = "q110_mp_battlefield",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q110_mp_battlefield 66762D4D-45C3EA6B-AD9EFFA2-
radius = 15.000000,
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chunk[23] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leaving E49E2B94-4A4823E5-81574699-A9B503D3",
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children = {

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Return to Ciri when you're ready to leave",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Ciri when you're ready to leave 1C67157C-
children = {
title = 0x000868e3, -- "Return to Ciri when you're ready to hit the

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q111imlerith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q111 Imlerith",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q111 Imlerith",
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world = 9,
title = 0x000525c0, -- "Bald Mountain"
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "NML",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NML111",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Catch the devil's ferry",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Catch the devil's ferry",
children = {
title = 0x0005237d, -- "Take the ferry to the other side of the lake."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "q111_succubus_ferry",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q111_succubus_ferry 5664700E-4D8CA63F-9E95ECB2-
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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "spotkaj sie z Ciri",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "spotkaj sie z Ciri",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0007123b, -- "Climb to the peak of Bald Mountain."

chunk[7] = {
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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "talk to tekla",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "talk to tekla",
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children = {
title = 0x00102809, -- "Talk to Thecla and get permission to climb the

chunk[9] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q111_old_hag",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "odzyskaj monete",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "odzyskaj monete",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010280a, -- "Retrieve the coin Thecla threw in the water by
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = " q111_falkas_coin_mp",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q111_falkas_coin_mp",
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "oddaj monete Tekli",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "oddaj monete Tekli",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0010280b, -- "Give the coin to Thecla."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "q111_old_hag",
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chunk[15] = {
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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "przejdz przez jaskinie",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "przejdz przez jaskinie",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0010280e, -- "Travel the path to the peak of Bald Mountain."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "q111_fugas_cave_mp",
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chunk[20] = {
baseName = "summit",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "summitsummit",
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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Kill Imlerith",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Imlerith",
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title = 0x00052394, -- "Kill Imlerith."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "imlerith",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "imlerith",
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chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Kill witches",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill witches",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00084fd5, -- "Kill the three Crones."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "whispess",
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baseName = "brewess",
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chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Find Imlerith",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Imlerith",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0008cb6f, -- "Find Imlerith."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "imlerith",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "imlerith",
mapPinID = "imlerith",

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "use special skill",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "use special skill CB5400AF-49FCD523-42514593-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00109327, -- "Use Blink to strike all three Crones and disturb
their spell."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "q111_witch",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q111_witch",
mapPinID = "q111_witch",

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Speak to Ciri when ready",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Speak to Ciri when ready",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001093a7, -- "Talk to Ciri once you are ready to go to

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "ciri",
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start AE377F91-4B4DA0A0-DCB0FF98-344EE2A5",
description = 0x0010137b, -- "Vesemir's death tore a gaping hole in
Ciri's heart and left only a burning drive for revenge to fill it. This drive
burned all the higher when she learned from Avallac'h that Imlerith, the general of
the Hunt who murdered Vesemir, would be attending the Crones' sabbath on Bald
Mountain. Ciri smelled blood and decided at once to travel to No Man's Land and
kill Imlerith. Geralt, that calculating, practical-minded witcher, as usual caved
immediately to his adopted daughter's wishes and agreed to accompany her on this
expedition. The pair thus slipped out of Kaer Morhen in the cool light of morning
and galloped off to find vengeance.<br>"

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Quest End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End CF01E3DA-4B19A937-775364B5-FF199D9D",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010137c, -- "Vengeance is what they found, and, though
served warm, it was nonetheless sweet. The duo found their way to the top of Bald
Mountain and there Ciri killed two of the three Crones while Geralt triumphed in a
deathmatch against Imlerith. The only bitter note - the third Crone escaped, taking
with her Vesemir's medallion, the only memento Ciri had kept of her dead friend and

chunk[36] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Mountain 9248BCE3-42992DE7-FD6BE984-E4667446",
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chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Find way",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find way up the mount",
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title = 0x00084fb1, -- "Find a way to the mountain's summit."

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "q111_centre_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q111_centre_mappin",
mapPinID = "q111_centre_mappin",

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Find way to beat fugas",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find way to beat fugas",
index = 1,
title = 0x00084fd3, -- "Defeat Fugas."

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "choose way",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "choose way between",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00087fcf, -- "Climb to the peak or go underground to the
tree's roots."

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "q111_hole_mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q111_hole_mappin",
mapPinID = "q111_hole_mappin",

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "q111_summit_mappin",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q111_summit_mappin",
index = 1,
mapPinID = "q111_summit_mappin",

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "Reach roots",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Reach roots down",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00088461, -- "Penetrate to the heart of the tree's roots."

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "q111_witches_pit_mp",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q111_witches_pit_mp",
mapPinID = "q111_witches_pit_mp",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q201traveltoskellige.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q201 Travel to Skellige",
order = 956301310,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q201 Travel to Skellige",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x001004de, -- "Destination: Skellige"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9F2E1340-4BE8833A-9148CCAA-90E1AE5F",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q103 Travel to Skellige Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Travel to Skellige Beginning",
description = 0x001004e1, -- "The search for Ciri had taken Yennefer to
the wind-swept Skellige Isles - that is to say, lest your mind fill with visions of
our elegant sorceress shivering on some barren rock - it had taken her to a suite
of comfortable rooms near Kaer Trolde Castle on the isle of Ard Skellig. Geralt was
to join her there and thus set off to the port in Novigrad, where he hoped to find
a captain bold enough to brave the pirate-infested waters en route.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q103 Travel to Skellige Crash",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Travel to Skellige Crash",
index = 1,
description = 0x001004e2, -- "After much searching, Geralt found just
such a man. A certain Captain Wolverstone had agreed to sail to Skellige. Whether
he was abnormally brave or abnormally stupid is unknown - the vodka he gulped in
buckets could have enhanced either quality. We can also hope it helped sooth his
nerves when, to no one's surprise, pirates attacked the ship off the archipelago's
shores. Geralt was thrown overboard during the tussle, and awoke face-down in the
Skellige sand."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q103 Travel to Skellige Ending",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q103 Travel to Skellige Ending",
index = 2,
description = 0x001004e5, -- "Geralt recovered from his tumultuous
landing and eventually reached Kaer Trolde castle - home to Crach, jarl of Clan an
Craite. There he discovered all the notables of Skellige had gathered to bury King
Bran, who had breathed his last a few days prior. In attendance as well: Yennefer."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Novigrad",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Novigrad",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Find vessel's captain in Golden Sturgeon",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find vessel's captain in Golden Sturgeon",
children = {
title = 0x0007456e, -- "Look for the ship's captain at the Golden

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "q201_captain",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q201_captain 328E413D-40E9C15A-33AF5DAF-26EF509E",
mapPinID = "q201_captain",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Find a vessel that can take you to Skellige",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a vessel that can take you to Skellige",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000743bc, -- "Find a boat headed to Skellige."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "q201_mappin_ship_1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q201_mappin_ship_1",
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q201_mappin_ship_1",
chunk[12] = {
baseName = "q201_mappin_ship_2",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q201_mappin_ship_2",
index = 1,
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q201_mappin_ship_2",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "q201_mappin_ship_3",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q201_mappin_ship_3",
index = 2,
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q201_mappin_ship_3",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Give required summ to captain Wolverstone to sail to Skellige",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Give required summ to captain Wolverstone to sail to
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00101d2e, -- "Pay Captain Wolverstone the requested amount to
sail to Skellige."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "q201_captain",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q201_captain BA67CD06-41C77843-10493891-2A49C6F2",
mapPinID = "q201_captain",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Sail with captain Wolverstone to Skellige",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sail with captain Wolverstone to Skellige",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00101d2f, -- "Sail to Skellige with Captain Wolverstone."

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "q201_captain",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q201_captain B0062632-4EE7BCA3-97979193-88CF4B8A",
mapPinID = "q201_captain",

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Landing in Skellige",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Landing in Skellige",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Kill all the pirates",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill all the pirates",
children = {
title = 0x00029db1, -- "Defeat the pirates."
world = 3,

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "q201_mappin_ship_battle",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q201_mappin_ship_battle CA334E76-4B94B2DE-4C4B768F-
radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q201_mappin_ship_battle",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Kill Steingrim",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Steingrim",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00070c55, -- "Defeat Steingrim."
world = 3,

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "steingrim",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "steingrim 81BE0C6F-465C77F9-358694A2-5415E1D2",
mapPinID = "steingrim",

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Beat down Steingrim",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Beat down Steingrim",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00070c65, -- "Teach Steingrim a lesson."
world = 3,

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "steingrim",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "steingrim A52AEC06-4AA40874-CA3047AB-FED8F93B",
mapPinID = "steingrim",

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Take part in the burial at Kaer Trolde",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Take part in the burial at Kaer Trolde",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00029b45, -- "Go to the port near Kaer Trolde."
world = 3,

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "q201_mappin_burial",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q201_mappin_burial 6602768B-4D8617DD-F96698A1-
mapPinID = "q201_mappin_burial",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q203cataclysm.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q203 Cataclysm",
order = 1000341502,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q203 Cataclysm E7EB9A3A-47FB160A-471604AD-4323F31E",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0010077d, -- "Echoes of the Past"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 56626B28-4A2CBC13-7D6149A3-10D8B990",
children = {
chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Magiczny kataklizm - begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Magiczny kataklizm 232516D1-470E0B60-AB18AD8F-
description = 0x001003b5, -- "A magic cataclysm had devastated a large
part of the isle of Ard Skellig, and Yennefer suspected Ciri had had something to
do with it. The raven-haired sorceress thus set out with Geralt to the isle's
mysteriously deformed woods to look for signs of their one-time ward's presence."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Magiczny kataklizm - ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Magiczny kataklizm - ending 47DA7778-495D5A5D-
index = 1,
description = 0x00102ed2, -- "Yennefer was not mistaken. Ciri had indeed
been in Skellige. With her was a mysterious mage, and chasing them both - the Wild
Hunt. When Ermion heard this, his first thought was of the Hunt's recent attack on
the isle of Hindarsfjall - perhaps it, too, was connected to Ciri. Geralt and
Yennefer set off at once to investigate this new lead."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Examining cataclysm",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examining cataclysm A737C7DD-420E2E80-503C549E-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Talk to Yennefer at cataclysm",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Yennefer at cataclysm E475D8AD-4180B7D5-
children = {
title = 0x00051ae2, -- "Meet Yennefer at the site of the magic

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Yennefer mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer mappin 4BAD3EC8-4C00CAA1-02042A86-28CC6040",
mapPinID = "yennefer",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Ask Yennefer what happened",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Yennefer what happened 36B87052-4D1D5A34-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000745d7, -- "Talk to Yennefer."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "yen mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "yen mappin 88EF5248-453D31DC-BE483684-A34BF9CB",
mapPinID = "yennefer",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Help Yennefer with monsters",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Yennefer with monsters E1586EBB-4BBA29A9-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00079501, -- "Help Yennefer kill the foglets."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "amp fogling mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "amp fogling mappin C629DA58-4C3A1C0C-244CF2B2-
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "q203_mappin_fogling_attack",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Follow Yennefer",
order = 268435455,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Yennefer 875D9A26-44E773CF-6BADEAB4-45152544",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00051ae4, -- "Follow Yennefer."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Yennefer mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer mappin 3F16AE88-438E2908-0A778783-2739886B",
mapPinID = "yennefer",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Use mask artifact1",
order = 134217727,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use mask artifact1 B5D9BD26-4E142404-4263B190-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0005aace, -- "Use the Mask of Uroboros."
itemShortcut = "q203_eyeofloki",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Yennefer mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer mappin 07FB03AF-4516AD04-8B080EAC-C031FB55",
mapPinID = "yennefer",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Find next past remains",
order = 67108863,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find next past remains 94653BFC-4F12F63D-6BF5C984-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0005aacb, -- "Find the next place of power."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Cataclysm mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cataclysm mappin 03224AEA-48DC24FC-485FD283-
radius = 70.000000,
mapPinID = "q203_mappin_cataclysm",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Use mask artifact2",
order = 33554431,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use mask artifact2 3D861F2E-4517CAAB-2018F18E-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0005aacf, -- "Use the Mask of Uroboros."
itemShortcut = "q203_eyeofloki",
chunk[20] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer mappin 58DC5071-45483701-618FF29F-08A65B99",
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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Find next past remains2",
order = 16777215,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find next past remains2 8A6723B9-4D9912B8-C345D280-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0005aacc, -- "Find the next place of power."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Cataclysm mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cataclysm mappin CD32C899-46B74B97-68DABCA1-
radius = 70.000000,
mapPinID = "q203_mappin_cataclysm",

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Use mask artifact3",
order = 8388607,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use mask artifact3 9A36F900-49DBFCB9-5EC08590-
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x0005aad0, -- "Use the Mask of Uroboros."
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chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Yennefer mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer mappin C3538F3B-4E6D864F-BF471EA2-61E35771",
mapPinID = "yennefer",

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Use mask artifact4",
order = 2097151,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Use mask artifact4 B911778B-47539C91-977BB18B-
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x0005aad1, -- "Use the Mask of Uroboros."
itemShortcut = "q203_eyeofloki",

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Yennefer mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Yennefer mappin 51DA4A87-4D182CD7-D0F8538B-8099DCD4",
mapPinID = "yennefer",

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Find the victims remains",
order = 1048575,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the victims remains F6329FFA-42AA0AB4-CA9A2CB9-
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x00059d14, -- "Look for a body."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "elfs body",
order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "q203_mappin_elf_body",

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Find next past remains3",
order = 6291454,
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index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x0005aacd, -- "Find the next place of power."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Cataclysm mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Cataclysm mappin 8970CC7A-4E1C967C-D3CC9896-
radius = 70.000000,
mapPinID = "q203_mappin_cataclysm",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q203him.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q203 Him",
order = 998244350,
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children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0004dcea, -- "Possession"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Finding Becca",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Finding Becca C7AAD4D4-403639D4-14E23387-85047ED7",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ask Udalryk where is Cerys",
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children = {
title = 0x00051ae5, -- "Ask Udalryk where Cerys is."

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mapPinID = "udalryk",

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Wait for Hjort to end foretelling",
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00051ae6, -- "Wait for Hjort to finish prophesying."

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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00051ae7, -- "Talk to Udalryk."

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mapPinID = "udalryk",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Identifying Him",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Identifying Him DCE8484F-4A84C37A-B7E2E9B8-2F7E8A67",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Ask villagers about Cerys",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask villagers about Cerys D2C2625D-472018F6-34EC5D91-
children = {
title = 0x00051aeb, -- "Ask about Cerys in the village."

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "village mappin",
order = 2147483647,
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mapPinID = "q203_mappin_udalryks_village",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mappin fisherman2",
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chunk[14] = {
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mapPinID = "q203_udalryk_fisherman3",
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Find Eirik",
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00051aed, -- "Find Eiric."

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baseName = "Eirik beach mappin",
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mapPinID = "q203_mappin_eirik_beach",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Kill drowners",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill drowners 33E28855-4B1BBC6D-9C135481-70B92260",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00051aee, -- "Kill the drowners."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Drowner mappin",
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radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q203_mappin_drowners_beach",

chunk[19] = {
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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00051af0, -- "Find the sword named Brokvar."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "House mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "House mappin 1766AF0D-4E7B5D3E-FF9B7FB6-E69C9B96",
radius = 45.000000,
mapPinID = "q203_mappin_broksvard",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Return with sword to Udalryk",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return with sword to Udalryk A79BCEA4-4E14452E-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00051af2, -- "Return to Udalryk with the sword."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Udalryk mappin",
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chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Talk to Bergthora",
order = 4093640702,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Bergthora 1FF7A140-496998F1-62BB7C9E-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00051aec, -- "Talk to Bergthora."

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Bergthora mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bergthora mappin 1174A2E8-46E8E58A-91DAE298-
mapPinID = "q203_bergthora",
chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Find Akis bones in sea",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Akis bones in sea 06986ECA-44866DB7-F3920AA6-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00051ae8, -- "Place Brokvar near Aki's bones."

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "akis bones mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "akis bones mappin 6343D64B-434F35C0-A07121B3-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "q203_mappin_akis_bones",

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Look for Cerys in abandoned house",
order = 4253024254,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for Cerys in abandoned house 0B5CA48E-42A4B03E-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x000557bd, -- "Look for Cerys in the abandoned home using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "House mappin",
order = 2147483647,
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radius = 17.000000,
mapPinID = "q203_mappin_abandoned_house",

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Return to Udalryk",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Udalryk 06E6C20B-4ADDF9B9-6022B78A-
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x00076a7b, -- "Return to Udalryk."

chunk[30] = {
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chunk[31] = {
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title = 0x000f6c9a, -- "Go to Udalryk with Cerys."

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chunk[45] = {
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title = 0x00076a80, -- "When you're ready, talk to Cerys."

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chunk[51] = {
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title = 0x00076aa1, -- "Tell Udalryk about the hym."

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title = 0x000792d3, -- "Defeat Udalryk's warriors."

chunk[65] = {
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title = 0x00079343, -- "Go to the basement."

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chunk[72] = {
baseName = "Calm Udalryk",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Calm Udalryk D9D1075F-42D118F3-E479FDAB-FABFC0A7",
index = 15,
children = {
title = 0x00079344, -- "Calm Udalryk."

chunk[73] = {
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chunk[75] = {
baseName = "Q203 Beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q203 Beggining F2911926-4F5417B3-220464B7-B9A49884",
description = 0x000f49db, -- "Concern filled Crach's voice. And
something else… pride? The jarl had pulled Geralt aside during King Bran's wake to
confess his worries about his daughter, Cerys. She had sailed to Spikeroog, seeking
to cure Jarl Udalryk's mysterious affliction. A dangerous mission, though one that
would certainly be less so with a witcher's help. Geralt eyed his old friend over
carefully, then made his decision.<br>"

chunk[76] = {
baseName = "Q203 Will Help",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q203 Will Help 7A3F5F98-4ADEF590-A099A2B6-F659E2F1",
index = 1,
description = 0x000f49dc, -- "Geralt sailed to Spikeroog to help Cerys.
Any doubts about whether this help would be needed were dispelled immediately: he
found her lying unconscious in Udalryk's former home, now an abandoned ruin
possessed by a mysterious force. When she regained her senses, she told Geralt her
suspicions regarding Udalryk. The jarl did not commune with the gods, as many
believed. Instead, a ghost tormented him, whispering destructive thoughts in his
ear. A ghost -- if true, she would definitely need a witcher's aid. Geralt decided
to help.<br>"

chunk[77] = {
baseName = "Q203 Its Him",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q203 Its Him F6AFAF46-4037015B-408DEB9B-FBD8C9DB",
index = 2,
description = 0x000f49dd, -- "After analyzing all the evidence, Geralt
came to the conclusion that Udalryk was not haunted by a ghost, as Cerys had
thought, nor was he insane or touched by the gods, as many Skelligers believed. The
situation was far more grave: a particularly malicious wraith, known as a hym, had
latched onto the jarl. Geralt and Cerys thus faced the challenge of finding a way
to free Udalryk from this evil being's power.<br>"

chunk[78] = {
baseName = "Q203 Didnt help",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q203 Didnt help 1D7D6525-4946F144-088E8D89-1EEA9A76",
index = 3,
description = 0x000f49de, -- "In the end, Geralt decided against
meddling in Udalryk's personal affairs and left Cerys, whom he knew to lack neither
courage nor resourcefulness, to resolve the matter herself.<br>"

chunk[79] = {
baseName = "Q203 Ending Cerys way",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q203 Ending Cerys way 1999651C-474C1A32-05892C8D-
index = 4,
description = 0x000f49df, -- "Cerys hit upon an idea. They would trick
the hym. Geralt decided to trust her. Cerys ran off, snatched Udalryk's infant
child from its cradle and ran back towards the abandoned home, with the jarl and
his honor guard hot on her heels. Meanwhile Hjort, whom Cerys had informed of her
plan and asked for help, slipped into the house unnoticed.<br><br>Once inside,
Cerys commanded Geralt to toss the babe into a burning stove. Caught off-guard by
this seemingly-mad request, Geralt nevertheless acquiesced, hoping it was all part
of the plan. To his great relief, it was. The hym, thinking Geralt an infanticide,
left Udalryk to latch onto this new, even more guilt-ridden victim. Yet when it was
revealed the child had survived unharmed, the evil being had to depart into the
ether. Cerys' trickery and the witcher's cold blood had saved Udalryk, freeing him
from his torment at long last.<br>"

chunk[80] = {
baseName = "Q203 Ending Witcher way",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q203 Ending Witcher way 733D8189-40BBEF5C-AF84AE98-
index = 5,
description = 0x000f49e0, -- "Geralt decided to take care of the hym
using tried and true witcher methods. This meant, as it often does, waiting until
after dusk and gathering a generous supply of torches. Only then did he and Udalryk
journey to the abandoned home to set about forcing the wraith to reveal its true
visage. The fight lasted the entire night. Though at times Geralt feared Udalryk
would not withstand the torture the hym dealt in its last throes of self-defense,
by the time dawn came our heroes had triumphed and the hym had dissolved back into
the ether."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q205cirireplacer.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q205 Ciri - safe heaven",
order = 1006108670,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q205 Ciri - safe heaven",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000ffff7, -- "The Calm Before the Storm"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start",
description = 0x00100cbf, -- "Craven's reanimated corpse told Geralt and
Yennefer about Ciri's stay on Hindarsfjall. She had made a dramatic entrance,
popping out of thin air in a narrow escape from some unknown danger. Exhausted and
wounded, she was carried by a mysterious companion who then entrusted her into
Craven's care. He took her home, where his family tended to her with warmth and
kindness. For the first time in a very long while, Ciri had a moment to catch her
breath and enjoy life's simple comforts.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100cd2, -- "Sadly, she was not given long to savor
these blissful moments. The Wild Hunt had caught Ciri's scent. Dark clouds gathered
in the sky, puddles began to ice over and the ruthless wraiths rode towards the
village. Ciri knew she was in no shape to defeat her assailants. Craven, or rather
Skjall, for that was the unfortunate lad's true name, decided to help her, putting
his own life and honor at risk.<br><br>Ciri raced off to Drowned Dead Rock, where
she rejoined her masked companion. From what Skjall could see the two got into some
sort of quarrel, which the mysterious man ended by putting Ciri to sleep with a
spell. He then set her down in a boat and sailed off with her into the thick fog
blanketing the surrounding sea. <br><br> Ciri had thus escaped the Wild Hunt once
again. Skjall was less fortunate - the wraiths had wounded him and left him for
dead. Yet he had life in him still and fought his way back to consciousness. When
his eyes opened, he saw he was lying on the beach near a boat - the very same
vessel in which Ciri and her companion had sailed away the night before. Now it
bore but a single, highly unusual passenger -- the ugliest man in the world."
chunk[6] = {
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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find Skjal",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Skjal",
children = {
title = 0x000ffffc, -- "Join Skjall in the stable."

chunk[8] = {
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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "checkit out",
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000ffffd, -- "Try to defeat the warriors of the Wild Hunt."

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chunk[11] = {
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title = 0x000fffff, -- "Follow Astrid to the sauna."

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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "escape",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "escape",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000ffffe, -- "Make it to Drowned Dead Rock while avoiding the
riders of the Wild Hunt."

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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "go into the changing room",
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title = 0x0010204f, -- "Leave your clothes in the changing room."

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children = {
title = 0x00108cc7, -- "[Optional] Jump into the water to cool off and

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chunk[23] = {
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index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x00108cc8, -- "[Optional] Drink a shot of Freya's Firewater to
warm up."

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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "barn escape",
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index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x00109827, -- "Get on a horse and flee towards Drowned Dead

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q205herbarium.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q205 The Garden",
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title = 0x000ffff8, -- "Nameless"

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baseName = "Quest Started",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started 018C602D-484237C9-B6F0BA92-3A15A174",
description = 0x00100cb9, -- "While talking to the inhabitants of
Larvik, Geralt and Yennefer found out Ciri had been in the village right before the
Wild Hunt had descended upon it. She had ridden off with a man called Craven,
heading towards Drowned Dead Rock. Geralt and Yennefer decided they had to find
this Craven - though both knew there was little chance he would still be alive when
they did. The monster dwelling in Freya's garden did not take kindly to

chunk[5] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended F6954B58-4949BB6C-CF12C08A-9309F050",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100cba, -- "Geralt, an expert tracker if there ever
was one, had little trouble retracing Craven's footsteps. Putting the lie to his
insulting nickname, Craven had bravely faced the monster in the garden… and, sad to
say, was mortally wounded as a result. Feeling the life seep out of him, Craven
found shelter in an underground chamber. That is where he died, and that is where
Geralt found his body. This could have marked the end of the trail, and most
certainly would have, dear reader, if not for Yennefer's determination..."

chunk[6] = {
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title = 0x000fffed, -- "Search for signs of Craven near the sacred tree
using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x0010467f, -- "Use the lever to open the flood gates so you can
continue further."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q205lofoten.journal:

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description = 0x00100c9e, -- "Though Ermion was incensed (no druidic pun
intended) at Yennefer and Geralt's theft and desecration of an ancient artifact, he
was willing to put his anger aside to help them find Ciri. He told them of the
Hunt's recent destruction of the village of Lofoten. Geralt and Yennefer knew at
once it could not have been a chance attack. Ciri. They went there looking for

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confirmed. Ciri had indeed been seen in Lofoten right before the Wild Hunt
appeared. Yet none who had survived the village's devastation knew what she had
been doing there or where she had gone. They all agreed that the only one who might
know more about her fate was a man now known only as Craven. This individual had
behaved disgracefully during the Hunt's attack, for which crime he had been
stripped of his name and expelled from the community. He had then set out to
redeem himself by defeating the monster dwelling in Freya's garden... and never

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q206berserkers.journal:

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baseName = "Q206 Beginning",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Beginning D419B768-45820755-30B9E4BE-FC1E0932",
description = 0x001009e1, -- "With Geralt's help, both Hjalmar and Cerys
had defied death and won glory, greatly improving their chances in the race for
Skellige's throne. Crach decided the news was an excellent excuse to host a great
feast, during which skalds would sing the praises of the young an Craites and
tables laden with mead and meat would sway those islanders who were still
undecided, convincing them to support this generous and powerful family. Geralt was
also invited to the celebration, where he was to receive a token of Crach's

chunk[27] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Massacre 629525E0-48FB56D8-40561DA6-674E9557",
index = 1,
description = 0x001009e3, -- "A Skellige saying holds that at a good
feast, blood and mead flow in equal measure. Sadly, it seems someone took the
saying literally and orchestrated a terrible massacre during the banquet at Kaer
Trolde. Between the third and fourth courses of roast ram, massive, enraged bears
suddenly appeared amidst the merrymakers. Before the hooch-dazed warriors could
draw their weapons, the animals tore dozens of guests to shreds, including most of
the claimants to the throne.<br><br>Geralt managed to save most of the other
attendees, but could do nothing to stop the torrent of accusations and calumnies
directed at Crach once the dust had settled. The other jarls accused him of
conspiring to put one of his own on the throne. If an Craite could not prove his
innocence, his family would forever lay buried beneath a mountain of
shame.<br><br>Hjalmar and Cerys immediately took action, each in their own way. If
he wanted to investigate how the massacre had come to pass, Geralt would need to
choose which an Craite to support.<br>"

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Q206 Investigation With Cerys",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Investigation With Cerys F12A9030-419747F6-
index = 2,
description = 0x001009e4, -- "Geralt decided to help Cerys. This was not
surprising - her calm and systematic approach to the matter bore a strong
resemblance to how the witcher himself conducted investigations.<br>"

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Q206 Arnvald Died",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Arnvald Died 050BC6F9-49A85D98-D4E9E5A5-
index = 3,
description = 0x001009e7, -- "Yet Arnvald got his just deserts when he
was the one to die at the hands of traitors. The full measure of justice, however,
had not yet been meted out - it was discovered that Arnvald had not acted on his
own initiative, meaning the massacre's true mastermind remained at large. What
luck, then, that Geralt and Cerys quickly found clues as to the treasonous
murderer's identity. It turned out the culprit was none other than Birna, King
Bran's widow and mother to one of the claimants to the throne, Svanrige.<br>"

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Q206 Arnvald Lived",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Arnvald Lived 40C7E07A-4F3FFBDD-A78BC5AD-
index = 4,
description = 0x001009eb, -- "Arnvald tried to save his life by fleeing,
but he did not get far - for Geralt, accustomed to chasing down griffins and
wyverns, outrunning a clumsy and panicked rider proved no challenge. Cerys
interrogated him adroitly and got from him the identity of his patron. It turned
out the culprit was none other than Birna, King Bran's widow and mother to one of
the claimants to the throne, Svanrige.<br>"

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Q206 Investigation with Hjalmar",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Investigation with Hjalmar C01A1EB4-4E6B6C50-
index = 5,
description = 0x001009ee, -- "In the end Geralt decided to help Hjalmar.
Like him, the witcher felt there was no time to go over everything with a fine-
toothed comb - they had to act now, while the trail was still fresh.<br>"

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Q206 Arnvald",
order = 3959422974,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Arnvald 8F1844EF-44178A2B-BC8C03B5-67EBB675",
index = 6,
description = 0x001009f6, -- "Their thorough investigation led Cerys and
Geralt to an unexpected discovery. It turned out Arnvald, the an Craite family's
hitherto faithful servant, had had a hand in the massacre. It was he who spiked the
mead with the blood and herbs that caused certain guests to transform into bears.
It was he who then tried to kill Geralt and Cerys in a most underhanded manner when
they were close to finding him out.<br>"

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Q206 Hallgrim's Village",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Hallgrim's Village CFE07BA1-45FEED8A-D1FC3DBF-
index = 7,
description = 0x001009f8, -- "Geralt rode off with Hjalmar to the
Vildkaarls' village located in the wildest Skellige highlands. Young an Craite was
convinced these mysterious warriors had transformed into the bears that massacred
the Kaer Trolde feastgoers. It turned out his intuition had not led them astray.
Geralt found a hidden passage in the village leading to a vast cavern. When they
entered it, the whole gruesome riddle unraveled before their very eyes...<br>"

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Q206 Arits' Ritual",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Arits' Ritual FCA020A0-4E67E61B-EC85BCA9-
index = 8,
description = 0x001009fa, -- "The dark legends about the Vildkaarls were
true. Geralt and Hjalmar saw this for themselves when they got a hidden peek at a
terrifying ritual in which a man who wished to join the ranks of this bizarre
warrior society let a bear devour him alive. Geralt tried to get the druid who
conducted the ceremony to tell him who was responsible for the Kaer Trolde
massacre. The druid refused to answer - and Hjalmar showed that it was vengeance
more than testimony that interested him. He killed the druid, who took the
knowledge of his patron's identity with him to the grave.<br>"

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Q206 Ending - Bran Killed",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Ending - Bran Killed E829B080-48A28238-8DE34AA0-
index = 9,
description = 0x001009fb, -- "Birna was tried by a council of jarls.
Though Geralt and Cerys presented damning testimony against her, for a moment it
seemed the sly widow would escape justice. In the end, the final nail in her coffin
was pounded in by her own son, Svanrige, who sensed her lie at once when she denied
the accusations. Birna was given the sentence she deserved and disgrace covered the
name of the once-proud Tuirseach family.<br>"
chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Q206 Ending - Vildkaarls Defeated",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Ending - Vildkaarls Defeated 830E2AB3-4A6A6372-
index = 10,
description = 0x00100a05, -- "Though Hjalmar was not able to uncover who
stood behind the massacre at Kaer Trolde, the testimony he and Geralt provided
clearly showed the hosts had not had a hand in it, and that those murdered during
the feast had been properly avenged - thus clearing the an Craite family name of
all suspicion. Crach and his children were still far from safe, however - the
traitor responsible for the bloodshed remained at large, uncaptured and ready to
strike again.<br>"

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Q206 Fail - Geralt never show up for reward",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Fail - Geralt never show up for reward 8102EA39-
index = 11,
description = 0x00109685, -- "Crach's invitation was tempting, to be
sure, but Geralt decided not to take him up on it. Instead of attending the feast
and collecting his reward, he went off to pursue other, more important matters,
such as finding the Sunstone and defeating Eredin."

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Q206 Fail - Geralt left after massacre",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Fail - Geralt left after massacre 088C46B0-
index = 12,
description = 0x00109686, -- "In the end Geralt decided Cerys and
Hjalmar were perfectly capable of taking care of themselves without his assistance.
Meanwhile he had more important things to tend to - ones tied to Ciri. He thus left
Kaer Trolde and let the investigation into the massacre run its own course."

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Q206 Fail - go with Cerys and left",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Fail - go with Cerys and left 4204ED77-4C9A4954-
index = 13,
description = 0x00109700, -- "Cerys had always struck Geralt as the
wiser of Crach's two children, which is why he decided to go with her to
investigate who was behind the massacre. Yet once he saw how well she was handling
said investigation, he decided he was not needed there and left to tend to his own

chunk[40] = {
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order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q206 Fail - go with Hjalmar and left 10A7C397-
index = 14,
description = 0x00109701, -- "Hjalmar was a man of action and it was
this that convinced Geralt to cast his lot with him and his methods. They set out
together to find those responsible for the massacre, but Geralt quickly realized
Hjalmar could manage just fine without his intervention, so he left him to it and
set about seeing to his own business."

chunk[41] = {
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title = 0x00054ae4, -- "Examine the crime scene using your Witcher

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chunk[136] = {
baseName = "Escape the burning cellar",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Escape the burning cellar 990479A9-4C80818C-9E7515B4-
title = 0x00054aeb, -- "Flee from the burning cellar."

chunk[137] = {
baseName = "Test some wine in the used wine barrels",
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children = {
title = 0x00054b0e, -- "Examine the mead in the open barrels."

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chunk[141] = {
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title = 0x0008dd98, -- "Ask Hjort to have a look at the mead sample."

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chunk[147] = {
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chunk[148] = {
baseName = "Examine the cellar door for tracks",
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children = {
title = 0x0006a55d, -- "Look for tracks around the cellar door using
your Witcher Senses."
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chunk[156] = {
baseName = "Look around to find something that picks up the trail",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look around to find something that picks up the trail
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00105e5a, -- "Look around for a clue using your Witcher

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q208heroesmead.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q208 Heroesmead",
order = 4234149886,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q208 Heroesmead 9540A12A-49AA6796-7BC8E7BE-848030A4",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00063ee8, -- "Coronation"
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 46440905-4A5D30A1-52AB91B5-D571589E",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q208 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q208 Beginning 76015B31-4359F18B-C0422DAA-2309CEC1",
description = 0x00100828, -- "At last, the day had come. The long
interregnum was at an end. The jarls of Skellige had gathered to choose which of
the claimants would be crowned King Bran's successor. Notable representatives from
the clans and common Skelligers alike rubbed shoulders around the sacred oak on
Hindarsfjall, eager to witness the coronation of their new ruler. Among them -
Geralt of Rivia.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q208 Hjamlar the King",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q208 Hjamlar the King 1CFCA4D2-46A403AC-E2E420B0-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100829, -- "It was done. The Skelligers had spoken.
Hjalmar an Craite was the Isles' new ruler. Many grumbled that this heralded a time
of storms and imminent war with Nilfgaard. Others cheered, content in the thought
that their young leader was backed by a sage and experienced advisor, his father -
the cool pond of his wisdom to temper Hjalmar's red-hot steel. All agreed their new
king was a warrior, strong and fearless, who would give not an inch to any

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q208 Cerys the Queen",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q208 Cerys the Queen A56CF362-48CF19F8-8F99FE98-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010082a, -- "It was done. The Skelligers had spoken,
choosing Cerys an Craite to be their new queen. Though in the past other women had
sat on Skellige's throne, many islanders worried the turbulent times would simply
overwhelm young Cerys. Others rejoiced at the outcome, believing Cerys' accession
guaranteed that peace would one day reign in Skellige. Who was in the right? Time
would soon tell…"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q208 Fail",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q208 Fail 26418401-4ED6C973-7041FA8D-9E526B8E",
index = 3,
description = 0x00109702, -- "...who, however, is not fond of such
ceremonies. He thus took the first chance he got to avoid participating in the
coronation and saw to his own matters instead."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Ard Skellig",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ard Skellig C7789F57-4BD14968-2980C797-529098A8",
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children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "To coronation",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "To coronation DF095DE1-4A854643-44E0A786-1442C7D7",
children = {
title = 0x000610e5, -- "Attend the coronation under the sacred oak."

chunk[10] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q210avallachlab.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q210 Avallach lab",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Avallach lab D034287F-4AD3809B-2BB2B68C-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000835a6, -- "Child of the Elder Blood"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 24C51866-46EF6600-861BD781-465041AC",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q210 Beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Beggining 80D14FBD-4511DFA9-9DE6F59F-94CD2FF4",
description = 0x000f4c8c, -- "Ciri pulled Geralt aside for a
confidential heart-to-heart. She confided to him that Avallac'h had a hidden lair,
a secret place that not even Ciri, his star pupil and long-time traveling
companion, had been allowed to visit. Intrigued, Geralt decided to enter this
secret lair and find out what the Seer was hiding.<br><br>The most important part
of any conspiracy is for the co-conspirators to trust each other fully, and Ciri's
revelation had cast a shadow of suspicion on Avallac'h. Geralt knew light must be
shed on this shadow before it proved too late.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q210 Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Ending 4DED47FE-4A2DE1D5-C90046A1-2B710485",
index = 1,
description = 0x000f4c8d, -- "It turned out Avallac'h's well-guarded
secret was a hidden laboratory in which he carried out research on Lara Dorren's
gene - the gene Ciri bore within her, the cause of her power and her misfortune.
Ciri was understandably less than thrilled to see herself through Avallac'h's eyes
as a subject in some twisted experiment.<br><br>Meanwhile, they also discovered
this secret research wasn't the only reason the Seer kept the place hidden.
Avallac'h seemed to have been using it as a pleasure alcove for trysts with his
elven lover. Who would have thought? It turns out even the wisest of sages is not
always driven by pure reason alone."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Avallach lab",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Avallach lab AD237CF5-4A28D218-C65583BF-86FC079E",
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children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Check island where Avallach was seen",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check island where Avallach was seen 7E507564-
children = {
title = 0x000835a7, -- "Travel to the island where Avallac'h's
laboratory is located."

chunk[8] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "island mappin 41548475-403A6CDF-D01E6685-F61126AF",
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chunk[10] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Yen D46C5123-432FCF0F-4364089A-5F66CC22",
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children = {
title = 0x000835a8, -- "Talk to Yennefer."

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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Wait until door is open",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait until door is open 25CA3AEE-4079E6C9-078B6CA3-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000835a9, -- "Wait for the door to open."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "lab door mappin",
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chunk[14] = {
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order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat golem 3EA0F147-4ED17221-7770499E-1AD3F720",
index = 3,
title = 0x000835aa, -- "Neutralize the golem."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Explore the ruins",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Explore the ruins 2FC2EF87-47A3E881-9E448EA7-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000835ab, -- "Explore Avallac'h's laboratory using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[16] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "ruins mappin 43A98258-4BA87576-F6C25F9B-011C448A",
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mapPinID = "q210_mappin_avallach_ruins",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Talk Yen distillery",
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index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00084379, -- "Talk to Yennefer."

chunk[18] = {
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mapPinID = "yennefer",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Talk Ciri gene tree",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk Ciri gene tree C01B5AFF-4D18C8AD-61CDC889-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0008437a, -- "Talk to Ciri."

chunk[20] = {
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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Unblock door",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Unblock door 5B75ABF3-462634C5-31C327B4-1E9D1558",
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children = {
title = 0x00084383, -- "Open the doors."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "rift door mappin 99380E6A-444B20A0-1752D48B-
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chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Explore rift room",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Explore rift room 922EC1E3-474FEEF5-90F600AB-
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x00084384, -- "Search the laboratory using your Witcher

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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Fight wild hounds",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight wild hounds 4E8957BC-45A550B3-E2097DAD-
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x00084385, -- "Fight the wild dogs."

chunk[26] = {
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mapPinID = "q210_mappin_rift_room",

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Talk Yen blocked door",
order = 4269801470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk Yen blocked door 75503F8B-4DC74ACA-0F57D285-
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x00084432, -- "Talk to Yennefer about the blocked doors."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "yennefer mappin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "yennefer mappin 28141890-41585DD0-3D8D5988-866EC86B",
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chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Meet Ciri outside lab",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Ciri outside lab 3BD39C23-4079D23D-34D4BB90-
index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x00089f9c, -- "Meet Ciri outside the laboratory."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "outside lab mappin",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q210emhyr.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q210 Emhyr",
order = 3888119806,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Emhyr D8775E1A-40ACF5BB-A66CD9B6-B6C148E4",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00100b2a, -- "Veni Vidi Vigo"

chunk[3] = {
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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions BC570C60-44633E7F-BBBEFA85-03216B59",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Free Fringilla Vigo - begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Free Fringilla Vigo - begining 7799DBD2-4AACC33F-
description = 0x00103218, -- "As an attentive reader you surely remember
that the Wild Hunt could only be defeated with the help of powerful magic, and for
this reason Geralt had recruited the most powerful sorceresses in the world, both
those he liked and those he utterly detested, to join his cause. When a chance
arose to add Fringilla Vigo to the roster, Geralt seized it without a moment's
hesitation and went straightaway to the emperor's ship, where the dark-haired
sorceress was being held.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Free Fringilla Vigo - ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Free Fringilla Vigo - ending 397C9C88-45C1CFBB-
index = 1,
description = 0x001061c9, -- "Fringilla Vigo was the emperor's prisoner,
and probably would have remained so till the end of her days if not for Yennefer's
pact with Emhyr. He agreed to let the sorceress go - on condition she help in the
fight against the Wild Hunt.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Going to Emhyr",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Going to Emhyr 683B5259-4738CB9D-76FE26A3-A83BBECA",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Get unseen to Emhyrs ship",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get unseen to Emhyrs ship D22672C9-4D798A00-73D5A28A-
children = {
title = 0x00081a98, -- "Sneak onto the emperor's flagship under cover of

chunk[8] = {
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mapPinID = "emhyr",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "q210_examine_anchor",
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chunk[10] = {
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mapPinID = "q210_mp_emhyr_ship",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q210precanaris.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q210 Pre Canaris",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Pre Canaris 6F58796E-4CE99749-002CADA9-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0004dcef, -- "The Sunstone"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Going to Crach",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Going to Crach 56FDA06C-469EC66B-6CB4149B-E1EA4065",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ask Crach where is Mousesack",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Crach where is Mousesack 077F1CE2-4EB8707D-
children = {
title = 0x0004b311, -- "Ask Crach where Ermion is."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "crach mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "crach mappin 29B7CF38-49764D31-6409B2AC-EC62B44B",
mapPinID = "crach",

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Defeat Lugos men",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat Lugos men 05E08FCE-4BA75179-C490E3B0-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008860f, -- "Defeat Lugos' men."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "lugos place",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lugos place AD157DB2-4A6B2C8A-7A7202BB-9456D5FB",
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mapPinID = "q210_mappin_lugos_place",

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Defeat nilfgaardians",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat nilfgaardians 6B0A4089-46B14B74-D61BF3BB-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00088611, -- "Defeat the Nilfgaardians."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "kt main chamber",
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mapPinID = "q210_mappin_kt_chamber",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Talk to Mousesack",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Mousesack 8E7836F4-4EA9E0F8-3AF3E181-
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title = 0x00101c7b, -- "Talk to Ermion."

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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0008860c, -- "Talk to Ermion outside of Madman Lugos'

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title = 0x0006a17c, -- "Continue exploring the ruins."
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children = {
title = 0x0007fd45, -- "Examine the Sunstone."

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chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Q210 Beggining",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Beggining 4CBF6AFC-47FE3CC7-5219DDAE-E080DB8C",
description = 0x000f4c89, -- "Geralt knew he could only defeat Eredin
with the help of mages and on his own terms. Since the King of the Wild Hunt was
traveling on the Naglfar, the spectral vessel known from Skellige legend, somewhere
between worlds, our heroes had to summon him back and somehow cut off his escape
route. Such a feat could only be performed by a group of mages acting in concert
and aided by a legendary elven artifact - the Sunstone.<br>"

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Q210 Emhyr Done",
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index = 1,
description = 0x000f4c8a, -- "The emperor's flagship was anchored in
Skellige's waters when Geralt arrived. His Imperial Majesty would preside over the
battle in person - but more important to Geralt was the prisoner he held on his
ship, the Nilfgaardian sorceress Fringilla Vigo, whose aid could turn the tide of
Ciri's defense. Geralt thus asked the Emhyr to lend him his captive sorceress.
Though Fringilla was a suspected traitor, Emhyr agreed.<br>"

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index = 2,
description = 0x000f4c8b, -- "Geralt overcame countless obstacles and
found the Sunstone - a feat which, to give credit where it's due, would have been
impossible without the help of Philippa Eilhart. Everyone knew what this meant: the
preparations for the great battle against the Wild Hunt had come to an end, and
what would follow their activation of the Sunstone would determine the fate of the

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children = {
title = 0x00081a97, -- "Rejoin the sorceresses."

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chunk[42] = {
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title = 0x00087bb8, -- "Help Eyvind light the signal fire."

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title = 0x00086121, -- "Talk to Yennefer."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q210preparations.journal:

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title = 0x00100b2c, -- "Battle Preparations"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Last Preparations - begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Last Preparations - begining",
description = 0x0010320b, -- "Thanks to Triss and Yennefer's hard work,
Ciri's team of defenders now had two more outstanding sorceresses in its ranks and
the prospect of gaining yet another. With this, our heroes were ready to face the
Wild Hunt, but to bring Eredin to their world and cut off his escape route, they
also needed an elven artifact known as the Sunstone. The team set off for the
Skellige Isles to finish their final tasks before their final battle.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Last Preparations - ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Last Preparations - ending",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010320c, -- "In short order Geralt had found the
Sunstone, secured the sorceress Fringilla Vigo's assistance and prepared Ciri to
face Eredin once more. The time had come to fight the Wild Hunt."

chunk[6] = {
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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Meet Avallac'h on ship",
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title = 0x00100b2d, -- "Find the Sunstone."
world = 3,

chunk[11] = {
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children = {
title = 0x00100b2e, -- "Pick Fringilla up on the emperor's ship."
world = 3,

chunk[12] = {
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chunk[14] = {
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index = 2,
title = 0x0008611d, -- "Help Ciri confront her past."
world = 3,

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Find out if Avallach is hiding something",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find out if Avallach is hiding something 4B103A68-
index = 3,
title = 0x00086119, -- "Find out if Avallac'h's hiding something."
world = 3,

chunk[16] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Avallach FBFAC294-4BB1DDEB-C19CE086-
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Tell Avallac'h everything is done",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tell Avallac'h everything is done 8C4D9DA0-4210FB0B-
children = {
title = 0x00081b27, -- "Let Avallac'h know everything's ready."
world = 3,

chunk[18] = {
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mapPinID = "avallach",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q210skjallgrave.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q210 Skjall Grave",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Skjall Grave B95FA3F5-47B7A37B-4A51B4AE-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00086113, -- "Skjall's Grave"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions E22FC441-406B357C-C5497FBE-3FB99BAB",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Q210 Beggning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Beggning 3F084212-4393456A-3DEFD5BC-7D72B12C",
description = 0x000f4c8f, -- "When Ciri and Geralt reached Hindarsfjall,
Ciri mentioned she wished to visit someone very special to her, a young man named
Skjall who had helped her flee the Wild Hunt. Yennefer and Geralt exchanged grim
looks and gave Ciri the tragic news: Skjall was dead. Fighting back tears, Ciri
announced she was going to visit his grave.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q210 Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q210 Ending 6BB21663-43D794B9-2416809B-B5D2E87C",
index = 1,
description = 0x000f4c90, -- "It turned out brave Skjall was not treated
with the respect he deserved after his death. His body was thrown in a ditch like a
rotting animal carcass. Offended to her very core, Ciri pulled his corpse out of
the ditch and buried it with Geralt's help near the cemetery. This violation of
custom aroused the disgust and outrage of nearby Skelligers, to whom Skjall was a
disgraced outcast. Ciri remained intransigent and refused to give any ground to
local sensibilities. All in all, it was an unfortunate incident that could have
been handled more, hm... delicately."

chunk[6] = {
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title = 0x00086114, -- "Meet Ciri in the Hindarsfjall cemetery."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q301dreamer.journal:

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children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0004dceb, -- "Pyres of Novigrad"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Visit Triss in her house",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visit Triss in her house 9C36F625-4B7C7972-133DA5A9-
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title = 0x00053981, -- "Visit Triss in her house."

chunk[5] = {
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baseName = "Look for thieves on main square and carefully track them",
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them 9B6AA62E-4F320904-01DF0799-CF707A43",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00053994, -- "Look for thieves on the main square and
carefully follow them."

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title = 0x00057129, -- "Meet with the King of Beggars."

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chunk[22] = {
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title = 0x0005a4a3, -- "Search Triss' house using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[24] = {
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title = 0x0005c369, -- "Talk with beggars about the King of Beggars."

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title = 0x00067ae8, -- "Defeat the bandits."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Find entrance to sewers outside the Novigrad",
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baseName = "Q301 Start",
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description = 0x000699cb, -- "Ciri's trail took Geralt to Novigrad, the
largest city in the North. It would take seas of ink to describe the city
accurately, so suffice it to say it is the seat of the Church of the Eternal Fire,
a bustling port city and a haven for artists… and all sorts of other shady
characters.<br><br>Yet Novigrad at this time was not the city Geralt knew from his
earlier travels. War raged throughout the known world, and rich cities often prove
tempting morsels to armies on the march. It was clear at this time that this
particular morsel had both Radovid and Emhyr greedily licking their chops. Within
the city, the Temple Guard acted with impunity under the command of a cankerous
snot named Caleb Menge and with the support of that terror-spreading band of
zealots, the witch hunters. Meanwhile, the kingpins of the city's underworld still
held much of it in their sleazy grasp.<br><br>Finding Ciri here would be like
searching for a needle in a burning haystack - Geralt would clearly need some
assistance. Luckily, an old acquaintance of his now lived in Novigrad. Her name was
Triss Merigold.<br>"

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Q301 To Dreamer",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q301 To Dreamer 3B7D2ECC-494C1EA5-00A7C19E-A2BD8B72",
index = 1,
description = 0x000699cc, -- "Ever since Radovid had given the witch
hunters a free hand, the persecution of mages had ascended to new heights
everywhere in the North - and Novigrad was no exception. The smell of burning flesh
filled the air as the witch hunters set fire to freaks and mages of all kinds
during gruesome public spectacles. Triss had been forced into hiding, and Geralt
was forced to go to great lengths to find her. When he finally did, she was glad to
see a friendly face, even one that brought back some still-painful
memories.<br><br>Triss had no knowledge where Ciri might have gone, but she did
know an individual who could be of help - a dreamer named Corinne Tilly."

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Walk with Triss",
order = 1610612734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Walk with Triss 84D0349A-4DE0A017-3ED4FEB3-5978EA7E",
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children = {

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "Accompany Triss",
order = 2147483647,
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children = {
title = 0x0007775b, -- "Follow Triss."

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chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Find lost parcel",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find lost parcel 536A144A-49B27342-30BD129F-
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children = {
title = 0x0007775c, -- "Find the lost parcel using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[40] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lost parcel mappin 379E4E7F-482EF0BB-E7D9DF9E-
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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Put rat incense",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Put rat incense 9DECC0E0-4E7A5D07-F59E43A7-6E4D2934",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00077760, -- "Place rat traps around the warehouse - use your
Witcher Senses to guide you."
count = 3,

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "rats warehouse mappin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "rats warehouse mappin 7FEABEE7-42212476-88AC3D84-
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mapPinID = "q301_mappin_warehouse_side1",

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "Talk to Triss after she activates the spell",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Triss after she activates the spell D85351F0-
index = 3,
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title = 0x00077772, -- "Talk to Triss after she activates the spell."

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chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Give parcel to Triss",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Give parcel to Triss 2F193E42-481CCF10-2C20679E-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000777a2, -- "Give Triss the parcel."

chunk[46] = {
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chunk[47] = {
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chunk[48] = {
baseName = "Tell Triss we finished",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tell Triss we finished 4E9B24F1-4DED8412-1DB20B85-
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children = {
title = 0x000798c3, -- "Tell Triss you've completed your task."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Destroy the wall with Aard F9A4AC6A-43EEDA1E-
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children = {
title = 0x000f707a, -- "Find the secret passage using your Witcher
Senses, then open it."

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chunk[54] = {
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title = 0x00108d87, -- "Enter the basement."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q301helpdreamer.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q301 Find Dreamer",
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title = 0x000f49e1, -- "Novigrad Dreaming"

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chunk[4] = {
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description = 0x000f49f1, -- "Oneiromancers - or dreamers, as they are
more commonly called - possess the ability their name implies to divine the future
or relive the past through dreams. Corinne was one of the best of her kind and had
no trouble finding clients, even with the hostility to the occult that reigned in
Novigrad at the time. Geralt hoped she would spare him a few moments, and set off
to find her in a house where she had gone to ply her trade.<br>"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q301 Ending 912111B7-44E23BC1-74BD068A-68E2AAA4",
index = 1,
description = 0x000f4a17, -- "Corinne agreed to help Geralt and put
together a dreaming séance for him. Geralt has always been an introvert, and
talking about his feelings and loved ones does not come easy for him. Yet that was
exactly what the dreamer needed him to do if she was to dream about Ciri. In the
end Geralt forced open his shell, then fell asleep - and dreamed. In his dream, he
saw Ciri in Novigrad... with me."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Get to Dreamer",
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chunk[7] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find dreamer in old house 70D2C959-4A32468E-7B198A94-
children = {
title = 0x000f49e2, -- "Find the dreamer in the old house."

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title = 0x000f49e3, -- "Search the attic."

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index = 2,
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bookShortcut = "q301_drawing_crib",

chunk[12] = {
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chunk[14] = {
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Check why the door was slammed",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check why the door was slammed 13D04A35-4528E6AD-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x000f49e7, -- "Find out why the door slammed shut."

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children = {
title = 0x000f49e8, -- "Examine the oven."

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chunk[22] = {
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title = 0x000f49e9, -- "Ask the banker where to get some burdock."

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mapPinID = "q301_haunted_house_owner",

chunk[24] = {
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chunk[26] = {
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chunk[28] = {
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title = 0x000f49ec, -- "Meet Corinne at the Golden Sturgeon."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q301visitingdreamer.journal:

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title = 0x00108d7b, -- "Haunted House"

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baseName = "Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start FA7F3D53-4511E613-98B819BF-AB38364D",
description = 0x00108d79, -- "While strolling the bustling streets of
Novigrad, Geralt came across a most intriguing notice. It suggested the man named
de Jonkheer had sold some poor fool the house which Sarah, the lovable yet
mischievous godling, used as her dwelling and playground. The notice made it clear
the new owner was not amused by his unwanted tenant's pranks. Geralt decided to
check up on Sarah and see how she was doing...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 039E5E0F-41406788-26F376B2-8F8E01D9",
index = 1,
description = 0x00108d7a, -- "Geralt wasn't sure what he expected to
find in the "haunted house" - but it sure wasn't that. The dreamer, having learned
about Sarah from Geralt, had decided to get to know her. They soon became fast
friends and had begun living together in de Jonkheer's former property. Corinne
cared for the godling, and Sarah made sure the home did not lose its haunted

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chunk[7] = {
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title = 0x00108d72, -- "Visit the haunted house again."

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mapPinID = "q311_post_haunted_house",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q302debt.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q302 King Beggar's Debt",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 King Beggar's Debt C04F6FD0-44AF95DA-57AEA686-
children = {
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title = 0x0007d80f, -- "Honor Among Thieves"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Ending 8AF82FA5-49B60F75-1F993798-4A1A8B1A",
description = 0x001008e1, -- "It turned out even thieves have honor.
Rico had not lied - the King of Beggars truly did reward Geralt handsomely for the
services rendered to his subordinate."

