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Name-R Debnata

Ewolmt No 20UMEOUZ
Section-A (Medhanica)
Subi- Powen Plat Ergireem

A fuel cell is am elecnochenicnl deiee Haut convent

fa fuel, sneh as ito
hyhagon, elebil
the elheicd eneng
ouh a naction wmikle
eneng Honouh oxidzig agt"pialy
ond saen
hon teain Tt genentey eletrict heat So unec.

chemi neatin
ad calade
befwcen foel and oxidizing agent atee anode
iong fo move
Ton Traspont Alaug cauade.
faem e aode to tue
Flowi Enadlig elecons to Rous tarout an caknnal
eleebic eent
cint, genenaling
Poen Chenenten chenil eneg?
fuel into electicd enengt
olecomtive fone (EMe) ofa bel cell he vellage on
The Hhe cell wulnen iHs
difRrenee genenabed by
eleutic pottl powen If repmesent laee cella abilig to daive
entennal cinuthe EMFs eleetnachenid
lhe bspef sef elConditions
cell, tae
neadions ecniny d bae open aonidat
on which EMF f a cell depnts ane

-O Natne of eleetdes

(T-penabae feell

hgna t- orygen beell is atare ofeleekdeninl
A ay tae oridi zi
cell Hat wses byhagn as the Bael and Oxgen conbinalin
aget the basie cheical neation involwes the elecbricl
to pmode aea, neleasig
bganogn ony
enengin the process.

These fel celly ane athative fon sevena neson

neadien is woten,malin it alean

fuelcelly Can

enengy Convengion
powcn genenalin
Loo hueenlouse Sirs Sinee tlae main bypmodeefis
Hhe qeeenhoye sas Cunissi ony associateit
watenad t C, fossil fel eombust
el cely anelowen tuan
Canbe pmodeed fon vanions sowees,
Nersaliit,:- Hdnogn
ineulig renewadle neso wie.
lInperntden Deig Ergirein
ee ike
hent fadisn, Inreensbties U
engine heot Tagef
waahing fbe Notne
leik suue Het taptae
he -O
Oatpt one Net
lees two sane the bekwee pnecess
erse a in
bentotputf ok net Hente be dafned
ng.Io comvengin enenga penfmane evante
te to
d wgedi measne efuigistnnanond >Theamd
t is I
tae indte lis
hae Ene, toe isahee.E
e implenalho
i's Huat caoss
the of ecospeid a
coil? Ba in

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