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, Look at the Economic, Political, and Social Events That Shape International Law
around the World, A, 22 ILSA Quart. 14 (2013).

APA 7th ed.

(2013). Look at the economic, political, and social events that shape international
law around the world, a. ILSA Quarterly, 22(1), 14-20.

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"Look at the Economic, Political, and Social Events That Shape International Law
around the World, A," ILSA Quarterly 22, no. 1 (October 2013): 14-20

McGill Guide 9th ed.

"Look at the Economic, Political, and Social Events That Shape International Law
around the World, A" (2013) 22:1 ILSA Quart 14.

AGLC 4th ed.

'Look at the Economic, Political, and Social Events That Shape International Law
around the World, A' (2013) 22(1) ILSA Quarterly 14

MLA 9th ed.

"Look at the Economic, Political, and Social Events That Shape International Law
around the World, A." ILSA Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 1, October 2013, pp. 14-20.

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Country Watch
A Look at the Economic, Political, and Social Events that Shape
International Law Around the World

Former Chad President Hissene Habre mated at around 40,000. The killings that Habrb
Charged With Crimes Against Humanity is charged with include massacres against ethnic
groups in southern Chad (1984), against the Had-
On July 1, 2013, Senegalese prosecutors charged
jerai ethnic group (1987), and against the Zagha-
Chad's former President Hissene Habr6 with
wa ethnic group (1989). Despite this display of
war crimes, torture, and crimes against human-
force, Habre's government remained weak, and
ity. Habre replaced F6lix Malloum as the Prime
was frequently opposed by the Zaghawa ethnic
Minister of Chad on August 29, 1979. However,
group. In response, the Habr6 regime periodically
Habre's term ended a year later, when Malloum's
conducted ethnic cleansing campaigns against
government ended. Although Goukouni Cued-
ethnic Chadian groups, such as the Zaghawa.
dei was elected to the presidency, Habr6 ousted
Queddei on January 7,1982 and became the new Habre was overthrown in 1990, after which
President. he fled to Senegal where he remained in exile.
He was placed under house arrest in 2005. Al-
Known as "Africa's Pinochet' the former dictator
though Habr6 was indicted in Senegalese courts
was accused of committing war crimes during
in 2000, the previous Senegalese President, Ab-
the Chadian-Libyan conflict between 1978 and
doulaye Wade, continually delayed the execution
1987 Under Muammar al-Gaddafi's rule, Libya in-
of Habre's sentence. After four separate requests
vaded Chad in 1980 by occupying the Aozou Strip.
for extradition, the International Court of Justice
In the years that followed, Libya and Chad fought
(ICJ) ruled on July 20, 2012 that Senegal must try
over occupation of Chadian territory. It was not
Habre or extradite him to Belgium for trial. The
until 1987 that Habr6, backed by support from the
ICJ's binding order was premised upon Senegal's
United States and France, prevailed and ended
inaction to prosecute Habrb.
the conflict.
On August 22, 2012, Senegal and the African
After usurping power from Oueddei, Habre cre-
Union agreed to create a special criminal tribu-
ated the Documentation and Security Directorate
nal known as the Extraordinary African Cham-
(DDS), which actively sought, tortured, and exe-
bers (Chambers) to try Habr6. The Chambers are
cuted opposition members. Documented torture
structured to address each element of Habrb's
methods included burning with incandescent
alleged crimes: Article 5 details genocide; Ar-
lights, forced asphyxia, electric shocks, forced
ticle 6 details crimes against humanity; Article 7
consumption of water, forced inhalation of auto-
details war crimes; and Article 8 details torture.
mobile exhaust fumes, and a torture technique
The Senegalese National Assembly formally es-
of squeezing prisoners' heads between sticks
tablished the Chambers on December 19, 2012.
known as "supplice de baguettes." Although the
In 2013, Senegalese officials formally arrested
exact number of people that the Habre regime
and charged Habre with war crimes, torture, and
killed remains unknown, Human Rights Watch
crimes against humanity. Thus far, 1,015 victims
estimates that he authorized tens of thousands
have registered as civil parties with the Cham-
of political murders and instances of psychologi-
cal torture. The death toll under his reign is esti-