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Begining F847E09C-494E857A-FFC6E99C-CC1BD9B9",
index = 1,
description = 0x001008e0, -- "Geralt freed a halfling named Rico from
certain and painful death at the hands of thugs in Whoreson Junior's casino. The
halfling promised Geralt his employer - the King of Beggars - would repay the
witcher for this help.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "King Beggar's Debt 6B776547-42C39B79-FC1109AB-
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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Talk to King Beggar about freed Rico",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to King Beggar about freed Rico 572FA58E-
children = {
title = 0x0007d810, -- "Collect a reward from the King of Beggars for
freeing Rico."

chunk[8] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q302favourforradovid.journal:

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description = 0x00100ce6, -- "As you are, no doubt, already well aware,
Geralt has always paid particular interest to crowns and the men who wear them.
Kings, you see, are always in need of specialists to perform dirty jobs for them.
When Geralt heard King Radovid wanted to see him, he surmised this was just such a
moment and set off in the hope a profitable witcher contract was in the

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description = 0x00100ce7, -- "And this time Geralt was not mistaken.
Radovid asked him to track down and bring back Philippa Eilhart, a sorceress
Radovid hated with a particular fury."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q302mafia.journal:

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title = 0x0005258a, -- "Get Junior"

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title = 0x00067c9a, -- "Talk to the tied-up halfling in the casino."

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chunk[48] = {
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index = 1,
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title = 0x0007d519, -- "Talk to Dijkstra about Whoreson's ties to the

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index = 2,
title = 0x00060a49, -- "Kill Whoreson Junior's guards."

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title = 0x00060a51, -- "Use the key to open the door to Whoreson
Junior's hideout."

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title = 0x0007d518, -- "Search Whoreson Junior's hideout using your
Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00077409, -- "Defeat the assassins."

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index = 9,
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title = 0x001013db, -- "Search Whoreson Junior's residence."

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q302 Begining EDFA9766-40B7EAE5-ECEE6C9B-2E280FB7",
description = 0x00101643, -- "Thanks to the lovely Priscilla, Geralt now
knew Ciri and I had struck a deal with Whoreson Junior, one of the Big Four bosses
of the Novigrad underworld. It seemed a simple matter of finding Whoreson, having a
chat and getting out of him where to look for me. But in the Novigrad of the time
nothing was simple, and nothing was as it seemed...<br>"

chunk[72] = {
baseName = "q302 - Whoreson Dead",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q302 - Whoreson Dead 65D45800-48660D2F-B0F853BC-
index = 1,
description = 0x00101644, -- "Fate is like a Novigrad prostitute -
sometimes you get more than you bargained for. Geralt found Whoreson after a great
deal of meandering, during which he realized the man he sought was scum of the
worst variety. Because of Whoreson, Ciri had been wounded, I had landed in prison,
and Dudu had been subjected to torture.<br><br>It thus came as no surprise that,
once he had the information he wanted, Geralt killed the heinous man without
batting an eye. Having achieved what he set out to do and lanced a particularly
loathsome boil on the skin of humanity while he was at it, he went forth to pursue
his new leads.<br>"

chunk[73] = {
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index = 2,
description = 0x00101645, -- "Fate is like a Novigrad prostitute -
sometimes you get more than you bargained for. Geralt found Whoreson after a great
deal of meandering, during which he realized the man he sought was scum of the
worst variety. Because of Whoreson, Ciri had been wounded, I had landed in prison,
and Dudu had been subjected to torture.<br><br>This man surely deserved death, yet
Geralt decided the greater punishment would be to let him live in shame and agony.
Having achieved what he wanted and brought justice to a vile man while he was at
it, he then set off to follow his new leads."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q302rescuingdudu.journal:

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description = 0x00100903, -- "After a long search, Geralt had at last
found Whoreson Junior and forced him to recount the truth of his dealings with Ciri
- events in which I, dear reader, played a not insubstantial part.<br>"
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index = 1,
description = 0x00100a6d, -- "Ciri and I had promised Whoreson a heap of
treasure in return for his help. When we failed to deliver, he kidnapped our friend
Dudu and started torturing him - his way of prodding us to improve our performance.
But fear not, Dudu was not abandoned in his hour of need - Ciri broke into Junior's
home, struck the rotten thug down and freed the doppler.<br><br>Alas, Junior then
struck back with overwhelming force. Dudu could simply change form and melt into
the crowd, but Ciri and I had to flee the city at breakneck speed, with Junior's
strongmen on our heels the entire time. In the end we were driven to Temple Isle -
and into a corner. Ciri was forced to use her abilities and teleported away. I
struggled valiantly, but ultimately was captured by the Temple Guard and thrown
into prison."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q302war.journal:

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children = {
title = 0x0005a717, -- "Think over Cleaver's offer to help you find
Whoreson Junior."

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title = 0x00108974, -- "Meet Cleaver's dwarves outside the casino."

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title = 0x00108975, -- "Meet Cleaver's dwarves outside the arena."

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baseName = "Q302 WoG Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 WoG Begining D83145EA-46B76EDE-9725D4A4-
description = 0x001008e4, -- "When Geralt entered the Novigrad
bathhouse, he happened to walk in on a meeting of the heads of the city's criminal
underworld. Becoming an unwitting participant in their conversation, he learned of
the conflict between the triumvirate made up of the King of Beggars, Sigi Reuven
and Carlo "Cleaver" Varese on the one hand, and Whoreson Junior and the unknown
powers backing him on the other. Cleaver in particular wanted Whoreson gone and
offered Geralt help in finding and gettin to the bastard, which suited Geralt's
interests. They say hands aplenty make for light work, and Geralt had every reason
to believe this applied to gang warfare as much as it did to cleaning a barn, so he
graciously accepted the gangster's offer.<br>"

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Q302 WoG Ending",
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index = 1,
description = 0x001008e5, -- "Geralt did not find Whoreson during his
search with Cleaver's men, but do not think his time was wasted. The witcher
smashed his way through a fair number of public mingling spaces and slaughtered a
great many armed men of diverse social backgrounds, gaining in the doing a unique
look at the complications of daily life in the Novigrad underworld. Enriched with
this knowledge, Geralt continued his search for Whoreson alone."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q303treasure.journal:

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title = 0x0005258b, -- "Count Reuven's Treasure"

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title = 0x00052713, -- "Look for clues about the thieves in the
bathhouse side rooms using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x00057782, -- "Examine Fons' body."

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title = 0x00058b70, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to search the sewer room
for evidence."

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chunk[15] = {
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index = 5,
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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0002a01f, -- "Investigate the site of the break-in using your
Witcher Senses."

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chunk[54] = {
baseName = "Meet Triss at the Eternal Fire Shrine, east of the harbour
entrance, at midnight",
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harbour entrance, at midnight 0A9D38F0-437DBDCF-E26FC08A-D6B7EEAF",
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title = 0x00057bef, -- "Meet Triss at the Eternal Fire shrine near the
harbor around midnight."

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chunk[57] = {
baseName = "Q303 Investigating The Vault",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q303 Investigating The Vault 5C210898-49C5EE5E-
description = 0x000ff643, -- "It turned out Sigi Reuven was none other
than Sigismund Dijkstra, former head of Redanian intelligence and a man well-known
to Geralt from past adventures. In an atypical bout of ignorance, Dijkstra had no
inkling I was involved in the theft of his gold. He treated Geralt's appearance as
a fortunate coincidence and offered him a handsome sum in return for help finding
his stolen wealth - and the thief who had stolen it. Geralt and Dijkstra thus both
wanted to find the exact some person - yours truly - albeit for entirely different
reasons. Seizing this bit of good fortune, Geralt accepted the offer and hoped
against hope Dijkstra wouldn't catch on to his double dealing.<br>"

chunk[58] = {
baseName = "Q303 The Margrave",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q303 The Margrave 5C4C12A9-4B4521E2-7DAC779A-
index = 1,
description = 0x000ff644, -- "Like an excavator uncovering an ancient
elven masterpiece, Geralt slowly revealed the hidden brilliance of my plan. He
discovered we had not barged in directly from the sewers like brain-dead lugs, but
had instead struck from the inside, by placing a bomb in one of the tubs'
drainpipes.<br><br>Hearing this, Dijkstra summoned his faithful eunuch, Happen, and
had him examine the bathhouse guest registry. From it they learned the tub in
question had been used that day by a certain Margrave Henckel. Nothing unusual
about a margrave giving his corns a bit of a soak - but this particular margrave
had shuffled off his mortal coil, corns and all, a few months prior to the break-
in. Dijkstra thus tasked Geralt with examining the margrave's residence, in the
hope that the witcher would find some trace of the stolen treasure there.<br>"

chunk[59] = {
baseName = "Q303 Dudu's Lead",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q303 Dudu's Lead 369E9EBF-484E3DE0-46A8D98C-
index = 2,
description = 0x000ff645, -- "The old spy's intuition did not lead him
astray - Margrave Henckel's home truly did prove a source of many interesting and
vital clues. Firstly, they discovered that Geralt's doppler acquaintance of yore,
Dudu, had been one of the heist's participants. It was he who had disguised himself
as Margrave Henckel and placed the bomb in the drainpipe.<br><br>A letter left by
Dudu contained further revelations - Ciri had taken part in the heist as well, the
stolen gold had ended up in the hands of the commander of the Temple Guard, Caleb
Menge, and I, Dandelion, was now this heinous man's prisoner.<br><br>Geralt clearly
needed to confront Menge. The question was how. The cautious guardsman would never
agree to a meeting - unless, that is, Geralt had something to offer him, a prize so
tempting he'd throw caution to the wind…<br>Triss Merigold, vile sorceress and
member of the even viler Lodge of Sorceresses, was willing to offer herself up as
irresistible bait for this fanatic hunter of witches, putting her life in danger in
order to save Ciri and, I dare say, with a thought in her heart for the art-loving
denizens of the North, who otherwise risked being deprived of their most prominent

chunk[60] = {
baseName = "Q303 Witch Hunters Tricked",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q303 Witch Hunters Tricked A90997C5-480D959B-
index = 3,
description = 0x000ff646, -- "Caleb Menge took the bait hook, line and
sinker, oblivious to Geralt's trickery to the very end. Said end was brought to him
by Triss, who stuck a knife in his throat in an emotional outburst understandable
from someone who had just been subjected to cruel and unusual torture.<br><br>
Luckily, Geralt had by this time already squeezed the information he needed out of
Menge. He had learned that I, Dandelion, was rotting in the Temple Isle dungeons,
waiting to be transported to Oxenfurt, where I would play my last leading role in a
spectacle sure to leave the audience in tears - my own execution. Yet Triss, gods
bless her heart, had a plan for preventing this...<br>"

chunk[61] = {
baseName = "Q303 Witch Hunters Slaughtered",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q303 Witch Hunters Slaughtered 3A0AB226-410EDAC6-
index = 4,
description = 0x000ff647, -- "The witcher has many virtues, but sadly
patience and subtlety are not among them. And so, instead of sticking to the plan,
Geralt decided to do things his own way - by slicing down every witch hunter in
sword's reach and butchering Caleb Menge before getting any useful information out
of him.<br><br>Luckily, however, Geralt did not leave the compound empty-handed. He
found instructions among Menge's documents for contacting a mysterious individual
who seemed to be directing the Temple Guard's actions. There was a chance this
eminence grise, whoever he or she was, knew something about my fate.<br>"

chunk[62] = {
baseName = "Q303 Dijkstra's Treasure",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q303 Dijkstra's Treasure 51DBA314-47F802DC-89D814BA-
index = 5,
description = 0x000ff648, -- "Dijkstra was less than satisfied with
Geralt's performance as a treasure hunter. Firstly, the witcher had not actually
recovered any treasure - just a key found on Menge's body that might open a vault
that might contain the treasure, assuming said vault could even be located.
Secondly, Dijkstra realized Geralt had been hiding something from him the entire
time - the identity of the criminal mastermind responsible for planning the heist
(but was this truly so difficult to guess, dear reader? After all, who else but a
bard could have planned with such cunning and panache?). The old acquaintances
ultimately parted on good terms - but it was clear to both their next meeting might
not be so amiable.<br>"

chunk[63] = {
baseName = "Q303 The Spy",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q303 The Spy 915DA0CD-4BB32C9E-DC71FA9C-F13ABD52",
index = 6,
description = 0x000ff649, -- "Triss Merigold is usually an
excruciatingly warm and tender-hearted individual. Yet on this day the witcher
discovered the red-haired sorceress has a darker side as well. When Menge's contact
refused to cooperate, Triss used her powers to force him to talk by making him feel
unbearable pain - and then to ensure he would never speak of what he'd
undergone.<br><br>This blood-curdling interrogation informed the witcher that I was
imprisoned on Temple Isle, awaiting transport to my execution in Oxenfurt. A dark
situation indeed - but Triss had an idea how to keep it from getting any

chunk[64] = {
baseName = "q303_beginning",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q303_beginning",
index = 7,
description = 0x001092ea, -- "Fear gripped the witcher's heart as he
knocked on the bathhouse doors. He knew that, shortly before I disappeared without
a trace, I had been planning to rob Sigi Reuven, one of the most powerful and
dangerous men in the North. He would have to inquire about my fate without arousing
any suspicions, which was a tall order indeed - for while Geralt may be an
excellent witcher, he is one lousy actor.<br>"

chunk[65] = {
baseName = "Margrave's House",
order = 3791650814,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Margrave's House F9D19148-41702541-1B25B0B8-
index = 5,
children = {

chunk[66] = {
baseName = "Have a word with Dijkstra",
order = 134217727,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Have a word with Dijkstra 70605E89-42B5E6B9-BEB0AFAC-
children = {
title = 0x00062e5e, -- "Have a word with Dijkstra."

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chunk[68] = {
baseName = "Go to Henckel's house in the Market District",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Henckel's house in the Market District
index = 1,
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title = 0x00052714, -- "Go to Margrave Henckel's house."

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chunk[70] = {
baseName = "Examine Henckel's house for any clues leading to the suspect",
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suspect 82C49E18-438FEC64-525BB5B5-E779B5A5",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00052717, -- "Search Margrave Henckel's house using your
Witcher Senses."

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chunk[72] = {
baseName = "Check the noise downstairs",
order = 117440510,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check the noise downstairs 9D7C79BE-4372B950-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0005d1d6, -- "Check what's going on downstairs."

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chunk[74] = {
baseName = "Solve Dudu's riddle",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Solve Dudu's riddle E5A5DA52-48D1273A-74DE248E-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000770ac, -- "Solve the riddle from the mysterious note."

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chunk[76] = {
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order = 113246206,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine the compartment 006D4E4C-4C342076-605AA98F-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0007716d, -- "Search the hidden room using your Witcher

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order = 111149054,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Examine the other room CCA181F3-4FF872E9-59648D9A-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00104382, -- "Investigate the other room using your Witcher

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chunk[81] = {
baseName = "Drop bible off at dropoff point",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Drop bible off at dropoff point 6B146BC7-4178D7E1-
children = {
title = 0x000777e2, -- "Find the drop box using your Witcher Senses.
Place the holy tome there to signal that you want to meet with the spy."

chunk[82] = {
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chunk[83] = {
baseName = "Go to Rendez-Vous point between 2200 and 0000",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Rendez-Vous point between 2200 and 0000
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000777e3, -- "Be at the arranged meeting place at midnight."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a good place to hide 133C0293-42ADECDB-F626DFA8-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000777e4, -- "Find a good place to hide and wait for the spy."

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chunk[87] = {
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order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Stay in the hiding spot between 2200 and 0000
index = 3,
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title = 0x001041bb, -- "Stay hidden until midnight."

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mapPinID = "q303_mp_rendez_vous_hiding_spot",

chunk[89] = {
baseName = "Looking For Dandelion",
order = 1879048191,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Looking For Dandelion F8989D27-4FBD2E45-28224288-
index = 7,
children = {

chunk[90] = {
baseName = "Ask Dijkstra if you can help with his treasure problem",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Dijkstra if you can help with his treasure
problem E43F137C-4C93E7C8-E38488BA-893A3493",
children = {
title = 0x000595b6, -- "Question Reuven about Dandelion's disappearance
without raising any suspicions."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 9120477E-404AE1DC-59F58686-1275E480",
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chunk[92] = {
baseName = "Return to Dijkstra when you're ready to help him with his sensitive
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Dijkstra when you're ready to help him with
his sensitive problem D191FDB8-4B5D1302-C2D61481-356A89D1",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0005961b, -- "Return to Dijkstra when you're ready to help

chunk[93] = {
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chunk[94] = {
baseName = "Follow Dijkstra into the Vault",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Dijkstra into the Vault 4AD5CB2D-4F2F1ABD-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00052219, -- "Follow Dijkstra."

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chunk[96] = {
baseName = "Get information about Dandelion's captivity",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get information about Dandelion's captivity DB28BAFE-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010003c, -- "Find out what happened to Dandelion."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin E276D1C7-44296C4A-C1F5BF8C-A4B90D86",
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chunk[98] = {
baseName = "Report to Priscilla",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Report to Priscilla 89DC8665-4A36B362-E97967AA-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001093a3, -- "Talk to Priscilla."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q304dandelion.journal:

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baseName = "Q304 Looking For Dandelion Start Q303",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q304 Looking For Dandelion Start Q303",
description = 0x000ff642, -- "Priscilla told Geralt about the ruckus I
had supposedly raised at Whoreson Junior's headquarters, and that I had been
planning to rob treasure from Sigi Reuven, a man better known to Geralt as
Sigismund Dijkstra, former head of Redanian intelligence. Geralt now realized I was
up the proverbial creek in a leaky boat without a paddle, surrounded by man-eating
crocodiles - and he would have to swim to my rescue."

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baseName = "Q304 Looking For Dandelion Beginning",
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index = 1,
description = 0x00100536, -- "Geralt had learned from the dreamer
Corinne Tilly that Ciri contacted me while in Novigrad. He thus made his way to the
Rosemary and Thyme, a charming establishment which I had inherited from an admirer
of my poetry, for he, quite rationally, expected to find me there. His search for
Ciri seemed closer to a happy conclusion than ever before.<br>"

chunk[54] = {
baseName = "Q304 Looking For Dandelion Girls",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q304 Looking For Dandelion Girls",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100539, -- "Alas, fate had raised his hopes only to
dash them cruelly back to the ground. Geralt did not find me at my proprietorship.
His despair was partially lifted when he came across our old friend, Zoltan Chivay
- but the dwarf had just returned from a long journey and knew nothing of my fate
or that of Ciri. Concern wrinkling his brow, Zoltan helped Geralt search every
corner of the establishment for clues about where I might be. Other than a few
triflings, all they found was a planner containing notes about the women I had met
with in the days prior to my disappearance. They divided the names between them and
ventured into the city to find the women and ask what they knew.<br>"
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index = 3,
description = 0x0010053d, -- "Geralt conversed with the ladies whose
company I had recently graced. Though each had fond memories of these encounters,
none knew where I might be now. Geralt gleaned from their stories that there was
one person who might know more: a famous and talented trobairitz named
Priscilla.<br><br>It so happened this ravishing starlet was still in town and
performing every night at the Kingfisher Inn. Like it or not, the witcher was in
for an evening of fine culture, at the end of which he hoped to take the artist
aside for a serious chat.<br>"

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Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q305cirichasetothetemple.journal:

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- but then the real trouble started. Junior sounded the alarm and we had to flee as
fast as our mounts could take us. Our only possible escape route led to Temple

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description = 0x0010191b, -- "Once on Temple Isle, our goose was truly
cooked. Whoreson's men stopped being our main problem when we suddenly found
ourselves surrounded by the Temple Guard. All possible escape routes were cut off
and Ciri had no other option but to teleport herself away. As for me, while I put
up a brave defense against overwhelming odds, in the end I was captured and tossed
into a dungeon."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q305lookingfordandelion.journal:

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description = 0x001018e4, -- "Ah, what times those were, times of
adventure, action and unexpected twists around every corner! As you surely recall,
Ciri and I escaped from Whoreson Junior's headquarters only to wind up trapped in a
corner by the Temple Guard. Ciri managed to get away, but I was captured and tossed
in the Temple Isle dungeons. From there I was to be transported to Deireadh, the
infamous Oxenfurt prison, to await my execution - and here my tale would surely
end, had my friends not devised an ingenious plan to ambush the transport.<br>"

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description = 0x0010190f, -- "Yet even the best-laid plans can go awry
if fortune deems it so. The ambush succeeded only partially, as one of the guards
tossed me on his horse and fled in the heat of the action. Not losing my cool for
my second, I quickly concocted a plan of my own, and it had almost come to fruition
when Geralt burst in and broke me free in his typical clumsy yet, granted,
effective way. But do not think me ungrateful or cold-hearted - any irritation I
felt soon faded in the sincere joy that filled my heart upon seeing my old friend
once more."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q305theplay.journal:

chunk = {}
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title = 0x001002b5, -- "The Play's the Thing"

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description = 0x001017bd, -- "As you surely recall, Geralt knew Ciri had
been in Novigrad, that she had contacted Dudu and me and that afterwards all three
of us had plummeted straight into a writhing snake pit of trouble. The last person
to have seen Ciri was yours truly, but I, too, had disappeared without a trace.
Geralt accurately surmised that Dudu would be the easiest of our ill-fated trio to
find. He went to the one person who could help him do this - Priscilla.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001017be, -- "It should be noted that Priscilla counted
an incomparable ingenuity amongst her many virtues. Barely had Geralt explained the
problem when she hit upon a solution. Dudu had taken on some unknown form and gone
into hiding. Their only hope of luring him out - a clear sign from his old friends
in Madame Irina's mummers' troupe. <br><br>Priscilla thus decided to put on a play
- one Dudu would be sure to attend and that would clearly convey it was safe for
him to reveal himself. Geralt agreed to the plan and the two got down to work.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q305 Found Dudu After Play BCF9CD42-4D2187D6-
index = 2,
description = 0x001017bf, -- "The play was a success. Although not the
finest spectacle to ever grace the Butchers' Yard, it more than sufficed for
Priscilla's purposes - Dudu attended the play and revealed himself at its end.
Geralt quickly pulled him behind the curtain and began questioning him about me and
Ciri. This is how the witcher learned I was a prisoner of the Church of the Eternal

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title = 0x001002b9, -- "Write the play's script with Priscilla."

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title = 0x001002ba, -- "Take the script to Irina Renarde."

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children = {
title = 0x001002c5, -- "Head to the docks and hire ushers for the play."

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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001002c7, -- "(Optional) Recruit jugglers from the performing
troupe called the Puffins."

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title = 0x001002c8, -- "Get rid of the thugs lurking outside the
Puffins' house."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q308psycho.journal:

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title = 0x00053605, -- "Talk to Dandelion about Priscilla's condition."

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chunk[54] = {
baseName = "Quest End - pycho caught",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End - pycho caught 79048FDD-4ADBDCBF-2F5F969B-
description = 0x00101954, -- "Hubert Rejk seemed like a kind, gentle and
accommodating man - but in truth he was a bloodthirsty, brutal and murderous
vampire, hiding a twisted and fanatical mind behind his never-changing mask of
eternal youth. Geralt cut him down after an extraordinarily difficult duel,
avenging my Priscilla's suffering and saving the lives of the countless others who
surely would have died by this base monster's hands.<br>"

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baseName = "Quest Start",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start DC9D809C-498DAE39-21C65CB5-CB2F21E2",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101950, -- "Telling this story, my dear reader, will
tax me greatly. It is a dark and somber one, encompassing the greatest sorrow my
heart has ever known. It all started the day of the grand opening of my cabaret.
Everything had been spit-polished to perfection - all that was left was to wait for
Priscilla, whose performance was to be the crowning moment of this glorious
evening. Yet when the doors of the Chameleon burst open it was not she who stepped
inside. Instead, it was a messenger from the Vilmerius Hospital. His face pale and
his countenance dour, he informed us Priscilla had been badly wounded in an assault
- and was currently tottering on the brink of death.<br>"

chunk[56] = {
baseName = "Quest End - nathanel killed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End - nathanel killed AECCB8CE-4AE9A246-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101953, -- "Geralt's investigation took him to
Crippled Kate's, a pleasure house of questionable repute. It is there, according to
the note left by the murderer in Patricia Vegelbud's body, that the fiend would
take his next victim - a prostitute named Sweet Nettie.<br><br>Geralt entered her
room and found the Reverend Nathaniel, whom he had met earlier at the morgue,
inside. The situation was clear - Nathanial was standing over Nettie with a white-
hot poker in his hand - so Geralt meted out justice to this cruel and perverted man
without batting an eye.<br>"

chunk[57] = {
baseName = "Quest turn - we killed Nathanel but know hes no psycho",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest turn - we killed Nathanel but know hes no
psycho CFC1F7DB-4EDF214C-7F1B1B95-88B45BF8",
index = 3,
description = 0x00101952, -- "Geralt's investigation took him to
Crippled Kate's, a pleasure house of questionable repute. It is there, according to
the note left by the murderer in Patricia Vegelbud's body, that the fiend would
take his next victim - a prostitute named Sweet Nettie.<br><br>Geralt entered her
room and found the Reverend Nathaniel, whom he had met earlier at the morgue,
inside. Though the situation seemed unambiguous - Nathanial was standing over
Nettie with a white-hot poker in his hand - Geralt did not let his emotions get the
better of him. He spoke calmly with the cruel pervert until he could identify the
true murderer - then killed Nathaniel without batting an eye.<br>"

chunk[58] = {
baseName = "Quest turn - we let Nathanel live and know hes no psycho",
order = 2818572286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest turn - we let Nathanel live and know hes no
psycho FD0FBEA1-43347911-9BBFEA9F-5C47F53E",
index = 4,
description = 0x00101951, -- "Geralt's investigation took him to
Crippled Kate's, a pleasure house of dubious repute. It is there, according to the
note left by the murderer on Patricia Vegelbud's body, that the fiend would take
his next victim - a prostitute named Sweet Nettie. Geralt entered her room and
inside he found the Reverend Nathaniel, whom he had met earlier at the morgue.
Though the situation seemed unambiguous - Nathaniel was standing over Nettie with a
white-hot poker in his hand - Geralt did not let his emotions get the better of
him. He spoke calmly with the cruel pervert, and in this way determined the
identity of the true murderer.<br>"

chunk[59] = {
baseName = "After Quest Ends - Geralt got the wrong guy",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Quest Ends - Geralt got the wrong guy 958B118A-
index = 5,
description = 0x00101955, -- "Sadly, though Nathaniel was guilty of many
sins, serial killing was not among them. Some time after his death Geralt happened
across the body of another victim, one mutilated in an all-too-familiar way. This
time, however, the murderer had learned from experience and wiped all possible
clues to his identity. The witcher thus could not catch him, and the death of
countless innocents, and my Priscilla's suffering, went unavenged."

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baseName = "Fail",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fail 7B6481B4-464F0AC4-3ADC94B8-34B53DE9",
index = 6,
description = 0x0010967b, -- "How great was my gratitude when Geralt
rushed off after that hideous fiend who had done such harm to my Priscilla! Yet
days passed, and the witcher never returned with updates on the progress of his
investigation. Soon enough, I had to confront the fact that we would never catch
the degenerate scoundrel. Strengthened by Priscilla's improving condition, I
focused instead on the hope that one day she and I would sing together in beautiful
duet once more..."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q309mages.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q309 Casablanca",
order = 4253024254,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q309 Casablanca 06950C40-442252DF-03C66981-3FD2B4F3",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00054142, -- "Now or Never"

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baseName = "Q309 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q309 Beginning 7C5BD64B-44CB2AA4-C7591185-396F9DE6",
description = 0x00101834, -- "Novigrad was once famed as a place of
tolerance and the rule of law. That is why it attracted mages from all over the
world, those persecuted by Radovid and Emhyr alike. The Free City did not live up
to their hopes, however, and rather than being a safe haven it became their
slaughterhouse.<br><br>Triss Merigold, with whom you, dear reader, are already well
acquainted, decided to evacuate all mages still alive to a place far removed from
the front lines - Kovir. This was no simple task, and so the sorceress asked the
witcher for help. Geralt agreed out of concern for the persecuted mages' fate - and
Triss' fate most of all...<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q309 Witch Hunters Attack",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q309 Witch Hunters Attack C2E73491-44F717F4-5F254A8A-
index = 1,
description = 0x001007da, -- "When it seemed the mages were finally safe
and would set sail for Kovir's snow-covered shores, witch hunters swarmed over the
docks and attacked their ship. Like setters who track down hares in even the
deepest burrows, they had picked up Triss' trail despite her painstaking efforts to
cover it. Luckily, Geralt stood in defense of the mages - as did, surprisingly,
Dijkstra, for whom "love thy neighbor" had never been a guiding principle, nor the
fate of the mages a matter of particular importance.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q309 Ending Triss Left",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q309 Ending Triss Stayed E6AEFD45-485F5F03-D88ACFB9-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101837, -- "With the witch hunters taken care of, the
time had come to say goodbye. Though much had bound Geralt and Triss in the past,
on this black day, on the blood-slicked planks of the Novigrad harbor, their paths
parted. Witcher and sorceress would, true enough, meet again on several occasions,
but only ever as friends. Their flight from the Eternal Fire had been the last
flicker of the fires of their mutual affection."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q309 Ending Triss Stayed",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q309 Ending Triss Left 65F21AEA-4FA8809D-70BBAC8D-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101838, -- "With the witch hunters dispatched, the
time had come to say goodbye. Geralt sensed his heart accelerate as he realized he
might never see Triss again. The thought was unbearable, so before it could
overwhelm him, instead of bidding her farewell, he asked her to stay. Though the
circumstances on the blood-spattered docks were decidedly unromantic, in that
instant all the feelings between Geralt and Triss came rushing back in full force."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q309 Abandoned Triss",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q309 Abandoned Triss 66B31C31-42BF055B-EB3CE5AA-
index = 4,
description = 0x001067ae, -- "Nevertheless, Geralt was forced to abandon
his friend in a moment of need, for other, more urgent tasks desperately needed his
attention. If he later inquired after the subsequent fate of the mages of Novigrad,
I doubt he learned much - the subject became a very sore one for Triss."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "To Triss",
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title = 0x0006b701, -- "Follow Triss."

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title = 0x0007061f, -- "Join Triss in the Kingfisher."

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chunk[16] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q309novigradundercontrol.journal:

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outpost and killed Menge, the witch hunters decided to exact revenge on mages and
freaks of all kinds. The city swarmed with armed units searching for anyone with
slightly pointy ears or a whiff of the occult about them.<br>"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q309novigradundercontrol2.journal:

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outpost and killed Menge, the witch hunters decided to exact revenge on mages and
freaks of all kinds. The city swarmed with armed units searching for anyone with
slightly pointy ears or a whiff of the occult about them.<br>"

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title = 0x00101d76, -- "Track the smell of blood and sewer muck using
your Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q310bombing.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q310 Ciri's Night Out",
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title = 0x0004e4da, -- "Payback"

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description = 0x00100010, -- "Cities like Novigrad have their own,
special magic. They attract folk from all corners of the world, becoming delicious
stews of diverse flavors, giant circuses filled with colorful characters just
waiting to extend a helping hand - or swing a sharp elbow. Ciri had experienced the
fullness of this during her stay in Novigrad, so when she found herself back in the
city she decided to repay a few debts - and settle a few scores...<br>"

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description = 0x00100013, -- "First name on her list - Whoreson Junior.
Though Geralt swore he had killed Whoreson with his own hands, rumor had it the
mafioso was alive and well. Geralt and Ciri thus decided to pay him a surprise
visit. They discovered Dudu had turned Whoreson's death into a prime business
opportunity. He took on the underworld boss' form, and then took over his criminal
organization, transforming it into a legal, and more profitable than ever,

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sentimental journey. First name on her list - Whoreson Junior. They finally found
him wallowing in the gutter in the Bits. One look at his pathetic state and Ciri
lost all desire for vengeance. Whoreson was a husk of a man, alone, disgraced and
embittered, in no way resembling the old Whoreson Junior, member of the Big Four
and terror of Novigrad. Ciri decided she could think of no worse fate for him and
left him to it.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q310 Valdo",
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index = 3,
description = 0x00100972, -- "The next debt Ciri had to repay was with a
young woman named Bea. She took an immediate liking to our friend the witcher, and
he in turn was not left indifferent by her considerable charms. Ah, had they but
world enough and time… But they hadn't, so Ciri and Geralt moved on to an itinerant
circus troupe's camp outside Novigrad. <br><br>It was here that Valdo and his
comrades had taken Ciri in when she had no place to stay and not a copper to her
name. She was welcomed no less warmly upon her return. Valdo proposed she and
Geralt stay for some friendly horseracing and a pleasant evening of drink and dance
around the fire. Geralt knew they both could use a moment to catch their breath and
accepted the invitation.<br>"

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description = 0x00100973, -- "Our friends were eating, drinking and
delighting in the joyful atmosphere of the circus performers' camp when a certain
Aegar came to them and asked for help. He needed to steal some horses from a
Novigrad merchant. Geralt did not think this was the sort of thing Ciri and he
should be getting involved with, but Aegar wouldn't relent. One thing led to
another and soon this petty disagreement had turned into an all-out brawl.
Afterwards no one, Ciri least of all, was in a festive mood. She went for a
riverside walk to cool her head, the circus performers returned to their tents and
the witcher... well, the witcher took care of some witcher business.<br>"

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description = 0x0010097f, -- "Our friends were eating, drinking and
delighting in the joyful atmosphere of the circus performers' camp when a certain
Aegar came to them and asked for help. He needed to steal some horses from a
Novigrad merchant. Geralt let Ciri convince him to participate in this heist. And
he didn't regret it. What a rollicking adventure they had! First the tense thrills
of sneaking into the stables, then the mad joy of galloping off, the wind in their
hair. A spark of happiness flashed in Ciri's eyes, the first in a long, long while.
This was the best reward the witcher had ever received.<br>"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q310keira.journal:

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description = 0x001001f4, -- "Life, like art, abounds in tragedy, and
sadly the ending of Keira Metz's story added to its cornucopia of woe. With the
notes on the plague she took from Mouse Tower in hand, she presented herself to
King Radovid. She was counting on obtaining a royal amnesty in return for the
possibility the plague could be turned into a weapon to wield against Radovid's
enemies. But she forgot one important detail - never deal with a devil, and
especially not a devil backed by armies and with a fierce hatred of sorceresses.
<br><br>Radovid laughed in her face, arrested Keira and had her impaled on a pike.
She died in hideous agony, screaming curses against Radovid and his kingdom that
echoed through the streets of Novigrad. <br><br>When Geralt returned to town, Triss
asked him to help retrieve her body and give it a proper burial.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001001f5, -- "Geralt did as Triss asked, and after a bit
of trouble with some guardsmen he was granted permission to retrieve Keira's body.
It was a sad evening for everyone who had known the once-bright and vivacious
sorceress, but Triss and Geralt were glad they had at least been able to give their
respects in this small way."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q310pregeels.journal:

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title = 0x000823f1, -- "Look for Philippa in the bathhouse."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started A21C97D0-4786EB7C-E8524C89-EDA8BD89",
description = 0x0010001b, -- "Triss returned to Novigrad after leaving
Kaer Morhen with one goal - to find Philippa Eilhart. Soon after she made a
shocking discovery - Philippa had been right under our very noses the whole time!
Turned into an owl by some malicious spell, she then wound up in the hands of
Zoltan, who, ignorant of his new pet's true identity, strived to make of her a
replacement for his former foul-mouthed parrot companion, Field Marshal
Duda.<br><br>Triss was not the only one to uncover Philippa's whereabouts, however.
Coming to that conclusion slightly before her was Dijkstra, who shared with
Philippa with the strongest bond possible - love turned to seething hate. The one-
time spy and current mafia boss had captured Philippa and imprisoned her in his
bathhouse. Triss and Geralt knew they must hurry - it was clear Dijkstra had not
gone through all this trouble to chat with Philippa about old times. Vengeance was
more likely on his agenda, vengeance for breaking his heart and daring to plot
against him.<br>"

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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended AD7525EB-4F74EF78-7F60D281-073539FB",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010001c, -- "It is frightening to think how this story
might have ended had Triss and Geralt not arrived at the bathhouse in the nick of
time. A dimeritium collar had kept Philippa trapped in owl form, but somehow she
had managed to free herself from it, revert to her true self, overcome her guards
and start tearing the bathhouse apart. Dodging her furious blasts, Geralt was
finally able to corner her and convince her he and Triss did not want to harm her -
in fact, they needed her help. Though Dijkstra was vehemently opposed to letting
the sorceress go, he ultimately realized resistance was futile in the face of
Geralt's ironclad logic. And so Philippa Eilhart regained her freedom and joined
the offensive against Eredin and his Red Riders.<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q310preparationsnovigrad.journal:

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baseName = "STORY - Chapter 3 - Preparations in Novigrad",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "STORY - Chapter 3 - Preparations in Novigrad
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title = 0x000fffdb, -- "Final Preparations"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started 96C59553-4074A3CF-E25B8BAA-BF632DB8",
description = 0x0010000b, -- "Ciri's spirits were high after killing
Imlerith, but Geralt knew this fight had been but an appetizer before the full
course of battle still to come. As part of their preparations, Geralt and Ciri rode
to Novigrad, where Triss and Yennefer were trying to reconvene the Lodge of
Sorceresses. Avallac'h was waiting there as well, and had his own ideas how to tip
the scales of victory in our allies' favor during their final confrontation with

chunk[5] = {
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index = 1,
description = 0x0010000c, -- "Geralt and the sorceresses successfully
gathered their allies and reconvened Lodge of Sorceress. Though many obstacles had
threatened to block their progress, they had surmounted them all and emerged
relatively unscathed. All the preliminaries were now finished - and the last battle
against the Wild Hunt could commence."

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baseName = "Q310 Help Yennefer",
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title = 0x00100136, -- "Help Ciri take care of her business in

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title = 0x00102bdf, -- "Wait for daylight."

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chunk[16] = {
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baseName = "Head back to Dandelion's to meet with the Lodge",
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children = {
title = 0x000ffff4, -- "Meet Yennefer and the Lodge of Sorceresses at
Dandelion's inn."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q310prisonbreak.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started C62AE89A-4ECB45A0-2EEB3E9F-A7B3DCDE",
description = 0x00100016, -- "In the mission to gather the members of
the former Lodge of Sorceress, it fell to Yennefer to bring Margarita Laux-Antille
to Novigrad. Yennefer's old friend had been captured by the witch hunters and was
being kept in Deireadh, the best-guarded prison this side of the
Yaruga.<br><br>Geralt and Yennefer thus had a hard endeavor in front of them - they
would have to break into the sealed compound and sneak Margarita out. Good thing
Yen had something even better than a file in a carrot cake: contact information for
the one man who had managed to escape Deireadh. Escaping seemed to be in his blood,
for he attempted to make another getaway at the sight of Yennefer and Geralt, but
eventually they caught him and sat down for a chat. He told them how to outfox the
guards and enter the prison unnoticed. With no time to waste, Geralt and Yennefer
raced off to Margarita's rescue.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Sile in Deireadh",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sile in Deireadh 30A9D5CE-4D892D11-BFF1BDBC-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100018, -- "When Geralt reached the cell in which
Margarita was held, he uncovered a shocking surprise. Rita was not alone in her
cell: Síle de Tansarville lay there as well, clinging to life with the last scraps
of her strength. It turned out she had been captured long before Margarita and her
body had been broken by the constant torture she'd undergone since. Síle had only
one last wish - she wanted to depart this world in dignity, and so asked Geralt to
end her suffering.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sile left behind 6A852C0E-4AC90F28-DBBF748E-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100019, -- "Geralt did not kill Síle de Tansarville.
What prompted this decision? I do not know and quite possibly will never find out.
Perhaps his nerves failed him, or perhaps he simply did not want another sorceress'
blood on his hands. As for Síle, she saw only cruelty in his actions and cursed him
for leaving her to die in agony in the miserable confines of a dank Deireadh cell.
Then Yennefer took matters into her own hands - and ended Síle's life."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Sile mercy kill",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sile mercy kill E1682D74-4C13DE2E-8F49C890-96D1AD1B",
index = 3,
description = 0x0010001a, -- "Geralt granted Sile's last request and
ended her pain with one expert blow. Though they had not always enjoyed the best of
relations, he felt this had to be done, as no one deserved to die a slow and
painful death in a dank Deireadh cell.<br>"

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index = 4,
description = 0x001009bd, -- "With their powers combined, Yennefer and
Geralt freed Margarita from the most formidable prison in the North. Rita was in a
very sorry state, but the knowledge that she was free and would not perish on a
pyre fortified her strength. Yennefer showered her long-time friend with tender
care, and everyone hoped for a swift recovery."

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your Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q310romancefailure.journal:

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baseName = "Quest Started",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started 85804559-4EB92B05-D1E8E1AC-2BFFCC3A",
description = 0x0010001d, -- "When it comes to matters of the heart, my
friend the witcher was never one of the most decisive men in the world. That is
why, when he unexpectedly found both Triss and Yennefer back in his life, he
couldn't unravel the conundrum of which to choose and... led both to believe they
were his one and only. Usually such stupidity ends in bitter words and tossed
cutlery - but not this time.<br><br>When the three of them were alone, the
sorceresses revealed to Geralt that they knew what he had done and... were fine it.
They had concluded that they all cared about each other deeply, and fighting their
instincts would defy nature's wishes. They had a special start planned for this new
chapter in their lives - a romantic evening for just the three of them at the

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index = 1,
description = 0x0010001e, -- ""Don't keep two irons in the fire
(especially if by 'irons' we mean sorceresses, and by 'keep in the fire' we mean
'simultaneously profess your love to both')" - an awkward motto, true, but Geralt
of Rivia would have been wise to adopt it. Triss and Yennefer punished the two-
timing witcher with admirable ingenuity and wit. I must admit I also played a hand
in the prank - well, perhaps only a pinky finger, but still, my small role gave me
tremendous satisfaction. To save Geralt from the revenge of wronged lovers - I
could not help but savor such a magnificent turning of the tables."

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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Buy items the girls asked for",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Buy items the girls asked for B1BEF913-48E7D64C-
children = {
title = 0x000ffffa, -- "Bring some good wine to your rendez-vous with
Triss and Yennefer."

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title = 0x000ffffb, -- "Meet Triss and Yennefer in the Kingfisher."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q311thespiral.journal:

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title = 0x001002e6, -- "Through Time and Space"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q311 Beginning Spiral 3C364DA1-4A683AFA-ECEADF8A-
description = 0x00100a4a, -- "News that Ciri and Geralt had defeated and
killed Imlerith reached Avallac'h at once. I don't know how this happened, exactly,
save perhaps that quickly learning of such things is the very essence of being a
"Sage."<br><br>At any rate, a wild notion possessed him. What if they could now
sway Ge'els, one of Eredin's most powerful allies? What if they could bring him
over to their side? A key general and advisor, Ge'els was the individual Eredin
relied on for reinforcements. For his plan to work, he would need a dreamer, so
Triss pointed him towards Corinne Tilly in Novigrad. Thus, by the time Geralt and
Ciri rode into town, everything had been arranged. Now all they needed was
Ge'els...<br><br>To reach him, Avallac'h and Geralt would need to travel to the
land of the Aen Elle, a voyage that would involve interdimensional travel, which in
turn meant a whole lot of teleporting. Geralt vomited a little in his mouth and
prepared to face the music.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00100cf6, -- "Ah, what I wouldn't give to see with my
own eyes what Geralt saw in the worlds he traversed. Yet most intriguing of all
seemed the world of the Aen Elle, the end point of Geralt's and Avallac'h's
journey. To behold the glories of this ancient elven civilization… but alas, fate
granted this privilege not to a poet but to a witcher, who returned not with paeans
to the distant world's beauty, but with a general of the Wild Hunt - one Ge'els. I
must be fair, however, and state that the general proved useful.<br><br>Avallac'h
decided to bet all on the ace he had tucked up his sleeve. With the help of the
dreamer Corinne Tilly, he proved to Ge'els that Eredin had killed Auberon, the
erstwhile king of the Aen Elle and the object of Ge'els' undying
devotion.<br><br>Confronted by this revelation, Ge'els could hardly return to
business as usual. He struggled internally for some moments before revealing the
one way Geralt and friends could hope to defeat Eredin and company. They would have
to battle Eredin and the Hunt in their own world and on their own terms. The first
step - to use the Sunstone to summon the Naglfar. A plan of action was devised -
Geralt, Ciri, the sorceresses and Avallac'h would sail to Skellige to find the
stone, while Zoltan and I would stay behind in Novigrad to keep the hearth fires
burning and secure our friends' return."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q311 Avallach Lost 2D68FB8B-43D97E70-CD9A0E9D-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100cf5, -- "An unpleasant surprise was in store for
Geralt after he departed the Ddiddiwedht Desert: Avallac'h was no longer with him.
The Sage had warned him that something of the sort might happen, but Geralt had
quietly hoped this would not be the case. His hopes had been misplaced, and now the
witcher would have to stumble blindly and alone as he searched for the passage to
the next world.<br>"

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q401_hunt_with_eskel.journal:

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title = 0x00100840, -- "To Bait a Forktail..."

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description = 0x00100a9c, -- "Yennefer asked - or rather, if I am to be
completely honest with you, dear reader, ordered - Geralt to help Eskel hunt a
forktail. The sorceress needed ingredients from this dangerous beast's body and
clearly thought two witchers would get the job done sooner than one. Geralt thus
set out to track the monster - but first, he had to find Eskel.<br>"

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description = 0x00100a9d, -- "In the end, the hunters bagged their prey.
Using their traditional and, while we're being honest, rather unrefined methods,
the two witchers first lured the forktail close, then wounded the beast and gave
chase as it fled, finally finishing it off in its lair. And so they acquired the
ingredients Yennefer needed and, no less important, had a bit of time to catch up -
Eskel and Geralt had not seen each other in years."

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title = 0x0002953a, -- "Search for Eskel's tracks near the entrance to
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title = 0x0008095b, -- "Look around for more tracks left by Eskel using
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q401_konsylium.journal:

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title = 0x0010083f, -- "Ugly Baby"

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baseName = "Q401 Beginning",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 Beginning 38AB8E66-440E2832-0A741AB3-0F52AFA7",
description = 0x001007ff, -- "When a witcher investigates, he expects to
uncover the unexpected. He will learn, for example, that it was not a monster but
the owner's brother who waylaid a missing caravan, or that the werewolf thought
responsible for a streak of bloody murders would in truth never harm a
fly.<br><br>Yet no investigation in witcher history had brought as many surprises
as the search for Ciri. At one point Geralt discovered the key to finding her was a
repulsive, brainless creature he called Uma. The witcher could sense this ugly
being was no child of Mother Nature - even she could never be so cruel - but the
result of sorcery. In other words, its deformed flesh was but a sort of magical
cage in which someone else was trapped. The question was - who?<br><br>Geralt
decided to take Uma to Kaer Morhen, so that he and his fellow witchers could confer
about how to lift its curse.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00100800, -- "It turned out to be Avallac'h - a powerful
elven Sage whom Geralt had encountered during his previous adventures. Breaking his
curse proved extraordinarily difficult and, though the treatments succeeded, they
had deposited the elf on the brink of death.<br><br>Luckily, he still had a sound
mind in his tattered body and was able to pass on the message they had waited so
long to hear - Ciri was alive. Avallac'h had hidden her from the Wild Hunt on the
Isle of Mists, a place tucked outside of time and space.<br><br>Yet even there she
was not truly safe and, sooner or later, the wraiths would find her. It was clear
to everyone that fleeing and hiding once more would only delay the inevitable.
Geralt thus decided to fetch Ciri from the Isle of Mists and, with her and his
friends at his side, give fight to her pursuers."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 Ugliest Man Alive Beginning B7244E72-42FC67B0-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100a9a, -- "Geralt knew Uma currently resided at
Crow's Perch. The baron's bandits, hungry for a bit of unrefined entertainment, had
made Uma their jester. Geralt knew he would have to put an end to this farce, take
the unfortunate being from Velen and, with Yennefer's help, try to lift the curse
that held him.<br>"

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index = 3,
description = 0x00100a9b, -- "Before this could happen, however, Geralt
once again had the honor to face the emperor of Nilfgaard. Emhyr had run out of
patience and demanded that Geralt report back on any progress he had made in his
search for Ciri. Geralt presented Uma to the emperor and explained the unsightly
fellow's role in the investigation. The emperor had hoped Geralt would return with
someone other than a demented monstrosity, but ultimately recognized the creature
as a solid lead in the search for his daughter Cirilla and handed over a portion of
the reward he had promised the witcher. Geralt never revealed exactly how much that
amounted to - he never did place much value on coin - but I wager, dear reader, it
considerably exceeded the standard fees witchers received.<br><br>During the
audience Yennefer hit upon an idea for lifting Uma's curse - though, not for the
first time, she refused to share any details with Geralt. She merely told him to
ride as fast as possible for Kaer Morhen, the famous keep of the witchers from the
School of the Wolf - the home Geralt had not seen for some time, save in his

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of Elements."

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title = 0x00100802, -- "Spend the evening with the other witchers."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q401_megascope.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 Megascope Beginning D08C1DB3-4211BEAC-F64E5BA7-
description = 0x00101ba0, -- "Vesemir told Geralt that Yennefer had set
up her trusty megascope as soon as she arrived at Kaer Morhen, but could not get it
to function for the life of her. This news greatly troubled the witcher. If
Yennefer was planning to use her megascope, that meant a conversation with other
sorceresses was in the works - and that in turn meant scheming, politics and other
things Geralt truly could not stand.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00101ba1, -- "As expected, Yennefer did not extend
Geralt the warmest of greetings. Nevertheless, Geralt, ever the noble and patient
soul, helped the sorceress eliminate the source of the magical disturbance. It
turned out the culprit was a case of dimeritium bombs Lambert had carelessly placed
near the sorceress' room. Tsk, tsk, Lambert."

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the potestaquisitor."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q401_phylactery.journal:

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baseName = "Q401 The Phylactery Beginning",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 The Phylactery Beginning 69B44090-47D033BA-
description = 0x00100a9e, -- "The task of preparing the phylactery fell
to Lambert, to his great dissatisfaction. His discontent came as no surprise to me
when I learned of it - Lambert was not the most obliging of fellows, and Yennefer,
well, let us just say she was not his favorite individual. Nevertheless, Lambert
agreed to do the job, and Geralt felt he had no choice but to accompany him.<br>"

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description = 0x00100a9f, -- "Geralt and Lambert braved the dangerous
path to the Circle of Elements, which took them across a drowner- and foglet-
infested lake, through the cave in which Old Speartip slept, and over mountain
passes home to mistrustful and treacherous rock trolls. Along the way all the
differences between Geralt and his younger comrade were exposed in sharp contrast.
Sparks flew between them more than once, and biting commentary and barbed remarks
were the order of the day. Geralt tolerated Lambert's prickliness with admirable
stoicism, for he knew that the younger witcher's famous sarcasm served only to
cover his many deeply-felt, never-healed wounds."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin DC19F6FE-49B2A71D-AC1EE7AD-0A7C23D8",
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mapPinID = "q401_cyclops",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q401_reunion.journal:

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baseName = "Q401 The Reunion",
order = 4215275518,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 The Reunion D51FE71A-4C883779-540303A6-
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title = 0x0010083d, -- "No Place Like Home"

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baseName = "Q401 The Reunion Beginning",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 The Reunion Beginning AFF29CE5-4B8E4799-
description = 0x00100aa0, -- "Once Geralt had helped both Lambert and
Eskel, Yennefer was ready to lift Uma's curse. Yet in a surprise twist, Vesemir
demanded they wait. The old witcher wanted to try his own, less risky method before
the sorceress went about her invasive business. The others all bowed to his
seniority and wisdom and let him take Uma to treat as he wished - leaving them with
an unexpectedly free evening to fill. Eskel timidly suggested they spend this time
productively, but this suggestion lost out to a more attractive alternative - a
night of drink and camaraderie.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q401 The Reunion - Eskel Drunk",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 The Reunion - Eskel Drunk 68198081-4F489FC8-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100aa2, -- "During their well-lubricated gathering
Yennefer finally revealed her plan to the witchers: if Vesemir proved unable to
lift Uma's curse, she would subject the being to the Trials of Grasses. These were
the exceptionally dangerous and painful alchemical procedures young boys used to be
forced to undergo in order to become witchers. It is no wonder, then, that
Yennefer's intentions proved highly controversial. The sorceress defended her idea,
holding that only by preparing Uma's body in this drastic way would it be able to
survive the shock of lifting the curse. This upsetting news needed to be properly
digested. And so, after Yennefer went to sleep, the witchers turned to the tried
and true digestive-aiding powers of hard alcohol, card playing and the recounting
of ribald tales.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q401 The Reunion Ending",
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index = 2,
description = 0x00100aa1, -- "During their well-lubricated gathering
Yennefer finally revealed her plan to the witchers: if Vesemir proved unable to
lift Uma's curse, she would subject the being to the Trials of Grasses. These were
the exceptionally dangerous and painful alchemical procedures young boys used to be
forced to undergo in order to become witchers. It is no wonder, then, that
Yennefer's intentions proved highly controversial. The sorceress defended her idea,
holding that only by preparing Uma's body in this drastic way would it be able to
survive the shock of lifting the curse. This unsettling news needed time to be
properly digested, and so the witchers broke out a few more bottles and exchanged
some stories with Yennefer before heading to bed. They had a very big day ahead of
them - a day in which they just might find Ciri.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q401 The Reunion - Drunken Call",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 The Reunion - Drunken Call",
index = 3,
description = 0x00103666, -- "Yet even a witcher's body can only handle
so much toxicity - and once this limit is passed, one must prepare for the unusual
and the disturbing, a fact Hierarch Hemmelfart learned first-hand.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Eskel Drunk",
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title = 0x00081fbe, -- "Go see what's on the ground by the wall."

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children = {
title = 0x00081e43, -- "Find Eskel using your Witcher Senses."
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chunk[23] = {
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Lambert heard."

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title = 0x000279f7, -- "Proceed to Kaer Morhen's main hall."

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chunk[35] = {
baseName = "Find food in kitchen",
order = 4293001214,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find food in kitchen 6DD5FDA4-4A0ED84C-507AC195-
index = 3,
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title = 0x0006cf0b, -- "Fetch snacks from the kitchen."
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chunk[37] = {
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title = 0x0006cf23, -- "Return to the witchers."

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chunk[39] = {
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chunk[41] = {
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children = {

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "Search Yennefer's trunks for interesting stuff",
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title = 0x0008397a, -- "Search Yennefer's trunks."

chunk[43] = {
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chunk[44] = {
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index = 1,
title = 0x0008397b, -- "Put on Yennefer's trousers."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q401_the_curse.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q401 The Curse",
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children = {
world = 3,
title = 0x0010083e, -- "Va Fail, Elaine"

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order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 The Curse Beginning 1E4142D3-4E0D2EC2-2870BD8D-
description = 0x00100aa3, -- "Traveling via Geralt's most beloved means
of transport, teleportation, Yennefer reached Kaer Morhen first - and immediately
started bossing everyone around. Not only did she divvy out chores to the witchers
like a schoolmarm whipping lazy pupils into order, she also refused to reveal any
details of her plans. Though Geralt was not exactly charmed by this behavior, he
knew he had to help her - for Ciri's sake.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q401 The Curse Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q401 The Curse Ending AE24D78E-4E98FFC1-D50F1089-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100aa4, -- "Yennefer and the witchers' hard work paid
off. After long hours of painstaking labor, after Geralt had held back his disgust
and disturbing childhood memories to administer painful treatments to Uma, finally,
at long last, the curse was lifted. This gave them answers to the questions that
had troubled them for so long - and posed a host of new ones as well...<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "UMA Examination",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "UMA Examination 2705EDD9-4CA4633C-622DDCA1-37939FC1",
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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find a bucket and rags in the kitchen",
order = 1879048190,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a bucket and rags in the kitchen F5DFBBAF-
children = {
title = 0x00083222, -- "Fetch a bucket and some rags from the kitchen."

