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Research Title: To understand the status of NGOs working in Kathmandu

A group that operates independently of any government is often referred to as the NGO. It is a
relatively new concept that was developed by the United Nations (UN) in 1945 to distinguish
between public and private organizations. NGOs are frequently established by private individuals
with a specific goal in mind, and they utilize their position to advocate on behalf of the non-
profit sector. "Private groups that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of
the poor, preserve the environment, provide basic social services, or conduct community
development," is how the World Bank defines NGOs. NGOs come in a broad variety of forms:
there are big and small groups, some work internationally or locally, some only advocate for a
single cause, while others support a number of causes.

There are an increasing number of NGOs in Nepal. Nearly every Nepali appears to be aware of
NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations), their role, and relevance in the development of the
nation and of all people in general as NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) have thrived in

Nepal is one of the world's poorest nations, hence it appears essential that NGOs develop to
reach the grassroots level. In the socioeconomic makeup of the nation, NGOs are crucial. The
NGOs in Nepal were founded with a specific objective in mind and are actively involved in a
number of fields, including the welfare of elderly people, women's empowerment, and the care
of disadvantaged and orphaned children. There are several NGOs that are only designated as
women's NGOs. These NGOs are only dedicated to improving the status of women and are led
by women.

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