ILSA Quarterly ) volume 22 ) issue I October 2013

I Country Watch

The international support for Habr6's prosecution The bill was put forth by the ruling party that domi-
demonstrates the advancements made and pro- nates parliament, PresidentYoweri Museveni's Na-
cedures taken in trying war criminals. Habr6 is tional Resistance Movement (NRM).The bill's pas-
the first African leader to face charges of crimes sage follows months of debate between Ugandan
against humanity in a fellow African country, and proponents and opponents of the bill. Five days
he could face life in prison if convicted. The cre- prior to its passage, opposition groups attempted
ation of the Chambers is especially noteworthy to have the legislation jettisoned by attempting to
because it demonstrates the continued efficacy filibuster its passage.
of ad hoc tribunals as a means of prosecuting war
The bill comes amid increasing protests calling for
criminals that have since fled their home coun-
political change staged against the long-serving
try. Despite Senegal's initial pushback against re-
President Museveni, who has held power since
peated extradition requests and the ICJ's ruling,
1986 when he took office by force. Some believe
Habr's arrest signifies continued resilience and
he intends to serve as president his entire life,
international cooperation in upholding the rule of
while others believe he is grooming his son, who
law. Indeed, President Barack Obama's recent en-
is currently in charge of Uganda's special forces,
dorsement of Senegal's efforts is recognition of
to become the country's next president. A four-
"the case's importance for African justice."
star army general, demanded an inquiry into al-
* Submitted by Steven Wu legations that government officials that opposed
the rise of Museveni's son were at risk of assassi-
nation.This General has fled from Uganda and fac-
New Ugandan Law Imposes Restrictions on es arrest if he returns. Two newspapers and two
Public Meetings radio stations closed in May after they reported on
OnAugust6, 2013, the Ugandan parliament passed alleged government plots to assassinate opposi-
the Public Order Management Bill which imposes tion politicians.
wide-ranging restrictions on public meetings and Since 2011, there has been a protest movement
makes staging public political protests against the criticizing corruption and high cost of living. Police
government nearly impossible. The bill requires have responded with a crackdown on street pro-
that meetings of a political nature with at least tests. Security forces routinely use tear gas and
three people must gain prior authorization by the ammunition to disperse protesters. They killed at
police. Authorization must be sought seven days least nine people during confrontations in April
in advance and meetings may only take place be- 2011. Police have made "preventative arrests"
tween 6am and 6pm. Police are given great power of protest leaders. Additionally, in July, police re-
to turn down authorization requests if the request- stricted the movement of Kampala's mayor, who
ed venue is unavailable, if the venue is considered is an opposition politician and a critic of the presi-
unsuitable, or for "any other reasonable cause." dent, as well as the movement of Kizza Besigye,
Police are also given the power to stop public a three-time president candidate. Museveni has
meetings of a political nature, which includes the defended the police's tactics on the grounds that
power to use firearms in self-defense, in defense the protests threaten economic stability.
of others, or against those resisting arrest. Police
The bill is not in compliance with constitutional
can even break up meetings involving political is-
and international legal guarantees of the right to
sues in people's homes. Organizers of unauthor-
free expression and assembly. The bill seriously
ized assemblies might face criminal penalties and
harms individuals' rights in a country where po-
financial liability.
litical discourse is already limited. It gives the

