Business Topics

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Business Topics 1

01 Inflation and Deflation

Casey I was watching the news earlier, and industry experts said we will experience
moderate inflation in the coming months. I’ve been working overtime to save a significant
amount of money, but now I’m worried that most of my hard work will go down the drain if
prices hike up.

Morgan Lighten up, Casey. Moderate inflation can actually do the economy some good.
As prices increase over time, consumers tend to make purchases sooner rather than later. As
people spend and borrow money, economic activity increases, though this is only for the short
term. Inflation, however, also has beneficial long-term effects. It not only
encourages people to invest, but to take a more systematic risk with their
investments. So, you see, Casey, moderate inflation isn’t so bad.

Casey I suppose you’re going to tell me that deflation, the opposite of

inflation, isn’t so good either?

Morgan Yes. Although deflation does mean that a person will be

able to buy many more goods with the same amount of money, it also
means that they have less access to money, since deflation is usually
seen as a decrease in the money supply. People who are in debt are in a
disadvantage because, as their income drops, the amount of money they
have to pay back remains the same.

Words & Expression

experience 경험하다 moderate 적당한
inflation 물가 상승 significant 상당한
amount 양 increase 증가하다
purchase 구매 borrow 빌리다
activity 활동 risk 위험에 맡기다
deflation 통화 수축 disadvantage 불이익
1. go down the drain : 숙어로 go down the drain은 ‘헛수고로 돌아가다’, ‘못 쓰게 되다’, ‘(회사가) 파산하다’, 혹은
‘시대에 뒤진 것이 되다’, ‘없어지다’는 뜻으로 쓰인다.
2. lighten up : 미국 영어에서 속어로 lighten up이라고 하면 ‘(-에) 쉽게 대하다’, ‘어렵게 대하지 않다’는 뜻으로 쓰이며
이 때 전치사 on과 함께 쓰이기도 한다.

1. In the passage, what is going to happen according to the news?
2. Why is Casey concerned about inflation?
3. According to Morgan, how can moderate inflation help the economy?
4. What is the negative aspect of deflation?
5. Why are people in debt more disadvantaged during deflation?
6. How does inflation affect you personally?
7. Do you blame the government for inflation?
Business Topics 1

02 Corporate Responsibilities
Kit What’ eating you today, John? You look troubled.

John I am. You see, I’ve received a job offer from a wellknown
corporation, but I don’t know if I should take it. It’s just
that all I’ve been hearing is how corporations only care about
generating profit. I don’ want to be part of something that’s
driven purely by money.

Kit That’ very admirable of you, John, and you need not worry
so much about corporations because there’ such a thing as
corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility is
a concept that calls for corporations to consider the interests of
society by taking responsibility for the impact their actions have
on their employees, customers, communities and even the environment.

John Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. So, how do corporations put this concept into practice?

Kit Well, it’s common among corporations nowadays to host fundraisers for different causes,
including health and education. Some even go above and beyond with their fundraisers
or charity events, getting big celebrities to serve as hosts so as to attract more donations.
Many corporations are now also beginning to implement production practices that are more
environmentally-friendly, showing their care for Mother Nature and the community.

Words & Expression

offer 제안 corporation 기업
generate 산출하다 profit 이익
admirable 높이 생각하는 responsibility 책임
employee 피고용인 nowadays 요즘
charity 자선 celebrity 유명 인사
donation 기부 environmentally‐friendly 자연 친화적으로
1. what’s eating you : 의문문으로 what’s eating you 라고 하면 ‘무슨 안 좋은 일이라도 있니?’라는 뜻이 된다. 본문
에서도 역시 이와 같은 뜻으로 쓰였음을 알 수 있다.
2. go above and beyond : 숙어로 go above and beyond 는 ‘(권한, 직무 따위)를 넘어서다’, ‘-밖의 일을 하다’
‘훨 씬 지나치게 –하다’ 라는 뜻으로 쓰인다.

1. Why is John reluctant to work for a well‐known corporation?
2. What is Kit’s definition of corporate social responsibility?
3. Why do corporations get celebrities to host their fundraisers and charity events?
4. How do corporations practice social responsibility?
5. Do you think only big corporations should exercise social responsibility?
6. At present, what social concern should corporations help address?
7. Would you want to work for a large corporation?
Business Topics 1

03 Bastard bossy supervisor

Emily I really don't like our new supervisor, Mr. Henley.
He’'s getting on my nerves.

Denise Same here. He is so bossy and unreasonable!

He wants me to work during my lunch hour and afternoon
breaks. To top it all off, I asked him if I was going to get
paid for all the overtime I’ve put in, and he told me that he
still has to think about it.

Emily That jerk told me the same thing. I was really

counting on my overtime pay because my daughter's birthday is coming up. That's another
thing. I filed for a leave a month ago because we’'re planning to celebrate our daughter's
birthday out of town. I thought everything was in place already, but apparently, Mr. Henley
doesn't think it's a good idea for me to go because there's a lot of work to be done. What work?
All he’'s been asking me to do is take care of his dry cleaning and other personal matters.

Denise We should report him.

Emily I agree.

Words & Expression

supervisor 관리자 nerve 신경
bossy 위세를 부리는 unreasonable 불합리적인
during –동안 pay 지불하다
overtime 초과 근무 jerk 멍청이
count on –에 의존하다 celebrate 축하하다
already 이미 apparently 명백히
personal 개인적인 matter 일
report 일러바치다 agree 동의하다
1. getting on my nerves : nerve는 보통 ‘신경’을 의미하는데 구어로 get on a person’ nerves라고 하면 ‘남의신
경을 건드리다’ 혹은 ‘남을 초조하게 하다’의 뜻으로 사용된다. 이와 유사한 표현으로는 give a person the nerves가있다.
2. to top it all off : to top (it) all (off )는 숙어로 ‘게다가’의 뜻으로 사용된다. 이와 같은 뜻으로 많이 쓰이는 것은 in
addition to, on top of (it), to top the lot 등이 있다.


1. Why are the women irritated at Mr Henley?
2. Why did Emily file for a leave?
3. Do you agree that Denise and Emily should report Mr. Henley?
4. Have you ever had an unreasonable boss?
5. What would you do if your boss is like Mr. Henley?
6. Would you do your boss’' personal errands for him?
7. Can you name some qualities of a good boss?
04 The Success of Starbucks
Geraldine I want to become a successful businesswoman, but I’m afraid I
don’t know much about how to make a business grow.

Patty If I were you, I would take after Starbucks. The founders started
out with a small coffee shop in Seattle in 1971, and spent the following
years developing their product line and expanding. They are now the
largest coffeehouse company, with more than 15,000 stores in over 40
countries. These stores are visited by hundreds of people each day.

Geraldine That’s impressive. They must be rolling in dough by now. How do they keep the
customers coming?

Patty I read somewhere that the company takes customer satisfaction very seriously. They
train their baristas not just to make coffee, but also to greet customers by their names. Also,
the company constantly looks for ways to improve their coffee products and seldom hesitates
to try out new ideas. I personally like their creative holiday drinks.

Geraldine That makes two of us. I also appreciate how friendly the baristas are every time.
Their training must really be extensive.

Words & Expression

successful 성공적인 founder 창립자
expand 확장하다 coffeehouse 커피점
impressive 인상적인 customer 고객
satisfaction 만족 seriously 심각하게
barista 카페에서 커피를 끓이는사람 constantly 끊임없이
improve 개선하다 seldom 거의 –않다
hesitate 망설이다 appreciate 감사하다
1. rolling in dough : roll in은 구어로 ‘-이 넘칠 만큼 있다’, ‘척척 모이다’ 등의 뜻을 가지며 dough는 보통 ‘가루
반죽’의 뜻을 가지지만 속어로 ‘돈’을 의미하기도 한다. 따라서 roll in dough는 ‘돈을 끌어 모으다’로 해석이 가능하다.
2. That makes two of us : 이 말은 구어로 ‘나 역시 마찬가지다’, ‘나도 그렇게 생각한다’의 의미로 쓰인다. 참고 로
식당에서 주문을 할 때 Make it two라고 하면 구어로 ‘(먼저 사람과) 같은 것으로 주시오’의 뜻이 된다.

1. What did Patty advise Geraldine to do to become successful with business?
2. What does the idiom “they must be rolling in dough” mean?
3. According to Patty, how does Starbucks keep the customers coming?
4. Are you a coffee lover? How often do you drink coffee?
5. What Starbucks’ product do you personally enjoy and find delicious?
6. Do you think Starbucks’ coffee is affordable or too expensive?
7. How important is customer satisfaction to you?
05 Top Ten Billionaires
Brian I wish I could be Bill Gates. Then I’d be the richest man in the

Nick You would be, if it was still 2006. Now though, I’m afraid you’d
only be the third richest man in the world, since that’s what Bill Gates
is. That’s according to Forbes magazine’s list of the Top Ten
Billionaires for 2008.

Brian Wow! I didn’t see that coming! Last I checked, he was

dominating the list for the 13th straight year. What happened?

Nick The race to the top was competitive months before Forbes came out with this year’s
list. Gates was doing well, with shares of Microsoft jumping 30 percent between late October
and early November. Each Microsoft share was worth $37, but the price fell in February when
the company announced their intention to purchase Yahoo! for $45 billion.

Brian So who topped the list? And who came in second?

Nick The man of the hour is Warren Buffet, an investor, philanthropist and the CEO of an
insurance company called Berkshire Hathaway. His estimated fortune is $62 billion, which is $8
billion more than that of Bill Gates’ Meanwhile, self-made billionaire Carlos Slim Helu took the
number 2 spot, with a net worth of an estimated $60 billion thanks to the strong performance
of his wireless telephone company, America Movil.

Words & Expression

according to –에 따르면 billionaire 억만장자
dominate 지배하다 share 시장 점유율, 지분, 주식
intention 의도 investor 투자자
philanthropist 박애주의자 estimate 견적하다
meanwhile 그 사이에 self‐made 자수성가한
1. race to the top : top은 ‘꼭대기’, race는 ‘경주’의 뜻을 가진다. 따라서 race to the top은 ‘꼭대기로의 경주’, 즉
‘상위권의 경쟁’으로 해석하면 자연스럽다.
2. man of the hour : man of the hour은 일반적으로 ‘초점의 인물’의 뜻으로 쓰인다. 본문에서는 ‘주인공(은Warren
Buffet이다)’로 해석을 하면 된다.


1. Who does Brian wish to be and why?

2. According to Nick, why was Bill Gates demoted to third richest man in the world?
3. Who is the man of the hour in the Forbes magazine’s list of Top Ten Billionaires
for 2008?
4. Who got the second spot for richest man in the world?
5. Among the three billionaires mentioned, who do you admire the most?
6. If you became a billionaire, what would you do with your money?
7. Do you think the Forbes List is accurate?
06 How to save on taxes in the eyes of paid workers
Eric I just received my paycheck, but I’m not at all happy. A huge
chunk of it was taken to pay for taxes. I’ having such a hard time
making ends meet already.

