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Social return on investment analysis of an urban


Ruth F. Hunter , Mary A.T. Dallat , Mark A. Tully , Leonie Heron , Ciaran
O’Neill & Frank Kee On Behalf of the PARC Study Research Team

To cite this article: Ruth F. Hunter , Mary A.T. Dallat , Mark A. Tully , Leonie Heron , Ciaran O’Neill
& Frank Kee On Behalf of the PARC Study Research Team (2020): Social return on investment
analysis of an urban greenway, Cities & Health, DOI: 10.1080/23748834.2020.1766783

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Social return on investment analysis of an urban greenway

Ruth F. Huntera, Mary A.T. Dallatb, Mark A. Tullyc, Leonie Herona, Ciaran O’Neilla and Frank Kee a
On Behalf of
the PARC Study Research Team
Institute of Clinical Sciences B, Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland; bService Development,
Public Health Agency, Belfast, Northern Ireland; cInstitute of Mental Health Sciences, School of Health Sciences, Ulster University,
Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland


Evidence supports the multi-functional nature of urban green space, and so economic evaluations Received 17 December 2019
should have a broad lens in order to capture their full impact. Given the evidence for a range of Accepted 29 April 2020
health, wellbeing, social and environmental benefits of such interventions, we modelled the KEYWORDS
potential social return on investment of a new urban greenway intervention in Belfast, Northern Social return on investment;
Ireland. Areas that the greenway was purported to impact upon included: land and property economic evaluation; urban
values; flood alleviation; tourism; labour employment and productivity; quality of place; climate green space; natural
change; and, health. The most recent and applicable evidence pre-development of the greenway experiment
for each area was summarised to obtain an ‘effect estimate’; this was then applied to available data
for the greenway area and the impact estimated and monetised using various methods. To
calculate the Benefit Cost Ratio all seven monetary benefits were summed, for both a worst
case and best case scenario, and divided by the total investment cost. The Benefit Cost Ratio
ranged from 2.88 to 5.81 (i.e. for every £1.00 invested in the greenway, there would be £2.00–6.00
returned). This is one of the first studies to conduct a social return on investment of a new urban
greenway estimating the potential benefits.

Introduction Agenda (United Nations General Assembly 2016)

There is a compelling body of evidence demonstrating calls for an increase in safe, inclusive, accessible, high
the benefits of urban green space for health, including quality green public spaces. Similarly, the 2030 Agenda
physical (e.g. reduced weight, lower coronary heart dis- for Sustainable Development (United Nations 2015)
ease), psychological (e.g. reduced stress indicators such pledges to ‘provide universal access to safe, inclusive
as lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate and and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular,
blood pressure, improved mental wellbeing), social for women and children, older persons and persons
health (e.g. increased social cohesion) benefits (Kuo with disabilities’. However, in an increasingly urba-
2015, Gascon et al. 2016, WHO, 2016, 2017a, 2017b, nised world, our green spaces are under threat and
Frumkin et al. 2017, Twohig-Bennett and Jones 2018). facing extensive competition, especially from housing
Initiatives to enhance the quantity and quality of green and transport demands. We know that economic argu-
spaces in towns and cities have gained momentum, as ments are important in making the case for political
seen in the rapid growth of pocket parks, green roofs, support for investments. Although the evidence base
green walls, greening of vacant lots, and disused rail- for the health benefits of urban green space is strong,
ways developed into urban trails and greenways. the effectiveness of urban green space interventions
A parallel growth in the biophilic cities movement has and their economic justification are much less well
highlighted the benefits of daily contact with nature for researched and understood (Hunter et al. 2019).
health and wellbeing (Beatley and Newman 2013). A recent evidence review of the effectiveness of
As 70% of the world’s population is expected to live urban green space interventions provides some support
in cities by 2050 (an approximate population of for certain approaches, particularly for park-based
10 billion people), our urban ecosystems need to be interventions that are coupled with social programmes
reimagined to ensure, above all, they are sustainable to encourage usage (Hunter et al. 2019). Various inter-
and can support a higher quality of life for their grow- ventions were able to demonstrate positive environ-
ing populations (United Nations General Assembly mental outcomes (e.g. increased biodiversity), social
2016, UN Sustainable Development Goals). Various outcomes (e.g. reduction in crime; improvements in
political frameworks underscore the need for green perception of safety), and improved wellbeing (e.g.
spaces in our cities. For example, the New Urban reduction in stress) (Hunter et al. 2019). The authors

CONTACT Ruth F. Hunter Institute of Clinical Sciences B, Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast, Grosvenor
Road, Belfast BT12 6BJ, Northern Ireland
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

argued that the full potential of urban green space This current study offers an economic evaluation of
interventions has not been realised because most pre- the potential social return on investment of a new
vious evaluations have adopted a uni-dimensional focus urban greenway (Connswater Community
on health or environmental outcomes, leading to Greenway) developed in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
under-evaluation of the purported range of outcomes Briefly, this involved the provision of a 9 km linear
and subsequently, the economic impact. Evidence sup- greenway including 16 km of new or improved walk-
ports the multi-functional nature of urban green space, ing and cycling trails. We have previously undertaken
and so evaluations, including economic evaluations, a Cost Utility Analysis on the projected cost-
should have a broader lens than previously used, incor- effectiveness of the new urban greenway (Dallat et al.
porating health, wellbeing, social, environmental and 2014). In line with the National Institute for Health
economic outcomes. Indeed, it could be argued that all and Care Excellence (NICE) Health Technology
of these can be thought of as economic outcomes, and Assessment guidelines, we conducted the analysis
that because of market failure are not taken into con- from a health-care payer perspective with outcomes
sideration when the value of urban green space is being measured in Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)
assessed and decisions around resource allocation are (NICE 2008). Using a macro-simulation model, the
being made, known as ‘externalities’. To that end, urban study estimated the potential reduction in burden of
green spaces might be thought of as public goods that cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus and
only government or philanthropy can provide. cancer that might be anticipated if the local population
Further, in the evidence review on urban green became more physically active due to the new urban
space interventions, only four studies were identified greenway. Results showed that if as little as 2% of the
that investigated their economic impact (Hunter et al. inactive (i.e. not meeting UK government guidance for
2019). All four studies (Cohen et al. 2012, 2013, 2014, physical activity levels) local population were to
Bird et al. 2014) concluded that such interventions become active (i.e. meeting UK government guidance
were cost-effective. Cohen et al assessed the cost effec- for physical activity levels), then the savings in health-
tiveness of park-based interventions (Cohen et al. care would offset the costs of the walkways, trails,
2012, 2013, 2014) based on physical activity levels of bridges and lighting, over a 40-year period. This equa-
users of the new park infrastructure using Metabolic ted to a total of 184 new cases of chronic diseases and
Equivalent of Task (MET)-hours/year. For example, 17 deaths being prevented. All three hypothetical sce-
Cohen et al. (2012) calculated the cost-effectiveness narios (i.e. 2%, 5% and 10%) were estimated to be cost-
based on the changes observed in the intervention effective, ranging from £4,469/DALY to £18,411/
parks over time, yielding a net gain of 1909 METS- DALY, which is well below the UK cost-effectiveness
hours/year in the 12 parks or 159 METS-hours/year threshold (Woods et al. 2016). Although direct health
per park. On average, a person gains one MET-hour gains were predicted to be small for any individual,
per 15 minutes of moderate-vigorous intensity physi- summed over an entire population these are substan-
cal activity (i.e. a brisk walk or run for 15 minutes). tial. Whilst we were able to conclude that the new
A meta-analysis indicated an association between urban greenway should be cost-effective if small
METS gained and reduction in chronic disease risk increases in physical activity were achieved, we were
(Arem et al. 2015). For example, compared with adults not able to capture the wider benefits of the greenway
reporting no leisure time physical activity, the meta- beyond health.
analysis observed a 20% lower mortality risk among Longo et al. (2015) also undertook an economic
those undertaking less than the recommended mini- modelling study investigating the monetary value of
mum of 7.5 METS per week (HR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.- walking following infrastructure changes due to the
78–0.82]), a 31% lower risk at 1 to 2 times the new urban greenway. Using data from a household
recommended minimum (HR, 0.69 [95% CI, 0.67– survey of local residents (n = 1209) collected prior to
0.70]), and a 37% lower risk at 2 to 3 times the mini- development of the greenway, a contingent valuation
mum (HR, 0.63 [95% CI, 0.62–0.65]). Significant study modelled the economic benefits of walking and
Benefit Cost Ratios (in a range of >4-1) were identified how walking behaviour might be affected by neigh-
by Bird et al. (2014) based on increased walking and bourhood improvements. Using compensating varia-
cycling levels after investing in 84 new or improved tion, the study found that a policy to increase
urban trails around the UK. The study used the Health walkability and perceptions of access to shops and
Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) for modelling the amenities, could lead to an increase in walking of
economic value of health benefits attributable to walk- approximately 36 minutes per person per week. The
ing and cycling infrastructure (WHO 2014). However, monetary value was £13.65 per person per week.
beyond this we have not been able to identify eco- However, the study found that such policies are likely
nomic evaluations for other urban green space inter- to reach only around 12% of the inactive population
ventions, such as for urban greenways or the greening (i.e. those most in need), and argued that additional
of vacant lots. interventions would be needed (i.e. those offering

