Seneior Essay Final Proposal by Yohannes Mola

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Faculty of Humanities Department of Journalism and Communication

Assessing the role of Public relations practice in crisis management;

the case of Bahirdar University Public relations office

By: Yohannes Mola

Advisor: Fitih A. (MA)

CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Background of the Study...........................................................................................................2
1.2 Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Question.....................................................................................................................3
1.4 Objectives of the Study..............................................................................................................4
1.5 General Objective......................................................................................................................4
1.6 Specific Objective......................................................................................................................4
1.7 1. To examine public relation strategies role plays in crisis management.................................4
1.8 Significance of the Study...........................................................................................................4
1.9 Scope of the Study.....................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................................5
2.1 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.................................................................................5
2.1.1 History of Public Relations...................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Definition of Public Relations...............................................................................................5
2.1.3 Public relation personals......................................................................................................6
2.1.4 Definition of Crisis................................................................................................................7
2.1.5 Types of Crisis......................................................................................................................8
2.1.6 Definition of Crisis Management.........................................................................................8
2.1.7 The Public Relations Role in crisis management................................................................10
2.1.8 Public relations strategies for crisis management.............................................................11
2.1.9 Phase of Crisis Management..............................................................................................11
CHAPTER THREE..............................................................................................................................13
3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY...................................................................13
3.1.1 Research Design.................................................................................................................13
3.1.2 Sample Size and Sampling Techniques...............................................................................14
3.2 Sources of the Data..................................................................................................................14
3.3 Instrument of Data Collection..................................................................................................14
3.3.1 Interview............................................................................................................................15
3.3.2 Questionnaire....................................................................................................................15
3.4 Method of Data Analysis.........................................................................................................15


1.1 Background of the Study

Bahirdar University was established by merging two former higher education institutions; namely the
Bahir Dar Polytechnic and Bahir Dar Teachers’ College. The Bahirdar Polytechnic Institute, which has
transformed itself into Technology and Textile institutes, was established in 1963 under the technical
cooperation between the Government of USSR and the Imperial Government of Ethiopia. The institute
was a premier institute in producing technicians for the nation. The Bahir Dar Teachers’ College, by then
known as the Academy of Pedagogy, was established in 1972 by the tripartite agreement of the Imperial
Government of Ethiopia, UNESCO and UNDP and started actual work in the following year under the
auspices of the Ministry of Education and Fine Arts.
The University was inaugurated on May 6, 2000. Bahir Dar University is now among the largest
universities in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, with more than 52,830 students in its 219
academic programs; 69 undergraduate, 118 masters, and 32 PhD programs; Bahir Dar University has
Five colleges, four institutes, two faculties and one school.
Public Relations is strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships
between organizations and their publics.
Public relations is the practice of managing and disseminating information from an individual or
an organization to the public in order to influence their perception (wikipedia).
Public relations define as a management that establishes and maintain mutually beneficial
relationships between an organization and the public is on whom its successes or failure depends.
Public relations also been defined as persuasive communication designed to influence specific
publics and the wining of public acceptance by acceptable performance Cultip,(Center and
Broom, 2000).

Public relations plays a vital role between an organization and its public. Its practice aims at
establishing a two-way communication, seeking common ground or areas of mutual interest and
establishing understanding based on truth, knowledge and full information. It is that
indispensable bridge that fosters co-operation and understanding.

Crisis is any situation that is threatening or could threaten to harm people or property, seriously
interrupt business, significantly damage reputation and negatively affect the bottom line.
(Jonathan Bernstein ,2016). Crisis can occur as a result of an unpredictable event or as an
unforeseeable consequence of some event that had been considered potential risk. Crises also
defined specifically unexpected and no routine event or series of event that create high-level
uncertainty and threaten or perceived for threaten an organizations high priority goal (Bonis and
Sun Delius, (2005).

Crisis management has generated considerable debate within the academic literature and there is
no real collective acceptance about the precise meaning of the term. (Smith, 2005). According to
Black (1991), crisis management can be defined as the process, which organizations deal with,
may be unpredictable event that threatens to harm the organization. Furthermore it leads to an
unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community or the whole society.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Crisis management must be a day-and-night effort. Unfortunately most crisis management
literature propose that crisis management usually emphasis on case analysis of organizational
crisis, crisis prescription and descriptive model of crisis management process.(Burnett, 1998)
One manifestation of paradox is detailed research available on defining the form, nature,
typology a crisis while for less scholarship is developing to achieving consensus span and
parameter of crisis management discipline. The role of public relations is to manage crisis all
over the company and to protect the reputation of Bahir Dar university.

