A. Python Notes

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Revision Questions from python.

Find the invalid variable names or identifiers and

write the reason for invalidity
1.3dGraph-invalid(cannot start with a number)
2.Roll#no-invalid(# cannot be used)
4.D.O.B-invalid(dot cannot be used)
6.First Name-invalid(space cannot be used)
7.if-invalid(keyword cannot be used)
8.while-invalid(keyword cannot be used)
9.for-invalid(keyword cannot be used)
10.else-invalid(keyword cannot be used)
12.99flag-invalid(cannot start with a digit)
14.break invalid(keyword cannot be used)
18.True-invalid(True is a keyword)
20.1abc-invalid(cannot start the digit)

Identify the data types in python.

1.23.78 float
2.56 integer
3.True Boolean
4.False Boolean
5.’True’ String
6.”False” String
7.”Hello” String
8.90 Integer
9.”My School” String
10.78.0 float
11.”987” String
12. “*&^%” String
1. What are comments?How Many ways we can
give comments in python?
Ans:Comments are non executable statements.2
ways we can give comments in python.Single line
comments and multi line comments.
Single line comment starts with #.Multi line
comments starts and ends with triple quotes(‘’’).
2.What is a variable?
Ans: A variable is a named location used to store
data in the memory.
3.What are the rules for writing a variable name
or an identifier?
1.A variable name must start with an alphabet or
an underscore.
2.A variable name cannot have a space or any
other special character.Only special character
used is underscore.
3.Python Keyword cannot be used
4.Cannot start with a digit
4.What is type conversion?
Ans:The process of converting from one data type
to another data type.
5.Which are the two ways of type conversion?
Ans:implicit type conversion and explicit type
6.What is a program?
Ans:Program is a set of instructions given to the
computer to do a specific task.
7.Which are the two modes of python?
Ans:script mode and interactive mode
8.Differentiate interactive mode and script mode?
Ans:In script mode what ever we type can be
saved but in interactive mode we cannot save the
9.What is a keyword(reserved word)?
Ans:Keywords are words having special meaning
in the language.They are also called reserved
10.What is the use of input statement?
Ans:input statement is used to accept the value
from the user at run time.
Variable=input(“Prompt message”)
11.Which operator is used for finding the power
of a number?
12.Write a statement to find 9 to the power 6.
13.Differentiate / and //?
/ is used for division ans returns a float value.
Example 25/10 will give 2.5
// is used for integer division.
Example 25//10 will give 2

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