ILSA Quarterly ))volume 22 ) issue 1 )) October2013

Country Watch

Ugandan police dictatorial powers to decide who comply with Uganda's international legal obliga-
can stage a protest. Police now have the power tions.
to criminalize spontaneous peaceful protests of
*Submitted by Pinky Mehta
even three people. Independent politician Moses
Kasibante has vowed to challenge the law in the
constitutional court. Dispute Between Spain and Britain
On August 9, 2013, Maina Kiai, the UN Special Continues Over Developments in Gibraltar
Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful Gibraltar is commonly referred to as the "Rock,"
assembly and of association, declared several not only for its only landmark, but also because
provisions of the bill to be in violation of individu- it symbolizes "British imperial resilience captured
als' rights to public assembly. He stated that "[r] by the phrase 'as solid as a rock."' According to an
equiring prior authorization from the authorities to August 2013 report from Reuters, Spain is study-
hold an assembly may result in an effective ban
ing retaliatory measures against the British ter-
on certain gatherings, which violates Uganda's ritory of Gibraltar in an escalating situation over
international obligations" and that "the require-
Gibraltar's actions near fishing grounds in a dis-
ment to list the names of all participants serves puted area that was being used by Spanish fish-
only to frighten people from expressing their right ing boats. This appears to be a modern day con-
to peaceful assembly' tinuation of the three-century dispute between
Margaret Sekaggya, UN Special Rapporteur on Spain and Britain.
the situation of human rights defenders, asserted
that "police intimidation has no place in a free,
open and democratic society'" She noted, "The Gibraltar has a population of about 30,000 and
Law fails to limit firearm use; it must ensure they is connected to the Iberian Peninsula by a nar-
can only be used after exhausting all other pos- row, low-lying isthmus. The Strait of Gibraltar is
sible means, in compliance with the UN Basic the "only natural entrance to the semi-enclosed
Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Mediterranean Sea." Gibraltar's economy is
Law Enforcement Officials." "dominated by off-shore banking, internet gam-
bling operations, and tourism." While technically
Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur on the right
a British colony, it is debatable whether it is truly
to freedom of opinion and expression, warned
colonized in the traditional sense of the word. Gi-
that "the requirement for public statements not
braltar has its "own language called yanito, which
to contravene any laws is excessively vague. In is a mix of English and Spanish, politics, and type
fact, it may be used as a tool for censoring all sort
of nationalism."
of critical statements, undermining a crucial guar-
antee for democratic governance." The dispute over Gibraltar between Spain and
Britain commenced during the War of the Span-
Increasing threats faced by anti-corruption groups
ish Succession, when Gibraltar was "seized in
expose the need for the government to repeal the 1704 by Anglo-Dutch forces from Spain and then
Bill on grounds of incompatibility with internation-
transferred to Britain under the 1713 Treaty of
ally-recognized human rights and to redraft the
Utrecht." In 1908, British military authorities con-
bill in a manner that complies with the country's structed "the fence on neutral ground" creating
international human rights obligations. The three
an actual border between Spain and Gibraltar.
UN Special Rapporteurs have all maintained that
the bill must be revoked unless it is amended to Miguel Primo de Rivera (1870-1930), Spain's dicta-

ILSA Quarterly ) volume 22 )) issue 1) October 2013

Country Watch

tor during the Restoration, took significant steps der "the UN Principal of territorial integrity of the
to secure its borders from smuggling, which was state saying that Gibraltarians can't have national
the central trade to Gibraltar economy. Tensions determination since they are not a nation and the
began to worsen between Gibraltarians and the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 gives Spain the right of
Spaniards with "Queen Elizabeth Il's visit in 1954 first refusal should Britain cede its claim to Gi-
to Gibraltar." Shortly thereafter, World War II esca- braltar.'
lated tensions between Gibraltarians and Span-
Britain asserts that its continued "de facto pres-
iards. According to Adolf Hitler, "actual Spanish
ence in Gibraltar gives it a right to territorial wa-
participation in the war was necessary and he re-
ters in the Bay and Straight area around Gibraltar,
jected the notion of an attack on Gibraltar without
which is supported by both international custom-
Spanish entry into the war" on the Axis powers'
ary law and conventional law."
Gibraltar retorts that, under "UN General As-
Francisco Franco y Bahamonde (1892-1975)
sembly Resolution 1541, the 'self-determination'
brought Spain's continuing claim of sovereignty
principal relates to the democratically expressed
over Gibraltar and requested that Gibraltar was
wish of the people of Gibraltar to remain under
decolonized to the United Nations in the 1960s.
British rule and retain their links with the UK."
Local opposition to the transfer to Spain was man-
ifest in a 1967 referendum, which was incorporat- In September 2013, due to the developments in
ed into the 1969 Constitution of Gibraltar. Under the disputed waters, Spain has increased border
Franco, Spain retaliated by closing "the border security.The European Commission officials have
with Gibraltar from 1969 to 1985." This resulted recently begun inspecting border controls near
in the "Spanish-UK Lisbon Agreement (1980) and Gibraltar because of reports of excessive delays
the Joint Brussels Communiqu6 (1984), but there caused by Spanish officials.
were no talks on Spain's claim to sovereignty." * Submitted by Tia Haywood
From 1991 to 1997, Spanish fishermen entered
Gibraltarian waters, respecting Gibraltar's laws
and the authority of its law enforcement agen- Western Leaders Question Recent Elections in
cies; however, after 1997, Spanish fishermen re- Zimbabwe
fused to recognize the validity of Gibraltar's laws This August marked the start of yet another five-
and the authority of its police, claiming that it was year term for 89 year-old Zimbabwean President
Spanish waters. Robert Mugabe. The July elections resulted in a
Then, in 2002, Britain and Spain reached a broad 61 percent victory for Mugabe and the Zimbabwe
agreement on the shared sovereignty of Gibral- African National Union - Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF),
tar; however, the agreement was met with local overcoming his much younger opponent Morgan
hostility expressed in the form of local rallies and Tsvangirai who won 34 percent of the vote. When
demonstrations. The result was the November 7 compared to the 2008 election - which resulted
2002 sovereignty referendum of Gibraltar against in the death of over 200 Zimbabweans and the
shared sovereignty" injury of thousands more - this election seems to
have been a great success.
InternationalImplications in the Modem Era
The Southern African Development Community
Spain contests British sovereignty over Gibraltar (SADC), the African Union (AU), and various Af-
and concludes that, as a colony, Gibraltar has no rican political leaders have already endorsed
right to territorial waters. Spain's approach is un-

