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Reviewer for Quiz 6

Note: Quiz 6 is a close notes and closed tables exam


SN, GN, MI_____________________________________________ Date:____________________

A. Consider an actual cogeneration plant shown. Steam enters the turbine at 7 Mpaa and 500 deg C. Some steam (10% ms) is
extracted from the turbine at 500 kPaa for process heating, the remaining steam continues to expand to 5 kPaa. Steam is then
condensed at constant pressure and pumped to the boiler pressure of 7 Mpaa. At times of high demand for process heat, some
steam leaving the boiler (70% ms) is throttled to 500 kPaa and is routed to the process heater. The extraction fractions are
adjusted so that steam leaves the process heater as a saturated liquid at 500 kPaa. It is subsequently pumped to 7 Mpaa. The
mass flow rate of steam through the boiler is 20 kg/sec(ms). The turbine has a combined engine efficiency of 84%. Disregarding
any pressure drops and heat losses in the piping and pump and turbine have isentropic efficiencies of 88% (all stages),
determine the following when the process heater is operating at high demand: a. actual cycle process heat Qp’ in KW b.
Electric power from the turbogen set in KW c. Brake work in KW if generator efficiency = 95% d. Ideal cycle Utilization
Factor( %) e. Actual cycle Utilization Factor( %)



ANSWERS (should be on
indicated units):
TS diagram with labels
a. Qp’ (KJ/sec)

b. Wk (KW)

c. Wb (KW)

d. Ɛu (%)

e. Ɛu’ (%)

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