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Chapter Six

Cellular Energetics:
Production and Flow
of Energy
(Questions and
1) Life can be viewed as _____
(a) energy (b) flow of energy (c) constant flow of energy (c) flow if
2) Heat or thermal energy is not a type of kinetic energy {True/
3) _____ is the kinetic energy of photons or waves of light.
(a) potential energy (b) mechanical energy (c) photon energy (d)
radiant energy.
4) A second biological important form of potential energy is the
energy in a ________ (a) concentration gradient (b) active gradient
(c) transport gradient (d) cellular gradient.
5) Central to biology is the _______ stored in the bonds connecting
atoms in molecules.
(a)kinetic energy (b) potential energy (c) thermal energy (d)
biochemical energy.
6) In an oxidation reaction energy is not released. True/false
7) The reduced form of a molecule has a _____ level of energy than
the oxidized form.
(a) same (b) higher (c) none of the above (d) lower
8) Energy flow through ecosystem in _______ direction(s)
(a) circular (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 1
9) Thermodynamics does not tell us about rate of reaction.
10) Anabolism requires _____
(a) water (b) energy (c) light (d) all if the above
11) The first law of thermodynamics concerns ____
(a) temperature (b) energy (c) amount of energy (d) amount of
energy in the universe.
12) Catabolism releases ____
(a) light (b) urine (c) oxygen (d) energy
13) The total amount of energy in an isolated system is conserved,
though the form of energy will never change. True/False.
14) Cells must rely on _____ for energy
(a) food (b) heat (c) chemical reaction (d) none of the above.
15) The energy available to do work _____ as more of it is
progressively lost as heat.
(a) decreases (b) increases (c) all of the above (d) none of the
16) Organisms are open systems that exchange ______ and _____ with
their surroundings.
(a) energy and space (b) mass and heat (c) heat and energy (d)
matter and energy
17) _______ are chemical reactions that often involve generation of
(a) digestion (b) homeostasis (c) metabolic processes (d) break
down of cells.
18) System + surrounding = _______
(a) Nigeria (b) Universe (c) Africa (d) Entropy
19) Disorder is more likely to occur than order. True/ False.
20) The second law of thermodynamics states that some energy is
lost as disorder decreases. True/False.
21) ________ couples the processes of catabolism with anabolism.
(a) cellular protocols (c) cellular processes (c) cellular bolism (d)
cellular metabolism
22) The processes of catabolism are (Spontaneous/non
spontaneous), while the processes of anabolism are (Spontaneous/
non spontaneous).
23) Energy exchange decreases entropy. True/False.
24) ______ releases energy while _____ requires energy.
(a) metabolism/metabolism (b) metabolism/anabolism (c)
catabolism/metabolism (d) catabolsim/anabolism
25) ______ reactions play a key role in the flow of energy through
biological systems
(a) oxidation-reduction (b) anabolism-catabolism (c) aerobic-
anaerobic (d) none of the above.
26) Oxidation comes from the fact that oxygen is the most common
electron donor in biological systems. True/False.
27) The oxidized form of a molecule has a lower level of energy
than the reduced form. True/ False.
28) _____ reduces disorder
(a) chemical reactions (b) catabolism (c) chemical bonding (d)
29) Thermodynamic quantities describe energy changes in _____
(a) plant systems (b) chemical systems (c) biochemical systems (d)
living systems.
30) The thermodynamic quantities are the following except
(a) Gibbs enthalpy (b) enthalpy (c) entropy (d) Gibbs free energy.
31) The net effect of the amount of energy actually available to
break and subsequently form other chemical bonds is called _____
(a) gib's energy (b) free energy (c) fair energy (d) chemical energy.
32) When free energy is lost, and ΔG is _____ (+ve/-ve) and the
reaction is said to be _____ ( spontaneous/ not spontaneous)
33) _____ is the heat content of a system. (a) ethalpy (b) heat energy
(c) enthalpy (d) heat change.
