Workshop Guidelines and Rubrics FED623

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Workshop guidelines

For your mid-term test, you will organize a workshop on a specific topic

methods of teaching and learning English. Each group includes 4- 5


The length of the workshop must be between 40 – 50 minutes. The workshop

follow the following guidelines below.

1. Define the purpose and objectives of the workshop. Think about why you want
to organize the workshop and what you want the participants to learn or achieve
by the end of it. For example, you may want to introduce a new approach to
teaching grammar, or to help learners improve their pronunciation skills. Write
down your purpose and objectives clearly and concisely, and make sure they are
realistic and measurable.
2. Identify your target audience and their needs. Think about who will attend your
workshop and what their level of knowledge, skills, and interests are. For
example, you may want to target beginner teachers who need guidance on how
to plan and deliver effective lessons, or intermediate learners who want to
practice their speaking skills. Conduct a needs analysis to find out what your
audience expects and needs from the workshop, and how you can best meet
their needs.
3. Design the workshop content and activities. Think about what content and
activities you will include in your workshop to achieve your objectives and meet
your audience’s needs. For example, you may want to include a presentation, a
demonstration, a group discussion, a role-play, a game, a quiz, etc. Choose the
content and activities that are relevant, engaging, and interactive, and that suit
the topic, the time, and the resources available. Arrange the content and
activities in a logical sequence, and make sure they have clear instructions and
4. Prepare the workshop materials and resources. Think about what materials and
resources you will need to deliver your workshop effectively and efficiently. For
example, you may need a PowerPoint presentation, a handout, a worksheet, a
video, an audio, a flipchart, a whiteboard, etc. Prepare the materials and
resources in advance, and check that they are clear, accurate, and complete. Also,
make sure that you have the necessary equipment and facilities to use the
materials and resources, such as a projector, a speaker, a computer, etc.
5. Deliver the workshop and facilitate the learning. Think about how you will
present the workshop and facilitate the learning process for the participants. For
example, you may want to use a variety of techniques, such as lecturing,
questioning, explaining, demonstrating, modeling, guiding, etc. Use a friendly
and professional tone, and adjust your pace and style according to the audience
and the situation. Encourage the participants to actively participate, interact, and
collaborate with you and with each other, and provide them with constructive
feedback and support. Also, monitor the workshop progress and make any
necessary changes or adaptations as needed.
6. Evaluate the workshop and follow up. Think about how you will evaluate the
workshop and follow up with the participants. For example, you may want to use
a questionnaire, a survey, an interview, an observation, a test, etc. to collect
feedback from the participants and measure the workshop outcomes. Analyze
the feedback and the outcomes, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of
the workshop, as well as the areas of improvement and development. Also,
provide the participants with a summary of the workshop, a certificate of
attendance, and any additional resources or support they may need.

Schedule for group presentation: November 23 rd (group 1,

2), 30th (group 3,4) December 6th (group 5) 2023
Rubrics for grading the workshop

Criteria Excellent (8.5 - Good (7.0 – 8.4 Satisfactory (5.0 – Poor (0.0 – 4.9 point)
10 points) points) 6.9 points)

Shows knowledge The workshop The workshop The workshop The workshop
of the principles shows in-depth k shows solid knowledge shows basic knowledge shows limited knowledge
and methods of nowledge of the principles and of the principles and of the principles and
English language of the principles methods of English methods of English methods of English
teaching and and methods of language teaching and language teaching and language teaching and
learning. English language learning. learning. learning.
teaching and
Criteria Excellent (8.5 - Good (7.0 – 8.4 Satisfactory (5.0 – Poor (0.0 – 4.9 point)
10 points) points) 6.9 points)

Engage and The workshop The workshop engages The workshop engages The workshop fails to
organize engages the the audience the audience minimally engage the audience and
professional audience adequately and and organizes the organizes the professional
development effectively and organizes the professional development activities in a
activities in organizes the professional development activities confusing and disjointed
academic and professional development activities in a simple and basic way.
professional development in a clear and way.
settings activities in a consistent way.
logical, coherent,
and creative way.

