IMC 111 - Printed Reference Sources - 1-8

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IMC 111: Printed Reference Sources

1. Explain basic architecture of a basic Malay House.

Most Malay houses are built as Rumah Panggung (lit: "stage house") houses built on
stilts. The main characteristic of a typical Malay kampung house is its stilts or piles.
This was to avoid wild animals and floods, to deter thieves, and for added ventilation.

2. What is the meaning of Beaux-Arts? [art terms].

It means Museum of Fine Art.

3. Describe information literacy.

"Information literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, organize, use, and communicate
information in all its various formats, most notably in situations requiring decision
making, problem solving, or the acquisition of knowledge." (“What is Information
Literacy? | Cline Library - Northern Arizona University”)

4. Briefly explain the history of indexing.

Printed book indexes appeared in the 1460s, almost from the beginning of the era of
printing. Developments in medicine were aided by indexes to medical texts and
herbals. (“A brief history of indexing - ANZSI”) The first printed Biblical concordance
was published in 1544; its compiler was burned for heresy.

5. Define the physics term isotope.

In physics, isotope means atoms with the same number of protons but different
numbers of neutrons.

6. Distribution of Muslim population in German.

Most Muslims live in former West Germany, including West Berlin. However, unlike in
most other European countries, sizeable Muslim communities exist in some rural
regions of Germany.

7. History of Kota Batu Johor Lama.

Kota Batu Johor Lama is built by Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah II, the second Sultan
of Johor (1528-1564). It was built in 1540 as a Government Administration Centre of
Johor and built on a hilltop on the left bank downstream of the Johor River.

8. Terang secara ringkas solat Hari Raya.

Solat hari raya Aidilfitri dua rakaat hukumnya sunat, segala rukun dan syarat serta
sunatnya sama seperti solat fardu yang lima, kecuali perkara sunat yang
ditambahkan iaitu bertakbir tujuh kali pada rakaat pertama dan lima kali pada rakaat
yang kedua, disertakan dengan bertasbih di antara tiap-tiap takbir.

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