ILSA Quarterly ))volume 22 )) issue 1 O)

Country Watch

Mugabe's reelection. However, Western leaders election was free and fair. In 2008 Membe was
still doubt the credibility of the election. noted for saying that a runoff election between
Mugabe and Tsvangirai would never be free and
African media outlets and Western media outlets
fair because of violence against Tsvangirai's sup-
alike have sent very mixed reviews of Mugabe's
porters. The notoriously violent 2008 election
reelection. The United Kingdom, the United
also resulted in a showdown between Mugabe
States, and Australia have all voiced concerns
and Tsvangirai. Although neither candidate won
that Zanu-PF party officials influenced the results
a majority, Tsvangirai received more votes than
of the election to ensure a victory for Mugabe.
Mugabe. Violence against MDC supporters even-
However, lack of international observation during
tually led Tsvangirai to pull out of the runoff elec-
the election has left the world guessing whether
tion and settle for a negotiated position as Prime
the results are the will of the Zimbabwean peo-
Minister under Mugabe.
ple or, in the words of United States Secretary
of State John Kerry, "a culmination of a deeply As the media has noted, the 2013 election has
flawed process." not been as violent as the preceding election.
However, there are still doubts concerning the
Although little solid proof exists that the election's
election's fairness. Moreover, there is room for
results were influenced by government officials,
doubt that the SADC is a credible observer.
there are many irregularities. In a recent state-
ment to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Malawian President Joyce Banda is the current
Relations, Acting Assistant Secretary Donald chair of the SADC. Banda is also an avid supporter
Tamamoto of the Bureau of African Affairs, refer- of Mugabe. At the recent SADC summit in Lilon-
enced reports of voter intimidation and illicit shap- gwe, Malawi, Banda led regional leaders in con-
ing of the election in favor of Zanu-PF officials. gratulating Mugabe on his victory - not only for
his reelection, but his appointment as the new
Wilf Mbanga, editor and founder of The Zimba-
2014 chairman for the SADC.
bwean, accused the Registrar General's Office of
disenfranchising young urban voters - the largest Implications for Zimbabwe
supporters of Tsvangirai and his party, the Move-
Mugabe has restated his intentions to pursue his
ment for Democratic Change (MDC). Mbanga
indigenisation programme, pledging to extend a
also refers to evidence of Zanu-PF officials bus-
51 percent local ownership minimum to corpo-
ing rural voters - which typically vote in favor of
rations within all major sectors of the economy.
Zanu-PF officials - into urban voting centers and
Companies like Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd.
giving them slips that allowed them to vote there
and Anglo American Platinum Ltd. have already
illegally. He alleges that this had a major role in
been forced to cede majority shares of their local
the MDC's loss of urban seats. Furthermore, vot-
assets to black Zimbabweans or the Zimbabwe-
ing in urban centers reportedly involved very long
an government. Mugabe also plans to continue
lines, mass confusion on voter rolls, and issues
with land redistribution from larger landowners to
with proper registration. One Zimbabwean moni-
peasants, However, there is very little evidence of
toring group estimated that 99.97 percent of rural
this redistribution having taken place.
voters were registered, compared to only 67.94
percent of urban voters. There are several likely policy implications that can
be drawn from five more years under Mugabe's
The head of the SADC Election Observer Mission
administration - a general discouragement of for-
to Zimbabwe, Bernard Membe, recently delivered
eign investment, rejection of Western aid, eco-
the final report verifying SADC's opinion that the
nomic stagnation, and potential human rights vio-

lISA Quarterly ) volume 22 ) issue 1 O

Country Watch

lations. Regardless of whether the 2013 election Emboldened by China's defeat of India in 1962
is a legitimate reflection of the will of the Zim- and by a belief that tribal forces in Kashmir would
babwean people, the results are going to have a join Pakistan, roughly 30,000 Pakistani forces dis-
profound effect for the Zimbabwean people. guised as Kashmiri citizens snuck into Kashmir on
August 5, 1965. India successfully repelled the
* Sumbitted by Joshua Ash
Pakistani military, which lost almost 4,000 troops
and the United States as a strategic ally. The Unit-
Pakistan and India: Current Developments ed Nations once again brokered a cease-fire.
Between Two Nuclear-Armed Rivals 1971 saw a secessionist movement begin to

