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Список вопросов на госэкзамен:

1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. The subject matter of Lexicology.

2. Etymological characteristics of the modern English vocabulary.
3. Borrowings in English and their role in the formation and development of the English vo-
4. Homonyms in English.
5. Phraseological units and their classification.
6. Methods of phonological analysis.
7. Problems of phonostylistics.
8. Main trends in the phoneme theory.
9. Functions of intonation.
10. Three aspects of the phoneme.
11. The belles-lettres style. Theory of Functional Style.
12. Stylistic Differentiation of the English Vocabulary.
13. Language of the newspaper. Headlines and brief news items.
14. Figurative language. Metaphor and epithet. Simile.
15. Syntactical stylistic devices. Word order and completeness of the utterance.
16. Industrial Revolution: Causes and Inventions.
17. The Birth of the British State during the Tudor Dynasty. Henry VIII and the Reformation.
18. The early Middle Ages. The Norman Conquest, its historical, linguistic, cultural role
19. Jonathan Swift. Allegoric method of depicting reality
20. Renaissance literature in England. Influences on English Literature. Thomas More.
21. Types of syntactic connection.
22. Types of sentences: communicative types, structural types ( simple sentence, complex
sentence, compound sentence)
23. The verb. The system of verbal categories.
24. The noun. The categories of the noun.
25. Word classes.
26. Articulatory and acoustic / segmental and suprasegmental approaches to teaching English
pronunciation. Ways of introducing new vocabulary.
27. Explicit and implicit ways of teaching grammar of the English language. Inductive and
deductive methods.
28. Practical, educational and cultural aims of foreign language teaching. The three main
components of the FLT content.
29. Productive language skills. Characteristics of a successful speaking activity.
30. Teaching vocabulary and grammar. Articulatory and acoustic approaches to developing
pronunciation skills.

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