more than physical changes to the built environment Living Landmarks Award, obtained by a voluntary
but which also improved aesthetics or increased con- organisation, the Eastside Partnership. Its main ele-
nectivity to amenities). ments include: a 9 km linear greenway with 16 km of
Nevertheless, it is apparent that due to the complex new and/or improved foot and cycle paths; 5 km
nature of public health interventions, particularly built remediated water courses; 23 new or improved
environment interventions, traditional techniques of bridges/crossings; £11 million flood alleviation mea-
cost-effectiveness analysis are not always well-suited to sures to protect approximately 1,700 homes from
evaluate public health interventions (Weatherly et al. future flooding; six heritage and tourism trails; two
2009, NICE 2012b). Instead, there is a need to consider new children’s playgrounds; two community gardens;
a full range of outcome measures, going beyond two multi-use games areas; a civic square with facade
Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALYs)/DALYs; stake- and public art works; improvements to four major
holders’ views should be taken into account and the parks (13 hectares) along the Greenway route; con-
potential impacts on health inequalities should be nection to an existing Greenway (Comber Greenway)
addressed. Hence, a number of alternative methods providing 30kms in total of traffic free routes for
have been suggested with two main schools of thought walking or cycling and the provision of a wildlife
now emerging (Edwards et al. 2013). One is to in effect corridor through planting of various trees, plants,
‘stretch’ the current NICE reference case and include shrubs and hedging along the Greenway route. The
alternative outcome measures such as life-years gained area in which the greenway is situated included some
or cases averted and/or employ the capability of the most deprived areas in Northern Ireland,
approach which considers the distribution of capabil- including seven electoral wards regarded as within
ity across society. This would allow for the inclusion of the 25% most deprived wards in the country. The
equity considerations in economic analyses. The other greenway spans over 29 electoral wards in total with
school of thought is to abandon the QALY and move a total of approximately 110,600 people living on or
to more welfarist based approaches including social along the proposed greenway. This includes 59%
return on investment analyses. This is where all ben- female, 51% economically active with age ranges
efits of an intervention, including social and environ- including (7% 16–24 years; 36% 25–44 years; 30%
mental, are identified, monetised and weighed against 45–64 years; 27% 65+ years). Figure 1 displays the
the expected costs. Costs and benefits where possible Connswater Community Greenway and PARC study
are based on market prices as these are usually the best sampling area.
reflection of their opportunity cost. If the benefits out-
weigh the costs, the intervention is considered good
Methodological framework
value for money.
Therefore, we modelled the potential social return As highlighted above, few studies have attempted to
on investment of the new urban greenway interven- aggregate a comprehensive range of benefits from
tion to estimate the potential impact, and to fulfil two a health, wellbeing, social and environmental perspec-
purposes. The first of these is to address some of the tive. Such aggregation must overcome risks of double
limitations of our Cost Utility Analysis and attempt to counting and inconsistency in component valuations.
better capture its broader value. The second purpose is Therefore, no agreed-upon methodology currently
to make a contribution to the debate regarding the exists to value the economic benefit of parks, green-
most appropriate economic evaluation method for ways or green infrastructure, and the science of green
public health interventions such as urban green space economics is still in its infancy (Savills et al.
space interventions. Based on findings from the recent 2005, Northwest Regional Development Agency
evidence review on urban green space interventions, it 2008, Harnik and Welle 2009, Saraev 2012, Genecon
is clear that a focus only on health outcomes would 2012).
discount other benefits such as biodiversity, tourism, We identified, through previous literature and dis-
and housing prices, and therefore under-value the cussions with the Connswater Community Greenway
economic case for investment. Management Committee, seven key areas that the
greenway was aiming to impact upon, including
health, for which there should be sufficient literature
Methods evidence and baseline data to quantify and value each
area. The seven key areas include: (1) land and prop-
Context: The Urban Greenway
erty values; (2) labour employment and productivity;
The Connswater Community Greenway was a - (3) flood alleviation; (4) climate change; (5) health; (6)
£35 million investment in a major urban rejuvenation tourism; (7) quality of place (e.g. environmental aes-
project which began in 2010, and construction was thetics, provision of amenities). Figure 2 presents
completed in 2016 (http://www.communitygreenway. a conceptual model detailing the intervention and its The greenway was funded by the Big Lottery consequences in terms of economic evaluation.

Figure 1. The Connswater Community Greenway and PARC study sampling area. Legend: Buffers indicate a 5, 10 and 15 minute
walk from the Connswater Community Greenway. Reproduced from Tully et al. (2013). Physical activity and the rejuvenation of
Connswater (PARC study). Protocol for a natural experiment investigating the impact of urban regeneration on public health. BMC
Public Health 13; 774.

