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Disciplinary Internship 2020-21

Disciplinary Internship

Group: 12
Title: Zero Energy Buildings
Broad Area of the Project: Design of zero energy building in warm and humid climate
Key Words: ZEB, passive design, active design, renewable energy and cost
Name of Faculty Mentor: Dr.Sanjukta Bose Goswami, Assistant Professor, School of
Technology, GSFC University.
Name of Industry Mentor: Dr. Shauvik De, Researcher fluid flow & reactor engineering at
shell technology centre.
Student Details:

Name of the Student Enrolment ID

1. Sarvi.D.Patel 18BT01061

2. Sneha.P.Rana 18BT01077

3. Yash Patel 18BT01064

4. Jalpan Rajput 18BT01073

5. Abhijeet Sindha 18BT01086

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Date: 6/07/2021


This is to certify that Sarvi D. Patel, Sneha P. Rana, Abhijeet Sindha, Yash Patel, Jalpan Rajput
have successfully completed their internship
during the period
from 12th Feb, 2021 to 6th July, 2021
in GSFC University
as a Partial fulfilment of their Degree under our Mentorship.
The work done by students is Original.

Dr. Sanjukta Bose Goswami Dr. Shauvik De

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The internship project has greatly helped us in understanding the process of making a project
and also understanding the operational, technical and financial aspects of the project. First and
foremost, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Sanjukta Bose Goswami
(Assistant Professor, School of Technology, GSFC University) and Dr. Shauvik De
(Researcher Fluid Flow & Reactor Engineering at Shell Technology Centre), for providing us
with their valuable time and knowledge, without which we would not have been able to
complete the project. We would also like to thank the management at GSFCU for providing us
a learning experience through the internship and also the various courses that we undertook to
help us finish the project.
At last, we would like to thank all of our teachers, friends and family for supporting us and
encouraging us during our internship.

Sarvi D. Patel
Sneha P. Rana
Abhijeet Sindha
Yash Patel
Jalpan Rajput

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1. Introduction 6

2. Literature Review 6

3. Basic Design of ZEB 10

4. Passive design strategies 17

5. Active design strategies 18

6. Renewable Applications in ZEB 19

7. Cost analysis 20

8. Implementation of idea 20

9. Conclusion 23

10. References 24

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1. Introduction

CO2 emission reduction efforts around the world, as well as the increasing a scarcity of energy
resources, a reliance on fossil fuels, and the fact that buildings account for a major fraction of global
warming. The utilization of primary energy around the world fuels research into new technologies,
especially ZEBs. Built energy demand is widely acknowledged as one of the major contributors to
global primary energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which has resulted in a significant
increase in public understanding of the importance of building energy efficiency in recent years. In
present scenario buildings have remarkable impact on energy use as well as the environment.
Buildings have a large effect on energy use and the climate. Commercial and residential buildings
use about 40% of primary energy and almost 70% of electricity. The electricity used by the
construction industry continues to rise owing to the fact that new structures are being built more than
existing ones are being demolished. Energy use in commercial housing industry will continue to rise
before buildings can be built to generate enough energy to offset the increasing energy demand of
these structures. In theory, a net ZEB is a building with significantly decreased energy requirements
due to productivity gains, so that the remainder of the energy requirements will be met by green
technology. In this report, we will investigate the idea of zero emissions using a study of current
generation low-energy buildings. While we use ZEB construction goals, we move away from
constructing low-energy buildings with a percent energy savings target and toward a renewable
energy destination. By integrating energy-efficient techniques into the design, installation, and
operation of new buildings, as well as undertaking modification to increase the quality of existing
buildings, the building industry will dramatically minimize energy usage. It will reduce its reliance
on fossil-fuel-derived energy much further by the use of on-site and off-site renewable energy

2. Literature Review
To limit carbon dioxide emissions in the earth's atmosphere and protect the environment, humanity
will be expected to use much less electricity for heating in the future than it does now. Since non-
renewable energy supplies are limited, it is important to note that the key characteristic of future
buildings would be ultra-low energy consumption, if not zero. Moreover, several countries have
developed common energy use requirements. Zero energy building use and demand have increased
rapidly in recent years, with the primary goal of significantly reducing residential building energy
consumption. Following are the most commonly used definitions: -

