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Improving Classroom Management through Project PEARL (Positive

Engagement and Achievement through Reinforcement and Learning)

I. Context and Rationale

The study conducted by Rosenberg (2018) has significant implications for

educators, school administrators, and policymakers. It sheds light on the connection

between certain classroom management practices and student behavior, offering

practical insights for teachers who want to improve their teaching environments.

Furthermore, school leaders can utilize these findings to shape professional

development programs that concentrate on effective classroom management

strategies. As Grade 2 and kindergarten teachers at Kirahon Elementary School, the

teachers have observed challenges in maintaining effective classroom management.

The researchers’ classrooms often struggle with issues such as student

disengagement, difficulty in managing disruptive behaviors, and a lack of positive

reinforcement strategies. These challenges hinder the learning process and impact

both student outcomes and teacher well-being.

Previous research has highlighted the significance of efficient classroom

management in enhancing student involvement and academic success. Various

theories, including behaviorist, constructivist, and socio-emotional theories, have

been examined to tackle classroom management challenges. Moreover, educational

policies and guidelines have been created to assist teachers in implementing

effective classroom management strategies (De Nobile et al., 2017).

It is essential to address the issue of inadequate classroom management in

our school. This problem directly impacts the learning experiences of students and

the ability of teachers to create a positive and conducive environment for academic

growth. By improving classroom management, we can create a more engaging and

productive learning environment for our students. Our study aims to implement

Project PEARL (Positive Engagement and Achievement through Reinforcement and

Learning) as an intervention to enhance classroom management. Project PEARL

focuses on reinforcing positive behavior and encouraging active student

participation. Through the implementation of this project, we hope to investigate its

impact on classroom management and student outcomes.

This study is important for several reasons. Firstly, it addresses the specific

classroom management challenges faced by Grade 2 and kindergarten teachers at

Kirahon Elementary School. By implementing Project PEARL, we seek to provide

practical strategies that are tailored to our specific context and age group.

The study's findings will benefit our school community, including teachers,

students, and the educational institution. Teachers will gain effective techniques and

strategies to manage their classrooms, leading to improved job satisfaction and

reduced stress levels. Students will experience a more engaging and positive

learning environment, which can enhance their academic performance and overall

well-being. The educational institution can use the findings to refine their policies

and guidelines related to classroom management for Grade 2 and kindergarten

The potential contribution of this research lies in its focus on Project PEARL

as a specific intervention. By exploring the impact of Project PEARL on classroom

management and student outcomes in our particular context, this study aims to

provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of this intervention for Grade 2 and

kindergarten settings. The research findings can contribute to the development of

evidence-based practices and serve as a reference for other educators facing similar


II. Action Research Questions

The study will discuss the problems encountered in the class of the

researcher. Specifically, the following questions will be answered:

1. How does the implementation of Project PEARL (Positive Engagement and

Achievement through Reinforcement and Learning) impact student

engagement in Grade 2 and kindergarten classrooms at Kirahon Elementary


2. To what extent does the implementation of Project PEARL improve classroom

management in Grade 2 and kindergarten classrooms at Kirahon Elementary


3. How does the implementation of Project PEARL affect student behavior and

the occurrence of disruptive behaviors in Grade 2 and kindergarten

classrooms at Kirahon Elementary School?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

At Kirahon Elementary School, we have implemented Project PEARL

(Positive Engagement and Achievement through Reinforcement and Learning) as an

innovative intervention to improve classroom management and student engagement

in Grade 2 and kindergarten classrooms. This intervention draws upon various

theories and related studies to support its effectiveness in addressing the identified


One of the theoretical foundations of Project PEARL is behaviorist theory,

which suggests that reinforcing positive behavior increases the likelihood of its

recurrence (Henley et al., 2022). By utilizing positive reinforcement strategies,

Project PEARL aims to encourage and reinforce desired behaviors in the classroom,

creating a positive and conducive learning environment for our students.

Moreover, Project PEARL incorporates elements of social cognitive theory,

which emphasizes the importance of observational learning and modeling. Through

this intervention, students have opportunities to observe and learn from positive

behaviors and interactions, promoting desirable behavior in the classroom (Wills et

al., 2019). By providing role models and creating a supportive social environment,

Project PEARL aims to foster a positive classroom culture.

Additionally, Project PEARL is rooted in self-determination theory, which

suggests that students are more motivated and engaged when they feel a sense of

autonomy, competence, and relatedness. By providing students with choices,

opportunities to demonstrate competence, and fostering positive relationships,

Project PEARL aims to enhance students' intrinsic motivation and engagement in

their learning.

The researchers’ decision to implement Project PEARL as their intervention

was based on its alignment with the needs of their students, school, and schooling

system. The structured framework of Project PEARL provides a supportive and

engaging learning environment that is particularly beneficial for Grade 2 and

kindergarten students. At Kirahon Elementary School, we value a positive school

climate and holistic development, and Project PEARL reinforces these values by

creating an inclusive classroom environment. Furthermore, the importance of

effective classroom management in promoting student engagement and academic

achievement is recognized by the schooling system, and Project PEARL directly

addresses this need.

