Accessory Ovary Case

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doi:10.1111/jog.14430 J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Res.


Accessory ovary may be a treatment for infertility: Case

report and review of current literatures

Xiao-Ye Zhou, Xue-Ling Tang, Fei-Lei Zhang and Xiao-Jun Yang

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, China

Accessory ovary is a type of ovarian dysplasia, which is often defined as an ovarian tissue placed near and
directly connected to the normal ovary or one of ovarian ligaments. It is often asymptomatic, mostly is
found or diagnosed at laparotomy, laparoscopy or autopsy. Accessory ovary is often excised during surgery
due to its potential malignant behavior. We report a case of endometriosis cyst occurred simultaneously in
right side of orthotopic and accessory ovaries, together with torsion 180 of accessory ovarian cyst. Consider-
ing that the patient had not given birth and the large size of cysts, exploratory laparotomy was performed.
During laparotomy, both site of ovarian cyst have been removed with orthotopic and accessory ovarian tis-
sues preserved. After surgery, a large number of antral follicles were found both in right side of orthotopic
and accessory ovaries by ultrasonography. Accessory ovary is considered to have physiological function,
and can be preserved as a fertility protection measure for women who have fertility requirements. At pre-
sent, the definition of ectopic ovary, accessory ovary and supernumerary ovary are very vague and rarely
discussed separately. So, we proposed a new way to clarify the concepts of ectopic ovary, accessory ovary
and supernumerary ovary. Moreover, we advocated that they should be discussed separately in terms of
definition and management measures.
Key words: accessory ovary, endometriosis, fertility preservation, torsion.

Introduction ovary. In this way, supernumerary ovary and acces-

sory ovary can be distinguished mainly according to
Ovarian dysplasia includes single or bilateral ovarian their positional relationship with the orthotopic
insufficiency, ovarian hypoplasia, supernumerary ovary. However, Lachman and Berman2 insisted that
ovaries, accessory ovaries and etc., each one of them the definition of supernumerary and accessory ovary
is very rare. Accessory ovaries and supernumerary is not accurate and advocated that the word ‘ectopic
ovaries are similar medical terms, and the most com- ovary’ should be used instead of ‘supernumerary or
monly recognized diagnostic criteria are proposed by accessory ovary’. Therefore, currently, most of the
Wharton1 in 1959. The supernumerary ovary is supernumerary, accessory or ectopic ovary is dis-
defined as completely independent of the normally cussed together.
placed ovaries without any direct connections to any
of ovarian ligaments. The accessory ovary is located
near and connected to the normally placed ovaries,
Case Report
and this extra ovary may split off from the normal A 27-year-old unmarried woman with a history of
ovary during development and gain blood supply endometriosis (EMs), gravida 1, para 0, had a history
through tissue connection with the normally placed of spontaneous abortion, was admitted to the hospital

Received: April 5 2020.

Accepted: July 25 2020.
Correspondence: Professor Xiao-Jun Yang, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow
University, 188 Shizi Road, Suzhou 215006, Jiangsu Province, China. Email:

© 2020 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1

X.-Y. Zhou et al.

because of abdominal pain for a week. The patient fluid, about 109 × 90 × 143 mm in size for the left and
has a history of recurrent asymptomatic right acces- 128 × 111 × 146 mm in size for the right, respectively
sory cyst (unknown size) 2 years ago, without any (Fig. 1b). Computed tomography (CT) identified a mul-
follow-up conducted. In 05 November 2018, under no tiple cystic solid mass in pelvic cavity which considered
obvious inducement, she complained with persistent originating from the right adnexa (Fig. 1c). During lapa-
right lower abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea rotomy, two smooth, liquid-filled cystic masses were
and vomiting. She had a history of laparoscopic sur- found from the right ovarian tissue. Further inspection
gery for bilateral ovarian EMs cyst 7 years ago, no showed that one cyst at about 12 cm in diameter origi-
obvious accessory ovary was recorded for the right nated from the right orthotopic ovary, while the other
side of ovary during the surgery. cyst, at about 14 cm, originated from the right accessory
Laboratory tests showed elevation levels of cancer ovary. Furthermore, the accessory ovarian cyst was
antigen 125 (CA125): 282.00 U/mL, carbohydrate anti- found to connect to tissue of the right orthotopic ovary,
gen 19-9 (CA19-9): 464.47 U/mL, both values were while it was free from the bondage of surrounding ana-
higher than normal. Other laboratory results including tomical structures, such as the fallopian tube, ovary
female sex hormone and ovarian reserve function (anti- arteries and veins and the utero-ovarian ligament.
Müllerian hormone [AMH]) were all within normal Disseminated EMs lesion depositions were found at
ranges. Ultrasound examination demonstrated normal the surface of pelvic peritoneum. Nevertheless, it is
size and shape of uterus and the left ovary (Fig. 1a). In worth mentioning that the cyst from the right acces-
addition, in front of the left side of the uterus and in the sory ovary was rotated 180 . Chocolate-colored fluid
right adnexal area, two cyst with rough and thick wall was aspirated from both cysts before ovarian
and undetected blood flow appeared in the pelvic cav- cystectomy. The final pathologic diagnosis was con-
ity, which is full of strong echo of sticky and floccus sistent with intraoperative findings: cystic EMs of