• Net Zero Site Energy: When accounting for at the site, a site ZEB generates at least as
much energy as it consumes in a year.
• Net Zero Source Energy: A source ZEB produces at least as much energy as it uses in year,
when accounted for at the source. The primary energy used to produce and distribute
energy to the site is referred to as source energy.
• Net Zero Energy Costs: In ZEB cost, the amount of money the utility pays the building
owner for the energy the building exports to the grid is at least equal to the amount the
owner pays the utility for the energy services and energy used over the year.

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• Net Zero Energy Emissions: A net-zero emissions building produces at least as much
emissions-free renewable energy as it uses from emissions-producing energy sources.
Historical Background
The idea of constructing energy passive houses was first suggested by German scholar Wolfgang
Feist of the Institut für Wohnen und Umwelt GmbH and Swedish Professor Bo Adamson of Lund
University. The first house was built in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1990, and it sparked the
advancement of modern technologies in the building of energy-passive homes. The experiment was
a success, and Dr. Fastom founded the Passivhaus Institute in Darmstadt in 1996 to continue his
studies. For 17 years of the Institute working approximately fifteen thousand buildings has been
constructed that correspond the definition of a passive house.

Methods to be Followed for Achieving Zero Energy Buildings

There are several parameters in a building design that could be controlled to achieve low building
energy consumption, including the building orientation and structure (size, layout, partition, etc.),
constructions and their materials, whether or not to allow natural ventilation, and natural ventilation
control mode. Solar energy systems are currently the most widely installed renewable energy
systems in the building sector in an effort to reduce the energy consumption of buildings.

Previous Studies on ZEB

Sr no Researchers Their research

1. Nicolae Bajenaru et al. He conducted a simulation study on the
construction of a net zero energy office building
with a mixed mode ventilation system that
ensures occupant thermal comfort.
2. IsamuOhta et al. He studied that the aim of a zero-LCCO2 home
is to minimize annual energy usage while
increasing solar energy usage so that
photovoltaic (PV) energy generation far
outweighs total energy consumption.
3. Masa Noguchi et al. They created the Eco-Terra housing prototype,
which was intended to be energy-efficient and
have a low environmental impact. According to
the study, the house consumes virtually zero
4. Reshmi Banerjee According to her, Net Zero Energy Buildings
(ZEB) do not add to the volume of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere and she also indicates
that a ZNE target is achievable considering
existing construction technology and
architecture approaches.
5. Mansi Jain She suggested that the solutions for improving
energy conservation and integrating renewable
energy into buildings are available.
Table 1: Previous studies on ZEB

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As a result of the expected widespread adoption of ZEB, there is a need to expand the available
interdisciplinary expertise for device architecture and operation in order to achieve energy savings,
environmental safety, and cost effectiveness. This can be used by any residential or industrial
building in any area of the world.
ZEB Status Worldwide
Countries all over the world have been increasingly introducing various measures to make ZEB in
response to global warming and rising greenhouse gas emissions.

Fig.1 Map of ZEB (Source: -


Fig.2 Worldwide implementation of ZEB (Source: -


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ZEB worldwide and their specifications

Sr. No Country ZEB Specifications

1. Denmark Housing+ Mobile chargers, vacuum cleaners and lighting.

High-efficiency solar panels, heat recovery wheel and

2. India Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
water conservations features.

3. UK Hockerton Housing Project Wind turbines and a solar photovoltaic system.

4. Italy Historic center of Vicenza Mechanical ventilation.

Technische Universität
5. Germany Silicon Photovoltaics and hydrogen Technology.

