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Period 27 : – READING–
Date of preparing: 30 / 10 / 2015
Date of teaching : ……………………….
+ Language content:
- To help the sts understand the passage about competitions .
- To enable them master the extensive reading, passage comprehension, intensive reading
+ Language function:
- By the end of the leson, the sts will be able to help the sts to train the reading skills.
+ Educational aim :
- To educate the sts to have the enthusiasm in taking part in activities at school .
1. Language:
a. Vocabulary: competition, representative, stimulate, spirit, sponsor, judge, announce, participation
b. Structure :
2. Skills: Integrated skills, especially reading
3.Education factor : To educate the sts to take part in activities at school enthusiastically.
1. Method : Communicative approach
2. Techniques : Translation, explanation, game, pair work, group work.
3. Materials needed : textbook; pictures; chalks;……
4. Students’ preparation: To review the structures : Let’s ….; The simple past .
5. Previous exercises:
1. Stabilization: 2ms
a. Warm – up : makes greeting
b. Checking absence : asks the monitor
2.Checking up the previous knowledge : ( 5ms)
- Asks sts to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one , using the words given .
1.” I’d like Lan to come a doctor,” my Mum said .
-> My Mum wanted ……………………………………………
2. “ Keep quiet,” the teacher said to us
-> The teacher told ……………………………
- Gives remarks and marks.
3. Presentation of the new material:
3ms I. Lead – in: Unit 6 : COMPETITIONS
- - Hangs the pictures on the board - Look at the pictures and Period 27 : – READING–
and asks the sts to work in pairs to do the matching
match the pictures and the
information below:
- Checks the sts’ work: a. Quiz: “ Road to Mount
a. Quiz: “ Road to Mount Olympia”
Olympia” b. “London Marathon”
b. “London Marathon” c. Sao Mai Television
c. Sao Mai Television Singing Singing Contest
Contest d. Olympic Games
d. Olympic Games
- Asks the sts some questions :
+ What are these photos about?
-> They are about
competitions .
- Leads to the new lesson - Listen to the teacher
II. Pre –reading :
10ms - - Asks sts to work in pairs and - Work with a partner
answer the following questions Answer the following questions:
1. Do you like taking part in 1. Do you like taking part in competitions
competitions like these? Why/ why like these? Why/ why not?
not? 2. Do you hope to win a competition? If so,
2. Do you hope to win a which competition do you like to win?
competition? If so, which 3. Is winning the most important thing in a
competition do you like to win? competition? Why/why not?
3. Is winning the most important
thing in a competition? Why/why
not? * New words
- - Introduces some new words . + Representative(n): the person who
+ Representative(n): the person -Repeat, guess meaning ,
represents for a group or organization :
who represents for a group or write down
người đại diện
organization + Stimulate(v)= motivate: khuyến khích,
+ Stimulate(V)= motivate thúc đẩy
+ Spirit (n) (explanation) + Spirit (n) (explanation): tinh thần
+ Sponsor(n)(explanation and + Sponsor(n)(explanation and example):
example) nhà tài trợ
+ Judge(n) = referee + Judge(n) = referee
+ Announce(v): state + Announce(v): state
+ Participation(n): some one who + Participation(n): some one who takes
takes part in a competition part in a competition
III. While –reading :
Task 1: * Practice:
- - Asks the sts to read the letter in Task 1: Match the words or phrases on the
silence in 5ms and do the task 1 . left with their definitions on the right
- - Explains the aim of the task - Read the letter in silence
Keys :
- - Asks the sts to work in pairs to 1.d 2. f 3. e 4. c 5. b 6. a
discuss the answer . - Listen to the teacher
15ms - - Calls some sts to read their answer - Work in pairs
in front of the class .
- - Correct and gives the feedback - Give the answer
Task 2: Answer the questions
Task 2:
1.The representatives of three classes of
- - Asks the sts to work in pairs to ask - Take notes
the school took part in the annual final
and answer the questions in task 2
English Competition last Saturday.
- - Calls some sts to give their - Work in pairs to answer 2.Its aim was to stimulate the spirit of
answers . the questions . learning English among students.
- - Corrects and present the keys on
3.The Student’s Parents Society
the board . - Answer sponsored the competition.
4.They had to complete five activities in
- Listen and write down . all. One completion of each activity,
they had to answer the questions in the
worksheets within two minutes.
5.They had to observe and score the
students' performance. A maximum
score for each activity was 15. At the
end of the competition they would
announce the total score of each
group. The group that got the highest
score would be the winner.
6. The winner would be awarded with
a set of CDs for studying English and
an Oxford Advanced Learner's
Task 3: Read paragraph 3 again and
complete the sentences
1. In Activity 5, Hung was unable to
recite / complete the poem (he could
not remember the last sentence.)
Task 3: Complete the sentences 2. Having achieved the highest score,
- - Asks sts to work in groups Group B became the winner of the
- - Walks around and prompts competition.
- - Asks Sts to go to the board and - Do the task in groups 3. Group C lost the game because they
write . just got 60 points.
- - Corrects - Do as asked . 4. Nga encouraged her group by
saying “For me the most important
thing was our participation in the
- Take note
competition and the enjoyment we had
from it.”
IV. Post-reading : * Translate the poem in to VNese
- Do as asked
- Asks the sts to work in groups to
translate the poem in to VNese - Present .
- - Asks the leader of each group to
present the translation
- Act out in front of the
- Encourages some sts to read the
poem in front of the class
5ms V.Consolidation:
- Do as asked .
- Asks the sts to recall the main
ideas of the lesson.

