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Table of Specification



JUMAPAO, Renzo “Whenz” G.
RAMULTE, Angelica T.
Table of Specification


EASY (30%) AVERAGE (50%) DIFFICULT (20%)

Topics No. of No. of Test % of test Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Teaching items items

Noun 5 7.14 or 7 23.3% 2 2 1 0 2 0

(1-2) (5-6) (10) (25-26)

Adjectives 7 9.94 or 10 33.33% 1 2 3 2 2 0

(3) (7-8) (11-13) (19-20) (27-28)

Verb 9 12.78 or 13 43.33% 1 1 5 4 2 0

(9) (14-18) (29-30)
(4) (21-24)

Total 21 30 100% 9 items 15 items 6 items


(10-16) JUMAPAO
(26-30) RODAVIA

Emphasize or Bold the word “True” if the statement is true, and “False” if the statement is wrong.

1. True or False: Nouns can function as subjects, objects, or possessive elements in a sentence.
2. True or False: "Gratitude" is an example of a concrete noun.
3. True or False: Adjectives are used to describe the size, shape, color, or other qualities of nouns.
4. True or False: Transitive verbs do not require a direct object to complete their meaning.
5. True or False: Nouns are always singular and cannot be plural.
6. True or False: Nouns can be classified as common or proper.
7. True or False: Adjectives always come after the noun they modify.
8. True or False: Comparative adjectives are used to compare two or more things.
9. True or False: In the sentence "They have eaten lunch," "have eaten" is a compound verb.


Read each question carefully before selecting your answer and encircle the correct answer.

10. What is the gerund form of the verb "talk"?

A. Talking
B. Talks
C. Talked
D. Talk

11. What is the present progressive form of the verb "eat"?

A. Eating
B. Eaten
C. Eats
D. Ate
12. Identify the adjective in the phrase: "The students were captivated by the fascinating lecture."

A. Students
B. Captivated
C. Fascinating
D. Lecture

13. In the sentence "The book belongs to Sarah," what is the verb?
A. book
B. belongs
C. Sarah
D. the

14. What is the comparative form of the adjective "big"?

A. Bigly
B. Bigger
C. Biger
D. Biggier

15. What is the past participle of the verb "sing"?

A. sang
B. sung
C. singed
D. singing
16. What is the base form of the verb "gone"?
A. going
B. went
C. go
D. gone

17. Be, Should, and Ought are words that is used in __ verbs.
A. Action
B. Auxiliary
C. Linking
D. Regular

18. It is an adjective used to describe the position of an object or a person within a specific space and time.
A. Comparison
B. Demonstrative
C. Indefinite
D. Interrogative

19. What type of adjective was used in the underlined word: “Which of these foods would you want me to buy for you?”
A. Interrogative
B. Comparison
C. Predicative
D. Proper

20. “I love chicken nuggets” is a sentence that used what type of verb?
A. Stative
B. Action
C. Intransitive
D. Modal

21. “Margaret had a doubt on her answers during UPCAT.” What type of noun is the underlined word?
A. Concrete
B. Material
C. Abstract
D. Countable

22.. “I got impressed by her work ethics.” Which of the following words refer to the linking verb used in the sentence?
A. Impressed
B. Got
C. Work
D. I

23. Which of the following sentences used a possessive adjective?

A. You are the best things that’s ever been mine.
B. The cat gave birth to 3 kittens.
C. The Greek introduced the mythology.
D. The ocean is as blue as the sky.

24. What type of verb was used in the sentence: “To have my heart broken by you is indeed a privilege.”
A. Transitive
B. Infinative
C. Intransitive
D. Infinitive
Identify the correct answer: For each item, identify the correct answer based on your understanding of the subject matter.

25. Find the base form of the verb in” She lets her dog play in the garden.”
Answer: PLAY

26. Identify the relative pronoun in the sentence, ‘“The book that you lent me was fascinating.”
Answer: THAT

27. Identify the collective noun in the sentence: "A pod of dolphins swam alongside the boat."
Answer: POD

28. Identify the indefinite pronoun in the sentence, “Everybody enjoyed the party.”
Answer: Everybody

29 . It is a verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning. Example: "She ate an apple."
Answer: Transitive Verb

30. In the sentence "John went to the store," identify the proper noun.
Answer: JOHN

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