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Elements of Computing Systems-1

Hack ALU

Dr. Jyothish Lal G, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr)

Department of AI / Center for Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN)
Amrita School of AI, Coimbatore
Acknowledgment: Prof. Noam Nisan, Prof. Shimon Schocken
Von Neumann Architecture
In the von Neumann architecture,
data and instructions are stored in
binary form in memory, and the CPU
fetches instructions one at a time,
executes them, and moves to the
next instruction.

This architecture is the foundation of

most modern computers, including
personal computers, servers, and
many embedded systems.

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The Arithmetic Logical Unit

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The Arithmetic Logical Unit

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The Hack ALU

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The Hack ALU
To cause the ALU to compute a function, set
the control bits to one of the binary
combinations listed in the table.

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The Hack ALU in action: compute y-x

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The Hack ALU in action: compute x&y

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Opening up the Hack ALU black box

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The Hack ALU operation

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The Hack ALU output control bits

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The Hack ALU operation

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ALU operation example: compute !x

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ALU operation example: compute y-x

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Hack ALU implementation


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Thank You

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