4. Homework : 3ms
- Asks the sts to read the text more carefully and translate in to Vnese .
- Asks sts to learn by heart the new words in part A (reading .)
- Asks the sts to prepare the speaking of the Unit 6
6. Sefl – evaluation:
Period 28 : – SPEAKING–
Date of preparing: 30 / 10 / 2015
Date of teaching : …………………………..
+ Language content:
- To help the sts know how to give their opinions on competitions .
- To enable them know how to show their like or dislike .
+ Language function:
- By the end of the leson, the sts will be able to talk about a competition or contest .
+ Educational aim:
- To educate the sts to have the suitable reason for their choice .
1. Language:
a. Vocabulary: Sculpture, opportunity, creative, physical, organize .
b. Structure : What do you think of........
2. Skill : Integrated skills, especially speaking
3.Education factor : To educate the sts to be confident in their choice.
1. Method : Communicative approach
2. Techniques : Translation, explanation, game, pair work, group work.
3. Materials needed : textbook; pictures; chalks;
4. Students’ preparation: To review the structure : Simple present tense
5. Previous exercises:
1. Stabilization: a. Warm – up : makes greeting
b. Checking absence : asks the monitor
2.Checking up the previous knowledge : Test : 15minutes
I. Choose the best answer to each question by circling a,b,c or d (4ms)
1. “ Go to bed immediately !” Mary’s mother ……………… her to go to bed immediately .
a. advised b. begged c. asked d. ordered
2. “ Don’t forget to post the letter!” He …………… me to post the letter .
a. reminded b. ordered c. begged d. asked
3. The teacher said to her student : “ You need to study harder.” . She ……………him to study harder .
a. asked b. advised c. ordered d. begged
4. “ Don’t play with the matches . They’re very dangerous.” . The teacher ……………… the children not to play with the
matches .
a. ordered b. asked c. warned d. begged
II. Rewrite each sentence , beginning as shown , so that the meaning stays the same .(6ms)
1. “ Would you mind not smoking in this room?” she said to him
-> She asked him ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. “ You should not drink too much coffee at night ,” said Bob .
-> Bob advised ………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. “ Would you like to go out for dinner with us tonight ?”
-> Mary invited ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Keys :
I. 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c
II. 1. She asked him not to smoke in that room .
2. Bob advised me not to drink too much coffee at night
3. Mary invited me to go out for dinner with them that night .
3. Presentation of the new material:
3ms I. Lead –in : Unit 6 :
- Gives sts 3 pictures of competitions -Work in groups and COMPETITIONS
and asks the sts to work in groups to guess . Period 28 : – SPEAKING–
guess the field in each picture . Suggested answers:
1. Sao Mai Television
Singing Contest

2. Miss World Contest

3. Cycling Contest

- Answer the questions .