Figure 1 Imaging examination before surgery. (a) A normal ovary of 30 × 19 × 23 mm size can be detected clearly on the
left. (b) The B-ultrasound demonstrated that there is a rough-walled, thick anechoic area in front of the left side of the
uterus, which is filled with floccus echo and no color blood flow signal is detected (the one with the thin arrow). A non-
echo area is also visible in the right adnexal area, with rough and thick wall and slightly enhanced rear echo. A partly
flocculent echo is seen in the inner part, and also no color blood flow signal is detected (the one with the thick arrow),
suggesting ovarian endometriosis cyst. (c) Computed tomography identified multiple cystic or solid mass in pelvic cav-
ity, which was considered to be from the right adnexa.

2 © 2020 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

A case of accessory ovarian EMs cyst

Figure 2 Postoperative pathological results. (a) Endometrial glands and stromal tissue can be observed in the cyst wall of
the ovary, which are consistent with the characteristics of endometriosis cyst. (b) Hemorrhage and necrosis can be
observed in the cyst wall of the accessory ovary, in accordance with torsion of the accessory ovarian cyst observed dur-
ing surgery.

Figure 3 The B-ultrasound results after the surgery. (a) B-ultrasound result 1 month after the surgery: Two hypo-echoic
findings on the right side adnexal area: The size of the right orthotopic ovary was about 25 × 18 × 23 mm (the thick
arrow), and the size of the accessory ovary next to the right orthotopic ovary was about 23 × 19 × 22 mm (the thin
arrow). (b) B-ultrasound result 1 year after the surgery: A large number of antral follicles were found both in right side
of orthotopic and accessory ovaries by ultrasonography: 18 antral follicles in the orthotopic ovary (the thin arrow),
13 antral follicles in the accessory ovary (the thick arrow).

right orthotopic (Fig. 2a) and accessory ovary which was very rare. Preoperative examination dem-
(Fig. 2b). In addition, focal hemorrhage and infarction onstrated normal range of female sex hormone levels
was observed in cyst wall of the accessory ovary and AMH, the patient complained no clinical symp-
(Fig. 2b). One month after the surgery, ultrasonogra- toms except for 1-week pain of the lower right abdo-
phy showed two low-echo areas of similar size were men. During laparotomy, the accessory ovary was
found in the right adnexal area (Fig 3a). One year found directly connected to tissue of the right
after the surgery, a large number of antral follicles orthotopic ovary, without any associations to anatom-
were found both in right side of orthotopic and acces- ical structures of the ovary. Two EMs cysts of similar
sory ovaries (Fig 3b). size were presented simultaneously in the orthotopic
and accessory ovary respectively, accompanied by
torsion of the accessory ovary cyst. This case is con-
Discussion sidered to fulfill the diagnostic criteria of the acces-
sory ovary defined by Wharton.1 The occurrence and
In our case, EMs cysts occurred simultaneously in the progressive increased volume of EMs cyst and ultra-
orthotopic and accessory ovary, and especially the sonography showed a large number of antral follicles
accessory ovary cyst was accompanied by torsion, in the accessory ovary after surgery demonstrated

© 2020 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology 3

X.-Y. Zhou et al.