Solar hot water collectors, carbon dioxide sensors, and

6. USA The Phipps Center

7. Singapore SDE4 Hybrid cooling system and solar panel covered rooftop.

ENERPOS building (Reunion

8. France Natural cross ventilation and solar shading.

PTM Zero Energy Office

9. Malaysia (ZEO) Photovoltaic combination.

Rooftop photovoltaic panels, triple glazed and wooden

10. Netherlands World Wildlife Fund

Ethernet-connected LED lighting, an aquifer thermal

11. Europe The Edge
energy storage system and passive ventilation system.

Table 2: ZEB worldwide and their specifications

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3. Basic Design of ZEB

Fig.3 Basic design of ZEB (Source: - https://new-q-

One of the first steps towards achieving net zero energy is optimizing the design of the building. This
can be achieved by the combination of climate responsive design, passive and active techniques so
that the energy consumption of the building can be reduced considerably. A climate-responsive
building design reflects the weather conditions in the precise area where the building is constructed.
Passive design harnesses environmental conditions such as solar radiation, cool night air and air
pressure differences to drive the internal environment while active design mainly represent ways to
reduce building energy consumption through energy production.

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Design process

Fig.4 Design process

(Source: -

Components of ZEB design process

Fig.5 Components of ZEB design process (Source: - Icons, clipart from word)

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Process to design a zero-energy building is a step-by-step process:

Step 1:- Reduce thermal loss

Step 2:- Use low energy passive

measures for heating or cooling

Step 3:- Use highly efficient

active systems for

Step 4:- Use Renewable energy

Step 5:- Cost analysis

Fig.6 Step by step process of ZEB

(Source: )

Climate assessment and analysis

Climate is a critical variable in the design of a ZEB project. It can not only influence the external
thermal loads of a projects, but also decide the whole technological route. The climate is playing a
significant role in energy-efficiency systems and energy consumption patterns in building science.
Thus, for designing zero energy building we need to take consideration of marco and micro level
climate analysis.

Marco climate analysis

Here this type of analysis includes the understanding of climate throughout the region or a country.

The depending factors of marco climatic analysis are as follows :-

• Ambient temperature
• Solar radiation
• Humidity
• Sky Condition
• Precipitation
• Wind
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Micro climatic analysis

This type of analysis includes the understanding of climate surrounding the building.

Here the following factors comes under macro climatic analysis:-

• Vegetation
• Water bodies
• Topographical features

Implementation of ZEB in different climates of India

Sr Climate State Active strategies Passive strategies Renewable

no energy
1. Composite • Haryana • Ventilation • Orientation • Solar PV
• Uttar Pradesh • Cooling • Daylighting system
• New Delhi • Lighting • Ventilation
• Chhattisgarh design • Building
• Bihar • HVAC Envelope
• Jharkhand • Indoor air • Landscaping

2. Hot and • Gujarat • Lighting • Orientation • PV panels

dry • Hyderabad design • Daylighting
• Madhya • HVAC • Building
Pradesh Envelope
• Haryana
3. Hot and • Rajasthan • Natural • Landscaping • PV panels
dry desert ventilation • Double
• HVAC glazed
• Thermal
4. Warm and • Kerala • Monitoring • Building • Geothermal
humid • Orissa • Lighting Envelope cooling
• Tamil nadu design and system
• Maharashtra • HVAC Fenestration • Solar
• Coastal • Indoor air • Landscaping energy (PV)
regions of quality Daylighting
South India
5. Cold • Uttarakhand • Ground • Orientation • PV panels
• Jammu and source heat • Building
Kashmir pump envelope
• Sikkim • Ventilation • Climate
• Arunachal responsive
Pradesh design
• Fenestration

Table 3: Implementation of ZEB in different climates of India

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Composite climate

Composite climate is neither hot and dry nor warm and humid. Their characterisitcs change from
season to season , they have very high diffrence in humidity in dry and monsoon periods.

Passive strategies

1. Orientation :- The orientation of ZEB is preferable in North – South & South -West directions
and also square type shaped building is more preferable.

2. Daylighting:-Due to high solar radiation in summer , the windows on west side of wall can be
made smaller.

3. Ventilation:- As this is a composite type of climate there will be moderate amount of wind
flowing so the orientation of building must be in a such a way that there will be continuous ventilation
throughout the year after considering wind direction.

4. Building envelope:- External surfaces of building should be insulated by insulating materials such
as polystrene panels and for insulation of roofs we can make roof gardens.