- Uses the pictures and says

“ Do you like taking part in competitions
like these ? Why ? Why not ? “ or “ Which
competitions would you like to take part in -Listen to the teacher .
? Why ? “
- Leads to the new lesson .
- Hands out the photo of Sao Mai
Television Singing Contest like one in
the textbook . - Answer
- Asks sts the questions
+ “ What is it? “
+ “Have you ever taken part in a
singing contest?” - Listen
 Today we have chance to talk about
5ms II.Pre – speaking :
Task 1:
- Asks the sts to tick in the right column -Work individually
then compare your answers with a New words
partner’s + Sculpture(n): nghệ thuật điêu khắc
- Explains some new words + Opportunity(n) = chance: cơ hội
+ Sculpture(n)(explanation) + Creative(a)Create(v): sáng tạo
+ Opportunity(n) = chance + Physical(a): thể chất
+ Creative(a)Create(v) + Organize (v)  Organization(n):
+ Physical(a)(explanation) tổ chức
+ Organize (v)  Organization(n)
- Asks sts to repeat in chorus and Task 2: Ask your partner how he /
individuals - Repeat in chorus and she feels about each type of the
individuals competitions / contests in task 1 .
III.While –speaking : Sample dialogue :
14ms Task 2: A : What do you think of the
- Asks the sts to read the task 1 again General Knowledge Quiz ?
- Asks the sts to work in pairs . - Do as asked . B: Oh , it’s great . It’s an
Ex: - Work in pairs opportunity to test my general
A: What do you think of the General knowledge .
Knowledge Quiz? * Useful language :
B: Oh, it’s great. It’s an opportunity to Great
test my general knowledge
- Does the model with sts .
- Asks the sts to read useful expressions - Do as asked . Interesting
in task 2 . - Do as asked
- Asks the sts to read the conversation in
the textbook and gives remarks . Good fun
- Asks the sts to work in pairs and make
conversation like the model - Work in pairs .
- Gives the comments Boring
- Listen and take note

- Listen .
IV.Post – speaking : Exciting -opportunity to test
Task 3: Work in groups. Talk about a my general knowledge
competition or contest you have recently - good time to practice my English
- Read suggestions
joined or seen . - opportunity for my creative
below .
- Asks the sts to read the suggestions activities
below . -makes me feel sleepy
- Work in groups .
- Does as a sample -makes me cheerful / feel happy
- Asks the sts to work in groups to talk -good chance for my physical
5ms about a competition or contest they have training
recently joined or seen - Speak
- Calls one or two Sts to speak in front of Task 3:Work in groups. Talk about
the class a competition or contest you have
V.Consolidation: Practice pronunciation
recently joined or seen
- Asks the sts to remind the main ideas of
the lesson