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chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Help Eskel clean up the mess",
order = 2013265918,
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00083223, -- "Help Eskel clean up the mess."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 52329A59-401FF37D-080B4F93-7853B82D",
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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Make Yennefer dinner",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Make Yennefer dinner CF9666BA-4B4D0C0D-F4C450A7-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00083224, -- "Search the kitchen for ingredients and make
Yennefer breakfast."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bring Yennefer dinner 70CF72C1-4F1C3185-7992A5BF-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00083225, -- "Bring Yennefer her meal."

chunk[14] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 5A3B8F08-4CB609DF-9CF2C6A2-AEFE8504",
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Go to UMA's investigation",
order = 805306366,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to UMA's investigation 3E877BA1-40A30145-22B31BA0-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00101f9c, -- "Join Yennefer and the other witchers."

chunk[16] = {
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order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 42E66266-4F3C724E-4E3CFDB6-A0A18CA9",
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Prepare the Kit",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prepare the Kit 5733C34D-42533748-62AE70AE-1833B636",
index = 2,
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baseName = "Brew Trial Potion 03",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Brew Trial Potion 03 0CFF2456-4769B7F1-18719C87-
title = 0x00101ef4, -- "Prepare Speargrass."

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Get the key ingredients Yennefer prepared",
order = 16777215,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get the key ingredients 8F044662-414A1AD7-B452A6AD-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008321f, -- "Gather the necessary ingredients and brew the
Decoctions of the Grasses."

chunk[20] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 944D0138-425EC147-85BE899D-FBB0B420",
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mapPinID = "q401_mp_lamberts_alchemy_set",

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Get additional ingredients from the Witcher Garden (TM)",
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(TM) EC952BB9-43E6F223-1861B198-20A606CD",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00108e89, -- "Get additional ingredients from the Kaer Morhen

chunk[22] = {
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chunk[24] = {
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title = 0x00108e88, -- "Brew the Decoctions of the Grasses."
recipeShortcut = "Recipe for Trial Potion Kit",

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Return to Yennefer with the elixirs",
order = 2281701374,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Yennefer with the elixirs 180D2187-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00083220, -- "Bring Yennefer the potions."

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index = 5,
title = 0x00101ef3, -- "Prepare Tear Grass."

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Brew Trial Potion 02",
order = 57671678,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Brew Trial Potion 02 9723AE12-48226DA5-1A097F90-
index = 6,
title = 0x00101ef5, -- "Prepare Witchgrass."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q401_ugliest_man_alive.journal:

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title = 0x00100043, -- "The Key to the Riddle"

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chunk[4] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q402ciri.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "Q402 Isle of Mists",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q402 Isle of Mists 1AC2E15C-4BCBB955-BF0697B9-
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description = 0x0010002e, -- "After a long search Geralt was at last a
step from his goal. Avallac'h had hid Ciri from the Hunt on the magical Isle of
Mists, which could only be reached if fate deemed one worthy - or by following a
magic firefly, which was decidedly the easier option. Geralt thus readied himself
to sail to the isle and bring back Ciri.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended",
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index = 1,
description = 0x0010002f, -- "Finally. After years of separation, weeks
of searching, dozens of false trails and endless worry, Geralt had found Ciri. They
were not given long to celebrate their reunion, however. As soon as Ciri awoke from
her magic slumber the Wild Hunt picked up her trail and began to attack. Geralt and
his adopted daughter thus had no choice but to use Ciri's special abilities to flee
to Kaer Morhen and face their attackers there.<br>"

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children = {
title = 0x00106c43, -- "Look for Gaspard near the lighthouse."

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index = 8,
title = 0x000f7bca, -- "Talk to friends who could help defeat the Hunt
and ask them to join your fight."
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q402gatheringallies.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q402 Allies for Kaer Morhen",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q402 Allies for Kaer Morhen EF8415F6-48A57C62-
children = {
title = 0x00088f09, -- "Brothers in Arms"

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chunk[4] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started 1732A445-4DAF5870-ECA88D81-5CE428B3",
description = 0x0010002b, -- "That the Wild Hunt would come for Ciri as
soon as Geralt found her was more than certain. The witcher thus decided to prepare
to fend off their inevitable attack and asked all the friends he deemed capable of
facing the Hunt in battle to lend their blade - or wand, or axe, or druid's staff,
or whatever their chosen death-dealing instrument might be. The site he chose for
the battle against the fiercest foe he'd ever crossed - Kaer Morhen. Where else?

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended - Success FF5333CD-4A391990-7F2D679B-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010002c, -- "Geralt crisscrossed the Continent and
gathered a crew of the most talented individuals of his time - the fighters, that
is, talented lovers, such as myself, not being needed at this moment. The next
step? Defeat the Wild Hunt."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended - Failed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended - Failed 3A426FB0-41FCB31D-570B5C92-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010002d, -- "Pride? Sloth? A reluctance to risk his
friends' lives? Whatever the reason, in the end Geralt did not ask everyone who
might have aided him for help. Luckily he could always count on the help of the
witchers of Kaer Morhen, as well as that of Yennefer, to whom Ciri was like a

chunk[7] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q402nilfgaardianally.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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title = 0x001088fe, -- "Brothers In Arms: Nilfgaard"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started 094DC67F-40B0424D-A5293589-9D4FBA17",
description = 0x00108915, -- "Geralt realized the fight against Eredin
and his soldiers would most likely be the most difficult challenge he had ever
faced. In addition, the stakes were higher than ever before - this time he was not
fighting for his own life, but for that of Ciri and, by extension, the entire
world. Since extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures, the
witcher decided to swallow his pride and go to the emperor of Nilfgaard for

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index = 1,
description = 0x00108916, -- "His talk with Emhyr did not go as he had
wanted. The clash of two strong wills resulted in neither being able to accepted
the other's conditions. The witcher thus walked away empty-handed."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q402novigradallies.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started 9AD295CD-43E253A6-D463AA82-877003C0",
description = 0x0010890e, -- "A direct fight against Eredin and the Wild
Hunt had become inevitable, and Geralt knew he could never defeat them alone. He
thus decided to seek out allies - and his first steps took him to Novigrad.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x0010890f, -- "Geralt's conversations with friends and
acquaintances had mixed results. Geralt hoped the support he had secured would be
enough to defeat the Wild Hunt. There was no other option."

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baseName = "help Roche with Ves",
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title = 0x0010890b, -- "Help Roche with his problem concerning Ves."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q402skelligeallies.journal:

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description = 0x00108910, -- "Nowhere in the world can one find warriors
braver than those born in Skellige, and thus Geralt set off to those isles in his
hunt for allies to stand with him against the Wild Hunt.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x00108911, -- "In those days everyone in Skellige was
thoroughly absorbed with the matter of the succession to the throne, so Geralt had
his doubts he'd find anyone at all to answer his call. Yet he did not leave the
isles empty-handed, for his true friends did not let him down."

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title = 0x00108906, -- "Talk to Ermion."

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index = 4,
title = 0x0010890c, -- "Help resolve the matter of the succession to the
Skellige throne."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "help Cerys with her Hym quest",
order = 4093640702,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "help Cerys with her Hym quest 9A9E0881-4DD1C7C4-
index = 5,
title = 0x001095ea, -- "Help Cerys unravel the riddle of Udalryk's

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index = 6,
title = 0x001095e9, -- "Help Hjalmar with his expedition to kill the
giant of Undvik."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q402velenallies.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q402 Allies in Velen",
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title = 0x001088fd, -- "Brothers In Arms: Velen"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Started D20FF6F3-45C9DC12-34498A8C-FCBA2724",
description = 0x00108912, -- "The one person in Velen who could help
Geralt battle the Wild Hunt was Keira Metz. The witcher hoped their longstanding
relationship and the sorceress' concern for the fate of the world would incline her
to take part in the battle.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended - Keira not agreed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended - Keira not agreed 967BC156-49663579-
index = 1,
description = 0x00108913, -- "Yet it turned out Keira was too absorbed
in her own troubles to go to Kaer Morhen. Geralt had to continue on without her."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended - Keira agreed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended - Keira agreed 667DFA52-4D20A32B-
index = 2,
description = 0x00108914, -- "Though Keira might come off as haughty and
self-obsessed to some, in her heart of hearts she was completely different. Geralt
knew which cords to pluck in order to get her to agree to help. After their
conversation, the sorceress promised to stand and fight at Kaer Morhen."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "objectives",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "objectives 0A895B3D-4F41B0CE-294B68AA-8B436506",
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chunk[8] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "talk to Keira Metz",
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title = 0x00108907, -- "Talk to Keira Metz."
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Help Keira with her business in Velen",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Keira with her business in Velen",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00108909, -- "Help Keira take care of her business in Velen."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q403battle.journal:

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title = 0x0004cb7b, -- "The Battle of Kaer Morhen"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Enter Kaer Morhen to begin council",
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title = 0x0004cb85, -- "Enter Kaer Morhen keep and begin the council."

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chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Leave Kaer Morhen interior to meet Lambert, when ready to face Wild
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leave Kaer Morhen interior to meet Lambert, when
ready to face Wild Hunt.",
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children = {
title = 0x0004cb8c, -- "Exit the keep and join Lambert when you're ready
to face the Wild Hunt."

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chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Hunting in forest",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunting in forest",
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baseName = "Close all the rifts in the forest",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Close all the rifts in the forest",
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title = 0x000829e2, -- "Use dimeritium bombs or the Yrden Sign to close
all the Hunt's portals in the woods around Kaer Morhen."
count = 3,

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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Kill Wild Hunt around center rift in the forest",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Wild Hunt around center rift in the forest",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0010673b, -- "Kill the Wild Hunt warriors near the center
portal in the forest."

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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010673c, -- "Kill the Wild Hunt warriors near the left portal
in the forest."

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order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Wild Hunt around right rift in the forest",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0010673d, -- "Kill the Wild Hunt warriors near the right
portal in the forest."

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chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Wait until Lambert will fix the traps",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait until Lambert will fix the traps",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00106c4b, -- "Wait for Lambert to arm the traps."

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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Lure Wild Hunt to the trap",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lure Wild Hunt to the trap",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00106c4c, -- "(Optional) Lure the Wild Hunt warriors into the

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chunk[23] = {
baseName = "Check Arachas cave mentioned by Lambert",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check Arachas cave mentioned by Lambert",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x00106c4d, -- "(Optional) Explore the arachas cave Lambert

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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Wait for Lambert to lure out arachas",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for Lambert to lure out arachas",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x00106c4e, -- "Wait for Lambert to lure the arachas out of the

chunk[26] = {
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baseName = "Lure Wild Hunt into pitfall traps",
order = 1677721598,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lure Wild Hunt into pitfall traps",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x00106d7d, -- "Lure the Wild Hunt warriors into the pitfall

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chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Final battle",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Final battle",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Close the rifts to stop Wild Hunt from invading Kear Morhen",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Close the rifts to stop Wild Hunt from invading Kear
children = {
title = 0x0004cc11, -- "Use dimeritium bombs or the Yrden Sign to close
the Hunt's portals and stop their attack on Kaer Morhen."
count = 2,

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "q403_mappins_help_eskel",
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chunk[33] = {
baseName = "Refill Dwimeritium Bombs from Vesemir's supplies",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Refill Dwimeritium Bombs from Vesemir's supplies",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00102870, -- "(Optional) Equip yourself with dimeritium bombs
from Vesemir's supplies."

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chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Help Eskel stop Wild Hunt by Savolla's breach.",
order = 2415919102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Eskel stop Wild Hunt by Savolla's breach.",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001067a1, -- "Help Eskel defend the inner courtyard."

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chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Help Ciri stop Wild Hunt by pendulum's breach.",
order = 2550136830,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Ciri stop Wild Hunt by pendulum's breach.",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001067b7, -- "Help Ciri defend the inner courtyard."

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chunk[43] = {
baseName = "Help Triss stop Wild Hunt by main gate.",
order = 2617245694,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Triss stop Wild Hunt by main gate.",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001067bd, -- "Help Triss fight the Wild Hunt by the gate to
the inner courtyard."

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children = {

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Beginning",
description = 0x001008e2, -- "Geralt and Ciri had no choice but to
teleport away from the Isle of Mists when the Wild Hunt threatened to attack. Since
Eredin could trace where Ciri traveled to with her abilities, the duo did not so
much flee the Hunt as buy a few precious minutes of time. Ciri took Geralt home, to
Kaer Morhen, where the group of friends the witcher had gathered waited to defend
Ciri to their last breath. They spared a few seconds for a tearful reunion - then
began preparations to repel the Hunt's attack.<br>"

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Attack",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Attack",
index = 1,
description = 0x001008e3, -- "The friends conferred and established a
defense strategy. There was no time to lose. As soon as they finished, the weather
changed and snow began to fall. The Wild Hunt appeared above Kaer Morhen and its
spectral warriors galloped out of the sky towards the fortress.<br>"

chunk[48] = {
baseName = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Break In",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Break In",
index = 2,
description = 0x001008e6, -- "The defenders of Kaer Morhen did what they
could to hold back their attackers, but the enemy's strength was overwhelming. The
Wild Hunt had made it to the very walls of Kaer Morhen.<br>"

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Finale",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Finale",
index = 3,
description = 0x001008e7, -- "Warrior after warrior fell to our heroes'
blows, but others immediately took their place. The defenders fell back beyond the
inner gates of the fortress - and so began the last phase of the battle.<br>"

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Vesemir",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Vesemir",
index = 4,
description = 0x001008e8, -- "It was a dark hour for the defenders of
Kaer Morhen. The generals of the Hunt had entered the fray personally. Vesemir had
died by Imlerith's hand, and it seemed all of the witcher's friends would soon
share his fate. The defenders' lives were hanging by a thread, when suddenly Ciri's
magic talent revealed its full force. In an uncontrolled outburst of rage she
pummeled both allies and enemies alike with a blast of pure Power. The Hunt's
forces were nearly wiped out, leaving them no choice but to retreat. Only our
valiant defenders, exhausted, wounded, but still alive, remained on the field of

chunk[51] = {
baseName = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Dead Vesemir Ending",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Dead Vesemir Ending",
index = 5,
description = 0x001008e9, -- "The Battle of Kaer Morhen was over. Those
who survived buried Vesemir, but had little time for mourning. The danger had only
been thwarted temporarily, and they needed to prepare a new plan for saving Ciri."

chunk[52] = {
baseName = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Dead Lambert & Vesemir Ending",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q403 Battle of Kaer Morhen Dead Lambert & Vesemir
index = 6,
description = 0x001008ea, -- "The Battle of Kaer Morhen was over. Those
who survived buried Vesemir and Lambert, but had little time for mourning. The
danger had only been thwarted temporarily, and they needed to prepare a new plan
for saving Ciri."

chunk[53] = {
baseName = "Replacer Ciri - Help Triss",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Replacer Ciri - Help Triss",
index = 4,
children = {

chunk[54] = {
baseName = "Get on the roof with Triss",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get on the roof with Triss",
children = {
title = 0x00082a68, -- "Run to Triss's aid on the battlements."

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chunk[56] = {
baseName = "Get rid of Wild Hunt disturbing Triss",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get rid of Wild Hunt disturbing Triss",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00082a77, -- "Defeat the warriors threatening Triss."

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radius = 30.000000,
mapPinID = "q403_mappin_balista_area",

chunk[58] = {
baseName = "Protect Triss while she chants a spell",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Protect Triss while she chants a spell",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00082a7a, -- "Protect Triss as she casts the spell."

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chunk[61] = {
baseName = "Run back to horses",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Run back to horses",
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title = 0x00082ad8, -- "Return to the place where you left the horses."

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chunk[63] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get back to Kaer Morhen",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00082ae4, -- "Return to Kaer Morhen."

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chunk[66] = {
baseName = "Close main gate to Kaer Morhen",
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chunk[69] = {
baseName = "Help Lambert",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Lambert",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00082b17, -- "Help Lambert defeat the Hunt's warriors."

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title = 0x00106c7d, -- "Kill the Wild Hunt warriors in the lower

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chunk[74] = {
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00082b2c, -- "Defeat your opponents and retreat behind the
main gate."

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chunk[81] = {
baseName = "Kill Wild Hunt attacking Triss",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Wild Hunt attacking Triss",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00082b2d, -- "Help Triss fight the Hunt's warriors."

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chunk[83] = {
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index = 8,
children = {

chunk[84] = {
baseName = "Kill Cranthir's division of Wild Hunt",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill Cranthir's division of Wild Hunt",
children = {
title = 0x00082b3c, -- "Defeat Caranthir's warriors."

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chunk[87] = {
baseName = "Open main gate",
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00082b3d, -- "Open the gate to Kaer Morhen's inner courtyard."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q403_mappin_barricade B5274AAB-44ED3B4B-96782980-
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q501eredin.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Q501 Eredin",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q501 Eredin",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00081fdb, -- "On Thin Ice"
chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 74034C26-4FE2567D-444726A5-8E24837F",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 81F61222-417EBF66-0130109B-21B4E6DC",
description = 0x00101885, -- "Every story, even the longest epic, must
end, and so this one too now nears its conclusion. Geralt and his friends had
acquired the Sunstone and secured the help of Fringilla Vigo. In other words, the
long and dangerous process of preparing was over at last and everything was in
place for the final battle against the Wild Hunt. All that remained was to summon
the Naglfar to the shores of Undvik - and straight into their trap.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End C0BCECD6-43010F4F-0D38E89C-4854FA20",
index = 1,
description = 0x00101886, -- "Every plan looks best on paper. It was no
different this time - though every last detail had been seen to, our heroes were
still in for many an unexpected danger and difficult moment. Their division of
elite Nilfgaardian soldiers was frozen in ice before it could board the Naglfar.
Ciri, who was supposed to stay out of the fighting, was forced into the fray to
save Geralt. Meanwhile glory-seeking, fearless (or reckless, some might say)
Skelligers rushed into the bay to fight both the riders of the Hunt and the
Imperial Fleet at the same time.<br><br>Despite all these complications, in the end
the allies defeated the Wild Hunt and Geralt slew its king with his own hands. It
was too early to rejoice, however - right before his death Eredin revealed that
Avallac'h had betrayed the witcher and had his own nefarious plans for Ciri. Geralt
did not know whether to trust his enemy's words - but circumstances did not allow
for long and careful deliberation."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "killing eredin",
order = 4160749566,
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index = 1,
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chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Meet Avallach",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Avallach",
children = {
title = 0x00081e30, -- "Join Avallac'h and the sorceresses on Undvik."

chunk[8] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "avallach",
mapPinID = "avallach",

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "kill mage",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "kill mage",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00081e32, -- "Defeat Caranthir."

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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "kill Canaris",
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title = 0x00081e33, -- "Kill Caranthir."

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title = 0x001090cf, -- "Follow Eredin into the portal."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q502avallach.journal:

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title = 0x0006ec7e, -- "Tedd Deireadh, the Final Age"

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description = 0x00101e00, -- "It turned out that, while Avallac'h had
not been entirely honest with the witcher, he was no traitor. Ciri had slipped off
with him during the battle of her volition in order to - and please pardon the
grandiosity, dear reader - save the world. She was convinced Geralt would never
allow her to embark on this mad endeavor, and so decided she had to operate behind
his back. All his promises and threats were for naught - there was no stopping Ciri
once she'd made her mind up. The witcher could only watch as she stepped into the
elven tower - and hope she would return safe and sound."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "q502 start",
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index = 1,
description = 0x00108e17, -- "Eredin's words rang in Geralt's ears.
Could Avallac'h truly have betrayed them? Could Ciri still be in danger, even with
the Wild Hunt destroyed once and for all? Without a moment to lose and paying no
heed to their wounds or exhaustion, Geralt and Yennefer plunged back into the post-
battle chaos ravaging Undvik."

chunk[6] = {
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title = 0x00086229, -- "Get to the elven tower."

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title = 0x00103537, -- "Follow Yennefer."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q503newquest.journal:

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description = 0x00100029, -- "My story began in Temeria, near Vizima,
with Geralt dreaming a dream of Yennefer, Ciri and the Wild Hunt. It ends in
Temeria as well. Shortly after Ciri entered the tower on Undvik, never to return,
Geralt returned to Velen and entered Crookback Bog.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended 4D45CBCE-457BF60D-CF456082-A7025179",
index = 1,
description = 0x0010002a, -- "Geralt found the last Crone in the swamp
village and killed her. He reached down to her stiffening corpse and removed
Vesemir's medallion, the one Ciri had kept what seemed like an eternity ago. This
would be a memento of his two lost friends. What happened then, you ask? That, my
dear reader, is another story altogether."

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title = 0x0008ecf2, -- "Kill the last Crone."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/q504ciriempress.journal:

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title = 0x00087270, -- "Throw a bomb to scare off the bear.<br>"

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chunk[18] = {
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children = {
title = 0x0008d0b3, -- "Throw a bomb at the hole in the ice."

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title = 0x001097d2, -- "[PL] Get rid of the bear."

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chunk[24] = {
baseName = "bugfix_backtovillage",
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title = 0x0004ccd4, -- "Go to the meeting place."
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chunk[25] = {
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chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Walk with Ciri",
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title = 0x0004ccd5, -- "Go for a walk with Ciri."

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baseName = "q504 Begining",
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description = 0x00101d43, -- "My story began in Temeria, near Vizima,
with Geralt dreaming a dream of Yennefer, Ciri and the Wild Hunt. It ends in
Temeria as well, with winter in full force, a blanket of snow wrapping the earth
tight, and the witcher and his ward heading out to hunt rabbits.<br>"

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "q504 Ending",
order = 3221225470,
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index = 1,
description = 0x00101d44, -- "No rabbits were snared that morning, but a
forktail did meet its end. In any case, that did not prove the day's most important
event. Ciri took Geralt for a walk that turned out to be the most momentous of his
long life. She told him she had accepted the emperor's offer and would ride to
Nilfgaard. There she would assume her rightful place as heir to the throne - next
in line to be empress of the most powerful state in the world. A Nilfgaardian
delegation awaited to take her to the City of Towers. And what happened then, you
ask? What did fate have in store for Geralt and Ciri? That, dear reader, is another

-- gameplay/journal/quests/q505cirifree.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

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children = {
title = 0x00055e05, -- "Something Ends, Something Begins"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q505 Beginning Meet Emhyr B9AB95EC-4402529D-1BAC8295-
description = 0x00101ca8, -- "My story began in Temeria, near Vizima,
with Geralt dreaming a dream of Yennefer, Ciri and the Wild Hunt. It ends in
Temeria as well, with the witcher returning to Vizima to have one last conversation
with the emperor - and tell him Ciri would not be coming back.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q505 To Swordsmith",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q505 To Swordsmith 730B7874-4DAC2180-E4D397AF-
index = 1,
description = 0x001007e2, -- "After his meeting with Emhyr var Emreis,
Geralt set off for White Orchard, where he had agreed to meet someone amidst the
ruins of the old castle there.<br>"

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baseName = "Q505 Ending Ciri Free",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q505 Ending Ciri Free 0E72A300-4135982F-F17C3696-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101ca9, -- "And who awaited Geralt in White Orchard?
Ciri - packed and ready to set off on the Path. Where did the witcher and his ward
venture, you ask, and what became of them? That, dear reader, is another

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baseName = "Talk to Emhyr",
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title = 0x0008cb26, -- "Talk to Emhyr var Emreis."
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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Search ruins for swordmaster",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search ruins for swordmaster 30B89030-4CDF3198-
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title = 0x0008eba3, -- "Find the person you were supposed to meet."
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait for swordmaster 3DD620FC-4FB61EFD-E2F745A0-
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title = 0x0008eba4, -- "Wait for the person you are supposed to meet."
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title = 0x0008eba0, -- "Go to the ruined fortress."
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chunk[22] = {
baseName = "(Optional) Help villagers",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "(Optional) Help villagers 88C7FEED-41049A02-4FCBE48C-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0008cb28, -- "(Optional) Help the inhabitants of the village."
world = 5,

chunk[23] = {
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title = 0x001030a2, -- "(Optional) Chase the dwarf."
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chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Fight guards",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight guards 4C68C574-4441CE62-7D071493-23322FF3",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x001030b2, -- "Defeat the guards."
world = 5,

chunk[27] = {
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mapPinID = "q505_dwarves_camp",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/questact1.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Chapter 1",
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title = 0x00058bf9, -- "Chapter 1"

-- gameplay/journal/quests/questact2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Chapter 2",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/questact3.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "Chapter 3",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/questactepilogue.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Epilogue",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/questactprologue.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Prologue",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/searchforugly.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "[metaquest] Search for ugly",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[metaquest] Search for ugly",
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title = 0x001017c6, -- "A Mysterious Passenger"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions B5F5C651-4AD6F035-065AE7A4-7EED403D",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Donar has Uma - begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Donar has Uma - begining E408542E-4E001BBC-DE0B4B9F-
description = 0x001031ee, -- "Finally, after so many faint and elusive
trails, Geralt had happened upon something directly tied to Ciri's disappearance.
The Hunt had chased her and her companion to the shores of Skellige. There they had
boarded a boat and sailed off into the unknown. A short while later, the boat
returned, but with only one passenger: a twisted creature that, if a man, was very
likely the ugliest in the world. The gnarled lump had found its way into Jarl Donar
of Hindarsfjall's care, and so that is where Geralt went to next."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Donar has Uma - ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Donar has Uma - ending 2D8988E6-40EEDBB2-75E30FB5-
index = 1,
description = 0x001031ef, -- "Sadly, Donar had sold the misshapen thing
to a passing merchant. The strange being had then been shipped off to Novigrad, and
there the trail ended."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "search",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search 597E0F01-44A230A4-999063B8-AE3F2709",
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children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Search for ugly",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search for ugly",
children = {
title = 0x00079ed8, -- "Talk to Donar about the ugly creature Skjall

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "q205_an_hindar_ap",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sidequests.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Sidequests",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq101keira.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x00080c40, -- "A Favor for a Friend"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Stuff for Keira",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Stuff for Keira 9CE99B2A-40A36C6D-A26ABAAC-8ADEDB1D",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Get anything from shipment",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get anything from shipment D0F1E67C-475B113E-
children = {
title = 0x000498de, -- "Find the ingredients from the missing transport
using your Witcher Senses."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "shipment mappin",
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chunk[11] = {
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title = 0x000498e1, -- "Bring the ingredients to Keira."

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chunk[19] = {
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title = 0x0008a1ba, -- "Meet Keira when you have some time."

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chunk[21] = {
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title = 0x0008a1c5, -- "Race Keira to the meadow."

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mapPinID = "keira_metz",

chunk[24] = {
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index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0008b63a, -- "Talk to Keira."

chunk[25] = {
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mapPinID = "keira",

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Ask Keira what she wanted",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Keira what she wanted 03240821-47DFDB91-45B375A3-
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0008e40d, -- "Find out how you can help Keira Metz."

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "keira mappin",
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chunk[28] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 7EA2B46E-41388948-DB9DED9B-C7512052",
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chunk[29] = {
baseName = "SQ101 Beggining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ101 Beggining 7B534321-4D1FDB37-3EF43A86-1A21D17C",
description = 0x000f4c70, -- "When the devil cannot go himself, he sends
a woman - and when a sorceress is indisposed, she sends a witcher to do her
errands. That, at least, was Keira Metz's approach. Finding herself in a bit of a
pinch, she asked Geralt for yet another favor. This time she needed him to track
down a merchant's wagon which had been carrying some rare magic ingredients her
way. It had never arrived, and she had begun to fear the worst.<br>"

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "SQ101 Ending Sex",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ101 Ending Sex 8DA46DD1-4B321C03-A96AB4BC-
index = 1,
description = 0x000f4c71, -- "It turned out these ingredients, while
rare, had nothing to do with magic. They were simply delicacies, treats which
Keira, accustomed to the finer things in life, pined for in her Velen exile.
<br><br>Grateful for Geralt's help, she invited him to an elegant supper, during
which he dined with her on these refined delights under the light of the moon.
These romantic circumstances, combined with Keira's own considerable charms, must
have beguiled Geralt - he forgot about the other women in his heart and gave in to
the temptations of the flesh.<br><br>The delicious evening had a bitter finale,
however - after its conclusion, Keira put Geralt to sleep with a spell. When he
awoke, he was unsure exactly what the sorceress was playing at, but he suspected it
had something to do with the tower on Fyke Isle - she had asked him many probing
questions about it while they dined...<br>"

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "SQ101 Ending No Sex",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ101 Ending No Sex 7CD41925-4B222A9F-EA4F6EAD-
index = 2,
description = 0x000f4c72, -- "It turned out these ingredients, while
rare, had nothing to do with magic. They were simply delicacies, treats which
Keira, accustomed to the finer things in life, pined for in her Velen exile.
<br><br>Grateful for Geralt's help, she invited him to an elegant supper, during
which he dined with her on these refined delights under the light of the moon.
Keira had hoped this pleasant evening would be capped off with a romantic finale,
but Geralt did not share this desire. And so, rather than indulge in the pleasures
of the flesh, they lay back and admired the stars... until, that is, Keira quite
unexpectedly put Geralt to sleep with a spell. When he awoke, he was unsure exactly
what the sorceress was playing at, but he suspected it had something to do with the
tower on Fyke Isle - she had asked him many probing questions about it while they

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "SQ101 Ending No Date",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ101 Ending No Date 4AAD9E8F-4DAF4F03-D7335EAF-
index = 3,
description = 0x000f4c73, -- "It turned out these ingredients, while
indeed rare, had nothing to do with magic. They were simply delicacies, treats
which Keira, accustomed to the finer things in life, pined for in her Velen exile.
Though she offered to share these delights with Geralt, the witcher refused.
Experience had taught him sorceresses never do anything without an ulterior

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "sq101 Fail to come to date",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq101 Fail to come to date 6E223074-4F83B097-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010967d, -- "It turned out the ingredients were indeed
rare, but had not one speck of magic about them. They were simply delicacies and
treats for which Keira had been longing in her rough rural exile. She graciously
offered to share these delights with Geralt, inviting him to an elegant dinner for
two. Geralt accepted the invitation, but in the end stood the sorceress up. Oh
well, his loss - for a sumptuous feast spiced with a touch of female magic can be
wonderful thing indeed..."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq102dolores.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ102 Dolores",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 Dolores 4FF26AE8-45267A85-9103158E-1931163D",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x000f7495, -- "The Fall of the House of Reardon"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F67DF464-4565FDE4-F4701EB0-74838FFF",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "SQ102 D Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 D Beginning 98D85402-4E4512F2-50618E97-
description = 0x00100000, -- "Continuing his tour of rural Velen, Geralt
stopped by the village of Lindenvale. There he came across a grief-stricken old
woman. The cause of her woe? She was homeless, a monster having made its nest in
her family manor and forced her into a rental situation elsewhere that had recently
proven unaffordable. When Geralt approached her, she asked him to rid her manor of
this beast. In return she gave him a precious token - the key to the chest in which
she claimed to keep her life savings. Geralt couldn't refuse to help an elderly
person in need, especially not one so eager to reward him handsomely for it, and so
decided to do as she asked.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "SQ102 D Ending Monsters",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 D Ending Monsters 6492A0D4-444FBEAB-9249B29F-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100001, -- "Geralt rid the Reardon family manor of its
monstrous dangers. When Dolores heard the news she was beside herself with joy, as
the place was closely tied to her fondest childhood memories - to the days when she
was young and beautiful and lived there with her brother and parents."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "SQ102 D Ending Dolores",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 D Ending Dolores 6EB052C3-4883A48B-57F8F19A-
index = 2,
description = 0x00106567, -- "Dolores moved back in to her family manor
and lived there in peace and comfort to the end of her days."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "SQ102 D Ending Letho",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 D Ending Letho 989600C2-4C91B039-016C47B7-
index = 3,
description = 0x00106551, -- "When Geralt arrived at the Reardon family
manor, he found that Letho had long ago rid the place of the beasts that once
prowled it. All that was left for him to do was to tell the woman that her former
home was now safe. When Dolores heard the news she was beside herself with joy, as
the place was closely tied to her fondest childhood memories - to the days when she
was young and beautiful and lived there with her brother and parents.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "SQ102 D Ending Brother",
order = 3825205246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 D Ending Brother E6B65C5F-4A233C49-603700A1-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100002, -- "Speaking of that brother... while in the
manor, Geralt happened across a most unusual find - the body of a young man bricked
up behind a wall. It seemed this was no macabre bricklaying accident but a grisly
murder - the man was Humbert, Dolores' brother, and his murderer Dolores' first
husband, Roderick. He returned to Dolores and told her this, and, though learning
the truth froze the old woman's blood in her veins and undoubtedly took years off
the already short time remaining to her, she was grateful to Geralt for the

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Return To Dolores",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return To Dolores 0E26143C-46A10650-EE8AC5B2-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Return to Midcots and tell Dolores what happened on farmstead",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Midcots and tell Dolores what happened on
farmstead 190D99B9-4418863F-58452EA9-A8CB6071",
children = {
title = 0x00086b38, -- "Return to Dolores."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 1C12767A-492F6824-28F8EFB2-0B356AEE",
mapPinID = "sq102_dolores",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Help Dolores",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Help Dolores 92DD469F-4EB05C04-BF883AAD-BDDDCB2E",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Find the farmstead",
order = 33554431,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the farmstead E51A3627-47C88650-6EF0F788-
children = {
title = 0x00086b37, -- "Find the Reardon family manor."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 8E5F7F82-49D78329-746A62A5-E219F0B5",
mapPinID = "sq102_mp_farmstead",

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Find a trace of Dolores' brother on the farmstead",
order = 58720254,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find a trace of Dolores' brother on the farmstead
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00086b32, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find out what
happened to Dolores' brother."

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin FA25D22F-4632E28E-8E6B1D91-C3105129",
radius = 50.000000,
mapPinID = "sq102_mp_farmstead",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Inquire about farm job",
order = 16777215,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Inquire about farm job CEE90D50-461253E6-A25894B6-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000f74a0, -- "Ask Dolores about the monsters in her manor."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin FE2EFD45-416585B8-D2C9A0BF-C0B86D00",
mapPinID = "sq102_dolores",

chunk[19] = {
baseName = "Rid the farm of monstrous occupants",
order = 41943038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Rid the farm of monstrous occupants 4B11F6E1-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000f7fca, -- "Kill the monsters in the manor."

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Map Pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 14782B17-48ED6833-2E77E0BF-2AD08ED3",
radius = 50.000000,
mapPinID = "sq102_mp_farmstead",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq102letho.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ102 Letho",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 Letho 4614B8BA-49B427F1-8D5B8F96-AB94FBF6",
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x0006b9be, -- "Ghosts of the Past"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F4003790-4C4761F0-3458F883-56DE5A3B",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "SQ102 L Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 L Beginning C10FCE33-48A8D02A-05B57EAD-
description = 0x00100003, -- "What does one expect to find inside an
abandoned country manor? Dusty crockery. Moth-eaten doilies. A moldy trophy buck,
perhaps, if its inhabitants trod on the wild side. Certainly not the most wanted
man north or south of the Yaruga. Yet that, dear reader, is exactly who Geralt
found when he entered such a manor in Lindenvale. The assassin of kings himself,
Geralt's old acquaintance, his sometime friend and sometime enemy: Letho. He was
hiding there from bounty hunters out for his scalp. Geralt, now fully able to
remember how Letho and two of his colleagues once saved Yennefer's life, could not
refuse him help.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "SQ102 L Ending Assassins Left",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 L Ending Assassins Left 7B79984B-4CB87B8B-
index = 1,
description = 0x00100004, -- "What Letho did next proved he was both
clever and fearless. In order to get rid of the bounty hunters breathing down his
neck once and for all, he took a crossbow bolt to the chest and faked his own
death. This caught Geralt by surprise, but he improvised splendidly. Convinced
Letho was dead, Vester and his men rode off to spread the news far and wide. Letho
could now simply lie low for a spell and wait for the world to forget about

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "SQ102 L Ending Assassins Dead",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 L Ending Assassins Dead 771AC767-45CDA275-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100005, -- "What Letho did next proved he was both
clever and fearless. In order to get rid of the bounty hunters breathing down his
neck once and for all, he took a crossbow bolt to the chest and faked his own
death. This caught Geralt by surprise, and sadly the witcher doesn't always handle
surprises with much tact or subtlety. Instead, he usually does what he did this
time, namely murder all and sundry within sword's reach. There were thus no
witnesses to spread the false news of Letho's death, and the wanted man was right
back where he started.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "SQ102 L To Kaer Morhen",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 L To Kaer Morhen 52B7DDB1-482A04B8-65FBC4B0-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100041, -- "Geralt proposed that his old acquaintance
seek shelter at Kaer Morhen. Letho hesitated, but in the end accepted the offer."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "SQ102 L Lost Letho",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 L Lost Letho B02164A6-486B6472-10A4519B-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100042, -- "Somewhere along the way Geralt parted with
Letho. To this day no one knows if he did this on purpose or merely got lost, but
one thing is certain - the two witchers' paths never crossed again.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "SQ102 L Before Letho",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ102 L Before Letho 679EA1B8-43DE00E4-1C4351A0-
index = 5,
description = 0x0010a9c4, -- "While traversing the inhospitable lands of
Velen, Geralt came across an abandoned farming estate. Upon entering the estate's
farmhouse, he discovered that, though seemingly uninhabited, it was crammed full of
deadly traps. Someone clearly did not want any uninvited guests snooping around the
place. Geralt decided to find out who - and why."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Help Letho",
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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Follow Letho to Midcots",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Letho to Midcots E62FBDD7-4703883A-4BEA50B3-
children = {
title = 0x0004be01, -- "Ride with Letho to Lindenvale."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 0326A940-47D335D9-230CDFA2-138D6553",
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baseName = "Kill the assassins in the yard",
order = 2550136830,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the assassins in the yard 8F1BA106-4853F3DC-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0004bdf1, -- "Kill the bounty hunters."
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baseName = "Follow Letho as he searches Midcotts",
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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0008befc, -- "Accompany Letho around Lindenvale."

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order = 4293394430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Kill the Assassins F90CBADF-45FEED2B-BFF05AA6-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0008af8a, -- "Deal with Vester and his men."

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baseName = "Follow Letho to camp",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow Letho to camp D8E4B9E1-4E3FC732-A06F9995-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00100008, -- "Ride with Letho and find Louis."
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chunk[21] = {
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chunk[31] = {
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title = 0x0008558c, -- "Find where the noise is coming from using your
Witcher Senses."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq104werewolf.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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baseName = "SQ104 Werewolf",
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children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x000733a0, -- "Wild at Heart"

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description = 0x001004b0, -- "While muddling around the well-shaded
village of Blackbough, Geralt happened across a notice. It stated a hunter named
Niellen was looking for any help he could get in finding his wife, who had
disappeared in the nearby woods a few days earlier. Geralt, already deep in a
search-and-rescue vein, decided to help find the woman.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Geralt told Niellen his wife is dead",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt told Niellen his wife is dead 957E49C8-
index = 1,
description = 0x001004bc, -- "While Geralt was combing the woods for
signs of the missing woman, he came across Margaret, Hanna's sister. The woman
asked the witcher to abandon his search and tell Niellen his wife was dead.
Margaret thought the sooner Niellen came to terms with his loss, the sooner he
would be able to put it behind him and start living his life. Geralt decided this
made sense and agreed.<br>"

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index = 2,
description = 0x001004b1, -- "The story of Hanna's disappearance had a
tragic end. It turned out she had been killed by her own husband. He did not do
this on purpose, however. Afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy, he would hide in
the forest during his transformations in order to protect his friends and loved
ones.<br><br>Hanna's sister Margaret knew this secret, and had one of her own - she
was in love with Niellen and fiercely jealous of Hanna's life with him. She decided
to take Hanna into the woods to watch her husband's transformation, hoping she'd
then abandon him in disgust. Sadly, Hanna was careless enough to draw the
werewolf's attention. Margaret was able to escape, but her sister was not so lucky.
Niellen, transformed into a bloodthirsty beast, slaughtered the love of his life
with his own hands.<br>"

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children = {
title = 0x000733df, -- "Find the werewolf's lair using your Witcher

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chunk[16] = {
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title = 0x000734f2, -- "Talk to the hunter named Niellen."

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chunk[20] = {
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children = {
title = 0x000733e9, -- "Ask the neighbors about Hanna."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search northern forest for clues 3988F7D1-44D4CA96-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x000734fd, -- "Search for signs of Hanna in the woods using
your Witcher Senses."
chunk[24] = {
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title = 0x00106c45, -- "Wait for nightfall."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq106killbill.journal:

chunk = {}
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title = 0x0009097e, -- "Following the Thread"

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baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 793222B4-46630659-AF8418AF-272DAC76",
description = 0x001013a8, -- "While wallowing in the Bits, Novigrad's
worst and most notorious slum, the witcher took a contract on a monster committing
horrendous murders under the cover of darkness. At the time, he never suspected
that a story starting in the gutter would end in a luxurious manor.<br>"

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baseName = "Quest End",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End 545B8892-49D23759-604DF4B5-58748EC6",
index = 1,
description = 0x001013b3, -- "It turned out the monster was an ekimmara,
but that was of minor importance. What was truly interesting was that Lambert was
hunting the creature as well. And most interesting of all was that he was doing so
in order to get to the leader of a group of assassins who had killed his friend.
One by one our heroes hunted down the members of the group until they finally found
their boss - Jad Karadin.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest End Kill",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End Kill BFBC33D3-4E790BCB-7101D4B1-7FAC61D3",
index = 2,
description = 0x001013b9, -- "In the end, Lambert and Geralt found this
Jad Karadin. The man was living in the lap of luxury and would have blended in
perfectly amongst the cream of Novigrad's crop - had he not been a witcher from the
Cat School. Quite unexpectedly, Karadin welcomed them into his home and introduced
them to his wife, Leticia, and his two adopted children.<br><br>Over the course of
their conversation, Karadin tried to do the impossible: convince two trained
killers bent on his death to let him live. He said he was a changed man and had
sworn off his assassin ways. Yet his repentance had come too late, and he paid for
his past crimes with his own blood.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quest End Live",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest End Live 1E01ECD7-4D1C0C8E-FE6BA4AD-DB3491BB",
index = 3,
description = 0x001013ba, -- "In the end, Lambert and Geralt found this
Jad Karadin. When they did, they were in for some serious surprises. The man was in
fact a retired witcher, now living in the lap of luxury, surrounded by his
beautiful... family? But how? While there was nothing surprising about his wife,
Leticia, the last thing Geralt expected to find in the home of a sterile witcher
were two bright-eyed children. It turned out the kids were adopted, and Karadin
swore he loved them as if they were his own. Karadin convinced the witchers he had
changed for the better and set aside his killing ways. Hearing this, Geralt told
Lambert to abandon his plans for vengeance. Did he do right? That, dear reader, is
not something a chronicler scribbling the tale down in a comfortable alcove with
the benefit of hindsight is in a position to judge."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Quest Start - met lambert",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start - met lambert 58E8DAF1-48763742-6D85D4AE-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010584d, -- "Near the Novigrad docks Geralt ran into
his old brother at arms, Lambert. Geralt's surprise grew when he realized the
ekimmara they both were hunting was not the chief reason for Lambert's presence in
the city. But before they could sit down for a heartfelt chat, the two witchers had
to deal with their dishonest contractor. How many times will men try to cheat
witchers out of honest pay for honest work before they learn...? <br> That taken
care of, Geralt could now talk to Lambert. It turned out he was hunting the people
responsible for the death of his friend, Aiden, a witcher from the Cat School.
Lambert had learned Aiden had been murdered by a gang of hired thugs led by a man
named Jad Karadin. Geralt decided to help Lambert and the two set off on a path to

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Quest Fail before meeting Lambert",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Fail before meeting Lambert 3D6284B0-46EB07F9-
index = 5,
description = 0x00109682, -- "Though the contract had seemed fascinating
at first, Geralt quickly lost interest. He never found out what sort of mysterious
monster had been prowling the streets of Novigrad at night."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Quest Fail after meeting Lambert",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Fail after meeting Lambert 756F9189-4747A8B1-
index = 6,
description = 0x00109683, -- "Though resolving this matter was of the
utmost importance to Lambert, Geralt soon lost interest in it completely. He never
found Jad Karadin."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "hunting_ekimma",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "hunting_ekimma 8CD30260-4FE05565-94E56E9C-FB4B3C61",
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title = 0x00090980, -- "Talk to the supervisor."
world = 2,

chunk[13] = {
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00090981, -- "Examine the crime scene using your Witcher
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title = 0x00090986, -- "Find the monster that is prowling the area by
using your Witcher Senses."
world = 2,

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children = {
title = 0x00090987, -- "Find the place where the monster emerged from
the water using your Witcher Senses."
world = 2,

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children = {
title = 0x00090988, -- "Find the ekimmara's lair by following its tracks
using your Witcher Senses."
world = 2,

chunk[21] = {
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index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0010678e, -- "Look for the ekimmara in its lair using your
Witcher Senses."
world = 2,

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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "Find where Hammond hides",
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title = 0x00091220, -- "Find the shrine where Hammond prays."
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title = 0x00091221, -- "Kill Hammond."
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title = 0x001065d6, -- "Search Hammond's body."
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title = 0x00091208, -- "Talk about the owner of the Passiflora with
Marquise Serenity."
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title = 0x00091209, -- "Get the attention of the Passiflora's owner."
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world = 2,

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chunk[57] = {
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chunk[58] = {
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title = 0x00090a10, -- "Defeat the guardsmen."
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chunk[65] = {
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title = 0x00090a15, -- "Talk to Lambert."
world = 2,

chunk[66] = {
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index = 5,
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world = 2,

chunk[68] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq108griffon.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "sq108: Griffon",
order = 201326591,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "NML Hunt: Griffon 323560BF-4414ECF7-1A9A6CBA-
children = {
world = 9,
title = 0x000fd80f, -- "Contract: The Griffin from the Highlands"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 7D74B600-4E61F23C-FDE69F8B-87DF72AB",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Begining 139FAD49-47907D43-463640A8-9295DC5F",
description = 0x00107490, -- "A true master armorer is a rare bird
indeed, so we can honestly speak of delight sparking in Geralt's heart when he
first met Yoana. Yet before she could forge him new armor, she was in need of some
assistance. The witcher would have to hunt down an archgriffin and extract from it
some ingredients required for the forging of the finest armors.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ending 7E6EA094-41734C94-907AFD82-CD24EF71",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107491, -- "An archgriffin is not a foe to be taken
lightly, a fact Geralt knew full well. Yet in the end he was able to defeat the
beast and took from it not just the ingredients for the armorer, but also a trophy
he could turn in to the quartermaster of Crow's Perch for a reward."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Hunt",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hunt 0E110EF3-4013B68D-5F3D06AB-E1B640B4",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find griffon and kill him",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find griffon and kill him B6328DC7-4357FB92-5C1AFD83-
children = {
title = 0x000fd810, -- "Find the archgriffin using your Witcher Senses
and kill it."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "mappin griffon hill",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin griffon hill BFC9F90A-495BA9C0-6AC130A8-
radius = 40.000000,
mapPinID = "sq108_mappin_griffon_hill",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "mappin griffon victim",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin griffon victim 143E3813-4174181A-426356BD-
index = 1,
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "sq108_mappin_griffon_victim",

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Get griffon trophy",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get griffon trophy B426B99B-48B26221-4AD9E19A-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fd815, -- "Take a trophy from the archgriffin."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "mappin trophy",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin trophy F622D748-4F638D20-44F0A790-92C0776E",
mapPinID = "sq108_griffon_trophy",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Give trophy to Baron quartermaster",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Give trophy to Baron quartermaster B39EBDFD-4B848111-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fd816, -- "Take the archgriffin trophy to the baron's

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mappin quartermaster",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin quartermaster 87E5C8A1-41F715FA-81F930BE-
mapPinID = "baron_quartermaster_01_ap",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Check baron noticeboard",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check baron noticeboard 4204AAB9-43F97A80-E9A80698-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00069ec4, -- "Check the Crow's Perch notice board."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "barons_village_notice_board",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "barons_village_notice_board 5D3E28AF-4EE5C5D4-
mapPinID = "barons_village_notice_board",

chunk[16] = {

chunk[17] = {

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq108masterblacksmith.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ108 Master Blacksmith",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ108 Master Blacksmith 10D429DF-44D89D62-38DC6AA5-
children = {
title = 0x000795fd, -- "Master Armorers"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 4A9D1CE7-4A569A7E-055DB89C-E2D88C2E",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "SQ108 Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ108 Begining 4F6D56FB-48064522-5A82BEA8-C07F8632",
description = 0x001034cc, -- "Witchers live to kill monsters, and so
they place great importance on the weapons and armor they use. Bodily harm is all
too common in this profession, so whenever the chance arises to acquire better work
clothing, the thinking witcher pounces on it like a cat on a plump mouse.
<br><br>Such a mouse skittered in front of Geralt's eyes at one point in the form
of the dwarf Fergus, an armorer of great renown. The craftsman promised to forge
top-notch equipment for our hero, but first he needed the appropriate tools. Geralt
thus set out in search of them.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "SQ108 Ending",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ108 Ending DFD5ACFD-45AC0435-E1B6239A-C8AEF7A2",
index = 1,
description = 0x001034cd, -- "Geralt acquired the tools, but his
adventure did not end there. In the meantime he learned Fergus' apprentice was the
true master of the forge, and Fergus himself a mere figurehead. Apparently this
arrangement came about because they thought no one would believe a woman could
possess such talent. It seemed now the fickle apprentice had changed her mind and
wished to assume her rightful place in the sun.<br><br>In order to prove her
talent, she made Geralt do a bit of running around and act as an archer's target in
a bizarre ordeal. Luckily, everything worked out and in the end our hero earned the
gratitude of a true master armoress, who promised to forge him the best plate in
the world.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "SQ108 Ending Failed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ108 Ending Failed F0F7EF38-4BFC7B60-22AAAB82-
index = 2,
description = 0x001062d6, -- "Geralt acquired the tools, but in the end
no armor would be forged with them. It turned out the real talent in the workshop
belonged to Fergus' female understudy, the man himself being a mere figurehead
there to assuage people who would never believe a woman could possess such talent.
Geralt was asked to assist in proving this talent to all and sundry by acting as a
human target of sorts - and this was too much for him. He refused to participate in
this risky armor effectiveness trial, and thus the Nilfgaardian officer concluded
Yoana was a fraud. After this, she packed up her things and left Velen for good. I
hope, in the end, she found some place where they could appreciate her talent."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "SQ108 Begining Gossip",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ108 Begining Gossip B1C0FB87-4452433A-7CB04898-
index = 3,
description = 0x00109609, -- "During his travels, Geralt dropped by a
certain forge and, while making conversation with the proprietor, asked whether the
craftsman would be capable of forging equipment requiring the highest level of
mastery. The smith shook his head glumly and directed the witcher to Velen - home,
it was reputed, to a certain Fergus, master among masters and virtuouso of the
smithing arts."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Getting the tools",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Getting the tools 5A6C12F2-49D83432-237BDDAC-
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Ask Fergus if he is the master blacksmith",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ask Fergus if he is the master blacksmith CD0CC5D5-
children = {
title = 0x000fbadd, -- "Ask if Fergus is a master armorer."
world = 10,

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "mappin fergus",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin fergus AE406E30-4790CB15-05AC9DB3-8668499D",
mapPinID = "fergus_graem",

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Get special tools from Undvik",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get special tools from Undvik 780F3E43-45F18132-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fbae1, -- "Get blacksmith's tools from Undvik."
world = 3,

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "mappin village area",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "mappin village area 7D8A8576-4E5562EB-622FB38D-
radius = 27.000000,
mapPinID = "sq108_mappin_undvik_village",

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "mappin forge",
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index = 1,
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "sq108_mappin_undvik_forge",
enabledAtStartup = false,

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Defeat the cave troll",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat the cave troll 1EAC54EA-4BAFA097-9EC298AF-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x000fbae2, -- "Defeat the troll."
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "mappin forge",
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radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "sq108_mappin_undvik_forge",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Return with tools to Fergus",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return with tools to Fergus 54556226-4D625EFC-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x000fbae8, -- "Bring the tools to Fergus."
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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Find master blacksmith in Velen",
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index = 4,
title = 0x000fd5d3, -- "Find a master armorer in Velen."
world = 10,

chunk[19] = {
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children = {

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Decide if Joana is trustworthy",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Decide if Joana is trustworthy B182E83B-452206EB-
children = {
title = 0x000fbae9, -- "Decide if you trust Yoana."
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get acid gland from griffon 315CA678-4A2E86E5-
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children = {
title = 0x000fbaea, -- "Get gland acid from an archgriffin."
world = 10,

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chunk[27] = {
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title = 0x000fbaef, -- "Take the gland acid to Yoana."
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title = 0x000fbaf0, -- "Talk to Fergus."
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chunk[33] = {
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index = 5,
title = 0x0010aa6a, -- "Wait one day while Yoana forges your armor."
world = 10,

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Get armor from Yoana",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get armor from Yoana BADB38C3-4A94D7F0-90CD4186-
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children = {
title = 0x0010aa6b, -- "Collect your armor from Yoana."
world = 10,
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mapPinID = "sq108_blacksmith_woman",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq201curse.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ201 Curse",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ201 Curse FE437B83-49995725-39F6089A-D2A87C27",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0007ae12, -- "In Wolf's Clothing"

chunk[3] = {
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Starts during q205",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Starts during q205 6BA4B00C-48ED5293-3D273BA7-
description = 0x00101d68, -- "Ciri's trail had led Geralt and Yennefer
to a derelict garden in Skellige. There they hoped to find the man called Craven,
who alone could provide answers to their burning questions. Unfortunately, they
were first greeted by an entirely different individual - a monster known as
Morkvarg. It seemed Geralt once more would have to stain his silver sword with

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Quest Starts from priestess outside q205",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Starts from priestess outside q205 CF8E8C62-
index = 1,
description = 0x00101d69, -- "Freya's garden - once the pride of
Hindarsfjall, nay, of all the Isles - had fallen into ruin. This had happened on
account of a certain Morkvarg, a cruel pirate for whom nothing was sacred. The
punishment for his deeds was a curse that transformed him into a monster and
imprisoned him inside the garden walls. There he roamed for years until Freya's
priestesses decided it was time to get rid of him for good. They promised a
generous reward to any brave man who could drive him off - or, better yet, kill

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Quest Starts when exploring outside q205",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Starts when exploring outside q205 192259BE-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101d6a, -- "The Skellige Isles have a long and rich
history. Scattered throughout their rocky lands are many mysterious ruins, elven
relics, ancient woods and natural marvels. One of the places that most stuck in
Geralt's memory was the abandoned garden near Freya's temple. Geralt discovered it
by accident, and found there was work waiting for him within - a powerful monster
prowled inside its crumbling walls.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished - werewolf killed",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished - werewolf killed 84A6A7EC-4088872D-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101d70, -- "Geralt decided to try an innovative curse-
lifting method - feeding the werewolf his own flesh. Geralt's efforts were a
partial success. The curse was lifted, but Morkvarg died without ever reassuming
his human form. Considering the hideous deeds this cruel pirate had wrought, one's
heart does not exactly burst with pity for him."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished - human killed",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished - human killed F08DFD59-47AD0C97-
index = 4,
description = 0x00101d71, -- "Geralt tracked down one of Morkvarg's
former companions who lived in Larvik. His jaw dropped to learn this man - and not,
as was commonly thought, Freya's high priestess - had cast the curse on the
infamous pirate. The man also possessed an object he claimed could lift the curse.
Geralt took it from him, and used it to return Morkvarg to human form - thus
rendering him mortal. Geralt then struck an expert blow to hasten the inevitable
end this condition implied. Clearly he felt that years of insatiable hunger were
not punishment enough for this man's many sins."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Quest Finished - Morkvarg walks away",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Finished - Morkvarg walks away 03784666-
index = 5,
description = 0x00101d72, -- "Geralt tracked down one of Morkvarg's
former companions who lived in Larvik. His jaw dropped to learn this man - and not,
as was commonly thought, Freya's high priestess - had cast the curse on the
infamous pirate. The man also possessed an object he claimed could lift the curse.
Geralt took it from him, used it to return Morkvarg to human form - and then let
him go free. This might strike you as strange, dear reader, considering this former
pirate's many sins and complete unwillingness to reform. Remember, however, that it
is a witcher's job to kill monsters, not people, no matter how rotten they might

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Twist - food turns to dust",
order = 4194303998,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Twist - food turns to dust 6D772B55-442964E7-
index = 6,
description = 0x00101d6f, -- "Geralt learned the curse hadn't just
turned Morkvarg into a monster - it had sentenced him to eternal hunger as well. He
knew from decades of experience that such curses can be lifted by feeding the
monster of one's own and unforced volition. In this case, however, the tried and
true method did not work - the food scattered into ash as soon as Morkvarg brought
it near his lips.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "the hunt",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "the hunt 1A50F2B1-46486205-84B9759D-3C91AE32",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Talk to the contract giver",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to the contract giver E71548FD-49E51653-
children = {
title = 0x0007ad6f, -- "Talk to the priestess Josta about Morkvarg."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q205_priestess_1",
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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Find herbarium",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find herbarium 44D71AB9-472048B6-23662E86-CF53CB08",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0007ad74, -- "Find the garden where the monster dwells."

