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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 20 Organizational Behavior

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Manh Quan Student ID GBS210099

Class GBS1004B Assessor name Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. DESCRIPTION OF PERSONALITY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

2.1. MY RESULT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

2.2. REFLECTION AND INFLUENCES IN MANAGERIAL RELATIONSHIPS. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11

3. GROUP-WORKING................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1. FACILITATORS AND OBSTACLES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2. MOTIVATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4. ADAPTING TO CREATE EFFECTIVENESS WORKFORCE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13

5. RECOMMENDATION FOR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

5.1. MANAGEMENT IN THE BUSINESS CASE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
5.2. GROUP BEHAVIOUR AND TEAM THEORY ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.3. REFLECTION ON PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
6. REVISING PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND SKILLS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
7. CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 1: About my project .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2: Our team’s activites............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: My project’s timeframe ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4: MBTI test’s result ( .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 5: My Big 5 traits test results ( ............................................................................................................................... 10
Working collaboratively in a business requires an understanding of organizational behavior.When members understand each other's
skills and follow consistent norms, it fosters trust and results in the most successful work. As additional variety, such as personality
and gender, emerges, organizational behavior must be improved to protect the common and private interests of the organization's
members. This is something that all members must learn, not just the new management. In this report, I will analyze my personality
and my group activities so that everyone can imagine what we have done to contribute a small part to the community. helping children
have a better meal and how I use my personality to create an effective team .

Recently , my group has chosen to raise money for charity to support the children in the " Chuc Tu " orphanage . The campaign to raise
money for charity was implemented by my group on April 8 . 2023 until April 20, 2023, our whole group will go directly to the charity
house and hand it over to the representative there. The issue we experienced in the early days was gaining people's trust, but thankfully,
when we began sharing the experiences of the children on the page, we gained a lot. Many supporters sympathize with the children's
suffering and wish them a better life. Many individuals are aware of our initiative as a result of our attempts to reach out to them.
Figure 1: About my project

"Light" here represents the light source, implying that we named it so because we want the children to always feel the warm light from society,
this large society will be the shelter for the children. With the hope that they have a brighter future, the name '' Bright " starts from there.
Figure 2: Our team’s activites

Some of the sponsors who have given to '' Sang '' to join our team in bringing hope to orphans around the country are listed below. To do so, we
must first cross the barrier of trust. Uyen has constructed a tale to gain people's trust so that everyone understands what we are doing. Huyen
designed the page, and the picture is a key aspect in helping visitors recognize the brand. As a leader, I am accountable for listening to my team
members' ideas and incorporating them into the project. To accomplish so, I must be a good listener with multi-dimensional perspectives and ideas,
so that my team does not have disagreements.
My and Hoang and I are the marketers for this project, together we market to potential sponsors. To get the best results, we have to take advantage
of the theories of 5064 and 5039 subjects to apply in practice. My project start date is April 9, 2023 until April 20, 2023, from April 9 we will plan
charity and write content until April 12, from April 12 until April 19 we will open a charity account. In total, the amount of donations we received
was nearly 6 million thanks to the application of theories in the subject. Through Part 2 I will go deeper into how I apply the MBTI to team
operations and my strengths, as well as my weaknesses as a team leader.

Figure 3: My project’s timeframe

2. Description of personality
2.1. My result

Figure 4: MBTI test’s result (

My test results belong to the ENTP -A personality group. Quick thinking: People of the ENTP personality group are often quick to make quick
arguments and counterarguments in meetings and discussions without spending too much time thinking and effort. Wisdom: Enjoying
accumulating knowledge and learning new things is characteristic of ENTPs. They are very likely to succeed in learning environments, especially
workplaces that value creative solutions that help them reach their full potential. If given jobs that stimulate their creativity, ENTPs will be
enthusiastic and energetic. If they're having trouble with that task, they don't mind sitting for hours to come up with interesting solutions.
Figure 5: My Big 5 traits test results (

One of the ENTP's greatest assets and keys to success is his or her courage in the face of adversity. These are the people who aren't afraid to try
and fail and try again, possibly thousands of times; they don't consider it failure, but rather another step on the road to success. They are unfazed
by doubts as they develop and innovate, and they are rarely ruffled when things do not go as planned. They perceive all "problems" as possibilities
to be welcomed and explored. I'm primarily Extraverted. Social engagement certainly energizes me, and I tend to freely display your joy and
eagerness. I'm primarily intuitive. I'm probably quite inventive and open-minded, concentrating on hidden meanings and far-flung possibilities.