Figure 2. Conceptual model representing the intervention and its consequences in terms of economic evaluation and associated

Briefly, we hypothesise that the greenway provides an opportunities, reduces anti-social behaviour and
amenity to those who wish to be physically active, crime, increases tourism through external visitors to
increases worker productivity, provides job the area, reduces the risk of flooding, mitigates climate

risk through change in travel mode from car to walk- discount rate as it serves as an underestimate of the
ing/cycling etc. The monetary value of these are com- value of benefits and thus the social return on invest-
pared with the cost of generating these benefits – the ment. Further, given the scarcity of appropriate and
monetary value of the alternative use of resources – relevant data, we have not modelled the impact of
and the two are compared as the present value of a net displacement, attribution and drop-off, resulting in
monetary benefit, or return on investment – a ratio of somewhat conservative assumptions.
the present value of cumulative benefits to the present
value of the cumulative costs.
This section takes the following format to detail the Results (including model assumptions for each
methodology: (1) the most recent and applicable evi- element)
dence, based on reviews of the literature, pre-
Element 1: land and property values
development of the greenway for each key area was
summarised to obtain an ‘effect estimate’. The litera- An extensive body of evidence demonstrates the posi-
ture reviews span several disciplines and so multiple tive impact of green infrastructure on nearby property
perspectives have been considered; (2) this was then prices. This effect was first described by Crompton
applied, where possible, to the most recently available (2001) as the ‘Proximate Principle’ where the capitali-
data for the greenway area; (3) the impact was esti- zation of parkland is absorbed within the value of
mated and monetised using various methods. Briefly, nearby properties. In order to quantify this effect, the
to value the impact on property values, the additional majority of recent studies have availed of Geographic
direct income to the Northern Ireland economy was Information Systems (GIS) data combined with the
calculated through increased property tax (rates) Hedonic pricing method. This is a revealed preference
based on the assumption that value would accrue in method where the item to be valued is decomposed
a given year, once deadweight, attribution and displa- into its constituent parts and using regression analysis,
cement issues have been taken into consideration. The the contributory value of each of its parts is calculated.
impacts of flood alleviation works, climate change and Supplementary File 1 (page 1–2) summarises the most
health was estimated by modelling the environmental relevant evidence, including from the US and UK on
and health care cost savings to the local economy. For greenways, parks and green space, in order to obtain
labour employment and productivity, cost savings an ‘effect estimate’ or range of effect estimates, for the
were estimated through reduced absenteeism rates percentage increase in the average property price in
for three major employers situated along the greenway east Belfast due to the construction of the greenway.
route. To value tourism, previously determined All studies used a Hedonic pricing method unless
Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) estimates for urban park otherwise stated.
visits within Northern Ireland were used to predict The 9 km linear greenway and the parks along the
future number of ‘external’ visits to the greenway. course of the greenway are hypothesised to have the
Finally, to value the impact of the greenway on ‘quality most direct effect on nearby property prices. Whilst
of place’, the cost savings to the Northern Ireland the parks underwent considerable enhancements,
economy were estimated through reduced crime. including improved access as part of the greenway
After the first year, we assumed each monetary project, they are not a new feature and so it is difficult
benefit was maintained over 40 years in line with to predict how much their enhancements alone will
the expected lifetime of the greenway and we dis- directly impact on nearby property prices. In contrast,
counted all future costs by 3.5% to calculate their Net the three river courses that the greenway traverses
Present Value (NPV). This discount rate is in line underwent significant re-development, including
with both the NICE Health Technology Assessment flood alleviation measures with the removal of rubbish
(National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in the river, improving water quality, and major land-
(NICE) 2008) and the HM Treasury Green Book scaping to improve biodiversity. Previous to this,
(HM Treasury 2013) guidelines for economic apprai- houses in the area tended to face away from the
sal. Finally, all monetary outcomes were summed to river, which, given its state of disrepair, was not con-
obtain the total monetary benefit of the greenway and sidered an asset to any property. In addition, approxi-
subtracted from the total cost of the greenway mately 30.6 acres of new land was procured by Belfast
(£35 m) to calculate the net monetary benefit. We City Council (local authority), as part of the greenway
have used a discount rate of 3.5% which, up until project, to allow for the greenway development
2012, was the suggested discount rate for public (approx. 8% of the total area of the greenway (379
health interventions from NICE (NICE 2012a). We acres)). Therefore, considering the evidence for the
are aware that a discount rate of 1.5% has now been effect of greenways and trails on property prices in
suggested; not without criticism (O’Mahony and Supplementary File 1 and in particular, the findings by
Paulden 2014). However, we have included the 3.5% the UK National Ecosystem assessment for new green

space, we estimated conservatively that a property average house prices rose steadily in 2014 with
adjacent to the greenway would increase the value by a reported increase in sales, lead experts in housing
approximately 2%, 5% or 10%. to suggest that the Northern Ireland market had ‘bot-
tomed-out’ and was showing slow signs of recovery
(Ulster University 2014).
Summary of model assumptions
Therefore, we calculated the average house price for
Data to calculate the net economic benefit of increased east Belfast using data for the 6-years pre-development
property prices included: (i) number of properties of the greenway (2009 to 2014). In addition, since the
impacted upon by the greenway; (ii) the average properties along the greenway are mainly terraced and
house price for the area; and, (iii) the rates or property semi-detached, we calculated the average house price
tax for the area. for terraced and semi-detached houses combined and
(i) Number of properties impacted: Using GIS data, excluded the prices for apartments and detached
we calculated the number of properties which lie homes. In summary, using data from the Northern
within 50 m (2,241 properties), 450 m (18,736 proper- Ireland House Price Index quarterly reports, the aver-
ties) and 800 m (29,231 properties), respectively, of the age house price for terraced and semi-detached prop-
greenway. erties combined in east Belfast from 2009 to 2014, was
(ii) Average house price for the area: The Northern £135,398.
Ireland housing market, like in the Republic of (iii) Residential rates for the area: Using the rates
Ireland, had just suffered from a crash with house calculator for 2014/15 used by Belfast City Council
prices peaking in 2007 and then falling, in some (
cases to 50% or less of their original value. Therefore, rates-calculator.htm), we calculated the annual rates
to calculate the ‘average’ house price for the area (east for the average residential property in east Belfast at
Belfast) we conducted a short assessment of the mar- present and for three hypothetical scenarios where
ket. Supplementary File 1/Figure 1 shows the average house prices increased by 2, 5 or 10%, as a result of
house price for Northern Ireland, Belfast and east the greenway and deduced the increased rates paid per
Belfast, from 2007 to 2014 (representing a 7-year per- property per scenario (Supplementary File 1/Table 1).
iod prior to development of the greenway), using data
from the Northern Ireland House Price Index report
Total monetary value
archive (
php.) We used the average house price to earnings For each scenario, by multiplying the additional rates
ratio to provide an indicator of the extent to which to pay per property by the number of properties within
people are willing to get on the property ladder. each ‘adjacency’ specified distance, it was possible to
Therefore, the average house price was divided by deduce the net economic benefit of property price
the average salary. The long term average was approxi- increases, to the Northern Ireland economy, after
mately 3.5. In 2007, the average Northern Ireland one year and over the life time of the greenway
house price to earnings ratio was 11.2, with the prop- (Supplementary File 1/Table 2). Results showed that
erty crash following from 2008. Currently, the ratio for for properties within 50 m of the new greenway, the
Northern Ireland is approximately 5.8. value of additional rates if there was as little as a 2%
We assumed that if the average house price to earn- increase in property prices, was projected to be almost
ings ratio should be approximately 3.5 for the housing £43,000, which equates to a discounted value of
market to remain stable, then 3.5 times the average £970,857 over the 40-year management and mainte-
earnings should give an indication of what the average nance period of the greenway.
‘affordable’ Northern Ireland house price should be
(Supplementary File 1/Figure 1 – green line). Average
Element 2: labour market employment and
Northern Ireland earnings were obtained from the
Northern Ireland Annual Survey of Hours and
Earnings (Department of Enterprise Trade and There is a general consensus within the literature that
Development, Northern Ireland 2013). Clearly the green infrastructure, through improving the aesthetics
difference between the actual average house prices of an area, can attract inward investment and stimu-
and what the overall market suggested as affordable, late economic growth. However, there is little consen-
in 2007, were very different. However, it has been sus as to how to value this impact in isolation from
speculated that there is a trend that suggests that other factors and how to deal with the issue of dis-
people are spending a greater proportion of household placement (Saraev 2012). Displacement is where
incomes on property and so economists have argued investment attracted to a ‘greener’ area is likely to
that the average house price to earnings ratio for today have been displaced from elsewhere and therefore
may in fact be closer to 5 (Supplementary File 1/Figure the new green infrastructure may not add any net
1 – light blue line). This finding, as well as the fact that benefit to the economy. We have captured at least

