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Wise choice tutoring

Question 1:

Which of the following statements accurately describes the normality condition based on the
constructed normal probability plot for a random sample of college students' GPAs?

Choose the correct answer below

A. The GPAs of the college students in this sample exhibit an approximate normal distribution.
However, due to the sample's lack of representativeness for the entire population of college
students, it cannot be concluded that the GPAs of all college students follow a normal

B. Given that the sample data display a normal distribution and were obtained randomly, it is
reasonable to assume that the GPAs of all college students follow a normal distribution.

C. The normal probability plot indicates that the data is not fulfilling the conditions of a normal
distribution. Thus, it is not possible to conclude that the population data are normally distributed.

. Given that the sample data display a normal distribution, it is reasonable to assume that the
GPAs of all college students follow a normal distribution.
Question 2:
The lifetimes of two brands of light bulbs, A and B, are normally distributed. Brand A has a
mean lifetime of 800 hours with a standard deviation of 50 hours, while brand B has a mean
lifetime of 850 hours with a standard deviation of 60 hours. If a random light bulb is selected and
it lasts more than 820 hours, what is the probability that it belongs to brand B?

Question 3:
A pharmaceutical company claims that a new drug reduces cholesterol levels in patients. A
random sample of 100 patients who took the drug for a month had a mean cholesterol reduction
of 15 mg/dL with a standard deviation of 5 mg/dL. The company wants to test if the drug is
effective in reducing cholesterol levels by at least 10 mg/dL. Perform a hypothesis test at a
significance level of 0.01 to determine if there is evidence to support the company's claim.
Sample Solution

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