5. Landscaping:- Deciduous trees, creepers and vines provide shade when needed and also allow
the sun rays to penerate inside in the cool season when they loose their foilage.

Active stratgies

1. Cooling:- We can install radiant as well as conventional cooling system .Also ,we can opt for a
geothermal cooling system for saving energy and reducing emission.

2. Lighting design :-The light shelf concept is used to bring the light deeper in rooms by reflecting
light from top glazed surfaces of windows

3. HVAC:- HVAC system runs under the floor and comprises a heat recovery system that reduces
the air-conditioning load of the building.

4. Indoor air quality:-Humidified air is firstly dehumidified before it allows to enter inside the
desired place in the building and also for air quality CO2 sensors are used.

Renewable energy

Due to high solar radiation in summer we can use Pv panels efficiently and also this region receives
strong winds during monsoon so we can use wind turbines to produce electricity.

Hot dry and desert climate :

Passive strategies

1. Orientation:- Longer walls of the building should face North & South so that the building gets
minimum solar exposure. Preferably the kitchen should be located on the leeward side of the building
to avoid circulation of hot air and smell from the kitchen.

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2. Daylighting:- It can be done in two ways ,side lighting and toplighting.Side Lighting uses natural
light transmitted through vertical building surfaces.Toplighting strategies include horizontal
skylights and roof monitors.

3. Building envelope:- The main objectives in design and construction of wall assemblies are the
control of the movement of water vapor, air and heat through the building envelope.

4. Double glazed windows :- These glazing windows with low visible transmittance give better glare
control, but offer minimal daylight integration and diminished views.

5. Thermal labyrinths:- Here it is used to provide cooler air at desire place using passive cooling.

6. Walls:- In desert regions circular walls should be made so that solar radiation cannot come directly
on inside walls and hence it can reflect back and also for constructing windows, roofs , doors etc. we
should use insulating materials.

Active strategies

1. HVAC:- Passive cooling in non-summer months with underground tank and evaporative fluid
cooler and mixed mode ventilation is there.

2. Lighting design:- Daylighting and vacancy sensor control of lights

3. Natural ventilation :- Here the principle involved is to catch an unobstructed breeze at high level
and channel it to areas in the bottom parts of the building

Renewable energy

Due to clear sky and high sun , solar panels(solar energy) are used and for high speed winds wind
turbines(wind energy) are used.

Warm and humid climate

Passive strategies

1. Building envelope and fenestration:- Several passive design features reduce the cooling load of
the building – optimized orientation, a roof garden that provides additional insulation, landscaping
& tree cover around the building, and glass with high light transmittance and high shading .

2. Landscaping:- In this type of climate , the plant species with such a characteristic should be plant
such that they do not require too much irrigation facilities during warm and dry seasons .

3. Daylighting:- The atrium should be made of glass façade to ensure that the entrance and the lobby
are abundantly daylit. Recessed windows provide better glare control.

Active strategies

1. Monitoring:- Operational performance of the entire building should be done ,which will give us
information and corrective action is being taken to optimize energy consumption for entire building.

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2. HVAC system:- Variable pumping system should be installed to manage chilled water during
warm seasons. Cooling based HVAC system should be used to dehumidify the incoming air .

3. Indoor air quality:- Fresh air supply and exhaust fans must be installed which can be programmed
as per the thermal requirements of the buildings .

Renewable energy

Here there are very long monsoon periods with heavy rains and also there is strong sun. so we can
use hybrid solar panels which generate electricity from both sun and rain. Theses panels install on
rooftop so as to capture sun during day and when rain falls , these panels continues to generate
electricity from force of falling rain on their surface.

Cold climate

Passive strategies

1. Orientation:- Building must be compact with small surface to volume ratios to reduce heat loss
and also windows should face south to facilitate direct gain.

2. Building envelope:- False ceiling with internal insulation such as thermocol, polyurethane foam
etc are feasible for houses in cold climates and also skylights on the roofs admit heat as well as light
in winters.

3. Fenestration:- It's advisable to have the maximum window area on the southern side of the
building to facilitate direct heat gain. And also they should be sealed and preferably double glazed
to avoid heat losses during winter nights.