Julia I know what you mean. It’s a good thing my company has
taken action. Last month, they decided to declare a portion of our
salaries as allowance. I, for example, am getting $4,000 a month.
When I got my pay slip last month, I saw that they listed $400,
which is ten percent of my salary, as allowance, and declared that
my wages for that month was only $3,600. Consequently, the tax I
paid was also lower, and I was able to save more than usual.

Eric Wow, that’s very smart of your company. I’ll cross my fingers and hope that my company
will do the same. Do you have other suggestions though as to how I can reduce my taxes?

Julia Following the principle of lower income equals lower taxes, you can try reducing your
income by contributing to a retirement plan. Another way to reduce your income and taxes is
by increasing your standard deduction, which is based upon filing status. Standard deductions
can be increased by listing more dependents or getting married.

Words & Expression

paycheck 급료 지불 수표 chunk 큰 덩어리
declare 선언하다, 신고하다 allowance 할당량, 공제
wage 급료 consequently 결과적으로
suggestion 제안 principle 원리
contribute 기여하다 retirement 은퇴
deduction 공제액 increase 증가하다
status 신분 dependent 부양가족
1. making ends meet : make ends meet는 숙어로 ‘빚 안 지고 살아가다’, 혹은 ‘수입 내에서 꾸려나가다’의 뜻
을 가진다. 이와 비슷한 표현으로 make both ends meet, make two ends meet 등이 있다.

1. Why is Eric unhappy?
2. What sort of action did Julia’s company do to lower the employees’ taxes?
3. Name some suggestions Julia made on how Eric could reduce his taxes?
4. How many percent off your salary do you pay for taxes every month?
5. Do you have any dependents listed on your income tax return?
6. Why does the government collect taxes anyway?
7. Are you having a difficult time “making ends meet” nowadays?
07 The purpose of Marketing
Khiff I was very tired this morning. I couldn’t get up! I slept
very late because I had to finish my project for marketing.

Liam What’s your project about? Have you finished it?

Khiff I haven’t finished it yet. On the contrary, I’ve gathered

some information from the Internet. And you know what? I’ve
found a lot of information related to marketing. I’e found out
that it’s an ongoing process of planning and executing the
marketing mix of price, place, and promotion of products,
services or ideas to create exchanges between individuals and
organizations. Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising,
distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and
wants, which are often discovered through market research. Essentially, marketing is the
process of creating or directing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service
that people not only desire, but are willing to buy as well. Therefore good marketing must be
able to create a "proposition" or set of benefits for the end customer that delivers value
through products or services.

Liam Well, that’ quite impressive!!! You’re gathered all the important details of marketing.
So, I guess you’re done with your project, right?

Khiff Nope. Not yet. I still have to go over it to see if there are any corrections to be made.

Words & Expression

project 과제 contrary 반대의
information 정보 ongoing 진행중의
process 과정 exchange 교환
individual 개인 distribution 분배
concern 관계하다 essentially 본질적으로
proposition 제의 correction 정정
1. I couldn’t get up : 일반적으로 get up은 ‘일어나다’는 말이다. 따라서 I couldn’ get up이라고 하면 ‘나는 일어나지
못했다’는 뜻이 된다.
2. go over : go over는 숙어로 ‘-을 세밀히 조사하다’, ‘-을 복습하다’는 뜻을 가진다. 때때로 구어로 ‘잘 되다’,
‘성공하다’는 뜻을 가지기도 하는데 본문에서는 ‘확인하다’ 정도로 해석이 가능하다.

1. Why was Khiff very tired this morning?
2. What kind of information was Khiff able to gather from the internet?
3. According to Khiff, what is marketing essentially?
4. What is the significance of having a target audience?
5. What can be done to increase customer satisfaction?
6. What are the factors to consider in building an effective marketing strategy?
7. In your opinion, what is the best way to introduce a new product or service?
08 Coca‐Cola vs. Pepsi
Karen So, have you made up your mind about what you’ve
going to order?

Philip Yes, I have. I’m going to have an egg salad, a chicken

parmigiana and a Coke.

Karen A Coke? Are you sure that’ what you want to get? I
think a better choice would be Pepsi. It’s sweeter, goes down
a lot more smoothly, and doesn’t have an aftertaste. Also, it
still quenches your thirst and tastes good even when it’s not
served cold or with ice.

Philip Oh, you are definitely pulling my leg! Coke is way better than Pepsi! Its sweetness is
just right, and in the many years that I’ve been drinking it, I’ve never noticed an aftertaste.
Also, Coke’s other variations are better-tasting than the ones from Pepsi. I especially like Coke
Light, which is the no-calorie variation.

Karen Well, I guess it all boils down to personal preference. Let’s just get what we want,
shall we? You order a Coke, and I’ll order a Pepsi.

Words & Expression

order 주문하다 parmigiana 파르메산 치즈를 넣은
smoothly 매끄럽게 aftertaste 뒷맛
quench (갈증)을 풀다 thirst 갈증
taste 맛이 나다 serve 제공하다
definitely 확실히 way 훨씬
sweetness 단맛 variation 변화, 다름
no‐calorie 칼로리가 없는 boil down to 결국 –이 되다
personal 개인적인 preference 선호
1. made up your mind : mind는 ‘마음’을 의미하며 make up은 숙어로 ‘‐을 결정하다’의 뜻을 가진다. 따라서 make
up a person’ mind는 ‘‐의 마음을 결정하다’로 해석이 가능한데 보통은 숙어로 ‘결심하다’, ‘결론을 내리다’, ‘체념하고
인정하다’ 등의 뜻으로 쓰인다..
2. pulling my leg : pull은 ‘당기다’, leg는 ‘다리’를 의미한다. 따라서 pulling a person’ leg를 직역하면 ‘‐의 다리를
당긴다’는 말이 되는데 이는 보통 구어로 ‘남을 놀리다’, ‘희롱하다’는 뜻으로 많이 사용된다. 이 때 pull 대신에 draw 를
쓰기도 한다.

1. What is Philip going to order?
2. Why does Karen think Pepsi would be a better choice than Coke?
3. Why does Philip think Coke is way better than Pepsi?
4. What drink really quenches your thirst?
5. Which would you rather have, Coke or Pepsi?
6. Name some other carbonated drinks you think are delicious.
7. Can you explain what “pulling my leg” means?
09 A Missing passport when travelling
Lance Hurry up, Shawn! I’m going to be late. I haven’t
got all day, you know!

Shawn Hold your horses! We’ll get to the airport on time.

Now, do you still remember everything we talked about last
night, including what you’e supposed to do when you lose
your passport?

Lance Of course. In the unfortunate event that I lose my

passport, I should inform the hotel where I’m staying so they
can contact the local authorities for me. Once I’m at the police station, I should file a police
report so that there’ a valid record of my loss, making sure, of course, that all of my
statements are true. After that, I should contact the embassy and set an appointment so I can
get a temporary passport issued. Oh, and I should also call the airline and inform them of the
loss, just so they can prepare any documents I have to fill out.

Shawn Also, I have photo copies of your passport, so I can easily email or fax it to you if you
lose your real one.

Words & Expression

remember 기억하다 include 포함하다
be supposed to –하기로 되어 있다 passport 여권
unfortunate 불행한 lose 잃어 버리다
inform 알리다 contact 접촉
authority 당국 valid 유효한
statement 진술 embassy 대사관
appointment 약속 temporary 일시적인
1. I haven’t got all day : 구어로 I haven’ got all day는 ‘(시간이 없으니) 서둘러라’, ‘나는 바쁘다’는 뜻으로 쓰인다.
2. hold your horses : hold one’ horses는 보통 명령문으로 쓰여서 ‘참다’, ‘침착하다’, ‘서두르지 않다’, ‘초조해 하지
않다’는 뜻을 가진다. 본문에서도 Hold your horses!라고 하여 ‘침착하게 해라’는 뜻으로 쓰였다.


1. What is the first thing Lance should do if ever he loses his passport?
2. What should he do in the police station and who should he contact afterwards?
3. Why should Lance call the airline after contacting the embassy?
4. What will Shawn do in case Lance loses his passport?
5. When was the last time you travelled abroad and where did you go?
6. Have you ever experienced losing something important while travelling?
7. How do you take care of your belongings when you are travelling?
10 Afternoon naps increase the risk of a stroke
Yen Have you taken your lunch break?

Say Yes, I’ve already taken my lunch break. I feel like

taking a nap for at least 30 minutes. I don’t have anything
to do anyway so I will just sleep in my room.

Yen Don’t you know that taking a nap in the afternoon

increases the risk of a stroke?

Say Is that your way of preventing me from sleeping, so we

can have small talk? I’ll tell you what, if you want to talk to me, we’ll do it after I take my nap.

Yen I’m not making it up just to talk to you. I’m just concerned about your health. Many
of us believe that taking an afternoon nap is good for our health. However, according to a
new report, daytime naps may actually harm our health. According to research, people who
regularly napped were more likely to suffer a stroke. The research shows that when we take
a nap we increase the risk of a stroke by 2.6 times compared to those who don’t nap. The
doctors who conducted the research are worried that since a lot of people don’ get much
sleep they will opt for afternoon naps that might harm them without even knowing it.

Say Okay. I’m totally awake now because of what you’ve said to me. Anyway, thanks for
your concern! I will just have a conversation with you instead of taking a nap.

Words & Expression

nap 낮잠 prevent 방해하다
daytime 낮 시간 harm 해를 끼치다
regularly 정기적으로 suffer 고통 받다
conduct 수행하다 compare 비교하다
awaken 자각시키다 concern 염려
1. small talk : small talk는 ‘작은 이야기’, ‘사소한 이야기’에서 의미가 발전하여 ‘세상사는 이야기’, ‘잡담’등의 뜻으로많이
쓰인다. 본문에서도 역시 위와 같은 뜻으로 쓰였다..
2. totally awakened : 일반적으로 awaken은 ‘자각시키다’는 뜻을 가지는데 awakened는 과거 분사 형태로 ‘깨어 나다’,
‘깨닫다’의 의미를 가진다. totally는 ‘완전히’이므로 totally awakened는 ‘완전히 깨닫다’는 뜻이 된다..

1. According to research, how can daytime naps actually harm our health?
2. Did Say believe Yen’s warning?
3. How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
4. What relaxing activity can you substitute for a nap in the afternoon?
5. How do you feel when you lack a good nights sleep?
6. Are you convinced by the study that napping increases the risk of having a stroke?
7. What are the reasons why people take naps?
11 Is it possible to work for one company your entire life?
Cynthia Ben, may I have your opinion on something?

Ben Sure. What’s up?

Cynthia Well, I’ve been working for my company for five years now, but
I’ve been getting a lot of other job offers. I’m really happy where I am,
and to be frank, the other job offers aren’t exactly making me jump for
joy. The thing is, most of my friends who have worked for one company
for as long as I have are starting to move on to other jobs. I don’t know
if I should do the same. I’m so happy with my company that I think I
can work for them forever. Do you think that’s possible?