that the accessory ovary can have similar physiologi- accessory ovary was well-functioning with normal
cal functions and pathophysiological changes as follicles.9
orthotopic ovary. Among the benign and malignant tumors that have
Based on the previous laparoscopic surgical record- been reported in the ectopic ovaries, about 20% of
ing, in which no anatomical abnormalities were found cases are associated with EMs. Early in 1951, EMs
in the right adnexal area, it was speculated that the was found in the ectopic ovary of a rhesus monkey10.
occurrence of accessory ovary in this case was an A total of 12 cases of ectopic ovary associated with
acquired source. Secondary to pelvic surgery or EMs have been reported so far (including present
inflammation seems the most likely explanation, case)11–15 and among them, eight cases of EMs origi-
rather than embryonic origin. In this case, torsion of nated from ectopic ovaries (66.67%), eight cases had a
the accessory ovarian cyst may be due to the greater previous history of gynecologic surgery (66.67%),
mobility of the accessory ovary, which was found to 11 cases suffered with pelvic pain (91.76%), seven
have little anatomical restraint from the fallopian cases with previous diagnosis of EMs (58.33%), six
tube, ovarian suspending ligament, and the utero- cases with infertility (50.00%) and none of them had
ovarian ligament. any congenital malformations (Table 1).
In the cases that have been reported, on one hand, From these reported cases of EMs in the ectopic
the ectopic ovary can be found in a variety of sites, ovary, it can be confirmed that EMs may occur in the
mainly in the pelvic area.3,4 On the other hand, there ectopic ovary alone, which is a common benign ovar-
are various theories regarding the origin of ectopic ian cyst frequently located in orthotopic ovary or
ovary. Printz et al.5 believed that there are two possi- implanted in pelvic peritoneum. Furthermore, in these
ble sources of ectopic ovaries in terms of embryology: case series of ectopic ovary, the source of ectopic
ovarian tissue transplantation or improper migration ovary is more of an acquired source: eight cases had a
of germinal cells. While, Lachman and Berman2 history of previous surgery (66.67%), and there was
explain the origin of ectopic ovary from another per- no case with congenital gynecological and urological
spective, they found that most of the ectopic ovary malformations. On the other hand, two theories have
were secondary to pelvic surgery, suggested that the been proposed regarding the etiology of EMs in
ectopic ovary could be divided into three types: post- ectopic ovary. First, the wide dissemination of EMs
operative transplantation of ectopic ovarian tissues, lesions in the pelvic cavity can also implant or invade
inflammatory ectopic ovary and really ectopic ovary into the excess ovary. Another possibility is lymphatic
caused by abnormal ovarian decline. Meanwhile, Lim spreading, which may explain the development of
et al.6 also believed that ectopic ovary have embryo- distant EMs.16
logical or acquired origin. The acquired source of Complications such as torsion of cyst can also occur
ectopic ovary may be the implantation of ovarian tis- in the accessory ovaries, although it was rarely hap-
sue during surgery or the postinflammatory implanta- pened and only two cases have been reported so far.
tion. Ectopic ovary may result from the accidental Fei et al.8 reported a case of accessory ovary cyst com-
interruption of normal ovary and subsequent tissue plicated with torsion, presented with acute lower
implantation in other pelvic sites during the opera- abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, simulta-
tion, or result from adherence to the surrounding tis- neously with low fever and leukocytosis, these symp-
sues due to chronic inflammation after surgery. toms and signs were similar with cyst torsion in the
Women with ectopic ovary are prone to have concom- orthotopic ovary. In addition, Kamiyama et al.17
itant congenital urological and gynecological mal- reported torsion of a supernumerary ovarian endome-
formations, which are believed to be related to its trial cyst in a 28-year-old pregnant woman (40 weeks
embryological origin. gestation). The cyst that attached to the pregnant
Most ectopic ovary are usually considered non- uterus was removed surgically, and postoperative
functional and asymptomatic,7 while Fei et al.8believe pathology confirmed hemorrhage and necrosis within
that ectopic ovarian tissue can have normal endocrine the cyst wall, which was pathologically consistent
function and pathological changes, such as various with torsion of ovarian endometrial cyst.
benign or malignant ovarian cysts or tumors. Tumor We believe that Wharton’s definition is premised
torsion can also occur in the ectopic ovary, just as on two normal ovaries and one abnormal ovary,
they do in the orthotopic ovary. And histologic exam- while Lachman’s classification is very vague. The eti-
ination of the accessory ovary showed that the ology of ectopic ovary is not always determined, nor

4 © 2020 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Table 1 Location and disease characteristics in a series of 12 cases of endometriosis (EMs) in ectopic ovary
Case Authors Reported Patient Location of the Histology of the The history History With pelvic With Infertility With
year age ectopic ovary ectopic ovary of surgery of EMs pain pelvic congenital
EMs malformation
1 Wharton1 1959 37 Pelvic Ovary No No Yes Yes Yes No
2 Burnett7 1961 / Along left ureter, Ovary and EMs Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
3 Cruikshank 1982 33 The left pelvic Ovary Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
and Van wall
4 Cruikshank 1982 36 The Ovary and No No Yes Yes No No
and Van retroperitoneal mucinous cyst
Drie11 adenoma

© 2020 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

5 Lee and Gore12 1984 30 The left fimbria Ovary Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
6 Navarro et al.13 1990 38 Left paracolic Ovary and EMs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
7 Badawy et al.16 1995 32 Left Ovary and an Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
retroperitoneal endometrioma
8 Kamiyama 2001 28 On the pregnant Ovary and cystic No No No No No No
et al.17 uterus endometrioma
9 Imir 2006 30 On the sigmoid Ovary Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
et al.14 colon
10 Ogishima 2017 40 Rectovaginal Ovary and EMs No No Yes No No No
et al.15 pouch with cystic
11 Lim 2018 42 on the anterior Ovary and cystic Yes No Yes No Yes No
et al.6 rectosigmoid endometrioma
12 Present case 2018 27 Side of the right Ovary and cystic Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
ovary endometrioma
A case of accessory ovarian EMs cyst