one aspect of economic growth and discuss two others each workplace. Using the Northern Ireland Annual
which are hypothesised to be a direct result of the Hours and Earnings survey (Department of Enterprise
greenway and have a positive impact on the Trade and Development, Northern Ireland 2013) we
Northern Ireland economy. These included: (i) obtained the median full time weekly earnings by
improved labour productivity within east Belfast; (ii) occupation for 2013. We used the weekly earnings
work placements for the unemployed during the con- for professional occupations, skilled trade occupations
struction of the greenway; and, (iii) four newly created and process, plant and machine operatives to repre-
jobs on the greenway. sent the weekly earnings for employees from the three
large workplaces (Supplementary File 1/Table 3).
Labour productivity
Better quality green space has been shown to increase
Total monetary value
employee productivity, reduce stress and sickness and
lower absenteeism rates (Genecon 2012) due to By multiplying the number of employees by their
improved aesthetics of the working environment and median daily salary by 0.4 days, we obtained the total
the enhanced opportunities for exercise leading to monetary value of reduced sickness leave for each
improved physical activity levels and better overall workplace for one year. This came to a total of
employee health. Enhancing employee health and £125,374.57 (Supplementary File 1/Table 3). This was
wellbeing is an area of great economic interest for then modelled over the 40-year management and
both the UK government and UK employers since maintenance timeline for the greenway to give a total
approximately 175 million days per year are lost due monetary value of reduced sickness absence as
to sickness (Black 2008). A UK government report £2,833,352.91 (3.5%, 40 years). We believe this to be
estimated that lost productivity costs in excess of a conservative estimate as we have not included the
£60 billion per year and, when including the costs of further positive financial implications for employers
sickness absence, this cost totals over £70 billion from the impact of increased physical activity as
per year (Black 2008). Also, the costs of health- a result of the greenway in preventing long-term dis-
related productivity losses which do not lead to ability and absenteeism. Given that there are many
absence are estimated at £30 billion per year. more employers in the area, this is assumed to be an
Summary of model assumptions
Work placements
In order to estimate the monetary value of improved Some of the employment benefits as a result of the
labour productivity it is necessary to know the quan- greenway can be considered independent of the issue
tified impact of a green infrastructure investment on of displacement. There were two separate contractors
labour productivity and company profit. As yet, the involved in the construction of the greenway. Both
evidence for both is lacking. However, it is possible companies were contractually obliged to agree to
from the literature to predict the reduction in short- a number of social clauses where each contractor
term absenteeism from work which may result from provided 52 and 64 placement weeks, respectively,
improved physical activity levels. The average for those who are currently unemployed and involved
employee absence in the UK is 6.8 days with 95% with the Department for Economy (DfE) Steps to
due to short-term sick leave (CBI 2004). The WHO Work (StW) scheme. Also, 5% of the workforce of
demonstrated that workplace physical activity inter- each contractor and first tier subcontractors (with 20
ventions which include 30 minutes of physical activ- or more employees) had to be formally recognised
ity per day reduce short-term sick leave by between 6 paid apprenticeships and each contractor provided
and 32% (Proper and van Mechelen 2008). a total of 40 person weeks of employment opportu-
Therefore, for every employee along the greenway nities for students on a University or College of
who achieves 30 minutes of physical activity Further and Higher Education construction related
each day, five days a week, their employer should course. Obviously, placements like these greatly
benefit from at least 0.4 days gross salary cost enhance the future employability potential of those
per year (i.e. 6% of 95% of 6.8 days), assuming the involved and had the contractors worked elsewhere,
increment can be achieved and can be attributed to where the social clauses were not in place, this benefit
the greenway. may not have been realised.
There are three large workplaces (aeronautical Each contractor employed a total of 35 contractor/
manufacturer, bakery and health centre) located subcontractor employees each working on the green-
along the greenway route whose employees will benefit way. Someone on the ‘Steps to Work’ scheme earns an
from direct access to the greenway. We captured data additional £15.38 per week whilst maintaining their
on the number of employees, their associated annual benefits. On average an apprentice or student working
gross salary costs and baseline absenteeism rates for in construction earns approx. £12,000 per year and

assuming there are 52 weeks in any given year this flowed and the following year, in August 2008, 100
equates to approx. £231 per week. Therefore, if we properties were flooded. Following these floods, the
assume that both contractors uphold the social clauses Northern Ireland Rivers Agency conducted an assess-
then the additional monetary amount of the social ment of the area and found that the standard of pro-
clauses should be £56,300.08 (Supplementary File 1/ tection for the east Belfast area was below the
Table 4). This is the additional amount received and recommended level for urbanised areas and the exist-
not their benefits which are transfer payments and ing open channel and culverts did not have sufficient
cannot be included as added productivity. capacity. Consequently, they commissioned an engi-
neering company to help a business case for the east
Direct employment on the greenway Belfast Flood Alleviation Scheme. They developed
On completion of the greenway, the local authority a hydraulic model to explore potential flood risk man-
has agreed to employ two additional full-time war- agement options to meet a design standard that pro-
dens to supervise the area and the Eastside vided protection against a 1% Annual Exceedance
Partnership has secured funding for two full-time Probability (AEP) of a fluvial event (a 1 in 100 chance
educational officers. The educational officers’ salary of fluvial flooding in any given year) or a 0.5% AEP of
will fall between £29,236 and £31,754 and the war- a tidal event (a 1 in 200 chance of tidal flooding in any
dens between £19,621 and £21,519 giving an average given year) (further details are provided in
of £30,395 per year per educational officer and Supplementary File 1, page 7).
£20,570 per year per warden, totalling £101,930 in Results from hydraulic modelling found that the
additional salaries per year. Assuming their jobs will preferred flood alleviation option for the greenway
be sustained for as long as the Greenway is in exis- area compared to a ‘do nothing’ scenario involved
tence, the total monetary value of the additional installing 7 new culverts, 4.1 km of flood walls,
salaries will be £2,303,526.64 (3.5%, 40 years). 1.2 km of flood embankments and 715 meters of
However, we decided not to include the value of the river diversion works along the greenway. These
work placements or the newly created greenway jobs. works are estimated to prevent 1,741 properties
Whilst salaries have been used previously as a way to along the greenway route from future flooding with
measure the value of new employment, we felt they a total value of damages avoided of £54.7 M. These
were not a suitable financial proxy in this instance. analyses were run over 100 years, using a variable
For the work placements, students were paid by the discount rate of 2.5–3.5%. To bring these analyses in
contractors who were in turn paid out of the initial line with the rest of this report, where benefits are
£35 million investment. Therefore, the work place- projected over 40 years and discounted by 3.5%, we
ments could be viewed as part of the cost of the first calculated the average annual damages (AAD)
greenway as well as a benefit. Similarly, the four (£1,947,405.37) avoided by dividing the sum of the
newly created jobs will be paid for by the Northern total benefits (£54.7 m) by the summation of the
Ireland government and so again could be considered compounded discount factors (29.863) and applying
a cost rather than a benefit of the project. The ‘real’ the Retail Price Index (RPI) to inflate costs to
value of the work placements is the employability present day. We then projected the AAD over
potential of the students created and the actual 40 years and discounted by 3.5% to derive a monetary
monetary benefit of the new jobs created is the addi- benefit in line with the other elements modelled in this
tional money these employees will now spend within study. It is important to note that the flood alleviation
the Northern Ireland economy. These outcomes are scheme would not have taken place had it not been for
very difficult to estimate and subsequently value in the greenway investment; therefore, we have attribu-
monetary terms. ted the benefit to the greenway as the work would not
have been undertaken otherwise.
Total monetary value
Total monetary value
The total value of improved labour productivity due to
the greenway is £2,833,352.91. The total monetary benefit of the flood alleviation mea-
sures, installed as part of the greenway project, through
avoided flood damages is £42,062,211 (3.5%, 40 years).
Element 3: flood alleviation
Flood alleviation formed a major component of the
Element 4: climate change
greenway project as the area is prone to flooding, to
the extent that many of the homes along the rivers are Urban green infrastructure can offer many environ-
unable to obtain insurance. In June 2007, 48.3 mm of mental benefits through temperature regulation, carbon
rain fell in east Belfast in 1 hour and over 400 proper- sequestration and storage (Hunter et al. 2019). For
ties were flooded as rivers and drainage systems over example, green infrastructure can help reduce the

