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Art appreciation


Aeron Howard R. Rodriguez


Research about Industry 3.0 and 4.0, What its difference

According to (Audaces, n.d.) Industry 3.0 is responsible for introducing to the whole

world about the automation factories. It is also responsible for having systems with AI (Artificial

Intelligence), types of machinery, and a program that replaces humans to perform the work much

more efficiently and faster than a human can do. Industry 4.0 is still about new technologies and

inventing new forms of human-to-machine interactions but much more of an internet physical

system that can be accessed through online platforms but it still processes the same goal as with

industry 3.0 to be more efficient and much faster. The difference between Industry 3.0 to 4.0 as I

indicated is that 3.0 is much more facing in the machinery or physical system that eases the

process without needing a lot of time and is more efficient while the 4.0 is much more towards

an online physical system that can be accessed through online platforms. Another difference is

the storing of its data that a company can use, the industry 3.0 is stored locally to the local

servers that can be accessed through a local computer. While the industry 4.0 is stored across all

of the industries and can be accessed anywhere and anytime without needing to connect to the

local servers.
Where is Philippines now base on 3rd Industrial Revolution and 4th Industrial

Revolution that you've researched.

The Philippines in the 3rd industrial revolution has gone far, many manufacturing goods

such as chips, bread, canned foods, and beverages were revolutionized by using machines and

robots in order to have a much faster production with the same quality as humans. During the 4th

industrial revolution, According to (The Philippine Star, 2019) the Philippines is trying to keep

up with other countries as many Filipinos are using their smartphones for different transactions.

Most Filipinos prefer online transactions like banks, payments, ordering food, and many more.

What relevant Industry 4.0 outputs can your course contribute, and how?

As a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems student my course can contribute to

developing much more advanced programs or algorithms that can help us humans to access

different works anywhere in the world, it can also contribute to analyzing the data in order to

make a much more efficient and convenient system that us human can use if it is base on

innovating the health care online systems to transportation online systems and many more.


Audaces (n.d.) “The differences between Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0: technology and


The Philippine Star (2019) “Are Filipinos ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?”


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