X.-Y. Zhou et al.

is it caused by a single factor. We always cannot supernumerary ovary does not significantly increase
determine which one is the real cause, or both. There- the chance of conception and it is not recommended
fore, we suggest that ectopic, accessory and supernu- to preserve it during the surgery. On the other hand,
merary ovary should be discussed separately, and for the accessory ovary, it is connected directly with
redefined according to the information of the number orthotopic ovary or linked by certain ovarian liga-
and location of ovaries which can be accurate ments. It has relatively normal anatomical structure
determined. and fixed location that could increase the chance of
Ectopic ovary is used to refer specifically to a nor- natural conception or it could be used for oocytes
mal number of ovaries with abnormal position. Ovary retrieval in artificial assisted reproductive technology,
is not found in the normal ovarian position, but found so the accessory ovaries should be preserved for treat-
in other abdominal cavity positions such as groin, ment of infertility in case of unilateral or bilateral
omentum and mesentery. Supernumerary ovary is ovarian hypo-function. Meanwhile, intra-operative
defined as the existence of two ovaries with normal biopsy and pathology is required to confirm the
positions, and the additional isolated ovarian tissues benign characteristic of accessory ovaries before the
that are completely independent of the normally decision of preservation of accessory ovary. During
placed ovaries without any direct connections to any the surgery, the accessory ovary should be anchored
of ovarian ligaments are found. Then, according to to reduce the occurrence of complications such as tor-
the previous surgical history and whether concomi- sion, and some metal clips can be placed near the
tant congenital urological and gynecological mal- accessory ovary to mark its position for postoperative
formations, the supernumerary ovary can be further imaging follow-up and surgical intervention. After
divided into embryonic or acquired origin. Accessory surgery, close follow-up is essential and patients are
ovary is defined as the existence of two ovaries with advised to have their accessory ovaries removed
normal positions, additional ovarian tissues that promptly after completion of the childbirth.
located near the normally placed ovaries and may be Diseases such as cysts or tumors and torsion of cyst
connected to various ligament vascular structures of can be found in the accessory ovary separately or
normal ovaries are found. Similarly, the accessory simultaneously, the clinical symptoms, imaging mani-
ovary can be further divided into embryonic or festations, intraoperative founding and pathological
acquired origin according to the previous surgical his- diagnosis of the disease in accessory ovary was simi-
tory and whether concomitant congenital urological lar with those in orthotopic ovary. Although rarely
and gynecological malformations. happened, clinicians should take into account in dif-
And management strategies of supernumerary and ferential diagnosis and manage it according to the fer-
accessory ovary should also be discussed separately tility status of patients. The role of accessory ovary in
according to the situation of the patient,18 especially female reproduction should be fully considered and
the fertility status. When the patient has no reproduc- tissue preservation is worth to be done in patients
tive desire, orthotopic ovary can meet the hormonal with fertility requirement.
requirement of a woman. Therefore, supernumerary Finally, many unresolved questions remain to be fur-
or accessory ovary should both be excised, due to ther investigated regarding the cysts/tumors that
potential malignant transformation.19 However, when occur in the accessory ovary alone. According to the
the patient has fertility requirements, supernumerary definition1, the accessory ovary is located close to the
ovary and accessory ovary should be managed differ- orthotopic ovary, and shares certain blood vessel or
ently. For supernumerary ovary, it does not have any ligaments. From the structural aspect, the accessory
normal affiliated fallopian tube or direct anatomical ovary is under the similar micro-environments with
connections to the orthotopic ovary and uterus, its the orthotopic ovary. However, the accessory ovary
oocytes cannot be collected into the fallopian tube to and orthotopic ovary appear to be incongruous in bio-
fulfill the natural fertilization process, even if it has logical behavior and functional characteristics. Such as,
the normal function of hormone secretion and ovula- the accessory ovary can developed various cysts/
tion. And in artificial assisted reproductive technol- tumors with the co-existence of a normal orthotopic
ogy, due to the variability and uncertainty of its ovary. So far, very little is known regarding the under-
location, it is also very difficult to get exact location of lying mechanisms. However, it was speculated that,
the supernumerary ovary and perform oocytes the accessory ovary might experience certain unknown
retrieval after the surgery. Therefore, the presence of inner changes during its development, lead to further

6 © 2020 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

A case of accessory ovarian EMs cyst

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© 2020 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology 7

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