Criticism and ostracism, in general, have minimal effect on ENTPs. They are self-assured in their abilities and capabilities, and they trust in the
power of their ideas. Opposition on the road to success is to be expected, and they don't take it personally; instead, they want to prove their critics
2.2. Reflection and influences in managerial relationships.
The ENTP-A personality group also influenced some of the relationships in my life. More specifically, I have great respect for the opinions of
everyone around me, and I always support their opinion even if it is a bit clean out of my opinion. My attitude and actions have had a good
influence on team relationships.Internally, the organization trusts me enough to provide information and assist me wit h my job. I am perfectly
aware of the advantages they may use to gain the trust of the majority. On the outside, I'm keen to assist people in making relationships while
selling. I realized that a pleasant work environment can only be formed when there is active rivalry both within and outside of the organization.
Given my characteristics, I feel it is appropriate for me to be the project leader. Because I gave myself the broad perspective and necessary skills,
the outcomes have been overwhelmingly positive. In order to promote a pleasant environment, I continue to maintain and deepen the ties in my
immediate surroundings. To explore chances with the assistance of stakeholders, I will continue to improve my abilities, learn new things, and
demonstrate my characteristics in the corporate environment of the future. We can only do our best to produce shared and individual value for
ourselves and the work of the firm since there will always be two sides in a corporate environment: one satisfied and one unsatisfied.

3.1. Facilitators and obstacles
The job is small enough that we can do it successfully. The members have a clear division of labor and a diverse set of contacts, making the selling
a breeze. Throughout the course, we learned the fundamentals of how personality affects work, so we had strategies that worked in professional
settings. The strategy is straightforward to implement since it is always monitored by the group leader and supported by the lecturer.

The charity fundraising project remains a challenge for our team. It is really difficult to raise for charity without faith, faith is the first challenge
and also the biggest challenge our team faces. But luck smiled on our team as we gained everyone's trust by sharing the plight and photos of the
children at the shelter

3.2. Motivations
As a leader, I applied Hertzberg's Two-Factor Theory. This hypothesis considers two factors that increase member satisfaction and decrease
dissatisfaction. (Alshmemri, Shahwan, and Maude, 2017). I have ensured the following: I am always willing to assist other members who are
having difficulties, I can connect and speak directly, and the leader becomes a pleasant colleague rather than a higher position; simple policies and
regulations—just focus on carrying out the precise procedure and strategy we have already outlined.
My team members must always be looking for information about orphans at home. Their situation is difficult materially, especially
compassionately. So they desperately need love from society. When our group stopped by the shelter ''Chuc Tu'' the children here were very lovely
and wanted to be held by us for a long time. That is a great source of motivation for me and the team members to work harder with the desire for
the children to have a fuller life.

McGregor's Theories X and Y were also utilised. The manager, according to this concept, supervises the activities of the team members: if X
indicates severe work management, Y represents a more tolerant and effective approach (McGregor, 1960). Because the job was small, I decided
to use the Y technique. I give the group members adequate time to come up with their own facts, strategies, and solutions. I'll then integrate the
ideas and make sure everyone is on the same page. One of the process theories I employ is Goal Setting Theory. This concept promotes commitment
and acceptance and is linked to feedback on results and performance (Lunenburg, 2011). I'm always excited to communicate with everyone on the
team and set particular goals. Any new plans or ideas we develop must help us achieve our core goal, which is to raise funds for charity purposes.
And everyone in the group has agreed to that goal. They will truly hear from the leader.