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radius = 60.000000,
mapPinID = "q205_herbarium_area_mappin",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Find werewolf",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find werewolf 67C34BE6-44B01B02-548818BB-4107D147",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0007ad79, -- "Find Morkvarg."

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chunk[18] = {
baseName = "Get rid of werewolf",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get rid of werewolf 7FD26A64-468629F4-E87E49B2-
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0007ad7a, -- "Get rid of the werewolf in the garden."

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mapPinID = "q205_back_herbarium_mpp",
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chunk[21] = {
baseName = "Talk to Tordar",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Tordar C4EAF90F-4CF4D8C8-8889DFA0-298D2202",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0007ad7b, -- "Talk to Einar about the curse."

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "sq201_tordar",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq201_tordar",
mapPinID = "sq201_tordar",

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "get reward",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "get reward E8D5B0EA-4EC9FA08-1D6D3281-92010806",
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x0007ad7c, -- "Collect your reward from the contract giver."

chunk[24] = {
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chunk[25] = {
baseName = "kill Tordar",
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index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x0007b16e, -- "Kill Einar and his helpers."

chunk[26] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find key 0D93EC8A-486C17C6-DDE61784-167F8D18",
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0007b3fe, -- "Find the key Morkvarg mentioned using your
Witcher Senses."

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children = {
title = 0x0007b5d8, -- "Collect your reward from the pawnshop in
world = 2,

chunk[30] = {
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chunk[31] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "confront tordar 4BD859A7-43BDC5E9-2B612481-CFD94C31",
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x0007ba22, -- "Ask Einar of Larvik why he lied to you about

chunk[32] = {
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mapPinID = "sq201_tordar",

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "use fang",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "use fang 9CAF1B7B-4CC36BF1-5B362D99-360DE03E",
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x0007ba5b, -- "Use the fang to lift Morkvarg's curse, or find
another way to lift it."

chunk[34] = {
baseName = "sq201_werewolf",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq201_werewolf",
mapPinID = "sq201_werewolf",

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "use meat",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "use meat 0073A0ED-47C56B78-D23FEFB2-F072BD1E",
index = 11,
children = {
title = 0x0007ba5c, -- "Use Morkvarg's flesh to get rid of the werewolf,
or find another way to lift the curse."

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "sq201_werewolf",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq201_werewolf",
mapPinID = "sq201_werewolf",

chunk[37] = {
baseName = "have both",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "have both F90B33E9-401AFD3E-38CA349D-3659C7BF",
index = 12,
children = {
title = 0x0007ba5d, -- "Kill Morkvarg by feeding him his own flesh, or
lift the curse using the fang."

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "sq201_werewolf",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq201_werewolf",
mapPinID = "sq201_werewolf",

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "open kapitularz",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "open kapitularz 0B6CDE37-4A82B17E-E558338D-4A8103C9",
index = 13,
children = {
title = 0x00106e36, -- "Unlock the chapter house doors."

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "sq201_kapitularz",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq201_kapitularz",
mapPinID = "sq201_kapitularz",

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "search kapitularz",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search kapitularz E766F5E9-4C10A967-A0DDEF8E-
index = 14,
children = {
title = 0x00106e3a, -- "Search the chapter house."

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chunk[43] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find way to cave 8BF6CA36-45A6C5E7-D348F099-
index = 15,
children = {
title = 0x00106eab, -- "Find a way into the flooded cave under
Morkvarg's lair."

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "q205_floodgate_3",
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order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "search underwater cave 7BB3B8A5-4C2FD40D-6EBCC086-
index = 16,
children = {
title = 0x00106ece, -- "Search the cave using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[47] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "read_manifest 7D2132D2-4BE9CBD1-1D00ABBD-8FE1BB23",
index = 17,
title = 0x00109321, -- "Read Morkvarg's journal."
bookShortcut = "sq201_ship_manifesto",

chunk[48] = {
baseName = "morkvarg side",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "morkvarg side 674D8EE5-4992AF88-9D9DBC83-639DEEDF",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "help werewolf with curse",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "help werewolf with curse E761D322-42A47C4C-EDB71490-
children = {
title = 0x00109481, -- "Help the werewolf by lifting the curse."

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radius = 60.000000,
mapPinID = "q205_herbarium_area_mappin",

chunk[51] = {
baseName = "Talk with priestesses",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk with priestesses 45FF4B02-4ED3121A-E7F6F4AE-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00109482, -- "Talk to the priestesses of Melitele to learn
what happened in the garden."

chunk[52] = {
baseName = "q205_priestess_1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q205_priestess_1",
mapPinID = "q205_priestess_1",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq202yen.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ202 Yen",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ202 Yen 038C9DE1-49CE76B6-8B594897-DAA76B87",
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x00090785, -- "The Last Wish"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 888280EF-4A163742-70D1B1A8-7D6C4DC1",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "SQ202 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ202 Beginning BD878CAE-47197775-064E55B7-33420E71",
description = 0x00100f89, -- "Before Geralt and Yennefer parted after
their adventure in Freya's garden, the sorceress asked him to meet her in Larvik.
She made it clear this was a personal matter, but gave no further details.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "SQ202 At Larvik",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ202 At Larvik 4FBD5D8B-44E5C425-D1B4DEB6-41A0E6BD",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100f8a, -- "Geralt duly traveled to Larvik, where
Yennefer revealed to him her plan: she intended to capture a djinn and draw on its
power. Brrr, the very thought of it makes my skin crawl and my throat constrict!
For, dear reader, I have had the misfortune of dealing with a djinn once in my
life, and I assure you - once was one time too many. Most djinns, you see, combine
incredible power with a mean streak a mile long. In short, they are nasty beings
that prudent people should steer well clear of. <br><br>Yet when Yennefer sets her
sights on something, there's no turning back. Geralt glumly realized this and
decided to help her handle the dangers that would surely arise during this mad
endeavor. Yennefer had managed to learn about a certain scholar who had devoted his
entire life to delving into the secrets of djinns. He had died in mysterious
circumstances during a shipwreck off the coast of Hindarsfjall. That is where
Geralt and Yennefer decided to begin their search.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "SQ202 Djinn Final",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ202 Djinn Final 3856231C-48EFD0DA-324A26B5-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100fa4, -- "The trail they followed took Geralt and
Yennefer from the bottom of the sea off the coast of Hindarsfjall to the snowy
peaks towering above Ard Skellig. There, barging recklessly in where even dragons
should fear to tread, they summoned the djinn and tried to capture it. The djinn,
however, had no intention of giving up without a fight and resisted with all its
strength.<br><br>Together witcher and sorceress managed to pin this feisty spirit.
Once it understood its situation was hopeless, Yennefer could convince it to do
what she wanted - release Geralt and her from the spell another djinn had cast on
them long ago. This spell had made it so that Geralt and Yennefer, despite their
many differences, could not live without each other. Now they had a chance to see
if, once the spell was no longer in effect, the magic between them would still

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "SQ202 End - In Love",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ202 End - In Love 80CF3D9A-4FE5B625-8BD85997-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100fe4, -- "The truth did not disappoint. The captured
djinn dispelled its predecessor's work… and the feelings between Geralt and the
sorceress burned on as fiery as ever. Many an admirer breathed a heavy sigh on that
day, when the bond between these two renowned beauties closed tight, crushing all
outsiders' hopes..."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q202 End - Not So In Love",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q202 End - Not So In Love B2FC3339-4B2CD2C5-29990CAD-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100ffc, -- "The truth came as a brutal shock to
Yennefer, though she was not the kind to let this show. After the djinn dispelled
its predecessor's work, Geralt confessed that he no longer felt towards her what he
once had. Hearts heavy, they returned to Kaer Trolde and then went their separate

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "SQ202 Failed",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ202 Failed",
index = 5,
description = 0x0010963e, -- "Though Yennefer had made it clear the
matter was important to her, Geralt made it equally clear he was in no mood to be
her errand boy yet again. He left her in Skellige and returned to his own affairs."

chunk[10] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq204forestspirit.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ204 Forest Spirit",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ204 Forest Spirit ADF1F1F0-41C5D27D-3397258A-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0005e5d2, -- "In the Heart of the Woods"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 796BD2B3-4B01E934-BADDF396-2A270A0F",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Quest Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Start 726A29F6-498C0872-E9E43388-1C826CC3",
description = 0x00060f6d, -- "Geralt's first clue? A brutally murdered
and mangled body. The villagers all agreed the Woodland Spirit had killed the man -
but their explanations of this creature's motives could not have been more
different. The elders among them claimed the Spirit, who had cared for their
village for generations, was now punishing them for having broken the pact they had
once made. As for the youth present, they claimed the Woodland Spirit was nothing
but a cruel brute that killed for its own pleasure - and that rather than worship
it, they should get rid of it once and for all.<br><br>Geralt promised to help with
their problem - though he did not yet know which side was right. The witcher
exercised his better judgment and decided his first move must be to find out what
this Woodland Spirit really was - and why it had begun to kill.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ending - Sven path",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Description AAB427B7-4F016FD5-02267E84-AF34FCD8",
index = 1,
description = 0x00060fc6, -- "Fayrlund's supposed guardian turned out to
be a leshen - a rare and dangerous monster that can force animals, plants and, as
soon became clear, even people to do its bidding. For generations the villagers had
worshipped it and offered it sacrifices, and all the while it leeched off their
life force, a parasite masquerading as a guardian. A band of young warriors led by
Sven questioned the old order and asked Geralt to take care of the monster in the
manner of witchers.<br><br>Geralt agreed. While he was away tracking the leshen in
the nearby woods, Sven decided to usher in the new era himself by murdering all the
village elders. When Geralt arrived back in the settlement it was too late to save
it from fratricidal bloodshed. He thus collected his reward from a man who had
killed more people in one afternoon than the monster had in years and walked away
from the village without a backwards glance.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Ending - Harald left",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Description 04A2CCC7-4079F935-B90C448D-56C2718E",
index = 2,
description = 0x00060fea, -- "Geralt made two discoveries during his
investigation. First of all, the Woodland Spirit turned out to be a leshen - a rare
monster, though one known to witchers. Secondly, to his great surprise Geralt found
that this beast truly did help the village of Fayrlund, training the villagers in
dark rituals how to become unequaled hunters and warriors. Those who didn't survive
its trials never returned from the woods - their lives were the price the monster
demanded. <br><br>The monster had become intertwined with the village - so integral
to their way of life that Geralt decided it was safer to renew the old pacts made
with the beast than to kill it. The village youth, however, could not be reconciled
to a return to the old order. Though lacking the courage to kill the hated Woodland
Spirit themselves, they mustered enough bravery to rise up against the elders who
worshipped it. Geralt left the village before the bloodshed started. After all, the
role of a witcher is to protect men from monsters, not from themselves."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Ending - Harald protected",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Description 92C4F4E5-4454BEED-E49A6E84-35CA0F0A",
index = 3,
description = 0x00060feb, -- "Geralt made two discoveries during his
investigation. First of all, the Woodland Spirit turned out to be a leshen - a rare
monster, though one known to witchers. Secondly, to his great surprise Geralt found
that this beast truly did help the village of Fayrlund, training their hunters and
warriors in the nearby woods - though it exacted a price in human
lives.<br><br>Even so, the witcher decided more good would come from renewing the
old pact between the villagers and the leshen than from killing the beast. Harald,
leader of the village elders, rewarded the witcher for keeping the old traditions
alive. The village youth, however, with Sven in the lead, could not be reconciled
to a return to the old order. Though lacking the courage to kill the hated Woodland
Spirit themselves, they mustered enough bravery to rise up against the elders who
worshipped it.<br><br>It fell upon Geralt yet again to choose the lesser evil. He
defended some men by killing others - even more, perhaps, than the monster he was
supposed to protect them against."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Quest start - contract",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest start - contract",
index = 4,
description = 0x001093f1, -- "Geralt learned that a monster called the
Woodland Spirit was tormenting the villagers of Fayrlund. Tempted by the promise of
a reward, he decided to look into the matter."

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baseName = "Quest start - chat",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest start - chat",
index = 5,
description = 0x001093f0, -- "Crossing a certain Skellige isle, Geralt
overheard a group of islanders discussing the tragic death of a man named Arnulf.
Sensing a monster contract might be in the offing, he decided to look in to the

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baseName = "talk to villagers",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "talk to villagers 4B1C4827-41749C4B-8963A08B-
children = {
title = 0x0005e5d5, -- "Find out what happened to Bjorn's brother."

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order = 1610612734,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find out what happened to villagers E3E07738-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0005e5d6, -- "Examine the tracks in the woods using your
Witcher Senses and find out what's killing the villagers of Fayrlund."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check bestiary 9E8F4B72-4A067573-F49E148E-F2E4B7AB",
index = 2,
title = 0x00060750, -- "Learn more about the Woodland Spirit by reading
the Bestiary."
chunk[18] = {

chunk[19] = {

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Talk to Sven about contract",
order = 536870911,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Sven about contract B9DB11B0-4D7600E0-
index = 3,
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title = 0x0007bd49, -- "Talk to Sven about the contract on the Woodland

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq205alchemist.journal:

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title = 0x00073c07, -- "Practicum in Advanced Alchemy"
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description = 0x00101162, -- "At one point during his travels Geralt
learned of a master alchemist named Gremist. Rumor had it this druid knew more
about alchemy than most men know about the contours of their own members. Geralt,
ever eager to polish his skills, decided to find this learned druid and absorb
whatever knowledge from him he could.<br>"

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individual, but then so do most mages and druids - routinely staring into the abyss
of otherworldly power has that effect. Rather than let Geralt learn from him right
away, he first forced him to undergo three trials. Geralt passed all three with
flying colors and the druid had no choice but to take him on as an apprentice. Thus
Geralt, showing an admirable commitment to lifelong learning, gathered his chalk
and prepared his slate for some advanced alchemy lessons."

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baseName = "Read Instructions",
order = 4265607166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read Instructions 52773199-44019DF3-F1C5BFB7-
index = 10,
title = 0x00108ec7, -- "Read the instructions for distilling alcohol."
bookShortcut = "sq205_brewing_instructions",

chunk[59] = {
baseName = "Reward",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Reward 387EA8F2-4F5F112D-640644BF-B45E001E",
index = 4,
children = {

chunk[60] = {
baseName = "Wait till next day",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait till next day 33EF8E36-4BD013C7-AF0A8B83-
title = 0x00073c16, -- "Wait till the next day."

chunk[61] = {
baseName = "Speak with Gremista for your reward",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Speak with Gremista for your reward FDD5D92E-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00073c17, -- "Talk to Gremist about your reward."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq209weregild.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ209 Tavern Brawl",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ209 Tavern Brawl 5A628AFB-4D9FAEBD-6C403A9A-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x000747ff, -- "Stranger in a Strange Land"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions EA2D0A5E-470AA292-71D5428C-806C8B92",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Tavern",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Tavern A66EAF35-4B9366F2-2D46A3B6-A45742E1",
description = 0x00100928, -- "The common folk rarely show witchers the
gratitude they deserve for practicing their dangerous trade. Arinbjorn, however,
proved an even more ungrateful place than usual in this regard. After taking care
of a wraith plaguing this village, Geralt stepped into the local tavern in search
of a well-earned drink. Before he could even take a sip, however, two trouble-
seeking youths started harassing him. Geralt usually strives to avoid bloodshed in
such situations... but this time he had no choice.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Prison",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Prison 607900DC-4B338EE6-70C42B81-BC7CB565",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100929, -- "Though Geralt had killed his attackers in
self-defense, no witnesses confirmed this and he was charged with starting the
brawl. The inhabitants of Arinbjorn urged Geralt to put down his weapons and hand
himself over to the jarl, Madman Lugos. Wanting no more blood on his hands that
day, Geralt reluctantly delivered himself to the justice of a lunatic.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Final Part 2 Done",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Final Part 2 Done 4CDC44EF-470496D8-AC7B8DB8-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010092a, -- "Geralt stood before Madman Lugos to be
tried. The jarl found him guilty, but then immediately paid his blood price for
him, thus giving him his freedom. In this way Lugos repaid the witcher for the help
he had given his son in the Cave of Dreams."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Final Part 2 NOT Done",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Final Part 2 NOT Done 77FF7312-4F1B800C-28413885-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100950, -- "Geralt stood before Madman Lugos to be
tried. The jarl found him guilty, but then immediately paid his blood price for
him, thus giving him his freedom. Like most favors, however, this one was given
with the expectation of gaining something in return. For saving his life and
granting him his freedom, Lugos wanted Geralt to help his son and heir, Blueboy
Lugos, in his trek through the mysterious Cave of Dreams."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives E2351B2E-43156A69-92E027A6-47FF8104",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Defeat villagers",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Defeat villagers C59D7E17-488306BD-F4CB7E88-
title = 0x0008f0d2, -- "Defeat the warriors who picked a fight with

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Check what's happening outside",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Check what's happening outside 4F493F0B-46A63CF4-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008f0d7, -- "See what's happening outside."

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "sq209_inn_outside_mappin",
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radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "sq209_inn_outside_mappin",

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Clear your situation with Lugos the Mad",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Clear your situation with Lugos the Mad AEB697D7-
index = 2,
title = 0x0008f0d8, -- "Explain yourself to Madman Lugos."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Get out of jail to talk with Lugos the Mad",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Get out of jail to talk with Lugos the Mad 274CB3B4-
index = 3,
title = 0x00091768, -- "Get out of prison."

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Talk with Lugos the Mad",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk with Lugos the Mad B373F90F-4A8DAC40-98F21C98-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00091769, -- "Talk to Madman Lugos."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "lugos_the_mad",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lugos_the_mad 73A58ACE-43B97369-0402A1B9-8EDF4BDC",
mapPinID = "lugos_the_mad",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq209weregildb.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ209 Cave of Dreams",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ209 Cave of Dreams C15E1341-4A1D0AF2-BCCA85AD-
children = {
world = 2,
title = 0x0010190e, -- "The Cave of Dreams"

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baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 146FC6F5-44116A1E-09B7E683-D8CBB624",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start Lugos Jr",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start Lugos Jr 2F6D96AA-43E4F61C-1DFC8888-FDAC95C2",
description = 0x00100951, -- "During one of his endless peregrinations
Geralt ran into Blueboy Lugos, son of Madman Lugos. Thirsty for adventure and
glory, the lad had set off to trek through the mysterious Cave of Dreams. The
witcher knew the young warrior was no stranger to courage, but to knowledge,
experience, and navigational ability he was a distant relation at best. Fearing the
expedition would end in disaster, or at least leave the world one Lugos poorer, he
offered his assistance.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Visions Begin",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Visions Begin 22955BAE-41EA0745-C03E01BD-FE9E29BC",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100952, -- "According to legend, those foolhardy
enough to enter the Cave of Dreams must confront what they fear most. Sometimes the
past returns to haunt them - others, the future, prematurely exposed, strikes
terror in their hearts. Geralt, Lugos and their companions knew they must fortify
their courage to face such a challenge, and so prior to penetrating the cave's
bowels put themselves into a trance using a mixture of hallucinogenic herbs. This
concoction proved all too potent - even Geralt, who had imbibed more psychoactive
substances than most men have milk, soon lost all contact of reality...<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "End Get Money after Part 1",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Get Money after Part 1 E37B073E-4C830E10-
index = 2,
description = 0x00100954, -- "After a bumper crop of wild adventures
(many of which, to be frank, I have a hard time believing actually took place),
Geralt awoke in the same place where he had earlier partaken of the brain-addling
herbs. He expected young Lugos, fresh from the same experience, to bid him a fond
farewell. Yet the young warrior had in the meantime discovered Geralt was obliged
to help him as repayment for a debt, and yet still had demanded payment for his
services. Lugos gave him the promised gold, but it was clear that Geralt, though
substantially richer, had lost the respect of Clan Drummond's heir.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End Didn't Get Money",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Didn't Get Money 5BB0048E-4C5C9C84-786A1486-
index = 3,
description = 0x00100955, -- "After a bumper crop of wild adventures
(many of which, to be frank, I have a hard time believing actually took place),
Geralt awoke in the same place where he had earlier partook of the brain-addling
herbs. Young Lugos thanked Geralt for his help and cleared him of all debts to Clan
Drummond. Geralt returned to his path, swearing that, in the future he would think
twice before stepping into Skellige taverns...<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Start from Lugos Mad",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start from Lugos Mad D9E70BA3-4713CCED-1ACF238B-
index = 4,
description = 0x00100971, -- "Lugos, Jarl of Clan Drummond, might indeed
have been as mad as they said, but when the need arose he could calculate as coolly
as the sanest of men. When Geralt was brought before him to be tried, he resisted
any howls for blood braying in his unhinged mind and instead let the witcher go,
thus banking himself a debt of gratitude with a man well able to repay it. He then
transferred that credit to his son, sending Geralt off to help Blueboy Lugos
traverse the nightmarish Cave of Dreams."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "End Get Money before Part 1",
order = 3892314110,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End Get Money before Part 1 F8BF422D-4B9584E3-
index = 5,
description = 0x00100980, -- "After a bumper crop of wild adventures
(many of which, to be frank, I have a hard time believing actually took place),
Geralt awoke in the same place where he had earlier partook of the brain-addling
herbs. Though not sure himself if the creatures they had battled were truly
nightmarish or merely nightmares, Lugos generously rewarded Geralt for his help in
defeating them.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Fail",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fail 83AEBE83-4101FC0F-F2BA78B8-7D62B3EE",
index = 6,
description = 0x00109703, -- "While Geralt was curious what secrets lay
in the mysterious Cave of Dreams, his interest must have sputtered out before
anything became of it. First chance he got, he slipped away from the expedition and
returned to his own Path."

chunk[11] = {
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index = 1,
children = {
chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Join Lugos the Glaucous expedition to the Cave of Dreams",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Join Lugos the Glaucous expedition to the Cave of
Dreams 8EEECE89-46EF72A3-8BE93A82-B41391C1",
children = {
title = 0x00100924, -- "Join Blueboy Lugos and his crew outside the Cave
of Dreams."

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chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Explore the cave with Lugos the Glaucous and his men",
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title = 0x00100925, -- "Explore the Cave of Dreams with Blueboy Lugos."

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chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Explore the cave of dreams to face your fears and those of your
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Explore the cave of dreams to face your fears and
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index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00100926, -- "Face your nightmares in the Cave of Dreams."

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title = 0x00101c12, -- "Leave the Cave of Dreams."

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chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Udaj się do przystani w Holmstein i znajdź łódź",
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title = 0x00107048, -- "Go to the Holmstein harbor and find a boat."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq210impossibletower.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ210 Impossible Tower",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ210 Impossible Tower 7ECF7633-46381266-A19DDA89-
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world = 2,
title = 0x0008d407, -- "The Tower Outta Nowheres"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start - villagers",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_desc_start",
description = 0x00100283, -- "Wind-whipped and rain-battered, Geralt
stumbled into a small village on the coast of An Skellig. The foul weather, he
learned, had cursed this spot ever since a mysterious tower appeared one morning
out of thin air, as if placed by an invisible giant's hand. Intrigued, Geralt
decided to investigate.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "End - villagers",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_desc_end",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100284, -- "The tower, as one might have predicted,
was endowed with magic. To be precise, it was equipped with a Defensive Regulatory
Magicon, a mystical apparatus that treated every entrant save the tower's original
owner as a dangerous intruder. That is why it had locked Sigo Buntz, the Koviri
mage who had purchased the tower at auction, in a cell inside his new property. It
tried to do the same with Geralt, but to a determined witcher, a tower full of
magic trickery is no obstacle.<br><br>Following Sigo's instructions, Geralt found a
tome in the depths of the library entitled "Gottfried's Omni-opening Grimoire." He
and the mage used the secrets contained within to disable the tower's defenses.
Once free, Sigo, bursting with gratitude, rewarded Geralt (generously, I hope, for
the witcher never said exactly how), transported him in a flash to the village
where it had all started (well, to be precise, to the bay off the coast from the
village), then whisked the tower away for good. Once it was gone, all that remained
of the storm were a few puddles and scattered clouds in the otherwise bright and
sunny sky. The gathered villagers went wild with joy and showered Geralt with well-
deserved thanks."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Start - by his own",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start - by his own 5DB98C55-4A8F6B59-C8AA6C8A-
index = 2,
description = 0x001013b2, -- "While traversing the An Skellig coast,
Geralt suddenly found himself beset by a fierce storm. A tower stuck awkwardly out
of a nearby hill, and, though his medallion tingled as he neared it, Geralt decided
to seek shelter there from the driving rain…<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "End - by his own",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End - by his own 9B3AFF55-41F77406-5F82D7A5-
index = 3,
description = 0x001013c2, -- "The tower, as one might have predicted,
was endowed with magic. To be precise, it was equipped with a Defensive Regulatory
Magicon, a mystical apparatus that treated every entrant save the tower's original
owner as a dangerous intruder. That is why it had locked Sigo Buntz, the Koviri
mage who had purchased the tower at auction, in a cell inside his new property. It
tried to do the same with Geralt, but to a determined witcher, a tower full of
magic trickery is no obstacle.<br><br>Following Sigo's instructions, Geralt found a
tome in the depths of the library entitled "Gottfried's Omni-opening Grimoire." He
and the mage used the secrets contained within to disable the tower's defenses.
Once free, Sigo, bursting with gratitude, rewarded Geralt (generously, I hope, for
the witcher never said exactly how), transported him in a flash to the nearby
village (well, to be precise, to the bay off the coast from the village), then
whisked the tower away for good. Once it was gone, all that remained of the storm
were a few puddles and scattered clouds in the otherwise bright and sunny sky. The
gathered villagers went wild with joy and showered Geralt with well-deserved

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "The Tower",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Tower 94DBB26C-4095E3B2-E82DED8D-A1C10248",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Get into the tower",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_get_in_tower",
children = {
title = 0x00089d5d, -- "Enter the tower."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_tower_mp 5E1044A6-4BB75F17-ABBAE091-F41DC6BC",
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chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Survive while the wizard casts his spell",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_survive_spell",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x000fde49, -- "Break the tower's defenses with the mage's

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chunk[13] = {
baseName = "Talk to the wizard",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_talk_to_wizard",
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title = 0x000fe982, -- "Talk to the mage."

chunk[14] = {
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chunk[15] = {
baseName = "Talk to the villagers",
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title = 0x000fea28, -- "Talk to the villagers."

chunk[16] = {
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chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Destroy the golem",
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title = 0x000fa07b, -- "Defeat the golem."

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baseName = "Talk to the wizard",
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title = 0x000fa07c, -- "Talk to the man trapped behind the magic

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title = 0x000fdf25, -- "Find the key to the library using your Witcher

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your Witcher Senses."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_pin_storehouse 9AB278A4-4D64BBA8-9C5C7EAF-
radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "sq210_pin_storehouse",

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Return the grimoire to the wizard",
order = 4261380606,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_return_grimoire",
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x000fa07e, -- "Bring the mage "Gottfried's Omni-opening

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "sq210_golemancer",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_golemancer 8ED9FE59-4E75695A-5E40A2B2-
mapPinID = "sq210_golemancer",

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Explore the tower",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Explore the tower D72EE653-4DCE4432-E97B35B3-
index = 10,
children = {
title = 0x00109843, -- "Explore the tower."

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "sq210_pin_golem_area",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_pin_golem_area 0DF5CA6E-4AA92E1C-4BCD1287-
radius = 15.000000,
mapPinID = "sq210_pin_golem_area",

chunk[31] = {
baseName = "Village",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Village 48A7D131-4F27B991-D401C99A-382562DF",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Inquire about the fishermen's problem",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_inquire_fishermen",
children = {
title = 0x00100333, -- "Talk to the villagers."

chunk[33] = {
baseName = "sq210_fisherman",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq210_fisherman 1D96C053-4BF35AF7-B422539C-1D1FE181",
mapPinID = "sq210_fisherman",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq301triss.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ301 Triss",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ301 Triss DF5C1032-43CFD052-056742B1-5E8C57B0",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00069cbb, -- "A Matter of Life and Death"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 81EA69D2-496060F0-64AF2E98-F26C516B",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "SQ301 Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ301 Begining 7388ECD2-4A4DBC55-CA8112A1-3749959E",
description = 0x001007d8, -- "Of all the so-called "witches" they
hunted, there was none the witch hunters wanted more than Triss Merigold, a
sorceress of unequaled power. Even in hiding she had proven a thorn in their side,
masterminding an underground net of hideouts and covers, keeping other mages out of
the hunters' blood-stained hands. When Geralt entered the city, he met up with his
dear friend and sometime love. And when the time came that she needed his help with
her endeavor, she did not hesitate to ask.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "SQ301 Geralt knows about Albert",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ301 Geralt knows about Albert C114B7B6-47C92EAD-
index = 1,
description = 0x001007d9, -- "Their contact revealed that the son of
Ingrid Vegelbud, scion of a wealthy Novigrad family, dabbled in alchemy. For that
reason he had become a person of much interest to the witch hunters. When Ingrid
learned of Triss' operations, she sent her servant to ask the sorceress to spirit
her son somewhere far away from his persecutors. The hunters kept a close eye on
her residence, so they would need a distraction - and her upcoming masquerade ball
promised to provide just that.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "SQ301 Ending",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ301 Ending AC8041CC-401D05D3-A7C17CB1-B5EDFF65",
index = 2,
description = 0x00100898, -- "Young Albert's rescue did not prove to be
Triss' slickest extraction ever. First she had trouble even finding the young
alchemist amidst the throng of revelers, and then Geralt ran into trouble with a
group of witch hunter infiltrators. Still, with a bit of luck and a bit of cunning
our heroes managed to escape the residence and smuggle Vegelbud out without a
scratch on him. Mission accomplished. Geralt and Triss had proven once again how
well they work together as a team - but as a couple, well, events at the Vegelbuds'
only complicated that matter...<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "SQ301 Fail on masquerade",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ301 Fail on masquerade 83B5F0CF-4D88CDB0-F198CF8E-
index = 3,
description = 0x0010177c, -- "Geralt and Triss attended the masquerade
ball at the Vegelbuds' residence. Their mission: rescue young Albert. Geralt,
however, must have downed one cocktail too many and wandered off before they could
fulfill it. Albert was arrested. Triss was furious with Geralt - and much water
flowed under Saint Gregory's Bridge before she forgave him.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "SQ301 Begining Since Fish Market",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ301 Begining Since Fish Market E471CFCD-44EE4CCA-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010952a, -- "She had received a very tempting
proposition and needed Geralt to accompany her to the Novigrad fish market. A fish
market, you say? Had the hunters taken to persecuting flounder as well? Was a mage
in desperate need of some herring? I will ignore the sarcasm in your tone and tell
you this: the mysterious man awaiting them there would provide answers to all these
questions - and more.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "SQ301 Universal fail desc",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ301 Universal fail desc 2191F4B2-491B8D2F-1A68FA99-
index = 5,
description = 0x00109671, -- "At first everything went smoothly and
Triss truly believed that, with the witcher's help, she would successfully sneak
Albert Vegelbud out of the city, thus saving his life. Yet there was one thing she
did not foresee: that Geralt would prove the weak link in her plan and fail to show
up at the ball. No one likes being stood up, least of all a sorceress. Thus a lot
of water flowed under St. Gregory's Bridge before she let go of her anger..."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "SQ301 Fail on Fishmarket",
order = 4093640702,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ301 Fail on Fishmarket 5D2A3C13-43ECC758-19F05ABA-
index = 6,
description = 0x0010177b, -- "Their contact did indeed await them at the
fish market but - prepare yourselves - at the last minute Geralt changed his mind
and ran off on some other errand. Geralt's fickle-heartedness led to tragedy -
unknown evildoers killed the informant. Triss had no way to follow up on her
proposition, and so was understandably furious with the witcher.<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Triss house",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Triss house F2274F24-40EFC832-DCEDA283-C6D27A48",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Talk to Triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Triss C889E13F-43F01B1E-6EB53A9A-8232A29B",
children = {
title = 0x00067d8d, -- "Talk to Triss Merigold about her problem."

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "triss C040A001-4DC3195C-E10FF585-A9D53C8A",
mapPinID = "triss",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Meet Triss in her hideout",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Triss in her hideout CFC493EB-45D7A75C-E101E986-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00070900, -- "Meet Triss Merigold at her hideout."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "triss 595CA18F-4FF8763B-F65A8BB7-E5179BF3",
mapPinID = "triss",

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Dawn Estate",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Dawn Estate D395A751-41993717-5137F4AB-FD6723C4",
index = 2,
children = {

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "Join Triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Join Triss F8272B71-4AB7B511-A22570B0-31E83D56",
children = {
title = 0x00067d92, -- "Go to the Vegelbuds' residence after dusk and
talk to the guard."

chunk[18] = {
baseName = "sq301_vegelbud_guard_talk",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_vegelbud_guard_talk 2B26B7AB-4375DB50-AF744C98-
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chunk[19] = {
baseName = "sq301_vegelbud_guard",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_vegelbud_guard E471E3DE-4BD87716-F7DC9F81-
index = 1,
mapPinID = "sq301_vegelbud_guard",

chunk[20] = {
baseName = "Meet Ingrid Vegelbud",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Ingrid Vegelbud A50DAEEE-4696162C-75FF519A-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00067d93, -- "Meet Ingrid Vegelbud."

chunk[21] = {
baseName = "q308_ingrid_vegelbud",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "q308_ingrid_vegelbud 54C66B57-4AE9AA72-51DE009E-
mapPinID = "q308_ingrid_vegelbud",

chunk[22] = {
baseName = "Wait on bench",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wait on bench 5FAF6CFA-423CE293-80B84EBF-B972DCFB",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00067d97, -- "Wait on the bench with Triss Merigold."

chunk[23] = {
baseName = "sq301_bench",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_bench 23B1ED9D-4BE63760-9E7AB2A9-FFDA764A",
mapPinID = "sq301_bench",

chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Go to Garden",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Go to Garden D3BF81CA-49BB6A45-3498B998-21868B2B",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00067d98, -- "Find Triss Merigold in the labyrinth."

chunk[25] = {
baseName = "triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "triss AC2D7F21-47143D4B-8F0F28B5-BF7D007B",
mapPinID = "triss",

chunk[26] = {
baseName = "Leave maze",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leave maze CBAAD28A-40E7F079-E9239FB5-D9578BA7",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x00067d9a, -- "Get out of the labyrinth."

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mapPinID = "sq301_out_of_maze",

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Leave Dawn Estate Triss",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Leave Dawn Estate Triss CD3ACD6D-40B8AB63-07B397A7-
index = 5,
children = {
title = 0x00067dd5, -- "Follow Triss Merigold."

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "triss D62E7BA1-44E2656D-1A1F62B3-C4791EEC",
mapPinID = "triss",

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Find Albert",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Albert 93B70EA7-4A3C2E37-8CB10CBB-5B78FDD9",
index = 6,
children = {
title = 0x000701be, -- "Find Albert Vegelbud. He's wearing a panther
chunk[31] = {
baseName = "sq301_look_for_albert",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_look_for_albert 1E04EAC0-405361F7-2055928D-
radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "sq301_look_for_albert",

chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Meet Triss and Albert in stables",
order = 4276092926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Triss and Albert in stables 5798B890-47F0F7AA-
index = 7,
children = {
title = 0x0008fa5e, -- "Meet Triss and Albert in the stables."

chunk[33] = {
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chunk[34] = {
baseName = "Return to Triss",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to Triss 1B03BF09-4DECA3CB-9A95C0B9-2FEC0102",
index = 8,
children = {
title = 0x0007043b, -- "Return to Triss Merigold."

chunk[35] = {
baseName = "triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "triss 64153616-4ACC7A51-6D42E7B0-3A95AF29",
mapPinID = "triss",

chunk[36] = {
baseName = "Fight inquisitors",
order = 4268752894,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight inquisitors 8F38439C-499E9947-FD4397B2-
index = 9,
children = {
title = 0x00067d99, -- "Defeat the witch hunters."
chunk[37] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_inquisitor_fountain 751922C0-4692BD12-A70A9AB2-
mapPinID = "sq301_inquisitor_fountain",

chunk[38] = {
baseName = "Preparations",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Preparations 99AF3812-4413B06A-E085158A-3942E6FB",
index = 3,
children = {

chunk[39] = {
baseName = "Buy mask for Triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Buy mask for Triss A5C07FD2-4E5C6200-D7A71CAE-
children = {
title = 0x0008fece, -- "Buy a fox mask for Triss Merigold."

chunk[40] = {
baseName = "elihal",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_elihal_masks A8AE6AE7-4A180558-C3DAB98F-
mapPinID = "elihal",

chunk[41] = {
baseName = "Buy mask for yourself",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Buy mask for yourself 0A9DDA06-45A93A93-5FE7D7A8-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008fecf, -- "Buy a mask to wear to the masquerade ball."

chunk[42] = {
baseName = "elihal",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_elihal_masks CAB1C283-45BFFB1B-B9D1C1BA-
mapPinID = "elihal",

chunk[43] = {
baseName = "Bring masks to Triss",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Bring masks to Triss 45206552-4D4EB68C-4E86EA9A-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0008fed0, -- "Bring Triss the fox mask."

chunk[44] = {
baseName = "triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_triss_mappin C5E86995-4FB523C0-F6BEB695-
mapPinID = "triss",

chunk[45] = {
baseName = "Back to Triss",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Back to Triss DA9ABC2F-4225DB8C-8C42B688-8AC6C1C7",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x0008fed4, -- "Visit Triss and prepare for the masquerade

chunk[46] = {
baseName = "triss",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_triss_mappin 94EFA8C0-4F3EF3A3-85F9F49E-
mapPinID = "triss",

chunk[47] = {
baseName = "(Optional) buy doublet",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "(Optional) buy doublet A06C13BC-4EC454BD-D0116483-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0010629f, -- "(Optional) Buy a new outfit. Doublet, trousers
and boots."

chunk[48] = {
baseName = "sq301_elihal_masks",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_elihal_masks 68D82AC0-4E19CE0B-6C6B2CB5-
mapPinID = "sq301_elihal_masks",

chunk[49] = {
baseName = "(Optional) Wear set of doublet, pants and shoes",
order = 3623878654,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "(Optional) Wear set of doublet, pants and shoes
index = 5,
title = 0x001062b3, -- "(Optional) Put on your new doublet, trousers and
boots before going to Triss."

chunk[50] = {
baseName = "Fishmarket",
order = 4269801470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fishmarket 1BA10320-4DDE0E18-D1E030A7-AC6DF41C",
index = 4,
children = {

chunk[51] = {
baseName = "Look for servant",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Look for servant 0722D922-414DAC42-46DCEEBE-
children = {
title = 0x00067d8e, -- "Meet the Vegelbuds' servant at the fishmarket.
He's wearing a blue shirt and has keys hanging from his belt."

chunk[52] = {
baseName = "sq301_fishmarket",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_fishmarket 74FB130B-4D26B138-BC217797-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "sq301_fishmarket",

chunk[53] = {
baseName = "Follow servant",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Follow servant 49366D30-4CF367B4-9EAA7690-871B788E",
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00067d8f, -- "Follow the Vegelbuds' servant."

chunk[54] = {
baseName = "sq301_vegelbud_servant",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_vegelbud_servant 8410B433-47A295B4-07E95EB2-
mapPinID = "sq301_vegelbud_servant",

chunk[55] = {
baseName = "Return to servant",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to servant B51F8F1B-4A8D7BD8-FBA95791-
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x0010208d, -- "Return to the servant."

chunk[56] = {
baseName = "sq301_vegelbud_servant",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_vegelbud_servant C1354E69-4B68FFB9-0CF2D78D-
mapPinID = "sq301_vegelbud_servant",

chunk[57] = {
baseName = "Fight bandits",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fight bandits 47DA3704-4113A555-D35023BE-A5726E3E",
index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x00102090, -- "Help the servant fight off the bandits."

chunk[58] = {
baseName = "sq301_bandits",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_bandits 3AD2DBF8-48DC860A-BBBE6E8B-CF7DAA0E",
radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "sq301_bandits",

chunk[59] = {
baseName = "Find servant",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find servant 69D34B60-4915C126-7F2D2D95-58CB65F2",
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x001068f1, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find the Vegelbuds'
servant. Dressed in a blue tunic, he has keys strapped to his belt."

chunk[60] = {
baseName = "sq301_fishmarket",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq301_fishmarket 93288707-4D9E3659-006886A3-
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "sq301_fishmarket",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq302philippa.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ302 Philippa",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ302 Philippa 9D3E34EB-4DB8F4BA-4B1C649B-7B7BBAA5",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0008a3ab, -- "Redania's Most Wanted"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions F68E5036-40C90EE1-852C9DBE-9D4E5E14",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "SQ302 Beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ302 Beginning B56E841C-435A368C-1AC1EEB7-6DBFADC6",
description = 0x001012f3, -- "They say chess is the game of kings, and
Radovid proved this point twice over during his meeting with Geralt. First, by
playing the royal game at the Oxenfurt Chess Club while they met, and then by
treating Geralt like a pawn he could send out to do his bidding. His requested
move? Witcher takes sorceress: his spies had reported finding signs of Philippa
Eilhart's presence in the elven ruins outside of Novigrad. Geralt was to go there
and retrieve her. Normally Geralt resisted attempts to command him around the
board, but he owed Radovid a favor - and had his own reasons for wanting to find

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Q302 Found Crystal",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Found Crystal 3C1F4198-4893BC41-671EF8AF-
index = 1,
description = 0x001012f4, -- "Geralt found and searched Philippa's
hideout. Though there were signs of her presence everywhere, the sorceress herself
was long gone.<br><br>She had, however, left one thing behind that could prove of
great value - a damaged crystal from her megascope. The witcher knew such a gem
could, if properly probed, reveal priceless information about her doings. He thus
was faced with a choice - should he give the crystal to Radovid, or take it to one
of his sorceress allies?<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Q302 Crystal to Yen",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Crystal to Yen C9BCC43F-428F7818-BCB732AA-
index = 2,
description = 0x001012f8, -- "Geralt took the crystal to Yennefer. A bit
of magic and she got it to play back a fragment from the last conversation Philippa
had with Margarita Laux-Antille. From it they learned the sorceress, whom Radovid
had blinded, was trying to restore her vision, and that both were planning to bring
the Lodge of Sorceresses back to life.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Q302 Crystal to Triss",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Crystal to Triss 2039290F-4FFD7869-B9E5CB96-
index = 3,
description = 0x001012f9, -- "Geralt took the crystal to Triss. A bit of
magic and she got it to play back a fragment from the last conversation Philippa
had with Margarita Laux-Antille. From it they learned the sorceress, whom Radovid
had blinded, was trying to restore her vision, and that both were planning to bring
the Lodge of Sorceresses back to life.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Q302 Left Crystal with Yen",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Left Crystal with Yen 9DF4EE23-48094AF3-
index = 4,
description = 0x001012fa, -- "The witcher decided it would be best if
such information never made it to Radovid's ears. He thus decided to leave the
crystal with Yennefer.<br>"
chunk[9] = {
baseName = "Q302 Left Crystal with Triss",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Left Crystal with Triss C1101E63-4F187789-
index = 5,
description = 0x001012fb, -- "The witcher decided it would be best if
such information never made it to Radovid's ears. He thus decided to leave the
crystal with Triss.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Q302 Return to Radowid - no crystal",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Return to Radowid - no crystal F5B2AE0D-
index = 6,
description = 0x00101308, -- "Out of a sense of duty, or perhaps a
desire to receive at least part of the promised reward, Geralt returned to Radovid
to tell him what he had found in Philippa's hideout. The king was clearly not
pleased with the outcome of the investigation and dismissed the witcher. As for
compensation for his trouble, sadly, the witcher had to go without...<br>"

chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Q302 Crystal to Radowid Minions",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Q302 Crystal to Radowid Minions 469CBA33-40084195-
index = 7,
description = 0x001012ff, -- "Geralt encountered Radovid's men at the
entrance to Philippa's hideout. They demanded the witcher give them the magic
crystal, with assurances they would deliver it to the king personally. Geralt
reluctantly accepted their offer.<br>"

chunk[12] = {
baseName = "SQ302 Return to Radowid - give crystal",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ302 Return to Radowid - give crystal 1D4FE9FD-
index = 8,
description = 0x0010130e, -- "As agreed, Geralt returned to Radovid and
gave him the crystal from Philippa's megascope. Though the king was hoping to be
handed a sorceress, not a cold, damaged lump of minerals, in the end he appreciated
Geralt's effort and paid him his reward.<br>"

chunk[13] = {
baseName = "SQ302 Return to Radowid - crystal given to minions",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ302 Return to Radowid - crystal given to minions
index = 9,
description = 0x00101310, -- "Although Geralt had given Radovid's men
the crystal, he decided to go back to see the king anyway and tell him what he had
found in Philippa's hideout. Yet as he had no proof to confirm his words, Radovid
refused to give him his reward and sent him away with a sick smirk on his face."
chunk[14] = {
baseName = "SQ302 Fail without going to hideout",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ302 Fail without going to hideout 323B394E-
index = 10,
description = 0x00109673, -- "Though Geralt was curious to know what had
become of Philippa, wandering around musty and undoubtedly trap-laden elven ruins
did not seem like a pleasant way to spend his time. The idea of being the Redanian
king's paid hound also did not appeal to him - so he abandoned the task and saw to
more interesting and worthy matters instead."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "sq302 Fail - didn't show crystal to anyone",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq302 Fail - didn't show crystal to anyone 9C8E5F8E-
index = 11,
description = 0x00109674, -- "The witcher hesitated a long time before
deciding what to do with the crystal - so long, in fact, that he forgot about it
entirely. He never did learn what mysteries that damaged piece of megascope

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Take crystal from Philippa's megascope to Yennefer
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title = 0x00089d8e, -- "Talk to Yennefer about the crystal from
Philippa's megascope."
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title = 0x00089d92, -- "Give the crystal to Triss or take it to

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq303brothel.journal:

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title = 0x00087197, -- "Meet Dandelion in the morning at the Rosemary
and Thyme."

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title = 0x000feef9, -- "Borrow a prop sword from Madame Irina."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End E7DAA88C-49AADF3B-FCD82596-8C63E531",
description = 0x00100ce2, -- "With the witcher's help I was able to make
my castle in the clouds a heaven on earth - I opened my cabaret and called it The
Chameleon. Ah, if you'd only seen the pride in Priscilla's eyes when our hard-
working dwarven remodelers hung that reptile-adorned signboard above our doors!
What a tragic shame later events did not go at all as we had dreamed..."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 754AEC68-4D7E474C-5889FDB1-99E89D79",
index = 1,
description = 0x00100ce1, -- "Ever since that fateful eve near twenty
years ago when my dear friend Geralt and I visited a no-longer-extant cabaret in
the once-beautiful city of Oxenfurt, I have longed with every fiber of my being to
become the owner of just such an establishment. When Alonso Wily, more commonly
known as Whoreson Senior, left me the Rosemary and Thyme in his will, my dreams
finally began to assume a more concrete form. When Priscilla lent her support to
the endeavor, the scales tipped decidedly towards action and the ball threatened to
start rolling. I needed just a few things more to begin my planned remodeling of
the Rosemary and Thyme into a cabaret - and so I turned to Geralt, the fiercest
fetcher in the world.<br>"

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index = 2,
description = 0x00108e61, -- "At last I was free - and never had the
nectar of liberty tasted so sweet. No matter how I slurped, I could not imbibe it
fast enough. I filled every waking hour, and quite a few sleeping ones, with
fevered activity - there was so much to do, and so little time in which to do it!
Since the witcher had proven a true and reliable friend time and time again, I
asked him for help, and he readily agreed to provide it."

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order = 4026531838,
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index = 3,
description = 0x00109675, -- "So it goes with Geralt - often he burns
with eager enthusiasm at first, only to then have the fires wane and his interest
stray elsewhere. Despite his promises to assist me in putting together my cabaret,
in the end he saw to other matters instead - and without his help, I was unable to
get the job done. Oh well - perhaps one day, when times are more settled, I'll
remind him he owes me help starting a cabaret."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq304armorsmith.journal:

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title = 0x00078173, -- "Of Swords and Dumplings"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Description B6775328-4BE8E9EC-0CFB39B0-47705241",
description = 0x001034ce, -- "A witcher without a blade is like a potter
without hands, and thus they are always on the lookout for skilled smiths to
reforge or repair their deadly limbs. One day Geralt encountered a certain Hattori,
a former master swordsmith who had transitioned into the premade edibles trade. He
decided to convince the man to give up this dough business and return to his former
practice. Little did he know this would be the start of a strange and toilsome
adventure involving Skelligers, dumplings, shady ore dealers and, I kid you not,
crafting supplies.<br>"

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description = 0x001034cf, -- "During this quest Geralt had to haggle
like a fishwife, mix with mafiosos, draw with chalk in the dark and dive into a
portside brawl. Most of all, he had to teach a lesson to the man who had squeezed
Hattori out of sword making. All this so that Hattori would give up that infernal
dumpling scrunching and return to forging blades. From then on our hero could make
use of his services, and I sure hope he did so often, for otherwise all that effort
was for naught."

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index = 2,
description = 0x00109607, -- "To a witcher, a sword is like a lover. He
must carress it, care for it, devote some time to it each night. But as with
lovers, there are times one comes across a specimen so superior and not one's own
that one cannot help but consider replacing the old with the new. Geralt was fully
aware of these principles, so when he heard about the legendary swordsmith named
Hattori, a tingle ran down his spine, butterflies took flight in his stomach, and
he resolved to find the craftsman."

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title = 0x0007f13f, -- "Use your Witcher Senses to find crates
containing crafting supplies and mark them with chalk."
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chunk[75] = {
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pay up 8F58C24C-4BE3CC8E-09CD1CAE-021ECFFD",
index = 1,
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title = 0x00082db0, -- "Convince the Skellige merchant to pay his debts
to Sukrus or destroy his goods."

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title = 0x000803e1, -- "Return to Hattori later to see if he's finished
your sword."

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title = 0x00080636, -- "Talk to Hattori about the sword he promised

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chunk[94] = {
baseName = "Place an Yrden trap OR dispatch the guard with sword or Axii",
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or Axii 63468AA5-4DA0B9D5-EBF62589-EAC238AC",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq305scoiatael.journal:

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world = 9,
title = 0x00071972, -- "Contract: Woodland Beast"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Speak to the Guard Captain at Bridge to Novigrad",
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children = {
title = 0x0004b453, -- "Talk to the commander of the guardpost by the
bridge to Novigrad."

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chunk[6] = {
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index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0004b4ca, -- "Examine the site where the transport was
attacked using your Witcher Senses."

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chunk[19] = {
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title = 0x00106edb, -- "Gather squirrel tails as evidence."

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index = 6,
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title = 0x00106f7c, -- "Retrieve your weapons."

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baseName = "Quest beginning",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest beginning 202C5115-477ECEDF-282EB68A-85FC1DA5",
description = 0x0010115d, -- "Monsters, like men, each have their own
individual tastes and preferences. According to legend, dragons like to savor the
delicate notes of virgins, while ghouls delight in the powerful flavors of rotting
flesh. In the woods outside Novigrad, meanwhile, a beast had cropped up with a
predilection for Redanian transport wagons. Not surprisingly, the captain of the
nearby guardpost did not appreciate this culinary choice and put out a bounty on
the monster's head.<br>"

chunk[27] = {
baseName = "Quest end betrayed",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end betrayed 004A276C-48DD808E-BD64C393-
index = 1,
description = 0x0010115e, -- "It turned out the woods did not hide a
"shaggy fuck-knows-what," as the captain of the guard put it, but a band of
Scoia'tael. They were the ones attacking the transports. Geralt promised not to
betray their secret, but in the end he changed his mind. You might say, dear
reader, that he acted dishonorable, and you'd probably be right - but those
Scoia'tael were no innocents themselves.<br>"

chunk[28] = {
baseName = "Quest end killed",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end killed EE3EFF7B-4BEFC146-DFD5CE93-
index = 2,
description = 0x0010115f, -- "It turned out the woods did not hide a
"shaggy fuck-knows-what," as the captain of the guard put it, but a band of
Scoia'tael. They were the ones attacking the transports. Though the witcher codex
would recommend charting a neutral course in such a situation, Geralt sailed
according to his own moral compass. His needle pointed decidedly towards the elves'
much-deserved death."

chunk[29] = {
baseName = "Quest end kept secret",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest end kept secret 2BBED71E-410BDD07-5038C9BC-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101160, -- "It turned out the woods did not hide a
"shaggy fuck-knows-what," as the captain of the guard put it, but a band of
Scoia'tael. They were the ones attacking the transports. The witcher codex would
recommend charting a neutral course in such a situation - and Geralt, feeling the
pain of the elves' lot in his very marrow, duly followed that recommendation."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq306maverick.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ306 Maverick",
order = 4244635646,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ306 Maverick 025C0756-42EC2876-89F0C39F-39DDB568",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0008c0ab, -- "High Stakes"

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 9705744A-4E54BD6D-9F669E9C-447BDC05",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "SQ306 Begining",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ306 Begining 1940148F-4A86DBFC-CFFF6786-A6952EBE",
description = 0x00101bda, -- "Geralt is hardly an ace gambler. He has
had a few good runs in dice poker tournaments, true, but these were always local
affairs against opponents whose skill level left much to be desired. A tournament
in the world's greatest metropolis - now that was a horse of an entirely different
color. The high entry fee and stringent deck requirements scared off amateurs, so
only wealthy professionals had signed up. Everything was in place for play at a
high level in exciting company - in other words, my friends, for pure

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "SQ306 Ending - No Sex Please",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ306 Ending - No Sex Please 489B1E4F-427EC067-
index = 1,
description = 0x00101bdd, -- "A halfling by the name of Bernard was
revealed to be the thief. This supposed farmer took the coin and hid with it in one
of the city's warehouses. The witcher raced after him and defeated him in a final
showdown.<br><br>As for Sasha, she turned out to be a Nilfgaardian agent known as
Cantarella. Her cover blown, she had needed the coin so that she could skip town.
Later I learned that she did in fact successfully make it south - but that is
another story altogether."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "SQ306 The Prize is stolen",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ306 The Prize is stolen 98D6512B-4A431362-2680F2B1-
index = 2,
description = 0x00101bdb, -- "Perhaps Geralt would even have been
tempted by Sasha's proposition. Before he could accept or reject it, however,
another double dealer made his presence known. While they were talking one of the
participants stole the coin set aside for the reward, beating Sasha to the

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "SQ306 Ending - Sex? Yes, please",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ306 Ending - Sex? Yes, please 3F4AE071-4D06CE9A-
index = 3,
description = 0x00101bde, -- "A halfling by the name of Bernard turned
out to be the thief. This supposed farmer took the coin and hid with it in one of
the city's warehouses. The witcher raced after him and defeated him in a final
showdown.<br><br>As for Sasha, she turned out to be a Nilfgaardian agent known as
Cantarella. Her cover blown, she had needed the coin so that she could skip town.
As part of my duties as a chronicler I must note that before she left, she spent a
night with the witcher, conducting various covert operations until the break of

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Sq306 quest fail",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sq306 quest fail 10B964C7-4F5F69C7-544D53A3-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010a5de, -- "Yet Geralt did not manage to garner the
tournament's grand prize. Such is life - you can't win them all, sadly. Geralt
could only hope luck's cruelty at cards meant she would shower him with good
fortune when it came to love."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "SQ306 Sachas proposal",
order = 3489660926,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ306 Sachas proposal CF22B7AF-47F128F0-4D86759E-
index = 5,
description = 0x00101bdc, -- "It started with an indecent proposal.
Sasha, one of the participants in the tournament, made Geralt a proposition so
brazen even his jaded jaw dropped: together they were to steal the coin set aside
as the tournament's prize.<br>"

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "Entering Tournament",
order = 402653183,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Entering Tournament DC7FB46E-46D37C29-ECFDBFAD-
index = 1,
children = {
chunk[11] = {
baseName = "Find the scribe in Passiflora to enter the high-rollers card
order = 268435455,
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rollers card tournament 7401A019-4F16F24C-F9A24C8D-E04161BF",
children = {
title = 0x0008ec1b, -- "Find the scribe in the Passiflora and sign up
for the high-stakes gwent tournament."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Map Pin 6971EE50-4A9C9773-10FE5D96-EB5379AD",
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title = 0x0008ec1c, -- "Talk to the scribe."