Active strategies

1. Ground source heat pump:- The Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) system can be installed
because it takes advantage of the high thermal capacitance of the earth to store heat rejected into the
ground during the cooling system as a resource for heating during very cold periods .

2. Ventilation:- Ventilation should be done to prevent air leakage from inside of the house , as to
keep warm air of building inside itself.

Renewable energy

We can use wind turbines in cold regions as they are typically equipped with de-icing and built in
heating systems which do not allow snow to deposit on turbine. And also we can use solar energy as
solar panels.

Comfort analysis

This step includes the analysis of people who are about to reside in the building. It includes their
comfort level , type of temperature they require inside the building during various seasons throughout
the year.

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Ventilation is the way by which comfort can be provided through a direct effect and providing a
higher indoor air speed by opening the windows to let the wind in.

There are two types of comfort analysis:-

1) Thermal comfort:- It is an assessment of the thermal condition of the surroundings .

2) Visual comfort:- It basically describes the brightness of light.

4. Passive design strategies

These play fundamental role in ZEB design and they are features to form and design of building that
channelize available natural resources to ensure thermal comfort. They are climate specific
approaches. It includes orientation, building envelope and layout, shading, daylighting, natural
ventilation and air tightness.

Typical passive energy saving strategies 

Passive strategies Heating Cooling Lighting

Air tightness

Ground cooling

Natural ventilation

Passive solar heat gain

Site vegetation


Solar tubes

Sun shading

Super insulation

Thermal mass

Thermal zoning

Table 4: -Typical passive energy saving strategies

Flowchart of passive design strategies

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Fig.7 Flowchart of passive design strategies

(Source: -

5. Active design strategies

The active approaches are the security and necessity leading the building towards net zero. It is a
combination between the design of passive strategies and renewable energy systems. It involves
energy efficient mechanical system for heating, ventilation, lighting system and control, electrical
and mechanical equipments.

Flowchart of active design strategies

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Fig.8 Flowchart of active design strategies

(Source: -

6. Renewable Applications in ZEB

The renewable energy generation systems and technologies that integrated in ZEB commonly refer
to solar power system, solar thermal system, and wind power system.

Solar power

Solar power usually refers to building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) which is a photovoltaic module
that is architecturally and functionally integrated into the building envelope. Comparing to Wind
power system, BIPV owns a wider range of applicability.

Solar thermal

Solar thermal is an efficient way to convert solar energy into useful energy. A solar thermal collector
can be over three times more efficient than photovoltaic systems in converting radiant energy into
useful energy. Domestic hot water is one of the most effective and common uses for solar thermal,
because the load is typically relatively small and constant year-round.


The kinetic energy of the wind is a powerful renewable energy resource that is available all the time—
day and night, as long as the wind is blowing. The wind blows moving the turbine and convert the
kinetic energy into useful energy and this requires a special range of average wind speed.

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Harnessing wind power

The viability of wind power for zero building applications is based on wind speed, cost, turbine size,
location, environmental impacts, public opinion. An average wind speed of 10 mph is the minimum
requirement for cost wind generation, but investment in wind really makes sense where speeds are
closer to 20 mph.

There are two types of wind generated renewable energy production: standalone turbines and
building integrated systems. A standalone turbine can supply the energy needed for the zero-energy
building if there is adequate wind on the site, which is unlikely. With net metering, turbines can be
located offsite. Building integrated systems involve wind turbines mounted directly on the

7. Cost analysis

The final and critical step is cost analysis so as to ensure that the investments in incorporating the
various passive and active strategies do not exceed the project cost.

There are major three steps for analyzing the cost:

1) Data Collection:- The plan and estimation help to find the space utilization, the orientation of
buildings, provision of openings and materials used for construction. Electronic appliances are
shortlisted by finding their usage pattern. Usage pattern will give a clear picture about the existing
usage and its relevance. For calculating hours of operation and total energy consumption, all the
equipment are enlisted and their corresponding operational hours are estimated.

2) Design & Estimation:- The designing process includes additional features such as energy
efficient and cost effective techniques, energy star appliances etc.