Public relations is not only communicating information about the companies vision, pillar with
both the internal and external stakeholder of an organization . But also managing crisis when it
happen. Most of the university public relation department and researches focus on maintaining
relationships both with in and outside organization and providing up to date information .
Researches previously made on crisis management are not sufficient or there is no research made
in Bahirdar University on crisis management that has been publicized to the knowledge of the
student researcher.

So it is observed to fill the gap of the study with regard of the role of public relations in crisis
management. That focuses on how to manage crisis in public relations in the organization of
Bahirdar university. And also to investigate how the organization (BDU PR) operate . In addition
Therefore, the reason motive this study to assess the effectiveness of public relations with in
crisis management in Bahirdar University .

1.3 Research Question

1. What are the overall roles of public relations in crisis management in Bahirdar University?

2. What are the Public Relations strategies that plays a significant role in crisis management in
Bahirdar University ?

3. How does Bahirdar university respond when crisis happen ?

4. what are the precautions the university takes during the crisis?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.5 General Objective

The General objective of the study is to assess the role of public relations in crisis management
with in Bahirdar university.

1.6 Specific Objective

1.7 1. To examine public relation strategies role plays in crisis management.

2. To examine public relations strategies use in managing crisis.

3. To examine the task of public relations practitioners in managing crisis in Bahirdar university.

1.8 Significance of the Study

The study will provides in easily to solve managing for crisis management in Bahirdar university
about how the role of public relations and may help them to understand to solve crisis
management to build the image and reputation of the organizations. The paper will helps other
researcher conducting a research related with role of public relations in crisis management in an
organization because it shows the role of public relations in crisis management in an organization
clearly or it might be an additional material for other researchers, who have a desire to study on
the area of roles of public relation in crisis management.

1.9 Scope of the Study

The study is bounded for assessing the role of public relations in crisis management in Bahirdar
University. The reasons for select this area in Bahirdar University is suitable for possibility to
gather relevant information and to collected large number of data for the study. The study stem
from the fact that data for the study is to be collected from employees who works in Bahirdar
university public relation office only, due to finance, time and energy constraints and also due to
the proximity of the university to the researcher. The study is meant to realize the overall roles of
public relation practices in crisis management in Bahirdar University.



2.1.1 History of Public Relations

The practice of public relations has become increasingly important in the past decades. It is no
longer sufficient for an organization to communicate just with stakeholder and customers.
Different communication strategies are needed for different organizations are situation and
different stakeholders. This increase in communication complexity, has led to public relation
becoming more and more recognized by organizations as a vital ingredient in management
(Gregory, 2002).

Edward Bernays (1898-1995) invited modern public relation and coined the term public
relations. He used a blend of psychology and media to influence to public opinion. And also may
truly be called father of public relations and Ivy Lee the first public relation counselor that
Bernays concepts include; public relations is public service, public relations should promote new
idea and progress and public relations should build public conscience. ()

2.1.2 Definition of Public Relations

Public relations is a distinctive management function which helps establish and maintain mutual
lines of communication, acceptance and corporation between organization and it is publics,
involve the management of problems or issues, helps management to keep informed on response
to public opinion defines and emphasizes the responsibility of management to serve the
effectively utility change serving as an any warning system to help intricate trends, and uses
research and ethical communication techniques as it is principle tools (Gruing, E. 1984).

Public relations have no universal definition because public relation can be many things like
publicity, public affairs, media relation, promotion, and merchandiser and many more. Public
relations are a management function that focused on relationship and communication that
individual and organization have with other groups called “public” for the purpose of creating
mutual good will (Baran S.J 2002)

Public relation is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequence,
counseling organization leaders and implementing planned programs of action which will serve
both the organization and the public interest (Wilcox et. al, 2003). public relation is the part of
marketing and communications strategy that crafts on organizations messages to it is diverse
publics including: customers, prospects, investors, employees, suppliers, distributors, media and
journalists, social media networks, the government and public (Heidi Choen, 2011).

2.1.3 Public relation personals

They are the ones who user their creativity and ingenuity to design new products and sell them.
They provide the customer service and make organization work. Public relation capacity to
create and provide message with power full imagery and evocative language is very important to
execution of public relations tactics. (Gruning, J.E 1992).