Ben I’ve seen it happen. In fact, now that I think about it, my grandfather worked for just one
company his entire life. He was always telling us about how well his company treated him, and
because he was always motivated to work, his output was always excellent. Even if there were
younger people applying for his position, the company decided to keep my grandfather because
he proved to be such an asset. So yes, I think it is possible.

Cynthia That’s good to hear. I’m suddenly in high spirits. Thanks Ben!

Words & Expression

opinion 의견 frank 숨김없는
offer 제공하다 exactly 정확히
asset 가치 있는 것, 자산 possible 가능한
entire 전체의 treat 대접하다
motivate 동기를 부여하다 output 생산
excellent 훌륭한 apply 지원하다
decide 결정하다 prove 증명하다
1. jump for joy : joy는 ‘기쁨’이고 jump는 ‘뛰다’는 뜻을 가진다. 따라서 jump for joy는 기쁨으로 뛴다는 의미가
되는데, ‘기뻐 날뛰다’, ‘매우 기쁘다’ 정도로 해석이 가능하다.
2. in high spirit : 일반적으로 spirit은 ‘정신’, ‘기운’, ‘기분’의 뜻을 가진다. in high spirit은 숙어로 ‘기분이 매우
좋아’라는 의미를 가지는데 이 때 high 대신에 great, excellent를 써도 상관이 없다.

1. What is Cynthia’s dilemma?
2. Who is the person that Ben used as an example of a loyal employee?
3. What does the line “it isn’t exactly making me jump for joy” mean?
4. Do you think you can work for only one company your whole life?
5. What do you think a company should do to keep their employees loyal?
6. Are you happy with your job and employer right now? Why or why not?
7. If you were given a better offer somewhere else, would you quit your current job?
12 An internet ad can payoff
Carol I’ll hunt for bargains on the Internet. Maybe there are some
products on sale.

Connie Are you sure? I think the Internet advertisements are quite

Carol Actually, some products are expensive and some are not. You
just have to be patient in looking for and purchasing a product.

Connie That’ good! But I don’t have computers at home. So, I can’t
look on the Internet.

Carol That’ too bad! You have to buy a computer. It’s a necessity.
Anyways, the advertising company came up with a good idea and
that’s to use the Internet to reach out to their customers who are always online. The Internet
is an effective way to spread the word about a new product. And it’s really effective because
nowadays many people are using computers, especially in school, at home or even in the
office. We always use computers to search for something. So, the advertisement taught that
they could pop up an advertisement while other programs are in use. And a good thing about
this is that they can post their advertisement for free. You just have to know the program that
you’re going to use [use] and then you can download it on the Internet!

Words & Expression

product 상품 on sale 할인 중인
advertisement 광고 patient 참을성 있는
purchase 구매하다 necessity 필수
customer 고객 effective 효과적인
nowadays 요즘 especially 특히
search for –을 찾다 free 공짜의
1. hunt for bargains : hunt for은 숙어로 ‘-을 사냥하다’, ‘-을 찾다’는 뜻을 가지는데 hunt for bargains라고 하면
‘싼 물건을 찾다’는 뜻으로 해석을 하면 자연스럽다.
2. spread the word : spread는 ‘늘어놓다’, ‘펼쳐 보이다’는 뜻을 가지므로 spread the word라고 하면 ‘말을
늘어놓다’, 즉, 본문에서는 ‘홍보를 하다’는 뜻으로 쓰였음을 알 수 있다.

1. What did Carol mean when she said “I’ll hunt for bargains?”
2. Tell me what Carol told Connie about advertising on the internet.
3. How often do you use the computer at home or work?
4. What do you usually like to do online?
5. How do you feel about online advertisements and pop up ads?
6. Do you like hunting for bargains too?
7. Which do you prefer : shopping online or going to the store?
13 The pitfalls of using credit cards
Mom We can’t afford a new computer yet. You have to wait a
few more months until I have enough money.

Daughter Why don’t we just use your credit card, mom?

Mom Credit cards are only for emergencies, not for impulsive
purchases. Don’ you know the dangers of using a credit card
irresponsibly? Credit cards charge interest on products or
services bought with them. Before you know it, you might have
already racked up so many charges you’ll be neck-deep in debt! So many people have dug
themselves into huge holes from the indiscriminate use of their credit cards. They become
ruined financially because of that. Another pitfall of using credit cards is loss or theft. If you
lose your credit card or if it gets stolen, whoever gets it can use it to make purchases. Before
you can tell the bank to freeze your account, the person could have already bought many
things and you would end up having to pay for all of it.

Words & Expression

afford –을 할 수 있다 credit 신용
emergency 비상사태 impulsive 충동적인
purchase 구매 irresponsibly 책임감 없게
charge 청구하다 interest 이자
debt 빚 dig 파내다
indiscriminate 분별없는 ruin 망치다
financially 재정적으로 pitfall 함정
whoever 누구나 freeze 동결시키다
1. racked up : rack은 동사로 ‘몹시 괴로워 하다’는 뜻이 있으며 rack up은 속어로 ‘(승리 따위)를 얻다’, 혹은
‘(쌍대방)을 때려눕히다’의 뜻을 가진다.
2. neck-deep : neck-deep은 형용사로 서술용법에서 ‘목까지 닿는 깊이의’, ‘목까지 잠긴’, ‘깊이 빠져든’의 의미로
쓰이는데 이 때 전치사 in, into와 같이 쓰기도 한다. 부사로 ‘깊이 빠져서’의 뜻으로 쓰이기도 한다.

1. What cant the speakers afford to buy right now?
2. Why doesn’t the mom want to use her credit card?
3. Which do you prefer : To pay in credit or in cash?
4. What was the last purchase you made using your credit card?
5. Tell me what was the last purchase you paid for in cash.
6. In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of using credit cards?
7. What kinds of purchases would qualify as emergencies for you?
14 Official Attire or Casual Clothes in the Office
Dean Bye Sarah! I’m going to work!

Sarah You are? How come you’re dressed so casually?

Dean Our boss wants us to feel comfortable while we’re working,

which is why he’s not so strict when it comes to what we wear.
Besides, since our office is small, our boss meets with the
company’s big-time clients in other locations, so they don’t really
see us. I’m actually glad that we don’t have a strict dress code
in the office. Office attire these days is so expensive.

Sarah I understand what you’re saying, but I think wearing office attire is necessary, even
if important clients do not drop by or see employees regularly. An office is your place of work
and not your home, which means your appearance and actions should be proper and
professional. As for the high price of office clothes, you can try looking in bargain stores
so you can save money. I once found a blazer at a bargain store downtown, and it was a

Dean You have a point. I’ll talk to my boss and maybe he’ll have a change of heart.

Words & Expression

casually 약식으로 comfortable 편안한
strict 엄격한 besides 게다가
client 고객 location 장소
actually 사실상 attire 복장
employee 피고용인 regularly 정기적으로
professional 프로의 appearance 외모
blazer 휘황하게 빛나는 것
1. office attire : attire은 명사로 ‘복장’이라는 뜻을 가진다. 따라서 office attire은 ‘사무실 복장’, 즉, ‘점잖은 차림’
정도로 해석이 가능하다.
2. it was a steal : 일반적으로 that’ a steal이라고 하면 구어로 ‘공짜나 마찬가지다’, ‘횡재다’의 의미를 가진다. 본문의
it was a steal도 역시 ‘그건 공짜나 마찬가지다’, ‘횡재였다’의 뜻이 된다.

1. Why is Dean dressed casually for work?
2. Does Sarah agree with Dean when it comes to dressing at work?
3. What is Sarah’s solution to the high cost of office attire?
4. What kind of clothes do you usually wear to work?
5. Do you think wearing office attire improves an employee’s productivity at work?
6. If you could wear anything you want at work , what would you wear?
7. Do you prefer shopping for bargains or expensive clothes?
15 The reason workers need to work overnight
Sandy Ted, may I use your phone? I have to call my
husband and tell him that I’ll be staying at the office

Ted Pulling an all-nighter, huh? Why? I thought

your project wasn’t due until next week.

Sandy That’s what I thought, too, but the client just

sent an e-mail saying he wants the project done by
noon tomorrow. There are only two of us working on
it right now, and if I don’t stay overnight, we won’t be
able to meet the client’s new deadline. I would love to take the work home, but the materials
I’ll need are here in the office. This project is really important because it’s going to give the
company a lot of money and prestige. What about you? What are you still doing here?

Ted My computer crashed and I’m trying to recover my files because I have an important
presentation tomorrow. So far, I haven’t been successful. I think I’m going to have to stay
overnight as well. It looks like we’re in the same boat.

Words & Expression

all‐nighter 철야작업, 밤 새도록 project 프로젝트
due 기일이 된 client 고객
noon 정오 overnight 밤새
deadline 마감시간 material 자료
prestige 지위 crash 부서지다
recover 회복하다 presentation 발표
1. Pulling an all-nighter : all-nighter은 ‘철야작업’을 말한다. 미국 숙어로 pull a all-nighter은 ‘밤샘 공부를 하다’는
뜻인데 본문에서는 학생들 사이의 대화가 아니라 직장인들 사이의 대화이므로 ‘밤샘 작업을 하다’라고 해석을 하면 적절하다.
2. we’e on the same boat : we’e on the same boat를 직역하면 ‘우리는 같은 배를 타고 있다’는 말인데 여기서
배는 누군가가 처해있는 처지를 나타내는 말이라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 이 말의 뜻은 ‘처지(운명)를 같이하다’이며 이와 유사한
뜻으로 be (all) in one (or same) boat가 있다.

1. Why does Sandy need to stay at the office tonight?
2. Why is Ted still in the office as well?
3. When was the last time you had to “pull an all nighter” at work or school?
4. Would you rather work at the office or at home?
5. Do you work well under pressure or do you easily get stressed out?
6. Where do you work best : alone or in a team?
7. Would you prioritize your work over your personal life?
16 Human Networking
Karen Why do you look blue in the face? It seems like you’re been
working all day!!! You look really tired!!!

Bea Is it that obvious? Actually, I’m really tired and exhausted. I helped
Kathy pack her things yesterday.

Karen Oh. I see. I heard that she’s going to Australia tomorrow. Does
she have plans to work there?

Bea Yes. She’s going to Australia tomorrow. And I’m going to see her off at
the airport. She’s gong to find applicants who are interested in working for
her company. She’s busy doing human networking where she recruits many
people who are qualified to work for her company. Human networking
establishes a respectful and caring relationship that promotes mutual success.
She helps other people to get a job and be productive. At the same time,
she receives an incentive or bonus from the company. So, it’s an effective way of helping
each other because human networking is beneficial for all of them. And the good thing about
this is that you’re not only earning a lot of money but you also share your passions and you
convince or invite others into the activities or jobs that you already enjoy doing.

Karen Wow!!! I admire the type of job that she’ doing. Convincing other people is hard. But
then, she’s persistent and giving opportunities to those who are unemployed!