urban island heat effect where buildings and streets trips would be taken each day along these main com-
absorb, store and radiate solar energy through shading muting roads. The marginal car costs associated with
and evapo-transpiration. The main purpose of the congestion and greenhouse gases is calculated as
greenway was to rejuvenate and enhance derelict land £0.134/km (Department for Transport 2010).
and create a 9 km linear park for leisure and recreation. Assuming each of the 4,087 daily trips are approxi-
Therefore, whilst 12.4 hectares of new land has been mately 2km in length then the total cost savings of
procured for the greenway, no new green space has avoided pollution would be approx. £1,095/day or
been created (i.e. all land which has been or will be £399,806/year and over the life time of the greenway,
used for the greenway was previously not built upon). £9,035,257 (3.5%, 40 years).
However, the newly procured and existing land will be
significantly enhanced with a number of plants, hedges,
Element 5: health
shrubs and trees planted along the greenway route
which should increase its impact on climate change We have previously undertaken a Cost Utility Analysis
but again, it is likely this impact will be minimal and to estimate cost savings to the National Health Service
difficult to value. (NHS) and deaths prevented from increased physical
However, we hypothesise that the greenway will activity levels due to the greenway (Dallat et al. 2014).
have a measurable impact on climate change through A positive association between access to green space,
increasing levels of active travel which should reduce trails, parks and physical activity has consistently been
car use in the surrounding areas and consequently found in the literature (Giles-Corti et al. 2005,
congestion. On completion of the greenway, residents Fitzhugh et al. 2010, West and Shores 2011, Starnes
of east Belfast will have access to over 16 km of cycle et al. 2011, Lee and Maheswaran 2011). However, the
and walkways, facilitating short utilitarian journeys by exact magnitude of the effect of various built environ-
bicycle or foot, and consequently decrease car use. ment attributes on physical activity levels has been less
NICE (2012c) recommended that short car trips well investigated except for the quantified effect of
should be replaced by walking and cycling, particu- ‘walkability’ (i.e. how friendly an area is to walking)
larly for commuting purposes. A summary of the (Saelens et al. 2003, Sallis et al. 2009, Van Dyck et al.
available evidence is provided in the Supplementary 2010, Sundquist et al. 2011). For example, those living
File (page 8). in a high walkable neighbourhood perform up to
10 minutes more of moderate vigorous physical activ-
ity (MVPA)/day than those living in low walkable
Summary of model assumptions
neighbourhoods (Sallis et al. 2004), and more walkable
In line with the percentage change in car trips found in neighbourhoods are associated with lower BMI and
the Sustainable Travel Towns (−9%) and Smart Travel other health benefits (Loo et al. 2017).
(−12%) studies (Cobiac et al. 2009, Sloman et al. 2010),
we used the more conservative estimate of 11% of car
Summary of model assumptions
trips of approximately 2 kms in the Connswater and
surrounding area being converted to active travel We refer the reader to the introduction section, sup-
trips, as a result of the greenway, from the 2001 plementary File 1/Tables 6 and 7, and Dallat et al.
London area travel survey. From the Northern (2014) for further details.
Ireland Annual Traffic Census (Northern Ireland
Roads Service, 2011), two main census points lay
Total monetary value
within the Connswater area along two main roads.
These roads are busy commuting routes into Belfast We calculated the total cost savings through diseases
from the east of the city. As a result of the greenway, prevented for each scenario over 40 years by multi-
these roads should be the most impacted upon if levels plying the number of incident cases prevented
of active travel increase. The Annual Average Daily each year, for each disease, by its respective ‘cost per
Traffic (ADDT) count is the total volume of vehicle prevalent case per disease’ and summing over all dis-
traffic in a year divided by 365 days. From the eases to obtain the total disease cost savings using the
Northern Ireland Annual Traffic Census we found PREVENT model (Dallat et al. 2014). In summary, if
the ADDT for each of these roads for all vehicles and 2%, 5% or 10% of ‘inactive’ Greenway residents at
for cars alone (Supplementary File 1/Table 5). For the baseline become ‘active’ as a result of the greenway,
two roads combined, 37,156 car trips are made daily. the NHS could save £211,811, £481,179 and £946,088,
respectively (3.5%, 40 years).
We then calculated the value to society of the deaths
Total monetary value
prevented by multiplying the total number of deaths
Assuming 11% of car trips are converted to active each year, for each disease, by the value of a statistical
travel trips, would mean approximately 4,087 less car life (£1,742,988), as used by the Department for