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chunk[15] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gather a strong deck 8C104453-4BD3DE97-768E81AF-
index = 2,
title = 0x00108c54, -- "Strengthen your gwent card collection by winning
powerful cards off other players. Current collection rating:"
count = 5,

chunk[16] = {
baseName = "Gather 1000 Novigrad Crowns",
order = 3825205246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Gather 1000 Novigrad Crowns 2C1A215C-40BD71FE-
index = 3,
title = 0x0010866d, -- "Gather 1000 Novigrad crowns."
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order = 4060086270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Return to the scribe AA7249D8-4CAA4D9D-40C09481-
index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0008ec21, -- "Return to the scribe with a strong deck and a
thousand crowns for the entry fee."

chunk[18] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item EA57D1F1-40F0240F-04AC0F88-92CDF041",
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chunk[19] = {
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chunk[20] = {
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title = 0x0008ec46, -- "Mingle with the other contestants."

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chunk[24] = {
baseName = "Play Bernard Tulle",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Play Bernard Tulle 9BF61837-4876234B-BBD2F796-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x0008ec49, -- "Win your match against Bernard Tulle."

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title = 0x0008ec51, -- "Meet Sasha on the balcony."

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index = 4,
children = {
title = 0x0008ec53, -- "Return to the common room."

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chunk[32] = {
baseName = "Meditate or play a card game to pass the time [TEMP: Wait 5
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Wait 5 seconds] 28FAD8AD-477FF719-929FF3BD-65AC23DE",
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title = 0x0008ec6a, -- "Talk to Zoltan."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq310dangerousgame.journal:

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chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ310 Dangerous Game",
order = 4288675824,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ310 Dangerous Game 4EAA1CA7-48911762-9C84E0B0-
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world = 1,
title = 0x0007acf3, -- "A Dangerous Game"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "sq310_start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq310_start",
description = 0x000ffd87, -- "Zoltan Chivay has never had much luck in
business. No exception to this rule was the time he tried to acquire and sell three
valuable gwent cards. At this time gwent was reaching the peak of its popularity
and collectors were paying a fool's fortune for rare cards.<br><br>Zoltan was not
alone in sticking his pan into this raging torrent and hoping to strike gold. Yet
there was another player in Novigrad, one wanting to grow his already-sizeable
fortune, interested in flipping rare cards. Duke was his name, but many felt he
would soon be known as Whoreson the Third - for he was even more ruthless than
Whoreson Junior. This Duke stood in Zoltan's path to riches. Luckily, Zoltan had a
friend named Geralt of Rivia who decided to step in and get him the cards he so
desperately desired.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "sq310_two_more",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq310_two_more",
index = 1,
description = 0x000ffd88, -- "The cards were in the possession of Zed -
a Novigrad fence. Geralt went to the dealer's house to buy them, but it turned out
Duke had made it there before him. A brief exchange quickly turned to blows, and
ended with the thugs pushing daisies. Among the splayed-out corpses was that of
Zed, whom the murderers had killed earlier.<br><br>Geralt searched the body and
discovered his victory was not complete - he only found the Isengrim card. Zed had
sold the two remaining ones to Caesar Bilzen and a man named Ravvy. There was
nothing left but to visit both purchasers and get Zoltan his cards.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "sq310_the_deal",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq310_the_deal",
index = 2,
description = 0x000ffd91, -- "Thanks some clever misdirection by Zoltan,
Geralt acquired the card held by Caesar Bilzen. He also managed to get the card
from Ravik. I'll spare you the details of that unfortunate incident, during which
gushers of blood chased down pitchers of alcohol. Perhaps some future chronicler of
the lurid and ghastly will fill you in on them. I will satisfy myself with telling
you that, having acquired all three cards, Zoltan and Geralt met with their
prospective buyer. This individual, it turned out, lacked something essential for
the transaction to be completed - namely, his life. Standing over his stiffening
corpse: Duke and his henchmen.<br>"
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baseName = "sq310_end_duke_dead",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq310_end",
index = 3,
description = 0x000ffd9e, -- "In any game, one must account for the
possibility of losing. And in a game as dangerous as that played by Duke against
Geralt and Zoltan, losing meant never playing anything ever again. Duke lost to the
witcher, and the coin and cards all went to Zoltan, who duly shared his winnings
with Geralt.<br>"

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "sq310_end_duke_spared",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq310_end_duke_spared 5384C87B-43CF96E0-3EA2B6B5-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010177e, -- "In any game, one must account for the
possibility of losing. And in a game as dangerous as that played by Duke against
Geralt and Zoltan, losing could mean never playing anything ever again. Geralt
spared Duke after defeating him, but left him in the sewers to an unknown fate.
Nothing was ever heard of him again - not that anyone strained their ears. The coin
and cards went to Zoltan, who duly shared his winnings with Geralt.<br>"

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "sq310 Fail",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq310 Fail 67531FC4-426B6FD9-57057D80-F20B266F",
index = 5,
description = 0x00109676, -- "Though Geralt had promised Zoltan help, he
quickly realized he had far more important matters to tend to. This came as a great
disappointment to Zoltan, true, but it's hard to blame Geralt for doing as he did:
in those days, he truly did have a hearty helping of more urgent problems on his
plate. Luckily Zoltan's not the type to bear a grudge, so both of them soon forgot
the matter and continued on as fast friends."

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baseName = "Acquire the cards for Zoltan",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Acquire the cards for Zoltan 0027E436-41EF840B-
children = {
title = 0x0007acf4, -- "Get the Fringilla Vigo, Isengrim and Natalis
cards for Zoltan."

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title = 0x0007b200, -- "Bring the card and Zed's ledger to Zoltan."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Acquire Zed's ledger book 076FB58B-491D4845-
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title = 0x000fcb10, -- "Find Zed's ledger using your Witcher Senses."

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title = 0x000fcb7d, -- "Search Zed's home using your Witcher Senses."

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index = 6,
title = 0x000fcb97, -- "Bring Zoltan the Fringilla Vigo and John Natalis

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your Witcher Senses."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Loot the Duke",
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x001077f9, -- "Search Duke."

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baseName = "sq310_duke",
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq312vincentves.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ312 Ves",
order = 4293394414,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ312 Ves",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00080d61, -- "An Eye for an Eye"

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baseName = "Descriptions",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions B58D5AFC-408B95AD-BD6B1A92-2F298DC1",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Ves start",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq312_ves_start",
description = 0x000fc8a2, -- "Those under Roche's command rarely defied
orders. When they did, the task of disciplining them fell to Roche's second-in-
command, Ves. No one who endured a reprimand from this tight-lipped yet strong-
armed soldier would ever think of insubordination again.<br><br>Yet this time Ves
strayed from her usual loyalty and ignored Roche's orders by leaving her post
without permission. Faced with an unusual dilemma, Vernon decided to turn to the
witcher for help.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Ves Saved Nilfgaardian Dead",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq314_ves_end",
index = 1,
description = 0x000fc8a3, -- "The peasants of Mulbrydale had helped
Roche's guerillas in the past, so Ves decided to stand in their defense now, in
their hour of need, though she knew this was a hopeless and nearly suicidal
mission. Had not Geralt and Roche come to the rescue in the last minute, Ves would
surely have died a premature death after being cut down by Nilfgaardians. Yet as it
were, the imperial troops were defeated - and their leader was killed on the
witcher's request.<br>"

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Ves Saved Nilfgaardian Lives",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq314_ves_end_nosex",
index = 2,
description = 0x001027e1, -- "The peasants of Mulbrydale had helped
Roche's guerillas in the past, so Ves decided to stand in their defense now, in
their hour of need, though she knew this was a hopeless and nearly suicidal
mission. Had not Geralt and Roche come to the rescue in the last minute, Ves would
surely have died a premature death after being cut down by Nilfgaardians. Yet as it
were, the imperial troops were defeated - but their leader escaped with his life
thanks to Roche's intervention and Geralt's support.<br>"

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Ves Dead",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ves Dead",
index = 3,
description = 0x00106b79, -- "Yet Roche and Geralt did not come to the
rescue in time. Ves fought to save the peasants of Mulbrydale - though she knew
full well she stood no chance of winning against her substantially more numerous
opponents. No historian will write of this struggle, nor will any bard sing of it,
and no gravestone shall mark Ves' resting place."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Meet Roche",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Meet Roche 4E6C0D31-4A8BF04E-4EAE9899-D60F3CAA",
index = 4,
description = 0x00109361, -- "Vernon Roche fell into dour spirits after
Geralt's conversation with Radovid at the chess club. He didn't want to say right
then what had blackened his mood. Instead, he asked the witcher to come talk to him
at his hideout near Oxenfurt."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "sq312 Fail before start",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq312 Fail before start 571C65A3-40947E48-D1E270B0-
index = 5,
description = 0x00109677, -- "Though Geralt had promised to meet Roche
at his hideout, he never showed. To this day I don't know if he forgot, didn't want
to or simply had more important matters to tend to. The fact remains, however, that
he never met up with Roche and never found out what the former Blue Stripes
commander had been scheming."

chunk[10] = {
baseName = "sq312 Fail to go save Ves",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "sq312 Fail to go save Ves 55CF6655-4A393AFE-44E145A2-
index = 6,
description = 0x00109678, -- "Geralt's first reflex was to agree to help
Roche with his trouble with Ves, but when he thought things over, he concluded he
shouldn't get involved in an internal conflict between a superior and his

chunk[11] = {
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chunk[12] = {
baseName = "Find Roche",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find Roche E650325D-461AE1B8-BB2C8486-2B2479C4",
children = {
title = 0x00104ba0, -- "Meet Roche by Hanged Man's Tree."

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baseName = "find roche",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "find roche 2C1BA07B-42CBB364-6E31BC84-C3FCA699",
mapPinID = "sq312_ap_roche_observe",

chunk[14] = {
baseName = "Don't Let Ves Die",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Don't Let Ves Die 9956D037-4F58EE9B-7CE5D393-
index = 1,
children = {
title = 0x00104ba1, -- "Save Ves."

chunk[15] = {
baseName = "ves",
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radius = 10.000000,
mapPinID = "sq312_map_poppystone",

chunk[17] = {
baseName = "[DEBUG] Kill the Nilfgaardians Occupying the Town",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "[DEBUG] Kill the Nilfgaardians Occupying the Town
index = 2,
children = {
title = 0x00107f19, -- "Kill all the Nilfgaardians."

chunk[18] = {
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chunk[29] = {
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index = 3,
children = {
title = 0x001090d0, -- "Meet Roche at his camp."

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mapPinID = "ap_roche_default",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/sq315talar.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "SQ315 Talar",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "SQ315 Talar 0731749C-44453634-88CC2AB1-A7F858D7",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x001054d9, -- "A Deadly Plot"

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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Start",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Start 60378356-47EF6CC1-97511BAB-595C7725",
description = 0x001069de, -- "Though Geralt avoided politics like the
plague, there were times when he simply couldn't avoid getting entangled. This was
very much the case when Roche and Dijkstra convinced him to find their co-
conspirator. The man had gone off undercover to resolve a certain matter among the
Nilfgaardians and simply disappeared.<br>"

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baseName = "End",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "End 5B3FA077-4BBA758B-3769B690-D0EFA3E7",
index = 1,
description = 0x001069df, -- "It turned out the missing co-conspirator
was none other than Thaler - Geralt's old acquaintance from Vizima, a man of many
talents and a tongue to make a sailor blush. He was traveling disguised as a
shoemaker when trolls seized him and demanded he cobble them up some decent
footwear - like the kind humans have. Thaler didn't thrive in troll captivity and
so was delighted to see Geralt, who took out his large oppressors with ease. Geralt
had hoped that once he freed Thaler he'd learn something more about the mysterious
plan to assassinate King Radovid, but Thaler's lips remained firmly sealed..."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Pre Start",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Pre Start 699B0585-4B536080-E46520B2-A29895FC",
index = 2,
description = 0x0010946f, -- "Upon finding Dijkstra mingling among the
fugitive mages, then watching him assist them in their flight, Geralt got the
sinking feeling the erstwhile spy would want a favor in return. He could not have
been more correct, for as soon as the mages had set sail for Kovir's hospitable
shores, Dijkstra confessed that he had set in motion a plot to assassinate Radovid
and asked the witcher to meet him promptly at the Passiflora."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Fail before Passiflora",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fail before Passiflora 8EFC4174-40909EC1-1A571BB0-
index = 3,
description = 0x00109679, -- "Dijkstra can be quite convincing at times,
but on this occasion Geralt's reluctance to get involved in political matters won
out over his curiosity and desire to earn some coin. Besides, doing a contract for
Dijkstra's one thing, but participating in a coup - that's another thing
altogether. Geralt decided to keep his distance, and hoped by doing so to keep his
head as well..."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Fail after Passiflora",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Fail after Passiflora 4C9E34D4-4076149E-DE115799-
index = 4,
description = 0x0010967a, -- "When he learned Dijkstra and Roche were
planning to find the missing spy, Geralt agreed to help - after all, a missing
man's a missing man, and deserves aid whether he's a tinker, a tailor, a soldier
or… well, you get the point. But when he thought things over more carefully, he
concluded he shouldn't meddle in high politics, and he especially shouldn't
participate in an assassination - and that's exactly what he'd be doing by finding
the missing spy. He thus abandoned the task, and Roche and Dijkstra never mentioned
the unfortunate matter again."

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title = 0x00103da1, -- "Meet Dijkstra at the Passiflora."

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Talk to Roche's contact 6D453EE6-4D5FE972-FC85F0A6-
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children = {
title = 0x00103da2, -- "Talk to the Redanian liaison."

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children = {
title = 0x00103da3, -- "Find the shoemaker's wagon."

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title = 0x00103da4, -- "Look around for tracks using your Witcher

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title = 0x001054da, -- "Find the shoemaker in the trolls' cave."
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title = 0x00103da7, -- "Escort Thaler."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sunken treasure.journal:

chunk = {}
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baseName = "Sunken treasure",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Sunken treasure 987A0A55-4A591BD2-64B80897-ECCB7F89",
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title = 0x001073df, -- "A Costly Mistake"

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baseName = "Find the sunken treasure",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the sunken treasure 1AE5AAA4-45200BE9-8940F3A8-
description = 0x001070c0, -- "Those were the days. You'd smuggle a few
bottles of hooch into Oxenfurt, then loiter about the dormitories selling it to
students. You'd come away with a hefty sack of coin, and they'd have their spirits
fortified for study. Then along came Radovid, who shut down the university, chased
the students away and positioned ballistae on the riverbank to shoot everything
floating up or down the Pontar, swans included.<br><br>But there hasn't been a dark
cloud yet that didn't have a silver lining. Yesterday I saw our brave soldiers sink
a merchant vessel. It went straight to the bottom along with its crew - and its
cargo. A shame about the men, true, but it would also be a shame to let all those
goods go to waste. So me and Martin will fish them out, dry them off and then sell
them - and maybe at last I'll have something to put in my pot.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Found the chest",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Found the chest 0FC580B7-4D344006-C6749EA6-A1A30084",
index = 1,
description = 0x001070c1, -- "The Redanian soldiers' mistake turned out
to be Geralt's good fortune. He rescued several valuable items from the ship they
sank, then traded them for a great deal of coin."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note 4A07AF10-4D614A1C-E8625BAC-65AE31A4",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109619, -- "The gradual expansion of literacy in the
Northern Realms pleased Geralt greatly, for this meant he happened across more and
more interesting notes and missives - such as those he once found on the banks of
the Pontar, near Oxenfurt…"

chunk[7] = {
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order = 3221225470,
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baseName = "Find the sunken valuables",
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title = 0x001070c2, -- "Find the sunken treasure using your Witcher

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/sunkentreasure.journal:

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or a bridge built of red brick - that's the spot. Traces of a camp left on the
isle.<br><br>Will need to dive down among the submerged ruins. Chest visible among
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index = 1,
description = 0x001071fe, -- "The witcher followed all tracks,
investigated all evidence and peered under every rock until he finally found the
chest and within it - treasure."

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written by someone who, first of all, clearly suffered from a poor memory, and,
secondly, had hidden valuables somewhere nearby…"

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more. That you've set aside plenty of coin and ain't interested in the risk, just
wanna enjoy time with your wife and kiddies. But I gotta ask you for a favor. We
gotta move one more load - and it's the last, I promise. It's a simple job, couple
of chests, risk's minimal and the reward's substantial. Please, do it - if not for
the gold, then at least for old time's sake.<br><br>-Bert<br>"

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for a swim that day, he did so all the same, and it paid off… swimmingly. He fished
the chest out of the river and continued on his way, dreaming of how he would spend
its contents…"
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letter to a certain Molke. Figuring it was of no use to its addressee now, he took
the document with him, with the intention of reading it at a later date."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/th1001viper.journal:

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Velen and the former Temerian border regions, Geralt found clues about the location
of a set of diagrams for crafting the legendary equipment once worn by the Viper
School of witchers. Motivated by curiosity and the prospect of acquiring these
priceless objects, he decided to pursue this lead.<br>"

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to acquire diagrams for every element of the Viper School's famous equipment. He
also learned the tragic story of Kolgrim, a fellow witcher who died while trying to
escape after being unjustly incarcerated for kidnapping a beekeeper's son."

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-- gameplay/journal/quests/thbearmq.journal:

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children = {
title = 0x0010622c, -- "Search the sirens' cave."

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chunk[27] = {
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title = 0x0010636d, -- "Read the court chronicler's tome."

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description = 0x00106202, -- "During one of his many escapades, Geralt
happened across the diagram of a powerful item that once belonged to a legendary
witcher of the Bear School. He decided to investigate further, hoping there was
more where that came from…<br>"

chunk[30] = {
baseName = "Quest Ended",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended 10BFFE97-4599E01A-598F27B7-FF919628",
index = 1,
description = 0x00106203, -- "His efforts were rewarded: Geralt acquired
diagrams for all the armor and weapons used by Bear School witchers. During his
search he also learned of the fate of a witcher-adventurer named Gerd, the previous
owner of this extraordinary set."

-- gameplay/journal/quests/thgryphonmq.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
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title = 0x00106591, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear"

chunk[3] = {
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children = {

chunk[4] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find all set recipes 85CB3CC8-44A4328E-EFA8F3A1-
children = {
title = 0x0008baa3, -- "Find all the diagrams to the Griffin School
witcher gear."
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chunk[5] = {
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chunk[7] = {
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item = "Gryphon Pants schematic",

chunk[8] = {
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index = 3,
item = "Gryphon Boots schematic",

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children = {
title = 0x00106155, -- "Search the ruins of the fortress by the

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chunk[13] = {
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chunk[15] = {
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description = 0x001061ad, -- "Geralt came across evidence of the
legendary witcher George's equally legendary equipment. Having heard many tales of
this gear's extraordinary traits, Geralt decided to investigate.<br>"

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index = 1,
description = 0x001061ae, -- "Geralt managed to acquire diagrams for all
the items that had once been used by the witcher George. While doing so he
discovered many previously unknown facts about the famous Griffin School

-- gameplay/journal/quests/thlynxmq.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Lynx Set",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lynx Set C513BD36-423276DE-86C4E9B0-42E9A8AB",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x0010658f, -- "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear"

chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions A3943B41-496EE3FA-DC8059BF-57257A26",
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description = 0x001061b5, -- "In his travels, Geralt happened upon the
trail of a witcher named Kiyan. Having heard tale of this witcher's legendary
equipment before, Geralt decided to investigate, visions of mighty armor and sharp
weapons glistening before his eyes…<br>"

chunk[5] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Quest Ended 164FC289-491CD590-875D7594-E7709BD1",
index = 1,
description = 0x001061b6, -- "Gathering all the diagrams to a full set
of Cat School witcher gear - "Bah!" I hear you say, "Everyone knows such a deed is
impossible!" But to Geralt of Rivia, "impossible" merely means "a tempting
challenge I shall surely best." While accomplishing this particular bit of the
impossible, he learned the story of Kiyan, a witcher who it seems was born under a
very unlucky star..."

chunk[6] = {
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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objective EBEE552E-42F5BE42-C86AA19A-7F1866ED",
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children = {
title = 0x0008ba72, -- "Find the diagrams to all the elements of Cat
School witcher gear."
count = 7,

chunk[8] = {
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chunk[9] = {
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item = "Lynx Gloves schematic",

chunk[10] = {
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item = "Lynx Pants schematic",

chunk[11] = {
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chunk[13] = {
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chunk[14] = {
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chunk[15] = {
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children = {
title = 0x001061b7, -- "Explore the ruins of Drahim Castle."

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chunk[18] = {
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title = 0x001061ca, -- "Search the wreck of the "Flying Stag.""

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children = {
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chunk[23] = {
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chunk[24] = {
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chunk[27] = {
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chunk[28] = {
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chunk[29] = {
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chunk[30] = {
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chunk[31] = {
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-- gameplay/journal/quests/thlynxupgrademq.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Lynx Set Upgrades",
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index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find all set upgrade recipes",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find all set upgrade recipes FE5DE977-44D508AA-
children = {
title = 0x0008bdf2, -- "Find the upgrade diagrams for all sets of
witcher gear."

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Lynx Armor upgrade 1",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Lynx Armor upgrade 1 32C30B60-443C893E-480A9BA1-
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chunk[9] = {
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item = "Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 2",

chunk[10] = {
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item = "Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 3",

chunk[11] = {
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item = "Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1",

chunk[12] = {
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chunk[13] = {
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item = "Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1",
chunk[14] = {
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chunk[15] = {
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item = "Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3",

chunk[16] = {
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item = "Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 1",

chunk[17] = {
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index = 9,
item = "Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 1",

chunk[18] = {
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index = 10,
item = "Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 1",

chunk[19] = {
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item = "Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/thunttemplate.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Treasure hunt template",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Treasure hunt template",
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chunk[3] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions DBC0A9C1-42C78AA8-12B2B9A1-B45A9907",
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chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find hidden witchers stash",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find hidden witchers stash 5CBEDB0B-4C56787B-
description = 0x0008b0c7, -- "[PL] You found clue about where next
schematic of witchers gear is hidden. Try to find hidden stash."

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "Schematic founded",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Schematic founded 8F8121CC-442A9ED2-D8246994-
index = 1,
description = 0x0008b0c9, -- "[PL] You founded next schematic and letter
from the witcher. try to found next hidden stash."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Find hidden Witchers stash",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find hidden Witchers stash 5082D0A7-4E9B40FE-
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title = 0x0008b0c6, -- "[PL] Find hidden Witchers stash"

chunk[8] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Hidden stash 6DC06B27-4B3488EC-78E53790-0C0898EE",
radius = 20.000000,
mapPinID = "th001_mappin",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/tipstricks.journal:

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title = 0x00104c05, -- "[PL] You can skip this phase. Addfact(skip)"

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index = 1,
title = 0x00104c06, -- "[PL] You can restart whole quest state.

-- gameplay/journal/quests/tombraider.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lw_tm6",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_tm6",
children = {
world = 1,
title = 0x00107358, -- "The Dead Have No Defense"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "Descriptions",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Descriptions 8CAA2829-49A0464E-81E6C895-F407362F",
children = {

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "Find the digsite with the chest",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Find the digsite with the chest",
description = 0x00107356, -- "Last week the three of us grabbed this
traveler. Looked like the kind of cowardly fuck starts shitting his breeches at the
first sight of you. But seems looks can be deceiving. Bastard started waving a
sword, cut my ear off and sliced Olaf's arse so deep he's got an extra crack,
except the new one's horizontal. Then he smacked Ivar in the forehead with the
hilt. Poor sod's still dizzy.<br><br>We snuffed him in the end, of course - every
fellow's doomed when he's outnumbered. But it turned out he had a handful of coins
in his pouch, a copper ring on his finger - and that's it. We lost out on that
robbery - paid more to the herbalist for patching up than we took from the
whoreson. So afterwards Olaf said, "Why the devil risk our necks waiting around for
travelers, when gold's literally sitting right under our feet - buried with the
dead?" A corpse can't defend itself, so the risk of injury's nil. No need to wait
around all day till someone walks by - there's already a couple dozen someone's
waiting for us, lying in their graves, each one marked out like veg at a
grocer's.<br><br>So I gave it a good think and concluded Olaf's talking sense. So
starting tomorrow we're going to stay off the roads and do our looting in the
graveyard instead.<br>"

chunk[5] = {
baseName = "You found the chest",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "You found the chest",
index = 1,
description = 0x00107357, -- "It turned out robbing corpses was not the
gold mine Olaf and his crew had imagined. The witcher, though, made a tidy profit
off their "labors"."

chunk[6] = {
baseName = "Read note",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Read note AD8E8087-40B93531-467CA8A9-4BA46645",
index = 2,
description = 0x00109623, -- "Unwary visitors to cemeteries just might
find their stay prolonged indefinitely. The dead don't always like having their
rest disturbed, while necrophages never like having their meals interrupted. One
time, the witcher happened across just such a group of underprepared, or possibly
simply unlucky, cemetery-goers. One of them had been carrying notes of some kind.
Driven by curiosity and, I must surmise, a lack of anything better to do at that
precise moment, Geralt set about reading the sloppily-written document..."

chunk[7] = {
baseName = "Objectives",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Objectives FACC2EE4-446B62D3-CA9620AE-CF75C5AF",
index = 1,
children = {

chunk[8] = {
baseName = "Search the digsite for the chest",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search the digsite for the chest",
children = {
title = 0x00107355, -- "Find the treasure in the catacombs using your
Witcher Senses."

chunk[9] = {
baseName = "lw_tm6_treasure_pin",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lw_tm6_treasure_pin",
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chunk[10] = {
baseName = "New Item",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New Item C758F2E5-4DECA2BF-E6D38988-8F96CC08",
index = 1,
title = 0x00109624, -- "Read the document you found."
bookShortcut = "lw_tm6_note",

-- gameplay/journal/quests/tresurehuntings.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Treasure Hunt",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Treasure Hunt 87BFC443-4C32D6D9-4D12B4A8-39EC6CB2",

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter02entry02.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "The Council of Kaer Morhen",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Council of Kaer Morhen",
children = {
title = 0x0010785e, -- "Casting Off the Curse: The Mage Lights the Path
to Ciri"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after UMA is disenchanted",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after UMA is disenchanted",
videoFilename = "st_14|1.usm",
description = 0x00108776, -- "The curse that held Uma proved a difficult
one to lift, but Yennefer and the witchers managed. The ugliest man alive revealed
himself to be not a man, but an elf, and an elven Sage at that. Avallac’h – for
this was his name – was the elven mage who had helped Ciri flee the Hunt, and then
hidden her away on the Isle of Mists."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter02entry03.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Wild Hunt Attacks Kaer Morhen",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Wild Hunt Attacks Kaer Morhen",
children = {
title = 0x00107860, -- "Defending Kaer Morhen: The Wild Hunt Comes for

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after Ciri woke up",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after Ciri woke up",
videoFilename = "st_15|2.usm",
description = 0x00108777, -- "On the Isle of Mists, where the elven mage
had concealed her, Geralt found Ciri at last. They could not celebrate their
reunion, for the Wild Hunt descended on them. They fled, Ciri teleporting them both
to Kaer Morhen, where their friends awaited."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after battle is finished",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after battle is finished",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_15|1.usm",
description = 0x00108778, -- "Insistent in its pursuit of the woman
witcher, the Wild Hunt arrived at Kaer Morhen soon after. A great battle ensued,
and the defenders of the fortress might all have perished had Ciri not demonstrated
her magic powers. So sudden and violent was her outburst that the Wild Hunt was
forced to withdraw. The battle was won, the war had only started."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Chapter 1",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "StoryBookChapter1",
title = 0x00103a00, -- "Chapter1"

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry01.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Search in Velen Begins",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search in Velen Begins",
children = {
title = 0x00108ec0, -- "The Nilfgaardian Liaison: Picking Up the Trail
in Velen"
world = 9,

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "nml intro",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "nml intro",
videoFilename = "st_3|2.usm",
description = 0x0010875f, -- "The witcher's contact in Velen was to be
Hendrik, the emperor's spy, operating incognito in the war-ravaged land. The
agent's mission - to gather intelligence about Ciri."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after finding agent",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after finding agent",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_3|1.usm",
description = 0x00108760, -- "Yet Geralt reached Hendrik too late - the
Wild Hunt had gotten to him first. He found only the spy's corpse, though the
wraith riders had failed to find his notes. From them the witcher learned that Ciri
had been a guest of the local warlord, the Bloody Baron, and that she had quarreled
with a witch."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry02.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Avallac’h Is Visiting Keira Metz",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Avallac�h Is Visiting Keira Metz",
children = {
title = 0x00108ec1, -- "Unexpected Company: A Witch and an Elven Mage"
world = 9,

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after first talk with Keira",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after first talk with Keira",
videoFilename = "st_4|2.usm",
description = 0x00108761, -- "While searching for the witch Ciri had
quarelled with, Geralt ran into an old friend - Keira Metz. The sorceress told the
witcher about a masked mage with a hideout, where Ciri was supposed to have hidden.
The witcher set off for the hideout with Keira in tow."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after q104 ends",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after q104 ends",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_4|1.usm",
description = 0x00108762, -- "Ciri had, in fact, never reached the elven
mage – yet the Wild Hunt had. The ghostly retinue was one step ahead of Geralt - or
so it seemed. Geralt felt that all was lost, until Keira gave him a new lead - the
Crones of Crookback Bog."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry03.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ciri Is Visiting the Crones of Velen",
order = 2952790014,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ciri Is Visiting the Crones of Velen",
children = {
title = 0x00108ec2, -- "Crookback Bog: Ciri Encounters the Crones"
world = 9,

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after talking to the witches",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after talking to the witches",
videoFilename = "st_5|1.usm",
description = 0x00108764, -- "While wandering through Crookback Bog,
Ciri had happened on the sinister Crones. The monstrous sisters took her in, then
wavered, unsure if they should eat the young woman or surrender her to the Wild
Hunt. Ciri escaped before they could decide. Pursued by one of the Hunt's spectral
riders, she had fled into the swamp. There, Geralt lost her trail again. He now
needed a new lead."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry04.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ciri Is Visiting the Baron in Velen",
order = 3087007742,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ciri Is Visiting the Baron in Velen",
children = {
title = 0x00108ec3, -- "The Baron's Hospitality: A Swallow at Crow's
world = 9,
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after last dialogue with Baron",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after last dialogue with Baron",
videoFilename = "st_6|1.usm",
description = 0x00108763, -- "Exhausted and wounded, Ciri collapsed in
the swamp. Some peasants then found her and took her to the baron, Velen's self-
appointed ruler at the time. The warlord took the young woman in, had her nursed
back to full health, then sent her on her way to Novigrad."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry05.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Search in Novigrad Begins",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search in Novigrad Begins",
children = {
title = 0x00107855, -- "Roaring Pyres: The Hunt in Novigrad Begins"
world = 1,

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after burning doppler scene",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after burning doppler scene",
videoFilename = "st_7|1.usm",
description = 0x00108765, -- "As the emperor's spies told it, Ciri had
reached Novigrad. No lone attempt to find her in the North's largest city could
every make sense. But Geralt had friends he could count on. The witcher decided to
contact Triss Merigold."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry06.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "The Dreamer Is Dreaming about Ciri",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Dreamer Is Dreaming about Ciri",
children = {
title = 0x00107856, -- "Novigrad Dreaming: Ciri and Dandelion in the Big
world = 1,
chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after Dreamer dreams",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after Dreamer dreams",
videoFilename = "st_8|1.usm",
description = 0x00108766, -- "Triss could not help Geralt. Yet she did
direct him to Corinne Tilly – an oneiromancer who specialized in finding lost and
missing souls.<br><br>Guided by Corinne Tilly, the witcher had a dream. In it, Ciri
and I, Dandelion, were reunited. Geralt now knew that to find Ciri he would first
need to find his dearest and oldest friend."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry07.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Ciri Is Escaping from Novigrad",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Ciri Is Escaping from Novigrad",
children = {
title = 0x00107857, -- "The Swallow Takes Flight: Ciri Escapes Her
world = 1,

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after talk with Dandelion",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after talk with Dandelion",
videoFilename = "st_9|1.usm",
description = 0x00108767, -- "But this was hardly simple. As the witcher
soon learned, I'd fallen afoul of Novigrad's underworld bosses and
disappeared.<br><br>Yet Geralt finally discovered that I was imprisoned in the
dungeon of the Temple Guard.<br><br>Geralt and his friends finally managed to free
yours truly. Good thing, too, for I did, in fact, know what had happened to Ciri.
Sadly, she was no longer in Novigrad. Pursued by a swarm of bandits, then cornered
by the Temple Guard, she had disappeared in a flash of light and a gust of warmth.
Where to? This I did not know."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry08.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Search in Skellige Begins",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Search in Skellige Begins",
children = {
title = 0x00107858, -- "Anomaly: Reading the Signs in Skellige"
world = 2,

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after sea battle",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after sea battle",
videoFilename = "st_10|2.usm",
description = 0x00108768, -- "As Yennefer of Vengerberg told it, there
had been a magic explosion in Skellige. It had destroyed a vast swathe of primeval
forest and was related somehow to Ciri's reappearance. Geralt set out for the Isles
to join the sorceress and seek further clues of Ciri's whereabouts."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after talking to Crach in q201",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after talking to Crach in q201",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_10|1.usm",
description = 0x00108769, -- "As it turned out, the druid Ermion had no
intention of letting the sorceress examine the destroyed woods. Geralt and Yennefer
sought out Jarl Crach an Craite, who helped them break down the druid's resolve."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry09.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Investigating the Cataclysm",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Investigating the Cataclysm",
children = {
title = 0x00107859, -- "Echoes of the Past: What Happened in the
Deformed Wood?"
world = 2,

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after inspecting cataclysm place",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after inspecting cataclysm place",
videoFilename = "st_11|1.usm",
description = 0x0010876a, -- "Yennefer's suspicions proved true - Ciri
had indeed appeared in Skellige. She had arrived from another world, together with
a masked mage. She and the mage had then fought the Wild Hunt, before fleeing
through portals that carried them to Velen.<br><br>There, one trail ended and
another began. A long time later the Wild Hunt had reappeared on the isle of
Hindarsfjall. This could mean Ciri had returned to Skellige once more."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter1entry10.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Skjall Is Seeing Uma",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Skjall Is Seeing Uma",
children = {
title = 0x0010785a, -- "Ciri Sails Away: The Trail in Skellige Ends"
world = 2,

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after talking to Skjall",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after talking to Skjall",
videoFilename = "st_12|2.usm",
description = 0x0010876b, -- "On Hindarsfjall Geralt and Yennefer
learned Ciri had returned to the Isles indeed. She'd rejoined her friend, the
masked mage. They had boarded a boat and sailed off in an unknown direction. The
boat had returned, one passenger on board - a creature as mindless as it was

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after talking to Donar about UMA",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after talking to Donar about UMA",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_12|1.usm",
description = 0x0010876c, -- "One of the Skelligan jarls had captured
the poor beast, then sold it to a merchant from Novigrad."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Chapter 2",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "StoryBookChapter2",

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter2entry01.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Uma and Part One Recap",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Uma and Part One Recap",
children = {
title = 0x0010785d, -- "Man or Prune: Who or What is Uma?"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after going to kaer morhen",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after going to kaer morhen",
videoFilename = "st_13|1.usm",
description = 0x00108775, -- "His long search for Ciri led Geralt to
conclude that Uma, the ugliest man alive, the victim of a curse, was the key to
finding the young woman. Geralt needed to lift the curse, so he took Uma to the
home of the world's greatest specialists on dark spells - to the witchers' fortress
of Kaer Morhen."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after finding all three clues",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after finding all three clues",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_13|2.usm",
description = 0x0010aae0, -- "His long search for Ciri led Geralt to
conclude that Uma, the ugliest man alive, the victim of a curse, was the key to
finding the young woman."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter3.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Chapter 3",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "StoryBookChapter3",

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter3entry01.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "In Search for Imlerith",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "In Search for Imlerith",
children = {
title = 0x00107862, -- "Payback: Ciri and Geralt Take Revenge on

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "when q111 starts",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "when q111 starts",
videoFilename = "st_19|2.usm",
description = 0x00108779, -- "After the battle of Kaer Morhen, while the
defenders licked their wounds and mourned their losses, Ciri began to plan her
revenge. She woke Geralt one night and urged him to come with her to Velen. She new
she would find Imlerith there, atop Bald Mountain. She had decided he had to die."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after Imlerith dies",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after Imlerith dies",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_19|1.usm",
description = 0x001088d1, -- "The plan proved a sound one. On Bald
Mountain Geralt and Ciri killed Imlerith and two of the Crones. Spurred by the
success, they decided to challenge Eredin himself."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter3entry02.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "In Search for Ge’els",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "In Search for Ge�els",
children = {
title = 0x00107861, -- "Great Preparations: Seeking Allies"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after arrival to Novigrad",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after arrival to Novigrad",
videoFilename = "st_20|2.usm",
description = 0x001088d2, -- "Geralt needed to face Eredin, but could
only hope to beat him with the help of friends. The Wild Hunt would only be
defeated with magic of the extraordinarily powerful kind. So Triss and Yen set out
to reassemble the Lodge of Sorceresses. Avallac'h, too, began to lay plans of his

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "after talking to Geels",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after talking to Geels",
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videoFilename = "st_20|1.usm",
description = 0x001088d3, -- "The elven Sage decided to erode the King
of the Hunt's support in his own realm. With Geralt in tow, he ventured through
several worlds to the city of Tir nà Lia, where they found Eredin's viceroy,
Ge'els.<br><br>Ge’els had been a loyal subject of the Alder Folk's previous king.
When he learned Eredin was a regicide, he agreed to help Avallac'h and Geralt
defeat the usurper."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter3entry03.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Eredin - Storybook",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Eredin - Storybook",
children = {
title = 0x00107863, -- "High Noon: The Final Battle Against the Wild

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "after arrival to Skellige in q210",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "after arrival to Skellige in q210",
videoFilename = "st_22|2.usm",
description = 0x001088d4, -- "The King of the Wild Hunt sailed aboard
Naglfar, a mammoth longship that traveled between worlds. Advised by Ge’els to do
so, the witcher set out to find the Sunstone - an artifact needed to draw Eredin
into a trap."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "when q501 starts",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "when q501 starts",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_22|1.usm",
description = 0x001088d5, -- "Using the Sunstone, the sorceresses of the
Lodge summoned the Naglfar to a bay along the shore of Undvik Isle. Thus began the
last, decisive battle against the Hunt.<br><br>In the clash, Geralt killed Eredin,
freeing Ciri of the Hunt. But in dying, Eredin named Avallac'h the young woman's
true threat and traitor."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/chapter3entry04.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Geralt Goes to Undvik for Ciri",
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "Geralt Goes to Undvik for Ciri",
children = {
title = 0x00107864, -- "The Lonely Tower: Farewell to Ciri"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "When q502 starts",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "When q502 starts",
videoFilename = "st_23|2.usm",
description = 0x001088d6, -- "The King of the Wild Hunt lay defeated. As
to Ciri with her extraordinary gift, her story was hardly done. The sorceresses
helped the witcher establish Ciri's and Avallac’h's whereabouts - they were
somewhere on Undvik. Geralt and Yennefer set out together to find them."

chunk[4] = {
baseName = "After Ciri went to the Tower",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After Ciri went to the Tower",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_23|1.usm",
description = 0x001088d7, -- "Eredin's last words, however, proved a
lie. Avallac’h had not abducted Ciri, he was her mentor. They had gone to find a
portal that had opened within Tor Gvalch'ca, Falka's Tower. Ciri entered the tower.
She was to use her powers to end a danger once and for all, to save the worlds from
eradication in the grips of the White Frost."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/endofstorybook.journal:

chunk = {}
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-- gameplay/journal/storybook/prologentry01.journal:

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chunk[2] = {
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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "First entry",
videoFilename = "st_1|2.usm",
description = 0x0010875c, -- "While seeking Yennefer, his friend and
lover of the past, Geralt neared the village of White Orchard. The sorceress seemed
just a few steps ahead, but remained elusive."

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order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "After commandant",
index = 1,
videoFilename = "st_1|1.usm",
description = 0x0010875d, -- "Finally, with the help of the Nilfgaardian
garrison commander, Geralt learned that Yen was, in fact, in nearby Vizima."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/prologentry02.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "The Conversation with Yennefer in Vyzim",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "The Conversation with Yennefer in Vyzim",
children = {
title = 0x00107854, -- "An Imperial Audience: The Hunt for Ciri Begins"

chunk[3] = {
baseName = "palace talk",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "palace talk",
videoFilename = "st_2|1.usm",
description = 0x0010875e, -- "Geralt and Yennefer were reunited, and
Geralt was content. But this was not the most important thing to happen to him in
Vizima. The witcher also learned that Cirilla, his one-time ward, had returned from
her long voyage. What's more, she was in danger. The witcher was to seek and find
Cirilla - at the emperor's command and Yennefer's behest."

-- gameplay/journal/storybook/prologue.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "Prologue",
order = 1610612735,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "StoryBookPrologue",
title = 0x001039ff, -- "Prologue"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/aard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAard",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAard",
name = 0x0010611e, -- "Signs - Aard"
description = 0x0010611f, -- "The <font color="#CD7D03">Aard Sign
stuns</font> opponents or, in some cases, knocks them to the ground."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/activegoalhighlight.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialActiveGoalHighlight",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialActiveGoalHighlight",
name = 0x00106e5d, -- "Active Quest"
description = 0x00106e5e, -- "Your current destination is shown on the
minimap.<br><br>The trail shown on the map shows a route you can take to reach it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/adrenaline.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAdrenaline",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAdrenaline",
name = 0x00109399, -- "Adrenaline Points"
description = 0x0010939a, -- "Striking opponents generates Adrenaline
Points.<br><br>Certain Abilities you can acquire allow you to perform special
attacks that require and consume Adrenaline Points.<br><br>Your Adrenaline Points
slowly decline when you are not engaged in combat."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemybuy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyBuy",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyBuy",
name = 0x001277fa, -- "Ingredients"
description = 0x001277f9, -- "If a shopkeeper has an ingredient you're
missing, you can buy it immediately. Select the item and press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemycathegories.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyCathegories",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyCathegories",
name = 0x00106dd2, -- "Types of Items"
description = 0x00106dd3, -- "Items you can create are divided into
<font color="#CD7D03">categories</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemycook.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyCook",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyCook",
name = 0x00106dd4, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x00106dd5, -- "Press <<GUI_PC_Select>> to create an

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemycookeditem.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyCookedItem",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyCookedItem",
name = 0x00106dd0, -- "Created Item"
description = 0x00106dd1, -- "Here you can find a description of the
item you created."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemycookpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyCook_pad",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyCook_pad",
name = 0x0010704d, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x0010704e, -- "Press <<GUI_Select>> to create an item."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyforcedenteralchemy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyForcedEnterAlchemy",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyForcedEnterAlchemy",
name = 0x0010949f, -- "Brewing Potions"
description = 0x001094a0, -- "Navigate to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Alchemy</font> panel."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyforcedopenmenu.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyForcedOpenMenu",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyForcedOpenMenu",
name = 0x0010949d, -- "Brewing Potions"
description = 0x0010949e, -- "Prepare to fight the griffin by brewing
the <font color="#CD7D03">Thunderbolt</font> potion.<br><br>Press <<FastMenu>> to
open the Game Menu."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyforcedopenmenups4.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyForcedOpenMenu_ps4",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyForcedOpenMenu_ps4",
name = 0x001097d0, -- "Brewing Potions"
description = 0x001097d1, -- "To prepare to fight the griffin, brew the
<font color="#CD7D03">Thunderbolt</font> potion.<br><br>Click <<FastMenu,1>> to
open the Game Menu."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyingredients.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyIngredients",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyIngredients",
name = 0x00106dce, -- "Ingredients"
description = 0x00106dcf, -- "To create an item, you need the right
<font color="#CD7D03">ingredients</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemylayers.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyLayers",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyLayers",
name = 0x00127ab9, -- "Creating Ingredients"
description = 0x00127aba, -- "Ingredients made from other ingredients
are marked with the <<GUI_Ingredient_Unfold_Icon>> symbol."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemylayers2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyLayers2",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyLayers2",
name = 0x00127abb, -- "Creating Ingredients"
description = 0x00127abc, -- "You can select such an ingredient and
press <<GUI_Ingredient_Unfold_Input>> to see what is needed to make it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemylayers3.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyLayers3",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyLayers3",
name = 0x00127abd, -- "Creating Ingredients"
description = 0x00127abe, -- "In the new row, you can select ingredients
and create them immediately or buy them from the shopkeeper."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemylayers4.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyLayers4",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyLayers4",
name = 0x00127abf, -- "Creating Ingredients"
description = 0x00127ac0, -- "This same process can be used for
components and other items used in alchemy and crafting."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyloot.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyLoot",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyLoot",
name = 0x00106af5, -- "Alchemy Ingredients"
description = 0x00106af6, -- "Go near monster corpses to gather alchemy
ingredients from them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyrefill.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemyRefill",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemyRefill",
name = 0x00109394, -- "Replenishing Items"
description = 0x00109395, -- "Oils, potions and bombs are consumed upon
use and can run out.<br><br>To replenish your stocks of these items, enter the
<font color="#CD7D03">Meditation</font> panel. If you have hard alcohol in your
inventory, it will automatically be used to create a new batch of every alchemy
item you have."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyselectrecipe.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemySelectRecipe",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemySelectRecipe",
name = 0x0010704b, -- "Select a Formula"
description = 0x0010704c, -- "Click <<IK_LeftMouse>> on the required
formula to select it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyselectrecipepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemySelectRecipe_pad",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemySelectRecipe_pad",
name = 0x00107049, -- "Select a Formula"
description = 0x0010704a, -- "Use <<GUI_NavigateUpDown>> to select the
required formula."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyselectrecipethunderbolt.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemySelectRecipeThunderbolt",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemySelectRecipeThunderbolt",
name = 0x00108c66, -- "Select a Formula"
description = 0x00108c67, -- "Click <<IK_LeftMouse>> on the formula for
the <font color="#CD7D03">Thunderbolt</font> potion to select it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alchemyselectrecipethunderboltpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlchemySelectRecipeThunderbolt_pad",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlchemySelectRecipeThunderbolt_pad",
name = 0x00108c68, -- "Select a Formula"
description = 0x00108c69, -- "Select the formula for the <font
color="#CD7D03">Thunderbolt</font> potion using <<GUI_NavigateUpDown>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/alternatesigns.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAlternateSigns",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAlternateSigns",
name = 0x00109375, -- "Advanced Signs"
description = 0x00109376, -- "To cast a Sign in its <font
color="#CD7D03">alternative</font> mode, hold <<CastSignHold>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/armorsocketsinfo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialArmorSocketsInfo",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialArmorSocketsInfo",
name = 0x00109727, -- "Upgrading Armor"
description = 0x00109728, -- "You have an armor upgrade! To use it,
equip a piece of armor with an upgrade slot and go to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/armorsocketsselectitem.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectItem",
order = 4294967290,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectItem",
name = 0x00109731, -- "Upgrading Armor"
description = 0x00109732, -- "Decide what item you want to upgrade and
double-click on it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/armorsocketsselectitempad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectItem_pad",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectItem_pad",
name = 0x00109733, -- "Upgrading Armor"
description = 0x00109734, -- "Use <<GUI_Navigate>> to select which item
you want to upgrade and press <<GUI_Select>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/armorsocketsselecttab.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectTab",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectTab",
name = 0x00109729, -- "Upgrading Armor"
description = 0x0010972a, -- "Click on the <font
color="#CD7D03">Equipment</font> tab."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/armorsocketsselecttabpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectTab_pad",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectTab_pad",
name = 0x0010972b, -- "Upgrading Armor"
description = 0x0010972c, -- "Use <<GUI_DPAD_LeftRight>> to select the
<font color="#CD7D03">Equipment</font> tab."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/armorsocketsselectupgrade.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectUpgrade",
order = 4294967278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectUpgrade",
name = 0x0010972d, -- "Upgrading Armor"
description = 0x0010972e, -- "Double-click on an

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/armorsocketsselectupgradepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectUpgrade_pad",
order = 4294967290,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialArmorSocketsSelectUpgrade_pad",
name = 0x0010972f, -- "Upgrading Armor"
description = 0x00109730, -- "Select an upgrade<<ICO_ArmorUpgrade>>
using <<GUI_Navigate>> then press <<GUI_Select>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/axii.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAxii",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAxii",
name = 0x00106126, -- "Signs - Axii"
description = 0x00106127, -- "You can use the <font color="#CD7D03">Axii
Sign</font> to temporarily <font color="#CD7D03">disorient</font> your opponents."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bees.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBees",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBees",
name = 0x00109750, -- "Bees"
description = 0x00109751, -- "A swarm of bees has attacked you!
<br><br>You can use the <font color="#CD7D03">Aard Sign</font> to drive them off
for a while, or the <font color="#CD7D03">Igni Sign</font> to kill them with a
blast of fire.<br><br>Bees will attack <font color="#CD7D03">anyone</font> who gets
too near their hive."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bestiaryclose.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "bestiary - close",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBestiaryClose",
name = 0x0010681e, -- "Bestiary - Closing"
description = 0x0010681f, -- "Press <<GUI_Close>> to close the <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bestiaryexplanation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "bestiary - explanation",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBestiary",
name = 0x00106816, -- "Bestiary"
description = 0x00106817, -- "Entries in the <font
color="#CD7D03">Bestiary</font> provide additional information about monsters -
including tips and strategies for how best to fight them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bestiarygamemenu.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBestiaryOpenMenu",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBestiaryOpenMenu",
name = 0x00106812, -- "Bestiary"
description = 0x00106813, -- "A new entry has been added to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Bestiary</font>. Press <<FastMenu>> to open the menu and read it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bestiarygamemenups4.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBestiaryOpenMenu_ps4",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBestiaryOpenMenu_ps4",
name = 0x00108f33, -- "Bestiary"
description = 0x00108f34, -- "A new entry has been added to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Bestiary</font>. Click <<FastMenu,1>> to open the Game Menu and
read it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bestiaryopenbestiary.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBestiaryOpenBestiary",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBestiaryOpenBestiary",
name = 0x00108692, -- "Bestiary"
description = 0x00108693, -- "Click on the <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bestiaryopenbestiarypad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBestiaryOpenBestiary_pad",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBestiaryOpenBestiary_pad",
name = 0x00108694, -- "Bestiary"
description = 0x00108695, -- "Use <<GUI_Navigate>> to highlight the
<font color="#CD7D03">Bestiary</font> and press <<GUI_Select>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bestiaryopenglossary.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBestiaryOpenGlossary",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBestiaryOpenGlossary",
name = 0x00106caf, -- "Glossary"
description = 0x00106cb0, -- "Click on the <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bestiaryopenglossarypad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBestiaryOpenGlossary_pad",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBestiaryOpenGlossary_pad",
name = 0x00106814, -- "Bestiary"
description = 0x00106815, -- "Use <<GUI_Navigate>> to select the <font
color="#CD7D03">Glossary</font> and press <<GUI_Select>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/betting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBetting",
order = 4294967286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBetting",
name = 0x0010893a, -- "Betting"
description = 0x0010893b, -- "To place a bet, choose an amount using
<<Mouse>> and confirm by clicking <<IK_LeftMouse>>.<br><br>This amount will be
added to the pot. If you win, you will get back <font color="#CD7D03">twice as

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bettingpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBetting_pad",
order = 4294967278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBetting_pad",
name = 0x00108938, -- "Betting"
description = 0x00108939, -- "To place a bet, choose an amount using
<<PAD_LS_LeftRight>> and confirm it by pressing <<GUI_Select>><br><br>This amount
will be added to the pot. If you win, you will get back <font color="#CD7D03">twice
as much</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bleeding.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBleeding",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBleeding",
name = 0x00109743, -- "Bleeding"
description = 0x00109744, -- "The beast's attack has left you <font
color="#CD7D03">Bleeding</font>!<br><br>The Bleeding will last for some time and
cause a steady loss of Vitality.<br><br>If you have the <font
color="#CD7D03">Swallow</font> potion or some <font color="#CD7D03">food</font>,
you can consume them to temporarily speed up your Vitality regeneration and
counteract the Bleeding.<br><br>You can also cast the <font color="#CD7D03">Quen
Sign</font> to immediately stop any Vitality-depleting effects.<br><br>There are
various other effects like Bleeding which can be applied to you in the game.<br>All
currently applied effects are shown below your <font color="#CD7D03">Vitality
bar</font> and in the <font color="#CD7D03">Quick Access Menu</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/boatdamage.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBoatDamage",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBoatDamage",
name = 0x00106bb5, -- "Boats - Damage"
description = 0x00106bb6, -- "Your boat is damaged! Critical amounts of
damage will cause it to <font color="#CD7D03">sink</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/boatdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBoatDescription",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBoatDescription",
name = 0x001092fa, -- "Boats"
description = 0x001092fb, -- "With its raging rivers, deep oceans and
broad lakes nestled in mountain valleys, the world contains many areas inaccessible
on foot or horseback. To get to them, you must either swim or sail. Look for boats
along shorelines and at locations marked with the <font
color="#CD7D03">harbor</font><<ICO_Harbor>> symbol.<br><br>Be careful - if your
boat smashes into rocks or other obstacles, it will become damaged and might even