Words & Expression

exhausted 지친 applicant 지원자
recruit 신병을 모집하다 establish 설립하다
respectful 존경할 만한 promote 촉진하다
mutual 상호의 productive 생산적인
beneficial 이익이 되는 convince 확신하다
admire 감탄하다 persistent 지속성의
1. blue in the face : blue in the face는 숙어로 ‘격분하여 새파래진’, 혹은 ‘지쳐서 창백한’의 뜻을 가진다. be blue
in the face라고 하면 ‘안색이 파랗다’, ‘몹시 화나 있다’로 해석을 할 수 있다.
2. see her off : set off는 숙어로 여러 가지 뜻이 있는데 ‘출발하다’, ‘출발시키다’, ‘-을 촉발하다’, ‘-을 칸막이 하다’
등이 그것이다. 본문에서는 I’ going to set her off at the airport라고 하여 ‘나는 그녀를 공항에서 배웅할 것이다’로
해석할 수 있다.

1. What does Kathy do for a living?
2. According to Bea, what is good about human networking?
3. What does Karen think about Kathy’s job?
4. What does human networking bring about or establish?
5. What would you do to convince people to work at your company?
6. How can human networking improve your character?
7. Do you think anyone can be good at networking?
17 The best investment option ‐ real estate
Doug Barry, I’d like to add some real estate to my
portfolio of investments. What can you tell me about it?
Do you think that would be a wise thing to do?

Barry Well, there has always been the argument that

real estate is generally a good investment. For a lot of
people, it is actually the best choice of investment. There
is some truth to that, especially for land/property located
in prime areas with a history of little devaluation.

Doug What do you mean by that?

Barry Well, when a piece of real estate is found in an area that is not prone to natural
disasters, there is little in the way of damage due to those and thus, devaluation is not too big
a factor. Those with the means often don’ mind anteing up for some prime piece of property.
When the real estate is highly coveted, people even go on bidding wars and the sky’s the limit
as to how high the wagers go. Just remember, though, only when it is in a very good spot is
real estate truly the best investment option. In many cases, like other property investments,
time and use erodes its value.

Words & Expression

real estate 부동산 portfolio 투자 자산 구성
investment 투자 argument 언쟁
property 자산 prime 주요한
devaluation 평가절하 prone –의 경향이 있는, 엎드린
disaster 재앙 damage 손실
factor 요인 bid 입찰을 하다
wager 내기 option 선택권
erode 서서히 파괴하다
1. anteing up : ante는 명사로 ‘비용’, 동사로 ‘돈을 걸다’, ‘자기 몫을 내다’는 뜻을 가진다. up과 함께 쓰여서 ante
up은 ‘-을 지불하다’는 뜻이 된다.
2. sky’s the limit : 구어로 the sky is the limit은 ‘천정부지다’, ‘무제한이다’, ‘얼마든지 있다’는 뜻을 가지며 일반적인
숙어로 ‘하려는 마음만 있으면 무엇이든 할 수 있다’는 뜻으로 쓰이기도 한다.

1. According to Barry, when is real estate regarded as the best investment?
2. Besides natural disasters what other factors might decrease the value of real estate?
3. What is the meaning of the phrase “ky’ the limit?”k
4. Do you think that real estate is a good investment option?
5. Aside from real estate, what other investment option would you recommend?
6. Do you think it is easy to be a real estate agent?
7. Are you happy with your home and its location right now? Why or why not?ocket
18 Apple’s success story
Rick Hey James, that’ a really cool mp3 player you’e got.
What brand is it?

James It’s an Apple iPod of course. I wouldn’t trust any

other brand.

Rick Oh really? Why is that? I’m sure there are lots of other
great brands for gadgets and gizmos like that.

James Well, yeah. The thing is, Apple has led the way in
portable devices and computers for many years. Among the earliest laptops techies trusted
were the original generation Macbooks. There may have been other brands that came out
since, or even ahead of the Apple iPod, but it has definitely been the leader of the pack.
One thing behind its stature is its success at redesigning and re-inventing the device. It has
evolved from a mere music format player, to one that can display images, to a video and
audio player and now, in its latest incarnation, as a sleek and stylish phone and multimedia
player. As the benchmark in portable multimedia devices, Apple has certainly thought of all the
possible accessories to go with their various generation iPods and iPhones. If anything, Apple
has definitely done its best to give consumers like us our heart’s desires.

Words & Expression

gadget 정교한 소도구 gizmo 새로 나온 소도구
portable 휴대가 가능한 device 장치
laptop 랩톱 컴퓨터 generation 세대
definitely 명백히 stature 발달, 진보
redesign 재설계 하다 re‐invent 재발명 하다
incarnation 구체화, 실현 benchmark 척도
certainly 확실히 accessory 부속물
various 다채로운
1. leader of the pack : pack은 일반적으로 ‘꾸러미’, ‘다발’, ‘일당’ 등의 뜻으로 쓰인다. leader of the pack은 ‘그
꾸러미의 선두’의 뜻에서 본문에서는 ‘(Apple사가) 집단의 선두주자’는 뜻으로 쓰였음을 알 수 있다.
2. heart’ desires : heart’ desire은 명사로 ‘마음으로부터 바라는 것’이라는 뜻을 가진다.

1. What is Apple known for producing?
2. What laptops did old techies trust?
3. Why does James call the Apple iPod the “leader of the pack?”
4. If given the chance, which Apple gadget would you like to buy?
5. Would you say that Apple devices are the best in the market?
6. Can you name some electronic gadgets you use in your daily life?
7. Are Apple products popular among Koreans? Why or why not?
19 China Bubble
Oscar Robert, can you help me write my term paper for my Business
101 class? It’s due tomorrow morning, so I’m really working against
the clock here. My topic is about the China Bubble.

Robert The China Bubble, you say? To my understanding, the

China Bubble is the term people use to describe the rapid inflation
of stock prices in China. Over the years, the value of stocks in China
has continued to increase significantly. Some analysts say that this
phenomenon can be attributed to how the Chinese are investing
their money. Since there’ not much growth in savings accounts and
property, many are opting to invest their money in stocks, which is why
there is a continuous surge in their stock market.

Oscar I see. Is it possible, though, for this so-called China Bubble to burst?

Robert Yes, There is definitely a possibility of that happening. There are a lot of factors that
could suddenly deflate the growth of the Chinese stock market, including the country’s political
and social climate. There’s also the fact that all stock prices slump every now and then, which
is why investing in the stock market is a risky move. If the China Bubble were to burst, there
would certainly be implications, including social and political chaos.

Words & Expression

rapid 급격한 stock price 주가
significantly 의미심장하게 analyst 분석자
phenomenon 현상 invest 투자하다
property 자산 so‐called 소위
burst 폭발하다 definitely 분명히
factor 요인 suddenly 갑자기
include 포함하다 implication 포함, 연루
1. against the clock : 숙어로 against the clock은 ‘시간에 쫓겨서’, ‘스톱 워치로 재서’의 뜻을 가진다. 본문에서는 첫
번째 뜻으로 해석을 하면 자연스럽다. 참고로 work against the clock은 ‘시간에 맞추어 마치려고 열심히 일하다’ 의 뜻이다.
2. now and then : now and then은 보통 every와 함께 쓰여서 every now and then이라고 하여 ‘때때로’, ‘가끔’의
뜻으로 해석이 된다. 비슷한 표현으로 every once in a while, every now and again 등이 있다.

1. Why does Oscar need Robert’s help?
2. What is the definition of China Bubble?
3. What did Oscar mean when he said he is “working against the clock?”
4. Why there is a continuous rise in the stock value of China?
5. What could cause the China Bubble to burst?
6. Why is investing in the stock market risky?
7. Can the China Bubble only happen in China?
20 Differences between western and eastern gatherings
Norman Do you want to watch a movie this weekend, Ronnie?

Ronnie I’m sorry, Norman, but I’ll have to take a rain check. I have to meet with some
executives to talk about my investments in their company.

Norman Is that so? I can recommend some fine dining restaurants where you and the
executives can have your meeting. Will you be meeting for lunch or dinner?

Ronnie Neither. You see, the executives I’m meeting with are from a Japanese company, and
they have different customs and practices. As you know, it’s common practice for western
companies to treat their clients to either lunch or dinner when they have an important matter to
discuss. This is already viewed as a less formal setting, because it takes place outside of the
workplace and in a more open environment. However,
the scenario is quite different for eastern companies.
Instead of taking their clients to lunch or dinner, they
set up their meetings in night clubs and bars, which
are even less formal and more festive. They also drink
alcohol with their clients during the meeting.

Norman That sounds like fun. It’ll give you a chance

to loosen up with the executives. Enjoy yourself!

Words & Expression

executive 경영 간부, 중역 custom 풍습
practice 관습 western 서양의
treat 접대하다 discuss 의논하다
already 이미 formal 공식적인
scenario 시나리오, 행동 계획 eastern 동양의
less 덜 festive 흥겨운
1. take a rain check : rain check는 명사로 ‘(비로 경기가 연기된 때 주는) 우천 순연권), 구어로 ‘후일의 약속’ 등의
뜻을 가진다. take a rain check는 ‘후일에 응하겠다고 약속하다’는 뜻이다.
2. it’ common practice for : common은 형용사로 ‘일반적인’, ‘통례의’의 뜻이고 practice는 ‘관례’, ‘관습’의 뜻을
가진다. 따라서 it’ common practice for 은 ‘-은 일반적인 관례이다’로 해석이 가능하다.
3. loosen up : 숙어로 loosen up은 ‘돈을 헤프게 쓰다’, ‘긴장을 풀다’, ‘편하게 쉬다’, 그리고 on과 함께 쓰여서
‘-을완화하다’는 뜻을 가진다.

1. Why did Ronnie decline Norman’s invitation to watch a movie this weekend?
2. Where is it common for western companies to treat their clients?
3. Where do eastern companies usually take their clients for meetings?
4. Which do you prefer and why: The western or eastern gathering?
5. Do you like to frequent night clubs and bars?
6. In your experience, is drinking with clients and colleagues enjoyable?
7. Can you name other places where you can take a client for a meeting?
21 Mother’s pass on their stress to their kids
Abby Hi there Hilda. Are you okay, you look exhausted?

Hilda Believe me I am. Why is it that, when it rains it pours?

Abby Let me guess, domestic problems again huh?

Hilda Not really, I’m just really tired Abby. I can’t complain
about my husband, he is a very good man and he always
works hard for me and the kids. It’s just that he went out of the
country on a business trip and then out of the blue my nanny got sick. I am in charge of the
house now and I think I’m going crazy.

Abby Oh Hilda, I can see your stress level is up to the ceiling. But try to relax a bit, didn’t
you know that you can pass that stress on to your kids? I read an article and it says that
young kids are more likely to pick up on their mother’s stress. I’ve got a better idea, why don’t
you call your mom and ask for her help, I’m sure she’ll be excited to help you take care of
the kids. And while your mom is in charge, I will take you out for a nice massage and a little
weekend shopping.

ilda Thanks Abby, I really feel sad knowing that I’m passing my stress on to the kids. Now, I’ll
do my best to be more relaxed whenever I’m home.