The anticipated benefits and outcomes of implementing Project PEARL are

numerous. Firstly, it is expected to improve classroom management by equipping

teachers with effective strategies to manage their classrooms, leading to a more

conducive learning environment. Secondly, Project PEARL aims to increase student

engagement by reinforcing positive behavior and promoting active participation,

which will enhance students' motivation and involvement in the learning process.

Thirdly, the positive learning environment created by Project PEARL is expected to

contribute to improved academic performance and achievement among Grade 2 and

kindergarten students. Lastly, by providing teachers with a structured approach to

classroom management, Project PEARL aims to reduce stress levels and increase

job satisfaction.

In summary, Project PEARL is a promising intervention that addresses the

challenges of classroom management and student engagement in Grade 2 and

kindergarten classrooms at Kirahon Elementary School. Its alignment with student,

school, and schooling system characteristics, strong theoretical support, and

potential benefits and outcomes make it a valuable addition to our educational


IV. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

The participants for this action research study will consist of Grade 2 and

kindergarten students at Kirahon Elementary School. The study will involve a

purposive sampling design, where participants will be selected based on specific

criteria that align with the research questions and objectives.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The data collection methods chosen for this research are suitable for

investigating the effects of Project PEARL on student engagement, classroom

management, and student behavior. Classroom observations allow researchers to

directly observe and record student engagement levels and disruptive behaviors in

real-time, providing valuable insights into the immediate impact of Project PEARL.

Surveys administered to students will collect quantitative data, giving a broader

understanding of student perceptions and experiences. Interviews with a subset of

students will provide qualitative insights into their perspectives, allowing for a deeper

understanding of how Project PEARL affects their behavior and overall classroom

experience. Lastly, analyzing existing documents, such as student work samples

and behavior records, will provide additional information to support the findings from

observations, surveys, and interviews. This multi-method approach ensures a

comprehensive exploration of the research questions and allows for meaningful

conclusions to be drawn.

c. Data Analysis Plan

The data collected from observations, surveys, interviews, and document

analysis will be analyzed using a mixed-methods approach to gain a complete

understanding of the effects of Project PEARL on student engagement, classroom

management, and student behavior. The analysis plan includes both quantitative

and qualitative techniques to thoroughly explore the research questions.

For the quantitative data collected through surveys, descriptive statistics like

means, frequencies, and percentages will be calculated to provide an overview of

student perceptions and experiences. Inferential statistics, such as t-tests or chi-

square tests, may be used to examine any significant differences or associations

between variables. These quantitative analyses will provide numerical evidence of

how much Project PEARL influences student engagement and classroom

Qualitative data collected through interviews and open-ended survey

questions will be analyzed using thematic analysis. This approach involves

identifying recurring themes, patterns, and codes within the data to gain a deeper

understanding of student experiences and perspectives. By coding and categorizing

the qualitative data, researchers can identify common themes related to student

behavior and the impact of Project PEARL on classroom management.

The choice of mixed-methods analysis is justified by the research questions,

which require both quantitative and qualitative insights. Quantitative analysis allows

for the examination of numerical data, providing statistical evidence of the impact of

Project PEARL on student engagement and classroom management. On the other

hand, qualitative analysis allows for a deeper exploration of student experiences and

perspectives, uncovering nuanced insights that may not be captured through

quantitative measures alone. By using a mixed-methods approach, the analysis plan

ensures a comprehensive and robust examination of the research questions,

combining the strengths of both quantitative and qualitative methods.

V. Action Research Workplan and Timelines

Milestone Activities Duration

Phase 1: Preparatory Review relevant literature on classroom 4 weeks

Phase management strategies and the
implementation of Project PEARL.
Develop research questions and objectives.
Design data collection instruments
(observation checklist, surveys, interview

Seek ethical approval for the research study.

Finalize data collection instruments based on
feedback and pilot testing.
Identify and contact the school
administration to gain permission and
cooperation for the research study.

Phase 2: Data Conduct classroom observations to gather 12 weeks

Collection data on student engagement and classroom
management practices.
Administer surveys to students to collect
their perspectives on engagement and

Conduct interviews with a subset of students

to gain in-depth insights into their
Analyze existing documents such as student
work samples, behavior records, and
academic performance data.

Complete data collection for all participants.

Organize and store the collected data
Phase 3: Data Analysis Transcribe and organize interview data. 4 weeks
and Interpretation Code and categorize qualitative data using
thematic analysis.
Analyze quantitative data using descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics, if

Identify recurring themes and patterns in

qualitative data.
Interpret the findings from both qualitative
and quantitative analyses.
Compare and contrast the results to address
the research questions.

Synthesize the findings and draw

Write the research report, including the
introduction, methodology, results,
discussion, and conclusion sections.
Review and revise the research report based
on feedback.
Phase 4: Finalization Finalize the research report, ensuring clarity, 4 weeks
and Submission coherence, and adherence to the research
Prepare the presentation of the research
Submit the research report and present the
findings to the school administration and
relevant stakeholders.