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/boatfasttravel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBoatFastTravel",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBoatFastTravel",
name = 0x00109717, -- "Fast Travel"
description = 0x00109718, -- "You can Fast Travel while on a boat, but
only to destinations accessible via a water route.<br><br>To Fast Travel by boat,
open the <font color="#CD7D03">World Map</font> panel while at the helm of a ship.
You can travel to any point marked <<ICO_BoatFastTravel>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/boatmount.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBoatMount",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBoatMount",
name = 0x00106bb0, -- "Boats"
description = 0x00106bb1, -- "To take the helm of a boat, press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/books.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooks",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooks",
name = 0x00109464, -- "Books and Documents"
description = 0x00109465, -- "To read books and other documents, open
the Inventory panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksnavigation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksNavigation",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksNavigation",
name = 0x00123c04, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00123c05, -- "On the left, you can select books, scrolls
and letters -- their contents will be shown in the center of the screen."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksopenbooks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksOpenBooks",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksOpenBooks",
name = 0x00123bc6, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00123bc7, -- "Select <font color="#CD7D03">Books</font>
to open the Books and Scrolls menu."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksopencommonmenu.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksOpenCommonMenu",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksOpenCommonMenu",
name = 0x00123bc5, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00123bc4, -- "The contents of what you have read have
been moved to the <font color="#CD7D03">Glossary</font>. Press <<FastMenu>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksopencommonmenups4.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksOpenCommonMenu_ps4",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksOpenCommonMenu_ps4",
name = 0x00123be7, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00123be8, -- "The contents of what you read have been
moved to the <font color="#CD7D03">Glossary</font>. Press <<FastMenu,1>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/bookspanel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksPanel",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksPanel",
name = 0x00123c02, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00123c03, -- "In this panel, you can browse through the
contents of all the books and scrolls you have found. Even if you later sell a
book, its contents will still be available here."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksquickread.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksQuickRead",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksQuickRead",
name = 0x00127738, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00127739, -- "Press <<GUI_Read_Book>> to immediately
read a book/scroll."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksreadingmultiple.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksReadingMultiple",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksReadingMultiple",
name = 0x0012776b, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x0012776a, -- "Use <<GUI_Book_Read_Left>> and
<<GUI_Book_Read_Right>> to switch between unread books and scrolls.<br>Once read,
they are added to the <font color="#CD7D03">Books</font> panel in the <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksreadingmultiplepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksReadingMultiple_pad",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksReadingMultiple_pad",
name = 0x00127777, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00127778, -- "Use <<GUI_Book_Read_Left_Right>> to switch
between unread books and scrolls.<br>Once read, they are added to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Books</font> panel in the <font color="#CD7D03">Glossary</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksselectbook.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksSelectBook",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksSelectBook",
name = 0x00109468, -- "Books and Documents"
description = 0x00109469, -- "Select the item you wish to read."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksselectglossary.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksSelectGlossary",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksSelectGlossary",
name = 0x00123bf5, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00123bf6, -- "Select the <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksselecttab.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksSelectTab",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksSelectTab",
name = 0x00109466, -- "Books and Documents"
description = 0x00109467, -- "Select the Books tab."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksuse.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksUse",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksUse",
name = 0x0010946a, -- "Books and Documents"
description = 0x0010946b, -- "Double-click on a book or document to read

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/booksusepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBooksUse_pad",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBooksUse_pad",
name = 0x0010946c, -- "Books and Documents"
description = 0x0010946d, -- "Press <<GUI_Select>> to read the book or

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/buffs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialBuffs",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialBuffs",
name = 0x0010714a, -- "Buffs"
description = 0x0010714b, -- "Here you can see all <font
color="#CD7D03">buffs</font> currently affecting your character."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/camera.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCamera",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCamera",
name = 0x00106c96, -- "Camera"
description = 0x00106c97, -- "Rotate the camera using <<Mouse>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/camerapad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "camera PAD",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCamera_pad",
name = 0x001060c9, -- "Camera"
description = 0x001060ca, -- "Rotate the camera using <<GI_AxisRight>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/camerlingreward.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "CamerlingReward",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "CamerlingReward",
name = 0x00127c56, -- "Rewards from the Ducal Camerlengo"
description = 0x00127c51, -- "You can collect rewards for your heroic
deeds by visiting the ducal camerlengo, who can be found in his office on Knights
Dormant Square in Beauclair."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/campfire.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCampfire",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCampfire",
name = 0x00106cf0, -- "Campfires"
description = 0x00106cf1, -- "You can meditate beside campfires.<br><br>
Walk up to a campfire and press <<Use>> to begin meditation."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/catpotion.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCatPotion",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCatPotion",
name = 0x00108d7d, -- "Cat Potion"
description = 0x00108d7e, -- "Use the <font color="#CD7D03">Cat</font>
potion to see better in the dark.<br><br>Select it using the Inventory panel, then
drink it right before descending into the well."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevbuyskill.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevBuySkill",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevBuySkill",
name = 0x00106d40, -- "Character - Abilities"
description = 0x00106d41, -- "Choose an Ability and click on it using
<<IK_RightMouse>> to develop it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevbuyskillpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevBuySkill_pad",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevBuySkill_pad",
name = 0x00109921, -- "Character Development - Abilities"
description = 0x00109922, -- "Use <<GUI_Navigate>> to select an Ability,
then develop it by pressing <<GUI_Select2>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevequipskill.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevEquipSkill",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevEquipSkill",
name = 0x00106d42, -- "Character - Abilities"
description = 0x00106d43, -- "Place the Ability you acquired in one of
the open slots by dragging it with the mouse."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevequipskillpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevEquipSkill_pad",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevEquipSkill_pad",
name = 0x00109923, -- "Character Development - Abilities"
description = 0x00109924, -- "Select an Ability and press <<GUI_Select>>
then select an empty slot using <<GUI_Navigate>> and press <<GUI_Select>> to
activate the Ability."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevgaininglevels.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevGainingLevels",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevGainingLevels",
name = 0x00106d2f, -- "Character - Levels"
description = 0x00106d30, -- "When you have gained a certain number of
Experience Points, you advance to the next level.<br><br>You get Experience Points
for killing monsters and completing quests."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevgotopreparation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevGoToPreparation",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevGoToPreparation",
name = 0x00106d21, -- "Character"
description = 0x00106d22, -- "Click on the icon in the center of the
screen to begin meditation."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevgotopreparationpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevGoToPreparation_pad",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevGoToPreparation_pad",
name = 0x00106d23, -- "Character"
description = 0x00106d24, -- "Press <<GUI_Select2>> to begin

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevgroups.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevGroups",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevGroups",
name = 0x00106d46, -- "Character - Ability Groups"
description = 0x00106d47, -- "An Ability's color indicates what branch
it belongs to."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevmutagens.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevMutagens",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevMutagens",
name = 0x00106d4a, -- "Character - Mutagens"
description = 0x00106d4b, -- "Place a mutagen in a mutagen slot to
activate it.<br><br><font color="#CD7D03">Mutagens override a group's color bonus
and replace it with another one</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevopen.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevOpen",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevOpen",
name = 0x001086ee, -- "Character"
description = 0x001086ef, -- "You've gained an Ability Point!
<br><br>Press <<FastMenu>> and go to the <font color="#CD7D03">Character</font>
panel to learn a new Ability."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevopenps4.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevOpen_ps4",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevOpen_ps4",
name = 0x0010991f, -- "Character Development"
description = 0x00109920, -- "You've gained an Ability Point!
<br><br>Click <<FastMenu,1>> and go to the <font color="#CD7D03">Character</font>
panel to learn a new Ability."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevopenradial.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevOpenRadial",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevOpenRadial",
name = 0x00106d1f, -- "Character"
description = 0x00106d20, -- "You have gained a level!<br><br>Find a
good spot to meditate and press <<RadialMenu>> to develop Geralt's Abilities in the
Character panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevpanel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevPanel",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevPanel",
name = 0x00109475, -- "Character"
description = 0x00109476, -- "Navigate to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Character</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevperks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevPerks",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevPerks",
name = 0x00106d48, -- "Character - Ability Groups"
description = 0x00106d49, -- "General Abilities have no special color
and grant no color-related bonuses."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevselectpanel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevSelectPanel",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevSelectPanel",
name = 0x00106d25, -- "Character"
description = 0x00106d26, -- "Click on the <font
color="#CD7D03">Character</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevselectpanelpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevSelectPanel_pad",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevSelectPanel_pad",
name = 0x00106d29, -- "Character"
description = 0x00106d2a, -- "Using <<GUI_SwitchPageLeft>> and
<<GUI_SwitchPageRight>> open the <font color="#CD7D03">Character</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevskillequipping.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevSkillEquipping",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevSkillEquipping",
name = 0x00106d34, -- "Character - Abilities"
description = 0x00106d35, -- "For an Ability to take effect, you must
first <font color="#CD7D03">activate</font> it by placing it in any open Ability
slot.<br><br>Inactive Abilities <font color="#CD7D03">will not have any

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevskillpoints.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevSkillPoints",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevSkillPoints",
name = 0x00106d2b, -- "Character - Ability Points"
description = 0x00106d2c, -- "You receive <font color="#CD7D03">Ability
Points</font> every time you gain a level.<br><br>Using these points, you can
acquire new Abilities or improve ones you already have."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/chardevskillunequipping.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCharDevSkillUnequipping",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCharDevSkillUnequipping",
name = 0x00106d44, -- "Character - Abilities"
description = 0x00106d45, -- "You can deactivate Abilities at any time
and activate others in their place."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ciriblink.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCiriBlink",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCiriBlink",
name = 0x00106e24, -- "Blink"
description = 0x00106e25, -- "Hold <<CiriSpecialAttack>> to launch a
surprise attack on up to five enemies.<br><br>The longer you hold the button, the
greater the area of effect of your attack."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ciricharge.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCiriCharge",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCiriCharge",
name = 0x00106e20, -- "Charge"
description = 0x00106e21, -- "Hold <<PCAlternate>> and
<<AttackWithAlternateLight_mod>> to perform a charge.<br><br>The longer you hold,
the greater the range of your attack."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/cirichargepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCiriCharge_pad",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCiriCharge_pad",
name = 0x0010e659, -- "Charge"
description = 0x0010e65a, -- "Hold <<AttackHeavy>> to perform a charge.
<br><br>The longer you hold the button, the greater the area of effect of your

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ciriintroduction.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCiriIntroduction",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCiriIntroduction",
name = 0x00108551, -- "Ciri"
description = 0x00108552, -- "When you play as Ciri, you cannot access
the inventory or use Signs."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ciristamina.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCiriStamina",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCiriStamina",
name = 0x00108dd1, -- "Energy"
description = 0x00108dd2, -- "Each time Ciri uses her special powers,
her <font color="#CD7D03">Energy</font> declines.<br><br>Some Energy is restored
each time you attack a foe. You will regain access to Ciri's <font
color="#CD7D03">special abilities</font> once your Energy has increased to the
required level."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ciritaunt.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCiriTaunt",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCiriTaunt",
name = 0x00106e1e, -- "Taunt"
description = 0x00106e1f, -- "Press <<AttackWithAlternateLight>> to
provoke an enemy into an immediate attack."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/clearingpotionngp.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialClearingPotionNGP",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialClearingPotionNGP",
name = 0x00111cf3, -- "NEW GAME +"
description = 0x00111cf2, -- "Welcome to New Game +!<br>A Potion of
Clearance has been added to your inventory. You can use it to recover all your
spent Ability Points so you can redistribute them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/combatescape.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCombatEscape",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCombatEscape",
name = 0x0010951a, -- "Fleeing the Battlefield"
description = 0x0010951b, -- "If a fight proves too difficult, you can
flee and live to fight another day. Hold <<Sprint>> to run during combat."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/combatmonstersstart.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCombatMonstersStart",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCombatMonstersStart",
name = 0x001092f4, -- "Monsters"
description = 0x001092f5, -- "Life on the Continent and in the Skellige
Isles is nasty, brutish and short. War lays waste to the land, and those it spares
live in fear of the countless monsters lurking outside every town and
village.<br><br>Monsters are shown with a silver health bar above their heads,
indicating that you should fight them with your silver sword."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/combatstart.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCombatStart",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCombatStart",
name = 0x001092ef, -- "Combat"
description = 0x001092f0, -- "Witchers must be prepared to fight foes of
all kinds, be they plate-clad knights, ethereal wraiths or bone-crushing giants. To
match the strengths and exploit the weaknesses of different enemies, witchers need
to use a variety of weapons and combat techniques.<br><br>The core tools of their
trade are their <font color="#CD7D03">swords</font> - one steel, for fighting
humans and nonhumans, the other silver, for slaying monsters.<br><br>Witchers have
also mastered a simple form of combat magic. These <font
color="#CD7D03">Signs</font> are not as powerful as the spells wielded by mages,
but they can be cast very quickly - with simple, one-handed gestures - making them
quite useful in the heat of combat.<br><br>Witchers are also adept in basic <font
color="#CD7D03">alchemy</font>. They can brew powerful potions, blade oils, and
bombs - all of which give them a keen advantage when fighting stronger or faster

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/combatstop.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCombatStop",
order = 4294918142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCombatStop",
name = 0x001092f1, -- "Free Training"
description = 0x001092f2, -- "The combat tutorial is now over.<br><br>If
you want, you can continue training with Vesemir. To stop training, simply sheathe
your sword by pressing <<SwordSheathe>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/combatstoppad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCombatStop_pad",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCombatStop_pad",
name = 0x0010933b, -- "Free Training"
description = 0x0010933c, -- "The combat tutorial is now over.<br><br>If
you want, you can continue training with Vesemir. To stop training, simply sheathe
your sword by holding <<SwordSheathe>> or <<SwordSheathe,1>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/containers.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "containers",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialContainers",
name = 0x00106139, -- "Loot"
description = 0x0010613a, -- "Press <<Container>> to examine a
container's contents or to loot a corpse."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/counter.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "counter",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCounter",
name = 0x00106109, -- "Counterattack"
description = 0x0010610a, -- "Press <<LockAndGuard>> just before your
opponent strikes to perform a counterattack."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingbuy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingBuy",
order = 4294967286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingBuy",
name = 0x001277b9, -- "Creating Components"
description = 0x001277ba, -- "If a craftsman has a component you're
missing, you can buy it immediately. Select the item and press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingcomponents.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingComponents",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingComponents",
name = 0x0010953e, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x0010953f, -- "The center of the screen shows the
components needed to create this item."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingcraftsmen.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingCraftsmen",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingCraftsmen",
name = 0x00109544, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x00109545, -- "You need to find a craftsman with the
right specialty (armorer, blacksmith, etc.) for the type of item you wish to craft
and with enough skill to craft an item of its quality."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingdismantling.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingDismantling",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingDismantling",
name = 0x0010a097, -- "Dismantling Items"
description = 0x0010a099, -- "Some items can be dismantled in order to
obtain new crafting components. To dismantle an item, go to a craftsman and use the
<font color="#CD7D03">Dismantle</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftinggotrecipe.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingGotRecipe",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingGotRecipe",
name = 0x00106e18, -- "Item Diagrams"
description = 0x00106e19, -- "Take diagrams to <font
color="#CD7D03">craftsmen</font> with the proper skills to have them craft the item
for you."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingitemdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingItemDescription",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingItemDescription",
name = 0x0010953c, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x0010953d, -- "On the right side of the screen is a
detailed description of the currently selected item."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftinglayers.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingLayers",
order = 4294967290,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingLayers",
name = 0x001277fb, -- "Creating Components"
description = 0x001277fc, -- "Components made from other components are
marked with the <<GUI_Ingredient_Unfold_Icon>> symbol."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftinglayers2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingLayers2",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingLayers2",
name = 0x001277fd, -- "Creating Components"
description = 0x001277fe, -- "You can select such a component and press
<<GUI_Ingredient_Unfold_Input>> to see what components are needed to make it."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftinglayers3.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingLayers3",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingLayers3",
name = 0x001277ff, -- "Creating Components"
description = 0x00127800, -- "In the new row, you can select components
and create them immediately or buy them from the shopkeeper."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftinglayers4.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingLayers4",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingLayers4",
name = 0x00127801, -- "Creating Components"
description = 0x00127802, -- "This same process can be used for
ingredients and other items used in alchemy and crafting."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingpin.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingPin",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingPin",
name = 0x001121ca, -- "Pinning Formulae and Diagrams"
description = 0x001121cb, -- "If you want to see a list of components or
ingredients required for a given formula or diagram when you enter the Shop panel,
select it and perform the "Pin" action."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingpin2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingPin2",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingPin2",
name = 0x001121cc, -- "Pinning Formulae and Diagrams"
description = 0x001121cd, -- "If you select a crafting diagram or
alchemy formula and "pin" it, a list of the components or ingredients needed to
create that item will appear in the Shop panel. This makes it easier to keep track
of what you still need to acquire."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingprice.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingPrice",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingPrice",
name = 0x00109540, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x00109541, -- "Craftsmen need to eat, too! To have them
craft an item, you must pay them for their services.<br><br>If you have the
required coin, press <<GUI_PC_Select>> to craft the currently selected diagram."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingpricepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingPrice_pad",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingPrice_pad",
name = 0x00109542, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x00109543, -- "Craftsmen need to eat, too! To have them
craft an item, you must pay them for their services.<br><br>If you have enough
coin, press <<GUI_Select>> to craft the item."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingschematicslist.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingSchematicsList",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingSchematicsList",
name = 0x00109538, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x00109539, -- "On the left side of the screen is a list
of crafting diagrams in your possession. Click on a category or diagram to select
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingschematicslistpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingSchematicsList_pad",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingSchematicsList_pad",
name = 0x0010953a, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x0010953b, -- "On the left side of the screen is a list
of crafting diagrams in your possession. Use <<GUI_NavigateUpDown>> to scroll up
and down and <<GUI_Select>> to select a category or diagram."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftingsets.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftingSets",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftingSets",
name = 0x0010a09a, -- "Witcher Gear"
description = 0x0010a09b, -- "You've picked up the first item in a set
of elite witcher gear.<br><br>Such items can be upgraded by taking them to a
craftsman and providing an appropriate diagram, so hang on to them, even if you
find something better."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/craftsman.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCraftsman",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCraftsman",
name = 0x00109761, -- "Craftsmen"
description = 0x00109762, -- "Craftsmen can craft a variety of items for
you – for a small fee, of course.<br><br>Blacksmiths<<ICO_Smith>> forge
weapons.<br><br>Armorers<<ICO_Armorer>> make armor.<br><br>If you find a crafting
diagram, take it to a craftsmen of the right <font color="#CD7D03">type</font> and
<font color="#CD7D03">skill level</font> to have them craft the item for you."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/crossbow.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "crossbow",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCrossbow",
name = 0x00106183, -- "Crossbow"
description = 0x00106184, -- "Press <<ThrowItem>> to let loose a bolt
from your crossbow."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/crossbowunderwater.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialCrossbowUnderwater",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialCrossbowUnderwater",
name = 0x00108c1a, -- "Crossbow"
description = 0x00108c1b, -- "Your mobility is limited
underwater.<br><br>Use your crossbow to defend yourself against foes."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/darkplaces.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDarkPlaces",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDarkPlaces",
name = 0x00108bb0, -- "Darkness"
description = 0x00108bb1, -- "You can use light sources, such as torches
or lanterns, or the <font color="#CD7D03">Cat</font> potion to see better at night
and in dark locations."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/deckcompositionnew.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "deckcompositionNEW",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "deckcompositionNEW 24C57C25-41E8BBDC-B1D51694-
name = 0x00109f95, -- "Deck Composition Rules"
description = 0x00109f96, -- "A deck <<Color_Gwint>>must consist of at
least 22 Unit Cards<<End_Color>>. It can also contain <<Color_Gwint>>up to 10
special cards<<End_Color>>.<br><br>You can include more than 22 Unit Cards in your
deck, but remember that doing so decreases your chances of drawing your most
powerful cards."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/deckpanelmergednew.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "deckpanelMERGEDNEW",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "deckpanelMERGEDNEW C567C432-4B3A0BD6-3DB11589-
name = 0x00109f91, -- "Decks"
description = 0x00109f92, -- "Gwent players use their own customized
<<Color_Gwint>>decks<<End_Color>>.<br><br>You can build one deck for each of the
four <<Color_Gwint>>Factions<<End_Color>> - Nilfgaard, Northern Realms, Monsters,
and Scoia'tael.<br><br>After opening the Gwent Deck Builder, use
<<GUI_GwintFactionLeft>> and <<GUI_GwintFactionRight>> to switch between
<<Color_Gwint>>Factions<<End_Color>>.<br>Each Faction features a number of unique
<<Color_Gwint>>cards<<End_Color>> that encourage a different <<Color_Gwint>>style
of play<<End_Color>>. Each Faction also has a <<Color_Gwint>>faction
perk<<End_Color>>:<br><br><<Color_Gwint>>NILFGAARD<<End_Color>> - Wins any round
that ends in a draw.<br><<Color_Gwint>>NORTHERN REALMS<<End_Color>> - Grants an
extra card after every victorious round.<br><<Color_Gwint>>SCOIA'TAEL<<End_Color>>
- Decides who takes the first turn of a
battle.<br><<Color_Gwint>>MONSTERS<<End_Color>> - Keeps a random Unit Card on the
battlefield after each round."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/destructiblesdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDestructiblesDescription",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDestructiblesDescription",
name = 0x0010974c, -- "Destroying Objects"
description = 0x0010974d, -- "Some objects can be destroyed. Such
objects are marked with the <<ICO_Destructible>> icon.<br><br>To destroy objects to
open up a path, face them and cast the <font color="#CD7D03">Aard Sign</font>. You
can also try hacking at them with your sword, but note that not everything can be
destroyed in this manner.<br><br>Another option is to toss a <font
color="#CD7D03">Grapeshot</font> bomb at the object – but be careful not to get
hurt by the explosion!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/destructiblesenterfm.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDestructiblesEnterFM",
order = 4294918142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDestructiblesEnterFM",
name = 0x0010974a, -- "Destroying Objects"
description = 0x0010974b, -- "The hut's door won't open! Use your <font
color="#CD7D03">Witcher Senses</font> by holding <<Focus>> to see if there's
anything you can do."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/destructiblesenterhut.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDestructiblesEnterHut",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDestructiblesEnterHut",
name = 0x0010974e, -- "Destroying Objects"
description = 0x0010974f, -- "Destroy the door and enter the hut."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dialog.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dialog",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDialog",
name = 0x001060e5, -- "Beginning Conversations"
description = 0x001060e6, -- "Press <<Talk>> to begin a conversation."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dialogaxii.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialAxiiDialog",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialAxiiDialog",
name = 0x00106164, -- "Dialogue - Axii"
description = 0x00106165, -- "Options marked <<ICO_DialogAxii>> will
make use of the Axii Sign. This Sign influences people's minds, causing them to act
according to your will.<br><br>To charm more stubborn individuals who would
otherwise resist during a conversation, invest in the <font
color="#CD7D03">Delusion</font> Ability in the Character panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dialogclose.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dialog close",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDialogClose",
name = 0x001067f8, -- "Dialogue - Ending Conversations"
description = 0x001067f9, -- "Dialogue options marked <<ICO_DialogEnd>>
will end the conversation."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dialoggwint.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "gwint",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDialogGwint",
name = 0x0010682e, -- "Dialogue - Gwent"
description = 0x0010682f, -- "Options marked <<ICO_DialogGwint>> will
begin a game of gwent."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dialogoptions.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDialogOptions",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDialogOptions",
name = 0x00106c9f, -- "Dialogue Options"
description = 0x00106ca0, -- "Click on a dialogue option to choose it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dialogoptionspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dialog options PAD",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDialogOptions_pad",
name = 0x001060ec, -- "Dialogue - Options"
description = 0x001060ed, -- "Select a dialogue option using
<<GUI_NavigateUpDown>> and then press <<GUI_Select>> to choose it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dialogshop.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dialog shop",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDialogShop",
name = 0x0010615f, -- "Dialogue - Shops"
description = 0x00106160, -- "Options marked <<ICO_DialogShop>> will
open the Shop panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dismantlecomponents.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDismantleComponents",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDismantleComponents",
name = 0x0010973b, -- "Dismantling Items"
description = 0x0010973c, -- "This shows which components will be
recovered after dismantling the item."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dismantledescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDismantleDescription",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDismantleDescription",
name = 0x00109739, -- "Dismantling Items"
description = 0x0010973a, -- "This panel lets you dismantle unwanted
items and recover some of the components they are made of."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dismantledismantling.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDismantleDismantling",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDismantleDismantling",
name = 0x0010973f, -- "Dismantling Items"
description = 0x00109740, -- "To dismantle the selected item, press
<<GUI_PC_Select>><br>If this item is fitted with any upgrades, they will be

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dismantledismantlingpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDismantleDismantling_pad",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDismantleDismantling_pad",
name = 0x00109741, -- "Dismantling Items"
description = 0x00109742, -- "To dismantle the selected item, press
<<GUI_Select>><br>If this item is fitted with any upgrades, they will be

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dismantleitems.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDismantleItems",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDismantleItems",
name = 0x00109737, -- "Dismantling Items"
description = 0x00109738, -- "Your items are shown here."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dismantleprice.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDismantlePrice",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDismantlePrice",
name = 0x0010973d, -- "Dismantling Items"
description = 0x0010973e, -- "This shows how much it will cost to
dismantle this item - that's how much you will have to pay."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/diving.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "diving",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDive",
name = 0x0010617d, -- "Diving"
description = 0x0010617e, -- "Hold <<DiveDown>> to dive or <<DiveUp>> to
swim toward the surface."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dodge.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDodge",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDodge",
name = 0x00106ca7, -- "Dodging"
description = 0x00106ca8, -- "To dodge to one side, indicate a direction
using <<GI_AxisLeftY>> <<GI_AxisLeftY,1>> <<GI_AxisLeftX,1>> or <<GI_AxisLeftX>>
and press <<Dodge>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dodgepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDodge_pad",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDodge_pad",
name = 0x00106105, -- "Dodging"
description = 0x00106106, -- "To dodge to one side, indicate a direction
using <<GI_AxisLeft>> and press <<Dodge>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/drawweapon.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDrawWeapon",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDrawWeapon",
name = 0x001060ff, -- "Drawing Swords"
description = 0x00106100, -- "Press <<SteelSword>> to draw your steel
sword. To sheathe it, press <<SwordSheathe>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/drawweaponpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDrawWeapon_pad",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDrawWeapon_pad",
name = 0x00108df4, -- "Drawing Swords"
description = 0x00108df5, -- "Press <<SteelSword>> to draw your steel
sword. To sheathe it, hold <<SwordSheathe>> or <<SwordSheathe,1>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/durability.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDurability",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDurability",
name = 0x00106bab, -- "Damaged Items"
description = 0x00106bac, -- "One of your items is in bad shape. Repair
it - otherwise it won't work as well."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dye.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDye",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDye",
name = 0x00121ef1, -- "Dyes"
description = 0x00121ef2, -- "You can use dyes to change the color of
your armor."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dye2.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDye2",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDye2",
name = 0x00121ef3, -- "Dyes"
description = 0x00121ef4, -- "Remember, you can only change the color of
items belonging to witcher gear sets."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dyepreview.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDyePreview",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDyePreview",
name = 0x0012201a, -- "Dyes - Preview"
description = 0x0012201b, -- "You can use the preview option to see how
an item will look after you apply a dye to it. To do this, select the dye, press
<<GUI_PC_Preview>> and select the item you wish to dye."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dyepreviewpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDyePreview_pad",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDyePreview_pad",
name = 0x0012206a, -- "Dyes - Preview"
description = 0x0012206b, -- "You can use the preview option to see how
an item will look after you apply a dye to it. To do this, select the dye, press
<<GUI_PAD_Preview>> and select the item you wish to dye."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/dyeremover.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialDyeRemover",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialDyeRemover",
name = 0x00121ef5, -- "Dyes"
description = 0x00121ef6, -- "At any time, you can use dye remover to
restore an item's original color. So there's no need to be timid -- go ahead and

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/enchanter.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEnchanter",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEnchanter",
name = 0x00114668, -- "The Runewright"
description = 0x00114669, -- "<font color="#CD7D03">The
Runewright</font> <<ICO_Enchanter>> can enhance your items by fitting them with
<font color="#CD7D03">Runewords</font> and <font color="#CD7D03">Glyphwords</font>
- these endow them with new, powerful traits.<br><br>To enchant an item, navigate
to the Runewright panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/enchanterglobal.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEnchanterGlobal",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEnchanterGlobal",
name = 0x00116d06, -- "Runewright"
description = 0x00116c91, -- "While playing the <i>Hearts of Stone</i>
expansion, you can encounter a Runewright, marked by the <<ICO_Enchanter>> icon on
your Map.<br><br>This new craftsman, the only of his kind, comes from a far-off
land and can use his arcane knowledge to considerably improve your equipment. Seek
him out and see for yourself!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/enchantingenchantdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEnchantingEnchantDescription",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEnchantingEnchantDescription",
name = 0x00116553, -- "Enchantment Descriptions"
description = 0x00116554, -- "A description of the selected enchantment
appears here, along with its cost."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/enchantingenchantlevel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEnchantingEnchantLevel",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEnchantingEnchantLevel",
name = 0x00116555, -- "Enchantment Levels"
description = 0x00116556, -- "Enchantments have various levels. A
runewright can enchant an item of your choice only once he has reached a level
equal to, or higher than, the level of the enchantment he is to cast."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/enchantingenchants.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEnchantingEnchants",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEnchantingEnchants",
name = 0x00116551, -- "Enchanting - Enchantments"
description = 0x00116552, -- "This is the list of runewords and
glyphwords that can be fitted in an item's sockets. Runewords are used to enhance
weapons, while glyphwords enhance armor."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/enchantingitems.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEnchantingItems",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEnchantingItems",
name = 0x0011654f, -- "Enchanting - Items"
description = 0x00116550, -- "Items that can be embedded with runewords
and glyphwords, and thus enchanted, appear here.<br>Only items possessing three
enhancement slots can be enchanted."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/enchantingui.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEnchantingUI",
order = 4294967278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEnchantingUI",
name = 0x00116557, -- "Enchanting Items"
description = 0x00116558, -- "Enchantments on the list can be added,
removed and filtered."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/encumbrance.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEncumbrance",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEncumbrance",
name = 0x00109756, -- "Overburdened"
description = 0x00109757, -- "You are overburdened – Geralt is carrying
too many items!<br><br>If you load yourself down with too much loot, you won't be
able to run or sprint. A <<ICO_Overencumbered>> symbol will appear on your screen
to let you know you're overburdened. <br><br>You can check how much weight you are
carrying in the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel.<br><br>Get rid of
unwanted items by throwing them on the ground, selling them or getting a craftsman
to dismantle them.<br><br>If you want to carry more, upgrade your horse's <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/endround.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "endround",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "endround 0B3E986B-4927F27E-B75DD894-7226F325",
name = 0x00109f89, -- "End of Round"
description = 0x00109f8a, -- "A <<Color_Gwint>>round ends<<End_Color>>
once both players have passed. The players then compare the <<Color_Gwint>>total
strength<<End_Color>> of their units to determine the
<<Color_Gwint>>winner<<End_Color>>.<br><br>All cards on the battlefield are
<<Color_Gwint>>discarded<<End_Color>>, and both players’ total strength is
<<Color_Gwint>>reset to 0<<End_Color>>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesalchemy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - alchemy",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - alchemy 5EFA398C-40CFDEA6-30900491-
name = 0x00108d46, -- "Alchemy"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesbasicmovement.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - movement basics",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMovementBasics",
name = 0x00105f33, -- "Movement"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesboat.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - boat",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - boat 689226AE-4C6FA95C-2D340C8C-C936975E",
name = 0x00108d44, -- "Boats"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesbombs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - bombs",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - bombs 62854C5D-4B3BD450-7A8DE2BA-B5421629",
name = 0x00108d4d, -- "Bombs"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriescharacterdevelopment.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - character development",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - character development 118511A9-4BE77D03-
name = 0x00108d4b, -- "Character"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesclimbing.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - climbing",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - climbing 29357D4C-46D536C9-D25D8F8A-
name = 0x00108d41, -- "Climbing"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriescombatbasics.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - combat basics",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - combat basics 06AB599F-44202355-290D468F-
name = 0x00108d48, -- "Combat"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriescrafting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - crafting",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - crafting C5C50570-42A04D52-55851F9D-
name = 0x00108d43, -- "Items"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesdialogs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - dialogs",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - dialogs 5B783702-4A1D083F-D3EB45B4-
name = 0x00108d49, -- "Dialogue"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesdlc.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - DLC",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - DLC",
name = 0x001101f2, -- "Additional Content"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesfasttravel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - fast travel",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - fast travel 44924A3B-4394E1D8-E7291197-
name = 0x00108d3f, -- "Fast Travel"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesfocusmode.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - focus mode",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - focus mode BF8E5CE4-4387C356-E728678D-
name = 0x00108d42, -- "Witcher Senses"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesgwenttutorial.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - gwent tutorial",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - gwent tutorial 2960B0CD-4A2290FB-04DF91B7-
name = 0x00109f72, -- "Gwent"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entrieshorse.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - horse",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - horse A6191B52-49E6DCB4-73446995-6605BE0D",
name = 0x00108d40, -- "Horses"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entrieshud.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - HUD",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - HUD C4EA4EEA-47E15BB1-92E2B6BF-45C709F1",
name = 0x00108d3d, -- "HUD"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesinteractions.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - interactions",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - interactions 4E27A5F0-488BD01F-908EA2A5-
name = 0x00108d4e, -- "Interacting"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesitems.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - items",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - items 0F7D6019-4CA554AD-C39ECEA4-3ADB2155",
name = 0x00108d3e, -- "Items"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesmutagens.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - mutagens",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - mutagens",
name = 0x00108d4f, -- "Mutagens"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesmutations.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - mutations",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - mutations",
name = 0x00126970, -- "Mutations"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriespreparation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - preparation",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - preparation",
name = 0x00108d4c, -- "Meditation"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriessigns.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - signs",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - signs DC9C585E-4A2E81D8-9219C6A2-951C96AB",
name = 0x00108d45, -- "Signs"
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesswimming.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - swimming",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - swimming 098DE5A4-4033EE86-C2DFE08E-
name = 0x00108d4a, -- "Swimming"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/entriesweapons.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "entries - weapons",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "entries - weapons 9253B1F2-4294F8A1-760EE0B3-
name = 0x00108d47, -- "Weapons"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP1",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP1",
name = 0x001163a4, -- "Hearts of Stone"
description = 0x001163a9, -- "Welcome to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Hearts of Stone</font> expansion!<br><br>In "standalone" mode, all
the quests of the main storyline have been set as completed. As a result, your
character has been duly leveled up and is ready for the new adventures that await
you in <font color="#CD7D03">Hearts of Stone</font>.<br>Though core storyline
quests are not available in this mode, you can still pursue and complete the main
game's many side quests and monster hunts.<br><br>One last thing before you dive
in: please remember to redistribute your Ability Points!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep1andep2standalone.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP1AndEP2Standalone",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP1AndEP2Standalone",
name = 0x00127ade, -- "Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine"
description = 0x00127add, -- "Welcome to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Hearts of Stone</font> and <font color="#CD7D03">Blood and
Wine</font> expansions!<br><br>In "standalone" mode, all the quests of the main
storyline have been set as completed. As a result, your character has been duly
leveled up and is ready for new adventures.<br>Though core storyline quests are not
available in this mode, you can still pursue and complete the main game's many side
quests and monster hunts."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep1global.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP1Global",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP1Global",
name = 0x00116d05, -- "<i>Hearts of Stone</i>"
description = 0x00116c90, -- "Thank you for purchasing the <i>Hearts of
Stone</i> expansion!<br><br>Your currently tracked quest has been changed to the
first quest of <i>Hearts of Stone</i>, yet we only recommend starting it if your
character level is at least 30.<br><br>Have fun and good luck on the Path!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep2afterq305.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP2AfterQ305",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP2AfterQ305",
name = 0x00126a80, -- "Blood and Wine"
description = 0x00126a81, -- "Congratulations! You can now begin your
adventure with the <font color="#CD7D03">Blood and Wine</font> expansion!
<br><br>Your currently tracked quest has been changed to the first quest of the
<font color="#CD7D03">Blood and Wine</font> expansion, yet we only recommend
starting it if your character level is at least 34.<br><br>Have fun and good luck
on the Path!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep2finishq305.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP2FinishQ305",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP2FinishQ305",
name = 0x00126a7e, -- "Blood and Wine"
description = 0x00126a7f, -- "Welcome to the <font color="#CD7D03">Blood
and Wine</font> expansion!<br><br>In this mode, all the quests of the main
storyline are still available to you. To begin playing quests from <font
color="#CD7D03">Blood and Wine</font>, you must first complete the <font
color="#CD7D03">A Poet Under Pressure</font> quest."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep2housegardenorchardtutorial.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP2mq7024HouseOrchard",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP2mq7024HouseOrchard",
name = 0x00126b25, -- "Corvo Bianco - Garden"
description = 0x00126b26, -- "Welcome to the Corvo Bianco garden!
<br><br>Here you will find the plants you need to create dyes to change the color
of gear in witcher sets.<br><br>Any plants you pick will grow back after a certain

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep2housegardentutorial.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP2mq7024HouseGreenhouse",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP2mq7024HouseGreenhouse",
name = 0x00126aa3, -- "Corvo Bianco - Greenhouse"
description = 0x00126aa4, -- "Welcome to the Corvo Bianco
greenhouse.<br><br>Here you will find the herbs you need to create mutagens or
change their colors.<br><br>Any herbs you pick will grow back after a certain

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep2newfeatures.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP2NewFeatures",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP2NewFeatures",
name = 0x001271e0, -- "Mutations and Grandmaster Witcher Gear"
description = 0x001271e4, -- "In <font color="#CD7D03">Blood and
Wine</font> you can undergo additional witcher <font
color="#CD7D03">mutations</font> to unlock new capabilities. Soon you will run into
a messenger who will deliver a very interesting letter. Read it and investigate the
story of Professor Moreau to learn more about these mutations.<br><br>They say a
master craftsman <<ICO_ArchMaster>> lives in Toussaint who can craft witcher gear
of unequaled quality. What's more, you receive <font color="#CD7D03">special
bonuses for wearing all or part of a set</font> of this extraordinary
equipment.<br><br>You will not regret investigating these new options!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep2nostandalonesq305done.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP2NoStandalonesQ305Done",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP2NoStandalonesQ305Done",
name = 0x00126a83, -- "Blood and Wine"
description = 0x00126a84, -- "Welcome to the <font color="#CD7D03">Blood
and Wine</font> expansion!<br><br>Your currently tracked quest has been changed to
the first quest of the <font color="#CD7D03">Blood and Wine</font> expansion, yet
we only recommend starting it if your character level is at least 34.<br><br>Have
fun and good luck on the Path!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep2spendskillpoints.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP2SpendSkillpoints",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP2SpendSkillpoints",
name = 0x00128202, -- "Character Development"
description = 0x00128203, -- "Remember to distribute your <font
color="#CD7D03">unallocated Ability Points</font>!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ep2standalone.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialEP2Standalone",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialEP2Standalone",
name = 0x00126a7c, -- "Blood and Wine"
description = 0x00126a7d, -- "Welcome to the <font color="#CD7D03">Blood
and Wine</font> expansion!<br><br>In this mode, all the quests of the main
storyline have been set as completed. As a result, your character has been duly
leveled up and is ready for the new adventures that await you in <font
color="#CD7D03">Blood and Wine</font>.<br>Though core storyline quests are not
available in this mode, you can still pursue and complete the main game's many side
quests and monster hunts."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/errantknight.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ErrantKnight",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "errantknight",
name = 0x001270c2, -- "Living the Knight Errant Life"
description = 0x001270c3, -- "Go to the camerlengo to collect a reward
for your valor!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/examineclues.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFocusClues",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFocusClues",
name = 0x00106177, -- "Tracks and Clues"
description = 0x00106178, -- "When you find tracks or other clues, walk
close, then press <<Examine>> to examine them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/examineobject.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialExamineObject",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialExamineObject",
name = 0x0010885a, -- "Items"
description = 0x0010885b, -- "If you want to examine an item more
closely, walk up to it and press <<Examine>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/explorations.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialExplorations",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialExplorations",
name = 0x00106ca3, -- "Climbing"
description = 0x00106ca4, -- "When confronted with an obstacle, press
<<GI_AxisLeftY>> and <<Jump>> to climb over it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/explorationspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "explorations PAD",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialExplorations_pad",
name = 0x001060d5, -- "Climbing"
description = 0x001060d6, -- "Tilt <<PAD_LSUp>> and press <<Jump>> to
climb over obstacles."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/fallingdamage.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "falling damage",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFallingDamage",
name = 0x001060ee, -- "Falling"
description = 0x001060ef, -- "Careful! Falling from a great height can
lead to injury or even death!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/fallingroll.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFallingRoll",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFallingRoll",
name = 0x0011169d, -- "Falling Damage"
description = 0x0011169e, -- "To decrease the damage you take when you
fall, you can land with a roll.<br>To do so, press <<Jump>> right before you land."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/fasttravel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "fast travel",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFastTravelInteraction",
name = 0x0010684d, -- "Fast Travel"
description = 0x0010684e, -- "Once discovered, signposts allow you to
travel directly from one location to another.<br><br>Walk up to a signpost and
press <<FastTravel>> to Fast Travel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/fasttravelhighlightpoint.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFastTravelHighlight",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFastTravelHighlight",
name = 0x00106d16, -- "Fast Travel - Destinations"
description = 0x00106d17, -- "To travel to a destination, use <<Mouse>>
to select a point marked <<ICO_FastTravel>>, then double-click on it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/fasttravelhighlightpointpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFastTravelHighlight_pad",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFastTravelHighlight_pad",
name = 0x0010684f, -- "Fast Travel - Destinations"
description = 0x00106850, -- "Use <<GI_AxisLeft>> to select a
destination marked with a <<ICO_FastTravel>> on the map, then press <<GUI_Select>>
to travel there."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/findingcards.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "findingcards",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "findingcards A14EF3EC-46E50421-2CECC6AD-B6B4BB41",
name = 0x00109f8f, -- "Finding Cards"
description = 0x00109f90, -- "Acquire <<Color_Gwint>>more powerful
cards<<End_Color>> by completing certain <<Color_Gwint>>quests<<End_Color>> or
purchasing them from <<Color_Gwint>>vendors<<End_Color>>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/focus.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "focus",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFocus",
name = 0x00106170, -- "Witcher Senses"
description = 0x00106171, -- "Hold <<Focus>> to use your <font
color="#CD7D03">Witcher Senses</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/focusfollowdog.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFocusFollowDog",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFocusFollowDog",
name = 0x00106b0b, -- "Tracks"
description = 0x00106b0c, -- "Follow the dog's tracks."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/focusredobjects.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFocusRedObjects",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFocusRedObjects",
name = 0x00106aff, -- "Witcher Senses - Important Objects"
description = 0x00106b00, -- "Look for highlighted objects."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/focussoundclues.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFocusSoundClues",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFocusSoundClues",
name = 0x00108bd1, -- "Witcher Senses"
description = 0x00108bd2, -- "When using your Witcher Senses, you not
only see more, but hear more as well.<br><br>Hold <<Focus>> to heighten your senses
and determine the origin of distant noises."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/follownpc.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFollowNPC",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFollowNPC",
name = 0x00106ad1, -- "Following a Character"
description = 0x00106ad2, -- "The character you are supposed to follow
is marked on the minimap.<br><br>Follow him or her to the marked destination."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodequip.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodEquip",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodEquip",
name = 0x0010983b, -- "Food"
description = 0x0010983c, -- "You can equip food to gain quick access to
it during gameplay. To do so, double-click on a food item or drag it to one of the
consumables slots."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodequippad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodEquip_pad",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodEquip_pad",
name = 0x0010983d, -- "Food"
description = 0x0010983e, -- "Press <<GUI_Select>> then use
<<GUI_Navigate>> to select one of the slots and press <<GUI_Select>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodopenfastmenu.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodOpenFastMenu",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodOpenFastMenu",
name = 0x0010982b, -- "Food"
description = 0x0010982c, -- "Eat something to regenerate
Vitality.<br><br>Press <<FastMenu>> to open the Game Menu."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodopenfastmenups4.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodOpenFastMenu_ps4",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodOpenFastMenu_ps4",
name = 0x0010982d, -- "Food"
description = 0x0010982e, -- "Eat something to regenerate
Vitality.<br><br>Click <<FastMenu,1>> to open the Game Menu."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodopeninventory.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodOpenInventory",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodOpenInventory",
name = 0x0010982f, -- "Food"
description = 0x00109830, -- "Click on the <font
color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> tab."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodopeninventorypad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodOpenInventory_pad",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodOpenInventory_pad",
name = 0x00109831, -- "Food"
description = 0x00109832, -- "Use <<GUI_Navigate>> to select the <font
color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel and press <<GUI_Select>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodselectfood.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodSelectFood",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodSelectFood",
name = 0x00109837, -- "Food"
description = 0x00109838, -- "Choose a <font color="#CD7D03">food</font>
item and click on it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodselectfoodpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodSelectFood_pad",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodSelectFood_pad",
name = 0x00109839, -- "Food"
description = 0x0010983a, -- "Select a <font color="#CD7D03">food</font>
item using <<GUI_Navigate>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodselecttab.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodSelectTab",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodSelectTab",
name = 0x00109833, -- "Food"
description = 0x00109834, -- "Click on the <font color="#CD7D03">Usable
Items</font> tab."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodselecttabpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodSelectTab_pad",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodSelectTab_pad",
name = 0x00109835, -- "Food"
description = 0x00109836, -- "Use <<GUI_DPAD_LeftRight>> to select the
<font color="#CD7D03">Usable Items</font> tab."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/foodusage.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFoodUsage",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFoodUsage",
name = 0x0010983f, -- "Food"
description = 0x00109840, -- "Now you can eat your equipped food as you
play.<br><br>To consume the item in the first slot, press <<DrinkPotion1>><br>To
consume the item in the second slot, press <<DrinkPotion2>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/freestylecombat.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFreestyleCombat",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFreestyleCombat",
name = 0x001088f6, -- "Training"
description = 0x001088f7, -- "To stop training, sheathe your weapon by
pressing <<SwordSheathe>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/freestylecombatpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFreestyleCombat_pad",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFreestyleCombat_pad",
name = 0x00108c52, -- "Training"
description = 0x00108c53, -- "To stop training, sheathe your weapon by
holding <<SwordSheathe>> or <<SwordSheathe,1>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/geekpagecontrols.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGeekpageControls",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGeekpageControls",
name = 0x00122b88, -- "Statistics"
description = 0x00122b90, -- "You can rotate your character by holding
<<IK_LeftMouse>> and moving the mouse. Zoom in and out using the <<IK_MiddleMouse>>
wheel. To change the camera's position, hold <<IK_RightMouse>> and move the mouse."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/geekpagecontrolspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGeekpageControls_pad",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGeekpageControls_pad",
name = 0x00122b86, -- "Statistics"
description = 0x00122b93, -- "You can rotate your character using
<<PAD_RS_LeftRight>>, zoom in and out using <<PAD_RS_UpDown>> and change the
camera's position using <<Cross_UpDown>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/geekpagestats.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGeekpageStats",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGeekpageStats",
name = 0x00122b89, -- "Statistics"
description = 0x00122b8d, -- "Your character's primary statistics are
shown on the left."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/geekpagesubstats.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGeekpageSubStats",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGeekpageSubStats",
name = 0x00122b87, -- "Statistics"
description = 0x00122b8c, -- "When you select one of the primary
statistics, on the right you will see additional statistics related to it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/guards.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "guards",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPolice",
name = 0x0010616c, -- "Town Guards"
description = 0x0010616d, -- "Guardsmen try to keep the peace and don't
like it when someone walks around with a drawn weapon. Sheathe your blade if you
don't want any trouble…"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/gwentdeckbuilder.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentDeckBuilder2",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentDeckBuilder2",
name = 0x0010e777, -- "Gwent Deck"
description = 0x0010e778, -- "You've got a new gwent card!<br>If you
want to examine it, open the <font color="#CD7D03">Game Menu</font> and go to the
<font color="#CD7D03">Gwent Deck panel</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/gwentintroduction.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "gwentintroduction",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "gwentintroduction 9C601BDA-4D35BE0F-25646EAC-
name = 0x00109f73, -- "Basics"
description = 0x00109f74, -- "Gwent is an ancient dwarven card game that
simulates the <<Color_Gwint>>clash of two armies<<End_Color>> in battle. The
players are <<Color_Gwint>>generals<<End_Color>>, and the cards are their

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/gwentstartinghand.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "gwentstartinghand",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "gwentstartinghand 22BB42D8-4901C9A6-13C01EAE-
name = 0x00109f75, -- "Starting a Game"
description = 0x00109f76, -- "To begin, you draw <<Color_Gwint>>10
cards<<End_Color>>. This will be your hand for the rest of the match.<br><br>You
will <<Color_Gwint2>>NOT<<End_Color>> draw any more cards - so use these wisely!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/gwintleaders.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "gwintleaders",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "gwintleaders F9B5BFC6-4F885832-A06CA08F-392DAA78",
name = 0x00109f83, -- "Leaders"
description = 0x00109f84, -- "Each deck has a
<<Color_Gwint>>Leader<<End_Color>>. The <<Color_Gwint>>Leader<<End_Color>> grants
you a <<Color_Gwint>>special ability<<End_Color>> which can be used only once
during a battle. Trigger the special ability at any point by pressing

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/gwintmaintutorial.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "gwint_main_tutorial",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "gwint_main_tutorial 944F45BF-4838F210-6C4FBC81-

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/gwintpassing.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "gwintpassing",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "gwintpassing 191840DB-4CEC232C-0B820EAD-47178025",
name = 0x00109f87, -- "Passing"
description = 0x00109f88, -- "During your turn, you can
<<Color_Gwint>>pass<<End_Color>> by holding down <<GUI_GwintPass>><br><br>Once you
pass, you <<Color_Gwint>>cannot play any more cards during that round<<End_Color>>.
Your opponent can <<Color_Gwint>>continue playing cards<<End_Color>> until he or
she passes as well.<br><br>You should pass when you are confident you can win with
the units you already have in play, or to let your opponent win and save your cards
for the next round."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/gwintturns.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "gwintturns",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "gwintturns 672F2C1F-4D8A6093-8CB44486-8EB29695",
name = 0x00109f81, -- "Turns"
description = 0x00109f82, -- "During each
<<Color_Gwint>>turn<<End_Color>>, a player may place <<Color_Gwint>>one
card<<End_Color>> on the battlefield, or <<Color_Gwint>>pass<<End_Color>>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/haggling.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHaggling",
order = 4294967290,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHaggling",
name = 0x0010893e, -- "Haggling"
description = 0x0010893f, -- "To haggle for a higher reward, choose an
amount using <<Mouse>> and confirm by clicking <<IK_LeftMouse>><br><br>If your
counterparty accepts your offer, you've made a deal!<br><br>If your offer is too
high, your counterparty will grow <font color="#CD7D03">annoyed</font>. Push too
hard, and he or she will <font color="#CD7D03">break off negotiations</font>!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/hagglingpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHaggling_pad",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHaggling_pad",
name = 0x00108940, -- "Haggling"
description = 0x00108941, -- "To haggle for a higher reward, choose an
amount using <<PAD_LS_LeftRight>> and confirm your choice by pressing
<<GUI_Select>><br><br>If your counterparty accepts your offer, you've made a deal!
<br><br>If your offer is too high, your counterparty will grow <font
color="#CD7D03">annoyed</font>. Push too hard, and he or she will <font
color="#CD7D03">break off negotiations</font>!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/hansaaftereffects.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "HansaAfterEffects",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "HansaAfterEffects",
name = 0x00126288, -- "A Hanse's Reign of Terror Has Ended!"
description = 0x00126289, -- "You've destroyed a hanse's base and killed
its leader. That has put an end to its power over the area.<br><br>Deprived of
their strong leader, bandits from nearby camps will now disperse and undoubtedly be
picked off by knights errant or monsters."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/health.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "health",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHealth",
name = 0x00106185, -- "Vitality"
description = 0x00106186, -- "Keep an eye on your Vitality - if it
becomes depleted, you die!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/healthregenall.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHealthRegenAll",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHealthRegenAll",
name = 0x00109304, -- "Vitality Regeneration"
description = 0x00109305, -- "You can regenerate Vitality by eating or
drinking, or by meditating for at least one hour.<br><br>Note: While playing on the
<font color="#CD7D03">"Blood and Broken Bones!"</font> and <font
color="#CD7D03">"Death March!"</font> difficulty levels, meditation does not
regenerate Vitality.<br><br>Food and drink can be placed in your Consumables slots
for quick use during combat. Press <<DrinkPotion1>> or <<DrinkPotion2>> to consume
them and regenerate Vitality.<br><br>You have some food equipped in your upper
Consumables slot. Press <<DrinkPotion1>> now to eat it and regenerate a portion of
your Vitality."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/heavyattacks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHeavyAttacks",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHeavyAttacks",
name = 0x00106103, -- "Strong Attack"
description = 0x00106104, -- "Mount a strong attack against Vesemir by
holding <<PCAlternate>> and pressing <<AttackWithAlternateLight_mod>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/heavyattackspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHeavyAttacks_pad",
order = 4294967286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHeavyAttacks_pad",
name = 0x0010c6c7, -- "Strong Attack"
description = 0x0010c6c8, -- "Mount a strong attack against Vesemir by
pressing <<AttackHeavy>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/highlevelquests.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHighLevelQuests",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHighLevelQuests",
name = 0x00109758, -- "Quest Difficulty"
description = 0x00109759, -- "Some quests might be too difficult for you
at the moment. Each quest has a suggested level shown next to its name. Once your
character reaches that level, you're ready to take on that quest."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horseautoevade.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseAutoEvade",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseAutoEvade",
name = 0x001095c0, -- "Obstacles"
description = 0x001095c1, -- "Your horse will automatically jump over or
navigate around any obstacles it encounters."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsecombat.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseCombat",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseCombat",
name = 0x00124dc4, -- "Mounted Combat"
description = 0x00124dc5, -- "Mounted Combat:<br>Holding down an attack
button will trigger a slow motion mode which makes it easier for you to strike your
target. Geralt will decide for himself which side to attack from, based on your
enemy's location.<br><br>Mounted Marksmanship:<br>Holding down the aim button will
trigger a slow motion mode. While this mode is active, Roach will maintain her
speed, so you do not need to hold down the gallop button."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsedescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseDescription",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseDescription",
name = 0x001092f6, -- "Horses"
description = 0x001092f7, -- "Witchers spend most of their time on the
road in search of their next contract. They must trek across wide valleys, climb
over high mountain peaks and trudge through thick bogs.<br><br>Luckily, Geralt can
always count on <font color="#CD7D03">his horse</font>, <font
color="#CD7D03">Roach</font>, to help him in his travels.<br><br>To have <font
color="#CD7D03">Roach</font> come to you, press <<SpawnHorse>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsedescriptionpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseDescription_pad",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseDescription_pad",
name = 0x0010c2fa, -- "Horses"
description = 0x0010c2fb, -- "Witchers spend most of their time on the
road in search of their next contract. They must trek across wide valleys, climb
over high mountain peaks and trudge through thick bogs.<br><br>Luckily, Geralt can
always count on <font color="#CD7D03">his horse</font>, <font
color="#CD7D03">Roach</font>, to help him in his travels.<br><br>To have <font
color="#CD7D03">Roach</font> come to you, double press <<SpawnHorse>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsedismount.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseDismount",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseDismount",
name = 0x00106804, -- "Horses - Dismounting"
description = 0x00106805, -- "Hold <<HorseDismount>> to dismount."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsemount.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "horse mount",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorse",
name = 0x00106145, -- "Horses - Mounting"
description = 0x00106146, -- "Walk up to your horse and press
<<MountHorse>> to mount it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horseroad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseRoad",
order = 4288675838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseRoad",
name = 0x0010707d, -- "Horses - Roads"
description = 0x0010707e, -- "When on a road, hold <<Gallop>> without
steering to automatically follow its path.<br><br>Your horse won't lose Stamina
while using this option to automatically follow a road."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsespeed0.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseSpeed0",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseSpeed0",
name = 0x00106cad, -- "Horses - Movement"
description = 0x00106cae, -- "Guide your horse's movements using
<<GI_AxisLeftY>> <<GI_AxisLeftY,1>> <<GI_AxisLeftX,1>> and <<GI_AxisLeftX>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsespeed0pad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "horse speed 0 PAD",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseSpeed0_pad",
name = 0x00106147, -- "Horses - Movement"
description = 0x00106148, -- "Guide your horse's movements using

