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Here's the magic Study Strategy to guide you:

* First, please realize that this Study Strategy is NOT designed to make your
preparation for your exam merely Rote Memorization. You will study and explore the
material to your "hearts content", to whatever depth you desire, relating questions
and source material to your own personal experiences. However, the following
science-based Strategy leads you thru the course in a way that is extremely
complementary to how our brains learn, and at the same time side-steps many of our
human learning errors. Thus, this Strategy gives you enormous learning advantages
that will save you time and give you results you will recognize. So let this
Strategy guide your studying.

* Realize that taking practice tests over and over again WILL NOT prepare you to
pass your exam. You MUST study the actual questions and resources in the Subject
Categories as outlined in Checklist Steps #1 thru #5 below to ensure you've had
adequate exposure to ALL of the material and ALL of the right and wrong answers.
You'll never see all of the material if you only take practice tests over and over
again, and the score received on a practice test has no statistical relevancy if
you haven't accomplished Study Strategy Checklist Steps #1 thru #4 below first.

* The human error rate on questions containing calculations that require more than
30 seconds to compute is high. Learn the concept and the calculations for
computational subjects, and explore the material to the depth you desire. But if
you are able to, you can reduce the potential of getting computational questions
wrong on the exam if you can remember the numerical answer itself as a back-up to
your reproducing the math during the real exam.

* If your course has an accompanying Memory Aid sheet (not all courses do), then a
"Memory Aid" flag will appear at the top of some questions. EVERY TIME a "Memory
Aid" flag appears at the top of a question, before you leave the question, you
should pick up your PRINTED Memory Aid sheet and relate the memory aid on the sheet
to the question. This action will reinforce what you are learning in a way that
will significantly reduce the chances of you getting the question wrong during the
real exam.

* Checklist Step #1 - On the program home screen, under "Viewing Question

Sequence", choose the Default Sequence A. Under "Viewing Answer Sequence", choose
"Default Answer Sequence". Now click the "Study Questions" button. On the 'Select
Subject Category' window that appears, choose the FIRST AVAILABLE individual
Subject Category (usually Aerodynamics & Aircraft). Also, choose the "Show Correct
Answer Only" option at the bottom. (This is the ONLY time during the whole study
course that you will ever view only the correct answers.) Now click the 'OK' or
'Start' button to begin viewing questions. Go thru all of the questions ONE TIME
in this ONE selected Subject Category, and then go to Checklist Step #2 below
(where you will repeat this same Subject Category again with different viewing

* Checklist Step #2 - When you are finished with the last question in the ONE
Subject Category you chose in Step #1 above, close the question window which will
take you back to the program Home Screen. On the Home screen, under "Viewing
Question Sequence", choose the Shuffled Sequence B. Under "Viewing Answer
Sequence", choose "Random Answer Sequence". Now click the "Study Questions" button
and choose the SAME Subject Category AGAIN that you chose in Step #1. This second
time thru the subject category, choose the "Show All Answer Choices" option. Now
click the 'OK' or 'Start' button to begin viewing questions. Go thru all of the
questions in this same subject category ONCE. Read each question, decide what you
think the correct answer is, and then click the "Answer" button to expose the
correct answer; this action will reinforce the correct answer. But DO NOT "Mark"
any of the questions during this second time thru the Subject Category.

Now that you have seen the first individual subject category twice, go back to
Checklist Step #1 and REPEAT Steps #1 and #2 above for each remaining INDIVIDUAL
Subject Category (so do not include the Subject Category called "ALL CATEGORIES
COMBINED"). Once you have repeated Steps #1 and #2 above for all of the individual
Subject Categories (but not All Categories Combined), move on to Checklist Step #3

* Checklist Step #3 - After going thru all of the individual Subject Categories
using Steps #1 and #2 as outlined above, return to the program Home Screen. On the
Home screen, under "Viewing Question Sequence", choose the Shuffled Sequence B.
Under "Viewing Answer Sequence", choose "Random Answer Sequence". Now click on the
"Study Questions" button, select "All Categories Combined", and select "Show All
Answer Choices". Click the 'OK' or 'Start' button to begin viewing questions.
This will take you thru all of the questions in your study course. Each time you
get a question WRONG or have to GUESS at a question because you're unsure of the
correct answer, click the checkbox that says "Mark Question"... clicking that
checkbox will add the question to your list of Marked questions.

* Checklist Step #4 - Now that you've marked the questions in the course in Step #3
that you're still having trouble with, it's time to give those Marked questions
extra attention. On the Home screen, under "Viewing Question Sequence", choose the
Shuffled Sequence B. Under "Viewing Answer Sequence", choose "Random Answer
Sequence". Now click on the "View Marked" button. Go thru all of your Marked
questions at LEAST TWICE. Continue to review your Marked questions until you are
comfortable with all of them. These questions are your persistent weak areas.

* Checklist Step #5 - Now assess your learning by taking ONLY ONE practice test.
To start a practice test, click the "Practice Test" button on the Home Screen. The
computer will generate a unique practice test to evaluate your knowledge. When you
have completed the test, the computer will tell you your score and the question
numbers you missed, if any. This allows you to go back and review the questions
you missed. The Practice Test will also offer to add your missed questions to your
Marked questions list for later review. If you have scored 90% or higher on your
practice test, then go to a testing center and take the real FAA exam immediately.
If you did not score 90% or higher, DO NOT take additional practice tests, and do
not attempt the real exam. Instead, you have two options: 1) go back and repeat
Checklist Steps #3, #4, and #5 above to improve your knowledge, or 2) call Sheppard
Air and ask an instructor for assistance.

Note: If you need to end the practice test early, you can, and the computer will
score you on the number of questions you answered. But it will not give you a
certified practice test result if you end early. The objective of a practice test
is to measure your knowledge of the course material, and determine if you are
actually ready for the real exam. You need objective feedback on your knowledge
level, and whether or not you are certain of the right answers. So try to take the
entire practice test uninterrupted from beginning to end just as if it were the
real test.

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