34) When the products of a reaction are less complex and more
disordered than the reactant, the reaction proceed with gain in
______ (a) entropy (b) enthalpy (c) free energy (d) gibbs energy.
35) For a spontaneous reaction, ΔG is negative. True/ False.
36) ΔS is negative when entropy increases. True/False.
37) At equilibrium, the rates of forward and backward reactions are
equal and further changes in the system takes place. True/False.
38) Biochemical reactions occur at pH = ___. (a) 1 (b) 7 (c) 14 (d)
none of the above.
39) When keq = 1, > 0 and < 0, ΔG is ___ , ____ and _____ respectively.
(a) 0, -ve, +ve (b) -ve, 0, +ve (c) -ve, +ve, 0 (d) +ve, 0, -ve.
40) When the reaction is not spontaneous, it will proceed in _____
direction. (a) forward (b) reverse (c) no direction (d) both
directions consecutively.
41) The energy related reactions within cells generally involve the
_____ or _____ of complex organisms.
42) The energy in one glucose molecule is used to produce _____. (a)
32ATP (b) 34ATP (c) 36ATP (d) 38ATP.
43) The entire amount of an ATP is recycled _____ (a) once per
second (b) twice per minute (c) once per minute (d) twice per
44) ATP is a nucleotide. (a) Yes (b) No (c) Partially (d) In eukaryotes
45) ______ involves the removal of a phosphate group and the
release of energy. (a)photolysis (b)chemolysis (c) phospholysis (d)
46) ATP is a nucleotide that contains all except (a) adenine (b)
ribose (c) 3 phosphate groups (d) 2 phosphate groups.
47) Reactions that release energy are called _______ reactions. (a)
exgonic (b) exergonic (c) exegonic (d) exergornic.
48) Reactions that require input of energy are called ______
reactions (a) engonic (b)endegonic (c) enderrgonic (d) endergonic.
49) ______ reaction do not occur spontaneously. (a) exergonic (b)
endergonic (c) enthalpy (d) all of the above.
50) ATP produced by _____ reactions provides energy for ______
(a) aerobic, anaerobic (b) anaerobic, aerobic (c) catabolism,
anabolism (d) catabolic, anabolic
51) The continuous reactive processes at the cellular level is called
______ (a) anabolism (b) metabolism (c) cellular reaction (d)
52) ______ are substances that speed up chemical reaction and are
called catalysts. (a)enzymes b).protein c).carbohydrates
53) _____ are called enzymes.
a).chemical catalyst b) Inorganic catalyst c).organic catalysts
d).physical catalyst
54) Dehydrogenases are enzyme that remove a) oxygen b) carbon c)
hydrogen d) helium
55) The shape of the enzyme must match the shape of ______ a)
substratum b) substrate c) subtract d) substrata
56) The product is released from the enzyme after ________ reaction.
a) anabolic b) catalytic c) Enzymatic d) substratic
57) The enzyme does not form a chemical bond with the substrate.
58) The additional energy that must be supplied to either anabolic
or catabolic reaction is called ________. a) Activator energy b)
active energy c) activation energy d)energy
59) The chemical reaction that release energy for useful work is an
_______ a) exergonic reaction b) endergonic reaction c) exothermic
reaction d)endothermic reaction.
60) The chemical reaction that require input of energy or require
energy to proceed is an _______ a) exergonic reaction b)
endergonic reaction (c) exothermic reaction (d) endothermic
61) ________ and ________ are important organelles specialized for
energy transformation. a) mitochondria and chloroplast. (b)
cytoplasm and chloroplast (c) perioxomies and lysomses (d)
cytoplasm and mitochondria.
62) The energy released by cellular respiration is stored in form of
energy carrier molecule called _______ a) ATP b) NADH c) P d)
63) The key steps in cellular respiration are: _______, _______, and
_______ (a) Glycolysis, kribs cycle and election transport chain
(b)Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport chain
(c)Glycolysis, krebs cycle and electron transfer chain (d)glucose,
Krebs cycle and electron transfer chain.