4. Homework: 2ms
-Asks Ss to write a paragraph about a game show / contest they like , using TASK 3 as guiding questions .
5. Preparation for the next lesson:
- Asks the sts to prepare the Listening of Unit 6
6. Self – evaluation:
Period 29 : – LISTENING–
Date of preparing: 30 / 10 / 2015
Date of teaching : ……………………..
+ Language content:
- To help the sts to practice listening to get information about the Boston Marathon by marking true or false on the
statements and answer the questions .
- To provide sts with some new words & phrases relating to the Boston Marathon .
+ Language function :
- By the end of the leson, the sts will be able to talk about the Boston Marathon , using the simple past tense .
+ Educational aim :
- To make the sts aware of the importance of sport events .
1. Language :
a. Vocabulary : race, association,….
b. Structure : The simple past , wh - question
2. Skills : Integrated skills : Main skill : Listening
3. Educational factor : Knowing to play sports to keep healthy .
1. Method : communicative approach
2. Techniques : Explanation, game, pair-work, group-work , true / false statements, questions & answers .
3. Materials needed : textbook , pictures , chalks , tape
4. Students’ preparation: Collect information about marathons .
Review the structure : Simple past tense
5. Previous exercises:
1. Stabilization: 2ms a. Warm up : - Greets
- Takes a short talk about weather , health .
b. Checking absence: Who’s absent today ?
2. Checking up the previous knowledge : 5ms
- Asks student to talk about a competition or contest you have recently joined or seen . Use the suggestions below.
1. Where and when did you see or take part in it ?
2. What type of competition or contest was it ?
3. Who organized it? Who participated in it ?
4. Did you enjoy it ? Why ? Why not ?
- Corrects their mistakes .
- Gives remark and mark .
3. Presentation of the new materials :
5ms I. Lead –in.: Handout Unit 6 : COMPETITIONS
- Delivers the handouts Period 29 : – LISTENING–
- Asks sts to read the following - Do as asked .
statements and decide if they are true
or false ? If false , correct the sentence Hand-out: See the appendix
to make it true .
- Asks sts to work in groups .
- Work in groups .
- Goes around to check and helps sts Keys :
about new words . 1. True
- Calls some sts to give their answers . 2. False (You need a special pair of
- Corrects their mistakes . - Answer .
shoes to run .)
- Asks sts to read the sentences again 3. True
and answer the questions : “ Which - Listen .
4. False ( Men and women can
sport is the listening text about ? “ Read the sentences again
participate in a marathon )
- Leads to the new lesson . and answer the question .
5. True .
II. Pre –listening : -> Marathon
- Asks the sts to work in pairs to ask - Listen to the teacher .
and answer some questions - Work in pairs
6ms A.What is the Boston Marathon?
B.Who do you think can take part in
the Boston race?
- Calls some sts to present in front of
the class . - Present before the class
- Asks the sts to close their book and - Listen and repeat .
listen words in the textbook and
repeat .
- Explains some difficult words .
- Listen , repeat and guess
+ Race(n) a horse race or a car race
the meaning of the
+ Association(n)(translation)
words .
- Helps the sts to pronounce these * New words
words . + Race (n ) :Cuoäc chaïy ñua
+ Association(n) : toå chöùc , hieäp hoäi
III. While – listening : + athlete(n): vận động viên điền kinh
Task 1 : - Listen to the teacher . + formally(adv): một cách trang trọng’
- Tells the aim of task 1 .
You are going to listen about the Task 1: Listen to the dialogue about the
Boston Marathon . Listen and answer Boston Marathon and decide whether
true or false questions . Put a tick ( ) in the statements are True ( T) or False
the appropriate box - Do as asked . (F)
- Asks sts to read through the 1. T
statements to understand them and 2.T
underline key words in each sentence . 3.F (2 hours 50 minutes and 10 seconds
- Has sts listen to the cassette . - Work in individual )
- Player twice , then work in pairs to - Work in pairs and 4.F ( 1967 )
compare their answers . compare . 5.T
- Lets them listen the last one to check - Listen to the tape and 6.F ( pass through 13 towns and ends in
themselves . check . centre of Boston)
- Checks their answers . - Listen .
- Asks sts why it is true / false ) Task 2 : Answer the question
- Corrects and gives the keys . 1. He came from New York
Task 2 2. In 1972
- Tells the aim of the task 2 3 . 8 women
- Asks sts to listen to the dialogue - Listen .
4 . 6164 runners
about the Boston Marathon again and - Listen and answer the
then answer the questions . questions
- Has the sts read questions on page 71
first and discuss answers in pairs base - Do a asked .
on the information in task 1 .
- Lets the sts listen to the tape and do
task 2 . - Listen to the tape and do
- Helps the sts if they meet difficult task 2 .
- Checks their answers .
- Gives the keys . - Answer
- Listen and write
V. Post – listening :
- Asks sts to work in groups: Name
some famous runners in Vietnam & - Discuss in groups
5ms say what is special about them
- Gives some help if necessary .
- Calls representatives to present in - Present
front of the class . - Listen to the teacher .
2ms V.Consolidation:
- Summarizes the main points .
4. Homework: 2ms
