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Chapter 5: Result

5.3.3 Depth vs. yt

A series of deflection curves at increasing loading. The loading conditions of
the different curves are presented on the table at the lower left corner of the
report (Figure 5-10).

Figure 5-10. Depth vs. Deflection

5.3.4 Depth vs. M

A series of bending moment curves at increasing loading. Loading conditions
are outlined in a chart at the lower left corner of the report (Figure 5-11).

Figure 5-11. Depth vs. Moment

5.3.5 p-y Curve

A series of p-y curves at different depths. The depths are defined on the
Advanced page.

CivilTech Software AllPile Manual 46

Chapter 5: Result
5.3.6 Submittal Report
A report generated by the program that contains the most critical information
for design. It extracts calculation results from Com624 Output and
summarizes the information in this report.

5.3.7 Summary Report

Summary Report provides a summary of calculated results. The report is
saved and opened in Windows Notepad. If the file is too large, Windows will
automatically open the report in Wordpad instead of Notepad.
• In the Notepad page, you can copy and paste data to other Windows
programs, such as Word. However, the tabulated data are spacing
delimited, so they are not suitable for Excel. To export data to Excel,
see "Exporting to Excel" below.
• If the report text is wrapped in Notepad, you can improve readability
by selecting a smaller font by opening [Set Font] under the Edit
menu. We recommend using Courier new font size 8.

5.3.8 Com624 Output/Input

The lateral is performed by uses the revised version of Com624P program
embedded in AllPile. You can view a typical Com624P output report by
pressing the button. You can also view the Com624P input file by pressing
the Com624 Input button.
• If the program encounters some errors and cannot produce results,
you should review the Com624 output. You can also directly run
Com624P using the input file by the program.
• Com624 program and example files can be downloaded from the
AllPile Section in CivilTech’s website.

5.3.9 Exporting to Excel

If you have Microsoft Excel 97 or 2000 installed on your computer, clicking
on this button will launch a pre-designed Excel file called “Allpile.xls”. After
the Excel file is opened, on the first sheet (Data) there is a button called
[Update Lateral Data]. Press this button to update data from AllPile. You
can view graphics presented on the next few sheets. You may edit the
graphics, but do not change the structures or settings in the Data sheet. All
instructions are presented in the Excel file.

5.3.10 Figure Number

The figure number box allows you to input a figure/plate number or page
number so that you can insert the graphic into your own report. The format of
the report and the company name and logo can be modified in the
Setup/Options screen (refer to Chapter 6 for details).

CivilTech Software AllPile Manual 47

Chapter 5: Result

5.4 Preview and Print Screen

The Preview and Print screen toolbar is shown below (Figure 5-9). The
functions of all the buttons are described in the following text.

Figure 5-9. Preview Screen

The buttons are:
Close Close Preview
Page Height Zoom to the page height
Page Width Zoom to the page width
Zoom In Enlarge the image
Zoom Out Reduce the image
Printer Send to printer
Printer Setup Set up printer
Clipboard Copy the graphics to Windows Clipboard. Users can
paste the graphics to any Windows program such as
MS-Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
Save Save graphics to a Windows metafile, which can be
opened or inserted by other drawing programs for
Close Close Preview

5.5 Errors and Troubleshooting

Report Layout
If the font, logo, and title are missing or misplaced in the report, most likely
the setup file is damaged, or the setting parameters are out of range. You
should open the Setup menu and restore to the manufacturer’s settings. Please
refer to chapter 6.

Vertical Analysis
The program will check most input for errors before calculation. Typical
errors are:
• Total unit weight instead of buoyant unit weight under water table.
Buoyant unit weight should be input under water table.
• No data in pile properties such as width, area, I, and E.
• No data in soil properties such as G, Phi, and C.
• Setup file is damaged, or the setting parameters are out of range. You
should open the Setup menu and check the values.