64) Glycolysis occurs in ________ a)mitochondria matrix
(b)cytoplasm of cell (c).membrane of cristae in mitochondria
65) Kreb cycle occurs in _______ (a)mitochondria matrix
(b)cytoplasm in cell (c)membrane of cristae in mitochondria (d)
66) Electron transport chain occurs in ______ a)mitochondria matrix
(b)cytoplasm in cell (c) membrane of cristae in mitochondria
67) Glycolysis does not require _______ and does not yield _____
a).oxygen, much energy b).carbon(iv)oxide, much energy
(c).oxygen, less energy (d) carbon (iv)oxide , less energy.
68) How many pyruvate molecules are formed during glycolysis
______ (a)2 (b)3 (c)9 (d)36
69) How many ATP is produced during cellular respiration ______
(a)2 )b)3 (c)9 (d)36
70) Glycolysis is anaerobic. (True/False)
71) The energy currency of the cell is ______ (a) ADP (b) ATP
(c)NADH (d)P
72) Cellular reaction is a redox reaction. ( True/ False).
73) Electron transport phosphorylation is also called chemiosmosis
74) Which stage of glycolysis creates 4ATP's and 2NADH's _______
(first stage/ second stage)
75) Another name for Kreb cycle is ____ or _____ (a) Citric acid cycle
or TCA cycle (b) Citric acid cycle or CAT cycle (c) Citric acid acid
cycle or TAC
76) When pyruvate from glycolysis is added to kreb cycle ____ and
____ are produced. (a) NADH, FADH2 (b) ATP, NADH (c)
77) Kreb cycle takes place where? (a) Cytoplasm (b) Mitochondria
(c) Nucleus (d)
78) The kerb cycle and the conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl CoA
produces ____, _____ and _____ per glucose molecule (a)2ATP's,
8NADH's, 2FADH2's (b)2ATP's, 8NADH's, 2FADH's (c) 2ATP's,
8NADH's, 3FADH2's
79) The total number of molecules generated in the oxidation of
pyruvate and kreb cycle is _______ (a) 8NADH's, 2FADH2's, 2ATP's
and 6CO2 (b) 9NADH's, 2FADH2's, 2ATP's and 6CO2 (c) 10NADH's,
3FADH2's, 2ATP's and 6CO2
80) Another name for phosphorylation is (a) Chemiosmosis (b)
Chemiomosis (c) Osmochemis
81) The goal of electron transport phosporylation is to breakdown
____ and ____ pumping ____ into the outer compartment of the
mitochondria respectively (a) NADH, H+, FADH2 (b) NADH, FADH2
and H+ (c) FADH2, H+andH
82) Electron transport phophorylation typically produces _____ ATP
(a) 36 (b) 38 (c) 32 (d) 34
83) In chemiosmosis, ATP is generated as ____ and moves down its
concentration gradient through a special enzyme called _____ (a)
H+, ATP synthase (b)ADH, ATP synthase (c) H, ATP synthase (d) H+,
ADP synthase.
84) The net production of energy from aerobic respiration is _____.
(a) 36 atp (b) 34 atp (c)32 atp (d)30atp
85) Each NADH produced in glycolysis is worth _____ ATP (a)2 (b)3
(c) 4 (d) 1
86) Each NADH produced in the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl
CoA and kreb cycle is worth _____ ATP (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
87) Each FADH2 in phosphorylation is worth ____ ATP (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1
(d) 5
88) The goal of anaerobic reaction is to reduce _____ and generate
____ (a)Pyruvate, NAD (b) pyruvate and NAD+ (c) Pyruvate and

89) _____ is the only way NAD+ is generated (a) Aerobic respiration
(b) Anaerobic respiration (c) photosynthesis
90) The product if fermentation of yeast is ________ (a) carboxylic
acid (b) alcohol (c) ketones.
