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Presentation Skills

Coaching one to one

Pre-session Questionnaire
Thank you for choosing our Presentation Skills Coaching program. To ensure that your coaching
experience is tailored to your specific needs and goals, please take a few minutes to complete this
pre-course questionnaire. Your responses will help us understand your current skill level, areas of
concern, and objectives, allowing our coach to design a personalized coaching plan for you.

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Organization/Company (if applicable):
Job Title/Position (if applicable):

1. Have you received any formal training in presentation skills before? If so, please provide
details of any previous training or courses you have taken.

 Yes  No  Some, but not formal training

2. Approximately how many presentations do you give every quarter?

a. Less than 3
b. 3 to 5
c. 6 to 10
d. 11 to 15
e. More than 15

3. Approximately how many presentations do you attend every quarter?

a. Less than 3
b. 3 to 5
c. 6 to 10
d. 11 to 15
e. More than 15

4. Who is your typical audience? __________________________

5. How would you describe your current level of experience with presentations?
q Novice (Little to no experience)
q Beginner (Limited experience)
q Intermediate (Moderate experience)
q Advanced (Experienced presenter)
q Expert (Seasoned presenter)

© Select Training and Management Consultancy L.L.C.

6. Please tick the ones that apply to you:
q I have a fear of presenting.
q I am worried about rejection or judgement
q I struggle knowing how to prepare for a presentation.
q I don’t know how to deliver a memorable opening and closing
q I often forget what I want to say, and I am worried I will forget what to say during a
q I lack self-confidence which leads me to self-doubt before and during presentations.
q I have Imposter Syndrome and feel that I am not qualified or competent enough to
be speaking on a particular topic
q I am worried about reading from the PPT.
q Lack of structure and organizing your content effectively
q I don’t know how to engage the audience throughout the presentation
q I tend to over-rely on visuals because I am worried, I won’t be able to connect with
the audience and maintain eye contact.
q I get nervous about running out of time or speaking too quickly
q I am worried that the audience may ask difficult questions
q I am not confident with technology failing and worry about issues with slides,
microphones, or video conferencing tools
q I am nervous about my language and pronunciation

7. What types of presentations have you delivered or plan to deliver? (Select all that apply)
q Sales pitches
q Team meetings
q Conference presentations
q Public speaking engagements
q Webinars
q Training sessions
q Other (please specify): _______

8. What is your primary motivation for improving your presentation skills?

q Career advancement
q Enhancing communication within my team/organization
q Increasing confidence in public speaking
q Preparing for a specific upcoming presentation
q Personal development
q Other (please specify): _______

9. Who is your target audience when you give presentations (e.g., colleagues, clients,
students, etc.)?
I. ______________________________________
II. ______________________________________
III. ______________________________________
IV. ______________________________________
V. ______________________________________

10. How would you describe your current presentation style? (e.g., formal, informal, confident,
hesitant, engaging, dry, etc.)
I. ______________________________________
© Select Training and Management Consultancy L.L.C.
II. ______________________________________
III. ______________________________________
IV. ______________________________________
V. ______________________________________

11. Are you comfortable using presentation software/tools like PowerPoint, Keynote, or
Google Slides?
q Yes, very comfortable
q Somewhat comfortable
q Not comfortable at all

12. Do you use visual aids (slides, charts, graphs, etc.) in your presentations? If so, what
challenges do you face in using them effectively?

I. ______________________________________
II. ______________________________________
III. ______________________________________
IV. ______________________________________
V. ______________________________________

13. Do you have any specific preferences for the coaching format? (e.g., in-person, virtual,
phone, video conference)
I. ______________________________________
II. ______________________________________
III. ______________________________________
IV. ______________________________________
V. ______________________________________

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your input is invaluable in tailoring
your presentation skills coaching to meet your unique needs and goals. We look forward to
working with you to enhance your presentation skills and help you achieve your objectives. Your
coach will be in touch to schedule your first coaching session soon.

© Select Training and Management Consultancy L.L.C.

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