Israel - Palestine Conflict International Law ASsignment

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Name: Samantha Redd V.

Closa October 26, 2023

Section: 4 – ALM PIL Symposium

1. What is one important highlight that you picked up from Atty. Barambangan’s
The key takeaway from Attorney Barambanga's presentation underscores the
responsibility of the International Community regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Their failure to offer preventative measures and accurate information about the impact
of the war on those involved is a significant concern.
This is a critical moment for the International Community, and remaining silent
and neglecting to impose sanctions is unacceptable. The issue goes beyond the
casualty numbers; it pertains to how the International Court of Justice can deliver an
honest and enduring resolution to such conflicts.

2. What is one important highlight you picked up from Dr. Sattar’s talk?
3. The conflict between Israel and Palestine generally seems far removed from the
Philippines and is not as widespread as we would prefer. Do you agree with Atty.
Barambangan’s answer as to the reason for this?
Yes. I agree with Atty. Barambangan’s reason for this, as I also believe that this
is the effect of social media in our lives, posting our stand through the internet becomes
something that is alarming for everyone because of the close minded people giving
comments and jumping into conclusions.
Despite the geographical remoteness of the Israel-Palestine conflict from our
own homeland, it is incumbent upon us to actively engage with and remain well-
informed about such complex geopolitical issues. This isn't solely a war pitting two
parties against each other; it's a multifaceted battle that extends beyond military
engagements—it's a battle for truth and justice. In our role as conscientious global
citizens, we must exercise both caution and intelligence when it comes to disseminating
information and opinions about this protracted conflict.

This caution stems from the understanding that the Israel-Palestine issue isn't
one that should ever be manipulated for personal gain, clout, or to attract
4. After attending the symposium, what were your realizations as a student of the
After attending the symposium, my realizations as a student of law are that we
should not only focus ourselves on what is happening in our country, but also incident
that affect the humanity. The scope of law and protection does not only revolve around
what is happening in our country, but also those people who were experiencing violation
of humanitarian and a war crime.
We have to be informed and engage in this kind of conversation in order for us to
see how we will put an end to this kind of violation.

5. As previous students who took Public International Law, what is your key
takeaway from the Symposium?
As a previous student who took Public International Law, my key takeaway from
the Symposium is that we have to show solidarity in their assistance. We must ensure
the effective observance of international law when it comes to their rights. We must
ensure that the truths are acknowledged. Just like what JBLC is teaching us, Be
Involved, Be Informed.

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