The specific role of public relations practitioners work in one organizations by, (summarized in
cutlip, cetal in cited in theaker ) has identified to dominant public relations roles are include:-

The communication technician: - this often highly skilled individual carries out communication
programmer and activities such as writing new release, editing house magazine and developing
website. The probably do not undertaken research, expect to decide which communicate
mechanical suits their persuade purpose best, implementation is their focuses. They will not be
involved in organization decision making. (Cultip Center,2006)

The communication manager: - this person is the dominant coalition, plans, manage and
facilitate the communication program, counsel management and make policy decision.

The communication facilitator: - these individual acts as agent between interpreting, mediating
and keeping open to why communication between an organization and it is publics. they are
often the official contact point in organization are trusted by stakeholders and the organization
like act in the mutual interest of all involved boundary-spanner in a very real sense,
communication facilitator remove barriers and establish like between all interested parties.
They work on the base that mutual understanding facilitates good decision making and provide
shared benefit. (Gruning. J, 1992)

Problem solving facilitator: - they are involved in strategic decision from the beginning, helping
to set objective, defining communication needs and advising on implementations. problem
solving facilitator are perceived to be skilled at helping others in analysis and solution finding
and as such as invited in to decision making coalition and in addition role of public relation in
organizations defined as (Broom,2006).

Fraser Sherman (2018) public relation professional shop an organization image they build the
brand, spread the organization messages and minimize the effect negative publicity. So public
relation different roles accomplish for the organization are:-

Crisis management: -deals with emergency affecting the organization. They help establish policy
for detailing with emergency, such as communicate with the media and how to manage share
information with employees.

Relationship Management: - establishes the strategic for building and managing relationship
with important segments of public such as customer and reporter.

Image management: - the professional work to present the company as socially response,
compassionate and involved in the community (Fraser Sherman,2019)

Resource management: - look at the budget and resource for the organization public relation
and figures out how to make the best use of it.

2.1.4 Definition of Crisis

Crisis is a “disruption that physically affects a system as a whole and threatens its basic
assumption, its subjective sense of self and its existence core” (Pauchant and Mitroof, 1992).
“Crisis is a situation faced by an individual, group or organization which they are unable to cope
with by the use of normal routine procedures and in which stress is created by sudden change”.
Pathranarakul (2006).

Alexander (2005) also argue that the significance of crisis is its unexpectedness and un control
ability which disrupts or impends normal operations” further in an organizational contexts, crisis
are usually new situations to the organizations often defined as un expected, definitely un
structured and outside the typical operational frame work of the organization (Beall, 2007). They
are also characterized by an exercise amount of incomplete and conflicting information.

Defining possible critical event is one of the key parts of crisis management. It is important to
imagine what is the management team will have to struggle with in order to prepare strategies
and techniques. To forecast exactly what type of crises that can occur, and how they will play out
is of course practically impossible. There are too possible many possible and impossible
happenings. Mitroff and Anagnos (2001) suggests that before starting to define possible
organizational crisis it is important to understand what kind events that actually is a crisis and
what the possible anatomy of it could be.

The definition of crisis can lead to discussion about the whole about the whole process of critical
situations, and general definition is not easy to formulate. And also states that to understand and
call situations critical, from a business oriented point of view, one will need to realize that a
crisis is any prodromal situation (Steve Fink, 1986).

2.1.5 Types of Crisis

Crisis is a major occurrence with a potentially negative outcome affecting the organization,
companies or industry as well as its public and products or service. (Fearn Bank, 2007)

Crisis refers to sudden unplanned events which cause major disturbance in the organization and
trigger a feeling of fear and threat among the employees. So there are different types of crisis
these are:-

1. Natural Crisis: -disturbances in the environment and nature lead to natural crisis include
earthquakes, drought, flood, tornadoes, all result in natural crisis. ( Fearn Bank ,2007)

2. Technological Crisis: - a rises as a result of failure in technology problem in overall systems.

Include break down of machine, corrupted software and soon.

3. Sudden Crisis: -as the name suggest situation a rises all of sudden and on an extremely short

4. Confrontation Crisis: - a rise when employees fight amongst themselves. Individual do not
agree to each other and eventually depend on non- productive acts. Like boycotts, strikes for in
definite periods. These typically crisis include employee’s disobey superiors. (Fearn Bank,

5. Crisis due to Work Place Violence: - this type a rises when employees are indulged in violent
act such as beating employees, superiors in the office premises itself.