Hertzberg's theory came in handy throughout this assignment. Members with diverse personalities were able to grasp the project's overarching
purpose and devise an appropriate plan of action. They supported me as I established a solid team with unexpected sales after observing my efforts.
A variety of challenges may occur in the job, including monetary, workplace, and colleague relations... Leaders must thus understand what factors
promote and discourage individuals from progressing toward a common objective (Mischkowski and Glöckner, 2016).

I also use content theory Y, which comprises allowing everyone to express their thoughts and be creative while I simply need to steer them in the
right direction. This is especially important in a highly professional atmosphere since the boss cannot manage the workers, putting them under
pressure and stifling their ingenuity. They should only remark and wander about, not prevent workers from making valuable suggestions. Because
each employee has unique abilities and limitations, we should encourage them to grow holistically (Lui, Wong, and Liu, 2009). Goal setting is
relatively important. Considering the entire fundraising and philanthropic component of this endeavor. As a result, each member merely needs to
do their best to achieve the goal. Given the wide range of ages, abilities, and lack of interpersonal contact in the workplace, there may be some
concerns if this strategy is used exclusively. As a result, if the leader fully understands the potential and aptitude of the members, this idea may be
There will be numerous people in the workplace with various personalities, genders, ethnicities, and so on. Conflicts may arise if neither party is
self-aware or self-managing. In order to integrate into the workplace, each individual must be aware of their unique personality and talents. This
is important because it provides as the foundation for expressing oneself and integrating into various circumstances (Hanover and Cellar, 1998).
According to Hanover and Cellar (1998), there is no right or wrong personality; rather, the suitable environment is required.

Only when members and their teams are on the right track will motivation begin to flow. Being optimistic and motivating others is only feasible
in a good environment. Because motivation is a system, it requires comprehension and coherence in order to function (Geen, 1991). Furthermore,
when you can fit into the appropriate surroundings, the working environment will improve (Cotten, 2007). The most essential thing is to genuinely
comprehend the talents and be willing to learn how to combine them for the sake of business efficiency.

Everyone has different attitudes, personalities, abilities, and expressions. As a result, each individual must always understand oneself in order to
build positive interpersonal connections and work settings. Everyone should display their amiability and approachability by making an effort to
get to know everyone, being friendly, and being enthusiastic about the tasks assigned to them. However, avoid being overly ecstatic or friendly,
as this may occasionally make the other person uncomfortable. Each individual must follow the code of conduct in order to integrate since each
business will always have a comparable code to avoid unnecessary personality conflicts (, 2021).

And the company's primary product is often work results. As a result, all members should always be cautious while asking generic questions,
avoiding unnecessary personal conversation. All of the aforementioned contributes to the creation of a successful environment, as well as the
perception of leadership ability and appropriate motivating techniques (Bastons, Mas, and Rey, 2017).

5.1. Management in the business case

People who work for a firm are among its most valuable assets. Everyone is an important part of the firm. The organization will be successful if
every employee works properly. As a result, businesses must capitalize on and invest in their human resources, as people are what give things their
value. When work is frantic, it is difficult to manage all business processes; if this occurs, problems may arise that will harm the corporation. As
a result, many businesses now use computerized office management software. Businesses may store information, manage paperwork, and manage
work conveniently, quickly, and especially easily by adopting office management software, which helps reduce employee disagreements.
Management software improves justice, publicity, democracy, and transparency while also supporting organizations in fully using their production
capacity and assets for maximum business and production efficiency (Gao and Clarke, 2008). Transparency in business and manufacturing
empowers people to give their talents and receive the benefits.

The company must promote societal principles and protect both their interests and the reputation of each individual within the corporation (Gao
and Clarke, 2008). They can arrange for employees to take specialist courses to improve their knowledge and skills. To create a healthy
environment, which is crucial for delivering good collaborative work, it is vital to ensure benefits on both a physical and mental level. Managers
should schedule team-building and bonding events concurrently so that workers may understand one another indirectly. The organization must
generate value for its personnel in order for them to feel appreciated and eager to participate to the growth of shared values (Cotten, 2007).