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsespeed1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "horse speed 1",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseSpeed1",
name = 0x0010614b, -- "Horses - Cantering"
description = 0x0010614c, -- "Hold <<Gallop>> while moving to canter."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsespeed2.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "horse speed 2",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseSpeed2",
name = 0x00106150, -- "Horses - Galloping"
description = 0x00106151, -- "Double press and hold <<Canter>> while
moving to gallop."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsestamina.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseStamina",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseStamina",
name = 0x00106153, -- "Horses - Stamina"
description = 0x00106154, -- "Once your horse's Stamina is depleted, you
can no longer gallop."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsestop.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseStop",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseStop",
name = 0x00107436, -- "Horses - Stopping"
description = 0x00107437, -- "Hold <<Stop>> to stop your horse."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsesummon.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseSummon",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseSummon",
name = 0x00106b0e, -- "Horses - Summoning"
description = 0x00106b0f, -- "To have your horse come to you, press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsesummonbridge.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseSummonBridge",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseSummonBridge",
name = 0x00109322, -- "Horses - Summoning"
description = 0x00109323, -- "When faced with long distances and certain
obstacles - such as this one - a horse is your only option.<br><br>To summon your
horse, press <<SpawnHorse>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsesummonbridgepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseSummonBridge_pad",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseSummonBridge_pad",
name = 0x0010c2fc, -- "Horses - Summoning"
description = 0x0010c2fd, -- "When faced with long distances and certain
obstacles - such as this one - a horse is your only option.<br><br>To summon your
horse, double press <<SpawnHorse>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/horsesummonpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialHorseSummon_pad",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHorseSummon_pad",
name = 0x0010c2f8, -- "Horses - Summoning"
description = 0x0010c2f9, -- "To have your horse come to you, double
press <<SpawnHorse>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/igni.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialIgni",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialIgni",
name = 0x00106124, -- "Signs - Igni"
description = 0x00106125, -- "The <font color="#CD7D03">Igni Sign</font>
deals <font color="#CD7D03">fire</font> damage and has a chance to apply a Burning
effect on your opponents."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/illusionmedallion.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialIllusionMedallion",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialIllusionMedallion",
name = 0x00106c2b, -- "Uncovering Illusions"
description = 0x00106c2c, -- "When you notice a shimmer in the air, walk
toward it. When you are close, press <<Interact>> to dispel the illusion."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventorybag.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryBag",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryBag",
name = 0x00106dbb, -- "Travel Bag"
description = 0x00106dbc, -- "Here are the other items currently in your

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventoryequipping.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryEquipping",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryEquipping",
name = 0x00106dc5, -- "Equipping Items"
description = 0x00106dc6, -- "To equip an item, drag it from your bag to
an appropriate slot, or double-click on it."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventoryequippingpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryEquipping_pad",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryEquipping_pad",
name = 0x00106dc7, -- "Equipping Items"
description = 0x00106dc8, -- "To equip an item, select it and press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventorygoto.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryGoTo",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryGoTo",
name = 0x001092c2, -- "Equipping Items"
description = 0x001092c3, -- "To select the Inventory panel, use
<<GUI_PC_SwitchPageLeft>> and <<GUI_PC_SwitchPageRight>> or click on the arrows."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventorygotopad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryGoTo_pad",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryGoTo_pad",
name = 0x001092c4, -- "Equipping Items"
description = 0x001092c5, -- "Use <<GUI_SwitchPageLeft>> and
<<GUI_SwitchPageRight>> to select the Inventory panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventorypaperdoll.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryPaperdoll",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryPaperdoll",
name = 0x00106db9, -- "Inventory"
description = 0x00106dba, -- "Here are your currently equipped items."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventorystats.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryStats",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryStats",
name = 0x00106dbf, -- "Stats"
description = 0x00106dc0, -- "Here you'll find information about your
most important character statistics."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventorystatsmore.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryStatsMore",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryStatsMore",
name = 0x00106dc1, -- "Stats - More Information"
description = 0x00106dc2, -- "NO DESIGN – DON'T TRANSLATE YET"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventorystatsmorepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryStatsMore_pad",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryStatsMore_pad",
name = 0x00106dc3, -- "Stats - More Information"
description = 0x00106dc4, -- "If you want to see more detailed
information, press <<GUI_RS_Press>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/inventorytabs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialInventoryTabs",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialInventoryTabs",
name = 0x00106dbd, -- "Inventory Tabs"
description = 0x00106dbe, -- "Select a tab to show the items of that

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jealchemyloot.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalAlchemyLoot",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalAlchemyLoot",
name = 0x00106af7, -- "Alchemy Ingredients"
description = 0x00106af8, -- "Loot the bodies of fallen foes to gather
ingredients for making potions, bombs and oils.<br><br>Wild plants, herbs and
mushrooms can also be used in alchemy. Keep an eye out for them as you
travel.<br><br>The bodies of particularly dangerous opponents sometimes contain
rare mutagens. You can use these to enhance Abilities or prepare special mutagen

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jealternatesigns.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalAlternateSigns",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalAlternateSigns",
name = 0x00109379, -- "Advanced Signs"
description = 0x0010937a, -- "If you develop certain Abilities, you will
gain access to <font color="#CD7D03">alternative</font> modes for your
Signs.<br><br>To cast a Sign in its alternative mode, hold <<CastSignHold>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeboatdamage.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalBoatDamage",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalBoatDamage",
name = 0x00106bb7, -- "Boats - Damage"
description = 0x00106bb8, -- "Boats are divided into different sections.
The condition of these sections is shown on-screen.<br><br>If a section gets
completely destroyed, the boat sinks."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeboatmount.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalBoatMount",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalBoatMount",
name = 0x00106bb3, -- "Boats - Controls"
description = 0x00106bb4, -- "To take the helm of a boat, press
<<EnterBoat>> and to leave, press <<BoatDismount>><br><br>To speed the boat up,
press <<GI_Accelerate>> and to slow it down, press <<GI_Decelerate>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jebooks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalBooks",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalBooks",
name = 0x0012774c, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x0012774d, -- "When you pick up a book or scroll, you can
read it immediately without entering the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font>
panel. To do this, press <<GUI_Read_Book>> when the notification is shown on your
screen. If there are multiple items which you have not read, you can then browse
through them one by one.<br><br>If you don't read the book/scroll right away, you
can read it later. To do so, open the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel.
All books and scrolls which you have found but not yet read are in the <font
color="#CD7D03">Quest Items</font> and <font color="#CD7D03">Other</font>
categories. You can read them by selecting the item and pressing
<<GUI_Inv_Read_Book>>.<br><br>Once you've read an item, feel free to sell it – its
contents will be saved in the <font color="#CD7D03">Books</font> section of the
<font color="#CD7D03">Glossary</font>, so you can reread it at any time, even if
you no longer have it in your inventory.<br><br>While reading books/scrolls, you
can browse through all new readable items one by one. Use <<GUI_Book_Read_Left>>
and <<GUI_Book_Read_Right>> to switch between them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jebookspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalBooks_pad",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalBooks_pad",
name = 0x00127a9d, -- "Books and Scrolls"
description = 0x00127a9e, -- "When you pick up a book or scroll, you can
read it immediately without entering the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font>
panel. To do this, press <<GUI_Read_Book>> when the notification is shown on your
screen. If there are multiple items which you have not read, you can then browse
through them one by one.<br><br>If you don't read the book/scroll right away, you
can read it later. To do so, open the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel.
All books and scrolls which you have found but not yet read are in the <font
color="#CD7D03">Quest Items</font> and <font color="#CD7D03">Other</font>
categories. You can read them by selecting the item and pressing
<<GUI_Inv_Read_Book>>.<br><br>Once you've read an item, feel free to sell it – its
contents will be saved in the <font color="#CD7D03">Books</font> section of the
<font color="#CD7D03">Glossary</font>, so you can reread it at any time, even if
you no longer have it in your inventory.<br><br>While reading books/scrolls, you
can browse through all new readable items one by one. Use
<<GUI_Book_Read_Left_Right>> to switch between them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jebuffs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalBuffs",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalBuffs",
name = 0x00107158, -- "Buffs"
description = 0x00107159, -- "Various buffs will be applied to your
character from time to time.<br><br>These might be positive (e.g. gained by
drinking potions or drawing on Places of Power) or negative (e.g. Poisoning,
Bleeding or Stun).<br><br>All currently active buffs and their durations are shown
at the top of the screen."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jechardevgroups.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalCharDevGroups",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalCharDevGroups",
name = 0x00106d52, -- "Character - Ability Groups"
description = 0x00106d51, -- "Each Ability belongs to a certain branch
marked by a special color.<br><br>Ability slots are split into groups of three. If
all three active Abilities in a group belong to the same branch (are of the same
color), you receive an additional bonus to Attack Power, Sign Intensity or
Vitality.<br><br>This rule does not apply to general Abilities, which do not have a
special color."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jechardevleveling.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalCharDevLeveling",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalCharDevLeveling",
name = 0x00106d4c, -- "Character - Leveling"
description = 0x00106d4d, -- "You earn <font color="#CD7D03">Experience
Points</font> when you complete quests and defeat opponents.<br><br>Once you pass a
certain threshold number of Experience Points, you gain a <font
color="#CD7D03">level.</font><br><br>Each time you gain a level, you receive one
<font color="#CD7D03">Ability Point</font>, which you can use to learn a new
Ability or develop an Ability you already have.<br><br>To see your Abilities, go to
the <font color="#CD7D03">Character</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jechardevmutagens.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalCharDevMutagens",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalCharDevMutagens",
name = 0x00106d53, -- "Character - Mutagens"
description = 0x00106d54, -- "Activate mutagens by placing them in the
diamond-shaped slots. Next to each slot is a set of square Ability
slots.<br><br>Activated mutagens grant special bonuses to your character
statistics. Different types (colors) of mutagens grant different kinds of
bonuses.<br><br>Each Ability placed in a slot near a mutagen of the same color
increases that mutagen's bonus by 100%. So if all three Abilities in a set of slots
match their nearby mutagen's color, the mutagen's bonus will be increased by
300%.<br><br>Abilities whose color does not match their nearby mutagen have no
effect on the mutagen's bonus -- they neither increase nor decrease it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jechardevskills.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalCharDevSkills",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalCharDevSkills",
name = 0x00106d4f, -- "Character - Abilities"
description = 0x00106d50, -- "Spend <font color="#CD7D03">Ability
Points</font> to learn new Abilities or improve ones you already have.<br><br>To
use an Ability, it must be made <font color="#CD7D03">active</font> by placing it
in an Ability slot. Inactive Abilities <font color="#CD7D03">do not have any
effect</font>.<br><br>You can change your active Abilities at any time. Experiment
with different combinations."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jecrafting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalCrafting",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalCrafting",
name = 0x00106e1a, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x00106e1b, -- "When you find a crafting diagram, take it
to a craftsman capable of making items of that type. You can pay them to craft it
for you - if they have the knowledge and skill to do it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jecrossbow.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE crossbow",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalCrossbow",
name = 0x00106a0d, -- "Crossbow"
description = 0x00106a0e, -- "Press <<ThrowItem>> to let loose a bolt
from your crossbow. You can also aim more carefully by holding <<ThrowItem>> to aim
and then releasing <<ThrowItem>><br><br>In the Inventory panel, you can choose
which bolts you will use with your crossbow. Some bolts have special abilities. The
crossbow is a tactical weapon useful in certain situations. It does not deal as
much damage as swords and Signs."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedialoggwint.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE dialog gwint",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDialogGwint",
name = 0x00106921, -- "Dialogue - Gwent"
description = 0x00106922, -- "Options marked <<ICO_DialogGwint>> will
start a game of gwent.<br><br>Gwent is a collectible card game."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedialogshop.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE dialog shop",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDialogShop",
name = 0x00106900, -- "Dialogue - Shops"
description = 0x00106901, -- "Options marked <<ICO_DialogShop>> will
open the Shop panel.<br><br>Shops allow you to buy and sell items, but not every
shopkeeper deals in all items. If you want to get the best prices, visit several
shopkeepers - different merchants will offer different prices for the same item."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jediving.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE diving",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDive",
name = 0x001069ce, -- "Diving"
description = 0x001069cf, -- "Hold <<DiveDown>> to swim downward and
<<DiveUp>> to swim toward the surface.<br><br>You can use ranged weapons while

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc01.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc01",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC01",
name = 0x001101d4, -- "Temerian Armor Set"
description = 0x001101d5, -- "You can get Temerian gear from Bram, the
merchant the witchers save from the griffin in White Orchard."
dlcLock = "dlc_001_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc02.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc02",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC02",
name = 0x001101d6, -- "Beard and Hairstyle Set"
description = 0x001101d7, -- "Any barber can cut your hair or beard in
the new styles. Note: your beard will stop growing after you change it to a style
other than the default one."
dlcLock = "dlc_002_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc03.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc03",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC03",
name = 0x001101d8, -- "New Quest - "Contract: Missing Miners""
description = 0x001101d9, -- "Start this quest by taking its contract
from the notice board in the village of Blandare in Skellige."
dlcLock = "dlc_003_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc04.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc04",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC04",
name = 0x001101da, -- "Alternative Look for Yennefer"
description = 0x001101db, -- "You can change Yennefer's look in the Game
dlcLock = "dlc_004_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc05.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc05",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC05",
name = 0x001101dc, -- "Nilfgaardian Armor Set"
description = 0x001101dd, -- "You can get Nilfgaardian gear from the
quartermaster at Crow's Perch castle."
dlcLock = "dlc_005_001",
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc06.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc06",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC06",
name = 0x001101de, -- "Alternative Look for Triss"
description = 0x001101df, -- "You can change Triss' look in the Game
dlcLock = "dlc_006_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc07.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc07",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC07",
name = 0x001101e0, -- "New Quest - "Fool's Gold""
description = 0x001101e1, -- "To start this quest, talk to the bandits
in the village of Lurtch in Velen."
dlcLock = "dlc_007_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc08.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc08",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC08",
name = 0x001101e4, -- ""Ballad Heroes" Neutral Gwent Card Set"
description = 0x001101e5, -- "You can switch to the new look for neutral
cards in the Game Menu."
dlcLock = "dlc_008_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc09.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc09",
order = 4282384382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC09",
name = 0x001101e2, -- "NEW GAME +"
description = 0x001101e3, -- "You can start a NEW GAME + from the Game
Menu after finishing the main storyline. If you finished the main storyline before
installing this content, you need load a save made after completing the game and
resave it for it to be eligible for use with NEW GAME +."
dlcLock = "dlc_009_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc10.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc10",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC10",
name = 0x0010df86, -- "New Quest - "Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear""
description = 0x001101e7, -- "To start this quest, buy a map from the
merchant in Lindenvale, the armorer at Kaer Trolde, the armorer on Hierarch Square
in Novigrad or Hattori. Alternatively, you can try to find the diagrams on your
dlcLock = "dlc_010_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc11.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc11",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC11",
name = 0x001101e8, -- "Alternative Look for Ciri"
description = 0x001101e9, -- "You can change Ciri's look in the Game
dlcLock = "dlc_011_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc12.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc12",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC12",
name = 0x001101ea, -- "New Quest - "Contract: Skellige's Most Wanted""
description = 0x001101eb, -- "You can start this quest by taking its
contract from the notice board in the village of Fyresdal in Skellige or by talking
to the man standing near the board telling a story about a monster attack."
dlcLock = "dlc_012_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc13.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc13",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC13",
name = 0x001101ec, -- "Elite Crossbow Set"
description = 0x001101ed, -- "You can get the Nilfgaardian crossbow from
the quartermaster at Crow's Perch castle, the Skellige crossbow from the blacksmith
at Kaer Trolde and the elven crossbow from a merchant on the Gildorf market square
in Novigrad (near St. Gregory's Bridge)."
dlcLock = "dlc_013_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc14.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc14",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC14",
name = 0x001101ee, -- "Skellige Armor Set"
description = 0x001101ef, -- "You can get Skellige gear from the armorer
at Kaer Trolde in Skellige."
dlcLock = "dlc_014_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc15.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc15",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC15",
name = 0x001101f0, -- "New Quest - "Where the Cat and Wolf Play...""
description = 0x001101f1, -- "You can start this quest by taking its
contract from the notice board in the village of Oreton in Velen or by traveling to
the newly-added village of Honorton, also in Velen."
dlcLock = "dlc_015_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedlc16.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "dlc16",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDLC16",
name = 0x001101f6, -- "New Finisher Animations"
description = 0x001101f7, -- "Downloadable content has added new combat
finisher animations to the game."
dlcLock = "dlc_016_001",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedodge.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalDodge",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDodge",
name = 0x00106ca9, -- "Dodging"
description = 0x00106caa, -- "To dodge, choose the direction in which
you wish to dodge using <<GI_AxisLeftY>> <<GI_AxisLeftY,1>> <<GI_AxisLeftX,1>> or
<<GI_AxisLeftX>> and press <<Dodge>><br><br>For the dodge to work, you need to time
it correctly. If you dodge too early or too late, you won't evade the blow."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedodgepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE dodge PAD",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDodge_pad",
name = 0x001068b1, -- "Dodging"
description = 0x001068b2, -- "To dodge, choose the direction in which
you wish to dodge using <<GI_AxisLeft>> and press <<Dodge>><br><br>For the dodge to
work, you need to time it correctly. If you dodge too early or too late, you won't
evade the blow."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedrawweapon.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalDrawWeapon",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDrawWeapon",
name = 0x001068a7, -- "Drawing Swords"
description = 0x001068a8, -- "Press <<SteelSword>> to draw your
<b>steel</b> sword.<br><br> To draw your <b>silver</b> sword, press
<<SilverSword>><br><br>To sheathe your sword, press <<SwordSheathe>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedrawweaponpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalDrawWeapon_pad",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDrawWeapon_pad",
name = 0x00108df6, -- "Drawing Swords"
description = 0x00108df7, -- "Press <<SteelSword>> to draw your
<b>steel</b> sword.<br><br>To draw your <b>silver</b> sword, press
<<SilverSword>><br><br>To sheathe your sword, hold <<SwordSheathe>> or
<<SwordSheathe,1>><br><br>You can also sheathe your sword by pressing
<<SteelSword>> when your <b>steel</b> sword is drawn, or <<SilverSword>> when your
<b>silver</b> sword is drawn."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedurability.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalDurability",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDurability",
name = 0x00106bad, -- "Damaged Items"
description = 0x00106bae, -- "Items gradually wear out with use. When
their Durability drops below a certain level, they are no longer as effective.
<br><br>To repair items, visit a <font color="#CD7D03">craftsman</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedye.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalDye",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDye",
name = 0x00121f02, -- "Dyes"
description = 0x00121f03, -- "Using dyes, you can change the color of
items in witcher gear sets.<br><br>Dyes are available in a variety of colors.
Whenever you apply a new color, the old color is removed. You can also use dye
remover to restore an item's original color.<br><br>If you want to see what an item
will look like after being dyed, select a dye, press <<GUI_PC_Preview>> and select
the item whose color you wish to change."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jedyepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalDye_pad",
order = 4282384382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalDye_pad",
name = 0x0012207a, -- "Dyes"
description = 0x0012207b, -- "Using dyes, you can change the color of
items in witcher gear sets.<br><br>Dyes are available in a variety of colors.
Whenever you apply a new color, the old color is removed. You can also use dye
remover to restore an item's original color.<br><br>If you want to see what an item
will look like after being dyed, select a dye, press <<GUI_PAD_Preview>> and select
the item whose color you wish to change."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeenchanting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalEnchanting",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalEnchanting",
name = 0x00118323, -- "Placing Enchantments"
description = 0x00118324, -- "You can have the <font
color="#CD7D03">Runewright</font> place enchantments – Runewords or Glyphwords – in
items, granting them new properties.<br><br>You can only place enchantments in
items which have three sockets – but for a fitting price, the Runewright will add
any missing sockets (even to items which do not currently have
any).<br><br>Runewords are placed in weapons and Glyphwords are placed in armor.
They can be removed or changed after placement. <br><br>Enchantments have various
levels. The Runewright can only place an enchantment whose level is equal to or
lower than his own. If you want him to place a higher level enchantment, you'll
have to help him improve his abilities."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeexplorations.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalExplorations",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalExplorations",
name = 0x00106ca5, -- "Climbing"
description = 0x00106ca6, -- "When confronted with an obstacle, press
<<GI_AxisLeftY>> and <<Jump>> to climb over it.<br><br>When falling or jumping, you
can use this same method to grab hold of a ledge and climb onto it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeexplorationspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalExplorations_pad",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalExplorations_pad",
name = 0x001068a5, -- "Climbing"
description = 0x001068a6, -- "When confronted with an obstacle, tilt
<<PAD_LSUp>> and press <<Jump>> to climb over it.<br><br>When falling or jumping,
you can use this same method to grab onto a ledge and climb on top of it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jefasttravel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalFastTravel",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalFastTravel",
name = 0x00106c8c, -- "Fast Travel"
description = 0x00106c8d, -- "Signposts allow for Fast Travel between
distant locations. To Fast Travel to a location, you must first visit it normally.
Only then will a Fast Travel marker appear on the map for that location."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jefocusredobjects.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalFocusRedObjects",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalFocusRedObjects",
name = 0x00106b01, -- "Witcher Senses - Important Objects"
description = 0x00106b02, -- "When you activate your Witcher Senses,
objects of interest will be marked and highlighted in a brighter color.<br><br>You
can also locate the source of noises (shown as visible sound waves). When you turn
toward the source, you will be able to hear the noise better."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jegasclouds.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalGasClouds",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalGasClouds",
name = 0x00107156, -- "Gas Clouds"
description = 0x00107157, -- "Gas clouds found in swampy areas are
poisonous. If you remain in them too long, you will start to take
damage.<br><br>These clouds are highly flammable - ignite them and they will
explode in a fiery burst. Try to make use of this during combat."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeheavyattacks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalHeavyAttacks",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalHeavyAttacks",
name = 0x001068af, -- "Strong Attack"
description = 0x001068b0, -- "To mount a strong attack, hold
<<PCAlternate>> and press <<AttackWithAlternateLight_mod>><br><br>Strong attacks
are slower than fast attacks, but deal more damage against tough
opponents.<br><br>Weak opponents are not able to parry strong attacks.<br><br>If
you have a key assigned to <font color="#CD7D03">Modify Attack Type</font> and
<font color="#CD7D03">fast attack</font>, you can also mount a strong attack by
holding the Modify Attack Type key and pressing the fast attack key."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeheavyattackspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalHeavyAttacks_pad",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalHeavyAttacks_pad",
name = 0x0010c949, -- "Strong Attack"
description = 0x0010c94a, -- "To mount a strong attack, press
<<AttackHeavy>><br><br>Strong attacks are slower than fast attacks, but deal more
damage against tough opponents.<br><br>Weak opponents are not able to parry strong

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jehorsemount.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE horse mount",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalHorse",
name = 0x001068f9, -- "Horses - Mounting"
description = 0x001068fa, -- "To mount a horse, press
<<MountHorse>><br><br>To dismount, hold <<HorseDismount>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jehorsestamina.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalHorseStamina",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalHorseStamina",
name = 0x001068fc, -- "Horses - Stamina"
description = 0x001068fd, -- "Your horse's Stamina will drain while
galloping. Once it's depleted, your horse won't be able to gallop or jump until it
rests.<br><br>Your horse's stamina won't deplete while automatically following a

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jejump.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE jump",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalJump",
name = 0x00106a33, -- "Jumping"
description = 0x00106a34, -- "Press <<Jump>> to jump."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jelightattacks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalLightAttacks",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalLightAttacks",
name = 0x001068a9, -- "Fast Attack"
description = 0x001068aa, -- "To mount a fast attack, press
<<AttackWithAlternateLight>><br><br>If you have a key assigned to <font
color="#CD7D03">Modify Attack Type</font> and <font color="#CD7D03">strong
attack</font>, you can also mount a fast attack by holding the Modify Attack Type
key and pressing the strong attack key."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jelightattackspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalLightAttacks_pad",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalLightAttacks_pad",
name = 0x0010e715, -- "Fast Attack"
description = 0x0010e716, -- "To mount a fast attack, press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemeditation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMeditation",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMeditation",
name = 0x00106d02, -- "Meditation - Resting"
description = 0x00106d03, -- "To choose how long to rest, click on a
time on the clock face.<br><br>You can interrupt your resting at any moment by
pressing <<GUI_PC_Close>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemeditationpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMeditation_pad",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMeditation_pad",
name = 0x00106d04, -- "Meditation - Resting"
description = 0x00106d05, -- "To choose how long to rest, select a time
using <<GUI_Navigate>> and press <<GUI_Select>><br><br> You can interrupt your
resting at any moment by pressing <<GUI_Close>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemonsterthreatlevels.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMonsterThreatLevels",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMonsterThreatLevels",
name = 0x00109118, -- "Enemy Threat Level"
description = 0x00109119, -- "The number to the left of an enemy's
health bar shows its level.<br><br>If you are 5 or more levels above the enemy,
this number will be gray - meaning you should easily defeat this foe.<br><br>If you
are within 5 levels of the enemy, the number will be green - this opponent is
should present a normal challenge.<br><br>If the enemy is more than 5 levels above
you, the number will be <font color="#C00500">red</font> - this will be a difficult
and demanding fight.<br><br>If a skull <<ICO_Skull>> appears near an enemy's health
bar, you don't stand a chance in this fight - run.<br><br>When you encounter
enemies you cannot defeat, turn back and explore other areas. There you'll gain
experience and items which will prepare you to face the more dangerous parts of the

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemovement.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMovement",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMovement",
name = 0x00108ecf, -- "Movement"
description = 0x00108ed0, -- "Use <<GI_AxisLeftY>> <<GI_AxisLeftY,1>>
<<GI_AxisLeftX,1>> <<GI_AxisLeftX>> to move.<br><br>To switch between running and
walking, press <<WalkToggle>><br><br>In some locations, running is disabled."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemovementpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMovement_pad",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMovement_pad",
name = 0x00108ed1, -- "Movement"
description = 0x00108ed2, -- "Tilt <<GI_AxisLeft>> to
move.<br><br>Depending on how far you tilt <<GI_AxisLeft>> you will either walk or
run.<br><br>In some locations, running is disabled."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemutagensingredient.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMutagenIngredient",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMutagenIngredient",
name = 0x00106e06, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x00106e07, -- "Witchers have hunted monsters for
centuries. They know their prey well - including which parts of their bodies can be
harvested and used for their mutagenic properties.<br><br>These ingredients are
called mutagens. Gather them by looting the bodies of monsters you
slay.<br><br>Mutagens can be used in the Character panel to enhance a group of
Abilities and increase your Character stats.<br><br>They can also be used to
prepare special mutagen decoctions.<br><br>Mutagen decoctions have more powerful
and long-lasting effects than normal potions, however they also add more Toxicity
to your bloodstream, leaving you less able to imbibe other potions before your
Vitality starts to suffer."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemutagenspotion.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMutagenPotion",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMutagenPotion",
name = 0x00106e0a, -- "Mutagen Decoctions"
description = 0x00106e0b, -- "As part of their training, young witchers
learn the difficult art of brewing mutagen decoctions - powerful potions that
enhance their abilities and give them an edge in combat.<br><br>Mutagen decoctions
can be prepared from mutagens using the <font color="#CD7D03">Alchemy</font>
panel.<br><br>These decoctions have long-lasting effects, but they also add a large
amount of Toxicity to your bloodstream, leaving you less able to imbibe other
potions before your Vitality starts to suffer."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemutagentable.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMutagenTable",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMutagenTable",
name = 0x00128658, -- "Alchemy Laboratory"
description = 0x00128657, -- "In the laboratory <<ICO_Mutagen_Table>>
you can transform mutagens taken from monsters into their basic versions. For
example, you can turn a <font color="#CD7D03">wraith mutagen</font> into a <font
color="#CD7D03">lesser green mutagen</font>.<br><br>You can then upgrade basic
mutagens into their more powerful versions using the <font color="#CD7D03">Alchemy
Panel</font>. If you find the right formulae, you can also change mutagens'
colors.<br><br>Together the laboratory and the Alchemy Panel let you turn any
mutagen into its stronger version and also change its color."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemutationsdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMutationsDescription",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMutationsDescription",
name = 0x00126971, -- "Mutations"
description = 0x00126972, -- "<font color="#CD7D03">Mutations</font> let
you alter the biochemical mechanisms governing Geralt's body. These mutations let
Geralt gain new capabilities which normal men could never hope to acquire."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemutationsmastermutation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMutationsMasterMutation",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMutationsMasterMutation",
name = 0x0012697a, -- "Strengthened Synapses"
description = 0x0012697b, -- "<font color="#CD7D03">Strengthened
Synapses</font> is a <b>special mutation</b>, that develops <b>automatically</b> as
you finish research on other mutations.<br><br>This mutation has several levels.
Each time it gains a level, an additional Ability slot is unlocked in the <font
color="#CD7D03">Character Panel</font>. The color of Ability which can be placed in
a slot must match the color of the active mutation, so if a blue mutation is
active, you can only activate a blue Ability, and so on. Yellow mutations are an
exception -- when a yellow mutation is activated, you can use any Ability from the
Combat, Alchemy or Signs groups."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jemutationsresearch.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMutationsResearch",
order = 3623878654,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMutationsResearch",
name = 0x00126973, -- "Developing Mutations"
description = 0x00126974, -- "You can develop several different
mutations, <font color="#CD7D03">but only one of them can be active at a
time</font>.<br><br>To develop a mutation, select it in the <font
color="#CD7D03">Mutation Panel</font> and use the <font color="#CD7D03">Research
Mutation</font> option. To complete research, you must devote <font
color="#CD7D03">Ability Points</font> and <font color="#CD7D03">mutagens</font> of
the right color. Once you confirm the research, the needed Ability Points and/or
mutagens will be spent.<br><br>More advanced mutations require you to develop the
basic ones first – look for information about this in the mutation's description."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jenoticeboard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalQuestBoard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalQuestBoard",
name = 0x001069b2, -- "Notice Boards"
description = 0x001069b3, -- "Offers of work for witchers are posted on
<font color="#CD7D03">notice boards</font><<ICO_NoticeBoard>><br><br>Return from
time to time to notice boards you've already seen - new contracts might have been
posted since your last visit."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeoils.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalOils",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalOils",
name = 0x00106dfc, -- "Oils"
description = 0x00106dfd, -- "When facing foes armed with venom-tipped
talons and skull-crushing jaws, a bare blade might not be enough. In such cases,
witchers apply oils to their swords to tip the odds in their favor.<br><br>Applying
an oil to your sword increases the damage it deals to a certain type of
opponent.<br><br>Oils that damage monsters which are vulnerable to silver should be
applied to your silver sword. Other oils should be applied to your steel
sword.<br><br>Oils are applied using the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font>
panel.<br><br>Every blow you land rubs a little oil off your blade. Once the oil is
rubbed off completely, it no longer has any effect."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jepotions.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalPotions",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalPotions",
name = 0x00106de8, -- "Potions"
description = 0x00106de9, -- "Witchers' bodies are mutated, allowing
them to metabolize powerful potions.<br><br>You can brew <font
color="#CD7D03">potions</font> using the Alchemy panel.<br><br>After a potion is
brewed, you can consume it directly from the <font
color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font>. You can also place it in one of the Consumables
slots for quick use during combat.<br><br>To activate the potion in the first slot
during combat, press <<DrinkPotion1>> and to activate the potion in the second
slot, press <<DrinkPotion2>><br><br>You have a limited number of doses of each
potion. To gain more, enter <font color="#CD7D03">Meditation</font>. If you have
hard alcohol in your Inventory, it will automatically be used to replenish your
potions.<br><br>Potions add destructive toxins to your bloodstream. When your
Toxicity reaches a critical level, you will start to lose Vitality."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jepreparationdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalPreparationDescription",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalPreparationDescription",
name = 0x00106cf2, -- "Meditation"
description = 0x00106cf3, -- "During Meditation, you can prepare for
combat, rest and create new alchemy items. <br><br>To enter meditation, rest by a
fire or open the Quick Access Menu and click on the symbol in the center of the

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jepreparationdescriptionpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalPreparationDescription_pad",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalPreparationDescription_pad",
name = 0x00106cf6, -- "Meditation"
description = 0x00106cf7, -- "During Meditation, you can prepare for
combat, rest and create new alchemy items. <br><br>To enter meditation, rest by a
fire or open the Quick Access Menu and press <<GUI_Select2>>"
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jequestarea.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalQuestArea",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalQuestArea",
name = 0x00106aa1, -- "Area Markers"
description = 0x00106aa2, -- "When the exact position of an objective is
not known, the minimap will indicate the area in which you should search."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeradial.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalRadial",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalRadial",
name = 0x001068b3, -- "Quick Access Menu"
description = 0x001068b4, -- "Press <<RadialMenu>> to open the <font
color="#CD7D03">Quick Access Menu</font>.<br><br>Here you can activate Signs,
ranged weapons, special items and bombs.<br><br>The <font color="#CD7D03">Quick
Access Menu</font> also shows all buffs currently affecting your character."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jerepairobjects.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalRepairObjects",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalRepairObjects",
name = 0x00106b99, -- "Enhancing Items"
description = 0x00106b9a, -- "Use <font
color="#CD7D03">grindstones</font><<ICO_RepairWeapons>> to add temporary
enhancements to your weapons.<br><br>Use <font color="#CD7D03">armorer's
tables</font><<ICO_RepairArmor>> to add temporary enhancements to your
armor.<br><br>Enhanced items receive a <font color="#CD7D03">bonus to their defense
or damage dealt</font>. This bonus will wear off after some time, but you can renew
it by using a grindstone or armorer's table again."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jerifts.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalRifts",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalRifts",
name = 0x00107263, -- "Portals"
description = 0x00107264, -- "To close a <font
color="#CD7D03">portal</font>, toss a <font color="#CD7D03">dimeritium bomb</font>
into it or get close and cast the <font color="#CD7D03">Yrden Sign</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jesetbonuses.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalSetBonuses",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalSetBonuses",
name = 0x00122155, -- "Witcher School Bonuses"
description = 0x00122156, -- "Wearing witcher gear of the highest
quality will grant you special bonuses.<br><br>The bonuses are tied to the number
of items from a given set you have equipped.<br><br>Each set grants two bonuses --
a partial set bonus and a complete set bonus. Equip all items from a given set and
<b>both</b> bonuses will be granted simultaneously."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeshopdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalShopDescription",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalShopDescription",
name = 0x00106cb9, -- "Shops"
description = 0x00106cba, -- "In the Shop panel, you can buy or sell
items. <br><br>Prices change depending on the shopkeeper's needs and the local
situation. The same items might have different prices in different shops."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jeshorttodo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE short todo",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalShortTodo",
name = 0x00106868, -- "Objectives List"
description = 0x00106869, -- "This list shows the objectives you are
currently tracking.<br><br>If there are more than one, you can switch between them
by pressing <<HighlightObjective>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jesigncast.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalSignCast",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalSignCast",
name = 0x00106a09, -- "Casting Signs"
description = 0x00106a0a, -- "To cast a Sign, press
<<CastSign>><br><br>Signs and certain other actions drain Stamina. Before you can
cast a Sign again, you need to wait for your Stamina to regenerate.<br>To select a
Sign, you can use the keyboard shortcuts <<SelectAard>> - <<SelectAxii>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jesigncastpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalSignCast_pad",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalSignCast_pad",
name = 0x0010c952, -- "Casting Signs"
description = 0x0010c953, -- "To cast a Sign, press
<<CastSign>><br><br>Signs and certain other actions drain Stamina. Before you can
cast a Sign again, you need to wait for your Stamina to regenerate."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jesilversword.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE silver sword",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalSilverSword",
name = 0x001068f6, -- "Silver Sword"
description = 0x001068f7, -- "Press <<SilverSword>> to draw your
<b>silver</b> sword. To sheathe your sword, press <<SwordSheathe>><br><br>Use your
silver sword against monsters and magical creatures, reserving your steel sword for
use against non-magical beasts, humans and nonhumans.<br><br>The color of your
opponent's Vitality bar indicates what sword you should use against it: silver if
the bar is silver, or steel if the bar is red."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jespecialattacks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalSpecialAttacks",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalSpecialAttacks",
name = 0x00109372, -- "Special Attacks"
description = 0x00109373, -- "Activating certain Abilities lets you
mount special attacks.<br><br>To mount a special fast attack, hold
<<SpecialAttackWithAlternateLight>><br>To mount a special strong attack, hold
<<PCAlternate>> and <<SpecialAttackWithAlternateLight_mod>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jespecialattackspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalSpecialAttacks_pad",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalSpecialAttacks_pad",
name = 0x0010e6c8, -- "Special Attacks"
description = 0x0010e6c9, -- "To mount a special fast attack, hold
<<SpecialAttackLight>><br>To mount a special strong attack, hold

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jestaminaexploration.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE stamina exploration",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalStaminaExploration",
name = 0x00106a2b, -- "Stamina"
description = 0x00106a2c, -- "Certain actions require Stamina in order
to be performed. If your Stamina level is not sufficient, you won't be able to
perform that action.<br><br>The amount of Stamina used differs from action to
action.<br><br>Stamina regenerates automatically. If you don't have enough to
perform a particular action, wait for it to regenerate.<br><br>There are various
ways available to you in the game to increase the rate at which your Stamina
regenerates. By making use of these, you will be able to perform powerful actions
more often."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jetargetting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalTargetting",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalTargetting",
name = 0x00106a0b, -- "Selecting Targets"
description = 0x00106a0c, -- "Press <<CameraLock>> to select a target.
To deselect the target press <<CameraLock>> again.<br><br>When you have a target
selected, all your attacks are automatically directed toward it.<br><br>Targeting
enemies isn't required, but doing so can help you focus on a specific opponent."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jethrowpetard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "JE throw petard",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalPetards",
name = 0x001068f4, -- "Bombs"
description = 0x001068f5, -- "To throw a bomb, press
<<ThrowItem>><br><br>You can also aim prior to throwing to increase your accuracy.
To do this, hold <<ThrowItem>> and aim. Then release <<ThrowItem>> to throw the

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/journalmonsterhunt.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalMonsterHunt",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalMonsterHunt",
name = 0x00106c90, -- "Contracts"
description = 0x00106c91, -- "This list contains all monster contracts
you have accepted."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/journalquests.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalQuests",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalQuests",
name = 0x00106c9e, -- "Quest List"
description = 0x00106c9d, -- "All the quests you have accepted are
listed here.<br><br>To see more information about a quest, click on it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/journalquestspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalQuests_pad",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalQuests_pad",
name = 0x00106c8e, -- "Quest List"
description = 0x00106c8f, -- "Here you'll find information about all
your quests.<br><br>If you have accepted multiple quests, use <<GUI_MoveDown>> and
<<GUI_MoveUp>> or <<GUI_Navigate>> to move between them.<br><br>Press
<<GUI_Select>> to track the selected quest."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/journaltreasurehunt.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalTreasureHunt",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalTreasureHunt",
name = 0x00106c92, -- "Treasure Hunts"
description = 0x00106c93, -- "In this tab you'll find information about
any rare objects you are currently looking for."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/jumphang.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJumpHang",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJumpHang",
name = 0x00109643, -- "Grabbing Ledges"
description = 0x00109644, -- "When jumping over large gaps, hold
<<Jump>> during your leap to grab onto any outcrops on the other side."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/ladder.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ladder",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialLadder",
name = 0x001060f5, -- "Ladders"
description = 0x001060f6, -- "Press <<Use>> while facing a ladder to
begin climbing it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/laddermovement.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialLadderMove",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialLadderMove",
name = 0x00106ca1, -- "Ladders - Ascending and Descending"
description = 0x00106ca2, -- "Use <<GI_AxisLeftY>> and
<<GI_AxisLeftY,1>> to climb up and down ladders."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/laddermovementpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "ladder movement PAD",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialLadderMove_pad",
name = 0x001060f7, -- "Ladders - Ascending and Descending"
description = 0x001060f8, -- "Use <<GUI_NavigateUpDown>> to climb up and
down ladders."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/leadercardsmerged.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "leadercardsMERGED",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "leadercardsMERGED F70866B7-4CC4FA83-64673BA9-
name = 0x00109f93, -- "Leader Cards"
description = 0x00109f94, -- "Each deck has one
<<Color_Gwint>>Leader<<End_Color>>.<br><br>Each Leader has a <<Color_Gwint>>unique
ability<<End_Color>> - use it to turn the tide of battle in your
favor.<br><br>Leader Cards that you do not own are locked. They will be available
for you to use once you acquire them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/lebiodabuildinginfo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "LebiodaBuildingInfo",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "LebiodaBuildingInfo",
name = 0x00124605, -- "Saint Lebioda's Statue Thrusts Closer to the
description = 0x00124606, -- "It will take a day for the caravan to
reach the statue's building site. Once that time has passed, Saint Lebioda's statue
will tower even higher."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/lifegems.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "lifegems",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "lifegems 5485776F-42F05ABC-2E611EBC-9E3A9FB1",
name = 0x00109f8b, -- "Life Gems"
description = 0x00109f8c, -- "The player who <<Color_Gwint>>loses a
round<<End_Color>> also <<Color_Gwint>>loses a Life Gem<<End_Color>>. The game is
over once a player has lost <<Color_Gwint>>both Life Gems<<End_Color>>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/lightattacks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialLightAttacks",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialLightAttacks",
name = 0x00106101, -- "Fast Attack"
description = 0x00106102, -- "Mount a fast attack against Vesemir by
pressing <<AttackWithAlternateLight>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/lightattackspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialLightAttacks_pad",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialLightAttacks_pad",
name = 0x0010e717, -- "Fast Attack"
description = 0x0010e718, -- "Mount a fast attack against Vesemir by
pressing <<AttackLight>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/lootwindow.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialLootWindow",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialLootWindow",
name = 0x00106cab, -- "Contents"
description = 0x00106cac, -- "Press <<GUI_PC_LootPanel_LootAll>> to take
all items or <<GUI_PC_LootPanel_Close>> to close the loot panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/lootwindowpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "loot window PAD",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialLootWindow_pad",
name = 0x0010613b, -- "Contents"
description = 0x0010613c, -- "Press <<GUI_LootPanel_LootAll>> to take
all items or <<GUI_LootPanel_Close>> to close the loot panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapareamap.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapAreaMap",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapAreaMap",
name = 0x00127807, -- "World Map"
description = 0x00127808, -- "Here you can see a minimap showing an
overview of the region. Use <<GUI_Worldmap_Zoom>> to increase/decrease its size."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapbacktohub.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapBackToHub",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapBackToHub",
name = 0x0012780b, -- "World Map"
description = 0x0012780c, -- "To return to the map of the region where
you are currently located, press <<GUI_Continent_To_Hub>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapDescription",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapDescription",
name = 0x0010970b, -- "World Map"
description = 0x0010970c, -- "Every important location you have
discovered will be marked on your <font color="#CD7D03">World Map</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapep2questpins.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapEP2QuestPins",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapEP2QuestPins",
name = 0x0012819b, -- "Blood and Wine - Quests"
description = 0x0012819c, -- "Places where you can begin new quests from
<i>Blood and Wine</i> are marked with the <<ICO_EP2NewQuest>> icon."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapfilterscustomize.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapFiltersCustomize",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapFiltersCustomize",
name = 0x00127ac5, -- "Filters"
description = 0x00127ac6, -- "You can also turn on and off specific
icons within each filter. To do so, select an icon type using <<Mouse>> and press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapfilterscustomizepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapFiltersCustomize_pad",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapFiltersCustomize_pad",
name = 0x00127af7, -- "Filters"
description = 0x00127af6, -- "You can also turn on and off specific
icons within each filter. To do so, select an icon type using
<<GUI_Map_Filters_Pin_Up>> and <<GUI_Map_Filters_Pin_Down>> and press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapfilterspinjumping.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapFiltersPinJumping",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapFiltersPinJumping",
name = 0x00127ad7, -- "Filters"
description = 0x00127ad8, -- "When you select one of the icon types, you
can center the map view on each of the discovered locations of that type. To do so,
click <<IK_LeftMouse>> on the arrows beside the icon."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapfilterspinjumpingpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapFiltersPinJumping_pad",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapFiltersPinJumping_pad",
name = 0x00127af8, -- "Filters"
description = 0x00127af9, -- "When you select one of the icon types, you
can toggle the map view to center on each of the discovered locations of that type.
To do so, use <<GUI_Map_Filters_Pin_Left>> and <<GUI_Map_Filters_Pin_Right>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapfiltersselect.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapFiltersSelect",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapFiltersSelect",
name = 0x00127ac3, -- "Filters"
description = 0x00127ac4, -- "To change the active filter, click
<<IK_LeftMouse>> on the arrows."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapfiltersselectpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapFiltersSelect_pad",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapFiltersSelect_pad",
name = 0x00127af4, -- "Filters"
description = 0x00127af5, -- "Use <<GUI_Map_Filters_Left>> and
<<GUI_Map_Filters_Right>> to change the active map filter."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapjumptoobjective.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapJumpToObjective",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapJumpToObjective",
name = 0x00109711, -- "World Map"
description = 0x00109712, -- "To jump to your current objective, press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapjumptoobjectivepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapJumpToObjective_pad",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapJumpToObjective_pad",
name = 0x00109713, -- "World Map"
description = 0x00109714, -- "To jump to your current objective, press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapnavigate.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapNavigate",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapNavigate",
name = 0x0010970d, -- "World Map"
description = 0x0010970e, -- "To scroll the map, hold <<IK_LeftMouse>>
and move the mouse."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapnavigatepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapNavigate_pad",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapNavigate_pad",
name = 0x0010970f, -- "World Map"
description = 0x00109710, -- "To scroll the map, use <<GUI_Navigate>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapobjectives.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapObjectives",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapObjectives",
name = 0x00127803, -- "World Map"
description = 0x00127804, -- "Here you can see the objectives of your
currently tracked quest. If there are multiple objectives, you can switch between
them by pressing <<HighlightObjective>>"
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapopenfastmenu.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapOpenFastMenu",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapOpenFastMenu",
name = 0x00109704, -- "World Map"
description = 0x00109705, -- "There are many places of interest nearby.
To see what's in the area, go to the <font color="#CD7D03">World Map</font> panel
with <<FastMenu>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapopenmap.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapOpenMap",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapOpenMap",
name = 0x00109706, -- "World Map"
description = 0x00109707, -- "Click on the <font color="#CD7D03">World
Map</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapopenmappad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapOpenMap_pad",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapOpenMap_pad",
name = 0x00109709, -- "World Map"
description = 0x0010970a, -- "Use <<PAD_LS_LeftRight>> to select <font
color="#CD7D03">World Map</font> and press <<GUI_Select>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mappins.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapPins",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapPins",
name = 0x00127837, -- "Markers"
description = 0x00127838, -- "You can place your own markers on the map
-- to do so, move the cursor to the desired location and press <<GUI_Place_Pin>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mappinscustom.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapPinsCustom",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapPinsCustom",
name = 0x0012783d, -- "Markers"
description = 0x0012783e, -- "To place special markers, hold
<<GUI_PC_Open_Pin_Menu>>, then release it and use <<GUI_PC_Select_Pin_Type>> to
select the type of marker you want. Confirm your selection by pressing

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mappinscustompad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapPinsCustom_pad",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapPinsCustom_pad",
name = 0x0012783f, -- "Markers"
description = 0x00127840, -- "To place a special marker, hold
<<GUI_Pad_Open_Pin_Menu>> then use <<GUI_Pad_Select_Pin_Type>> to select the type
of marker you want. Confirm your choice by letting go of <<GUI_Pad_Open_Pin_Menu>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mappinsmaxcount.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapPinsMaxCount",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapPinsMaxCount",
name = 0x00127841, -- "Markers"
description = 0x00127842, -- "You can only place one default custom
marker <<ICO_Map_Pin_Normal>> at a time, but you can place up to 10 total of the
special markers: <<ICO_Map_Pin_Special1>>, <<ICO_Map_Pin_Special2>> and
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mapquestpins.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapQuestPins",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapQuestPins",
name = 0x00109715, -- "World Map"
description = 0x00109716, -- "Your current objective is marked
<<ICO_ActiveQuestPin>><br>Available quests are marked <<ICO_NewQuest>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/maptoanyhub.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapToAnyHub",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapToAnyHub",
name = 0x0012780d, -- "World Map"
description = 0x0012780e, -- "To open the map of a given region, move
the cursor over that region and press <<GUI_Map_To_Any_Hub>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/maptocontinent.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMapToContinent",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMapToContinent",
name = 0x00127809, -- "World Map"
description = 0x0012780a, -- "To switch to the Continent view, press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/meditation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMeditation",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMeditation",
name = 0x00106cfa, -- "Meditation - Resting"
description = 0x00106cfb, -- "To choose how long you will rest, double-
click on a time."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/meditationpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMeditation_pad",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMeditation_pad",
name = 0x00106d00, -- "Meditation - Resting"
description = 0x00106d01, -- "To rest until a specific time, select a
time using <<GUI_Navigate>> and press <<GUI_Select>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesalchemy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - alchemy",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - alchemy B2742F8B-49777DB3-CB2600BD-
name = 0x00108d5e, -- "Alchemy"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesbasicmovement.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - movement basics",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - movement basics CB807360-40C178D6-
name = 0x00105f34, -- "Movement"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesboat.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - boat",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - boat 69539C9C-4743AE9B-1353D8B8-3ECDE32D",
name = 0x00108d55, -- "Boats"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesbombs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - bombs",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - bombs 677BD106-4ED4B55C-FF8F7CBF-
name = 0x00108d5d, -- "Bombs"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagescharacterdevelopment.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - character development",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - character development 73D4B70C-4B39BB79-
name = 0x00108d60, -- "Character"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesciri.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - ciri",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - ciri 31D1D24D-46C137FB-905F9A84-37F0CF3A",
name = 0x00108d63, -- "Ciri"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesclimbing.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - climbing",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - climbing 5BED8B75-46EB079B-EF2C71B3-
name = 0x00108d56, -- "Climbing"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagescombatbasics.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - combat basics",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - combat basics 1E3E4921-48D641DA-861D8296-
name = 0x00108d62, -- "Combat"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagescrafting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - crafting",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - crafting 30090533-459185D1-C82FD583-
name = 0x00108d57, -- "Items"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesdialogs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - dialogs",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - dialogs 765076E3-4EDE5062-5ECED2A6-
name = 0x00108d61, -- "Dialogue"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesfasttravel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - fast travel",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - fast travel 8725C6FF-4559B3E0-5CE83E90-
name = 0x00108d52, -- "Fast Travel"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesfocusmode.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - focus mode",
order = 4294967278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - focus mode 7B807DE7-43FF32F2-CDA63E8D-
name = 0x00108d58, -- "Witcher Senses"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messageshorse.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - horse",
order = 4294967286,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - horse D441F3EE-4586AC83-384DD3BE-
name = 0x00108d53, -- "Horses"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messageshud.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - HUD",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - HUD 36DE9AF5-4178D740-555F90AF-B14A3609",
name = 0x00108d50, -- "HUD"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesinteractions.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - interactions",
order = 4294967290,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - interactions 1FE3E027-440C3870-ED31AB9A-
name = 0x00108d59, -- "Interacting"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesinventory.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - inventory",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - inventory DE90B9BC-4CE8ADE6-4B276296-
name = 0x00108d64, -- "Inventory"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesitems.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
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chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - items",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - items 9EABABD2-4B8AC134-BB1549A9-
name = 0x00108d51, -- "Items"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesjournal.journal:

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uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - journal F00C8DBB-424F148A-E21E909E-
name = 0x00108d65, -- "Journal"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesmap.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - map",
order = 4294967292,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - map E563999E-4614EE53-B5A409B1-A62FD852",

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesmutagens.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - mutagens",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - mutagens",
name = 0x00108d5b, -- "Mutagens"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesmutations.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - mutations",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - mutations",
name = 0x001269c7, -- "Mutations"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesoils.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - oils",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - oils 661DC330-47BF8A61-EBEF2FAE-D58BF37D",
name = 0x00108d67, -- "Oils"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagespotions.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - potions",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - potions",
name = 0x00108d66, -- "Mixtures"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagespreparation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - preparation",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - preparation 70C94997-44AAFF11-0F3F8CB2-
name = 0x00108d5a, -- "Meditation"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagessigns.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - signs",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - signs 3F6CEA6B-4BD57074-58F624AB-
name = 0x00108d54, -- "Signs"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesswimming.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - swimming",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - swimming 0E87D4CE-4DB88501-D916798E-
name = 0x00108d5c, -- "Swimming"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/messagesweapons.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "messages - weapons",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "messages - weapons EB22FCFA-4EF152AF-21C74C96-
name = 0x00108d5f, -- "Weapons"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/meteormedallion.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMeteorMedallion",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMeteorMedallion",
name = 0x00106c20, -- "Magic Projectiles"
description = 0x00106c21, -- "Press <<ThrowItem>> to call down a
fireball. It will strike your current location."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/meteormedallionevade.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMeteorMedallionEvade",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMeteorMedallionEvade",
name = 0x00106c2d, -- "Explosion!"
description = 0x00106c2e, -- "Step back, or the magic projectile will
hit you!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/minimap.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "minimap",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMinimap",
name = 0x001060df, -- "Minimap"
description = 0x001060e0, -- "The minimap shows your immediate
surroundings.<br><br>The icon in the center indicates your current location and
direction of travel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/minimapandquestlog.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMinimapAndQuestLog",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMinimapAndQuestLog",
name = 0x001092ed, -- "Minimap and Objectives"
description = 0x001092ee, -- "The <font color="#CD7D03">minimap</font>
in the upper right-hand corner of your display shows your current location and the
surrounding area.<br><br>Underneath the minimap you'll find the <font
color="#CD7D03">objectives</font> for your active quest."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/minimapspecialicons.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMinimapSpecialIcons",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMinimapSpecialIcons",
name = 0x00106cb1, -- "Important Locations"
description = 0x00106cb2, -- "Important locations, such as shops, are
marked on the minimap with special icons."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/monsternest.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMonsterNest",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMonsterNest",
name = 0x001071b4, -- "Monster Nests"
description = 0x001071b5, -- "To destroy a monster nest, you need a
<font color="#CD7D03">Grapeshot</font>, <font color="#CD7D03">Samum</font> or <font
color="#CD7D03">Dancing Star</font> bomb.<br><br>Face the nest and press <<Use>> to
blow it up."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/monsterthreatlevels.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMonsterThreatLevels",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMonsterThreatLevels",
name = 0x00109115, -- "Danger!"
description = 0x00109116, -- "The number to the left of an enemy's
health bar shows its level.<br><br>If it is <font color="#C00500">red</font> or
marked with a skull <<ICO_Skull>> it means the enemy is much stronger than
you.<br><br>In such cases it's better to turn back, arm yourself suitably and gain
a few levels before engaging this enemy in combat."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/movement.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "movement",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMovement",
name = 0x00105f35, -- "Movement"
description = 0x00105f36, -- "Move using <<GI_AxisLeftY>>
<<GI_AxisLeftY,1>> <<GI_AxisLeftX,1>> <<GI_AxisLeftX>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/movementpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "movement PAD",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMovement_pad",
name = 0x00105f37, -- "Movement"
description = 0x00105f38, -- "Tilt <<GI_AxisLeft>> to start moving."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagenbonuses.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenBonuses",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenBonuses",
name = 0x001095cc, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001095cd, -- "Once activated, mutagens grant bonuses to
your character statistics."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagendescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenDescription",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenDescription",
name = 0x001095c6, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001095c7, -- "Place mutagens in the appropriate slots to
gain a bonus to your character statistics."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagenequip.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenEquip",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenEquip",
name = 0x001095ca, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001095cb, -- "Choose a mutagen, then place it in the
indicated slot."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagenmatchskillcolor.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenMatchSkillColor",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenMatchSkillColor",
name = 0x001095ce, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001095cf, -- "Both mutagens and Abilities are marked
with a color. Put a mutagen in a field with at least one Ability of the <font
color="#CD7D03">same color</font> to increase its bonus."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagenmultipleskills.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenMultipleSkills",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenMultipleSkills",
name = 0x001095d0, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001095d1, -- "The more Abilities in a field that match
the color of that field's mutagen, the greater the mutagen's bonus. Each matching
Ability increases the bonus by 100%."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagenpotions.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenPotions",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenPotions",
name = 0x001095d4, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001095d5, -- "Mutagens can also be used to brew powerful
potions called mutagen decoctions."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagenselecttab.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenSelectTab",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenSelectTab",
name = 0x001095c8, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001095c9, -- "Select the Mutagens tab."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagensingredient.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenIngredient",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenIngredient",
name = 0x00106e04, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x00106e05, -- "You have found a <font
color="#CD7D03">mutagen</font> - use it to enhance your <font
color="#CD7D03">Abilities</font> or create a special potion called a <font
color="#CD7D03">mutagen decoction</font>.<br><br>Open the Character panel to learn