6. Crisis Due to Rumors: -this is spreading false rumors about the organization and brand lead to
crisis. Employees must not spread anything which would tarnish the image of their organization.

7. Crisis Due to Natural Factors: - disturbances in environments and natures such as storms,
volcanic etc.

2.1.6 Definition of Crisis Management

Different authors sagest various Approaches to the crisis management process. Millar and Heath
(2004) shortly describes a simply view on the process “traditionally, “good” crisis management
include three elements: there must be a plan of action, the organization must have early warning
system to signal potential crisis situations, and the organization must have a crisis management
team in place with the polar to act.” these element are the minimal of crisis preparation. They are
not enough when making detailed preparation, but they can be used as a back bone and have
some important aspects. Another example of crisis management process provides Blythe (2002)

in an article six steps are listed on how to prepare for critical events. It is suggest first of all that
analysis of possible vulnerabilities should be assessed. The second step is to evaluate existing
procedure it any exists. Thirdly is identification of new procedure that is needed to cope with
named vulnerabilities. Then the Fourth step is to organize a crisis management plan. Fifth is to
utilize the prepared plan, and finally six is to inspect the company and possible level of
vulnerabilities constantly.

“ Crisis management are rotated in a classic engineering mandate identify and fix the problem in
inputs and operation’s that lead to in effective output.” (Kahn and Colleagues 2013)

Crisis management measure to resolve a hostile situation and investigate and prepare a criminal
case for prosecution under federal law crisis management will include response to an
incident to an incident action. Crisis management is the art of dealing with sudden and
unexpected events which disturbance the employees, organizations as well as external
clients. So that need to crisis management is: - crisis management prepares the individual to
face unexpected developments and adverse conditions in the organization with coverage and

employees adjust well to the sudden change in the organization

employees can understand and analyze the case of crisis and cope with in the best possible way

Crisis management helps managers to device strategies to come out of uncertain conditions and
also decision in the future course and Action.

Crisis management is the task of minimizing the deleterious effect of a serious crisis event using
limited resource under extreme time constraints. While damage control is the most obvious
aspect of crisis management, it is true essence goals for beyond “ putting out fires “the essence
of crisis management is cultivating the potential success lurking among the pitfalls through
careful planning, decisive, execution, and good luck.

Crisis describe something that: 1, threatens high-priority value of the organization 2, present a
restricted amount of time in which response can be made, and 3, is unexpected or un anticipated
nature of crisis, the short amount of time to act and the high priority level of the crisis enforce
organizations to engage in crisis management during a crisis the organization and it is
employees, products and services, financial condition and reputation can be significantly
damaged. The purpose of crisis management is averting crisis-or if a crisis does occur to
effectively manage the event. (Charles F. Hermann, 1963).

Crisis management must be a continuous effort. Unfortunately most crisis management

literatures suggest crisis management usually emphasis on case analyses of organizational crisis,
crisis prescriptions and descriptive model of crisis management process. (Burnett, 1998).

According to Burnett, (1998), there is no systematic or widely accepted strategy for managing
crisis. There is only a loose set of guide line of which crisis prescription can be mentioned it
emphasizes on delineating prescription for crisis identification and resolution.

Crisis management involves planning organizing, leading and controlling asset and activities in
the critical period immediately before, during and after an actual or impending catastrophe to
reduce the loss of resource essential to the organization’s eventual full recovery.

Crisis management is a process designed prevents or lesson the damage crisis can inflict on an
organization and its stakeholders (Coombs, 2007). Organizational crisis management is a
systematic attempted by organizational members with external stakeholders to avert crisis or to
effectively manage those that do occur. Organizational crisis management effectiveness is
evidenced when potential crisis are averted or when key stakeholders believe that the success
outcome of short and long range impact of crisis outweigh the failure outcomes (Pearson and
Clair, 1998). Crisis management is a critical organizational function (Coombs, 2007). According
to Timothy Coombs (2007) crisis management is designed to protect an organization and its
stakeholders from threat and reduce the impact felt by threat.

2.1.7 The Public Relations Role in crisis management

According to Debbie Leven, (2019) public relations department will be informed of possible
crisis. Public relation staff will be play role in helping to manage the incident include:-

Advising on the strategic approach to take.

Identifying the key audience to be a communicated.

Drafting support material statements questions and answer briefing documents.

Ideally, the public relation department will be involved in three stages.