Words & Expression

exhausted 기진맥진한 domestic 가정 내의
complain 불평하다 business trip 출장
nanny 유모 in charge of –를 책임지고 있는
crazy 제정신이 아닌 ceiling 천장
article 기사 take care of –를 돌보다
whenever –할 때면 언제나
1. when it rains it pours : pour은 ‘쏟다’, ‘붓다’는 의미의 동사인데 when it rains it pours를 직역하면 ‘비가
내리면 쏟아 붓는다’가 된다. 이는 ‘엎친 데 덮친 격이다’, ‘설상가상’의 뜻으로 나쁜 일이 생기면 또 다른 나쁜 일이 덩달아
일어난다는 의미를 가진다.
2. out of the blue : 보통 blue는 형용사로 ‘푸른’, ‘하늘빛의’라는 뜻으로 많이 알려져 있지만 ‘기운이 없는’,
‘낙담한’이라는 뜻으로 쓰이기도 한다. out of blue는 숙어로 ‘뜻밖에’, ‘불시에’라는 뜻을 가지는데 본문에서는 ‘갑자기’라고
해석을 하면 적절하다.

1. Why is Hilda stressed out?
2. Where was Hilda’ husband?
3. What did Abby caution Hilda against?
4. What is Abby going to do to help Hilda relax?
5. What makes you feel stressed?
6. When you are stressed, what helps you to relax and feel better?
7. Why is stress bad for our health and well‐being?
22 Personal Information Stolen by Internet Service Providers
Brie Hey, Julie, I keep getting all this junk mail from an anonymous
sender. How do you think he got my email address?

Julie Do you have a firewall program installed on your computer?

If you do, it should stop any uninvited access to your computer.
Hackers can gain access to your personal information thru the
Internet by stealing data they find on your computer, e-mail or other
sites. When they have the information, they can use it to open credit
cards in your name, take financial accounts and other documents.

Brie Oh, my gosh! I didn’t know that. What should I do?

Julie There are a number of ways to minimize the risk of being a victim of identity theft. The
first is by using unpredictable passwords on all your accounts. Avoid using easily available
information such as your birthday. The second is by securing personal information on your
computer. Always use virus protection software and avoid downloading files or opening files
sent to you by strangers. This could expose your computer to a virus known as "spyware" that
captures any information you type on your keyboard. Hackers may also create phony
promotional offers or pose as representatives of banks, Internet service providers, and even
government agencies to get people to reveal their personal information online. That’s why it’s
so hard to catch them red-handed. That’s why you shouldn’t give out any data unless you
confirm that who you’re dealing with is legitimate.

Brie Wow, thanks for sharing this information with me. Those hackers must have state of the
art equipment to be able to do that. I’ll be more cautious next time.

Words & Expression

anonymous 무명의 firewall 방화벽
financial 금융의 minimize 최소화하다
legitimate 합법의 identity 주체성, 신원
representative 대표자 confirm 확실하게 하다

1. catch them red-handed : catch는 동사로 ‘잡다’는 뜻을 가지며 red-handed는 형용사로 ‘현행범으로’의 뜻을
가진다. 따라서 catch them red-handed는 ‘그들을 현행범으로 잡다’는 뜻으로 해석할 수 있다.
2. state of the art : state of the art는 일반적으로 ‘(과학 따위의) 최첨단 기술’, ‘최첨단 수준’의 뜻으로 쓰이는데
본문에서도 역시 그 장비가 ‘최첨단’이라는 말을 하기 위해 쓰였음을 알 수 있다.

1. What is Brie frequently receiving in his email?
2. What is the function of the firewall program in your computer?
3. What are hackers?
4. What is “spyware?”
5. How do you protect your computer from malicious outside threats?
6. Have you ever given your personal information online?
7. Do you know anyone who had been a victim of identity theft?
23 The shortage of oil
Carrie Have you seen oil prices today, Jerry? They’e just continuing to sky-rocket.

Jerry I know, and it’s mainly because we’re running out of it. We’re consuming oil faster than
we can produce it. There’s only a limited supply left, but the demand is high.

Carrie Couldn’t the oil companies just set up new oil drills and wells? That way, we can keep
producing oil, increase supply and meet the demand. Then, prices will go down.

Jerry That’s easier said than done. In recent years, there’s also been a decline in oil wells
and oil fields. Also, it takes million of years for new
petroleum, the source of oil, to form, and since petroleum
products can only be used once, it’s impossible to recycle
oil. If things continue to worsen, I wouldn’t be surprised if
we completely run out of oil soon. When that happens,
catastrophe will surely ensue, since everyone depends on
oil so much.

Carrie That’ a scary thought. I guess it’ time to kick

things into gear and start looking for a solution to the oil

Words & Expression

continue 계속하다 consume 소비하다
limit 한정하다 supply 공급
demand 수요 decline 감소
petroleum 석유 source 원천
impossible 불가능한 recycle 재활용하다
worsen 악화시키다 surprise 놀라게 하다
completely 완전히 catastrophe 재난
solution 해결책 crisis 위기
1. sky-rocket : sky‐rocket은 명사로 ‘유성 모양의 불꽃/봉화’의 뜻을 가지지만 동사로는 ‘물가가 치솟다’, ‘급상승하다’, ‘급
등시키다’ 등의 뜻을 가진다. 본문에서는 자동사로 ‘물가가 치솟다’는 뜻으로 쓰였다.
2. kick things into gear : kick은 동사로 ‘차다’는 의미이고 gear는 명사로 ‘기어’이다. 따라서 kick things into gear는
무언가를 차서 기어에 넣는다는 의미이므로 ‘(기어가 들어가서) 원활하게 진행이 되다’, ‘순조롭게 잘 돌아가다’ 는 뜻으로 해석
이 가능하다.

1. What are the speakers talking about?
2. According to Jerry, why is oil so expensive?
4. What does the term “kick things into gear” mean?
5. How important is oil to people’s everyday lives?
6. How can we solve the oil shortage?
7. Imagine a world without oil. Can you describe it to me?
24 The importance of a mentor in life
Hillary Ned, would it be alright if I hit the road in a couple
of minutes? I have to meet with my mentor, Mr. Parkinson.

Ned Of course it’s alright. I do have one question, though.

Why do you meet with a mentor? You’re got a good head on
your shoulders, you’re goal-oriented and very independent.
It doesn’t seem like you need someone to tell you what to do.

Hillary I consider myself an independent person as well,

but having a mentor has done wonders for my life. Mr.
Parkinson has been an enormous help. He was the one
who guided me throughout my college life, helping me to
develop and write my thesis and constantly giving me
constructive criticism. He doesn’t mind sharing what he knows, and always has my best
interest at heart. Now that I’ve graduated, Mr. Parkinson is helping me sort through various job
opportunities and giving me advice on how I can do well during interviews. I wouldn’t have
been able to do this all by myself.

Words & Expression

alright 훌륭한 a couple of 몇 개의
mentor 조언자 though 그래도
‐oriented –지향적인 independent 독립적인
consider 생각하다 wonder 놀라운 효과
enormous 막대한 thesis 명제, 논문
constantly 끊임없이 constructive 건설적인
criticism 비평 interest 이익
graduate 졸업하다 various 다양한
1. hit the road : hit the road는 속어로 ‘여행을 떠나다’, ‘출발하다’는 의미가 있고 그 외에 숙어로 ‘방랑하다’, 그리 고
명령형으로 ‘나가다’는 뜻을 가진다. 본문의 hit the road는 ‘나가보다’ 정도로 해석하면 된다.
2. good head on your shoulders : good head on your shoulders는 ‘너의 어깨 위의 좋은 머리’로 직역할 수
있지만 보통은 have a good head on a person’ shoulders의 숙어로 쓰여 ‘양식과 분별이 있다’, ‘지혜가 있다’,
혹은‘실무에 밝다’는 의미로 많이 쓰인다. 이 때 good은 생략해도 상관없다

1. Who will Hillary meet?
2. What is Ned’ opinion of Hillary ?
3. According to Hillary, how has Mr Parkinson been an enormous help?
4. Can you name one person who always has your best interests at heart?
5. Who do you consider as your personal mentor in life?
6. Do you think you have to be a professional or an expert to become a mentor?
7. Would you like to be a mentor to somebody someday too?
25 Female Workers with Heavy Make‐up in the Office
Christina Donna, can you accompany me to the bathroom? I just want to do a quick touchup
before our lunch break ends.

Donna I think your make-up is just fine. You don't need a touch-up, trust me.

Christina I trust you. Besides, I don't want to look like Susan from accounting. She's got
layers and layers of make-up on her face every day. Her eye-shadow and blush-on are so
thick, and her lipstick is so red and bright. She also likes putting on dark eyeliner to make her
eyes stand out, but she often goes overboard with it. I asked her once
why she likes putting so much make-up on, and she told me it's
because her husband says it makes her more beautiful. I wanted to tell
her it makes her look like a clown!

Donna No need to be mean, Christina. Besides, beauty is in the

eye of the beholder, right? Personally, I've got nothing against Susan's
heavy make-up, although I think it's starting to affect what other people
think about her. I’ve even heard some clients say that they find the
heavy make-up somewhat cheap and inappropriate for the office.

Christina We should tell her to tone it down, then, so people won't talk
behind her back anymore. I'll also try to give her tips about applying
make-up modestly.

Words & Expression

accompany 동행하다 do a touch‐up 개선하다 (본문에선 화장하다 의미)
accounting 회계 layer 층
stand out 눈에 띠다 clown 어릿광대
affect 영향을 미치다 tone down (강도를) 줄이다
modest 겸손한, 수수한
1. beauty is in the eye of the beholder : ‘제 눈에 안경이다’ 라는 우리 속담에 해당되는 영어 표현이다. behold
는 문어적으로 특히나 문학작품 정도에서 ‘바라보다’라는 의미를 가진 동사이니, ‘바라보는 자에 따라서 아름다움이 존재한다’
라는 의미로 파악될 수 있다.
2. talk behind one’ back : 그 사람이 안보는데서 그 사람의 흉을 본다는 영어 표현이다. ‘남이 보이지 않는 곳에서
험담하다’라는 의미로 사용된다. ‘상대방을 욕하다’ 라고 표현할 때, slander까지 사용할 필요 없이, talk이란 동사 하나로
표현이 가능함을 기억하자. 또한 talk back 이라면, ‘말대꾸 하다’로 사용되는 표현이다.

1. How did Christina describe Susan from accounting?
2. Why does Susan like putting so much make‐ up on?
3. What did some clients have to say about Susan’s heavy make‐up?
4. Do you think make‐up enhances a woman’s appearance?
5. What is your favorite make‐up item?
6. Do you agree with the line : “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?”
7. Besides wearing heavy make‐up, what do you think is inappropriate for the office?
26 Workaholic
Diane I have so much work to do today. After I have lunch with you, I still have to organize
all my files on my desk. I also need to organize them, alphabetically and numerically. After
that, I need to write a report on our marketing expenses and business transactions, which I
have to finish before the meeting. And you know what else? The meeting is also today! With
all this work, I’ afraid I might kick the bucket soon!