VI. Cost Estimates

Expense Category Cost Estimate

Research Materials and Supplies 2,000 pesos

Data Analysis and Reporting 500 pesos

Miscellaneous Expenses 500 pesos

Total Estimated Cost 3,000 pesos

VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization

Our research findings, focused on improving classroom management through

Project PEARL, will be shared widely to ensure accessibility and practicality. We will

participate in professional conferences and workshops dedicated to educational

research and classroom management, engaging with educators, administrators, and

researchers to foster valuable discussions and knowledge exchange.

Additionally, we will publish our research outcomes in reputable education

journals, contributing to the scholarly discourse on effective classroom management

strategies. This will make our methodologies and findings accessible to researchers

and scholars, promoting further exploration and development in the field.

To ensure digital accessibility, we will utilize webinars and online platforms to

share our research outcomes. This will allow educators worldwide to easily access

and benefit from the insights gained through Project PEARL. Through interactive

online sessions, we aim to create a virtual space for meaningful discussions and


At the grassroots level, we will organize workshops within our school and

district, providing educators with hands-on experiences related to Project PEARL

strategies. These workshops will serve as practical forums for teachers to witness
the implementation of these strategies, engage in discussions, and explore ways to

adapt these practices within their own classrooms.

To involve parents in the success of Project PEARL, we will disseminate our

research outcomes through parent-teacher meetings and newsletters. By keeping

parents informed about positive changes in the learning environment and offering

insights into supporting these strategies at home, we aim to create a strong

partnership between home and school.

VIII. References

Collier-Meek, M. A., Johnson, A. H., Sanetti, L. H., & Minami, T. (2019). Identifying

critical components of classroom management implementation. School

Psychology Review, 48(4), 348-361.

De Nobile, J., Lyons, G., & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2017). Positive learning environments:

Creating and maintaining productive classrooms. Cengage AU.

Ertesvåg, S. K. (2019). Exploring improvement in teachers’ instructional support:

Classifying and analyzing patterns of change in a national initiative on

classroom management. International Journal of Leadership in Education.

Henley, Z., Appanna, A., Stanley-Clarke, N., Leng, K., & Henley, L. J. (2022).

Strengthening student engagement and empowering teachers to manage

classroom behaviour using social work approaches: A Cambodian

experience. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, 23(2), 38-54.

Herman, K. C., Reinke, W. M., Dong, N., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2022). Can effective

classroom behavior management increase student achievement in middle

school? Findings from a group randomized trial. Journal of Educational

Psychology, 114(1), 144.

Mitchell, B. S., Hirn, R. G., & Lewis, T. J. (2017). Enhancing effective classroom

management in schools: Structures for changing teacher behavior. Teacher

Education and Special Education, 40(2), 140-153.

Rosenberg PhD, M. S., Duerr, S. R., Ingraham, K., Bell, K., & Gould, A. (2021).

Enhancing Classroom Management Skills: Efficacy of a Supplemental Multi-

Platform Intervention for Preservice Teachers. Excelsior: Leadership in

Teaching and Learning, 14(1), 4-19.

Wills, H. P., Caldarella, P., Mason, B. A., Lappin, A., & Anderson, D. H. (2019).

Improving student behavior in middle schools: Results of a classroom

management intervention. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 21(4),

Questionnaire for Student Feedback on Project PEARL Implementation:

Dear Students,

Thank you for participating in this questionnaire, which is an essential part of our
research on the implementation of Project PEARL at Kirahon Elementary School.
Your honest opinions and experiences will provide valuable insights into how Project
PEARL has impacted your engagement, classroom experiences, and behavior.
Please answer the following questions thoughtfully.

Demographic Information:
Grade 2
How do you feel about your experience in class since Project PEARL was
Not enjoyable at all
Sometimes enjoyable, sometimes not
Very enjoyable
Do you feel more interested and engaged in your lessons since Project PEARL
Not sure
If yes, what specifically makes the lessons more interesting for you? (Open-ended)

Have you noticed any changes in the way your teacher manages the class since
Project PEARL was introduced?
Not sure
If yes, how has it changed, and do you think it's a good change? (Open-ended)

On a scale from 1 to 4, how would you rate the impact of Project PEARL on your
classroom experience, with 1 being no impact and 4 being a significant

1 No impact at all
2 With a little impact
3 With impact
4 With significant impact

Do you feel that Project PEARL has affected the way you and your classmates
behave in class?
Not sure
If yes, in what ways have you noticed changes in behavior? (Open-ended)
Have you faced any challenges or difficulties related to Project PEARL in your

Not sure
If yes, please describe the challenges or difficulties you have experienced. (Open-

What is your favorite part of Project PEARL, if any?


Is there anything you would like to suggest or change about Project PEARL to make
it better for students?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Your feedback is essential to
understanding how Project PEARL is affecting students at Kirahon Elementary

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