Answers - GR 9 IG 2021-22 Work Energy Power - WS1

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Name: Subject: Physics

Grade: 9 Topic: Work

Question 1:
Identify and explain whether work is being done in each of the following cases.
A person pushing on a wall.
Is work done by the force exerted by the person?
Explain your answer

A waiter walks with the plate:
Is work done by the force applied by the waiter?
Explain your answer

c) A rock falling under gravity.

Is work being done here?
If yes which force is doing work?


Question 2:
The girl in the picture is raising a heavy load.

a) How can you tell that the load’s energy is increasing?

b) Explain where this energy comes from.

c) Explain how this energy is transferred to the load.

Question 3:

In the picture, the 20 N force does more work than the 10N force. State 2 ways that you can tell


Question 4:
A girl lifts a heavy box above her head to place it on a shelf.

● Her lifting force is 120N.

● She lifts the box to a height of 1.6m
Calculate the work done by the girl in lifting the box.

The girl decides it would be easier to push the box up a sloping ramp.
● Her pushing force is 80N
● The length of the ramp is 3m

Calculate the work done by the girl.


Give reason why more work was done pushing the box up the ramp than lifting it straight up.

Question 5:
Energy comes in different forms. Sometimes, energy is being stored (chemical energy is an
example). Sometimes, energy is being transferred from one object to another or from place to place
(for example, light energy).
Complete the table as follows:
● In the second column, name the form of energy described in the first column
● In the third column, write ‘store’ or ‘transfer’, as appropriate.
Description Form of energy Store or transfer?
Energy as a visible radiation

Energy of a stretched spring

Energy spreading out from a

hot object

Energy in the nucleus of a

uranium atom

Energy of a moving car

Energy in diesel fuel

Energy of a ball held above

your head

Energy of a hot cup of coffee

Energy carried by an electric


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