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Assignment Question :
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1 - "Understanding the research process is crucial to its success". Elaborate
(Minimum 300 words)
2 - Name a research problem in which you are interested in. Refer to pages 48
to 54 of the lecture note and outline how you would go about formulating a
research into your problem.
Research is a series of systematic activities undertaken to find out the solution
to a problem.
The research process can also be defined as a series of systematic procedures
that a researcher must go through in order to generate knowledge that will be
considered valuable by the project and focus on the relevant topic.
It involves identifying, locating, assessing, and analysing the information you
need to support your research question, and then developing and expressing
your ideas and are the same skills you need any time you write a report,
proposal, or put together a presentation.
Research process involves a series of steps or actions required for effectively
conducting research while formulating the research problem, extensive
literature survey, developing hypothesis, preparing the research design,
determining sample design, collecting data, execution of the project, analysis
of data, hypothesis testing, generalization and interpretation, and preparation
of the report or presentation of the results.
It encourages scientific and inductive thinking, besides promoting the
development of logical habits of thinking and organisation. It comprises
defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested
solutions collecting, organising and evaluating data, making deductions and
reaching conclusions; to determine whether they fit the formulating
For a research to be success, Data collection is important to help in getting the
information required to answer the research issue. Every research collected
data, either from the literature or the people being studied. Data must be
collected from the two categories of researchers.
There are five important steps in research process and are:
 Locating and Defining Issues or Problems
 Designing the Research Project
 Collecting Data – Obtaining the information needed to solve the
identified issue or problem
 Interpreting Research Data – examining the research data and coming
up with a conclusion that solves the problem
 Report Research Findings – Presenting the information
Keywords: Research, Classification, Design, Sampling, Hypothesis, Testing,
Data Collection

2 - Name a research problem in which you are interested in.


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