5.2. Group behaviour and team theory

Tuckman's notion has the advantage of clarifying how teams evolve over time. According to Maples (1988), it is also possible to consider how
they may encounter various challenges based on where they are in their development:

 Forming : When people are still getting to know one another in the early stages of team building. Everyone is busy with determining their
function on the team, assessing one another, and pondering why they are here. Learn more in our articles on collaboration guidance and
team-building exercises, whether you're part of a current or new team.

 Stroming : People begin to identify with being part of a team. At this stage, they may dispute with one another and the team leader over
what the team is doing and how things should be done. As the name suggests, conflict and confrontation are common throughout this period
as differences become obvious.

 Norming : At this stage, team members begin to collaborate, developing procedures, establishing ground rules, and determining who is
responsible for what and how things will be done. This stage is marked by a growing sense of belonging.

 Performing: The last level is characterized by a synergistic mix of increased task and team connection focus. People who successfully
collaborate produce results.
 Adjourning: Tuckman's model was revised in 1977 with the addition of a fifth stage known as adjourning (Maples, 1988). This was intended
to depict the period when a team disbands, either after achieving its objectives or for other reasons. When successful or well-established
teams breakup, managers may face issues such as conserving the team's knowledge and expertise for future use or reference, resolving any
sentiments of loss among team members, and understanding the causes and effects of team dysfunction.
5.3. Reflection on personal contribution
Employees in the organization must put in a lot of effort to create the best work results. They must actively participate in the environment, have
professional experience in their field, and be prepared to successfully carry out the obligations that have been assigned to them. They must be
conscious of their own personalities and skills in order to be the team's motivating force and to have flexible solutions for the personalities and
behaviors of others. Members must keep a peaceful and calm attitude despite unavoidable differences in working techniques and resolution ideas
in order to come up with the best solution.

A team is formed by the combined efforts of multiple persons. Its outcomes will be satisfying and commensurate with the effort expended (Matari,
1995). This means that the organization's rules or behavior will be determined by the conduct, attitudes, and overall temperament of the group.
My project's operating rules are based on the phases of the Tuckman theory. During the establishment phase, I observe and select members who
are appropriate for the way of working, particularly those with prior experience working in groups. I also applied motivational theories at the
strategy discussion and opinion stages to better support the long-term work. Finally, I created the most exact accounting sheet to demonstrate the
transparency of teamwork. If we take part in the business .

We must choose a place that recognizes our skills. When the self is dedicated and clearly articulated, the task's efficacy increases and improves
(Matari, 1995). Furthermore, in order for themselves and their teammates to be creative and at ease while still achieving success and stable work
efficiency, leaders must consider appropriate rules, core values, and strategies.


I've previously participated in the normal group activities. I understand who I am and what I am capable of. I tested out for numerous different
positions before determining that the leadership position was the best fit for me because I had such a solid hold on the project timeline. This boosts
my reputation as well as the members' trust in me. Because of my own efforts and talents, the effects of my involvement in this philanthropic
activity are relatively effective.
But I still have some limitations. I still haven't figured out how to deal with unforeseen problems effectively. I'll need to get more experience on
upcoming projects and attend leadership training. The second is that I am still largely reliant on the members. I haven't been involved in the
accounting process much since I struggle with numbers. As a result, I will have to resolve these concerns in the future for both the working team
and myself.

My long-term ambition is to become a Digital Marketer. I learned that I am interested in marketing and creative projects. Despite my difficulties
with technicalities, I thrive at marketing and have a broad vision. When I join the corporates, I will need to relearn how to present myself because
I will be dealing with people of various ages, faiths, genders, and even nations. The most important thing is for me to understand the corporate
culture so that I may design tactics for integrating myself (Ouchi and Wilkins, 1985). Collaboration is unavoidable in group situations. Because
there will be more people, there will be more points of view, and as a result, our critical thinking will improve (Jones, 2006).

Because each environment will have its own distinct characteristics, I will need to spend more time getting to know myself and broadening my
perspective in order to determine which setting is best for my future growth direction.

7. Conclusion
I have enumerated the essential corporate practices. This helps me understand who I am and how I can contribute to the team's goals. I am more
conscious of how my coworkers' behaviors influence me. I still have a lot of flaws that I'll have to work on in the future.
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