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Criteria 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

The student mostly The student

The student
uses digital devices occasionally uses
consistently and
and resources digital devices and
responsibly uses
Demonstrates responsibly as resources responsibly
digital devices and
Responsible Use outlined in as outlined in
resources as outlined
school/district rules, school/district rules,
in school/district
with minimal lapses with frequent lapses
in behavior. in behavior.
The student creates a
The student creates a
Canva project using The student creates a
Canva project using
appropriate digital Canva project using
appropriate digital
tools that digital tools, but it
Produces Orignal tools that effectively
demonstrates some lacks originalitiy,
Canva Project demonstrates
understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of the
story and includes a story, and multimedia
story and includes
few multimedia elements.
multimedia elements.

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