- Asks the sts to write a short paragraph about famous runners in VN .
- Asks students to do the following exercises.
5. Preparation for the next lesson:
- Asks the sts to prepare the writing of the Unit 6
6. Self –evaluation:
The appendix:
Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false ? If false , correct the sentence to make it true
1. The persons who win the competition are the champions .
2. You need a normal pair of shoes to run .
3. Athletes wear shorts.
4. Only men can participate in a marathon .
5. A marathon is a long running race of about 26 miles or 42 kilometres .
Period 30 : – WRITING –
Date of preparing: 30 / 10 / 2015
Date of teaching : ………………….
+ Language content :
- To help the sts know how to write a responding letter with the cues given .
+ Language function:
- By the end of the leson, the sts will be able to help the sts to train the writing skill ( write a letter of replying )
+ Educational aim :
- To educate the sts to express their opinion in the real life .
1. Language:
a. Vocabulary: website, Native speaker, Detail, Entry procedure, Provide
b. Structure : Simple present(passive form)
2. Skill: Integrated skills, especially writing
3.Education factor : To educate the sts to motivate other people to take part in social activities .
1. Method : communicative approach
2. Techniques : Translation, explanation, game, pair work, group work.
3. Materials needed : textbook; pictures; chalks;
4. Students’ preparation: - To review the structures : simple present tense(passive form)
5. Previous exercises:
1. Stabilization:1m
a. Warm – up : makes greeting
b. Checking absence : asks the monitor
2. Checking up the previous knowledge : ( 5ms)
- Asks a st to talk about a competition they want to join .
- Gives comments and marks .
3. Presentation of the new material:
2ms I. Lead –in : Unit 6 : COMPETITIONS
- Gives the sts a game - Play a game Period 30 :– WRITING–
- Asks the sts to find the words - Find out
contain the word LETTER
- Has the sts work in pairs . - Work in pairs
- Checks their answer
- Corrects and gives the keys .
- Leads to the new lesson .
 Today we will learn how to write
- Listen to the teacher .
a responding letter .
II. Pre –writing :
12ms - Asks the sts some questions to lead
to the lesson . - Listen and answer the
a. Have you ever written a letter of questions .
response? - Listen and take notes
b. When do you write a letter of
- Pre-teaches vocabulary * New words
+ website(n) + website (n):trang web
+ Native speaker(n) + Native speaker (n): người bản xứ
+ Detail(n) + Detail (n): chi tiết
+ Entry procedure(n) + Entry procedure (n): thủ tục đăng ký
+ Provide(v) + Provide (v): cung cấp
+ Look forward to + Look forward to: trông chờ
+ Welcome to + Welcome to: chào mừng
+ To be held
+ Contestant(n): some one who joins + To be held: được tổ chức
a contest + Contestant(n): some one who joins a
+ registration(n) contest
- Reviews the structure : S+BE+PP + registration(n): đăng ký
- Retells the usage and gives some - Retell the usage
more examples
Ex: The competition is held on
The number of participant is
Task 1:
- Introduces the letter on page 72 to
the sts . - Read the letter
- Asks the sts to read and find out the Task 1: Read the letter below and find
information in Trang’s letter . - Listen out the information required for the
- Gets the sts to pay attention to the English speaking competition .
details given in the letter and use it - - Do as asked . - number of participants
for the next task - entry procedure
- Asks the sts to work in groups - venue
- Helps the sts if they meet difficult . - Work in groups . - date and time
- Corrects the mistakes - phone number and e-mail
III.While – writing :
Task 2:
- Asks the sts some questions .
a. Do you want to write a letter of Task 2:
response? Sample:
b. What do you have to write in that - Answer . October 28,07
15ms letter?
-Asks the sts to read the exercise Dear Thu Trang,
carefully . Thank you for your letter and welcome
-Tells the aim of task 2 to our English Speaking Competition.
-Explains the technique of writing - - Do as asked . There are some details about the
the letter competition:
- Basing on the details you can write - - Listen . The number of participants is limited -
independent sentences then you can just 25. The competition is held on ? 5th
link them to make a complete letter November 2006 at 106 Tran Hung Dao
- Asks the sts to work in groups and Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. It
exchange their paper to corrects their - Work in groups starts at 8:00 p.m. Contestants should
mistakes be present one hour before he
- Corrects and gives the comments competition for registration.
IV. Post –writing : For more information please contact
- Listen.
5ms - Asks the sts to work in groups to me on the phone number: (04)
write a letter as the teacher’s 9838188, and email:
requirement on the paperboard and
hand it in to correct it - Work in groups to write Best wishes,
- Encourages the whole class to a letter as teacher’s Kate Johnson
correct those letters requirement Secretary
- Gives remarks and marks
V.Consolidation: - Listen.
- Asks the sts to remind the main
2ms ideas of the lesson . - Do as asked .
4. Homework: 3ms
- Asks sts to write another letter
5. Preparation for the next lesson
- Asks the sts to prepare the language focus of the Unit 6
6. Self – evaluation:

Period 31 : – LANGUAGE FOCUS –
Date of preparing: 27 / 10 / 2015
Date of teaching : 28 / 10 / 2015
+ Language content :
- To introduce the way to pronounce / tr/ ; /dr/ ; and /tw/.
- To provide the sts with some verbs followed by prepositions and gerunds.
+ Language function:
- By the end of the leson, the sts will be able to enable the sts to pronounce correctly the sound /tr/ ; /dr/ ; and /tw/
and to make speech with gerund .
+ Educational aim :
- To make the sts aware of the importance of correct pronunciation in learning English .
1. Language:
a. Vocabulary:
b. Structure : S+ V_ed +(O) + (pre) + V-ing
2. Skills: Integrated skills
3. Education factor : To help students report someone’s speech politely and corectly
1. Method : communicative approach
2. Techniques : repetition, explanation, game, pair work, group work.
3. Materials needed : textbook; pictures; chalks;
4. Students’ preparation: To review the structures : Reported speech (infinitive form)
5. Previous exercises:
1. Stabilization: 1m a. Warm – up : makes greeting
b. Checking absence : asks the monitor
2. Checking up the previous knowledge : ( 5ms)
- Asks the sts to write another letter basing on the details in text book
- Gives remarks and marks
3. Presentation of the new material :
2ms I. Lead –in: Period 31 :
- Shows a photo (there is a traffic light, - Look at – LANGUAGE FOCUS –
a taxi driver in it)
- Asks questions: - Answer .
+ What can you see in the photo?
+ Do you think how often this driver
passes this traffic light everyday?
Yes, the taxi driver passes the traffic A. PRONUNCIATION
light twice a day. The taxi driver passes the traffic
-Has sts to repeat the sentence . light twice a day.
-Remarks the sound /tr/ , /dr/, /tw/ in the - Listen and repeat after
sentence . the teacher
- Leads to the lesson
II. Pre – practice : - Listen to the teacher .
3ms Listen and repeat:
- Reads through the words loudly .
- Asks the sts to listen and repeat after - Listen .
the teacher . - Listen and repeat .
- Introduces and gets the sts to practise - Practise pronunciation
pronunciation with the minimal groups .
/tr/ /dr/ /tw/ * Listen and repeat
Traffic drive twelve / / tr/ /dr/ /tw/
Troops dreadful twenty Traffic drive twelve
tropical drink twin Troops dreadful twenty
- Calls the sts to repeat and corrects
III. While – practice : - Read . Trousers drink twin
Practice these sentences Tropical dress twinkle
- Asks the sts to practise pronunciation
4ms these words in the textbook and gets the - Practise pronunciation
sts to pay attention to the sentence stress. the sentences
IV. Post –practice :
- Asks the sts to work in pairs and find
out the words with sound /tr/ , /dr/ and - Work in pairs and find
sound /tw/ from the sentences in the out the words .
3ms B. GRAMMAR :
I. Lead –in:
- Sets the situations .
A : It’s so hot today
Hai: Let’s go to Thuan An beach . - Listen to the teacher
What does Hai suggest ? - Listen the situation B. GRAMMAR
1. He suggests going to Thuan An and answer the Examples :
beach . questions 1. He suggests going to Thuan An
B : I’m sorry . I’m late ! 1. He guggests going to beach .
For what did she apologize ? Thuan An beach . S + V + V-ing
2. She apologized for being late (admit , deny ,suggest ,regret ,
Nam : Thank you . It was nice to help appreciate)
me . 2. She apologized for
Minh : My pleasure! being late 2. She apologized for being late .
For what did Nam thank Minh ? S + V + Prep (not) + V-ing
3. He thanked Minh for helping him . (apologize for , insist on , dream
- Asks sts some questions . of , object to , complain about ,