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagenspotion.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenPotion",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenPotion",
name = 0x00106e08, -- "Mutagen Decoctions"
description = 0x00106e09, -- "Mutagen decoctions are more powerful than
normal potions.<br><br>Their effects last a very long time, but they also had a
great deal of Toxicity to your bloodstream, meaning you can imbibe fewer other
potions at the same time."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagentabledescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenTableDescription",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenTableDescription",
name = 0x00128651, -- "Alchemy Laboratory"
description = 0x00128652, -- "In the lab, you can transform mutagens
taken from monsters into their basic versions. For example, you can turn a <font
color="#CD7D03">wraith mutagen</font> into a <font color="#CD7D03">lesser green

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagentablewhydoit.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenTableWhyDoIt",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenTableWhyDoIt",
name = 0x00128653, -- "Alchemy Laboratory"
description = 0x00128654, -- "You can upgrade basic mutagens into their
more powerful versions using the <font color="#CD7D03">Alchemy Panel</font>. If you
find the right formulae, you can also change mutagens' colors."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutagenwrongcolor.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutagenWrongColor",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutagenWrongColor",
name = 0x001095d2, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001095d3, -- "If an Ability does not match the color of
the mutagen in its field, it does not increase the mutagen's bonus. The increase
gained from any other Abilities in the same field which do match the mutagen

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsadditionalskillslot.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsAdditionalSkillSlot",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsAdditionalSkillSlot",
name = 0x001269fd, -- "Extra Slot"
description = 0x001269fe, -- "Thanks to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Strengthened Synapses</font> mutation, you have an extra Ability
slot at your disposal."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationselectadvmutation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsSelectAdvMutation",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsSelectAdvMutation",
name = 0x001269eb, -- "Advanced Mutations"
description = 0x001269ec, -- "Choose one of the advanced mutations."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsequippedcharpanel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsEquippedCharPanel",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsEquippedCharPanel",
name = 0x001269f7, -- "Active Mutation"
description = 0x001269f8, -- "To see what mutation is currently active,
open the <font color="#CD7D03"> Mutation Panel</font> or the <font
color="#CD7D03">Character Panel</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsequipping.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsEquipping",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsEquipping",
name = 0x001269f1, -- "Activating Mutations"
description = 0x001269f2, -- "A mutation has been researched!<br>Press
<<GUI_Mutations_Equip>> to activate it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsequippingonlyone.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsEquippingOnlyOne",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsEquippingOnlyOne",
name = 0x001269ef, -- "Activating Mutations"
description = 0x001269f0, -- "Only one mutation can be active at any
given time."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsmasterlevelup.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsMasterLevelUp",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsMasterLevelUp",
name = 0x001269fb, -- "Strengthened Synapses"
description = 0x001269fc, -- "Congratulations!<br>The <font
color="#CD7D03">Strengthened Synapses</font> mutation has advanced to the next

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsmastermutation.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsMasterMutation",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsMasterMutation",
name = 0x001269f3, -- "Strengthened Synapses"
description = 0x001269f4, -- "The <font color="#CD7D03">Strengthened
Synapses</font> mutation improves automatically when you develop other mutations.
As it does, it unlocks <font color="#CD7D03">additional Ability slots</font>."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsmissingresources.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsMissingResources",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsMissingResources",
name = 0x00126e8f, -- "Researching Mutations"
description = 0x00126e90, -- "To research a mutation, you must have
<font color="#CD7D03">Ability Points</font> and <font
color="#CD7D03">mutagens</font> available. Return to this panel once you've gained
enough of each."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsmutagens.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsMutagens",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsMutagens",
name = 0x001269f9, -- "Mutagens"
description = 0x001269fa, -- "If you have a mutation currently active,
you cannot use mutagens to gain stat bonuses."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsopencharpanel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsOpenCharPanel",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsOpenCharPanel",
name = 0x001269f5, -- "Close Panel"
description = 0x001269f6, -- "Press <<GUI_Mutations_Close>> to return to
the <font color="#CD7D03">Character Panel</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsopenmutations.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsOpenMutations",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsOpenMutations",
name = 0x001269d8, -- "Mutations"
description = 0x001269d9, -- "Press <<GUI_Mutations_Open>> to open the
<font color="#CD7D03">Mutations Panel</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsprerequisites.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsPrerequisites",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsPrerequisites",
name = 0x001269ed, -- "Required Mutations"
description = 0x001269ee, -- "To develop advanced mutations, you must
first develop other, more basic ones. Information about this can be found in the
mutation's description."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsresearching.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsResearching",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsResearching",
name = 0x00128683, -- "Mutation Research"
description = 0x00128684, -- "For mutation research to finish
successfully, you must devote the required number of <font color="#CD7D03">Ability
Points</font> and <font color="#CD7D03">mutagens</font> to it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsselect.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsSelect",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsSelect",
name = 0x00128681, -- "Mutation Research"
description = 0x00128682, -- "To use mutations, first you must research
them. To do this, choose one of the available mutations."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsslotcolormatching.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsSlotColorMatching",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsSlotColorMatching",
name = 0x001269ff, -- "Extra Slot"
description = 0x00126a00, -- "The color of the Ability you activate in
the extra slot must <font color="#CD7D03">match</font> the color of the active

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsunlocked.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsUnlocked",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsUnlocked",
name = 0x001269c8, -- "Mutations"
description = 0x001269c9, -- "You've unlocked the mutations system!
<br><br>Mutations let you gain new capabilities, increasing your advantage over
normal men and giving you an added edge in killing monsters.<br><br>To learn more,
open the <font color="#CD7D03">Character Panel</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/mutationsyellowmutations.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialMutationsYellowMutations",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialMutationsYellowMutations",
name = 0x00126a01, -- "Advanced Mutations"
description = 0x00126a02, -- "Advanced mutations, distinguished by their
yellow color, require multiple types of mutagens, but allow you to use any
Abilities from the <font color="#CD7D03">Combat</font>, <font
color="#CD7D03">Signs</font> or <font color="#CD7D03">Alchemy</font> groups."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/new_baw_pois.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "New_BaW_POIs",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New_BaW_POIs",
name = 0x0012726f, -- "New Places of Interest"
description = 0x00127270, -- "While journeying through the Duchy of
Toussaint, you might encounter some new Places of Interest:<br><br>Hanse
Base<<ICO_HansaHideout>><br>Vintner's Contract<<ICO_WineContract>><br>Knight Errant
in Distress<<ICO_KnightErrant>><br>Vineyard
Infestation<<ICO_InfestedVineyard>><br>Big Feet to Fill<<ICO_Plegmund>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newbawpois.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "New_BaW_POI",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "New_BaW_POI",
name = 0x00128b1c, -- "New Places of Interest"
description = 0x00128b1b, -- "While journeying through the Duchy of
Toussaint, you might encounter some new Places of Interest:<br><br>Hanse
Base<<ICO_HansaHideout>><br>Vintner's Contract<<ICO_WineContract>><br>Knight Errant
in Distress<<ICO_KnightErrant>><br>Vineyard
Infestation<<ICO_InfestedVineyard>><br>Big Feet to Fill<<ICO_Plegmund>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvgeekpage.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvGeekpage",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvGeekpage",
name = 0x00122b3e, -- "Inventory - Statistics"
description = 0x00122b46, -- "To see your character statistics, hold
<<GUI_Geekpage>> or press <<GUI_Geekpage>> to go to the statistics panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvpreview.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvPreview",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvPreview",
name = 0x00122b3a, -- "Inventory - Preview"
description = 0x00122b43, -- "You can see how a given item will look on
Geralt. Just press <<GUI_Preview>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvpreview2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvPreview2",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvPreview2",
name = 0x00122b3f, -- "Inventory - Preview"
description = 0x00122b44, -- "Using the preview option, you can see how
items will look which you cannot yet equip."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvsorting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvSorting",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvSorting",
name = 0x00122b3c, -- "Inventory - Sorting"
description = 0x00122b45, -- "To choose the order in which items will be
shown, press <<GUI_Sort>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvtabalchemy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvTabAlchemy",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvTabAlchemy",
name = 0x00127099, -- "Inventory - Tabs"
description = 0x0012709a, -- "This tab shows oils, potions and bombs."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvtabcrafting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvTabCrafting",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvTabCrafting",
name = 0x00127093, -- "Inventory - Tabs"
description = 0x00127094, -- "This tab shows crafting components and
alchemy ingredients."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvtabmisc.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvTabMisc",
order = 4294967038,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvTabMisc",
name = 0x00127097, -- "Inventory - Tabs"
description = 0x00127098, -- "This tab shows food and items for Roach."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvtabquest.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvTabQuest",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvTabQuest",
name = 0x00127095, -- "Inventory - Tabs"
description = 0x00127096, -- "This tab shows quest items and all items
which fit in no other categories."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvtabs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvTabs",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvTabs",
name = 0x00122b39, -- "Inventory - Tabs"
description = 0x00122b40, -- "For your convenience, inventory tabs have
been redesigned and split into subcategories."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvtabweapons.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvTabWeapons",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvTabWeapons",
name = 0x0012709b, -- "Inventory - Tabs"
description = 0x0012709c, -- "This tab shows weapons and armor."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvtooltips.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvTooltips",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvTooltips",
name = 0x00122b3b, -- "Inventory - Item Descriptions"
description = 0x00122b41, -- "You can toggle between large and small
item descriptions by pressing <<IK_MiddleMouse>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newinvtooltipspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewInvTooltips_pad",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewInvTooltips_pad",
name = 0x00122b3d, -- "Inventory - Item Descriptions"
description = 0x00122b42, -- "You can toggle between large and small
item descriptions by holding <<IK_Pad_LeftThumb>> or turn off item descriptions by
pressing <<IK_Pad_LeftThumb>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/newusableitem.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNewUsableItem",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNewUsableItem",
name = 0x00108bc9, -- "Quest Items"
description = 0x00108bca, -- "You have a new quest item!<br><br>Prepare
it for use by placing it in an appropriate slot in the Inventory Panel, then
selecting it from the Quick Access Menu.<br><br>To use the item, press or hold

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/noticeboard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "notice board",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialQuestBoard",
name = 0x00106166, -- "Notice Boards"
description = 0x00106167, -- "You can find various offers of work for
witchers on notice boards."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/nottrackedquestupdate.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialNotTrackedQuestUpdate",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialNotTrackedQuestUpdate",
name = 0x00127ac7, -- "Quest Updates"
description = 0x00127ac8, -- "When one of your Quests is updated, a
notification will appear on the left side of the screen.<br><br>If you are not
currently tracking the updated quest, you can press <<TrackQuest>> to start
tracking it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/objectiveswitching.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialObjectiveSwitching",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialObjectiveSwitching",
name = 0x00108972, -- "Active Objective"
description = 0x00108973, -- "If your current quest has more than one
objective, you can choose which objective is tracked by pressing

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oilammo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOilAmmo",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOilAmmo",
name = 0x00106dfa, -- "Oil Durability"
description = 0x00106dfb, -- "Every blow you land rubs a bit of oil off
your blade.<br><br>To apply a fresh coating, enter <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oilcanequip1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOilCanEquip1",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOilCanEquip1",
name = 0x00106dee, -- "Oils"
description = 0x00106def, -- "You have a blade oil in your inventory -
to use it, apply it to your sword."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oilcanequip2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOilCanEquip2",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOilCanEquip2",
name = 0x00106df0, -- "Oils"
description = 0x00106df1, -- "Click on the Usable Items tab to select

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oilcanequip2pad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOilCanEquip2_pad",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOilCanEquip2_pad",
name = 0x00106df4, -- "Oils"
description = 0x00106df5, -- "Use <<GUI_DPAD_LeftRight>> to select the
Usable Items tab."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oilcanequip3.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOilCanEquip3",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOilCanEquip3",
name = 0x00106df2, -- "Oils"
description = 0x00106df3, -- "Drag the oil to the slot for your steel or
silver sword."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oilcanequip3pad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOilCanEquip3_pad",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOilCanEquip3_pad",
name = 0x00106df6, -- "Oils"
description = 0x00106df7, -- "Select an oil using <<GUI_Navigate>> and
press <<GUI_Select>> to choose it. Then choose and confirm which sword you wish to
apply the oil to."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oilequipped.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOilEquipped",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOilEquipped",
name = 0x00106df8, -- "Oils"
description = 0x00106df9, -- "Now your sword will deal more damage to
opponents that are vulnerable to this oil."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oilgained.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOilGained",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOilGained",
name = 0x00106dec, -- "Oils"
description = 0x00106ded, -- "Applying oils to your sword increases the
damage it deals to a certain type of opponent.<br><br>Open the <font
color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel to apply an oil."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/opendoor.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialOpenDoor",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOpenDoor",
name = 0x001087cd, -- "Doors"
description = 0x001087ce, -- "To open unlocked doors, face them and
press <<Open>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/oxygen.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "oxygen",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialOxygen",
name = 0x0010617f, -- "Breath"
description = 0x00106180, -- "Keep an eye on how much breath you have
remaining. Run out, and you'll drown!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/parry.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "parry",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialParry",
name = 0x00106107, -- "Parrying"
description = 0x00106108, -- "Hold <<LockAndGuard>> to parry attacks."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/poiappeared.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPOIAppeared",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPOIAppeared",
name = 0x001094b9, -- "Points of Interest"
description = 0x001094ba, -- "There is much of interest to be found in
the world's dense forests and fog-clad swamps. Whenever you peruse a notice board,
<<ICO_UnknownPOI>> markers will appear on your minimap to indicate potentially
interesting places.<br><br>Seek them out to learn what secrets they hold!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/poiinactive.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPOIInactive",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPOIInactive",
name = 0x001094bd, -- "Points of Interest"
description = 0x001094be, -- "Once you've explored a location, its icon
on the minimap will become grayed out."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/poiuncovered.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPOIUncovered",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPOIUncovered",
name = 0x001094bb, -- "Points of Interest"
description = 0x001094bc, -- "The world is brimming with interesting
places filled with danger or treasure. Such sites are marked on your minimap with
the following icons:<br><br><<ICO_HiddenTreasure>> Hidden
Treasure<br><<ICO_Dungeon>> Dungeon<br><<ICO_MonsterNest>> Monster
Nest<br><<ICO_PlaceOfPower>> Place of Power<br><<ICO_MerchantRescue>> Person in
Distress<br><<ICO_SpoilsOfWar>> Spoils of War<br><<ICO_Contraband>> Smugglers'
Cache<br><<ICO_BossAndTreasure>> Guarded Treasure<br><<ICO_TownRescue>> Abandoned
Site<br><<ICO_BanditCampfire>> Bandit Camp<br><<ICO_DungeonCrawl>> Monster Den"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potionammo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionAmmo",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionAmmo",
name = 0x00106de6, -- "Potion Doses"
description = 0x00106de7, -- "You have a limited number of doses of each
potion.<br><br>To replenish your supply, enter <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potioncanequip1.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionCanEquip1",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionCanEquip1",
name = 0x00106dd8, -- "Potions"
description = 0x00106dd9, -- "You have a witcher potion - but in order
to use it, you first must equip it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potioncanequip2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionCanEquip2",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionCanEquip2",
name = 0x00106dda, -- "Potions"
description = 0x00106ddb, -- "Click on the Usable Items tab."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potioncanequip2pad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionCanEquip2_pad",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionCanEquip2_pad",
name = 0x00106dde, -- "Potions"
description = 0x00106ddf, -- "Navigate to the Usable Items tab using

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potioncanequip3.journal:
chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionCanEquip3",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionCanEquip3",
name = 0x00106ddc, -- "Potions"
description = 0x00106ddd, -- "Drag a potion to one of the consumables

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potioncanequip3pad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionCanEquip3_pad",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionCanEquip3_pad",
name = 0x00106de0, -- "Potions"
description = 0x00106de1, -- "Select a potion using <<GUI_Navigate>>
then press <<GUI_Select>> to equip it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potioncanequip3thunderbolt.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionCanEquip3Thunderbolt",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionCanEquip3Thunderbolt",
name = 0x00109768, -- "Potions"
description = 0x00109769, -- "Drag the <font
color="#CD7D03">Thunderbolt</font><<ICO_ThunderboltPotion>> potion to one of your
Consumables slots."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potioncanequip3thunderboltpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionCanEquip3Thunderbolt_pad",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionCanEquip3Thunderbolt_pad",
name = 0x0010976c, -- "Potions"
description = 0x0010976d, -- "Use <<GUI_Navigate>> to select the <font
color="#CD7D03">Thunderbolt</font> <<ICO_ThunderboltPotion>> potion and press
<<GUI_Select>> to choose it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potioncooked.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionCooked",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionCooked",
name = 0x00106dd6, -- "Creating Items"
description = 0x00106dd7, -- "In order to use an item during gameplay,
it must first be equipped using the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/potionequipped.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPotionEquipped",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPotionEquipped",
name = 0x00106de2, -- "Potions"
description = 0x00106de3, -- "Now you can use this potion during
gameplay. Press <<DrinkPotion1>> to activate the potion in the first slot or
<<DrinkPotion2>> to activate the potion in the second slot."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationDescription",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationDescription",
name = 0x00106cce, -- "Meditation"
description = 0x00106ccf, -- "While Meditating, you can prepare for
combat, rest and create new alchemy items."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationgoto.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationGoTo",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationGoTo",
name = 0x00106cd1, -- "Meditation - Preparation"
description = 0x00106cd2, -- "Click on the Preparation tab."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationgotoalchemy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationGoToAlchemy",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationGoToAlchemy",
name = 0x00106ce1, -- "Meditation - Alchemy"
description = 0x00106ce2, -- "To create an alchemy item, go to the
Alchemy panel using <<GUI_PC_SwitchPageLeft>> and <<GUI_PC_SwitchPageRight>> or by
clicking on the arrows."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationgotoalchemypad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationGoToAlchemy_pad",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationGoToAlchemy_pad",
name = 0x00106ce3, -- "Meditation - Alchemy"
description = 0x00106ce4, -- "Use <<GUI_SwitchPageLeft>> and
<<GUI_SwitchPageRight>> to choose the Alchemy tab."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationgotopad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationGoTo_pad",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationGoTo_pad",
name = 0x00106cd4, -- "Meditation - Preparation"
description = 0x00106cd5, -- "Use <<GUI_SwitchPageRight>> to select the
Preparation tab."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationgriffinfemale.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationGriffinFemale",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationGriffinFemale",
name = 0x001092fc, -- "Preparing for Combat"
description = 0x001092fd, -- ""Never underestimate your opponent" - this
rule is at the core of the witchers' code, and for good reason. Proper preparation
has saved many a witcher's life - it is likewise worth your while to brew potions,
concoct oils or visit craftsmen before engaging in
combat.<br><br><<ICO_Smith>>Blacksmiths forge weapons, while
<<ICO_Armorer>>armorers craft armor.<br><br>If you expect to battle a strong
opponent, you might want to complete some side quests before attacking. This will
allow you to gain experience and develop your character, giving you a better chance
of winning the fight."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationmutagens.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationMutagens",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationMutagens",
name = 0x00106cdf, -- "Meditation - Mutagen Decoctions"
description = 0x00106ce0, -- "Here you can activate mutagen decoctions."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationoils.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationOils",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationOils",
name = 0x00106cda, -- "Meditation - Oils"
description = 0x00106cdb, -- "Applying an oil to your sword increases
the damage it deals."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationpetards.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationPetards",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationPetards",
name = 0x00106cd8, -- "Meditation - Bombs"
description = 0x00106cd9, -- "In the Inventory panel, you can activate
bombs for quick use during combat."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationpotions.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialPreparationPotions",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPreparationPotions",
name = 0x00106cd6, -- "Meditation - Potions"
description = 0x00106cd7, -- "In the Inventory panel, you can activate
potions for quick use during combat."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/preparationrefillalchemyitems.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRefillAlchemyItems",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRefillAlchemyItems",
name = 0x00109300, -- "Replenishing Potions"
description = 0x00109301, -- "To replenish potions and oils or create
new bombs, go to the <font color="#CD7D03">Meditation</font> panel.<br><br>Your
items will only be replenished if you are carrying strong alcohol, which used as an
alchemical base in the brewing process."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/protipsgwent.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "protipsgwent",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "protipsgwent 87896880-48033499-8D9D28B5-AC8DA787",
name = 0x00109f8d, -- "Pro Tips"
description = 0x00109f8e, -- "There is no shame in passing and
<<Color_Gwint>>letting your opponent win a round<<End_Color>>. Sometimes it’s
better to <<Color_Gwint>>save your cards<<End_Color>> for later.<br><br>Each deck
also features its own <<Color_Gwint>>Heroes<<End_Color>>. Heroes are high value
cards immune to the effects of special cards. These powerful cards can turn the
tide of battle."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/quen.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialQuen",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialQuen",
name = 0x00106128, -- "Signs - Quen"
description = 0x00106129, -- "The <font color="#CD7D03">Quen Sign
protects</font> you against damage and certain critical effects."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/quenbraceforimpact.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialQuenWaitForHit",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialQuenWaitForHit",
name = 0x0010718a, -- "Combat"
description = 0x0010718b, -- "Wait for Vesemir to attack."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/questareas.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "quest areas",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialQuestAreas",
name = 0x00106847, -- "Objective Areas"
description = 0x00106848, -- "Objectives will sometimes direct you to a
general area when the exact position of your target is unknown.<br><br>Go to the
marked area."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/questboardlore.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialQuestBoardLore",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialQuestBoardLore",
name = 0x001092f8, -- "Notice Boards"
description = 0x001092f9, -- "Geralt has learned from experience to keep
a close eye on his surroundings as he travels, for he never knows when he'll run
into someone or something of interest: a damsel in distress, a merchant peddling
rare wares or a nest of pesky monsters. Such locations are marked on your map with
the following icons:<br><br><<ICO_NoticeBoard>> Notice board<br><<ICO_QuestGiver>>
Quest giver<br><<ICO_ShopMapPin>> Merchant<br><<ICO_Armorer>>
Armorer<br><<ICO_Smith>> Blacksmith<br><<ICO_Herbalist>>
Herbalist<br><<ICO_Alchemist>> Alchemist<br><<ICO_PlaceOfPower>> Place of
Power<br><<ICO_MonsterNest>> Monster nest<br><<ICO_RepairArmor>> Armorer's
table<br><<ICO_RepairWeapons>> Grindstone<br>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/questgiver.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "quest giver",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialQuestGivers",
name = 0x0010615b, -- "Quests"
description = 0x0010615c, -- "Characters marked with <<ICO_QuestGiver>>
on the map will give you new quests if you speak to them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/radial.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "radial",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRadial",
name = 0x0010610b, -- "Quick Access Menu"
description = 0x0010610c, -- "Press <<RadialMenu>> to open the <font
color="#CD7D03">Quick Access Menu</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/radialbuffs.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRadialBuffs",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRadialBuffs",
name = 0x00127b3c, -- "Quick Access Menu"
description = 0x00127b3d, -- "Here you see all the temporary effects
active at the current moment."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/radialclose.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRadialClose",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRadialClose",
name = 0x0010714c, -- "Quick Access Menu"
description = 0x0010714d, -- "Press <<GUI_PC_Close>> to close the <font
color="#CD7D03">Quick Access Menu</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/radialclosepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRadialClose_pad",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRadialClose_pad",
name = 0x0010714e, -- "Quick Access Menu"
description = 0x0010714f, -- "Press <<GUI_Close>> to close the <font
color="#CD7D03">Quick Access Menu</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/radialselectbolts.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRadialSelectBolts",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRadialSelectBolts",
name = 0x00127b3a, -- "Quick Access Menu"
description = 0x00127b3b, -- "Use <<GUI_Radial_Select_Bolts>> to change
the bolts used with your crossbow."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/radialselectitems.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRadialSelectItems",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRadialSelectItems",
name = 0x00127b38, -- "Quick Access Menu"
description = 0x00127b39, -- "If you have multiple items in your
pockets, you can switch between them using <<GUI_Radial_Swap_Items>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/recipeslearned.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRecipesLearned",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRecipesLearned",
name = 0x001098db, -- "Books and Documents"
description = 0x001098dc, -- "You've learned a new formula or become
familiar with a new diagram!<br>It will now be available in the <font
color="#CD7D03">Alchemy</font> or <font color="#CD7D03">Crafting</font> panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/recipesopeninv.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRecipesOpenInv",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRecipesOpenInv",
name = 0x001098d9, -- "Books and Documents"
description = 0x001098da, -- "You've acquired a new formula or diagram!
<br><br>Go to the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel to learn it - press

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/recipesopeninvps4.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRecipesOpenInv_ps4",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRecipesOpenInv_ps4",
name = 0x0010992d, -- "Books and Documents"
description = 0x0010992e, -- "You've picked up a new formula or diagram!
<br><br>Go to the <font color="#CD7D03">Inventory</font> panel to learn it – click

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/redrawcardsnew.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "redrawcardsNEW",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "redrawcardsNEW 4A88FB2E-43CD7D35-41484ABE-39709D60",
name = 0x00109f7f, -- "Redraw"
description = 0x00109f80, -- "At the <<Color_Gwint>>start<<End_Color>>
of each game, you can select <<Color_Gwint>>up to 2 cards<<End_Color>> to discard
and redraw."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/repairobjectarmor.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRepairObjectArmor",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRepairObjectArmor",
name = 0x00109763, -- "Enhancing Armor"
description = 0x00109764, -- "Use special armorer's
tables<<ICO_RepairArmor>> to temporarily enhance your armor. Doing so grants a
bonus to your <font color="#CD7D03">Armor</font> trait."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/repairobjectweapon.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRepairObjectWeapon",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRepairObjectWeapon",
name = 0x00109765, -- "Enhancing Weapons"
description = 0x00109766, -- "Use special
grindstones<<ICO_RepairWeapons>> to temporarily enhance your weapons. Doing so
grants a bonus to the <font color="#CD7D03">damage</font> dealt by your weapons."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/returntovesemir.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialReturnToVesemir",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialReturnToVesemir",
name = 0x00106b11, -- "Return to Vesemir"
description = 0x00106b12, -- "Follow the trail shown on the minimap to
return to Vesemir."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/riftbomb.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRiftBomb",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRiftBomb",
name = 0x00107253, -- "Portals"
description = 0x00107254, -- "To close a <font
color="#CD7D03">portal</font>, toss a <font color="#CD7D03">dimeritium bomb</font>
into it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/riftsign.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRiftSign",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRiftSign",
name = 0x00107256, -- "Portals"
description = 0x00107257, -- "<font color="#CD7D03">Dimeritium
bombs</font> aren't the only way to close portals - the <font color="#CD7D03">Yrden
Sign</font> works as well.<br><br>To close a portal, go near it and cast the Yrden

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/roll.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRoll",
order = 4294967278,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRoll",
name = 0x001095c4, -- "Rolling"
description = 0x001095c5, -- "To roll out of the way of a blow, choose a
direction using <<GI_AxisLeftY>> <<GI_AxisLeftY,1>> <<GI_AxisLeftX,1>> or
<<GI_AxisLeftX>> and press <<CbtRoll>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runeselectrunepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRunesSelectRune_pad",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunesSelectRune_pad",
name = 0x00108c78, -- "Runestones"
description = 0x00108c79, -- "Runestones can be used to enhance your
weapons.<br><br>Go to the Equipment tab in your inventory and select a
runestone<<ICO_Rune>> using <<GUI_Navigate>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runesselectrune.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRunesSelectRune",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunesSelectRune",
name = 0x00108c76, -- "Runestones"
description = 0x00108c77, -- "Runestones can be used to enhance your
weapons.<br><br>Go to the Equipment tab in your inventory and click on a

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runesselectsword.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRunesSelectSword",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunesSelectSword",
name = 0x00108c7e, -- "Runestones"
description = 0x00108c7f, -- "Double-click on a weapon to enhance it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runesselectswordpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRunesSelectSword_pad",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunesSelectSword_pad",
name = 0x00108c80, -- "Runestones"
description = 0x00108c81, -- "Select a weapon and then press
<<GUI_Select>> to enhance it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runesuserune.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRunesUseRune",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunesUseRune",
name = 0x00108c7a, -- "Runestones"
description = 0x00108c7b, -- "Double-click on a runestone<<ICO_Rune>>
then select the weapon you wish to enhance."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runesuserunepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRunesUseRune_pad",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunesUseRune_pad",
name = 0x00108c7c, -- "Runestones"
description = 0x00108c7d, -- "Press <<GUI_Select>> to select the rune
you wish to use."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runewords.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRunewords",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunewords",
name = 0x0011466a, -- "Runewords and Glyphwords"
description = 0x0011466b, -- "You can enchant items with <font
color="#CD7D03">Runewords</font> and <font color="#CD7D03">Glyphwords</font> to
endow them with powerful traits."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runewords2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRunewords2",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunewords2",
name = 0x0011466e, -- "Runewords and Glyphwords"
description = 0x0011466f, -- "You can enchant items to fit them with
<font color="#CD7D03">Runewords</font> or <font color="#CD7D03">Glyphwords</font>.
These cannot be used simultaneously with runes or glyphs.<br><br>When you enchant
an item, any runes or glyphs it is currently fitted with will be <font

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/runningjump.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "running jump",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRunningJump",
name = 0x001060fc, -- "Leaping"
description = 0x001060fd, -- "Press <<Jump>> while running to leap over

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/saves.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSaves",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSaves",
name = 0x00109745, -- "Game Saves"
description = 0x00109746, -- "Your game state will be automatically
saved when you reach certain milestones in the story.<br><br>Still, you should save
your progress early and often on your own - the world is full of predators,
bloodthirsty beasts, bandits and countless other dangers..."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectaard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectAard",
order = 4294959102,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectAard",
name = 0x00106dac, -- "Activate the Aard Sign"
description = 0x00106dad, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Aard
Sign</font> using <<Mouse>> and press <<IK_LeftMouse>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectaardpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectAard_pad",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectAard_pad",
name = 0x00106110, -- "Activate the Aard Sign"
description = 0x00106111, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Aard
Sign</font> using <<GI_AxisLeft>> and press <<GUI_Select>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectaxii.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectAxii",
order = 4294963198,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectAxii",
name = 0x00106dae, -- "Activate the Axii Sign"
description = 0x00106daf, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Axii
Sign</font> using <<Mouse>> and press <<IK_LeftMouse>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectaxiipad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectAxii_pad",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectAxii_pad",
name = 0x00106114, -- "Activate the Axii Sign"
description = 0x00106115, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Axii
Sign</font> <<GI_AxisLeft>> and press <<GUI_Select>> to make it active."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectcrossbow.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectCrossbow",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectCrossbow",
name = 0x00106db7, -- "Activate the Crossbow"
description = 0x00106db8, -- "Select the crossbow using <<Mouse>> and
press <<IK_LeftMouse>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectcrossbowpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectCrossbow_pad",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectCrossbow_pad",
name = 0x0010640c, -- "Activate the Crossbow"
description = 0x0010640d, -- "Select the crossbow using <<GI_AxisLeft>>
and press <<GUI_Select>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectigni.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectIgni",
order = 4294965246,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectIgni",
name = 0x00106db0, -- "Activate the Igni Sign"
description = 0x00106db1, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Igni
Sign</font> using <<Mouse>> and press <<IK_LeftMouse>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectignipad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectIgni_pad",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectIgni_pad",
name = 0x00106116, -- "Activate the Igni Sign"
description = 0x00106117, -- "Use <<GI_AxisLeft>> to select the <font
color="#CD7D03">Igni Sign</font> and press <<GUI_Select>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectpetard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectPetard",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectPetard",
name = 0x00106db5, -- "Bombs - Selecting"
description = 0x00106db6, -- "Select a bomb using <<Mouse>> and press
<<IK_LeftMouse>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectpetardpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectPetard_pad",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectPetard_pad",
name = 0x0010612e, -- "Bombs - Selecting"
description = 0x0010612f, -- "Select a bomb using <<GI_AxisLeft>> and
press <<GUI_Select>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectquen.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectQuen",
order = 4294950910,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectQuen",
name = 0x00106daa, -- "Activate the Quen Sign"
description = 0x00106dab, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Quen
Sign</font> using <<Mouse>> and press <<IK_LeftMouse>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectquenpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectQuen_pad",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectQuen_pad",
name = 0x0010610e, -- "Activate the Quen Sign"
description = 0x0010610d, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Quen
Sign</font> using <<GI_AxisLeft>> and press <<GUI_Select>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectyrden.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectYrden",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectYrden",
name = 0x00106db2, -- "Activate the Yrden Sign"
description = 0x00106db3, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Yrden
Sign</font> using <<Mouse>> and press <<IK_LeftMouse>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/selectyrdenpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSelectYrden_pad",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSelectYrden_pad",
name = 0x00106118, -- "Activate the Yrden Sign"
description = 0x00106119, -- "Select the <font color="#CD7D03">Yrden
Sign</font> using <<GI_AxisLeft>> and press <<GUI_Select>> to make it active."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/setbonusesinfo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSetBonusesInfo",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSetBonusesInfo",
name = 0x00122149, -- "Witcher School Bonuses"
description = 0x0012214a, -- "Once you have gathered enough items,
witcher school gear of the highest quality will unlock special bonuses."
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/setbonusesunlocked.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSetBonusesUnlocked",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSetBonusesUnlocked",
name = 0x00122153, -- "Witcher School Bonuses"
description = 0x00122154, -- "You have unlocked the first bonus for this
set! Collect more items to unlock the other!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/settlementareas.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSettlementAreas",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSettlementAreas",
name = 0x00109337, -- "Settled Areas"
description = 0x00109338, -- "In settled areas, such as cities, villages
and camps, paths tend to be narrow and obstacles numerous. For this reason, your
maximum movement speed in these locations is limited."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/settlementareas2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSettlementAreas2",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSettlementAreas2",
name = 0x00109752, -- "Populated Areas"
description = 0x00109753, -- "You're nearing a village. Don't disturb
the peace! Remember, town guards and hired watchmen won't tolerate theft, and also
won't look kindly on you accosting others.<br><br>Local residents often erect <font
color="#CD7D03">notice boards</font> near settlements such as villages and cities.
These are marked <<ICO_NoticeBoard>> on your map.<br><br>Examine them to learn
about contracts, work for witchers and local happenings."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/shopbuy.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialShopBuy",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialShopBuy",
name = 0x00106cc1, -- "Shops"
description = 0x00106cc2, -- "Double-click on an item to purchase it."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/shopbuypad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialShopBuy_pad",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialShopBuy_pad",
name = 0x00106cbf, -- "Shops"
description = 0x00106cc0, -- "Press <<GUI_Select>> to make a purchase."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/shopclose.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialShopClose",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialShopClose",
name = 0x00106cc3, -- "Shops"
description = 0x00106cc4, -- "Press <<GUI_PC_Close>> to close the Shop

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/shopclosepad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialShopClose_pad",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialShopClose_pad",
name = 0x00106cc9, -- "Shops"
description = 0x00106cca, -- "Press <<GUI_Close>> to close the Shop

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/shopdescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialShopDescription",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialShopDescription",
name = 0x00106cb7, -- "Shops"
description = 0x00106cb8, -- "Buy and sell items using the Shop panel."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/shopselectalco.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialShopSelectItem",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialShopSelectItem",
name = 0x00106cbd, -- "Shops"
description = 0x00106cbe, -- "Vesemir wants alcohol - select some from
the innkeep's stock."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/shorttodo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "short todo",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialQuestTodo",
name = 0x001060dd, -- "List of Objectives"
description = 0x001060de, -- "This list shows your current objectives."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/signcast.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "sign cast",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSignCast",
name = 0x0010611a, -- "Casting Signs"
description = 0x0010611b, -- "To cast the active Sign, press
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/signcastonvesemir.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "sign cast vesemir",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSignCastVesemir",
name = 0x0010611c, -- "Casting Signs"
description = 0x0010611d, -- "Walk close to Vesemir and press
<<CastSign>> to cast your active Sign at him."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/silversword.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "silver sword",
order = 2684354558,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSilverSword",
name = 0x00106134, -- "Silver Sword"
description = 0x00106135, -- "Press <<SwordSheathe>> to sheathe your
silver sword."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/specialattacks.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSpecialAttacks",
order = 4294966270,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSpecialAttacks",
name = 0x00109370, -- "Special Attacks"
description = 0x00109371, -- "Activating certain Abilities lets you
mount special attacks.<br><br>To mount a special fast attack, hold
<<SpecialAttackWithAlternateLight>><br>To mount a special strong attack, hold
<<PCAlternate>> and <<SpecialAttackWithAlternateLight_mod>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/specialattackspad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSpecialAttacks_pad",
order = 4294967290,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSpecialAttacks_pad",
name = 0x0010e6df, -- "Special Attacks"
description = 0x0010e6e0, -- "To mount a special attack, you must
activate the corresponding Ability.<br><br>Hold <<SpecialAttackLight>> to mount a
special fast attack and <<SpecialAttackHeavy>> to mount a special strong attack."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/speedpairing.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSpeedPairing",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSpeedPairing",
name = 0x00107083, -- "Companion Travel"
description = 0x00107084, -- "When traveling with companions, go near
them and hold <<Sprint>> to match your pace to theirs."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/sprint.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSprint",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSprint",
name = 0x00108ec8, -- "Sprinting"
description = 0x00108ec9, -- "Hold <<Sprint>> while running to sprint."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/staminaexploration.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "stamina exploration",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialStaminaExploration",
name = 0x00106426, -- "Stamina"
description = 0x00106427, -- "Once your Stamina is depleted, you won't
be able to sprint until it regenerates."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/staminasigns.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialStaminaSigns",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialStaminaSigns",
name = 0x00108b68, -- "Stamina"
description = 0x00108b69, -- "Signs consume Stamina. If your Stamina
level is too low, you can't cast them."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/stash.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialStash",
order = 4294966782,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialStash",
name = 0x00111ae5, -- "Stash"
description = 0x00111ae6, -- "You can store weapons, armor and junk in
your stash for safekeeping, confident they will not be stolen or otherwise
disappear.<br><br>You can access your stash in a number of places throughout the
world. Items stored in your stash in one location will be available in all other
locations as well.<br><br>Stash locations are always visible on the map -- look for
the <<ICO_Stash>> icon."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/stealing.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialStealing",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialStealing",
name = 0x00106ccb, -- "Theft"
description = 0x00106ccc, -- "Guards won't tolerate theft - be careful!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/swimmingspeed2.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialSwimmingSpeed",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialSwimmingSpeed",
name = 0x0010617b, -- "Swimming - Speed"
description = 0x0010617c, -- "Hold <<Sprint>> to swim swiftly."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/targetting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialTargetting",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialTargetting",
name = 0x00106181, -- "Selecting Targets"
description = 0x00106182, -- "Press <<CameraLock>> to select or deselect
a target.<br><br>When you have a target selected, all your attacks are directed
toward it.<br><br>You don't have to select a target during combat, but doing so can
help you focus on a specific opponent."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/targettingwaiting.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialTargettingWaiting",
order = 4294967166,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialTargettingWaiting",
name = 0x0010951c, -- "Selecting Targets"
description = 0x0010951d, -- "Press <<CameraLock>> to select a target."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/targettingwaitingpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialTargettingWaiting_pad",
order = 4294967230,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialTargettingWaiting_pad",
name = 0x0010951e, -- "Selecting Targets"
description = 0x0010951f, -- "Press <<CameraLock>> to select a target."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/throwgotoarea.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialThrowGoToArea",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialThrowGoToArea",
name = 0x00108c1d, -- "Bombs"
description = 0x00108c1e, -- "Stand in the spot indicated on the

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/throwhold.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialThrowHold",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialThrowHold",
name = 0x00106e5f, -- "Bombs - Aiming"
description = 0x00106e60, -- "Hold <<ThrowItem>> and aim at one of the
highlighted training posts, then release to throw the bomb."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/throwpetard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "throw petard",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialPetards",
name = 0x00106130, -- "Bombs"
description = 0x00106131, -- "Step back and throw a bomb at Vesemir by
pressing <<ThrowItem>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/timedchoicedialog.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialTimedChoiceDialog",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialTimedChoiceDialog",
name = 0x00108989, -- "Dialogue - Time-constrained Options"
description = 0x0010898a, -- "Some dialogues demand you make a quick
decision - choose your reply before time runs out!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/totalstrengthnew.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "totalstrengthNEW",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "totalstrengthNEW B78BB7DF-468F06D1-A35377A8-
name = 0x00109f85, -- "Total Strength"
description = 0x00109f86, -- "The number on the left side of the
battlefield, by each player's icon, shows the current <<Color_Gwint>>total
strength<<End_Color>> of that player's units. The number next to a row shows the
total strength <<Color_Gwint>>for that row<<End_Color>>. Both values are updated
when a card is played.<br><br>At the end of a round, the player with the
<<Color_Gwint>>highest total strength wins<<End_Color>>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/toxicgasenter.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialToxicGasEnter",
order = 1073741823,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialToxicGasEnter",
name = 0x00107144, -- "Gas Clouds"
description = 0x00107145, -- "Gas clouds in swampy areas are poisonous -
watch out!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/toxicgasignite.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGasIgnite",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGasIgnite",
name = 0x00107152, -- "Gas Clouds"
description = 0x00107153, -- "Gas clouds are highly flammable - ignite
them and they will explode in a fiery burst."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/toxicgasleave.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialLeaveGas",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialLeaveGas",
name = 0x00107150, -- "Gas Clouds"
description = 0x00107151, -- "Move out of the gas cloud."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentcrinfrid.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentCrinfrid",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentCrinfrid",
name = 0x00108f21, -- "0x00108f21"
description = 0x00108f20, -- "0x00108f20"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentdeck.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentDeck",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentDeck",
name = 0x00108f11, -- "0x00108f11"
description = 0x00108f12, -- "0x00108f12"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentdeckbuilder.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentDeckBuilder",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentDeckBuilder",
name = 0x00108f03, -- "0x00108f03"
description = 0x00108f04, -- "0x00108f04"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentdiscardpile.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentDiscardPile",
order = 4278190078,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentDiscardPile",
name = 0x00108f13, -- "0x00108f13"
description = 0x00108f14, -- "0x00108f14"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentfactionpower.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentFactionPower",
order = 4294705150,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentFactionPower",
name = 0x00108f29, -- "0x00108f29"
description = 0x00108f28, -- "0x00108f28"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentinspect.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentInspect_pad",
order = 4294901758,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentInspect_pad",
name = 0x00108f2d, -- "0x00108f2d"
description = 0x00108f2c, -- "0x00108f2c"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentinspectpc.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentInspect",
order = 4294934526,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentInspect",
name = 0x00108f2e, -- "0x00108f2e"
description = 0x00108f2f, -- "0x00108f2f"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentleaders.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,
chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentLeaders",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentLeaders",
name = 0x00108f15, -- "0x00108f15"
description = 0x00108f16, -- "0x00108f16"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentmaingame.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentMainGame",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentMainGame",
name = 0x00108f05, -- "0x00108f05"
description = 0x00108f06, -- "0x00108f06"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentprotips.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentProTips",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentProTips",
name = 0x00108f27, -- "0x00108f27"
description = 0x00108f26, -- "0x00108f26"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentresolution.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentResolution",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentResolution",
name = 0x00108f07, -- "0x00108f07"
description = 0x00108f08, -- "[PL] [DEBUG] [DEBUG]When both players have
passed, the strength of all their cards on the battlefield is added up.<br> The
player with the lowest total strength loses the round and a gem is removed from
underneath his or her portrait.<br><br>All cards on the battlefield are removed
after each round and sent to the discard pile.<br><br>In the event of a draw, both
players must remove a gem.<br><br>Once a player has lost both gems, his or her
opponent wins the game. If the game ends on a draw, the players play an immediate
-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentroundend.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentRoundEnd",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentRoundEnd",
name = 0x00108f25, -- "0x00108f25"
description = 0x00108f24, -- "[PL] [DEBUG] [DEBUG]A round will end when
both players have chosen to pass. If only one player passes, the other is free to
keep on placing cards on the battlefield until he or she chooses to pass as well by
holding down <<Gwent_Pass>>.<br><br>At that point both totals are compared, the
highest one wins a round and all the cards, including weather cards, are removed
from the battlefield."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentskiptutorial.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentSkipTutorial",
order = 4294836222,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentSkipTutorial",
name = 0x00108f2b, -- "0x00108f2b"
description = 0x00108f2a, -- "0x00108f2a"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentunitcard.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentUnitCard",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentUnitCard",
name = 0x00108f10, -- "0x00108f10"
description = 0x00108f0f, -- "0x00108f0f"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentunitrange.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentUnitRange",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentUnitRange",
name = 0x00108f09, -- "0x00108f09"
description = 0x00108f0a, -- "0x00108f0a"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutgwentweather.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialGwentWeather",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialGwentWeather",
name = 0x00108f23, -- "0x00108f23"
description = 0x00108f22, -- "0x00108f22"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutorialjournalhansa.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalHansa",
order = 3221225470,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalHansa",
name = 0x00124474, -- "Hanse Base"
description = 0x00124475, -- "You are nearing the base of operations of
an outlaw gang known as a "hanse" <<ICO_HansaHideout>>. <br><br>Be particularly
wary and prepare for a tough fight. These bandits are well-organized and when
attacked might call for help from neighboring camps.<br><br>To prevent this, kill
bandits running with torches <<ICO_HansaRunner>> towards signal fires
<<ICO_HansaSignal>> <br><br>Your goal is to kill the hanse's leader."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutorialjournallebioda.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialJournalLebioda",
order = 2147483647,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialJournalLebioda",
name = 0x001243c5, -- "Saint Lebioda's Footsteps"
description = 0x001243c6, -- "Locations marked <<ICO_Plegmund>> on your
map indicate places where transports carrying materials needed to finish Saint
Lebioda's statue or engineers responsible for its construction have run into
trouble.<br><br>Provide them aid and watch as you help erect one of the wonders of
the world."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutoriallivingworld.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "message - living world",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "message - living world 30E9C010-4354DC61-404F51BF-
name = 0x001243c4, -- "Living World"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/tutorialrollpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialRoll_pad",
order = 4294967262,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialRoll_pad",
name = 0x001095c2, -- "Rolling"
description = 0x001095c3, -- "To roll out of the way of a blow, choose a
direction using <<GI_AxisLeft>> and press <<CbtRoll>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/unitcardrangenew.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "unitcardrangeNEW",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "unitcardrangeNEW 13651B82-4DD98C47-8118A4AC-
name = 0x00109f79, -- "Unit Card Combat Row"
description = 0x00109f7a, -- "Each Unit Card has an icon indicating its
range: Close Combat, Ranged Combat or Siege Combat.<br><br>A Unit Card's range
determines where you can place it on the battlefield."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/unitcardspecialabilitynew.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "unitcardspecialabilityNEW",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "unitcardspecialabilityNEW 226A8C93-48F0F958-F2389589-
name = 0x00109f7b, -- "Unit Card Special Ability"
description = 0x00109f7c, -- "Some Unit Cards have
<<Color_Gwint>>special abilities<<End_Color>>.<br><br>For example, the Kaedweni
Siege Expert's special ability is called <<Color_Gwint>>Morale Boost<<End_Color>>,
which grants <<Color_Gwint>>+1 Strength<<End_Color>> to all units in the
<<Color_Gwint>>same row<<End_Color>>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/unitcardstrengthnew.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "unitcardstrengthNEW",
order = 3758096382,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "unitcardstrengthNEW F9D25391-4CEA2AA0-48327786-
name = 0x00109f77, -- "Unit Card Strength"
description = 0x00109f78, -- "The number in the upper-left corner of a
card indicates its <<Color_Gwint>>Strength<<End_Color>>.<br><br>When placed on the
battlefield, this value is <<Color_Gwint>>added to the total strength of the player
who placed it<<End_Color>>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/upgremovalcost.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialUpgRemovalCost",
order = 4293918718,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialUpgRemovalCost",
name = 0x0010971f, -- "Removing Upgrades"
description = 0x00109720, -- "The cost of removing upgrades from this
item is shown here."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/upgremovaldescription.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialUpgRemovalDescription",
order = 4286578686,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialUpgRemovalDescription",
name = 0x00109719, -- "Removing Upgrades"
description = 0x0010971a, -- "You can remove upgrades and runestones
from your items here. Bear in mind, however, that upgrades and runestones will be
<font color="#CD7D03">destroyed</font> upon removal!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/upgremovalitems.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialUpgRemovalItems",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialUpgRemovalItems",
name = 0x0010971b, -- "Removing Upgrades"
description = 0x0010971c, -- "Your items are shown here."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/upgremovalremoving.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialUpgRemovalRemoving",
order = 4294180862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialUpgRemovalRemoving",
name = 0x00109725, -- "Removing Upgrades"
description = 0x00109726, -- "To remove upgrades and runestones, select
an item and press <<GUI_PC_Select>><br><br>Bear in mind, however, that upgrades and
runestones will be <font color="#CD7D03">destroyed</font> upon removal!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/upgremovalremovingpad.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialUpgRemovalRemoving_pad",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialUpgRemovalRemoving_pad",
name = 0x00109721, -- "Removing Upgrades"
description = 0x00109722, -- "To remove upgrades, select an item and
press <<GUI_Select>><br><br>Bear in mind, however, that upgrades and runestones
will be <font color="#CD7D03">destroyed</font> upon removal!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/upgremovalupgrades.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialUpgRemovalUpgrades",
order = 4292870142,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialUpgRemovalUpgrades",
name = 0x0010971d, -- "Removing Upgrades"
description = 0x0010971e, -- "Once you select an item, you will be shown
which upgrades it is fitted with here.<br><br>Bear in mind, however, that once you
confirm your selection, <font color="#CD7D03">all</font> of this item's upgrades
will be removed."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/usekey.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialUseKey",
order = 4294443006,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialUseKey",
name = 0x001087cb, -- "Doors"
description = 0x001087cc, -- "To unlock locked doors, walk up to them
and press <<Unlock>>"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/weaponholster.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "holster",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialHolsterWeapon",
name = 0x001063a4, -- "Stowing Weapons"
description = 0x001063a5, -- "Press <<SwordSheathe>> to put away any
weapons you have drawn."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/weathercards.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "weathercards",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "weathercards 682D80BF-42B03FFB-A9867F92-13453629",
name = 0x00109f7d, -- "Weather Cards"
description = 0x00109f7e, -- "Weather Cards are a type of
<<Color_Gwint>>special card<<End_Color>>.<br><br>They <<Color_Gwint>>reduce the
strength of ALL cards of a given type<<End_Color>> on the battlefield,
<<Color_Gwint>>including your own<<End_Color>>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/welcome.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialWelcome",
order = 4294967293,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialWelcome",
name = 0x001092eb, -- "Welcome to the Tutorial!"
description = 0x001092ec, -- "Welcome to <font color="#CD7D03">The
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt</font>!<br><br>This tutorial will introduce the game's core
elements. Each message will be saved in the <font color="#CD7D03">Glossary</font>,
where you'll also find detailed information about world lore and gameplay
mechanics.<br><br>To disable tutorial messages, go to the <font
color="#CD7D03">Options Menu</font>."

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/winewarsinfo.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "WineWarsInfo",
order = 4026531838,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "WineWarsInfo",
name = 0x00124c22, -- "Wine Wars"
description = 0x00124c23, -- "Greetings! You've just joined the Wine
Wars! This is a new mechanism we've prepared to help you play an active role in the
witcher's living world.<br><br>Geralt has been dragged into a conflict between two
competing vineyards – Coronata and Vermentino. You can help one of the two sides
vanquish -- or perhaps the conflict can be resolved amicably...? Your choices will
shape how events unfold.<br><br>To help the vineyards, Geralt needs to take care of
the troubles plaguing each of them. Specific trouble spots are marked by icons on
your map: <<ICO_POI_EP2_2>> for Vermentino and <<ICO_POI_EP2_1>> for
Coronata.<br><br>Have fun!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/wrongswordsilver.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "wrong sword silver",
order = 4227858430,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialWrongSwordSilver",
name = 0x0010684b, -- "Swords"
description = 0x0010684c, -- "You should use your <b>steel</b> sword
instead of your silver sword against this opponent - remember to look at the color
of your opponents' Vitality bars!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/wrongswordsteel.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "wrong sword steel",
order = 4160749566,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialWrongSwordSteel",
name = 0x00106849, -- "Swords"
description = 0x0010684a, -- "You should use your <b>silver</b> sword
instead of your steel sword against this opponent - remember to look at the color
of your opponents' Vitality bars!"

-- gameplay/journal/tutorial/yrden.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialYrden",
order = 4261412862,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialYrden",
name = 0x0010612a, -- "Signs - Yrden"
description = 0x0010612b, -- "Cast the <font color="#CD7D03">Yrden
Sign</font> to lay a magic trap that <font color="#CD7D03">slows</font> anyone who
enters its area of effect."

-- qa/antk/qa_tutorialnewfocus.journal:

chunk = {}
chunk[1] = {
entry = 2,

chunk[2] = {
baseName = "TutorialFocus",
order = 4290772990,
uniqueScriptIdentifier = "TutorialFocus",
name = 0x00103b13, -- "Witcher Senses"
image = "TutorialFocus.png",
description = 0x000fa090, -- "Hold [[Focus]] to use your witcher

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