Transport (National Statistics 2013). For scenarios A, Total monetary value

B and C, the value to society of the estimated deaths
A meta-analysis was conducted to predict per-visit
prevented amounts to £11,725,212, £27,750,552 and
values for different environmental sites using data
£51,164,083, respectively (3.5%, 40 years).
from 40,000+ households (in GB only). The reported
Combining both the healthcare cost savings and the
costs-per-visit ranged from £1.54 for grasslands to
societal value of deaths prevented for scenarios A,
£5.36 for greenbelt and urban fringe farmlands (Sen
B and C gives total cost savings of £11,937,023,
et al. 2014). To estimate the value of these additional
£28,231,731 and £52,110,171, respectively (3.5%,
‘external’ visits to the greenway we used previously
40 years). As we have modelled healthcare savings,
derived non-market WTP estimates for visits to urban
we have not included the value of improved quality
parks in Northern Ireland (Hutchinson et al. 1995,
of life and so this is likely an underestimate.
2001). For small urban parks similar in size to the
greenway (Somerset, Hillsborough, Crawfordsburn,
Element 6: tourism Belvoir) mean WTP estimates per visit ranged from
£0.60 to £1.14. We assumed the additional external
It is anticipated that the greenway will become one of
visits achieved by 2018 would be maintained and there-
Northern Ireland’s stand-alone tourist attractions and
fore projected the 2018 monetary value over the rest of
attract a wide range of visitors to the area. Tourism
the lifetime of the Greenway. We found the net eco-
and heritage trails were developed along the greenway
nomic value of increased external visits ranged from
route. A new tourist centre was built, funded from
£270,135 to £496,700 (3.5%, 40 years).
additional funds outside the primary £35 m invest-
ment. In addition, the Titanic Visitor Centre, cur-
rently the number one tourist attraction in Northern
Element 7: quality of place
Ireland, has direct access to the greenway via a recently
constructed bridge. ‘Quality of place’ can be conceptualised in a number
of ways (Saraev 2012). Improved green space can
offer visual amenity benefits and various studies
Summary of model assumptions
have assessed people’s WTP for a view according to
The greenway benefits realisation plan estimated that various landscape types (Genecon 2012). Educational
the total number of greenway visits will increase by benefits have been linked to green infrastructure
30% by 2017 and 50% by 2018. Intercept surveys were (Northwest Regional Development Agency 2008).
conducted in February 2011 in four key user areas Children, who play in natural environments versus
along the greenway. Route users were interviewed those who play in traditional style playgrounds,
over four 12 hour periods and manual count data demonstrate more advanced coordination and bal-
was also collected. The results from these surveys ance. Parks and open spaces can increase trust
provide usage statistics for the greenway at baseline (Mason 2010). Open green spaces close to housing
(Supplementary File 1/Table 8). In 2011, all four act like a continuation of the home environment and
greenway areas were used predominately by local resi- can be shared by local residents for recreation and
dents for leisure and active travel purposes. leisure (Woolley et al. 2004). This can bring local
We assessed the value of the greenway in terms of communities together, foster social ties and generate
providing active travel opportunities and opportu- community cohesion. In addition, the regeneration
nities for recreation for the local residents above, of poor quality public space and lighting, have both
through the anticipated pollution and health care been linked with reduced crime and improved per-
cost savings, respectively. Therefore, in order to isolate ception of safety in an area (Woolley et al. 2004).
the tourism impact of the greenway we first removed This then encourages greater use of green spaces
all postcodes for east Belfast (i.e. BT4, BT5 and BT6) leading to increased natural surveillance with further
from survey datasets to derive only ‘external’ visits. improvements in crime and safety.
Second, we removed all journeys for active travel pur- We consider that the visual amenity value of the
poses. Only 2.7% of all users were from outside the greenway has been reflected in the increase in property
local area and described using the greenway area for prices valued. Therefore, we valued ‘quality of place’
leisure and recreation. At baseline therefore, the through the potential benefit from improved safety
greenway attracted very few ‘external’ visitors. We and reduced crime through regeneration of the area
assumed that the baseline number of ‘external’ visits and lighting. The length of the greenway has lighting
would increase in proportion to the predicted increase installed enabling access seven days a week and
in users, from the greenway benefits realisation plan. 24 hours per day. In addition, two full-time wardens
Therefore, the greenway should experience an addi- will be employed to patrol the area. Therefore, we
tional 12,904 ‘external’ visits by 2017 and 21,507 by valued the ‘quality of place’ benefit of the greenway
2018 (Supplementary File 1/Table 9). in terms of the expected cost savings to the Northern

Ireland economy through anticipated reductions in Total monetary value

crime, mainly due to the installation of lighting, by
By multiplying the total number of burglaries, thefts
following a similar method used in an earlier publica-
and criminal damages by their respective costs we
tion (Painter and Farrington 2001). However, it is
found the total cost of these crimes was £7,086,888.
important to note that this may result in displacement
Assuming these crimes decreased by 21% as a result of
of crime to other areas rather than an overall reduc-
the greenway and its associated lighting, the potential
tion in crime, indeed some evidence suggests that
cost savings to the Northern Ireland economy would
green space can increase crime (Bogar and Beyer
be approximately £1,488,246 in the first year. Over the
2015, Kimpton et al. 2017).
lifetime of the greenway this amounts to
£33,633,036.77 (3.5%, 40 years). No attempt was
made to allow for a possible distance-decay effect
Summary of model assumptions
since no evidence from the literature exists to suggest
We estimated lighting along the greenway would what the size of this effect might be.
decrease property crime (excluding violent crimes)
by 21% overall (based on data from a meta-analysis
by Welsh and Farrington 2008) within the 29 wards Combined monetary benefits for all elements
spanning the greenway. Crime statistics for all 29
To calculate the Benefit Cost Ratio of the greenway we
wards within the greenway were obtained from the
summed all seven monetary benefits, for both a worst
Northern Ireland Neighbourhood Information Service
case and best case scenario, and divided by the total
(NINIS) (Supplementary File 1/Table 10). Ward level
investment cost of the greenway (£35 m). We found
was the smallest area level crime statistics could be
the Benefit Cost Ratio of the greenway to be positive
obtained for and 2012 was the most recently
and range from 2.88 (£100,741,873/£35,000,000) to
available year of data at the pre-development stage.
5.81 (£203,495,306/£35,000,000) (Table 1). The flood
In brief, crime was found to be concentrated within
alleviation scheme was a unique aspect of the green-
a few of the more deprived wards with anti-social
way. It is likely other urban renewal projects will not
behaviour being the most commonly committed
have this component and so we explored removing
crime. It should be noted that this data is based on self-
this element from the analyses. Removing the cost of
reported crime, which is an underestimate of actual
the flood alleviation scheme (£11,695,970) and its
monetary benefit (£42,062,211) caused the Benefit
The unit costs of crime in England and Wales,
Cost Ratio to remain positive but increase in range
against individuals and households, were available
from 2.52 to 6.93.
from the Economics and Resource Analysis
The Internal Rate of Return is a way to measure and
Research, Development and Statistics Home Office (£
compare the profitability of investments. It is the dis-
2003 prices) (Economics and Resource Analysis
count rate at which the NPV of the costs of an invest-
Research. Development and Statistics Home Office
ment equal the NPV of the benefits (i.e. it is the
2005). Since the equivalent costs are currently not
discount rate at which the investment breaks even).
available for Northern Ireland we used these costs
If the Internal Rate of Return of a project is greater
instead. The average cost for each crime includes the
than the minimum required rate of return (i.e. the cost
costs in anticipation of crime (defensive expenditure
of capital), then generally the project is considered
and insurance administration), the costs as
a good investment. We calculated the Internal Rate
a consequence of crime (the physical and emotional
of Return to be 13% and 29% for the worst and best
impact on victims, value of property stolen, property
case scenario, respectively.
damaged or destroyed, property recovered, victim ser-
vices, lost output, health services) and the costs in
response to crime (criminal justice system). The aver- Table 1. Summary of all Connswater Community Greenway
age cost for burglary is £3,268, theft £844, and criminal monetary benefits in order of descending magnitude.
damage £866. Currently no unit costs are available for Worst Case Scenario Best Case Scenario
anti-social behaviour or drug offences as these can be Land and Property £ 970,856.82 £ 63,324,579.23
difficult to value. Costs for violent crimes are available Health and Wellbeing £ 11,937,023.35 £ 52,110,170.75
but, as mentioned earlier, we decided not to include Flood Alleviation £ 42,062,210.55 £ 42,062,210.55
Quality of Place £ 33,633,036.77 £ 33,633,036.77
violent crime in the analysis due to a lack of evidence Climate Change £ 9,035,257.03 £ 9,035,257.03
from the literature. Using the RPI these costs inflate to: Labour Market £ 2,833,352.91 £ 2,833,352.91
Employment and
burglary £4,508.86, theft £1,164.47 and criminal Productivity
damage £1,194.82, for 2014. A summary of the evi- Tourism £ 270,134.94 £ 496,699.73
dence base is provided in Supplementary File 1 Total £ 100,741,872.37 £ 203,495,306.97
Benefit Cost Ratio 2.88 5.81
(page 14).