Rose Diane, it sounds to me like you have turned into one of those people. I believe you’e
familiar with the term workaholic?

Diane So I’ a workaholic… What about you? Don’ you consider yourself one too? You’e
a kindergarten teacher during the day and at night, a mother of
two children. Not to mention on weekends, you work part time as a
cashier in the supermarket! I don’ even know how you balance all
of that!

Rose I guess you’e right about that. Maybe we‘e both workaholics. But
of course, I do it for my two boys. Being a single parent, I have to do
this. So I can send them to a good university. Education does not
come cheap, my friend.

Diane Right, right. As for me, I work hard so that I can have a
future to look forward to. When I retire, I would like to have a big
house with a beautiful garden outside. Plus, if I don’ work, I feel
like I’ going to end up dirt poor!

Words & Expression

organize 조직하다 expense 비용
transaction 업무, 거래 workaholic 일 중독증
consider 고려하다 kindergarten 유치원
mention 말하다 look forward to –을 학수고대 하다
1. kick the bucket : 구어로 kick the bucket은 ‘죽다’는 의미를 가진다. 간단하게 die라고 해도 무방하다.
2. dirt poor : dirt‐poor은 형용사로 ‘아주 가난한’, ‘극빈의’라는 뜻이다.

1. What does Diane have to do after lunch with Rose?
2. How did Diane react after Rose called her a workaholic?
3. What is the reason why Rose works so hard?
4. What about Diane –why does she work hard?
5. Would you consider yourself a workaholic ?
6. What motivates and inspires you to work hard?
7. What do you do to relax after work?
27 My Favorite Ad Campaign
Marie The advertising industry is really booming these
days. Lately, a lot of cool advertisements have been coming
out. However, I do have a personal favorite.

Eric Oh? Which advertising campaign do you like the most?

Marie I like GAP’s holiday ad campaign. Each ad features

different celebrities wearing various pieces from GAP’s holiday
collection. It was fun to see some of my favorite Hollywood
stars, such as James Marsden, Amy Adams and Amanda Peet, wearing colorful scarves,
gloves, hats and sweaters. The ads were really creative and easy on the eyes.

Eric I agree with you. GAP has always been innovative when it comes to their ad campaigns.
However, I have a different personal favorite. I enjoyed the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty.
I appreciate the way the campaign is trying to change today’s standard of beauty, which is
quite unrealistic. I also like that the campaign is geared towards building the self-esteem of
women, and that it says women don’ have to look a certain way to be considered beautiful.
That particular ad campaign has proven to be uplifting and inspiring.

Marie You’e right about that. I do hope that companies will continue to think out of the box
and launch positive and wholesome ad campaigns like the ones from GAP and Dove.

Words & Expression

advertise 광고하다 boom 번창하다
innovative 혁신적인 appreciate 감사하다
unrealistic 비현실적인 particular 특별한
uplifting 격려가 되는 inspiring 영감을 주는
1. easy on the eyes : 구어로 easy on the eyes는 ‘보기에 좋은’, ‘매력적인’의 뜻을 가진다. 이 때 eye는 단수로
써도 무방하다. 같은 뜻으로 easy to look at이 있다.
2. think out of the box : 숙어로 think out of the box는 ‘독창적인 방법을 취하다’, 혹은 ‘새로운 각도에서
접근하다’는 뜻으로 쓰인다. out of the box는 호주나 뉴질랜드 영어에서 구어로 ‘특별 취급의’의 뜻으로 쓰이기도 한다.

1. Why does Marie really like GAP’s holiday ad campaign?
2. Why does Eric favor Dove’s ad?
3. What does the phrase “creative and easy on the eyes” mean?
4. Have you ever bought any GAP or Dove products in the past?
5. Can you name your favourite ad campaign and why you like it so much?
6. If you were a commercial model, what product would you like to endorse?
7. If you had to endorse a clothing brand, what would it be ?
28 Word of Mouth
Dennis Hi Cynthia! It’ such a beautiful day today, why are you looking so glum? A penny
for your thoughts?

Cynthia Oh, I’ just thinking about how I’ going to get more people to listen to my band’
music. We don’ have enough money for promotions right now.

Dennis No need to worry, Cynthia. You can try attracting more people through word-ofmouth.
It’ really very simple. All you have to do is tell a group of people to tell their friends and
colleagues about your band. Those friends and colleagues will then tell their other peers
about your band, and so on. Before you know it, more people will be listening to your music.
I guarantee you, it works. It’ so effective that it’ even used as a marketing tool by a lot of
companies. One successful example is that of Affinitive’ Passholder Community campaign,
which used a social networking site to promote their “ll for One”season pass. Almost 4,000
pass holders posted stories and videos on the site, and
these postings helped to spread the word about their “ll
for One”pass. You have to be careful though, because
word-of-mouth can sometimes be used negatively as well.

Cynthia I see. Thanks for the help, Dennis. I’l definitely

give word-of-mouth a try.

Dennis Don’ mention it.

Words & Expression

glum 기운 없는 promotion 판매 촉진
attract 끌다 word‐of‐mouth 구두의, 구전의
colleague 동료 guarantee 보장하다
campaign 캠페인 social 사회적인
spread 퍼지다 negatively 부정적으로
1. a penny for your thoughts : 일반적으로 a penny for your thoughts는 속어로 ‘무슨 생각을 하고 있는
거니?’라는 뜻으로 생각에 잠긴 사람을 조롱하여 ‘무엇을 멍하니 생각하는가’는 속뜻을 가진다. 원 뜻은 1 페니를 줄 테니
무슨 생각을 하는지 말해줘. 라는 말이다.
2. all you have to do is : all you have to do is –는 ‘네가 해야 할 일은 –이다’, ‘너는 –만 하면 된다’는 뜻으로
쓸 수 있다.

1. What was Cynthia thinking about?
2. What marketing tool did Dennis advise Cynthia to try to plug her band?
3. In the passage, what example was used to illustrate the success of the
word‐of‐mouth method?
4. What are the advantages of word‐of‐mouth?
5. How can word‐of‐mouth be used in a negative way?
6. Is word‐of‐mouth necessarily a person‐to‐person communication?
7. Can you give another way to promote a product or service?
29 Chatting using MSN in a stealthy way at the office
Mickey We now have a strict policy at work that prevents the use of instant messengers like
MSN. I wonder if there is a way to get around it.

Donald There are ways to chat discreetly or stealthily at work. Let me tell you some of them:
First, turn off all the alert sounds to avoid having anyone hear the message warnings and the
like. Second, immediately minimize the chat window after reading and
responding to messages. This prevents others from seeing that you'
re chatting with someone. Third, respond only with short sentences.
Avoid long paragraphs that extend the time required to keep your chat
window open. Fourth, use code names for people in case someone is
spying on your screen.

Mickey Wow! You sure know a lot about stealthy chatting. I should
try to be as in the loop about such things as you. Thanks a lot for
filling me in.

Donald Don't sweat it Mickey. It was my pleasure. Just give me a

ring if you need anything else.

Words & Expression

strict 엄격한 prevent 방지하다
messenger 메신저 wonder 궁금하다
discreetly 조심성 있게 stealthily 남몰래
alert 조심성 있는, 경계 avoid 피하다
immediately 바로 minimize –을 최소한도로 하다
respond 응답하다 paragraph 절, 단락
require 요구하다 code name 암호명
1. get around it : get around는 숙어로 ‘정신차리게 하다’, ‘-을 돌아서 가다’는 뜻이 있고 구어로 쓰여서 ‘(장애물, 고난
따위)를 피하다’, ‘극복하다’, ‘(법률 따위)를 빠져나가다’는 뜻이 있다. 본문에서는 ‘(법률 따위)를 빠져나가다’는 뜻으로
쓰였음을 알 수 있다.
2. in the loop : 미국 속어로 in the loop는 ‘(권력의) 중추에서’, ‘실세에 속하여’의 뜻을 가진다.
3. filling me in : fill in은 숙어로 ‘대리를 하다’, ‘-을 메우다’는 뜻이 있는데 미국 영어에서는 ‘(남)에게 알리다’, ‘설명
하다’는 뜻으로 쓰이기도 한다. 이 때는 전치사 on과 함께 쓰이기도 한다.

1. Is Mickey’s company strict about chatting?
2. What did Donald tell Mickey about how to chat discreetly at work?
3. Can you tell me what “being in the loop?” means?
4. Do you follow all the rules in your office?
5. What are some of the things you are not allowed to do in your office?
6. When was the last time you broke a rule in your office?
7. Would you report a co‐worker whom you caught breaking rules at work?
30 Effective Presentation
Dennis Hello, Rein, you seem a little worried. I can
see that gloomy look in your face.

Rein Oh, hi Dennis, yes, I have a really big problem.

I have to give a presentation next Monday and I don’t
know how to go about it. Oh my, I’m doomed.

Dennis Hey, stop being a cry baby. Let me give you some tips,
when it comes to presentations, I’m the man. Okay, listen up carefully. First you have to know
the subject of your presentation. Then establish your objectives. Why do you want to give your
presentation? After that, start your preparation. What materials do you need? How many
people are going to attend? Where is your venue? Then check the equipment to be used, are
you going to have a Power Point presentation? Is there a computer at your venue? What kind of
visual aids will you use? Then prepare your notes, never ever read your presentation. You
must know it by heart. Practice your presentation and see if you commit errors and try your
best to practice hard to eliminate them. After that you’l be ready to face the world.

Rein Wow, did you just say all that? You are so smart Dennis. I owe you one this time.
Thank you so much.

Words & Expression

gloomy 침울한 presentation 발표
doomed 운이 다한, 불운한 carefully 주의 깊게
subject 주제 establish 확립하다
preparation 준비 attend 참석하다
venue 행위의 현장 equipment 장비
visual 시각의 commit 범하다
eliminate 제거하다
1. gloomy look in your face : gloomy는 ‘침울한’, ‘우울한’의 뜻을 가지고 look은 ‘모양’, ‘표정’의 뜻이다. 따
라서 gloomy look은 ‘침울한 표정’으로 해석이 가능하다. face는 ‘얼굴’이므로 gloomy look in your face는 ‘네 얼굴의
침울한 표정’이므로 자연스럽게 해석하면 ‘표정이 좋지 않다’, ‘근심 어린 얼굴’ 등의 뜻이 된다.
2. I’m doomed : doom은 동사로 ‘-을 운명 짓다’, ‘-할 운명이다’의 뜻이 되며 doomed는 형용사로 ‘운이 다한’, ‘불
운한’의 뜻이 된다. 따라서 I’ doomed는 ‘나는 운명 지어 졌다’ 혹은 ‘나는 운이 다했다’가 된다. 본문에서는 더욱 자연
스럽게 ‘나는 끝났다’, ‘망했다’ 정도로 해석이 가능하다.
3. I’m the man : 일반적으로 man은 ‘사나이’, ‘남자’ 혹은 ‘사람’의 뜻을 가지지만 본문의 I’ the man은 ‘나는 남자다’
가 아니라 ‘내가 전문가다’ 정도의 뜻으로 해석할 수 있다.