3) Analysis:- It includes estimation of existing energy efficiency features, the cost of construction
and maintenance. Here we need to consider the life cycle cost analysis. LCCA is a method for
assessing the total cost of the building and the purpose of a LCCA is to estimate the overall cost of
the building and to select the design that ensures the building will provide the lowest overall cost.The
costs associated with LCCA are the initial cost of construction, energy and water cost, operation cost,
maintenance cost, repair cost, replacement costs and residual costs.

8. Implementation of idea

After doing research and literature review on various climate, their topographical conditions , active
and passive strategies;hereby we are implementing our idea for designing the ZEB in warm and
humid climate of India .

Climate analysis :

Warm and humid climate regions have generally high temperature ranges throughout the year. These
regions receive solar radiation throughout the year, especially areas near the equator. High humidity
is the main reason which causes discomfort in this climate zone. These zones are mainly
characterized by high humidity, high temperatures, small temperature difference between two

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consecutive days , moderate wind speed, and receives high solar radiation, except on rainy days due
to cloud cover.

Passive design strategies Strategies Implementation strategies

1. ORIENTATION • Building should be oriented in Northern and Southern
directions away from equator.
2. INTERNAL • Buffer spaces like service core, corridors should be placed
PLANNING in east and west direction to minimize heat gain.
LAYOUT • Planning should be done in a way so that rooms on east
side should be used during the afternoon and rooms on the
west side during the morning hours.
3. COMPACTNESS • Building should have optimum surface/volume ratio to
minimize heat gains
4. VENTILATION • Areas of higher humidity should have proper cross
ventilation strategies.
• Buildings should have openings in windward direction
5. BUILDING • Warm humid regions have insignificant diurnal difference
ENVELOPE in temperatures so, it is important to use lightweight
materials with low thermal capacity and high reflectivity
from solar radiation i.e., cool roofs.
• The outer surface of the wall should be shaded, light
colored and reflective as much as possible.
6. VEGETATION • Growing vegetation surrounding the facade of building
prevents the direct sunlight from entering into the
7. DAY-LIGHTING • Light shelves concept can be used to provide daylight
deep inside the building.
8. SHADING • North and South facades can be protected by extending
out the roof. East and west direction needs special shading
devices like louvres etc.
Table 5:- Passive design strategies
Active design strategies Strategies Implementation of strategies

1. HVAC • Radiant cooling is the use of cooled surfaces to remove
sensible heat.
• Desiccant cooling systems uses water as refrigerant in direct
contact with air
2. LIGHTING • LEDS, OLEDs and energy efficient lights which are having
good light source and longer life span must be installed.
3. EQUIPMENTS • Solar based appliances must be used and also equipment
installed should be either BEE-star labelled.
Table 6:- Active design strategies

Renewable energy

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2020-2021 Strategies Implementation of strategies

