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Pre-Coaching Questionnaire for Executive Communication Skills

Personal Information
 Name:
 Position:
 Company:
 Years in Current Role:
Section 1: Presentation Skills and Public Speaking
1. How often do you engage in public speaking or presentations in your role?
(Multiple-choice: Rarely, Occasionally, Frequently, Always)
2. Describe your level of comfort and experience with public speaking. (Open-
3. What specific aspects of public speaking would you like to improve? (Open-
4. Can you recall a recent presentation that you think went particularly well or
poorly? Please describe what happened. (Open-ended)
Section 2: English Communication Skills
1. Rate your current level of proficiency in English communication. (Multiple-
choice: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Fluent)
2. What challenges do you face when communicating in English? (Open-ended)
3. Are there specific contexts (e.g., meetings, negotiations, informal conversations)
where you find English communication more challenging? (Open-ended)
4. What goals do you have for improving your English communication skills?
Section 3: Professional Business Communication
1. In what business communication areas do you feel most confident, and where do
you see room for improvement? (Open-ended)
2. How do you usually communicate in your professional role? (e.g., emails,
reports, meetings, presentations) (Multiple-choice)
3. Can you provide an example of a recent business communication challenge you
faced and how you handled it? (Open-ended)
4. What specific skills or techniques do you wish to acquire or improve in business
communication? (Open-ended)
Section 4: Goals and Expectations from Coaching
1. What are your primary objectives for this coaching program? (Open-ended)
2. How do you envision the impact of improved communication skills on your
professional role and career? (Open-ended)
Section 5: Additional Information
1. Is there any other information that you believe is important for your coach to
know? (Open-ended)
Consent and Preferences
 Preferred days and times for coaching sessions:
Instructions for Completion
 Please answer all questions as thoroughly as possible.
 Your responses will be kept confidential and will be used to tailor the coaching
sessions to your specific needs.
 If you are unsure about any question, feel free to leave it blank or discuss it during our
first session.
This questionnaire aims to identify the key areas of focus for the executive and tailor the
coaching sessions to their unique needs and goals in communication skills.

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