91) The burn felt during strenuous activies is as a result of (a) lactic
acid fermentation (b) citric acid fermentation (c) tartaric acid
92) The goal of fermentation reaction is to convert ____ to ____ using
glycolysis (a) NADH to NAD+ (b) NAD+ to NADH (c) NHDA to
93) Anaerobic respiration produces ____ while aerobic respiration
produces ____ (a) 2 ATP and 36 ATP (b) 3 ATP and 35 ATP (c) 2 ATP
and 38 ATP.
94) Energy tied from glucose, ATP (total ATP) and energy recovered
from anaerobic respiration is ____ (a)686 kcal/mol, 7.5 kcal/mol
(270 kcal/mol) and 39% (b) 668 kcal/mol, 7.6 kcal/mol (270
kcal/mol) and39% (c) 678 kcal/mol, 7.5kcal/mol (271 kcal/mol) and
95) Fat consists of a ____ backbone with 2 to 3 fatty acids connected
to it. (a) glycerol (b) glycohol (c) glucose.
96) _______ is the intermediate of glycolysis (a) glyceraldehyde
nitrate (b) glyceraldehyde phosphate (c) glycerol (d) glycolipids.
97) Fatty acid are broken down into two carbon unit which are then
converted into _____ (a) Acetyl CoA (b) Acetylene (c) Acetyl CoB (d)
Acetyl COVID-19
98) Eight carbon fatty acid can produce _____ (a) 4 acetyl CoA (b) 5
acetyl CoA (c) Acetyl CoA (d) 2 acetyl CoA
99) Step 3 of glycolysis is the conversion of fructose 6-phosphate to
_________ with the help of an enzyme catalyst _____ (a) Fructose 1,6-
biphosphate and phosphofructokinase (b) Fructose 1,6-
diphosphate and glucophosphofructose (c) Fructose 1,3-
biphosphate and phosphofructokinase
100) Fructose 1,6-biphosphate has limited use except in ______ (a)
glycolysis (b) kreb cycle (c) phosphoregulation
101) ATP is a substrate. TRUE OR FALSE
102) Enzymes have two ATP binding sites, one in _____ and one in
______ (a) active site and allosteric site (b) active site and passive
site (c) active site and alloteric site.
103) Low or mid level of ATP causes ATP to bind to the _____ while
high level of ATP causes it to bind to ____ respectively. (a) active
site, allosteric site (b) active site, passive site (c) allosteric site,
active site (d) active site, active site.
104) In the conversion of pyruvate to acetyle CoA, the enzyme used is
________ (a) pyruvate (b) pyruvate dehydrogenase (c)
105) ____ is an indicator of low ATP. (a) NAD+ (b) AMP (c) CoA (d) All
of the above
106) Each acetyl CoA is worth ____ ATP (a) 12 (b) 11 (c) 13 (d) 15.

1. C
2. False
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. False
7. B
8. D
9. True
10. B
11. D
12. D
13. False
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. True
20. False
21. D
22. Spontaneous/non spontaneous.
23. False
24. D
25. A
26. False
27. True
28. C
29. D
30. A
31. B
32. -ve/ Spontaneous
33. C
34. A
35. True
36. False
37. False
38. B
39. A
40. B
41. Synthesis/ Breakdown.
42. C
43. C
44. A
45. D
46. D
47. B
48. D
49. B
50. D
51. B
52. A
53. C
54. C
55. B
56. B
57. True
58. C
59. A
60. B
61. A
62. A
63. B
64. B
65. A
66. C
67. A
68. A
69. D
70. True
71. B
72. True
73. True
74. The second stage
75. A
76. A
77. B
78. A
79. A
80. A
81. B
82. C
83. A
84. A
85. A
86. B
87. A
88. B
89. B
90. B
91. A
92. A
93. A
94. A
95. A
96. B
97. A
98. A
99. A
100. A
101. True
102. A
103. A
104. B
105. D
106. A

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