5th Jrs - Test 1 - MLD

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5 Juniors .
Focus 3
Units 1,2,3
May 2021

Student’s name: .................................................................................................................

Teacher’s name: .................................................................................................................

A) 1- Read the following text.

As you prepare to go out, you check yourself in the mirror. Everything looks good. The hair style is
right, your complexion is tanned and your smile could make Liam Payne jealous. Later in the evening,
when friends take photos, you are happy to pose for the camera. The next day, however, when the
photos are uploaded to the Internet, you are shocked. You don’t recognise that person. It can’t be you!
The facial features are all wrong, the skin too pale and the hair is horrible. So just why do we look
different in photos to how we imagine ourselves to be?

There isn’t just one reason. Firstly, people often look better early in the evening than later on. You have
probably just come out of the shower, brushed your hair and put on your elegant clothes. If there was
something wrong, you would do something about it and then admire yourself again. When the photos
are taken, you may be tired or perhaps full after a good meal. Your hair may not look quite so good as it
did. Often, when people get home and look in the mirror, they think: “I look terrible”. It’s just that,
being home and alone, it doesn’t matter.

Another reason has to do with angles. In the mirror, we see our nose, mouth and chin from above. This
is more flattering than looking up from below. We also turn slightly and smile trying to get the best look
possible. Unfortunately, our friends probably aren’t as careful. Photos are taken when we aren’t ready,
often from the wrong position. You could watch carefully to see when someone is going to take a photo
and pose for it but, although the photos might look better, your evening won’t be very relaxing.

Finally, there is the comparison with the people around you. Why do they all look so good in photos
compared to you? Even those who aren’t as attractive or slim as you? The reason is that you know
exactly how they looked all evening because you could see them. There are no surprises. However, you
are comparing yourself not to how you really looked but to an image of yourself that was in your head.
An image in which your complexion is clearer, your eyes bigger and even your clothes are more stylish.

So what can we do about it? On the one hand, for all the reasons above, photos of ourselves will rarely
please us. There’s a reason why many celebrities do everything they can not to be photographed in
public. On the other hand, you should remember that your friends feel exactly the same. So, when they
look at photos of you, they will be as jealous of you as you are of them. Take comfort from that but
maybe avoid looking at photos taken of you which appear on other people’s social networking pages.

A) 2- Now , choose the right answer.

1 The article says that people are shocked when they

a) find out that their photos are online.

b) see people they don’t know in photographs.
c) realise what they looked like the night before.
d) look in the mirror before they go out.

2 The writer says that

a) most people look better before they go out.

b) this problem only affects Liam Payne.

c) you should be careful who you go out with.
d) we are always pleased when we see our reflections.

3 One way to look better in photographs is to

a) show your friends how to take them.
b) be careful about who takes your photo.
c) make sure you look down on the photographer.
d) be prepared for any photos that friends take.

4 The writer claims that people

a) often think they are more attractive than their friends.
b) don’t usually like photos of their friends.
c) are often surprised by photos of their friends.
d) often imagine that they look better than they really do.

5 The aim of the article is to

a) make people feel better about photos of themselves.
b) help people look better when they go out.
c) criticise the effect of social media.
d) advise people on how to take better photos.


B) Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1) Andy didn´t get to the stadium on time. The match have already
(already/start) when he arrived there.

2) I’m believe ……………………..(believe) that fashion and design play an important role in our

3) How long have you had …………………..(you -have) Simon?

4) Janet was trying (try) to sleep when she heard her neighbours celebrate the victory of their team.

5) My friends and I haven’t not have) lunch yet. Would you like to join us?

6) A: John, is the final report ready? B: I Have been writing (write) all day, sir, but I still need to
finish the conclusion.

7) Peter would start playing football if he had (have) some free time.

8) Jessica`s really looking forward to going (go) on holiday next July.

9) Peter`s team will win the tournament if they train (train) hard.

10) You won’t have (not/have) to go shopping with me, but you can if you want.


C) Word Building. Complete the sentences with words made from the words in CAPITALS.

1) I admire my father for his determination DETERMINE

2) James is really passionate about hiking and being outdoors. PASSION

3) Jack was a pale-skinned student from Norway. SKIN

4) It was so cold that we all wore wool mittens and hats. WOOL

5) Katy Sullivan is an inspiring athlete who could succeeded although she was disabled.