In 1858, India, then comprising modern-day In- grow in East Pakistan. Angered by India's sup-

dia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, officially fell under port of the Mukti Bahini, or freedom fighters,
the rule of Great Britain. The beginning of Indian Pakistan launched attacks on targets in western
nationalism is best illustrated by the foundation India on December 3, 1971. The next day, India

of the Indian National Conference in 1885 by the suppressed Pakistan's advances in western In-
Western-educated Hindu upper-caste members dia, gained and maintained air superiority, and
who sought to share power with the British rul- launched a full invasion of East Pakistan. Due to

ers in India. India's overwhelming success, Pakistan surren-

dered on December 16, leading to the formation
Even in the quest for independence from Great of an independent Bangladesh.
Britain, India was far from unified. By 1940, the
Muslim League had gained enough traction to be In 1998, India conducted nuclear tests, citing its
relevant in the region. The group began calling not concerns over Pakistani involvement in terrorist

only for the independence of India, but also for activities in Kashmir and Pakistan's relationship

the partition of India and the creation of a Muslim with China. One month later, Pakistan tested a

state.The latter would come to be known as Paki- nuclear device.

stan. In July of 1947, Great Britain officially hand- In 1999, nuclear-armed Pakistan and India fought
ed over control to an independent India and to a brief war, known as the Kargil Conflict, which
an independent Pakistan. Each princely state was was instigated by Pakistan. The Indian military
allowed to choose for itself whether it wished to response, coupled with international opinion in
join Pakistan or India. favor of India, quickly led to Pakistan's retreat.
A majority of the population of Kashmir was Mus- India and Pakistan signed a cease-fire along the
lim and thus desired by Pakistan. However, the Line of Control, the effective border between the
Maharaja, or ruler, was Hindu. Moreover, many of two countries, in November of 2003. While the
the Muslims in Kashmir did not favor joining Paki- cease-fire has prevented major conflicts, cross-
stan.The Maharaja's indecision led to a Muslim re- border fighting has continued and the peace is
bellion in October of 1947, as well as an offensive still fragile. Tensions rose to their highest level
by the Pakistani military. Facing early successes after the November 2008 bombings and subse-
by Pakistani forces, the Maharaja asked for assis- quent small arms attacks by Pakistani terrorists in
tance from the Indian army, which agreed to help Mumbai, which lasted for three days and caused
on the condition that Kashmir join India. A U.N.- 166 deaths. Pakistan is currently holding trials
brokered cease-fire went into effect on January 1, for seven Pakistanis believed to have taken part
1949, with Pakistan gaining control of the west- in the massacre. On September 21 of this year,
ern and northwestern two-fifths of Kashmir. the Pakistani anti-terrorism court sent a team to

ILSA Quarterly volume 22 ) issue 1 )O ctober2013

Country Watch

Kashmir to interview witnesses to the massacre. ar payload 5,000 km. While this new missile does
The team's March 2013 report was denied by the now allow India to strike Beijing, it is unlikely to
court for lack of evidence. change India's relationship with Pakistan as Paki-
stan was already well within reach of India's mis-
On July 18, Indian soldiers killed four and wound-
sile systems.
ed 25 Muslim protestors in Kashmir. On August
8, India accused the Pakistani Army of direct in- The relationship between India and Pakistan is
volvement with the August 6 deaths of five Indian possibly the most volatile of any between two
soldiers along the Line of Control (LoC), which led nuclear-armed powers. While most security ex-
to days of cross-border firing from both sides. perts do not believe a nuclear war between the
On September 22, Pakistani and Indian forces two countries is likely, international observers

traded gunshots for two hours across the LoC. must continue to watch the two countries. This
India claims that Pakistani soldiers, despite being is especially important given that neither country

unprovoked, fired first. India claims that Pakistan is a state party to the 1968Treaty on the Non-Pro-
has violated the cease-fire over 100 times this liferation of Nuclear Weapons, and neither allows
full access to inspectors from the International
Atomic Energy Agency.
On September 16, India successfully tested an
Agni-V missile that is capable of carrying a nucle- *Submitted by Blake Evans U



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ILSA Quarterly Y) volume 22 ) issue 1 October 2013

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