Sensitivity analyses The accuracy of these results depends greatly on the

Table 2 presents the results from the sensitivity ana- accuracy of the data, the underpinning evidence base
lyses showing the Benefit Cost Ratios for worst and and assumptions made. Savings from health care and
best case scenarios for various discount rates and life- avoided flood costs were each derived from previously
times of the greenway. We found the Benefit Cost validated modelling methods and extensive literature
Ratio to be positive and range from 2.28 to 4.55 evidence, while real data were available to estimate the
when the discount rate was set at 5%. Similarly, the increase in property values. However, in the context of
Benefit Cost Ratio was positive, and ranged from 1.01 hedonic property values there are many confounding
to 1.87 when the lifetime of the greenway was esti- factors that were not accounted for in our analysis, nor
mated at 10 years. were individual characteristics of the greenway or
nearby property values when applying estimates
from previous research. For example, recent research
Discussion has shown that the impact of active transport infra-
structure has heterogeneous effects on nearby proper-
Previous research has highlighted significant gaps in
ties, with effects being negative in some instances
the evidence regarding the economic impact of green
(Connolly et al. 2019). Further, to value the improve-
space interventions (Hunter et al. 2019). Health econ-
ment in ‘quality of place’ through avoided crime, evi-
omists have been calling for new methods for identify-
dence was available from only one meta-analysis of 13
ing spill-over effects when multiple inter-sectoral
studies. In addition, crime statistics were obtainable at
outcomes are anticipated from natural experiments
ward level as this was the smallest area level at which
(Deidda et al. 2019), such as green space interventions.
they could be obtained. Pope and Pope (2012) suggest
While we have not solved some of the enduring meth-
that property values are impacted through reductions
odological challenges in this field (see later), to the best
in crime and so we may have double counted values.
of our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to
Also, we were unable to allow for a distance-decay
model the social return on investment of a new urban
effect as little literature exists to suggest what this
might be. Also, although anti-social behaviour was
Considering best and worst case scenarios, the
the predominant crime in each of the wards we did
Benefit Cost Ratio of the project ranged from 2.88 to
not include it, as there is currently little evidence on its
5.81 and so even the lower bound offers a very favour-
monetary value. We were also unable to confidently
able return on investment. In other words, for every
include other elements such as the impact of volun-
£1.00 invested in the greenway, there would be
teering and increased biodiversity. Numerous volun-
approximately £2.00–6.00 returned. When the dis-
teering opportunities will be available which enables
count rate and life time of the greenway were varied
local people to gain work experience and improve
as part of sensitivity analyses, the Benefit Cost Ratio
their employability potential. However, we were
remained positive and after approximately ten years
unable to predict the number of future volunteers
the greenway should pay for itself. We found that the
and therefore their future added value and so this
anticipated increase in property values due to the
benefit was not included. We did attempt to model
greenway would likely generate the greatest potential
the social value of biodiversity by applying WTP esti-
monetary benefit through increased rate payments
mates from previous studies. However, we did not
(£1 m – £63 m). The second and third largest mone-
include this estimation in the final cost-benefit calcu-
tary benefits would be attributable to health care
lation due to the high likelihood of double-counting.
(£12 m – £52 m) and avoided flood cost savings
We surmised that the value of biodiversity was not
(£42 m) and the fourth due to cost savings from
independent of the value of increased property prices.
averted crime (£33 m). These top four monetary ben-
Indeed, others have argued that it is not necessary to
efits far outweighed any of the other benefits.
put a monetary value on biodiversity (Spangenberg
and Settele 2010). Finally, we did not include mental
Table 2. The Benefit Cost Ratios for worst and best case
health, mental wellbeing or the value of health-related
scenarios for various discount rates and lifetimes of the quality of life in our modelling of the health impact.
greenway. We therefore regard the health impact as a likely
Benefit Cost Ratio underestimate. However, others may argue that the
Worst Case Scenario Best Case Scenario estimated health impact is overstated due to sorting
Discount Rate mechanisms potentially muting the health effects. For
0% 5.62 11.73
3% 3.13 6.35 example, positive health effects will be mitigated if
5% 2.28 4.55 individuals with preferences for recreation and active
Lifetime of the greenway transportation amenities are sorting into areas near
10 years 1.01 1.87
20 years 1.86 3.46 the greenway. Similar issues may also impact on
30 years 2.42 4.79 labour market estimates. Future analyses should

consider residential location choice when examining Give the lengthy timeframe when the impact of public
the welfare impacts of such interventions (Klaiber and health interventions such as the Greenway may be
Phaneuf 2010, Kuminoff et al. 2013), exploring if realised (Hunter et al. 2019), we will conduct
populations have changed or measuring housing turn- a future return on investment analysis when the
over along the greenway. Whilst the values of the Greenway has been in situ for at least 2 years, model-
remaining monetary benefits were much less, with ling actual change, and will include in sensitivity ana-
limited impact on the overall Benefit Cost Ratio result, lyses discount rates from 1.5%-3.5%. Future analyses
we had to use a number of assumptions in their will also include broader health benefits such as
calculation. To value the impact of the greenway on health-related quality of life associated with reduced
climate change, using evidence from some previous morbidity and mental wellbeing. As acknowledged
examples in the literature, we assumed 11% of daily throughout the manuscript, this is a fruitful area for
car trips, along two main roads in east Belfast, would methodological innovation. We have been transparent
be converted into active travel modes. To value the in our reporting, detailing our assumptions and mak-
impact of improved labour productivity, we first ing best estimates.
assumed that all employees from three main work-
places along the greenway route would each perform
Reflection on the methodology
an additional 30 minutes of physical activity, five days
per week. This then allowed us to assume, based on Examples of individual elements from this analysis can
evidence from the WHO, that they would conse- be found within the literature but few studies have
quently reduce their short-term sickness leave by 6%. attempted to combine all the monetary benefits of
For tourism, we assumed that the number of visitors to green space interventions. Indeed, in the review by
the greenway would increase by 30% by 2017 and 50% Weatherly et al. (2009), less than a third of studies
by 2018 in line with the Connswater Community attempted to adopt a societal perspective, but this was
Greenway benefits realisation plan. Arguably some of largely through the consideration of the productivity
these assumptions could lead to overestimation of the impacts of QALY gains, rather than a cross sectoral
Benefit Cost Ratio. Equally there were a number of social return on investment. This study therefore pro-
inevitable benefits of the greenway which we were vides one of the first attempts to calculate the total
unable to value and include in the Benefit Cost Ratio monetary benefit of a green space intervention. It also
calculation. These include the potential economic provides a worked example with which to critique and
investment which should be attracted to the greenway improve upon to advance the methods in this field.
area, the educational value of the greenway for local In contrast to a standardised Cost Utility Analysis,
schools and colleges, and the value of community this method allowed for all the potential benefits of the
engagement activities along the Greenway route. greenway, not just health, to be captured. By valuing
To derive the monetary benefit of the greenway, we outcomes in monetary terms and calculating a Benefit
aimed to measure the net benefit to the Northern Cost Ratio, the magnitude of benefit of the study could
Ireland economy of the greenway alone. However, be conveyed and potentially used to leverage funding
other economic factors should be considered when from bodies outside the health care sector.
interpreting these results. For example, as described However, this approach presented some methodo-
earlier, the Northern Ireland housing market has logical difficulties. We had to employ a number of
shown signs of recovery and so it is likely that some heterogeneous non-validated methods to measure
of the increase in property values might occur due to and value different benefits of the greenway and, as
the recovering housing market, rather than a direct already discussed, there were some uncertainties sur-
influence by the greenway alone. This effect is known rounding the data and assumptions used in the analy-
as deadweight. Also, the anticipated crime prevented sis. Where possible we have used the most
through lighting of the greenway might be ‘displaced’ conservative effect estimates and we were able to
elsewhere and therefore not result in any net economic check the effect of varying the discount rate and the
benefit to the economy. However, it is difficult to lifetime of the greenway through one-way sensitivity
predict how much deadweight or displacement will analyses. However, we were unable to assess the level
occur and what impact they will have on these results. of uncertainty in the data and methods used. This
As noted in our methodology section and throughout, would require finding an appropriate method to assess
given the scarcity of appropriate and relevant data, we and aggregate the uncertainties underlying the com-
have not modelled the impact of displacement, attri- ponent parts of the Benefit Cost Ratio. Recently
bution and drop-off, given the scarcity of appropriate a framework for extended inventory analysis of the
and relevant data which has resulted in conservative impact of multi-sector investments for public health
assumptions. Further, we have applied a discount rate has been proposed but the authors did not formally set
of 3.5% which also serves as an underestimate of the out how uncertainties in production and/or consump-
value of benefits and thus the return on investment. tion functions across sectors could be aggregated