1. Why is Rein worried?
2. What was Dennis’first tip in giving an effective presentation?
3. Tell me what Dennis meant when he said : “repare your notes, you must know it by heart.”
4. Can you describe the most boring presentation you’e ever been to?
5. Are you a “ry baby”
6. Do you talk to your family or friends about your problems?
7. When is it all right to ask for help?
31 Basic requirements for a team leader
Lea Are you interested in being a part of our fast growing
company? Right now, we are in need of a team leader.

Kathy Oh, I would love to be a part of your fast growing

company. Tell me about the requirements. I’m interested.

Lea Okay. We just want to know if you have a background in

leading a team, especially in a call center.

Kathy Yes. I was a team leader before. But I had to leave my

previous company for certain reasons. I had to rest for some time. But now, I’m making a
comeback. And I miss this kind of job.

Lea Well, I’m glad to hear that. Do you have the qualities of a good team leader? Do you
have leadership potential?

Kathy Yes. I can say that I do. I’ excellent in leading a team. I know how to motivate my
team and I know my goals. I am focused, reliable, and capable of getting my team on-board
for any challenges that may lie ahead. I make sure that I’m leading by example. I’m organized
and I don’ easily panic when problems arise. I keep my composure and immediately find
solutions to every problem. I assist my team members, especially if they are in need. I’m not
afraid to accept responsibility. I take pride in my work. I look at the small details and the big
picture of events. It is always important to see the project as a whole, but it is also important
to remember that every whole is composed of many small elements. So, I consider all these
things as a team leader.

Lea I’m impressed! You know how to be a good team leader! You’e hired!

Words & Expression

certain 특정한 potential 잠재적인
motivate 동기를 부여하다 reliable 믿을 수 있는
panic 당황하다 composure 침착
solution 해결책 compose 구성하다
1. making a comeback : comeback은 구어로 ‘복귀’, ‘재기’의 뜻을 가지는데 make a person’ comeback on은
숙어로 ‘-에 복귀하다’는 말이 된다.

1. What is the job opening in Lea’ company?
2. Does Lea think Kathy is qualified for the job of team leader?
3. What are the qualities that make Kathy a perfect candidate for team leader?
4. Why is having a team leader necessary?
5. What should be considered in choosing a team leader?
6. Do you think a team leader should be paid a high salary?
7. Do you want to be a team leader?
32 Tyranny of Microsoft
Steven What’s the matter, Terry? You look stressed.

Terry That’s because I am. I just bought this new software,

and it cost me a pretty penny. I’e been trying to install it for
some time now, but I’ve been unsuccessful. Apparently, it’s not
compatible with Microsoft. I don’t know what to do.

Steven I’m afraid there’s not much you can do, Terry. You can try
buying other software that’s similar to this one, but since they’re
all from Microsoft’s competitors, chances are they’ll be incompatible as well. Microsoft has a
history of ruthlessly crushing their competitors. Apparently, they go by the philosophy, “embrace,
extend and extinguish.” First, they develop software that’s compatible with competing products.
Then, they gradually add new features to their software that aren’t supported by the competing
products. Finally, because of their dominant market share, they edge out their competitors
whose products cannot support the new extensions.

Terry No wonder they’e got such a strong hold on the market! I’ going to call them right
now and give them a piece of my mind!

Words & Expression

tyranny 독재 software 소프트웨어
unsuccessful 성공적이지 못한 compatible 호환이 되는
competitor 경쟁사 incompatible 호환이 안 되는
ruthlessly 무자비하게 crush 밟아 으깨다
extinguish 소멸시키다 substantially 대체로
gradually 점차적으로 dominant 지배적인
market share 시장점유율
1. a pretty penny : penny는 영국의 화폐 단위로 ‘금전’, ‘금액’이라는 뜻을 가지는데 a pretty penny는 구어로 ‘꽤
많은 돈’, ‘큰 돈’의 의미로 쓰인다.
2. give them a piece of my mind : 숙어로 give a person a piece of one’ mind는 ‘남에게 거리낌없이 (잔
소리 등을) 말하다’는 뜻을 가진다. give 대신에 tell, 그리고 a piece 대신에 a bit을 써도 상관 없다.

1. What is Terry’ problem?
2. What is Terry planning to do after hearing Steven’ explanation?
3. What is Microsoft’ business philosophy?
4. How does Microsoft clear out its competitors?
5. Do you think Microsoft’ business philosophy is fair?
6. Knowing they are mean in business, would you still buy Microsoft’ products?
7. Do you think another company can compete successfully against Microsoft?
33 An Italian Success Story with Small Businesses
Andrea I’ve invested some money into a small business,
but now I’m nervous about it. I’m afraid it won’t be able to
compete with bigger businesses. Do you think I’m walking on
thin ice?

Manuel Investing in a business is risky, and although

there’s always a possibility for big losses, you should know
that small businesses can be very successful, even in the
presence of larger establishments. Italy, for one, is benefiting
greatly from small and mediumsized businesses. More than half of those companies are
dependent on exports, which is helping the country bring its trade balance to a surplus.

Andrea One of those small companies is Cagiva, the company that makes Harley
motorbikes, right?.

Manuel Right. They’re considered a small business, but they’re also one of the most
successful. All of the motorbikes that are assembled are tested by hand, which they believe
actually improves the quality of the bikes. Bikes with better quality mean more buyers, which
in turn mean more revenue. Another good thing about small businesses is that they are more
flexible, which means that they can adapt better to changes. This is what Italy has seen in
their small and medium-sized businesses.

Andrea I hope my small business will be successful, too. If it is, I’ll thank my lucky stars.

Words & Expression

nervous 초조한 compete 경쟁하다
presence 존재함 establishment 설립
dependent 의존적인 surplus 잉여
assemble 조립하다 actually 사실은
revenue 세입, 수익 adapt 적응시키다
1. walking on thin ice : 보통 thin ice는 ‘위험한 상태’를 의미하는데 숙어로 walk on thin ice는 ‘아슬아슬한 문
제를 다루다’, ‘모험을 하다’는 뜻을 가진다. walk대신에 skate를 써도 같은 의미가 된다.
2. thank my lucky stars : 숙어로 thank one’ lucky stars는 ‘행운에 감사하다’는 뜻을 가지는데 이 때 lucky를
빼고 thank one’ stars라고 해도 동일한 뜻이다.

1. Why is Andrea worried about her investment into a small business?
2. What did Manuel have to say about investments in Italy?
3. How does Cagiva improve the quality of its motorbikes?
4. What is the meaning of the phrase “walking on thin ice?”
5. Which would you rather invest in : A small or a big business?
6. If you were to put up a business of your own, what would it be and why?
7. In your opinion, does Korea also greatly benefit from small and medium sized businesses?
34 Reasons behind the end of a recession
Carmela Do you think it’ possible for a country to recover from a recession?

Percy Yes, I believe so. Just look at what happened to Japan several years ago. Their
economy was in a slump for quite some time, but a number of factors helped the country get
back on track. Now, Japan’ economy is alive and kicking.

Carmela I didn’ know Japan experienced a recession. How were they able to recover from it?

Percy One factor that helped Japan’ economy was the increase in their exports and consumer
spending, which together makes up for more than half of the country’ economy. After 18
months of being in a recession, Japan reported a 6.4 percent rise in exports and a 1.6
percent rise in consumer spending. The country was producing more cars, electronics and
semiconductors, most of which were being exported to other
countries, including the United States. Another factor was the
World Cup Soccer Championship, which was co-hosted by
Japan with South Korea. Soccer fans helped to bring in more
revenue by spending money on hotels, restaurants and related

Carmela I see. It’ good to know that all’ well that ends well
for Japan.

Words & Expression

recession 경기 침체 economy 경제
slump 부진, 폭락 factor 요인
increase 증가 consumer 소비자
electronics 전자 기기 semiconductor 반도체
co‐host 공동 개최하다 revenue 세입, 소득 총액
1. alive and kicking : 구어로 alive and kicking은 ‘원기 왕성하여’, ‘팔팔하여’의 뜻으로 쓰인다. 참고로, alive and
well은 ‘(현존할 리가 없는 것이) 남아서, 건재하여’의 뜻이다.
2. all’ well that ends well : all’ well that ends well은 ‘끝이 좋은 것은 모든 것이 좋다’는 말이다. 여기서 well
은 형용사로 ‘만족스러운’, 부사로 ‘만족스럽게’의 뜻으로 쓰인다.

1. How did Japan’ economy recover from a recession?
2. What products were Japan making and exporting to other countries?
3. Which event did Japan co‐host with which country?
4. What is the meaning of the idiom “live and kicking?”
5. Other than hotels and restaurants, where else do you think World Cup fans spent
money on?
6. If given the opportunity, would you like to work in Japan?
7. How do you think economic recession affects a country’ people?
35 Stress of a Working Mom
Jenna Sarah, are you okay? You look exhausted.

Sarah I had a very long day.

Jenna What did you do today?

Sarah Let's start from the beginning, shall we? After taking my
morning bath, I made sure that the kids were getting ready for
school. We then ate breakfast, which I prepared, and since it was
my turn to take the kids to school, we had to leave earlier than
usual so I wouldn't be late for work. When I arrived at the office,
there was a stack of papers on my desk. I spent the rest of the
morning filing those papers. During my lunch break, I had to rush to the supermarket to buy
the kids' favorite cereal, a gallon of milk and some snacks for them to take to school
tomorrow. When I returned to the office, I found a fresh pile of papers on my desk, so I
ended up doing some more filing in the afternoon.

Jenna I feel tired just listening to you. What time did you leave the office?

Sarah My boss let me off early because I told him I had to take the kids to the doctor for
their monthly check-up. On our way home, we ate at our favorite restaurant because I didn't
have time to prepare dinner. Really, being a working mother is no walk in the park.

Words & Expression

exhausted 기진맥진한 prepare 준비하다
since –이기 때문에 arrive 도착하다
stack 더미 during –동안에
break 쉬는 시간 favorite 가장 좋아하는
rush to 돌진하다 gallon 갤론
return 돌아오다 monthly 다달이
1. I had a very long day : have a long day는 ‘힘든 하루를 보내다’는 뜻의 숙어이다. 따라서 본문의 I had a
very long day는 ‘나는 오늘 정말로 힘든 하루를 보냈다’는 뜻으로 해석이 가능하다.
2. walk in the park : walk in the park는 ‘쉬운 일’을 나타낸다. 따라서 본문의 no walk in the park는 ‘쉬운 일이
아니다’는 뜻으로 쓰였음을 알 수 있다.

1. Why is Sarah exhausted?
2. Name the items that Sarah bought in the supermarket .
3. Why did Sarah’s boss let her off early from work?
4. Why does Sarah have a very busy schedule?
5. In your opinion, should mothers stop working and just stay at home, or continue
working even after having children?
6. Is your mother a working mom?
7. What do you think a working mom should do to feel better about herself?
36 The best working place
Elizabeth Jessica, guess what! I just got hired for
this company that I really, really like. I’m so happy I
could scream at the top of my lungs!