Before the incident has become public- to advice on handling communication.

As the incident becomes public – handling press and media attention and putting any
communication plan in to action.

To support communication following an incident- ongoing communication with key group about
the organization action, what is being done to insure the incident does not happen again and
soon. (Debbie Leven, 2006)

2.1.8 Public relations strategies for crisis management

When crisis occur, you need to respond quickly and confidentiality to limit damage. a crisis
management plan will help we need these, but every crisis will be different and you need to
assess the best way to respond.

The strategy to do these is as follows as.

 Monitor: - tray to get all the information available and make quick but trough assessment
of the facts, continues to do this the crisis develop assess the situation and how it change.

 Manage: - decide on the key message you need to give to stakeholders and the best
method to reach each group. Brief any spokes people and prepare them to speak to the media.

 Respond: - it is important to respond quickly, a lack of information will give the public
and media space to speculate, rumors and speculation may be far more damaging than the
original crisis. Responding quickly may allow you to direct the narratives of the crisis and limit
the damage. communicate to stakeholders trough appropriate channel both tradition and social
media, be honest remember that people are more likely to forgive an organization if they are
open and appear to want to address an issue.

 Reassess: -however good your communications are some stakeholders will remain
unhappy, in this situation you need to decide how to respond. Sometimes it may be better to stay
quiet, but if you fell you may still be able to change their opinion, prepare appropriate

2.1.9 Phase of Crisis Management

There are many suggestions by different authors on how to handle crisis management whatever
suggestions that are used all of them some have similarities. There are three phases that should
be covered. These are include in Pre-crisis, crisis response or during crisis planning, and post
crisis planning. And also pre crisis preparation that will be covered, also Millar and Heath (2004)
suggest that management of inevitable events should be divided in to three phases. Before the
crisis happens, during the crisis and after the crisis is over.

A. Pre-crisis phase

This type of phase concerned with prevention and preparation. Prevention involves seeking to
reduce known risks that could lead to a crisis. This is a part of an organization risk management
program. For the pre-crisis phase there is three sub parts that should be covered. (Coombs, 2006)

Preparation: - defining possible vulnerabilities in the company and train employees for possible
incidents. And also preparation involves creating the crisis management plan, selecting and
training the crisis management team.

Planning: - is to covering action plans responsibility assignment and establishing communication

techniques need and putting prepared plans to the test.

Support for these ideas is found in Steven Fink .S (1986) work knowing about the possible
critical incident will help preparations for the inevitable and lead to reducing damage or even
avoiding any damage at all. it is emphasized that it is essential to make as many pre-defined
procedures as possible and written down hints during the preparation process so that possible
wasting time seeking for information is avoided when decisions must be made fast. Coombs
(2006) document that organizations are better able to handle crisis when the 1.Have a crisis
management plan that is updated at least annually 2.Have a designated crisis management team.
3. Conduct exercise to test the plans and teams at least annually and 4.pre-draft some crisis
messages. In acute crisis situation the focus should be o solving problems, not searching for
information. When putting together crisis plans everything that concerns a particular situations
must be accounted for early alerts that could lead to a critical situation are defined, and
understood by personnel that are responsible for the specific task. All that is needed to must be
written down and assembled in to the plans without giving the reader information over load. The
plan must not be long, but provide flexibility and a framework, which acknowledges the
unpredictable aspects of any crisis, and give the leeway to use common serve. The plan should
have structure but a loose one. (Regester &Larkin, 2005).

B, During Crisis (Crisis Response Phase)

The crisis response phase is when management must actually respond to a crisis this is what
management does and says after the crisis hits. a public relation plays a critical role in the crisis
response by helping to develop the messages that are sent to various publics. Crisis response
phase is divided in to two sections initial crisis response and reputation repair and behavioral
intentions. (Borton, 200)

1. initial crisis response

The initial message must provide any information needed to aid public safety, provide basic
information about what has happened, and after concern if there are victims. these are the
following guide lines this are be accurate by carefully checking all facts, be consistent by
keeping spokes people informed of crisis event and key message points, and make public safety
the no one priority.(Subramanian,2014)

2. reputation repair and behavioral intention

a number of researchers in public relations, communications, and marketing have shed have light
on how to repair the reputational damage the crisis inflicts on an organizations. It should be
noted that reputation repair can be used in the crisis response phase, post crisis phase or both not
all crisis need reputation repair efforts. Frequently the instructing information and expression of
concern are enough to protect the reputation.(Subramanian,2014)