(Walker et al. 2019). Some of the same group had A ‘system’, put simply, is a collection of parts that
previously highlighted that another challenging aspect interact together and function as a whole (Foster-
of such endeavours is the difficulty in identifying sha- Fishman and Behrens 2007). To better understand
dow prices and opportunity costs across sectors and how and what changes the greenway will create, we
how they might be aggregated (Claxton et al. 2007). could have performed such an evaluation from
We do not pretend that our analysis has solved a ‘systems’ perspective (Shiell et al. 2008). This may
many of the enduring challenges identified by have revealed indirect downstream wellbeing effects
Walker et al. (2019) for those striving for a societal not captured in this analysis, such as changing social
perspective on public health evaluations. They them- norms in terms of food purchasing behaviour, chil-
selves admitted that ‘to define social value using an dren’s play behaviour, and building social capital
explicit social welfare function defined across indivi- within the community and local schools, all of
duals and dimensions requires that the full set of which will have life course effects. Further, the notion
dimensions and the methods for aggregation be that dropoff is inevitable is open to question as the
defined ex ante. For this to be useful for decision greenway may contribute to a virtuous cycle of chan-
makers, each would have to agree that the function is ging lifestyle behaviours, ongoing investment in
appropriate and that they will follow its implications housing, tourism, property values etc.
for policy’. Nevertheless, by providing information on
the impacts on different dimensions and sectors, and
presenting results based on a range of valuations, we Conclusion
can help to inform deliberations between decision
This social return on investment analysis demon-
makers responsible for different sectors.
strates that the greenway is a worthwhile economic
This analysis does not explicitly deal with the issue
investment. It should pay for itself between two to six
of equity. Recently, two groups have offered frame-
times, over the life time of the greenway (i.e. for every
works to more formally address the methods for asses-
£1 invested there is an expected £2.00-£6.00 return). It
sing the economic case for public health interventions
should be noted however that some of the data, under-
that might reduce inequalities, but in each case the
pinning evidence and assumptions used were uncer-
frameworks were focussed on health outcomes and
tain and economic issues such as displacement and
QALYs and the authors admitted that a limitation
deadweight could not be accounted for. In contrast to
was the usual absence of evidence on the differential
traditional methods of Cost Effectiveness Analysis,
effects of interventions on different groups (McAuley
social return on investment analyses allow for
et al. 2016, Griffin et al. 2019). Beneficiary analysis,
a wider range of outcomes to be captured and produce
where the likely distributive effects of proposals is
an easily understood outcome measure. However, they
discussed, has recently been suggested as a practical
also present extra methodological difficulties. In parti-
way forward to address equity and this approach could
cular, there is currently no appropriate method with
readily embrace a more formal and inclusive approach
which to assess and aggregate the uncertainties under-
to economic model building (Bots and van Daalen
lying the component parts of the Benefit Cost Ratio.
2008, Bach et al. 2017). Our finding, by highlighting
Finally, future evaluations should aim to consider
all the benefits of the greenway, could be used by key
similar ‘complex’ interventions aimed at causing sys-
stakeholders to lead such a discussion. In general, the
tems level change from a ‘systems’ perspective so as
greenway lies within a disadvantaged area and should
not to miss important indirect downstream wellbeing
impact most on the more disadvantaged but some
systems effects.
previous urban renewal projects, over time, have
resulted in gentrification, a potential unwanted side-
effect of the greenway (Atkinson 2002).
This study depicts the greenway as a linear ‘cause
and effect’ intervention which is unrealistic. This This study is published on behalf of the PARC Study team
uncomplicated, unidirectional snapshot of the green- who include (as well as those listed; in alphabetical order):
Dr Deepti Adlakha (QUB); Dr Chris Cardwell (QUB); Prof
way fails to represent all the underlying processes of
Margaret Cupples (QUB); Prof Michael Donnelly (QUB);
change likely to occur (Hirsch et al. 2007). For exam- Mr Mick Donnelly (ARUP); Prof Geraint Ellis (QUB);
ple, the greenway may result in unintended conse- Dr Aisling Gough (QUB); Prof George Hutchinson
quences, such as displaced activity and gentrification, (QUB); Dr Therese Kearney (QUB); Prof Alberto Longo
that are difficult to predict and therefore could not be (QUB); Prof Lindsay Prior (QUB); Dr Helen McAneney
accounted for in the current model. In fact, the (QUB); Mr Michael Stevenson (QUB).
greenway is a ‘complex’ intervention aimed at chan-
ging the properties of a complex ‘system’ (i.e. the
Disclosure statement
greenway population consisting of residents, employ-
ees, commuters, tourists, school pupils etc). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest

Funding Ciaran O’Neill is Professor of Health Economics at Queen’s

University Belfast and Adjunct Professor of Health
The PARC Study was supported by a grant from the Economics at the National University of Ireland, Galway.
National Prevention Research Initiative (G0802045/1). The His research interests include the analysis of health care
Funding Partners are (in alphabetical order): Alzheimer’s disparities, policy and technology evaluation, and the mea-
Research Trust; Alzheimer’s Society; Biotechnology and surement and analysis of health preferences. He is a teacher
Biological Sciences Research Council; British Heart and researcher with over 30 years experience in the field of
Foundation; Cancer Research UK; Chief Scientist Office, health and has taught and supervised students at all levels of
Scottish Government Health Directorate; Department of their university education.
Health; Diabetes UK; Economic and Social Research
Council; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Frank Kee is a Professor of Public Health Medicine and
Council; Health and Social Care Research and clinical epidemiologist who directs the Centre for Public
Development Division of the Public Health Agency (HSC Health at Queen’s University Belfast. He has also worked
R&D Division); Medical Research Council; The Stroke with the NHS public health service as a consultant for 30
Association; Welsh Assembly Government and World years and has served on numerous UKRI and NIHR public
Cancer Research Fund. We also wish to acknowledge fund- health scientific advisory panels.
ing from the UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health
Northern Ireland. MATD was funded by a PhD studentship
from the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland. ORCID
The authors would like to acknowledge the partners and
stakeholders involved in the PARC Study including the Frank Kee
Eastside Partnership; Belfast City Council; Department of
Health, Social Services and Public Safety; Department for
Communities; Department of the Environment; References
Department for Infrastructure; Belfast Health and Social Arem, H., et al., 2015. Leisure time physical activity and
Care trust; East Belfast Community Development Agency; mortality: a detailed pooled analysis of the dose-response
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