D) Complete the second sentence using the word given, without changing the meaning.

1- The brothers had an argument and never spoke to each other again. OUT
The brothers fell out and never spoke to each other again.

2- Did you play sports when you were a child? USE

Did you use to play sports when you were a child?

3- Sharon has always had a good relationship with her workmates. ON

Sharon has always get on well with her workmates.

4- The baby girl started crying at 8 o´clock this morning and she still hasn´t stopped. HAS
The baby girl has been crying 8 o´clock this morning.

5- Barry was very excited because it was his first time on television. NEVER
Barry has never been in television before , so he was very excited.


E) Write the correct particle to form a suitable phrasal verb.

1- It´s difficult to keep up with the course if you have so many absences.

2- Jason is interesting in go surfing and jet-skiing. He’s quite adventurous.

3- Who do you take ………. ? Your mother`s or your father`s side of the family?

4- I really look up to my sisters. They are hard-working women and wonderful mothers.

5- I was born in Buenos Aires but I grew up in Neuquén.

6- Have you ever had a strong argument with Tom? Have you ever fallen out with him?

7- You are a bit indecisive. Try to make up your mind soon!

8- You have too much free time. You need to take up a new hobby or a sport.

F) Grammar. Circle the right answer.

1- I can`t imagine myself c in a big city.

a) to live b) live c) living

2- Do you fancy b to the match on Saturday?

a) go b) going c) to go

3- The actress Caitriona Balfe plays a protagonist role in the series “Outlander”.
a) at b) in c) on

4- It was my dad who encouraged me to do a degree in Maths.

a) make b) do c) win

5- Tom was still in his piyamas, so he went upstairs and got a for the party.
a) changed b) dressed c) undressed

6- What do you do to stay in shape?

a) in b) at c) on

7- Nowadays, there are a lot of children who do karate.

a) go b) play c) do

8- The athletes are training to compete in the next Olympic games.

a) at b) in c) on

9- Mark`s main rival beat him in the final.

a) won b) lost c) beat

10- That sweater is not your size! It doesn´t fit you.

a) suit b) fit c) match


G) VOCABULARY. Multiple Choice. Choose the right option.

1- Try shoes on both feet and buy the size that best fits/suits/matches the larger foot.

2- Mario is very risky/ reliable/ adventurous. He enjoys spending time climbing mountains.

3- How many ski rinks/ resorts/ rings have you visited?

4- The opponents/ athletes/ fans cheered and threw confetti after their team scored the second

5- I gave my dad a new golf stick/ club/ bat for his birthday. He loved it!

6- My youngest brother is the image of my father. They are both red-headed/ red-haired/ red-

7- In tennis you can´t hit/ kick/ bounce the ball.

8- My aunt married a man who has two sons. They are her great/ half/ step children.

9- Hellen Keller, the famous American writer, was born deaf and blind. However, she could
fulfil/ overcome/ set her disability and become successful.

10- Is there a basketball course/ court/ pitch in your neighbourhood?


H) Write the correct word for each definition.

1- A person who teaches you to play a sport. _ coach_ _ _ _ .

2- Someone who goes to watch a game. _ spectator _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

3- A person who decides what is fair or unfair during a match. _ _referee _ _ _ _ _ .

4- The person you play with in the same side. _team _ _ _ _mate _ _ _ .

5- Something that an athlete can set, break or beat in a competition. _ world record _ _ _ _ _ .

I) Cloze Test. Fill in the gaps with ONLY ONE Word.

‘I can’t (1)……… going clothes shopping at the weekend. In fact, it drives me crazy. It takes
such a long time to find (2what you want because the shops are very crowded. The changing

rooms aren’t big 3) enough ,so you have to wait (4)for ages. What is more, the sales people (5)

too busy to help (6)me, I’m too impatient and usually just give (7) up and leave without buying

J) Writing. (120-150 words) ( 5th Juniors level)

Your British friend Peter is looking for a basketball player to join his team. You think your cousin Brad,
who lives in Manchester, could be perfect for that.

Write an email to Peter to tell him about Brad.


 Brad´s age.

 Describe his personality. ( Include something negative).

 Describe his appearance ( general impression, clothes, physical appearance, etc. ) .



















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