1. SOLAR ENERGY AND • Because of coastal regions we will mostly have
WIND ENERGY cloudy and windy climate therefore we need to
install more wind turbines than solar panels.
Table 7:- Renewable energy
Cost estimation
CASE WORK ₹ 5,676.66 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 5,677.00
book case 1.000 ea ₹ 3,498.66 ₹ 5,676.66 ₹ 5,677.00
CEILING ₹ 53,358.11 ₹ 30,490.35 ₹ 83,848.00
ceiling (2'x4') 824.955 sf ₹ 64.68 ₹ 53,358.11 ₹ 53,358.00
DOOR ₹ 1,19,988.00 ₹ 8,115.25 ₹ 1,28,103.00
door(interior) 3.000 ea ₹ 19,998.00 ₹ 59,994.00 ₹ 59,994.00
door(exterior) 2.000 ea ₹ 19,998.00 ₹ 39,996.00 ₹ 39,996.00
CEILING FAN ₹ 20,968.20 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 20,968.00
ceiling fan 3.000 ea ₹ 6,989.40 ₹ 20,968.20 ₹ 20,968.00
FLOOR ₹ 59,500.98 ₹ 3,967.67 ₹ 63,469.00
floor 1,073.250 sf ₹ 55.44 ₹ 59,500.98 ₹ 59,501.00
FURNITURES ₹ 1,54,711.76 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 1,54,712.00
bed 1.000 ea ₹ 14,999.00 ₹ 14,999.00 ₹ 14,999.00
coffee table 1.000 ea ₹ 3,759.36 ₹ 3,759.36 ₹ 3,759.00
dining set 1.000 ea ₹ 22,498.74 ₹ 22,498.74 ₹ 22,499.00
entertainment centre 1.000 ea ₹ 58,999.38 ₹ 58,999.38 ₹ 58,999.00
sofa 1.000 ea ₹ 33,677.82 ₹ 33,677.82 ₹ 33,678.00
closet 1.000 ea ₹ 11,678.70 ₹ 11,678.70 ₹ 11,679.00
OTHERS EQUIPMENTS ₹ 3,40,994.28 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 3,40,994.00
solar system /PV panel 2.000 ea ₹ 1,49,999.85 ₹ 2,99,999.70 ₹ 3,00,000.00
TV 1.000 ea ₹ 40,994.58 ₹ 40,994.58 ₹ 40,995.00
GUTTER -Bevel 5''x5'' ₹ 3,630.00 ₹ 700.00 ₹ 4,330.00
Gutter -Bevel 5''x5'' 1.000 ea ₹ 3,630.00 ₹ 3,630.00 ₹ 3,630.00
LIGHTING FIXTURE ₹ 7,221.06 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 7,221.00
Ceiling light 18.000 ea ₹ 239.58 ₹ 4,312.44 ₹ 4,312.00
wall lamp 2.000 ea ₹ 556.38 ₹ 1,112.76 ₹ 1,113.00
PLUMBING ₹ 28,048.68 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 28,049.00
sink kitchen (18'''x18'') 1.000 ea ₹ 12,398.76 ₹ 12,398.76 ₹ 12,399.00
toilet tank 2.000 ea ₹ 1,339.80 ₹ 2,679.60 ₹ 2,680.00
ROOF ₹ 60,803.82 ₹ 40,535.88 ₹ 1,01,340.00
roof 1,096.750 sf ₹ 55.44 ₹ 60,803.82 ₹ 60,804.00
KITCHEN EQUIPMENT ₹ 1,88,817.42 ₹ 0.00 ₹ 1,88,817.00
Kitchenette - medium 1.000 ea ₹ 75,798.36 ₹ 75,798.36 ₹ 75,798.00
microwave 1.000 ea ₹ 7,468.56 ₹ 7,468.56 ₹ 7,469.00
refrigerator 1.000 ea ₹ 22,771.98 ₹ 22,771.98 ₹ 22,772.00
solar water heater 1.000 ea ₹ 14,798.52 ₹ 14,798.52 ₹ 14,799.00
WALL ₹ 97,271.89 ₹ 42,558.95 ₹ 1,39,831.00
interior wall 1,705.780 sf ₹ 31.02 ₹ 52,913.29 ₹ 52,913.00
exterior wall 1,430.000 sf ₹ 31.02 ₹ 44,358.60 ₹ 44,359.00
WINDOW ₹ 1,20,000.00 ₹ 6,981.60 ₹ 1,26,982.00
window c (32''x 48'') 3.000 ea ₹ 12,000.00 ₹ 36,000.00 ₹ 36,000.00
window b (16''x 24'') 1.000 ea ₹ 12,000.00 ₹ 12,000.00 ₹ 12,000.00
window a (16''x 24'') 2.000 ea ₹ 12,000.00 ₹ 24,000.00 ₹ 24,000.00
AIR CONDITIONER 1.000 Eea ₹ 33,000.00 ₹ 33,000.00 ₹ 33,000.00
WIND TURBINE 4.000 ea ₹ 50,000.00 ₹ 2,00,000.00 ₹ 2,00,000.00

₹ 15,65,990.86 ₹ 1,33,349.70 ₹ 16,99,341.00


PLUMBING ₹ 1,74,641.45
OVERHEAD CHARGE ₹ 2,91,069.08

TOTAL ₹ 23,59,097.59

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Fig.9 Cost estimation (Source: -