Jessica That’s fantastic! You’e so lucky you got hired by a

company of your choice. Tell me, what exactly do you like
so much about it?

Elizabeth Well the pay is good and the workplace is very

ideal. I recently met some of the employees and they are
so pleasant and respectful. I just know that working with them will be a breeze. I’ve
also heard from another friend of mine, who works in the same company, that the employees
are given a lot of room for independence and development. But the best thing I’ve learned is
that they like to encourage new ideas from their employees.

Jessica That sounds almost too good to be true! My office is nothing like that. Our boss
never listens to us whenever we want to share some new ideas with him. Maybe I should also
apply for a job in your company so I can gain the benefits of an ideal workplace!

Words & Expression

guess 추측하다 hire 고용하다
scream 소리 지르다 fantastic 멋진
workplace 작업장 ideal 이상적인
employee 직원 pleasant 기분 좋은
development 발전 encourage 용기를 북돋우다
almost 거의 boss 상사
apply 지원하다 benefit 이익을 주다
1. scream at the top of my lungs : scream은 ‘소리치다’는 동사이다. 본문에서 scream at the top of my
lungs는 ‘(너무 크게) 목청껏 소리지르다’는 뜻으로 쓰였다.
2. too good to be true : 본문의 too good to be true는 ‘현실이라고 하기엔 너무 좋은’의 뜻에서 ‘믿기지 않는다’ 는
말로 해석이 가능하다. 중학교 시절 배운 too .. to 용법을 떠올리면 금방 이해할 수 있다.

1. Why is Elizabeth so happy?
2. What exactly does Elizabeth like so much about her company?
3. How does Jessica feel about her boss?
4. How many companies have you worked for?
5. What is the first thing you look for in a company when you apply for a job?
6. How did you feel when you had your very first job?
7. When was the last time you were so happy you felt like “screaming at the top of
your lungs?”
37 Sexy Ads
Alex Next week would be a good time to relax and watch TV
all day since I have a few days off.

Amy Aren’t you going away for a vacation?

Alex No, I’m not. I’l just stay at home and watch TV.

Amy What’s so interesting about watching TV? You’ll just waste

your time doing unproductive things.

Alex It’ my hobby. Besides, I want to see sexy advertisements on TV. I really admire those
sexy models because they are really sexy in the true sense of the word.

Amy Wow! You’re being too appreciative! Aren’t you overacting? Now, I know why
advertisements use sexy models to endorse their products. It’s because they want to feed
the eyes and imaginations of men with those sexy bodies. I guess that’s the reason why the
demand for their products is increasing so high! After all, most men are buying their products.
It’s good also that they use sexy models to attract the attention of many people, especially
men. Men buy these products and ask their wives or girlfriends to use these products. But
women are also encouraged to use or buy their products because they want to look beautiful
in front of their husbands or boyfriends. It’s a one way of imitating what we see on TV. And
for men, it’s their way of fantasizing!

Words & Expression

unproductive 비생산적인 advertisement 광고
admire 찬양하다 overact 지나치게 하다
demand 요구 attract 끌다
attention 주의 encourage 북돋우다
imitate 모방하다 fantasize 공항을 펼치다
1. have a few days off : have a day off는 일반적으로 ‘하루동안 휴가를 얻다’는 숙어이다. 이 때 have a few
days off라고 하면 ‘몇 일 간의 휴가를 얻다’라고 쓸 수 있다. have 대신에 take를 써도 같은 뜻이 된다.
2. going away : 일반적으로 go away는 ‘가버리다’, ‘떠나다’, ‘도망치다’ 등의 뜻을 가지는 숙어이다. 본문에서는 휴가
이야기를 하면서 go away를 썼으므로 ‘(휴가를) 떠나다’로 해석을 하면 자연스럽다.

1. What is Alex’ hobby?
2. What kind of advertisements does Alex like to watch on TV?
3. According to Amy, why do advertisements use sexy models to endorse their products?
4. In your opinion, is it necessary to have sexy models in advertisements?
5. Which would you rather watch: A sexy male or female in an advertisement?
5. Who is your favorite sexy female celebrity?
6. Can somebody be sexy without showing some skin?
7. Should children be allowed to watch sexy advertisements?
38 Loving People in a Secret Way or Not
Edgar Nathaniel, I need your advice on something.

Nathaniel Sure. What’s going on?

Edgar I’ve been dating Emily, a co-worker of mine, for quite

some time now. We’ve kept it a secret because she doesn’t
want to tell our other colleagues about our relationship.
However, I feel it’s time that we come out into the open and
start telling people about us. Some of our coworkers are
beginning to suspect anyway, and quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of having to lie when people
ask me if we’ve dating or not. What do you think we should do?

Nathaniel First, let me just say I understand how you feel. It is pretty hard to keep lying to
people. Nevertheless, I have to agree with Emily. I think you should keep your relationship a
secret. If you tell your other colleagues, they might start to make you guys the subject of office
gossip. People might say things that may be bad for your reputation. Also, dating a co-worker
is usually not acceptable in workplaces, so if your boss finds out, he might sanction you and

Edgar OK. Thanks for the advice, Nathaniel.

Words & Expression

advice 충고 secret 비밀
colleague 동료 suspect 의심하다
frankly 진실로 nevertheless 그럼에도 불구하고
gossip 소문 reputation 평판
acceptable 받아들일 수 있는 workplace 작업장
sanction 허가
1. come out into the open : come out into the open은 숙어로 ‘밝혀지다’, ‘알려지다’는 뜻이다. 참고로 bring
into the open은 ‘밝히다’, ‘털어놓다’의 뜻을 가진다.
2. sick and tired : 일반적으로 sick and tired라고 하면 ‘아주 싫어진’의 뜻으로 쓰인다. 이 때 전치사 of와 함께 써서
‘-이 아주 싫어진’의 의미로 쓰기도 한다. 본문에서는 ‘지긋지긋 하여’ 정도로 해석을 하면 자연스럽다.

1. Who was Edgar having a secret relationship with?
2. What advice did Nathaniel give to Edgar about dating his co‐worker?
3. What would happen to Edgar and Emily if their colleagues and boss find out
about their relationship?
4. Is it always good to be truthful?
5. Do you think personal relationships at the workplace should not be allowed?
6. If you were having a relationship with someone, would you keep it a secret?
7. Have you had a personal relationship with a co‐worker before?
39 How to Solve Conflict in the Office
Wife What’s going on, dear? Are you having problems at work? Is it
because of your boss? Is it hard to deal with a female boss?

Hubby No, not really. It’s not really a big deal whether the boss is male
or female. It’s just that I’m having conflicts with my boss these days.

Wife Do you want to talk about it?

Hubby I know she’s really a smart woman, but sometimes I’m having
problems dealing with her mood swings. Sometimes she’s very strict, and
sometimes she’s very lenient. There are times when it is just hard to
please her. She thinks our work is not good enough. She keeps on
asking us to change our designs, but then she will ask us to submit the
new design immediately. Those are not realistic because it takes us at
least two days to finish a design. When we submit the new design, she will get upset saying
we work too slowly. Some of my team members are fed up with her, and they want to resign
because of her attitude.

Wife Oh, that’s too bad. Have you tried talking to her? Maybe she needs to know that her
attitude is affecting the motivation of people in your office; maybe she can change.

Words & Expression

conflict 분쟁, 다툼 strict 엄격한, 빡빡한
realistic 현실적인 submit 제출하다
be fed up with –에 질리다 attitude 태도
motivation 동기부여
1. It’s not a big deal : ‘별거 아니야.’ ‘중요한 일이 아니야.’ 로 너무나 자주 쓰이는 표현입니다. It’s not a big deal.
여기서 a big deal은 대단한 일 (사건) 을 나타내는 어구입니다. 또한, 원어민들이 ‘Okay. It’s a deal.’이라고 하면, ‘좋아.
하자 (동의해)’ 라는 의미로 자주 쓰인다.
2. mood swings : swings 은 놀이터에서 볼 수 있는 그네를 지칭합니다. 그네가 ‘왔다 갔다’ 하는 동작에서 추상적인
의미로 mood swings 이라 하면 ‘감정 기복(변화)’를 지칭합니다. 또한, ‘be in full swing’ 으로 ‘–가 한창인, 무르익은
(특히 파티)’ 의 의미로 사용되어, ‘10시경 파티는 절정이었다.’ 라는 문장을 By 10 o'clock the party was in full swing.
라고 표현할 수 있다.

1. Can you name a problem the husband has with his female boss?
2. According to him, why is it so hard to please her regarding their work?
3. What advice did his wife give him about the situation?
4. Do you also have mood swings sometimes?
5. How can we achieve healthy and productive office relationships?
6. Who is the most difficult person you have worked with ?
7. Who do you prefer to work with : A male or a female boss?
40 The most powerful female CEO‐ Fiorina
Chris Hey Mike, do you know Carly Fiorina?

Mike Carly who? Is she your latest squeeze?

Chris Mike, come on man, get your head out of the gutter. Carly Fiorina is the most powerful
female CEO. You know your laptop? Well, she was single-handedly responsible for engineering
the merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq. Well guess what? She just got booted out of the
company by the board of directors. She’ not going empty-handed however.
She is walking away with $21 million.

Mike Wow! That’ some package. Why was she forced out of the firm in
the first place?

Chris Well, the merger between Compaq and HP never really did much
for the company and sales continued to falter. Because of this, not only
did Carly Fiorina lose control of HP, she also fell from the top spot of
Fortune’ list of most powerful women. She’ been demoted to second
behind the female CEO of eBay. Too bad since Fiorina had been number
one since that list began in 1998.

Words & Expression

squeeze 꽉 쥐기, 포옹 gutter 도랑
single‐handedly 단독으로 engineer 감독을 맡다
merge 합병하다 guess 추측하다
board of director 이사회 empty‐handed 빈손의
force 강요하다 continue 계속하다
falter 움찔하다, 뒷걸음 치다 control 통제
demote 강등시키다
1. out of the gutter : gutter는 명사로 ‘도랑’의 뜻이며 out of –t는 ‘‐에서 빠져 나오다’는 뜻이다. 따라서 out of
the gutter은 ‘도랑에서 빠져 나오다’, 즉, ‘나쁜 것으로부터 빠져 나오다’는 뜻으로 해석이 가능하다.
2. booted out : boot는 명사로는 ‘신발’이지만 동사로는 ‘‐을 차다’, ‘해고하다’라는 뜻이 있다. out과 함께 쓰여서
boot out은 ‘걷어차다’로 해석이 된다. 전치사로는 out 외에도 out of, over, about, in을 쓸 수 있다.

1. Who is Carly Fiorina?
2. Why was she forced out of the firm she was working for?
3. Who is now in the top spot of Fortune’ list of most powerful women?
4. Would 21 million dollars be enough to make you happy if you were being fired?
5. How do you think men feel when they have female bosses?
6. Are female Korean bosses becoming more common in Korea?
7. How do you personally feel about powerful, successful women?

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