English - Exam ECO - 2

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Section A: Reading

Read the text carefully and answer the questions below based on
the text!

Sara’s Kitten

Sara lived in a house with her family and cat. Her cat was called
Socks. Sara and Socks loved to play. Their favourite game was
chase. They played chase all day long.

One day, Socks had kittens. There was a grey kitten, a brown
kitten and a white kitten. Mum said that Sara could keep one. The
other two kittens would go to new homes. Sara looked at the
Sara was upset. She liked all of the kittens. She did not know
how to choose one. She looked at them. The grey kitten was
asleep. The brown kitten was eating. The white kitten was playing
chase with Socks. Sara smiled. “I know which kitten to keep!” she

1. What is the name of the girl based on the text?


2. What colours were the kitten?




3. Why did Sara choose the kitten?

4. Tick (✔) the box “True” if the statement is true based on the

text. Tick (✔) the box “False” if the statement is false based on

the text.

a. The cat is called Socks because it has white paws that look

like socks.

b. Sara felt glad when her mum said she had to choose a


(Total Mark for Section A = 5 marks)

Section B: Grammar, Structure, and Punctuation

1. Write down an animal that starts with the given letter!

C_______________________ J_______________________

H_______________________ O______________________

(Total Mark for Question 1 = 4 marks)

2. Fill in the blank table with the correct form of singular or
plural noun!

Singular Plural




(Total Mark for Question 2 = 4 marks)

3. Order the words below according to the alphabet.

a. Eggplant 1._____________________
Garlic 2._____________________
Onion 3._____________________
Beans 4._____________________
Zucchini 5._____________________
Artichoke 6._____________________

b. Celery 1._____________________
Asparagus 2._____________________
Cassava 3._____________________
Tangerine 4._____________________
Leek 5._____________________
Apricot 6._____________________
(Total Mark for Question 3 = 12 marks)
4. Put the correct pronoun! The pronoun can be used more than

a. “What are _______ going to do now?” said Bob.

b. “Ragbag, _______ am having breakfast now. Can you wait?”

said Ragbag.

c. _______ are not in our best condition.

d. _______ am not sure of what he just said.

e. Are _______ your trusty companion?

(Total Mark for Question 4 = 5 marks)

5. Write one word that rhymes with the given word!

a. come =

b. roll =

c. hit =

d. map =

e. holiday =

(Total Mark for Question 5 = 5 marks)

Section C: Writing
Write a sentence using these words! Remember to use uppercase
and punctuation marks!

a. Tired


b. Excited


c. Shocked


d. Worried


e. Mad


(Total Mark for Section C = 15 marks)

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