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Mug shot Name: Phosphorus

Aliases: φωσφόρος
Crime family: nitrogen group
DOB: 1669
Last known address: group 15 & period 3
Identifying mark:

Description: Phosphorus is a deadly criminal. It’s color are white, red and black. If it is
white in colour, it can be invisible (translucent)! It is dangerous. if it is white, It is very
flammable. You could be burned into pieces! But if it is red, it is less flammable, But it‘s
fire power can be compared to matches... Watch out!

Wanted for: Phosphorus's dark side emerges in the world of destruction, where its use
in incendiary devices, fireworks, and munitions causes chaos and destruction. Aside
from that, as a pH regulator, phosphorus manipulates the alibi of bodily fluids,
obscuring its true role in maintaining chemical balance and protecting itself from the

Warning: When it comes to electrons, Phosphorus is not one to hold back. It is more
than willing to relinquish its electrons in chemical reactions, creating an unstable
environment where sparks can fly. This predisposition to electron surrender can lead
to explosive reactions and must be handled with extreme care.

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