C, Post Crisis Phase

In the post crisis phase the organization is returning to business as usual. The crisis is no longer
the focal point of management’s attention but still requires some attention. As noted earlier,
reputation repair may be continued or initiating during this phase. There is important follow up
communication that is required. First, crisis management often promises to provide additional
information during the crisis phase. The crisis manager must deliver on those informational
promises or risk losing the trust of public the trust of wanting the information. Second, the
organization needs to release update on the recovery process, corrective action and the
investigation of the crisis. The amount of follow-up communication required depend on the
amount of information promised during the crisis and the length of time it takes to complete the
recovery process.



This part of the study include research design, research methodology, and sample size,
sampling technique, source of data, instrument of data collection, method of data procedure
and method of data analysis.

3.1.1 Research Design

The study will be conduct in descriptive research because these are striking/ impinging to
collect detailed description of existing phenomena with the aim of employing data to justify
current condition and practice more intelligent plan for improving them. Descriptive research
will be conducting the study widely and properly. Descriptive research design aims to provide
accurate and valid presentation of the factors or variables that increase relevant to the research

The study use that means both qualitative and quantitative research design will be used in
order to collect data. Because using mixed research design is important to increase the
richness of the data that will be collected and thereby increasing the chance of knowing the
research problem and one important way to strength the research design is to use both
qualitative and quantitative (Denzin and Lincon, 2000).

Therefore, qualitative research design will use interview, while in quantitative research will use
survey research includes only questionnaires.

3.1.2 Sample Size and Sampling Techniques Sampling Techniques

According to Kothari (2004), sampling can be described as the selection of representative
sample from the total amount of the study group based on some judgmental criteria that is
necessary for the study. in both quantitative and qualitative research sampling techniques will
be used in purposive sampling technique. Because purposive sampling techniques is type of
non-probability sampling that the reason is to select full knowledge about that organization
using interview based on knowledge, skill and experience. Sample Size

I will select population of the study in Bahirdar university public relation office employees at
wisdom hall. So the research will takes to distribute questionnaires to the selected number of
employees. Because of the sampling technique will be used in the research , which is purposive
sampling . In addition, i will use interview of at least 2 person including public relations office
director of director.

3.2 Sources of the Data

The study use primary and secondary data. Primary data source will be collected through face-
to face interview and questionnaires from the employees and organization management staff
of Bahirdar university public relation office. Also, secondary data source may be used to collect
from archives, Internets and from other relevant data source.

3.3 Instrument of Data Collection

The research will use two research tools to collect data namely questionnaire and interview.
The student researcher will administrate questionaires to the respective respondents. The
studies will be used to collect data both close ended and open-ended questionnaire and semi-
structured interview to gain relevant information. The study gives attention for both
questionnaire and interview are easily to collect the data from Bahirdar university public

relation staff members. So, semi-structured interview and questionnaire will be used with
public relation officer and the entire of employees in the organization to elicit the reach data
necessarily for this research.

3.3.1 Interview

Interview is a conversation asking and answering process. Interviews can be defined as a

qualitative research technique, which involves “conducting intensive individual interviews with
a small number of respondents to explore their perspective on a particular idea, program or
situation. The advantage of interview is possibilities of collecting detailed information about
research question. There are three different formats of interviews including these are-
structured, semi- structured and unstructured interview. So, the researcher will use semi
structured interview.

The reason is semi structured interview will be in both the component of structured and
unstructured interviews, in semi- structured interviews, interviewer prepares a set of same
questions to be answered by all interviewees. At the same time, additional questions will be
asked during interviews to clarify and or further expand certain issue (Boyce, C.Neale, 2006).

3.3.2 Questionnaire

For the study, questionnaire will used to collected primary data from the target population. The
questionnaire will prepared to distribute to the selected number of employees. The questionnaire
will contain open-ended and close-ended question. More used in close –ended question for the
respondent’s background information and the open-ended questions , which will pose in the

3.4 Method of Data Analysis

The data from survey questionnaire will analysis by using table. The data from interview are analysis
qualitative research using narration word of statement and quantitative research will be used in descriptive
research. The quantitative data will be analyzed using in table. ones data would be collect data processing
will made by editing the data which help as to correct errors in questionnaires before data are analysis and
finally the result will be interpreted by useing table . In addition, the organization data will be used to present
and interpret through qualitative and quantitative approach.

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