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I have a very beautiful, united and respected family. We are

all from Uchumayo Arequipa, I spent my childhood in the
open countryside and my house is the same. My name is
Margiee Meza Huancollo, I am 22 years old and I am an
accounting student at UNSA, I have no siblings, my father's
name is Godofredo Meza Calderon, he is a correct, fair and
above all very hard-working man, he is a security agent but
currently he He is not working due to knee osteoarthritis. My
mom is the most loving in the world, she is a housewife and
we have our snack and sale of food and drinks, a true
businesswoman. I have beautiful grandparents, my paternal
grandmother went to heaven, her name was Julia Calderon
Fernandez and she was an excellent cook, my paternal
grandfather German Meza Vegazo is the leader of his town
and I am very proud of him. My maternal grandmother is the
one I love and trust the most, Maria Aranibar Crespo, I grew
up with her and was raised since I was little, she is dedicated
to the animal sales business, and last but not least my
maternal grandfather Adrian Huancollo Davalos is a great
master builder and very intelligent in mathematics. This is a
brief description of my little family, I am very proud of

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