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TEST Name:

3 Atoms and elements

Core curriculum
1 True or false? Underline your choice.
A All atoms have a nucleus containing neutrons and protons. true / false
B The nucleon number tells you how many neutrons there are
in the nucleus of an atom. true / false
C An atom has the same number of electrons as protons. true / false
D The first two electron shells in an atom can each hold up to 8 electrons. true / false
E Atoms of the same element, with different nucleon numbers,
are called isotopes. true / false
F Some isotopes are non-radioactive. true / false

2 Complete each of these correctly by writing in 0, 1, 11 or 11.

a charge on an electron b relative mass of a proton

c charge on a proton d relative mass of a neutron

e charge on a neutron f relative mass of an electron

g number of neutrons in h number of electrons in

a hydrogen atom a hydrogen atom  [8]

3 The drawings below show the three isotopes of hydrogen: hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium.
a Fill in the names of the subatomic particles which these symbols represent:


isotope: hydrogen deuterium tritium

nucleon number:

b Now fill in the three nucleon numbers, in the spaces below the drawings. [3]

c Complete this statement: Isotopes of an element contain the same number of

and but different numbers of [3]

d The average mass of an atom of naturally-occurring hydrogen is 1.008. Which of the three
isotopes is present in the highest proportion, in naturally-occurring hydrogen?


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TEST Name:

4 This table gives the electronic structures and nucleon numbers for atoms of four elements A – D.
(Those letters are not the chemical symbols of the elements.)

element electronic structure of atom nucleon number of atom

A 2,8,4 28
B 2,4 12
C 2,8,18,8 84
D 2,8,3 27

a Which two elements belong to the same group in the Periodic Table? [1]

b Which two elements belong to the same period in the Periodic Table? [1]

c Which element is a metal? [1]

d Which element is a noble gas? [1]

e Which element has a proton number of 6? [1]

f Which element has 3 valency electrons? [1]

g Now name the four elements, and give their chemical symbols. (One is krypton, Kr.)

A is B is

C is D is [4]

h Atoms can be described like this: Li. Describe the four atoms above in this way.

A     B     C     D [8]


© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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