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Episode 4

Comprehension Check: You may have to do some google searches to answer this question
How is Katrina van Tassel described in the book? ( in a paragraph minimum 5 sentences)

Katrina is described as a very beautiful young woman. She is admired by everyone in the
village. She is the only daughter to a very rich man who owns a big farm. She is fought
over by two men; Ichabod Crane and Brom Bones. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and
fair white skin. Her love is fought for by a large population of the men in her village.
However, Katrina finds love to be a joke and doesn't take any of them seriously.

How is Jill’s mom, Kate described in the podcast? Are there similarities to Kate and Katrina?
Why or why not? (in a paragraph, minimum 7 sentences)

Kate is described as a single young woman who works at her daughters' school.
Like Katrina, She is the love interest of two men that she has close connections with;
Mr Crane and Coach Bones, like Ichabod and Brom from the original story. Kate's
father is unknown but she does live alone with her daughter similar to how Katrina
lived alone with her father. Along with that, they are both popular around their
everyday areas, and adored by everyone.

Tell Me: Why did Ichabod play the ghost prank during the Town Meeting?
A) To show the townspeople that they are overreacting B) To scare the townspeople
C) To prove that everything ‘ghostly’ can be explained D) He was bored

Explain your answer in the space provided: In a paragraph (min 7 sentences)

The answer is A and C because Ichabod states that he set the whole thing up to prove that
the townspeople were overreacting. Thus, leading to the conclusion that everything ‘ghostly’
can be explained. He did this because he believes the town people are too gullible and
proved it by pulling the trick.
Episode 5:

Comprehension Check: You may have to google Brom Bones or reference him from the
story we read in class.

How would you describe Brom Bones in both the book and the podcast? Write the
similarities and differences- minimum 6 sentences

Brom bones from the story, is a very energetic and chucklesome man. He is described as
a mischievous prankster who does his stunts with his friends. He is very buff, bulky, strong,
competitive, and very ambitious. Brom tends to solve his issues with violence rather than
talking things through. Coach bones from the podcast, Is very similar in a few ways.
Coach Bones is also mischievous and determined, but since he works in a school, he
can’t solve his problems using violence. He also doesn’t have a group of prankster friends
like Brom does, but his rivalry with Mr Crane and competition for Kate's love remains the

Episode 5 is entitled “Speak of the Devil”. Why do you think this episode was given this title?
Explain your ideas in a short answer (4 sentences minimum)

Episode 5 is titled “Speak of the Devil” because Jack, Jill and Adam finally meet the
suspected person causing so much chaos around the sleepy hollow, the headless
horseman. Since the headless horseman is proven to be innocent the actual culprit turns
out to be a person who dresses up as the horseman, much like the biblical description of
the devil. To simplify it, the Devil is a shapeshifter who hides in plain sight and causes
mischief around the area. “Speak of the Devil” is also a saying that people use when they
are talking about someone and that certain someone shows up right then and there.

“The Hollow” Comprehension Questions Rubric

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge and Limited Some knowledge Considerable Thorough

Understanding knowledge of of content. knowledge of knowledge of
Student response content. content. content.
demonstrates: Some
- main idea
Limited understanding of Considerable Thorough
- supporting details
understanding of content. understanding of understanding of
- elements of story
content. content. content.

Thinking Processing skills Processing skills Reasoning that is Complex ideas

- processing skills with limited with some consistent and that show
- personal effectiveness. effectiveness. exhibits a general evidence of
level of reflection and
- inferences about
Shows little or no Shows some understanding of deeper thinking
evidence of evidence of the characters. about the
reflection about reflection about characters.
what the student what the student
heard on the heard on the
podcast. podcast.

Communication Responses have Responses are Responses Responses

Student response little or no somewhat demonstrate a demonstrate a
communicates: structure and/or structured and in general level of high level of
- expression and
logical order with some logical structure and structure and
organization of ideas
little or no order with some logical order with logical order with
evidence from the evidence from the evidence from the evidence from the
episode. episode. episode. episode.

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