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Chapter 5: Result
Lateral Analysis
The program uses a pre-processor of COM628P to perform lateral analyses.
The codes within the program have been re-written to solve most of the
problems when initiating COM624P in the previous version of this program.
The problems that are related to execution or limitations of COM624P are:
• No COM624 output file! - Com624 computation encountered an error and
the program did not produce output file.
• Error in Com624 computation! No Depth-yt data! - Com624 computation
encountered an error and the program did not produce Depth-yt.
• Error in Com624 computation! No p-yt data! - Com624 computation
encountered an error and the program did not produce p-yt.
If any one of the above warnings is encountered, please check the data. Most
of the cases are related to excessive calculated deflection, which exceeds the
allowable yt. This causes COM624 to terminate the calculations. The problem
occurs when the pile is too flexible, soils are too soft, or load is too large.
• Pile too flexible – If the I and E of the pile section are too small, COM624
• Soils are too soft or loose – If Phi or K is too small for sandy soils and C
or e50 is too small for cohesive soils, COM624 stops.
• Load is too large – If P, M, or yt is too large, COM624 stops.
• Large surface slope angle or batter angle – If the surface or batter angle is
larger than the soil friction angle, COM624 stops.
• Large H – If the distance between pile top and ground surface is too large,
COM624 stops.

HINT: view the COM624 OUTPUT report to get the error message.

CivilTech Software AllPile Manual 49


This chapter details:

• Settings of the program

• User customization and


CivilTech Software AllPile Manual 50

Chapter 6: Setup Options

6.1 Setup Screen

The setup screen (Figure 6-1) can be accessed by selecting [Open Setup]
from the Setup pull-down menu.

Figure 6-1. Setup Screen

The setting of the program is saved in the system. The user can choose to
change these settings as they wish. After making the necessary changes to the
setting, you could make this your default setting by clicking on [Save Setup].
If you make changes on the setup screen but would like to restore your
default setting, click on [Restore Saved Setup] on the Setup pull-down
menu. If you require to restore the manufacturers setting, click on [Restore
Default Setup] on the Setup pull-down menu. After you are satisfied with
the settings, you can return to the program by clicking on [Close Setup].

6.2 Pull-Down Menu: Setup

Open Setup Open setup screen.
Close Setup Close the setup screen without saving the new settings.
Save Setup Save the new settings and not close the screen
Restore Saved Restore the saved settings
Restore Default Restore the manufacturer settings
Print Setting Summarize setting information in NotePad format which
allows you to print

CivilTech Software AllPile Manual 51

Chapter 6: Setup Options

6.3 Speed Bar

The speed bar has two buttons:
Save Setup Save the modified settings
Close Setup Close the setup screen and return to the program

6.4 Tabbed Pages

The three tabbed pages are summarized below. Each page is described in
detail in this chapter.
Report Format Customize graphical output (reports)
Materials page Configure pile materials
Pile Type Configure pile type and method code

6.4.1 Report Format Page

You can customize the format of the output report by designating the position
of each item. The location of each item are position based on coordinates,
where (0,0) is located at the upper left corner of the page. Positive X is in the
direction to the right, and positive Y is in the direction vertically downwards.
The units of measurements are in inches or centimeters.
The items listed in the rows are as follows:
Logo The logo shown in the report can be a bmp, gif, or jpeg
file. Double click the row to specify the file path. The
width of the logo can be changed on the right most
column (W) in inches or centimeters.
Firm Title 1 Your company name is presented here. X and Y define
the coordinates. Double click the row to select text font.
Firm Title 2 You may enter a company subtitle here. X and Y define
the coordinates. Double click the row to select text font.
Figure Number The page or figure number in the report. X and Y define
the coordinates. Double click the row to select text font.
The page number shown in the table is a dummy. The
actual text in the report is from the Lateral Analysis
Result or Vertical Analysis Result panel.
Project Title 1 This row specifies the location and font of the project
title. X and Y define the coordinates. The text shown in
& Project Title 2
the table is a dummy. The actual text in the report is
from the Pile Type page.

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