+ Are the sentences above direct or 3. He thanked Minh for think of)
indirect speech? helping him .
+ What is the structure of sentence - Answer the 3. He thanked Minh for helping
1,2,3? questions . him .
- Leads to the lesson . S + V + O + Prep + V-ing
II. Pre – practice : ( thank someone for , accuse
- Reads the sentences above and then someone of , congratulate
asks sts to give the form and the usage . someone on , prevent s.o from ,
- Listen to the teacher .
Structure : warn s.o against ….)
- Listen and repeat and
1. He suggests going to Thuan An
then give the form and
beach .
the usage .
S + V + V-ing
2. She apologized for being late .
- Listen and write
4ms S + V + Prep (not) + V-ing
3. He thanked Minh for helping him
S + V + O + Prep + V-ing
- Asks sts to make some more examples
with the structures given
III. While – practice :
Exercise 1 :
- Explains the requirement of the
exercise 1. - Do as asked .
- Asks the sts to do exercise 1
individually and then compare their
answers in pairs - Listen . Exercise 1: Change direct
- Helps the sts if they meet difficult
speech into reported speech
- Checks their answer in front of the - Work individually 1.John congratulated us on
class .
passing our exams.
15ms - Gives the keys
2. Mary apologized for not
phoning me earlier.
- Give the answer 3. Peter insisted on driving
Linda to the station.
- Listen . 4. The teacher accused the
boy of not paying attention to
what he had said.
5. Bob has always dreamed of
being rich.
6. I warned Ann against
staying at the hotel near the
7. Her mother prevented Jane
from going out that night.
8. Miss White thanked Jack
Exercise 2: for visiting her.
- Asks the sts to do exercise 2 on page
75 Exercise 2: Rewrite the
- Asks the sts to work individually and dialogues in reported speech
then work in pairs . 1. Tom insisted on paying for
- Helps the sts if they meet difficult - Do exercise 2 the meal.
- Checks their answer in front of the 2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked
class forward to meeting their
- Work individually
- Gives the keys children soon.
3. The boy denied breaking
IV. Post –practice : the window of the woman's
- Give the answer house.
- Asks Sts to work in pairs. One makes
suggestions and another reports . 4. The policeman stopped the
- Listen and take notes customer (from) leaving the
- Teacher works with a st as a sample .
St: Let’s give a party. shop.
T: He suggested giving a party - Do as asked
- Helps the sts if they encounter
- Checks their answer in front of the
class .
- Asks the sts to remind the main ideas
3ms of the lesson .

- Practice speaking .

- - Remind .

4. Homework : 1m
- Asks the sts to do exercise 2 in the notebook again .
- Asks students to do exercise: Change to reported speech:
1. “I’m afraid I’ve lost your letter” Kevin told me
-> Kevin admitted....................................................................................................................................
2. “Why don’t we share the cost?” Carol said
-> Carol suggested................................................................................................
3. “Don’t drink the local water.” said the guide
-> The guide warned..........................................................................................
4. “You lied to me, Tom” Natalie said to Tom.
-> Natalie accused Tom of...........................................................................

- Asks the sts to prepare The consolidation of Unit 4, 6

6. Self –evaluation :
……………………………………… …………………………………………………………

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