➢ Energy calculations for conventional building

1. Calculation of energy use intensity

The electric consumption of the building = 18,000 KWh/yr. Total fuel consumption = 150 Therm
Converting this value into KWh/yr = 150 × 29.3 = 4,395 KWh/yr
So the total energy being used in the building = 18,000 + 4,395 = 22,395 KWh/yr
As the EUI value is expressed in KBtu/gsf (Btu = British thermal unit, gsf = Gross square feet area)
Converting 22,395 KWh/yr into KBtu, we get 76,411 KBtu (1 KWh/yr = 3.412 KBtu)
The EUI = 76,411 KBtu/1100gsf = 69.5 KBtu/gsf
➢ Energy calculations for ZEB

1. Calculation of energy use intensity

The electric consumption of the building = 14,000 KWh/yr. Total fuel consumption = 150 Therm
Converting this value into KWh/yr = 150 × 29.3 = 4,395 KWh/yr
So the total energy being used in the building = 14,000 + 4,395 = 18,395 KWh/yr
As the EUI value is expressed in KBtu/gsf (Btu = British thermal unit, gsf = Gross square feet area)
Converting 18,395 KWh/yr into KBtu, we get 62,763.74 KBtu (1 KWh/yr = 3.412 KBtu)
The EUI = 62,763.74 KBtu/1100gsf = 57.05 KBtu/gsf
2. Calculation of renewable energy intensity
Output of solar panels(2) of medium efficiency(25%) = 14,500 KWh/yr
A single 1 KW rated wind turbine produces 900 KWh energy per year
As we have used 4 roof top wind turbines, the total output = 4 × 900 = 3,600 KWh/yr
So the total renewable energy consumption = 14,500+3,600 = 18,100 KWh/yr = 61,757.2 KBtu
The renewable energy intensity = 61,757.2 KBtu/1100gsf = 56.14 KBtu/ gsf
Total energy consumption
Total energy consumption
EUI – Renewable Energy Intensity
= 57.05-56.14 KBtu/ gsf
= 0.91 KBtu/ gsf 
Therefore this value is nearly equals to zero. So we can say that building is said to be appproaching
zero nergy condition. Also this value can be reduced further by adopting different energy saving

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strategies such as active and passive strategies.So this calculation justifies the definition of zero
energy buildings.

Fig.10 Total energy consumption comparsion

Here the energy use intensity in conventional building is much greater than ZEB as there is no
renewable energy used so therefore it will result into increase total energy consumption as well as
cost in conventional building. Hence ZEB is much efficient and economic than conventional
building. The main reason for cost reduction in ZEB is because the electric current cost is completely
eliminated with the help of solar panel system and wind turbines.
9. Conclusion

Our goal of building zero energy buildings is to minimize the energy consumption of our house /
buildings throughout the year by using various active strategies, passive strategies and renewable
energy. We had gone through extensive research, and done certain calculations and analysis. During
the designing process, we met with certain challenges like climatic conditions, changing energy
requirements, comfort level of occupants in different seasons and places, usage of renewable energy
as per the topographical conditions, higher costs etc. The main point we observed throughout the
research is that climate is a very important criteria for designing zero energy building. Climate
analysis is the backbone of the design process of ZEB, because of different climate and geography
passive and active strategies will be different for each climate. If we talk about which renewable
energy is most suitable for ZEB, then we suggest that solar PV panels for producing solar energy are
most profitable and amenable because they have been developing at a great pace and also, they are
easily available as well as easy to install.

After assessing various states and their climatic condition, we have designed our ZEB in warm and
humid type of climatic region, i.e., coastal regions. Here, we have used the combination of renewable
energies i.e., solar energy and wind energy because of topography and climatic conditions of coastal
regions. Also, the main thing we observed during cost estimation of ZEB is that, though it is
expensive but it saves a lot of savings in future and also, we are not polluting or harming the
environment as high energy consumption is a threat to climate and changes occurring are adverse for

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life on earth as it is causing global warming. So, in order to save the future for further generations,
ZEB is the best solution.

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