CLO2.1: The workshop The workshop shows a The workshop shows a The workshop shows a
Demonstrate shows a strong good passion for moderate passion for weak or no passion for
passion for passion for discovering new discovering new discovering new knowledge
discovering new discovering new knowledge and knowledge and and improving pedagogical
knowledge to knowledge and improving pedagogical improving pedagogical capacity. The workshop
improve improving capacity. The workshop capacity. The workshop explores trivial and
pedagogical pedagogical explores interesting and explores common and irrelevant topics, questions,
capacity capacity. The relevant topics, relevant topics, and issues related to the
workshop questions, and issues questions, and issues field of education.
explores novel related to the field of related to the field of
and relevant education. education.
topics, questions,
and issues related
to the field of

Show enthusiasm The workshop The workshop shows a The workshop shows a The workshop shows no
in instructing and shows a high level good level of low level of enthusiasm enthusiasm in instructing
sharing learning of enthusiasm in enthusiasm in in instructing and and sharing learning
methods with instructing and instructing and sharing sharing learning methods with others. The
others sharing learning learning methods with methods with others. workshop delivers the
methods with others. The workshop The workshop delivers content in an
others. The delivers the content in a the content in a vague, incomprehensible,
workshop delivers clear, coherent, and hesitant, and boring unprepared, and
the content in a interesting manner. manner. unprofessional manner.
clear, confident,
and engaging
Criteria Excellent (8.5 - Good (7.0 – 8.4 Satisfactory (5.0 – Poor (0.0 – 4.9 point)
10 points) points) 6.9 points)

Develop the style The workshop The workshop develops The workshop develops The workshop fails to
and ethics of develops the style the style and ethics of the style and ethics of develop the style and ethics
teachers and ethics of teachers in a teachers in an of teachers in an acceptable
teachers in an commendable way. The acceptable way. The way. The workshop
exemplary way. workshop workshop demonstrates demonstrates a poor or no
The workshop demonstrates a good a basic understanding understanding of the roles
demonstrates a understanding of the of the roles and and responsibilities of
deep roles and responsibilities of teachers in different
understanding of responsibilities of teachers in different contexts and situations.
the roles and teachers in different contexts and situations.
responsibilities of contexts and situations.
teachers in
different contexts
and situations.

Demonstrate The workshop The workshop The workshop The workshop

honesty, demonstrates a demonstrates a good demonstrates a demonstrates a low or no
dedication, high degree of degree of honesty, moderate degree of degree of honesty,
creativity, and honesty, dedication, creativity, honesty, dedication, dedication, creativity, and
fairness in conduct dedication, and fairness in conduct creativity, and fairness fairness in conduct and
and work creativity, and and work. The in conduct and work. work. The workshop does
fairness in workshop The workshop not acknowledge or cite any
conduct and acknowledges and cites acknowledges and cites of the sources of
work. The most of the sources of some of the sources of information and ideas used
workshop information and ideas information and ideas in the workshop.
acknowledges used in the workshop. used in the workshop.
and cites all the
sources of
information and
ideas used in the

Foster the ability to The workshop The workshop fosters The workshop fosters The workshop fails to foster
work fosters the ability the ability to work the ability to work the ability to work
independently, the to work independently, the independently, the spirit independently, the spirit of
spirit of independently, spirit of cooperation, of cooperation, and cooperation, and adapt to a
cooperation, and the spirit of and adapt to a modern, adapt to a modern, modern, dynamic working
adapt to a modern, cooperation, and dynamic working dynamic working environment in a
dynamic working adapt to a environment in a good environment in a satisfactory way. The
environment modern, dynamic way. The workshop satisfactory way. The workshop shows a low or
working shows a good level of workshop shows a no level of autonomy,
environment in an autonomy, initiative, moderate level of initiative, and self-
Criteria Excellent (8.5 - Good (7.0 – 8.4 Satisfactory (5.0 – Poor (0.0 – 4.9 point)
10 points) points) 6.9 points)

outstanding way. and self-regulation in autonomy, initiative, regulation in planning and

The workshop planning and executing and self-regulation in executing the workshop.
shows a high level the workshop. planning and executing
of autonomy, the workshop.
initiative, and self-
regulation in
planning and
executing the

Practice self- The workshop The workshop practices The workshop practices The workshop fails to
control in studying, practices self- self-control in studying, self-control in studying, practice self-control in
researching, and control in researching, and taking researching, and taking studying, researching, and
taking studying, responsibility at work in responsibility at work in taking responsibility at work
responsibility at researching, and a good way. The a satisfactory way. The in a satisfactory way. The
work taking workshop sets and workshop sets and workshop does not set or
responsibility at follows reasonable and follows basic and easy follow any goals for the
work in an attainable goals for the goals for the workshop. workshop. The workshop
excellent way. The workshop. The The workshop manages wastes time and resources
workshop sets workshop manages time and resources inefficiently and
and follows time and resources adequately and ineffectively. The workshop
realistic and sufficiently and acceptably. The does not evaluate or
challenging goals appropriately. The workshop evaluates and improve the quality and
for the workshop. workshop evaluates improves the quality impact of the workshop.
The workshop and improves the and impact of the
manages time quality and impact of workshop.
and resources the workshop.
efficiently and
effectively. The
evaluates and
improves the
quality and
impact of the

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